
Sunday 6 May 2018

Your (Mad About Meghan) Royal Wedding Invite!

Little did I know when I started Mad About Meghan that just almost exactly a year later we would be less than two weeks away from Harry and Meghan's wedding. It feels like a good time to say a heartfelt thank you to those of you who have followed Meghan's journey thus far on the blog. A number of you have been in touch asking what my blogging plans for the day are; at 8 am BST I'm going to run a Live Blog covering the day and all the key moments as they happen. Later in the afternoon, I'll publish a separate blog post fully covering the ceremony, carriage procession and the reception (hopefully we'll see a photo or two). I'm very much considering a separate live blog covering the day before the royal wedding with stories and news as it becomes available; if you would like to see that please let me know! I hope you'll join me for what promises to be an unforgettable day for royal watchers. I look forward to joining you all on 19 May :)


  1. Are there links so we can watch it live one-line?

    1. Hello Emily,

      I'll have a post with all the details on televised and online coverage over the next week or so :)


  2. Yes please, a live blog for Friday would be perfect. I am taking Friday and Monday off to make sure I capture every tiny detail!

    1. Super idea re Friday coverage; FYI, BBC & all Canadian Broadcasting Networks will be covering Saturday’s events as well as special programming in the next ten days. Interested persons can google “Royal Wedding coverage “.

  3. What a great idea, Charlotte; thank you! Looking forward to joining you on the live blog here in New England!

  4. I am so happy and lucky to have found this perfect blog!
    I will join all of you of course!

  5. I am so excited and I am looking forward to Harry and Meghan's wedding! I started reading this blog way before the engagement last year, even before Harry made the famous statement. I used to go to other sites before Harry met Meghan but those sites were fair to other royal members but were mean to Meghan, so I decided to follow this one, happy to find you Charlotte and yes I accept your invitation! My husband and I will be watching this wonderful celebration together. My sister promised to join with and she will make an English Breakfast with eggs, sausage, baked beans, grilled tomato and some fruit, I can not wait!!

  6. Charlotte you are amazing! I was hoping you would have a live feed for the wedding so, well done, but the possibility of keeping us up to date the day before also?!! I'll be thrilled with anything you provide, just please don't burn yourself out!

  7. I cant wait.
    Greetings from Croatia.

  8. Mary from Nashville Tennessee joyfully accepts your invitation.
    Thank you for all of your hard work.

  9. Thank you, Charlotte. It will be a very early morning for me on Pacific Daylight Time; however, I look forward to the day and your contribution to it.

  10. I am in love with the Royal Family and can not wait for the Wedding.

    With all my ♡ from Burlington Wisconsin United States

  11. Whatever you do will be read and watched with great enjoyment! But, Charlotte, pleas get plenty of rest before the 19th!!! Thanks for this delightful blog!

  12. Yes, pl. a coverage of the day before with maybe even a live blog.

  13. i will be there! Thank you!

  14. Oh, heavens, that's 2 am my time! I've done it before, for Diana and Fergie and William, and probably I will again. It is all so interesting once I am up and awake. Or maybe I'll just stay up. . .

  15. I am RSVPing yes :) Would love to follow the coverage in the days before, as well.

    My friend and I are already planning our sleepover to catch the coverage bright and early on the American East Coast.

    Many, many thanks for all you do Charlotte. Your blogs are always a bright spot in my day.

  16. Charlotte, I accept your invitation. Thank you for doing a live blog for the wedding. It will be in the middle of the night my time, but I'll be wide awake and excited (and probably drinking strong coffee!) Your Kate and Meghan blogs are the most reliable for all the news. Thank you for a job well done.

  17. Of course I accept the invitation
    I would be here from France to follow with you this wonderful day with joy, kindness and tears lol

    Thanks again Charlotte for this wonderful blog

    1. I would be present on Friday too my God I'm in a hurry

  18. I'm so excited and can't wait.

  19. Yay! Delighted to accept your lovey invitation, Charlotte!:) What a fun way to lead into the next couple of weeks of wedding festivities! And yes, please! to the additional live blog on Friday!!!:) As long as it's not too much for you to juggle! OOOOH I CAN NOT WAIT!!!

  20. I would love to see an extra day of the upcoming wedding if thats not too much work. Would like to say an advanced thank-you for all the hard work you will be doing so we can enjoy the day as well.

  21. YES! It will be early here in SoCal, so I'll be watching in the comfort of my bedroom. :)

  22. I would love day-before coverage--any and all coverage! LOL Thanks for bringing us such great info and photos--you are the BEST!

  23. 🌸 Charlotte. Just when I think I couldn’t love you any more than I already do, you go and do something like this.❤️😊

    Our own very special Royal Wedding Invitation.🤵👰🏻
    How clever, fun, thoughtful and sweet.
    The guests at Windsor now have nothing on us.❤️

    Thank You, Charlotte.👑🏰🇬🇧

    If you are up to it, a live stream for Friday would be the second cherry on top of the cake.🍒 Yes, please.😊

  24. Alaina from NJ7 May 2018 at 00:15

    I will be here and would love to follow along on Friday but please, take time to enjoy it yourself. You are so wonderful to us - you deserve to enjoy the celebration as well!

  25. I would love extra coverage! Thanks for your amazing posts and photos!

  26. Are you KIDDING? Bring it on!
    I had thought of sending a nice aged Scotch for Mr.C. Due to the earliness of the hour, perhaps
    just pots and pots of tea. :)

    Charlotte, did you really expect anyone to turn down more coverage?

  27. Oh Charlotte, thank you a thousand times for doing this!!! Like the other folks here on the blog, I hope you won’t get worn out and that you’ll enjoy all the festivities too! I have to calculate what time I have to be up across the pond here in Nova Scotia - am thinking around 4 am if EST is 3 am. I’ve been saving a special bottle of wine for this occasion! I just have to make sure I recover from it in time to play the organ at church the following morning. I don’t think it would be appreciated if I did a face-plant on the keyboards during the service!

    1. 🌸 “face-plant” on the keyboards, lol. I think Yahweh is a Royal Wedding fan also, LeahMaria. He will give you strength. It might turn out to be your most inspired performance yet.😊

  28. 🌸 Becca.🤨 wherever that production studio is.
    We say, “Cut.🎬 And that’s a wrap.” And ask you to come and join the fun. It’s only 12 days away Becca.
    Where are you?😳

  29. My dear Charlotte, Ms. Cuppa accepts with pleasure your kind invitation to the Live Blog of the Royal Wedding between HRH Prince Harry to Ms. Meghan Markle. I'll be wearing pjs and my finest hat!

    1. Ms. Cuppa, I love your reply!

    2. 🌸 lol. Ms. Cuppa. I can just see that now (AND relate).😊

  30. Thank you so much. I am already setting my alarm and will be at the ready leaning against my pillows in great anticipation. My calendar will have no appointments except the words "Mad About Meghan".

  31. Mary in Nebraska7 May 2018 at 01:53

    Thank you, Charlotte! I'd love a live blog the day before!! I think we are all excited to share this together and I just know there will be plenty going on the day before, too. Can't wait!

  32. I live in Virginia, so not planning to join in at 3:00, but I am rising very early (for me) on the Saturday, and I accept with pleasure your kind invitation. US television is coming on at 9:00 BST, I hear. Meghan is my sorority sister, I’ve just heard. Kappa love to her!

  33. Can't wait to follow along with you. It's a perfect way to celebrate my birthday!!

    1. Happy Birthday Anon!!

    2. 🌸 uh. wow. The 18th will be my birthday also.
      In all the Royal Wedding excitement I didn’t put the “day before coverage” together with the fact that it is my birthday, lol. Me? Forget my birthday? That’s a first.😊

  34. Charlotte,
    Your invitation card is not only thoughtful and beautiful; it looks like the original the couple sent out. it also looks forward, by a positive twist of your care, to alter the bad mood, which goes up and down with one story or another out there in cyber space.

    My response even w/o RSVP requested - would have been a yes punctually, if it was two weeks ago. Only last week, did I find out I have to work on the 19th. I will miss my most favorite part of the event; the suspense of following the day from the morning until its completion. I will miss your posts and comments as events unfold, and the input of commenters. Well, I will be here by 6:00pm EST on May 19, God willing. By then, you may be having your well-deserved rest, about 10:00pm, UK time.

    I admit to have watched Kate’s entry into the Abbey and her walk-in the aisle, one too many times. It remains one of my top most favorite scenes. I hope there will be a memorable “magically immortal” moment from this wedding too. I was happy to have watched W&K’s wedding day from the very beginning, arrival of the guests, and especially the jubilant mood of the people waiting for the day, the groom and bride. If I remember correctly, the sun came out when she arrived at West Minister Abbey.

    May 20th, this blog will have a different name; the “Mad about Meghan” will change to…? Little did you know? In fact, you were ahead of it all, when many doubted. While it will be a new chapter forward, I will kind of miss the suspense which unfolded as “Mad About Meghan” blog. The constant insight of Eve-Germany and Surfer Girl who actively advocated on this blog for Meghan had been a lesson in optimism, intuition and consistency. Mr. D from UK, bluhare, Claudia and royal fun are all memorable. It had been one fun and informative ride while it sorted the many factors of society in the past and present. No one knows about the future; just hope it will be all good, and those who saw the good will hopefully find it all to be so.

    Best Wishes to all of you, this blog, the couple and the new future title of the blog.

    1. Well said, Anon15! I wasn't here from the beginning, and thus enjoyed your recap.

    2. Eve from Germany8 May 2018 at 14:22

      Thanks, Anon 15!! As I still struggle with my personal life, I try to draw strength from moments like when Charlotte started the MAM blog and I just KNEW Meghan would become Harry´s wife, I just KNEW it. I knew she would immediately be eager to be out and meet people, get involved. I´m glad she´s proven my impression of her right so far. That helps me to trust my instincts, as crazy as that might sound...
      Following Meghan here on this blog, reading, learning, commenting, sometimes focusing on facts, sometimes doing the exact opposite (lol!!) with all of you - it surely was not only a welcome distraction but often a shining light in the middle of quite a lot of dark moments during the past months. I´m still planning on writing to H&M should I ever find a new place for myself - I haven´t forgotten his words at the Invictus Games ceremony....
      I hope and pray, too, that Harry and Meghan will be able to cherish their love in the years to come, build on it and find happiness and, in difficult times, strength to come through them, maybe even stronger than before!
      Thanks to everyone, and may I join in on your Best Wishes, Anon 15!! :-)))

    3. A thousand hugs for you Eve

    4. Eve from Germany, I know what you mean. It felt different from the very beginning. I knew it when I saw the matching bracelets, hers on instagram, his in photos.

      I hope and pray for the best for you Eve. You take great care of yourself. Thank you for your beautiful post.

    5. Thanks Anon15 for your lovely words. This blog has been a joy to follow, and comment in right from the beginning and share in the anticipation and excitement of this incredible partnership with you all. Eve, SG and other regulars - thanks for all your enjoyable commentary - long may this continue, it's been great getting to know and share with you - big hug to you everyone x.

      Charlotte - you continue to be the font of all knowledge and expertise when it comes to Meghan (and Catherine) and I've had the fortune to follow you from the start (with both ladies) - I wouldn't look anywhere else now and will be accepting your invite with pleasure. There's always something for everyone, male or female, to discover, inform and delight. And I love the idea of this still being called 'Mad about Meghan' after she becomes a Duchess. x

    6. Sorry for the delayed response. The week-end has arrived; I wish you all a very nice one.

      Thank you. I could not resist to look back especially considering where it is at now. I was not here when DKB started either. I arrived at DKB blog from a link which web address was something like DKB was one of the links they provided. It was sometime in 2013, gradually continued here as Anonymous, and January 2015, joined as 15.

      You are welcome. Please continue to inspire more than you may not know; people read, and may not comment. The good and the bad in life, is part of being a human being. To be capable of knowing where one’s life is, admit it, and yet find joy from others happiness is another lesson to learn for some in this world. You have arrived in good form. It was as much interesting following your enthusiasm, optimism and comments, as keeping up with this couple’s relationship on this blog. You are missed on DKB. That blog has its own life too, which can lead into a different kind of discussion and information. You are missed there. I hope you will reconsider.

      Mr. D from UK,
      You are welcome. It is so nice and special to find your current comment while you are traveling and working in a different country. It is interesting to know how another part of the world perceives the wedding from a familiar MAM & DKB commenter.

      Hello SG- I hope you are ready for the party. You deserve a special honor as the wedding party planner of MAM.

      One more week to go-see you all next Saturday. Stay well and good.

    7. PS: Eve,
      I hope you are reminded that it is a matter of time, make reasonable patience your friend until the right time and/or place happens. I have some obstacles in my way, as well as some good. Over the years, I learnt to be grateful for the good, and try working at solving the problems. Sometimes it feels forever, one can only carry on with the good before the bad affects other areas of life, and gets worse. I am sure you continue at the effort to solve the issue and make what you want happen rightfully. In truth, it is bad health which is the worst challenge in a person's life OR bad influence which results in bad health. It is good to know you continue to choose happiness while you are working on the challenges of life's routine. I don’t mean to minimize housing as routine as it is one of the most important parts of life, but millions of people sort out their housing issues every day as part of living. Your week has arrived! and enjoy it, as positive as you are. May it be a bright month and year in all aspects of your life, with a blessing from God.

  35. Charlotte, I accept your invitation with pleasure. :) Coverage on Friday would be wonderful but as others have stated, please don't burn yourself out. You deserve to enjoy this special event too.

  36. Thank you so much for everything you do!!! Extra coverage would be amazing!

  37. upstate diva USA7 May 2018 at 03:53

    You are too good to us!!!!! (Please bring it on!)

  38. Charlotte, I received my invitation. I’m delighted to be invited, and I accept. Charlotte, you are terrific. Thanks!!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🥇

  39. Yes, please to the day before love blog! You are amazing. I’ve been following your Kate blog ever since you started it- so your Meghan blog has been such a nice bonus!! Thank you for you hard work and kind reporting.

  40. Intrigued By Royals7 May 2018 at 04:26

    I would like to RSVP with a Yes! for one from my place! I am planning on serving scones with a hint of lemon and elderflowers (if I can find them).

  41. Yes. I love the live feed im. On the trip of japan in comes time. ... And. Perhaps. I love the. Pots pots of tea and Live. Video i keeping eye on that a lot work all us

  42. I’m on the west coast of the US, so the time is going to be a challenge, but I’ll be watching and I’ll be here! Thanks for the coverage!

  43. What lovely ideas. Thank you for the invitation! We are going to have a small party with friends in Pretoria - will hopefully follow your blog and tv at the same time!

  44. Silvia from Tuscany7 May 2018 at 05:52

    I surely will be there! I haven't followed your sites for a long time, but I'm already in love with them. They are a good company for me during the day. A live blog is a wonderful idea and it demonstrates how generous you are. The 19th I will prepare a nicde english breakfast and let's start! Greetings from Tuscany, Italy.

  45. Marci in Utah7 May 2018 at 06:22

    We at my house will enjoy whatever you do, Charlotte. Thank you so much!

  46. Kathy from NJ USA happily accepts your invitation!!! So excited! I would love to see what’s happening in UK day before wedding! 😊

  47. Yes, I will!
    That's gonna be a fabulous day :)

  48. Sharyn from AUS7 May 2018 at 08:31

    I am rsvp'ing yes. but could you please explain what BST is so I can work out the time difference?

    1. Hello Sharyn,

      It's British Summer Time. I'm guessing you live in Australia? If so, the Live Blog starts at 5 pm in Sydney. I hope that's helpful :)

    2. Sharyn from AUS8 May 2018 at 09:09

      very helpful! thank you

  49. Charlotte what a wonderful and thoughtful idea to have the blog start on the Friday ! It'll feel as if we're there celebrating with the gathering crowds in Windsor ! Thank you and count me in ! x

  50. Zora from Prague7 May 2018 at 10:02

    Charlotte, thank you for the lovely invitation which is wholeheartedly accepted! :) Can't imagine being in a better company. As for the day-before coverage - Yes, Please! I also join the others who have said: please make sure to get plenty of rest in advance .... and afterwards!

  51. Carrie Virginia7 May 2018 at 10:12

    Yes please to an extra day of coverage. How extraordinarily generous of you giving of your time in this way. Thank you!
    CV from Outback Australia xx

  52. Carrie Virginia7 May 2018 at 10:13

    Yes, please. How very generous you are with your time. Thank you!

    CV in Outback Australia

  53. Hello Charlotte,

    Thank you for the invitation. I hope to watch the movie based on H&M this coming weekend. Life time or Hallmark will be releasing it on May 13th.

    I wish you and this community a nice week.

  54. I always turn to your blogs when I'm looking for the most up to date coverage on Meghan or Kate. The excitement on Friday, the day before THE BIG DAY, will be at an all time high. Please bring it on! I'm sure it will satisfy your readers fast beating hearts. :)

  55. Dear Charlotte, you deserve a wedding invitation,maybe as a reporter inside the grounds of Winsor Castle ..😊As a thank you for all your hard work and positive coverage of the BRF.I am so looking forward to your upcoming posts!

    1. Oh!yes!I totally agree!
      I wish Harry and Meghan follow this perfect site

  56. Thank you so much for your comments, it's going to be a terrific weekend :)

  57. Charlotte's live blog will be watched around the world! RSVPs so far that indicated location...

    South Africa
    United States

    It's so exciting!

    1. 🌸 wow. good point, Heather. It is amazing.
      I love it. Such a blessing.❤️ Thank you Charlotte.🌷

    2. Zora from Prague7 May 2018 at 17:53

      Czech Republic! :) 🇨🇿

    3. Add New Zealand to that too please :-)

    4. Zora from Prague7 May 2018 at 21:04

      So far: 🇦🇺🇨🇦🇭🇷🇨🇿🇫🇷🇩🇪🇮🇹🇳🇿🇿🇦🇺🇸 😀!

  58. I say YES! to the day before live blog! So exciting!

  59. Charlotte, Thank you so much for your invitation and I enthusiastically accept. Looking forward so much to the wedding and the events and your live blog will add even more to the joy and fun of the day. Being from the States, it will be a bit early, but I got myself out of bed in the wee hours of the morning and watched Diana and Fergie and Kate now I'm looking forward to doing it again for Meghan. This will be so special. The added viewing on Friday will be terrific. Thank you, Charlotte, for all you do. Marla from NH

  60. Theresa - Austin, Texas7 May 2018 at 14:07

    Thank you so much, Charlotte. All that you do for this blog and our community is greatly appreciated!!

  61. Marion from Germany7 May 2018 at 14:30

    Thank you very much for this lovely invitation, dear Charlotte, I will definitely join the party. Having your guidance throughout the day before the wedding will be equally terrific. Your live coverage will add so much fun and background information to perfectly round up a royal wedding.

  62. Susan in Florida7 May 2018 at 14:37

    I accept your lovely invitiation, with pleasure . Charlotte you are amazing 🌹

  63. Pam from Boston7 May 2018 at 14:40

    Charlotte, I've been wondering if you will be changing the name of this blog once Meghan becomes Duchess (or princess, or whatever he title will be), i.e...."hrhduchessmeghan.blogspot." I understand if you don't, as this has been an established blog for a year now. However, I feel the current title won't show the same respect to Meghan's position as does the title for Kate's blog. I think that's important because I have a feeling she won't get the respect (from the public in general) that she will deserve.

    1. Hello Pam,

      I'm giving it serious consideration. Initially, Mad About Meghan was only a short-term name, since then it's really grown on me. Changing it could prove quite challenging logistically and in the days after the wedding I expect a number of sites with Meghan's title to pop up and I worry it would be very difficult for people to find this space and associated social media accounts. On the other hand, I completely understand your points. I'll continue to think it over for the next week or two.

      Mad About Meghan or Duchess Meghan? What do you all think?

    2. IF ITS NOT BROKEN DON'T FIX IT! Love title Mad About Meghan because we are. A title before your name doesn't earn respect. It is the person that you are inside and how you project to others on the outside. Our girl is perfect for the role!

    3. I'm all for Mad About Meghan.

    4. Mad About Meghan has grown on me, too. I think it's appropriate considering the reaction of the crowds as Meghan and Harry toured the country. No matter what title she is given by the queen, people will always be mad about Meghan. She will be royal by marriage, have the official title and will have to follow certain rules, but Mad About Meghan suggests another side of her, her down-to-earth approachability, and kindness. Kate, being the future queen, might need a more formal blog title, but I hope you keep Mad About Meghan.

    5. ILoveElephants7 May 2018 at 16:16

      How about “ mad about duchess Meghan” i think it’s a unique title and people probably won’t have trouble finding it.

    6. 🌸 My vote is for Mad About Meghan. It already has a life of it’s own and it is a good one.😊
      And it emphasizes keeping Meghan, Meghan,
      Duchess or not, like USA Granny said.

    7. Eve from Germany7 May 2018 at 16:48

      I absolutely ADORED the title from the beginning. It somehow captures for me Meghan - I don´t know her personally, but the title suits her, simple as that. So please continue with it - althouth I could live with the "Duchess" addition! ;-))

    8. Eve from Germany7 May 2018 at 16:49

      Sorry, it´s "although" - check your typo before pressing the button, Eve!! :-))

    9. Let's keep it the same! Anyhow, she might only be a Countess, like Sophie. Thanks for all your good work, Charlotte, it is always a pleasure to be here.

    10. I vote for leaving the blog title as is. It’s very unique. ☺️

    11. Zora from Prague7 May 2018 at 17:52

      I'd also prefer to keep the same title. It is smart, fun, easy to remember thanks to the alliteration, and Meghan will always be Meghan...

    12. Keep the same title with her wedding photo like you do with DK blog. Also trademark it if you can so other publications can't use MAM without your permission.

    13. Pam from Boston7 May 2018 at 20:26

      It is a fun title. I know - how about changing the Kate blog to "Krazy about Kate?!" LOL!!

    14. Charlotte, it is a dilemma that only you can decide as there are many factors none of us can weigh in on. If you change the URL - then you'll have to pay for two domain names and have to set up a redirect, it could impact your search standings, etc.

      What I believe you should know is that none of your audience will leave. You are greatly admired and respected for your thoughtful and informative postings.

      A header (or added tagline) is a much easier change than a URL. Mull it over, give it time. We will all follow. :-)

    15. I agree - keep this as "Mad about Meghan" with your sub line changing to "The Life and Style of The Duchess of (Sussex?) - lovely new graphic too? x

    16. Eve from Germany9 May 2018 at 14:11

      Mr. D, perfect idea!! Sounds great!! :-))))

  64. Looking forward to following your blog on the wedding day. I would also enjoy you doing a blog the day before the wedding!!

  65. My little girl and I are totally in, Friday and Saturday. We're planning on having a full English breakfast and tons of tea. And since she's only 7 y/o we'll also have lots of twirling around in a princess gown with accompanying ohs and ahs, along with wanting her hair done in the same style as Meghan's. Can't wait. Trish in NJ

    1. 🌸 awwwh. Trisha that is so sweet. :)

    2. 🌸 that reminds me. Paola. Where are you? I miss you.😊 Surely you are going to join us for the Royal Wedding. Yes?

  66. 🌸 Charlotte. Like many others here, I am truly in awe of what a loving International, Worldwide community has been created through your most excellent blogs.
    It is amazing. An immense blessing. Immense.
    Hugs. And Thank You.❤️🌷

    1. Agreed surfer girl :) I feel grateful to have made so many friends on this blog as well as the Duchess Kate blog. From sharing our opinions to learning so much about the royals and related history, this blog has really formed a lovely international platform for respectful, informative and friendly discussions :)

  67. I will most definitely be on your blog Charlotte! Your live coverage of events are always much more exciting, informative and up-to-date than any news outlet (no offense to them). How exciting will it be for all of us to "attend" the royal wedding via this blog :)

    Your work is most appreciated Charlotte!

  68. Eve from Germany7 May 2018 at 16:46

    This is SO SWEET!!!! Thank you, dearest Charlotte, I´ll gladly join in!! Can´t wait!! It´s unbelievable - do you remember how we started? How I personally celebrated the first post I had to press the "load more" button? And now we´re right in on the way to the wedding - not even 2 weeks to go anymore!! Huge thanks to you, Charlotte - you´ve done some super-stellar work here!! And thanks to all fellow commenters - it´s been a pleasure and I can´t wait to join you all, starting Friday, 18th May!! Yeahhhhhh!!! :-)))

    1. I remember it well Eve and thank you :)

  69. Courtney from NC7 May 2018 at 17:01

    I Have been quietly following along since day 1 of this blog and I will be here for any, and all, of the wedding festivities!

    Charlotte you have created two very unique places, about 2 very different women, where the caliber of quality information and level of kindness are second to none. Thank you so much for these fun, safe places to indulge royalists from around the world!

  70. 🌸 Courtney from NC. So good to hear from you again. Hope your health is good, your husband safe, and your children on their best behavior. 😊

  71. Love the title “Mad About Meghan!” Hope you will keep it, as we all will still feel the same way about Meghan. I think it was an inspired title!

  72. Silvia from Tuscany7 May 2018 at 17:56

    I'm in this blog since a very little time and I like it because everybody comments with kindness and civility. This is very special. Maybe I shouln't give an opinion about the site name because of my short permanency in it, but I think Mad about Meghan is very appropriate before and after the wedding. It sounds nice and marks a difference with the site dedicated to Kate and her family.

  73. Jo in Arizona7 May 2018 at 19:17

    I persuaded my granddaughter’s 1st grade teacher (I sub and volunteer in her class) to have a Royal Wedding tea party for Fun Friday the day before the weddinfg. Ordered Harry & Meghan cupcake toppers and will be wearing a t-shirt with their names and British & US flags :)

    1. Zora from Prague7 May 2018 at 20:51

      Jo, that's great! I wish we could see you all... :) Have fun!

  74. Mad about Duchess Meghan sounds great keeping with your same theme. I echo all the accolades. And thank you for invitation to the wedding celebrations.

  75. It will be crazy day with a lot of beautiful and touching moments.Probably I won 't fall behind with you,Charlotte but I can 't wait for 19 th!

  76. I vote for keeping the blog Mad About Megan but you could add The life and style of the Duchess of .....

    1. I really like this idea, mari vale!

  77. We will be here, it's going to be a fantastic day!

  78. I gratefully accept your invitation. SO looking forward to this!!

  79. When Vanity Fair came up with a cover of Meghan, titled “Wild about Harry”, it was several weeks after you started the blog, “Mad About Meghan”. I thought, VF came up with a reflection of your blog for Harry’s version. MAM is a prelude and a chapter all on its own, not only a man mad about a woman, but the world was stirred in amazement, and a different kind of madness had been going on too. IMHO, may be archiving MAM as an archive accessible under the future blog name may work.

    You have been known for over seven years as a DKB blogger, and to have a “twin blog” of similar / compatible title will ease people into the alternate universe, while be mindful of the brothers spouses, though different, also as team members of “the fab four”. If Meghan was to become a duchess, then the sister blog will be DMB. Like you stated, many blogs with Meghan name will pop up; it may be better to maintain the consistency of what you have been known for, as a DKB blogger.

    It will also be post the madness, entering into the challenges of marriage, duty, possibly family, the known and the unknown future. I hope you will go for the DMB, or whatever titles the Queen will bestow on the couple. I hope everything of MAM will continue to be available as a pre marriage history on your blog. Regardless, your very own judgement is most reliable. Thank you for the offer to sort out what had been, and what will be. Stay good and well!

    Long time ago, someone asked you, what this blog will be titled after they marry. If I remember correctly, you favored naming it, HRH Duchess Meghan Blog.

  80. Super exciting Royal Wedding Event and it's free! It has the guy who has written her book - Royal biographer Andrew Morton:

  81. This is the sweetest thing. Thank you Charlotte, and yes I vote for the day before live blog too.

  82. Hi! I followed on Twitter! I really want those sunnies!

  83. Well worth getting up before the crack of dawn! Thank you, Charlotte! It will be such a fun way to experience and share all of our excitement about the royal wedding. :)

  84. Yeah!!
    Can't wait for the Royal Wedding.
    Looking fwd to join your live blog on that day.
    Thank you so much. :D

  85. it's in 10 days I can not wait 🤗😍

    1. Eve from Germany9 May 2018 at 16:30

      I can´t wait either, Faiza! Hugs from Germany!

  86. Looking so forward to it! I will be up at 3 am. CT in the United States just like I was to watch Charles and Diana and William and Kate.

  87. Oh I'm so excited I'll be there and watching in the wee small hours from Canada thanks Charlotte for all your hard work!! I can't wait to see the dress and this historic wedding

  88. If you do feel you should rename the blog, perhaps "Mad About Meghan" could be the subtitle. Meghan has a sort of theatrical life, of her choosing, so this original title would be suitable.

    I found your Kate blog just after her wedding---I was looking at all sorts of information online and you created a nice home that was full of amazing vies and information and just the truth. I seldom read the posts because I thought they were just about fashion but I jumped into the Meghan blog because of the abuse she was receiving and wanted to vent some, and I have met the NICEST people. Thank you for all you hard work and all that lies ahead. :)

  89. Thank you for the lovely invitation I'm RSVP'ingredients a very large Yes my youngest son and I will be up at around 4am in Ontario,Canada to watch. I've high tea and champers planned for nibbles while we watch. I'm so excited about them getting married and watching thier married life develop and grow. Thank you providing such a lovely blog to watch,learn and support this lovely lady as she joins the BRF and for the fellow followers who help makes r
    this journey such fun. 6 days and counting.


Welcome to Mad About Meghan! We do so look forward to reading your thoughts. Constructive, fair debate is always encouraged. Hateful, derogatory terms and insults are not welcome here. This space focuses on Harry and Meghan, not any other member of the Royal family. It's not the place to discuss politics either. Thank you for reading, we look forward to your comments :)