Sunday 26 November 2017

Reports Harry and Meghan WERE Scheduled to Announce Their Engagement Last Week

We were all left in a state of...shall we say puzzlement...when an "announcement" of some sort failed to emerge from the Palace yesterday. Unusually, staff from all households were summoned for not one but two meetings and several reliable sources believed something was about to happen. The day came and went, followed by headlines claiming it was all hot air fueled by over eager fans on social media. Looking back to reports which initiated a substantial interest away from social media last week, the Standard's source certainly wasn't an "eager fan", and neither is Lainey Gossip, who has been a step ahead thanks to impeccable sources since the early days of Harry and Meghan's courtship. It's important to note, there remains no statement from the Palace apart from the curt response stating they "would not give a running commentary on Harry's love life". Two journalists with high standing and a reputation for accuracy are reporting the announcement was in fact scheduled for last week but failed to materialize.

Camilla Tominey, who broke the news last year Harry and Meghan were a couple, writes in The Sunday Express:

'Meghan Markle is being guarded by royal protection officers as the Palace prepares to announce her engagement to Prince Harry as early as this week. The news was supposed to be made public on Thursday, with the Prime Minister poised to release a congratulatory statement, but Kensington Palace was "spooked" into postponing it by intense speculation, say sources. As the rumour mill went into overdrive this weekend, the Sunday Express can reveal how Downing Street was gearing up for an 11am announcement on Thursday - Thanksgiving Day in America - prompting all major broadcasters to clear their schedules.'

Interesting segments from Camilla's article include:

'A female close protection officer is understood to be shadowing Kate’s bodyguard, Sergeant Emma Probert, in preparation for becoming Meghan’s personal protection officer. Speculation is rife in Westminster circles that an engagement could be announced as early as tomorrow. A Government source said: “Everyone was expecting the announcement to go out at 11am on Thursday.'

Plans for Meghan to move to Kensington Palace have been in the works for months:

'The Sunday Express can now reveal that Meghan listed Harry’s address on her pet passport form as long as six months ago. Insiders claim she declared Kensington Palace as her place of residence in early summer when she signed the “Notice 3” form, which is the Customs paperwork for her two dogs, six-year-old beagle Guy and five-year-old German shepherd Bogart. Los Angeles-born Meghan flew to London on Tuesday from Canada, where she has been based since 2011 after landing the role of paralegal Rachel Zane in Suits.'

Very surprisingly, a wedding before the Duchess of Cambridge gives birth to her third child is on the cards apparently:

'The royal household is also understood to be preparing for the couple to tie the knot before Kate gives birth to the Cambridges’ third child in April. It is thought Prince George and Princess Charlotte will play a starring role on the big day.'

A Government source said:

“Everyone was expecting the announcement to go out at 11am on Thursday. We think the Palace got spooked by phone calls from various media outlets. The statement was being prepared on behalf of the Prime Minister. It’s now being considered a case of any day now.”

Meanwhile, The Sunday Times runs with: "Speculation was rife last night that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will announce their engagement this week, as it emerged Theresa May's diary was cleared last week for news that never came."

From the Times story:

'Downing Street is confident the announcement will come soon, perhaps even tomorrow, while sources at the palace are equally positive that it was never going to be made last week and nor will it be any time soon. Theresa May had been told that the announcement was timed for Thursday to coincide with the American Thanksgiving celebrations. However, there were claims the news had been accidentally leaked to broadcasters, who spooked Kensington Palace when they turned up to film that morning.
The BBC had prepared for a royal announcement and Buckingham Palace was deluged with media calls seeking confirmation of a royal wedding. A source told The Sunday Times that No 10 had been “primed” for the announcement on the day after the chancellor’s budget. Yet royal sources “strongly deny” any suggestion that an announcement was planned for last week.'

Meanwhile, the Mail Online reports:

'Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are set to bring months of fevered speculation to an end by announcing their engagement this week, Royal sources have indicated. The couple's plans appear to have been finalised at a series of last-minute meetings between senior courtiers at Kensington Palace. An official announcement is expected in the next few days, with Tuesday thought to be the most likely date. This is the same day of the week that Harry's brother, the Duke of Cambridge, and his father, the Prince of Wales, chose to share their engagement news with the nation.'

I believe both Tominey and the Times had strong reliable confirmation to run this on the front of the Sunday papers. The big question is, why were Kensington Palace "spooked" to the point they postponed the announcement? Was it the leaks? Did the level of media attention cause Harry and Meghan to alter their plans? If it was postponed, when are they planning to announce? Are reports it's happening next week true? Certainly, it would seem reasonable to presume, if they had intended last week, and something beyond their control or the leaks caused a brief postponement - an announcement in the next few days would seem more than plausible. Personally, as I said in my last post, all signs are pointing this is imminent. By all accounts, we could have very good news any day now. :)

In the meantime readers, if searching for a distraction the Mail on Sunday has an A to Z list of Meghan's new life in London.


  1. I don't understand why "intense speculation" would cause them to postpone. It just makes it worse, doesn't it?

    1. Shantel(@FashionandFaith)26 November 2017 at 01:12

      I agree! It will only get worse as anticipation grows...
      Whenever they announce, I’m ready to celebrate! This is all so exciting!
      Minnesota, USA

    2. Meghan herself could be spooked by the intense media speculation and attention now that she's actually living in London, perhaps. A dose of reality.

    3. This is too bizarre, bluhare. It does increase speculation, so not understanding the reasoning. Also, not convinced they were planning to make an announcement on Thanksgiving Day. No one would have been paying attention in the US. Maybe, they wanted to find the source of the leaks before going on? Maybe some last minute quibbling regarding a pre -nup? Odd to have the PM's calendar cleared and the nothing happens. I would think it would have to be something big to change that. I don't remember this circus surrounding William and Kate's engagement.

    4. Penny, maybe. She did get hives before speaking at the U.N. This is definitely more intense.

    5. @Bluhare I'm wondering if it isn't possible that they didn't intend to announce last week. Rather that they were finalizing the preparations (which is why the multiple staff meetings( and hopefully making sure all households were kept abreast and in lockstep about the rollout. Maybe this is what the media caught wind of? Or their sources were close enough to know something was afoot but we're obviously not reliable (obviosly, since they leaked) enough to be in the loop, just loop-adjacent. Maybe everyone misinterpreted the signals and had a false start? (I still blame KP of course)

    6. And now of course the British media has egg on their face and is trying to save face? Or they are in denial and still believe they were correct?

    7. I cannot imagine that Meghan is/was spooked to the point of them postponing an engagement announcement. Nope. My impression is that she is more than ready for this to be official.

      If we learn more as time goes by, I will consider it, but right now I'm not buying the runaway bride scenario.

    8. Postponing after leaks could be because of some strange reasoning or it could be that the press was massively trolled and now they need to come up with all these explanations. Maybe there was not going to be any announcement and they are just making stuff up?
      I don't know what to think anymore. But I will need an announcement before I am going to believe there "will be" an announcement. The whole saga is like a soap opera.

    9. Yes, I agree. Maybe something happened to make them postpone - if it was scheduled. But I don't think KP being "spooked" is right. Makes no sense at all. They would have to plan many things around the announcement and it would be a gross inconvenience to reschedule because of the media.

    10. Erika, I wasn't following William and Kate until after they got engaged, so I really don't know what it was like then. From what I've gathered, not like this, perhaps closer to pre-Diana engagement?

    11. Maggie - Minneapolis26 November 2017 at 22:59

      Putting myself in Megan's shoes (as much as I can lol), announcing the engagement would be both very exciting and also hugely nerve-wracking. I cannot imagine wanting to delay because the press might have predicted it, after preparing and being ready to go and "get it over with" (the last part in regards to things like an interview and that nervous experience of being introduced to the nation as an official future royal). I've never known a friend to put off telling people that they just got engaged simply bc one of their other friends guessed it was coming or something. Not quite the same but the best analogy to something us "regular people" (lol) could experience that I could think of haha.

    12. Maggie - Minneapolis26 November 2017 at 23:13

      Bluhare - I didn't follow them either until then but wasn't maybe the media speculation of an engagement for Kate pretty huge in the weeks leading up to her 25th birthday? Honestly I think this is just indicative of the fast nature of Harry and Megan's relationship. William and Kate dated for a long time of course, but they did have several big "press moments" throughout, that imo were intentionally leaked or done publicly to make a statement about Kate's importance to William and such. The public ski kiss that announced they were dating, along with things like Kate and her family attending that passing out parade, Kate attending Williams graduation from Sandhurst, Kate attending royal family weddings without William, etc all come to mind. Harry and Meghan have done similar public statements like that, but have had to squeeze them all together in a much shorter time line, which would naturally result in much more hoopla than with the more spread out way it happened for the Cambridges, right? And Diana and Charles had a similarly much shorter courtship than their elder son as well, which could explain the increased hoopla then too. Really what astounds me is the obvious willingness of both William and Harry to use the press like this to suit their needs, while constantly trying to make its job harder too. And it means that while I do feel a bit for Harry and Meghan bc this is a lot of pressure esp if they aren't engaged yet, I find it hard to generate much sympathy bc I'm not sure what they expected after things like Harry's letter to the public, the Vanity Fair cover, the polo kiss, the Invictus Games appearances, etc. All of that has happened in less than a year! I'm not criticizing the decision to do those things, just saying that you don't need to be a PR mastermind to know that those choices would only invite a constant spotlight trained on them, generating intense speculation. And if there was a delay of a planned announcement bc of the press seeming to know, then that would be incredibly idiotic and frankly petulant of Harry given the huge role they themselves played in causing all this hoopla.

  2. Obviously this is all speculation but why would KP purposely schedule their announcement to coincide with Thanksgiving? I get that she's American but her (potential) royal life will be spent working in service of the UK + Commonwealth? I've never understood why supposedly reluctant royals seek to maintain such a high profile stateside....

  3. I absolutely agree with Bluhare! Prince Harry is not a fan of the press so why they don’t just get on with it & then the fuss will die down to a certain extent you would think.

  4. Agree, and I also do not understand why the PM would need to clear her calendar for a short statement.

    1. I don't know why she would really need to clear her schedule at all. Harry isn't King, next in line or even third in line like William was. Yes, he's popular, but what exactly does TM need to do with an announcement?

    2. Katie. I am more convinced now than ever that this is not about Harry and Meghan but about the Queen and Prince Phillip and Prince Charles. 👑

  5. Replies
    1. I don't see how the Palace could spooked by intense speculation. The Palace has survived through numerous wars. How would they be spooked by intense engagement announcement speculation? lol

    2. Hope you manage to get some sleep through all this waiting, Charlotte.

    3. I agree surfer girl. If the Palace could survive the War of the Waleses they can certainly deal with this.

    4. Yes!!! And if they are spooked by this, there are way bigger issues at hand than a delayed engagement announcement.

  6. I think the press is blowing this out of proportion. The Palaces don't get "spooked" over the press or bow to their whims. I think the press jumped the gun and got it wrong (even some that are usually correct) , and now they are trying to cover themselves. I do believe, and hope, that an announcement is coming soon due to Meghan being in London during Thanksgiving, especially since it is a holiday that is special to her.

    1. That's exactly what I was thinking. It doesn't make sense that they would be spooked. Annoyed maybe. Intentionally throwing them off if they were disrespected maybe. But I can't fathom them "spooked". I think they got it wrong but made such a big deal about it that they had to come up with some reason. I counsel people & it's very typical when you don't accept that you are at fault that you need to fabricate what/who is. There also could be another reason that it was postponed, if really planned. Something that makes more sense. We can all rest assured that it's getting closer though. Fun royal watching times! I hope they aren't feeling smothered by all the press excitement which means intrusion for them personally.

    2. But Camilla n the Sunday express didn't talk anything about engagement . Right ?

    3. I just wrote this. I don't believe there was ever going to be an announcement next week. Someone trolled the British press, and they overreacted and now are trying to patch it back together. Camilla's article makes no sense whatsoever.

  7. Julia from Leominster26 November 2017 at 02:12

    I will yield to everyone's excitement and just wish the couple the happiness I've wished for them all along.

    But I'm utterly bewildered by the Theresa May part - she's was in Brussels on Friday negotiating vital Brexit issues. I can't help but think her week was filled with preparations for that very important meeting and not Harry. (Maybe I'm assuming too much!)
    Every paper reported her visit so why would they talk about a cleared calendar?

    1. Because they are making it up Julia. I don't buy any of this.

    2. Interesting point, Julia, that Theresa May was in Germany. As you say, she would hardly clear her calendar concerning Harry and Meghan. Surely wherever she would be and whatever she would be doing, it wouldn't take much preparation or time to simply say, "Oh behalf of the government and the people of the United Kingdom, I warmly congratulate Prince Harry and Miss Markle on their engagement. We wish then much happiness in the years ahead."

      The speculation, hype and false reports are getting mighty tedious.

    3. Why indeed, Julia. :) This whole handling of the situation for a while now has been very tacky. Not good at all.

    4. Seems like there is no one steering the boat.

  8. Oh my goodness, this is all getting to be a bit too much!! Not you Charlotte, but the endless press speculation. I'm loving having a place such as this site to discuss the wedding possibilities, her fashion, his cuteness but frankly I've quit reading the constant stories in the press. I could see H&M putting off announcing their engagement for some time just to let things quiet down a bit cuz you know once the announcement is made it will be chaos from then on out. All of this being said, I hope the happy couple enjoys this special time!

  9. They must be doing all this to build crescendo. What brash PR, lol.
    But seriously, I do not think that Kensington Palace
    "spooks" that easily. What did that even mean? They have been through some stuff. They are veterans.
    Either terrorists threats played a part somehow perhaps or (dare I even type it?) Harry and Meghan had a typical pre-wedding jitters argument and one or the other of them in haste, called the relationship off. I can't, at the moment think of any other reasons because the British are known as stiff-upper lip, keep calm and carry on, and the creators of the word and concept of "schedule" (lol) so it seems it must have been something intense to have had them alter their plans. I hope, hope, hope I'm wrong about this and that it is something silly and simple. The fact that there were two meetings at the Palace doesn't make me feel confident about that though. This is like a Howard Hughes PR stunt. Please let it be a simple reason and
    truly just carry on with the announcement.

    1. I hope Prince Phillip is okay. 🙏

    2. Perhaps Harry resented the leaks and decided that they would hold off on the announcement for now and do it on their terms. But as I just stated in the last post, it isn't happening so just announce it.

  10. Oh boy, this is very interesting. This media hype reminds me of the great Kate wait when she was expecting Prince George. Like last time we just have to be patient and wait for an announcement. I hope it’s After Monday because that’s when my biology test is:) :)

    1. Lol. Good luck on your exam!

    2. best wishes on your exam, ILoveElephants. :)
      What's your major?

    3. Good luck on your test ILoveElephants! I think the intensity of the speculation will only increase, so if they are already engaged the sooner they announce it the better imo. However, maybe it will give you hope to know that Wills and Kate announced on a Tuesday. Perhaps they will make a tradition of it!

    4. NOW we know! It was your biology test on Monday, that "spooked" them! LOL!! They love their fans so much they don´t want to mess with their exams! New headline, please! LOL!!
      Just kidding... honestly, ILoveElephants, I wish you the very best for your test on Monday - and hope you will come out of the classroom to hear very good news!!

    5. Thanks Erika, surfer girl, Finn, and Eve from Germany:
      I am a biology major with a concentration in molecular and cellular biology. Ironically , when the palace announced that Kate was pregnant with Prince George I had a math test, it would be really nice to come out of my biology test and hear of Harry and Meghan’s engagement. Fingers crossed!

    6. awesome major, ILoveElephants. :)

    7. Math as 4+1=5? Biology as-well...
      I've got a son-in-law who is a molecular biologist. He is crazy smart.
      He works for the government in a commonwealth country. He helps prevent pests from being imported with animals, vegetables. Maybe he'll check out Meghan's pooches.
      I think there are also jobs in reproductive services. An open field right now-molecular biology.
      Good luck!

    8. :), not to mention astromolecular biology, planetary molecular microbiology, etc. The possibilities are many....... Possible first job search resume' to NASA? 🌎🚀

  11. HJChristy
    We have all been so Harry/Meghan focused you could be right also. I hope and pray everything is okay. Maybe she is going to retire and pass the reins to Charles simply for physical reasons. It has to be something huge about to be announced, yeh?

  12. I don't think Meghan gets spooked easily---she mingles with everyone and had great confidence. Perhaps the delay was caused by some very private issue---something as small as Meghan not feeling well or an issue with the dogs. Something that they don't want the world to know. The excitement must be related to Harry and Meghan; I don't think there would be such excitement over Princess Eugenie or Beatrice getting engaged, but I could be wrong. Been watching the 1995 Price and Prejudice, hoping it would persuade them to buy the Bennetts' house. :)

    I sure hope Meghan likes diamonds.

  13. Julia from Leominster26 November 2017 at 03:25

    Oh my! You don't suppose...

    But it's so Machiavellian, and Julia/Cassandra's in trouble already and could be wrong ...just read the Times headline and think about it...

    Cassandra will predict that the engagement will come in an orderly way, probably on Tuesday or Wednesday, or less likely, will be postponed for some other very good reason.

  14. Ah jeez! This whole things has got me nervous!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am just going to keep on reading and smiling on how crazy Twitter goes!
    I am not going to get my hopes up and then deflate (not that I am pessimist, but in this era of internet you never know who to believe)
    In any case, I shall continue to read your post Charlotte and hope for official news!

    Blessings and thanks for the hard work! :)
    In either case, I personally think that everything is happening so fast and soon, as if they were rushing things. :?
    What is your take on this?

    Again not a negative comment, but I am just wandering. Wouldn't a 2018 announcement be better?

  15. Carmen from Texas26 November 2017 at 05:36

    Long distance relationships are hard. The excitement seems to be centered around "I can't wait to see you" rather than "I've dated and lived with you for a while and love you so much." I am surprised they are moving forward with an engagement without first letting Meghan settle into London and them actually being around each other day-to-day for a while. That said, I can't wait to see the ring!

  16. The announcement that we thought would be out on Friday, was said to be coming from Buckingham Palace. When William and Kate's announcement was made, it came from Clarence House, and was announced by Prince Charles. Not sure that when the announcement comes, that it will come from Buckingham Palace. BP usually announces things pertaining to the Queen and Prince Philip.

  17. I´m sorry, but I get the feeling that some of the media are trying to desperately find a reasoning for the "much ado about nothing" that was created last week!!

    First, wouldn´t it be CLARENCE HOUSE announcing the engagement? Clarence House is speaking on behalf of Prince Charles who is the father of Prince Harry. Clarence House announced William´s engagement, too. So neither BP nor KP would do it. The media seems to ignore that completely.
    Secondly, I totally agree with Julia here, the part about Theresa May clearing her schedule - nonsense!! No PM would have to clear his/her schedule because the 5th in line to the throne wants to announce his engagement. They will issue a brief congratulatory statement which could even have been made in front of a Brussels EU building (I don´t know whether Mrs May had already been in Brussels on Thursday).
    Thirdly: Any royal household "SPOOKED" by the intensity of speculation and therefore NOT announcing anything? Excuse me? That´s about as WEIRD an explanation as it can get!! Utter nonsense, honestly. It doesn´t make any sense AT ALL. Plus, everybody seemed to talk about FRIDAY, not Thursday. So if there ever had been a leak last week, it was not a good one, so no worries for any royal household!

    I could go on further, but I will leave it at that. For me, this is the press trying to find some explanation (or shall I say ANY?) for this hubbub that left quite a few of us (and the "public") utterly confused and frustrated. It made me take a step back and say "You know what, Eve? Relax! The speculation time is fun - no more, no less - and the engagement will be announced when it is announced, and you will hear about it soon enough. So sit back and relax...." So I´m not frustrated or impatient anymore, I just sit back and watch this "speculation frenzy" unfold in all its "glory"... which is then very, very funny, to tell you the truth.. HM may not "be amused" - but I certainly am more and more....

    1. Julia from Leominster26 November 2017 at 14:59

      I don't know whether May flew on Thursday or Friday but I will promise you nothing but the payments to the EU and the possible (expected?) concessions about the court were on her mind - both, but most especially the latter, would not be well received by the public - let's just say a lot of fuss and bother about a royal engagement that might (but didn't yet) happen, that was drawing complete press attention to the palaces at an almost hysterical level - would not be - well, unwelcome! And even if the press doubted the potential announcement, they would be afraid not to cover it.

      I have a feeling the announcement this time may come from Kensington Palace rather than Clarence House - but I could be wrong. This presumed marriage is different from William's and Kate's.

      I never understood the Friday nonsense either - because I do think it's usually Tuesday or Wednesday because doesn't the PM mention it to the cabinet - probably just in passing if this coming week, due to other far more pressing matters. Then it's announced that day or the next, generally in the daytime if there's to be an interview - very up in the air, but at least photos are likely.

      I do think Thursday/Friday was all a hum. And no I don't think HM is amused - the wording of statements like that aren't left to some minion, and tartness of that sort isn't normal for the palace - I hear an annoyed queen behind it. Even if accidentally as we must suppose, I think the biggest leak may have come from within the government - although there seem to be other leaks out there too...a plumber is most definitely needed before much longer!

      Because we do have a lot of factors going on here -- it's wise to remember royal engagements don't happen in a vacuum - one reason I think this coming week might be possible is because there otherwise could be a 'bad news' date coming up. (Although I hope not!) But I'm known to be cynical here - so the new, kinder, friendlier Julia, as bluhare once put it, will simply say she too is taking a relaxed attitude.

  18. Julia from Leominster26 November 2017 at 08:28

    An interesting situation. First, I don't think it has anything to do with Harry and Meghan themselves, nor do I believe in all these 'royal sources'. The palace clearly means to be very tight-lipped.

    This seems to be between the government and the palace - and it sounded to me like the government had leaked something, since all the talk of Thursday came from them according to the Times, the most reliable source. I thought for a moment it might be an intentional leak but I do feel I must be mistaken. But the idea it might have been Thursday, with the prime minister travelling the next day, still seems - well - odd. Sandwiched between the budget and the Brexit negotiations, her calendar didn't look what I would call 'cleared'?

    I don't think the palace is spooked - annoyed, possibly quite vexed, at the leaks, wherever those leaks came from - that's reflected in that pointed statement.

    But I don't think the palace ever planned to announce the engagement last week. Maybe they planned to announce something else - there have been rumours - and pulled back because of the fuss, but I doubt that too. I think for some reason, from someone, false information got out there and now there's a scramble to rationalise it.

    Since every article contradicts another, we know nothing. I still tend to think they'll announce next week although there's some pulling back from that. There's a major Brexit deadline coming up - these things don't exist in a vacuum, but exactly how one event influences another remains to be seen.

  19. I am intrigued by the the idea that they/the palace were spooked by the intense media interest. Harry and the rest of the royal family have always had the media in their lives, though i suppose it is more intense now in the days of social media and 24 hour news cycles. And Meghan has had some level of media interest in her life, but again, maybe not to the same extent. However, my point is that all are used to media interest and even use it for their own purposes.
    I think this engagement and the announcement has been in the works for a long time now. Either something more than "getting spooked" changed the plan, or (parts of) the leaks/hype is possibly self produced?
    Or maybe it is the royal family liking tradition and symmetry and always planned the announcement to be a tuesday like Charles and William did, and it was us and the 24 hour news cycle that read too much in to Meghan leaving suits, moving to London, and moving her dogs, all in a short space of time.

    Or maybe it is is something else completely. I cant keep track anymore. Just make the announcement already!

  20. Dickie Arbiter said it on Twitter as well: Announcement would come from Clarence House, NOT KP!!

    1. Julia from Leominster26 November 2017 at 15:10

      Well, he's a good source, but I still get the sense Harry and Meghan are going to be treated like they're adults, making their own decisions with other royal family members standing back - and that means the wedding announcement could come from Kensington Palace. But correctly, it should be Clarence House.

    2. Eve. That's what makes me think that the meetings and media readiness might be more about Prince Phillip or a shift in power on the throne. The intensity indicates that, yeh?

  21. Yes I have to agree that the Palace doesn’t get spooked that easily and it was a busy week last week with the Budget, thanksgiving and Black Friday/Brexit for them to make any announcement amongst all that, in my view. So it all seems a little weird as to what happened.

    Far from speculating about the past I’d rather focus on next week/ few weeks - tuesdays have always been a good day for engagements ( from a news point of view you never know what Mondays will bring in for the week and by Thursday/Friday people are switching down for the weekend around the world)

    Getting my giddy kipper head on though - all these little details are adding up to big news shortly, and if they are engaged then they should really just get on with it now and avoid anymore media frenzy. Speculation seems to be at fever pitch.

    News of a wedding before the birth of K&W baby seems a little rushed and a bit unfair on Kate - if George and Charlotte are going to be involved I’m sure Kate wouldn’t want to be 6-7 months pregnant running/worrying about them causing mischief 😀

    Here’s hoping the relief will be over soon - I’m sure some of us are ready to burst shortly lol

  22. Paola. Are you following all these? :)

  23. Probably shows where my head is at but the stories that really bother me are about Meghan's dogs--Meghan having to be temporarily separated from her beloved dogs, that the dogs are in quarantine, WILL have to undergo microchipping, worming, etc. Ummm, excuse me? Any dog owner who has prepared for a move across the pond, and especially one whose pets are "beloved" to them, will have already done that in Canada before she left and the dogs will have travelled close to when she did and will not be put into quarantine. In fact, to avoid quarantine and problems, they would have had to have travelled within 5 days of when Meghan did.

    I used a pet shipper from the United States to Ireland but it works similarly in Canada and England. I contacted the shipper two months before I decided to move to Ireland (of course Mitzi was going to come with us, no question ever.) But it needn't have been that far out, especially for someone with Meghan's means. As long as her dogs had been vaccinated for rabies six months before (I can't imagine they weren't already vaccinated for rabies, every pet owner who cares about their dogs does it) were microchipped (that can be done within a couple of weeks of travel, Mitzi had been microchipped already but the chip didn't meet EU standards) went through the worming process (must be done close to the time of travel) and aren't on the banned breed list, they should at this moment be romping in the garden at Nott Cot, maybe even with Lupo.

    1. I think the business about quarantine is so much nonsense. If Meghan follows the correct six month business for 'pet passports', she should be fine just having them shipped over. It sounds like she started this in June (which raises a lot of other questions but I won't go there.) And Meghan's constantly jetting about and holidaying with Harry. The dogs will be used to being left - probably won't like it, they never do - but if they're like mine -a house sitter may be like going to Nana's.

      This is the royal family we're talking - my suspicion the dogs needn't worry about a pet shipper - there will be a private plane and a minder and all the messier details will all be handled for her - if not 'overlooked', like the worming. But we probably won't hear about that and the various embassies being involved - the dogs will just appear. The dogs are the most appealing part of Meghan to me.

      I'm glad Mitzi moved with you -but is she no longer with you - the short lives of pets is the saddest part - my spaniels send dog kisses to you.

      I did have a close friend back in quarantine days who gave up her cat when she married rather than put him through that. I felt so bad for her. I knew others who went through it - and we would read about pets dying in quarantine - thank goodness those days are past for many countries.

    2. Julia from Leominster26 November 2017 at 16:06

      Oh good, Jo, I see that Mitzi did move with you.

    3. Yep Mitzi is very much with me. I actually had a friend about 30 years ago who adopted 3 cats when she and her husband were working in the Philippines with the World Bank. They brought them, and the Filipina housekeeper, back to Canada although one of the cats escaped its crate at Manila Airport never to be seen again :( Six years later, after friend’s hubby confessed his love for the housekeeper, my friend had him pay for shipping and quarantining the cats to England, her origI am home. Cost him A LOT and she would visit the cats every week in quarantine. They both lived to age 20 (the cats that is.)

    4. Oh and Julia, Mitzi says she is SO glad you have spaniels and not the dreaded black Scotties. There are two pairs that live near us right now and Mitzi thinks they are just WAY too big for their red collars! We have to walk on the other side of the boulevard because of all the barking back and forth. On the other hand she was pen pals for years with some wonderful King Charles spaniels, Muffin and Daisy, who lived with my best friend in Somerset and sadly passed away within six months of each other last year.

    5. I'm sure my cavaliers would get on beautifully with Mitzi - they are very sweet and loving - although they think they are terrific hunters, chasing squirrels - they never catch any though - I believe the squirrels find them funny.

      How sad for your friend to lose Muffin and Daisy so close together!

  24. What a week! And I have to say it was quite astounding to see those front pages come in Saturday night. I have to admit I was getting 1981 flashbacks, the frenzy is so similar...

    A rare time I'll say this but in my opinion The Sunday Times piece was a bit of a mess, complete contradictions from No10 and palace, then they throw in a bizarre update on the fashion stakes. Worth noting it's not from the usual Sunday Times correspondent, Roya Nikkhah, or The Times correspondent Valentine Low.

    Camilla Tominey has been very solid on the Wales side of things for the past couple of years, and she's also now the political editor at the Sunday Express so would have good sources in both places. Her story on Eugenie's wedding was wrong though, unless she has eloped and none of us know :)

    Can't believe it but I think Phil Dampier's exclusive at The Sun made the most sense. He said May was "briefed", not that she cleared her diary - and she wouldn't need to, that detail alone was very strange. He reports Downing St was told an announcement is "imminent". So could be No10 jumped the gun, mishandled this like most else on their plate lately.

    I do think it's possible Tominey is right, because I think even Harry & Meghan have no idea the draw that they are for the media and the growing public. Maybe they thought it would be a more low key announcement and the arrival of so much media reporting outside the palace did throw them, and they knew they had to change course.

    What all of this says to me, once again, is that KP does not have the right, experienced people in the right place. It is on KP staff *first and foremost* to control a message of this magnitude and how it is delivered. If press are being fed incorrect information, get the regular royal reporters together and give them some guidance on background only. KP does this on lesser matters for heaven's sake.

    Harry is so popular, he's marrying a woman who is accomplished and popular and already has a fan base in her own right. This should not have been a "business as usual" approach and smart staff should have known that.

    Just my opinion of course :)

    1. I think that all you say sounds plausible to some extent, except for the changing course bit. I don't understand why the presence of a large media contingent would throw them off. It doesn't make any sense to me.
      I am not sure that the press is getting trolled anymore. Because, otherwise KP by now would have rolled in with at least one denial - something like Harry and Meghan have no plans to announce their engagement and are currently enjoying their relationship. The fact that they didn't tells me that there is some truth to the imminence of the announcement.

  25. And most importantly, a massive round of applause and thank you to Charlotte! She does not miss a beat, I can assure you! Really, she's a fantastic editor and has gone through all the reports and presented the solid ones with a great assessment. Still maintaining and surpassing her high standards, no doubt about it :)

    1. I couldn't agree more about Charlotte, Claudia. Btw, good to hear from you! I had been thinking where you were. :)

    2. 🎉🥂 Cheers to that, Claudia. She certainly does her homework. I trust her integrity even when resources from the media may be sketchy.
      She professionally and reliably searches through to the very best of her ability. 🔎 Thank you, Charlotte.

    3. Agree, a round of applause indeed! I would have thought that both Harry and Meghan would be more than aware of the frenzy that will accompany their engagement? But I also tend to agree with surfer girl that this announcement may be more than about an engagement. Please heaven let it not be a Regency though....

  26. What the hell are they talking about meghan markle spotted in london Meghan leaving and wrapping party btw patrick adams is leaving Meghan and Patrick Adams does mesn leaving the focusing. Life in private i think patrick wants to try new things and us for meghan she will be focusing and practicing and announcement of their engagement

  27. This just occurred to me so I might not have thought it all the way through...because yes, I was wondering why the Queen was announcing the engagement of her grandson who is not next or even third in line to the throne. But, maybe it is so the country knows where the Queen stands on Meghan herself-an American divorcee who is biracial. Two of those characteristics are what essentially put the Queen in line for the throne originally. Maybe she was making a clear statement to put to bed any speculation about her blessing. But again, I just thought of this and am not sure it would stand the test of time.

  28. I usually read through all the comments and then make my own, but this time commented as I went so I see lots of us are of the same option that 1). Why would BP announce this? 2) why would TM be involved at all.

    And really, before Baby no 3?! That would seriously be rushing it. For no reason. I mean, forget all of the romantic 'I love you, you are the one, everything else will just work out idea' I feel bad for the poor person who did plan their wedding time in advance and is going to get pushed aside( but probably compensated) as vendors rush for a royal wedding.

  29. Julia from Leominster26 November 2017 at 15:01

    If I was a betting woman, I would say this announcement may come from Kensington Palace, but I could be wrong. I often am.

  30. I agree. The dogs must be somewhere, probably under wraps for security reasons. There's no way Meghan would wait until she's ready to leave Toronto and then look into the dogs' requirements.

    1. Allison. The reports were that she started the doggie's transfer paperwork six months ago, giving their intended destination AND her address in England as Kensington Palace. I will list the references when I find them again.

    2. I agree that the dogs must be with Meghan and Harry and I also think they were engaged a LONG time ago! At least between themselves. I am starting to agree with those who think the announcement concerns more that perhaps the Queen will spend more time with her husband while they can enjoy each other. I also thought that perhaps Meghan and Harry were already married---it would be awful if something happened to Harry's grandparents and they could not marry for some time, only because I think they need to start having children. :) Perhaps this ado about the engagement is just a cover for something more decisive.

    3. One of those articles that says Meghan was putting her address as Kensington Palace even six months ago on the "Notice 3" form when filling out paperwork for the transfer of her doggies is Camilla Tominey, Daily Mail,
      "Meghan Markle and Prince Harry....", 11/26/17.

  31. 🎼music to my ears, Jo. So happy that Guy and Bogart are most likely, as you say, now in the Palace enjoying "a spot of tea and watching the tellie", lol. They will love Lupo. Now he has playmates. 🐶🐶🐶

  32. Personally I believe noses were pulled - a little bit of fake news to keep us all on our toes. I have just been taught how to reverse check photographs. Interesting to see how many purported photographs are not. A lot of the images out of recent events in both Syria and Zimbabwe were years old. So the engagement will happen when it does and truly in the scheme of things does it really matter if it is tomorrow, next week or next year?

  33. Upon reflection, to me, all this hullabaloo is not about Harry and Meghan at all but has everything to do with the Queen and Phillip. And pertaining to them it is a milestone thing that will be announced. Obviously it really has the concern and attention of Buckingham Palace AND the British government. That is why the terse response from Buckingham Palace, like "you have got to be kidding. you think this is about a romance? History is about to be made here regarding issues of the throne. It is complicated and urgent. We are more than intensely busy with that. stop asking us silly questions. bug off." lol
    To me, when viewed in that light, everything makes sense. They are radically busy shuffling things for a shift in power or due to perhaps the fluctuating health of Prince Phillip. The Queen may no longer be physically able to do what she used to do and/or she maybe wants to spend all her time with Phillip these days. She did stay on the balcony with him and let Charles fulfill her role that day. I don't think all this chaotic media blitz has anything to do with Meghan and Harry.

    1. Tammy from California26 November 2017 at 20:08

      Surfer Girl, you may just have hit the nail right on the head.

    2. Yep. The puzzle pieces fit better that way. It all comes into view when you leave Harry and Meghan out of the variables, out of this picture. It is about the Queen, Prince Phillip and Prince Charles, me thinketh. :) 🏰👑

    3. Maggie - Minneapolis26 November 2017 at 22:45

      If all these meetings are really happening, then I agree, it could be about something else. They have a template in place for engagement announcements. Plus I thought the whole point of William and Harry setting up their own offices at KP was to retain control over their affairs, so BP would not need a lot of big meetings over an engagement that KP would be handling. Not sure why they would need to tell a bunch of staff in advance even if BP was taking charge.

    4. I was sitting with my mom Friday afternoon when the 'announcement's was supposed to happen. Her immediate response was 'Oh, the Queen is stepping down.' Given her age, I would have to wonder if maybe she is going to transition to Charles. The reality is, I think she would step back if she was given a diagnosis that would impede her mental ability to do her job. And I would think it would be gradual, her working in the background, providing guidance for as long as she is able.

  34. As for the Royal guard assigned to Meghan. They had returned from Africa. Meghan was at the concert. There was a Royal protection officer by her then. Then we didn't see her (except for events) until with Susan Chapman. Royal clout needed for that. She apparently has a Royal protection officer now. Why?
    Because she was engaged to Harry in Africa. Fiancés get Royal protection. She is and has been a Royal fiance' for months now.

    1. Maggie - Minneapolis26 November 2017 at 22:00

      My understanding is that fiances don't get protection until the engagement is made public. At least that's how it was for Kate.

    2. Maggie. We didn't see Kate much after they returned from the engagement in Africa, did we? I don't think so. So perhaps she did have Royal protection then. They hadn't announced the engagement but she entered the church with and left the church with William at that wedding and that isn't supposed to happen unless they are "officially" engaged. So for all we know, Kate did receive Royal protection before their engagement announcement.

    3. P.S. Kate was attended by royal protection officers after her return from Kenya, even before the announcement, according to Thomas Burrows, Daily Mail today.
      And, he said it is confirmed that Meghan had Royal protection whilst shopping in London the other day. And, I believe they are the ones that kept her invisible the past few months in Toronto also.

    4. P.S.S. (typical, lol)
      Thomas Burrows, Daily Mail today also indicated that the Royal solicitors of Harbottle and Lewis
      have been Meghan's solicitor's since this summer. They definitely got engaged in Africa. :)

  35. I don't believe the "spooked" business for one moment! All of the royal communications staff are professionals and know exactly what they are doing. They have been dealing with and working for very popular and newsy young royals for a long time. I think someone, whether in an official capacity or not, played the media. It also makes no sense that the PM would need to clear her schedule to wish the couple congratulations. I do, however, find strange the reporting that they might choose a wedding date close to the birth of Baby Cambridge. To me, that's just poor form for anyone (royal or not) to plan their wedding near the date of the impending birth of a sibling's child. There are just too many unknowns that could keep Kate or even William from participating in the ceremony, regardless of whether the date set is supposed to be just before or just after the birth. The month of May should be far enough from the birth and with likely better weather.

    1. Tammy from California26 November 2017 at 20:06

      JLDLF15- I agree with you 100%- WELL SAID.

    2. Maggie - Minneapolis26 November 2017 at 22:36

      It's possible that Kate and William requested that the wedding happen before the birth. Kate cuccooned herself away for five months after her second baby and may be wishing to do the same again. Unless they wait until the fall, any wedding post-birth would put a lot of pressure on Kate to lose weight very quickly, and she and William probably could not help as much with the preparations and such if they had a new baby demanding all their attention. Not to mention analysis of how Kate looks post birth might steal some attention esp since if the wedding happened after it would probably be a rare appearance for Kate in those months so it would generate more attention than usual. And while always risky, after two pregnancies, they may feel comfortable with assuming the third one will probably go similarly, and given that she was seen carrying George in a park, taking him swimming, going shopping, and more all just weeks or days before giving birth, she clearly feels pretty good and agile even when heavily pregnant. Heck Princess Madeline of Sweden attended her brother's wedding a day before giving birth, lol. She of course didn't know that at the time but she must have known it would be cutting it close. I dunno, it seems inconvenient for Kate either way, and ultimately, esp if they have age concerns in regards to Meghan getting pregnant, Harry and Meghan have to do what is best for them.

    3. Maggie - Minneapolis26 November 2017 at 22:41

      Oooh also if you think about it, a royal baby soon after the wedding would take the immense spotlight off of Meghan and Harry for a bit as newlyweds who would otherwise face the same constant scrutiny and attention that Kate and William did in the months after their wedding. Whereas a royal baby before the wedding could take the spotlight off of the about to be married couple when pr-wise the BRF would thrive from it. This helps give both big occasions their due spotlight. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of wedding before baby, except when would that rescheduled tour for the Cambridges be? I just remembered the tour plans, so now although I like it, I'm skeptical about wedding before baby lol.

  36. Tammy from California26 November 2017 at 20:00

    HJ Christy: this was exactly what I thought too. I guess we will find out soon.

  37. Tammy from California26 November 2017 at 20:05

    I am with others above: I think too much is being made of all this by the media. The fire at BP, the divorce of PC and Diana, the death of Diana: I doubt an engagement is something that would spook the palace- especially because it is not (as of now) a future king.

  38. I think that there will definitely be an announcement sooner rather than later now. Because if there were no plans KP would have announced that THERE WILL BE NO ANNOUNCEMENT. The fact that they are not doing that says to me that they are planning to go ahead and do it at some point this week.
    I am shocked, shocked that there were this many leaks and the relationship was undermined and almost trivialized in this manner. Who does this? How can you retain any amount of mystique, gravitas this way? I don't know what on earth is going on at BP/CH or KP but whatever it is, it's not good.

    On another note - I left a reply to Erika and royalfan in the previous thread, but feel free to bring it to this one should you ladies want.

    1. Maggie - Minneapolis26 November 2017 at 22:53

      The royals don't usually deny rumors, as don't most institutions or organizations with pr offices. It would set an expectation of having to deny every untrue rumor, and mean that any time they don't deny something after doing it once, people will think that rumor must be true. I know very occasionally they have done it (Prince Andrew last year about his daughters and William about supporting Harry's denouncement of the media in regards to Meghan both come to mind), there is a reason both of those occasions were big deals and unexpected. I suppose William also did deny a relationship with Jecca a long time ago. But in general, they do not comment on things like this. And it makes sense -they would have to devote a full press office solely to denying the huge amount of rumors constantly going around about them. It would take up so much time and also end up with more press devoted to the thing being denied since the denial would be reported on. And until an engagement is announced, even if they deny it now, the rumors will persist until it is announced anyways, until they wait like over a year, at which point sure people might have given up and moved on a bit.

    2. I'm neither Erika nor Royalfan but I assume it's okay for me to join in as well.
      Letizia and One like announced their engagement in 2003, 14 years ago in a time that predated both social media and smart phones. Even then they only managed to pull it off because they only dated a handful of months before announcing ( H+M are aproaching the year and a half mark and many commentators here would prefer they date longer than they have before they announce an engagement, I've yet to read anyone suggest they date less time). Additionally, Harry is more high profile, garners more media attention internationally than Phelipe. I do not personally believe the comparison between the two relationships and their ability to maintain their privacy is apt in the least. Why didn't Will+Kate keep their relationship private until announcing their engagement? why didn't Harry and Chelsy? Why didn't Harry and Cressida? Both W+H appear to loath press invasion in their lives so surely if they could have kept their past relationships private they would have?
      Which leads me to my second point: Harry loathes press invasion in his personal life. It has been consistently and reliably reported that W+H have gone so far as to feed people close to them false information to see if it leaks to the press. Do you really believe that if H suspected even for one second that MM were the source of their relationship being made public, or that she was setting up photo ops (without his express knowledge/permission) that he would continue in the relationship? He has an entire press office at his service, and a lot more connections with the media than MM does, surely he would be capable of sussing it out if that were the case. Furthermore, when the media was called out out their initial misogynist reporting, they all but threw a conniption fit, and didn't disguise the fact that they were looking for any story to print about the couple that could possibly be slanted in a negative light. Most of the social media posts that M posted before their relationship became public couldn't have possibly have been guessed to be about Harry unless you already knew about their relationship, and even then they were extremely innocuous and a bit of a stretch imo (but I do respect that others feel differently about it). I do think though that she and her team were illprepared for the intense scrutiny she would be under once news of their relationship broke and it wasn't handled as professionally as it could have been, they were obviously overwhelmed and inexperienced and I think miscalculated how certain things would be interpreted in retrospect, but they very swiftly course corrected and I think have done a surprisingly excellent job given how eager people are to find fault with her (to be clear I'm not suggesting you are trying to find fault at all, I've heard more than one person respectfully express similar thoughts about M and I'm curious to learn more about the varying perspectives on the matter).
      Lastly, Prince Harry, who has an entire lifetime of experience in avoiding paparazzi (and large amounts of resources available to him fulfill that goal including RPOs and the aforementioned press office) has still been papped our in London by himself during the course of their relationship, leaving jewelry stores, going grocery shopping and heading to/leaving the gym. If Harry has been unable to avoid getting papped, why do we think Meghan would be more successful in being able to avoid getting papped than H?
      This is a really long post, so if you took the time to read it thank you! I'm interested to read your (or anyone else's) response (assuming anyone is kind enough to leave one).

    3. I believe the leak came from the government not the palace. The government may be very eager for an engagement to distract from a painful and messy divorce settlement coming due very soon - the palace may be in less of a hurry - but there looks to be an engagement coming.

      I do wonder not if the leaks about the queen's meeting came form the palace and have some truth - that Harry and Meghan, as an older couple, will plan their own wedding style and possibly their own announcement - the queen and presumably Charles standing back.

      One thing does seem definitely wrong - there was talk of a ring being made out of 'Diana's emerald choker' but that choker, an heirloom from Queen Mary, belongs to the queen and was returned to her. However, Diana may have owned an emerald ring - I seem to recall her wearing one once.

      Personally, I'd wait until the dogs arrive - that would make for charming photos like Margaret and Snowdon with her spaniel Rawley - I loved that photo - even though it turns out Snowdon hated dogs.

    4. Rosman, I did just reply in the other post. But I wanted to say that your use of the term "undermined and trivialized" sums up my feelings perfectly.

    5. I don't understand why everyone is calling this a BP/CH/KP screw up. Nothing official has come from any of those places. Everything has come from people outside the palace, and frankly the fact that everyone is giving these reports so much legitimacy surprises me. Yes, I think an engagement announcement is coming but everyone acting like Meghan and Harry have messed up somehow surprises me. We don't actually know that anything was planned to be announced about them or that she has protection officers etc. Just because the media is all hyped up doesn't mean any of the stories are factual. Nothing is real until Clarence House announces it, everything else is the word of people who are not the couple or Prince Charles.

    6. Finn, I was prepared to respond but will hold off due to the engagement announcement.

      Today, I will just wish H&M all the best and I truly hope they will be as happy 50 years from now. :-)

  39. Maggie - Minneapolis26 November 2017 at 22:26

    I like Meghan a lot, and I get the age thing, but it still feels like rushing it to be engaged before ever even living in the same country together, much less the same time zone. But obviously only they can know what is best for them. That being said, even if engaged, I'm just finding it very surprising that Meghan would want to announce it just days after moving to another country. Wouldn't she want to, I dunno, at least unpack her things first?
    And I know Camilla Tominey is the one who broke the news of their relationship, but she is also the one who wrote an article about how Kate and William would be stopping at two children just months before the third pregnancy was announced. I'm not saying she would deliberately lie or anything, but part of me wonders how much to really believe her article. It's entirely possible her sources are wrong, and/or that the media is trying to defend its own hype and predictions. News outlets do have a vested financial interest in maintaining the hype, even if unfounded. I find it especially difficult to believe that May would be "preparing" for an announcement and clearing her schedule. William's engagement announcement just got a statement from Downing Street and that engagement in all likelihood determined a future Queen Consort for the nation, not "just" the wife of the fifth (and soon to be sixth) in line to the throne. Heck I am skeptical that Harry would want to tell the government in advance, given how privacy-obsessed both him and his brother are. Wasn't it rumored that William didn't even tell his own father/family until very soon before the announcement? And same with Kate's pregnancies?

    1. Maggie, I imagine there was no choice but to go ahead and announce it, as it was quite public knowledge that Meghan had quit her acting job and moved in with Harry. Life will actually be easier for them now and they can get on with things. I also don't believe they are rushing things...obviously I don't know them but I do know from experience that, especially when one gets older and more experienced with relationships, that one does often know right away when meeting the right one. I knew the second I met my husband and we were making a life together within 6 months. Before that I had known my previous husband for 5 years before getting married, and never had that same feeling (and obviously that didn't turn out well!).


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