
Thursday 18 October 2018

Meghan in Martin Grant Maxi Dress for Fluro Friday at Bondi Beach!

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex began day four of their Royal Tour at beautiful Bondi Beach, one of Australia's most iconic landmarks.

Hundreds of people gathered on the beach bright and early this morning to see the couple. Harry and Meghan travelled from their Sydney base, Admiralty House, arriving shortly after 8 am. After being presented with colourful leis, Harry joked he felt "under-dressed". Harry helped Meghan to remove her wedges and walk barefoot on the sand.

Harry was greeted with a hug by founder Grant.

An arrival video.

A local police officer getting into the spirit.

The Duke and Duchess met a local surfing community group known as OneWave, who raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing in a fun and engaging way. They participated in the "Fluro Friday anti bad vibes" session, where people of all ages share their experiences of mental health issues, and will have the opportunity to interact with others enjoying yoga and surfing.

The Mail reports:

'Prince Harry, who become known for his mental health advocacy and co-founded the charity Heads Together in 2016, told the group mental issues don't discriminate.
'Harry said each and everyone of us will experience poor mental health at some stage in our lives,' said Charlotte Connell, 35. Harry said ''it took me not six months, but 18 months to find the right person to speak to; you're not going to find the right person to speak to straight away'. In recent years, Harry has opened up about own struggles following the death of his mother, Princess Diana, in 1997 when he was just 12.'

Lizzie Robinson reports Meghan told guests she woke up 4.30 am to do yoga and that it was "so good for healing your mind".

Fellow expectant mum Charlotte Waverley chatted to Meghan: "She told me that pregnancy was like having jet lag. She said she was up at 4.30 am this morning doing yoga in her room as she couldn’t sleep. It’s a bit of a double whammy for her, as she has both the baby and jet lag to contend with."

Meghan discussed the negative impact social media can have. More from

'Jessina Oakes, who spent 15 minutes in a yoga group speaking with the royal couple, told Meghan said “criticism and flattery all come through the same filter of social media”.
“She said, ‘We always hold on to the negative. There is always this amazing feedback, but we hold onto the criticism’,” Jessina said Meghan told the group. “She talked a lot about growing up in terms of this generation and the pressures of social media because there is so much criticism we experience.”
The duchess said yoga helped keep her “grounded”. “She felt connected doing yoga in the mornings,” Jessina said. “Like Harry, she said she felt very fortunate to be able to share positive experiences with groups like OneWave.”

OneWave lets people know they are not alone and encourages them to get in the ocean, surf it out and talk about it.

The organisation holds weekly Fluro Friday sunrise sessions at beaches around the world to raise awareness for mental health. Participants dress up in the brightest outfits possible and surf/swim/do yoga. Fluro makes people smile and it gets them asking important questions about mental health which are normally avoided.

Everyone is welcome and it's a free event.

OneWave was founded by Grant Trebilco and Sam Schumacher. After 10 years of battling with mental health issues without seeking treatment, Grant was hospitalized in 2012 and diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The ocean and surfing was Grant’s saviour in tough times when he was released from hospital. He discovered that 'one wave' is all it takes. After hiding mental health issues for years, he decided enough was enough, and it was time to start talking and sharing his experience to try and help others. "Maybe if I share the simple recipe of saltwater, surfing and talking about mental health I can prevent people from ever feeling the way I did." So one Friday morning he decided to dress up in a shirt and tie and go surfing solo at Bondi to try to spark conversations about mental health. Sam is not your typical surfing instructor. In fact, he graduated as an aerospace engineer. This calling was overpowered, however, by the pull of helping other people enjoy the ocean and surfboard riding. Sam and Grant became mates over a shared love of surfing and giving people in a funk the chance to experience how good it feels to catch a wave. They have been working on OneWave together since it was founded in February 2013.

Harry and Meghan chatting with Sam and Grant.

OneWave believe "the only way we are going to beat an issue that so many people battle alone, is by standing strong together". I think they are doing stellar work, and offering a fresh approach and setting to openly discuss mental health against the calming backdrop of beaches.

The Duke and Duchess chatting with surfers.

Emily Andrews reports: Lifeguard Jake Nolan, who has previously met Harry on Bondi Beach, said: “We had a bit of a laugh because last time he was here, he was out for a run and he said 'Last time I was a bit sweaty when I met you'. "We got them a little lifeguard uniform, mini shorts, mini shirt."

Harry and Meghan posed for a group photograph. I love the fabulous flowers and smiles all round in this shot.

Afterwards, they met locals gathered on the beach.

A look at some of the gifts they received. I noticed someone gave them a bunch of carrots.

Following the visit, Grant Trebilco said: "It is such an honour to welcome The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to our One Wave community. For five years, we have used bright colours at beaches all over the world to raise awareness of mental health”. Just like the ocean, mental health doesn’t discriminate. It’s ok not to be ok. Mental health is real, so let’s talk about it. We would love more support  to help us grow our work beyond the beach and change more lives." If you would like to find out more or donate please click here.

Meghan chose a maxi dress by Australian designer Martin Grant for the beach visit (with thanks to Food, Fash Fit).

The Pleated Stripe Long Dress features a straight sleeveless neckline and full skirt with pleated detailing.

Heaven swiftly identified Meghan's wedges as the £80 Castaner Carina canvas wedge espadrilles.
The pair is made from durable black canvas and set on a jute wedge heel with ties at the ankle. They are available at Net-A-Porter.

The Duchess accessorised with two necklaces.

The top piece is the Adina Reyter Pavé Teardrop Necklace. When Meghan wore the necklace in Sussex earlier this month Adina Reyter said: "I am thrilled and honoured to have Meghan Markle wearing another piece from our collection. She is our ideal girl, exuding classic style with accessible fashion which is exactly what our brand was built on."

A closer look at Meghan's earrings.

They are the Karen Walker Temptation Studs (with thanks to Emma).

And Anne notes the Duchess wore the Runaway Stamp Ring by the New Zealand based designer.

The day is off to a great start!

Next, Harry and Meghan will take part in a youth advocate programme that aims to unite and inspire young people to be advocates for cohesion and inclusion in their communities. The Duke and Duchess will also engage with students as they discuss issues including social justice and youth empowerment. Following this event, accompanied by Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Invictus Games competitors, Harry will climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge to officially raise the Invictus Flag, marking the arrival of the Invictus Games to Sydney. Their Royal Highnesses will conclude the day with calls to the Leader of the Opposition at Admiralty House and the Prime Minister at Kirribilli House.


  1. I just love how tactile they are with each other. Every photo of them together is adorable.

    I think she looks great -- she must be tired, but holding up well so far.

  2. Oh, she looks just gorgeous! I love that dress - perfectly fitted to her, lovely pattern, perfect for the beach but a bit dressy too since she is working. She looks like a Greek goddess! I love how they both took off their shoes too.

    My only disappointment is I was hoping she would join in for the yoga (but maybe it will be sitting yoga and they will do it in the circle?).

  3. Are they at a luau? I was confused for a minute; I thought they were in Hawaii cos of the leis ;) What a cool idea: Fluro Friday - how fun! I love Meghan’s maxi dress...this is something I’d definitely wear & she looks so cute :) I love Bondi Beach...beautiful white sand & the scenery is bliss!

    1. Agreed! This dress is darling. I think a maxi dress is perfect for this event. Could it have been an inch or two shorter - maybe - but I like it all the same. Super easy to get up and down from the sand.

      Let's face it, Meg definitely appears to be someone we would all want to hang out with.

  4. I love Meghan's Maxi dress. I do believe her wedges may be from her closet and not new. Very stylish all around. It will be interesting watching her put her shoes back on with feet covered in sand! I am sure she will accomplish it with much style and grace.

    1. I thought about that too but I have to say, as an Event Planner, I would have planned on a place where she could have washed her feet off.

    2. If Bondi Beach is anything like New Zealand beaches then you don't have to worry as there is usually a tap (faucet) near where you leaving the sand so you can wash your feet. Most beaches in NZ have them so I'm betting it's the same in Australia too.

      Plan b is always using a bottle of water ;-)

  5. I do think Meghan is much more comfortable in this Maxi today. I thought her first blue fashion statement that she wore yesterday appeared to be a little tight in new and unexpected places. It may have been photo angles if my eyes were deceiving me. She looked lovely regardless.

  6. Oh no Meghan!

    Okay, so first impressions: they were participating in Fluro Friday on a beach, this would have been a perfect occasion to wear something with a bit of colour. Maybe some light blues or yellow like the dress she has worn- anything! I know she prefers neutrals but in my opinion this is a missed opportunity and quite bland for a beach.

    Secondly, this dress definitely needed to be shorter. Way shorter. Like ankle length, shin, knee length whichever. She has taken her shoes off (looks like wedges?) to go onto the sand and her dress is dragging terribly and looks so so sloppy. 😭😭😭
    Hopefully later events in the day will prove me wrong about this outfit.

    1. It's really awful! 😕

    2. I really like the dress and I think the stripe pattern almost makes up for the lack of color. However I agree totally that it’s way too long and this detracts from the overall look. The dragging on the ground makes it look like she’s drowning in the voluminous skirt. Just an example of how an improper fit can nearly ruin what is really a beautiful dress. Love the shoes!

    3. I love the dress and thought it was very appropriate for this session on the beach. She was able to participate in the group activities, sitting cross legged on the beach. This long maxi dress allowed her to maintain her modesty under the glare of all those photographers & journalists, some of whom would unfortunately take pleasure in catching an unintentional moment and blast it front page in the tabloids.


    4. She looks lovely! IMO there is nothing aweful about this look.This a beautiful, relaxed look for the beach.

    5. I definitely prefer the dress she wore for the school visit this afternoon!😍😍
      Barbara, I think you're right- the tailoring ruined it for me. The hem definitely should have been shorter. She would still maintain her modesty if the dress was ankle length 🙂 And I think the dress would have better appealed to my taste for this event if the brown stripe was a different colour- green, red, yellow, blue, orange, purple, pink 🙂
      But that's just my opinion! I usually like Meghans fashion choices but a couple of things this tour have left me scratching my head a little.

    6. A nice dress, a bit long, but definitely not awful.

  7. H&M are up early tomorrow! My 5pm Thursday is their 9am Friday, and they are already out on the beach. Great dress, great circle of people.

  8. I don't have to wait until tomorrow? I'm thrilled. Lovely and I've never met a pattern I didn't like

  9. She looks wonderful in the dress, and such a fun length! I bet she feels much more comfortable today.

  10. First thought: okay now she does look pregnant. The way this dress is cut seems designed to accompany a changing body and the fullness of her arms, face and chest is more obvious when the belly is covered up in this kind of dress. Second of all, lovely down to earth activity. They are determined to make this tour not very ceremonial and I admire them for that. They could totally have made the tour full of people bowing towards them. But they have chosen outdoorsy, "regular" activities. One can see why HM likes her. They are great royal ambassadors.

  11. Adorable and fresh! Meghan continues to impress me with her inate sense of proportion and clean, stylish looks. This maxi surprisingly does not overwhelm her petite frame, rather it elongates her because it goes all the way to the ground. The brown stripe is chic and perfect for the beach. The color suits her to perfection, and her make up is beautiful! Harry looks so happy, what a wonderful tour!!!

  12. Like the dress but not the shade of brown in the stripes. Looked up the designer could see Meghan wearing this one and color would be so nice on her

    1. Love this dress! 😍😍😍

    2. The tilted boatneck would have been a better choice. The actual style of the maxi she chose is sweet, but it's those black and brown stripes I find hideous.

    3. I on the other hand would find the BethW7273 suggested dress too formal for the beach, but it would be a nice change up to the navy blue palette see so far for those who are bothered by the one-note sartorial samba. (I wear black and gray all the time so it doesn't bother me in the least.)

      I liked the choice today and don't find the stripes off-putting at all. It's perfect for Meghan's coloring and the occasion; at the same time it's distinctive enough to stand out as the royal visitor in photos.

  13. I almost fell out of my chair. Stripes! The dress looks good on her.

  14. Oh miss for me. Love her hair, but not the dress. -AZ

  15. Also, from my previous comment, yes I realize she’s worn stripes before. It was just my gut reaction.

  16. So chic. It’s perfect for her, she looks radiant and completely at ease. California beach glamour. Dare I say it, Harry looks like he’s getting a tiny Dad tummy? Love that.

    1. More California beach awning!

    2. Mel in SoCal - i find your comment offensive. Its quite obvious you dont like her style amd that’s ok. But its crossing a line making such comments like the above. She likes it and so many others like it. She isnt dressing to please everyone here , shd is dressed for the occasion taking into account various factors and thats good

  17. She looks wonderful and the dress is a perfect fit.

  18. She looks lovely. I really like this dress but I would have to shorten it to get any use of it. But it looks beautifully made and it is a style I could wear.

  19. Btw, Charlotte, thank you for putting the daily itinerary on Twitter! It’s so helpful, as I lose track of where they are & what they’re up to (I don’t know how they keep up themselves!). I’m really enjoying this tour & how they’re packing a lot into it. I’m especially loving the warmth shown from both the Aussie people & the Royal couple. It’s really great & very heart-warming to see :) They are such a lovely couple & the tour has a relaxed, happy vibe. The best is yet to come - the amazing Invictus Games!

  20. Love Meghan's dress. She really stands out, because everybody else looks like a rainbow, and she looks just lovely with her leis, and her pony tail. I think that like Kate, pregnancy is going to make her radiant. Hope the poor woman gets some decent rest, though, and you too, Charlotte!

  21. The photo of them smiling at each other on the beach is frame worthy. So lovely.

  22. I enjoy the dress. I do not have a problem with it at all. However, I’m not sure the Duchess of Sussex planned, initially, to take off her shoes and walk the sand and sit in the sand. So, actually, taking off the shoes made the dress appear even longer. She and the Duke are “troopers”, sitting in the sand😳. “One Wave” seems like a cool group dedicated to understanding and supporting each other through mental health issues. I hope they get the funding they need to expand their project. I thought the Duchess’ comment about “social media being critical and flattery at the same time” to be soooo true. And yes, as people, we do tend to hold on to the ‘negatives’. It is a blessing when people are in tune with their true selves and can let go of the ‘negatives’ that come their way. Thank you, Charlotte for all the diligence and focus you have given to this tour. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽Fantastic!!

  23. Meghan look great, although the dress needs to be a bit shorter.

    But again the planing for events totally baffles me. Seriously, how did this dress end up at this event? Jessica reads the notes: ‘’event on the beach where everyone wears bright colours to promote mental health’’ and she thinks: ‘’I know! A black and brown dress is just the thing.’’.
    Those flowers they gave her are saving the whole thing.

    1. I agree with you Anna. The dress is great, well made and compliments her, but part of the event/program is color! That makes it an odd choice to me. Give up on the "chic" approach and dress for the colors on the beach!

      The long line of people on the beach dressed in colors, holding hands impressed me. What a statement for the program!

    2. I am so sorry you find her dress colour more important than why she was there....

    3. And I’m sorry Anett that some posters are incapable of respecting other poster’s opinions without being snide and demeaning.
      I guess the whole message of Heads Together has completely flown by you.

    4. There are so many beautiful colours..but dark olive and tan and black and white stripes are not attractive at all. The style is lovely and casual for the beach but the dress is far too long.

  24. Oh i love the dress hmm. She literally a beach babe hmm I hope the duchess will have to rest for a bit hmm i love the barefoot. Harry She looks good And pefect in that dreas

    1. Zora from Prague19 October 2018 at 07:38

      I like your term "beach babe", bluefire! 😀

  25. I love how unpretentious and genuine they are. And shoes off to walk in the sand! First BRF member I’ve seen do this other than Camilla.

  26. I am torn on the dress! I like the dress itself and other than the length, fits her well. BUT if part of this group is wearing bright colors, then it might not have been a bad choice to wear a bright color as well. But I think this engagement is one that really hits the heart of some of the Sussexes passions so I am glad they were able to participate.

  27. I love how she is wearing so many relatively unknown Aussie designers, which is the right thing to do...they just all be thrilled at the free publicity. She looks great every day!!!

  28. So, it took me a while but I finally 'got it'. In yesterdays post someone, so sorry I don't remember who, said Harry & Meghan are the royals next door (paraphrased). An 'ah ha' moment for me. They are certainly the royals of the 21st century. With their choice of projects - mental health, encouraging young and up-coming leaders - wearing your "Sunday best" would keep them at arms length. People wouldn't feel at ease, H&M wouldn't be approachable, and that's what their work is all about - reaching out to others.

    I thought Meghan's dress didn't quite make the mark. I searched for something more "beachy" and did a cut & paste - sort of 21st century paper dolls. The dress I chose was a colorful maxi sundress - perfect for Meghan - and it looked awful on her! We'll just have to accept that splashy prints aren't for our Duchess. I think she looks better in solids and subtles and while I think the yellow dress she wore earlier this year looked great, Meghan is a neutrals girl at heart. I will do my best to avoid my lament of 'why black or navy' and just be happy she is out there doing her best. However, I do think her dress today would have worked better at ankle length. :)

    1. Helena, I have done something similar. I love most of the clothes Kate wears and I try to imagine some of them on Meghan and they don't show her beauty the way the clothes she picks do, so I decided that she has no doubt put a lot of study into it and chooses what she prefers for a reason. She was wearing a splashy red Endem before she left Canada and it didn't do anything for her.

      The dress today seemed Bohemian as it "bubbled" around the ground---I liked how it moved rather than dragging.

  29. I mean, who cares what she’s wearing! I’m completely blinded by how sweet they are with each other. Harry’s enthusiasm for the group hug is just too much!

  30. Royal 👑 Watcher19 October 2018 at 02:53

    I love this dress, and obviously the topic for the morning is what Harry and Meghan does best. I am happy that Meghan did not show up in fluro colours. White would have been nice, but this neutral approach is lovely. She lets the people around her shine, it is their event, and she is just visiting. The dress is admittedly a tad long, especially without shoes, but oh well. Minor issue, if even. Keep up the amazing work!! I think Harry will enjoy climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge, it is an fantastic experience!

    1. Zora from Prague19 October 2018 at 07:44

      Agreed, Royal Watcher!
      And thank you again, Charlotte! You are doing an amazing job!!!

  31. I just love this tour so far, I am sure she is already exhausted, what a gentleman Harry is, always reaching towards her for support, they are truly joined by God.

  32. I think the dress is perfect, I would have shortened it a bit though, I live right within a stones throw to the beach in SC, and it is easy to trip in long dresses on the beach....however.... I believe by wearing this piece as is she is showing respect to the designer and his original vision, it might have been a snub to shorten it, to me it’s a perfect color with all the others wearing such bright colors, think Earnest Hemingway and Key West....lots of Browns, blacks, straw and neutral colors!!!

  33. I am loving the regular connection to the theme of mental health, looking after yourself, and each other. While giving the speech in Dubbo, Harry actually mentioned the mental health organisation I work for. We were all super excited for the shout out, and to know that a royal prince's words are going to he heard by so many means that more people will hopefully consider their mental health. What an amazing ambassador for mental health and wellbeing.
    Adding in floro Friday, which includes Meghan's love of yoga, is another great initiative.

    Now, if you only I can get my colleagues interested in royal fashion as much as me, this could be a very fun workplace for me (or at least, I won't feel so had about regularly checking this blog throughout the day!)

    1. Zora from Prague19 October 2018 at 07:42

      Oh, Sharyn, I do hope one or two of your colleagues get the "infection" from you! It definitely is great fun having a colleague who shares your enthusiasm. I know as I'm lucky to have one! 😉 and gradually, more people are getting interested!

  34. Yikes! Some are soooo offended by this dress.I liked it and it was practical for a beach day. There's nothing wrong with the length too me, when she had the wedges on it was perfect length and so I expected it to be a little long looking when the shoes came off. She's gorgeous and appropriate.


  35. I'm actually surprised so many people liked this dress. I love a good maxi, but I have a problem with the color combo and the way the panels cut her figure. I also wish, as others have said, that the length were about 4 inches shorter. But, a maxi is the perfect thing for the beach, especially with the wedges.

    This engagement, specifically, is so fun and festive! I love all of the photos and the relaxed, fun atmosphere!

  36. they are too perfect i love this casual outfit

  37. I love this entire outfit. The dress is loose - I can imagine it may be more comfortable with a growing belly -, trendy and suiting to the beach somehow. Do you we know anything about her earrings?

  38. Love the beach, and the warmth and glow that they exude.

  39. Her earrings are by Karen Walker, a fabulous kiwi designer. Her 'Runaway Girl' line is quite well known. The studs Meghan has in are from the Temptation line. I used to live in NZ and love Karen's jewellery!

  40. Really nice earrings---I'm glad they were identified so we could see them larger.

    This is really the best outing---and she looks like she should wear that dress everyday. She is both the perfect girl next door and a sultry beauty. And she has the best posse!! Harry is so lucky he waited for the best!!!

  41. I think it's my favorite day, so I could be with them doing yoga and bathing. I like Harry talking about his mental problems and the importance of getting help. My adorable Meghan in her beautiful dress had to have a good time. I like to hear that she too is tired, that she uses yoga to help in her life' that she is human too lol . I try to do as she concentrates on the positive. Harry is so adorable to be caring for her.

  42. I thought M looked beautiful. I personally like the choice of more conservative colors in her dress and I think it fits her well. I think she looks smart. I think people raised good points about the dress perhaps being just a little bit long once she took off her wedges. If anything I wish H would branch out and not always be in blue. Instead of the ever present chinos and oxford button down, why not a pair of linen pants and band-collar shirt? Could be all off white or a soft color pants and off white shirt. H & M aren't as matchy as William and Kate. Just the way it is. I like the pony tail...fresh, clean and practical for the beach. I also think it was a good point someone mentioning that by keeping the maxidress full length that M had maximum coverage and freedom of movement with getting down to and up from the sand and for sitting in it. Great point and one I appreciate for M.


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