
Monday 27 November 2017

'All The Stars Were Aligned, It Was Just Perfect': The Engagement of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are engaged... That's right, dear readers, break out the champagne, it's the news we've all been waiting for! Excitement reached fever pitch over the past several days with Clarence House and Kensington Palace officially confirming the fantastic news at 10a.m. It is absolutely wonderful, I know I echo all your thoughts in saying, I am so incredibly happy Harry has found the one, an enormous congratulations to them both!

A Clarence House statement read:

'His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince Harry to Ms. Meghan Markle. The wedding will take place in Spring 2018. Further details about the wedding day will be announced in due course. His Royal Highness and Ms. Markle became engaged in London earlier this month. Prince Harry has informed Her Majesty The Queen and other close members of his family. Prince Harry has also sought and received the blessing of Ms. Markle's parents. The couple will live in Nottingham Cottage at Kensington Palace.

Meghan's parents Thomas Markle and Doria Ragland wished the couple 'a lifetime of happiness'. They said "Our daughter has always been a kind and loving person. To see her union with Harry, who shares the same qualities, is a source of great joy for us as parents". Interestingly, Harry asked Doria for permission - a thoroughly modern prince!

Prince Harry has informed the Queen and other members of the royal family.

During a visit to Poundbury, Prince Charles expressed his delight: "We're thrilled. We hope they'll be very happy indeed".

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge said:

'We are very excited for Harry and Meghan. It has been wonderful getting to know Meghan and to see how happy she and Harry are together.'

The couple will have a Church wedding. The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby shared a warm message following the announcement:

“I am absolutely delighted to hear the news that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are now engaged. I have met Prince Harry on a number of occasions and have always been struck by his commitment and passion for his charities, and his immense love for his family. Marriage is a special and joyous commitment, one that Jesus celebrated together with friends at the wedding in Cana. I am so happy that Prince Harry and Ms Markle have chosen to make their vows before God. I wish them many years of love, happiness and fulfilment and ask that God blesses them throughout their married life together."

Prime Minister Theresa May described the news as "a time of huge celebration for two people in love",

And this gem from Meghan's Suits co-star Patrick J Adams.

The scene outside Kensington Palace as global media assembled throughout the morning.

At 2 pm the newly engaged couple walked down the steps of The Sunken Garden for their official photocall.

The Sunken Garden at Kensington Palace was one of Diana's favourite places. It was planted white earlier this year in honour of the 20th anniversary of her passing. The day before the anniversary, Harry, William and Kate visited the garden "as an opportunity for the princes to pay tribute to their mother's life and work." During the visit, Harry noted he would like to keep some of the plants and flowers alive, transporting them to his own Kensington Palace plot to tend them.

Fittingly, three months later, he returned to the Sunken Garden to introduce his future wife to the world.

Reporters on the scene described the couple as "blissfully happy".

The expression on the bride-to-be's face said it all :)

When the couple stepped out, Rhiannon Mills asked the couple: "How are you both feeling". Harry replied "Thrilled, very glad it's not raining as well". Meghan added "So happy thank you". Harry added he knew Meghan was the one "the very first time we met".

Meghan's beautiful trilogy ring was designed by Prince Harry and crafted by the Queen's jewellers Cleave and Company. An enormous amount of thought went into the piece from Prince Harry. The centre stone is from Botswana and the two outside diamonds are from Diana's personal collection. The band is made of gold. Like William, there was no doubt Harry would want his mother to be a significant part of the engagement.

People reports:

'The ring has plenty of sentimental connections for Harry: The two stones are from his late mother, Princess Diana‘s personal collection, while the other stone is from Botswana, a country that is close to his heart. Harry has often spoken about his love of Africa, and says it’s the place he feels more like himself than anywhere else in the world. He shared his love of Africa with Meghan this past summer on a trip to the continent, which included a visit to Botswana.'

More from Hello!

'Speaking about Prince Harry's exquisite design, 77 Diamonds' David Allen told HELLO! Online: "With two round diamonds supporting what appears to be a 2.5ct cushion cut diamond, the stones are set in white gold with the main band of the ring in yellow gold. A ring of this size and quality would start at around £50,000 but with the use of the late Princess Diana's diamonds as side stones, this ring, like Kate's before it, is of inestimable worth. The last Royal engagement that came with a Trilogy engagement ring was the Countess of Wessex in 1999 to Prince Edward which features a round centre stone and heart shape side stones."

Photographers were thrilled to capture the first photos.

The photocall was quite simply lovely, they only had eyes for each other throughout.

Harry appeared a little nervous with Meghan reassuringly rubbing his arm throughout. Touchingly, Harry wore a black tie because he was in a memorial garden dedicated to his mother. Veteran royal reporter Camilla Tominey said "That photoshoot was one of the most adorable things I've ever seen in more than ten years of royal reporting".

As Meghan said in her Vanity Fair interview they are "a couple in love".

A beautiful photo of Harry and Meghan heading back inside.

A video from the photocall.

And at 6 pm came the engagement interview.

My goodness, what a treat the interview was! The story of their romance is not dissimilar to what one would expect from a fairy tale. The pair were set up on a blind date in July 2016 by a mutual female friend. Meghan revealed: "It was definitely a set up, a blind date." After two dates, which they shared bonding over their passions and interests, Meghan joined Harry for a camping trip under the stars in Botswana.

A transcript of the interview from the Mail Online:

The Proposal:
Prince Harry: It happened a few weeks ago, earlier this month, here at our cottage; just a standard typical night for us.
Meghan Markle: Just a cosy night, it was - what we were doing just roasting chicken and having ...
Prince Harry: Roasting a chicken, trying to roast a chicken.
Meghan Markle: Trying to roast a chicken and it just - just an amazing surprise, it was so sweet and natural and very romantic. He got on one knee.
Prince Harry: Of course.

Was it a 'yes' straight away? 
Meghan Markle: Yes, as a matter of fact I could barely let you finish proposing, I said - can I say yes now?
Prince Harry: She didn't even let me finish, she said can I say yes, can I say yes and then were was hugs and I had the ring in my finger and I was like can I - can I give you the ring? She goes - oh yes the ring.
So no it was - it was a really nice moment, it was just the two of us and I think managed to catch - catch her by surprise as well.
Meghan Markle: Yeah.
How long did Harry wait to pop the question?
Meghan Markle: Oh it would be a year and a half, a little bit more than that?
Prince Harry: No just about - it would be about a year and a half yeah.
Meghan Markle: Just about that?

Has it been a whirlwind romance?
Meghan Markle: I don't think that I would call it a whirlwind in terms of our relationship, obviously there have been layers attached to how public it has become after we had a good five, six months almost with just privacy, which was amazing.
But no, I think we were able to really have so much time just to connect and we never went longer than two weeks without seeing each other, even though we were obviously doing a long distance relationship. So it's - we made it work.

How did they first meet?
Prince Harry: Ah yes, we first met - we were introduced actually by a mutual friend, who - we will ...
Meghan Markle: We should protect her privacy and not reveal too much of that.
Prince Harry: We'll protect her privacy yeah. And - but it was - it was literally - it was through her and then we met once and then twice back to back two dates in London, last July.
Meghan Markle: Yes.
Prince Harry: The beginning of July. And then it was I think about three, maybe four weeks later that I managed to persuade her to come and join me in Botswana. And we - we camped out with each other under the stars, we spent - she came and joined me for five days out there, which was absolutely fantastic.
Meghan Markle: Just to take the - take the time to be able to go on long country walks and just talk.
Prince Harry: We've been - we've been all over the place.
Has Meghan met the Queen?
Meghan Markle: I have, yes.
Prince Harry: A couple of times.
Meghan Markle: Yes, true, a couple of times.
 It's incredible, I think, you know, a) to be able to meet her through his lens, not just with his honour and respect for her as the monarch, but the love that he has for her as his grandmother, all of those layers have been so important for me so that when I met her I had such a deep understanding and of course incredible respect for being able to have that time with her. And we've had a really - she's - she's an incredible woman.
Prince Harry: And the corgis took to you straight away.
Meghan Markle: That's true.
Prince Harry: I've spent the last 33 years being barked at; this one walks in, absolutely nothing ...
Meghan Markle: Just laying on my feet during tea, it was very sweet.
Prince Harry: ... just wagging tails and I was just like argh.
Has Meghan brought her beloved dogs to London?
Meghan Markle: Well I have two dogs that I've had for quite a long time, both my rescue pups. And one is now staying with very close friends and my other little guy is - yes he's in the UK, he's been here for a while.
Int: Okay, let's hope he adjusts well.
Meghan Markle: I think he's doing just fine.

On scrutiny surrounding her ethnicity
Meghan Markle: Of course it's disheartening. It's shame that is the climate in this word to focus that much on that or that it would be discriminatory in that sense.  But I think at the end of the day, I'm really just proud of who and I am where I come from. We have never put any focus on that, we've just focused on who we are as a couple. When you take away all the noise it makes it easy to just enjoy being together and tune all the rest of that out.

The stars aligned
Prince Harry: I don't think it's something new. For me, it's another team player as part of the bigger team and you know all of us, all we want to do is be able to carry out the right engagements, carry out our work and try and encourage others and the current generation to be able to see the world in the correct sense, rather than having a distorted view. The fact that I fell in love with Meghan so incredibly was sort of confirmation to me all the stars were aligned. It was just perfect. It was this beautiful woman just sort of literally tripped and fell into my life, I fell into her life. And the fact that she, I know, she will be unbelievably good at the job part of it is obviously a huge relief to me because she'll be able to deal with everything else that comes with it. We're a fantastic team, we know we are and we hope to over time try to have as much impact for all the things we care about as much as possible.
Meghan Markle: I am very excited about that.

Meghan on her new role:
Meghan Markle: I think what's been really exciting about this as talk about the transition out of my career but into the role is that as you said the causes that have been very important to me. I can focus even more energy on because very early out of the gate I think we realised once you have access or a voice that people are willing to listen to, comes a lot of responsibility which I take seriously and at the same time in the beginning few months and now being boots on the ground in the UK, I'm excited just to really get to know more about the different communities here, the smaller organisations working on the same causes I've always been passionate about. And also being able to go around to the Commonwealth. I think it's just the beginning.
Prince Harry: There's a lot to do.
Meghan Markle: I don't see it as giving anything up. I see it as a change. It's a new chapter.

Working as a team
(Meghan turns to Harry) Now it's time to work as a team with you.
Prince Harry: That sense of responsibility was from day one or a couple of months in when I realised; I know that I'm in love with this girl and I hope she's in love with me. We still had to sit down on the sofa and I still had to have some pretty frank conversations with her to say, what you're letting yourself in for is a big deal. It's not easy for anybody but I know that at the end of the day she chooses me and I choose her and therefore whatever we have to tackle together or individually, will always be us together as a team.
Meghan Markle: That's so nicely said, isn't it?
Prince Harry: She's capable of anything. Together there's a hell of a lot of stuff and work that needs doing. It's going to be making sure our relationship comes first. Both of us have passions for wanting change, change for good.

On introducing Meghan to the family
Prince Harry: What was it like? It was exciting I mean I've - you know I'd been seeing her for a period of time when I - literally didn't tell anybody at all. And then William was longing to meet her and so was Catherine, so you know being our neighbours we managed to get that in a couple of - well quite a few times now and Catherine has been absolutely ...
Meghan Markle: She's been wonderful.
Prince Harry: ... amazing, as has William as well, you know, fantastic support. And then my - my father as well, we had a couple of - no more than that ...
Meghan Markle: We've had ...
Prince Harry: ... A handful of teas and meetings and all sorts of gatherings over at his place as well. So no the family together have been absolutely, you know, a solid support and my grandparents as well have been - have been wonderful throughout this whole process and they've known for quite some time. So how they - how they haven't told anybody is - is again a miracle in itself. But now the whole family have come together and have been a huge amount of support.
Meghan Markle: They've been amazing.

Are the in-laws over the moon with with the engagement?
Meghan Markle: Yes.  Well I'm sure the onset, both my parents and my close friends were concerned, because we got very quickly swept up in a media storm that, as I shared, was not part of my life before that, but they also had never seen me so happy. And I think also once my friends - excuse me, were able to - to really meet Harry, and my mom, who we've spent a lot of time with, who is so much fun.
Prince Harry: Her mum's amazing.
Meghan Markle: It was just - you know it was just obvious that no matter what we were being put through that it was just temporary and that we were going to be able to get through that. So everybody was really happy. And he's talked to my dad a few times, hasn't been able to meet him just yet, but it's all been - it's all been worth every effort.
Prince Harry: Yeah, yeah it's been great.

The ring 
Prince Harry: The ring is - is obviously yellow gold because that's what - her favourite and the main stone itself I sourced from Botswana and the - the little diamonds either side are from my mother's jewellery collection to make sure that she's with us on this - on this crazy journey together. And ...
Meghan Markle: It's beautiful, and he designed it, it's incredible.
Prince Harry: Yeah, make sure it stays on that finger.
Meghan Markle: Of course.

What does it mean to have Princess Diana's stones on your finger?
Meghan Markle: I think everything about Harry's thoughtfulness is - and the inclusion of that and obviously not being able to meet his mom it's so important to me to - to know that she's a part of this with us. And I think in being able to meet his aunts and - and also like Julia and just different people who were so important to his mom, I'm able to, in some way, know a part of her through them and of course through him. And it's - it's incredibly special. And you know to be able to have this which sort of links where you come from and Botswana which is important to us and it's - it's perfect.

What would Diana have thought of Meghan? 
Prince Harry: Oh they'd be thick as thieves, without question, I think she would be over the moon, jumping up and down, you know so excited for me, but then, as I said, would have probably been best friends - best friends with Meghan.
So no it's - you know it is days like - days like today when - when I really miss having her around and miss being able to share the happy news. But you know with the ring and with everything else that's going on I'm sure she's ...
Meghan Markle: She's with us.
Prince Harry: I'm sure she's with us yeah, you know, jumping up and down somewhere else.

The interview was incredibly refreshing; utterly romantic and filled with adorable little moments between the two. They held hands throughout and finished each other's sentences. Meghan was wonderful, very articulate, personable and warm. It was joyous to watch them interact. From the proposal story to spending time with each other's families, they have taken the time to properly get to know each other's loved ones. The Royal family has clearly been giving its total support, as have Meghan's parents. It was great to hear how involved William and Kate have been too. Meghan and Kate are in very unique positions and will undoubtedly be a great source of support to each other in the years ahead. The media and fans will pit them against each other unfortunately but it's my belief they will become firm friends, it sounds as if they are on that road already. One of my favourite quotes was this (so sweet, it touched Meghan immensely): "It's not easy for anybody but I know that at the end of the day she chooses me and I choose her and therefore whatever we have to tackle together or individually will always be us together as a team."

I think the assumption she's going into this blind are very sorely mistaken; it's evident she is relishing the opportunity her new role will provide and showed a clear eagerness to learn about the UK and explore possibilities in the Commonwealth. Given Meghan's previous work in championing women's issues, she is already deeply passionate about a number of them, and it was hugely encouraging to hear them discuss all they hope to achieve. They are in a unique position and recognise the potential of their royal roles. Meghan is an independent woman, a feminist and she isn't sacrificing any of that to marry the man she loves. I loved hearing her say: "I'm proud of who I am, I'm proud of where I come from." Together, I believe they will do so much good and help to modernise the Royal family in the years ahead.

The interview was conducted by talented BBC presenter Mishal Husain. Ms Husain did an outstanding job.

Meghan looked effortlessly chic in white trench coat by Canadian brand The Line and a green dress from P.A.R.O.S.H.

The chic wrap coat is from the 2017 Collection. The piece is described as "Designed in double-face wool, the Mara Wrap Coat by Line is a chic must-have with its on-trend wide collar and self-tie belt." The piece has been sold out for some time, however, Meghan's Fashion notes it's available on sale in purple at Hudson Bay.

Meghan's stylish green dress is the P.A.R.O.S.H. Fitted Bow Dress. The fitted wool dress features a round neck, a sleeveless design, a fitted silhouette, a bow detail and a straight hem. The choice was both entirely appropriate and "very Meghan".

Meghan wore her Aquazzura Matilde Crisscross Suede pumps. The nude shoes feature a pointed toe, covered heel counter and padded insole.

Meghan's elegant earrings are the $995 Les Plaisirs de Birks Yellow Gold and Opal earrings.

The Church of England shared a prayer for the couple.

Further details are expected tomorrow according to The Guardian:

'Details of the venue and timing of the wedding are expected to be released on Tuesday, with aides saying only that it will be “a happy church wedding”. March is the most likely month, leaving enough time to ensure Kate is not about to give birth to her third child.'

As Harry said, "she's capable of anything". I firmly believe the Royal family is lucky to have Meghan and there are no limits to what these two can achieve together. I began this post at 10 am and I'm writing this closing paragraph after 8 pm with a glass of bubbly in hand. It is so heartening to see a couple in love so full of joy. These are exciting time for the monarchy. We leave you with these adorable screenshots from the end of the engagement video sent from a lovely reader named Ann from Royale Papote.

They definitely show the couple's fun side on a very special day for them. Yep, I think they were happy with how the interview went :)

Thank you for joining me today; I am immensely looking forward to documenting Harry and Meghan's journey on this blog, and I have every confidence Ms Markle will sparkle! :)


  1. Hurray!! This is wonderful news. I am so excited, can't wait to see it all unfold.

  2. Yay!!! Congrats to them. NLopez

  3. Exciting! Can't wait to get the updates. I really
    hope they do an interview!

  4. Congratulations!!!!!!! What a wonderful news to start the week!!

    1. I agree! Just got up at 430am Pacific Coast time and it is the headline on CNN. Very happy for them! Charlotte, I'll be staying up all night for your liveblog of the wedding!!

    2. With your sunglasses on I hope!

    3. So happy to hear this !! On my way to work now with sunglasses and beaming myself :)

  5. Steph from Canberra27 November 2017 at 10:28

    I was reading your blog just half an hour ago, wondering when we would get an announcement. Then had a shower, only to get out and see the news! You are so quick Charlotte! Such wonderful news! Can't wait to hear more!

  6. Yay! Excitement overload! I'm so thrilled that the news is finally out. Meghan seems like a truly lovely person from everything I've seen of her - I think Harry has found someone who could be as strong a charity campaigner as his mother was and as such I think she'll be fantastic for the royal family. They make a great team.

    The only thing I find odd from the statement is 'Spring 2018'. How on earth is that going to work with the Cambridge baby? Surely Harry will want William to be his best man? Are we talking about a wedding in March or later in May then?

    1. I was wondering at the spring wedding announcement too. Kate is either going to have to attend in her last few weeks of pregnancy or postpartem. I made a comment on the Kate blog that, perhaps, it will be a very small wedding with witnesses only.

    2. Shut your mouth, Erika!!!! No!!!

    3. Unfortunately I am also apprehensive that 'non traditional' means no church, no pomp and ceremony. But you know what. If this means that Meghan continues to be the feminist that she is, and does NOT curtsey to the royal family I will take the small wedding. I will be impressed if she sticks to her guns.

    4. I'm sure there are numerous families throughout the world where babies are being born and others are getting married. The Royals will work it out. Whether Kate is very heavily pregnant, or has recently given birth, there is plenty of staff to help her with the household, the children, the shopping, the errands, even bringing a designer dress to KP for Kate to wear. It is not as though Kate will be managing all this and trying to look after two toddlers, care for an infant and organize the household, plus drive the family to the church on time. Relax everyone, the Brits are famous for pulling off huge pageants and events with class and pizazz. This wedding will be no exception and Kate, being the trouper that she is, will rise to whatever occasion she needs to.

    5. Definitely a church wedding. The most important sentence in the Archbishop of Canterbury's congrats: "I am so happy that Prince Harry and Ms Markle have chosen to make their vows before God."

    6. LOL Bluhare! I desperately hope it's not small and private too - I guess we all do. I am a bit worried though, when the rumours last week kept saying that they want a 'non-traditional royal wedding'. If that's the case, I'm concerned. I know they can't go bigger than William and Kate's because of the pecking order (which is why I've always thought St Paul's Cathedral is a non-starter - it's a bigger place than Westminster Abbey), I just hope that wherever it is, it's televised and has some degree of pomp and pageantry about it. (In Helen's book that means carriages! :))

    7. Lol!! Time will tell! It would be a bit disappointing.

    8. Oh, absolutely agree Laura. It's just that it will all be so high profile and Kate doesnt seem to like to be seen in public heavily pregnant, and even with all the help in the world, attending a big event right after giving birth is stressful. Also, depending on the date, the wedding might coincide with the birth. So lots to think about but I'm sure it will all work out.

    9. I don't think the mood of the country at the moment favours a huge wedding (particularly with no bank holiday attached!) but that mood could improve if the coming weeks go the moment, the response is quite muted.

      I would still guess Windsor but still hold a faint hope for my personal favourite St. Giles in Scotland. But spring makes that far less likely and points towards Windsor - the queen is generally settled there at Easter.

  7. Oooo I have never commented before but so enjoy reading this and Kate's blog. I am actually really excited for Charlotte and all you readers who have been waiting for this for so long! May you all enjoy! And of course congratulations to the happy couple!

    1. Thanks, newby (love the name,btw!! ;-))) )! And welcome to the comments section! And YES, I guess we´re all REALLY excited!
      Congratulations to the happy couple! (Was so excited, completely forgot to incorporate that in my first comment! Oh dear! :-)) )

    2. Did you just read what the Archbishop said? They ARE going to have a church wedding!!!!!

    3. yes, Eve. And I am SO thankful and happy about that. ❤️

  8. YES!!!!!!YES!!!!!!!!YES!!!!! So excited!!! Must read everything but had to say "HURRAY!!!!!" to everybody first!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Surfer girl, get the bubbly out!!! It´s happening!!!

    1. Eve. :), putting it in the fridge for later today and dusting off a champagne flute. šŸ„‚

      I wish I had a spot of Earl Grey this morning though to get the celebration started. Plain old green tea will have to do. :) (I will have it with an English muffin.)

    2. I'm right there with you Surfer girl & Eve!!!! lol Whooo! Hoooo! Yay!!! After all these past days... The First thing I did when I woke was to check my iPhone for any updates! Best Wake Up Ever!!!!! xoxo

  9. Very interesting that they got engaged in LONDON earlier this month - so no African engagement reload!! I wonder how and when exactly that happened? Did we have any information that Meghan stayed in London earlier this month? So they seem to have seen each other much more often than anyone thought.... Or Clarence House did get it wrong and they will tell it happened in Africa later on in the interview!! At least I was right about Clarence House being the one to announce the engagement!
    Can´t wait for the photocall and the interview!! At least this time I won´t be away during that time like last time with William and Kate!!!

    1. I think that is the story they're putting out. I think they've been planning for this for a while.

    2. I very much agree, bluhare. better goodwill and PR.

  10. So cool, so wonderful and how lovely for them both - YAY!! Here's hoping it's a lovely wedding done in their way and style. Here's hoping NO horrible, manipulative, using, and abusive half-siblings are invited. Here'e to only loved ones, family, and friends who genuinely support and love/care for this couple unconditionally are invited!! YAY for Harry and Meghan!!

  11. And all our poor American friends are sound asleep!! THEY are going to have a nice "awakening" LOL!!
    Charlotte, sorry, for my comments coming in so "helter-skelter", but it´s the excitement!! My apologies!! ;-)))

    1. My sister was up by 5 am (east coast) and texted me. So I heard it right away!

    2. Some of us Americans are up at 5 :) Heard it almost as soon as it happened!

    3. This American wasn't sound asleep. I've been sleeping with my iPad since last week and checked it at 5AM Eastern time and it had just been announced by the BBC. Wouldn't have missed this announcement for anything. Unfortunately, even though I'm retired, I did agree to work today so I'll miss the photocall live but I'm sure Charlotte will have it up on this site so I have something to look forward to when I get home from work and I'll be able to see the interview. This is just so exciting!! Another royal wedding and I'll make sure I don't commit to working that day. And, yes, I'll be up at 4AM, if needed, to watch the wedding - just like Will and Kate's. Marla from New Hampshire

    4. I live in the Pacific Northwest, so woke to the news. Part of me whined "I always miss everything", but then I decided it's rather nice to wake to happy news.

    5. I know! I'm up really early on our side of the country and it's the CNN headline. Lovely news!!

    6. Great to know that there are some fellow "sufferers" "over the pond" who have to get up early as well!! I was up at 4.30 this morning, too - but no engagement news yet, of course! I´m glad you could all see the news!! :-))

    7. alexandra, florida27 November 2017 at 13:25

      We all awoke to the fantastic news, Eve!!

      But,I popped on to this site last evening and after reading some of the comments, I was thoroughly confused!!! Like surfer girl, I was so concerned something else was up and I was worried about Prince Phillip and/or the dear Queen.... So, I am greatly relieved and hope they all can now share in the happy news! And we finally can, too!!

      A big toast to Harry and Meghan!!

      And a bigger toast to our dear Charlotte!!!

    8. I'm up at 430am too, Eve. But that's 1330 for you!

    9. Thankfully, alexandra, it is good news. So relieved. :)

    10. alexandra, florida27 November 2017 at 15:27

      Yes, I know you are, surfer! And let's hope that the queen and her prince are are enjoying the happy news for their dear grandson šŸ˜Š

  12. Theresa, from Paris27 November 2017 at 11:09

    So very happy for them both !
    Will be fun to watch the wedding soon...

  13. Swooning with excitement!

  14. finally an announcement! I'm not going to get any sleep tonight (it is currently 10.12pm) because i'll be too busy checking for updates and reading everyone's comments.
    Time for me to take up drinking coffee?

    question for the commenters and you Charlotte, do we think H&M have sat down to do an interview already, like W&K? I don't want to compare the couples, but it does make sense to follow the blueprint that has been tested already. No need for to reinvent the wheel...

    1. Oh dear, Sharyn, I completely forgot - you "down under" are getting ready for bed now!! I must admit, I wouldn´t be able to go to bed either - coffee or no coffee!!
      I was wondering also whether the interview is maybe filmed at the moment.... Although, if I remember correctly, William and Kate´s was filmed DIRECTLY AFTER the photocall - so it would be filmed after the photocall and then televised this evening, around 7pm British time, I guess.. We´ll see...

    2. I will join you in drinking coffee to stay up, Sharyn! That's the downside to living in the Antipodes...everything happens while we're (meant to be) asleep LOL

    3. Ah, Kiwi Gal, now I know why you guys down under are all so relaxed!!! LOL!

    4. LOL, Eve! We must be so chilled because we're always the last to know :P

  15. Congratulations! I think they secretly got engaged in Africa because Meghan has had protection officers since the Invictus Games in September. But like she said in the VF article, they wanted some time for themselves before having to be in the spotlight.

    1. According to Clarence House it happened earlier this month in London! Would you believe it! ;-))

    2. That's just weird. Why would they get engaged in London? Maybe he proposed in Africa and then they designed the ring together in London, like most couples?

    3. Hi Nancy. I totally agree with you! The ring has a central stone from Botswana. Whatever the official palace line is, they will never convince me that the proposal wasn't in Botswana on that holiday. London sounds so unromantic by comparison! :)

  16. Beyond excited!! I’m so so happy for them and can’t wait to see them - and the ring! - this afternoon

    Break out the bubbly everyone ❤️

    1. Can´t wait for the ring, either, Mr. D.!! We´ll all be glued to our screens.... I even had a little celebration dance with my daughter! LOL!!

  17. Such wonderful news to wake up to this morning! Congratulations to the happy couple!! ❤️

  18. I don’t know if I’m more happy for Harry and Meghan or for some of your readers, Charlotte, who have been looking forward to this for months!

    1. The readers - definitely! :P Just kidding, Harry & Meghan must be over the moon to finally be able to share their happiness with all of us :)

    2. I rather think they are resigned to the fact that everyone will be poking in their business for the next few months (and for the rest of their lives).

  19. FINALLY. šŸŽ‰šŸ‘‘šŸ¤µšŸ°šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§šŸ’šŸ‘°šŸ»šŸ‘‘šŸŽ‰

    wait. they just got engaged earlier this month? how could that have happened?
    SO very thankful and relieved that it wasn't about the Queen and Prince Phillip. I was actually tossing and turning in my sleep about that possibility. For real.

    I am uber excited, happy, thankful and relieved. šŸŽ‰
    Thank you Charlotte for so beautifully ushering us into yet another chapter of Royal history. ❤️

    I am determined from now on not to let the broad scale speculation of the media ever take me on an emotional roller coaster ride again. lol

    1. Me too, surfer girl. LOL.
      Was so relaxed this morning and "laid-back" - unbelievable... and then I checked twitter and saw #PrinceHarry top of the list - and there went all "laid-back"ness....*chuckle*...and now I´m hypnotising the clock on my laptop to tell me it´s 2pm London time (which is 3pm here in Germany) and I can finally see THE ring!!! LOL!! And the happy couple of course!!

    2. :), keep working the clock, Eve. ⏰

    3. new slogan, Eve. "Stay Excited and Carry On". :)

  20. All I can process right now is: OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD!!

    I am sooooooo excited. I cannot for more details - the RING! The photos! The date.

    YAY! Go Harry and Meghan...future D&D of Sussex.

  21. Meghan will now being going to Royal events and family gatherings with Harry. Think about that, :). šŸ‘‘
    She will be at Sandringham for Christmas.

    1. She will most likely meet all the relatives at the Queen's Christmas Lunch. I'm not convinced she will spend Christmas at Sandringham though. Kate didn't when she was engaged to William. Perhaps one last Christmas with her own family in the States and then on to Sandringham on Boxing Day? Although you never know. These two seem pretty loved up and may not want to be apart at Christmas. All very exciting!

    2. Woww!!!wonderful!!!And I am curious abour the engagement ring,I prefer a white diamond!
      Congratulations and every happiness to the new royal couple!!!

    3. Jumpy claps, jumpy claps!!!

  22. (pinch me. Is this really happening?) lol šŸ¤µšŸ‘°šŸ»šŸŽ‰

    1. Super super exciting, isn’t it?!?
      I’m wondering if I can manage a trip to England to be there for the wedding...I was there for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s was amazing! šŸŽ‰šŸŽ€šŸ‘°šŸ¼šŸ¤µšŸ’’

    2. Yes and Yes again, Carryn. :)
      The hotels will start booking up right after the interview if they narrow the date down for us. :)

  23. šŸ’šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§Congratulations Harry and MeghanšŸ‡¬šŸ‡§šŸ’

    1. Haha I forgot to say that, too, with all the excitement! I'll have to raise a toast to them later...cheers to Harry & Meghan!

  24. Amazing!!!! So exciting!

  25. Yay! Next spring will be exciting! Surfer Girl, I was thinking you were west coast and would wake up to pics and an announcement all at the same time!

    1. :), nope. Was up early checking my IPhone. (Surprise, surprise, lol) (I really was concerned about the Queen and Prince Phillip.)

  26. Plus, today we get to see officially as a member of the firm, Meghan's official style debut!

    1. Yes! Her sartorial a royal! I wonder what she's going to wear/label etc. Can't wait to see the ring :)

    2. I was sad we didn't see the dress underneath...and then I was like, wait there's an interview later!!

    3. Haha, yes, it looks like a green dress underneath. Guess we'll have to wait for the interview!

    4. I liked Meghan's coat but thought the hem's length was off. It either needed to be a bit longer to cover the dress, or shorter. so as to show several inches of the dress, as in a 7/8 coat.

  27. Katie. It's all good. :) Now I can look forward to the photo call and interview with ya'll. :)

  28. Wow !!! Isn't it amazing that Meghan joining the firm ? Truly a modern era !!!

    William n Harry have truly followed their mothers teachings as young boys !!

    Charlotte !! Hectic time for you too - baby Cambridge n a wedding !!
    Thanks so much for the blog n the belief in Meghan when not many did !!!

  29. So excited! Woke up due to my pregnancy need to pee at all hours and saw the news! šŸŽ‰❤️ I'm now too excited to go back to sleep. I really like they were engaged in London. My husband proposed at home on 4th of July by putting my ring on a firework so I have a soft spot for private engagements.

    I'm drinking celebratory coffee for the new couple! šŸŽ‰šŸ’☕️

  30. I have read that the titles of Duke and Duchess of Buckingham will be a possible option also. Did anyone else read that?

    1. Yes, I read the other options are Buckingham and Clarence.

    2. Hi Surfer Girl, yes I read that too. I'm not sure about it as a title for Harry though - it sounds a bit grand don't you think? I think Sussex is more likely; I really hope it's not Clarence (another option apparently) - I don't think I could cope with a Duchess of Cornwall, a Duchess of Cambridge and a Duchess of Clarence! (I'm not sure some journalists could either - I've seen plenty of mix-ups over Kate and Camilla's titles, another beginning with C would be a nightmare!)

  31. 6:20am here. I refreshed the page out of habit........and THEY ARE ENGAGED! ❤️❤️❤️❤️����������������������������������������������������

  32. Hurrah for Harry and Meghan! What a wonderful way to wake up :) Just so happy for them, and a spring wedding too. Perhaps they want babies sooner rather than later, and why wait anyway. Can’t wait to see the pictures from later today. Thank you Charlotte for being so quick with the wonderful news! WooHoo

    1. Shirley. I think having babies soon is a big part of the "rush".

  33. Sooo. That apparently IS why Meghan made that visit to Susan Chapman's. :) In prep for Thursday at 11, or, that is.... Monday at 2. lol šŸŒŗ

  34. So sweet that Harry asked Meghan's parents for her hand in marriage (romantic sigh). Since her parents are divorced, asking each of her parents was totally appropriate. Kudos Harry. :)

  35. I woke up to feed my baby and saw the wondrful news on my Instagram feed! Hoory!!! I can't wait to see the photos and interview. We've had a rough few nights over here so this was a very welcome surprise! Thank you for all the details, Charlotte!

  36. Yay! For someone who is in America, what channel can I go to for their photo call?

    1. alexandra, florida27 November 2017 at 14:15

      anon, try and go to your local tv channel line up and look. Like for example I googled comcast(my provider) TV line up, tallahassee, florida. I couldnt find ITV live but I have found BBC and they are discussing now. I hope you find!!

    2. alexandra, florida27 November 2017 at 14:24

      Well, never mind... Charlotte's live feed from the Telegraph much better šŸ˜ƒ

    3. I followed ITV News on Facebook as they have the live feed there.

  37. Interesting that they only got engaged this month. I imagine that was only the "official" engagement as I'm sure they have been planning this for some time.

    Now on to the important stuff: her ring!

    1. I agree Penny, it's been in the works for a while now but maybe Harry wanted to wait until the ring was finished to "officially" propose. I wonder if they both picked out the center stone during their recent trip to Botswana? Details, I need more details!

  38. I haven't been sleeping well and so the time that my iPhone is out of my hands is very short (of course that's probably why I don't sleep well.) At any rate, at 1:30 a.m.--no announcement. When Mitzi started whimpering for breakfast at 5:00 a.m., there it was! Felicitations to both Harry and Meghan!! How lovely it is to be in love and contemplating marriage. And I thought W & K's message about "being wonderful getting to know Meghan..." was very sweet. Spoke to several meetings and conversations ;) A few weeks ago I said that I thought a February marriage might be possible given their non-traditional ways. I still think maybe because even March is getting close to the birth. However, no more guessing, we will know soon!

    1. alexandra, florida27 November 2017 at 14:36

      Speaking of sleep, Jo... don't you know they must be exhausted!!! Wonder if they had any sleep??!!
      Adrenalin on board for sure!!

      Gosh, if I were in Meghan's shoes I'd be in a total fog right now! It's all happened so fast and so much change in a short period of time. I seriously wish her and Harry (she and Harry??) all the very best!

    2. Lol Alexandra, I don't think lack of sleep is a problem here, they're both floating along in a delirious haze of happiness. The exhaustion won't set in for some time yet :) I remember my engagement and wedding planning was done in a fog of happiness but on the second day of our honeymoon I went to bed at 7pm leaving my new groom to fend for himself for the evening, the exhaustion finally hit. :) Awww, such happy memories!

  39. So thrilled!! Can’t beliebe the wedding will be so soon, I hope Kate will be able to attend! So excited for their interview today!

  40. Shantel (@FashionandFaith)27 November 2017 at 13:41

    I. Am. So. Excited! What wonderful news for a Monday morning! I can’t wait to get absolutely no work done at the office while I stream all of the coverage!
    I’m incredibly happy for Harry and Meghan and wish them all of the happiness in the world!
    Super-excited to be a part of yet another fabulous community that our Charlotte has built, too!
    Minnesota, USA

  41. Lady's you seem more excited than the couple themselves ;-)))

    Didn't expect the announcement for today! I'm happy for them of course. Hope she's the right one for Harry! Always watched MM with a bit of I'm curious to watch her in the future and how she will adjust to royal life :)

    1. I agree with you. Just a bit of suspect while following their relationship. I can't put my finger on it. Totally happy for them, of course.

  42. Very excited for this beautiful, adorable couple!

  43. Calling it now- this coat will fuel some serious pregnancy speculations!

    1. Anonymous at 14:05 - exactly my first thoughts!! And I´m always extremely careful with such thinking, being a woman myself.... That certainly is one for the headlines!!

    2. Please don't start that stuff. Let's all just be happy and skip the snakiness today.

    3. 14:05 Nope.
      Please look at the photos of Meghan with Susan Chapman. That will help. Meghan likes wrap type things and being short-waisted they don't always do her any favors.

    4. surfer girl, I don´t think any of us is seriously thinking that she is pregnant, it was just the belt of the coat which was really high up. While watching Suits I sometimes wondered "Is she pregnant?" - and that is, during the first season when she didn´t even know Harry... And it was really not meant to be snaky or anything like that.... She looked amazing!

    5. Eve. No. I know no one was trying to be snaky. The coat did make her look pregnant. But for anyone reading, the reference to the Chapman might furnish a sigh of relief to some. :)

  44. EXCUSE ME? How short was that?!!!Sweet that Meghan seemed to soothe HIM rather than the other way round, though!! And the ring? Was that a white or a yellow diamond? Jeez, Harry and Meghan, we hardly saw a thing!! Hope we will see more later... aarrrghhhh... having to wait for another couple of hours!!! Seemed like a greenish skirt she was wearing... The white trench reminded me of Letizia who wore a white suit - with trousers, mind you!!

    1. THAT was the Guinness World Book shortest photo
      call in history. šŸ˜³ Blink and you missed it. urrg.

    2. I missed it :( I only got to see them walking away!

    3. Kiwi Gal. It is on You Tube now. When watching it dont blink or you'll miss it. :)

    4. With their apparent attitude, lol, I'm surprised they didn't just run by and wave. ������‍♀️

  45. So Happy for them. Congrats!

  46. Love the coat! It looks like a white diamond?

  47. Did anyone else love that Meghan kept rubbing Harry's hand/arm? I think he was far more nervous than she was!

    1. I thought the same thing! She's much more comfortable with the media.

    2. I did! I did! Oh you could tell he was super nervous and she was just giddy and beaming!

    3. Katie, I don't know who was calming who. I think Meghan was doing that because SHE was nervous. lol

  48. Sounds like they might marry before Kate's baby is born, which sounds like a good idea to me! The ring looks like a simple large diamond---can't wait for the closeups. They look so cute!! I'm glad it's finally done so we can relax and watch their every move with happiness now. :)

  49. Ok, as luck would have it I was able to remember while busy at work to see if I could catch a live stream of their photo call and I was able to catch it just as it started. Instantly recognized the venue as newly rededicated Diana Garden (Thanks to Charlotte's fabulous coverage earlier this fall). The look very happy and "chuffed." What I didn't expect was for me to get all teary eyed. I don't even know these people! I guess its just the impact of following the Diana years...and frankly as you get older you understand what these moments mean, and how special and rare they are. Anyway I wish them nothing but joy.

    1. ariagurl, I got teary reading your comment. It is a special moment & how fitting for it to be in the Sunken Garden. They certainly both look chuffed to have found each other.

  50. Her ring is gorgeous - fit for a duchess but still delicate, classic, and not showy. I expected nothing less from Meghan!

    I know I'm getting ahead of myself but I do hope there will be a baby announcement within a year of the wedding, like with Will & Kate. :)

    1. Yes! I thought it was a perfect fit for her too!

    2. I agree Penny. I am in love with that ring, simple and delicate. Perfect, H has good taste!!

    3. I agree. Very tasteful and understated ring.

    4. And her manicure looked perfect as well!

  51. Congratulations to Meghan and Harry!!

    I'm so glad that they announced today as I have the day off and can spend it following this news every moment!! These first photos are great, a nice compromise between formal but not too formal, casual and easy but not too casual and easy, just two people obviously in love and super happy!!

  52. I agree with Penny completely! Lovely ring. Can't wait for more closeups.

  53. The ring looks like an emerald/cut solitaire on a yellow gold band. There might be a little diamond on either side of the main diamond though. When will we see a clear photo of it? šŸ’

  54. LOVE!!! <3

    Best way to start a new week!

  55. This is the absolute best way to wake up in California on a Monday morning! I'm so very happy for them both and can't wait to follow their lives & work in the years to come. She looks absolutely stunning - love everything about her look, and THAT RING looks beautiful. I'm looking forward to learning more about it and their engagement during their engagement interview. I'm going to be glued to my computer all day!

  56. Charlotte, will you live-stream the broadcast of the interview as well?

    1. Hello Eve,

      I will of course if one is available.

      The ring is beautiful isn't it? They are both beaming.

    2. Thanks, Charlotte!!
      The whole thing was so short (and I was so excited!) that I had to rewatch it twice - and was so glad to have your excellent photos on top, Charlotte! YES, they were absolutely beaming - and poor Harry was so nervous, and maybe emotional? It was very sweet...
      I love a good diamond ring for an engagement - this one is beautiful. I can´t wait to have a closer look this evening (hopefully!)...

  57. So much Fun! So sweet to see how they look at each other! They are going to make such a difference in this world with their charities. It will be amazing to watch.

    For all of us married folks out there-- try to use this to rekindle the love you have for your spouse by treating them with this kind of love! Just has my 18th anniversary! And we are still best friends & at a nice stage after the exhausting baby years where we have a rekindling of romance. Let's pray their marriage will be enduring & wondeeful! So excited for them!

    1. Congratulations on 18 years, Kay. :)

    2. Kay, what a lovely thing to say on this day - and how much I agree!! How wonderful that you two are still so close - many couples find it difficult to find their way back to their "romantic selves" after so many years of child-raising and all that comes with it. So, Kudos to you! Hugs from Germany to both of you and Good Luck!

  58. I just watched the little photocall video and gosh they are so cute together!!! Both so nervous but sooo happy! And how sweet that Harry knew she was the "one" from the moment they met!!

    1. Ariel, did Harry say that? During the photo call? I couldn't make out anything they were saying. They weren't miked apparently. But did he really say that? Please say yes. lol

    2. Surfer girl, he did indeed say that. They also said they were thrilled, Harry mentioned something about the rain, and Meghan said the proposal was romantic. Harry said we would learn more details about the engagement later (during the interview later today I assume). The press kept asking them to kiss and they just laughed!

    3. Yes, yes he did!!! gosh these two are just too sweet together!!!

    4. Whew. I am so glad he said that. :)
      Thanks, you guys. :)

  59. šŸ’Thank you Charlotte. If James Whatling could only get an unclear photo of the ring then that's it. If he can't get a clear one who can. What are we going to do? lol

    It looks like a cushion cut stone and how cool is it that the bigger stone is from Botswana and the side stones are from Diana's collection. I would have been very disappointed had he not included something of hers.
    Now. If we can just get another chance of photographing her ring. It did sparkle from a distance that's for sure. Perfect size, too.
    THAT was the fastest photo call in history. HAS to have set a record. lol
    And I couldn't clearly hear a word they said, could you?

    1. I just added a clearer shot of the ring :)

    2. Yep, surfer girl, same with me over here - and I even had my headphones on and my hearing is - according to my doctor - so good that I am litterally "hearing the grass grow" as we say in German! I still couldn´t hear a thing.. Why did it have to be SO quick? Even the photographers seemed stunned for a second....LOL!

    3. They really did. They couldn't believe it either. lol

  60. Gorgeous ring, happy couple, wonderful news!

  61. Fantastic, wonderful news!!! So very excited for both of them! They're both beaming. Her ring is gorgeous! Prince Harry is so thoughtful. Love her outfit, can't wait to hear more!!!

  62. I am SO EXCITED I am about to jump out of my skin!!!! I felt like an engagement announcement was coming soon, but I never expected it today. I am so happy it will be a church wedding. I am holding out hope for Westminister Abbey, but I feel like it will be St. George's Chapel, which will be gorgeous too!! I just want a carriage ride.

    1. Rachel. (did you see Arthur Edward's comment somewhere here this morning?) :)

  63. The ring is awesome!They look so happy together!!!

  64. Will copy-paste my predictions from September:
    "St George's Chapel, April 2018, with Harry created Duke of Sussex. Dorian, Viscount Inverness, born the following spring, with Lady Frances Windsor arriving in 2020."

    1. Jen, after the Spring part of the announcement I think you may well be spot on! I'm beginning to think it will be either just before or just after Easter (end of March/beginning of April next year), when the royal family is at Windsor anyway, and will be at St George's Chapel like Prince Edward and Sophie's wedding.

      (Not sure about your predictions for the kids' names though! Lol!)

  65. I am cautiously optimistic. I don't think she knows what she's getting herself into. I've seen the way even us blog commenters are harsh on the DoC who had YEARS to get ready for her role. I understand that Prince Harry is not the heir and their roles will be different, but it is clear he is part of the streamlined "Firm" Prince Charles has in mind. I feel like she will be like a fish out of water for a while, especially being American. (I am American, btw... it's not a dig on Americans... but it's a different world that the one she's used to) Being an actress/activist is a far cry from a royal.

    Cautious optimism aside, I am happy for them. I always love to see love win. And as an American I love our little "invasion" of the BRF :)

    P.S. Don't hate me! I've followed Charlotte's Kate blog for YEARS! I just don't have the crazy enthusiasm about these two. I hope time will prove me MOST wrong.

    1. No one will hate you. You are not alone here in your cautious optimism.

    2. That's something I've thought a lot about too and I think it must be really daunting. She has to give up her career, home, and life. After 36 years of independence, this is a huge change. I don't think it was as much of a shock for Kate since they dated for so long and she was already part of that wealthy British social circle. Boarding school, polo matches, hanging out with aristocracy, etc. That was old hat for Kate. But for Meghan it's going to be a whole new lifestyle. Being an actress is an advantage however as she's already used to the press and interviews.

      I just think she must REALLY love him in order to give up her whole life to be a royal!

    3. Senorita Dee, I have had an unexplainable cautious "attitude" about these two also. You are not alone. :)

    4. I won´t hate you at all for that! I can be really enthusiastic about the two - but still see the challenges for both of them, with surely Meghan having to adapt to a completely new life being the one with the bigger challenge ahead. I am not blind. It IS a whirlwind and it´s going to be daunting, for sure. But on a day like this, I am just blissfully happy with them and for them - sending them all the positive energy, so they have it available when "the going gets tough".....

    5. Because this best fits my feelings, I'll join this comment with best wishes for the couple, and a hopeful and cautious optimism -

      it is not how I would have liked to have seen it played out - slowly and carefully, but boldly and impetuously, attributes that fit this couple.

      But today is about joy and she looks lovely - her coat wouldn't be my choice but it's hers, and that's fine and nice it's Canadian - her shoes are sexy-wonderful.

      My hope for her is that she has respect for the nation she will represent - that under the starry excitement isn't a crazy dream of being the next Princess Diana, but a thoughtful intelligent wisdom and an eagerness to learn. I'm sure she has the ability to do this - but it the power of a hasty love - it's easy to lose sight of the necessity.

    6. I think many of us have that underlying feeling, Senorita Dee. Not to worry. :) Sadly the Royal family does not have a good batting average at the Royal altar, but time will tell. We "knew" Kate for 8+ years. We saw how she handled things. We've only "known" Meghan for 18 months? And haven't seen her in the Royal thick of things until now. I think Harry is a very smart man. Hopefully, he chose wisely. :)

  66. She looks stunning, fwiw. Lovely coat and dress. Not a huge fan of the shoes, but she is glowing and looks beautiful.

  67. Beautiful outfit, I love that they were outside as opposed to Kate & William. They have a different vibe and I'll be interested to see how they develop their "couple" personality as opposed to the Cambridges. I felt like Meghan was a bit clutchy but if she's reassuring Harry? Meghan has the world's best legs, I swear. Her ankles are unreal.

    1. Tammy from California27 November 2017 at 16:13

      Amy, I AGREE about Meghan's legs. HANDS DOWN she has the world's best legs. I think every shoe looks amazing on her!

  68. I love everything she wears but in this coat, well, she looks pregnant. It's not a look to wear when announcing a short engagement...

  69. So they look cute together and she looks beautiful. I'm both disappointed and thrilled with the ring as its exactly what I have, although, of course, I don't have stones from Botswana or Diana:)

  70. Quick question from across the pond - are there royal rules on PDA? I ask because others within the royal family do not seem to engage in it yet these two are adorable and seemingly okay with being affectionate in public. Thanks!

  71. Speaking about Prince Harry's exquisite design, 77 Diamonds' David Allen told HELLO! Online: "With two round diamonds supporting what appears to be a 2.5ct cushion cut diamond, the stones are set in white gold with the main band of the ring in yellow gold. A ring of this size and quality would start at around £50,000 but with the use of the late Princess Diana's diamonds as side stones, this ring, like Kate's before it, is of inestimable worth. The last Royal engagement that came with a Trilogy engagement ring was the Countess of Wessex in 1999 to Prince Edward which features a round centre stone and heart shape side stones

    1. Tammy from California27 November 2017 at 16:16

      I'd love to know the size of the side diamonds!

    2. 2.5 carat center stone, don't know the size of the side stones. They are set in white gold on a gold band. The ring would be about €50,000 ordinarily but with Diana's stones on the ring they say it now has inestimable worth. I will list that reference when I find it again.

    3. Oh, lol, nm. I read it here. (Laura's text).

  72. YAY wonderful news!!! I just saw this at work, so I'm late, but so happy to see this!!! I can't help smiling to myself at how happy they both look. I really can't wait to see what this couple does!

  73. Easter is April 1 this year. A March wedding would be right in the middle of Lent, which is typically not done in the Anglican church. My guess is a May wedding.

    1. I can't imagine them marrying during Lent which ends 29 March, followed by Easter week- so it does look like May.

      It could be April after Easter but that's when the royal baby is due and somewhere I read not April.

  74. Congratulations to H&M. I truly hope they will be happy for many years to come.

    The ring is elegant and thoughtful. I liked the white coat on what looks like a dreery day. Hope to see the dress later.....

  75. Maggie - Minneapolis27 November 2017 at 16:00

    Lol had a late night last night and ended up going to bed literally minutes before this was announced. Darn! But am of course so happy for them both! The fact that Harry's romance with his future wife has all happened and progressed sooo quickly whereas William took a loooong time with his just feels like a perfect encapsulation of their personalities haha. Still wish they waited and tried living at least in the same country for a bit first, but I understand the age concerns in regards to having a baby and that ultimately, they're the only ones who can know if this is a good idea. While I don't think being an actress can quite prepare Meghan for all the future attention she will be receiving, I DO think that her being an actress is a good omen in that it shows that her personality is one that accepts and perhaps even enjoys public attention and the spotlight. And since I don't think much can get anyone ready for the very unique public role of a woman marrying into the BRF, I think having the right personality is probably the most anyone can ask for. People often speak of Meghan seeming to be some sort of untrustworthy attention seeker, and even when they use no negative words, the negative connotation is still very much there. So I want to be clear - if she does like attention, then I personally think that is a fantastic thing. I don't want one come off like I meant it negatively in any way up above. And I do not understand those who do.
    That being said, it will be interesting to see how the BRF handles her more confident and outgoing nature. Kate was presented as a test for whether the royals learned from their Diana years, but realistically speaking she has been their ideal, demure female royal, whose only "bucking of tradition" has been to actually fit that model more by basically being a stay at home mom and housewife instead of a completely working royal. Meghan is going to be the true test of how much the BRF has fixed its Diana problems.

    1. I agree with you, Maggie. But I´m rather optimistic. Times have changed and I can´t see a "not-understanding-the-other-one´s-personality" here with this couple, plus, Meghan is most definitely more mature and has seen quite a few things in her life. Age does make a difference - although people have said all my life that I´m "too mature" for my age, and I, too, thought, at the age of 19 I "knew it all" - well, I DIDN´T. In my mid-thirties I would have done A LOT of things A LOT differently than at the age of 19. I could go on and on about the specific differences between the royal couples and this one, but I leave it at that: I agree with you that being able to "love the limelight" is not the worst thing for a royal wife these days. And I´ve said "being ABLE to" for a reason...because it doesn´t mean that you are a "untrustworthy attention seeker". I am with you on that!

  76. Jessica in Los Angeles27 November 2017 at 16:03

    Though it was a quick photo call, I loved it! It has to be awkward to stand and smile like that for very long, so I don’t blame Harry for keeping it short. And how cute were they together? I thought they looked like a couple very much in love and excited for their future. Meghan seems to be able to handle the attention and publicity well, which is important for that role.

  77. Harry said he knew Meghan was the one "the very first time we met."

    1. I'm not sure whether to laugh, cheer or cry at that remark - it's wonderfully romantic and yet is more commonly heard with celebrities who are getting divorced fifteen months later.

      I settled for asking Leo if he knew that when he first met me and he said 'no, but very quickly!" (We have been together from when we first met.) We've been married over thirty years now - and I wish the same happiness for Harry and Meghan.

      Leo's pragmatic remark - he is not republican but not much of a royal follower either and has his eye on other news. "I hope she has a trade agreement under that coat!"

  78. Maggie - Minneapolis27 November 2017 at 16:11

    Also I just noticed that Kate and William's announcement specified they would marry in London, but while aides and the Archbishop have confirmed Harry and Meghan will also have a church wedding, the announcement does not specify that same London. Which makes me feel like it's going to be St. George's chapel at Windsor.
    I sincerely hope not though! Given prince charles and his streamlining plans, Harry and Meghan will be playing a big role in the monarchy once he becomes King for years to come. Only Edward of all the Queen's children married so small for a first wedding, and he was made an Earl on his wedding day, whereas Harry will be a Duke, already showing his bigger role in the future of the monarchy. And Edward was already further down in line to the throne than Harry will be even after Cambrudge baby number three is born. But mostly, it's certainly selfish reasons bc bigger would b more fun to watch. Although I do think the country could use the big wedding too - after Breitling, and even more importantly, all the recent attacks, this could be an opportunity to generate some much-needed joy. Although I guess that could go the other way too, where all the recent problems may cause resentment at a wedding seen as too lavish. But I dunno, Harry is the most popular royal behind his grandmother and even if there is criticism about wedding expense, I can't imagine it would last or overwhelm the goodwill. Seems like we will start finding out tomorrow! And honestly, this engagement was just so obviously coming that I think I am more excited about what they say about wedding plans tmrw more than I was by today :P

  79. Tammy from California27 November 2017 at 16:15

    Well, my heart is full this morning. Both of Diana's boys have found their match. Each couple so different from the other yet each husband and wife so much like each other. Best wishes on forever to the couple!

  80. Just watching Sky News live and Arthur Edwards says: It WILL be a BIG wedding! He suspects Westminster Abbey - because Harry is "our darling" and the country needs cheering up..... Apparently it was him asking Meghan to "show us the ring" at the photocall! LOL...
    No bank holiday for the wedding....

    1. I, like William, hope Arthur Edwards never retires. :)

  81. Maggie - Minneapolis27 November 2017 at 16:20

    P.S. I wonder if they will make a Christmas appearance. Huge part of me wants to say no, after all Kate did not start Christmas with the BRF until after getting married, although I suppose officially William was working that Christmas (I suspect though that had Kate been invited, he and she both would have wanted to make the statement of her going to church with the royals. I guess Pippa's now-husband got to attend church with the Queen (at the Queen's first appearance back after missing the Christmas service too!) and that was before they got married, and if Pippa's fiance gets to do it, then why not Harry's?
    However given how little time the public has had to get to know Meghan, a Christmas appearance would probably generate even more attention than Kate would pre-wedding. And while it's sad to think about, the Queen and Prince Philip don't have many Christmases left together, so I would rather Meghan not appear publicly and take the attention. She can always join them for the rest of the festivities.

    1. It did cross my mind that the rush for a wedding may be more for Prince Philip than for Meghan's age.

  82. Did anyone just see Patrick J. Adams´tweet (her colleague at Suits who played her partner there)? So sweeet!! "She said she was just going out to get some milk..." O dear! ;-)))

  83. Charlotte, any information on where we might watch the engagement interview in the US? Already looking forward to my big plans this evening :)


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