
Thursday 25 October 2018

Harry and Meghan Commemorate British-Fijian Soldier & Bid Farewell to Fiji

For their final engagement in Fiji, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited the city of Nadi in Western Fiji, where they attended a special event at Nadi Airport.

The couple arrived in a seaplane following a romantic overnight stay at the heavenly Vatuvara private Island resort.

With just three villas on the resort, guests are guaranteed a peaceful and secluded stay in the rarely explored Northern Lau group of Fiji. It is the epitome of an exclusive tropical destination, hidden as far off the beaten path as one can imagine. Guests can enjoy a relaxing picnic on the beach and yoga. I imagine the couple indulged in both.

More from Resort: "Rising out of the cobalt blue waters of the South Pacific, this breathtaking destination is located in Fiji’s pristine northern Lau waters on Kaibu Island and offers a secluded, unspoiled paradise for the discerning traveler. Remote and only accessible by the resort’s private airplane, Vatuvara Private Islands can accommodate couples and intimate groups in seclusion and privacy. Experience aquamarine lagoons, powder-white sand beaches, tropical vegetation, bountiful organic gardens, dazzling coral reefs, and thriving Fijian fauna."

Fiji’s Minister for Industry, Trade and Tourism Faiyaz Koya said: “Vatuvara is one of those islands you will not forget. It showcases the Fijian spirit and what we have as Fijian people. It’s absolutely beautiful. Stunning. They would have enjoyed themselves.”

Royal fans waited for hours to see the couple on their final day in the country.

Beautiful artwork on display.

The Duke and Duchess were greeted with an official ceremony.

The traditional ceremony underway.

An overview.

The Duchess enjoying the event.

A very sweet photo of Harry and Meghan.

Reporters observed they were chatting and in great form this morning.

Emily Nash notes: "More Kava for the Duke, who calls out “Bula!” before clapping three times according to Fijian tradition. Made from powdered yagona root, it’s a mild sedative, so none for the Duchess!"

During a brief speech, Harry said: "Thank you to the people of Fiji for the warm welcome we have received during our visit. The Duchess and I are leaving with special memories of your beautiful country and look forward to returning in the future."

The Duke and Duchess unveiled a new statue commemorating Sergeant Talaiasi Labalaba, a British-Fijian soldier who lost his life in the 1972 Battle of Mirbat.

More from Wikipedia:

'On 19 July 1972 the Popular Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf (PFLOAG) attacked the British Army Training Team (BATT) house, which housed the nine SAS soldiers, based just outside the port of Mirbat, Oman. Labalaba, aged 30, was shot dead whilst firing a 25-pounder gun at the attacking guerrilla forces. He displayed notable bravery by continuing to fire the 25 pounder single handed in spite of being seriously wounded when a bullet hit him on the jaw, after his Omani loader was seriously wounded early in the battle. 
Captain Mike Kealy and fellow troopers Tommy Tobin and Sekonaia Takavesi ran a gauntlet of enemy fire but arrived too late to save Labalaba. Both the troopers were also hit, Takavesi was wounded in the back and Tobin was killed when a round crept through the sand-bagged walls and hit him in the face. Labalaba's actions helped to keep the insurgents pinned down until Strikemaster jets of the SOAF arrived to drive back the attackers while reinforcements from Salalah could be organised. Fellow SAS trooper Roger Cole in his book of the battle, SAS: Operation Storm, paid tribute to Labalaba saying if the guerrilla force had taken the 25-pounder then the SAS would have surely lost the battle.'

Labalaba was awarded a posthumous Mention in Despatches for his actions in the Battle of Mirbat, although some of his former comrades have campaigned for him to be awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross. His body was returned to England and buried in the cemetery at St Martin's Church, Hereford. In 2012 he was chosen as one of BBC Radio 4's 60 New Elizabethans in celebration of Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee. Below, the Memorial to Sergeant Labalaba at the Royal Artillery Museum, London.

A closer look at the statue.

And it's goodbye Fiji.

Next stop Tonga.

The Duchess wore the emerald green Jason Wu Crepe Sheath Dress.

The fitted mid-length dress features a round neck, short sleeves, a fitted waist, mid-length, stitching details and a back slit at the hem. The dress is available at Saks Fifth Avenue and Jason Wu.

A closer look at the neckline.

A tweet confirming from the designer.

Meghan wore her navy Manolo Blahnik BB pumps.

Meghan's bangles are the Pippa Small Oshna and Omeen styles (with thanks to the UFO No More team). More from the brand: "Every piece is hand made in Kabul by the men and women artisans of the Turquoise Mountain Foundation. Training and employing young people in meaningful creative jobs is vitally important now in Afghanistan when the young desperately need hope and a sense of purpose in a beautiful country tragically caught up in violence and conflict."

The UFO No More team also revealed Meghan wore the Pippa Small Peepal Leaf earrings from their 2015 collection.

We'll see the couple shortly for their arrival in Tonga.


  1. This is a nice break from the navy blue, but is still in the dark color wheelhouse that she favors. I love this emerald green on her. Fiji was by far the most colorful bit of the trip, yet. I'm still excited for the rest!

  2. Do they ever NOT hold hands? It’s just so lovely and so loving. First time poster, but a fan of your blog, Charlotte, for at least two years. Your hard work is incredible, especially considering the crazy time zones. Thank you from a longtime silent reader, now coming in from the cold.
    Or not. JulieC from Florida.

  3. Love the color and love the navy shoes with it! Her hair looks great. Your blog is fabulous and you do an amazing job with your posts!

  4. and it more color

  5. Love the dress and love the navy shoes with it! And her hair has looked so wonderful on this tour. Your posts are fabulous - I so appreciate your efforts.

  6. And dangling earrings...nice

  7. The color is good on her. The dress is fine, I really dislike the sleeves and shoulder area on the dress. Like the blue shoes with the green and gold jewelry.

    1. It doesn’t fit as well as it could but I love the idea šŸ’•

    2. Agreed. The puckered shoulders are weird.

    3. The extra seams at the shoulder make it look like she is crouching and make it seem as her posture isn’t as nice as normally. Apart from that I love the dress.

  8. She looks beautiful! What are Harry’s medals? I love that he has a green tie on to sorta match M’s dress.

  9. Thanks sure look for your quick posts! Sure is fun for us to always have a new post from you. Look at her belly! I said it before but I'm saying it again because there was such a criticism of them announcing the pregnancy. They obviously had to. She is completely showing. Can you imagine if they did not announce it but all the headlines would be saying every single day? She looks adorable. So happy for them!

    1. Agreed, the timing was a bit awkward to be sure but it couldn’t be helped. And as someone who works in marketing, the announcement was a very savvy PR move. Look how much attention the tour is getting in the media. Never forget that everything the royals do publicly is calculated!

  10. Love the color, design and fit but not for the particular climate and country they are in. I think it is a fall dress that would work well in a city atmosphere. Even if Meghan had pared her nude shoes with this dress it may have brightened it up. I do think she has worked hard to make several pair of shoes accommodate many outfits while on tour. It is possible that todays shoes were also worn with her beautiful evening dress. Harry looks wonderful in his summer weight suit. Would love to see him in a leather shoe rather then the casual suede brown and blue he seems to favor with everything. A colorful tie would be a nice touch. It will be interesting to see if there is a change on the plane for her next arrival.

  11. The dress doesn't seem to fit her very well, or maybe it's just a bad picture. The shoulders/arms areas look weird. I don't like the frayed neckline. Or maybe that's just the picture too? I do like the dress color. I don't think I'd ever wear a green dress with blue shoes. It looks okay, but I'd like some blue higher up to it together.

    1. I agree. I don't think navy shoes go together with a teal/green dress. They both look tired tbh.

    2. I agree. I think the fatigue is starting to set in, especially for Meghan, but I think she is really trying to smile through everything

  12. Charlotte, you truly have a gift for blogging! I also follow your Duchess Kate blog, I just never really put a comment. You are definitely my go to when it comes to these ladies though. I love that it's the positive about them. They both seem so lovely, and good heads on their shoulders! My mom was a huge Princess Diana fan so it's a special connection we share considering I now follow her son's wives! Thank you for all your hard work!
    Meghan is really doing an amazing job! I'm truly impressed with her grace and dignity! I think she has killed it in the style dept. She's looked every inch royal, and like an every day woman out with her Prince šŸ˜‰

  13. Stunning colour šŸ˜šŸ˜
    Harry's looking nice in his suit, but I think that the suit appears in texture to be a bit too casual to wear medals with. It's a bit confusing, but Harry is always handsome in my book šŸ˜
    Very early prediction but I'm thinking girl in the last week of March or first week of April.

  14. I'm not a huge fan of the shoulder shaping of that dress, but it's a lovely colour on her. And blimey, how idyllic does that island look?! I hope they had a lovely evening away from the public eye!

  15. Big sigh.

    I’m so disappointed that neither Meghan nor Kate uses her fame to spotlight ethical, sustainable fashion.

    Their clothes might be hideously expensive, but are not of quality fabric or construction.

    This green dress is made of polyester and acetate — if Meghan gets close to a hot lightbulb, the fabric will melt. Also, I don’t like the unfinished fabric edges on the pleats and seams. That’s so “15 years ago.”

    I understand that these synthetic fabrics are great at staying wrinkle-free, but they are made of petrochemicals. Yuck!!!!!!!!!!

    I click on the clothing links Charlotte provides, and read reviews if they’re provided.

    The $300 Whistles dress that Kate wore the other night got terrible reviews; buyers claimed that the fabric was cheap and the seams tore apart during the first or second wearing.

    If I were a duchess/princess/whatever, and could afford top-notch clothing (and had assistants to care for my clothes!), I’d wear cotton, silk, alpaca, etc.

    I would make a point of not supporting brands that burn overstock in order to maintain exclusivity.

    And in an age of world pollution, unethical manufacturing practices, etc., I would make it a point to support and promote ethical, thoughtful fashion.

    (Actually, I do that now, but with a tiny budget.)

    I believe in BEING the change I want to see in the world.

    (I’m also disappointed that more attention was not brought to the intention of Eugenie to have a plastic-free wedding.)

    1. I do believe that Meghan has worn certain ethical brands (maybe Kate as well, not too sure though) I cannot remember exactly which items they were, but the most prominent one that comes to mind right now are the outland denim jeans. Charlotte do you remember any other ones?

    2. Well isn't that the thing about fashion though? Fashion has never been about quality or durability. For instance for a long time I used to wear industrial strength black tights. They were warm, sturdy, I could wear them for years, and they were just my favorite. But then "fashion" dictated that stockings/tights had to be super sheer and thin like Kate's. And so I bought myself a pair of considerably more expensive, thin, sheer tights. They ripped after one wear.

    3. I didn’t know that about Eugenie’s wedding - what a great example for them to make! I wish there had been more focus on it as well.

    4. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but Meghan does this on a pretty regular basis. She does do high end fashion, but she definitely does small and sustainable as well. I think she’s worn several eco-friendly, sustainable items on this tour. She also does a lot of fashion items(like her jewelry on this post specifically) that are social justice oriented, by purchasing items made by people(typically women) in either impoverished areas or women who are at risk in employment terms. I would agree that Kate does not do this well/at all really though.

    5. Meghan has supported lots of ethical & sustainable clothing. One example, is the striped Reformation sun dress that she wore on Monday at Fraser Island, it was made of reclaimed fabric.

      Love this green Jason Wu dress that Meghan wore today & Harry’s suit.Harry & Meghan look so happy & relaxed!


    6. Hello, yes we've seen a number of sustainable brands during the tour alone. Off the top of my head, Meghan's worn Rothy's, Reformation, Veja trainers, Outland Denim and Stella McCartney is a pioneer in terms of British sustainable fashion.

    7. Meghan frequently wears ethical and sustainable brands! She’s worn a few items on this trip alone but it’s always been part of her fashion going back to her actress days. Everlane is one example she frequently wore that is an ethical sweatshop free brand.

    8. Hi Charlotte, I understand you are probably very busy right now with updating posts of the tour, but I would love to see a post in the future about all the sustainable/eco friendly/socially conscious brands that she has worn thus far. I would be very interested in exploring them! Only if you have time of course, I understand that the tour at the moment has you probably up all night

    9. Hello,

      That's a great idea for a future post, thank you :)

    10. Thank you! =)

    11. Yes, I too would be interested in a post specifically shining light onto her ethical brands that she has chosen. If you have the time Charlotte, it would be very interesting.

    12. Silvia from Tuscany25 October 2018 at 06:13

      Agree, wonderful idea!

    13. Kate wears Suzannah and Beulah, for two. I believe they both use sustainable and/or ethical employee-friendly methods. I know she wore Beulah on their SE Asia tour in 2012.

  16. hmm i love the color of the dress she looks good with that color and the duke is great too

  17. Anglophile in Ohio25 October 2018 at 02:11

    I love the color of the dress but maybe not for a tropical climate. Normally that style would look great on Meghan, but this dress is too tight through the body and too big across the shoulders.

  18. I love the green navy combo. I would’ve defaulted go black pumps but it’s such a nice touch. Having lived in NYC for 7 years, I am a lover of black and dark tones for clothes. I could never pull off half the beautiful vibrant colors Kate does. I tend to stick to Black, red, raspberry, dark purple so I get the shying away from bright colors. The color palette she goes for really does suit her. (No pun intended lol)

    1. Lindsay you are so spot on. I say this as I have before being a NYC girl myself bright color and the city are a no no. One stands out like an odd duck. Tourists can be picked out a mile away. NYC is a highly sophisticated town lending itself to a combination of business and serious fashion when appropriate. They coexist as dark colors especially and primarily black. Lights colors/prints are found only in summer months away from the city out at the East End beach communities.

  19. I adore this dress and love it with blue shoes! Great to see her moving away from nude shoes. I have a similar dark green sheath dress I’m wearing to a formal event soon so I may be biased!

  20. hmm definitely love the color of the dress hmm i love that she worn the dress beautifully on that depart on fiji hmm i hope something new in her arrival

  21. The Duchess of Sussex is soooo beautiful, but thoughtful and kind also. What she will be doing for Pippa Small's business and helping Afghans, is beyond measure. She is sensational!

  22. She can wear any colour and look good in it! I really like this green, but IMHO the dress design is not very flattering, especially in the shoulder area. In most of the photos it looks as if the material is bunching up and outward in a really awkward way. Love the gold leaf-design earrings, though, and she’s still our beautiful Meghan!

  23. Mariza from New Zealand25 October 2018 at 03:16

    Props to Meghan: her hair looks fabulous, even though Fiji is hot and humid as anything! I wish my hair would behave like that...

    Love the earrings as well: beautifully delicate.

  24. Oooh, not a fan. The dress just sits weird on her. Love the color and the color combo with the shoes and jewelry though!

    1. I think that a possible reason that it's too big in the shoulders and seems quite tight through the body is that Meghan bought the dress in one size larger than she is (as she does often), but now her pregnancy is showing and she's thickening through the waist and outwards, it appears tight in some areas and loose in others. I made this very mistake when I was recently pregnant and had a wedding to go to at 4-5 months pregnant. I wasn't keen on getting into a maternity dress so bought one size larger (thinking my bump would go out not wide), and had pretty much the same effect as this.

  25. Impressed with the emerald tone and style of this dress, cape-like across the shoulders, neatly tailored as seen at the design link (but yah, we pay extra now for the unfinished look LOL). Again, understated elegance, nice match with the shoes and bangles. How very cool they (the bangles) are in support of the artisans in Kabul. I read that HRH Prince Charles co-founded Turquoise Mountain in 2006.
    Lots of connections here.
    Memorials make me emotional, I have difficulty saying anything sensible or wise about them. But the Medals: Harry must be wearing his Afghanistan Operational Service Medal, I think the other two are the Queen's Golden- and Diamond-Jubilee medals for active service.

  26. I enjoy the Duchess of Sussex in the color green. She has worn at least three shades of green and she looked lovely. Charlotte and Anonymous @ 3:53, thank you for responding re the Duchess of Sussex wearing sustainable brands. I knew that she wore sustainable brands but didn’t remember specifics. Thanks for “spot on” response. Wow, interesting and inspiring story of the soldier Sgt Labalaba. I’m grateful for those men and women who put their lives in harm’s way to secure the freedoms of life and liberty. Thank you, Charlotte posting his story.

  27. Love the colour of this dress on Meghan, but the fit (or lack thereof) of the sleeves ruins it for me. Props for not having a hair out of place in the Fijian humidity!

  28. I actually think she is wearing Louboutin?

    1. Louboutins have red soles which these do not have.

    2. I thought so at first too, Izzy. I think the red seen near the bottom of the shoe is from the pattern in the floor covering.

  29. Silvia from Tuscany25 October 2018 at 06:10

    I love the dress. Emerald green works perfectly on her. Like less the coordination with navy shoes. In my opinion they just don't go well together. The jewels are sophisticated and they come from an important social project.

  30. Tammy fromCalifornia25 October 2018 at 06:22

    I am convinced that every female should have an emerald green dress in her closet! Forget the little black dress- go for emerald! My favorite dress Kate has ever worn was the emerald green Gucci dress. Jadon Wu doesn’t disappoint either!! She looked fabulous!

  31. I love this tour and love her earrings and green dress and blue shoes i would love to see her with a side part.

  32. I am absolutely in love with this dress, beautiful colour on her, even more beautiful earrings. And again they come from an ethical source again. Well done!

  33. This, along with the Fijian blue gown, is my favorite look of the tour and probably her favorite daytime look of all time. I love the color, I think it is a nice compromise between nudes that Meghan seems to favor and colors that we all want to see (and that always make her look phenomenal) :) I like the cut of the dress, I don't have any issues with the fitting, I think it suits her perfectly. Her hair and makeup is very well done (which I think is partly helped by the fact that she hopefully had a good night of rest on the island). But what wins for me the most and what makes this look so memorable and outstanding, is, I think, the jewellery. The earrings flatter her face so much! The accessories look polished, understated yet luxurious. Divine. And it is also amazing how meaningful the earrings and bracelets are. Big hit for me!!!
    Ella from Europe

  34. Color and some dangling earrings! Yay!

    It’s time for Meghan to invest in some maternity clothing. Kate did this too... buying regular clothes a size bigger and as it does in Meghan, the clothes don’t fit properly. It seems to be a trend in modern maternity to try to NOT wear maternity clothing, and so many designers are doing such a fabulous job of making maternity wear that’s fashionable. It isn’t our mother’s tents anymore. I understand she may not have had time or known how her body would change for this tour, but if her friend Jessica (who is a mom) is really helping to style her, she should have pushed for some maternity wear. This dress on her not pregnant would have been a hit. The fit is just off. But the color looks beautiful on her and proves that she should try something other than navy or black!

  35. Wish she would get stop accessorizing with black/navy clutches and shoes with whatever color dress she’s wearing. If Mulroney is her stylist for this trip, she’s failing in those. I don’t like this dress in the shoulder and neck areas. Seems the fabric just gathered there not giving a good shape up in those areas. Not too keen on the color either.

  36. Adorable and flirty in emerald green.

  37. I love the color of this dress and the style choice to wear gold accessories. I love the earrings which are larger than she usually wears for a day outfit. I am not that crazy about the design but she looks so great in the color.

    Lisa in NJ

  38. I do like the colour of the dress but in some photographs the dress appears to sit strangely on the shoulders - The shoulder area actually reminded me of a wet suit when I looked at it at first!


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