
Sunday 9 April 2017

Welcome to Mad About Meghan!

Hello and welcome to Mad About Meghan, a new blog chronicling the life and style of Meghan Markle. Already a well-known actress thanks to her role in hit series Suits, Meghan was propelled to global fame in 2016 when it was confirmed she was in a relationship with Prince Harry. I wasn't at all familiar with her until then, and in the months since have become increasingly impressed with her poised reaction to the limelight she's now under, her humanitarian work, social conscience and her effortlessly chic style.

Since 2011, I have been writing 'Duchess Kate', a blog I began in the days after the royal wedding. As a dedicated royalist with a keen interest in all things British Monarchy, I have enormously enjoyed following Kate's journey from a newlywed, to becoming a mother and seeing her develop as the Duchess of Cambridge. As with William, I've always followed Harry's life and work closely too, which led to my interest in Meghan. Obviously it's early days in their romance but it's an incredibly interesting and fun time for royal watchers. There's been a lot of interest expressed in a blog about Meghan, and with excellent suggestions and a few gentle nudges, I thought, why not?

My vision for the blog is to provide informative posts in as timely a fashion as possible covering latest news stories, sightings and a series of posts focused on getting to know Meghan better. From her acting career, to charity interests and her style, I'm very much looking forward to 'getting to know' the lady who could potentially be our next princess.

You can follow the blog on Twitter here and Facebook here.

The site is a work in progress, so please bear with us while things are set up properly in the coming days.

Thank you very much for stopping by. I hope you enjoy your visits here! :)



  1. Well look what I found! I'll be very interested to read here, Charlotte. I guess closing The Tig did get people thinking, didn't it?

    1. Hello bluhare,

      It's lovely to see you here (first ever comment for this blog too :))

      A reader over on DK asked me if I blogged during the pre-wedding days and it got me thinking about this, and of course the closure of The Tig was another factor. I think this could be a fun project and hopefully a nice spot for people to discuss Meghan and Harry!

    2. I'm totally in, Charlotte. Just as I was excited when Kate married William, I'm excited that it looks like Harry and Meghan may go the distance too. She'll get the same open mind I gave Kate. I had high hopes then and I have high hopes now. Fingers crossed that Meghan will be a fabulous addition to the BRF (if she says yes! -- she might say no!).

    3. I am joining you two!! Great idea, you are the best blogger who could take up this project! Whatever they decide, I wish you a lot of fun with the blog, and for us a lot to discuss and talk about!!

    4. No Paddy Power near me, but here is my bet nonetheless ;)

      I predict an engagement by summer as Harry has a couple of significant events coming up and I expect he will want her by his side. Diana's anniversary and then the Invictus games in Toronto in September I think? And of course Meghan lives in T, would be silly if she didn't attend with him. I think Harry is VERY tired of playing third wheel and desperately wants his own person by his side.

    5. I think we could live with that, Claudia!:))

    6. I agree, Claudia. I hope we see something soon. Although they'll probably wait. But I'd love to see an engagement this summer and a Christmas wedding. It would be gorgeous. And they could hire me as their wedding planner. :)

    7. Only after you take over their PR office. Promise? :)

  2. Yes! Another new blog to follow by the lovely Charlotte.

  3. Hello Charlotte, I follow you in the dark :) since 3 years from France and I'm happy to read your new blog dedicated to Meghan. Many thanks!!

  4. Hi charlotte,
    I am so excited about this blog I've been following the duchess Kate blog for about 3 years now and I can't Wait to follow the life and style of Meghan

  5. Here's hoping for an engagement so you can continue writing this blog, Charlotte :P Looking forward to following the life & style of Meghan with you :) x

  6. I'm so happy you are doing a new blog Charlotte! I can't wait for new post and hopefully a wedding announcement soon!

  7. So happy you did this Charlotte ! Will totally pop on by whenever I can.

  8. My goodness, Charlotte - when do you sleep? ;o) I'm with you on this one. It will be very interesting to see what develops. Thanks so much for all your wonderful work!

  9. Best Wishes on the new blog! So curious what the UK thinks about Harry possibly marrying an American divorcee.

  10. Eve fro Germany10 April 2017 at 07:36

    OMG!! Just visited the blog and found out it´s you, dear Charlotte!!! You must have read my mind (and that of so many others, I´m sure!)- as I´m ever so excited to hear news about Meghan Markle that are well researched and not just "anything to get clicks/readers"!! I´m so glad you took it upon you to dedicate your time to another project to make us happy!! I´m an ardent reader/fan of your "Duchess Kate" blog and can´t wait to add another one of your blogs to my "must read"-list!! Hope your family and your darling at home do enjoy your work as much as we do - that would give them at least some kind of "good reason" why you are spending so much time "with us"!! ;-)))
    Thank you again for this great idea to start this blog - can´t wait to read the next post!!
    Have a lovely day!

    Sunny greetings from Germany

  11. Zora from Prague10 April 2017 at 07:59

    Charlotte, you are incredible! I can't imagine how you can find time and energy for another blog, given the detailed attention you dedicate to our Duchess Kate! Hope you get rewarded by all the fun and excitement your readers experience thanks to you. Best wishes!

  12. Many thanks for the incredibly supportive comments. You are all so kind :)

  13. Well done Charlotte! I am so pleased you're doing this :) As I've said many times you have a natural talent for the producing and editing that a good blog requires and always achieve a high level of excellence. Meghan & Harry fans are very lucky to have you at the helm X

    1. You were the first person who suggested the idea Claudia, thank you :)

    2. Maybe I should say "Sorry, Charlotte" ;) But that's me being a (s)mother as my daughters say!

      You run what's basically a detailed news site on Kate, and with the growing demand for news about Meghan I could think of no one better suited :) The first few months, year especially, there will be huge demand. I suspect Meghan will be stopping by herself, if she hasn't already!

      But again, maybe I'm getting ahead of things. I don't think so, I think this was a very quick click for them...

    3. I think Meghan will definitely stop by and you are right, she may has already. If so, I am sure she feels honored.

  14. Congratulations on this new space, Charlotte. I hope it brings you as much enjoyment as the Duchess Kate site and much less headache:) I'm on the fence about Meghan but if you can persuade me otherwise over the course of this blog, I'll be a happy convert.

    1. Thank you Erika. I'll be starting a series of posts focused on getting to know Meghan better.

    2. Zora from Prague10 April 2017 at 18:00

      Same with me, Erika! :)

    3. Zora, we will have to touch base in a couple of months to see if we have changed our minds:)

    4. Zora from Prague11 April 2017 at 20:13

      I agree, Erika! Let's do it, say, by October 11 - half a year from now! :) What do you think?

    5. Absolutely Zora:)

    6. Zora from Prague13 April 2017 at 20:50

      I'm making a note in my diary! :)

  15. Craoline in Montana10 April 2017 at 16:48

    Wonderful Charlotte! Looking forward to learning more about Meghan, not sure what my opinion is yet!? Does anyone else think she looks just like Pippa? Thanks for adding this blog!

  16. What fun, and great to see familiar faces here too. I have enjoyed the Duchess Kate blog for many years now. So happy you decided to increase your already heavy workload Charlotte.

  17. Hi. Charlotte. Looking forward to these Hmm im getting to know about meghan on our. Blog

  18. Awesome, Charlotte. Thanks so much for starting this blog. So glad it's you and not someone else taking it on.

  19. Charlotte, remember to eat and sleep. :)

  20. Could Meghan accompany Harry to Easter Services with the rest of the family or does Harry have to be engaged first?

  21. Dear Charlotte, this is such a nice idea. Especially because their are so many nasty and rasist comments out there about her.
    You creating this site gave me some headscratches though. Kate was already Wiliams wide when you started your other blog and you put so much work in it. Putting up with this second project- this suggests me that you think there is valid reason to belive this is worthwhile ;-) (who put makes all this effort just to close the blog a few months later when the relationship is over).

  22. Charlotte, do you know something we don't know? Like, inside information/confirmation of an upcoming engagement? :)

    1. I don't, I think only Harry and Meghan really know the answer :)

      I guess I've been following news on Meghan for a number of months and thought it might be interesting to document the journey at the moment, with the knowledge it may be a short lived project. At the moment, it's a very low-maintenance blog and not very time consuming.

      With blogs and creative projects in general, one never knows their longevity. I never ever thought when I started Duchess Kate it would even be noticed by anyone.

      So, yes, we'll see where it goes :)

  23. That makes sense. Thanks, Charlotte. :)
    Although I am slightly sad that you aren't the possessor of inside info at the moment. lol
    I guess I am really in the mood for another Royal wedding. :)

    1. Me too Surfer Girl! Can't wait to see how beautiful Pippa will look and the little ones. Not long now ❤

  24. I'm thinking that this gorgeous girl and Harry just might be the "one". Nothing would make me happier than to see someone by his side in a loving relationship like William and Catherine. I'm so glad you've done this Charlotte. You're a star!

  25. Alaina from NJ10 May 2017 at 03:20

    So happy to read another blog written by you, Charlotte!

    Thank you for all you do. I'm excited to learn more about Meghan and follow along as she navigates the spotlight with the royal family.

  26. Thanks, Charlotte. If you’re writing, I’m on board😊. Enjoyed what I’ve read so far.


Welcome to Mad About Meghan! We do so look forward to reading your thoughts. Constructive, fair debate is always encouraged. Hateful, derogatory terms and insults are not welcome here. This space focuses on Harry and Meghan, not any other member of the Royal family. It's not the place to discuss politics either. Thank you for reading, we look forward to your comments :)