
Friday 26 October 2018

The Duchess in Sky Blue for Final Engagements in Tonga

Following a busy morning, the Duke and Duchess travelled to Tupou College, which is the oldest secondary school in the Pacific, for their final engagements in Tonga.

A very sweet photo of the couple taken shortly after their arrival.

The school trains students in Christian discipleship through programmes of worship, study, work and recreation. They stay within the campus from Saturdays to Fridays. Students are also required to make some Tongan Handicrafts including: polished coconut shells (for kava drinking ) and kafa (waist ropes to hold ta'ovala). It is from this that students learn the art, traditional skills, and the culture of Tonga also benefiting the school as it is sold in the college's annual bazaar. Interestingly, Before 1970, all of Tupou College's principals were Australian and were assigned to work in Tonga as missionaries. It was only in 1970 that Tupou College received its first Tongan principal, Rev. Siupeli T. Taliai, who served as principal for nine years; from 1970-1979.

Pupils from the college.

The College has a 750-acre campus, on which crops of vegetables and fruit are grown. This includes an area of forest noted in Tonga as the Toloa Rainforest Reserve containing a variety of plant species endemic to Tonga as well as those no longer found in other parts of the kingdom.

And that brings us to the reason the school was chosen for a royal visit...

The Duke and Duchess were there to dedicate two forest reserves at the school's on-site forest, the Toloa Forest Reserve, the last remaining forest area on Tonga’s main island of Tongatabu, and the Eua National Park Forest Reserve, located at the Island of Eua – to The Queen's Commonwealth Canopy.

The QCC presents a rare opportunity to unite the whole Commonwealth family and save one of the world’s most important natural habitats - forests. By creating a pan-Commonwealth network of forest conservation projects, the QCC will mark Her Majesty The Queen’s service to the Commonwealth while conserving indigenous forests for future generations. It was launched at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Malta, in 2015. The QCC has been an important element of Harry and Meghan's tour itinerary and an initiative we can expect to see them work closely with as they tour the Commonwealth in the years to come.

It will create a physical and lasting legacy of The Queen’s leadership of the Commonwealth. This means a great deal to Her Majesty who said she has been "especially touched" by the project.

Russell Myers writes:

'Meghan had originally planned to walk through the Tuloa forest on the island of Tonga but Prince Harry went alone as his wife is pregnant with their first child. Instead, schoolchildren performed a special dance to ward off mosquitoes and keep the mum-to-be safe, to the delight and laughter of the royal couple.'

The Duke and Duchess were in fits of giggles as they listened to the song about mosquitoes.

Embed from Getty Images

Meghan loved it.

Embed from Getty Images

Listen to the song below.

The Duchess with Princess Angelika.

Embed from Getty Images

During a speech, Prince Harry said: "My wife and I are so pleased to be here today to mark the dedication of not one but two forest areas to The Queen's Commonwealth Canopy initiative, which started in 2015 in honour of my grandmother's lifetime of service to the Commonwealth. Tonga is leading by example and understands deeply the impact of environmental changes because they directly affect these islands. Planting trees and conserving forests helps us in so many ways. It is a simple but effective way to restore and repair our environment, clean the air, protect habitat and enhance our health and wellbeing."

Before they left, the Duke and Duchess were driven to the Royal Palace for an audience with King Tupou VI and his wife Queen Nanasipau'u.

 Hannah Furness reports: "As they walked to their Qantas flight along a path lined with several large handmade tapa mats and children from local schools, the pair stopped at the steps of the plane and thanked Princess Angelika. "Thank you so much for your hospitality," Meghan said."

And that marks the end of the Fiji and Tonga portion of the tour. I'm sure Harry and Meghan will never forget the welcome they received in both countries and look forward to returning  again in the future.

No doubt Her Majesty will be delighted to see another generation building a relationship with the countries. Below, the Queen in Tonga in 1953.

The Duchess looked radiant in the sky blue Veronica Beard Cary dress.

The $595 piece is described as: "An update to the classic shirt dress. Fine draping, functional patch pockets and a flattering tie-waist make our Cary Dress a wardrobe necessity." It's available on the Veronica Beard website and in red at Net-A-Porter.

Meghan has been a fan of the brand for years and was often spotted sporting their designs when she lived in Toronto filming Suits.

Meghan wore a pair of gorgeous blue suede shoes. Following quite the search by several readers (thanks to all for your efforts), Kelly discovered they are in fact the Banana Republic Madison pumps.

The blue graphite Madison 12 hour Side Cut-Out Pumps are currently reduced from $128 to $65. They are described as: "Fashioned from high-quality materials and designed for comfort, our shoes will keep you on your (stylish) toes. Exclusive Padding System features memory foam and a cushioned insole designed for all-day comfort."

The Duchess accessorised with a statement necklace. It's thought the piece could be a Pippa Small design.

And it looks like she wore her Adina Reyter 14k Gold Three Diamond Amigos Curve Earrings.

We'll see the Duke and Duchess back in Sydney tonight for the Australian Geographic Society Awards.


  1. Hmm i love the color coordinated prince harry and the duchess of sussex looks good to ponytail i love head to toe

  2. I ❤️ those shoes!

    1. Need to know what those are, they are gorgeous!!

    2. Aquazzura Amandine I think... would like to know her necklace 😬

    3. Maybe not. Double straps on both sides and Amandine has double straps only on the side facing out

    4. J.B., well done you have them! Thank you for sharing :)

    5. Maybe Banana Republic Madison 12-Hour Side Cut-Out Pump?

    6. Kelly, amazing find. I'm going to do a close-up comparison, they are by far the best match I've seen :)

  3. Gorgeous!! I would wear this dress anywhere and these shoes are to die for!!

  4. Well, well, well....color. and boy is she showing. We wonder no more why the Palace told it before their tour....she looks lovely and comfy.

  5. She looks so much more comfortable today - this dress and the striped one are better fitting for her changing boday. And the shoes are great!

    1. I totally agree. Fantastic colour and for and right style for the engagements and appropriate to teprwaent the Queen in. I love it. All three of her blue dresses /looks are actually my favourite of the tour for these reasons!

  6. Harry looks pretty terrific in indigo! And the dress flows beautifully---loos lie the slits were sewn up, though. And such shoes!!! When she's not killing me with her bags, she's doing it with the shoes.

    And I wish Surfer Girl were back.

    1. Rhonda - Wisconsin26 October 2018 at 02:29

      Hi Allison! I agree with you about Harry - he's got a pretty rocking' wardrobe this time around. {{Sigh}}. I know how you feel about Surfer Girl - I miss her comments and fun personality.

      She's missed more than she knows, but she's also making the world a better place - we can't forget that. She's actually boots on the ground doing something!!! Love her for it!

      Meghan looks great in this dress. She really is a beautiful woman - definitely glowing.

    2. These blogs by Charlotte are such a nice refuge from everyday life---I hope SG thinks of us when she sees the news about Baby Sussex. And it's going to be such fun to see Meghan over the months. I had thoughts of Doria, Charles, and Camilla babysitting while H and M go to a play! I bet those three could have a lot of fun together.

    3. I miss her too! Where is she again??

    4. Me too! Missing surfer girl! :(

    5. Love this color on Megan & she looks so fresh & glowing! She's radiant! Harry truly has become such the dapper dresser. They are just such a lovely couple inside & out, seeing them just makes me smile! :)

    6. I agree! Harry looks smashing lately and Meghan absolutely glows. I noticed it most in the picture where she was side-by-side with Princess Anjelika.

  7. Wonderful coverage of this tour--loving every minute!

  8. Absolutely gorgeous! She looks wonderful in solid, bright colours. And, her shoes 💙💙. Best shoe and handbag collection EVER. I wonder where her clothes are stored. (Same question for Kate). Tiny Nottingham Cottage would be bursting at the seams with everything! I’d love to know the logistics. I know everything is documented by engagement, but I’d love to know where everything is kept. Does anyone know??
    On a seperate note ... just a few more days and this memorable first tour will be over. I hope next time they don’t do a 76 engagement tour with no break days. I’ve truly felt for them both.

    1. I have always wondered about the storage/inventory system for their clothes!

    2. I was wondering about the jewelry. Who keeps track of it on the trips? How and where is it stored for safekeeping? We will never know but it is fun to speculate on this and the wardrobe questions also. Oh to live just a day in their world!

    3. Annette new zealand27 October 2018 at 00:28

      Maybe they use the extra space taken over in Kensington Palace for meetings for storing clothes as well They would need to be stored so staff can easily get at them for cleaning and packing up.The really important jewellery would obviously not be kept there especially things loaned by the Queen. I wouldn't have a thick enough skin to live in their world with some of the nasty comments thrown at them and news media available to spread rumours and comments from disaffected relatives! On to New Zealand. Unfortunately the weather foecasts are not the best. We have very variable weather in spring as William and Kate well know!

    4. Annette, it’s a shame the weather might not be favourable for H&M when they arrive in NZ. I remember William holding Kate’s umbrella at the Viaduct in Auckland. I hope we don’t see similar scenes on Tues when H&M hit the same location (otherwise I’ll be a very wet Royal watcher!).

    5. Annette New Zealand27 October 2018 at 08:57

      Yes it is quite wet in Wellington this Saturday so it could be unpleasant for the wreath laying tomorrow at Pukeahu. I was going to go in to watch but if it is too wet will stay at home I think. I hope she has suitable clothes. It could be both wet and windy here!

  9. THE SHOES!!!

    Now I've done my moment of swooning, I have to say Meghan has knocked 'em dead so far. Her speech was wonderful; she is such a good speaker. I imagine her prior career helped with comfort in front of the cameras but when it's your words it's harder I think. So much more behind what you're saying and criticism, if it isn't constructive, smarts.

    She's done several engagements a day, only missing a couple. And there's another week to go. I think she deserves kudos for how she's handled herself, and she's got a great way with people that really shows. Yes, I imagine she's got a few prepared things to say when she goes about, but she can connect with people and it's lovely to see. Fiji and Tonga seem smitten!!

    1. Bluhare, any news of Maggie?

      Agree, these shoes are fabulous! Just the right amount of va va voom for this dress. Lovely color.

    2. Courtney from NC26 October 2018 at 02:17

      I love these shoes, too! In fact this is one of my favorite looks of the tour, if not the favorite one.

    3. I think the shoes are Aquazzura Amandine

    4. @bluhare - I agree with every word you wrote. Those shoes...I'm DROOLING over here.

      And, you are so right about the speech. I do think her career helped with being comfortable in front of a crowd, but don't believe that being an actor automatically means you can give an effective (or coherent) speech. I am always floored at how many actors at award ceremonies just cannot make 30 seconds of normal-sounding banter or even just say something personal. So, I really do imagine that she practices her public speaking - there was a real difference IMO from her off the cuff remarks at the Together lunch and her formal speech.

    5. In the kitchen, I think you're right, and Meghan has worked on it. Someone here I think pointed out how nervous she was when she gave her un speech, and that she had hives. Now people hang onto her every word. It must be quite surreal for her and shes handling it very well.

      Erika, thank you for asking! Shes improved a lot and has been back on twitter herself a little bit! I think shes got a ways to go but shes doing better. There really is something to be said for the resilience of youth!

    6. Zora from Prague26 October 2018 at 07:14

      Thank you for the good news about Maggie, bluhare! This is really good to know.

    7. It’s so great to hear that Maggie is doing better, bluhare. Thank you for keeping us updated.

    8. That's really great news, bluhare!!! Thank you!

    9. Amen bluhare about Meghan!! She is Amazing!! It seems like these 2 have been doing this for a lifetime! They are such an amazing couple! :)

    10. Oh bluhare! I'm so happy for Maggie & Thank you for the good news! I'm sure she has a mountain to climb but it's good to hear how she is now! :) Please send her hugs from me! :) xoxo

    11. Meghan really is amazing at handling herself under all of the stress and attention and demands. I don't know how she does it. Even as a former actor, she must put in a lot of work behind the scenes, BUT no amount of practice can make up for the undeniable charisma she so obviously has. One reporter compared her to Diana -- and while I was too young to really know much of Diana at the time, from what I understand, the comparisons do seem right. Meghan is very good with people and that's a major positive quality.

  10. Love this look on her. Great color, and the retro shirtwaist style is her perfect vibe.

  11. I love it! Mostly I feel relieved for her that both dresses she wore today give her some room to breath.

    1. Agree! Comfortable and stylish and perfect for the events.

  12. Love this dress and color, and the shoes...I want them! What a great team. Now they have to travel back to Sydney and attend the Australian Geographic Society Awards. How will they, and Charlotte find the energy?

    1. Zora from Prague26 October 2018 at 07:11

      Exactly, Tedi... But somehow they will, I'm sure! The joy of meeting the people who are happy to see them, interacting with the kids, seeing so many genuine smiles are some of the boosts, I think. As for Charlotte, although she can't see our smiles I hope she knows how much her work is being appreciated! 🙂

    2. You know it's interesting... some people find this sort of thing draining.. but I sense that if fuels M&H! It's like they give to who they are meeting & the people they meet give something back to them! :)

    3. I keep imagining myself in their shoes. I'm fairly extroverted, but can't deny that I would most likely be so drained after a couple engagements. Harry and Meghan are inspirational. I'm sure it must help, though, to have the energy of all the excited people to feed off of. Still, they must just crash into bed every night.

    4. Zora from Prague26 October 2018 at 21:36

      I totally agree they must be exhausted.... but still, I think they both give and get, as Becca USA said! 😅Otherwise they would be lying flat on the ground by now, unable to make a single step! 😩

  13. This whole look, I’m giddy!! The dress, the shoes, the ponytail! She looks amazing. I want this dress for myself, I love shirtdresses, too bad I don’t have the budget of a duchess.

  14. My favorite look so far. Everything is lovely, head to toe. That shade of blue -wowza!

    1. Yes there is something special about this presence and aura too. At last they look like the three of them; Harry looks he had found his path / " some light" to the future; Meghan looks she will be there with and for it. I have a feeling it is most likely their baby's fourth month, which may mean a late March or early April child.

    2. My favorite too. I generally like almost everything she wears, but today was another level. Her hairstyles this whole tour have been fantastic too, yet this pulled-back style is also another level. Every photo here and in the Mail is just stunning. (Also a big fan of her work!)

    3. Zora from Prague26 October 2018 at 07:06

      Ditto, Old Zoey! I love this look, it is so fresh! And I love this engagement as a whole! What a treat, to be getting up with this. Thank you, Charlotte!

  15. The elegant and mellow couple complementing each other in demeanor and their choice of clothes to wear the same time. I love Harry's dark blue shirt, and in contrast with the khaki and those shoes, very lovely ( I used to make my first boyfriend buy those type of shoes in brown and tan when he was in college). That kind of blue brings out the yogi- princessly peaceful Meghan / the color agrees her interestingly.

  16. Fantastic!!! This screams “all you folks looking should buy me and these fab shoes, too!”

  17. What a smart looking couple! H&M look fantastic. Meghan's entire look is perfect and while I'm not really a shoe person that's the first thing I noticed! If I were younger and still wearing high heels I'd want those shoes for sure. Unlike most everyone else I really hated the striped dress but this has perfection written all over it!

  18. She looks incredible from head to toe. I love her sleek ponytail - her face is just so gorgeous that it's nice to see it clearly without the side strands hanging down. I love the color and style of the dress. Her necklace looks adorable. And those shoes are swoon-worthy. For me, I love everything about this outfit.

    Charlotte - can you post the photos of her cracking up when she's sitting up on the stage? She looks so happy. I'm so curious about what she's laughing at. The photos are here:

    1. Annette New Zealand27 October 2018 at 08:53

      It was when Harry went off to dedicate the Forest at the school. The pupils sang a song about mosquitos buzzing around. She obviously appreciated it.

  19. Love the colour, suits her perfectly. Love the shoes too. Think she is looking happy and health but am underwhelmed with the choice of dress style.

  20. I don’t think these are a perfect match, but pretty spot on shoes from banana:

  21. This dress is so good on Meghan. Everything works. IMO, one of her best looks this tour. I didn’t like the collar or colour of the striped dress although I think that shirt dress style with a fuller skirt looks great on her. I hope she truly feels as great as she looks. All the travelling between locations and multiple engagements a day must be exhausting. They both look so happy maybe the crowds are giving them a boost.

  22. The style, cut fabric and colour of this dress are like a breath of fresh air!! Livens everything up and makes the outfit look cool and effortless, despite the heat. Also, I gotta say, I really like her shoes!!

  23. I understand about the shoes. I have shoe envy for these and the black with bow detail on the back. If I were only 20 years younger! Maybe a pair of the flats she loves?

  24. The Duchess of Sussex looks relaxed, comfortable and confident. I’m enjoying the dress and the color. I’m looking forward to reading the full post. Bluhare @01:25. Amen!!! Thank you, Charlotte.

  25. I’m betting her necklace is PIppa Small some version of this one

  26. She looks lovely, Both she and Harry are looking sharp. I liked both her dresses today.

  27. Fantastic post, every outfit has been a winner in my opinion. Appreciate the song clip!

  28. I love this whole outfit especially her necklace I love yew hair and the gorgeous blue colour and relaxed fit and I love seeing
    Her tiny baby bump good to see the duchess with her sense of humour over the mosquitoe song! Haha great job as usual Charlotte

  29. They look amazing and complement each other perfectly!

    Love Harry's speech: "My wife and I...."

    1. I think Harry waited for a long time to be able to say that.. :). How endearing! He begins every speech that way My heart melts to see him sooooo happy, we all knew that the real Harry wasn't the partying, drinking, gambling, Swastika wearing young man. It was just a way for him to get out of the incredible pressure he must have felt since being born. This Harry, the real one, is an amazing, mature leader and Megan brought the best out of him. She is so genuine (not perfect - but also not apologetic for being human and not some fairy tale creature). In the world of dubious leaders (across the political spectrum), I truly believe that the British Monarchy is a true role model. Happy to call her Majesty my Queen (I am Canadian... in case you wondered ...:)


  30. This is a great look on her! They style, the color, the shoes, and the pony! Love the make-up too. Those lashes!!

  31. Finally, two dresses in a row that look comfortable and fit well. I was expecting more of this when hey announced the pregnancy, flowier and roomier dresses are the way to go in your second trimester.

    I loved the three dresses yesterday more, but they were definitely too tight for her and she looked uncomfortable in them.

    1. I think she has looked comfortable throughout this tour. The comments about tight fitting garments not being comfortable when you are pregnant...what??? no idea what people are saying. I had no issue, in fact I liked a bit of support when pregnant.

    2. The kind of tight the fit is the dresses people were commenting on wasn’t the kind of tight that gives support. Not sure if it was a turn of phrase or if you really didn’t understand but if you are curious to see, look for the horizontal lines showing the fabric is stretching or straining and is likely feeling too tight on her. Many of us have experienced this when trying on clothes. It’s especially noticeable around the shoulders and bodice of yesterday’s red dress. Not at all for today’s dresses. I thought they were just perfect!

  32. I love the Sky blue look. Meghans pony tail, and her shoes, work beautifully today in union with the dress.
    I have noticed too how much less hugging and personal contact with greeting has been occurring in recent days. I imagine it would be exhausting, and very warm to keep rising to the many hugs! Thanks Charlotte for your lovely work. It has been a joy to follow in more or less real time as I am a diehard Aussie fan! :)

  33. A couple of general comments. I have posted above. Lovely dress and shoes. However while the shoes are great , I have seen that version for I LOVE them but they are not anything unusual. the dress is also a standard shirt dress. All looks great because Meghan is thin and gorgeous:) The same dress and shoes on the more typical woman would look lovely but not get the raves. But she and Harry seem to be doing a lovely job.

  34. I love when you include pictures of the Queen doing the thing before or wearing the thing before or for any related reason. thank you for all your hard work on this blog. It’s one of the best parts of my day!

  35. I think this is the prettiest Meghan has looked yet on the tour. I find that I like her best in blues (BRIGHT blues, like this shirt dress and the evening gown, not navy blue.) And I am surprised to discover that I think she looks gorgeous with her hair in a simpe pony tail! All in all, I think today has been her best day yet.

  36. Royal 👑 Watcher26 October 2018 at 07:54

    Meghan is an inspiration to us all. She does wear lovely clothes, jewellery and so forth, but it goes way beyond that. The lovely way that she carries herself with grace and class when her awful "family", goes for the jugular. She just keeps going like a shining star in the sky. The more they try to put her down, the brighter she shines. Today, I think was the most beautiful aI have ever seen her. Meghan radiates warmth, love, intelligence and insight. She comes with a message, and we will continue to see and feel it.

  37. Nicole form France26 October 2018 at 08:35

    That’s Perfection ! I do agree with you all, to day is quite special ! The colour and the design of the dress , the shoes, the pony tail enhancing the beautifull shape of her face ..... she looks so fresh and seems ready to fly ! By the way, what is the temperature like ? I assume down there spring’ can be quite different from our European one ?
    Meghan manages to do everything with natural and grace while beeing respectfull of every people she meets .... of course she has to get used to the BRF ways , but I feel she had already in her all what we see now , and that’s why we appreciate her so,much !

  38. I entirely agree Royal Watcher!

  39. Ok guys this may seem far fetched but I think Meghan is giving us a clue as to the baby's due date/ birth stone with this necklace. If you look closely, looks like her birth stone then the April one then Harry's... she does have a history of giving little clues in her jewellery! What do you think?

  40. The picture of the Duchess of Sussex with all the giggles (mosquito song) is nice. Thanks for adding the pic, Charlotte.

  41. Don't usually comment on the Duchess Of Sussex, but this outfit is the best she has worn on this trip. Everything looks just right and she looks beautiful.

    1. Hi Jean! I don't usually comment here either but she has the best shoes! Love these!

  42. She looks gorgeous and happy! She’s just so natural with whoever she meets and seems genuinely happy to be there. Whoever does her makeup does an amazing job.

  43. Absolutely fabulous! Gorgeous colour - she looks so lovely.

  44. She looks so good here, something about her makeup is different...although I think her blush is too orangish she needs a more pink she is even prettier when she is laughing, her eyes just pop!!!

  45. Silvia from Tuscany26 October 2018 at 14:33

    So lovely! The dress and shoes are perfect, the colour is magic on her and the ponytail underlines the beauty of her face. She looks fresh and happy!

  46. This is beautiful she looks gorgeous. What a beautiful dress prefer it on Megan with no split, than the model. Pretty colour, the shoes OMG to die for just love them. Her jewellery subtle but really lovely. Her makeup is really well done. My favourite by far.

  47. I loved this day the songs dances and their complicity. this dress and this color are going really well


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