
Thursday 23 November 2017

Will Harry and Meghan Announce Their Engagement Tomorrow?

Hello dear readers,

A very Happy Thanksgiving to all of you across the pond and to those celebrating the day around the world.

I received several messages on social media from readers sharing reports on an "imminent" engagement announcement. Certainly, I do not wish to spread false rumours and will begin by saying there is nothing concrete, no statement or confirmation from Kensington Palace, however, something is in the air and it most definitely looks like the announcement is on the cusp of happening.

Several media reports have emerged today, most notably the Evening Standard writes the BBC is primed and prepared for the announcement:

'The Londoner hears that the BBC is primed for a royal announcement. Rumours are flying around town that the engagement of Prince Harry and his girlfriend Meghan Markle is imminent, possibly even in the next few hours. Markle, pictured, has been increasingly seen around town — she has a new Volkswagen for spinning around the capital and her dogs are set to arrive in London from her home in Toronto.'

A friend referred me to Lainey Gossip early on in Harry and Meghan's relationship. Her reports and sources have proved to be accurate time and time again. She shared interesting insight today on the UK media, describing them as "on high alert":

'Last week, as I mentioned, media in the UK were making preparations for some kind of royal announcement that may or may not have been happening two days ago, on Tuesday. That was the day after Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip’s 70th anniversary. Everyone was asked to be on standby. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle did not announce their engagement on Tuesday.
But now they’re readying for something to happen tomorrow and they’re reaching out to all kinds of media contacts to secure appearances for commentary. Satellite windows have been booked and at least two UK networks that I know of are preparing to come out of scheduled programming and go live as soon as the engagement is announced, if it’s announced. Although no one seems to be able to say for sure whether or not anything will be announced.
Whatever may or may not happen, I’m just telling you that the UK media is ready. And they seem to think it’s happening tomorrow which is why, behind the scenes, they’re on high alert.'

 At this point, it looks like Meghan stayed in London for Thanksgiving (contrary to reports she would spend it in LA with her mother Doria). Viewing Meghan's social media posts, it's obvious she adores the holiday, spending time with family and cooking the turkey. If reports are true, and she is indeed still in London, it gives another layer of credence to the rumours. Royal reporters and media have been rather quiet on today's chatter. I also believe Harry's schedule is free next week... Again, there has been no official confirmation, but If I were a betting woman, I would wager this engagement is happening soon. Perhaps, as soon as tomorrow! :)


  1. Oh my goodness. I hope so. Some good, happy news would be wonderful.

  2. I hope so! :) I can feel it in my bones...
    Happy Thanksgiving! x

  3. That turkey looks mighty tasty, btw! Yum :)

  4. Fingers crossed! Such an exciting time for everyone. Guesses on wedding date?

  5. 🤵👰🏻 Me thinketh you and the people you mentioned are right on the money, I feel it in the air, even here across the pond, lol. Thank you for the update Charlotte. :)

  6. William and Kate's announcement was made on a Tuesday or Wednesday, so Friday would work, lol. Get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready. Wait for it... wait for it...... lol

    1. LOL. May I assume that you have a bottle of a fine and favorite beverage on ice? ;-)

    2. no. but thanks for reminding me, rf, lol. 🥂

    3. :-) okay then...that's more like it.

  7. So exciting! I will be checking the news all day tomorrow!

  8. My money was on late November for the announcement. So if this comes true, know that I'm also betting on twins!

    (Dorian and Frances!)

  9. 🇬🇧And, we do not know that Doria is not in London with them. I truly, truly cannot picture Meghan leaving her mother alone on Thanksgiving day or on the day of their engagement announcement/interview. I don't think Doria has the much family still around, in Los Angeles or elsewhere. I think she is in London.

    1. I'm thinking that Doria would not mind missing a Thanksgiving but it would be great for her to be in London to meet Harry's family. I am so excited! I think Harry and Meghan may prefer a modest ring but I hope it's spectacular nonetheless.

    2. My guess is that Meghan will definitely want her mom near her when she and Harry announce their engagement, don't you. :)

    3. But her mom is supposed to be taking care of the dogs in LA. I think that the last time Meghan was in London and it was reported that Doria was there, too---I think Doria meant the in-laws then. And if DoOria works then she can't spend a lot of time away from her home. Hope she and the dogs move to the UK.

    4. Allison, lol. could be. we'll see. they sure have been keeping us guessing haven't they. :)

      I think George and Charlotte will LOVE Guy and Bogart. :)

    5. Allison. Actually upon reflection, I think the report that said Guy and Bogart are in Los Angeles are as wrong as the reports that said Meghan would be in Los Angeles for Thanksgiving.

      I think Guy and Bogart are awaiting their journey to London while staying with the same doggie care givers that Meghan has used before while on her trips to London and other foreign destinations. That is a more comfortable and familiar situation for the doggies. So, I think Gus and Bogart are comfortably still in Toronto awaiting their journey to their new home in London. 🐶🐶

    6. I am so longing to see new photos of George and Charlotte. I don't want to invade their privacy or anything but they do change so much at their ages. I don't want to miss out on that. And, I hope the children know to be very gentle with Guy and Bogart as they are older doggies and perhaps been through quite a lot before being adopted. I am hopeful Meghan and Kate will monitor them with the doggies. 🐾

    7. I hope Guy & Bogart have a safe & comfortable trip. I love the fact that they're both rescue dogs. Meghan seems like a very affectionate, kind-hearted woman, judging by the photos taken with her dogs. I can see why Harry chose her.

  10. Thanks Charlotte for such a fun post on Thanksgiving day, it's a great way to spend my time in between cooking and such!!

    Personally I'm glad they didn't announce it today because with all the cooking, visiting family etc. I wouldn't have had the time to celebrate properly!

    I'm thinking Monday for an announcement, as Kate & William have an engagement tomorrow evening and I've heard that the family likes to have these types of engagements announced on a day when no one is out and about. As I recall that was the issue with W&K's announcement, various family members were being asked about the engagement and didn't seem to have time to prepare responses, I'm thinking about Anne in particular.

    Anyhow, I'm super excited and can't wait to see the ring, to see Harry and Meghan together and of course the engagement interview!!

    1. Very true about overshadowing issues within the Firm, but I think that W&H have a solid relationship and W&K would be happy for Harry.

    2. I agree, rf. a moot point for them, overshadowing.
      they probably didn't give it a second thought. they don't have to worry about Harry (as much, lol) now. Is he lonely? Is he staying out of trouble? When will he find his true love? he has found Meghan, pursued her and voila'. they probably wouldn't mind him even announcing his engagement in April if he wanted to (although the Palace no doubt would). but that's how much they love Harry.

    3. :-) exactly...

  11. Lainey is known to have very good sources. In addition, one of her colleagues on Canada's Etalk (entertainment show) is Jessica Mulroney's husband, Ben! However, I really don't think that Jessica would breach Meghan's confidence, so I guess it's down to Lainey's other contacts!

  12. I hope you are right Charlotte, as Bluhare said we could all use some positivity and distraction from this dumpster fire of a year. Happy Thanksgiving to those that celebrate and Happy Thursday to those that don't!💕

    1. “This dumpster fire of a year.” LOL I agree!

  13. Oh I’m getting tingles of excitement! So fun and I’m in high alert now too!

    1. :), yay. I'm not the only one.

    2. Anna from TN...that's the cutest response!! Tingles and high alert here too!

  14. I was studying for my Biology test next week and I took a quick look at the blog and saw this, yay this is so exciting I really hope they announce it tomorrow, but if they do i probably will be too excited to study for my test, but i have to ugh. I still don't know why my professor scheduled a test right after Thanksgiving break. This post and thanksgiving dinner cooked by my mom brightened my mood.

  15. I'm skeptical that they will announce tomorrow. For one, it's a Friday and Friday's are traditionally "news dump" days, days when you don't make big announcements because most people don't pay as much attention to the news on weekends as they do during the week. (Granted, things have changed with the internet/24 hour news cycle.) Also, it will be the day after the American Thanksgiving. With Meghan being American, they will want this to be a big story in the US (one would think). Most Americans will be: in a post-turkey stupor, too busy shopping or too busy watching football to care about this if it's announced tomorrow.

    Plus, as someone else pointed out, I also think it's unlikely they would announce on a day when other royals are scheduled to attend the Royal Variety Performance. Unless the plan is for Harry and Meghan to make a "surprise" appearance at the RVP after the announcement? I guess anything is possible. I'm sure the announcement is coming...I just don't think it will be tomorrow.

    1. Julia from Leominster24 November 2017 at 17:54

      That would be a nice possible first official appearance for Meghan although I don't think Harry is listed to attend - but this Oxford Circus nightmare is going to overshadow everything.


  17. I´m so glad that the UK is one hour behind Germany - so I had the time to do what I needed to do so that I can now sit with one eye glued to my laptop screen, I mean, JUST IN CASE!!! ;-)))) If you, dearest Charlotte, are in high alert - it MUST happen!! Or maybe Harry is sitting in front of HIS laptop, killing himself at the moment, browsing the internet and watching everyone on their toes!!! Just a tiny little "payback" for all the media intrusion of the past and yet to come..... cheeky little.... ok, no bad words today! :-)))))

  18. Ok, I´ve calmed down. Nothing like a bit of unwanted cigarette smoke in your appartment to put your feet firmly back on the ground again..... Meghan has hardly unpacked - why add the burden of an official announcement to the stressfulness of a full move (I know she´s got money and certainly lots of professional help, still, it´s bound to be unnerving, to say the least.)?
    I would want at least to be a little bit settled, unpacked, make my new home a little bit more "MY new home" (and not solely my buddy´s)... Unless she´s done that all already, without us knowing it ("Chapeau!!" in that case, that would bode well for the future of their privacy - albeit maybe not for us always curious fans....). So I´m not so sure now... still, I have to give them that: whoever spreads those rumours, surely knows how to keep us on our toes.....

  19. my guess is that she has done that already. :)
    I don't think it takes Meghan long to get acclimated.
    I think they've been engaged for awhile, planning and following through on plans. And now. 'Tis the season for an engagement announcement. :)

    1. Jessica in Los Angeles24 November 2017 at 17:03

      I agree. I think they were engaged before she appeared at the Invictus Games. There’s a difference between “we will get engaged” and “we are actually engaged.” I think they just wanted to wait for suits to be done filming before announcing.

    2. I think that was the litmus also, Jessica. I imagine those months of filming must have seemed even longer to them than it did to us and that is a lot.

    3. Jessica in Los Angeles24 November 2017 at 20:01

      But I’m with you. Enough with the stalling. Get to the announcement already! I want another royal wedding! Plus I really can’t wait to see what she does with the role.

  20. Charlotte, "Woman's Day" just an hour ago reported that an emergency meeting has just been called at Buckingham Palace. Do you know about that yet?

  21. Hmm let just wait see all the royal reporters and royal watchers like me and us are eager and fever weightlifing things up ... let just wait and see what will happen next if meghan packed her things moved in london and let see PW and km annocement of their engagement november. 16 2010 public but Their enagement was october they reveal it on enagemenf then the duchess grandfather died maybe th duchess in impending pregnancy cause the delayed harry and meghan engagement

  22. BP just issued a comment/no comment regarding engagement news.

    1. BP's comment reads like a puff in comparison to the existing tornado. 😊

    2. I know, rf. how rude. they should be thankful that
      so many care. :)

    3. Thanks, surfer girl, I´m obviously not a native speaker, but when I read that comment earlier on today, my first thought was "Whoever this spokesperson is, if I was Harry, (s)he would be in REAL trouble" (and I´m not even a "redhead",LOL!!). "Rude" - exactly!

    4. p.s. Eve. your English is amazing. (Just so you know.) :)

    5. Julia from Leominster25 November 2017 at 04:12

      Sounds like Julia isn't alone in finding all this speculation frankly - and sorry to say this - rather vulgar. I'm old-fashioned and this is the new celebrity-driven media age, but I don't care for it and I don't think the palace - and probably the queen - does either - it is unusual for them to be quite so testy. I wonder if they aren't uneasy or even vexed about where it is coming from.'

      Pip says hello Surfer Girl but he won't appear this time - he's hiding under the bed!

    6. THANKS, surfer girl!! :-)))))))))

    7. Julia, this kind of speculation has been around at least since Princess Margaret was said to be in love with a certain Group Captain Peter Townsend. So I guess HM is VERY used to it by now (I´m not even mentioning the frenzy that accompanied HRH The Prince of Wales and The Lady Diana Spencer...). If KP actually kept everyone informed - just basic "communication", taught at every business school and every marriage counselling, so very useful both in private and in business - no speculation like this would EVER occur. But, alas, that´s the price you have to pay for doing it "old-school"....

    8. awhh. hiding under the bed, lol. cute. 🐶

    9. Julia, perhaps it just human nature, yeh? Even in the aftermath of the war I think there was most likely a lot of speculation (and controversy) about Princess Elizabeth's own dating/engagement/wedding scenario. So it isn't her first pre-nuptial rodeo. lol
      It is very frustrating and I can understand why you think it is vulgar. It is brash. But I don't know how unusual that is in any era. The media has always been the media. And human nature hasn't changed that much. And the Queen did marry within a short time of dating. If Harry and Meghan were younger, I think things would be going slower. And if the Queen, and particularly Prince Phillip were younger, I think things would be going slower. I would hope so at least. I think those considerations all play into it perhaps.
      I hope these thoughts give you some comfort. Heaven knows we could all use some comfort.X :)

    10. Julia from Leominster25 November 2017 at 20:34

      It's less the speculation than the 'leaks' that troubles me - that is new.

      But speaking of new - this remark was in answer to comments of the palace's 'rude' statement, novel itself - those statements are more often bland than tetchy. I don't think this remark of theirs was unauthorised but speaks of concern about these leaks - and unhappiness with them.

    11. So I like Meghan and think she will be a great addition to the royal team. At the same time I am also really puzzled by what is going on. I don't understand the point of this drip-drip of leaking. First one thing then another, then a picture, then something about dogs etc etc. It was part of a pattern early on, then it stopped and it seems that it has resumed again. I was gone over the past couple of days, and logged in and saw this deluge of speculation on the "wedding announcement". Isn't this completely unprecedented? If it is true why is it leaking and who is doing it? How come William's engagement was 100 percent sealed and this one is leaking like the Titanic? I don't get it. Royal insiders don't do this - they never have and this is simply uncharacteristic of how things work. So then who is leaking these?

      My only explanation for this is that this is Meghan's friends Jessica and Lainey from Lainey gossip's doing. They are feeding these stories. Either they are betraying Meghan's trust hugely, or they are just making stuff up and getting people all riled up. There is no basis in fact for my saying this - this is complete speculation on my part but the only one that makes any sense to me. I used to read LG years ago but her brand of slick empty hollowness is anathema to everything I like, so I stopped. Lainey used to specialize in saying 100 very outrageous things and claiming "inside" information when one of them turned out right. From what I read on JM (there was an in-depth article on her somewhere, don't remember) she is as climby as social climbing can possibly get. She has her sights set very high up.
      Charlotte, I would hope that you let some time pass before you form an opinion of Lainey Gossip or Jessica or rely on them for the veracity of anything. People are very good at brand /image management these days. It doesn't mean they know jack squat.

    12. Julia. Those leaks are increasingly becoming a curiosity. Most people might not notice or keep track but that is really not wise to just ignore them, even if there is nothing to it, attention should be paid. I agree.

  23. any confirmation of the meeting at Buckingham Palace this morning? :)

  24. Most royal reporters think we were all trolled big time...I just hope this 5pm "announcement" is not any bad news....
    Anyways, if it´s not happening today, it brought at least some fun and excitement...that´s what I needed today....sigh... I look forward to all the comments...there were some very funny ones on twitter today, speculating about what on earth could be announced so late in the day.... Kate having twins, economy considerably slowed down today because everybody was busy looking at their twitter feed waiting for the announcement... again, I just hope nothing bad....

  25. Tammy from California24 November 2017 at 16:51

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN'T WAIT!!! Come on 5 o'clock!!! Isn't that country song right? It's 5 O'clock SOMEWHERE! Go ahead and announce now!

  26. Jessica in Los Angeles24 November 2017 at 17:08

    It’s 5:07pm London time as I’m writing this. Refresh, refresh, refresh!! Still no news.

    But I just saw the meetings were at Buckingham Palace, so now I wonder if the “news” is about harry at all. An article I just read said Will and Kate’s announcement came through Clarence House.

  27. What a day for Royal Watchers! At this point, there has been no announcement of any type from the Royal Households. It certainly looks like the engagement announcement isn't happening today. It is expected "imminently" though.

    A security incident is underway at Oxford Circus Tube Station, it's unknown at this point whether it's terror related. Any royal announcement will be postponed due to this. Hopefully it isn't a serious incident and no one is hurt.

    1. I hope so, too, Charlotte... What a day.... Us all hoping for an announcement and instead - this.....another incident... Honestly, sometimes it´s hard to stay civil and not start using all the swear words I was taught while staying in Britain.... Over 200 dead in Egypt who went to their Friday´s prayers... what has this world turned into... :-((((

    2. Hello Charlotte,

      The attack in egypt on the mosque could maybe also delay the announcement? Since Egypt is a former gb colony.

  28. Thanks for the update, Charlotte. So sad to hear of another incident. A clarion call to prayer. 🙏

  29. OMG! Just turned on CNN to check in (re: M&H) & see that another Strange Incident of Sorts has occurred & is ongoing in London!? Prayers going out to any & all effected or in London on this Black Friday! :( I wonder if any positive news would be announced from The Palace amid such a scare!? Especially pulling News Reporters & affiliates away from the current coverage?

  30. Lydia, thinking of you and your family. 💐🍼
    Hope you have time to tune in to the engagement excitement. :)

  31. Just read an article in the Daily Express, that stated that the Royal Households have been informed, but that it's not likely to be announced until H&M want to wait on announcing until they have sorted a few things out. It also noted they have opted for a non traditional wedding ! Hope that doesn't mean a no camera ceremony :-(

    1. Would the Queen go for a non-traditional ya think?
      I don't know. :)

      And, Google has Kate listed as Meghan's sister-in-law.

    2. Google knows everything ;) LOL

    3. lol, lol, Kiwi Gal. That has just become a classic.
      so funny. :) That would make a cute t-shirt or baseball cap saying.

      yep. Harry and Meghan eloped to Vegas to the Elvis chapel and tied the knot. (They wanted non-traditional.) Google, knowing all and seeing all, is the only one, outside of the Elvis look-alike and Harry and Meghan who knows. yep. The Queen has her people frantically looking for them. THAT was what that meeting was really all about. :)

    4. Lol!! Surfer Girl, I just posted a comment about H & M eloping but I wasn't joking.

    5. Haha I honestly hope they didn't elope to Vegas...only the Elvis celebrant would know (& Google!) :P

    6. Just read it, Erika. Gosh I hope we're wrong. :)

  32. Julia from Leominster24 November 2017 at 21:55

    I noted in the previous post that about the only thing we haven't heard about this couple is whether Meghan has the correct visa to marry. I'm surprised that hasn't leaked out - this would be engagement is starting to look like my plumbing - endless leaks everywhere.

    If Meghan does, and hopefully they will be careful to follow the rules, since it's an area of strong feeling - they would need to marry in six months. That's why I'm surprised at this hasty timetable. May is considered an unlucky month to marry although Pippa just did and June 3 is the anniversary of Wallis and Edward VIII. I thought early July would be a better time but doesn't look to happen. Of course, it's possible Meghan will return to the US and return with the correct visa.

    The incident at Oxford Circus fortunately looks to have been a false alarm - a shame so many were troubled. What happened in Egypt is so sad - there have already been so many murders of Christians there.

    1. SO funny, Julia, May is THE month to get married in Germany, I mean, everybody dreams of a May wedding!!!! In Germany you must have a civil wedding before any church wedding can take place - so all town halls (where the civil wedding takes place) and churches are fully booked in May - the popular/nice venues sometimes years in advance!

    2. And as I said somewhere, my beloved in-laws were married in May and were happily married for over sixty years - you couldn't find a more devoted couple, except my own parents.

      I believe the superstition comes from the Romans - it was the month to honour the dead. I don't think many people pay heed these days but it became an issue for royal followers because Princess Margaret was married in May, and after Charles and Diana, that has to be one of the unluckiest royal marriages ever, worse than we even knew since apparently the groom became the father of a daughter by another woman, right around the time of the wedding! Not a wonderful beginning.

      So it's said royals have avoided May since. June is thought to be a popular wedding month but not with royals because the month is so busy. July and August I believe are the most popular wedding months - with July popular for royals - not just the unlucky ones either! Sarah and Zara were both married in July, as were the Gloucesters and two of their children, and Lady Helen Taylor.

    3. Julia. wow. the visa. I hope that doesn't become a sticky wicket. I hadn't thought of her visa. To become a citizen there does she have to get immunizations, take a citizenship test, etc.? And then is she expected to join the Church of England like Kate did? And, (forgive me for so many questions), will she be required to have a coat of arms to be merged with Harry's coat of arms upon marriage? There certainly are a lot of details to consider. Good thing Harry has an office to help.

    4. Julia from Leominster25 November 2017 at 20:38

      I'm sure it won't be, easily fixed.

      As for a citizenship test, in time I hope so, but I imagine it will be eased through.

      I think a veil is best drawn over coats of arms - do to certain statements, but Meghan has British ancestors - it wouldn't be a problem.

      Since she's not likely to be queen, although we can't rule it out if she marries Harry, (the main reason I care about her knowledge of Britain) I don't think it would be required she change her religion under the present rules.

  33. A random thought I had today: Meghan was spotted with celebrity facialist (is that a word?) - one can assume she had a facial, and of you want your skin to reap the benefits, you shpuld limit wearing makeup for a few days. My guess is the facial was on preparation for photos (engagement shoot or press call?) so the rumours that an announcement would occur on Friday were false

    1. Or she could simply have had a facial because she wanted to have a facial. So much speculation!

  34. not so random, Sharyn, :). Eve and I were thinking the same thing as you earlier. I, for one, am convinced the engagement announcement was her motivation for that particular facial. And, :), if "facialist" isn't a word, it should be.

    1. i concede that Meghan could have wanted a facial after her move. Fresh skin for a fresh start :-)
      but something is afoot and the facial could be a piece of the puzzle.

      And I looked it up - facialist is a word 😀

    2. Me three. :-) And Sarah Chapman did not appear thrilled IMO.

    3. nope. she did not looked thrilled. :) So much for the best PR day for her, lol. Maybe because she looked a little disheveled (she'd been working, yeh?) so that makes me think Meghan's appointment was an unexpected one. Don't think Meghan would just dropped in like if it wasn't urgent. Just a guess.

    4. Laura, :). yep. speculation does happen in the comments section from time to time, lol. (Perhaps we should call it brainstorming instead? Don't cha think? Yeh, I like that.) lol
      With the many and differing reports we get from the media (talk about speculation) it is not surprising that we come up with what we do in trying to sort things out.

    5. SG, not her best dressed day. Lol.

    6. royalfan, I know where you are going. So I will go first.

      I am flummoxed and puzzled by what's going on. The SC photoshoot was just that. Meghan did seem to be ready to go and prepared. I wish there would be clarity instead of this cloak and dagger thing we have going on. If there will be an announcement then announce it already. I don't get this announcement of an announcement and then a declaration of an announcement which will come when "the couple is ready" and all this talk of a non-traditional wedding and then this photoshoot with Meghan looking like she has something major up her sleeve. Obviously they knew that a facial would spark rumors. I don't get all of this. What is the need for this series of games?

    7. The cynic in me says they are eloping as we speak and the announcement will be that they are married not engaged. Hence the spa visit and the swimwear stop. It would solve a lot of problems for the couple but would be very disappointing. I would not be surprised however.

    8. Erika, lol, so you and google got the Vegas vibe too? lol (ref. text above). What you said makes sense. Or maybe the swimwear is for their honeymoon. I just hope they do something that gives respect and honor to the Royal family, history, and the public that supports them and not something so quirky that it's arrogant. You know what I mean? :)

    9. P.S. not their honeymoon but their tropical get away after the announcement. (I have them married already don't I, lol.)

    10. I know what you mean. There are certain expectations.

    11. Okay, Rosman, I have more thoughts as I sit here with a glass of Merlot ... :-)

      Would I be alone in thinking that the typical manner in which a royal romance is conducted would not be 100% agreeable to an independent American woman in her mid-thirties? I honestly do not recall if I was aware of a relationship prior to KP's plea for privacy. Was pressure put on Harry to get this out there and make it official? And were certain photo-ops made possible in order to confirm an ongoing relationship? Did Meghan want to put an end to the "moving to London" speculation and make it clear that she landed safely, Prada bag included? Especially after not being included in the anniversary dinner? (NOT a surprise to royal followers, but surely a disappointment to her given a likely announcement in the very near future.) Sorry to sound cynical, but I got the sense that she was very pleased with "being spotted" on that shopping trip. And it does not take a PhD to figure out that shopping for swimwear and having a facial takes on a life of its own....

      Just my thoughts on the subject as I sip my vino and consider the BIG picture................................

    12. I'm not Rosman, royalfan but I see where you are going with this and have to agree. This feels like the photo to Whole Foods and outside the nail salon all over again. In which case, Meghan wants it known she was in London and not in the States for Thanksgiving which we were all assuming. Not sure how I feel about that.

    13. I am really happy she was spotted with her Prada bag, at least she worked for it!

    14. Erika and royalfan I am right there with you. I was under the impression that the photo games were over but it seems not.

      The relationship itself was given away by Meghan, if I am not mistaken. She posted the picture of the bracelet and then a number of pictures of her dogs in Union Jack costumes, bananas etc. It was no doubt one of her friends in the media who alerted the rest of the world about the bracelet picture - the bracelet's significance was that it was Harry's. There was a sense of someone enjoying the glory of being Harry's boyfriend. I was intensely put off by the way the relationship was brought into the open and avoided reading about Meghan steadfastly after that for a long time. I am now aware of her many good qualities but at the same time I can't help feeling slightly cynical. Honestly with the amount of privacy they have, no one would have been any the wiser for months had she not outed the relationship when she did. I never quite understood the need to go public then and then follow up with the over-the-top chiding of the press. Why DID she divulge - anyone come up with an innocent explanation for it because I can't !!

      Prince Felipe and Letizia came out at the engagement, literally. No one had a clue they were dating prior to that. Why couldn't this relationship have gone the same way ? There is something just unsavory about the whole public, and now circusy nature to this relationship. Nevertheless I hope to see it last and I hope to see them happy forever. Most importantly I hope to see them really engage in their philanthropic work.

    15. 'Harry's boyfriend?" Now that would be a story! HAHaha

    16. Erika, exactly!!

      Rosman, I had the same initial reaction to the relationship; I was turned off by the hints. Frankly, it's teenage behavior. Is it status driven? Is it insecurity? Perhaps a combination, but definitely not indicative of an understanding of what is key to long term success for a royal relationship ... modesty, discretion, and trust.

      And before anyone reminds me that Diana used the press, let me say that I do not disagree. But may I point out that she needed a voice and the public's support because she lived in an environment that was anything but supportive of her.

      Harry, on the other hand, appears to be nuts about this young woman and would probably take a bullet for her. It makes me sad to sit here and wonder whether she has/will have HIS best interest at heart. I truly hope my gut is wrong because I do want to see Harry happily married and settled in a happy and supportive environment.

  35. Next Tuesday 11am - Linda

    1. Me thinks it may be likely, unless Harry objects to the typical royal format. Time will tell........

    2. Is there a less formal military wedding format that would be available to them? seems like there might be.

    3. SG, I was referring to an engagement announcement taking place at 11 on Tuesday. (I'm not sure about less formal military wedding formats.) Sorry if I misunderstood.

    4. thanks, rf. (no problem). ;)

  36. For some reason I feel like the announcement will be today 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

  37. Martin Robinson, Chief Reporter for U.K. Daily Mailonline, says that sources have reported that the Queen was in attendance at that meeting at the Palace yesterday and that the royal employees were
    briefed on Harry and Meghan's engagement announcement and that (and this just HAS to be false) that Harry and Meghan are planning an "untraditional wedding" AND that they can announce the engagement anytime of their choosing AND that that may be a while as they househunt for a retreat, etc.
    (I did not like this article very much at all, lol).
    They have already let the cat out of the bag. They need to do the courteous thing and announce the engagement already. It is going to be a media circus for them either way. Might as well do the househunt, etc. with the announcement MADE as not. It would be more thoughtful to the fans that support them, in my opinion. And of course wisdom would say take your time but they have already circumvented that in my opinion.

    1. LOL, surfer girl, I didn´t like that article either (at least not the part with the "untraditional" wedding, LOL!). The Telegraph reported it this morning, too, that Harry will prefer a rather "low-key" wedding..... We´ll see...

    2. Oh no...I don't like the sound of that article, either, surfer girl. I do hope they've got their "facts" wrong. I don't agree with an "untraditional" wedding. That's part of why I follow the BRF: the pomp & ceremony/history & tradition. I hope they have a ceremony like W&K...maybe not as big, but just as good! :) & I wish they would make an announcement soon, too. It would be wise to take a bit longer, but the pace of this relationship has been quite quick, so I don't see what's holding them back.

    3. Information readily available on the internet, combined with a good dose of common sense, also adds to the speculation factor.

    4. rf, do think the announcement will be this coming week?

      Kiwi Gal. I know. That's a big reason I follow the Royal family also.

    5. Henry Charles Albert David Windsor, you had better not EVEN think about a "low key, non-traditional wedding". Not EVEN. (lol) no, but seriously.

    6. Oh boy, surfer girl. Harry's full name. He's in trouble now! Hahaha

    7. What if they have a tropical wedding in bikinis? Maybe a white lace bikini? Again, it better be a nice ring after all this anticipation.

    8. SG, at this point, I do not see the speculation subsiding (at all!) and with the assumptions and predictions well out of the bag, I would say announce it already. This is quickly turning into a circus and if they did want to make it a special day, well, they have lost the element of surprise. And delaying an announcement in hopes of regaining control is unrealistic. So yes, announce it already! At this point, it's the only way for KP/BP to take the reigns.

    9. royalfan: KP/BP taking the reigns - now THAT would be a "royal first" - LOL!!! Especially KP!!! LOL, LOL, LOL!!! They don´t even know how to spell that!! LOL!
      To add to the confusion: Wouldn´t it be up to CLARENCE HOUSE to announce the engagement? It´s usually the parents´duty - see William´s engagement announcement - so it would be Clarence House as Charles is the father (at least last time I checked? LOL!!)

    10. amen, rf. It is the only way for KP/BP to take the reins/reigns (both). :)
      and, they certainly have lost the element of surprise. They need to heed the old adage,
      "Keep it simple, silly." :)

  38. Since everyone thinks they are engaged, they might as well admit it. Maybe if we see a ring and are told they will marry in 6 months, they would be hounded less. I think showing the ring would satisfy a lot of us---I hope they aren't doing something totally unsatisfying like not having rings. They need to take pity on us. :)

    1. Allison. They have to follow through on what they started and do right by their supporters that's for sure. And, they had better have rings..... :)

  39. Julia from Leominster25 November 2017 at 20:25

    I made a mistake out of ignorance and I’ve never denied it. I never saw it as a joke, far from it, I felt terrible. But I'm not going to be marrying the president of the US. Meghan however is allegedly going to marry a prince of the United Kingdom. If she was just an actress it would be funny - and it's being spoofed everywhere - but possibly not funny to the queen who takes those symbols very seriously and had dedicated her life to them.
    What troubles me is not that Meghan made a joking mistake over what is the most sacred symbol to the person we are anticipating to be her future mother-in-law and her future nation but that instead of proceeding slowly to learn about the country which obviously she had visited so little that she didn't know what the M1 stood for. That there is this mad rush to an engagement with the cheerful assumption a magic wand will be waved and she will pick this up immediately or possibly that we aren't supposed to care about her mistakes.
    I thought about Meghan and didn't comment on her for some time. Then I made up my mind. If it's something I would criticise Kate for, I'll mention it. Otherwise, it's not fair to criticise Kate and I have done so from the start, when I expressed doubts about her first interview. And If Kate had said even before marriage, she didn't know the bald eagle was the symbol of the US, I think everyone here would be discussing it. (Who knows, maybe she doesn't.) Camilla is completely different.
    So maybe I'm not the same person - I'm not unhappy with Harry marrying a woman he loves or even with happy excitement about it. I think Meghan is beautiful, loves her dogs - a plus with me, and has great potential. But I am unhappy with the endless undignified 'leaks' - what the archbishop of Canterbury said, what got said at a meeting at the palace and the speedy timetable this is putting on a romance that it sounds like is even shorter than what I supposed. Has the press run mad and are inventing things? Judging from their tart an tetchy remark to Hello!, very unusual if quoted correctly, and and I'm not surprised it's Hello! because they are likely to quote correctly, the palace isn't happy about it either.
    So maybe I am changing. I'm not looking forward to the reign of Charles and Camilla but was trying to make my peace with it because I believe in the succession when Penny Junor's book came out. I was doing my best to thinking William and Kate were going to step up but have become increasingly disturbed by remarks that seem to indicate a reluctance to take on the serious obligations that have seen the monarchy through in the last century. And I thought maybe I would ignore Meghan until she had a chance to come over, live with Harry and quietly develop into what a British princess needs to be - but no day goes by without more gossip. She hasn't hesitated to speak out. It reminds me of celebrities - and the royal family has never been about being celebrities. That's the only reason I'm a royalist, if I am still one. Or maybe I'm not and if the royal family can't be distinguished from celebrities not by gowns and tiaras, but by the way they act, then I might as well join the rising tide of republicanism and people who like the idea of a monarchy but not how it's going, which this hasty timetable and attendant gossip, the perceived reluctance of William and Kate, Camilla and Charles, and many other things are contributing to.

    1. Anynomous, Wow, I feel like that is a very harsh assessment of Julia. She has always been very open about the fact that she is less of a W/K/H fan and more of a monarchist and while I am the opposite, I can completely understand her concerns. Meghan is a celebrity and it is a valid concern that it will influence (either intentionally or not) her (assumed) position in the RF. My understanding is that the Queen and many others were less than thrilled when other grandchildren acted as if they were celebs, so why wouldn't there be concern that Meghan may fall into that. I don't agree with Julia's perception but I take her remarks as less actual attacks on Meghan as a person and more a general reflection on the future of the monarchy and having a pessimistic season of it.

    2. Anonymous 21.50 - that is uncalled for. How incredibly rude.
      Who on earth do you think you are speaking for the whole blog? Speak for yourself when you reply to posts you do not care for. Whether or not we agree with each other we NEVER bully people to leave the blog or post inflammatory rude comments like this. I hope you will stop doing this.

    3. I think that was way harsh, Anon @ 21:50. And it would be nice to have a name to go with the definite opinions you have rather than anonymity.

    4. Cassandra from Leominster25 November 2017 at 23:58

      Anonymous - this space is open to all - and all are free to skip my comments.

      You are actually making my point. Kate had a decade to decide. It has never been my statement that Harry and Meghan shouldn't marry - only that this should be happening on a slower timetable - both so the couple get to know each other in the extremely difficult context of the royal family - and so Meghan can learn about a nation that by marriage she will be representing - several years would be ideal - six months before an engagement with the attendant wedding hype, would be nice - a few weeks? I still hope they will take more time - but from what I'm being told daily they are engaged! So let's hope she's swotting, because yes, people are going to judge her - much more harshly than I'm doing and always more harshly than blood royals are judged.
      I'm glad the Vanity Fair article where Meghan spoke out in an unprecedented and very celebrity way, was a figment of my imagination. I was hoping it was.

      A US president once said 'if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen' and since I haven't stayed out, I'll take the heat as Mr Truman suggested. I vowed thirty years ago after the debacle of royal marriages that broke down and twenty after Diana's death that happened as a result of that, that I was going to look at any royal relationship with clear eyes. No it's not as much fun as planning a royal wedding, but having seen a recent royal divorce where the lady was called a gold-digger, and reading the nastiness about Princes Margaret, and seeing Sarah drift about like a lost soul, not to mention the damage all this has done to an historic institution, I don't feel good ignoring warning signs.

      I'd noticed there were older women friends of Charles that were clearly making Diana uncomfortable, I saw that Andrew and Sarah really seemed to love each other but wondered if she was really going to be the breath of fresh air that was being touted or whether the restrictions of royal life weren't going to work for her. But like now, everyone was convinced a royal wedding caps the fairy tale.
      I realise people here love a royal wedding. I do too - but as I said a few weeks ago royal divorces are a misery. It is far better to do things right than rush and to my mind, kinder to the couple to view things honestly.
      I think Harry and Meghan make an interesting couple with great potential and if they lived together for a year - Meghan not trying to take on royal life fully but learning about the country, the royal family, and Harry, it would be fine with me. But I don't think she is ready to take on a role yet that has little on-the-job guidance and impossible expectations carried out in the full eye of the public, as both Diana and Sarah pointed out. And a few months back, when we were talking about whether we would like in theory to marry a royal - I said I thought much worse than lack of privacy would be the palace hierarchy. And that won't change under Charles - I think it may actually become more Gothic.

      And yes, I am a lifetime monarchist worried about a very fragile institution where there is, hopefully not too soon but coming, a change in regime to an unpopular heir, in a country going through a massive and difficult change with a shaky government and an almost-openly republican shadow government. But at least all this wedding fuss is making the republicans very happy. I should be rejoicing with them and I'm not, so I can't be a republican quite yet.
      But it's too late now - I don't see how they can help but get engaged in weeks. So I'll try to join in the cheer. Cassandra wasn't believed or liked so I'll sign myself that way again.

  40. Julia. I think you need a hug. :)
    (Sending a big one your way.X and a liitle one for Pippin.x)

    1. I have been thinking that the leaks were to enforce that Harry is very serious about Meghan. There are so many nasty Internet remarks about her (as there are about anyone who breathes) that I feel the leaks let people know to back off while the secrecy allows them a little privacy. I don't think she has to be a princess. She has a very useful life and the fact that she makes Harry happy, which is what everyone wants for Diana's children, should be sufficient. She has worked hard to get where she is and I don't think she owes anyone or any country anything, because she supports herself. Just some thoughts. I do find her enchanting, frankly!

    2. Julia from Leominster26 November 2017 at 00:09

      Always happy to have a hug and Pip will be ecstatic - a virtual hug - I'll tell him it's from you.

  41. I'm with Anon 21:50 and surfer girl on this one, Julia. Much of what you have written of late might fit under Henny Penny's assertion that "the sky is falling, the sky is falling." In this era of false news, rampant speculation and so-called (unverified) leaks printed by papers with dodgy track records, I think it is wiser not to give in to negativity, especially petty negativity. (Sunglasses in autumn? Really?)

    We are all ignorant about many things as a recent innocent gaffe on your part (for which you have apologized) underscores. But as we live, we learn. We are corrected, we self-correct and we move forward as our better selves. As Meghan is already an elegant, highly accomplished and poised person, I believe that she will also improve with age and royal experience.

    As someone who may be your contemporary, I'd like to offer a word of caution. I remind myself of it frequently. One of the dangers in aging is becoming more and more inclined to speak our minds. An aunt of mine--a very sharp and accomplished professional woman in her day--used to assert, "I'm in my 90s now. I've earned the right to say whatever I want."

    I reminded her that although that was probably true and that she had the right to free speech, her words could also exposed her to a very real danger. Others might write her off as cranky or ridiculous and stop taking her seriously. If she wished her opinions to be considered as insightful and valid, she might prefer to temper her remarks. However, that said, her words were her choice.

    I do hope that the vein of negativity which at times taints the comments threads on Duchess Kate blog does not seep into this one.

    1. Philly, just to be clear, :), you agreed with 21:50 and Surfer Girl. I am in no way in agreement with 21:50 so I didn't quite understand what you meant there. ?

    2. 21:50 seems to have disappeared from the thread. That was several hours ago and as I do not recall the text I wont' comment further except to say that I agreed with some of the points 21:50 made.

      You don't have to agree with 21:50 for me to be able to think that a hug might also be in order. Does that make sense?

    3. It does - I do seem to have become the health and safety person of the monarchy of late - and we know how unpopular that is! I imagine age (and bitter experience that comes of having been a royal follower before many here were born) has made me more outspoken, along with alarm at feelings I'm seeing outside this blog...but I will pull back because what will happen, will happen, and there's nothing to be done - so we might as well enjoy - and I'll happily accept hugs.

    4. Oh, on sunglasses Philly, read the link I posted on Duchess Kate - it's good for a few laughs. Here it is: again. It puts it much better than I did and remember we are still talking about an institution that measures inches between table settings and sees itself as an arbiter of social graces.

    5. I personally don't find it funny, but I suppose we have very different senses of humour. I wear sunglasses year round even in overcast/rainy weather. Not because it's fashionable or because I am aping "celebrity style", but because I prioritise my health and safety (and I also have sensitive eyes). If that makes me ill-mannered in the eyes of petty snobs such as Jess Cartner-Morley so be it. I suppose I should stop wearing sunscreen outdoors in the autumn/winter too?

  42. Wow so so so happy for Harry!! It is so nice to see him happy he is Diana's son through and through it is so nice to see the first woman of colour in this high position in the royal family this is truly progress and about time! She is beautiful and looked very confident in the interview. Some people said she had too many strikes against her since she was divorced, black , American and an actress and Edward the 8th couldn't marry in a similar situation but people and the royal family realize that times have changed! What a beautiful day God bless them!! Diana is smiling down on them. I wish them all the happiness in the world she is stunning and they will have gorgeous children.

    Thanks for making this new blog Charlotte! My sister is named Meghan and looks like her too :) It's an inspiration to us being mixed Children seeing a mixed man in the Whitehouse and now the Royal Family anything is possible!


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