
Sunday 5 November 2017

Meet Meghan: Meghan's Advocacy Work for Women

Another weekend, another slew of stories about Harry and Meghan. The most interesting of these, published in the Mail on Sunday, reports Meghan is set to become a global charity campaigner "when she moves to London this month". There's talk she plans to rent a London office and focus on women in need. Of course, at this point we cannot gauge the validity of the story, but it is accurate to say women's issues have already been at the forefront of Meghan's advocacy work for some time. For this evening's 'Meet Meghan' we're delving deeper into the work she's done in the area.

When researching this post and considering Meghan's work in support of women, her role as UN Women's advocate for political participation and leadership springs to mind instantly, not least thanks to her stirring and memorable speech at the 2015 UN International Women's Conference. Meghan received a standing ovation from the audience, which included Ban Ki-Moon, for her powerful words on gender equality.

This one sticks in my mind in particular for several reasons: when the media broke the news Harry and Meghan were a couple, I wasn't very familiar with the series Suits, and as you'll recall, there was a bombardment of salacious stories and a vulgar use of imagery taken from the series of Meghan in her underwear. I did a little bit of surfing and was blown away by her speech. What made it so special? Firstly, it was abundantly clear how proud she was of the role opening with: "I am proud to be a woman and a feminist." Recalling the story of how her feminism began at eleven, it was amazing how informed, articulate and passionate she was about the subject. "The way we change that, in my opinion, is to mobilise girls and women to see their value as leaders, and to support them in these efforts." Dressed in a simple black dress with her hair pulled back, it was all about what she had to say.

Meghan's speech:

"I am proud to be a woman and a feminist, and this evening I am extremely proud to stand before you on this significant day, which serves as a reminder to all of us of how far we’ve come, but also amid celebration a reminder of the road ahead. I want to tell you a story that’ll sort of give context to my being here and my work with UN Women. When I was just eleven years old, I unknowingly and somehow accidentally became a female advocate.
It was around the same time as the Beijing conference, so a little over twenty years ago, where in my hometown of Los Angeles a pivotal moment reshaped my notion of what is possible. See I had been in school watching a TV show in elementary school and, um, this commercial came on with the tag line for this dish washing liquid and the tag line said, ‘Women all over America are fighting greasy pots and pans’. Two boys from my class said, ‘Yeah, that’s where women belong, in the kitchen’. I remember feeling shocked and angry and also just feeling so hurt; it just wasn’t right, and something needed to be done. So, I went home and told my dad what had happened, and he encouraged me to write letters, so I did, to the most powerful people I could think of. Now my eleven year old self worked out that if I really wanted someone to hear me, well then I should write a letter to the First Lady. So off I went, scribbling away to our First Lady at the time, Hillary Clinton. I also put pen to paper and I wrote a letter to my news source at the time, Linda Ellerbee, who hosted a kids news program, and then to powerhouse attorney Gloria Allred, because even at eleven I wanted to cover all my bases.
Finally I wrote to the soap manufacturer. And a few weeks went by, and to my surprise I received letters of encouragement from Hillary Clinton, from Linda Ellerbee, and from Gloria Allred. It was amazing. The kids news show, they sent a camera crew to my home to cover the story, and it was roughly a month later when the soap manufacturer, Proctor & Gamble, changed the commercial for their ivory clear dish washing liquid. They changed it from ‘Women All Over America are Fghting Greasy Pots and Pans’ to ‘People all over America’. It was at that moment that I realized the magnitude of my actions. At the age of eleven I had created my small level of impact by standing up for equality.
Now, equality means that President Paul Kagame of Rwanda, whose country I recently visited as part of my learning mission with UN Women, it means that he is equal to the little girl in the Gihembe refugee camp who is dreaming about being a president one day. Equality means that UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is equal to the young intern at the UN who is dreaming about shaking his hand. It means that a wife, it means that a wife is equal to her husband; a sister to her brother. Not better, not worse – they are equal.
UN Women, as you guys know, has defined the year 2030 as the expiration date for gender inequality. And here’s what’s staggering, the studies show that at the current rate, the elimination of gender inequality won’t be possible until 2095. That’s another eighty years from now. And when it comes to women’s political participation and leadership the percentage of female parliamentarians globally has only increased by 11% since 1995. 11 percent in 20 years? Come on. This has to change. Women make up more than half of the world’s population and potential, so it is neither just nor practical for their voices, for our voices, to go unheard at the highest levels of decision-making.
The way we change that, in my opinion, is to mobilize girls and women to see their value as leaders, and to support them in these efforts. To have leaders such as President Kagame of Rwanda continue to be a role model of a country which has a parliamentary system comprised of 64% female leaders. I mean, it’s the highest of any government in the world and it’s unbelievable. We need more men like that, just as we need more men like my father who championed my eleven year old self to stand up for what is right. In doing this, we remind girls that their small voices are, in fact, not small at all, and that they can effect change. In doing this, we remind women that their involvement matters. That they need to become active in their communities, in their local governments, as well as in the highest parliamentary positions. It is just imperative: Women need a seat at the table, they need an invitation to be seated there, and in some cases, where this is not available, well then you know what, they need to create their own table. We need a global understanding that we cannot implement change effectively without women’s political participation.
It is said that girls with dreams become women with vision. May we empower each other to carry out such vision — because it isn’t enough to simply talk about equality. One must believe it. And it isn’t enough to simply believe in it. One must work at it. Let us work at it. Together. Starting now."

Meghan starred in this PSA in her role for the UN: "Today less than one quarter of the world’s leaders are women. UN Women’s advocate Meghan Markle launches a new PSA on women's political participation and leadership to help change that reality. Because when women lead, the world changes."

How does one combine living a Hollywood lifestyle full of glamour and champagne with making philanthropy a priority? In a 2016 piece for Elle, Meghan shed light on how she does it juxtaposing a trip to Rwanda for the UN with attending the BAFTAs: "My Mom Raised Me To Be A Global Citizen, With Eyes Open To Harsh Realities":

'I'm sitting in my trailer with my mom in Toronto, Canada, where we're shooting the sixth season of US TV drama, Suits. This in itself is a novelty: my mom is sitting in my trailer, on a show in which I am a lead character, and that has a viewership of more than 1.7 million. It's surreal. We never would have dreamed that this would be my reality. Our reality.
Just a year ago, I was in a van heading back from Gihembe refugee camp in Rwanda. I was there as an advocate for UN Women; I had a week of meetings with female parliamentarians in the city's capital, Kigali, celebrating the fact that 64% of the Rwandan government are women – the first in the world 
where women hold a majority. I was also speaking with grassroots-level female leadership at the refugee camp just outside the area. Driving back on the dusty roads that day, I received an email from my managers asking whether I'd attend the Baftas. 
I had never been and had always romanticised it. A high-end jewellery company was going to fly me in, dress me in the fanciest of gowns, and I would travel straight from Kigali to Heathrow, London, to the make-up chair and on to the red carpet.
When I gave a speech for International Women's Day, and Ban Ki-moon led the standing ovation, I thought, 'This right here is the point.' To use whatever status I have as an actress to make a tangible impact. I've never wanted to be a lady who lunches; I've always wanted to be a woman who works. And this type of work is what feeds my soul. The degree to which I can do that both on and off camera is a direct perk of my job. 
There is a myth that those who do humanitarian work have a saviour mentality, but the relationship is reciprocal. I returned to Rwanda earlier this year as Global Ambassador for World Vision and met a young girl named Claire, who was on the third hour of her walk to bring her father medicine. I was struck by the steadfast nature in which she did it. There was no other option, so she powered on. These simple acts of grace are the most powerful anchor to what's important. And in the entertainment industry, often riddled with superfluous demands, my barometer of what is valuable is validated on these trips. Not to mention, when I share my photos with my friends, they note that I never look happier than I do when I am on field missions. It's a different smile than the one for the paparazzi – it doesn't require any retouching.'

Meghan is also proud to be an ambassador for World Vision Canada. In February 2016, she once again travelled to Rwanda to witness World Vision’s water work. During her one-week visit to the country, she trekked to unclean water sources, visited clean water projects, helped build a well, and met many Rwandans whose hospitality and stories have made a lasting impression on her life. 

Speaking about how her work with the organisation and the trip coincides with her work supporting women, Meghan said: "What does water have to do with women's rights and what's the correlation there? I think what's been really interesting is - it's all so interconnected and when you look at something like that you say well building wells sure you have the water, you have the life source, but what it also does is enable young girls to not have to walk miles to get water for their family and instead they're able to stay in school and that education's going to foster them to be able to be very active in their society and empower them."

A video from Meghan's week there. It's amazing to see how a clean water source can transform a community and the ripple effect it has in education and medicine.

Meghan spent time at a school where girls can now attend thanks to recently built latrines. In the year after it was built, 200 more students were enrolled.

While visiting a school in the Gasabo region of the country she taught students to paint with watercolours, using water from a newly installed pipeline in their community.

The students created pictures based on their hopes and futures, which are now brighter because of the recent access to clean water. 

Meghan brought the paintings back to Canada to share the student artists’ stories and raise enough money to support additional water projects with World Vision. Meghan hosted the Watercolor Project fundraiser with 60 high-profile guests invited in March 2016.

The event raised $15,000 - enough to help World Vision build a new source of water for an entire community.

A look at one of the beautiful paintings by Chanceine who wants to be a gardener when she grows up. Each painting included the name of the child who created it and their career aspirations.

In January, Meghan travelled to Delhi with World Vision to meet to meet girls and women directly impacted by the stigmatization of menstrual health and to learn how it hinders girls’ education. Meghan penned an essay for Time in which she discussed the stigma surrounding menstruation in countries like India and Iran. "During my time in the field, many girls shared that they feel embarrassed to go to school during their periods, ill equipped with rags instead of pads, unable to participate in sports, and without bathrooms available to care for themselves, they often opt to drop out of school entirely...this is a shame-filled reality they quietly endure." Meghan looked to options for the future too, describing a microfinance movement called Myna Mahila Foundation, where women manufacture sanitary pads to sell in communities. The effort not only provides these resources to girls, but also fosters open communication about menstruation.

More from Meghan's essay 'How Periods Affect Potential':

'When a girl misses school because of her period, cumulatively that puts her behind her male classmates by 145 days. And that’s the mitigated setback if she opts to stay in school, which most do not. The latter elect to return home, increasing their subjection to dangerous work, susceptibility to being victims of violence, and most commonly, being conditioned for early childhood marriage. As a female in India, the challenge of survival begins at birth, first overcoming female feticide, then being victim to malnourishment, potentially abuse, and lack of access to proper sanitation facilities. Why, if she is able to overcome all of these challenges and finally get to school, should her education and potential to succeed, be sacrificed because of shame surrounding her period?
To remedy this problem, young girls need MHM, access to toilets, and at a most basic level, sanitary pads. Twenty-three percent of girls in India drop out of school because these factors are not at play. During my time in the slum communities outside of Mumbai, I shadowed women who are part of a microfinance system where they manufacture sanitary napkins and sell them within the community. The namesake of the organization, Myna Mahila Foundation, refers to a chatty bird (“myna”) and “mahila” meaning woman. The name echoes the undercurrent of this issue: we need to speak about it, to be “chatty” about it. Ninety-seven percent of the employees of Myna Mahila live and work within the slums, creating a system which as, Nobel Peace prize nominee Dr. Jockin Arputham shared with me, is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and allowing access to education. In addition, the women’s work opens the dialogue of menstrual hygiene in their homes, liberating them from silent suffering, and equipping their daughters to attend school.
Beyond India, in communities all over the globe, young girls’ potential is being squandered because we are too shy to talk about the most natural thing in the world. To that I say: we need to push the conversation, mobilize policy making surrounding menstrual health initiatives, support organizations who foster girls’ education from the ground up, and within our own homes, we need to rise above our puritanical bashfulness when it comes to talking about menstruation.
Wasted opportunity is unacceptable with stakes this high. To break the cycle of poverty, and to achieve economic growth and sustainability in developing countries, young women need access to education. When we empower girls hungry for education, we cultivate women who are emboldened to effect change within their communities and globally. If that is our dream for them, then the promise of it must begin with us. Period.'

I hope you enjoyed learning about Meghan's work in support of women as much as I did. It's fantastic how she has carved out meaningful roles with global organisations and interesting to note how she's applied what she's learned to expand on ways she can contribute, from her 2015 speech in the UN to travels in Rwanda and her focus on issues such as water and the stigma around menstruation - both major factors in hindering the path for girls to receive a proper education. I also loved how she thought outside the box when doing watercolour paints with children in Gasabo and thought, how could these pictures help? She then created the Watercolor Project, and the fundraiser event raised $15,000. Imagine what she could achieve with a royal platform behind her...

We close with this quote from Meghan.


  1. wow. simply wow. on all points, wow.

  2. She is incredibly inspirational! She & Harry would/will make an incredible Team! Amen to everything she has said & done already & I surely hope an announcement is coming soon! :) Thank you Thank you Charlotte, for your Amazing Coverage & Educational Info about Meghan!

  3. Thank you so much for the post Charlotte, I'm so grateful for your hard work! I didn't know about the watercolor fundraiser she hosted, how lovely. I don't know if I believe the DM article, but I think it would be great if she founded her own charity. We need as many activists for women's issues/rights as possible, I'm so very excited to see what she does in that area. If anyone hasn't seen her interview on Larry King Live discussing her UN ambassadorship, I highly recommend it. I hope this link works:

  4. Correction, I should have said that I'm so excited to see what she *continues to do* in that area. She's already involved in great initiatives.

  5. Am I alone in seeing the potential pitfalls ahead? "America born actress moves to London to show the Firm how it's done?"

    I'm not buying the DM's latest article, at least not in its entirety, but I can foresee the royal china rattling in the months and years ahead.

    1. Eve from Germany6 November 2017 at 13:19

      Royalfan: Do you know what my instant reaction to your comment was? "SO BE IT!!!" It´s about high time someone joins this "Firm" who knows what (s)he´s doing !! Meghan has Harry´s support, she´s 36, she´s certainly had her fair share of headwinds in her life and has learnt to deal with it, she´s making a conscious decision, she´s quite obviously NOT afraid of talking about "potentially sensitive" issues - what better preparation to cause some "royal china rattling"? She´ll rise to the challenge, you´ll see!

    2. Eve from Germany6 November 2017 at 14:25

      P.S.: Royalfan, I was in a hurry when I wrote that comment. So I wanted to add, I of course understand your concerns and you´re not the only one who has them.... So I hopefully didn´t come across as disrespectful to your comment!!

    3. Royalfan I see some pitfalls but not the ones you do. And I don't see any royal china rattling. First and foremost, we are in a position now we haven't been in before in my lifetime. We have a sitting monarch, a Prince of Wales, a second heir, with soon to be three heirs of his own!

      And THEN we have Harry. It seems so difficult to convey to people, especially younger fans, how far removed Harry and Meghan will be. They will have enormous celebrity in their own right, but NOT because of their closeness to the crown.

      As soon as Andrew started falling down the line, he fell off radar as well, because he didn't have much substance to back his profile up, and what he did have was rather shady.

      Even if I agreed with your theory that Charles is deliberately undermining William to cut his popularity and "limelight" - Charles won't have the slightest inclination here. William is a breath away from the crown, Harry is not. If Harry's popularity bursts into the stratosphere, it would still mean going over Charles, William, George, Charlotte and New Baby... so that's no threat at all to Charles. And not much of a headline for those ridiculous tabloid polls "Public says let's skip Charles for William!" has a ring "Public says let's skip Charles, William, George, Charlotte, and Baby... for Harry & Meghan!"
      Not exactly a peppy headline is it ;)

    4. Nope. I love what Meghan has done and she can definitely use it(especially her public speaking skills) to good use in the firm, but I wonder if she won't feel a bit stifled. While H/W do have a passion for Africa, their passions are more homebound. I am hoping Meghan can find a cause more English specific to champion. Not to give up on global(Diana and her kids certainly didn't) but they also focused on causes close to home. Otherwise I could see the press as spinning it as 'she cares more about others elsewhere than she does about us here and we are funding her trips and support elsewhere'.

      And I do dread the constant comparison with her and Kate. Reality is, we have no idea what kinds of parents M/H will be. They also might decide to focus on their kids when they are young and pull back from engagements like W/K did.

    5. :-) Eve, I understand and in no way am I dismissing Meghan's resume or potential. I don't/won't follow her as a celebrity in her own right; my interest in MM has to do with her likely role as the spouse of the second son of the current heir to the throne, and the family dynamic that is alive and well.

    6. HM Queen Elizabeth 2: The Queen's Young Leaders award, Prince Phillip: The Duke of Edinburgh Award, Prince Charles: The Prince's Trust, The Duchess of Cornwall: The Washbag Project, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry: DoCx2+PH Foundation, The Duchess of Cambridge: Heads Together, Prince Harry: Sentebale, Invictus Games. These are just a few charitable organizations/initiatives founded by members of the British Royal Family. There have been numerous comments and articles suggesting that Meghan needs to change the way she dresses, her etiquette, mannerisms, and even her table manners in order to emulate the royal family and be a suitable consort and the implication is very much that if she doesn't she will be out of line. And at the end of the day these are extremely superficial characteristics that are inconsequential to to an individual's value as a human. If Meghan were to found her own charity she would be following in the footsteps of numerous members of the royal family including her current romantic partner. But when it comes to Meghan's actions and character, the things that actually matter, if she were to emulate the royal family by starting her own charity she would be out of line??? Is the role she is going to play in the royal family expected to be entirely ornamental? I applaud any woman, whether they are a member of the royal family or not to refuse to be reduced to their appearance, and am looking forward to the day when women are no longer expected to know there place. As Charlotte has so wonderfully illustrated, Meghan has a passion for philanthropy which started before she met Harry and has largely focused on women's issues. She herself has stated that she views it as the most important part of her life, that the charitable opportunities her career has provided her with are the ones that she is the most grateful for, and she has expressed a desire—pre-Harry—to focus more of her time and energy in that arena. On the Kate Blog there is very much a narrative in the comment that we should embrace who Kate is as a person, respect her choices as a woman and not try to force her to fit our expectations of who she should be. Should we not extend the same courtesy to Meghan? And she very much appears to be a go-getter who is determined to use whatever resources she has available to her for the betterment of others. That being the case I don't think it would be out of line for her to continue to be herself, and I don't think the royal family will think she is out of line either since philanthropy is one of the most crucial cornerstones of who the members of The Firm are.

    7. Wow! I apologise for how long my post is. What a windbag! I had no idea that I had rambled on for so long, my phone makes it difficult to determine the length of my posts. So sorry! *Insert facepalm emoji here*

    8. Eve from Germany6 November 2017 at 18:24

      Finn, I absolutely agree with you. I don´t even think reservations or negativity will come from the Royal Family itself, it´s usually rather the "Oxbridge Circle" and some very "snobby circles" AROUND the Royals who feel their lifestyles and privileges are in danger as soon as a so-called "outsider" dares to join these circles via marrying into them. So quickly something "where he/she could go WRONG" is searched for and found - and WHOOOPS - you are declared "out of line". Petty and untoward, the whole thing, IMO, but that´s unfortunately what (some) people do, especially if a society is still very "social-class-orientated" which the British society unfortunately still is in many ways... just think of the educational system. You go to the "right" school (which most of the Britons can never ever afford), then nearly "automatically" to the "right" university (equally unaffordable for most), during both of which you meet the "right" people who will then help you to secure the "right" job, partner, etc. The whole thing is rather "clannish"..
      But for all the reasons you also stated, I trust Meghan won´t be put off by that. She has a natural grace and dignity in her poise (just look at the photo of her talking to a woman sitting with her on a sofa at that fundraiser) which will help her on the "Royal stage" - and, as I´ve said, she´s had her fair share of "sneering" in her life - so it won´t be new....
      I´m sure she will deal with it with dignity and grace, too.

    9. Royal fan - I understand your concern and can see a few headlines along that train of thought. But here's the thing - the monarchy needs someone kind of like Meghan to push ahead in these times. I love Kate but to be honest, it's hard to follow and feel for someone that often times seems like she's so closed up and not really passionate about anything other than William, kids, and home life.

      Nothing wrong with that, but she did marry the future King of England. I'm someone who is Meghan and Kate's age - as a women of their generation, who seems more inspiring at this moment - Kate who hangs out at home a lot or Meghan who actually seems genuinely passionate about her charitable work? If the monarchy wants to continue, people (especially young people) need to be interested in them and see that they are a force for good.

      I do hope that Kate and Meghan become good friends because I think they can learn from each other and lean on each other when needed. I also sincerely hope the media does not paint them as rivals.

    10. So I was one of those early skeptics because I was not sure of Charles' benevolence, but I feel that I have been converted by Claudia's points in this thread. You are right Claudia - they are too far removed at this point.
      I have high hopes of Meghan. And Harry. Finally we have someone who knows how to use language properly and knows how to dig into an issue and present it in a way that makes sense, and is not a word salad. As I have said before, I believe that Meghan received a good education, not just a degree.

    11. Thanks for your response Eve. I think those snobby circles you refer to will find fault with Meghan no matter what she does, so I think it would be in Meghan's best interest to do what she feels is right. And I do think having someone willing to push the boundaries a little in the royal family could be a great thing, however my point (which was ill-expressed) is that by starting her own charity she wouldn't be pushing any boundaries. It's a long-standing British Royal Family tradition!

    12. Ladies, I am not suggesting that the BRF doesn't need some shaking up; my concern is what the response will be when it happens? And it will.

      Claudia, Harry may be removed from the throne, but he (and his wife) will never be removed as it pertains to the headlines. In 2017, we still have the same monarch and direct heir; this has not changed. What makes you think that Charles is more agreeable to being eclipsed? Especially as he takes on more duties and is that much closer to being king. If his popularity suffered while he was in his thirties and married to Diana, what makes you think it is stronger now in his late 60's with Camilla at his side? And I'm not talking about "skip Charles" headlines; I'm referring to the coverage of every aspect of this young couple's life. The interest will be enormous and I suspect that Harry will be far less likely to keep his head down and not fan the flames within the immediate family.

      Finn, I do not disagree with you and no need to apologize. I can get wordy myself! ;-) My comments and observations are based on the history of the Firm and I am not convinced that all things will be different.

      19:18, it would be great if Kate and Meghan united and showed the Firms how it's done in 2017, but I don't see Kate going there; everyone thought Sarah Ferguson was a breath of fresh air and Charles was even quoted as suggesting that Diana should be more like her (uncomplicated, fun, etc). But when Diana did attempt to step out of the box, she was condemned for it due, primarily, to her rank. And there went the pesky headlines again!

      Rosman, this is a wait and see scenario and, if I *am* to be converted, I may have to eat TWO of Camilla's hats. But for now, I don't see the need to set the table.

    13. Eve from Germany7 November 2017 at 12:34

      Finn, don´t worry about the "lengthy" comment! First, it was well worth the read, second, well, some of us (I willingly plead "guilty as charged" in that area, LOL!!) even make it to the comments´box not accepting it in one piece because it´s too long, LOL!! (I´ve had that "honour" a few times, ahem... ;-)) ).

  6. Thank you for such an wonderful post about such an inspirational woman!

  7. Loved reading this post about Meghan's advocacy work. Clean water is so important for communities. I had the privilege of teaching a hygiene course to community leaders in Haiti last February in conjunction with the opening of a clean water system. Those leaders can then educate their fellow community members on the importance of clean water and how to use it properly (ie--wash your hands--we can still get sick in the US, even with our clean water, if someone doesn't wash their hands before preparing our food). And, as a doula/birth worker/woman who uses a silicone menstrual cup and cloth pads personally, I love reading about Meghan's work to help end the stigma of menstruation and provide cloth pads for the women and girls in India and other places. I really hope Meghan continues this kind of work if she does join the royal family. It is soooo important. :)

  8. Eve from Germany6 November 2017 at 07:55

    Thank you, dear Charlotte, for this inspiring post, showing me once again, why I keep thinking that Meghan will be a GREAT representative of what a MODERN monarchy should be and do..... IMO, she´s understood how "this" can work: "this"=using your unique position to make a difference - whether you´re a hollywood actress or a member of a royal family. She doesn´t see it as a "duty", something you HAVE to do - it´s more like a "vocation", it´s combined with passion AND: LOVE. Love for yourself, love for others, love to give, love to rejoice in that. It´s not because you FEAR what might happen if you DON´T do it - it´s because you´re "filled" with it (it=love, compassion, etc) so much it "overflows", you can´t help but give it to others, too. I´m open and curious to what will happen when she´s joining the BRF, but my gut is telling me that she will find her way - and Harry will support her in that. They stand a good chance of finding help and support and strength in each other... There may be many people being sceptical, and that´s ok, but as far as I´m concerned, from all I´ve "seen" so far, I´m definitely "Team Meghan"!!!

    1. Team Meghan sounds nice:) Count me in:)

  9. Splendid work, Charlotte--and Meghan.

  10. Wow...this post blew me away. Thanks, Charlotte. The last photo was just beautiful. I'm amazed by what Meghan has done to help bring about change in these peoples' lives. It's really inspiring! She is one very determined young woman. She very much reminds me of Diana at the same age. I'm excited to see what the future holds for her & Harry.

  11. I love her philanthropy work. To be honest, this is where media will drive the division between Kate and Meghan. Where Kate comes off reluctant (according to the media), Meghan has dived right in and taken ownership of so many causes. It’ll be interesting to see how the media will portray their relationship even if it is on the best terms.

    1. It will be interesting...I don't want to make comparisons myself, but I think Meghan is in a different league to Kate. Not saying one is better than the other, but Meghan seems to have a more 'global' scope to her charitable interests. I could honestly see her maybe as US president one day! (In my dreams!) She really seems that ambitious. & with her mingling with the Obamas & Trudeaus, who knows? (Just kidding :)

    2. Well, Kate is interested in her family, tennis, sailing, shopping big time. The other has other interests. As Kiwi wrote not saying one is better than the other, but hard not to see the huge gap that Meghan could fill in.

    3. Eve from Germany6 November 2017 at 13:25

      Haha, Kiwi Gal, I LOVED that about the US president! Imagine the headlines: "British bi-racial feminist Princess goes after the "TOP JOB" of the US!!" Now that would put a whole new meaning to the words "having come full-circle"! LOL!! What can I say: Let the sky be the limit!! Girl-Power! ;-)))

    4. Mika, let's hope that doesn't happen. Kensington Palace needs to have as many photos out of Kate and Meghan together smiling and doing some charities, etc., together. They started that before and soon after the royal wedding with Kate and Charles, Kate and Camilla, even with Kate and the Queen and Prince Phillip. Those photo ops dwindled quite quickly though, except for royal events. Hopefully photos of Meghan and Kate will happen naturally.

    5. I hope we see *several* engagements with members of the family, Kate and Meghan, Meghan and Camilla, Charles and Camilla with Harry and Meghan. A show of family unity is more important now than ever. The public has little time for these soap opera palace intrigue shenanigans, they hurt the monarchy as a whole. We desperately need images of the Windsor family unit. They will ignore that at their own peril.

      I personally think Kate is a nester, a homebody, and is perfectly content and happy with her idyllic family life. My daughters are like chalk and cheese, one is a nester, the other is out to set the world on fire :) But my nester is never going to pursue an aggressive career path, and the problem is Kate did just that by marrying William. Maybe William led her to believe this was possible, which would be an absolute shame because it isn't and he should know better. Whether he likes it or not he should absolutely *know* it. So I think Kate is ending up with something she may not have wanted, and struggling to come to terms with that.

      I think Meghan will have other struggles and challenges, but going out to work won't be one of them. However her home life may be tough in the beginning, in a foreign country and her mother thousands of miles away when she's having children. Trust me :)

    6. I agree with you Claudia, on M's challenges, she is gonna many more, but I trust her to be strong enough and make it work.

      It was a lovely little story about your daughters, and as usual full of wise thoughts. As one who suggested K is happy to be at home and do nothing else, it is very interesting to see the other side of the coin, she married responsibility too, and I agree and think she is struggling with it for a while.

      Lastly, when I first seen that speech of hers, I understood straight away why Harry chose her. The end of the month can't come soon enough, and hopefully we will be more clever.

    7. I agree with you so much about the need for family unity Claudia!

    8. Claudia-Wow! First of all your description of nester defined a person I have observed throughout her life. A younger sibling of the nester was the one who was disposed, and succeeded in making a difference for others to “set the world on fire”. Both had a long span of time in their careers, the nester even the longest possible. What I observed as the years went by, and the outcome of their lives experience, is they had a different process, and yet achieved similar results in different ways. They are over a minimum 12 years older than me (three years apart of each other) so I had the chance to observe their lives. The nester succeeded with the outcome of that task positively through multiple outstanding off spring who nearly worshiped her, and they also became very actively successful in their lives including large community participation. It is ironic they became like the one who “set on fire” in some ways, also amazingly an organized entity as closely knit offspring siblings. The other sister made a difference for other people as well as her own off spring (ultra-modern and did not believe in having more than two children). Her outlook was more cerebral driven with some tender heart, and outreached to solve and alleviate other people’s circumstances. So much so, as much as she loved her own off springs, she gave others as much attention. In short, there is an innate disposition to people as unique as each individual is even within the same family. Another thing I observed was the life and people’s skill and the patience in the nester. The other one dared a risk, even if it means intolerance of what she does not find acceptable in her prejudice and doubts of certain people. She was a step ahead and calculative with sharp instinct which served her well, but sometimes did not necessarily go well with people.
      It nicely wise that you know your daughters; I wish you and them all the very best.

  12. Just popping in for a moment (will come back later for a more thorough reading), but WOW. I hadn't seen so many of those pictures you posted, and I hadn't even heard about the painting project story. That is the one that spoke to me the most, probably because my mother is an artist and got started using rinky-dink cheapo kids watercolor sets!

    I have to just say that I love love LOVE how she brought the kids' paintings back and put them in an art show/gallery and then held a fundraiser. Holy cow, what a creative way to then raise more money...that then went back to the kids' own country to provide water for more children!! I just LOVE it. I love that it wasn't something like she took photos of the kids and used her photos for the was the KIDS and their art that was showcased, not Meghan!

    I hope some pictures of the fundraising event were shared with the kids because I feel like that would have made an enormous impact on them to see their own portraits (on the background wall in one of the photos) as well as their artwork, displayed so professionally (everything looks better professionally framed, right? :) and to know that THEY helped to raise money to provide water for people in another community in their country. It's like the circle of life or something. Seriously, I was in tears!

    Okay, I've gotta run, but I was so moved that I just had to respond. Thank you for this post - it was just what I needed this morning :) Goodness, I cannot WAIT for them to get engaged!!

  13. Jessica in Los Angeles6 November 2017 at 13:44

    Wow! She is one very special individual. I can’t wait to see what she does with her role as a royal. I can’t think of anyone more suited to be a partner for Harry. He’s lucky to have found her.

  14. I think her speeches and advocacy are wonderful, but at the same time I think she needs to be aware of the country she is moving to. International commitments are always needed but she needs to be engaged in her new country as well. They need to be seen and be engaged. She needs to be seen as eager to learn about her new country as well as international projects. I think part of the problem with Kate is that she spends alot of time out of the public eye, so it makes her seem distant. Meghan should not be overworked but they need to at least hit the ground running making connections and engaging with the British people.

  15. Fantastic post Charlotte! What a great summary of all Meghan's work. Also I want to share something Finn pointed out to us recently, you can clearly see the hives on her chest as she's giving that speech. Meghan may have the ability to mingle in certain crowds and deal with the press, but she clearly was still nervous and overwhelmed before so many high profile people in that room. It shows how human she is in my opinion, and bursts the notion that she's somehow using these opportunities for her own self promotion. Someone who does that has ice water in their veins, they don't get hives :)

    As I've said before, when the news of their relationship broke I saw the headline and thought, Harry's having a summer fling. BUT, like others, when I read past that first graph, it took on a whole new significance. I think that's why people got excited for them so quickly, just scratching the surface a tiny bit we saw Meghan could be perfect for Harry.

    1. Eve from Germany6 November 2017 at 16:44

      Claudia, I wasn´t sure whether it was just the lights in that hall when I was watching the video, so I´m glad someone else had that thought (I used to be called "Chief Eagle Eye" by my colleagues, but those days are long gone... ;-))) )..... And, of course, one does get "nerves" standing in front of an audience like that! Which was really charming in her case!!

    2. Long gone for me as well Eve! :) Thankfully Finn has youth on her side and spotted it right away! And it really made me see another side of Meghan in that moment, and appreciate how overwhelmed and even insecure she may have felt.

    3. To be fair Claudia I spotted them so easily because I also break out in hives during public speaking. Seeing them really sold me as well, not only is it evidence of her sincerity but also her work ethic. She obviously isn't a natural public speaker, and yet if it weren't for the hives you would never know it. I know it must have taken a lot of effort and practice for her to express herself so effectively while being that nervous.

    4. Zora from Prague6 November 2017 at 21:10

      Claudia @15:00, what a nice and true comment. Thank you.

    5. Well, she is an actress after all, so she can pull off a performance well. That should help with what is to come in her future role. I can't think of a better match for Harry. I wish them well.

  16. What a wonderful post! I didn't know much of the background of Meghan's life. I can certainly see why Harry loves her. Together they will be quite a team. Hoping for news of an engagement soon!

  17. I'm thinking someone at BP is saying "You know what would take attention off the Queen's taxes? An engagement!" :)

    Bluhare and I figured we should stand by, we've seen this palace strategy before ;)

    1. Eve from Germany6 November 2017 at 16:58

      Claudia, I´m really curious: Do you really think Harry would have his timeline changed like that? I mean, if it´s a question of days, maybe yes, but what if he had planned it for, say, January? Personally, I am kind of "torn" as to what I think what he might do....
      And can you help me with the "we´ve seen that strategy before"? Which engagement announcement do you have in mind? I must admit I had not been following British politics during the time of other engagement announcements of the least not as I´m doing it at the moment (thanks to the internet....)

    2. I think Charles and Camilla's engagement was rushed when his finances (as they pertained to her) were questioned.

    3. My bet is she will have to live in UK in well strategized capability while the couple gets a closer relationship experience as well. If there is one strategy which may have to be handled skillfully, it is her assimilation and acceptance by the diverse class and political leanings of the British public as well as be embraced as a future member by BRF. Even a European royal girlfriend, “cousin” to BRF may have some objection by royal traditionalists for a wife (at least in modern times / the old times was marriage of empowering convenience). To my knowledge, the latter’s priority in marriage is also the nationality factor. Another noise is from whom else? daily mail commenters is, “why should the British public fund a non- British potentially royal future wife”. For others it can be the race factor. If all goes well and their relationship is genuine, successful and divorce free, that actually may become a plus at some point for British monarchy whose Common Wealth members are of commonly shared root of Africa. The world at large is also changing. For a man who stated, “I want children now if possible”, if they are serious, they might get married in a year. They are probably secretly engaged at the rate they officiated their intimacy at the invictus games. As far as announcement, I doubt if that will take place until after Meghan had lived and been acquainted positively with the people of UK. She is an independent, bright and capable girl who was lucky to have the foundation with the support of her parents. Meghan also happens to have the divorce and actress scenes, any hostile or “resistant” British citizen can find opposition to strike against her. To set up her own charity in UK as the first step of her move there, is confusing. Then again she now has her "boyfriend's" opinion and his office's advisors and PR personnel. Whatever will be shall be.

    4. Never thought of that before, rf. That definitely could have been a reason.

    5. SG, I recalls news stories about his finances being questioned, as well as a wedding they were invited to where she was not seated next to him and he was not pleased.

    6. Eve from Germany7 November 2017 at 19:20

      I´m sure there will be loads of "sneery" headlines - if only for the sole purpose of "making" headlines, especially by some of the mainstream press. Sure as anything there will be criticism because of her background. Still, Kate was dubbed "Waity Kaity" for years, there were some really nasty articles around at the time, I had no internet at the time, but even the German press took up that "vibe"... And they still got married, and William is the second in line... So I guess the public and/or the press can rant all they want, I don´t think it will deter Harry... nor should it IMO. Meghan has the poise and grace to charm people - plus, she´s intelligent enough to know that Britain and the British people will have to play a huge part in whatever role/charity/foundation work she´s going to get engaged.
      There will always be criticism - even Diana was criticised when the press started to label her as "nothing but an empty-headed clothes rack", "royal baby producer", etc, etc. It´s just something you have to live and put up with. She´s 36, she´s not a novice as far as media and public relations work is concerned, so I wouldn´t worry about any critics. They will come, for sure, but many of them would always find something with whomever Harry chooses. That´s life and won´t affect Harry or Meghan too much (They´re both used to it).
      As far as the timeline is concerned, I usually hate stereotypes, especially where women are concerned, but this time...well, nature is nature and "the clock IS ticking" for Meghan. Even if they get married as early as next summer, she will be 37 before they can actually start trying (unless the rumours in German papers are true and she is already pregnant, haha, now THAT would be a royal "first"!!!) for a baby. Let´s say they want her to first get a little bit used to the life of a royal wife, she will easily be 38 or 39 when having her first baby. It´s possible, for sure, but the risks are there... So I have a feeling they won´t wait too long with the announcement, maybe early spring to give her some time to settle down. I don´t think much of all the hubub about "not wanting to take the limelight away from Baby Cambridge No3". As if people nowadays with 24h news weren´t able to get excited about two things simultaneously... and I mean, they won´t announce it on the day Kate is going to the clinic, right?

      Oh and Royalfan, I hope you enjoy a "healthy digestion" at the moment, it might have to deal with those two of Camilla´s hats much earlier than you would ever expect...(poor you, I mean, TWO of them, the mere thought!! ;-))) ) During my time in sales I was well known for being able to sell the infamous "refrigerators to the Eskimos" (I believe it´s actually "selling ice to eskimos" in English...LOL), so "with a little help from my friend" (Meghan) you´re in for a few rounds of "Eve´s unique selling propositions you just can´t resist (so don´t even bother trying, haha!!)....LOL ;-)))) Just kidding... ;-))))

    7. I remember that, rf. He was not a happy camper.

    8. Eve, I have a cast iron stomach. For TWO of her hats I'd have to, no? :-)

      SG, no he was not. And the solution was to make me an unhappy camper. LOLOL.

  18. Wow, she is really inspiring. She makes me want to do so much more in my own life! Imagine her having that impact on thousands more if she does marry Harry. I've been saying it's exactly the kick in the butt the royal family needs and really, after what we've seen of Meghan, how could they not marry? This is a power couple just waiting to happen.

  19. Wonderful research, Charlotte! Thank you for making it "one stop shopping" for those of us that don't have the time to properly get to know Meghan! I'm in awe of her talent to orate articulately with passion and such wit. She's going to hit it out of the ball park given a world platform. It'll be interesting to see which philanthropies she tackles later as Princess Harry of Wales. Will it be more worldly (i.e. Sentabal-like) or U.K. driven? I'm comforted that she already has this drive and experience as a foundation for the global stage. I think it'll be a very smooth transition for her when joining the BRF. After reading this blog and seeing her passion for the success of women, it leaves little doubt that she will be a very uplifting and charitable sister-in-law to Kate. Talk about a dream team - there will be nothing the foursome can't do together.

  20. I have been avoiding the internet for the past few weeks because there never seems to be much good news around the world. Another day another shooting in the US. I think that people will run out of tears soon.

    But I popped on this site as a distraction and what a treat this post is. I have not been following Meghan closely, I should. So this post was really a great summary for me and a good window into what she's been doing recently.
    I've said in the past that I believed in her potential. I am so happy to see that she has a plan in place. I am so so rooting for her and will be diligently visiting this blog from now on. I am impressed from whatever I have seen so far and no red flags yet, so keeping fingers crossed that she is as good as we think she is.

  21. So it looks like Katie Nicholl (a regular Mail on Sunday contributor) fed Griffiths that piece, as Nicholl is out with an almost identical piece in Vanity Fair. I'm never sure what to make of her sources, but she is working on a biography of Harry so I think has been doing a lot of research and interviews.

    She has said a few times (while promoting the book) that it was Meghan's desire to "do good" in the world that impressed Harry most. Here's the quote: "They clicked from the outset on that first date, and one of the many things Harry really liked about Meghan was her innate kindness and her desire to make a difference and give something back,” according to the source. “The fact that she had been to Rwanda working on a clean-water project really impressed him.”

    1. “that it was Meghan's desire to "do good" in the world that impressed Harry most”. It is possible, but unknown as firsthand information. For a young man who had steady relationships with previous girlfriends by having the chemistry to click, there must have been some attraction to Meghan also initially. He pursued the relationship first. Others reported he had a two years crash watching her on Suites. The consistent story is he was introduced by the friend of SoHo club manager who is a friend to both of them. Katie Nicholl has had a way of sprinkling sugar and spice in her stories; W&K’s romance and other details were not the exception either. I assume she has a source network which had entitled her to some tangible information. Otherwise, the way she presents her stories is obviously as an insider, but not necessarily to be accepted as a first person truth. Her confidence as if this or that person said it is interesting though. Meghan at some point in one of her interviews (I forgot which one) had said, “a certain persistent someone...” before their relationship was openly disclosed. I think the kind of presentation Katie Nicolle promotes is “politically correct”, inviting, agreeably magnetic to what she wants communicated. Journalism comes in many forms, and at least she is interesting in her purpose. Of UK royal journalists, not that I thoroughly follow all of them, Richard Kay is believable generally. I think he has some sort of integrity not to compromise his profession while fair to BRF.

  22. I hope nothing will come in her way to continue be the best of her. These are life changing contributions of advocacy in action. There might be thousands of people with good will, and to really be there seeing its effect is a blessed and fortunate journey. UN has its own controversy, still a well recognized and respected league. I am glad she works with World Vision; I have dealt with them during war torn times in sponsoring, and they are true to their dedication. When she moves to UK, she may probably work with World Vision UK.

    Charlotte-You organized her contribution so well, it makes some nice reference place as part of a bio on Meghan. TY

  23. Alejandra Campos7 November 2017 at 05:01

    Really amazing lady! Excellent job Charlotte!
    I had watched the video from the UN + a couple from the water project, and that's it!
    I didn't know the rest, but I am so glad you and your blog exists so that we can know more of her!
    She is going to be amazing as a Royal and she is definitely going to be the most outspoken one of all! :D

  24. Meghan will be the PERFECT princess for the 21st century. Although I wouldn't be surprised if she were to shun that particular royal title. Being a princess would be antithesis to her message. Which leads me to my question: William was made Duke of Cambridge upon marriage, Andrew was made Duke of York, Edward was made Earl of Wessex. Is there any thought or knowledge upon that subject in regard to Harry when he marries? Just wondering if Meghan will be Princess, Duchess, Countess, etc.

  25. Thanks Charlotte for bringing all her charity work and efforts into one place it does make for some inspirational reading.

    Have to agree though with Finn and other posters - we have to look at Meghan’s approach in context with the Firm itself - there have been other champions and inspirers - the duke was seen as a radical man in the early years and his work to look at playgrounds ( I think) and establishing the DoE scheme, Charles and his princes trust and the work he has done in regenerating properties/ areas ( interesting CountryFile in the U.K. piece a few weeks ago in his saving a Scottish estate) ... so I think we have to view it in a wider context. I don’t think she won’t be shaking things up - merely adding to the mix in the long term.

    I’ve followed her through the last few years - I’m a big suits fan from day one - and so her work with the UN etc hasn’t come as a big surprise - I think as the British Public and the world will get to know of her more I would hope the crass headlines from the Press about her fashion and race can be eclipsed a little.

    Once established in the U.K. - I guess we are taking the engagement as a given now?! - I think she can begin to develop charity work closer to home, and hopefully appease the tax payer quibble. I do think the potential of this pair is about more work in the commonwealth and the global stage - it makes sense with Charles being such an elderly King his travel will eventually cut back as with the Queens.
    I think it’s also natural for them as a pair to do this - she doesn’t appear to be the “nester” that Catherine is - and sure there is bound to be comparisons between the two women ( why is that ? When we see the differences of will and harry but have seen them as a good team ?) so I hope that each will compliment one another’s qualities.

    I think we’ve never had anything to compare them to or use as a measure in recent history - although I think the 2 women are very much like Elizabeth and Margaret - one all about duty and reserve the other a more vibrant spirit who had a lot more freedom.

    Whatever - I think meghan will be an asset to the firm so bring on that announcement !!

    1. Mr. D. Nice point that William and Harry have not been compared to each other in the way that Kate and Meghan already are. Thankfully, Meghan has a more altruistic, goal-oriented and self-disciplined bent than poor Margaret. (no offense to Margaret). Times are a lot different now and Meghan didn't grow up as "secondary" or in a royal bubble.

    2. Zora from Prague8 November 2017 at 21:03

      Nicely put, Mr.D. I agree there's no need to make comparisons between Kate and Meghan - each of them is unique and with comparisons it is sometimes difficult to avoid simplistic conclusions or unfairness. I also like the idea that Harry&Meghan have the potential for working on the global stage. Somehow, being from 2 different countries adds to this potential in itself. "All the world's a stage..." and Meghan is an actress :) Both Harry and her are globetrotters so it would seem natural for them, as a part of their job, to keep travelling and do a lot of good in a lot of places, even though they may probably want to slow down at a certain point.

    3. Zora. "All the world's a stage.... and Meghan is an actress", lol. So true. And an actress with a degree in not only theatre but International Relations also. A "trained" diplomat and "trained" actress. From Norrhwestern University no less. What a combo.

    4. It will be a very interesting dynamic since they are two different people from different experiences with a variation of interest. The key factor may be the strength and stability of H&M’s relationship. People will continue to make a comparison between the two women, but at some point it is their differences which will help strengthen their generation’s royal house. In order to complement each other, the two women hopefully will get along and be a good team to learn and share from each other. I think there will be a fine line not to end up polarizing people as a result of their differences. Mr. D made an interesting comparison of QE & Kate. As far as your comparison of Kate as a nester, most likely that is her happiest and first duty she prefers. Kate could have also been compared to QE had she lived in the era of “royal women are seen, and not heard”. Her poise, beauty, dedication to her relationship, family the rate she adapted and committed to her role had attracted people. When it comes to connecting to audiences through speeches or an outstandingly global appeal for causes, it does not seem to be there yet. Her interest in various sports, participation in it as well as the world of arts is a good compliment to her country and her role. To be a nester is a plus in her position especially if there are others who are happy and willing to share the active role. Meghan is a fire brand whose college training included international studies and drama. Her UN speech connected to the audience as if she was doing some story telling. Her passion is also a result of her own experience, background and disposition. The two couples can be a force for purposefully positive outcome if all will go well among them.

    5. This is the modern definition of a fire brand. The old meaning does not apply to her.
      A person who is passionate about a particular cause, typically inciting change and taking radical action.
      Although Meghan seems to have the potential, I am not sure about the radical part. At the rate she gradually gave up her blog, her association with fashion name, and now possibly her acting career; she seems to be heading to have some balance in her personal and philanthropy life. To join the Firm also means some set guidelines, boundary and expectation.

    6. Mr.D, by the way, your comparison of PM to MM similarities, is they are both beautifully glamorous, and share the ease for social networking. Their common trait most likely ends there. PM as controversial as her life during her marriage and after her divorce had been, her life style could have taken a different path had she not been forced not to marry her first love. Weather she loved her actual husband or not, to be forced against her will must had had some lingering effect. I have seen it on someone close to me. It leaves a person with an incomplete, unsettling and buried discontent which manifests in some kind of rebellious or constant search for happiness in one form or another.

    7. Mr. D, UK. I am just now catching up on the comments in the older posts, I'm sorry I missed yours! You probably won't see this now but I still wanted to say how lovely I found your comment! That is exactly what I meant, that within the context of the firm, her desire to start her own charity is nothing if not traditional at this time in history. I also very much agree that I think the differences between Kate and Meghan are an asset to the Firm, they will hopefully appeal to a broader demographic together than either could by themselves.

  26. Okay. What's with the Daily Mail (Stephanie Linning) saying that Harry and Meghan might no get engaged until April OR that they may even live together for a year first????? LOL The audacity. She should certainly not venture forth here after saying that. lol
    Of course, people are free to speculate and the media doesn't need to be coaxed. They are surely covering all, the whole calendar, for this year and now next, lol. What do you think? December 2017? or

    1. Well, I wish they would live together for a year before any announcements are made because their dating relationship has not been a realistic one. However, given the age factor involved, I do not believe they will. So based on this, put me down for December 2017.😊

    2. :), rf. I am in the 12/17 group also. :)

    3. Julia from Leominster10 November 2017 at 19:28

      I do agree with Royalfan as I have said before - if there is a marriage, I want it to succeed. Meghan has only spent weeks in Britain and should she marry and have children, she will never leave Britain again - it is worth letting some of the excitement of this press and blog fueled engagement die down - give Meghan a chance to learn about a country where she will be expected not to put a foot wrong, and a life that will be much more rigid than anything she's experienced. And Harry is impulsive. Both had been in failed relationships previously so why rush.

      I'm sure the royal family is mindful of a very ugly and sad royal divorce going on in the courts - that of Louis and Tessy. This was another couple who were once thought to be a breath of fresh air for their even more conservative family. (The success rate of breath of fresh air marriages in all royal families is poor.) The couple were much younger than Harry and Meghan and Tessy was pregnant but reports say the long term problems came from her being much more mature than he was - (she was a soldier in Kosovo) so there are similarities.

      If there is to be an engagement soon - I would guess a January or February announcement - those are quiet royal months. There are the immigration issues which are hugely sensitive - and generally royal engagements aren't long. June is not a likely marriage month - it is very busy with official duties. Early July would be the first likely date. (good for Windsor or even Scotland - since dates will be determined by the queen's schedule - and those are the most likely venues. An autumn wedding would also be possible.

      Those who want a wedding should take cheer - the country is not in the mood at the moment for any kind of major royal occasion. Austerity is continuing and everything is most unstable. I believe that may be the main reason - although not the only one, the queen avoided a service for her anniversary. (The loss of friends, Philip's strength and just the wish to be private may also be issues.)

      The longer the wait, the more chance of interest in a bigger wedding. I would doubt that it will be anything like Kate's. The queen is conservative and head of the church - and I would guess a civil service followed like a blessing would be most likely. (Big white weddings for people who have been divorced is thought very footballers' wives.) But there are interesting possibilities - I think Edinburgh Cathedral would be nice - when the queen is at Holyrood - it gets around the sensitivity of divorce (many divorced people both before and after 2001 have not been able to marry in the Anglican church, but it's not an issue in Scotland.) Scotland could use the boost too, but this probably won't happen.

      But the important thing is to do it carefully and right so any marriage lasts. Whilst I'm sure Tessy and Louis' sons are being shielded they will when they get older learn what was said about their mum.

    4. Julia, comparing Meghan+Harry with Tess+Louis is quite "daring", if I may say so.
      Louis was not even 20 years old when their first child was born - "OUT of wedlock" as it is officially called. The Luxembourg family is staunchly Catholic - so this was considered to be a grave misstep of BOTH Louis and Tess, some might even call it a "sin". There´s a well-known saying in marriage counselling: If you want to know the end (or understand it), the answer lies in the beginning. The beginning - at least according to royal standards, went ALL WRONG. With that "burden in tow", they started their married life - as Twens trying to find their place in this world on top of everything else.
      I´m always hopeful for any couple that gets married, but with this one, well, all the "ingredients" for it to go wrong, were unfortunately there. I´m actually surprised it lasted that long...

      Harry and Meghan are both in their 30ies. This is not their (possibly) first ever love - nor is this wedding, should it ever happen, happening because they need to "legalize a mistake" (that´s how Louis´and Tess´ baby was seen by many back then, and maybe the two parents weren´t ALL happy either, but "rose to the occasion".). They are not in their 20ies, trying to find their place in this world. They both have visions, and from what we can see, they seem to be very, very similar (which is one very important "ingredient" for a successful marriage). Their first encounter was at a very different stage in their respective lives. They had nearly 1 1/2 years to get to know each other better (albeit a long-distance relationship, yes, but certainly not one as any of us with our limited financial resources would have to endure). I´m sure BOTH won´t rush into marriage - they are both (and Meghan does very much appear as someone who is very conscious about what she´s doing, thinking things through) very much aware of the pitfalls... If they want to live together for a while, I´m totally fine with it - and I´m sure everybody else at least on this blog, too. We ALL want them JUST TO BE HAPPY.
      It´s going to be a long one, so part 2 will follow.....

    5. As far as Britain not being in the mood for any kind of major royal occasion - I must admit, I don´t think so. History showed us many times, that the harder the times, the more people crave for something "glamorous" and "beautiful" and "lavish" and "exciting" - and I don´t blame them for it!!
      It will be interesting to see where they get married. Scotland would be a nice alternative indeed. People from up North are usually the ones that are kind of "missing out" as far as royal weddings are concerned. They have to travel far and London is expensive at best of times, during royal wedding times, it´s surely simply unaffordable for many.
      With a founder who had 6 wifes (not all of whom found a "natural" ending...) it´s only time that the Church of England has allowed marriage of a divorced person in their churches by now (ultimately, it´s the decision of the respective reverend). I´ve always found it rather "confusing", to say the least, that a Church which was founded so that one CAN get divorced and remarry again, has maintained the Catholic Churches´attitude on divorce...
      So we will see what Meghan and Harry wish - and I´m sure "where´s a will there´s a way".
      As far as to whether their marriage is going to last I keep it with our great German author Erich Kästner who used to say about life:" "Is it going to be better? Is it going to be worse?" we are asking ourselves each year. Let´s be honest: Life is always life-threatening".
      We can plan, we can do everything by the book, check everything with utmost care - and it can still go wrong. Because we are human, because we evolve, because we change. And don´t even get me started on "the world" - THAT`S changing all the time anyway. I hope Meghan and Harry are both willing to continuously learn and evolve and adapt - and be OPEN. To each other, to their environment, to their love and to their challenges. In my personal as well as my therapeutic experience, that´s much more important than "ticking all the boxes"....

    6. Eve, I agree; the county WILL be ready for a royal wedding. Just consider...

    7. Julia, "immigration issues"? Oh no. You mean Guy and Bogart might have some problems becoming Brits? lol 🐶

      Speaking of puppies 💕, will Pippin ever be making a re-appearance I ask hopefully.
      I saw a commercial with two little English spaniels the other day and thought of Pippin.
      The two sweet puppies had managed to snuggled into the family bed, heads together on a pillow and blankets up to their necks, leaving the man of the house standing there wondering where he was going to sleep. (couch seems like a nice option for him, don't cha think? lol)

    8. Julia from Leominster15 November 2017 at 07:18

      Well there would be immigration issues - very touchy at the moment. Whilst there were issues in 1981 like the Brixton riots, the mood was different - a new stable government and a feeling of confidence as I recall, It is different at this hour.

      But time will tell and Guy and Bogart will have immigration matters as well - but important they come or she would become very unpopular.

      I'll try to bring Pip back once I have a bit more time - the spaniels do love their beauty sleep and snuggles and are remarkably good at claiming more than their share of the duvet.

    9. Is Pippin a girl or a boy's name, btw. (It is so British, lol. I love it. :) )

    10. If I could send you the commercial I would. :)
      You would love it. The two spaniels in it are called Sophie and Sadie. (can you tell I love dogs?) 🐶

    11. Julia from Leominster16 November 2017 at 06:00

      A lad. He's the apple of our eye! But it's also from quite adorable comics and was on television.

    12. Julia from Leominster16 November 2017 at 15:12

      Should love to see Sophie and Sadie - is there an online link for the advert?

    13. I don't know about that Julia, :). It is a television advertisement for Cosequine Jount Support for older dogs. I don't know if it is an international commercial or not.

  27. Wow. I love her UN Woman’s speech. I hope she can continue her advocacy for woman once she becomes a royal.

  28. Eve from Germany9 November 2017 at 10:59

    Should anyone still be interested, the documentary "When Harry met Meghan" is now on Youtube, as well as "Prince Harry&Meghan: Truly, madly, deeply"!.....

  29. Hello Charlotte (and MAM/DK friends). Do you have in mind to create a post inviting us to style Meghan with suggestions for a suitable engagement ensemble?

    Hello (Canada) has 8 runway suggestions up. However, judging by what happens on the Duchess Kate blog which has many of the same followers, I believe this community could do an infinitely superior job. I for one would love to see it.

    1. Hello,

      We will definitely do it for the wedding, and perhaps for the engagement? I know several have expressed interest in it before. What do you all think?

    2. I would LOVE that!!! PLEAAAASE for the engagement also!! It´s always such fun... I´m getting all excited already!! ;-))))

    3. Don't get me started, Eve. lol

  30. Eve,TY. I found both videos on you tube after your reminder here.
    It was very good news to know directly from MM's older sister that she did not say all the awful quotes about her half sister, which was all over the media. If any thing, she came through as a representative voice for the family they shared including protective and kind comments about MM. (video-PH&M:TMD in love)

    1. Anon 15: I was quite surprised about that as well. She was talking really kindly about her... and it was so funny somehow, because when you watch her, she´s really like a "blonde, fair skin, older version" of Meghan! Their gestures and facial movements are very similar, especially around the mouth... I thought that to be quite sweet...

    2. Not true. Meghan's half sister Samantha did say all those horrible things about Meghan. Samantha has also said a lot of derogatory things about Meghan on her twitter account which is public. There is a reason she has been estranged from Meghan for a decade. Judging by what has been said by Samantha's own mother & brother, she has been jealous of Meghan since birth. Samantha also has 3 children who were taken from her care & raised by other people. It is clear something is not quite right with this woman, and I would go as far as to say that she is mentally unstable. Samantha is an opportunist and she is only backtracking on what she previously said because she realises that there is more money to be made by saying nice things about Meghan because she realises that a wedding is now more likely. The truth is Meghan's family on her father's side are just pure trash.

    3. 12:31. Other than your last statement (that I TOTALLY disagree with), I think your perspectives on Meghan's sister are accurate She is very much proving herself to be a not only a liar, but an opportunist so why would any truth seeking person even listen to her? Sadly, it seems court-proven and obvious that she is most likely mentally unstable. You can see it on her face, in her eyes (if that makes sense). She seems very elated, overly excited that she has some limelight and that she is getting attention. So sad. The media should definitely leave her alone. They are taking advantage of someone who is obviously not well. What is Meghan going to do about a very vocal and vacillating family member like her half-sister? I think Meghan and Harry should and will get professional advice about that as they are dealing with someone who, sadly, seems very mentally unstable and determined to stay in the limelight. It is a delicate situation. I don't envy Meghan and Harry in this. And I hope that through the media attention someone, a gifted mental health professional, comes forth to help Meghan's sister asap. Since her children have been taken out of her custody already I would guess she had been ordered to receive psychiatric help in the past and put on medication. Don't know that she is still taking her medication as prescribed. Who would be monitoring that? Prayers go out to her and her children and the entire family. I hope this all has a healthy and happy outcome. Something good coming out of something bad. I believe in miracles.

  31. The more I watch interviews and discussions with Meghan, the more I come to this conclusion:
    You, the British Royal Family AND THE BRITONS, should you be able to convince this woman to join you and become one of you, YOU ARE ONE LUCKY BUNCH.
    I hope you take this chance.....

    1. Eve. They are twice blessed. First Kate, now Meghan. Could the boys have done any better???
      I don't think so. lol
      (proof to me that God does indeed answer prayers.)

  32. It's the first time I'm writing here. Had a look at the Meghan blog a few times but I have to admit I somehow didn't like her and was very skeptical about her relationship with Harry. They she doesn't fit into royal family at all...

    But...after I've read that blog and saw her speech I can see the potential Meghan has to fill in a royal ms. Above all she seems to be so passionate for her cause, but in a natural way. And have to admit for a second I thought Kate could lern from her.

  33. She may not have given enough interviews, yet her interview with Larry King gives a good glimpse into MM. She was quick on the spot with cautious, considerate and proper responses (especially who is the worst country? Saudi Arabia? / question). She stands very much on her own, with or without PH. Her relationship is that, and the future is unknown. As she stated in Vanity Fair, she does not define herself by her relationships.In the meantime, the fun in speculation is more ignited by the couples own presentation is September at the games in Canada.

  34. Don't know if there is any truth to it but Hello magazine has reported that Meghan's character on "Suits", Rachel Zane, gets married. (Does that mean that "Rachel" will continue on on "Suits" as she did not move away, or pass?)

    And in the Daily Mail, they did an article on Doria, Meghan's mom's, high school years and they have her high school yearbook photo and others. Nice read.

    1. I was wondering the same, surfer girl. But knowing TV Shows, the wedding could be shown at the very beginning of this season´s finale - and then things go horribly wrong afterwards (we´ve seen that before) an accident or something her character finds out about her husband that´s so "horrible" she´s calling it quits - or she´s going to work full-time for her father´s law firm (now that she´s married some rule in her current law firm might forbid married couples to work there together or her father might die or retire) and is thus "out of the picture".... We´ll see soon enough, as the finale is being filmed, so Meghan might turn up in London very soon...

    2. that's encouraging, Eve. :) thanks.

  35. What with Prince Phillip's gallant 🏆 but frail appearance on the balcony today, Harry and Meghan just have to expedite things. They just have to. I so want Prince Phillip to be around for their wedding, first child, second child, third child.......... and the birth of William and Kate's third child, fourth child.........

    1. Shall we write Harry a very obvious letter, rf? :)

    2. Yes!

      But seriously, SG, have you considered that if something were to happen to PP, it may DELAY an announcement and/or wedding? If I recall correctly, Edward and Sophie delayed their plans for a reason (they married in June 1999) ..........

    3. Yes, rf, I have reluctantly considered it. William and Kate delayed their announcement also. (I did read that Peter Middleton did get to meet William before his passing in 2010 and the implication was that he was also told of their engagement. Neat, huh.) I still hope and pray that Prince Phillip will be able to at least watch the wedding on television if not in person. :) Here's hoping. :)

  36. Isn't filming of "Suits" over yet????

    1. Thanks to Charlotte, :), we now for sure know the answer to that question.

  37. Meghan has gone on 2 or 3 mission trips over the past 6 years (and she spoke at a conference) and the same photos are shown over and over again. These photos pale in contrast to her numerous images of vacations, expensive clothing, photos of her shoe closet, love of expensive wine, facials and spas, admiration for Gwyneth Paltrow and her upperclass lifestyle and visits to exclusive Soho House locations. Now her materialistic loves may be acceptable to many, but I find myself rather tired of viewing photos of celebrity and their expensive and often superficial indulgences regardless of their financial means. She just appears insincere somehow when she claims to be an ardent humanitarian. As critical as people have been of Angelina Jolie she was quite the humanitarian and did not flaunt her purchases, financial success or privilege. I understand if this is not printed as this site is more of a fan page and my comments are critical however I would be curious as to how readers respond.

    1. runner girl. 🏃‍♀️ As much as I am supportive of Harry and Meghan's future, you have made some very valid points. If people keep "score" like that for Kate then they will do likewise for Meghan. Just as you have. Definitely things to keep (kindly) in mind.
      Although, I believe that once she leaves "Hollywood", she and Harry will make humanitarian endeavors their main "professional"/royal focus and her humanitarian resume will be full. Does that mean that she will give up her love and enjoyment of the "finer" things in life. Nope. That will be accommodated on a royal scale as a matter of their off-duty royal existence. They will no doubt experience that while on-duty also. Prestigious protocols of diplomacy and all. She "doesn't want to be a lady who lunches but a woman who works". I think that she will accomplish both quite nicely.
      P.S. I think that you brought your points across kindly and not maliciously. Much appreciated. :)

    2. Runnergirl, I admit to having a similar struggle in my mind. Harry's happiness is the most important thing to me in this equation and, frankly, I don't care who he marries as long as the gal is firmly in his corner.

      MM is an actress and I do understand a degree of self-promotion, however, there have been times when I, too, have thought of it as flaunting.

    3. I understand what you're saying but didn't Kate take numerous expensive vacations premarriage too? The pictures are there if you want to google it. She also had an expensive wardrobe pre marriage as well. One difference is that social media back then was practically non existent so we didn't see her "promote" her lifestyle. Also, Kate didn't really have a job the entire time she dated William either. So are you saying this is okay but Meghan being an actress and buying herself the finer things with money she made from her career is not okay? That is such a disconnect and double standard.

    4. runnergirl, thanks for pointing that out. I've been so wrapped up in the excitement of Harry finding (someone who appears to be) his perfect match. But I must admit, it irks me a bit to see her somewhat 'flaunt' her lavish lifestyle, juxtaposed with presenting herself as a 'humanitarian'. I guess it's the Hollywood influence, but it has at times, been a niggling issue with me. Thanks again, for highlighting that point.

    5. Julia from Leominster16 November 2017 at 15:54

      I suppose I suffer from royal over-caution as I was dismayed how many expensive holidays Kate (and of course William) took before their marriage. I don't think I was the only one who noticed that, and it was a warning sign along with the fact Kate held down no long-term work. She did have a lot of clothes - something I've noted when people say Kate doesn't care about clothes - but they were mostly high-street - in fact there were books on her dressing well in clothes most of us would find affordable, which was part of her charm. I didn't expect to see that continue after her marriage but of late her style has been a bit more or less.

      I've said before that Kate and Meghan sit on opposite ends of a line where both ought to be in the middle. I certainly don't begrudge Meghan nice things and very much like the fact she has made her own way and I also like her causes. But she does need to build slowly - not in a flash to think she's going to be taken as the next Diana - or Angelina Jolie. Diana didn't gain her humanitarian reputation in an instant but by a long building up - why most people accepted her sincerity.

      My overall feeling is that the speed of all this is what has concerned me about Meghan - no sooner did we hear about her than we were hearing about an engagement - where there were years of Kate being around. I don't expect that sort of length with Harry and Meghan, should there be an engagement, due to their ages, but it's still much too fast for my thinking.

      Most of all, Meghan desperately needs to get away from luvvie talk as in that Vanity Fair article, and the overall celebrity/Hollywood mode that is not admired. To understand she needs to get away from that, she needs to recognise what it is which is hard when you've been living in the middle of it. Harry is frankly a bit star-struck as royals tend to be - he won't be the best source of advice.

      Heavy self-promotion was part of Meghan's life before as it must be for any actress, so it's understandable - but it needs to be completely behind her if she is to marry Harry because royals and celebrities are not the same, can't be the same, because the latter aren't admired by the public, even ones like Jolie.

      I also think it's extremely important for any would-be princess to understand how a country they marry into thinks and the standards it expects - you want to be more Princess Mary of Denmark who spent time there learning (although she has been seen as foreign too) not Princess Michael aka for life - Princess Pushy. That's why I don't share the feeling of so many here wanting a quick engagement. Do things right by taking time to do them well and know what you are doing.

    6. 3:54, social media *was* around; I recall Chelsy Davy updating her relationship status back in the day. William and Kate had access to it as well, but they conducted their relationship in a manner that was consistent with their desire for privacy.

      And no one is suggesting that Meghan shouldn't buy and enjoy the finer things in life. My goodness, if you earn your money, you have a right to spend it as you see fit. It's the *flaunting* that was mentioned here.

      I did not follow her blog, but I do believe she flaunted the relationship and another recent example was a reference to wearing Erdem "for years" when she was interviewed for Vogue. And, I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but in the video where she is showing us her Suits wardrobe, she did specify that the Burberry skirt is her favorite. And while there's nothing terrible about any of that, it was unnecessary and almost makes her look like she's trying too hard.

      The "disconnect" is between the flaunting and the humanitarian side.

      General statement here... there is never a need to flaunt money, class or education. If you have it, it shows. And humility makes all of the above far more attractive.

    7. Royal fan - I agree that there is never a need to flaunt money etc. And I'm not completely all on board for Meghan either. I see some concerns but overall she seems likeable. I guess time will tell.

      I just have an issue when some people present Kate as the perfect princess when she's had her own concerns as well. Lack of a job or career pre marriage is number 1. I like Kate a lot - she comes off as sincere and sweet and a really supportive partner for William. But her lack of career while in her 20s (she got married at 29) is something I cannot wrap my head around.

    8. Social media of the mid 2000s (when Kate was dating William) is vastly different than social media today. You really can't compare social media from more than 10 years ago to today. I'm not saying Kate would have flaunted anything on social media (probably not), but you're comparing apples to oranges. Kate was a private citizen when social media was in its infancy. Meghan is an actress (a decade later) and uses social media (something that everyone uses these days) as part of her platform. I'm the same age and Kate and I know how much social media habits have changed in the last ten years with people of my generation.
      Anon 3:54

    9. royalfan - THIS. I don't want to turn on Meghan (lovely person that she is) but she can come across as a bit of a 'try-hard' sometimes. It seems part of her nature as a Hollywood actress, but I have seen her pull back a lot since she's been dating Harry. Hopefully the 'showiness' dies down once she's married. I agree, that humility is a very attractive trait.

    10. 18:29, she didn't have a "career" that we were privy to, but I do not look down on someone who works for a family business. It was her choice and ideal for her circumstances. Can you imagine if she was living in London and commuting for all the years that they were in a relationship? And whether people accept it or not, it was HER choice and THAT should be respected.

      18:41, social media was advanced enough for Kate to drop hints about her relationship if she had the desire to do so. That was my point; of course she is not in a position like MM who is an actress. But even an actress can draw the line at her personal life. That is a choice one can make, even today.

      Kiwi Gal, this is the reason I have mentioned that once an announcement is made, humility will be a very valuable quality.


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