
Sunday 19 August 2018

A Week in the Scottish Highlands at the Queen Mother's Retreat

On this Sunday evening, we're chatting about Harry and Meghan's week in the Scottish Highlands. Writing for The Sunday Times today, trusted royal correspondent Roya Nikkhah revealed the Sussexes enjoyed a relaxing week with Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall at the Castle of Mey, the Queen Mother's former residence in Scotland.

Meghan enjoys an incredibly warm relationship with Charles and Camilla and it's been reported she's spent a great deal of time with them both since the engagement. They've both offered her advice and acted as sounding boards throughout the wedding preparations and throughout Meghan's adjustment to royal life. Charles stepped in at the last minute to walk his daughter-in-law down the aisle; he was also instrumental in offering advice and helping to select the wedding music, however, it was the unwavering support and kindness he showed Meghan's mother Doria from the moment she arrived in London that particularly touched Meghan and meant the world to her. During her speech at the wedding reception, the Duchess thanked Charles. The Standard reported: "It was important to her to make a point of thanking him publicly, although, of course, he knows privately how she feels."

Harry and Meghan's decision to spend a week in the Scottish Highlands seemed the perfect opportunity to spend a quiet relaxing week together, no doubt filled with scenic walks taking in the breathtaking views and other outdoor pursuits in the area. I imagine many long conversations were enjoyed over dinner and drinks away from the hustle and bustle of London, and I expect Meghan has become the latest member of the Windsor clan to fall in love with Scotland. It's been such a hectic year filled with change, it's wonderful she shares such a close bond with Charles and Camilla.

The Castle of Mey is located in Caithness, on the north coast of Scotland, about ten kilometres west of John o' Groats. In fine weather there are views from the castle north to the Orkney Islands.

In 1952, the Queen Mother saw what was then known as Barrogill Castle while staying with Commander and Lady Doris Vyner at the House of the Northern Gate on Dunnet Head, a short distance to the west. Despite its poor condition, she purchased the castle that year and set about renovating and restoring both the castle and its gardens and parklands, which extended to about 30 acres. She also restored the castle's original name, changing Barrogill Castle back to the Castle of Mey. Her Majesty opened the gardens in aid of Scotland's Gardens Scheme on three days each year, a tradition which the trustees have been pleased to continue.

Fans of Netflix series The Crown will recall the scene when the Queen Mother travelled to Scotland to purchase the dilapidated property.

In July 1996, the Queen Mother made the property, the policies, and the farm over to the Queen Elizabeth Castle of Mey Trust, which has opened the castle and garden to the public regularly since her death.

It is now open seven days a week from 1 May until 30 September annually, with a closed period of ten days at the end of July and the beginning of August, when Charles and Camilla usually stay there. The Trust opened a new visitor centre in early 2007, and the visitor numbers for that year topped 29,000.

A peek inside one of the bedrooms.

The garden are a highlight among visitors year after year.

The gardens consist of the Walled Garden, the East Garden and a woodland area -  with the overall design remaining much as it was in the Queen Mother's time. The East Garden is dissected by Fuschia hedges for shelter. The individual sections are planted with woodland plants such as primulas, meconopsis, astilbes, hellebores, hostas, ferns and foxgloves.

Her Majesty the Queen Mother's experienced green fingers ensured that the garden at the Castle of Mey prospered. She even managed to nurture her favourite old rose, Albertine, into scented abundance behind the Great Wall of Mey. The garden is full of marigolds, pansies, dahlias, primulas and nasturtiums, while old-fashioned shrub roses and climbers form the highlights of the Shell Garden, where the Queen Mother would sit with her corgis in the afternoon. It is as it was in her day, the same Albertine rose still grows on the wall, as does the London Pride surrounding each rose bed.

Below, Prince Charles photographed at the Mey Highland & Cultural Games in Caithness, Scotland on Meghan's birthday. I expect Harry and Meghan travelled there shortly after the van Straubenzee wedding. Meghan shared a birthday on 4 August with the late Queen Mother.

Following her husband's passing, the castle became a beloved bolthole for the grief-stricken Queen Mother who enjoyed nothing more than spending time in the garden with her corgis. I'm sure she would be delighted to know the younger generations of the Royal family are still spending time there today.

Perhaps the trip signalled the beginning of a new tradition for the couple, who are styled as the Earl and Countess of Dumbarton in Scotland.

According to various reports, Meghan is planning a short trip to Toronto and California to spend quality time with her mother Doria and close friends. We expect to see Harry and Meghan in Balmoral over the next few weeks with the Queen, too.

I imagine we'll begin to hear details regarding the couple's autumn schedule over the next week or two.


  1. I'd love to visit that castle! How nice it is to hear positive news of how Meghan is getting along with her new in-laws and that they are all happy to spend this kind of time together. Hope she gets to go see her mother and friends and remain under the radar, if possible.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Intrigued By Royals19 August 2018 at 21:14

    How wonderful for Meghan and Harry! It is good to see a bond forming between Meghan and her in-laws! The castle looks like a proper castle made for fortification. The gardens and the sea beyond look very inviting! I am glad Meghan and Harry are finally taking some time off. They have been working hard ever since the engagement was announced. Meghan is adopting the Royal's custom of August time off and fitting right in as she has been all year. It has been a huge year of changes for her and I admire her for doing so well. This is a well deserved rest for her!

  3. Lovely post Charlotte! Scotland is definitely on my must visit list one day.

    I can't hardly wait September to begin, and hopefully all the royals return to work, we are definitely in the need of changing the narrative.

    Hope you don't mind me sharing this here, a very good read:

    1. Scotland is beautiful. We lived in Edinburgh as a child and went on highland holidays. It is absolutely gorgeous although you cannot depend on the weather at all. Those photos were taken on a very nice day indeed!

      I read Benjamin Wareing's article earlier today. He hit the same points as Charlotte, I thought. She's a human being!

    2. Oh come one bluhare, come to Europe and let's get going...:)

    3. bluhare I went to school in Edinburgh and I remember standing in the dark waiting for a bus and it was sleeting at 3:30 in the afternoon and feeling so happy to live there. Scotland is so wonderful! I laughed when I saw that garden photo, so unusual and precious are days like that especially that far north. My son's are experiencing Festival for the first time and having a grand time, I am just a little jealous. Edinburgh is magnificent!

  4. How exciting for Meghan as she becomes more and more a part of the RF traditions. The gardens are beautiful and so inviting for walks and conversation. It is wonderful that she has developed such a good relationship with her new in-laws. Meghan I'm sure is yet another daughter for Prince Charles. I am sure it gives him great satisfaction knowing his son is happy. How lucky is she and more importantly how lucky are they to have her as the newest family member.

  5. What a glorious getaway; and I'm glad to hear Harry and Meghan have spent more time with Charles and Camilla. I really adore how close they've become. Meghan's presence has really turned my opinion of C & C around. I know some have mentioned that they thought it might be a purposeful PR maneuver on Charles' part to help his image, but I really hope it wasn't that coy. I enjoy watching how C & C have taken Meghan under their wing and hope the good relationship continues into the future.

    The castle looks cozy and the grounds seem so refreshing. I wonder if Harry will accompany Meghan if she does go back to Canada and the States? I'm really looking forward to their autumn schedule! I hope we hear the announcement of Meghan's patronages!

  6. Kate, Texas, USA19 August 2018 at 22:51

    I am glad they can enjoy some time away to relax and recharge. The wedding pic of Meghan and Charles meeting is one of my favorites. She has been loved and welcomed into the family and it is lovely to see.

    The garden pictures are incredible! I need to put it on my travel bucket list. I hope all the RF are enjoying their holiday time, but I am eagerly anticipating a great fall and seeing everyone in September!

  7. What a stunning yet cozy place! Meghan must be enjoying her new family so much. :)

  8. Lovely photos & post, Charlotte. You’re really selling Scotland to me right now! ;) I’d love to visit there, as others have mentioned here, also. It’s great that Meghan has been spending some downtime with her in-laws & she’s visiting friends & family back home (Canada/US). It has been really hectic this year for Meghan...adjusting to a new country, settling in to married life & the BRF. She has done really well & deserves a break! I look forward to hearing what is in store for their Autumn & also what their intinerary will be for the upcoming Aus/NZ/Fiji/Tonga tour. I can’t wait to find out details so I can plan in advance my best vantage point to spot them clearly :)

    1. How exciting for you, Kiwi Gal! I hope you'll be able to meet H&M when they come to NZ!

    2. I contacted the DIA earlier today and they said to email any enquirers to


    3. Thanks, US reader & Silvereyed! It’s super exciting that they’ll be here as a couple (they came to NZ before separately, a year apart, I think?) It’d be lovely to see them together. I will definitely email Internal Affairs to find out what their schedule is...might as well plan ahead :)

  9. Oh my goodness those flowers!! I love flowers and I know Meghan loves flowers too so hopefully she had a wonderful time admiring nature. The castle looks majestic! Hope Harry and Meghan are using this break to refresh and get recharged physically and emotionally so they will be ready to go come September :)

    1. Faith in Vermont20 August 2018 at 02:12

      I too am in love with those flowers!!

  10. It looks gorgeous. Scotland is one of my bucket list places to go to.

  11. Faith in Vermont20 August 2018 at 02:11

    I picture them all getting along quite well. I recall reading that the late Joan Rivers met Prince Charles on a landscape painting trip and they became fast friends. It gave me some insight into him: that he appreciates intelligence and ambition, and oeople who know how to have fun. Now Meghan and Joan are two very different oeople, but I see the intelligence, ambition, and fun in Meghan. She seems to value him as well, which never hurts a rekationship ;). I am happy for both of them.

  12. It is Kismet for Meghan and the Queen Mother to share the same birthday. Charles adored his grandmother, who stepped in to be with him, when his mother became Queen and travelled the world. If Charles and Camilla go there every year at the time of the birthday, perhaps Harry and Meghan will also go annually. Meghan would celebrate her birthday, in the summer home of a grand lady, with the same birthday. It is so coincidental and special.

  13. What a beautiful spot, I would love to see the grounds. So do Camilla and Charles have another spot closer to Balmoral? For some reason I thought Charles stayed up in Scotland near his Mother and Father in his own house for much of August and September.

  14. I am very happy they seem to get along so well. Especially Camilla seems to be fit to be a good advisor for Meghan. The scrutiny and hate she had to endure for years (and sometimes still does) is unbelievable but she managed it. People really overstepped with her (and Charles) and her work is still overlooked a lot. Hopefully Meghan will have another outcome.
    I do wonder about her trip to Canada though. Not because I think she shouldn’t do it per se but I am unsure how long she could even stay with immigration laws. They surely will be careful not to give the impression she could just go around them just because she married into the BRF.

    1. 5.01. I'm not sure what you mean about Canadian immigration laws. Meghan is not immigrating to Canada, she would be merely visiting. I live in Canada and know that people from Britain, the USA and numerous countries around the world, are welcome to come as visitors/tourists. USA citizens, which Meghan is, can stay up to six months. While the USA is now restricting people who cross their borders, Canada does not do this. So to Meghan and others, please come and see us.

    2. Shouldn’t be a concern. She’s still an American citizen. (She has to be, as the process for obtaining British citizenship takes years.) She wouldn’t even need a visa to enter Canada and she can stay for, last I checked, 180 days before any possible issue could arise. It sound like she’s just there for a visit.

    3. Juniper, even if Meghan were a British citizen or a citizen of many other countries, she would still be welcome to visit for six months.

    4. Juniper, even if Meghan were a British citizen or a citizen of many other countries, she would still be welcome to visit for six months.

    5. Guys- I was obviously about talking about her process to become a British citizen. There are rules for how long you have to be on British soil. I see exceptions being made for her work travels but maybe not for private holidays (especially as she already had a few).

  15. Thank you Charlotte - really enjoyed reading about the history of the Castle of Mey. Never had included Scotland on my visit wish list but maybe someday!

  16. Sounds wonderful. I have watched The Crown and loved when the Queen Mother comes upon this castle and wants to purchase it. Appreciative of the poster that stated, "must have been a nice day." I too have Scotland on my list of places to visit. My Grandfather was of Scottish descent and one of the last trips he took was to Scotland. Curious as to how many days are blue sky.

    Hopefully the C&C and H&M had some lovely days to enjoy. I'm sure for Meghan every new place is an amazing adventure. So much to learn, see and do. Carry on Meg!

  17. Royal 👑 Watcher20 August 2018 at 15:03

    Thank you for this lovely post, Charlotte. It was great to have some good, wholesome news for a change. I am so happy that Harry and Megan enjoy a friendly relationship with Charles and Camilla. I am really hoping to visit Scotland in the future too. Watching Outlander certainly helps the appeal, as does hearing about all these beautiful old castles!

  18. I loved this post. I haven't been to Scotland yet and I'm dying to. I have a lot of Scottish ancestors.....from Lanarkshire and Ayr. My next trip to Britain will hopefully include visits to these locations as well as the Highlands and St. Andrews.

  19. This story has been proven as false. Camilla was with her family and Charles was alone at Castle of Mey, as he usually is. The Sussexes were not with him. They are expected to go to Balmoral though.

    1. Hello Sally,

      Roya Nikkhah has impeccable Palace sources. I imagine she got the info directly from a Palace source.

    2. The information was removed form the article on the website, so either it wasn’t true or Roya wasn’t supposed to publish it. There’s been a discussion about it on twitter among royal reporters. No royal reporter has ’impeccable sources’, they’ve all been wrong sometimes.

    3. Sally, what is your source? Honestly, I did wonder about the timing with all the Markle headlines, but Charlotte trusts her source and I trust Charlotte. 🤓

    4. I saw something about Meghan and Harry being in Italy with the Clooneys. Not that they couldn’t have gone to both places though.

    5. Hello, Emily Andrews confirms Harry and Meghan spent five days at the Castle of Mey. She understands it was before the van Straubenzee wedding.

    6. Thank you, Charlotte. :-)

  20. Gorgeous country and what a castle! Wonderful the QM saved it and now her great grandson and his wife can enjoy it. I wish we could see pics of them there, but I love the photos of the garden. I hope Harry and Meghan are having a relaxing time and enjoying this first summer as newlyweds! Cheers from Oregon!

  21. From Rebecca English;

    Meghan isn't in Canada or LA and won't be going there any time soon.

  22. Since we are speaking of Scotland, I wanted to share that we were very blessed to have in our Cast (for our film/that I've been filming in The UK/based in London) part of The Cast of The New "Mary Queen of Scots" Movie, set for a December 2018 release, with Saoirse Ronan in the part of Mary Stuart & Margot Robbie in the role of Queen Elizabeth I. The Trailer has just dropped!!! I've been privy to wonderful information about the filming of it & the final product! I'm Sooooo Excited & of course have put in my request for tickets to The Premiere!! So I'll keep you posted! :) There is So Much Oscar Buzz around not only This Movie, but especially for Saoirse Ronan!!! They filmed in Amazing locations & it was so funny hearing about the fun things my friends in The Cast did during filming & how they so freely were able to slip out & go to pubs etc & go unnoticed!! The Scots were wonderful hosts & respected their privacy! Keep your eyes open for this film! It's going to be Really Great!!! :) It's a whole new take on the story than has ever been told before!! :) xoxo

    1. I just replied with the #MQOScots Release info below, but here it is as well. It's a "Focus Feature" & "Working Title" Production & is set for release in The USA on December 7, 2018 & while I forgot to ask my Colleague, I'm sure it will be a dual release at the same time covering both countries! The Trailer is really good! I encourage all interested in The British Royal History to check it out! It's so well done & they've carved out a subtley in the telling of the story that hasn't been done before! Glad I could share this with all of you! :)

  23. Clearly, I need to add a visit to Scotland to my bucket list.

  24. Looking forward to the movie about Mary, Queen of Scots. Beccca, USA, is the release in December be for North America as well or just UK? I also read that the news of the visit to the Castle of Mey has been removed. It certainly makes sense that Harry and Meghan would spend some time with Charles, and I can just imagaine Meghan being totally charmed by the castle and its grounds. I wonder why the information has been removed, if indeed it has. I know rags just make up stuff, and move on without printing retractions.

    1. You know Anon, I'll have to check with my contacts, but I'm pretty sure it's on both sides of the pond! I do know they are going for the Oscar Nom, so that would mean it has to be released over here (in the states) in December too! It's going to be so very good!! :) I have production promos & shots on my social media... but since that's not viable for you to access, I'd suggest you google it & see how they have the 2 actresses looking so much alike, that's the tip of the iceberg about this take on the story! The Trailer has dropped too! It's really good! :)

    2. Ok Anon I've got it! Mary Queen of Scots is due for release in USA on December 7, 2018. It's a combined "Focus Feature" & "Working Title" Production. I forgot to ask about the UK, but I would assume the release would be on the same day both in The UK & USA! Hope this helps! :)

  25. Beautiful country. Lovely post and thanks for the history lesson. Great job, Charlotte.

  26. Charlotte, beautiful post! Parthenia

  27. Susan in Florida22 August 2018 at 02:06

    I want that garden! Seriously , thank you so much Charlotte. I enjoy everything you share about the RF’s homes and their engagements.


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