
Sunday 21 May 2017

Meghan in Black Gown as she Joins her Prince for Pippa's Wedding Reception

The society wedding of the year took place yesterday when Pippa Middleton and James Matthews exchanged vows at St. Mark's, Englefield surrounded by family and friends. We were very much hoping to see Meghan accompany Harry to the ceremony, instead Harry arrived with William. Following the wedding, Harry drove back to Kensington Palace to get his girlfriend to take her to the glittering reception. At this point, it's looking unlikely we'll see any photos from the reception, however this snap of the couple en route to the party offers a little glimpse.

The Sun reports Meghan was invited to the entire event, however Harry and Meghan wanted to ensure they didn't upstage the bride (reporters remain varied across the media as to whether Meghan was invited to the ceremony).

'The pair were seen grinning as they made a subtle entrance in the nick of time to catch the spectacular Spitfire display. A source said: “Harry is extremely fond of his sister-in-law. They had a wonderful time at Kate and William’s wedding. “He knew this was all about Pippa’s big day and he and Meghan jointly decided they didn’t want to upstage her.
 “Harry went all the way to London to get Meghan and bring her to the party. He was determined not to upstage Pippa but also really wanted them to enjoy the wedding together,. He left as discreetly as possible and travelled with her all the way back up, showing just how serious he is about her. He didn’t want Meghan having to arrive along, without him alongside her, at the reception.”

Prince Harry arriving with Prince William. They exchanged smiles and jokes as they made their way to the church. A couple of tweeters mentioned it almost looked like William could have been saying "You're next Harry" :)

The bride looked beautiful in a Giles Deacon gown, below the beaming happy couple after the ceremony.

The Sun reports Meghan was elegant in a floor-length black dress, sunglasses and a white jacket for the lavish reception on the grounds of the Middleton family home in Bucklebury. "Music could be heard belting out from the glass marquee from a live band on Saturday evening, including jazz renditions of Call on Me by Eric Prydz and The White Stripes banger Seven Nation Army. Best man Spencer Matthews, the younger brother of groom James, could be heard earning rounds of applause speech which took place at the late hour of 11pm." Below, a look at the Spitfire flypast guests enjoyed after a lavish dinner taken by @journalistemily.

The Mail reports William, Kate, Harry, Meghan and of course the bride and groom danced the night away until 4 a.m at the striking glass marquee erected on the Middleton property. "Hundreds of VIP guests watched as footage of Pippa Middleton and her new husband was beamed onto the back of her family's £6million Berkshire mansion in a dazzling display during the reception on Saturday night. The newlyweds' faces were projected onto the windows of Bucklebury Manor along with psychedelic lights and, at one point, what appeared to be the silhouette of a shapely dancing woman against a green background. At one point James was shown in his hunting gear - an apparent nod to his lengthy campaign to win the affections of his bride - as guests partied until 4am."

It very much sounds like a wonderful evening was enjoyed by all. It's wonderful to see Meghan by Harry's side for the reception - it was also an excellent opportunity for her to get to know and meet more of their circle of friends. Guests changed into glamorous evening looks for the reception, I'm sure Meghan's gown was the epitome of elegance. All in all it was a lovely wedding. I don't know about you, but I'm certainly thinking another royal wedding would be simply fabulous *hint hint Harry* :). We leave you with another look at Mr and Mrs Matthews!


  1. Well done all around. It's heartening to see that Meghan and Harry could creatively work together to make sure they didn't draw press attention away from Pippa & James's special day. When putting others who are dear first, they lose nothing themselves.

    Harry's smile in the brief glimpse that we got says everything! I suspect that we will be seeing much more of Meghan together with Harry soon enough.

    1. I completely agree Philly! That was the look of a happy, content man in my opinion - and a happy, relaxed woman I should add :) I've always thought they'd be engaged by or during summer, but to be honest nothing would shock me at this point. It could come at any time I think.

      Several reporters have quoted "friends" as saying nothing would happen until they had been together a year, which I believe would be May. News only broke of their relationship in October (?) so they had a nice summer and several months together before they were on anyone's radar.

    2. Well said. Totally agree that Harry seems happy. That's the only thing that matters. Beautiful wedding, almost too perfect. Too much by the book. For my taste anyway. Pretty much like a commercial to the family business. But anyway, not the point here. Harry looks happy. That's all.

      Royal fan in Northern Ontario

    3. Ditto Harry's smile says it all!!

  2. The thing is we never gonna find out the truth.

    I am not sure Meghan would have stolen her thunder for the whole wedding. It speaks volume about the bride's uncertainty rather, also I found elements like the flypast, tiara that were too much for me.

    Finally, this whole circus is over, I hope the next time we gonna hear about Pippa is when KP announces she is pregnant.:)))

    1. Amen, Anett. I have had enough for now. :)

    2. Fly past was a wedding gift, apparently. I will say the weddIng in general was very over the top. But, as a guest, that would have been a fun experience of a lifetime!

    3. I am not sure it did cut the slack for me as a lifetime experience. K&W's wedding, meeeting the Queen and her family even for a really short time, now that one is something. Ordinary people acting as a royal, beating up publicity, using royal connections to look more than they actually are is pathetic to me.

    4. Doesn't everyone go a little "over the top" for their wedding day?! Just not to this level because they don't have the money to do it. Also, I don't think she was "beating up publicity". I think they knew the level of interest in the day, given the fact that photographers had been hanging outside their London house for weeks. I think they decided to invite select members of the media, so they could do it on their terms.

    5. Pippa hired a publicist (the Beckham's publicist) for her wedding. You usually don't do that unless you want to (a) have publicity, and (b) control it.

  3. Wish there were some pics of harry n meg from the reception but alas !

  4. Good. She actually was invited. HalleluYah.
    When will I learn not to listen so trustingly to the press.

  5. I wonder if the Saturday front pages put them off coming out in public too, Meghan was likely mortified by the battle of the bums thing - and I seriously don't think she knew or wanted to be photographed at that moment. They probably imagined worse case scenario being a "Pippa v Meghan" headline on Sunday's papers.

    And can you imagine if Harry and Meghan had come walking along that path together before Pippa's arrival? The press would have gone wild, so would the crowd, and the reporters/photogs would have been so distracted updating their social media, online reports etc, they probably would have completely missed the bride's arrival! ;) Pippa would have been the afterthought at her own wedding.

    Lord knows Meghan's been accused of being an attention seeker just for walking out her front door, or for simply being an actress who is contractually obligated to engage in self promotion. (I don't envy anyone with a "public" job these days, the things they are expected to do to promote themselves as a brand is unbelievable, there's never a moment to unplug.)

    So I suspect they both decided let the attention be on the Middletons, it's their day. But I sense an official couple outing will be upon us sooner rather than later. They seem like they're ready to me.

    1. I know, Claudia. Like Kate wearing a dress so as not to stand out and look at all the articles not focusing on Pippa but on Kate's dress. It might have been the same kind of weird focus shift about Meghan attending. Although her not attending did kind of the same thing. (Now I am really confused. lol)

    2. frustrated would be a more apt word, actually.

    3. I'd have been a bit put out about that I think, Claudia. Like women are just about their bums; for someone who's written about women's position in some cultures and how difficult it can be, I imagine she wasn't happy being reduced to her rear end. I know I wouldn't be.

    4. Neither was Pippa, I imagine.

  6. I don't think she was invited. What is with stealing the brides thunder. Besides the media wanting to get clicks. Nobody can never steal the brides attention when all the guests came for the bride and groom. And when have the Sun every been right. When they claim pipa was going to be in a horse drawn carriage. That never happened. I'm stick with she's only been invited to the reception. How do they know what she wore? Is it just a guess by the tabloids.

    1. Oh say it ain't so Sunny. Say it ain't so. I so much wanted to believe (after all the drama yesterday morning) that she was actually invited. Now, I am not sure.

    2. I hope they go the distance. But I don't believe the tabloids. They always backtrack when caught in lies. I just never believed that she was going to the ceremony.

    3. If Harry were allowed a plus one, she was invited. Eugenie was there with her boyfriend, James was there with Donna Air, so it's not like significant others were excluded. If Harry was told not to bring her; well, that would have been inexplicably rude.

    4. The story someone said here earlier is that Meghan was invited to church but chose to stay away so as to not overshadow Pippa on her day. Lots of stories out there. If there were a high powered wedding PR firm, there would be one story and that one would be from the PR person. Likely, those wedding PR firm stories were false as well. I can't imagine a PR firm of the type Pippa was alleged to have employed would let all this nonsense go on.
      I think sources are printing what sells papers and readers are choosing to believe which ever story they want to believe, for whatever reason.
      By the way, Harry was accompanied by a young female in black and purple outfit.

    5. I agree, bluhare. If Eugenie and others were allowed a plus one, then Harry would have been allowed a plus one also. Meghan was definitely invited is my guess also.

  7. You are always wiser than me, Claudia!:)
    Probably, you are right this time too, but it would have been such a sight!!!

    1. Not at all Anett! Honestly, who knows what the real story is, we're all just reading into the few facts we get, as usual! I could see it happening both ways really.

      I agree, I was looking forward to seeing her, and what she was wearing :) I'm not so sure about the description that's been given, it sounds exactly like her polo ensemble, I think a writer was confused. After all, why would she have sunglasses?

      But in the tiny glimpse through the car, she did look gorgeous and elegant, her make-up, especially eyes, seemed very vibrant and the earrings seemed to pop - see I'm studying crumbs here!

      I can't believe how much I'm looking forward to seeing them out together :)

    2. Studying crumbs counts. You study crumbs very effectively. (I think you might be right about the reporter grasping at sartorial straws.)

    3. The sunglasses bit got to me, too, Claudia. And it DOES sound just like the polo outfit. I guess we should all be patient and let time do its wonders with truth. Abagail

    4. According to "inside reports", Meghan wore an elegant long, backless maroon gown and Pippa wore a long, white v-neck gown with sparkle detail. (The source is listed in a text I wrote earlier either here or on the DKB.)

  8. Good stuff:)

  9. Alejandra Campos21 May 2017 at 20:25

    Great post and yes! They do seem very serios! I don´t recall that Catherine and William were this serious so early on, but probably because no one knew about their relationship, they weren´t seen a lot :)

    1. Totally different ages! H&M are early to mid 30s; W&K were 20 and still in uni :-)

  10. I wonder if she was wearing the same Aritzia blazer from the Polo match.

    Here's the thing: if there are pictures of the psychedelic light show....there are pictures of party-goers, even if it is using a long lens. Arrivals, departures, pictures of inside the marquee (through open doors, on balcony, etc). I'd bet they are being shopped around at this point, and once someone buys them we will get a peek. Remember, pics of Harry and Meghan in Jamaica didn't come out right away either, especially the ones with them kissing. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but also not holding my breath!

    Also, this may explain why Meghan lingered outside the spa on Friday. Maybe she wanted to be seen in London (since she knew she wouldn't be photographed at reception, and wouldn't be attending the ceremony), just to show that she really was there.

    1. It did seem deliberate, Nina. I can't think of any reason why she could not have waited inside. One wants to give the benefit of the doubt, but it isn't easy at times.

    2. Nina I have heard on twitter photos have been shopped around since last's just how much KP is fighting to protect and when the winning bidder(s) release images.

      As for Meghan's pap shots the other day, wasn't she waiting for her cab or something? I thought I saw a photo of her waiving at her ride.

    3. How do we know she "lingered" ? There were a handful of photos, and each frame a camera takes is literally a fraction of a second. A good camera takes many frames per second. She was probably outside for 60/90 seconds or less.

      She went outside to look for her car and God forbid maybe get some fresh air for a minute after being inside for several hours. Not quite a scandal or attention seeking act.

      Remember she's also in a still strange city, when a driver says I'm on the street or coming round corner or whatever, she's not sure how long that takes. Toronto is much more manageable - and cleaner! (honestly it's a spotless city!)

    4. If she hailed a cab I don't think she would have had time to relax and do a text. The cab she hailed would have been right there. Unless photo sequence was off and she relaxed and texted until she saw a cab. If she did get a cab then of course she wouldn't be waiting inside for her ride to show up. Rebecca English reported today that Meghan did apparently get a cab to leave Kensington Palace and go to the airport. So she does take cabs. Why didn't Harry accompany her to the airport this morning though? How rude.

      The reporters are probably gathering around any gate at the airport that is for flights to Toronto so they can get photos of Meghan.

    5. The articles I read said she was waiting for her driver so I'm guessing she called him when she was done, driver said I'm coming now and she went out to look for him. No biggie except someone snapped her pic and then the tabloids (and others) made a big deal about it.

    6. And I don't know why people think it would have made a difference if she waited inside. She still would have been snapped from the building to the car. No one wonders Kate's motives when she's out and about, why the attacks on Meghan?

    7. My brother was just commenting on Toronto and the first thing he said about it was how clean it is.

    8. If you call waiting for a ride, lingering . . . well OK.

    9. " one wonders Kate's motives...?" Surely you jest!

    10. You missed "when she's out and about". Pretty integral to the remark made.

    11. Not in this case abagail. Kate was papped driving her car in London same day and no one wondered (aloud anyway) if she tipped anyone off or was trying to be "seen"

    12. Inside a moving car... Standing in front of a shop. Also integral when concerning one's possible motive of being photographed. Also, I assumed we were talking about commenting and speculating on Kate's motives in general, not just this specific day. Abagail

  11. Did Pippa stay in her wedding gown for the reception or did she have a separate gown for the reception as is common these days?

    1. According to The Telegraph, Pippa wore a floor-length, white v-neck gown with sparkle detail to the reception.

  12. Perhaps the Middleton's accountant is thrilled that the Middleton's third, and as yet unmarried child, is a male.

    1. Probably also grateful there were 6 years between the two weddings!!

      I think we also have to keep in mind there were some gifts/sponsorship involved here. The caviar and flyover were apparently gifts. The vehicles (Bentley & Range Rover) were sponsorship, which makes sense since the Middletons are part of that reduced cost leasing program with RR due to all the paparazzi shots they're in (free publicity). I can see other vendors tossing in something extra as they know it will result in press.

      I can also see them selling private wedding photos, with funds donated to charity and no BRF included, to promote Pippa as a lifestyle advisor and party planner. She can talk about her thoughtful details, coordinating a large affair, etc. She did an engagement interview and during her engagement James Middleton did an interview too, so the Middleton children aren't beyond self-promotion, all while being discreet about what they say about the Cambridges.

    2. Maybe not self-promotion as much as a desire to get the facts out there before the media took over with their flights of fancy. Abagail

    3. True. And I would hope that the Goring Hotel gave them ample consideration pricewise because they immediately became an integral part of the history of that Royal wedding. The Middletons reportedly rented out the entire hotel plus meals for two or three days. Good business for everyone.

  13. According to Corinne Heller, E News, "Harry and Meghan Photographed", 5/21/17, security was even tighter at the reception. Guests had been given individual passwords to get through the security perimeter at the Middleton's.

  14. The Sun article mentioned that Harry is extremely fond of his sister in law. The writer clearly meant Pippa but the problem is that Harry has only one sister in law and that is Kate. His sister in law's sister is not his sister in law. I wondered if anyone else noticed. Do these inaccuracies bother anyone else when they read incorrect information? US Reader.

    1. US Reader. Yes. There were a lot of inaccuracies. One paper said one thing, others said other things and it was often contradicting information. That is what makes Charlotte's gold standard of journalism so appreciated. :)

    2. Update.

      Harry did not go to London to get Meghan. Harry and Meghan were given a suite at Englefield House.

      She reportedly got a cab this morning in London apparently to go to the airport to go home to Toronto.

    3. That was according to Rebecca English, Daily Mail,
      "Meghan Waited...".

    4. Thanks surfer girl. I definitely appreciate Charlotte's efforts at accuracy and that is why I read her blog. :)

  15. Fiona in Australia22 May 2017 at 12:26

    I just read a comment (DM I think?) saying that Meghan was at Engelfield House having arrived with Harry on Saturday morning. And that Harry didn't make the round trip to Kensington Palace to pick her up. Thoughts? I guess it doesn't matter either way, she was at the evening reception.

  16. Charlotte according to new reports today, including The Telegraph, Meghan wore a "stunning maroon backless gown" - also couples were apparently not seated together - I'm sure for some daft bridal magazine reason.

    The most bizarre new detail was that Pippa hired an agency that used only models as waiters and waitresses. Rather concerning, and speaks volumes if true.

    1. I am not surprised at all. It was a wedding without real family members, certain girlfriends banned. And last but not least, everything had to be picture perfect!😐

    2. Hopefully they were spray painted gold with fig leaves in appropriate areas. Everyone knows that's what you do with a hot catering staff!

    3. Nothing wrong with aiming for perfection (or getting there). A friend of mine had her wedding in a lovely garden. Everything--and I mean every little thing--was done to perfection. Between activities, champagne in hand, the mother of the maid of honor and I walked around the still empty dining area, enjoying the thoughtful details, remarking on the fastidious attention given to them and the obvious creativity in them. That was our Kay--her lovely personality shone through in every single thing, start to finish. \

      Then we came upon the table where the decorated box for cards sat alongside a stunning bouquet and the guest book. To our horror (!) we noticed that staff had placed the box on the table backwards.

      I immediately set it right. Birds of a feather that we are, Em and I looked at each other and dissolved in laughter with the secret pleasure of having "saved the day." Later we told Kay who thought it as hilarious as we did. But really, it was the one misstep in the entire day and the loveliest wedding I've had the pleasure to attend.

      If you can have the best and can create the best (especially for the joy and pleasure of your loved ones), I say do it. Someone is going to grouse about it no matter what; you might as well please yourself. Having enjoyed how romantic and splendid Pippa made everything on her day, I was sorry to read that there was an unfortunate (and largely plagiarized) speech from one of the groomsmen. In hindsight, it seems that a few more friends might well have been left off the list.

      As for agencies hiring only good looking people to serve their clients, even common chain restaurants catering to the ordinary folks do that. No biggie.

  17. Philly I hope you'll understand that I feel incredibly compelled to respond to that.

    I have been to many events where the details and decorations were perfect and impeccable, worthy of admiration, just as you and your friend observed and enjoyed at that wedding.

    But the wait staff would never have been considered "decorations" - they were men and women, older and younger, slimmer and stouter, who took great pride in their own attention to detail, took pride in the way they cared for and waited on their guests, and put in long hours on their feet and a lot of hard work to make every event the best for that person or family.

    Our humanity is a valuable thing. Humans are not meant to be objectified, to be part of the decor, to be judged as one better or more appealing than another because of looks alone. It says a great deal to me about the value some people put on appearances above all else to seek out a service like that. Where the looks are as important, if not preferable, to the work and skill. It is a bridge too far in my opinion.

    I can imagine the outcry and headline news if the Trumps had a party and requested only models as the servers. Or if Prince Andrew had a party and requested only attractive 19-year old girls as waitresses. And rightfully so.

    Pippa is a private person, she may do as she likes and spend money as she likes. But in my opinion, some of her choices spoke volumes, just as it would with a public person, and gave quite a view into Middleton world.

    I am aware that some American food chains are known as "breastaurants" because of the type of waitress they hire and how they dress, so maybe it says nothing to others, this type of thing has just become the norm. In my mind it's a sorry state, and sad to see someone want to duplicate such a thing at a "family" event.

    1. Hahaha . . . I'd never heard breastaurants, Claudia!! And I couldn't agree more with your comment.

    2. I am with you, Claudia. As Philly mentioned, there are agencies that select only 'attractive' people to serve their clients. I find that appalling & discriminative. It makes me sad that people are judged on their looks, rather than the skills & abilities they have to do the job properly. It just doesn't sit right with me & feels tacky, in my humble opinion.

    3. Claudia, I agree that humans ought not to be objectified. However, the reality is that is the way of the world. Not fair, but that's how it is.

      When I go to any local (Canadian) restaurants I know what their hiring standards and practices are in spite of the fact that none are blatantly "breastaurants." But some have a company "look." That look is young and attractive. However, I don't take the moral high ground and boycott those establishments. Why not? Because I like their hamburgers or their outdoor patios or their service. For some people, that may be too glib, but that's how it is.

      IF Pippa had requested that the company catering her wedding dinner provide wait staff in the manner of the hypothetical Trump and Prince Andrew you've outlined, I believe that would say something about her character.

      In this case, however, I suspect (without having done the necessary research) that the company hired by Pippa has numerous ultra high-end clients besides her. It likely has specific criteria about the appearance of their staff for all events they handle. Some might find those off-putting; however, I'd suggest that they wouldn't be in business at that level for long without them.

      In this case, I think that the hacks digging up some of this stuff are looking for anything to fling at a woman whom they would like to demean in any way they can. They need to keep putting whatever perceived "excesses" they can on the Middletons in the pages of the newspapers they hawk. There have been all manner of those sorts of stories with, as some on Charlotte's blogs have pointed out, little basis in any facts (false, concocted or misleading).

    4. How do we know if waiter's were dressed up as "decoration"

    5. Sunny, didn't bluhare say they were decorated in gold spray paint and a fig leaf? :)

    6. Exactly, surfer girl. Gilded to match the paint on those chairs, with fig leaves in coordinating colors with the flowers all representing various Greek deities and nymphs. And all not allowed to speak, of course.

  18. I was up all night in tears with the awful news coming out of Manchester. I cried for all the mothers who will never hold their daughters again, and some who still don't know where their daughters are, if they are even alive. I can imagine no greater pain.

    I hope all the readers here and at HRH Duchess Kate are well, I feel I know some of you by now, I am so used to our royal chats and interactions :) May we all stay well, and may we always remember how short life is so we know how lucky we are to have it, and have loved ones to share it. X

    1. We should never take life for granted; you never know. And last night showed how ugly this world can be. It also showed how lovely people can be -- the homeless man helping the injured and the woman with the children who couldn't find their parents in the hotel. And all the people volunteering their homes and time. As (almost) a native, I was proud to see such goodness on the heels of that.

    2. Such a dichotomy isn't it bluhare. On one hand the evil some humans are capable of, contrasted with the kindness and compassion of others. What makes some so capable of hate and harm I will never understand.

      (I thought William's statement summed that up very well by the way: "We also send our thanks to the people of Manchester for their display of strength, decency, and community that is an example to the world" Credit where credit's due!)

      There's a piece in the Manchester Evening News, an A&E nurse describing what it was like. He described the horrors of the injuries and then "I was amazed by the compassion of people. People brought us food, bottles of water... There are so many people from all walks of life who just wanted to do their part."

      Other hospitals also thanked local shops for sending sandwiches, cakes, just lovely show of support and goodness.

      Speaking of the Evening News, did you see the Boston Globe sent pizza for their newsroom staff? Americans aren't so bad after all ;)

    3. Claudia I heard that story about the pizza and it was such a great gesture. Particularly, since Boston went through their own terrorist bombing. I think it isn't about "Americans aren't all bad" as much as it is knowing exactly what their peers are going through. News is so crucial in these situations to connect people ane help to find the "bad guys". The news isn't just sensational right now, it's necessary to help people and law enforcement. I think the Boston Globe knows first hand what They are going through and how they'd probably forget to eat! But, yes, they still get credit for the idea and the gesture.

    4. I was being more than a bit tongue in cheek with that AH ;) It's a running joke in our house with the Brit side complaining if you're "being American" and the American side complaining "that's the Brit in her"! I sense bluhare knows about that as well!

      You're absolutely right, staff at Boston Globe would know all too well what the newsroom in Manchester is going through. It's all hands on deck right now.

    5. Ha, Claudia. The difference is it's two people in your house -- it's just me in mine. The Brit and American fight all the time. :)

    6. I can actually picture those conversations, lol.

  19. Rebecca English, Daily Mail, 5/23/17, "Inside Pippa's Wedding", has photos of Pippa's decor inside of the glass marquee. Tens of thousands of pounds spent for flowers and cherry trees. You have to see it to believe it perhaps. Now the trees, in addition to the gown, tiara, look over the shoulder, flyby and exit in a little vintage sports car make it Pippa's mini royal wedding.

    1. And another story compared the sisters stating Catherine's landing a future king as well as birthing one is little compared to the greater wealth and freedom that Pippa will enjoy--nothing "mini" about it.

      I suspect it's the press taking the "Na-na-na-na-na, my hubby's better/richer than your hubby, I have more than you do, my life's better than yours now" tone--not the sisters.

      The story/stories will keep spinning and spinning whatever way the press chooses to slant them for years to come. And they won't do anything less (to nudge us back toward the topic) for Meghan. Enough to perhaps make her think twice if she's reading the papers. However, Harry once shrugged it off in an interview that most of what you read in the papers is rubbish.

    2. Surfer girl - I was first tipped off to these photos on Twitter. I then found the floral designers Instagram page. About 4 hrs later it was a DM article! Today? All his "fairytale story" photos are deleted off his account. He even had a photo of a Bucklebury street sign.

      So you think he got in trouble and never should have posted those photos????


    3. As you can see he deleted the wedding and Buckleberry images off his IG page. He does a lot of very expensive, luxe wedding on St Barths....more specifically Eden Rock, which is owned by James Matthews parents.


  20. AH. Don't know. Maybe he didn't read the fine print of his contract?

    1. Or wasn't allowed to publicise before the photo spread, if they negotiated one.

  21. I'm having Meghan withdrawals...'Suits' just isn't cutting it for me, at the moment :( I specifically want to see more pics of her with our favourite ginger prince :) I hope some photos from the reception do eventually surface...but the chances are probably slim to none.

  22. lol. You are not alone, Kiwi Gal. I have been scouring the internet for some news about Meghan or a photo of she and Harry at the reception. I have found nada. :) I hope she would be flattered that we care and not think of us as stalkers. :)

    1. Haha, surfer girl, I'm sure she'd be totally flattered and not concerned at all that we are stalking her :P Thank you for the tidbits of info that you could muster!

    2. Haha surfer girl, I'm sure she'd be totally flattered & not at all concerned that we are stalking her :P Thanks for the tidbits of info that you could muster up!

    3. I was so grateful for your bits of info, surfer girl, that I said it twice! LOL

    4. lol, Kiwi Gal. You are welcome. You are welcome. :)

  23. According to Ellie Cambridge, The Sun, 5/27/17,
    Prince Harry hosted former POTUS, Barak Obama
    on 5/27/17 at Kensington Palace. Reportedly, they discussed the support of veterans, mental health, conservation, empowering young people and the support of their founders.

    It has also been said in The Sun and other publications that Harry and Meghan are house hunting for homes in Northfolk (Tykford Hall and Guist Hall were mentioned) and Los Angeles, along with it being reported that Harry is renovating a larger apartment in Kensington Palace. To me, it is all pure speculation at this point though, but maybe not.

  24. references for the "speculation".
    "Harry House Hunting" (Norfolk), The Sun, Maryse Godden, 5/28/17.
    "Meghan Markle, Could Prince Harry and His Girlfriend...", (Los Angeles), The Express, Katrina Turrill, 5/26/17.
    "Cozy Couple", (Kensington Palace), The Sun, Paul Harper, 3/27/17.

  25. Charlotte, The Express today had a few photos of Meghan's interior decor that were on her blog "The Tig". They were saying that that is how she might decorate her new home (s) with Harry. Can you include those photos? :)
    Are the old pages of her blog still accessible even though she has stopped adding anything current or is the blog simply gone?

  26. I sure have learned a bunch from the comment posts. I appreciate all of your interesting discussions. And I hope some are true can hope huh?

  27. Are we hearing a lot of the rumours that Meghan is getting offered some great tv/movie scripts right now?

    I have wondered if Suits has been so accommodating of her during shooting this season, knowing their ratings are probably way up.

    I just hope it doesn't sway her. Like "oh, these are the roles I've been working towards!"

    Especially since they're apparently house hunting together...


    1. It is a challenging situation for sure. I think she is a good actress and could have a successful career . I see her more in film than on Broadway. Grace Kelly gave up her career for her prince after achieving some recognition as an actress. I actually think Meghan is a better actress, but that is just my opinion. I believe Grace was younger and that complicates the choice with the added pressure of time. I think Harry seems to want the whole family package-wife, kids, home.
      Of course, with Janet Jackson giving birth at 50-who knows? Abagail

  28. Meghan was not at Harry's garden party.

  29. Did Harry and William do a recent documentary to commemorate Diana?

  30. Are you okay, Charlotte? Just concerned.x

  31. The Express today has more photos of the interior of Meghan's place. Really cool photos.

  32. Pippa and James left Perth this morning. She's seems to be wearing Kate Spade again. Is she?

    1. After accusing Pippa of almost solely promoting Kate Spade during her honeymoon, I have to say that it doesn't seem the case after all. She appears to be utilising other brands, I think on this occasion she was wearing Maje.

    2. Kiwi Gal, maybe she is not promoting one designer but rather the photos are for a magazine article after they complete their honeymoon tour. She may be getting some compensations from the various designers also.

    3. That could be likely...maybe it will all be part of a Hello! spread, as Abagail mentioned below.

  33. Still waiting for the Hello Magazine "spread" on Pippa's wedding reception that she was said to have sold. Perhaps she is saving it for a later book and then maybe it will be kept private. Abagail

  34. Meghan is surely keeping a low profile. Quite a difference from a year ago, with "The Tig", etc.
    I miss "The Tig". It was the only other blog I visited.
    Now that Harry has apparently returned to London perhaps Meghan will fly over for a visit, or vica-versa.

    1. I miss The Tig, too :( I was just getting into it before she shut it's all Harry's fault :P

    2. I was sad when I heard The TIg shutdown without any warning OR I would have save her recipes, make-up recommendation and also Travel advice. I did subscribe to the Tig and I am still able to search her blog thru "Feedly", even though you can't access anything on the website anymore. So I that as consolotion.

      Hula girl

  35. Are Meghan and Harry still even dating? He didn't rush to Toronto to see her after Australia. At least, not that we know of. She certainly has been keeping a very low profile. No photos of her going to work, going to yoga, etc. Not trying to create a ruffle but the media coverage has drastically diminished.

    1. I see a familiar pattern-Harry out of the country/ Meghan out of sight. This was the situation in much of 2016.The 2017 sightings corresponded to Harry's increased presence in the UK. He has been out of the country to Botswana, Singapore, Sydney with his private charity work, and now somewhere else-I forgot. Are they meeting or have they parted? I bet the former.Abagail

    2. I certainly hope they are still dating! He better hurry up & propose to that girl ;)


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