
Monday 15 October 2018

The Duchess of Sussex is Expecting!

In absolutely wonderful news, Kensington Palace has confirmed Meghan is expecting! 

The official statement read:

'Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Sussex is expecting a baby in the Spring of 2019.

Their Royal Highnesses have appreciated all of the support they have received from people around the world since their wedding in May and are delighted to be able to share this happy news with the public.'

The announcement on the BBC this morning.

Rebecca English reports: "Meghan is in good health, we are told, and has had her twelve week scan. A spokesman said there is no change to their programme in Fiji and Tonga next week despite FCO advice that pregnant women should not travel to the region because of its moderate Zika risk. They said they had sought medical advice and decided to go ahead with their plans. Rebecca notes the royal family had the chance to congratulate them at Eugenie's wedding on Friday. The Palace added: "The Queen, Duke of Edinburgh, Prince of Wales and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted for the couple". Royal reporters understand Baby Sussex is due in April/May.

KP continued: "Ms Doria Ragland is very happy about the lovely news and she looks forward to welcoming her first grandchild". Doria travelled to London last month to support the launch of Together. She and Meghan are incredibly close, I'm sure she's over the moon.

People reports:

'The royal couple have talked openly about their desire to start a family — with Prince Harry playfully shooting down a suggestion that he should have five children! “Of course,” Harry said when asked about baby plans after the pair got engaged. “You know, one step at a time. Hopefully we’ll start a family in the near future.”
During an outing in March, the couple met a husband-and-wife team who make innovative and hypoallergenic baby products. Pointing to the products, Meghan said: “I’m sure at some point we’ll need the whole thing!”
Meghan and Harry both share a love of children, and they are both godparents to several of their friends’ children. They always find a special way to connect with young kids during official outings and both support charities that work to better the lives of children all over the world.'

The Telegraph writes:

'There will be much suspense amid the royal baby fever as to what the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will call their baby. On the one hand, the youngster will be born into the British royal family, where tradition is an intrinsic part of the Windsors' lives. If Harry and Meghan go classic, something like Alice, Mary, Elizabeth or Victoria for a girl, and Philip, Frederick, Charles, Arthur, Edward or James for a boy are possibilities.
Meghan has immersed herself in the royal way of life, ending her career as an actress, and becoming a full-time royal. But the pair are also forward-thinking royals, and the duchess has her own American upbringing to draw on. They may decide to surprise everyone when naming their first child.
Canadian-born Autumn Phillips, and husband Peter Phillips, opted for a non-traditional name for their daughter Savannah - the Queen's first great-grandchild - in 2010. In the US, the most popular name for a baby girl is Emma and Liam for a baby boy. In the UK, the most popular name for a girl born in 2017 was Olivia, and for a boy Oliver.'

Shortly after the press release was issued, a video and images of the couple enjoying a romantic stroll in the grounds of Admiralty House was shared by Australian media. They officially begin a sixteen day tour in the morning with a packed first day in Sydney. They can expect warm wishes across the four countries following this morning's delightful news.

My goodness, it's been quite the year for these two.

Congratulations Harry and Meghan :)


  1. So happy for them. What wonderful news to wake up to. Wishing them a safe and happy pregnancy followed by a healthy baby.

  2. So happy for them. What wonderful news to wake up to. Wishing them a safe and happy pregnancy followed by a healthy baby.

  3. Zora from Prague15 October 2018 at 09:36

    Oooh, what a fantastic piece of news! Congratulations - they must be so happy!!! 🌞
    Hope everything goes well with the tour! I think they wouldn't go if she had any problems.

  4. Zora from Prague15 October 2018 at 09:38

    Oooh, what a fantastic piece of news! Congratulations - they must be so happy!!! 🌞
    Hope everything goes well with the tour! I think they wouldn't go if she had any problems.

  5. Great news,I wish them the best!!!!!!!

  6. That’s wonderful news. I hope Meghan will be safe traveling in Fiji and Tonga, but I am sure they have the best medical team and advice. So happy for them.

  7. So happy for Harry and Meghan !Another bundle of joy/joy's to welcome into the family! I wonder if it'll be twins,one of each, like their good friends the Clooney's ! Wishing Meghan a happy and healthy pregnancy !Hope the tour wont be too exhausting for her.

    1. I was hoping for twins as well, but sadly, I don't think so. The press release specifically says 'a baby' so I think - just like with W&K, they would not be so explicit with the wording if it was twins (or more). Maybe for pregnancy #2 though :)

  8. Dorian, Viscount Dumbarton!

    1. I would like a Dorian too. :-)

    2. Dorian. That's sort of brilliant. Better than my Andrea Doria for a girl!

  9. Wow!! Congratulations to the lovely couple!!!
    So the baby is probably due around mid-april, they surely didn’t waste time: married and with a baby in twelve months :) What a year!

  10. Congratulations to the Sussesexes! God Bless

  11. Oh my goodness this is so exciting!!

  12. I get why Harry was looking so especially luminous at the Together release party. He must be over the moon.

    1. I thought the same thing about Harry

    2. Yep! If I had to guess, that would probably be when they told Doria. I know they ‘told’ the fam at the wedding but I bet HM, Charles, and W/K already knew.

  13. Congratulations. To the duke and duchess of sussex. Looking forward on the next spring

  14. So very excited and happy for them :-) not at all surprised given the chatter there has been about Meghan showing that the news was delayed until after their scan and Eugenie and Jack's wedding. Beautiful Meghan and handsome Harry will have the most gorgeous babies 💕💕💕💕

  15. It all makes sense now!!!!!!!!

  16. I am very happy for them and hope that this pregnancy goes smoothly for Meghan. Both relate so well to children and will be wonderful parents. It is especially nice to see Harry content and settled in marriage of impending parenthood. It is neat that their first child will be due around the first birthday of Prince Louis, since it was this time last year that Kate was at the end of her first trimester. I hope Meghan is able to get as much rest as possible during the tour.

    1. Fantastic news, congratulations HRH'S...

  17. Lovely news and so very exciting - glad they waited until after the wedding as to not spoil Eugenie's big day. We shall be guessing on names soon - so much fun.

    I wish Meghan would pass on Zika infested countries - sure it's fine for her but likely to make other people think they don't need to heed warnings. Which isn't true! Not the best judgement in my opinion.

    1. Happy news indeed. :-)

      And I echo your sentiments exactly, Julia.

    2. PS...I am surprised that they shared the news at this time given that it will overshadow the tour. I understand the couple's excitement, naturally, but with all the time and planning involved in this tour, it does put the spotlight on their personal life rather than the job they are there to do on behalf of the Queen.

    3. Royalfan, I kind of agree but also not. This will eliminate any of that ‘she’s not drinking, maybe she’s pregnant’ speculation.

    4. I agree, Royalfan. There must be a reason they announced now instead of waiting another 2 weeks so as not to overshadow the tour. Can she really be showing that much? Perhaps some alteration in the schedule that will need to be explained?

    5. I'll join the two of you in saying how fabulous and exciting this news is!!!

      I really don't know how she is going to manage such a grueling tour though. Even if one feels great, pregnancy itself is tiring. Also, agree with you, Julia, that I hope this does not influence pregnant women in general to travel to Zika areas. Even taking the most minimal risk is not worth it when it comes to your baby.

      Royalfan, I think they probably had no choice but to announce now. She may be showing already or will be soon where she is so short waisted. Also, she won't be drinking which will bring up questions, and she may have to shorten and/or modify ceetain engagements of this tour which would bring up even more questions. I do agree that the news, although happy, will be the main focus of the tour now however.

    6. Erika, I do agree about the potential need to modify certain engagements; that makes perfect sense. I also agree that baby comes first...and no reasonable and compassionate person would hold it against her for following this path.

      Otherwise, the whole York wedding/tour timing of the announcement is a surprise by royal standards.

    7. I think they had to share the news, she is probably showing and that is why she wore that big coat on Friday and left the lower buttons open so nobody could see. Additionally, I'm sure it's also a precaution, should she need to cancel any events. They couldn't have made the announcement earlier either, I believe they purposefully waited until after Eugene's wedding and rightfully so.

    8. Katie and Beth, Erika's comment was the first and only reply I saw in this thread when I responded to her earlier...hope the comment is not lost in space. How odd all around. :-)

      Erika, I did agree about the potential need to modify the tour in some way. I also agreed that baby comes first. Period.

      Katie, I understand your point. And Beth, that's where I was coming from as well...

      We shall see how the tour unfolds ....

    9. I think they realize everyone is speculating whether she's pregnant already- even with whole articles about it so why not. I'm guessing she's past the first trimester or they wouldn't have risked announcing it. Then a lot of tummies pop out so you can't really hide it much. Anyway, it reality & they want to keep working so it's going to be a part of them. I also think they are very genuine & authentic & I'm sure bursting with excitement. I wouldn't be able to keep it in any longer either. So exciting!

    10. She has been showing for several weeks, in my opinion. If you look at pictures from just after the wedding in May, compared to events from later in Summer and early Autumn, you could see there was a difference in how Meghan looked. I think she tried to hide it with all the pleated skirts/dresses and dark colors.

    11. Wonderful news all around after a spectacular wedding ! This is the best part of royal watching - logging in and seeing something happy like this. Sure beats the front page news that's for sure.
      I really doubt that Meghan is showing already. I am probably an inch shorter than her and her size and build and my first time nobody could guess until I was 14 or 15 weeks or even longer, depending on what I wore. But I think that she knows her body and can see micro-changes and feels the need to cover up more. This happened to me too. Even very early on my waist thickened and once the clothes were off I looked different and I kept wanting to bundle up even though I fit into the same clothes. So I am not at all surprised that she feels a bit different even if she looks more or less the same to other folks. I am really glad that they announced when they did because everyone can stop speculating now and just enjoy the good news.
      As for Fiji and ZIka - women are having children there all the time. It's not as if everyone is getting infected by Zika all the time. There are measurable risks and I am 100% sure that Meghan and her doctor know what they are doing. It's her baby and her body and she is the best judge, really. There is no possible way any of us can know more than her or her doctor on the risks and the precautions.

    12. In other news ladies - Thomas Markle has popped up again. Get ready for Australia news to be peppered with regular doses of Markle commentary. I can't believe they didn't take care of this problem already. Honestly if it were me and I was wearing 10K worth of clothes I would have spent a tidy amount to pay them and shut them up.

    13. Personally, I don't think we should second guess Meghan's doctors. As much as Harry has wanted children, I really doubt he would risk the health of his first child, not to mention Doria probably going berserk over her first grandbaby! No, I think this has been carefully considered and probably will continue to be.

      I'm very happy for Meghan and Harry, and hope they have a very successful tour.

    14. I'm not second-guessing Meghan's doctors - they are speaking to her risk, not those of other women - I'm sure any area she visited will be heavily sprayed especially for the visit.

      Nor do I speak for those who must live with such risks - many have already had babies with serious deformities - it is a huge and tragic health problem in the world - although thought to be improving slightly.

      From Pippa to people I know personally (who cancelled a planned holiday in Costa Rica), women who are pregnant are heeding the CDC health warnings - still in effect (in Category 1 for Tonga). Royals set examples, it is one of the main things they do, and following health guidance for pregnant women is an example which should be followed - otherwise it encourages women to think these warnings are alarmist - which they are not. Women may assume because Meghan is visiting countries safely, they may also do so.

      The recommendations for women who do visit are onerous - presumably Harry and Meghan will follow them but again other women may not trouble to look or consult their doctors or have doctors who have all the experience of royal doctors but again assume because a royal woman flaunts CDC warnings, it's safe for them to do so.

      If there was a compelling reason for Meghan to do this part of the tour when she's pregnant (and even Harry going) it would be one thing. But to my eyes it simply seems heedless - not for Meghan's health - she will be well-protected, but for others. Not to take any joy away from the pregnancy in general, but this visit I find very selfish. It could have been postponed for later and should have been.

    15. I don't think it would have needed to be postponed had she decided not to go, Harry could have gone by himself and Meghan could have stayed in Australia or New Zealand.

    16. I'm glad you're not second guessing..........

  18. The best news to wake up to. Congratulations and my best wishes to the lovely couple!
    As a side note - now it will be even more interesting to watch Meghan's fashion choices on the tour!
    I am sure she will glow throughout the whole tour, but as much as I can relate, I already wish her a nice week of sleep and relax!

  19. I am honestly surprised - but happy for them!! I just thought they wouldn't plan a pregnancy before the tour. But she's even past the first 12 weeks; incredible timing! And obviously she didn't suffer from extreme morning sickness like Kate did. Lucky for her!

    1. Morning sickness is so variable. I had absolutely none, but my sister suffered like Kate. So I'm glad Meghan is past the worst time for that! You often feel much better in the second trimester, too, so this pregnancy and the tour are really perfectly timed!

  20. Congratulations to Meghan and Harry. Can’t wait to see her maternity fashion!

  21. Steph from Canberra15 October 2018 at 10:28

    Such wonderful news!! Despite some speculation, I think they caught most of us by surprise! I hope she has a healthy pregnancy - she's certainly brave to tackle such a full schedule! I guess the areas of Fiji and Tonga where they are going are not high risk of Zika, I'd say most risk is in more isolated areas.

    Charlotte, I also want to thank you in advance for all the time and effort I know you will put into the blog while H&M are here. I'm sure that covering events on the opposite side of the world, occurring mostly in the middle of your night, can not be easy, but we definitely appreciate it. I hope you get some down time during this tour too! Your blogs are the first thing I turn to when there is royal news, as your coverage is always exceptional. Thank you!!

  22. Courtney from NC15 October 2018 at 10:30

    How exciting! Parenthood is the most rewarding, yet hardest, thing I have ever done. Praying for a happy and healthy pregnancy and a healthy Baby Sussex! My birthday is in early May and it is a great time of year to be born. I have thought she was pregnant for several weeks. The shape of her face changed. I am happy that she has made it past the 12 week mark! I am glad that they planned on arriving in Sydney early so she had more time to acclimate to the time difference and rest before they hit the ground running come tomorrow.

  23. Silvia from Tuscany15 October 2018 at 10:41

    What a wonderful new! I'm very happy for both and I wish Meghan a joyful and serene pregnancy. I hope she will enjoy this magic time!

  24. Congratulations Harry and Meghan! Fantastic news to start off a Monday! Wishing you both everything of the best on this exciting next chapter and may your family continue to grow with endless love and happiness :)

    PS: Guess I wasn't too far off from my "thought" about her being pregnant on Friday ;)

  25. Wow, this is the most wonderful, exciting news! I am sooooo happy for them :)

    My thoughts about the timing are that she is beginning to show and they did not want constant pregnancy speculation the entire time, especially if she was clearly not drinking alcohol during meals or receptions. Plus, I would guess that people on the tour would like to give baby Sussex gifts and would have been disappointed if the couple announced the baby news as soon as the tour was over. This way, everyone on the tour can celebrate with them.

    This is just so exciting! What amazing news to wake up to this Monday morning.

    1. Yes!!! All of the above!!! 100%.

    2. Good points, inthekitchen!

  26. I had this thought now for at least a month. Her figure looked like being pregnant at the recent wedding.

  27. Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Success! What a memorable tour this will be!

  28. Congratulations Meghan and Harry. Another royal baby on the way.

  29. Congratulations Harry and Meghan!! Such great news! The Queen and Duke's family is growing and growing and I love it that they all seem so close. This will be fun to watch. Harry must be completely beside himself with joy!

  30. Happy to read the news! Congratulations to Harry & Meghan!

    And IË‹m not surprised at me she looked preggo at Eugenies wedding!

  31. Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess!!! What wonderful news to wake up to this morning. I must say that I am a little surprised that they announced it today. Their royal tour down under will be an absolute circus!!!

  32. Oh wow amazing news :)
    I thought they would announce after eugenies big day and commented it on the wedding post.
    Don't the royals usually release the due month after the 12 week scan?

  33. OMG! Amazing! Congratulations! Didn't expect it to be so soon. And so lovely for the announcement to coincide with the first day of the tour.

  34. I am absolutely thrilled!! What amazing luck for us to get 16 days of a royal tour AND a royal wedding AND Kate back to work AND a royal baby news all in October! It’s an embarrassment of riches! Absolutely thrilled for them as well. So happy for them, I had been hoping they wouldn’t have trouble in this area and so glad to see that a baby is on the way! So thrilled. Can’t wait to see them become parents and it makes sense that she jumped right in in January since they’ve obviously been planning to start having children right away! And now the gap between their children and Will and Kate’s won’t be so big!

    1. I agree, Anna from TN! It's certainly been an eventful fall!

  35. Eve from Germany15 October 2018 at 12:54

    I´m so, so happy for them! Congratulations to Harry&Meghan!! Wonderful news!!

    I think they shared it bc it wasn´t to be avoided anymore. That open coat on Friday spoke VOLUMES immediately when I first saw it. Imagine what would have happened during the next days when each&every time she would have had to "hide it"!! Speculation would have overshadowed everything else. They announced it today - by the time the tour really starts, people will be able to concentrate once again on the causes they support - with an extra added to it, so publicity for those causes will be even bigger!

    1. 4th month pregnant you don't show. Especially not in your first pregnancy.So I guess it had different reasons they announced it now.

    2. I do believe that most people today announce after the first trimester, which they did. It is difficult to hold great joy to yourself. The birth of a child regardless of who he/she is represents wonderful news to be shared with family and friends. Meghan is giving Harry a gift he has long waited for. He will be busting with pride when their child arrives.

    3. Anon 13:19 there’s no rule about how you “show”. Bodies are different. Meghan is very petite I would think any weight gain would be somewhat noticed.

    4. Anonymous in Colorado15 October 2018 at 15:53

      @Anonymous: For someone who's short-waisted like Meghan, showing does tend to happen earlier, possibly even by the 4th month. Even for me, I have a long torso but I did "pop" around the 4th month to my relief because up until then I had that awkward bloated "burrito for lunch" look haha!

    5. At 4 months pregnant I was definitely showing due to my petite frame. Perhaps they really did want to avoid incessant speculation. Also, due to the gruelling nature and large amount of engagements, on the other side of the world (time differences), at least if Meghan became unwell or fatigued, people would now more likely understand if she needed to slow down a little or sit out an engagement.

    6. I think even the dowager countess would be pleased at this news!! (Eve is very big on the Dowager Countess!!)

    7. Anglophile in Ohio16 October 2018 at 02:54

      Absolutely not true Anonymous 13:19. With my first I was very thin and had a very small waist--I'm a few inches shorter than Meghan. I lost my waist within 2 months and no longer fit into any of my fitted pants and skirts. I had to buy loose elastic waist skirts and was in maternity midway through the 3rd month. A lot of people at work knew before I announced it. Meghan's figure has thickened and she has lost her defined waist. It has gotten obvious and it is good they announced it now to avoid constant speculation.

  36. I knew it! Meghan looked a bit filled out at Eugenie's wedding. So happy for them! Any ideas about names? I've been off the mark for all of William's and Kate's children, but I love the name Diana Doria or Doria Diana if Meghan has a girl.

  37. Susan In Florida15 October 2018 at 13:04

    My husband woke me up to tell me! He gets up earlier than I do. What a sweet surprise ! And bravo to everyone who called it at Eugenie’s wedding. Meghan is so tiny that any baby weight or bump would show this tour. I agree with inthekitchen who said it would be clear if she was not drinking at receptions. I like the names Victoria or Philip, Dorian would also be a perfect name.

  38. Congratulations to Prince Harry and Meghan!!! Simply wonderful news!!! I wonder if she is starting to show a little since they announced it today. So glad she's doing well and that they got to wait until after the first trimester to announce unlike poor Kate!

    Thank you for the quick post, Charlotte! And a big thank you in advanced to everything you're going to do while they're on tour! It is most appreciated!

  39. Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess! Wonderful news for the BRF.
    Lesley from Dallas

  40. Wow!! She must be showing a little if they’re announcing it now. The tour will be even crazier now!

  41. Wonderful! This is such happy news. BBC says they took medical advice on protection from the Zika virus. Time will tell as to the royal rank.

  42. I knew it!!! So happy and excited for them!!! -AZ

  43. I was pretty positive about this at the wedding, I just didn't say anything. I found it odd she would wear the top two buttons done up t the ones across her stomach left unbuttoned, especially how people(media) speculate. So I did assume she is trying to hide it, just kinda mot that well lol. I don't think it was right to announce it on their wedding day reception, though, kinda steals the bride and grooms thunder if you will. They had a couple days after before the tour they could have. Anyway, still good news!

    1. Polka Dot, they didn't make a PUBLIC announcement at the wedding, only told family. The media didn't know so in no way did they take anything away from Jack and Eugenie's special day. What joyful news to receive this morning!

    2. I know everyone is saying they announced it at the wedding reception but reading the statement issued by Kensington Palace, it only says that the Queen, Philip, Charles, William and Kate had the chance to congratulate them in person at the wedding reception. I take that to mean that they told them beforehand via phone and the reception is where they congratulated in person. They didn't have much time to do so after, their flight left Saturday evening UK time. I think they purposefully tried not to steal any thunder by not telling anyone but close family before the wedding and announcing it publicly now that the festivities are over.

    3. Eve from Vermont15 October 2018 at 15:21

      It is possible Meghan discussed it with Princess Eugenie before sharing the news at the wedding. They are reported to be close, as is Prince Harry and Princess Eugenie. Princess Eugenie might have thought the neews added to the happiness of the day.

    4. I don't think they announced it to the whole wedding party. Because if they did it would have been all over social media already. The guests in Eugenie's wedding would have been all over that. If you read the actual palace statement, it said that the Queen, Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles, Camilla, William and Kate were able to congratulate them IN PERSON. To me it sounds like they already knew before the wedding but this is the first time they saw Harry and Meghan in person since being told. The British media is of course focusing on this "Meghan and Harry announcing during the wedding" which is NOT how KP wrote it on their press release.

    5. The family already knew before the wedding, they got to congratulate them on the day of (at least what I've read online)

    6. I think the close family has known for a while. This was the first time the whole family was together to celebrate it.

  44. What wonderful news, Meghan is glowing and will be prettier and prettier during her pregnancy. But I'm most impressed with Prince Harry; a wife and baby in less than 6 months, more responsibility on behalf of and for the Queen - what a man he has turned out to be. And that's thanks to Meghan being in his life, I believe. Thank you, Charlotte, for keeping all of us with what's going on. My only other comment is Meghan make your hubby get some new dress shoes.

  45. Such excitement so happy for them, I am not at all surprised, I have been expecting this news...they aren’t getting younger...honestly I don’t even consider them the “young royals” anymore...time flies fast and I have been thinking that they would want their children to grow up with Williams’s children and be able to make memories together.

  46. So exciting!!! Wow! She was blessed to be able to get pregnant so quickly! This will be a fun fall/winter!

  47. I'm thinking the names will be more along the lines of the non-traditional names of the Philips children and that they won't stick to the classics. It just seems to me more their style. Hoping for a girl! I didn't get one when Louis was born :).

    1. I was just thinking this, I really hope they go with some old fashioned but unique names. Maybe Shakespearean or Victorian trends. I love names from those times. And hopefully they won’t be quite as burdened by tradition. I think most in the royal family have beautiful names but you have to admit it is a little Elizabeth, Mary, Ann, George, William, Louis heavy etc. many are used over and over and in a different order. I would love to see something unique and not used lately as a name (much like Anne did with Zara with I think is a gorgeous and less common name)

    2. I just hope the ghost of Lord Mountbatten is finally satisfied and they won't have to use the name Louis...

    3. I think a name that is both traditional and modern would be lovely. I don't want them to choose something completely untraditional to be honest, I like classic names.
      Interestingly, it was Charles who chose Zara's name.

    4. I think we can safely assume it won't be Samantha if it's a girl. Other than that, who knows?

    5. I"m doing with Dorian Grey Sussex, or Andrea Doria Sussex.

      Yes, I am kidding

    6. Lol, bluhare! Dorian Grey Sussex takes the prize! :) Incidentally, I always think of Dorian Grey too, when I hear the name Dorian. Can't help myself!

    7. Lol!! Good ones bluhare 😊

    8. There are unique and less used names within BRF history as well. Queen Victoria's first name was actually Alexandrina. Then there's Adelaide, Eleanor, Matilda, Helena, Blanche even... lots of names, especially for girls, if you look into it.

  48. I think the whole speculation about the coat she wore to the wedding is silly. She may have ordered it in advance not knowing how much she would be showing by the time of the wedding. But she wore a tight skirt on October 3. I hardly think she'd get so huge within 9 days that she would need to wear a big coat. Usually with your first pregnancy, you don't show as early as 3 months. Especially women who are in as great shape as she is...stomach muscles that are very toned hold everything in longer!

    1. Skirt was hardly tight. I guess now we can stop speculating because she is pregnant. So who guessed it or those who did want to talk about it is fruitless now

    2. Not necessarily true, Pam from Boston! I am 5’4” and weighed 102 pounds when I got pregnant, so I was very thin and in great shape. At 3-4 months I was REALLY showing! Wish I could share a picture, it looked more like I was 6 months along, haha! I think every person and even every pregnancy is very different. So happy for Harry and Meghan!!! I wish Meghan an easy pregnancy and birth and wish them both a healthy baby and much joy!!!
      And thanks Charlotte for your absolutely wonderful blogs! I’ve followed this one since the beginning and the Kate blog since their engagement, so I’m a first time commenter but a long time lurker, haha!
      Virgo Girl

    3. A classic name - yes, but not a traditional Royal name. Those are getting boring. Yes, old-fashioned yet unique. Something like Dorothea - to honor Meghan's mother. Actually, the reverse of that - Theodora, would be sweet. Or Frances or some version of it to honor Diana - Francesca, Francine.

    4. That was tight to me. Maybe not skin tight, but it was definitely bodycon, especially with the shirt tucked in. Let's put it this way - I saw the photos that day and it never crossed my mind that she was pregnant. Of course now that we know she is, we can look at the photos and compare to earlier ones and see that her tummy isn't quite as flat. But still not pregnant looking. I still can't believe she got so big within the following 9 days that she needed to hide underneath a big coat. After all, she's worn big coats often enough in the past when not pregnant.

    5. I din't show at 3 months at all, I started showing more toward the 6th-7th month. Now in the 8th month, I'm showing but I still keep getting called petite. I had my suspicions when Meghan wore that blue coat for the wedding, but I just brushed it off, since Meghan has worn big coats in the past. But I'm really happy for both of them!!XOXO

    6. My comment about the names ended up in the wrong thread!

    7. I understand that everyone is different but in general most women pregnant for the first time do not show as early as three months. And the point I was trying to make is that everyone was abuzz about a possible pregnancy because of the big coat, but it seemed unlikely that she would suddenly go from not pregnant looking on October 3 to big enough to hide on October 12. Later on in pregnancy you have the tendency to kind of grow quickly in that short of a time span, but not usually that early on.

    8. Anglophile in Ohio16 October 2018 at 03:03

      Meghan looked pregnant on Sept 20 at the book launch party. And I would guess the leather skirt on Oct 3 was probably a size or two bigger than she wore pre-pregnancy. Many women do show as early as 3 months--it just depends.

  49. question is doria will be prssent or will move to london how will the tour goes. 76 enagements In 16 days that huge will the duchess is. permited. To travel The fiji and tonga. And risk her first. Born

  50. Love this news!!! It will make the tour even more fun- almost like a baby-moon! I wish them both a healthy baby, and let's hope Meghan feels not too exhausted during this jam-packed tour. I didn't expect this news so soon, but I was sure we'd hear an announcement during the holidays. I know Harry and William really treasure the happy times spent with their cousins- now Harry and Meghan will have little Louis and Lena (and even a Jack/Eugenie baby?) to play with their tot! Smiles all around today. I am going to speculate that Meghan/Doria/Harry knew straight away- I have a feeling that Meghan is very attuned to her body- and that Doria came over to not only support the cookbook launch,but maybe accompany her daughter to a doctor visit to hear a heartbeat? It also means that during the whole Thomas Markle brouhaha, the Sussexes were having a really romantic time (Castle of Mey?). Stop me now, my mind is racing! Go Tungsten Go! (Prince Charles' nickname for Meghan!)

  51. Rhonda - Wisconsin15 October 2018 at 14:55

    How awesome!!! Congratulations to Harry & Meghan. Here's to a healthy, safe pregnancy and delivery. What wonderful news to start off my Monday. The tour has officially escalated to three ring circus now. Talk about being on the hot seat. Really looking forward to the next six months. What an awesome October as Anna from TN said above. Boy Charlotte - you are going to be one busy girl!!

  52. Congrats, indeed!!! The oversized coat at the wedding spoke volumes. Although the Duchess of Sussex still looked lovely, that coat sent a msg that the HRH were expecting. Happy for the official confirmation. Thanks, Charlotte. You have again put together a lovely post of moving sentiment.

  53. Congratulations Harry and Meghan!! Such exciting news!!! Kathy from NJ

  54. Tammy from California15 October 2018 at 15:16

    Charlotte, I think the last line of this post said it all- WHAT a year for these two! My goodness! Many happy congrats to the Sussexs.

  55. Melanie from California15 October 2018 at 15:17

    So exciting! This is the same time I announced my pregnancy so maybe baby will be born at the end of April like my son!

  56. I doubt she would be showing now, just like Kate didn't show for some time. It's good to let everyone know, though, in case she needs to scale back any activities. And so she won't have to refuse wine and make everyone wonder. ;)

    I think the Zika risk is greater in some areas, and she can wear clothes that cover her well and even apply mosquito repellent.

    The wedding was a good place to tell family members and it didn't detract from Eugenie because the public and her friends didn't know. Is there a reason that Camilla is not listed on the statement that the Queen, PP, PC, William, an Kate are delighted?

    Just amazing that not too long ago we were speculating on whether they were really a couple and now there's a baby coming! Maybe that's another reason Jessica and Ben are along -- I think Meghan views Jessica as a real sister.

    1. I believe that the family members listed were the ones able to congratulate the Sussexes in person at the wedding. So Camilla wasn't listed since she was unable to attend the wedding. I'm quite sure she was informed at the same time as Prince Charles!

  57. Yay, congratulations!🎊

  58. Congratulations to the happy parents-to-be! I did read that the Duchess has passed her 12-week scan, and that they carefully considered the worries about Zika. I believe it's less dangerous beyond the first trimester -- at least I hope so! I have been hoping for years that Harry would have children of his own; he's so fantastic with them. I know they're going to be wonderful parents, and I wish them a healthy baby above all

  59. How wonderful! When I popped on to the blog this morning, this was NOT the news I was expecting to read! I'm over the moon for them. And if Meghan has the energy to do an international, multiple-week tour while pregnant, than I have wonder if superheroines DO in fact exist! :)

  60. This is amazing news. I’m so happy for them but highly irritated with stories focusing on Fergie’s reaction. Really, who cares. As for Meghan continuing on the highly anticipated stops in Fiji and Tonga there would be widespread condemnation if she pulled out. Zika is a mosquito born disease like malaria. You take precautions by covering up, wearing insect repellant and avoiding known areas where mosquitoes breed. They’ve already modified her tour stops in both countries. She’ll be fine. If anything her biggest issue may be fatigue. I think making the announcement today ends all the distraction and focus on is she or isn’t she pregnant. It was also respectful of Eugenie’s wedding weekend. Let’s just be happy for them. Harry as a dad puts a smile on my face.

  61. Caroline in Montana15 October 2018 at 16:25

    I have been saying this for a little while now. you could tell in her face and the slight tummy swell, when you are that small the little bump shows. folks thought they would wait till after the tour but I could not see that at all, she is already 37 why would they wait at all? especially if they want a couple. glad that she had no trouble conceiving and that she has a comfortable pregnancy. going to be a great stretch coming up for the monarchy, really looking forward to it all!

  62. That’s very exciting!!!! Yikes that’s a lot of change in two years time!!! The timing is different, one can only suspect why they would announce it right before the tour, but I’m sure there was a reason (when i was pregnant 3 years ago and not telling yet I was worried about a work dinner since my coworkers know I like my dirty martini and would wonder why I wasn’t partaking) and I am very relieved she has been so healthy and seemingly feeling great. I did read that they told everyone at the wedding. I really hope that wasn’t true and that people were told discreetly before, then they got their quiet congrats. I feel that is totally out of character. I might be in the minority but I feel any news such as an engagement announcement or baby news should not be done at a wedding without the express permission of the bride. I have a feeling it’s not true... can’t believe all you read right?!

    1. I don't think its true. The official palace release says that they were congratulated at the wedding, not at all that they were told at the wedding. The royal news outlets are spreading the news that they were told at the wedding.

  63. Jessica in Los Angeles15 October 2018 at 16:32

    Let’s remember every woman’s body is different. I showed well before the 12 week mark with each of my pregnancies. I remember being at a family wedding at 9 weeks pregnant and having 3 different people ask if I was pregnant. And that was my first pregnancy! It seems silly to have people even questioning the timing of their announcement.

    She’s past the 12-week mark, and there has already been speculation about her being pregnant. I think it was perfect timing to announce today. They waited until after Eugenie’s wedding so that she got her time to shine. But then rather than have their tour overshadowed by “is she or isn’t she” speculation, they decided to share their joyous news! This way, locals can congratulate them and share in their joy, and it also probably will bring more attention to their tour and the causes they’d like to highlight.

    As for her traveling where there are Zika warnings, I’m sure they consulted with a doctor and are making a safe choice specific to their situation.

    Very exciting news for them!

  64. Anna from Germany15 October 2018 at 16:37

    What exciting news-I really did not expect a pregnany while being on tour. Regarding the full programme, these days must be quite exhausting for Meghan.Personally I‘m totally thrilled because I am pregnant myself and our baby is due in April...By the way-this is my first child,too, and I have a huge bump already ( although I have to admit,that I have lost 10 kilos because of Hyperemesis and therefore the bump is quite outstanding.).

    1. Francesca (Germany)15 October 2018 at 17:56

      I'm wishing you all the best in your pregnancy as well. Hopefully the rest will be a bit easier for you.
      (But how exciting is it to be pregnant at the same time? :D)

    2. Anna from Germany15 October 2018 at 18:04

      Thank you Francesca!It‘s sooo exciting!

    3. Congrats Anna! I am also pregnant and due in April of my second child! So exiting to share this special time with Meghan! I defenitely showed around 10 weeks first time although I had killer abs at that time, this time round I showed at 7 weeks and My coworkers noted already. Sorry to hear you suffered from HG, is it better now?

    4. Eve from Germany15 October 2018 at 19:39

      Oh Anna - that´s wonderful news!! Congrats from your fellow German!! I sincerely hope the next months will be easier for you... All the very best! How exciting!

    5. That is exciting for you!! Hope you feel better and can enjoy your "twin" pregnancies with Meghan.

    6. Shantel (@FashionandFaith)15 October 2018 at 21:18

      Congratulations!!! Here's to an easy, breezy remainder of your pregnancy! :-)

  65. American Army Wife15 October 2018 at 16:46

    Of course they had to announce the pregnancy regardless of whether she looks the part. Everyone hosting them or meeting them will have been told as part of preparation. Every part of the tour, travel, security, food, beverages, animals touched, distances walked or climbed, would be considered. Regardless of her pre-pregnancy health, she has little control over how all the sights and smells, and temperatures will make her feel. She may not have a bump yet, but my waist changed immediately even though I only gained 2 pounds in the first three months. I could not stand a fitted garment! And everything I owned was fitted. The pregnancy is her boss now. It shouldn’t over shadow the tour for reasonable people. I hope she can enjoy the opportunity and does not put herself or her child at unnecessary risk.

    1. Zora from Prague15 October 2018 at 19:42

      A. A. Wife, what you say makes perfect sense. I believe the tour has been carefully prepared with Meghan's pregnancy in view. After all, they have known this for quite a while now; it's not a thing they discovered a week ago.

  66. I was caught by surprise with this one! I did think she looked like she could be pregnant at Eugenie's wedding, but didn't want to say anything. Really exciting for them! It was honestly slightly sooner than I was anticipating, but it makes sense.

    The only thing that is off to me with the timing is the tour -- even with an amazing medical team, it seems like a terrible risk to take, should something actually happen. And, as others have said, that will overshadow all the work that's been hyped up for this tour.

    Still, though, it's exciting news and I look forward to seeing her fashion and role evolve!

    1. Queen Maxima was heavy pregnant when she vιsited Turckey and Queen Elizabeth II was 2 months pregnant when she was on tour in Canada, 1959.
      Myshelf I travelled a lot during my two pregnancies.
      As long as there are no identified complications or concerns with your pregnancy, it is generally safe to travel at all times during your pregnancy.

      Here is an article:

  67. I am so Thrilled when she wore that blue dress I thought I saw a baby bump!! I'm so happy tears in my eyes God bless them. This will be the first mixed royal baby and that will make him even more cute. Two beautiful races into one can't wait to see the baby and wishing her a successful and healthy pregnancy! Thanks Charlotte

    1. The baby is bound to be gorgeous with Meghan's looks and cute with Harry's. He was such a cute baby!

    2. There's only one race...the human race. I believe the baby will have mixed features from both parents.

    3. Usually that is so, but I had friends who had three kids. The two boys looked just like the mother with her black hair and pale skin and general facial features and the one girl looked just like the father with light brown hair and his facial features.

  68. well, now that we know and people are betting on names (not here so much)...why are people assuming the name will be a prior royal name? Seems boring to me...but then again, I'm American and may not understand the reasoning behind it

    1. Because the baby will be 7th in line to the throne? I predict a first name that is in the royal family and then more flexibility with middle names.

  69. Thank you Charlotte for your always up-to-date posts. And Congratulations to M.H.! This is such a surprise for me, coz I read about Zika virus, I really didn't expect it. Poor her with such a long flight and trip to OZ, but she is strong and fit, so I bet she will cope exceptionally well.
    Compliments to Avee - and others- who first guessed right when commenting on Friday wedding. Well done.
    Can't wait to see them in action in the beautiful OZ!

    1. yep--I thought the coat was a bit suspicious, but I honestly thought she was just playing games with us. But don't forget the pictures of her in the bright blue dress with all the front ruffles a few weeks ago! That one raised some speculation, too!

      I am very happy for her and Harry. I was actually a bit worried that at her age, she might have trouble conceiving. Fertility really does begin to decline sharply in the mid-thirties. Therefore, I think she and Harry were very wise to forge ahead with their hopes, not trying to "time" the pregnancy to fit in with any royal schedule.

      At 32, I naively "planned" the month of conception and birth for my baby so that it would conveniently fit in with all my plans for vacations, houses, jobs, etc. Nothing happened--and five years later I gave birth to my only child after lots of fertility interventions. What a lesson in humility--we are not in total control of everything in our lives--especially our children!

  70. Theresa, New York15 October 2018 at 18:03

    I am delighted. They will make wonderful parents.

  71. Completely agree on the first trimester exhaustion, Erika. I hope she takes long naps and keeps her feet up. This will be gruelling for her - no question.

  72. Well I was WAY OFF my estimate! Glad to be wrong though. Good for them.

  73. I read that they told the senior royals at the wedding. I don't think it takes away from Eugenie if only the Queen, PP, Prince Charles, Anne, and Kate/William know. The Queen and PP would be those mostly concerned about Eugenie anyway, and I doubt it had any effect on the festivities.

    I did read that they made the announcement on Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, which seems like a really poor decision! Maybe no one told them, but it's a shame.

    1. They're human, they can't take everything in account!

  74. I think this is going to wear me out before it wears out Meghan! I was anxious as the romance was announced, as the move to UK occurred, as the engagement was announced, waiting for the best wedding ever, watching the wedding, and so on! Now baby watch is for real; I bet Meghan has baby names already picked out. I hope Doria comes over before the end of the year---she would be a delightful addition for Christmas.

    1. you made me laugh Allison. Hopefully you survive all of this:)

    2. Just when the baby finally comes and then we see cute little photos---will we be waiting for number 2? Thanks heavens I'm obsessed with just one couple and not the entire royal family.

  75. This is a bit off topic, but I just saw that Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York posted congratulations to Jack and Eugenie on their wedding just after the Sussexes' announcement. The Duke of York retweeted her tweet and wished her a happy birthday as well (today happens to be Sarah's birthday). Neither mentioned the Sussexes' news.

    Is it just me, or is anyone else looking forward to the day (and God Bless the Queen, long may she live), when Charles kicks Andrew out of Buckingham and tells him his services for the crown are no longer needed? The cheek of the Yorks is just too much sometimes!

    1. Eugenie appears to be a very nice person, but it's hard to care that much. It was a royal wedding and lots of fun to see the venue again and the various outfits, and I think that Eugenie is satisfied with the enormously expensive event and the many "famous" guests and the unnecessary next-day carnival for wealthy adults. If her parents are not satisfied, then shame on them. They love their daughter very much, but I don't.

      I care about William and Harry because their mother, who did some very good things in her short life, was taken from them. I like Kate because she appears to be a very caring and nice person and is a terrific partner for William. I am fascinated by Meghan---not because of her parentage---but because of her drive and desires and all that she accomplished without being a royal.

      I personally don't really care about the other family members (except I think Zara and her husband are pretty great) because there is no reason for them to be elevated above other people.

      This is a round-about way of agreeing with Lynn from CA. :)

    2. I'm sure she is just so thrilled from her daughters was a beautiful day.

    3. I don't think that Sarah posted because of the announcement, she's posted before that too and I'm sure she will continue to post, as she loves to post about her daughters - nothing wrong with that. The media has blown this out of proportion. There is no proof that she posted on the day of Meghan & Harry's announcement, which also happened to be only 3 days after her daughter's wedding, to throw shade at them.
      Sarah has done some pretty embarrassing things but I don't perceive her as a person whose intent is malicious, she's just impulsive, exuberant and sometimes acts before she thinks.
      She doesn't ever post about members of the royal family other than Andrew and her girls and to be honest, I think that's what the BRF wants from her. Her and Harry are said to like each other, which is why he invited her to his wedding, so I'm sure she congratulated in private.
      I won't defend Andrew because I think he hasn't dealt well with being relegated from second further and further down the line and has been part of some pretty shady dealings but does Charles have the moral high ground? I don't think so and at least Andrew has always cared for his wife, now ex-wife.

  76. So happy for Harry and Meghan that I was moved all day.

  77. Shantel (@FashionandFaith)15 October 2018 at 21:16

    Such exciting news! I am so incredibly happy for Meghan and Harry! Babies equal new life... they mean that a family carries on. Such a blessing!
    Now, I know its early but I have to put this out there: I think the baby's name will be a nod to Prince Phillip and Princess Diana. Maybe Phillip Spencer if it's a boy or Alice Diana if it's a girl I know that one of Charlotte's middle names is Diana, but this could still work. To honor our ancestors, my family has a tradition of cousins having the same middle name or having the middle name of one be the first name of the other. For example, my son's middle name is my mother's maiden name. My nephew's first name will be my son's middle name. This allows us to honor our mother AND our grandparents at the same time! Whatever the name and whatever the gender, this child will be loved like every child deserves to be. And s/he will have millions of "aunties" and "uncles" sending good vibes from all around the world.
    Three cheers for the Sussex family!!!
    Minnesota, USA

  78. Very happy for them; this is wonderful news. I am wishing them, especially Meghan, well on the tour, and a healthy and uneventful next six months (until the Major Event!).

  79. What wonderful news! From the time I heard about this couple, I wished them well. Hope Meghan has a safe pregnancy and in due course delivers a beautiful healthy baby. I wish them to have the family they have both made clear that they have longed for, and now as a couple. Regarding when the news was told to the royal family, I imagine the royal family knew, and the wedding would be the first opportunity for them all to congratulate the couple. I'm sure one does not casually tell the queen about a baby while sitting in the pews during a family wedding. It would be normal for the family to be happy for them and eager to congratulate. Since they would have to announce during the Tour, it would be reasonable that the family would be told and not hear about it through a press release.

  80. Wow so happy for them! And I must say ... I thought Meghan was showing when she wore the blue frilly dress. The way she was filled out around the face and breasts ... What great news! I also don't think it's odd that she's doing a tour while pregnant. Women nowadays work until the ninth month, they do cross fitness, dancers will take dance classes into the third trimester. Meghan I think is of a very strong constitution and can handle it.

    1. thank you Ivy. People talking of timing.....If couples waited for the perfect 'timing' to have a baby, that may never come around or they won't get pregnant at will.

  81. OMG!!!!! I’m At A International Film Festival Working & Just Routinely Checked My Instagram & Saw The News!!! When Was It Announced??? Today?? Gosh I’m Going To Have To Check In & Read!! I Haven’t Even Seen Anything About The Tour! I Was Waiting Until The Festival Was Over & I Could Tuck In For A Good Read.... But This Is Amazing News!!! Yay!!!!!!

  82. Sooooo..... Basically Those Of Us That Thought She Was.... Were Right!! Yay!!! :) xx

  83. Yes, all those readers who thought they knew something were right!!

  84. Congrats Harry & Meghan! That's gonna be one adorable baby. NLopez

  85. I have been waiting for these news since the Hamilton Gala performance ☺️ Something about her look there made me wondering. She has a short torso (just like me) and it means a tiny little change in the stomach area and you're showing. But she managed really well with some pretty good outfit choices. Good tips for me too 😉 It is so different from Kate's pregnancies, where we knew about the baby on board, because of the horrible sickness, but otherwise you couldn't tell even after 4 months, because she is so long in the middle area of her body. That's about different body types 😉


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