
Wednesday 2 May 2018

Harry and Meghan Select the Ascot Landau Carriage, The Official Commemorative Coin, Goodbye Rachel Zane & More!

Good afternoon! We're chatting all things royal wedding related today as May 19 approaches.

Harry and Meghan Select the Ascot Landau Carriage... Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have selected the Ascot Landau carriage for their procession through Windsor town centre after their wedding on Saturday 19th May. There will be one horse-drawn carriage in the carriage procession from St George's Chapel, which will take the newly married couple through Windsor returning to Windsor Castle along the Long Walk.

The carriage is one of five Ascot Landaus in the Royal Mews. Ascot Landaus are used for the Queen’s procession up the course at the Royal Ascot meeting and also for other visits of an official nature. They have been used for the Queen’s coronation visit to Edinburgh, the investiture of the Prince of Wales at Caernarfon Castle, the Queen’s Silver Jubilee visits to Glasgow and Cardiff, and on state visits.

More from the press release:

'The carriage will be escorted by a travelling Escort of the Household Cavalry. Prince Harry and Ms. Markle are very much looking forward to this short journey, which they hope will allow them to express their gratitude for everyone who has gathered together in Windsor to enjoy the atmosphere of this special day.
Two Ascot Landaus featured in the carriage procession for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's wedding in 2011, carrying Prince Harry as the Best Man, the Maid of Honour and Bridesmaids and Page Boys from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace. They are also used to transport new Commonwealth High Commissioners when they are received by the Queen at Buckingham Palace.'

A closer look at the carriage.

The carriage will be pulled by Windsor Grey horses. Windsor Greys play an important role in the ceremonial life of the Royal Family and the nation, and have been drawing the carriages of successive monarchs and members of the Royal Family since the reign of Queen Victoria.

Storm and Tyrone, father and son, are two of the Windsor Grey Horses who will pull the Ascot Landau carriage on the wedding day.

The procession route.

In the event of wet weather, the couple will travel in the Scottish State Coach, which dates from 1830.

'Loving and Informal' Royal Mint Coin... The Royal Mint has produced several official coins to commemorate the upcoming wedding. Harry and Meghan posed for the portrait for artists at Kensington Palace. The result has been described as "loving and informal" depicting the couple gazing into each other's eyes with Meghan clutching Harry's arm. The final design was approved by the couple.

The 2018 UK £5 Brilliant Uncirculated Coin is available for pre-order. The Royal Mint are selling it for £13.

The 2018 UK £5 Silver Proof Coin is £82.50. It can be pre-ordered here.

And The Best Man is... As expected, Prince Harry asked his brother Prince William to be Best Man. The Palace said: "Prince Harry served as best man to The Duke of Cambridge at his wedding to Miss Catherine Middleton in 2011. The Duke of Cambridge is honoured to have been asked, and is very much looking forward to supporting his brother at St George's Chapel, Windsor on May 19th." They also shared this darling childhood photo.

A Tour Inside St George's Chapel... Yesterday, CNN were allowed to film inside Windsor Castle. I very much enjoyed this report from Max Foster. He goes through the stages which will unfold from the moment Meghan arrives (and navigates 20 steps). Max was surprised by how "intimate" St George's chapel is.

Goodbye Rachel Zane... Viewers officially said goodbye to Meghan's Suits character Rachel Zane last week when the legal eagle married her longtime love Mike Ross, played by Patrick J Adams. Coincidentally, Adams is also leaving the show following seven seasons, which meant writers were able to give the couple a happy ending. One could almost say a fairytale ending :)

Meghan's Theory Top Re-Issued... Meghan's much loved Theory Off-The-Shoulder top has been re-issued in a new 'Brea Check'. The piece is exclusively available at Neiman Marcus. With thanks to Meghan's Fashion for the tip!

Britain’s Wedding-Mad Tabloids Feel a Cold Royal Shoulder... We are seeing an abundance of columns, 'exclusives' and think-pieces from publications across the board covering Meghan and the wedding. Ellen Barry's piece for the New York Times is one of only a handful to pretty much hit the nail on the head. She writes of the dreadful treatment Meghan has received at the hands of the tabloids:

"The British tabloids have not treated her with kid gloves, featuring a drumbeat of unflattering interviews with relatives she has not invited to the wedding. But the relationship between the royal family and the tabloids, two pillars of conservative England, was fraught with tension long before she arrived on the scene." 

Ms Barry discusses the delicate, damaged and fractious relationship between the young royals and the media. Earlier this week, royal photographers revealed only a handful of photographers will get coveted spots outside the chapel, meaning we'll see only a fraction of the photos we saw at previous royal weddings.

'One reporter will be allowed into St. George’s Chapel for the wedding, a palace spokesman said on Tuesday, noting that the space is small and it is not a formal state occasion. Four photojournalists will get coveted spots outside the chapel. Scores more will be stationed along the carriage route and on the castle grounds.
Arthur Edwards, 77, a veteran of seven royal weddings, said he assumed the decision was Prince Harry’s. “I can’t imagine the press officer advising that to the prince,” Mr. Edwards said. “He and Meghan have seen what’s been written and said, ‘We don’t want anyone near the wedding.’ That’s a clear message, yeah.” 

The monarchy needs the media to survive and thrive - to get their message across to the British public. Social media is a powerful tool of course, but I do not believe it is sufficient alone. It seems such a shame to limit access on the day of a historic wedding. We're not talking about paparazzi stalking celebrities; these are reputable photographers who have been on the royal beat for decades. Harry and William's feeling towards the press are completely understandable. I 100% believe that. I have wondered if this decision isn't partly due to the harsh and defamatory coverage of Meghan. The platform given to the disgruntled Markles by the media has been irresponsible at best.  However, for the sake of the monarchy, they will simply have to find a way to make it work. Perhaps by forging a relationship with a paper they trust or correspondents they feel report in a fair and accurate manner? A balance on both sides is badly needed. You can read the article in full here.


  1. Maggie - Minneapolis2 May 2018 at 17:55

    This is a little random but isn't it strange that they've only released that William will be best man but have said nothing about the rest of the bridal party, like the maid of honor (or equivalent), etc? I think they released it all at once for Cambridge wedding, and heck even for pippa's wedding they announced George and Charlotte would be involved at least a month before I feel like.
    Part of me wonders a little if there's something about bridal party they think might be controversial or questioned/talked abt so they're waiting to release info until right before the wedding when it'll be overwhelmed by the wedding itself, dress details, etc.
    If this is part of their stretching out the announcing of wedding details..well I dunno...honestly sometimes I wish they'd group more of it together. I'm excited for these two but getting a little tired tbh of seeing 649484 new tweets and articles abt a tiny new detail that's been released on whatever particular day.

    1. 🌸 Maggie. Wouldn’t it be amazing if some of Meghan’s mother’s family and some of her father’s family are included in the bridal party and not just posh people and celebrities? It would speak more to humanitarianism for sure. It would be more balanced given Meghan and Harry’s given goals in life.

    2. I have a feeling part of the bridal party will include some of Meghan’s relatives and this might be an attempt to protect them from the media frenzy. Particularly in case of children.

    3. 🌸 Hopefully, Sarah. Hopefully. :)

    4. Surfer Girl we know what some of the father's relatives have been doing, it's all over the papers- Samantha Grant(Meghan's half sister) is the one who mentioned that inviting family even as they say bad things in the media and selling to media is humanatarianism. I thought Samantha 's comment was mocking Meghan, so I do not agree with you or Samantha on that.

    5. From the engagement day forward, the PR surrounding H&M has been on the money with a good balance between engagements and wedding updates. I thought this was a nice touch and it made me smile. If the bridal party includes private people, why "go there" and invade their privacy at this point?

    6. 🌸 P.S. I didn’t mean Samantha or Thomas, Jr.
      Sadly at this point their behaviors are actually a little pathological. So giving them no response and a wide, wide berth is smart. But the nieces and perhaps her Uncle Joseph. Those are the people I was referring to.

    7. Oh ok S.G. Sorry about that, yes I feel there's something seriously wrong with them and I feel like they need to be watched especially the brother. He owns weapons and he has threatened someone's life before so I do not want Harry or Meghan being hurt.

    8. 🌸 Me either, 22:12. But I am sure that the nature of her half-brother’s behaviors hasn’t gone unnoticed at the Palace. Meghan does have some formidable security. :)

    9. Meghan's half-siblings have behaved so poorly with the things they said about her. The mere fact that they have given so many interviews in the space of 6 months says a lot. My question to them is, they say that they haven't seen her since 2011 but if I remember correctly, Meghan was first married in 2013... did they make such public appeals to be invited to her 1st wedding? Nope.

      But anyway, it's Harry and Meghan's day and they should not feel obligated to invited anyone, be it family, politicians, friends etc. They should invite whomever they feel comfortable inviting. Heck, I also wouldn't invite folks who have talking smack about me in the press. I hope Harry and Meghan have a wonderful and blessed life together! :)

    10. 🌸 Hadn’t thought about that, Avee. Good point. Apparently not many of Meghan’s family attended her first wedding. It seems that her father wasn’t at the first wedding either.

  2. Maggie - Minneapolis2 May 2018 at 17:58

    P.s. Of all of the "fab four", Meghan's image on coin is the only one I could look at and identify as her without knowing in advance lol. And it's a quite good depiction of her imo, which makes it even weirder to me that Harry's image is mediocre at best in looking like him and the Will and Kate images on their coin are laughably bad lolol.

    1. IMO, I don't see the likeness of Meghan at all on the coin. For Harry there is a "sort of" resemblance, but to me, Meghan just looks like some random female with long hair.

    2. 🌸 Laura. I didn’t see the likeness of Meghan either and only just very slightly regarding Harry.

    3. The image of Meghan is spot on! Harry, on the other hand...

  3. I can understand why photographers feel left out, but really, how many photographers does a wedding need? There will be one inside the church and others stationed all around the venue. Maybe Harry wanted a smaller, more intimate, wedding. Everything I've read says that Harry is far enough down the line of succession that he's what they call a "lesser" royal. Will there be as many photographers at Eugenie's wedding I wonder? I think some of Harry's and William's popularity comes from Diana's popularity and the sympathy they received after her death. It was such a tragedy, and everyone just wanted good things for the princes' futures. William is happily married, and now it's Harry's turn. I say the photographers should stop complaining. It's his and Meghan's day. Let them have it the way they want it. Harry does so much good charity work now, and I'm sure he and Meghan will continue to do so and have plenty of photo ops. Maybe if the press stops complaining, they'd find the princes a bit more cooperative. Having said that, and being old enough to remember Princess Diana and the chaos the photographers caused everywhere she went, I can understand why William and Harry are wary of them.

    1. There is more national interest in Harry though not just because of Diana but because he is the son of the future King. Eugenie's wedding will be vastly different just becase of that factor.

    2. Maggie - Minneapolis2 May 2018 at 22:25

      Cambridge wedding invited 25 journalists into wedding, vs just 1 for this one. As for how many photographer can't possibly take pictures for ex of the groom, certain guests certain members of the bridal party or the bride all at the same time except for the moments in the ceremony they are all together, and even then, having several photographers is the only way to really capture a variety of pictures that really show the event. Also these photographers take the pictures at their engagements without which their charity work would be no more meaningful or powerful than one of us volunteering at a hospice or something. To now exclude them all from this is petty and unnecessary. But really most important thing is that it's not about the photographers being hurt, but rather that it's through their coverage that the majority of the public who hasn't been invited to Windsor on the day can still be involved and see how it happened. The number of photographers does matter to a certain extent at least (1 vs 10 is bigger difference than 200 vs 210 obviously), and so this decision makes the wedding that the public will be paying a ridiculous amount for less accessible to them.

      And this point in time in history of all times, it seems obvious what the risks are of letting those with money and/or power slowly but surely push out the media. Each little snub or exclusion may not seem like much but over time, it adds up. And there is nothing more important than the press, and thus media access, for making sure those in power do not abuse that power. Will the quantity and quality of diff pics of this wedding mean Harry becomes dictator? Of course not, but again, it adds up. And if it's his day then the public shouldn't be paying so much for the wedding anyways.
      Here's the bottom line for me really: on his wedding day, is Harry or Meghan going to notice the number of photographers taking pictures as they say their vows, or come out of the chapel, or w/e, or are they going to be too happy and caught up in the actual wedding and each other to even notice? If it's the former, then I understand limiting press but I suspect it's probably more the latter, which means this was more just pettiness than anything else-i.e. If it doesn't hurt, even if you don't think it's necessary, why not just let certain more photographers in anyways?

      And if they did limit press bc they would actually have their wedding ruined by presence of larger number, then limiting photographers is fine but they should also focus longterm on dealing with and changing the fact that whoever would be bothered is clearly too excessive in their dislike of the media to the point of being bothered by or even noticing a few more photographers on their wedding day of all days. Bc that's worrisome and unhealthy,plus unfair in longterm to media.

    3. Maggie I heard Cambridge wedding had 6 photographers inside not 25 vs 1 to Harry's. 1900:6, 600:1. Can someone check the facts before we call pettiness on anyone?

    4. Am I the only one thinking it may have something to do with Meghan's chatty family and the couple's desire to have maximum control over the coverage in the Chapel?

    5. Susan in Florida3 May 2018 at 14:31

      Very good point , Royal Fan.

    6. I was thinking the lack of photographers was to give more space for guests/onlookers. As a photographer who has been fortunate enough to visit Windsor Castle it is actually a VERY small area - 4 people outside and 1 person inside along with it being televised is PLENTY.

  4. Eve from Germany2 May 2018 at 19:18

    I think there is a difference between the well-known so-called "royal photographers" like Arthur Edwards or Chris Jackson or James Whatling and the so-called "paparazzi". I don´t think any of the "royal photographers" ever hide behind bushes or basically run into a car trying to get a photo of the people inside.
    From what I´ve seen and heard from them they get the opportunity for a good photo - they respect your privacy. The "others" usually don´t.
    So I guess giving those "respectful" photographers a chance for some good shots is only fair. The wedding is televised all over the world. So no one can tell me they want it to be a private affair - as soon as there are tv cameras all over the place it isn´t a private affair and it doesn´t feel like it for those involved.
    For the photographers and the journalists it´s a huge event - like for us. I´m sure they could select those who behave with respect - and write with respect (I´m not saying "always positive", just with respect and quality in it) and give them the access they need. Why not "reward" those who treat them with respect? As Charlotte has said, they need each other up to a certain degree.

    1. Part of the problem with this idea is that some of the nice photographers, like Arthur Edwards, work for tabloids like The Sun. The Sun is the one who proclaimed Meghan a porn actress among other questionable coverage.

    2. Sarah - I so agree with you. Even the 'respectable' photographers have made a Faustian bargain by supplying photographs to papers that print absolutely disgusting, unacceptable articles. I would be ashamed to be associate with those papers and would find a way to either make it work without having my photos in derogatory articles, or give it up. I completely agree with H&M's decision; 5 is enough and to the rest of you, best of luck. The photographers are complicit.

  5. The photographer quoted in the NYT article says that the boys are taking control. Indeed. After what happened to their mother I'm sure that they will do everything in their power to protect their wives and children from a similar fate. Who would begrudge them that right?

    Yes, of course, the press is a necessary instrument in keeping up interest in the monarchy and stemming the rumblings of Republicanism. However, that does not mean that access to the monarchy ought to be limitless. Sometimes it's hard to distinguish between press coverage and stalking.

    Since their livelihood is at stake, I suppose the fair thing to do would be to create a list of accredited photographers and their papers and allow them access in turns for the various events on the court calendar. Those who behave with respect can have access, those who don't will lose out.

    Yes, I love seeing photographs and participating on live feeds such as we recently enjoyed during the birth of Prince Louis. However, I'm happy with fewer photos if that means a better private life for the royals and their extended families.

    1. Philly yours is a feasible win win solution for everyone. Why such a commonsense approach is not taken is a mystery to me.

    2. Eve from Germany3 May 2018 at 07:55

      Philly, thanks. That´s what I meant with my own post. Those who show respect, can have access to specific occasions, the others can´t.

      Plus, I´ve said it before numerous times, it´s also up to us what´s written and photographed. We don´t click on another report about what certain "relatives" have said about Meghan - it disappears sooner or later. We click on reports from journalists whom we know might not praise the royals all the time, but treat them with respect, more of those will appear. Of course, there will always be those people who just love the smear writing about someone else because it makes them feel better. But there are a lot of sensible people and they can achieve a lot, too, by NOT supporting pap photos and written lies and smear talk.

  6. Upstate Diva USA2 May 2018 at 19:52

    Re: the wedding party, I saw from one of the royal podcasts that W&K's bridal party were all royals, royal adjacents, and otherwise 'posh' Britishers. They seem to think that Meghan's group might be less well-known and therefore subject to more intrusions on their regular lives (like her bestie from University or children (other than George and Charlotte) whose parents are not famous), so they are looking to present them with less time before the wedding. Don't know if that is all true, but if it is, I say keep the press focused on the Windsor Grays as long as possible!!!
    As for the 'cold shoulder' most of the royal reporters and photogs that I follow on twitter seem okay with the way things are shaking out -- Once they picked Windsor, the space was already going to be more constrained. I hope everyone (including H&M) can have a beautiful day and there will be some great photographs from multiple sources.

    1. I agree with the speculation that there will be members of the bridal party that they wish to protect from press. I am sad about the photographers but it also totally makes sense. Most of the photographers on the royal beat either work for one of the tabloids or sell their photos to the photo heavy tabloids. It is of course not the work of the photographers that is at issue - it's the tabloid garbage that is printed. And if this brings them into line even a little bit this is a very good thing indeed.

    2. Maggie - Minneapolis2 May 2018 at 22:29

      I've seen every prominent royal photog I follow on Twitter cept Chris Jackson say something about being upset about these arrangements (or at least four of them as far as I can rmbr). Windsor actually makes it easier imo too. It's a private estate so unlike Westminster abbey in London and the whole cambridge procession, the public can be more controlled on Windsor and space can be found for photographers more easily (not that they'd take up that much room lol), and in general it won't be in the heart of a city with lots of other unrelated buildings etc everywhere to deal with. And this chapel seats 800. It may be smaller, but it's not small. Plus more were allowed in for other weddings in same location.

    3. @UpstaeDivaUSA: There wasn't much of a bridal party at W&K wedding at all (at least for USA standards). There were her father and her sister, four flower girls and two boys. Apart from the children (who weren't that much much in focus in the coverage) no one royal or publicly well known/celebrity.
      I believe that we will see a similar picture at the wedding in a few days, so maybe one or two bridesmaids. From what I can see, whoever she chooses might have a higher celebrity profile than anyone in the Cambridge wedding party (apart from Harry).

  7. Allison in US2 May 2018 at 20:43

    There have been hints of some of the guests such as Meghan's lawyer niece and her college roommate. I'm surprised that these two are not hounded but Meghan is probably trying to keep it as quiet as she can for their privacy, as Upstate Diva USA says.

    And I thought perhaps the icky half-siblings would fade away now that the wedding is near and their invite clearly is not lost in the mail, but another "news" story emerges of half-brother saying he wants to be an uncle to Meghan's children, something that probably sends her fleeing to a scented bath an Harry racing to secure the weapons.He is very aggressive and thinks people are buying his stories, but even he told us why Meghan has nothing to do with him. He cites all the quality time he and Meghan spent in 2011 taking care of a mutual grandmother, only to never hear from her again after the "bonding." I don't know how much "news" these two can generate, though, at this point and maybe the papers will give them up in exchange for some real royal news.

    On another front, I'm super excited about the possible house gift from the Queen, although I know it's only speculation. I would love that house!!

    1. 🌸 Allison. “Meghan fleeing to a scented bath and Harry racing to secure the weapons”. lol.

      that actually has a ring of reality to it when you think about it. I am sure the Palace Guards and Household Calvary have the half-siblings on their “alert” list in case either of them would try to storm the Palace.

  8. Allison in US2 May 2018 at 20:45

    Oh---can one tell if Will and Harry are wearing shorts in that cute photo? They look like real pants. :)

  9. 🌸 I think the size of the venue was the determining factor, yeh? And they are also giving photographers spots outside the church and many more spots along the carriage route. That actually provides a more complete panorama photography-wise, yeh?

    Eve, I agree that a small, private wedding is a no go for Harry and Meghan when the ceremony and events of the day are being broadcast on location to the whole world, lol. What is small and private about that.

    And a thought for reflection. The wedding, the honeymoon and everything else Meghan has accomplished with and through her liaison with Harry (and the accomplishments are phenomenal), has all been accomplished in less than two years. It is at the very least astonishing. That should encourage and inspire many to not give up hope and to dream big. :)

  10. I saw yet another ugly story in the Fail from Meghan’s family today. They literally can’t stop talking to the tabloids about her. I know every family has drama, but good grief, it’s unreal how much they keep badmouthing her to the press.

    In more positive news, the video of the chapel was delightful. I did laugh a bit at how it was described as intimate. I’m just ready for the wedding. I can’t wait to see what everything will look like!

    1. Just curious -- why do you call it 'the Fail'?

    2. I feel so bad for her. Every family has some dysfunction but poor Meghan’s dad’s side takes the cake. What is wrong with her half siblings and why can’t they have an ounce of dignity? How humiating and stressful it would be to have an estranged family always trying to ruin your life.

    3. yes it is so sad they do this but hopefully meghan ignores their petty sad jealousy

    4. Meghan's half brother and more so her half sister are displaying horrid behaviour. Whatever the family differences are all about, the siblings need to take the high road. This is what Meghan is doing, by not counter commenting to the awful things they are saying. The more this wretched duo keeps talking, the more we understand why Meghan wants no part of them.

    5. hi nonyabusiness,
      I can’t take credit for the name. I saw someone somewhere call it the Fail a very long time ago, but I can’t remember the particulars. But basically, it’s a rag. I remember even Wikipedia banned people from using the Daily Mail as a source because it’s so unreliable.

    6. N from USA, I agree completely. They should have some dignity.

      Meghan's half-sister started badmouthing her right away, which surely means that she already knew that she wouldn't be invited. If she wanted to mend fences and restore her relationship with Meghan, she could have done so during the years before news broke about Meghan's relationship with Harry. But let's say that suddenly she's seeing Meghan in the news, and now has decided that they should be in contact again. The half-sister could have sent a congratulatory card upon the engagement, and not spoken to the press. Then, send a congratulatory card after the wedding and make a charitable gift in the couple's name. It would then be on Meghan to respond - or not.

      Instead, she repeatedly defamed her estranged sister in the press and on social media. Those are not the actions of someone who wants to mend fences.

  11. 🌸 Charlotte. Another excellent page. Thank you for all the videos. That carriage ride is a lot, lot longer than I thought it would be. So cool to see what Windsor looks like. Have you ever been there?

    And it is brave of Harry and Meghan to do an open carriage as there is no way that can all be tightly secured. (not speaking anything bad over them)

    The photo of William and Harry is so cute. I hope they each have a copy of that one.

    I wonder if Harry and Meghan will have a “go cam” on their carriage? I sure would. 😉

  12. 🌸 awhh. the Windsor Grey “cuddling” the man speaking was so sweet. :)

    1. Such a sweet moment! I love the beautiful Windsor Greys :)

    2. It was! So very adorable.

    3. They are handsome horses. Cannot wait to see them on the day, proudly leading the Happy Couple through the streets.

  13. Tammy from California2 May 2018 at 22:06

    I had the privilege of taking a tour of the carriage house and stables at Buckingham Palace when I was there years ago. I absolutely LOVED the tour and was amazed at the impeccability of the carriages. It makes me smile everytime the carriages and horses are talked about because I remember my trip :)

    1. Zora from Prague4 May 2018 at 17:20

      Wow, Tammy! No wonder you still remember it. What an incredible experience!

  14. 🌸 Do ya’ll realize that the wedding is just 17 days away? that’s 17 days

    Doesn’t it seem like just yesterday when we were all expecting Harry to propose while they were in Africa?

    17 days away 🎉😳

    1. Sure does! Time flies when you’re having fun :)

    2. It’s coming up so fast!

    3. Eve from Germany3 May 2018 at 08:03

      Yeah, surfer girl - can you remember our "Invictus Games proposal phantasies"? ;-)))) LOL!! It wasn´t meant to happen THAT way, but it sure enough happened not very long after.... and I will "be" in that church on Saturday, 19th of May, not matter what. With you by my side, surfer girl, just for the fun of it! What did Einstein say? There isn´t only one universe, there are parallel ones, LOL!! ;-)))

    4. 🌸 exactly, Eve. ❤️😊 We’ll be there side by side.🎉

  15. 🌸 Meghan will walk over the grave of Henry VIII as she walks up the aisle to meet Harry and she will pass by William’s flag and his seat there as he is a Knight of the Garter. The history of this whole event and the grandeur is almost overwhelming, lol. (And it has all come about in less than two years. Astonishing. Simply astonishing.) 😊

    1. Well said. It truly is astonishing and heart-warming.

  16. I am team Harry when it comes to the media. Harry has been kind and respectful to the media before he met Meghan. When news about Meghan came out she was attacked eg "almost out of compton" and "porn hub staff". Harry asked for fairness but what did he get? It's give and take. All Harry is saying is if you want to be racist, misogynistic and whatever else, then at least give me room to enjoy my wedding. "This is not a game, but our lives" I think that's what he said along those lines. I don't think calling Harry thin skin is gonna solve anything, resisting racism/misogyny is not being thick skinned, what are the journalists suggesting to solve the issue?

  17. You all have seen what the half-brother has written right ? He told Harry to cancel the wedding, I will let you research the reason why. Samantha has been at it for I do not know how long. These are the same people the media is inviting to be guests on the day of the wedding, what are these people going to be talking about? And Harry is being called petty?

    1. What?? I'm shocked (and yet not shocked, sigh) that some in the media have invited disgruntled family members to be interviewed on the wedding day.

      The media should examine issues and events from all angles, but this move is clearly founded on nothing more than getting Clicks and Likes and Views. It's more about sensationalism and controversy, than thorough reporting.

  18. Allison in US3 May 2018 at 00:52

    It is amazing that we were so recently wondering if they would become engaged!!!

    I googled Meghan Markle and the latest "news" is that the awful half-brother has written a letter to Harry imploring him to cancel the wedding. I think that Meghan and Harry don't want any of the actual ceremony to be seen by her uninvited "family" (or will the one reporter also take photos?) I believe they deserve to have a private ceremony. Everyone in the church will be someone who is trusted by the bride and groom. We will presumably see staged photos of various family groupings. I think this brother is a dangerous person and I'm glad he's in the US away from MM.

  19. Allison in US3 May 2018 at 00:53

    It is amazing that we were so recently wondering if they would become engaged!!!

    I googled Meghan Markle and the latest "news" is that the awful half-brother has written a letter to Harry imploring him to cancel the wedding. I think that Meghan and Harry don't want any of the actual ceremony to be seen by her uninvited "family" (or will the one reporter also take photos?) I believe they deserve to have a private ceremony. Everyone in the church will be someone who is trusted by the bride and groom. We will presumably see staged photos of various family groupings. I think this brother is a dangerous person and I'm glad he's in the US away from MM.

  20. Allison in US3 May 2018 at 01:15

    It is amazing that we were so recently wondering if they would become engaged!!!

    I googled Meghan Markle and the latest "news" is that the awful half-brother has written a letter to Harry imploring him to cancel the wedding. I think that Meghan and Harry don't want any of the actual ceremony to be seen by her uninvited "family" (or will the one reporter also take photos?) I believe they deserve to have a private ceremony. Everyone in the church will be someone who is trusted by the bride and groom. We will presumably see staged photos of various family groupings. I think this brother is a dangerous person and I'm glad he's in the US away from MM.

    1. The entire wedding is being broadcast live, internationally. You can’t really call that a private ceremony.

  21. Those coins are really cringe worthy! Definitely not my cup of tea, but to each their own. I bet all four of the subjects are having a good laugh about them.

  22. Susan in Florida3 May 2018 at 01:45

    I’m not following the British press on Miss Meghan’s stories, but thinking that excluding certain people may be the only recourse they feel they have at the moment. It’s sad that some families have members who are better off “loved” from far away. If she had no relationship with them, she is not obliged to invite them. I really hope her Mom walks her down the aisle! Thanks Charlotte for this post. It’s a sensitive subject.

  23. Unfortunately the photogs take the photos but the editors and writers usually skew the photo to fit the anti Meghan narrative.

  24. Ok this is an ugly thought but anyone think that after reading some of the Daily Mail comments that Harry and Meghan want to control the photography because there are going to be some mixed-race/people of color attending the wedding? And considering some of the vile racist stuff that is regularly in the Daily Mail that Meghan might want to protect the privacy of her guests? It's ridiculous that in 2018 a mixed-race marriage is still so intolerable for so much of the population but I can certainly understand if Meghan doesn't want more vileness directed at her guests.

    1. The photogs are outside, the wedding will be broadcast live.

  25. At the end of the day Harry and Meghan are doing it all their way. Although we want to see every smile, laugh, surprise moment it is understandable that for one reason or another decisions have been made that will make
    them best enjoy the day. If true, the gift of York Cottage by the Queen is absolutely amazing. The property is
    beautiful and I am sure if true will be a long and large project in making it into a fabulous country home. It will be very interesting to see if Harry and Meghan move into Kensington Palace within a reasonable amount of time considering they are currently living in a two bedroom cottage. I suspect they will hit the ground running in a short time traveling the world on behalf of the Queen. I have read that they have new neighbors at Ivy Cottage. Eugenie and fiance Jack Brooksbank have just moved into the three bedroom home. The pecking order on accommodations at Kensington are certainly interesting.

  26. This surprises me. For all Harry and Meghan have been talking about their wedding being open to public involvement, they’re not going to let hardly any photographers attend? If they were solely paying for everything, sure, but if the people are funding it, then I feel this is a are in the wrong direction. I so understand why William and Harry are sensitive towards the press, but when will they figure it out that they have to strike a balance and make it work in order for their very way of life to continue?

    1. You don't need a ton of photogs, the ceremony will be broadcast live. The photogs work for the tabloids who are making a profit. They are not denying the public access.

  27. Just some additional thoughts in no particular order ...

    I find it interesting (but not surprising) that Harry is not getting the negative feedback that William surely would if he (and Kate) made a similar decision regarding press access. He would be called "paranoid", "controlling", "secretly wishing to abdicate", etc.

    I can understand W&H's desire to take the reigns and protect Kate (plus three!) and Meghan. After what Diana went through, and the circumstances regarding her death, how can anyone blame the boys for wanting control over their lives?

    AND....while I do believe Diana's experience has everything to do with W&H's treatment of the press, I think people forget just how rudely other members of the Firm have treated the press. Anne has told them where to go, Charles insulted them under his breath with the cameras rolling, Edward stormed off after the Royal Knockout fiasco, etc. And, in my humble opinion, these situations were a lot worse than this latest update.

    1. 🌸 rf, I agree with everything you said. :)

      I also think that perhaps security and the size of the Church has something to do with their decision.
      And, again, the reporters being assigned to areas outside the church and along the carriage route will give a more panorama effect of the coverage perhaps. I am also expecting to see some Iconic amateur photographs surface from IPhones from members of the crowd like the one the lady took of the “Fabulous Four” on their way to church at Christmas.

    2. Good point SG. The Chapel is lovely, but it's not the same venue as Westminster Abbey...or St Paul's Cathedral. Yikes! Can you even imagine!?

    3. 🌸 yep, rf. Obviously those two venues would definitely be more of a security challenge. As it is, the carriage ride through Windsor is no walk in the park for security either (not speaking anything bad over them). I do not envy the security team.

  28. Why is it so hard to do a nice portrait in silver?

  29. Great post charlotte. the coin is cute but doesnt look like Harry i can't wait for this wedding and to see their cute baby to come!

  30. Annette New Zealand3 May 2018 at 07:19

    Actually, if I recollect correctly, The Wessex's wedding was not filmed inside the Chapel either. We just saw them on the steps and on the carriage ride. We didn't get any shots of their guests either, so this is not normal at Royal weddings. The wedding receptions are always private so what is the difference this time? The news media shouldn't keep comparing it to the Cambridge's wedding which was a state occasion. Some of the news media have gone out of their way to try to dig up embarrassing facts about Meghan. No wonder she apparently wanted a private wedding!

    1. Yes, we did have live coverage during the Wessex's wedding ceremony.

    2. Annette New Zealand4 May 2018 at 22:57

      My mistake. We didn't have the complete TV coverage inside the Chapel here in New Zealand so I had presumed that it wasn't televised.I haven't found it on Youtube or any other site either. Incidentally I was living in London when Princess Margaret was married at Westminster Abbey and was amazed that lots of people were not interested. I taught school there and most of the local children had never visited the Mall or seen Buckingham Palace, let alone any of the Royal Family. We should have been expecting the present kerfuffle I suppose and every little embarrassing fact or fiction will turn up in certain papers and magazine. A few weeks ago when I was standing in the checkout line in the supermarket, I saw a magazine with their photograph on the cover and a headline about them expecting a baby!! That is the ultimate in mischief making. No wonder Harry had trouble persuading his previous girlfriends that life with him would be worth all the fuss. Just consider how Lady Gabrielle Windsor must be feeling about her ex boyfriend's description of their relationship. Some people have no shame! William and Harry and their partners have been putting up with this for years. If Meghan's father is a retiring sort of person and doesn't like the limelight it must be making it very difficult for him. I wish the Couple all the best for a Happy Day and hopefully, fine weather.

  31. How Harry can have a cordial relationship with the media
    While the majority of them were hated with his fiancée from the beginning with their misogynistic racist remarks and giving voice to his despicable parasitic family
    Bizarre that he does not wear them in his heart

  32. Good morning, everyone. After having read the article above regarding the “cold shoulder to the press”,I am a little confused. I understand that they are saying only one photographer in the church - does that mean that the actual wedding is not going to be televised like William’s was? Living here in the States, I don’t want to wake up at an ungodly hour for limited coverage and hours of commentators with nothing really to say... My thought has always been that Meghan’s father is not coming, and perhaps has not even been invited. The fact that Harry has not even met him is very revealing. I do not expect there to be any family member there other than her mother. These are also things that may be motivating the strict media access...

    1. The entire ceremony will be broadcast live and live-streamed internationally, on multiple stations and services including, for America, NBC, PBS, and The New York Times.

    2. 🌸 Yay. Aside from being a just uber Joyous occasion (our dear, sweet, and fun Harry is getting married❤️), this Royal wedding is so helpful on so many levels such as fortifying the Monarchy (continuing Royal protocols/traditions and displaying Royal Grandeur, that unparalleled-on-earth Pomp and Pagentry), promoting tourism and unabashed Royal consumerism, lol. And, it gets big pictures in the books of history. And, more importantly, it has introduced a bi-racial woman into their heretofore more exclusive Royal fold. A huge accomplishment for the Monarchy. Diana must be so happy. 🎉
      As Harry said, “It is a big deal”. Yahweh bless them, protect them and guide them in His paths always.🤵👰🏻

      Only two weeks away. “a fortnight”. 😊
      (I am sooooo excited.)

  33. blueandgreyeyes3 May 2018 at 13:21

    Charlotte, this post is a great display of your journalism - and I mean it as a genuine compliment! Last week I wasted two hours of my life reading through the comments to one of Daily Mail articles about Meghan. I don't dislike Meghan at all, but I'm not a fan either - I just wanted to see for myself what all this fuss about British tabloids vs Meghan is all about. OK, Daily Mail isn't in theory a tabloid, but they're not far off, and they've never really departed from their nationalist, racist and misoginyst roots from before the war (not to mention the word). I don't think most of their readers openly and fully subscribe to that view of the world, but I did find such gobsmacking idiocies there as 'all British people are white'. Having read through that ( and I must say at least 40% of the haters were from the USA), I felt depressed, disturbed, ...soiled, and I'm not surprised at all that Harry is hurting. On the other hand, they should be focusing on all the love and support they have been given from so many other sources, rather than on the negatives. I simply don't believe that a 'hiding' or 'avoiding' policy, which this decision seems to be a sign of, is going to work for them at all.

    1. Just a thought. They are really not hiding. There will be wide coverage - televised around the world. Photographers are free to position themselves along the carriage route etc. I see this as a strategic strike directed at the tabloids that have been publishing racist and hate filled material and giving a platform to any relative interested in attacking Meghan. This stuff is out of control and I frankly think that they had to do something to bring this in check. Personally I am not reading any of the papers that have published this garbage at this point. I did however read somewhere that one of the papers had published a really unkind article about her father. So horrible. If it was my father I know I would have been in tears. It is one thing to be attacked oneself, but it is quite another to see ones loved ones attacked. So the message from KP is I believe - get your house in order. Stop the hate and the racism. Stop interviewing and giving a platform to nasty relatives. In other words start acting like human beings. Frankly, I actually wondered if this could also be the reason why there were no birthday picture of Charlotte. (I know there are other explanations for this) But it made sense to me given what I understand about recent tabloid content that the Princes are taking a stand. Good on them. The idea that these horrible "papers" can cast such a shadow over what should be such a happy time for both families makes me feel quite ill. And I honestly think it may be effective. They don't need the tabloids. They can start doing more of their own coverage via social media.They can give extra time (and pictures) to the more reputable outlets. And if the tabloids feel the squeeze - then they will in fact change their approach.

    2. The ceremony is being broadcast live by multiple outlets. Any publication can report on it and publish pictures. All that’s happening is that H and M have ensured that any tabloids that have treated them horribly, will have to buy whatever shots they want to publish rather than taking their own. It cuts into the papers’ profit margins.

    3. Obviously, Meghan's "noise" is Harry's boom-crash-roar. He not only notices what the media and chatter are saying, he reacts to it, as does William, in a more subtle manner. I hope I never have to hear again about unkind remarks being ok "since they don't hear about it." They do.

  34. Allison in US3 May 2018 at 14:58

    (I apologize for the triple post above---my computer was acting up)
    At this point, I feel like Meghan's "brother" is guilty of harassment and slander and should be sued. Harry must be so angry at him and at the press for posting yet another stupid story.

    I'm glad that Eugenie has the three-bedroom because she may live there a long time while Harry will receive additional accommodations. York Cottage looks just fascinating and I've tried to find photos of the inside but haven't been successful yet.

    Meghan seems to be very moved by her religious conversion and probably is also considering her actual marriage to be very spiritual and personal, so if she can find some privacy there, I think she deserves it.

    1. The brother is coming across as being desperate to be heard. Talk about a loose cannon.

      I haven't been able to find much on the interior either, but isn't it dripping with charm? I love it!

    2. 🌸 Samantha and Thomas, Jr. obviously need help. It is hard watching them struggle so. We need to pray they get the help they need. Particularly, Thomas, Jr. so that he doesn’t hurt others or himself. He needs intervention ASAP. Prayer helps. Pray. 🙏

  35. The wedding is being televised live world-wide. You can’t be more public or share more than that. I think the limit on photographers in the chapel is to protect the privacy of the guests and the sanctity of the ceremony. There will be televsion cameras throughout the whole thing, so do they want a dozen other cameras on the guests and bridal party as well? Every moment of the wedding itself is already being captured.

  36. Charlotte, fantastic post and the information is so interesting. I have enjoyed reading it sooo much. Thank you! I don’t think any of us would like to be disrespected by family and/or the media. I don’t think any of us would like to be labeled in a derogatory way. Prince Harry and Ms Markle are taking steps to minimize the negative, disrespectful and unkind comments of some media outlets and family members. The real truth of the problem lies with the jealousy and envy of Ms Markle’s family, and the fact that Ms Markle is of mixed race. This marriage is a “culture shock” for a WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE. And the media, well the majority will print and take pictures of “whatever” sells papers and makes money; nothing new, it’s the new journalism, even if it’s a lie.

    1. True that Marcia, and I think for some people they can't swallow that a mixed race/African American marrying into the royal family. Meghan's brother represents a section in society who think a woman of color has stepped out of line and has to be put in her place, that's why he mentioned Meghan spoiling "royal heritage forum/ family, snd that's coded language. If he keeps at it, Meghan may need a restraining order against him to be safe because he may not stop until something gives.

    2. 🌸 The good news is that Harry and Meghan have The Royal Household Guard and PPO’s for protection and Harry and Meghan live in a secured Palace. Think about it. Kensington Palace is the abode of at least 7 people who are in succession to the throne of England. That place is uber secured for sure. Fort Knox has nothing on Kensington Palace. Kensington Palace no doubt has loads of security that we are not aware of and can’t see, much more than a single guard house and traffic barriers.
      And, to put things in perspective, since the Queen is the head of the military, Harry and Meghan have the entire British military at their beck and call should it ever be necessary. And, they have Scotland Yard and MI5 assets and resources available to them if need be. And they may all already be on high alert due to the racial tensions concerning Meghan. The Queen has some clout and is making sure Harry and Meghan are securely taken care of.
      I am sure that Thomas, Jr.’s and Samantha Grant’s names have been put on the alert list.
      I am sure that the whereabouts of both of them, particularly Thomas, Jr., are top on the security agenda. It isn’t the security teams first rodeo. 😉

    3. Surfer Girl, JFK was,assassinated with all "fort knox" security like you said, so I'm still

    4. Allison in US5 May 2018 at 21:52

      Except he wasn't---he was riding in an unprotected area in an open car. Obviously the buildings weren't secure if that's where the shots came from. Whether he was killed by one man or as part of a conspiracy, the security was pathetically absent. Protection has come a long ay, which explains he high cost.

    5. Allison in US5 May 2018 at 21:54

      I think dear half-brother expected MM to be subservient to him always because she's a girl, she's younger, and she had an African American mother. He obviously can't even get along with women, so I think his life is a constant outrage.

    6. 🌸 18:59. Actually and sadly, JFK had minimal security compared to the security common today. Hidden swat teams surveying constantly, every layered ring of security to the perimeter secured is standard operating procedures these days, especially for high risk targets that happen to be Royal. They have some documentaries available on how that works, particularly some showing the immense and intense security provided for the P.O.T.U.S. these days.

  37. 🌸 Paola. Ti ho pensanto. Come va?

  38. 🌸 okay. IF what I read today is true, the invited guests, the people who have shown leadership and helped others, the invited guests that won’t be in the church but in Windsor along the carriage path, will not be given food and drink but have to bring their own. Somehow, seeing as how they are invited guests, that doesn’t seem right. Harry and Meghan have the means and clout to provide a nice box lunch and drink to their invited “heroes” who will be waiting patiently outside, whatever the weather may be, for even just a momentary glimpse of the couple while at the same automatically creating a crowd for Harry and Meghan’s wedding footage PR.
    This seems really, really remiss to me. They should treat these people as much as Royalty as they treat the church guests, and if not that, then at least treat them to an easily doable (nice) box lunch and beverage, and why not throw in a non-chintzy wedding momento to boot. Harry and Meghan easily, easily have the resources and clout to do that. And how much more of a humanitarian statement that would be, yeh? Treat your invited guests right.
    I mean tens of millions are being spent on posh everything for the wedding, wedding gown, wedding party and guests inside the church, even aside from the tax-payer funded security. I am very disappointed that they are apparently not giving their “common” invited guests some reciprocal TLC in the form of a simple but nice box lunch and beverage and even a nice wedding momento. Come on Harry and Meghan. IF the reports I read are true (and apparently they are), you still have time to do these things. Even small gestures mean a lot. Please give your “heroes” a simple boxed lunch and beverage. Do the right thing.
    They are your guests.

    1. No, they are not invited guests. They were nominated and selected to be allowed to observe the wedding from within the castle grounds. No one is forcing them to participate or using them for PR. Trust and believe that some of those folks lining the Walk who have been camping out for days in advance would happily take their place to be that up close and personal to see the couple come out of the church.

      Edward and Sophie invited 4x that amount of people to stand outside their wedding and not a peep was heard about them starving or maltreating anyone.

      So interesting how some will jump on any trumped up reason to critisize Harry and Meghan (especially Meghan) for anything they do and hold them to a much higher standard than those who have done the same exact thing.

    2. Annette New Zealand5 May 2018 at 09:37

      As I understand it there are various levels of invitation. Firstly the necessarily limited number invited to the actual wedding and the reception in St George's Hall. Then those invited to the evening function, presumably with supper provided. Then because it is more difficult to access the Castle grounds than The Mall in London, the royal couple decided to invite representatives of some selected groups to stand outside the Chapel.There will also be many more people outside the walls on the carriage route who will be there to get a look at the royal couple. The British public are used to this sort of thing and will not be expecting to be fed.

    3. 🌸 Unknown?. Certainly wasn’t “jumping on” anyone, lol, just feeling for their fans. I am big on hospitality, to the point of sometimes perhaps overdoing it (if there is such a thing), as my family will be all too ready to tell you, lol.
      And it was my understanding that they had invited 1,600 guests who have shown leadership and ultruism. And they will be outside. I think that number is correct. 200 of those people will be allowed right outside the church and Harry and Meghan will do a meet and greet with them.
      The rest along the way are not invited guests but allowed-access persons.

  39. 🌸 okay. :) Avee way up at 10:43, brought up a very good point. wow. Apparently Meghan’s family did not attend Meghan’s first wedding either.

    Except Doria. It seems from all the articles I’ve read about it and all the photos I have seen from her first wedding that Doria was the only family member there. Her father, and other family members, apparently did not attend that wedding either.

  40. Anonymous @ 22:57. The part that is so disheartening is Ms Markle is taking the majority of the hits; Prince Harry proposed, Prince Harry bought the ring. I hope they live or spend the majority of their time in one of the Commonwealth Countries where it ‘seems’ they will be appreciated. I’ll be happy for them when the wedding is over. Who wants to hear and read all this JUNK when it should be the happiest, or one of the happiest days of their lives. They have my prayers. 🙏🏽

    1. I know Marcia, she is going through a character assassination for saying yes to Harry as if Harry was a married man. This kind of treatment is disgusting.

  41. Oh i love Last episode suits they really It made me cry and Its been seven years. I love suits. But now that meghan left and taking a. New role As a member of royal family its just make exctited .. I hope the wedding will not be rain i love the guess-list

  42. The carriage is beautiful ! I don't think any of the coins in Canada or anywhere look like them though but still cool


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