
Tuesday 2 May 2017

Meet Meghan: One Young World - "They Are The Change"

Today we're beginning a new series on the blog that I've been completing research for in recent weeks. The idea for 'Meet Meghan' sprang to mind when several of you told me you didn't actually know anything about her apart from reports in various media outlets concerning her relationship with Harry. We'll be looking at an assortment of topics from her biography, career, interests, writing and style. Our first post is focused on Meghan's involvement with One Young World - an area which I think tells us a lot about her and one which would be of immense importance should she become a member of the Royal family one day.

Meghan's interests span a number of areas including gender-equality, modern day slavery, children, poverty and health. Her interests are rooted in her childhood when her parents exposed her to the realities of extreme poverty in countries such as Jamaica. Her activism began at just 11 when she forced a soap manufacturer to change an advert which implied women belong in the kitchen. Meghan wrote to a host of high-profile figures including then First Lady Hilary Clinton. Markle is a graduate of the prestigious Northwestern University theatre department, and also holds a bachelor's degree in International Relations from NU. Having worked at the US Embassy in Buenos Aires in 2002, humanitarian issues have always been on her mind. When she landed the role of Rachel Zane on Suits, it provided a platform for her to take on roles in areas of interest she felt passionate about supporting.

When asked how she balances fame and charity work, in a piece for her now defunct lifestyle website the Tig, she wrote:

"My life shifts from refugee camps to red carpets, I choose them both because these worlds can, in fact, coexist. I’ve never wanted to be a lady who lunches – I’ve always wanted to be a woman who works. And this type of work is what feeds my soul, and fuels my purpose."

Meghan is a counsellor for international charity One Young World, joining recognised leaders such as Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau,  Kofi Annan, Bill Clinton, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway in the role. One Young World counsellors lend their global stature to the delegates' views and inspire them to create positive change. The organisation was founded in 2009 by David Jones and Kate Robertson. They are a UK-based charity that gathers together the brightest young leaders from around the world, empowering them to make lasting connections to create positive change. An annual summit is held, during which the most valuable young talent from global and national companies, NGOs, universities and other forward-thinking organisations are joined by world leaders to act as One Young World counsellors.

When asked why she joined the organisation, Meghan said:

'When I was asked to be a Counsellor at One Young World, my response was a resounding “yes.” One Young World invites young adults from all over the world who are actively working to transform the socio-political landscape by being the greater good. They are delegates who are speaking out against human rights violations, environmental crises, gender equality issues, discrimination and injustice. They are the change.'

Meghan participated in the One Young World 2014 Summit where she joined a panel for the 'Bridging the Gap' session. The panel was composed of Beth Comstock, Michelle Phan, Maya Sanbar, Sabine Chalmers and Sheryl Sandberg. Meghan discussed the need "for men to stand up and empower women. You need men to effect that change because at the end of the day, I think what scares people is this idea female empowerment is somehow threatening. No it's not. You empower women, you empower the community".

Meghan revealed that she vowed not to film scenes in a towel and encourages women in the industry to champion gender equality.

"In the show for example this season every script seemed to begin with Rachel enters wearing a towel and I said no, I’m not doing it anymore, I’m not doing it,” she said during a debate on gender equality. So I rang the creator and I was like, it’s just gratuitous, we get it, we’ve already seen it once. So I think at a certain point you feel empowered enough to just say no.
I think it’s a challenging thing to do if you don’t know your worth and your value for wanting to speak up. When you’re an auditioning actress years ago so hungry for work, of course you’re willing do things like that. For me, speaking up and being able to say I’m not going to do that anymore, has been a big shift for me personally."

A very special moment in the summit came when Meghan introduced a young Eritrean acitvist, Luwam, who literally ran from bullets to gain her freedom from slavery. Meghan described meeting her as "very emotional because it's just so humbling and she's just so incredible".

Meghan greets One Young World founder Kate Robertson at the Canadian Parliament ahead of the One Young World summit on Ottawa last year.

Meghan with Canadian House of Commons speaker, Geoff Regan.

Arriving for the 2016 opening ceremony with fellow Counsellor, UN Ambassador and good friend James Chau.

The summit gathered 1,300 young leaders from 196 countries around the world to discuss worldwide challenges alongside world leaders from across the globe, and to generate innovative solutions to the world's most pressing issues. The summit was opened by Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, who used the One Young World opening ceremony to launch his Prime Minister’s youth council of fifteen young Canadians, and called on the young leaders present to "make good use of your new global community [at One Young World] and do something great with it". Below, PM Trudeau and Meghan discussing politics and social issues.

In Ottawa, Meghan met Thuli Madonsela, a senior South African lawyer who recently won the Forbes Africa Person of the Year. Speaking to People she said: "What struck me about her was her personality, compassion and her brain. She is extremely bright. I wanted to know why she was involved in helping young people to discover themselves. She encountered some forms of discrimination and awkward moments. When she had this platform, she thought it was her job to make it easier for other young people to discover themselves and lead their fullest life. Apart from being smart, she’s a very balanced, mature, original thinker."

In March, a new photoshoot of the global leaders who attended the One Young World summit in Ottawa was released in Vanity Fair. Below, Meghan with Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, poet Fatima Bhutto, and women’s rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul, all posed against the backdrop of the Ottawa skyline. In a crisp white dress and Aquazzura pumps, Meghan was in good company alongside the renowned leaders and activists.

One Young World is a wonderful organisation which has attracted support from world leaders, well-known philanthropists and celebrities. Seeing Meghan's involvement, and in particular hearing her views on empowerment, offers an interesting insight into her humanitarian work. In our next post in the series we'll be looking at her other philanthropic efforts.


  1. Shantel (@FashionandFaith)2 May 2017 at 21:11

    I genuinely admire Meghan: she's talented; seems to be really sweet and caring; she's intelligent; stylish; and philanthropic. She has so much going for her already that her relationship with Harry is like the icing on the cake! She is a throughly modern, impactful woman. I'm excited to see what she does next, regardless of whether she marries into the Royal Family!
    These are truly exciting times and, I don't know about the rest of you, but I could sure use some things to cheer about!
    Minnesota, USA

    1. This is an informative post about Meghan. Alot of research was done on a woman that is not even engaged to Harry yet!

    2. I am with you; good news is lovely, now more than ever.

  2. I don't know how about the others, but Meghan certainly gained my respect when I read about her 11-year-old self making that change. When I was 11, I had certainly different things on my mind,growing up in one of those postcommunist countries probably couldn't help my case either. She must have been raised by a very supportive (not financially) an open minded Mum.

    I think if she moves to England, she would be an awesome asset to this charity.

    I look forward to the next post, Charlotte!

    1. A friend of mine grew up in communist Germany; I went to her hometown for her wedding (lovely place; I loved Germany!) and she was so matter of fact about growing up under communism. I remember her pointing out an old car that was one of two you could get during those times, and you had to wait 10 years for it!

    2. Anett I think her mother is a long time social worker in Los Angeles, and that likely influenced her life as well. I would imagine she and her mother see the world with both eyes wide open, and her mother probably had to have frank conversations with her early on about life's harsher realities.

      I think she will be an awesome asset to any charity she lends her name and time to, I doubt any grass grows beneath her feet :)

    3. I love how tuned in she is to global women's issues...what an amazing platform she would have if things work out with Harry! She's really the whole package: smart, woke, and lovely.

    4. Oh I have that memory too, bluhare. There were only 2 types of cars to choose from, and I accopanied my parents to collect our new car. It was a Trabant:)))) Actually, the first car I learnt on how to drive.

      And it is so funny to remind ourselves that it is happened in the 90s. The other day, we went for a walk in Vienna, and there was a beautiful but huge Buick from the 70s on the street, my husband loves cars, had to stop and took some pictures. And we were talking about how people had travelled in the US in the 70s back then. What a huge difference, right?:)


      I agree she being an asset, her Mum is one also, I suppose.

    5. Love that story Anett! X

    6. wow. what a window into a different era that not everyone experienced, except for those in those countries. Comes with tangible waves of gratitude for all the blessings we have.

    7. Zora from Prague5 May 2017 at 19:03

      Exactly, surfer girl. Anett's story about Trabant (we had them here as well! my husband's family owned one) brought back a memory - at those times, there was just 1 kind of yoghurt. It was called "fruit yoghurt". When I came to Switzerland at the age of 18, I was deeply shocked to see those 10-20 kinds of yoghurt; I even took photos of them in dairy counters! A couple of months after that, there came the "Velvet Revolution" and the post-communist era began. (I was only allowed to travel to Switzerland because my aunt lived there and because both my parents stayed in Prague so I was supposed to come back.)

    8. Thanks for sharing even more about all that, Zora. I laughed out loud about you taking a photo of the yoghurts. What an historic moment in your life. Very heartwarming. I hope someone has written down for posterity even more about those days, lest the world forgets. Feel like writing a book Zora? :)

    9. I take photos of old vintage cars when I see them too. For my brother who is a "gearhead". He loves anything cars/pickup trucks. men. :)

    10. He would loved to have seen that 70's Buick, btw.
      Thanks for sharing Anett. Have you ever gone to see the beautiful dancing horses there in Vienna?

    11. "Comes with tangible waves of gratitude for all the blessings we have. "

      Surfergirl, you put it perfectly. We can't be grateful enough nowadays.

      I have not visited the Spanish Riding School yet, to be honest, I prefer animals in their natural habitat,or like riding a horse. Although, I am sure it must be a great show.


      I smiled at your yoghurt memory, I am sure we could share a lot more. Thanks for sharing!

    12. Regarding those horses, I was surprised to learn that that meticulous training for the horses came about because they needed to make sure that while riding horses in battle that the horses could
      respond quickly and perfectly to a variety of commands and maneuvers needed on the battlefield. Specific training like that was apparently quite an innovative concept at the time. The current dancing aspect is beauty out of ashes so to speak.

    13. Zora from Prague6 May 2017 at 17:45

      Actually, surfer girl, I'd love to write a book; there would be lots of topics, both serious ones and also funny details like the one with the yoghurts; the problem is, it probably wouldn't be interesting for people here who still remember those times. It might be interesting for people abroad, though.
      There are books being published here about the 1950s when all the private owners of anything - stores, land, craftsmen's shops, etc.etc. - were robbed of what they had and it had to become state's property. Lots of people were put in jail - priests, nuns, scientists, artists, ordinary people from all walks of life who didn't want to cooperate with the communist regime. Their children were not allowed to study. Those were really bad times. Even in the 1980s the secret police persecuted people and we weren't allowed to travel freely. I remember thinking: going to the US or the UK - that's about the same as going to the Moon! Both out of the question. I'm so grateful for freedom and will never take it for granted.

    14. Zora from Prague6 May 2017 at 21:40

      Definitely, Anett :) Being neighbours in our Central Europe, we are connected by history; being co-readers of Charlotte's lovely blogs, we are connected by many other things.
      I couldn't agree more about gratefulness.

    15. Zora, wow. simply. wow

      Perhaps you could jot down your memories journal style, for posterity and your family. You have a nice way of explaining things so that would draw people into to your unique story. :)
      I enjoyed learning even more about it just now.

    16. Zora, I was texting you when I think Charlotte was posting your recent comment. :) My text in process was perhaps lost in cyber space.

      My response to all you shared is wow. simply wow. Perhaps you could jot down your very special memories in a journal, for posterity and your future generations. You have a very nice way of explaining things. It could very easily draw people in to your story. :)
      Or perhaps you and Anett could collaborate and compile your memories into a journal. You could call it "Two Little Girls Peek Through The Iron Curtain" or something, :). Anyway, you get my point, right? I truly am not a literary agent, lol.
      Just offering some encouragement. x

    17. Zora from Prague6 May 2017 at 22:43

      Thank you, surfer girl :) A memory-journal is a good idea, perhaps I could give it a try.

  3. Wow. I didn't realize all this! I agree with Anett; to be that aware at 11 years old is pretty unusual. You read about children who do philanthropic things but they seem to be the exception not the norm.

    I'm coming away quite impressed with her, and I already thought she was more than a stereotypical actress. I hope that she and Harry make it; I really do.

    1. Agree completely bluhare.

      What a wonderful surprise (and respite) on a busy friday !! I didn't expect to find anything on this blog when I clicked.

      Loved finding out more about her, Charlotte - thank you. I was too lazy to dig anything else up after the first round of articles I read on her. But I have to say that she really seems to have some real depth to her. Her causes are coherent - it is clear that she is driven by a single-minded interest in women's girls issues, and I think that is a really good sign because it means that there is a real passion driving this interest and not just some shallow reason like ticking boxes, which is something you can say for some other members of the royal family. She speaks well as well. So refreshing to hear that after the really awful speeches by most of the royal family, except Sophie, who of course is a very good speaker. Just goes to show what a few years in the real world trying to make a life and a career will do for you.
      I do hope that she and Harry make it. Obviously she is media savvy, she knows what she is doing, but Harry can use media savvy as much as he can get. She is just perfect, really. Not much more you can ask from a person.

    2. Zora from Prague5 May 2017 at 22:49

      I agree, Rosman. Meghan seems to be very determined and knowing what she wants do do. Intelligent, too. Thank you, Charlotte, for including the video from the panel session, it was really interesting.

  4. Julie from NC3 May 2017 at 15:40

    Thanks Charlotte for an interesting and insightful post. I agree Anett, that this has me finding a new respect for Meghan and understanding of her as a person. I can see why she and Harry are such a good fit.

    I really am starting to appreciate her more and more.

  5. Lovely post Charlotte! And "Meet Meghan" is just a terrific idea and heading.

    There is video of her addressing UN Women, maybe you could add that? It was one of the first things I saw (once I moved past the "Harry and Actress" headlines) and I was very impressed with her poise and delivery. I've always thought it would be a tremendous asset to the royals if they could have someone who was not bothered by the attention, but rather saw it as something that could be used, and wasn't afraid to use it. Even Diana, with all her star power, struggled with speeches, and worked hard to overcome that because she knew how valuable her voice could be.

    I've said before, once you delve past those actress headlines, it isn't hard to see how or why she and Harry clicked, and clicked quickly.

    My theory has always been they'd be engaged by summer, Harry would want her by his side for some significant events and milestones. Phil Dampier reported the same thing last week, that a summer engagement was expected. Did he break the story that they were dating, along with Camilla Tominey? Not sure, I'll go check. Also, were William and Kate actually engaged for a few months before it was announced officially? So it could be well known in the family already what his intentions are.

    1. I think it's amazing Harry's found a woman of substance to love, I really do, and I hope that when she has a bigger platform that she can really help hugely with causes she holds dear. I think I read she'll be at the Invictus Games with him; hope it's with him officially as well as unofficially!

    2. There might be something to that theory, Claudia. Remember that W&C first attended a wedding together after they were unofficially engaged but KP and BP had not made an official announcement.

    3. Claudia, I also think there wil be an engagement this summer if not sooner. And, I think the family knows and has approved. I think they were just waiting until "Suits" wraps the season and until the larger apartment is completed. I hope she is with him for the Invictus Games also and officially. I think Meghan would use the Royal platform to an advantage and not shy away from it. Like Kate seemed destined for William (at least to me she does), so does Meghan seem destined for Harry. Or vica-versa. :)

    4. Philly that is my recollection as well that they were actually secretly engaged for some time before it was announced. I must look that up!

      Bluhare I'm honestly quite excited for what this couple could do with such a platform. It could be amazing. I know they'll both want to try for babies first I'm sure so that might slow them down, but somehow I see Megan heading off to Africa with one on each hip ;)

    5. So Philly, funny timing here, I went to research an article on William and Kate's engagement for the Kate blog, and found the info! Two birds with one stone ;)

      They were engaged in October 2010 (William proposed in Kenya) before they were photographed arriving at the wedding together, but it wasn't announced by Clarence House till mid-November.

  6. Sorry, I meant to add that Charlotte I love the quote you included about the towel scenes! That says a lot about her right there. I often think, if only female actresses would stand up against these "scenes" that demand the women be naked or near naked but the men are almost always fully clothed.

    I know many female actresses have said the pressure is immense, especially as you're trying to build a career, and if you don't do it there's a long line of women behind you who will. But just something sad about it all I think.

    So that was a quote I had not read before and I have to say, I really like her attitude!

    1. I agree, Claudia. So often nudity is so gratuitous and I often wonder why women do it. Even Mr. bluhare thinks the nudity in Game of Thrones is overdone and he quite enjoys looking at naked females!!

      That being said, I'm pleased to see that Meghan put her foot down when she thought she could. And really, really sad that you have to have a certain amount of clout to do that.

  7. Wow, I didn't know she was so active and involved. I certainly admire and respect her. She'd be a great addition to the royal family, should that happen. Thanks for the post, Charlotte. Meghan is very inspiring!

  8. Wow impressive !!! She will be an asset to the royal family if she does marry harry !

  9. So much possibility. She has utilized her time wisely.
    Reportedly, even in high school she was very civic-minded, participating in student government. Not prone to most of the typical, more supercilious adolescent pursuits. She was active in her high school theatre productions. She parlayed all that as time went on in her advanced education and career, and her early training and experience have served her nicely as she entered the world stage. I am glad that Harry doesn't seem intimidated by her many considerable accomplishments. She could certainly utilize the Royal platform for vast humanitarian endeavors, if she would be willing to have those go through any necessary Palace "filters". Assuming she is allowed endeavors that fulfill her interests she would probably give Anne a run for the money in number of days worked, etc. The acting career thing is the only caveat for her perhaps. Would she be willing to trade royally sanctioned causes for acting, or would she even have to. It will be interesting to find out. I wish the very best to both Meghan and Harry. So excited to see them both at Pippa's wedding. So excited to find out if the rumors of Harry moving into a larger, renovated Kensington apartment are true. Nice that we have Ms. Charlotte's
    "madaboutmeghan" blog to do that. Meghan is in good hands. 🌷

  10. "Good Housekeeping" has done an interview with Meghan. That comes out early June. Sounded like a fun article. Loved her outfit in one of the photos. Love the shoes. 👠

    1. Apparently, it is focused on her and her life-style. It does not appear to be a charity, cause-driven interview. One wonders if she is planning to give up acting why she is still involved in self-promotion.
      I did not see any dates for the international conference in Toronto. Some reports state they met in May, 2016. Was the conference after this?
      I also had not heard that she had a degree in International Law.
      If everything we have read about Meghan -well, the good stuff, is true...Harry has picked a keeper. She reminds me a little of the Grand Duchess Kate will soon be meeting with. Amazing woman.
      By the way, there may have been just one towel scene, but I am into season three and she definitely reveals a lot of skin. One scene is in her black lace skimpy undies in a steamy make-out session in the Fax and records room. This is, of course, totally with her consent and broadcast internationally. I think viewing her body of work should be included with reviewing her charitable efforts if one is to get a sense of the total woman. From what I have seen so far, she holds her own as an actress. I think she does have a presence and a sort of charisma that makes her a natural for public appearances. A few acting classes help, too.

      For now, I will believe the verified good stuff and ignore everything I have not seen for myself. Until information is reliably verified. Seems fair to me.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. 01:26, I think her degree is in International Relations, not International Law. (wouldn't the latter be a possible Royal powder keg though, lol)
      She also has a degree in Theatre from the same university. She either did a double major or theatre as a minor degree.

    5. FACT: The interview is an old American one from last year that was just reprinted for the U.K. publication.

      "The shoot was booked for Good Housekeeping magazine in the US last year, weeks before she started dating the Queen’s grandson, whom she is widely tipped to marry.

      It was first published in the States last August and is now being reprinted by its sister publication in the UK."

    6. A short search...the article was originally published in the US in August, 2016, according to a magazine site. It is being re-done for UK publication. That would explain the obvious self-promotion and the fact that she talks about her blog in the present tense. -she was still very involved with her actress career at the time and the story and style lay--out would make perfect sense in that context. There is video of Meghan in a behind the scenes promo.. I honestly could not understand much of her narration. She speaks quite rapidly and maybe younger ears could sort it out. The promo story states she and Harry have been dating "ten months," yet states the original August story came out before she started dating Harry. It could have been filmed weeks before publication, however. Not sure about the math here, but it was apparently close to the stated time of her association with Harry. I don't know if her status and fame as an actress at the time warranted such a spread. The bio information says she had also appeared on the series "Fringe." I think their meeting date varies, according to the story. Since this was definitely a Meghan approved promo article I would think the ten months is correct- at least ten months from the time the promo article for the UK publication was written Most couples can cite the exact date and often hour of first meeting. It may be that terminology is confused. Perhaps first met and first dated are confused. Met in May, first date in July, for example.
      I am ambivalent. I want to believe she is the real deal and hasn't created a useful back story. It seems a great deal of the information comes from her blog. Maybe she just seems too perfect to be believed. As I said, such women exist. George Clooney finally found one and the Grand Duke found his.
      I hope Harry has found his perfect mate, too.

    7. A short search...the article was originally published in the US in August, 2016, according to a magazine site. It is being re-done for UK publication. That would explain the obvious self-promotion and the fact that she talks about her blog in the present tense. -she was still very involved with her actress career at the time and the story and style lay--out would make perfect sense in that context. There is video of Meghan in a behind the scenes promo.. I honestly could not understand much of her narration. She speaks quite rapidly and maybe younger ears could sort it out. The promo story states she and Harry have been dating "ten months," yet states the August story came out before she started dating Harry. It could have been filmed weeks before publication, however. Not sure about the math here, but it was apparently close to the stated time of her association with Harry. I don't know if her status and fame as an actress at the time warranted such a spread. The bio information says she had also appeared on the series "Fringe." I think their meeting date varies, according to the story. Since this was definitely a Meghan approved promo article I would think the ten months is correct- at least ten months from the time the promo article for the UK publication was written Most couples can cite the exact date and often hour of first meeting. It may be that terminology is confused. Perhaps first met and first dated are confused. Met in May, first date in July, for example.
      I am ambivalent. I want to believe she is the real deal and hasn't created a useful back story. It seems a great deal of the information comes from her blog. Maybe she just seems too perfect to be believed. As I said, such women exist. George Clooney finally found one and the Grand Duke found his.
      I hope Harry has found his perfect mate, too.

    8. don't know how my message above got not only duplicated but triplicated. oops.

  11. When you think about it, a degree in International Relations and Theatre, with an altruistic heart and even having had experience in not being able to make ends meet financially before so she knows what it's like and can relate..... that's sounds like a resume' made to order for a future Princess Harry.

    1. She also sounds like a woman who would have the balls to stick up for her principles. So if the royal family wants to turn her into a mute mannequin parroting Harry's causes she won't stick up for it. She has a mind of her own.
      I just hope that their temperaments match. Honestly I am not a huge believer in long distance matches. And being married to a prince is no peach, as we can see - they come with their own baggage. But I hope fervently that this one lasts.

    2. She is definitely independent and I've thought at times that no way would she fit into The Firm. But then I thought about how she fit into the leadership strata of high school, fit into the university model and graduated fine, took direction from various directors in productions she's been in and has fit into the U.N. protocols to promote various causes. And, granted he is the heir apparent, but Charles has been allowed to put some of his more unconventional thoughts and causes out there. And I think Harry would support Meghan in her causes most likely even if the palace tried to balk at them. So I don't know. It will be interesting to watch that all unfold should they marry.

  12. Dear Old Zoey6 May 2017 at 07:13

    You are so right, surfer girl! I have never watched Suits, but from what I've seen on Charlotte's wonderful blog, Meghan is articulate, poised, thoughtful, and strong, with a heart for making a positive difference in others' lives. I hope she and PH find happiness together.

  13. According to Vanity Fair, the One Young World conference took place October 16, 2016. (Meghan already knew Harry at that time.)

  14. small world. Apparently Misha Nonoo, a designer who married William and Harry's Eton friend, Alexander Gilkes, introduced Meghan and Harry. Alexander is co-founder of a high-end online art auction house called "Paddle 8". Eugenie worked for Paddle 8 while in New York. And, Alexander's brother dated Pippa for awhile reportedly. Alexander attended William and Kate's wedding in 2011. small world yeh?

  15. Charlotte, quick question. There is a video on You Tube of Meghan taking a quiz on her knowledge of
    British stuff. This was done, I think, by her "Suits" producer. The thing is, it is funny #1, and #2, it was done way before she started dating Harry. Would it be possible to put it on the blog? That, and the one of her giving her speech at the U.N. as someone already requested. We know you want to be busier. lol

    1. Thank you for the suggestions. I will definitely be adding those videos and more to future 'Meet Meghan' posts :)

  16. Theresa, from Paris9 May 2017 at 22:49

    Wonderful to discover this new blog !
    Thank you so much, dearest Charlotte. I'm looking forward to following you... and Meghan here !!
    Love from Paris

  17. Hello there, I've just discovered your new blog, looks great! I have one small correction for you. I don't believe that Meghan is standing with Geoff Regan, Speaker of the House of Commons, as the caption states. Mr. Regan is the gentleman on the far right of the photo just above (with Meghan hugging the blond lady).

  18. Alejandra Campos20 May 2017 at 05:45

    Love this series of posts! Great job! Cannot wait for more! :D

  19. Oh wonderful Charlotte, how I love and appreciate all your hard work on your blogs, be it about Catherine or Meghan. I have to admit that at first I wasn't sure about Meghan. She looks so much like Catherine it's kind of scary. But after watching her and reading your blog, and watching her videos etc. I came to admire her and realize she is a wonderful, strong, benevolent, woman with all her own charities. I look at her looking at Harry and I can see the love she has in her eyes as she looks at him.

    It is so sweet.

    I also have a question I'm hoping you can answer. Why, when Harry was born did they name him Henry when they knew he would be called Harry?


Welcome to Mad About Meghan! We do so look forward to reading your thoughts. Constructive, fair debate is always encouraged. Hateful, derogatory terms and insults are not welcome here. This space focuses on Harry and Meghan, not any other member of the Royal family. It's not the place to discuss politics either. Thank you for reading, we look forward to your comments :)