
Thursday 22 February 2018

Meghan To Discuss Royal Foundation Next Week & The Met Investigate Racist Hate Crime!

Good afternoon! We're back with news on Meghan's next official engagement and a round up of several stories from the week.

Meghan to Discuss the Royal Foundation... Next Wednesday, 28 February, Meghan will join William, Kate and Harry to take part in the first annual Royal Foundation Forum at the offices of the Aviva, London. It will mark the first time the foursome has carried out an official engagement together. All four will appear on stage together to discuss why The Royal Foundation was set up, the projects they are currently working on, and their ambitions for the future.

More from the press release:

'Under the theme ‘Making a Difference Together,’ the event will showcase the programmes run or initiated by The Royal Foundation, and will include a number of delegates who have been involved in key projects. The Royal Foundation's programmes to date include Heads Together, the Invictus Games, and United for Wildlife.
Launched in 2011, The Royal Foundation was set up by the Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry as the main vehicle to pursue their charitable and philanthropic interests. Once the Duchess of Cambridge became Patron, Their Royal Highnesses established a key focus of working together, as well as convening others to help tackle society's biggest challenges.'

Meghan will officially become the fourth patron of the Royal Foundation after the wedding in May. Her appearance at the Forum suggests she is already very well informed, I imagine it's possible Meghan will discuss her own hopes for its future and plans to include her own charitable interests. It should be a very interesting engagement!

A Date Night at Hamilton... Last Friday night, Harry and Meghan enjoyed a post-Valentine's date night at the Victoria Palace Theatre - just two miles from their home at Kensington Palace - for a performance of Hamilton.

More from E!

'E! News can confirm Harry and Meghan surprised the cast when they showed up to watch the Broadway hit at London's West End Theatre on Friday night. In fact, one of the cast members took to Twitter to express how proud she was.
"Was an honour to have Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in to watch @HamiltonWestEnd last night," Leslie Garcia Bowman wrote.
The Director of West End confirmed to E! News the pair enjoyed a private visit. Funnily enough, the play pokes fun at Harry's ancestor King George III, while telling the story of Alexander Hamilton and the founding fathers of America.'

Commenter Upstate Diva reminded me Meghan saw Hamilton in New York in 2016 with friend Priyanka Chopra. It must be a favourite of hers.

It's good to hear the couple can enjoy an evening out in London privately. The cast were reportedly delighted to have them there and according to onlookers they appeared to have a fantastic evening.

A Tour of Australia and New Zealand... We recently discussed reports about Harry and Meghan's participation in the upcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. The always reliable Roya Nikkhah offered additional insight in her piece for The Sunday Times:

'Prince Harry will take on an official leadership role with the Commonwealth in a bid to attract new generations to the organisation. In a significant boost to his ­position within the royal family — and in an effort to cement the ­monarchy’s ties to the member nations — Harry is expected formally to accept a new role at the Commonwealth heads of government meeting in London, which will run from April 16 to 20.
Senior royal sources confirmed that the prince will play a leading part at the summit, which is to be hosted by the Queen. She has been head of the Common­wealth since her coronation in 1953. Heads of all the 53 member nations are expected to attend. Harry, 33, is keen to carve out a distinct role for himself after his marriage in May to the American former actress Meghan Markle­, 36, and he sees a Commonwealth ­position as a fitting tribute to his grandmother’s legacy.
It is thought there is already agreement among the Com­mon­wealth heads for Harry to adopt a “youth ­leadership” role and he is expec­ted to speak at the summit’s Commonwealth Youth Forum.'

This is very exciting news as an official Commonwealth role could see the couple undertaking a number of trips abroad and building initiatives and projects with links to the UK. During the engagement interview Meghan said “There is so much work to do in the Commonwealth.” It's obviously been in the planning for some months, the couple are clearly keen to carve out their own identity within the firm and want to lend their support to strengthening the monarchy's ties around the world.

We know the couple will travel to Sydney in October for the Invictus Games. Roya reports they are currently looking into expanding the trip from a one week visit to a full royal tour of Australia and New Zealand.

'In October the couple will visit Sydney for the Invictus Games and royal sources have indicated plans to expand the trip into an official tour of Australia and New Zealand.' 

Fashion Updates... Next, we have several fashion related updates to share. Meghan's gorgeous Strathberry East/West Mini is now available for pre-order with shipping in April. It's excellent to see the boost Meghan carrying their bags has given the Scottish business.

Meghan's P.A.R.O.S.H. engagement dress is now available in an array of colors at FarFetch. The $426 Bow Shift Dress features a sleeveless design, a round neck, a fitted silhouette knee length, a back zip fastening, a back slit at hem and a stretch fit. Below, the dress in navy, light blue and a lighter green than Meghan's.

The dress also comes in pink, white and red.

And the lovely Laura shared news the Armani Cutout Trousers Meghan wore in Vanity Fair are now in stock at Net-A-Porter.

Meghan in Racist Threat Terror... We conclude today's post on a very worrying note. Scotland Yard has confirmed they are investigating after a letter containing white powder purporting to be anthrax was sent to Meghan. The Evening Standard reports "The letter, addressed to her and fiancΓ© Prince Harry and understood to contain a racist message, led to a security scare, with specialists rushed in to check the powder. Measures already in place meant the package was intercepted before it reached the couple. Meghan and Harry are understood to have been informed. Officers from the Metropolitan Police’s counter-terrorism command were called in after the letter was received on February 12. It was delivered to St James’s Palace for sorting. Analysis of the powder found it was harmless."

It is both incredibly concerning and saddening to hear Meghan is receiving racist, abusive and threatening letters. For anyone active on social media, this will unfortunately come as no surprise. I've mentioned before, the level of abuse aimed at her is nothing short of horrific. Racism is absolutely rife - both blatant and veiled. It must be hugely difficult for her to contend with this in addition to all the major life changes she's experiencing, and of course to know abhorrent individuals are taking the time to post vile letters. I believe there's so much that needs to be done online and especially on social media to police this in an effective manner. It is unacceptable and cannot be swept under the carpet and allowed to continue.

Just as I was about to hit publish on this post, news came in it has been officially confirmed the Met Police are treating it as a "racist hate crime".


  1. So exciting they will do a tour next fall! I can’t wait to see Meghan doing engagements more regularly. It sounds like their work with the Commonwealth will be a great fit for her as I’m sure she wants an active, hands-on role.

    Incredibly sad and scary about the hate crime. The amount of racism and cruelty that is happening in the world right now (and being promoted by world leaders!!) is frightening.

  2. I am so sorry that she has to experience this kind of hate. She is a lovely person and they look so happy together.

  3. Sadly, I'm not surprised about the hate crime. There seems to be a resurgence of mailing white powder to people and institutions. Makes me wonder about humanity, to be honest.

    But I'm very pleased that Meghan is jumping in with both feet. I had a feeling she would and I'm pleased to see it coming true.

    1. I too was not the least bit surprised by the racist threat. Which in itself is a sad reflection of the world we live in. Unfortunately, this will not be an isolated incident. Meghan will be targeted by racists, terrorists, stalkers, kidnappers and who know what else.

  4. What a great first engagement for the foursome.

  5. I'm so sad that this is happening to her. For what it's worth, she has my support and I'm pulling for her every step of the way. I'm so looking forward to next week's engagement and hearing more from her. I know she'll do well.

    Sending love from Minnesota!

  6. Lovely work as always Charlotte :) I think the Commonwealth role is a fantastic one for Harry, he and Meghan will be a great team. In the Queen's day being royal was enough, but it hasn't been for a long time, especially the farther you get from the throne. Her own sister had trouble, her children had trouble. A dedicated formal role like this for Harry is great thinking.

    The hate crime is awful but not surprising sadly, I have not seen anything quite like this in royal watching before. From the obvious nut jobs to what I think is worse, the ones hiding in plain sight, who make the veiled comments themselves, or actively encourage or interact with some truly hateful and abusive people.

    I hope every decent person will take a stand against it when they see it, whether it be among your friends or enemies. And I hope upstanding journalists will start denouncing it in their ranks. What's been passing for "opinion" columns has contained some of the thinnest code I've ever seen.

    1. I agree, Claudia.

      Robert Jobson got upset today when he was called out for calling a story "cracking". I get what he meant; he was congratulating someone for writing a good story. But Meghan fans didn't quite see it that way; they didn't understand why someone would call a story with that content a "cracking story". I get their point too!

      But some of them need to face their part in creating the climate.

    2. Some of them, as in some of the reporters.

  7. The bad news is bad indeed. I really hope people can come to their senses and realize that we are all fellow travelers on this planet and need to pull together. Any other point of view is madness. Meghan doesn't deserve hate. Nobody does.

    The news about her role in the Royal Foundation is expected and good. It will be most interesting to see what each of the four says in this upcoming event. The idea that she and Harry will expand their visit to Australia to a full tour at the invitation of the government is exciting.

  8. 🌸 They no doubt will be able to trace the letter to the sender with today’s technologies. Racism is evil and reprehensible. I am astonished that it still exists on this planet. Surely the internet can helps us see our similarities and be happy also about our unique difference. So thankful that they intercepted the letter.
    I do hope Doris has plenty of security.

    On a lighter note. Thank you Charlotte for the info on the dresses. That dress is so my style and I would like one in every color. (Yes. I’m THAT person.) And I am not the only one who buys multiples, am I? πŸ˜‰

    And the purse. 12 colors. How does one decide? 😳

    Hugs to you Meghan. I can only imagine what Harry would do if he would catch the sender of that letter.
    Thank heaven for Scotland Yard.

    1. Security will be very high and tight around them especially on the wedding day. I did not know Doria has security protection. I thought she would be more vulnerable as an unprotected private citizen, considering there is a resurgence of extremism in the country where she is living.

      I hope H&M will have a child or two; they will need their own kind of strengthening family power and bond. It is not easy being the first, and in this couple’s case, it is unprecedented in the history BRF to have interracial marriage (I stand corrected if I am wrong). In time, the haters will get over it gradually. The couple themselves, their assistants and PR team will have to be very careful in protecting any discourse between the couple, as most marriages do go through ups and downs. It is that kind of doubtful time window which gives haters to agitate even worse.

    2. Nope!! Once I even bought two grey tops because I loved the way it fit and wanted to make sure I had a back up in case I ruined the first.

    3. 🌸 Anon 15. There was an article awhile back and photos showing a man they said was from the Palace getting out of his pick up truck to approach people who were apparently starting to harass Doria as she was walking her dogs. If that article was true, they probably have provided even more security now. And to be realistic, it may come to Doria moving to London and living, not with Harry and Meghan, but within their secured perimeters. I think that is a distinct possibility. Particularly since she currently lives on the fringe of an area with a lot of racial tension already.

    4. 🌸 Katie. It seems only logical to me, right? :)
      (The fashion industry loves us.) :)

  9. 🌸 So kinda profound when you think about it.
    Harry and Meghan went to the Victoria Palace Theatre, close to “our little cottage” (as Harry calls it) at Kensington Palace (where Victoria grew up) to watch the play about King George III (Harry’s relative) and Alexander Hamilton (an American patriot).
    The British Prince, (great, great.....grandson(?) of Queen Victoria), and his American fiance’, who happens to have performed theatre also. Meghan no doubt has a little different perspective than Harry when watching acting, having been there and done that.
    Same thing when they go Prince Albert Hall, and .....

  10. Well, now perhaps it seems more "understandable" that both her security officers and her wear almost all "black" and are very difficult to "discern" from further away during the walkabouts. And her "ducking" posture that some may have found "strange" (we used to see a different posture on the red carpet) may not be so "strange" after all.... I guess as far as security worries are concerned - we don´t know half of it... So next time we find another "all black" outfit "all boring" - maybe we should think again.... Sad world we are living in...

    1. Eve, I think you are right & for anyone skeptical, the purpose can't be ruled out! I can't even imagine how stressful this is for Harry & Meghan! Not like it's enough to be planning a Royal Wedding, Meghan adapting to a New Country & New Family Business/Becoming Royal & all that entails, Meeting The People of The UK at Official Events.... & not just dealing with all the racist cr*p & meanness that's out there towards her, but having to deal with Real Actual Death Threats & Potential Attempts! They are 2 Very Strong People! Again, The UK & The Commonwealth is Very Lucky To Have Them! xoxo My Deepest Sympathy Goes Out To Them, Along With All My Love & Admiration!! xoxo

    2. As a white woman, I am horrified that racial prejudice is still so prominent in many areas of the world. Meghan is in the process of making so many adjustments to her life…new relationship, new country, new etiquette demands, new expectations. I hope she doesn't start to question if she is doing the right thing. I don't mean marrying Harry; their love is genuine, but rather if she wants to take the path ahead of her. It would be very frightening to make public appearances knowing the hatred out there and wondering if she is a security risk. How I wish the world were a kinder place.

    3. Unfortunately, all senior royals are potential targets and live with this every time they have a public event. The Queen receives death threats often, last year there was an ISIS terrorist threat against Prince George, Harry is a target because he served in Afghanistan…
      Meghan is the same, with the added racist issues.

    4. Becca and Laura, I do so agree with you!! Becca, just READING all the things you stated Meghan is currently doing made me dizzy and feeling overwhelmed (and, I dare say, I´m known for NOT being easily overwhelmed!). Laura, I sincerely hope Meghan can find a way to deal with all of this that is above all "good for HER". I know that Harry will help her as much as possibly possible, and I´m sure she has experienced her fair share of racism in her life so far - still, it must be emotionally VERY stressful and confusing to experience so many "happy people" during the walkabouts and at the same time always having in the back of your mind "somewhere someone might be not so nice". Most definitely, I wish the world were a kinder place, too.....

    5. I agree with Emma in that other members of the RF have been/are being targeted and in MM's case there is the added factor of being bi-racial. (Wasn't there an ISIS threat on W&K's wedding day?) I also believe that jealously plays a huge role here.

  11. The world is full of ignorant and hateful people.

  12. It's so sad to hear that after all the outpouring of love, and positivity, there still remains a fraction of society that feel they can behave in such a vile way ! I hope both Meghan and Harry, embrace the all the positive, and to the best of their ability ignore the narrow minded fraction that wish them ill !
    Exciting news that Meghan will join Harry, W&K on the 28th, I hope we'll get an insight into which charities she will look to spearhead.
    It's building up to be a busy 2018 for them both. With a possible royal tour and Harry taking a lead within the Commonwealth. I'm sure HM couldn't be happier to have both H&M picking up the gauntlet, and carrying on with all her hard work.

  13. Exciting news about the tour and great they had a good night out at a show in town this week. I can't bear the nastiness directed towards Meghan, it's sickening, so I'm proud to be part of a community with you all here from where we can spread the Meghan love as far and wide as possible. Thanks for a great update post

  14. I am so very sorry for her. No matter anyone's outside skin tone we all bleed red; everyone should remember this. I'm raising my 2 grandchildren who happen to be bi-racial, and while I'm not surprised at the nastiness and hate out in the world, I thought we had evolved way beyond this type of behavior. It scares the life out of me for my kids and for her.

  15. it hurts my heart so much nastiness and mischief I have so much trouble for Meghan I hope that is surrounded by a lot of love and that she knows how much she is better than all these racists

  16. Excited to see how/where Meghan will plug into the Royal Foundation. It will be interesting to see how the 4 interact in an official setting.

    Disgusted that such hate continues to exist in society(so many other thoughts but have go back to work).

  17. I am SO excited to see the new Fab Four together!

  18. These sorts of threats and actions are disgusting, to say the least. This sort of action is utterly inexcusable.

  19. Harry & Meghan will be So Wonderful Focusing on The Commonwealth! That will be such a Good Fit & Then Will & Kate can Focus on The UK & The Things They are already Involved in! It's Genius! I Can't Wait To See All 4 of Them Together & Hear All About Their Plans & Ideas! :) xoxo

    1. I'm sorry for the confusion. It's merely an expression of enthusiasm or it's me highlighting points I want to emphasize. It's just my personality coming through. Thank you Gemma & Natalia for your feedback. I will edit myself, as to not cause any confusion or irritation. :)

    2. Keep writing however you wish, Becca! I'm sure they were just curious and don't mean you to change if that makes you happy :)

    3. Gemma & Natalia, After some thought, I have to be honest. Your comments about me & my posting style left me feeling foolish. People, even some here, have used "Random Capitalization" or "All Caps" to emphasize their enthusiasm or upset feelings. I'm a bubbly passionate person. Unless I'm hurting anyone, I do not want to feel that I have to edit or change myself, in order to not feel mocked or foolish. I'm sorry it's hard for you to read my comments. You didn't have to read them! Initially I thought you were trying to be helpful, but then I realized it wasn't helpful feedback. Rather, you were calling my out in a public forum & mocking me about the way I choose to express myself! There's really no way to spin asking someone why they post & express themselves in a certain fashion making it hard to read, (as well as saying you thought I was typing in Code?) without it being an insult. Constructive Criticism is one thing, but it didn't seem like you were trying to be constructive. Instead, you both were pointing out something "Weird" in my style of expressing myself. Unfortunately I no longer feel conformable continuing to post! I will continue reading Charlotte's Wonderful Coverage, but will no longer post.

    4. Becca, I will be honest and say sometimes the capitalisation does make your posts hard to read for me, however, I don't think it's anyone's place to tell you how to express yourself. I think those comments have been removed and if they weren't meant I the spirit of helpfulness I am glad they were. But I wouldn't let two people stop you posting here, and if you want to be Enthusiastic then I Think You Should be Enthusiastic!

    5. Becca, Becca, Becca. PLEASE don’t “leave”.
      If those people were bullying, DON’T LET THEM WIN. 😳
      A lot of us have received criticisms here. Some mean and targeted comments. DON’T give anyone the satisfaction of finding success in bullying.
      Pleeeease. ❤️

      (Caps most certainly used on purpose.)

    6. Dear Becca USA, yes, others use all caps and many exclamation points and smiley symbols to show their excitement. I hope you keep posting and post however you feel like posting.

    7. Hi Katie, I wanted to thank you for your gracious kindness towards me. Your words meant so much to me, especially at a time when I felt foolish & confused.

      I wanted to also explain to anyone that reads this, that there was another reason why I was so upset by what was said to me. I think we all have a universal understanding that on any given day, none of us know what is going on in each other's lives.Thus we don't know what might have lead someone to be easily upset or extra sensitive to someone else's remarks. Well, the day that I received these comments, was just that sort of day. The news about Meghan & the letter kind of wigged me out. Let me explain... I come from a CIA Family. Covert in nature. I do not ever remember a time when I was not aware of spies or spy craft. There are things that we have known or fretted about as an extended family that others would see in a movie or read in a book & think it was made up. So I felt sick when I heard about Meghan & the relevant alert level. I've stayed away from anything negative about her, so I've had my head in the sand. I hadn't realized the threat level had reached this margin. The normal level of upset I would feel about her suffering, from just mean gossip with racist undertones immediately advanced to me feeling so upset at the danger. Then to be accused of potentially typing in "Code"? Well that really happens! It's used all the time, in newspapers & other public forums to send messages. So with me already upset about the level of danger that exists for Meghan, the suggestion that I was typing "In Code" left me sick to my stomach! This is not a joking matter! When someone is in danger, you don't throw around accusations about someone else typing in "Code"! It's just not ok! We live in dangerous times & there are certain things that no one should say! If you think someone is doing something dangerous like that, then bring it to Charlotte's attention so it can be pursued. This is not a time to play around. This is serous stuff. Thanks for hearing me out.

    8. Eve Massachusetts25 February 2018 at 14:03

      Please don’t stop commenting Becca. You are such a generous and honest commenter and obviously looking at some of the comments, would be much missed!!! By me too. These are very very tough times and above all we need to value each other. I do you.
      Thank you for reading.

    9. Becca, please don’t stop commenting :( Put a gazillion capitals if you wish! I always enjoy seeing you here on Charlotte’s blogs x

    10. Please don't go Becca! Your posts are so much a part of this page & I look out for them every time I visit. Separately, I think Meghan may have met some of these negative attitudes before and has her own strategies for dealing with them. I thought as soon as they said they were marrying at Windsor Castle that would help with security and the potential extra level of unpleasantness some might wish to voice. That said, that is one ling carriage ride they are going to take!

    11. Yesterday (the 24th), within the time frame I wanted to respond, the reply button was frozen. I tried it for other “reply” on this same blog to test, it was still frozen (may be it was my mouse acting up). Better late than never and here is my two cents.

      Once I became accustomed to your caps, I found it complementary to your enthusiasm. You happen to confirm that as well.

      Where is Becca USA? Now when you write the “standard” way, it feels flat until I get used to tour posts the “standard way”. You have been on this blog for as long as I can remember, and never read any objection from anyone regarding your style. In my opinion, even those who questioned it here, might have done so out of curiosity. The question about, do you write in “codes” was, well…? Between probing, funny and whatever else one makes out of it, sorry it bothered you. I hope you will continue to post your comments. I especially like your quick updates on some movies you have watched or books you have read. I think you are among those commenters who are real fun of royals. It is nice to see people find enthusiasm in what they really like and enjoy.

    12. Becca, you have nothing, zero, nada to feel foolish about. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being a happy and positive person...and that's exactly what comes through in your remarks. :-)

    13. This has been such a strange experience. First of all I can't even express how surprised & touched I was by the gracious way you ladies reached out to me. I smiled & even laughed. (love the "caps" humor lol)! I wanted to respond, but it's all been a bit of a puzzle to me processing what I experienced & figuring why it bothered me so much? When I first saw the comments aimed at me, I thought it best to take the high road & thank them for their input & change the way I commented. However, I was left with a nagging feeling that stayed with me. It took a bit, but then I realized that:
      1) I did feel like there was a sense of "bullying" about the way they said what they did. While I'm open to constructive criticism or feedback, I didn't feel right to just take what they said & change myself & how I express myself.
      2) What also bothered me, was that while I've witnessed some heated debates & disagreements since 2011..... I had never recalled witnessing a poster picking at another poster personally, or making a joke of the way one expressed themselves. It left me feeling like a line had been crossed. If I rolled over & took it, that would be me saying that I thought it was ok for them to attack me, or anyone else on a personal level, instead of just regarding one's opinions. I felt like that was a new slippery & dangerous slope.
      3) I was still left upset & confused. I wan't clear what else it was that was leaving me so off kilter. It wasn't until I discussed it with my husband, that he immediately caught the bit about "The Code" & said.... Honey, I think it's this that's still upsetting you. (wise man)
      4) Thus I felt I should share that it wasn't just some bullying about capitalization that threw me off. The Code accusation did really upset me. All this danger is so real & I guess I know too much about these things. There are just some things for each of us, that are no joking matter, & shouldn't be thrown about lightly.
      Thank you All for your thoughtful, touching & funny words, as you reached out to me. I must admit, it pained me to think of no longer being a part of this community. Especially with all The Royal Events to celebrate this year. It's like catnip to a cat! :) It's much more meaningful to share it all with you, rather than on my own. Your graciousness really warmed my heart. I was & am so touched! So while it may take me a beat or two to get my balance back, please consider me still part of the DKB/MAM Family. xoxo

    14. Becca, please remember there are a lot of us out here who enjoy your comments very much! I am sorry you had to experience that. ❤

    15. This is an international forum, some people don’t speak English impeccably. I’m completely surprised that the word code is apparently problematic in the US.

    16. Dear Becca, I have always looked forward to your comments with Capitalisation! They have become a part of what I like about both blogs. I would really miss you! Hope you can get your Peace and Joy Back Soon! :)

  20. It will be nice to see the four of them together, especially as Kate's leave approaches. (I thought for sure she would finish up February and hie off to nest, but I see on Charlotte's Kate blog that she is scheduled for an event on March 6.) I imagine it's getting pretty exciting in KP with everything going on. And I am very excited to hear how they are all going to play a role in the Foundation going forward.
    Fun that they went to Hamilton; remember that Meghan went in 2016 with Priyanka Chopra, memorialized on social media (hence all the speculation about their friendship/wedding invites etc.).
    I don't have anything to add about the nasty, racist attacks on their happiness. People should be ashamed of themselves to think, talk, and act this way in 2018. I imagine that for Meghan (as for those of us who are woc), this is unfortunately neither the first nor last time that racism will rear its ugly head/ass. But I think she and Harry will prevail.
    I look forward to the next happy photographs!!

    1. Thanks, Charlotte, for adding the Instagram from MM to the post!! Cool Beans!

    2. Thank you! I had no idea Meghan saw Hamilton before :)

  21. I keep writing and then rewriting about the hate crime. The world is about 10% European ancestry white, I read, but some are desperate to inflict pain on others to boost themselves up. I live in Texas, near Dallas, and this is a very racist area. At least she has the full support and protection of the RF.

    I had been thinking that things have changed so much for all people who are high profile. I imagine the Queen used to feel safe mingling with crowds, and how delightful that must have been for the world to not have to keep people behind lines of protection officers. I bet the whole family worries when they leave home it's just terrible.

    Love the whole post---it is very interesting, from "Hamilton" to those wonderful black pants. :)

    1. Sadly you have hate crimes and then the same tactics used for non racial reasons, but for political or religious etc. The very very horrible downside to being wealthy, a public figure, or a celebrity is they all bring out the nuts...seriously, Meghan has most likely been getting awful stuff for ever, I am sure the Queen, Catherine, William, Charles, Camilla, and Harry not too mention everyone else tin the BRF, the US Government etc etc gets awful emails, letters, threats, powders, sent on a sadly regular basis.

    2. Annette New Zealand26 February 2018 at 08:32

      Actually the British royal family have not been totally "safe" in the past. The Queen was shot at while riding back after a Trooping of the Colour ceremony and IRA terrorists tried to kidnap Princess Anne in the Mall. Queen Victoria survived several assassination attempts and last century several members of European Royal families died that way. Mingling with crowds to shake hands is quite a recent practice.

    3. 🌸 Yep. Queen Victoria escaped 8 attacks and Queen Elizabeth also had someone break into her bedroom twice I believe.

      With Princess Anne, one man was killed when the kidnap attack was made. Probably the only thing that saved her life was that “Anne/Prince Phillip” stubbornness as she refused to get out of the vehicle when they told her to. She replied, “No. Why should I?” She had a very logical perspective. Thankfully.

  22. Tammy from California22 February 2018 at 21:56

    First, I LOVE the Royal Foundation and am very excited to see how this next generation of royals takes it. So exciting!

    Next: I KNOW I am naive to this because I am a white woman: it just SHOCKS me when racism happens. It FLOORS me. I just don't understand how ANYONE thinks someone else is "less than" because they are a different race and vice versa: (maybe even more so) that someone would think they are "better than" because of their race. I.JUST.DON'T.GET.IT. It's the most idiotic thing I can think of that exists. Truly. We are ALL miracles, ALL OF US and I wish the world would look through those eyes: that it is truly amazing that 2 cells come together to make a human. We are beautiful and unique and PERFECT, EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US.

    1. Race is not based on biology, science. It’s actually a social concept, originating in the 1800’s, and the idea of an inferior race a justification for slavery. Race is only the categorization of people based on their physical traits. Why is there even the need to categorize people? People - HUMAN BEINGS? We are all human beings. Today racism is way for the unhappy and miserable, hopeless, dispirited, depressed, angry etc. etc. to feel better about themselves, to feel powerful, to feel superior. It exists only in the minds of those unfortunate people. How ignorant they are not to realize race is not even real.

    2. But Tammy, racism is quite real. We have a POTUS who has made several racist statements. Yet he has a lot of support among people, many of whom frequent this board. It is quite easy to tell what people believe on issues of the day just from comments on Kate itself.

    3. Just that article on Meghan's hugs by Jan Moir in Daily Fail - that had an edge of viciousness that is reserved for people one truly hates. I don't think they have ever written such brutal articles on Kate.

    4. Race is a relatively recent social concept, not based on biology or science, and the notion of an inferior race originates with slavery and the justification for it. It's the categorization of people based on physical traits.....but why is this categorization even needed? We are all human beings, and there are just as great genetic differences within one race as between separate races. This categorization of HUMAN BEINGS only divides people. Do racists realize that race is not even a real thing? They need to educate themselves and learn that there are NO DIFFERENCES between us and stop using race as an outlet for their own misery, anger and low self-esteem.

    5. Rosman - thanks for mentioning the Jan Moir article. I just read it and was shocked at the hatred for Meghan while claiming to 'love and adore' her. No opportunity for comments on the website but those that can should call Moir down for such an unkind article.

    6. Exactly. Racism exists, unfortunately, but races do not. I am shocked that you have to identify with a given race in the US. Meghan left the answer blank, as I am sure many people of her generation do. For almost everyone has a mixture of origins. There is no "pure" race. People travel, meet, fall in love, and have for decades. One step to stop racism is to show there is only one race, the human race.

    7. 🌸 Pam. Racism was further encouraged and proliferated by Darwin writing that people of color were less evolved than other ethnicities, particularly caucasians. Hmmph. His ridiculous thesis on that had an historical and huge part in promoting racism. Not enough people seem to be aware of his absurd writings on that.

    8. You don’t have to identify a race in the US. Left the answer blank on what? Demographic information is always voluntarily collected on any survey type document. It is illegal to solicit it otherwise. Race and racism may be social constructs but that doesn’t make them any less real. In the US studies are done on economic, health, educational, and other ineuqalities on the basis of race. This is important work as there are many of us who do not want to ever see groups oppressed on the basis of race. But the reality is it happens, social construct or not, so it is important to acknowledge and track and study as this is the way to work towards solutions. The problem with the “we are all one human race” argument is that this is not actually the lived experience of oppressed minority groups, and to be honest it can be quite patronizing to suggest it. With a racist criminal justice system, racist law enforcement, racist health access, the list goes on and on, it is important to acknowledge the reality of race if for no other reason than to combat those issues.

    9. 🌸 P.S. For anyone who hasn’t read Darwin’s thesis on racism you mind find it very helpful in understanding how the thrust of racism was aided by it.

    10. America I have never 'ticked'a box...but I noticed that whenever I have left it open (at doctors' office etc) they have ticked it for me. Also I refused to tick it for my son & the school informed me that "they would determine" his race if I didn't in the USA your race is a demographic they like to "know"...

    11. Tammy from California26 February 2018 at 02:31

      @Anon 19:09: I really like what you wrote "People travel, meet, fall in love, and have for decades. One step to stop racism is to show there is only one race, the human race." It's exactly how I feel. Wonderful post.

    12. Replying to anon about checking the box. Of course institutions like to know. For all the reasons I listed. It is important for public policy decision making including health, education, criminal justice reform. I actually always check any boxes that apply and encourage others to do the same. Information is power. Accurate information even more so. Change comes about when problems can be examined in real terms. It is legal in certain circumstances to “visually identify” for aggregate reporting purposes, but these determinations are never tied to the individual. The federal government is quite clear about this. Source: I am a lawyer for the federal government. For anyone in the USA I do encourage filling out these forms (including the census) as such critical public policy is shaped on this knowledge. There’s nothing inherently nefarious about it. And you do have the voluntary choice to do it or not.

    13. There are legitimate factors as you have stated, but it can also be parallel universes existing same time. The data the government collects for a purpose, and the one the employer determines their decision at their own discretion to meet their business needs and / or their own bias. I believe some, if not all, employers use the “ticked” collected data along with what they want in employees. I think if employers have to meet a quota for whatever reason, they also use the information.

  23. I wonder when will Harry and Meghan pop up in Northern Ireland? This visit will not be announced in advance, so we’ll get a nice surprise sighting.

  24. 🌸 Apparently the same kind of letter was sent to Amber Rudd, Home Secretary Parliment the day after Meghan’s letter. Why would they send a similar to her?
    I know nothing about her.

    Hannah Furness, The Telegraph, “Prince Harry and Meghan Markle”, 2/22/18.

  25. How exciting to see Harry's planned role going forward. What an opportunity for him and Meghan to do good and present the younger face of Britain.
    I grew up in the American segregated south, and I also remember photos of President Harry Truman strolling the sidewalks on Pennsylvania Avenue and waving to passing motorists. The streets around our White House are closed to traffic now and the world is a very different place.
    I don't doubt the racially motivated hate is real, but Melania Trump also received a packet of harmless white powder. This might simply be a different kind of attack. Doesn't make it right.

  26. Thank you, Charlotte, for the many updates today.

    I so look forward to seeing Harry and Meghan's many accomplishments - individually, as a couple, and as part of the Fab Four. And of course, I'd love-love-love to see them on a royal tour as well. Excitement! :)

    As for the troubling news... Skin color and race are just two of the numerous criteria that make up a complete person. Far more important are criteria that have nothing to do with physical appearance, such as one's work ethic and integrity.

  27. Soooo sorry that Ms Markle is a victim of what has been confirmed as a “racist hate crime”. Racism has always been in the world, just suppressed, on some level. Acts of racism is not new to Ms Markle, having a mother who is Black. But still, why should a person be threatened and ostracized just because of the color(s) of his or her skin (mixed race)? Clearly, the skin color is an issue for God, and clearly this is my opinion. The white powder was not authenticated but what an awful thing to do, even if it’s a joke. Thanks, Charlotte for all the updates. Praying for the world.����


    Anthrax threats are not uncommon including the USA. From the telegraph article, there was also some communication in the letter which categorized it as malicious “racist communication”. The powder itself was minimal and found to be harmless. At the rate there had been thousands of hate comments especially on DM site for whatever reason and including racism, the couple will be tasted of their relationship. I think the worst threat of anthrax is if ingested. This is a reminder of the ancient royal or aristocratic culture of having a cook who will also be the food taster right in front of “the powerful” and “the threatened”.

    I wish them well. The best part is they keep on going. Love is more powerful than hate.

  29. We do live in a sad world. This is not leaving a good legacy for our children & grandchildren if we don’t stop being so disrespectful of each other. I feel so sorry for Meghan at this beautiful time of her life to have such hurtful & fearful incidents. But I am really looking forward to their visit to us “down under” later in the year.

    1. Annette New Zealand23 February 2018 at 09:16

      A very big percentage of New Zealanders are of mixed race, but even here there are a few nasty people who are racist unfortunately. We do have legislation here which makes it an offence to make racist statements and also a race relations Commissioner whose role is to foster good race relations. We must make sure it is always unacceptable to say or write such things so always speak up if you can.

    2. 🌸 Annette. San Diego has many ethnicities as do so many places today. I had never experienced racism until about a year ago when I went a little south of here for a business appointment. The neighborhood there was mostly people of color. I went into the reception area. There were people of color there. To my surprise, and sadness almost to tears, I got hate stares from more than one person of color in that room. (At first I thought maybe I had forgotten an article of clothing or something.) I didn’t hate back because there was no hate on my part. I have a lot of friends of different ethnicities including people of color. I just wanted to say to them. “Don’t hate me. I love you.” And maybe I should have said that in a socially appropriate way but I was taken aback and didn’t think to say that although I certainly felt that love in my heart.
      As I processed all that on my way home, I realized that they had obviously been hurt somehow by caucasians, and that’s why they tried to stare me down. It was just sad. And so unnecessary. If they had just been able to look beyond my skin tone I think we could have had some laughs and good conversations. :)
      I feel so badly for how Meghan is being treated and, again, I am sure Harry has made sure somehow that Doria stays safe. Racism makes absolutely no sense to me and seems so antithetical to the beautiful diversity that God designed for us all, and although I have never been oppressed like people of color have been and are, the only answer I know is that love never fails. And love is a choice. Not always an easy choice but it is a choice available to everyone.

  30. So many exciting upcoming events, I am quite impressed. The cooperation for the Royal Foundation and involvement in the upkeep of the Commonwealth will be important cornerstones for Harry and Meghan in years to come. It is probably quite good for Meghan, that Harry is already I his royal role, there will be less talk of them being work shy etc. I do hope they take some time off to renovate a beautiful Palace apartment and country house, that will be VERY interesting! I love their date night, it sounds very special. The hate mail is unacceptable. Whether the content is harmful or not, the thought of someone wanting to harm you remains, it is very uncomfortable for both Meghan and Harry and for all of the royals.

  31. Intrigued By Royals23 February 2018 at 03:34

    I am so appalled that people think themselves better than someone else because of what color their mother or father was. Meghan has made such an impact on the world stage even before she met Harry that it is obvious she is going to be a real asset to the BRF. They are lucky to have her! People just stop hating!!! You have better things to do!

  32. Meghan has a good head on her shoulders and unfortunately, I bet she isn't the least bit surprised to see racist hate mail showing up. She grew up as a woman of color in the USA, I'm sure she knew things like this would happen. I imagine Harry is having a fit. People are so disgustingly racist, even today, and I hope that Meghan and other strong women like her will move us forward.

  33. The anthrax scare is disturbing, to say the least - but not surprising, unfortunately. I think Meghan is a very strong woman & with Harry’s support, they won’t let these hateful attacks hinder their progress in making a difference. I love that Harry will be given a prominent role in the Commonwealth - very exciting times! I’m hoping I’ll get to see them when they come down under :) The last time I saw Harry, he was “single” & I really thought, “now here’s my chance to snag a prince!”, but alas it was not meant to be :P But I’m so glad he found Meghan, who I think is his true soulmate πŸ’•

    1. 🌸 If you haven’t already, I think you will still “snag a Prince”, Kiwi Gal. A “nice” Prince. My best wishes go forth for that. πŸ™‚

    2. Aww, thanks for that, surfer girl! x I hope so :)

  34. I applaud you, Charlotte, for taking a stand and using your platform to yet again denounce these crude, vile, and racist acts of hate. Thank you for standing up for decency, the common good, and what is right. Many people do not. :( You are leading by example!

    1. +1!!!! Agree 1000%!!

    2. Well said Lauren! Your entire comment says it all.
      It takes courage and integrity to stand firmly for one's belief and express it especially without being anonymous. Charlotte had done that in the past too, and continues to lead by example.

    3. 🌸 I thank you and commend you also, Charlotte,
      for taking a clear and certain stand against racism. ❤️

  35. I am shocked by the level of hate for this young woman. It's not just racism either. I am reading claims that she was an escort, that this is her 3rd marriage, and things that I simply cannot repeat here. The British people seem to especially dislike her. Is it because she's an American? This is not the first time a prince has married an actress. Think Grace Kelly. And she had quite the checkered past. I am hoping that Meghan resists the temptation to read these articles. Who wouldn't be wounded by such things? I do hope that love does indeed conquer all.

    1. BethNY - sadly with the advent of 'social media' people have come to the opinion that they can say whatever they want while hiding behind the 'security' of a computer. They type on a screen what they would never have the nerve to say to ones face. We should take the opportunity to continue supporting Prince Harry & Meghan as best we can.

    2. Only vile people can make such hateful comments. I simply don’t read them.

  36. πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ Fan23 February 2018 at 14:30

    Charlotte, I have followed both of your blogs for years and am a big fan — thanks ! I am sending you this message now to see if you wanted to let everyone know that Dover Publications (US) is publishing a Harry and Meghan colouring book and Paperdoll book (I collect Paperdolls so am thrilled by this as it is by my favourite Paperdoll artist !). I am a technical neophyte so don’t know how to insert a link, and don’t really want this to appear with the more serious racist discussions. I’m hoping you can update your blog with proper information and photos from their website ? Thanks ! Jan

  37. I'm deeply saddened by not only this physical threat but also the past mental attacks Meghan has had to endure. Before threatening her safety, Meghan was attacked by political groups both in the UK and the US. When I saw Meghan give that lady a hug in Scotland I knew it was not just a simple hug. After the UK press and political groups and her own family have bullied her and gas lighted her I knew that hug was also for her. This lady told Meghan how much her words meant to her and you could see how emotional that made her. After a sustained and ongoing period of bullying I now know why Meghan seemed close to tears.

    She has done NOTHING to deserve this amount of abuse NOTHING! I hope and pray that Meghan and Harry are able to draw strength from each other.

  38. Every now and then I read a not-Charlotte's-blog item online about Kate or Princess Beatrice or Harry and the comments are always vile. There are always sickening comments being made, and being biracial is just one extra detail to attack. I think it is a generational thing---each generation gets a teeny bit better. In the US, a majority of people approve of gay marriage, but imagine the reaction in the 1950s. And though being biracial is still a target of some people, I remember a particular year of American Idol when almost all of the women were biracial, and were exceedingly attractive. I guess this progress does make one wonder who got left behind! Can't even say it is the uneducated, but it is definitely the people who need to hate to make themselves feel more important.

    I had two questions that I would love for anyone to answer. First, the Queen has been dressing in the most amazing and beautiful outfits for some time now---does anyone know if she ever gives away some of her clothes? Or does she repeat outfits very often?

    And why do Kate and Meghan generate so much attention while the other members do not? Is it because they are new to the RF or simply because they are such nice and interesting people? Is it also because their "job" is to help people, while RF members who are not paid to do so, like Beatrice and Eugenie, see less interesting because they do not spend the majority of their time in public work? Just wondering here in Texas. :)

    1. The Queen repeats clothes all the time. Some of her more every day clothes are anonymously donated to charity shops, but the vast majority is kept in storage. There are regularly exhibitions of her outfits and hats.

    2. Kate and Meghan are relatively young, "common", and thus new entities to the BRF, and pretty so people take an interest. People like the fairy tale nature of their stories and there's additional interest for Kate since she's the future Queen Consort and mother of the future monarch.

      Also, and this is important, there was always going to be extra investment in who the prince's married and how the relationships worked out because of their parents' story.

    3. Thank you, Gemma! I see her only no and then but really like her clothes and hats! Some are almost art. I'm glad to know she repeats them---they are so pretty that it would be a shame to see them only once.

    4. Mimi, I read that the "letter" was sent right before the Feb 13 engagement. I do think MM was feeling a little emotional and to have someone actually say she heard MM's speech and that it changed her direction in life---MM must have been so grateful to hear such words. Everyday, we hear a report of MM's authenticity---today it's a former mediation instructor. The word is full of racism, slavery (and even of one race against the same race), hatred, jealousy, and just plain evil. If you can help one person, you will have done a lot to help. MM wants to help and already has. We're all so lucky that she loves Harry.

    5. Why do Kate and Meghan get so much attention? A good question. First of all, they are both attractive women. When I think back to HM´s children, it was Charles, who was in the spotlight - as heir to the throne. And then it was Andrew - as he was considered to be the most attractive one at the time!
      Now, Kate obviously is in the limelight because she will be Queen consort one day - special position. Meghan is "very interesting", particularly in this moment, because she is going to marry Harry. Both are interesting because they are married/will get married to Diana´s sons. Plus, Meghan is the first "bi-racial" (writing the word makes me cringe already!!) woman to marry into the BRF, then she´s American, some might add a divorcee - ample reason to focus on her!!
      My impression is that both Beatrice and Eugenie "suffered" a little bit because of the overwhelming popularity of Diana, whereas both Andrew and Sarah, well, lost most of their original popularity over time....ahem....
      All this, I have to add, is said by a royal fan living in Germany, British people might think/experience it differently...
      Hope it helps a little bit! :-)))))

    6. Eve, I do wonder if we would care as much if they were not so attractive, but I think I would have liked Kate even if she were not so perfect physically! I do like Zara a lot, but the idea of Diana's sons finding someone to make them happy is just so appealing. Analyzing it further, though, I think I would not care about them if Kate or Meghan had no ambition other than to be royal. The fact that they want to make people's lives better and are also willing to make a single person's lives better through a kind gesture is what draws me to watch their every move. :) I loved that the palace sent super royal fan (Terry, I think is his name) a birthday cake during the wait for Charlotte to be born. Thanks for your thoughts!!

    7. Maggie - Minneapolis24 February 2018 at 23:48

      I think the attention has a lot to do with diana. William and Harry got a lot of love bc of who their mother is and the tragic way she was treated in her marriage by the BRF and then the even more tragic way she died so early and running from paparazzi. They were young boys when all that happened, which of course deservedly got them even more sympathy and popularity. And as diana's sons, their own choice of love interest had always been guaranteed to get so much attention. And of course kate as future queen brings even more interest. But I think it most has to do with diana, and ofc their Royal romances blossoming along with the advent of the internet and all the change it's brought to how we receive the news writ large and abt the royals specifically.

    8. Maggie - Minneapolis24 February 2018 at 23:50

      Plus after almost all of the Queen's children failing pretty badly in their first marriage, I think ppl are eager for the typical happily ever after that gets idealized in out childhood fairytale. And the media plays along.

    9. I think it is also largely because they are gorgeous women. Diana, Kate and Meghan are all exceedingly beautiful and have a glamor quotient that is unusual. Women who are not above-average in looks don't get this much attention - that is a fact. Princess Anne being an example. Or Zara or Beatrice or Eugenie.

    10. In relation to the York sisters, I think it was a mistake not to give Eugenie and Beatrice official royal duties. They get such a bad press, because they don’t appear to work very hard. Charles apparently did not want to give them an official role. Considering the age of the senior royals,the two Princesses could have helped the Queen so much in the last few years. They have a confused role, in being a princess but expected to hold down a “normal “ job. I think if they were seen carrying out royal duties, they would get a much more positive press. They are educated and attractive and could have brought attention to many charities and causes if they were allowed. Sinead

    11. Allison, generally speaking, I believe the interest has to do with age, looks, relatability, and fashion. As far as William (Kate) and Harry (Meghan) are concerned, I believe it has to do with the interest in them as being "Diana's boys." People are eager to see the next chapter unfold.

    12. Rosman, I respect your point, but isn't outer beauty subjective, as it is in the eye of the beholder? I believe physical beauty is only one component of a woman or man who is held in high regard or considered beautiful. Beauty should include ones heart, soul, character, and contributions to family, community, etc. As some posters in this post noted, there are people who judge beauty or acceptability by outward appearance based on their own criteria or beliefs. Combine that with social media, photoshop, cosmetic surgery--then what is the criteria for judging people from any ethnicity, origin or race can be viewed as universally beautiful?

  39. Charlotte. What is your e-mail? I have a photo to send you that I think you will appreciate. :)

  40. For every negative thing done or said there are many many times more good things done and said by loving people. I usually say a prayer for those who have such pain in their lives that feel compelled to spread it to others. And then after that prayer I turn almost all of my focus on all the love that really does exist in the world and all of the positivity being directed at Harry and Meghan. The good is there and it grows in the world as we let it grow in our hearts. Whatever is projected out to the world begins with feelings inside of each of us. Be intensely aware of what is going on inside of you because it will come out and affect the world whether you want it to or not.

    I hope Meghan and those close to her who are in charge of her physical well-being do whatever it takes to guard her while the rest of us guard our own hearts and not allow the pain and hate of others to penetrate us and change our insides.

    Focus on love and if it still bothers you then channel it to positive actions. Write a kind letter to someone who you think might need it, talk to your children about how we are all one and what we do to others is what we do to ourselves, reach out, spread smiles.

    This world will not be rid of such pain and hate for a very long time if ever so it comes down to how will you handle it. Do you answer with anger, fear, and resentment or with love and kindness?

    Turn a negative into a positive by focusing on love and positive actions. We get what we focus on whether we want it or not. I remain very aware of the atrocious actions by many humans, but I will not let it be my focus. I will take what they meant to be something that spreads hate and I will use their actions to become even more loving and more positive and that includes sending love to the perpetrator. I will not let seeds of hate grow in my heart.

    Here's to you two lovebirds, Harry & Meghan! I am so very thankful there are people in the world like you. ❤

    1. Hear hear, florida girl!!! I agree with you completely! Such a beautiful post <3 <3

    2. Thank you, Florida Girl. You put into words what I try to do each day. I don't always succeed and this post is a timely reminder to try harder, that it's the right thing to do.

  41. I agree 100%; thanks Charlotte, for using your blog, to take a stand against racism. “Surfer girl”, what you experienced is what has been termed “reverse racism”. The stares could represent differing opinions based on the situation. The stares you received could say, “you don’t want us in your neighborhood, why are you down here in ours(?)”. In another situation, a stare could say, “for years you all have talked about our nappy hair, kinky hair and braids, now YOU wear braids(?) Go figure”. Another good stare is “you are disgusted with my skin color, so why bother to get a tan(?)”. Yes, racism can take on many forms. I know because I am a woman of color. I have lived through overt acts of racism. Being an object of racism is like having a cancer eating away at you. You have to choose how to handle these abuses. For me, the best way has been intelligently, non-violently and with the “unconditional” love of God. Dr Martin Luther King, Jr is one of my heroes. One of his quotes is a favorite of mine: “I have decided to stay with LOVE. Hate is too big a burden to bear”.
    Praying for the world and actively involved in making the world a better place for all people.πŸ™πŸ½✝️🌎.

    1. Maggie - Minneapolis24 February 2018 at 23:40

      Actually, it's really important to not term this reverse racism. What surfer girl experienced at worst would be prejudice. Racism requires prejudice but also power. Racism is structural, or systemic. It is prejudice that actually causes structural inequity like economic or social inequity. Black people, or Latinos, or Chinese ppl, can all act prejudicially against white people, but none of those groups have the power to be racist tow white ppl bc their prejudice doesn't result in structurally white ppl hurting in any way. I just wanted to point this out bc while I agree with much of what you've said, I think most ppl think of racism as what is actually prejudice, and the difference bw the two and the nuance there is critical to being able to ever change the world in a positive way to rid it of racism. Because if we jst call all prejudice racism, that means we are treating prejudice of white ppl against black ppl the same as prejudice of black ppl against white ppl. And I would hope that we can all agree that the former is much much more prevalent and dangerous than the latter. And so treating then as the same would Mae it impossible to significantly decrease racism,and thus my mentioning something that may seen like just semantics but actually isn't.

      Tho there's also the separate question of if we should even call it prejudice when the oppressed treat their oppressors with distrust.

    2. Racism is systemic mechanism for economic class hierarchy, and a power to control in my opinion. Racism by definition and action is also a bias against a different race which is a learnt form of hate. A person is so conditioned to look down or hate certain races from society; it becomes an acceptable attitude within a family, clan and social circle. It can also come from experience of the oppressor being a certain race, and the oppressed is conditioned to hate / this is also racism in my opinion. In a way the “reverse racism” mentioned above is a reality. (English definition restricts it to superiority over another race. To hate a certain race, superior, or inferior, is still racism).

      Google definition of racism: Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

      Google definition prejudice: Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.

      Prejudice can be against a number of things which also by law is discriminatory if carried applied against national origin, age, disability etc.

      Depending who owns the gold, and makes the rules, businesses owned by races other than white do exercise systemic racism against each other’s races and including whites. The difference for whites is they have a much better chance of opportunity not to have been in that circumstance except in some cases.

      Some of the attack against Megan is racism although the individual has no systemic control to affect her life. In some cases, it is also prejudice against her because of her national origin.

    3. I agree anon 15. I think if we want to tackle racism globally, the definition of it must be kept simple, as you said: Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. If power enters the equation, the message is blurred.
      I am sure you didn't mean it that way, Maggie, but you seemed to justify racism if one is oppressed. I think it is dangerous, because it is easy to feel one is a victim and allowed to hate. For instance, one argument to justify racism is " they take our jobs " Many hate crimes have their origin in feeling robed or oppressed by foreigners. Or even more tragically, think about Rwanda. Hate spreads like fire if you believe you are a victim.
      I think you agree the hate directed to Meghan is racism, not prejudice, even she if is in a powerful place and as a future member of the RF could be viewed as an oppressor?

    4. H.
      I am glad you brought it up so other people don’t misunderstand it either. The statement in my first sentence was based on the roots of reasons for slavery. It started for economic prosperity which translated to “power” in most cases. Still the daring to force Africans out of their comfort territory had to do with the superior vs inferior concept of racism. The fact that there continued to be systemic racism once again has to do with control of power in one form or another. Economic power had been attained within the last century through education, sport, and skill by the oppressed in a lesser proportion to the “ruling majority or population”.

  42. 🌸 Thank you for your comments, Marcia.❤️
    Afterwards I did feel a little silly at letting my feelings be hurt like that. It’s small potatoes compared to what each of them have experienced their whole lives no doubt. And I did think about that. And I did pray.
    So sorry you have ever had to experience racism.
    As Christians, we know who is behind evil and that the battle is a spiritual one. I join you in your prayers and I also do what I can to try to make the world a better place. Prayer bring the first thing. In addition, sometimes all it takes to help someone is sowing a smile into someone’s life or giving them a word of encouragement. No act of kindness is ever wasted. Of that I am convinced. xoxo

  43. Sorry for my duplicate comments above thought the first one didn’t go through

  44. Thanks, prayer partner (Surfer girl). We have a lot to pray about. πŸ™πŸ½✝️πŸŒŽπŸ’•

  45. Melissa, you're absolutely right. It's not "just" white people continuing to enjoy white privilege but it's about countries whose "leaders" fight against either their own citizens (remember the Japanese Americans in WW II and many current groups in the US) or groups who have found their way to another country for a better life or just to have a life at all. With some people realizing that skin color can be a characteristic just like height, hair color, etc, more people are having biracial families and then the very pathetic want to retain some "pure" dominions (think Hitler). Melissa, I think some things are better but some are worse, and we need leaders who will continue to preach justice and fairness. Maybe in 2020. :) When I worked at Harvard many many years ago, our little group had no people of color. Finally a woman from Jamaica was hired to answer the telephone. She was the smartest, prettiest, and most mature of us all, and she knew exactly what as going on but she needed a job. Everyone was very polite to her and even friendly, but she knew she would remain the telephone answerer while people younger than her but white (like myself) would be groomed to be promoted. I guess MM is not surprised either, and I hope her presence gives some hope to all those she encounters in the UK who are of color. Sometimes you need to see a person who is like you to know that they truly have no prejudicial thoughts.

  46. I'm saddened (but not surprised) at what's happening to Meghan. I'm glad this conversation about racism is happening here in the comments. Allison, Marcia, Melissa and Surfer Girl, thank you for your well-thought out comments and grace. Thank you, Charlotte, for highlighting this.

    I'm so happy Meghan is going to have a platform in the royal family. I am happily married to an amazing African American man and have two bi-racial daughters. Now, they will see a strong woman of color in a high position, and that makes me so happy.

    Love and blessings to everyone here. And my prayers go out for Meghan.

    1. Thank you for your post. I feel the same way as you do about your daughters having this beautiful strong woman of color in a high position I remember crying when Obama won... tears of joy as I felt that was a moment I wouldn't see in my lifetime.

  47. OK, I am feeling very ashamed of myself! You may have missed this because it's way back in the stream of comments, but Becca USA has been shamed for using capital letters and no longer feels comfortable blogging. I feel ashamed that I did not say anything when the first comment was written to her and then I continued to say nothing when the second comment was written. This is how racism works, although we are not talking about race here. I read Becca USA's comments about the Prince Charlotte dress on the Kate blog and I find her comments to be delightful and much more interesting than mine. Can we ask her to please reconsider and keep blogging?

    1. Allison, I wanted to respond to you, after I had posted a fuller wrap up on the original thread. Thank you for your honesty & for sharing your reflections. Please do not feel bad for not speaking up, as I didn't even speak up for myself at first! I cowered because I was intimidated & felt really foolish. It was only the nagging feelings that wouldn't retreat, that eventually forced me to figure out what exactly had happened & why did I feel as I did? It has actually been quite a learning experience for me. I explained, back on the above thread, why the word "code" pushed a button in me. Once I was able to find my voice & then share what my Take Away was from all of this, I felt things organically wrapped up. I believe this was a learning experience. I still am blown away by all the graciousness that was shown to me! I'm deeply touched & humbled. So while I still feel a tad flat, I'm sure I'll have the pep back in my step, as I move forward as a member of this DKB/MAM Community! You all really are so very special! I hope you all know that! :)
      Becca xoxo

  48. Hello,

    Just a couple of quick comments to share.

    I want to ask posters to be mindful of calling out others for their commenting style. It can be hurtful. We don't want anyone to feel unwelcome or unable to express themselves in the manner they wish.

    Rosman - I'm sorry I couldn't publish your comment. I made a decision some time ago to keep politics off the blog. Any mention of certain political figures leads to guaranteed discord on the blog.

    It's noted below in a brief comment policy: Welcome to Mad About Meghan! We do so look forward to reading your thoughts. Constructive, fair debate is always encouraged. Hateful, derogatory terms and insults are not welcome here. This space focuses on Harry and Meghan, not any other member of the Royal family. It's not the place to discuss politics either. Thank you for reading, we look forward to your comments :)

    Oliver - Thank you for your comment, I very much agree with several of your points and will be keeping an eye on the issue moving forward.

    1. Charlotte, your hard work blogging on these two sites has created a lovely group of followers. You do a stellar job managing it all. Bravo to you for following "true north" on your compass. :)

  49. I can’t believe I have been called a bully and racist for asking a simple question. English is not my first language, I also have slight dyslexia, so my question was simple curiosity and confusion. I NEVER said Becca should change her posting style, I have no idea how that was inferred from my two sentences. I have always believed my level of English was sufficient, but this incident has now made me very reluctant to post in the future.

    I have to take a step back from this blog for my own mental health and I’m incredibly sad that something fun and joyful has now turned into this.

    I also don’t understand why several of my posts explaining the situation and apologizing haven’t been published, while other posts calling me a racist and a bully were allowed.

    1. Gemma, I just want to say I am sure you are not a bully! The written word is misleading, and we are strangers, and do not know our personal or cultural circumstances. I am glad Becca explained why " code" has a sinister meaning for her, I thought it only happened in the pictures! We should not take the misunderstandings too seriously, they are bound to happen in an international community.

  50. Gemma, I hope you don't allow this to make you sad. One other way to get over it, is to remember it as some lesson about interaction with others, as an isolated incident which was misunderstood, and come back on board and let the totality of who you are prevail than a case of one incident. In time, you will allow others to know you better, and you will also be able to forget the past hopefully.

  51. 🌸 That is so wise and so sweet, Anon. 15. Thank you for stepping out and extending your caring.
    Gemma. Everyone deserves a second chance, even it was just a matter of clarity and understanding. Try again?

  52. One huge problem is email---what sounds one way when you speak it can sound really awful when you write it. Hence the use of smiley faces and such. Maybe we can start over? :) :) :)


Welcome to Mad About Meghan! We do so look forward to reading your thoughts. Constructive, fair debate is always encouraged. Hateful, derogatory terms and insults are not welcome here. This space focuses on Harry and Meghan, not any other member of the Royal family. It's not the place to discuss politics either. Thank you for reading, we look forward to your comments :)