
Wednesday 27 December 2017

Prince Harry Speaks of "Fantastic" Christmas with Meghan During Successful Radio Edit

Hello, I hope you all had a delightful Christmas!

I'm briefly popping in to chat about Prince Harry's stellar turn as guest editor for BBC Radio 4's flagship programme Today. The meticulously curated three-hour programme covered a range of topics the Prince is passionate about. Of course, Harry wasn't going to get away without a question or two about Meghan. During a brief chat, Harry revealed they enjoyed a "fantastic" Christmas.

The Telegraph reports:

Asked about how Ms Markle coped meeting the "in-laws" the prince replied: "It was fantastic, she really enjoyed it." Later, he added: “It’s the family that, I suppose, she’s never had”.
Ms Markle joined the Queen and royal family at Sandringham on Christmas Day, and was photographed walking arm in arm with Prince Harry to the service at St Mary Magdalene Church.
Prince Harry said that the family “loved having her there”, adding that they had “great fun” staying with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and playing with the children.
Describing Ms Markle’s first royal Christmas, he said: “It was fantastic, she really enjoyed it, the family loved having her there and you know, there is always that family part of Christmas, there is always that work element as well.
“Together we had an amazing time, we had great fun staying with my brother and sister In law and running round with the kids. Christmas was fantastic. We are really looking forward to new year and looking forward to 2018.”

You can see Harry in the video below.

Harry's words paint a wonderful picture of him, Meghan, William and Kate at Anmer having a ball with George and Charlotte. It was excellent to see the four of them together on Christmas Day. I think it's quite obvious how close they are and how warmly Meghan has been welcomed into the fold. 2018 is going to be an unforgettable year; it's no surprise to hear Harry is eagerly awaiting the new year.

Indeed, the programme included many fantastic moments, and perhaps the finest of those was hearing Prince Harry interview his father Prince Charles about his busy year and his key focus for 2018. It was a very natural, almost off-the-cuff chat between father and son filled with affection (Harry calls Charles "Pa"). Harry asked: "Do you feel optimistic about the future, for the world that William, myself, your grandchildren and everyone else out there is going to inherit?" Charles replied: "Well my dear boy if I must say so, the fact you're saying this, gives me enormous optimism. I haven't obviously put you off when banging on all these years, because if you think that, that is really encouraging. What I've tried to do all these years is to make sure that I can ensure that you and that your children, my grandchildren, also everyone else's grandchildren, have a world fit to live in." Harry added: "I totally see it and I totally understand it because of all these years of conversations that we've been having, I do end up picking your brains more now than I ever have done." His father added: "Well, darling boy, it makes me very proud to think that you understand." You can listen to their chat here.

Another highlight was an insightful pre-recorded interview with President Obama. Harry is close with both Barack and Michelle Obama; they have been vocal supporters of the Invictus Games, as Harry has been of the Obama Foundation. Harry credits their shared belief in young people as the cornerstone of their bond.

President Obama spoke about young people:

“I have seen the power of these young people and I think that the to have confidence and give young people the ability to make decisions and drive their own organisations. When you give young people responsibilities they will rise to the occasion. I think we underestimate what young people can do so I think the key thing is creating a platform and we can get into the detail of how you set it up to actually give young people power. Give them the ability to go out there and change the world.”
Harry added: “If you really want to make change you need to look up from your phone, you need to get out into your communities and you need to stand up for what you believe in."

More on the conversation from USA Today:

"I wake up later," said former president Barack Obama of what’s different about his mornings now. It’s wonderful to be able to control your day in a way that you just can’t as president."
When asked if he felt relief after finishing what's arguably the world's toughest job, Obama said: “Relief probably isn’t the right phrase because relief indicates that I can’t wait until this thing is finished. But I think that there was a sense that we had run a good race."
“But the things that are important to me haven’t changed," he added. "I still care about making sure that the United States and the world is a place where kids get a decent education, where people who are willing to work hard are able to find a job that pays a living wage. Although I don’t have the same tools that I had as president, I have to rely more on persuasion than legislation … a lot of the things that still motivate and move me continue to this day."
Obama told Harry there are some things he misses about the job. “I miss my team. Everything you do every day you know can affect millions and billions of people in some cases and to have really smart, focused people who are there for the right reasons and who over time have built up trust and have learned to support each other, rely on each other, I miss that," he said.
"All of us in leadership have to find ways to recreate a common space on the internet,” he said. One of the dangers of the internet is that people can have entirely different realities. They can be cocooned in information that reinforces their current biases. The question has to do with how do we harness this technology in a way that allows a multiplicity of voices, allows a diversity of views, but doesn't lead to a Balkanisation of society and allows ways of finding common ground."

The chat ended on a lighthearted note with a list of quickfire questions. Does President Obama prefer Suits or The Good Wife? Queen or the Queen? Rachel or Monica? Buckingham Palace or the White House? Click to listen to the interview and find out :)

Harry declined to reveal if the Obamas will be there on the wedding day. More from People:

“Well, I don’t know about that,” Harry said. “We haven’t put the invites or the guest list together yet so who knows whether he’s going to be invited or not. [I] wouldn’t want to ruin that surprise.”

Other segments during the show included a conversation on mental health and the importance of looking after employees. Sir Simon Wessely from King's College explained that businesses need to take their staff's mental health seriously: "It's about your workforce. If you are doing it in your company it has a measurable impact on productivity." The Invictus Games and their positive effect on competitors as well as their families was discussed. Prince Harry asked two Young Commonwealth Leaders to share why they are proud to be part of this Commonwealth family and how they hope the work they do will inspire millions of other young people globally. Prince Harry chatted about his African Parks work with experts. The important issue of trust in the charity sector was also raised. You can listen to the entire programme here. If you have time, I can assure you it's a compelling, informative and enjoyable listen.

Harry utilised his guest spot as editor and the result was a jam-packed morning filled with fascinating and entertaining moments. Bringing together a global figure like President Obama and the future King to discuss issues close to their hearts was a stroke of brilliance. Harry was very relaxed and had an excellent rapport with both. The use of the allocated time to inform the public more on Invictus, mental health, the work in African Parks and highlighting the Commonwealth all served to produce a show that has been described as a resounding success.

The Guardian newspaper has hailed Harry as "the monarchy's best insurance policy":

'The audience profile of the Today programme in no way resembles the millennials whose support the monarchy needs to survive into the prince’s generation. All the same, he turned the programme into an effective showcase for the skills he can bring to his difficult role as constitutional appendix. He managed to conduct interviews with the least cool global figure – his father, Prince Charles – and the most cool, Barack Obama, in a way that allowed them both to look as good as they could.
Prince Harry may yet turn out to be the crown’s best insurance policy. By marrying Meghan Markle, he is linking royalty with a 21st-century celebrity who has a backstory that many people in Britain can identify with. She shares his unquestionable commitment to the subject of mental health that brought a contemplative quality to the long conversation with President Obama that is often missing from public debate.'

The paper continued:

“Republicans are right to worry. Prince Harry’s Today was a stunning public relations feat that achieved several different goals at once – showcasing the utility of royalty and building the brand, aligning his ‘young royals’ brand and his father’s."

According to several reports, Harry and Meghan will ring in New Year with Meghan's mother Doria Ragland in Los Angeles.

Opinion: I've given a lot of thought to the comments left in our last post, 'Harry and Meghan Spend Christmas at Sandringham'. I think it's quite impossible to quantify the enormity of joining the British Royal family. It is a completely new chapter, new career, new rules, new country for Meghan. She is starting a new life. There are, too, many perks of course, and obligations, which I feel confident she will fulfil with aplomb when her official role commences. No matter how confident, competent, independent and successful she is, this is a huge, life-changing time for Meghan. Christmas Day marked the first time she was photographed with the Royal family, her first public curtsy, her first time meeting members of the public at Sandringham. The eyes of the world are fixed on Meghan now, every item she wears, word she utters. She is keenly aware she is now representing the Royal family. The fact she appeared a little nervous and clung to Harry is only a sign she's human. I found comments suggesting it was "childish" and "nauseating" quite frankly melodramatic and ridiculous. This is a huge undertaking for anyone, and it's unrealistic to expect anyone to walk in, especially within four weeks of the engagement announcement, and know it all. I find it reassuring she appears so willing to learn. From what I could see, she turned to Harry, Kate and William before the curtsy. She isn't afraid to ask for advice, and the support of the family can only prove beneficial. She is as deserving of the opportunity to settle in and find her feet as previous royal brides. I believe every active member of the Royal family has responsibilities and duties, and should be held accountable accordingly, but let's give her a chance to actually get there.


  1. Amen!

    Leave her alone I say! She is doing great! No matter how confident she is or appears this has to be daunting.

    She is going to knock our socks off as time goes by!

    1. Dear Charlotte,
      Just wanted to extend a big thank you for all the time and effort you put in to your website. I have been a subscriber for years and I mean this sincerely when I say that no one does a better job covering this subject matter than you. With respect to the comments made by Diane, I whole heartedly agree with her! Meghan has done an amazing job thus far (loved their engagement interview) - hats off to her for her efforts. She is a lovely young woman and a perfect partner for Harry. I couldn't be happier for them!!

  2. Whaou Charlotte
    i read and listen the interview today and i really like it
    i want to thank because you are always specific informed and really benevolent wethever with Rachel or Meghan

  3. Well said Admin, the part at the end. The non-stop criticism and picking at every minutiae of her existence is cruel and unfair. Why don't people try and step into her shoes and imagine what it is like? Thank you for your kind and considered words. Why are people so mean and judgemental nowadays, as if they are perfect? It is clear that Meghan is a kind good person, from her behaviour before and after Harry. Why can't people just be kind and pleased that we have this love story, complete with wonderful style, and follow it with excitement not cruelty?

    As for Harry's editing of Radio 4, I never really paid him or the royals much attention before Meghan, but what a lovely man he is. And he seems to have a special relationship with his father. It was a wonderful insight into the real them - so much is written about famous people by those on the outside, so misconceptions run rife.

    I await their next "sighting" with baited breath.

    Thank you so much for this thorough, informative and delightful blog.

  4. Charlotte, thank you so much for your comments. I think it’s quite sad some would say those things. Wether you care for Meghan or not, she and Harry have chosen one another and she is taking on a huge responsibility and undertaking marrying into the Royal family. It will be one of privilege and palaces, but also one where your every move is scrutinized. Bless, I feel for all of them. Remember too that she is American. This is way more than new for her. I thought it was sweet and very smart for her too look to her future husband and family for tips and suggestions. Good for her. I love Harry’s comments and I think it’s fantastic their Christmas celebrations went so well.

    The interviews were great! I especially loved listening to Prince Harry with his father. There’s something sweet about hearing Prince Charles call his grown son “darling boy”.

    Here’s to many wonderful moments in 2018 FULL of Royal surprises, engagements, the wedding, and seeing the Fab Four together! :)

  5. Hello there. I’m a new poster. I’ve been lurking since news of the engagement broke when I stumbled upon this lovely blog. I started to vaguely follow Meghan and Prince Harry since news of the relationship were confirmed but really fell in the rabbit hole when the Invictus Games took place. I’ve found this such a lovely and informative blog with overall positive attitudes from the people that follow. Thank you Charlotte for all the time and effort you put into it.

    That said the occasional negative turns conversations take are hard to take. The brouhaha over the engagement photos dress for example. Whether or not she bought the dress with her own money or not, people got much too worked up and unfairly criticized her IMO (no one mentioned the possibility that the dress could end up being given to a museum for display or she could auction it off with proceeds going to charity in the future). And the criticism over her “clinging” to her fiancΓ©e during what has to be a nerve wracking time was unfair as well. So she’s human and showed that fact. So what. Seemed incredibly unkind to me.

    Sorry for the rant. Didn’t mean to go down that road. Especially for an introductory post at that. Oops. Lol. In any case as an American I’m excited to see what the future holds for these two and want nothing but the best for them. And from what I’ve seen America as a whole, generally speaking, is fully supportive and excited. Not to mention desperate for something good and happy and light-hearted to hold on to it’s been a tough year. :)


    1. Thank you, Roxana, and welcome to the comments section! :-))
      I agree with everything you say. I couldn´t have said it better....
      I do so much understand that you all need something happy and good and light-hearted - I feel very much the same...
      Let´s all hope and pray 2018 will be better... :-)))

    2. Welcome Roxana, I agree with Everything You Said! :) I loved Charlotte's Christmas Coverage & Post & thus I stayed away from reading the comments.... didn't want anything to ruin what was my own warm & fuzzy feeling about The Fab Four & Meghan's 1st Christmas with The Family! Seems it was the right decision on my part.

  6. Charlotte, I totally agree with your opinion paragraph. I didn't read all the comments in the last post, but if people were saying things like that I'm glad I missed it. Criticise what people do, by all means, but using descriptors like that is not cricket in my book.

    Also, she's American, she's not English, and she's been subject to a ton of scrutiny and veiled racism. Not to mention family/friends selling stories about her. I wouldn't blame her a bit if she bailed to be honest.

    1. I don't think she'd ever bail or even consider it actually, lol. Nervousness aside, I think she is taking to Royal life like a duck to water. Princess/Senior Royal is the best "role" (as she said) that she could have ever wanted. And she is, in many respects, already trained for it. :)

    2. I don't think she will either, surfer girl. I wouldn't blame her though.

    3. Completely agree bluhare. She did not grow up with this way of life, studying the customs and habits. Imagine an English woman being thrown into life at the White House and expected to instantly know the protocol of American politics! Talk about the lion's den!

      And she's had a baptism by fire, but if she can survive what her own family has already done to her, she can survive anything I'd say :)

    4. Actually, there is a British woman who was thrown in the lion's den. Louis Mnuchin is Scottish. She hasn't exactly set the world on fire . . . at least in a good way!

    5. "cricket"??? Are you speaking British again, bluhare. :)

  7. Thank you, Charlotte, for the hard work you give us maintaining both blogs and the supportive comment for Ms. Markle. Let's give the lady a chance. She is Harry's choice and has agreed to change everything in her life to be with him. That can't be easy, no matter how rewarding in happiness or perks it may be.

  8. Thanks for another great post, Charlotte, and for sharing your opinion, which I wholeheartedly agree with. Some couples (my husband and I included), simply enjoy being in close physical contact as much as possible. I think it's obvious Meghan and Harry are one of those couples where physical touch is a prominent love language in their relationship. I don't think she's being "clingy" at all. Furthermore, if a little physical contact were what she needed to feel secure in her new role, why would we, who have never experienced the like, begrudge her? I think the couple look natural and in love when arm in arm.

  9. Excellent opinion, Charlotte. I couldn’t agree more.

  10. There are many words from Harry, however the one that caught the most headlines was when he said the royal family was "the family Meghan never had." I'm so happy that they welcomed her like that, but admittedly I balked at that remark. I found it insensitive to Meghan's family, especially to her parents who did their very best to give her a good start in life. Oh Harry! I know she is not very close to her family, but does have a family. I do hope they spend time with her side of the family very soon. They are just as important as the royal family. It's high time Harry meets her dad.

    1. Sally, I agree with you, that Harry's words were insensitive when he said, that the royal family was the family that Meghan never had. Harry is so loving towards Meghan, that I was surprised by this slight towards her family. The royal family is certainly not without fault and his very own mother was not always treated well by the royals. Meghan appears to be a caring, well balanced individual and some of that is from her family's values. To suggest that Meghan somehow missed out because of her family, was an inconsiderate and somewhat judgemental comment.

    2. Seeing how some of Meghan's family, especially her awful step sister, run to the press at every opportunity, I hope she cuts that lot out of her life permanently.

      As for Harry's comment, it was obvious he was referring to a large family unique like his. Kate never got such despicable scrutiny as this and it is obvious why.

    3. I agree, Sally. 😊 That comment made me wince.
      Her family gave her a privileged upbringing. And that's no small potatoes. It cost someone something to do that. Private schools, a trip to Europe, Northwestern University. There are photos available of Meghan being very attended to and loved, by her siblings and her mother's family. I don't know where Harry got that idea about her having no family. Where did he ever get that idea?

      I hope they both get to visit her family, including Doria's apparently BIG, close-knit family. And soon.
      And I hope it makes the headlines.

    4. It occurred to me that when he said that he was talking about her staying at Anmer, so I thought the reference was to having a Christmas surrounded by small (and probably extremely over-excited) children running around everywhere. That could well be a new experience (doe she have nieces and nephews?).

      Of course it has been misinterpreted, because the media want to create drama where it isn't necessarily present at all.

    5. I will give Harry the benefit of the doubt here. Only he and Megan are aware of the reality of her family dynamics and perhaps this was his way of responding to some of the public statements that have been made by her family while Megan has remained silent. And I applaud her for that decision.

    6. I'm sorry but I didn't see it as insensitive at all. He was speaking a fact that he knows about his life and his wife's life. Hard as it may be for some royal fans to imagine, we do not know all the FACTS about what goes on behind closed doors, actually we know very little in the grand scheme of things.

      So I would say Harry knows much more about the workings of his wife's family and life than any of us. Clearly what went on behind closed door in Meghan's life was very different than what she experienced this Christmas.

      And for what it's worth - How do you all know he was referring to her childhood? She is a grown professional woman in her mid-30's, when you're older and single holidays can be a lonely time, with married friends heading off with their families. So yes, a family Christmas after years of single life someone could comment "it's the family she's never had" referring to a decade plus of single years.

      I'm with Vivienne, much ado about nothing.

    7. He should have shut up on that for sure; not particularly tactful. But I don't think Meghan grew up with that side of the family and looking at them now I totally believe she didn't. There's a graduation photo of her with Samantha Grant where Meghan is leaning in to Samantha and Samantha is leaning away from her. The body language was very, very clear in that one.

    8. @Sally - I took his comments to mean siblings, as she is much younger than her half-siblings and they do not appear to have a close relationship or to have ever really spent happy times together (the half-sister calling Doria "the help," etc.). Surfer girl - it seems like by the time Meghan was 10 or so that her half-sibling had left for college or she wasn't seeing much of them. I don't think there are any pictures of them together after about that age. I can imagine she might have pined for siblings/half-siblings her own age that she could bond with.

      I really don't think he meant it as a slight to her parents - especially as he has been seen looking cozy with Doria and proclaimed her "awesome" (with a HUGE grin on his face) in the engagement interview. In some sense, Doria will be the mother he never had (as an adult) and W&K can be the siblings she never had.

    9. Claudia+.😊 might not be "much ado about nothing" if you are Meghan's family. If Meghan spent her Christmas' alone it wasn't because she didn't have Doria's and Thomas' families.

    10. Vivienne.😊 Yes. Meghan has nephews. Tyler, Thomas III, Donovan and at least one more. I don't recall their name.

    11. Vivienne so true it could have been an Anmer reference or the whole big gathering. Also we have no idea if the larger Royal Family breaks into smaller groups for a coffee hour somewhere, or drinks etc. Also Will and Kate have friends in the area, some of them may have dropped by Anmer during the holiday. I assume he meant the whole Sandringham, Church, Anmer Hall couple of days of activities. Either way just a nice comment.

    12. Imo, PH's comment about Meghan's family was his only misstep in an otherwise brilliant interview. Whatever his intent, it does read as a comment into a deficiency within Meghan's family life; a place he should never go publicly.If I were Meghan's parents, this comment would have hurt me to the core. Parents hope that despite whatever circumstances they need to work through as a family, that the children do not feel deprived. Some families are more challenging then others but that should never be put out there by someone other than oneself (Meghan). For me, the comment was insensitive as it shamed her family.

    13. Her half-siblings are 16 and 18 years older than her. They both moved away to different states when she was very young. She is estranged from both. So is her father/their own father. The half-sister had her children taken from her for child abuse and the half brother was accused of domestic violence. Her half-sister's children were raised by her father's first ex-wife in a different state. Both her half-siblings have sold her out to the press repeatedly and maliciously lied about her/their relationship. Her half-sister has made racist comments. At least 2 of her nieces/nephews have also gone to the press. Doria's siblings have also sold her out to the press, and revealed that they hadn't spoken to Doria in longer than a year. She clearly never had a relationship with her siblings that Harry has with William and Catherine. Meghan has repeatedly described herself as an only child. The only family she has is her mother and father. Sharing DNA with someone doesn't make them your family. KP said that Harry's words speak for themselves, I agree.

    14. 20:43.😊 Shuuuu. Don't let my family hear you say that, lol. Sharing DNA does make you family or paternity tests results have all just flown out the window. During that year that communication with Doria was scant perhaps Doria was busy helping Meghan with her long distance romance while working a full-time job and was trying to be discreet. Don't know how such tender relationships shown in a number of Meghan's family photos can all go so awry so unilaterally.
      (maybe alien foomba rays. that's it. foomba rays.)

    15. Holy cow, 2043. I didn't know all that.

    16. Erika.😊 I agree. As a parent, I felt that. That's why I winced. Harry needs to understand that he's new to this being open and sharing stuff. Let's hope he doesn't have to go through a lot of hard knocks to learn acceptable parameters. Because even in transparency there is a proper time and place. And, it was Meghan's to share not Harry's, you are right about that Erika. :)

    17. Anon 20:43 is right. Even the estranged family admit Meghan was raised by her mother and grandmother, who died in 2000, the last time many of them had any contact. Let's face it, Meghan seems to have her mother and that's it. And even though she may love her father desperately, Harry did not even meet him before the engagement, and as far as we know still hasn't. I think Meghan's family is most complex and has been most troubling for her, in the past and still today.

      I hope she and Harry will be able to build the family it seems they both have always wanted.

    18. "Where does he get that idea" Well, he's Meghan's fiance. I suppose such a relationship comes with confidence from said person and insight. Things that you don't get just by reading the Daily Mail.

    19. OH Claudia, I just wish the same!

      "I hope she and Harry will be able to build the family it seems they both have always wanted."

    20. Exactly, surfergirl. As a parent, his words cut right through me. It appears that Meghan's parents have sacrificed much to give her the privileges she has had. The least PH can do is not publicly confirm her family's dirty laundry.

    21. 17:14.😊 Exactly. Key word, (in) "confidence". :)
      He'll learn not to share marital confidences. :)

    22. @surfer girl at 00:37: "Sharing DNA does make you family or paternity tests results have all just flown out the window."

      I argue a bit with this and say that sharing DNA makes you biologically related but doesn't automatically make you a family. People who get married - or are in partnerships - don't share DNA (hopefully, lol!!) but most certainly become a family :) People can also make family units involving adopted children/siblings or even just friends. Or, people can share DNA but no longer be in touch with their biological relatives - like in Meghan's case or if someone is adopted into another family or just chooses to separate from their DNA relatives if they are abusive or toxic.

      But anyway, regarding Harry's comments, as I wrote above I think he mostly meant her siblings...who seem pretty toxic. I'm getting curious to see if half-siblings are invited to the wedding? Or even the relatives on Doria's side (her brother??) who sold private family photos (although they haven't continued to talk about Meghan or say anything negative about her at all). Maybe Harry's comments - and KP's statement that his comments stand on their own - is the couple's way of telling those relatives that if you spill family secrets and photos you shouldn't expect an invitation to the wedding. I think Meghan's dad should certainly be invited, but no way on the half-siblings!

  11. Thanks so much for your opinion Charlotte! You run two beautiful blogs and are so informative and kind to your followers.

    I know this topic is bound to be a bit controversial. I think the physical affection between them is wonderful. Especially in a family not known for it.

    That being said it’s been constant at every appearance they’ve made. And she seems prone to this sort of two handed clinging. I understand her being nervous and it does seem like the others are happy to help and reassure her, I don’t begrudge her that. But it is giving off a strange vibe that she will melt into a puddle of nerves if Harry isn’t there for one second. I don’t think that’s the reality and they probably don’t even realize they’re doing it as a couple comfortable with each other. But it has made me think about some of the criticism Will
    And Kate have gotten for not being affectionate enough. It seems like there’s no happy medium here. After seeing examples of both and thinking about other famous and politically or diplomatically important couples I have to say I Think I do prefer Will and Kate’s approach. Occasional hand holding. Hand frequently on her back. It just seems a bit more polished to me. I also thought of the Obama’s who seem to be somewhere in the middle. And don’t misunderstand I don’t think a couple has to be polished at all times. But I’m not opposed to it at official or higher profile events.

    I love Meghan. I love that Harry has found her. I love how happy they are. This is truly a trivial quibble in an otherwise delightful couple.

    1. I agree, 01:33. 😊 The Goldilocks effect. To me,
      Michelle and Obama got it just right. :)
      And, it was not contrived to be that way. Very easy and natural.

    2. Anon, I have to jump in, because these two have been out together publicly for all of 5 minutes. "It’s been constant at every appearance they’ve made. And she seems prone to this sort of two handed clinging." ???

      As Charlotte said, let's talk after I don't know, 6 months of wedded life? The first year? She's not even married yet, we have no idea what she's prone to or not! She's an American suddenly immersed into a completely different way of life, with customs she did not grow up with and is not used to. Give her a chance!

      And if we're looking at her incredibly brief royal track record let's look at the FACTS again. This is the same woman who went off on her own to greet the public at her very first royal walkabout is it not? So prone to clinging? I didn't see that in Nottingham.

    3. I agree Claudia wholeheartedly.

      I wish this clingy thing would be her biggest mistake/flaw etc.

    4. I mean I think I am giving her a chance? I went out of my way to say I like her and they’re delightful and that this a trivial quibble. I actually think she’ll be great in this role. I also think it’s possible they don’t realize they’re doing it so frequently.

      By my count they’ve made 4 public appearances and at every single one this double handed clinging occurs. So this is all we have to go on for now. But I’ve noticed as have others on this site and others that the perception and image it projects is more clingy and unsure than I think she really is. And I don’t think that’s the best photo op to constantly be putting out there if you are embarking on a highly photographed life.

      I think the are ways to address your body language to be more polished and project more confidence. You are right it hasn’t been that many appearances, but it has also been every one so far. So I don’t know. I really really like her. I really like Harry. I’m sure she is nervous but I also think she will be fine.

      I don’t think it’s an unfair expectation that people in the public eye have to occasionally make tweaks to their image and body language and mannerisms. That was all people talked about when there were rumors of her first being with Harry, and if she would be able to do it. All I’m saying is some of the arm holding makes her look timid and I don’t think she is, and if that will be a repetitive image of them if I were her I’d address it. Maybe it won’t be. But A picture speaks 1000 words on how people perceive you.

    5. Remember though that Kate and William had been a couple for a decade when they married, so that intense physicality phase was long past. As someone wrote of the engagement photos, their focus on each other made the viewer feel like a voyeur.
      I have always been charmed by the easy affection President and Mrs. Obama have for one another; they’ve been together more than 20 years.
      Let’s allow Harry and Meghan to have their Madly in Love stage without criticism.

    6. Anon 20:11, I agree with your point that optics and perception are everything with public figures, and that adjustments need to be made so that the wrong message does not get transferred to the public. That said, I had no problem with how PH and MM interacted on Christmas Day or in Nottingham. I just think it is a bit foreign to us where the royals are concerned. It's the two handed hold of the engagement interview and photos that irks me because the visual message of that stance is not a positive one imo. However, I realize all of our interpretations are subjective.

    7. everyone’s comment is absolutely to the point.. a bit clingy at the moment, and let’s see if it is a phase and passes with time... for now, I like to be content with their happiness..

    8. You did indeed say that Anon, my apologies if it seems I "pounced" on you :)

      As I've said many times, nothing can prepare someone for their first official outings as a royal, or soon to be royal. Meghan was smashing in Nottingham I thought, she did seem nervous on Christmas. The presence of the entire royal family including the monarch herself would do that

      As Charlotte is asking, why don't we all give her a chance to become an HRH and get to work before we launch into what she can do better. I feel Meghan's been beaten down before she's even had a chance to stand up.

  12. Really enjoyed Harry's work. The Obama's have obviously had an influence on Harry's life in the friendship they have developed. They have also had a huge influence on Meghan's life as an American given her age, background, and values. I have suspected Harry and Meghan will very much look to them as role models for their marriage as well as their public responsibilities.

    1. 01:40. 😊 I think Harry and Meghan will take advice from and receive lots of tender loving care from the Obamas as life long friends. They will have a lot of fun times. I am looking forward to it. Don't agree with all of Obama's poloitics, but on a personal note, I really like he (and Michelle). :)

  13. Charlotte, thank you for your closing remarks in this post. Meghan needs space and time to adjust and so far she is handling everything with grace and poise. There is nothing wrong with Meghan requiring extra support from Harry (including physical gestures/affection). She is not being clingy. She is nervous and being cautious about everything right now, so she is looking to him for reassurance and encouragement. I have no doubt that she was anxious before curtsying to the Queen, but she did well. As a fellow American, it must be awkward to make gestures of obeisance to anyone. We are used to referring to certain people by their titles: such as Doctor or Reverend or Professor or Mr. President. We are taught to refer to our elders as Mr. or Mrs. We give handshakes. Those are ways that we express and demonstrate respect. But we are not accustomed to bowing or curtsying to another human being and I'm sure it feels very unnatural and awkward to her right now. It will take time for her to feel more at ease with it and that's okay. William, Kate, and Harry are giving Meghan tremendous support and that was obvious on Christmas Day.

  14. awh. What to love about Harry? Just about everything. :)
    I could listen to Obama talk for hours. I would have loved Michelle being interviewed by Harry with her hubby. But, hey. What a great start. Wouldn't you LOVE to have the opportunity to interview Barack Obama? :) I certainly would. lol
    I thoroughly enjoyed Harry addressing Barack Obama as Mr. President, as he should, and for Barack calling Harry, Your Highness. Loved Barack's comment. William or Harry? "Well right now William." lol
    Prince Charles and Harry. The love between them is obvious. So cute. :) So happy they got to connect and make that special memory. ❤️
    Harry definitely actually did a good job for a first try. He might be able to give up his day job actually, if he wanted to. :)
    I wonder if Doria's family felt slighted at all by Harry's reference that Meghan sort of doesn't have family. Photos show that she has grown up with and interacted with a lot of her mom's family. And it seems to be a very nice and loving family at that.

    1. I believe Harry was referring to Meghan being an only child. Harry's family for all their faults they seem alot more cohesive than what Meghan has experienced. Her half siblings have repeatedly talked to the media and sold their pictures and stories. Is Meghan supposed to be happy about their treatment. I imagine Meghan was happy to be a part of both Will and Kate's family celebration and also The Queen.

    2. Here you are doing exactly what the admin asked people to refrain from doing: speculating on a harmless
      remark and trying to make it into something bigger than what it is. Let’s assume that Harry knows more about how Megan views her family than you do from some photos. I think it’s pretty clear he was probably referring to having a big nuclear intact family holiday gathering… Nothing more nothing less.

    3. Mimi, unknown. 😊 I hope Harry and Meghan visit, not only Doria soon, but also Doria's substantial and apparently close-knit family. From their comments and photos they seemed like such a lovely family. AND I hope we get photos of that and good headlines. I think that will create needed balance. Just my opinion, lol.
      Oh and P.S. and by the way, lol. We have been commenting/speculating on comments (as you just did by referencing the comment as "harmless") and we have been commenting/speculating on everything else and in detail for over 5+ years here. I think Charlotte does an excellent job of creating balance in her editing. If she thinks we need curbing from time to time she lets us know. Publishing only one train of thought would be rather boring I think, and I don't think she meant that we can't express concerns. :)

  15. Love the photo of a contemplative Prince Harry.
    Thank you, Charlotte. :)

  16. Very well said, Charlotte! Agree 100%!

  17. The interview(s) were so fun! Harry did a lovely job. I commented in the prior post but will say again that I did not find Meghan clingy on Christmas Day. I thought she looked very relaxed and normal with her arm holding. I also commented that something to consider is that due to their relative sizes her holding onto his arm may be more comfortable for both of them than hand holding. No idea what her emotions were on Christmas Day, just to hard to say based on a few clips and single photos. Also no idea if she was asking for tips or help or anything of the kind before the curtsy to the Queen. they could have been discussing any number of things. Regardless all the Royal Family looked lovely on Christmas Day and I thought Meghan looked great. I did find her arm holding a bit over the top in the engagement video, but who knows if in person it was much more natural. She may also be a touchy person, I lean that way myself and actually have to watch it as many people have clear personal boundaries and dislike even a gentle touch on the shoulder.

  18. Very well said Charlotte. Thank you so very much for articulately saying what has been on my mind since the engagement announcement. This is a huge transition for Meghan and she has the world watching. Thank you for these wonderfully intelligent blogs for two of the most brave, beautiful, and brilliant women of our time.
    Imogen UK

  19. I 100% agree with your opinion piece. I could not have said it any better. Some people are just very tactile with their significant other. Get over it.

    1. +1 Gartside Report!

      And Charlotte, thanks for sharing your thoughts and wishes for the blog re: the different issues that have become hot-button (the PDA, engagement dress cost, and Pss Michael's racist brooch).

      Regarding the PDA, I think she is just more tactile than we're used to seeing in the royal family but, it doesn't make her "clingy" or insecure. She did just fine in Nottingham when she worked her own side of the rope line or when they were inside and she didn't take his arm.

      I also think that the majority of their time together so far has been private with just the two of them or close friends/family - when they can be a lot more touchy-feely - so perhaps it will just take lots more public work engagements to shift the PDA paradigm. This way we also get to see them's a win-win ;)

      As Harry said in the radio interview - the family gatherings are part "family time" but also part "work time" so I'm sure Meghan will figure out that sometimes when they are out together it is still work and a more professional presentation is warranted.

      Overall though, I think she has handled herself beautifully so far - she shows a willingness and desire to get right in and start working and spending time with the family. And, she showed with her curtsy that she understands the obligations of being a part of that family and is willing to embrace the rules. I cannot WAIT to see what the next 5 months brings for Meghan and Harry. I hope they'll announce several new engagements throughout the UK for the winter and that Meghan will begin to announce the charities that she plans to partner with. I really don't want them to disappear for the next 3 months!

  20. Thank you, Charlotte for this post on Harry's work as guest editor. He is an exceptional person and I expect we will see many worthy and innovative projects from him (and Meghan) going forward. I look forward to following them both.

    Thank you, too, for your stance against some of the comments. I no longer comment on DKB because of the turn comments frequently take. Now it seems as if some people expect Meghan to have mastered whatever it is that they see as her role and proper demeanor--as if she were on a film set and should "act" accordingly.

    She is not on "Suits" now. She does not have lines to memorize or marks to hit. She has duties to perform (many like the curtsy for the first time and in the public eye). These are duties she is learning as she goes while we watch (and some of us carp).

    We are witness to her public life now. I believe she has some right to conduct that life as she sees fit. If she wishes to take her future husband's arm so be it. If such affection is deemed too childish or nauseates people, to me that says more about the critics than the behavior.

    I believe we will continue to see some cultural differences in Meghan's demeanor and behavior when compared to other senior royals. Maybe for some considerable time. Maybe forever. She is her own person.

    Why not find them refreshing? Perhaps if we draw the parallel between her present role and Downton Abbey's Cora, we might find it a lot more charming. There's no need for any of us to go all Dowager Countess over Meghan.)

    1. Thank you, Philly, I agree 100%!!!!!!!!
      And special thanks for the "There´s no need for any of us to go all Dowager Countess over Meghan"!!! That brought a VERY broad smile on my face - which was very much needed!! ;-))))

    2. You're welcome, Eve. I find many parallels in Downton Abbey to the present situation in the House of Windsor. Social and cultural outsiders find their way into the family, the historical era is in flux, the social orders are changing, and a new generation with its own ideas is rising. Their world is expanding and to survive (much less thrive) the family must adapt and change without losing their position and the essence of who they are. At the same time they must keep the respect and the goodwill of the tenant farmers/people.

      At DA the new points of view the various outsiders bring to the equation initially cause some conflict, but in the long view much good comes from the fresh perspectives and modifications of behavior.

      As an aside, if any of us were as wickedly droll in our take downs as the Dowager Countess perhaps it could be allowed. Maybe. That works much better on stage (think Oscar Wilde) or on film than it does in life. This is a blog, not clever screen writing or satire.

  21. Charlotte, I appreciate your opinion and sincerely hope that every once in a while you will share similar comments on your other blog. :-)

    1. I did several times in the early years and made the same argument for Kate. No need to worry royalfan :)

    2. Royal fan - Charlotte has often advocated for Kate as well. I'm not sure why you are trying to turn this into a Meghan vs Kate thing.

    3. Thank you for your reply, Charlotte.

      5:24, that was not my intention, not at all. I am aware of gentle reminders being published in Kate's defense, but I thought this plea was more strongly worded and I would like to see this approach echoed on the other blog. Perhaps Laura @5.43 expressed it better than I did.

    4. "On that note, I'm very keen to avoid 'Kate v Meghan' starting up again in this thread. This is not the space to air grievances about other royals or my other blog.

      Thank you for your understanding."

    5. I agree with you Royal Fan. And 5:24 I don't think that RF was trying to do that at all. Just commenting on behalf of RF not trying to start a new controversy.

    6. Royal fan - Charlotte's plea/opinion on this blog was more strongly worded, you are correct. The reason it is especially strongly worded is because Meghan has received very cruel and insensitive criticism. Kate has certainly received criticism, but not like the vitriol Meghan has received.

      Since this is Charlotte's blog, I would let her speak her mind how she wants. She has always been nothing but fair and kind to both Kate and Meghan.
      - Anon 5:24

    7. As I said, this isn't the place to air grievances about the other blog, however in the spirit of fairness, I feel I must respond. I was a very strong and vocal advocate in support of Kate being eased into royal life and to be given the opportunity to settle in and find her feet. I wrote about it several times during the first 3/4 years following the Royal Wedding.

      Here is one such example, I wrote it almost four years ago:

      Despite what many think of the comments section on Duchess Kate, what you're seeing is positively gushing in comparison to what's hitting the moderation folder. The royal blogging landscape has changed beyond belief since I started in 2011; the nature of comments and opinion has changed too.

      I do not favour Meghan over Kate nor Kate over Meghan. I do not believe in using one to tear down the other. I do not believe criticising one or searching for faults elevates the other either. I also believe, from everything I've seen, they are going to be firm friends. Neither Kate nor Meghan needs ardent defense from royal watchers. With that, let's please put "Kate v Meghan" and petty remarks comparing the blogs to rest.

    8. Charlotte, whether you publish this or read it privately, since I started this thread and, apparently, caused some controversy, I hope you will allow me to expand on where I was coming from.

      First, I *do* remember your post and applauded you for it not once, but twice in the comments section. (And thanked you for your hard work over the years.) I'm also aware that you have chimed in from time to time when comments were getting out of hand. You also included reminders that all (obviously reasonable) points of view were welcome on your blog. You alone are truly familiar with the comments that land in your "inbox" and I'm sure that in many ways your readers cannot even begin to imagine what you read......

      But I do admit to being a bit surprised at your reference to "melodramatic and ridiculous" comments regarding H&M's PDA. In my mind, the comments *published* were not over the top and they were in response to occasions when they presented themselves publicly as a (future) royal couple: engagement announcement and interview, the first joint engagements, their engagement photos, and Christmas Day. On a blog that was started several months before Meghan was introduced as a future royal bride, and where most people were giving her kudos for being independent and successful both as an actress and a humanitarian, I *can* understand the PDA subject being incorporated into the discussion. And, again, it was regarding occasions when they were reaching out as a (future) royal couple.

      I understand that Meghan is new at the game and I don't believe anyone has denied her a learning curve (based on published comments). In some cases, far from it. :-)

      My point, and this is my "bottom line" here, is that if THIS discussion is out of bounds then I'm at a loss as to what the boundaries are given some of the very personal criticism and speculation that has been permitted in the past. Yes, I recognize that the "other lady" has a title and "time in", but in my mind this does not exempt her from basic human respect and consideration. And a discussion about PDA should be the worst example....

      My last two cents in this thread. I promise. :-)

    9. I have been traveling extensively with family and enjoying every moment of it, so just managing to catch up to royal watching right now. First I loved the Christmas photo- all around great stuff. Second I missed the bit about clingy comments but I am shocked to hear about moderation woes. I find it interesting that the tone of comments have changed over the years - goes to show changing attitudes perhaps.

      Lastly this is for royalfan - Charlotte as well as many others gave many years to William and Kate but I think that most people have been a bit disillusioned and disappointed in their attitude towards duty. I think that after a point it all becomes difficult to defend especially if most comments seem to reflect that people are tired of waiting.
      I think it's fair to ask for the same kind of consideration for Megan. If after six years she hasn't really convinced people of her seriousness towards her role you might find her getting the same kind of flak that Kate gets now.

    10. There's really only one cent here. And that is it's Charlotte's blog. And if she wants the comments toned down, then my suggestion is we tone it down.

      Maybe you don't remember how tightly moderated DKB was when it started. I do, as I had to rewrite comments so they'd be published. Charlotte's loosened up there over time as the comment section evolved -- and so did Kate and people's perceptions of her. The same will happen here. The one thing Charlotte has to deal with here that she didn't over there is Meghan's nationality, profession and ethnicity, none of which say anything about her as a person. I can only imagine how the comment section could devolve if some of that got going.

      So, I will rewrite my comments as I used to if something I say doesn't pass muster, and I'm totally OK doing it. Might I also suggest people express their concerns about Duchess Kate blog moderation and opinion on that actual blog.

    11. Anon 04.56

      I am doing something I have never thought I am gonna do but in all fairness to Royalfan she did say nice things about Meghan, she even defended her about her tongue sticking. She was not here at the beginning (sigh) and it was not a coincidence, and also it is not a coincidence that she is here now and doing what she is doing lately.

      As Charlotte writes this blog, and there are many other blogs in our cyber space, and I see no point in asking for respect and consideration when the very person does not give these to someone with whom she is in disagreement. Also it is not elegant to air grievances about the other blog, it is hers, only hers to decide what to publish and set the tone if and how she wishes.

      Finally, Rosman put it excellently, why not giving Meghan the same time and let's see what she is doing with it. Perfect idea!

    12. yep, bluhare, I also remember those days. :)
      have done some (okay, a lot) of rewrites myself for sure, lol. Charlotte is always more than reasonable in her requests. :)

    13. rf. I must say I am ignorant of what the fuss is all about. But I do know, and I think Charlotte knows as she said I think, that for over 5+ you have been kind, fun and fair in your comments over all.
      Quality. So I hope this, whatever it is, passes soon and that we get to enjoy DKB wholeheartedly each day. :)

    14. Well said bluhare.

    15. Isn't Charlotte talking about comments that never made it on the blog? I'm assuming anything published passed muster. I think all of us agree that since this is Charlotte's blog, she can call whatever shots she wants. I truly like and respect all of you, and really enjoy talking to everyone. Yet, I can't understand why anyone felt the need to "pigpile",so to speak, on top of royalfan following Charlotte's comment. This feels like Julia all over again. Whatever the difference of opinion, I feel that tolerance and acceptance of our differences makes this blog an interesting and special place. I hate to see this happen to long time commenters.

    16. Erika, you know I think you're swell, but she publicly suggested to Charlotte how to run her blog and not even this one. I think responses are inevitable.

      I don't think this is anything like the Julia situation which arose over an unfortunately worded comment she made. And I've apologized for my part in raising the threat level there. I'd say something again, too, although more diplomatically. I learnt something as a result. So I don't think conflict is inherently bad. It's how you deal with it that counts.

      Hope we're still blog pals.

    17. Erika I also feel bad. I didn't mean to pile on royalfan at all - I enjoy her comments tremendously. I was just merely trying to point out why the two blogs differ right now. Sorry if feelings were hurt.

    18. Well said bluhare.

    19. May I just point out that Charlotte responded to royalfan's initial comment almost immediately and with a smiley face :). So I don't think she got offended. I think she probably gets upset about hateful comments which of course she doesn't publish. I suppose it is a part of a blog administrator's job.
      I agree with Erika about tolerance and acceptance of our differences making the blog a pleasant space.

  22. Thank you very much for the “opinion”. Very well said and I am so glad you said it.

  23. Well said! Give her a moment to catch her breath before all the criticism. Fantastic post, as always.

  24. First of all, I could sit and listen to Prince Harry and President Obama talk all day. They both have great speaking voices.

    As for Meghan, I give her credit for handling this situation with as much grace and strength as she has. Marrying and joining any family is a minefield, I can’t imagine how daunting it must be when that family is the Royal family. Let’s be honest, their lives are not what most consider “normal”. As an American, I would be incredibly intimidated by all of the protocols and procedures. We don’t curtsy in the US so remembering to do that and do it properly when the eyes of the world are watching would probably be a little intense.

    I’m interested to see what causes she will champion and how she brings her passion for humanitarian efforts to her new life in the royal family. These next few months are going to be crazy for them and I wish them the best of luck navigating all of it.

    1. Alaina. 😊 I do think that Meghan, having been in Hollywood/the entertainment Industry, not only in her career but in childhood, that that definitely gives her a leg up on the "new" situations she encounters now more than your "average" girl say from Iowa or even San Diego. :) She has, in a way, been bred for the life she's entered. She has some definite skill sets to draw upon, unlike most. And I think her new environment/role is almost going to be second nature to her.

    2. However SG be careful assuming people in the entertainment business are any set type of personality or more adept at taking on new situations than the outgoing man/woman from the midwest. Many actors are extremely shy, and not very comfortable in new social settings.

    3. I hear you, ali, 😊 but in speeches, interviews and print interviews, to me, Meghan hasn't shown shyness. There is one interview that she is very bold in. When asked one word to describe herself, without hesitation she boldly replied,
      "Ambitious". I haven't seen the shyness although she may have her moments as we all do. :)
      I will give the link to that interview. It was a very good interview. :)

    4. ali.😊 That reference is "Meghan Markle on "Suits", AOL, BUILD Series, BUILD, 27:55,
      You Tube.

  25. Well said Charlotte. I’m a Canadian who has regularly read your blog from Day 1. Although I’ve never commented before, I usually read most comments made by your followers. As many others have said time and again, your straight forward and factual accounts of the person we are fascinated with (Catherine and now Meghan) are appreciated. And I do appreciate and support this straight up opinion you just posted in response to some rather harsh and judgmental criticism. Keep up your good work.

  26. I listened to Harry’s podcasts with Obama and prince Charles this morning on the way to work. The were engaging and thoughtful. It was evident that those involved were passionate about the topics they spoke of. The podcasts were also full of Harry’s cheeky charm. I can’t wait to listen to the other two podcasts on the way home – particularly the one about mental health impacting productivity. There I go again, waving my social worker banner!

    Charlotte, thank you for your opinion comments at the end of the post. I though Megan holding on to Harry was affectionate, and steadying on what must have been a nerve wracking day, even if she didn’t outwardly show it. I have not been reading most of the comments on this blog lately, because as with the Duchess Kate blog, some comments…to put it nicely…takes the fun out of this little community. It is healthy to question and critique, it is another to be mean-spirited.
    If I haven’t said it enough, thank you for creating this online community. It makes a difference on the hard days, and you do well as a moderator of our comments.

  27. Amen. I really enjoy reading your blogs on both Meghan and the DoC but have stopped reading the comments because so many are just snarky. Especially with Meghan it’s inportant to be patient and kind. I think she’s done remarkably well so far and, most importantly, it seems her future in laws do, too. Brava, Meghan!

  28. Charlotte your closing remarks about cutting back on criticism about Meghan were well expressed. I would, however, like to make a suggestion. On this blog and also the one your provide on the Duchess of Cambridge, I often feel you need to more carefully monitor some of the remarks and if they are truly offensive not to print them. On another blog I read about Kate, the comments sometimes appears along with the words, "Admin edit. " This means that some words were unacceptable and therefore were eliminated. I realize you try to give a balanced approach and allow both sides to have their say. But if you truly feel some remarks are offensive, then you have the right and the responsibility not to print words that you find harsh and unacceptable.

    1. Hello Laura,

      I assure you I cannot keep track of the number of comments I deleted over the past month. On both blogs, simply awful and cruel statements have been left and swiftly deleted (these comments prompted me to encourage readers to avoid the Kate v Meghan narrative). If I published every comment on the day of an appearance - I honestly believe people would be shocked. I am always striving to do a better job in terms of moderating and will continue to work towards that goal.

      On that note, I'm very keen to avoid 'Kate v Meghan' starting up again in this thread. This is not the space to air grievances about other royals or my other blog.

      Thank you for your understanding.

    2. Whew, my posts get printed, so I'm glad to know I have not been offensive. But I did describe Meghan as clingy, which I feel she is. It has little to do with the demands and nervousness of her new job. At the wedding in Jamaica, a few months back, which was not an official appearance, Meghan was all over Harry. Of course, it is sweet that she is so affectionate with him, but the nay sayers have a point that this is not professional while "working". Two people who worked in the same office would not be clinging to each other, while on the job. I do appreciate that you leave out truly inappropriate remarks and I urge everyone to be kinder. If you wouldn't say something in person, don't hide behind your computer screen and be nasty.

    3. I agree, Laura. 😊 She was very much "clinging" in Jamaica. Not so much at the games. So I don't think nerves have anything to do with it either. Just my opinion. And, as my family can affirm, I would say any of my comments in person, not just texts. Even to Natasha, and William when I think he's flirting too much, etc., lol. As I said, I think Barack and Michelle have the "Goldilocks" spot on PDA. And I think Charlotte is good at editing. Thankfully. :)

    4. Laura
      I am not sure everyone got the message here. I understand and accept your opinion, she is clingy, but can we move on? I think it is unnecessary to roll that ball any further.

  29. Thank you for publishing your opinion, Charlotte. Myself I find the judgemental comments on every little things Meghan does (from touching her fiance, her dog, the cost of a dress she paid with the money she earned by working as a private citizen) outrageous.

    1. Agree 100 % - it's crazy. People can be monsters with too much time on their hands.

    2. Yes Kara, I agree with you. NLopez

  30. Thank you for this wonderful space.

    Regarding Harry's comment on "the family that she never had" it is not necessarily a diss to Meghan's family but an acknowledgment that the family she is marrying into is different from the one she had growing up. It may also be that ........ it is the kind of family that does not go talking to the press at every turn (and here I am referring to the extended family of her half sister and half brother).

  31. Thank you very much for your comments Charlotte! Amen.

  32. Thank you, Charlotte. You made some very good points, well said! I could see how nervous Meghan was in the short film clips, but how much she was taking it all in and doing her very best. Can I just say that she was NOT sticking her tongue out to be cheeky, she did a split second lick of her lips, that was it. Enough to snap an unfortunate photo. Had I been in her spot, I would have been shaking like a leaf. I am absolutely in awe of Meghan's bravery and that she is in fact the one who will share Harry's royal burden and opportunity from now on and Into the future. The podcast with Harry and Barry (!!) was nothing short of amazing. Two intelligent gentlemen speaking with class, eloquence and kindness, and who want to spread goodness in the world, can it get any better? There is hope for a humanitarian future thanks to people like them. I think Harry should be able to invite any one he wants to, it is his wedding, and Mr Obama is no longer President, so from a political perspective, it would not matter. Just media spreading venom. My two cents....

  33. Meghan seems like a naturally touchy person.There are pics of Meghan hand in hand with her mum,friends.She prefers it like that and I don't mind.The swedes also hold hands a lot.I do think after a while,it would stop

  34. I thoroughly enjoyed the interview Harry did with President Obama. While he may have been nervous, it is obvious that they are very good friends. As someone who greatly misses our 44th president, it was a welcome treat just to hear Obama's voice and compassionate responses. I hope the Obamas are invited to the wedding.
    I enjoyed the interview with Prince Charles as well. It is apparent how close Harry is to his father. I remember that Harry actually mentioned his father in the documentaries about Diana this past summer. While I have wondered for some time whether William and his dad have a good relationship, it is possible that they do even if it doesn't seem like it. I remember Diana saying a long time ago that Charles was always closer to Harry than to William, and I could see how that would happen, given the mix of personalities there. It often happens in many families that parents are closer to one child than another. It is obvious that Charles loves both his sons, but he relates to each of them differently. Likewise, William and Harry relate differently to Charles. It is their family system and there is nothing wrong with it.

    I am very glad that both William and Harry have found happiness. In subtle and direct ways, I think that Kate and Meghan give both men the affection and unconditional love they received from Diana.

  35. Glad they had fun with the kids. Kids and their excitement help make Christmas so magical.

    In terms of the 'Meghan clinging' opinion, since I was the first to bring it up, I will say that I reread the comments. No one calls her 'childish' or that it was 'nauseating'. There may be comments that we did not see, but what most of us said was that it was SLIGHTLY annoying. But, now I understand the rules.

    1. Charlotte deletes the posts which are truly attacking the ladies in question. So I would assume the opinion post by her was referencing those. If yours posted then it was ok.

      I think you are fine to have an opinion. But attacking is a step past it. I don’t believe you did that.

    2. I don't think you did either, Katie. :)

  36. Thank you for your comment, Charlotte. I was about to avoid the comment sections because the vitriol hurled at Meghan for every little thing she does was outrageous. From how she links arms with her fiance, to her arrangement with her dog, to how she paid for a dress with the money she earned after working regularly for years. It's outrageous.

  37. THANK YOU, Charlotte, your "opinion" was spot-on and I agree 100%!!!!!!!!

    I tremendously enjoyed Prince Harry talking to his "Pa".Because you couldn´t see "moving pictures" you could fully concentrate on the voices. The warmth and "camaraderie" in their voices was incredibly touching. I´m a mother myself and seeing your child grow up and share your values and understand what (and why) you are passionate about, is an absolutely incredible and very moving experience. I´m so happy for both of them and so happy that Harry has found "THE ONE"!!

    1. That's exactly right Eve, I thought the same :)

    2. And here I was thinking I really wouldn't mind either one of them reading me a bedtime story. :)

  38. I have to assume that Harry knows Meghan's feelings better than we do and that his family reflects her feelings. I think I'm correct in remembering that last year, she posted a photo of her with a family who had two kids---I think they were friends rather than family. She has her infamous half-sister, a half-brother and his son, an aunt for who she was flower girl once. We don't see any large family gatherings in the photos people have dredged up for the press. I imagine that Kate and Will are very friendly and loving and that spending time with them and their children is a new experience. For that comment to have come out of Harry, MM must have been having a very happy time over Christmas. I believe one of MM's goals is to have a family of her own, and it sounds like the relatives did their part well.

    MM and Kate have such different backgrounds. I love Kate because she seems so genuine so kind and unassuming. I believe her goal in life was to find someone she really loves and have a family. MM had to work to get to that position. She has had to use her wits to get to where she was, and I believe she is intelligent enough to handle anything. I hope she truly does not look at tabloids and other "noise" and just continues through her life with her clear vision. Barbara Walters used to interview the most fascinating people of each year and I feel she would be number 1.

  39. Allison. 😊 I will give the link to those photos of Doria's family as soon as I can find them. Happily, there was more than the one wedding event. :)

  40. This is Charlotte's blog, done with her own precious time and money. She doesn't ask anything of her readers other than civil discourse. Is that so demanding? She is free to set whatever guidelines she chooses. If she wants this to be a rah-rah Meghan fan site, so be it. If she wants to allow every criticism in the world, so be it. And if she wants to run this in the exact same way or completely differently from her other blog? Guess what, so be it. Charlotte is the boss, house rules apply. The internet is full of websites to choose from, always best to choose the one that suits you most.

    And if I may, there are two rules that many of us grew up with that seem to have fallen by the wayside in online discussion.

    1. Think before you speak.

    2. You do not have to verbally express every thought that enters into your head. Refer back to rule number one.

    I wish we would remember to think before we write. Online discussion forums seem to strip everyone of their social filters. If you noticed your friend holding on to her husband, would you say "God, why are you so clingy with him today?" No. You'd hopefully have better sense. Royal chat is great, but that doesn't mean it has to dive into nitpicking every little thing.

    And this is for Julie ;) "Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"

    1. Claudia.😊 You tell us to "think before we speak" and use a "social filter" and then you write that last paragraph?

    2. I love your succinct rules, Claudia. Amen.

    3. What? Think before I post? Not sure I can deal, Claudia. My best stuff is spur of the moment. :)

    4. Thank you, Claudia.

    5. surfer girl, I think that is a private joke between Claudia and Julie. Note the vowel on the end.

    6. ooooh. Thank you, bluhare. :)

  41. So back to the business at hand! Harry did a fantastic job I thought, and has rightfully earned glowing praise from many quarters - even multiple gushing pieces from the Guardian as Charlotte mentioned!

    The most astute line I thought was: "Prince Harry has been reinvented... he is on the way to establishing himself as the official interpreter of an ancient, archaic institution to the generations that are already distant in both time and culture from the world that sustains his grandmother."

    I mean if Harry has pulled that off, wow. The interview with Charles was fantastic and sorely needed. As I've said repeatedly (and likely bored you all!) a seemingly fractured royal family is pointless, no use to anyone. If they want a future with a healthy monarchy and the platform that provides, unity is key. More appearances and photos with Charles and sons - and grandchildren - is critical.

    The Charles/Harry platform made a lot of people sit up and take notice for a good reason. Being able to bridge from the past to present to the future is no easy feat. Suddenly people saw the future King Charles in a different light, it seemed they could imagine life with him on the throne and his family at the helm. It was without doubt the most newsworthy event of the morning.

    I am a royal watcher, interested in the monarchy and watching it all unfold. And "what happens when the Queen dies" will not seem as concerning if the family can show more of what Harry and Charles did in that brief chat.

    1. Yes.😊Claudia. You echo my hopes. More photos of Charles with his children and grandchildren. Why this hasn't been an ongoing thing is a mystery to me at the moment, lol. Gross PR oversight, yeh?

    2. Absolutely. It was well done on Harry's part, well done on all sides.

    3. I’m still holding out hope that we’ll get a nice family picture one day. I would love to see a family portrait of Charles, Camilla (I’m not her biggest fan but she’s part of the family), William, Kate, George, Charlotte, Harry and Meghan. I know it’s wishful thinking but we always get photos from weddings or christenings, I would like to see one that was taken without focusing on a specific person/event and just on the family.

    4. Alaina.😊 Those types of photos should have been plentiful from day one, especially to counter all the past dysfunction in the family and to not leave a gap in the photo journals of history. :)

  42. Charlotte, thank you so much for all the time you take on both blogs, so that we Meghan and Kate fans can get our fix! This is my first time posting on this blog, and I just had to chime in to say that any criticism of Meghan - not to mention comparison with Kate - at this point in time is simply ridiculous.

    All the critics out there seem to forget that Kate had YEARS to get to know the royal family before she and William were married. She met the Queen many years before their wedding, and obviously had plenty of opportunity to learn royal protocol (and to become comfortable with it). And because those years were long before William and Kate became engaged, she was largely able to learn the ropes outside of the public eye and the world of royal photographers and reporters. Now we have Meghan, who has only been with Harry about 18 months, and spent approximately half of that time living on another continent. By reports, it sounds as though she had only met the Queen a few times before the engagement, which means little opportunity to learn royal protocol and understand the appropriate timing of curtsies and that sort of thing.

    I can't even begin to imagine how daunting it would be for ANYONE to spend Christmas weekend with their future in-laws when you've likely not spent a great deal of time together prior to the engagement. But now Meghan is having to do just that, after leaving her job of many years, her friends and loved ones, one of her dogs, her home and her country - oh, and let's not forget her future in-laws are the reigning Queen and Prince Consort, and the future Kings and Queens Consort of England! Goodness -- I would be a terrified wreck!!!

    Despite the fact that Meghan is a well-known actress and a very confident and outspoken advocate for causes she holds dear, becoming a part of the royal family is completely new to her and at this point ALL EYES (AND CAMERAS!) IN THE WORLD ARE POINTED DIRECTLY AT HER! She spent the weekend living among the royal family, with multiple changes of clothes required each day (which is a massive pressure in and of itself), being a part of formal dinners, having to choose what are hopefully appropriate gifts for the royal family, figuring out to whom she must curtsy and precisely when, and when it is appropriate to begin and stop eating - the list goes on and on and on. I am absolutely blown away that anyone could find fault with anything Meghan is doing as she is just at the very beginning of what amounts to a completely brand new way of life.

    In terms of the "PDA" comments, I have to wonder whether it occurred to the critics that she's just a woman who is clearly very much in love with the man in her life? Why does a woman touching a man have to be seen as a negative, that she is "needy" or "clingy"? To me Meghan and Harry are obviously a couple who are head over heels for one another, and I find it very sweet - especially in a family that is so often criticized for its perceived lack of emotion or caring!

    I think Meghan is doing just fine. She will grow into the role, just as Kate has done, and I have no doubt she and Harry will do wonderful things as a couple and as individuals. I'm excited to see what the future holds for both of them!

    1. I agree with you wholeheartedly Magpie Moon!

      I know many British/Commonwealth citizens who can not curtsy (including myself)

      She is American (and to my knowledge they don't curtsy to anyone)...

      I think that she is doing a great job!!!

    2. I could not have articulated it any better. Thank you for this. I have nothing but admiration for Meghan and wish them the best. Haters can hate all they want but this two will continue to thrive because of their obvious love for each other.

  43. Meghan being “clingy” could be her way of showing she’s nervous and unsure of her surroundings and it was cold.
    If Harry wasn’t comfortable with her grabbing his arm, holding his hand or felt it wasn’t appropriate I’m sure he would’ve told her. They are an affectionate couple.
    If you go back and look at their first engagement she wasn’t clingy as some claim she is. When they were inside talking to people she was very professional, paid attention and knew about what was being discussed. So this fake concern is ridiculous.
    Harry is a good guy who is very lucky to have found a woman who is willing to put up with the press and protocol for him. The scrutiny was one of the reasons his previous serious girlfriends left so I’m glad he and his family especially Will and Kate are supporting her because those two are the main ones of his family she will be around most.
    Imagine having to walk to church with your in laws in the cold with a smile plastered on your face because you can’t show regular human emotions otherwise it would be a new scandalous headline.
    I think part of the reason she’s been welcomed in quicker she’s not from there what better way to get the British people to welcome her than to show the family welcome her.
    Just based off the headlines other royal ladies marrying in has gotten. They knew how the press love to build them up and tear them down more so now since she’s a woman of color who is also a foreigner.
    “The family she never had” to goes to the fact that Harry has a large family who aren’t like a normal family.
    Heard a few times that this royal job is something you learn by doing the job. She’s learning now.

    1. Monica.😊 Whatever Meghan's reason for "clinging" you are right, if Harry didn't like it he would wean the behavior. :) But I think that Harry was used to that tactile behavior as Diana always had him close and was always very tactile with the boys, especially Harry. Not that Meghan is being mumsy but of course there have been headlines saying just that.
      Yuck. :)

  44. P.S. Allison. 😊 I believe Meghan definitely has used her wits, definitely, but from a very privileged advantage of private schools and an Ivy League caliber university (and in all those she excelled) and from the enrichment of a trip abroad and a fanbase of loving family, not excluding her 7 year boyfriend/two year husband and producer, Trevor Engleson. Meghan definitely sought success. But perhaps other aspiring actresses may have had to use their wits without all those advantages. :)
    And, in addition, Meghan had the unique advantage of growing up in her later chosen profession. Quite a unique advantage.

    1. You're right about those advantages---it is quite a mix of factors that produce different people in the end! I'm thinking about the private school and good university---I ended up attending a very elite private school in Brooklyn for grades 10 through 12 but my parents had to borrow (well, take) money from my uncle on a regular basis to buy groceries. I just happened to luck out on some scholarships being given when there was a school strike in NYC. And I remember MM saying that she had to enter and exit her car through the trunk because she had no money to get the door fixed. So really, as you say, the advantages were the enrichment of experiences rather than merely wealth. I do agree with what you're saying.

    2. Congratulations on your perseverance, Allison.😊 Meghan's car thing happened, as I understand it, after she graduated. And just for a brief period of time was she financially struggling like that because after graduation she soon became the girlfriend of Trevor Engleson. And while with Trevor she did auditions and calligraphy for high-end clients. She says during a video interview that that was "very lucrative". "Meghan Markle on "Suits", AOL BUILD Series, BUILD, 27:55, You Tube.
      lol, she also said on the video that her business cards for calligraphy are still out there. She hopes some young Jewish boy finds one and asks her to do the calligraphy for his bar mitzvah. She said she can hear that boy telling people that Rachel Zane did his bar mitzvah invitations. (Her former husband is Jewish so perhaps she got some clients through him, thus the bar mitzvah comment, lol.) It is a very interesting interview, btw. :)

  45. Charlotte, I want to thank you for the excellent job you do on both the blogs. I trust the information here more than I trust the news outlets. I am excited for Megan and Harry's wedding! I think William and Harry have a fresh, modern approach to the monarchy, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for the couples.

  46. Thank you for the post and for articulating your opinion, Charlotte! I really appreciate your effort to keep your blogs a space of balance where people can express their opinions but it is asked of them to try to do so kindly and without bias. Which is not easy as we are all human, but we can try and learn from each other while trying. It is very encouraging to read the words of support and understanding.

  47. Allison.😊 Here is the first script to the post script, lol.
    Some links I promised. Hope they are helpful. :)

    Doria's brother, Joseph, Meghan's uncle, summed it up nicely perhaps in saying,
    "Meghan was born into "a big beautiful mixed race family", "who will always love her and be proud to call her family". Daily Mail, "EXCLUSIVE,
    Meghan Markle's Family Share Intimate And Utterly Enchanting Private Family Photo Album Proving Harry's Fiance Was Always A Little Princess",
    Caroline Graham, 12/3/17, (photos included).
    And there are more in other articles,
    "Prince Harry's Liitle Princess Snaps Show Meghan Markle's LA Childhood", The Mirror, Victoria Murphy,
    Daily Mail, Exclusive. Prince Harry...., Ruth Styles, 1/4/17.
    And more photos and information will no doubt surface as Meghan's half-sister is up in arms about Harry's comment.

    1. Selling someone out to the press is a very strange way of showing you love someone. I would be deeply hurt that they did so if I were Meghan. Please consider the source.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. 20:57.😊 I don't think that Joseph releasing photos and sharing comments about Meghan is "selling out" any more than the Middletons releasing copyrighted childhood photos of Kate and giving her brief mention in a couple of interviews was "selling out". It wasn't, in my opinion. Now her half-sister and childhood
      "friend" doing what they did is a different matter entirely. Truly one does have to consider the source. :)

    4. 20:57.😊 Meghan's Uncle Joseph releasing photos and giving a positive interview isn't, in my opinion, "selling out" anymore than the Middleton's releasing copyrighted childhood photos of Kate and mentioning her in a couple of brief interviews. It isn't. Now what her half-sister and childhood "friend" did is a different matter entirely. Content and intent is key.
      And, I had mentioned these articles by Victoria Murphy, Caroline Graham and Ruth Styles to notate that Meghan does have a sizeable family.

      Sorry if this is a duplicate. The other ones flew off to cyberspace I think. :)

    5. I bet Harry is so wishing he hadn't said that! Thanks, Surfer Girl, for ending those. I do tend to credit MM's mother's family more than I do the father's.

    6. Allison.😊 He'll learn, lol. You are welcome. :)

    7. Honestly surfergirl, how can you say that? Did you read the articles?

      Here's the difference. The Middleton family photos were released WITH the knowledge and CONSENT of Kate, released as part of an orchestrated PR roll out and coordinated by the palace.

      Uncle Joseph admits he hasn't spent any time with Meghan or seen her in 17 years! Do you think he opened up the family photo album after discussing it first with Doria, or Meghan herself? Do you think he did it for free?

      Welcoming press into your home and showing them personal and intimate photos of the family history, without everyone's consent, is an appalling invasion, I can't begin to imagine how violated someone must feel after that. Meghan must feel she has been publicly stripped bare at this point, from her teenage musings, details of her marriage, and the most sacred of all, the intimacy of a private family home life opened up for a price. I feel sick to my stomach just thinking of it.

    8. Claudia.😊 I didn't know that they hadn't spoken in 17 years. I find that odd in that he and his family, from what he said, seem to be receptive to hearing from Doria and Meghan. I personally feel that her Uncle did the interview and shared the photos without malice or greed. Family members have shared photos of other family members since photography began and most probably without the consent of every family member. Not ideal. But fact. I think that he was showing that there was no racial tension from he and his family. I think it was another way of him reaching out where other methods may have failed.
      I personally think that was his point. Just a guess. Didn't know my text would upset you so. Not my intention.
      I felt greed and malice in all other releases but not in his. Just my opinion. :)

    9. Claudia - I am just getting to read through some of these comments and I have to say that the 'inappropriateness of Harry's comment' angle seems very much like pot stirring to me. They have the same flavor of being couched in some nice words and fawning but are very much targeted towards starting controversy where there should be none. These comments have a familiar flavor because they originate from the same person. I have started ignoring such comments - you might do the same.

      Harry knows her situation better than everyone. The family has been picking on her and tearing her apart from day one. They seem to be a pathetic, bitter and mean bunch of folks. And we are trying to fault Meghan for staying away from them ? Give me a break here. This is nothing but stirring the pot.

      Some commentators are like chameleons - you never know what color they will take. Best to avoid them.

    10. I'm not pot stirring, Rosman. That's actually how I feel. I think a cardinal rule of marriage is not to publicly criticize the in laws no matter what. Its bad form and he doesn't need to stoop to that level. In my experience, it only creates new problems and is not helpful.

  48. Your opinion piece Charlotte. . . Well done you! That’s one reason why I love both your blogs and am an avid fan. We can be positive and supportive, while still commenting on fashion.

  49. Hello, everyone. It is clear to me that Charlotte wants opinions on her blogs but she does NOT want OFFENSIVE LABELING AND BELITTLING. KINDNESS has an opinion and expresses it KINDLY. Also, really, when you think about it, how can a FAIR comparison be made between Ms Markle and the Duchess of Cambridge: #1, both ladies are different; Ms Markle being an American and divorced. #2, the Duchess of Cambridge has been in the Royal Family for 6 years and has had TIME to perfect the Royal role assigned to her. Ms Markle is only engaged and is not even a British citizen yet. If Ms Markle is not representing the Royal Family appropriately, I know The Queen and those in Royal authority will critique Ms Markle in a constructive way to manifest the more productive approach to Royal Business. From what I observed, from the Royals at Sandringham, everyone appeared happy and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge showed a very supportive posture to Ms Markle. If they can do it, we ought to be able to do it. I enjoyed Prince Harry’s interviews. Thanks, Charlotte.

    1. I think the absolute single most important fact to remember is that Harry has found love in Meghan and she in him. At the end of the day nothing else matters. Nothing! If he dies something that bothers her she will tell him. If he does something she will tell him. They are in a relationship. Who among us does not understand what that means. We don’t have to like what they do it doesn’t matter on any level. They appear to adore each other. How lucky are they! She is purely charming American style and that is exactly what caught his eye. They are two lucky people.

  50. Thank you for the warm welcome Eve :-) much appreciated.

    I won’t speculate about Harry’s family comment because I just don’t know about the dynamics behind closed doors for neither him nor Meghan. Expert accounts & “sources” can only be taken seriously but so far. That said while the RF is far from perfect, Meghan barely got her engagement ring on her finger before relatives & former “friends” were selling her out left & right. Personally I feel like I’ve learned a lot about which ones haven’t hesitated to give interviews & sharing personal pics and which ones have kept their mouths closed. I guess it was too much to hope all her relatives would’ve done the latter. Harry clearly feels protective. With good reason.

    Last thought. I hope Kate & Meghan take the bull by the horns and somehow squash the her vs her narrative that started before there was an engagement. The media will, and have, take the versus thing and run with it for years and years. My hope is that by their actions and interactions K & M will make it completely irrelevant.

    Hope everyone has a happy & blessed New Years and that 2018 will be a great year. :-)


    1. Roxana. 😊 I think their interactions will always put at bay the contrived rivalry the media creates to sell headlines.
      Kate is a peacemaker and so is Meghan. William and Harry have hit the jackpot. :)

  51. Just realized that it was the first time I heard prince Charles voice ;-) it was really nice to listen to the dynamics between father and son. And liked that a modern prince does radio interviews...Hope and think that the monarchy will somehow change and be modernized (it's someway happening) over the next few years /decades to come.

    Regarding the mean comments about Meghan... What I noticed that in times of social media people just write down everything without thinking about it as it is easy to hide behind a screen. And this doesn't concern only Meghan or Kate or other celebrities, but it happens every day on social media between people.

  52. I sometimes think that I could never ever do the job that Meghan has to or that Kate already does. William & Harry grew up in the royal family and not sure it was always easy for them. So how must this be for Meghan and Kate? I think everyone should have first of all respect for both of them. Or do the persons who write mean comments think they would do better? I don't think so.

    Regarding Meghan, don't know if she is fully aware of what she is going into, but I think she will learn step by step and time will tell. No one of us was perfect on his first day at a new workplace!

  53. Charlotte, many thanks for setting the standards for this and your other blog, and for producing such a quality product that is pure pleasure to read. In addition, you have taken on the job of producing a quality product in your comments section, which is a daunting task given the deteriorating nature of public social discourse online. Kudos to you in all that you do! I hope always to be supportive of your efforts, no matter what my private opinion is of the ladies you feature and the rest of the royals. I appreciate you. Have a happy new year.

  54. I think Meghan is doing a great job assimilating into such a different culture, and it's certainly not my place to criticize how "well" she does it. While I like the fancy clothes and jewels, I don't think I would do very well with the protocol aspects of her new life. I do think it's odd that Prince Harry participated in a politically charged interview with a former president as I believed the Royal Family was supposed to be, publicly, rather more politically neutral. Agree or not with Trump or Obama's politics, neither can be called "neutral". There was a comment that stated this much more eloquently that I have tried to find again, but can't, so perhaps it's been moderated (and mine may be as well-that's ok).

    But, as to the fashions, which I think more to the point on this blog, I liked her Christmas ensemble. And loved her crazy expensive engagement photo gown. I personally have zero problem with her (or anyone else) spending money on whatever they love. And this gown was great. Actually, I do have a problem---I wish she would spend more money on jewels! ;)

  55. To Meghan.... please don’t read or take to heart any of the negetive comments. Take what makes sense to work on in your new life and career and ignore the rest. Love your future husband and his family and let them love you and know that you do have lots of supporters although they tend to not be as vocal as the naysayers. Good luck!!!
    Erin in nyc

    1. Very lovely message to Meghan,Erin,I agree!She needs the love and the help of Harry and his family because her life will totally change.Being a princess is a real joband I hope she will be good when representing the country. As an actress she knows ignoring the negative comments and articles about her.

  56. Hmm i agree on your opinion piece charllotte my take is whatever meghan markle in past is always in past i think meghan markle is very similar to princess sofia of sweden but she swedish born annd not divorced But i think the sweedish people are saying negative comments about it from the start now she woman with grace and proud mother of two i think okay to be conseractive criticism everybody should not rule kate vs meghan thing because there two young and beautiful ladies who diffrent in style and diffrent personality but they two loves princes as for meghan there nothing wrong asking advice to the duchess is normal the duchess is very helping extend help on her as for meghan sister hmm i dont know where she came from the palace really handle well

  57. I can say what I would do, if Meghan was my relative and I was contacted by members of the media (ESPECIALLY the tabloids!!): I would very kindly but very firmly refuse any contact. Should they persist, I would contact Meghan and discuss with her - and preferably with all other family members together, so that we would all know and agree how to deal with this - and Harry, how to deal with this situation.
    The release of any photos, letters, videos or any other personal (!!) information would be left SOLELY to her IMMEDIATE family, in this case, her parents, in accordance with her. This is how I understand what the Middletons did back in the day. They released a very limited number of photos, most certainly with the approval of both Kate and William (thus signed "the Middleton FAMILY"). This might be an appropriate step, acknowledging the interest of the public in this relationship and the person in question.
    BY NO MEANS would I SELL ANY kind of information to the media, be it positive or negative. Why? Because Meghan IS my family and I RESPECT her and the fact that she is family.
    So IMHO ANY family member of hers who is cashing in on her is definitely NOT someone I would consider "family" anymore. It is very telling, I guess, that both her mother and her father (at least as far as I know) did NOT talk to the press. I read an article on another blog about her father being held up on the streets and he very kindly refused to talk about her. He was very polite which I admired, I´m sure it is quite intimidating having strangers with a microphone and cameras come up to you out of the blue.....The photo at least showed that this was not the most comfortable situation to be in for him, understandably so......

    1. Her parents have handled the media admirably. And yes, would that the rest of the family would do likewise and act as a cohesive family unit. Of course that ship has already sailed, lol.

      It will be very revealing when the wedding guest list is completed. And, for her family members that are invited, will they take that to mean that they have an ongoing pass to the Palace? How could she possibly have her half sister there? What would that woman say? do? while in a Royal social setting?
      What would her half-brother do over drinks at the reception? Would they then both expect in the future to be welcomed into the inner sanctum of Harry and Meghan's Not Cot within the Royal abodes?
      Would Harry and Meghan want their day to day life and that of their neighbors viewed by less than trustworthy siblings? Or cousins?
      If they are invited it is risky. If they aren't invited the media will go on and on about that. And it is risky also as who knows what feeling thwarted will elicit from her siblings and cousins.
      But, if they are not invited then at least a boundary has been established. If they are invited there will be future boundaries to be established and an inroad into the Royal environment will have already have been given. How will Harry and Meghan qualify and quantify that diplomatically?

  58. I'm glad you made your opinion section clear Charlotte, I'm staggered generally by how much vitriol is aimed at Meghan online so have looked to your blog(s) for not only the great info and brilliant writing, but also increasingly the positivity and excitement shared by the initial posters in the group (Eve and Surfer Girl especially) have made this forum a chance to come out from lurking and share in the 'giddiness' of the whole love affair and potential of these two. It's been infectious and good spirited and cheered me up no end after a hard day's work. It's been lovely to see people's personalities and opinions (now people are using their own monikers) and whilst it's healthy to have a varied discussion it has started turning into a more negative, nit-picky comment section. Personally I love wallowing in their love story, it's heartening to see in this day and age and we all need some (markle) sparkle and glamour. But alot of the media are creating stories that are just simply rubbish. I think I mentioned at the start of this - nobody battles Will and Harry off one another, so why Catherine and Meghan? It's a sad society we live in at the minute. So I'm glad that you've taken this stance against the haters. I'm probably not the only guy on here reading this, but I do enjoy reading and commentating on the banter and, at times, the constructive criticism that helps to offer an alternative viewpoint. And I readily admit, I may be living in a little bubble of happiness I don't want burst. The haters and wild speculation/stories/viewpoints that, quite frankly, non of us will really know what the truth is, is not want I want to see or comment on though. The beauty of both blogs is the informative and un-biased reporting about the event/history and style that is well researched and credible.

    I've always though Prince Charles gets a bad press over the years - I've always seen a closeness and a general amount of affection whenever they're around one another from what I can see - the Radio 4 programme showed a devoting and loving father - again this shows me just how much we don't know about their relationships and can be steered into believing a squewd version of reality.

    Anyway just thought I would throw my tuppence worth in to the general feeling of this blog. Thanks Charlotte x

    1. Thank you, Mr. D, just thank you... I couldn´t agree more. :-)))

    2. P.S. Mr.D.😊 You said so nicely what I think most of us hear think and feel. So nicely said. :)
      DKB is truly an amazing oasis.🌴

  59. 😊Thank you Mr. D. (Now, to google what a tuppence is. :)

  60. I second you Mr. D!!

  61. Charlotte.😊 I know you are always uber busy. Are you absolutely certain that you do not have about a dozen employees helping you, lol? Elves, maybe? :)
    My question is. At some time in the future do you think that you could give us a thorough sketch of who exactly Meghan's family members are? Up to and through second cousins maybe as they may also be players in Meghan's life. That way we'll know more about who is who on or off the wedding invite list and when one of them leaks stuff to the media (although hopefully they won't do that anymore), or even when one does something nice (one can always hope). And, I think there might be a very heartwarming story behind her great grandmother, Netty, and perhaps other family members. Who knows? :) Just a thought. No pressure. :) And Thank You, yet again, for all the most excellent work that you do. You are such an immense blessing to us all.❤️

    1. I haven't commented for awhile and I couldn't agree. Don't do it Charlotte. Delores from Canada

    2. I think that if Meghan has family members who has yet to come forward or yet to be known or seen publicly, then we should let them be, No need to out them.

      How about letting things play out by themselves? You'll see her close family at the wedding and other events of Meghan's life, in candids pictures when she's off-duty and so on eventually.

    3. I agree with delores. I find this line of comments to be utterly distasteful, beyond grossly intrusive and borderline voyeuristic. The daily mail is usually the venue for this kind of thinking and the comments belong there. Why are we trying to rake mud over some ridiculous pathetic family members and trying to pinpoint Meghan's family drama?

    4. Personally, I cannot say I'm interested in Meghan's wider family. Not at all. Perhaps I'm in the minority here but to me they are private people who happen to be related to a very famous person - Meghan, who is now receiving all the possible attention in the world, a large amount of it probably not wanted. I am interested in Meghan and how she evolves, how she works on finding her own unique way in a unique situation. Somehow I feel it is not fair (at least for me) to involve her relatives who I know nothing about and who I will probably hardly hear about in connection with Meghan. Of course, if Charlotte wants to include some info about them or if Meghan herself decides to share some bits or stories I can (and needn't) read them but on the whole (and it has been very similar for me with the Middleton family) I think it is difficult not to lapse into gossip and all kinds of speculation. I'm looking forward to reading about Meghan and Harry, Meghan and her interaction with other members of the RF. That is just my opinion, I do not blame anyone who is interested in other things. But I'm sure that if I happened to be related to a famous person (and I'm not!), the last thing in the world I'd be happy about would be strangers being interested in me and my privacy.

    5. I agree, Zora. I think a few of the commenters are following a line of discussion that had become the norm. Unfortunately, they don't realize that approach is not welcomed here.

  62. Anonymous.😊 Certainly no "fixation" there. Just a "topic" of discussion related to Meghan (pardon the pun, lol) that many people, other than myself, have made more than one comment on. Just as comments have been made regarding Harry's family, etc. I don't "pretend" to "wish Meghan well". However motivated, your presumption assumes otherwise, your presumption is wrong. I have even sent them a small framed pencil sketch of their engagement photo with warm and heartfelt wishes for their every happiness and I am blessed to have tickets reserved to London to be there for their wedding. And I have also spoken kindly of her family. :)
    As far as to whether Charlotte thinks sharing about Meghan's family is within the "spirit of this blog", perhaps you should let her speak for herself. :)
    And no, this is not a game, lol. This is a blog. About the "life (including family) and style of Meghan Markle".
    Perhaps you should heed your own admonishing.
    No offense, but I personally do not think that your text (and attack on me) is within "the spirit of this blog". πŸ•Š

  63. P.S.And upon further reflection, lol. There is absolutely nothing wrong in wanting to better understand who Meghan's family is. There was absolutely no malicious intent in my heart or in my text. Knowing who her family is helps when the cousin or brother or grandfather, etc., whoever it may be, comes into the conversation, either here or in the media. And, knowing about Meghan's family helps us better understand her. :) Hummph. lol
    Families are often complex. Harry and Meghan have some pivotal decisions in front of them. Those decisions concern family. They are not all going to be easy decision most likely. Those are Meghan worthy discussions to have here.

    1. I do agree with you that it would be helpful to understand Meghan’s family dynamic. You can really learn a lot about people through their family. It’s in the same vein as Harry’s comment about the family she never had. I don’t think that was meant to be offensive at all.

      A little background on me - this past Christmas we had 48 people (my mom’s Immediate family) and that was missing 8 people, not including the 4 that have passed away and most of us live within 5 miles of each other. Our holiday is daunting to anyone new. We realize that and we do our best to welcome them but it’s not a holiday most people will experience. We don’t know any different but anyone who dates our family, we usually tell, it’s a holiday unlike any you’ve had before. It’s the same as what I think Harry meant by his comment.

      Getting back on track, understanding who/where she comes from, can explain a lot about her and give us insight into her life before Harry. It’s no different than knowing who Carole, Michael, Pippa & James Middleton were before the wedding. Just my opinion.

      Sorry to hijack your comment, Surfer Girl, and I apologize if I’m on a different track than you!

    2. Alaina.😊 No problem, :). 48 + 8, that's 56 people, and within 5 miles of each other. Yep, you guys are your own little hamlet. :)
      Harry could have meant that. He's going to learn "safe" husband speak, no doubt. :) And see, you and Allison both shared about your families and now we know you both better.❤️

    3. WOW, Alaina, your 48 people at Christmas far surpassed our 26. I get what you mean, that anyone who joins you will have a holiday unlike they've had before. But Harry didn't say, "holiday" or "experience" or "event" had said "family" and that was his mistake. I truly believe he didn't mean anything unkind of disrespectful, but he said it. Perhaps it will make him more cautious in future.

  64. 1st time commentator: Regarding the clinging - Harry is escorting Meghan similarly to how a father does down the aisle. This was a style of promenading popular throughout most of the 20th century and earlier because hand holding was considered too intimate. They may also have walked this way simply so she could show the ring.

  65. I think (hope) that some relatives we have never heard of (which is a good thing!) on her mother's side will be at the wedding, like cousins who are not jealous and spiteful. Maybe it would be nice to anticipate as May nears so that we know who is invited. I think SG was looking forward to seeing some family members who don't appear to be characters out of that old TV show "Soap."
    I feel very sorry for Harry's slip, but I think of the holiday photos my husband's family shows with a multitude of people lined up smiling, yet these were the same people who took advantage of my husband's illness to keep his father's will in court for 10 years to keep his share of the inheritance that he could have used for surgery. And they can't figure out why he doesn't come around to see them! Without dragging in personal stuff that no one wants to know, if Meghan had a different experience (and better) with her family-to-be than with her family with who she grew up, then I believe Harry. And even though awful stuff was all in the news about Charles and Diana, I admire Charles for his views regarding architecture and the world in general, and he seems to be a very loving father.
    Perhaps Harry meant that his family was not jealous of MM and were welcoming because they care about Harry. There probably were no theatricals or excessive drinking or arrests. :)
    MM's family is very passive aggressive---and while I feel sorry or them because they obviously feel MM was given all her father's attention and money and they received nothing, I can't imagine their behavior. I think the brother would be fine until the bar opened. Even the father's ex-wife seems to prefer MM to her own children. Better to send them each some money and not invite them!
    Thank you Charlotte, for keeping us, me included, on a straight line.

    1. Allison. So sorry to hear what happened to your husband. That is awful. A screenwriter would have to think twice to come up something like that. But, see, mentioning Meghan's family brought forth your sharing and now we know you even better. :)
      And, yes, it would be nice to anticipate who is coming to the wedding. :)

    2. Yes, Allison, Harry's slip was unfortunate. No matter what he meant by it, it was wrong to say it. Royalty is expected not to express an opinion about many things, especially politics. Putting people down, whether it be Trump or Meghan's family is not showing decorum, dignity or diplomacy. One should strive to take the high road…it is far less travelled. Regarding the many comments made about Meghan's family speaking out of turn and being mean spirited, as far as I can tell, it is only her half sister, Samantha. The rest seem to know how to behave. Just because there is one rude and disgruntled family member, does not mean the others are doing the same.

    3. You're lucky you didn't hear the details! I can't start because then I write 20 pages and drive everyone crazy. Suffice it to say that they consider themselves loving loyal family members. So I have a lot of sympathy for MM and give her the credit to know what is good in her life and what is not. And I bet we have not hear from the good relatives because they are "good."

    4. Allison - this was not a slip. Harry's comment was intentional and probably had good reason. Can we give them benefit of the doubt here? We really don't know what has gone down in that family.

  66. I have (what I found to be) such a delightful surprise that I wanted to share! I had watched a few episodes of Suites & MM as Rachel was my only exposure to her acting. Well.... in 2016 MM made a Hallmark Movie "The Dater's Handbook" that played last Valentine's Day Season. It can currently can be streamed via "Hallmark Channel Everywhere" (I'll share the link & it may be on youtube for those not in USA) I will share the link here:
    It was Sooooo Delightful! Her character "Cass" was so funny & kind of goofy & it was so fun to see her in this Cute Romantic Comedy! There are some Behind The Scenes Interviews etc, where MM talks about her character "Cass" & shares how she feels about falling in love & finding the right person. What I really saw was Meghan as an Actress! Totally Different Role than on Suits & Totally Different than The Meghan we are getting to know know! It was so interesting to see her playful side, which I'm not sure we'll see that much of in public, but it's cute to see she's got that cute self depricating playful side, which she brought to "Dater's Handbook"! I hope some of you can see it? You just need to sign in via your Cable Provider (once on the site after you have clicked on Movies & then clicked on "Dater's Handbook") & for others who wish to, The Dater's Handbook is available on DVD. Bonus it will be playing again here in the USA in February on The Hallmark Channel!

  67. Becca.😊 Meghan was also the lead in another Hallmark movie, "When Sparks Fly". Perhaps it can accessed the same way as "Dater's Handbook". :)

    1. As it turns out it currently can not, that's why I didn't mention it. I actually saw a DVD in a Hallmark Store of "When Sparks Fly" & it was $14.99. I only mention that because Hallmark is newly launching their own streaming movie app called "Hallmark Movies Now". It's $5? a month/$59? a year. So I was thinking about how if someone likes Hallmark Movies.... if you watch 4 a year, it basically pays for one's annual membership. I looked into it & I wasn't impressed with the selections & I can't remember if Sparks was an option? I would think it could be streamed via Amazon too. I just found her acting persona to be so fluid playing these 2 polar opposite characters (Rachel Zane/Cass). Tho neither role was Anything like what we are seeing of her in person. So that leads me to believe that what we see is what we get with her! While she knows how to prepare for a role ( & now she has the biggest role of her life) It is extremely obvious that The Meghan we are seeing with Harry is her Authentic Self.

    2. Interesting you should mention that movie. Here in Canada, I am currently watching "When Sparks Fly" on the W channel. Maybe they will re-run it? (Cute movie and Meghan does well in her role, but the plot is pretty predictable in that made-for-TV movie way . . .)

  68. Regarding MM's possible family attendees, I remember finding out about Kate's twin great-aunts, if I'm remembering correctly, who were coders during the war. I thought that was fascinating! I bet there are some once-removed MM relatives who are receiving an invitation, a plane ticket, and a hotel room right now. I really am looking forward to seeing Marcus again, though! Remember how he had his arm around Doria at the concert?

  69. It’s funny how the Meghan is clingy folks forget how Harry was open affectionate and kissing Meghan at the Invictus Games Closing Ceremony. Pointing that out to show they’re both are into PDA.

    Meghan like myself isn’t that close to her much older siblings. Her siblings are proving why she’s smart to distant herself from them.
    The brother is now talking about how he *thinks* his father feels about what Harry said when he himself admitted he and his father don’t speak and haven’t for years. SMH
    The brother and sister are toxic.


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