
Saturday 6 January 2018

Royal Wedding: A Tiara for Meghan!

Since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's engagement announcement, I have been so excited to begin a new series of posts covering all aspects related to the big day. Over the next four months, we'll be taking an in-depth look at an array of topics, including the wedding venue, Windsor Castle, the reception, traditions, guests, and the potential titles Her Majesty will bestow upon Harry and Meghan. Of course, we'll be discussing the dress, potential styles and designers and looking at how protocol might affect the selection, too. We'll be asking you to submit your predictions for the overall ensemble. Tonight, we're taking a look at a topic I'm particularly fond of: tiaras.

As royal watchers know, tiara appearances for the British Royal family are few and far between these days. White-tie events such as State dinners and the annual Diplomatic Reception offer the most likely opportunities. The day of the royal wedding will mark the first occasion we see Meghan wearing one; Her Majesty will loan her one which may become her 'signature tiara' after she has married. It's important to take a look back at previous royal brides to get a sense of tradition and what we can expect for Meghan.

PHOTO: The wedding of Princess Elizabeth and The Duke of Edinburgh 1947

When Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer in 1981, Diana wore her family's 'Spencer Tiara'. Diana continued to borrow it from her father and later her brother throughout her royal life. She favoured it over the Lover's Knot Tiara, loaned to her by the Queen, as she found it headache inducing and terribly heavy to wear. Five years later, Prince Andrew married Sarah Ferguson. The bride wore a diamond tiara with leafy diamond scrolls. Media reports were abound that it was borrowed from a family friend. In fact, it was purchased by the Queen from jewellers Garrard for her new daughter-in-law. It was to become the one and only diadem Sarah wore during her royal life. It is thought Beatrice or Eugenie may wear it on their wedding day. Sophie's wedding tiara in 1999 caused a bit of a stir leaving royal watchers baffled as to its origins. According to the always insightful Order of Splendor, it is widely believed "the tiara's elements are actually four detachable anthemions from Queen Victoria's regal circlet". Sophie has worn it on numerous occasions since. She also wears a small diamond tiara and an aquamarine tiara. Royal commentators have drawn lines between the wedding tiaras and the marriages associated with them. While neither the Waleses or Yorks had happy endings, Edward and Sophie's marriage has endured the test of time.

In 2011, it was reported Kate wanted to wear flowers in her hair; her hairdresser James Pryce revealed it was the plan initially, however, it changed a couple of months before the royal wedding. Indeed, the late Queen Mother, formerly Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon opted for flowers on her big day. I remember reading the stories at the time and thinking, there's no way the future Queen will not be wearing a tiara; it has become embedded in the tradition of royal weddings.

Kate arrived at Westminster Abbey wearing the elegant Cartier Halo Tiara. The piece was made by Cartier in 1936 and purchased by the Duke of York (later King George VI) for the Duchess of York (later the Queen Mother). It is a striking piece composed of stylised petals, paved with 739 brilliant-cut diamonds and 149 baguette-cut diamonds. The name derives from its halo shape. The tiara served as a 'starter' piece for the Queen, Princess Margaret, Princess Anne and the Duchess of Cambridge. Kate has never worn the piece since, instead sporting the Queen Mother's favourite Lotus Flower tiara and, more recently, Diana's Lover's Knot, which has become Kate's favourite.

When choosing a tiara for Meghan, there are a number of factors to consider and a plethora of options in the jewel vaults. I think we'll either see a seldom worn diadem, which will be used by Meghan for decades to come, or a piece steeped in royal history and symbolism. Considering the latter, Queen Mary's Fringe Tiara springs to mind.

It was created for Queen Mary in 1919 in the Russian style reminiscent of a kokoshnik, which was particularly popular during the first half of the twentieth century. The majority of the diamonds used were taken from a necklace/tiara purchased by Queen Victoria in 1893 from Collingwood & Co as a wedding present for Queen Mary.

In 1936, Queen Mary gave the tiara to the late Queen Mother, from whom it was borrowed by Princess Elizabeth for her wedding in 1947. As Elizabeth was getting dressed at Buckingham Palace before leaving for Westminster Abbey, the tiara snapped. Luckily, the court jeweller was standing by in case of an emergency, and was rushed to his work room by a police escort. Her Majesty wore it occasionally afterwards before loaning it to Princess Anne for her wedding. It's a substantial piece, absolutely sparkling with diamonds. Not only would it look beautiful on Meghan, it would be fitting to see her in the piece chosen by Her Majesty for her own wedding.

A piece widely considered to be a front runner is the more dainty and delicate Strathmore Rose Tiara. The tiara belonged the Queen Mother, who received it as a gift from her father, Lord Strathmore, for her wedding in 1923. The diamond tiara features a garland of roses mounted in silver and gold. Created by jewellers Catchpole & Williams, it was supplied with two alternative frames, one invisible which allows the piece to be worn as a bandeau, the other padded for wear on the head.

The tiara was inherited by Her Majesty the Queen in 2002. Perhaps it's time to take it out of the royal vaults and give it's history a new chapter.

Earlier in the post, we chatted about the possibility of a tiara with little provenance associated with it. A simply beautiful, feminine piece is Marie Feodorovna's Diamond and Sapphire bandeau. Born Princess Dagmar of Denmark (a sister of Queen Alexandra), Marie married Alexander III of Russia and acquired an incredible collection of jewels before her death. Queen Mary collected a number of the pieces, including several sapphires. Below we see, Empress Marie wearing her sapphire parure.

The tiara was left to the Queen Mother who never wore it, however, Princess Margaret was quite fond of it in her youth. It is not known where the piece is today or if it has been disassembled to create brooches. There's a dazzling collection of sapphires in the royal vault. Absolutely dazzling. This simple but effective bandeau could provide the crowning touch for Meghan's wedding look.

If sapphires are on the table, and one is considering a 'go big or go home' approach, take a look at the Queen's Modern Sapphire Tiara. To supplement sapphires given to her by her father, Her Majesty purchased a sapphire necklace that once belonged to Princess Louise of Belgium. The necklace was converted into a tiara and has been worn many times by the Queen since.

Another tiara I simply must mention is the magnificent Vladimir Tiara.

The history of the tiara is a fascinating one. Hugh Roberts wrote in The Queen's Diamonds:

'The magnificent tiara was made for Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, wife of Grand Duke Vladimir and sister-in-law of Emperor Alexander III, by the Russian court jeweller Bolin, apparently at the time of her marriage in 1874. The Grand Duchess's spectacular jewels - considered a close rival to the hose of her sister-in-law, the Empress Maria Feodorovna. During the Russian revolution, the tiara, together with many other of the Grand Duchess's jewels was sunggled out of Russia by her close friend and confidant, Albert Henry Stopford.

Queen Mary certainly had a voracious appetite for all things sparkling, and purchased some of the Grand Duchess's collection including the tiara. It was in a state of disrepair following the journey from Russia, but was brilliantly restored by Garrard. In 1924, Queen Mary had the tiara adapted to take fifteen of the Cambridge Emeralds and use them as an alternative to the pearls. The tiara has been worn with emeralds and pearls by the Queen on numerous occasions throughout her reign.

I very much enjoyed this tiara filled journey through the royal vaults. Which tiara would you like to see Meghan wear? Do you have a favourite that's not listed here? Do you think it's possible we'll see a new tiara? Possibly one created using royal jewels? It will be interesting to see if Meghan wears her hair in an updo or down on the day.

A special word of thanks to Order of Splendor and Hugh Roberts, The Queen's Diamonds. Both incredible resources.


  1. Interesting that you should mention the Strathmore Rose Tiara being a front runner for Meghan, Charolotte. Look what someone posted online:


    1. The Strathmore would be a beautiful choice :)

    2. @Dougies girl - love it! It's so exciting to see her in a (photoshopped) wedding dress! Cannot wait for May.

      Here's another that someone did of Strathmore Rose:

      The Queen Mary's Lozenge Bandeau:

      The Teck Crescent:

      And, the Teck Circle tiara/necklace: (as seen on queen mother as a tiara:

    3. She looks amazing in the Strathmore Rose. It really does suit her very well. I love the idea of her wearing it & keeping the loan there after

    4. Thx for All The Photoshopped links! Such Fun! :) I have to say that as soon as I saw The Strathmore Rose Tiara, I just stopped in my tracks! That was the one that just said "Meghan" to me. Then I read the comments & saw that I was not alone! :) Such a fun thing to think about! Thx Charlotte for doing this! Such fun during the Cold Winter! :) So much to look forward to for This Spring! :)

    5. Thank you for sharing the photoshopped pics, inthekitchen! Those were so fun to see - she looks great in everything! With having so much to choose from, I'm guessing the dress will have to dictate the jewels! I CAN'T WAIT!!! (Deep down, I want Harry to surprise her with her own wedding tiara made from Diana's jewels. Sigh...)

    6. After seeing all these photoshops, I don't know now. She looks amazing in all of them.

    7. Thanks for all the Photoshopped fun. I had to copy the addresses on my ipad, links did not work. TOTALLY worth it!
      My favorites are the Strathmore Rose, Queen Mary's Lozenge Bandeau and I was pleasantly surprised how the Teck Crescent Tiara looked.

  2. Oh my - they're all so beautiful. But that Vladimir Tiara with the emeralds is beyond gorgeous. LOVE. Do you think there is a chance she would be loaned the Spencer Tiara? Since Kate had the ring, that could be the way to include Diana in Harry's day?

    1. That is an interesting idea Shelly :)

    2. There's no chance of it being the Spencer tiara. That's Earl Spencer's, his heirs will get to wear it and it'll go to his eldest son when he passes. Harry isn't a Spencer so theres no chance of it happening. The ring was Diana's possession to leave to her sons, the tiara never belonged to her.

    3. There's no possiblity of it being the Spencer tiara. The ring was Di's possession to leave it to whoever she wanted. The tiara was loaned to her by her father and after he died it became her brothers. His daughters an wear it and whoever marries his son can if she doesnt have a family tiara. If Meghan was marrying into the Spencer family she could wear it but as she's marrying Harry she'll wear one of the royal tiaras.

    4. @Shelly - I think it's very unlikely that Meghan would wear the Spencer tiara. That tiara is reserved for the children of Earl Spencer (i.e. Diana, Diana's Spencer nieces) or the women marrying the Earl Spencer (i.e. Diana's brother, the current Earl Spencer's wives).

      Although Harry is related to the Spencers, Meghan isn't marrying into the "Spencer line," if that makes sense - she's marrying into the Mountbatten-Windsor line - so she (most likely) wouldn't be offered use of the Spencer family tiara.

      I think they'll consider Diana included since Meghan's ring has some of Diana's personal diamonds in it. There may also be other jewels or personal items she could be loaned/given ("something blue," a hair brooch, pearls). I'd actually love for Meghan to be gifted some of Diana's pearls since Kate doesn't seem like a pearls woman. I think Meghan would look gorgeous in pearls just generally speaking, plus that would be a perfect wedding necklace...

    5. I agree, ITK.😊 Pearls would be super, super beautiful on Meghan. And she wore opals set in gold with her green engagement interview dress. They looked really good on her also and had a lot of luminosity. She got them at the same place that she got the diamond snowflake earrings. So opals look really like they were made for her.
      The girl can wear Jewelry. :)

    6. but, but, couldn't he just borrow it for a few hours? He is a Spencer in a way. :)

    7. Actually, Kate wears lots of pearls. Her Annoushka pearl drops are arguably her most beloved earrings. She has worn at least two different pairs of pearl earrings loaned by the Queen, and she already has a pair of Diana's pearl earrings and one of her bracelets. She also recently wore a pearl choker on loan from the Queen, previously seen on Diana. Then there's all of her pearl costume jewelry, some of it quite large. And finally, the main feature of her favorite tiara, the Lover's Knot, is pearls. I think it's safe to say Kate is a "pearls woman!"

    8. The Spencer Tiara belongs to the Spencer Family and only the Spencer brides can wear it.It's the rules.I would like to see meghan with the Queen Mary's Lozenge Bandeau or another tiara-surprise,because the Windsors have so many jewelry!

    9. Tammy from California7 January 2018 at 17:17

      I actually think Earl Spencer would loan the Spencer tiara to Meghan. I think the boys are the only thing left of his beloved sister, who was also like a mother to him. Having Meghan wear it on her wedding day is a nod to his sister's memory and his nephews who he has stated he sees his sister in. I think Meghan being able to wear that is not out of the realm of possibility.

    10. Eugenie.😊 So far though, Harry and Meghan have already broken two rules, yeh? Christmas lunch at Buckingham Palace and Christmas at Sandringham?

    11. Did Earl Spencer loan it to his sister's daughters or daughters in law? I think some of them are married?
      He might argue Harry has enough tiaras in his father's family and doesn't need to borrow from his uncle. Also when Diana married, it was a way for the Spencer to show they felt the honour but could hold their own with the RF. Meghan is not a Spencer entering the RF.

    12. @Heather E - good points. I was thinking primarily about multi-strand pearl necklaces - which, as you noted, Kate has only worn once and recently. I guess I had in my mind all of the different 2-3-4 strand pearl chokers that Diana wore and Camilla wears.

    13. Very interesting points from everyone. I'm looking forward to May 19 even more now!!

    14. My first thought was this also, Meghan wearing the tiara that Diana wore. You've all crushed my hopes and dreams thought. :(.

      J/K I'm not actually that invested! ;-)

  3. My choice would be Queen Mary's Fringe tiara...modern, elegant and simple (as simple as a headful of diamonds can be)...looks like Meghan to me, and seems like it would go well with her hair and with future gowns for tiara events.

    1. It's beautiful for a wedding,but as Kate the future Queen wore a small tiara,I can't imagine Meghan wearing a bigger one:)

    2. My thought is that Queen Mary's Fringe will go to Charlotte - possibly.

  4. Dear Charlotte, what a fun posting! I vote for the Strathmore rose tiara, as roses are my favorite flower and flowers are my favorite form of decoration. I loved the photoshopped image Dougies girl (23.19) posted of Meghan wearing that tiara. I am voting also for Meghan to wear her hair in an updo at the wedding. I always think a tiara lends such an air of formality that to wear the hair down seems somehow disrespectful to the dignity of the grander jewels.

    As regarding Shelly (23.21)'s suggestion about Meghan wearing the Spencer tiara as a tribute to Diana, that's certainly an intriguing and appropriate idea too.

    Another possibility is that a new tiara be made for Meghan using some of Diana's jewels as well as others in the royal vault, to echo the design of her engagement ring.

    1. My vote is for the Strathmore Rose Tiara, as well. A floral tiara would be so pretty & delicate on Meghan. I agree that her hair should be worn in an updo to really show of the jewels :)

    2. Marci.😊 If they do design a new one, following the design of her engagement ring is an excellent idea. That would be so unusual (as tiaras go) and very sophisticated and more tailored

    3. The Strathmore Rose Tiara is very pretty,and I agree for the updo!!!

  5. 👸🏻 I can see Meghan wearing the Queen's Fringe Tiara. It would make the boldest statement of support in my opinion and it fits Meghan's style. Imagine wearing the same tiara that the Queen wore for her wedding. And that thing does sparkle for sure. :)
    Second possibility to me is the Vladimir Tiara with either the pearls (to help bring Diana to remembrance as it resembles the tiara Kate wears) OR better yet, with the emeralds that would look lovely on Meghan, very lovely, and would still reference Diana via the similarity to the Cambridge Lovers' Knot tiara. Win win on both points with that one. Can't you just picture Meghan in diamonds and emeralds? perfect.
    My third option would be a new tiara for her with Harry using loose stones or stones from existent pieces of Diana's and designing it for her or with her. Can you imagine how fun that would be? I think Harry designing it with Meghan would be more like it, yeh?
    Either way, with the unique style of their engagement photos and Meghan not being shy about wearing a beautiful $75,000 gown for that, I think Meghan will not hold back and will have exactly the style and wedding she has always wanted. It will be perfect. I am SO excited but maintaining patience, lol. (I know, lol. surprise of surprises.)

    1. The Vladimir Tiara!?I think Her Majesty will give her a smaller tiara.
      I agree for your third option:Love diamonds for a bride or diamonds with pearls:)
      Perhaps Meghan will wear flowers or a small jewel like Charlene of Monaco!!

    2. I agree with you, surfer girl, that Meghan would look lovely in diamonds & emeralds. I was so sure that her engagement ring would include an emerald stone, but Harry’s design was better than I could’ve imagined. I almost cannot contain my excitement, either! ;)

  6. Oooohhh sparkly jewels. I’ve a love for bling. Who hasn’t really? I admit I’m partial to the strathmore tiara. I like the idea of something that hasn’t seen the light of day in years and years (that we know of) make an appearance again. and it’s delicate and feminine so Meghan could definitely pull it off. Especially if she opts for a more simple dress. I also like the Fringe tiara for that reason as well. It’s a more simple (as much as a tiara can be) and clean looking tiara. Which would balance out a more decorative dress.

    I also have a fondness for the Vladimir tiara. It’s so pretty and sparkly. But isn’t it more of a long shot as it’s a piece the Queen wears most often in recent years?? I also have another...issue with it and I’ll try to be delicate in my explanation because I know Charlotte prefers we keep politics off her blog and I can respect that. It’s the name. I realize it has no connection to putin. And yet. And yet his name is in the news pretty much every day (in the USA at least I can’t speak for the UK) because the potus is in the news everyday. And almost never for good things. Add in that Meghan is no fan of his and Harry most likely isn’t either, well you see where I’m going with this right? The media may make a big nothing about it. Make a story where there isn’t one. I don’t know. Maybe this is a stretch. Maybe I’m just talking crazy LOL. Maybe neither Meghan nor Harry will care about this loose connection. If that’s the case and this tiara is an option and she wears it, more power to her.

  7.'s like a sparkly party on your head! Swoon. How do I make one of those heart-eyes emojis?!

    For the wedding, I would love for Meghan to be gifted the queen Mary fringe. I feel like this would give her the most flexibility for her gown and the streamlined, minimalist lines seem to go well with Meghan's aesthetic. And then, for this tiara to be for Meghan's exclusive lifetime use. This one seems so iconically QEII, to me (I guess because of her wedding day?), however after looking through pictures of her in the fringe tiara, it doesn't seem to be one that's in her active rotation.

    I also do like the Strathmore Rose tiara and think it would look well with a romantic, flowy kind of dress - lots of tuille and fairytaleish. But I'm not sure that's Meghan's style.

    A couple of necklaces that I like that could easily be converted into a tiara are QEII's Godman necklace ( with the dangling emeralds removed and turned into a demi-parure (bracelet, hairclips, brooch, etc.). Or the King Khalid diamond necklace ( - this one is absolutely gorgeous! Not too big, so good starter tiara, but sparkly as all get out.

    But...there is another part of me that hopes that Meghan will be gifted a new tiara - the Sussex tiara (or whichever dukedom Harry gets) - so that this tiara can belong to Meghan and Harry's line and their future children will have a tiara for their own weddings or any other events where it's needed. Maybe Charles could make a gift of it? Or maybe there was some provenance for it from the queen mother for Harry and his future bride. I would just like Harry and Meghan (and their line) to have some jewels of their own and not have to rely on borrowing from William way in the future.

    With regard to tiaras for use during marriage, I hope she will get exclusive use of the Vladimir tiara. It seems so flexible with the pearls (although a bit too close to the Cambridge Lover's Knot), the emeralds, or without anything dangling. I also like the queen's aquamarine tiara (although it's kind of huge) and then Meghan could pair that with Diana's aquamarine jewels.

    IMO, I don't want Meghan to wear sapphires. I think sapphires should be Kate's colored gemstone - since she has the sapphire ring - and Meghan can have emeralds (or just diamonds, like her engagement ring). I want Meghan to have her own identity away from things associated with Kate, so JMO, I hope she steers clear of sapphires. However, I think Meghan would look lovely in emeralds or pearls. I also hope Meghan embraces the wearing of brooches...but that's a topic for a different post :)

    1. @inthekitchen Love that! Tiaras - a sparkly party on your head! :o)

    2. Yes! Meghan needs to bring out the brooches :)

    3. I think the Strathmore would go well with Meghan's style aesthetic. Its a Flapper Era tiara, so goes well with more modern, streamlined and minimalistic dresses.

    4. I love the idea of convering a necklace. I've been eyeing the King Khalid. It feels like the delicateness suits Meghan's features.

      If it's decided she should not wear a tiara ( second wedding) ��, I would love to see a diamond comb or other hair ornament.

    5. Tammy from California7 January 2018 at 17:12

      I highly doubt the fringe tiara would be gifted to Meghan. The Queen wore it in her wedding. If Kate is still borrowing, I doubt Meghan would be gifted one. I doubt after the divorces in the RF, anyone will be gifted heirlooms at all until the Queen's passing.

    6. @Tammy - sorry I was unclear, I meant gifted for use for her wedding and then lifetime use. Loan would have been the more appropriate word as I didn't mean given to her as a gift (I wish we could edit our posts here!).

      It's interesting to me that the BRF seems to loan tiaras for lifetime use rather than use for a specific event and then returned to the vaults. I.e. once one woman wears it, we don't see another woman wearing it until the first wearer dies...vs say, the Swedish RF who definitely swap tiaras often. I'm curious to see what will happen when Charles becomes king. Will there be a general reallocating of jewels? Or will the women (Kate, Meghan, Sophie) keep use of the ones they already have been loaned?

    7. The Order of Splendor has a great series about jewel ownership if you're interested in that sort of thing. In the case of the Swedish royal family, many of their tiaras are part of a "family foundation" - basically, a trust for very valuable objects - and so they don't belong to any one person in particular but are available to the entire family in a sort of share and share alike manner. Whereas many of QEII's jewels are her personal property inherited from her mother, and she decides who gets to wear them and when. Perhaps it's simply easier for her to say, "This set is for Anne's use, and this set Camilla's, and Kate can use these two..." rather than re-negotiating the tiara distribution for every state dinner. (And this is leaving aside the state jewels that belong to the Crown Estate itself and are for the sovereign's use, but are not the sovereign's personal property.)

      I definitely think that when Charles is king there will be a reallocating of the jewels. QEII currently reserves some of the tiaras for her own particular use (the Vladimir, the Modern Sapphire, the Girls of Great Britain and Ireland, a Burmese ruby something...), and it seems very likely that Camilla would wear those in her role as queen consort (assuming the queen doesn't will them away to someone else). Kate will be the princess of Wales, wife of the direct heir to the throne, and as such it would be appropriate for her to wear some of the flashier tiaras. The hierarchy will change quite a bit and as such so will the jewels.

      I think it's enormously unlikely that Meghan would wear anything vastly larger or more historically significant for her wedding than Kate did. I think she will wear a modest "starter tiara" very similar in size/importance to the Cartier Halo, either borrowed or purchased for her (as Sarah Ferguson's was).

      Consider that of QEII's descendants, only her own daughter, Princess Anne, has worn the fringe tiara that QEII wore at her own wedding. I just don't see her handing it over to Meghan and clearly favoring one granddaughter-in-law over the others in such an obvious way.

    8. Thank you for the information verandah.

  8. P.S. And I think there is very much a possibility that Harry could very easily find favor with his uncle and have Meghan wear the Spencer tiara to commemorate Diana and make stormy history current fair weather. The tiara would once again make big history, honor the Spencer family, and gain more provenance for the piece. And that tiara is lovely, looks more like Meghan to me than the others and it sparkles brilliantly.
    I mean Meghan has met all the families, helped the Queen celebrated Christmas with the Royal Household, been invited to Sandringham, will be married in Windsor Castle, and will then be HRH, a Senior Royal. Finding favor to wear the Spencer Tiara should she wish to? Piece of cake. 🍰 Don't rule out the Spencer family tiara.
    Harry is part of the Spencer family.

    1. Giving how much the Earl Spencer loves attention I could see him doing it just for all the attention and interviews he would be able to give over loaning it out to Harry and Meghan for their wedding day.

    2. Here ya go..... 😍= IntheKitchen "swooning", lol

    3. No,because the Spencer tiara is only for the brides of the Spencer Family folowing the rules

    4. @Surfer girl - thanks, but how do you get the emoji to show up in your post? I'm on a laptop not my phone so I don't know the code to insert to get the emojis :(

    5. @Surfer girl - okay, I just copied and pasted your 😍 into this post. Hee!

    6. yay. ITK.😊 That works. :)
      I don't know how to do the emoji thing on a laptop as I almost always use my phone.

  9. Will Meghan have earrings designed to match her tiara or family coat of arms🛡?
    She does have British ancestors who were aristocracy and those coat of arms might be available to her. Will that coat of arms be joined with Harry's as Kate's was with William's? What do you think?

    1. I would think/hope that Meghan will not do as the Middletons did and request a coat of arms prior to the wedding. Meghan is an American and that's not really a standard thing in the US. I just feel like that doesn't make much sense. Especially since, I believe, it would have to be done by her father - like Mike Middleton did (although maybe the Middletons just did it that way so the other children could use it?).

      However, of course she will - and should - have something created for her to use on her personal coat of arms after marriage. Her half will be impaled with Harry's coat of arms. Maybe her side will have something to do with the theater or maybe a bald eagle (America's national bird)? Kind of fun to speculate on!!

    2. I would be shocked if a modern American woman would expect or ask for a coat of arms.

    3. The Middletons didn't requested it, the queen gave them the change to design one!

    4. Tammy from California7 January 2018 at 17:07

      Inthekitchen: I really love your idea of the theatre and bald eagle on the coat of arms!

      As Tinneke stated above, I believe the Queen did order the Middleton's to make a coat of arms. Kate will be Queen one day and will need one. I don't know if this would apply to Meghan because she is not in direct line for the throne.

    5. But she IS a Senior Royal. :)

    6. Tenneke - I'm pretty sure the Middletons requested their own. It seems pretty easy to be eligible to get one (per seems like a university degree makes one eligible). It also doesn't sound like the queen is involved at all in determining who is eligible, that's done by the College of Arms. A DailyFail article on the topic says that all the Middletons were heavily involved with the design of their arms.

      Surfer girl - I agree that Meghan will become a senior royal and therefore will most definitely get her own coat of arms. All the other royals have them including less senior royals and married ins, from Beatrice and Zara (not even technically "royal") all the way to Sophie. My question is more about whether she would get her own arms created prior to the wedding or just have something created for her post-marriage. I would vote for the latter since she's an American (unless, I suppose, her citizenship changes before the marriage...). But either way, it's fun to imagine what it might look like or what's in store for her in the future!

    7. It is going to be fun to watch either way. I have a very strong feeling that Meghan will have British citizenship before the usual three years. She knows a guy, who knows a guy..... :)

  10. Thank you, Charlote!! I love the Strathmore Rose Tiara and the Vadimir Tiara but I also love Shelly’s idea. Thank you Charlotte for all you do for us!!

  11. I am hoping for the Strathmore Rose tiara......or something brand new! It seems to me that if Fergie and Sophie got new tiaras, Meghan would too.

    1. I don't know but wasn't Sophie's tiara made from pieces of the Queen's Jewelry?

    2. I like the sentiment and significance of giving Sophie something which once belonged to Queen Victoira, but the tiara itself is a failure.I hope will not see a so very ugly tiara on Meghan.

    3. Eugenie.😊 I agree. That tiara was not a success in my opinion. Neither was the necklace although I appreciate the sentiment of it and the fact that her husband wanted to design Jewelry for his wife. She is so naturally beautiful that the tiara and necklace seemed so out of place on her.

    4. @Eugenie - I soooo agree that Sohpie's tiara was a horrible fail. It's almost hard to imagine how something so studded with diamonds could look so awkward and unattractive, lol. I also agree with surfer girl that her other jewelry that Edward designed for her was really ugly as well. Poor Sophie! At least she's gotten access to lots of other tiaras and jewels.

      My question about this kind of gift though, is who owns it?? Clearly, the tiara bought for Sarah is her personal property (as she's worn it many times since the divorce). But, what happens when a "new" tiara is made from royal family owned diamonds?! I am soooo curious about that. Not that I'm expecting S&E to divorce, but I am really curious about the ownership. If Sophie is the owner, then it seems like a good/sneaky way to get around ownership of the crown jewels - by breaking things up and making new pieces and then giving the new pieces away.

    5. I liked Sophie's tiara. I thought it had been well designed to go with her gown as both had a medieval feel.

    6. inthekitchen - I suppose the daughter of Sophie (Lady Louise)could wear the tiara after her mother-I think Beatrice and Eugenie of York could wear the tiara of Sarah.

    7. inthekitchen - I am pretty sure the Crown Jewels belong to the public (Crown Estate) and regardless of any alterations or new pieces, the jewels do not pass into private ownership by the RF. If Sophie's tiara was made using jewel from the Crown vault then it does not belong to her personally.

  12. I still love The Girls of Great Britain and Ireland Tiara but now I’m liking the Queen Mary Fringe tiara. She can get a brand new one made to be her go to at events.

    1. The Girls of Great Britain and Ireland Tiara is a beautiful piece.

      I think it would be interesting for her to start her marriage in a new one that is completely her own. Perhaps a gift from granny or the in-laws?

    2. Monica, that is one of my favorites as well. That tiara could be handed down to one of Will or Harry's off spring.

    3. I lurve the Girls of Great Britain and Ireland tiara. That, to me, is everything a tiara should be. Gorgeous balance, sparkle, "lightness," and the perfect size (big enough to be seen but not too huge). All around, it's just a gorgeous piece!

      However, because of the history of it, I think that one will just be reserved for the queen or queen consort, so I think it won't be worn by Meghan. After the queen, I think it will go to Camilla and then Kate and then George's wife. Or maybe worn by Charlotte at some point in the way off future.

      I also don't think Meghan would be given use of it because the queen still uses it often (most often?). I think Meghan will get one that is not currently in use by anyone else since the BRF don't seem to share use of tiaras.

  13. I would love Meghan to wear the Strathmore Rose tiara because it is elegant and delicate, just like her. With her hair half up half down. Whatever she wears she will be sure to look beautiful.

  14. Aside from the Strathmore Rose, I would really love to see the Oriental Circlet get some wear.

    1. That is another splendid choice...there’s just too many beautiful options to choose from!

    2. Tammy from California7 January 2018 at 17:00

      Oh Julie, that is BEAUTIFUL!

    3. Jessica in Los Angeles7 January 2018 at 18:06

      Oh that one is beautiful, Julie! I like that a lot.

    4. The Oriental Circlet is reserved for queens only and would never be offered to Meghan as an option.

  15. I'd love to see the Strathmore Rose Tiara worn in public again. However, I think she will go without a tiara and opt for something like what Charlene did (i.e., sparkly hair comb or brooches worn in some sort of bun).

    1. JLM I totally agree!!!

    2. That would be lovely, JLM. It would give her more leeway and choices concerning her dress, hairstyle and veil. I thought Charlene of Monacos choice to forgo a traditional tiara in favor of diamond brooches in her hair striking.

    3. @JLM - I actually hope she doesn't go this route. All recent married in brides (even Autumn Phillips) wore a royal family tiara. I think it would look odd if Meghan didn't wear one.

      I do agree that she'd look lovely with some sparkling jewels in her dark hair and hope she'll go that route for future black tie work engagements...but I want a tiara for the wedding. JMO...

  16. Charlotte - a polite request. Can you tell us whose wedding the first photo is?

    1. Of course, the black and white photo is from the Queen and Prince Philip's wedding.

      I'll add it to the caption :)

  17. I’m just about certain she will wear the Strathmore Rose. It fits her more bohemian personality and her style as evidenced by the flowy, more feminine wedding dress she posted and called her “everything goals”. Plus she is quite petite and the bigger tiaras will weigh her down. And anything with significant royal history will be kept back for Kate. I don’t see the Vladimir or Queen Mary’s fringe tiaras being loaned out of the line of the more senior heirs.

    1. Agree with your whole comment, Stephanie. I've always been vocal about the Strathmore Rose coming out of retirement. Its too gorgeous to be left in the vaults and not worn, and it would suit Meghan's style beautifully as it does have that bohemian flair to it. I would be shocked if Meghan wore the QM's Fringe as its already been worn by HM and PA for their weddings. I think she will wear something more petite with less royal gravitas such as what Kate wore for her wedding. I think no tiara may be more of an ootion than people think as well.

    2. Not counting out a brand new tiara either although not sure the royal family wants to look like they are spending that kind of money right now.

  18. Hmm in would like too see msghan in Valdmir tiara it would be a lot of history in it. And as much a i do love stathormore rose tiara that she would wore i would love too see valdmir tiara it would be good too see meghan wore that moden im inlove with the romance of the story I hope new generation wear it

  19. Interesting post and comments thread. My hunch is that since Harry is not as high in the order of succession, Meghan will not be offered something significantly larger than what Catherine was loaned for her wedding. The optics would be wrong. I think the larger more dramatic tiaras might be reserved for post-wedding occasions.

    Therefore, the Strathmore Rose would be an appropriate fit. That, or like Prince Albert, Harry might design something their own. That would also befit their approach as a couple.

    1. Completely agree!

    2. I also agree. I just don't think Meghan would even be interested in a large tiara (esp not a fringe or the Vladimir) and it just seems ridiculous to me. I expect something more in the scale of Catherine's as well, perhaps Princess Margaret's Lozenge one?

  20. I'm going to give another perspective - in so far as this is a daughter in law (grand daughter in law in fact) and not someone in line for the crown or a blood relative - I don't think she will be loaned a tiara like the ones above. Every person above fits that profile - except Sophie and Sarah Ferguson. I think Meghan will get one, but not an existing one from the vault. I think she will get a new design - one to pass on down to her heirs like Sarah Ferguson and Sophie. One that is not necessarily linked to Windsor female rulers and their daughters. I do think it is possible you might see Beatrice, Eugenie, Louise, and Charlotte in borrowed Windsor tiaras - like we saw Zara. But I don't know that Meghan will have access to the jewels like Camilla and Kate - who will be consorts to Kings. I would not be surprised if the Queen and/or Charles gifted a new one for Meghan to wear at her wedding so she can use it at white tie gatherings as well. One that is not associated with the crown. Just a feeling.

    1. Zara didn’t wear a Windsor tiara, she wore a tiara belonging to Princess Anne. The tiara originally belonged to Princess Alice of Greece, Philip’s mother.

    2. Very good points, Moxie. :) But in reality, Harry is only one reign and a family from the crown. Charles reign, sadly, will be brief due to his age, and God forbid anything happen to the Cambridges (that's why I want them to start traveling two by two rather than four. Surely Security has thought of these things and will make corrections in the future.)
      NOT to speak anything bad over them.
      So, logistically, Meghan is not that far from the crown. She, like Camilla and Kate, is not a blood royal but still in the ascension hierarchy. She's a Senior Royal. So a bigger, important crown seems appropriate in my opinion. :) And most likely in Harry's as well. Bottom line. I truly believe that Meghan will wear whatever tiara she sets her heart on. :) Remember, the girl wore a $75,000 dollar gown for daytime engagement photos, lol. It will be fun to see how the Tiara thing all plays out.

    3. You might be right about that, Florida Moxie. Its all about precedence.

    4. The only way Meghan ‘’will wear whatever tiara she sets her heart on’’ is if she or Harry design or buy a new tiara.

    5. The Meander Tiara was given to Princess, later Queen, Elizabeth as a wedding gift from Princess Alice: That would make it a part of Windsor tiara collection.

    6. Very reasonable scenario, FM.

    7. Moxie.😊 That Meander Tiara has kind of a greek key design, yeh? Anne has worn that a lot and Zara wore it for her wedding. Do you think Anne would make that available to Meghan and would Meghan want to wear the same tiara that Zara wore for her wedding? So many tiaras are surfacing. Who knew? lol And there are no doubt more.
      Even the Duchess of Windsor had a tiara. It was diamond and emerald beads. If Meghan would want the title Duchess of Windsor because she loves Windsor so much, maybe Charles could help her find that tiara. He has searched and found historic pieces for Camilla. The Duchess of Windsor tiara would be just perfect for Meghan in size and it's simple style.

    8. Florida Moxie, that makes sense.

  21. I would love to see her in Marie Feodorovna's Diamond and Sapphire bandeau!! It's so unique and I love that Princess Margeret favored it when she was young.

  22. I love the Strathmore Rose Tiara. Its always been my fave I was hopping Kate would have had it just so we could see it. So hopefully Meghan will get it.

  23. I would out my money on the Strathmore tiara . It’s beautiful and would look perfect on Meghan !

    It’s delicate and dainty just like Meghan !

  24. I agree with Stephanie! And I think she will have her hair up. Any tiara will look gorgeous against her hair, and I hope the veil doesn't hide the tiara and hair too much! I bet Jessica is in overdrive now. :)

    She seems to like small earrings---maybe some small simple 4-carat diamonds to match her ring. I wonder what she will receive from Charles---is it reasonable to assume that Kate would receive a more "showy" bracelet because she will be queen some day?

  25. I LOVE taking about tiaras. 😊

  26. Hi Charlotte, First time commenting; long time follower! Love your blogs and this discussion about the tiara choice. But, may I ask an important question that I haven't seen addressed? Will Harry and Meghan's ceremony be telecast? I am supposed to be out of town that weekend away from the coverage and don't know what to do! Thank you!!

    1. Hello,

      Welcome to the comments section :)

      Details have not been confirmed by the Palace yet. I think it's very safe to assume it will be televised.

  27. That was my first thought too, As a way to bring the Spencer side of Harry’s lineage into the day; my guess is the Palace would discourage that. Earl Spencer doesn’t seem to be a favorite.
    I like the idea of the family “ starter” tiara, the Cartier Halo, but maybe not, since Kate used it.
    So the Strathmore Rose it is. Nothing too large or overpowering, no colored stones for her wedding day.

    1. Cartier Halo tiara will be in Australia on exhibition in May, so is not an option anyway.

    2. Earl Spencer is one of the Queen's godsons and I think, given all the turmoil the Royals have gone through for centuries, that the Queen has that same recuperative resiliency and has definitely come to peace with Diana's family, especially the Earl. I still would not rule that out especially if Meghan really would want to wear it to try to honor that side of Harry's family.

  28. I haven't a clue which Meghan will wear, or if she will even wear one. We'll just have to wait and see, I suppose.

    Thank you Charlotte for showing us so many choices. I have never seen the sapphire or emerald ones before and quite like them. I realize that they are not as versatile as the all diamond ones, but find the emerald one to be quite exquisite. . When I look down at my own modest diamond engagement ring having, a fair idea that is cost quite a bit of money, I am astounded by the numerous diamonds in these tiaras. They must be worth a gazillion dollars.

  29. I think there are a couple things to consider when discussing tiaras for Meghan's wedding. In some royal lines there are tiara's that are reserved just for the queen. I have never heard of this rule specifically in Great Britain, but it does seem appropriate to save the big guns for the queen. IMHO this would include the Vladimir, the Girls of Great Britain and Queen Mary's Fringe Tiara. I know Anne wore Queen Mary's Fringe, but just that once if I am correct. I do believe the daughter of the queen is very different than than the grand-daughter-in-law of the queen.
    Secondly, we need to consider the fact that it is very unlikely Meghan will ever be queen and Kate's public image needs to be moving the direction of being queen one day. I would say Meghan needs to be careful not to up stage Kate's use of tiara's on her wedding day. But, Kate used such a small tiara on her wedding day that it is almost impossible not to go with a bigger tiara unless she uses the halo tiara itself. I hope she doesn't use the halo tiara.

    In conclusion, I think Meghan should get a new tiara that is entirely for her and her and Harry's children. If it was made from jewels in Diana's collection that would be all the more special.

  30. I would love to know the process for how royal brides get to choose a tiara.

    1. Andrea-It's Her Majesty the Queen who decides.

    2. The Queen decides. Apparently , Kate was offered a choice of 3 different tiaras. I’m sure it will be the same or similar for Meghan.

  31. It seems like the Strathmore Rose is by far the best match with her ring in terms of gold, diamonds, and style. I would LOVE to see that one come out of the vault!

  32. One of my favorite royal fashions: tiaras! I’m going against the grain here but I absolutely would love to see the Queen Mother’s Cartier Bracelet Bandeau make an appearance. I think with her hair down, it would be beautiful with Meghan’s dark hair. My understanding is that the bracelets are used as both bracelets and in the bandeau so it can change. This would be an incredible way to honor the Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth & Princess Diana as they’ve all worn the pieces in either bandeau or bracelet form.

    While I know it’s a very long shot, a girl’s gotta dream.

    1. I love this idea. Meghan herself described her style as simple with a modern twist

  33. Strathmore Rose Tiara Would be my absolute favorite!

  34. I have been a reader of the Order of Splendor blog for about 8 years now. Its another a great blog that covers not just the BRF, but all other royals families in Europe, their weekly engagements and evening events. She has a section in which she covers, in-depth, all the tiaras for the royal families, including Britain.

    So that being said, from what I've read, I honesty don't think the Queen will lend Meghan any of her tiaras that she currently uses. The Queen is known for being a bit stingy when it comes to sharing her own jewels to family members, although that seems to be changing in recent times. Still I don't think she will give any of the tiaras she wears regularly to Meghan. So no to the Girls of Great Britain, her wedding tiara, the Vladimir tiara, or the sapphire tiara. I also don't think its going to be any of the tiaras that are currently associated with Kate or other family members, so no to the Cartier Halo, Lotus Flower, or Lover's Knot Cambridge.

    So I think its either going to be the Strathmore Rose tiara (my personal choice), some old family jewels put together to create a tiara, or buy a new tiara. Although I don't think the royal family will buy a new tiara given how times are these days and it may not send the right message to the public since questions will arise as to who paid for it and how.

    1. @anon - I agree that she won't wear anything in current rotation by other royal women. The BRF don't seem to share or assign out jewels per the occasion, like the Swedish RF. So definite no to anything worn by Kate and Camilla.

      However, my question about this is: what is considered "current use/rotation?" Like, when was the last time the queen wore the queen Mary fringe? I couldn't find any recent pictures of her wearing it and according to the OoS, the queen has only worn the QM fringe "a couple of times" since she inherited it in 2002. So, to me, that wouldn't rule out the QM fringe as a possibility for Meghan.

  35. Alejandra Campos7 January 2018 at 06:10

    Hi Charlotte! What a great post! I think I am the only one with this idea but I think Meghan would look great in the Vladimir Tiara. For some reason I think the starter tiaras, like the Strathmore Rose or the Cartier Halo are too small for her.
    I don't know why I see Meghan like a big woman with a big personality and face, so I think that the Starter Tiaras would look too small on her and out of proportion (do I make sense?)

    Anyway just my point of view, but who knows? Maybe she will forgo a tiara and use one for the first very time in a State Dinner later on the year :D

    Thanks for the post!

    1. Hi Alejandra! I understand what you mean about Meghan being "too big" for one of the smaller starter tiaras. It's funny because physically she's very petite but it's her personality that's so big, warm and vibrant, it gives the illusion that she's a much larger woman than she actually is. I feel that it's going to be tricky finding the right tiara for her, don't want to go too small and have it get lost in the hair and veil or go too large and have it overwhelm her entire look. I guess we'll find out in May!

    2. Alejandra.😊 Remember that uber big Tiara that George Percy's sister wore to marry Thomas Straubenzee (sp)? Definitely want Meghan's tiara to be proportionately correct.

  36. I don’t think Meghan will have access to one of the grand tiaras that the Queen wears, so no to the Vladimir and Kokoshnik. They just seem inappropriate for someone just coming into the family, especially when Kate’s tiara was smallish. Love the Strathmore Rose and would be thrilled to see it!

  37. I vote for "The Queen Mary's Lozenge Bandeau"

    This diamond bandeau had lozenge-shaped motifs and was originally surmounted by 13 large oval oriental pearls set on spikes.

  38. Wow! The Queen sure has an amazing collection of sapphires at her disposal! The Modern Sapphire Tiara is absolutely stunning. I have a feeling that Meghan may choose Queen Mary’s Fringe Tiara on her wedding day, as the Queen did. I like its simple, clean design & it matches her engagement ring (sparkly, bright diamonds). I have a soft spot for the Strathmore Rose, though, so either of those tiaras I would love to see on her.

    1. It's not the bride who choose but Her Majesty the Queen.

    2. But, Eugenie, it seems as if it's the bride choosing from a selection of the queen's offering. So, in a sense, she is "choosing" (just like Kate (supposedly) chose the halo from a selection of 3 choices)...she'll just be choosing from a select few options.

    3. I see, Eugenie. But as inthekitchen mentioned, I thought Meghan gets to select one out of a few options that the Queen offers to her.

  39. Very interesting. Thanks, Charlotte.

  40. I’m not sure about some of these choices. I would think that the queen would choose something subtle for Meaghan. I don’t think it would be something more grand than Catherine, Dutchess of Cambridge considering that Catherine is future princess of Wales once Prince Charles ascends the throne. What are your thoughts on this?

    1. I totally agree,Amanda.

    2. I totally agree. Some people seem to have the idea that Meghan would wear a tiara reserved for queens or that she gets to order any tiara she wants from the vaults.

      The reality is the Queen will choose the tiara or give her an option of 2-3 tiaras to pick from. This is how it was for Kate and it certainly isn’t going to be different for the 6th in line to the throne.
      I mean, Diana didn’t get to choose the Lover’s Knot, it was given to her as her only option from the vault and Sophie certainly didn’t get a choice with her wedding tiara, etc.

    3. I think Meghan might wear something larger than Kate's if that's what she has to choose from. If Kate selected the "smallest" of the ones offered to her, then that's on Kate. She might have had the option to wear something larger but chose the I don't see why that should affect what Meghan will be offered.

      But, I do agree that Meghan will be offered a small selection of tiaras and then get to choose from the offerings. Just like Kate was. And, I agree that she's not going to be offered any that are currently being used by other royal women.

    4. Darla from Colorado8 January 2018 at 04:18

      We know from the Andrew Morton books that Diana received the Lover's Knot Tiara from the queen the morning of her wedding. We don't really know how Kate and Sophie received the tiara's they wore or if they had any choice in the matter.

    5. @Darla - but Diana didn't wear the Lover's Knot for her wedding, so I don't see how that's relevant to what Meghan might be offered or what Kate was offered. She might have received it as a tiara to wear in the future, but it doesn't really matter in the wedding tiara discussion, IMO.

      Also, I don't think there is any possible way that the brides just find out about their wedding tiara the morning of the ceremony! I would guess Meghan already knows which tiaras she'll have to choose from (or has made her choice) because - I would assume - that the wedding dress designer will take into account the tiara so the whole look has the same aesthetic. Thinking back to Kate, she had earrings designed to match the swirl effect on the halo tiara, so there is just no way she didn't know which tiara she would be wearing way in advance (not to mention practicing/deciding on hairstyles, veil, etc.).

  41. My guess is Charles purchases her a brand new tiara that is all her own.

  42. What fun! I love this post! Although I have a hunch that Meghan will forgo wearing a tiara on their wedding day, it’s still fun to speculate.

    1. No tiara??? 😳 NEVAH, lol.

    2. Darla from Colorado8 January 2018 at 04:22

      Sarah, the Duchess of York, actually wore a flower wreath to the wedding and when they signed the registry in a different room she changed to the tiara. I thought that symbolized the change from commoner to royalty magnificently.

    3. Sarah didn’t change to a tiara, her tiara was hidden under the flowers the whole time.

    4. Yes, the flowers did hide Sarah's tiara, but I thought it was too much and made her head look somewhat "top-heavy" on the way to the Abbey.

      I much prefer this combination of tiara and floral... And IMO the overall height is perfect for a bride.

  43. I would love to see Meghan wearing the Strathmore tiara, given her love of flowers I think it's the perfect tiara for her. All that being said, as I recall when it was speculated that Kate might wear this tiara for her wedding it was said that the Strathmore tiara is rather fragile and not in good shape. I hope that's not the case or if it is perhaps it can be repaired and re-framed to make it more stable.

    I hope the Queen doesn't "make" a new tiara for Meghan as the last newly "made" tiara for Sophie was a bit of a mess. The frame sat up too high and didn't have the velvet wrap to hide it, the three motifs just sat there without anything to connect them and there really need to be a row of diamonds along the bottom of motifs

    1. I remember hearing about the fragility of the Strathmore too. From Julia Leo maybe? It might have to be restored to be worn unfortunately. Not out of the realm of possibility though.

    2. The Strathmore tiara was loaned for an exhibition about 10-15 years ago and it was in good condition. And it’s not like the Queen doesn’t have a jeweler available to fix any issues.

    3. Are the exhibitions free or is the Royal bling "earning its' keep", lol?

  44. You must have read my mind Charlotte - in an idle moment yesterday ( ok, maybe that turned into an hour or so) I was looking at these sites for a suitable tiara. I must agree and think the Strathmore Rose tiara is a strong favourite in my books and that first photoshop example of Meghan goes to prove it could be a classic look for her - especially with her love for peonie roses, it’s also a good nod to the country’s national flower and such a romantic symbol (following the meaning of flowers). On a practical note it’s not so overwhelming and steeped in history just like the Cartier Halo, or could be enhanced with the additional row of diamonds underneath ( maybe some of Diana’s?) for now or future use to create something bespoke to her.
    I think some of the other tiaras that have more provenance, especially from the Queen, would probably come later and again from your research, other royal brides haven’t had this level of bling. A new tiara would be interesting too, but something from the vaults would be a amazing to see or reworked for her.

  45. Charlotte what a fabulous post. Any of these would certainly "do" the trick, but here is my hope: Charles will commission a new tiara for her that incorporates diamonds and emeralds. He gave Diana a lovely 1920s styled bracelet in diamond and emeralds that I think she could "inherit" and I also recall the "choker" Diana wore in Australia 88 as a headband, Charles has very good taste. The Queen's invitation to Meghan for Christmas stood well for her statement of support so I think this may be the appropriate place for his statement (but I am not saying he hasn't supported them to date, I believe he has, I just think this is a nice thing for the future KING to do and would be a lovely thing to do for his son and daughter in law).

    1. That would be a lovely idea Ariagurl!! Charles does have incredible taste in jewelry and could commission a wonderful piece that would be Meghan's tiara to use as her royal "career" progresses.

    2. ariagurl.😊 And didn't Charles reportedly gift Kate with those diamond earrings and matching diamond bracelet when she was first was wed? So Charles definitely gifts fine Jewelry. Love that. :)

    3. @ariagurl: + a million. Charles has excellent taste in jewelry! And, he seems to really enjoy giving it and seeing the recipient decked out in it (Camilla is so often dripping in diamonds, lol).

      I can't wait to see what jewelry gifts Meghan receives.

    4. ITK.😊 Hopefully, she'll be kind enough to share that info with us. Wouldn't that be something. "involving the public". Sadly, no one before her has to that extent. Maybe they were embarrassed to. I would be embarrassed not too. I would want to share the Joy. Perhaps then though people would give her gifts just for the notoriety. BUT, (yay), she wouldn't have to tell who they were from would she. So I hope she does share about the Jewelry she receives as gifts. Selfish I know, but still I would love for her to share. It would end those mysteries when every publication tells what and what label a royal is wearing but then coming upon speculation after speculation on apparently gifted Jewelry items. I am sure Kate got some and continues to get substantial Jewelry as wedding, etc. gifts. Like that $50,000 necklace and $50,000 pair of earrings, etc. Who gave her those? It is part of history. You think that they would let us know. :)

  46. My opinion on tiara’s offered here:

    Queen Mary's Fringe Tiara –no way will Meghan wear this one, the only women who wore it were the future queen regnant and her daughter
    Strathmore Rose Tiara –this is the most likely option, imo
    Marie Feodorovna's Diamond and Sapphire bandeau – can’t see it as wedding tiara, but my hope is that Catherine or Meghan will wear this one day soon
    Queen's Modern Sapphire Tiara – no, the Queen wore it last year and I don’t think she’ll loan something she is currently wearing
    Vladimir Tiara –no way, this is a queen tiara, the next person we’ll see in this will be Queen Camilla and then Queen Catherine

    My wish is Queen Mary's Lozenge Tiara and her hair up. But, as long as she wears a tiara I’ll be happy.

    1. Gemma, I like your thinking. Agreed, not Queen Mary's Fringe (my guess is Charlotte might wear that tiara). Would love to see her get the Strathmore Rose Tiara - given Megan likes yellow gold - it would play off of her engagement ring as well. I like Queen Mary's Lozenge Tiara as well - thanks for sharing it - without the pearl spikes. Another low profile similar to the Cartier.

      There are soooooo many Tiara's in the vault - why have a new one made? Would anyone actually want a "new Tiara" when they could have a piece of history?

  47. Tammy from California7 January 2018 at 17:00

    I think Meghan's choices will be very interesting to watch! She is so petite and seems to gravitate toward small rings and earrings, so I actually think the only one I could imagine her picking is the Strathmore, but even that one seems not her style (in my opinion). I don't know what she will pick but I think earrings will be small and dainty because I notice in many pictures, she oftentimes isn't even wearing any. I could see her choosing a tiara with a fern on it (similar to Pippa Middelton's tiara) or something botanical, but not floral. I have no idea what that would be though.

    I feel strong about one thing: that girl will have some blingy shoes and wear them WELL.

    1. Tammy,it's the Queen who choose the tiara,NOT the bride.

    2. @Tammy - haha, yes she does have an amazing shoe game. I love so many of the different shoes she's worn over the years.

  48. Tammy from California7 January 2018 at 17:18

    I meant to add one more thing to my comment. I have always thought King George was a very good looking man.

  49. Upon reflection realistically Meghan doesn’t have many options and those options are tacky looking. She’s marrying the soon to be 6th in line, her tiara can’t be better than Kate’s nor can she wear certain tiaras. With that being said I think she should forgo the whole tiara as much as it pains me to type.

  50. Sophie’s tiara is hideous, it looks like a tiara you buy at Party City. So I’m not holding my breath that a new tiara would actually look good.

  51. Ok, my own thoughts on the tiara discussion...

    Regarding the Spencer tiara...Harry is as much a Spencer as he is a Windsor so I could see the argument for it being a tribute to his mother. On the other hand, Meghan is marrying into the BRF so I don't think we'll see it on May 19th. And why create an unnecessary Spencer/Windsor debate?

    I also do not see Meghan wearing a tiara that is significantly larger than the one worn by Kate, a future Queen. Sorry, but rank matters in that world.

    Another angle to remember is that when a young lady marries into the RF, she enters the church or Abbey as a commoner. The tiara signifies the royal union she is entering into, but for a nonroyal to wear a large tiara, well, me thinks it would look over the top and tacky.

    Finally, I can see the argument for it being a new tiara designed for Meghan using existing royal jewelry. That would be consistent with the other royal brides mentioned here, as well as her rank.

    1. Royalfan I too realized that Meghan would not wear a tiara bigger than what Kate had worn on her wedding day. If the tiara would be downplayed, the emphasis could be more on the design of the wedding gown, could Meghan possibly wear Diana's earrings or another piece of jewellery?(Something borrowed)

    2. Siddhii, a "something borrowed" from Diana would be lovely, but I tend to think it would be a piece that her sons have in their possession.

    3. It would be so nice to know just exactly what pieces they have of Diana's. Would there be any way to tell just what the boys have?

    4. "Sorry, but rank matters in that world."

      Exactly. This is a family that opens their Christmas gifts according to the formal order of precedence! There is no chance that the Queen would sign off on Meghan walking down the aisle in a much grander tiara than the other daughters-in-law and granddaughters-in-law who have borrowed them.

  52. I don't like colored stones for a wedding tiara.

    1. The colored stones *could* be a distraction, but pearls, on the other hand....... :-)

    2. royalfan Wwooowww,,,yes!Pearls and diamongs the perfect combination!!!

    3. pearls would be heavenly. :)

    4. :-)) I think so ...

  53. 😊 Was waiting for you to chime in, rf. awh gee, rf you make so much sense, lol. why did you have to get all logical on us, lol. Just realized that I am in a tiara frenzy. I am going to take a long walk and count seagulls. Anything but tiaras. (where's an emoji of a seagull when you need one?) :)

    1. Well, SG, speaking of seagulls, guess where I was earlier when I shared my two cents? Yup. At the beach with a hot Starbucks and some (rather cold) seagulls. LOL. It was 18F, but it felt good to take a brisk walk and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature. By the way, if this was a "tiara made from beach glass" competition, you'd want to be on my team...I have JARS of the stuff! :-)

    2. 😊 beach glass is beautiful, rf. glad you got some beach rejuvenation (and Starbucks).

  54. I wonder if Queen Adelaide of the United Kingdom's Hanover Fringe Tiara is still around? QM wore it as a necklace. It is on the small side, all diamond, and isn't currently being worn.

  55. Is there a list somewhere of Diana's jewelry? I would like to see what William/Kate and Harry/Meghan can claim as their own.

    1. @Allison - a great resource is:

    2. Thanks! It is interesting to know what is directly available to William and Harry, although I suppose some would be given to Kate so that they could continue down the line. It is hard in the US the difference between "lineage" importance and family importance, meaning that when I saw photos of George and Charlotte by the Queen during her Christmas address, I thought about how adorable Princess Anne's children are. But I suppose George and Charlotte present the future kings/queens and are not family favorites over others.

  56. It would be amazing to see her wear the Strathmore Rose as a bandeau with the veil attached at the temples. Anything with large pearls would be beautiful as well. Her skin tone would really bring out the pearl's luminosity.

  57. I don't think the Queen will allow Meghan to wear something that she still uses regularly, such as the Vladimir or the Modern Sapphire. I also don't think that she will allow the use of Queen Mary's Fringe either, since it has only been used by Royal Blood Princesses and Meghan is marrying into the family.

    I would like to see her wear the Sapphire Bandeau. It suits Meghan's modern style quite well, however it is quite uncommon that a royal bride will wear a coloured tiara. I think the Nizam Tiara would have looked lovely on it (but sadly it no longer exists) and the Strathmore Rose would also look great. The Lotus Flower I think would look best with Meghan's face shape and hair colour, so I am desperately hoping for that one.

    I am going to put my bet on a new tiara however. It feels more like Meghan to bring in something new.

  58. A very interesting article and probably fun to write Charlotte? I looked up Zara Philip-Tindall's tiara--she wore her mother's Leander which had belonged to Prince Philip's mother. It was lovely and appropriate but I can't see Princess Anne lending it our nor could I see Meghan wanting it. Another website speculated that perhaps Harry will borrow the Spencer tiara, which is of course gorgeous. But I don't see it on Meghan--I would think she would suit (and would like) something more modern less "forget the dress look at the tiara." I think the Strathmore Rose would be lovely. Not that it is ultra modern but I think it is versatile--I think it would look beautiful with a modern gown as well as be traditional too. But worn as a tiara, not as a bandeau I think. Although if anyone could carry a bandeau off Meghan could.

  59. Does anyone know which 3 tiaras Kate was given to choose from

    1. I don't think anyone knows. But I imagine of the other two tiaras she's worn - the Lotus and the Lover's Knot - one of them might have been in the selection of three. My best guess would be the Lotus. For the third, I'm guessing the Strathmore.

  60. Have loved reading all the various ideas for Meghan's possible tiara choice. A few of the ideas had me thinking.
    As for new tiara, it would be a shame, with some many choices in the vaults, that have gone unused for years, it would be lovely if HM, would allow a couple of pieces to be altered, much like Mary of Denmark has done with the Ruby Parure, and Sofia of Sweden has also done, with her wedding tiara. That way, Meghan would have the best of both worlds, a tiara steeped in history, and yet altered to bring it in line with a modern royal lady.
    One of the most versatile and statement tiaras, is the Duchess of Gloucester's Honeysuckle Tiara. The main stone can be omitted from the tiara or a selection of a central stones can be added. I would love to see Meghan have use in the future of the Sapphire Bandeau, with the option to have a diamond or other precious stone added, depending on the gown she is wearing. But, for the 'Big Day', I think, the Strathmore Rose Tiara, would be a safe choice as a start up tiara, much as Kate did, with the Halo Tiara. But, again, the Strathmore could be tweaked, to give it a more modern look, as a comparison, a long the lines of the Dagmar Flora Tiaira.
    I'm sure whatever Meghan's choice, she'll look breathtaking on the day !

    1. Annabel.😊 Doesn't the Duchess of Gloucester still wear the Honeysuckle Tiara often?

    2. She does. I used that as an example of having a little versatility in a tiara :-)

    3. I believe the honeysuckle tiara is the property of the Gloucester family (like the Spencer tiara belongs to the Spencers), and isn't on loan from the Queen. If Meghan does borrow a tiara, it seems really unlikely that it would be one from a cadet branch of the family, like the Gloucesters or the Kents, rather than from the Queen herself. I love the honeysuckle tiara too though!

  61. I hope Meghan will wear a tiara! But not a new one, but one with a history as she married into the BRF. Personally the one I like is the Strathmore tiara... And I can see it on Meghan. Sure she won't wear the tiara the queen wore on her own wedding day. This one one day will pass on to Catherine I think when she is queen.

  62. Any ideas about the wedding bouquet?

    1. Do we know what Meghan's favorite flowers are?

  63. 😠 I wish the media would stop harassing Meghan's father. They just did it again. This time he said he loves his daughter, thinks Harry is a gentleman and that he thinks that they make a good couple and then he asked them to leave him alone and stop flashing lights in his face. If they don't he said he will flash lights in their face. lol
    Good for him. :) And, being an award-winning lighting director he will definitely know how. :)

    1. There's nothing new for hi to say, but the charming half-siblings keep coming out with something to be refuted or confirmed. I wish the father would say, "I love all three of my children and I'm sorry that two were bought up to be so needy. The difference between my older children and the princess-to-be is my second ex-wife (and my presence, having moved away from my first family), and I give her all the credit. Regarding anything else, you'll have to wait until May 19th."

    2. I don't know. Am I just being weird about this or what? Aside from a huge manifested, prayed-for-miracle from God to help Meghan's siblings that I have definitely prayed, how in the world would Meghan realistically, practically, safely deal with having her half-sister involved in her Royal life AT ALL? How would that even remotely be feasible or wise? Shades of Fergie times 100. And her brother, as sweet and caring as he sometimes seems, sadly, he apparently has a drinking problem. What is Meghan going to do? What?

    3. I think a no comment policy would be best. If the press believes there's even a slight chance of one of them talking, they will become even more aggressive. I'm not expecting this to happen, mind you, but it would be a wise approach. People who talk are easy to bait.

  64. I would love to see Meghan wearing the Queen Mary's tiara, probably I am alone with this but that is my personal favourite, after that Kate's Halo which is out of possibility, then Diana's and then the Strathmore Rose.

  65. Did you see this? I think it would be worth a new post:

  66. My money's on the Queen Mother's Cartier bandeau. Three simple rows of gems, arranged like a headband. Not really a tiara, but a very glittery headpiece. It's kinda boho. Yep, that's what I think she'll choose.


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