
Wednesday 13 December 2017

Kensington Palace Confirms Meghan Will Spend Christmas With The Royal Family!

I'm just quickly popping in with an update we've all been waiting for. As expected, Kensington Palace has confirmed Meghan Markle will spend Christmas with the Royal Family at Sandringham. A Palace spokesperson said:

"You can expect to see the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Harry and Ms Markle at Sandringham on Christmas Day."

In the past, the Palace has been notoriously reluctant to discuss Christmas plans. In a highly unusual move they revealed details for this year. I suspect given the level of media interest and number of reports on Meghan's Christmas plans, it warranted an official response. It's also the first time a royal fiancée has joined the family officially for the festivities. Indeed, in a Christmas treat for royalists, we will see the newly engaged couple make the walk to St Mary Magdalene Church on Christmas morning (I expect holding hands). Several photo agencies will be there, so we can expect an abundance of photographs.

Victoria Murphy penned an interesting piece on what Meghan's attendance means for the Royal family:

'This love match between Prince Harry and the US actress has served to continually demonstrate that the royals are not quite the sticklers for tradition or convention that many imagined.
Their upcoming marriage is making the Royal Family more multicultural, has served to demonstrate that divorce is no longer an issue for them, and has shown that royal brides need not have an aristocratic or even affluent background to be deemed 'suitable'.
And now we see that supposed 'rules' about people being married into the firm before they are welcome at Sandringham at Christmas are also either being bent or were simply never as rigid as people assumed in the first place.
This is a modern marriage in every sense - and it has served to show us that our royals really do embody modern values.'

People reports:

'It is unusual for non-married partners of senior members of the family to join the Queen for Christmas Day’s celebrations. Despite being engaged to William, in 2010 Kate spent her last Christmas as a single woman with her own family. But, unlike Kate, Meghan doesn’t have any family in the U.K. — and clearly Harry will have wanted his new fiancé by his side.
What Harry asks, the Queen is likely to grant, too. A family friend has told PEOPLE, “If Harry asks for something, the Queen would say yes as she adores him.” 

Before that, We can expect to see car arrival photos of Harry and Meghan for the Queen's pre-Christmas luncheon. I believe it takes place either next Tuesday or Wednesday. You can read our full post on Meghan's first Christmas with the Royals here.

Are you looking forward to seeing Harry and Meghan make the first of many appearances at Sandringham on Christmas Day?


  1. Wow,I‘m totally excited just thinking about it.How even more exciting it must be for Meghan...I would be so nervous,but then she hast her future husband by her side-that might help.Plus she seems to be quite selfconfident and relaxed talking to people-Even of „People“ means the BRF...Halleluja

  2. I cannot wait. I have got withdrawal symptoms from not seeing her for a couple of weeks. I will be avidly watching on Christmas day and cannot wait to see what she is wearing.

    1. I am the same way about the withdrawal. When there comes a time that there has been weeks without seeing either Kate or Meghan, I may have to check myself in somewhere :):) I am hoping that once Harry and Meghan are married, her and Kate's engagements will be spaced apart enough that we won't have to go too long before seeing one of them.

    2. Add me to this chorus of suffering from Meghan withdrawal! I'm hoping we get the engagement photos very soon too.


    3. I'm really looking forward to seeing Meghan on Christmas day. I'm sure she must be busy preparing all of her fabulous outfits for christmas at Sandringham.

      I see the Daily Mail reports that Harry and Meghan had attended a party with the queen on Monday at Windsor Castle. Apparently she wore a lovely burgundy lace cocktail dress and effortlessly chatted with the guests like a natural. I do hope that we get to see pictures :)

      Love Avee in SA

  3. Great news, and also a great PR move from the Queen (smart woman). Looking forward to seeing more of Meghan's royal wardrobe!

  4. This is all very exciting. I can't wait to see the first pictures of Meghan and Kate together.

  5. I truly think a big reason for her being included before the marriage is a desire on Harry's part for her to share some of the family traditions that will forever be different when his Grandmother dies. This is a chance for him to share something very unique and special and that has been a big part of his life for over 30 years while both his Grandparents are still alive. I am sure the Queen and King appreciate this fact also.

    1. That's very astute, ali. It's HM and PP who hold the entire extended family together right now. Afterwards it will be Christmas with a monarch and a step-parent for William and Harry. That's usually a more dutiful and less exuberant prospect for most people. And smaller.

      This way Meghan will share at least one Christmas with Harry's family, celebrating in the way that he has since childhood. Understanding each other's traditions is incredibly significant to a couple's history.

      As both William and Harry set up their own family circles, we may be seeing less of the royals bolting to Sandringham during Charles's reign as that's a lot of packing/travel/organization at year's end.

      I believe that we are witness to the end of an era, that the next era will be significantly different. That's proven true with each new monarch's ascension to the throne.

    2. ail, my sentiments exactly. The Christmas experience this year won't last forever and HM and PP both know that. I am sure that given Megan's mother is a single woman - someone correct me if I'm wrong - that there will be a time when she is invited as well.

      I'm expecting Harry and Megan to start their family very quickly. And that changes the landscape as well.

    3. I agree, Ali and Philly. The Queen most likely realizes that with her age and certainly Prince Phillips's age. that this could likely be one of their last Christmases together as a family. With that in mind, protocol and tradition can be set aside for practical reasons.

      As the family expands, the guest list has changed. For example, there is no longer room for minor royals like Prince and Princess Michael of Kent. When Charles becomes King, I assume things will change even further. Perhaps Camilla will be able to have her own children and grandchildren to stay. Others like Sarah Chatto and the new Earl of Snowden and their families may be excluded to make room. Who knows what will happen. I wish Meghan well and I hope that she adjusts to life as a Royal which will not be easy.

    4. I actually wonder if after the Queen dies the tradition of going to Sandringham for Christmas will also disappear. I have no idea of course but part of me has always assumed that once Charles is King he may completely change the celebrations at Christmas. I actually do not think he will continue with a big party at Sandringham.

  6. "Are you looking forward to seeing Harry and Meghan make the first of many appearances at Sandringham on Christmas Day?"

    Seriously Charlotte? lol Surely you jest. 😂😊

    1. Haha :) I hope Eve pops up soon...I miss you two's back & forth excitement!

  7. I think James Whatling is probably in 7th heaven since the engagement announcement. :)

  8. What does everyone think she'll be wearing??? A gorgeous coat in burgundy? Forest green? Anything on her head? I can't picture her in a hat or fascinator - but it's just a matter of time ; )

    1. A burgundy coat would be nice, except that's what Kate wore last maybe a different color? I'm guessing she won't wear something too bright so as not to pull attention from the queen. I also think she'll for sure wear a hat, as all the royal women wear one (or a fascinator) every year. I hope she chooses a real hat and not a tiny perched on head fascinator!

      If she wants to re-wear something, she's got a lot of lovely coats that would look nice paired with a colorful or a cream colored scarf.

    2. I am eager to see what she chooses hat-wise. Non-Brits can look really costume-like in dress hats (with notable exceptions including those that women who belong to traditional black churches wear). It's just not a mainstream American thing. She's got an uncanny knack for style though, so I suspect she'll find something just right. Honestly I'd rather see her chatting with Kate than holding hands with Harry on the walk to church :).

    3. Thanks for sharing IntheKitchen - I don't think it'll be one of those coats (maybe one of those will be the early morning coat she has on) but now she has to represent the UK and I'm guessing she'll want to step out the first time in a brand that represents her new country.

      My 2-cents :-)

    4. I really cannot imagine Meghan in a fascinator or in a large hat either. I predict something on her head for warmth like that fur hat that Kate and Pippa and Carole have all worn. Meghan's would be faux fur, of course.

    5. 👒 She wore that white summer fedora at Wimbledon and was carrying two hats as they disembarked from the plane in Africa. Also, she's been photographed wearing a hat when she was on vacations with friends. So I think she will definitely wear a hat and maybe even a fascinator.

    6. Yes Surfer Girl, you are correct. I think she looked great in that fedora. She seems to prefer a more casual look, though. We will have to wait and see!

    7. counting the days, BethNY. :)

    8. Surfer Girl, my comment was that DRESS hats are not widely done in America. Of course everyone's got fedoras and sun hats, but it will be very interesting to see if she can - or will even try - to pull off the quintessential English dress hat look.

  9. All this fairytale stuff 🎥⭐️ 👸🏻🤴🏰🇬🇧 from a "Tig moment" that Meghan says changed her life for ever. hmmm. In that case me thinketh I'll be getting some Tignanello myself, straight away, lol.🍷 I'll see you on the red carpet and at the Palace girls (and Mr.D). um hum. :)

    (anyone here ever tasted Tignanello wine btw?
    Was it good? THAT good, lol?)

  10. Thank you Chatlotte for reminding us and giving us that link above to "Meghan's First Christmas with the Royals" that you so beaitifully described for us. Other than a State Dinner, opening Parliment or a State Tour, that is a pretty hefty (but fun) first biggie. And it is fun to see via your description what she will be experiencing soon. Can you even imagine? 🎄🏰

  11. I’m so happy to hear they’ll be spending Christmas with the family this year. It’s been said before and I have to agree that I think the timetable is moving so quickly and traditions are bring changed, in part, because of Prince Phillip’s age. They are blessed to still have him and I’m sure Harry is well aware that he will not live forever and wants him to be a part of these special days.

    I do think the Queen also realizes that the younger generation has their own way of doing things and if Harry wanted to spend the holiday with a Meghan and the Queen said no, he would probably join her with her family. With their ages, I would think the Queen wants as much family time as possible.

    It’s always a treat to see the family all together walking to church. Meghan will be a wonderful addition - I can’t wait to see what she wears!

    1. The point of Prince Phillips age is so good. He is 96 and he is still vibrant. Need to enjoy time with him while still possible.

    2. I completely agree about Philip's age, and the queen too. She must be excited to see her grandson settled, and then Eugenie next :)

  12. I have been stalking you (Twitter & blog-Lol) for new updates of them. I can't believe Meghan can just disappear just like that without anyone seeing her after the Nottingham public engagement. But as much as I want to know their whereabouts I do respect and am
    glad for her that she can still have a little privacy

  13. This is such exciting news!!! I can't wait to see her in a hat.

  14. I can't wait. Harry is clearly in love! I'm happy for him, happy that he has found someone and is not alone anymore.

    1. + 1 Mimi. I hope they have a Long happy life together. NLopez

  15. Omg yes I'm so excited to see ,Meghan and Harry on Christmas Day, they're such a cute couple. Also I'm really excited to finally see Meghan and Kate together and I think both of these beautiful ladies are already besties, they probably talk about how silly their men are. Charlotte you said that we should never compare Meghan and Kate and I agree with you because it makes me sad that the media is trying to turn them against each other. I've seen so many hate comments about Meghan and Kate and it really disgusting how women can be so vile towards each other on social media because women should love and respect each other not tear each other apart. I'm really excited to see what she wears as well I know it will be stylish and very chic.

    1. I think because their roles are so unique and they are a similar age, certain comparisons along the way are inevitable. Doing so constructively, without malice, is the key. Not savaging one in order to elevate the other or vice versa. On the day of the engagement announcement I was quite shocked by the anger from fans of both ladies. Ultimately, they are both very much on the same team.

  16. Looking forward to it. I agree with those comments about Prince Philip's age being a factor for Harry wishing to break with tradition and include Meghan ( I hope she is known as "Rachel" if she becomes a duchess) in the Christmas celebration, and how nice it will be for her to get a bit of tutoring and bonding time with Kate. Such a big change for an American woman, even one with a public persona.

    1. I was hoping for Rachel as well but she seems to go by Meghan personally and professionally. Rachel goes nicely with a title, I think.

    2. I think it’s going to depend on how she feels about her new role and title. I have plenty of friends that use their maiden name at work and married name all other times as well as friends who go by nicknames personally but their given name professionally. It’s an individual decision that she’ll have to mak but I don’t imagine she’ll do that much before early next year or even right before the wedding.

      As a couple, it can go either way - most of us refer to Prince Harry by a nickname and not his given name of Henry. Meghan may do the same thing - we’ll just have to wait and see. It shaping up to be an interesting 2018.

  17. I'm looking forward to seeing her on Christmas, too! Do you think that Meghan will adopt the British custom of hats? Does she have a choice? I personally don't see that as her style, but understand it's a requirement for women on official Royal business.

    1. Iguess she needs to get used to it fast

    2. I'm wondering about hats. Her hair is so beautiful and full and flowing---hate to put a hat on it, although she does look terrific with her hair pulled up in bunches. I think she will not want to call attention to herself (because everyone will be looking at her anyway) and will wear a maroon coat for the walk with a long black skirt, black boots, and a black or cream turtleneck. I don't think minds at all giving some attention to the "new girl," and it seems like the rest of the women (Eugenie, Bea, Sophie) don't get much coverage. Meghan doesn't have to do much (just wear clothes) to look gorgeous!

    3. I meant to write "don't think Kate minds..."

  18. This is wonderful announcement that Harry and Meghan were invited together for the Christmas celebrations with the Royal family.

    I do hope they never change the tradition of wearing hats.

  19. Wait. Charlotte. Meghan has surfaced. Big time. Meghan is helping the Queen.

    Richard Kay says Harry and Meghan accompanied the Queen to Windsor Castle to The Lord Chamberlain's Party for the royal household's 900 employees.

    He said that Meghan helped the other senior Royals meet and greet the employees wearing a burgundy lace dress. He said that Harry and Meghan were also surveying the layout there, making plans for their wedding and reception.

    1. Burgundy lace dress. OK---that's a start! If we are going to get just tidbits of where MM has been, the reporters of such sightings can at least a little info, like dress color. :) I bet it looked terrific. I predicted a maroon goat at Christmas but burgundy is more her color. What is so delightful is that I feel no guilt in looking for sightings of MM compared with Kate. I believe Kate is a marvelous and kind person, but she has not had to create herself like MM did. I don't think she enjoys the public role so much, which is fine. Evidently the Queen feels most comfortable around MM; I wish I could see MM with Prince Philip.

  20. According to Fox News, Jason Knauf, press secretary at Kensington Palace, said that Windsor Castle is already "a very special place" to Harry and Meghan as they spent a lot of time there in past months. Who knew? lol

    Fox News, "Meghan Markle and Prince Harry to be Married at Windsor Castle", Katherine Lam, 11/28/17.

  21. wow. I find this not only unprecedented to the nth degree but also VERY AMAZING. Can you believe it? The corgis are not the only ones who took instantly to Meghan it seems. Meghan helped the Queen greet the Royal Household already. I mean Meghan helped the Queen greet the Royal Household, lol. Practical for sure but super amazing nonetheless, yeh?
    And, according to Richard Kay, formality at the Royal Household party was kept to a minimum and there were handshakes instead of curtsies and Harry even let Meghan go on her own and greet her side of the room by herself.
    Richard Kay said that as Meghan shook each hand she asked the person their name and asked what their job was. He said that Harry and Meghan were also at Windsor Castle last weekend. Again, who knew? Quite a trustworthy group there at the castle, yeh?
    But how do they travel from one place to another and not get papped?

    Somebody pinch me, lol. Is this all really happening?

  22. I´m still alive - so nothing to worry...
    I had to bow out of commenting, though, at least for a while. I´ve stopped commenting over at DKB a while ago (with one or two relapses which I immediately regretted) and even stopped reading the comments altogether. I´m just tired of the same KIND of discussions over and over again. When it started over here as well (after we´ve had very much a "fun" and "uplifting" spirit here), I had to take a step back and see whether it would go back to being something that mostly brings me joy (like that "wonder-ful" - in the very best sense of the word! - journey surfer girl and I "embarked on", taking us from Harry´s proposal during the Invictus Games to both of us being able to attend the wedding, clad in the very best designs our super-talented stylists had chosen for us!! That was PURE BLISS!!) - or not.
    Maybe it´s because of my personal situation which still hasn´t improved - I´m just craving for "positiveness", "upbeating", "energizing" at the moment. Meghan is giving me exactly that. "Rejoicing" and "being excited" TOGETHER about this journey of hers is what I came looking here for.... Maybe if and when my personal situation has changed I will be able to "weather" any discussion about "Meghan leaving one of her dogs behind" and "Meghan´s best friend (really???)telling how she REALLY (really??) is" again - just not now... I´m too exhausted!
    Still, I wanted to let you know I love you all and I´m still reading all your comments here - and I still LOVE and ADMIRE your work, dearest Charlotte! You are amazing! Lots of love, Eve.

    1. Eve, I feel the same way...... a bit down & sad to see where things have turned, compared to where they started as we so eagerly anticipated their engagement! I find it perplexing.... & I've taken to basically just reading Charlotte's wonderful posts! Once in a while, whether here or DKB, I say something...... but I have no interest to be dragged into anything..... So read I do. Hope things improve for you! Just wanted you to know that you weren't alone with your feelings or your take on the shift of things.
      Becca USA xoxo

    2. I hope things get better for you, Eve x

    3. Good to hear from you, Eve! I wish you a lot of positive, energising things in this Christmas season and a firm belief that everything will get better for you, soon. Sending you best wishes across the border! :)

  23. I understand, dearest Eve. :) I'm so relieved that you are alive and okay. I am still persevering in prayer that your living situation miraculously improves and soon.
    love you. do drop in now and again. ❤️

  24. P.S. Eve. uh hum.... I am certainly NOT ruling out us being at the wedding. :) I truly do believe in miracles. :) X

  25. Eve - so good to see your comment. You have been missed, but certainly can understand why you have been away. Wishing that your personal situation will be resolved very soon. May you have a peaceful Holiday. You were right, Charlotte, we will hear from Eve soon :)

  26. Eve - It is very good you posted to let us know that you are OK. You have been missed on this blog.

  27. If Meghan wasn't invited, I don't think we'd see Harry at Sandringham. And imagine the speculation and PR that would cause.

    Meghan has moved across the pond and it's only right that she is allowed to join Harry on Christmas. I think the decision is a combination of logical move, grandmother's love, and a bit of harsh reality (yes, PP's age).

    Regarding the Christmas party, me thinks it was the perfect opportunity to have a princess lesson without a photographer in sight. ;-)

  28. P.S. With this news in mind, Christmas Day may be Camilla's greatest hat challenge of all time!!!

    1. LOL Camilla always comes up with some great whopper of a hat :P

    2. KG, me thinks we ain't seen nothing yet. ;-) 2018 will be interesting for us royal followers...

    3. Yes. It's all getting very exciting! I'm going to have to be disciplined next year, otherwise I'll just be glued to this blog & DKB all the time! :)

  29. I bet the Queen is also thinking that she has just a few years left to guide & help shape Meghan so she is wasting no time inviting her to dive right in beside her. The Queen must really approve of & like Meghan to have her at that event with her. It was unnecessary so how wonderful! I am sure all of the royals realize that Meghan has experience, skills & a wonderful way with people & the media that can really help them. I think it will be a mutually beneficial & enjoyable relationship for all. Can't wait to see more of them. & super excited to see Meghan & Kate interact. What fun for the 4 of them to be such a team!

    And... thanks, Charlotte, for all these posts! With your constant updating we don't have to sort through the trash articles to find nice, accurate ones. Your blogs bring joy! Hope you have a joyous Christmas season😁😁

  30. So happy she gets to spend it with the royal family Kate was not afforded this luxury until she wed William but harry is very much like his mother and made sure the woman he loves is included from the getgo. This is no slight against William I love them both they are just different people.


Welcome to Mad About Meghan! We do so look forward to reading your thoughts. Constructive, fair debate is always encouraged. Hateful, derogatory terms and insults are not welcome here. This space focuses on Harry and Meghan, not any other member of the Royal family. It's not the place to discuss politics either. Thank you for reading, we look forward to your comments :)