
Sunday 24 February 2019

Duchess Meghan Shines in Dior for Evening Reception

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex concluded day two of their official visit to Morocco with an evening reception at the British Ambassador's residence in Rabat.

The Duke and Duchess arriving with Ambassador Reilly and his wife Leah.

They were presented with gorgeous flowers from Ambassador Reilly's daughters Orla and Elsa. Meghan spoke to the girls, saying: "Thank you, that's so kind. They're beautiful."

More from the Mail Online:

'The Duchess introduced her husband, turning to him saying: 'This is Harry,' as the Duke bent down to shake the sisters' hands. After asking Elsa her name Meghan was handed a second bouquet, which she smelt exclaiming 'Wow, they are so sweet.'
Afterwards Orla said: 'We were quite nervous meeting them but they were really nice. Prince Harry asked us if we lived here all the time or whether this was a temporary house and asked us if we had parties like this every week, which we don't otherwise it would be a lot of work! It's been a lot of preparation but really fun.
'The flowers we gave them were from our garden which we helped choose and Meghan said they were beautiful which we are so glad about.' Elsa said: 'It's been very busy but at the end it all turned out well and it was very good.'

Day two saw the couple travel to Asni in the Atlas Mountains to meet staff and students at leading girls' education organisation Education for All and a local secondary school to hear more about efforts in the area to improve access to education. Seventy percent of women in Morocco are illiterate with the figure rising to eighty-three percent in the most rural areas.

Meghan told students she's "proud" of their work and asked them about their aspirations for the future. Harry also presented founded Michael McHugo with his MBE.

Inside, Harry and Meghan washed their hands in scented rose water, a time-honoured tradition in Morocco.

The reception continued the focus on highlighting women and young people making a difference in the country. They met a hundred and thirty influential Moroccan women, young entrepreneurs, athletes and military officers.

During a conversation with a group of female executives, Meghan discussed the importance of women globally doing more to improve opportunities: "Women have to challenge everywhere in the world."

Rebecca English reports:

'The Duchess, who has made women’s empowerment a key part of her work, was responding to Meriem Bensalah, chief executive of a finance and agricultural firm called the Holmarcom Group, who told her that Moroccan women had made great advances towards equality but still faced disadvantages.
'We were discussing how there are still many boundaries all over the world,' the business executive said. 
The couple appeared in good spirits as they spent time speaking to some 130 influential Moroccans at the reception, including captains of industry, military officers, disabled athletes and young entrepreneurs.'

Meghan meeting guests.

Harry chatted with members of the Moroccan Royal Gendarmerie who attended the Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst. During a 44-week training course in Camberley, Surrey, Prince Harry was known as Officer Cadet Wales. The course was intensive and involved both theory and tough physical training. Prince Harry was commissioned as an army officer on Wednesday, 12th April 2006. The Queen, accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh, took the salute at the Sovereign's Parade at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Harry's time in the military has greatly influenced his work and led to the creation of the Invictus Games.

A great photo of Meghan from Kensington Palace.

Ambassador Thomas Reilly shared photos from his residence ahead of the royal arrival.

A look at the red carpet outside.

A video from the reception.

The Duchess looked radiant in a cream custom made Dior gown for the evening. The Moroccan-inspired, kaftan-style piece was a perfect choice for the occasion and another sartorial nod to her host country. Meghan has turned to Dior for several important events since the wedding, and they've always succeeded in creating classic, elegant and timeless pieces suited to the events she's attending.

A look at the back.

Meghan accessorised with her Birks Snowstorm earrings. The dazzling pair have been one of Meghan's go-to styles for evening functions over the past year.

The Duchess carried Dior's embellished gold clutch with a bee design.

What Meghan Wore noted Meghan's pumps are also Dior.

They appear to be the D-Moi Lamé heels.

A closer look at Meghan's sleek up-do and make-up.

If you're just joining us, click here to read today's earlier post.

The Duke and Duchess have a very busy day tomorrow:

  • The Duke and Duchess will visit the Moroccan Royal Federation of Equestrian Sports where they will learn about their programmes supporting children with special needs. 
  • Next, it's a cookery demonstration at Villa des Ambassadors in Rabat. 
  • The couple will meet young entrepreneurs supporting youth empowerment at an arts and crafts market in the Andalusian Gardens.
  •  In the afternoon, they will have an audience with King Mohammed VI of Morocco.

We'll see you tomorrow!


  1. Wow gorgeous. She's really set the bar high for stylish chic maternity wear on this tour. Weird because before the tour I thought a lot of her maternity outfits were awkwardly fitted. But as I said, when you get to a stage of pregnancy where simply buying bigger clothes or elastic stretchy clothes is no longer an option ...

    Just from the look of it also I WANT THOSE SHOES.

    1. It is her best maternity wear, because at long last we are seeing maternity wear and not regular dresses with a few tweaks and it makes such a difference.

    2. I have a feeling these loose garments are more in line with culture dress code Morocco, she might wear form fitting when she goes back home.

    3. Her gown reminds me of Old Hollywood. Liz Taylor or Audrey Hepburn. Very sumptuous fabric. I like the neckline and the way the left side goes into a sash.

  2. She looks gorgeous!!!!!!!!!

  3. I change my mind- this is my favourite maternity look! I love the simple elegance of this style. It reminds me of the dress Kate and the one Angelina Jolie wore when pregnant. The style of the dresses seems to flow gracefully - love it.

  4. She is just stunning! I love her clothes choices with her chic, fun, classy. She is just her beautiful self and I think she is showing other moms to be how you can have fun with fashion at any stage. Thank you Charlotte for your quick post!

  5. A simple yet interesting design, very elegant and appropriate. It suits her beautifully - she looks perfect for the occasion.

  6. Beautiful beautiful Meghan. Harry is a elegant lucky husband.

  7. Morocco seems to be the Katherine Hepburn moments - STUNNING both the red arriavl and todays evening dress! A beautiful woman with a brain and a heart! Bravo

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. n2324 February 2019 at 18:34
    The gown itself is pretty but I don’t like the color. It’s just a color I’ve seen defined elsewhere as bleurgh.

  10. Wow, stunning! It reminds me also of Kate in that pink McQueen cape dress as well. It’s a fantastic silhouette for late pregnancy.

  11. I really like the idea of this dress and the color. I am not sure if it really does something good to her bust though.

    1. I love this look but I agree, it looks flattened and you can see her belly button. But with this fabric I think it can’t be helped. Especially with an outie a lot of women get!
      I commented already about how beautiful this is but that one angle, I think maybe an under garment might have been needed, but she might have one on and it happened anyways.
      Doesn’t spoil the look it is pretty much perfection.

    2. Agree. The dress is beautiful but she needs different undergarments.

    3. I think she had appropriate undergarment but it looked like it slipped down a bit. If you have ever been pregnant you know it's hard to get anything to stay up when you get that big. So let's skip that photo...
      She looks stunning! This style of dress is perfect for late pregnancy & Morocco. Not only do they look so friendly & personable but also glamorous! I'm sure they are making great relationships.

    4. Caroline in Montana25 February 2019 at 21:33

      at first thought I liked it ok, but the undergarments are really doing her a disservice, does not look good. love the earing's and how happy they look!!

  12. Meghan looks stunning, and Harry well-dressed. I wonder if there is any significance to the olive green ties Harry seems to favor? Also, I wish photographers would not point their cameras at Meghan's bump- it's really intrusive. I don't think we need to know each time the baby stretches. I think Meghan does an excellent job of connecting with people and representing the Britain, and her wardrobe has been impeccable. I know each country is different, but I feel a bit peeved on Meghan's behalf (although I'm sure she accepts the situation with grace) that a country that expects her to represent them will not give her the courtesy of citizenship, unlike other countries who give their princesses citizenship upon marriage.

    1. I can understand why you feel the way you feel about the citizenship, but as we have seen in so many iterations the BRF have to toe a very fine line. And one of the big no-no’s is getting any preferencial treatment. For people who are working very hard and long to get their British citizenship it will be a bitter pill to swallow if Meghan gets fast tracked.

    2. He's a ginger and orange/red and olive green tend to go well together in a color palette?

  13. Wow, stunning! Looks like baby Sussex is pushing a foot out in the more close up picture. As I said before in the first post during the day she is glowing from inside out with her love, interest & happiness at highlighting the great cause of education for girls to women.

    1. It does, and how she can keep a natural smile on her face while that's going on is a serious challenge! She really glows from the inside out, and radiant silk she's wearing just flatters her even more because of that!

  14. 😮 wow!
    This is very very chic.

  15. Tammy from California24 February 2019 at 19:53

    I have stated before how much I love her in nude colors. I really love this. Very much Moroccan, love the jewels on love love

  16. Generally I really like Meghan’s choice. This evening gown is a miss to me. The color does not compliment her coloring as well as other colors, and the cut of the gown on the shoulders and chest, the torso for lack of a better explanation, does not flatter her beautiful pregnant body as , for example, yesterday’s beautiful red outfit did... none the less, her beautiful smile and sparkling eyes are all that matters. Harry looks quite handsome. He rocks that facial hair quite nicely.

  17. I just saw a video of Meghan in this beautiful dress. While another neutral it is stunning on her. The dress flows beautifully and the Moroccan influence is perfect for her body at this late stage. I thought the red arrival dress was my choice for best maternity look but now. . . . Can't wait to see the rest of Meghan's Moroccan trip wardrobe.

  18. I guess the baby just gave her a kick when the picture was taken... At least you can definitely see that the belly button is pointing out and it looks like an arm or leg 😉. I like the dress, but I wouldn't have worn anything that showing during my pregnancy, especially not if people are constantly taking pictures of you and of course your bump.

    1. You can definitely see her belly taking different shapes, I remember that vividly. My son really favored my right side so my belly always looked weird.
      Should put to rest the “moon bumps” theorists out there.

    2. I'm not sure she has a choice at this point! The dress already has tent-like proportions because of her pregnancy -- although what a beautiful tent! -- but keeping a belly that big under wraps just becomes impossible past a certain point.

    3. I don’t think going bigger would have made a difference but a slightly heavier fabric might have been more forgiving and at the same time improve the flow of the dress.

  19. Love! That is the most glam and regal kaftan I’ve ever seen. My mom wears them practically every day in the summer, but nothing as chic as this! Glad she is embracing more flattering maternity looks. Snowing g you can be comfortable and elegant simultaneously!

  20. I think Meghan looks gorgeous tonight. This is the perfect use of her favorite blergh colour. It is a slight nod to Morocco but still modern and very flattering to her pregnancy.
    My only quibble or more a question is are these Embassy receptions not normally more business formal/cocktail that full on black tie?
    If I compare this to the dresses both Meghan (in Ireland) and Kate (Poland, Germany, France, India) have worn to similar receptions, it seems to be a bit too formal.
    I haven’t found lots of photos of the women attending so I might be completely wrong but the few women I have managed to see were all wearing short dresses.
    At least for a royal it is always better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed.

  21. The dress has a lot of potential but I don't think it does much for the bust area or the baby bump area. Maybe some sheath garmet underneath might have made the front look a little bit more appealing. So far my favorite is the red dress she arrived in.

  22. Nicole from France24 February 2019 at 20:38

    Whaou .... she IS gorgeous , and so royal ! The perfect match with the situation , I.e. the country she is visiting and her pregnancy ..... can’t choose between yesterday and to day ... it took her some time to have pregnancy clothes, but ... she was teasing us ahahahaha I was quite impressed by the young prince’s attitude yesterday, he already looks so dignified and polished, and his head slightly bent shows a gentleness few young men could show in that sort of moment ! Seeing what still is women’s position in that country , welcoming a heavily pregnant woman is quite an event ! I can’t help feeling it is a very important occasion for both Meghan and the BRF , Marocco welcoming a woman who supports women’s education , and Meghan having to show diplomatic skills to promote her centers’ of interest . Possibly a more important tour than the down under one .....

  23. Simply stunning at first, regal... But then (please don't be too harsh!) I got Star Trek/druid vibes. It might be a combo of the meh color and the (cool) sleeve detail - and I like the sleeves and neckline and the overall drape. I think *Meghan* looks divine & glowing, especially considering how much traveling she's been doing, and I love the shoes. The Valentino is still my favorite so far this tour:) --OP

  24. Thank you, Charlotte, for your very quick first-look post!

    Duchess Meghan looks elegant and vibrant, and that is a gorgeous Moroccan-inspired gown. The detailing at the edges of the sleeves is especially lovely, and really completes the design of the look. Well done Dior and well done Meghan. I am guessing this may have been a collaborative piece?

    The duchess's energy at this stage of her pregnancy--in London, New York, and Morocco, all in about 1 week--is formidable, as is her dedication to her role. It seems that perhaps she thrives on occasions when positive attention and approving eyes are on her, knowing that she can make a difference in those moments by being engaged with people in an intelligent, empathic, and sincere way. She seems a bit similar in that way to how Princess Diana was, although of course they are also very different. But well-matched in this way to her new role, perhaps Meghan will gain some real fulfillment from it (aside from her obvious love for Harry), and also help others find fulfillment, or at least inspiration.

    1. Lovely things to say. I agree. I don’t love this color but I’ve traveled in Morocco, and this looks beautifully in sync with that ancient place.

  25. As much as I like this gown, other than the bland beige color, it unfortunately photographs poorly, maybe due to the color. There are some pictures with some bizarre shadows and I can’t unsee them looking at some pictures. She looks pretty, but I truly think the color is not the greatest on her. It’s bland.
    The reception looked lovely, as most receptions do.

    1. I think she's just at that stage of pregnancy where she's more bump than body, if that makes sense. Meaning the baby bump is now sort of filling out all over -- her face, her arms, her neck, everywhere. And it's kind of hard to wear evening gowns (which tend to have thin, sheerish fabrics) in that stage of pregnancy. As for the bleurgh color (thanks for the term, I love it!) I think she wears it better than the many actresses who favor this color during the awards shows. She has a nice tan and it sort of matches the color.

    2. Actually I just think it's mainly her face and tummy where she is "filling out". Her legs are still slim and she is glowing. She looks lovely in the dress and like I said glowing :)

  26. I agree with your observation, It seems to me that the material that was used looks clinking in the wrong areas, Dior needed a linger underneath that would not make the material look a little see through and clinking. I do like the Dior pumps and clutch that took off from the color of the gown that made the color flow lovely.

  27. I’m not a fan of this look at all. I’m not quite sure what it is, maybe the color.

  28. Someone is (finally?) giving the Duchess some good sartorial advice. She hasn't set a foot wrong on this trip yet and looks healthy, vibrant and as though she is enjoying herself. I believe it's probably becoming difficult for her to find clothing that is both comfortable and appropriate at this point in her pregnancy, so "Hat's Off!" to her styling team for making this a hit!

  29. I must say a big thank you Charlotte for these posts today. I absolutely love your background researches; these figures on illiteracy in Morocco simply shocked me to the core: 73% all over the country. I'm speechless!! :( This is a tragedy. :(

    Btw, I just read on Instagram at whatmeghanwore, that her shoes are Dior D-Moi Lamé Shoes.

  30. Her clutch is Dior Embellished Bee Pochette, also from whatmeghanwore.

  31. The dress is gorgeous... But Baby was a show stealer. In a bunch of shots, it looks like s/he is poking out and her belly keep changing shapes. It's so lovely.

    1. It really is! And should be celebrated as such.

    2. Yes, I agree it's a beautiful thing to carry a baby, should be celebrated, nothing to hide,she looks wonderful in this gown! Carry on Duchess!!

  32. What a LOVELY photo from KP. Thank you for including it, Charlotte! I can't remember a better one even though Meghan is a very photogenic person.
    I really like the silver rim at the front of the dress. Overall, a very elegant look.

  33. From top to bottom this is an exceptionally regal look. The color is subtle, keeping the dress glamourous and not too flashy which would not have fit the event. Accessories are divine!
    To me she doesn’t look tired. She has the classic pregnancy look which is more relaxed than tired. Around this time of pregnancy it is not uncommon to have a boost in energy. It is different for all women and for all pregnancies. The Duchess is doing it her way and it’s fabulous.

  34. I love the beauty and drama of this gorgeous gown and this entire look. It seems so perfect for the setting. But to knit-pick a little bit, I think the knit fabric over her bump is a bit too revealing. Personally, I prefer the modesty and mystery of a pregnant woman in loose-fitting clothes, like the fabulous red Valentino. I think those in close proximity feel more at ease and attracted to that look as well.

    Meghan looks beautiful, though a bit tired, and always gracious, warm and charming.

    Thank you, Charlotte for your great coverage.


  35. At first I really liked Meghan's caftan-type dress. I liked the color and fabric. But I wish that the neckline and shoulder area - sorry, I don't know fashion terms - was different. The seam going vertical at the shoulder looks distracting. I would have liked it more had it really been more cape-like. Those earrings are great. No doubt the cost-per-wear of them will pay off in no time! ;)

  36. I forgot to add my appreciation for exquisite photo of Meghan from Kensington Palace.


  37. Simple and elegant! And to remain focused on the women there and the strides they are making!! But She looks absolutely beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  38. Meghan just gets lovelier every day! And I particularly like the nod to local fashion in the subtly decorated gown. It appears to be a fairly heavy silk, but the detail at the shoulders is what really grabs the eye. I can't pick which of Meghan's outfits on the tour are her best beyond "all of them"!

    I also wonder if, like Mary in Denmark, Meghan will later (when her baby days are done) have this gown reworked into a non-maternity shape. I hope she does; the fabric is too luscious to just decorate a closet somewhere.

    Clothes aside, I am truly encouraged by the fact that H&M were asked to do this brief tour even at this later stage of her pregnancy. It really speaks to how much Her Majesty has confidence in the couple's ability to represent her, especially coming so soon after their marriage. I still think it has a lot to do with the fact that the Queen's dogs adored Meghan instantly! Seriously -- as a lifetime animal person, I am far more inclined to trust people my pets adore on sight. Animals have good judgment when it comes to good people. So call me silly, but the thought has often crossed my mind!

    1. Meghan has shown she knows how to handle cultural dynamics, just look at how she approached the Grenfell tower Hubb ladies. I do no think they hesitated to assign this trip to Harry and her and so far they have done a wonderful job.

  39. She looks very pretty and polished but I have never liked this style of dress.

  40. I LOVE this look - by far, one of my favorites to date. The dress, jewelry, hair, makeup, nail polish and the henna was the perfect accessory for this tour. I think it was very sweet that the Ambassador's daughters selected flowers from their garden.

  41. Beautiful...just beautiful...everything...the last picture says it all. Thank you.

  42. So far I have really liked the looks on this trip. She looked very nice tonight, but I take small issue with the coloring and the lining of the dress. I'm not sure that this beige-y color is really her color, and the other issue with this light color is that it shows every lump, bump, and undergarment line, which distracts from the overall look. The idea of the gown was definitely in the right direction and she still looked great. I love it when Meghan wears more saturated colors like red, navy, and even black. For example, she looked absolutely stunning in her red arrival outfit.

  43. I saw that too Anonymous @20:23 and 22:34, Baby Sussex is really busy😊. The Duchess of Sussex looked lovely. Prince Harry, in his suit upon arrival and in this dark suit, looks very handsome. His arrival suit is my favorite tho.

  44. Yes, Anonymous @ 00:28, very nice photo from Kensington Palace.

  45. Meghan looks so beautiful, and the gown is gorgeous! Hangs beautifully, I'd love to look at it in real life. I sew and that means I'm often looking at the garment construction.

  46. The Duchess of Sussex speaking French: Impressive. Thanks, Charlotte.

  47. Greetings All,

    My 5 cents worth = Both Prince Harry and Meghan have nailed it with respect to diplomacy, not only in their behaviour, clothing and the odd suprise as shown in one photograph where it looked as if the baby kicked and Meghan looked rather caught off guard (in a nice way).

    Many criticisms have been made about Meghan and a lot of assumptions however, whatever Meghan does is always going to singled out by someone for something.

    Harry and Meghan are two people, one born into immense wealth and privilege, the other had a work ethic long before marrying into the BRF. Right or wrong, harsh or kind the judgements will still come however the flack they are taking is brutual.

    I am glad to see that in this "open communication world" whether it be Instagram, Twitter or any other media platform that anything and all that they do can be viewed in a balanced way.

    Lovely to see these photographs of their current tour and their teamwork.


    1. Wild Rose I appreciate your thoughts and I agree. I hope you keep commenting on this blog. Thank God communication is now open, at least I have more opportunities to analyze things for myself and not rely on tabloids.

  48. For me seeing Meghan in this dress, the color, the design, the bling trim is reminiscent of Kate arriving at the evening event in India in that stunning royal blue gown. It's just a really great designer knowing how to design an evening gown that fits in with the hosts and the geographical location. Well done Meghan and Dior! :-)

  49. I want to love this dress but I feel like it needs a thick lining underneath or better support garments. It’s doing something on to her bust. Making her busy sort of flattened and square. I’m guessing it’s the fabric? I love the embellished sleeves, the draping, purse, shoes and earrings. Just wish her bust and bump were more smooth.

    1. I agree - I want to love this, but I feel like it has been nearly ruined by the wrong undergarments. There's absolutely no reason for this to not be laying perfectly flatly. It seems like this just needed better planning. The dress itself is lovely.

  50. oh my gosh she looks exquisite!!! thank you Charlotte. I adore this outfit and her gorgeous earrings. SHE IS PURE CLASS!!!!!!!!

  51. I love the goldish beige color on her it’s subtle but gorgeous.

  52. And that lovely Dior gown cost about GB£90,000 = approximately US$117,000.

  53. @ Dr Spaserbo @14:00. The cost comes out of a clothing allowance from the Duchy (Prince Charles). When the Duchesses (Cambridge & Sussex) travel, representing the Queen, it is expected they will look the part. Thanks, Charlotte.


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