
Wednesday 6 February 2019

Meghan's Closest Friends Speak Out Against "Global Bullying" and Reveal 'the Meghan They Know'

"Never complain, never explain": a mantra first coined by British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli has been adopted by the Royal family over generations and has largely served them in good stead. Yes, the strategy was effective in days gone by, when one could rely upon the source, at the time a daily newspaper, for royal news. One could trust in the accuracy and reliability of reporters on the beat. Tabloid coverage and the marital demise of Charles and Diana saw a different take on royal reporting emerge: the more scandalous and salacious the better. Fast forward to 2019 and we are dealing with an entirely different beast: the relentless 24-hour news cycle. Alarming keywords geared to get your clicks, "articles" full of filler with less than two actual sentences relating to the content of the aforementioned headline.

"Lessons have been learned" since the days of Diana, we were told. Never would another female member of the Royal family be hounded or victimised by the press in such a manner. The latter part has proved untrue and clearly there are many more lessons to learn when it comes to the Windsor women. The abhorrent treatment of the Duchess of Sussex is proof of that. For a woman who has turned her life upside down to marry the man she loves, embraced a new country, left her career and friends behind, and given her new role her full commitment, one would imagine this would be enough to garner at least fair coverage. The answer to that is a resounding no. "Duchess Difficult" has a snappier ring to it than "Duchess Dutiful". Since the day Harry and Meghan's relationship became public knowledge, she has been subjected to a never-ending take down. The Sussexes' visit to Bristol last week is a prime example of 'No Good Deed Goes Unpunished'. When she decided to write positive affirmations for the women One25 support, you could have easily been mistaken for thinking she wrote vile insults given the reaction. Meghan's crime? Writing "You Are Loved" and "You Are Brave". It is genuinely incredible to me that we are now in a situation where members of the Royal family are being vilified for acts of kindness.

All of this has led me to believe the "no comment" strategy from the Palace is simply not going to cut it any longer - a feeling I expect both Meghan and Harry have been grappling with for some time. I'm sure they hoped it would subside eventually, but when that was evidently not going to happen, they likely spent a great deal of time considering how to handle the problem. This morning, it was revealed five of Meghan's closest friends have spoken anonymously to People magazine's Michelle Tauber to discuss the Meghan they know, call out the "global bullying" she has been subjected to, and to set the record straight on some of the persistent rumours. The Palace refuse to reveal whether Harry and Meghan had prior knowledge, but I feel certain they did and this is their way of getting their side of the story out.

A longtime friend, a former co-star, a friend from LA, a one-time colleague, and a close confidante revealed their concerns Meghan and baby, discussed the tumultuous time she's been going through and how the media's version of the Duchess simply doesn't resemble the woman they call a friend. Reporter Keir Simmons said: "Harry privately has been wanting to defend her against these accusations. Good for them. In a way it's a testament to her that her friends are prepared to do this."

One friend revealed Meghan wrote her father a letter after the wedding and in return he requested a photo op. More from People's story:

“He knows how to get in touch with her. Her telephone number hasn’t changed,” says a longtime friend. “He’s never called; he’s never texted. It’s super painful, because Meg was always so dutiful. I think she will always feel genuinely devastated by what he’s done. And at the same time, because she’s a daughter, she has a lot of sympathy for him.”
After the paparazzi photos emerged, “Meg and Harry were still so focused on getting [Tom] to London,” says the close friend, one of five who spoke to PEOPLE for this week’s story. “At no point was there talk of ‘Now that we know he lied, he’s in trouble.’ Tom wouldn’t take her calls, wouldn’t take Harry’s calls.
“The next morning when the car got there [to take him to the airport], he wouldn’t get in. [Later] Meg heard he had a heart attack and she’s calling and texting, even up to the night before the wedding. It was like, ‘Please pick up. I love you, and I’m scared.’ It was endless.”
“After the wedding she wrote him a letter. She’s like, ‘Dad, I’m so heartbroken. I love you. I have one father. Please stop victimizing me through the media so we can repair our relationship.’ Because every time her team has to come to her and fact-check something [he has said], it’s an arrow to the heart. He writes her a really long letter in return, and he closes it by requesting a photo op with her.'

Regarding the rumours of a feud with the Duchess of Cambridge, friends rubbished those claims and said the stories have greatly hurt Meghan. Equally she's been upset by outrageous claims she demanded a specific tiara and scented fragrances for Windsor Castle on her wedding day. One friend told People: "If people knew how spiritual she is and how serious and respectful she takes her relationship with God - she would never ask for something like that." They added: "Meg is extremely faithful. We pray a lot together. We meditate. She has had, and especially has now, a very close relationship with God. A deep sense of gratitude and humility has guided her." They added she is incredibly "grateful" for all staff at Kensington Palace have done for her, and suggestions she has treated staff badly goes against everything Meghan stands for. They said she carries a box of hand warmers for Palace guards. "On Suits she would order gourmet burgers for the set. It's the same stuff she does at KP now".

Friends continued:

"We worry about what this is doing to Meghan and the baby. It's wrong to put anyone under this level of emotional trauma. Especially when they're pregnant"

More from People:

"Meg has silently sat back and endured the lies and untruths,” her former costar says in this week’s cover story. 
We’ve all been to their cottage,” says a close confidante. “It’s small and she’s made it cozy, but the perception of their lifestyle and the reality are two different things. Meg cooks for herself and Harry every single day.
“When you see her at walkabouts, when she crouches down to talk to the kids and genuinely has real conversations with people, that’s Meg,” says the former costar. “That’s how she crouches down with our kids at home. That’s how she plays with them. That’s how she engages with people and how she always has.”
A “selfless” friend who writes thank-you notes for reasons big and small and is “the best listener,” Meghan is also a clutch advice-giver for those who rely on her.  “If I’m thrown some kind of curveball, I always think, ‘I gotta talk to Meg,’ ” says a former colleague. “We talk daily. And the first thing out of her mouth is, ‘How are the kids? How are you?’ I’m not even allowed to ask about her until she finds out about me.”

Certainly, Meghan's friends are appalled by how the woman they say "embodies elegance, grace and philanthropy" has been portrayed. They recall staying at Nottingham Cottage while Harry was away, and how thoughtful and caring she was throughout their stay. Home-cooked meals, conversations by the fire and a bathrobe and slippers left on the bed. I think this quote from a former colleague sums up the type of friend she is: "She will stop whatever she’s doing and laugh with you and cry with you. She is one of the most selfless people I know. A couple years ago, my son was at the beginning of a special-needs diagnosis. Meg screeched her life to a halt and used every resource she could muster for me: got me into a doctor in L.A., got me alternative doctors, called me, sent things to my hotel room. It was like a five-alarm-fire focus of her life to help me and support me."

What do you think of the decision to speak out in this way? I do personally think push back is needed as this narrative is firmly out of control. I do hope we get to a place where fair coverage of how Meghan is doing in her role comes to the fore, praised and criticised like every other member of the family, without this tabloid fodder.

Coincidentally reporters Omid Scobie and Emily Andrews discussed the negative coverage against Meghan at length in their most recent On Heir podcast. It's well worth a listen for anyone searching for an informative viewpoint of the situation in general. Click here to listen to it.

Visit People for complete coverage and the interviews.

We'll see Harry and Meghan tomorrow for the Endeavour Fund awards.


  1. I honestly don't know why those magazines and such aren't sued for defamation

    1. Because most things they say is not defamation. It is untrue, yes, but that is not the same thing as being defamatory.

    2. Because she's a public figure. So there's no defamation claim. At least not in the States.

    3. because they are always 'quoting an inside source'

    4. Anonymous 14:12 - Not true. Countless celebrities have sued for defamation and won. Defamation by definition is "damaging the good reputation" of a person and that the media has done is spades. According to a defamatory statement must be false and we've all read plenty of those stories. The problem is, in order to sue, which I seriously doubt Meghan would do, the statements must be proven false and most of what I've read is more of a "he said/she said" and not things that have concrete proof.

    5. Helena GA7 February 2019 at 19:30..oh yeah, who? If someone were to sue, they would become a target of the press for sure

  2. I think Meghan is doing a wonderful job! She’s a very special person in a very special role, while she is using to help others, including animals! Bravo, Meghan!

  3. This is my first comment on your site, but I've been reading since January 2017. I'm so confused about palace sources. En in People magazine at the height of the smear campaign had sources saying she made Kate cried. Why would anyone at the palace wants a story like that out? I have a hard time understanding The Windsors dynamic.

    1. My view of the UK media, from looking at other stories as well as those about the Duchess of Sussex, is that they make most of it up. I remember reading about a Daily Star reporter who was told by their editor to make up salacious stories. The way they are written, by asking questions rather than stating things as fact, thus putting the suggestion out there which many people will go on to think is true, is often difficult to litigate against. They are very clever, but very evil. I don't think there is a palace source, just a feverish nasty imagination, hell bent on destroying this woman, probably because she is mixed-race.

      The media had no clue about her Hubb Kitchen project, they have no idea what breed or colour or name is her new dog, they don't know where her and Harry went on honeymoon. They really know nothing of substance but the newspaper editors know she makes them money, and also want to destroy her, well, because they can.

      The profession of journalism has reached a new low. There seems to be a complete lack of ethics or morals and too few very poisonous individuals own all the media. The power is in the wrong hands.

      I think this initiative was a good one - it confirms to her fans what a truly wonderful person she is. But unfortunately I don't think it will stop the abuse and lies, neither from the journalists or the social media trolls. If you see the comments on the Daily Mail site, they are living in a dystopian fantasy world where they are convinced she is not pregnant. How can you get through to someone as deranged as that? Then you have the toxic Piers Morgan who is given a daily platform to abuse her and encourage more abuse from the trolls.

      My view is that it might become too much to endure for both of them and for their and their new baby's health, and they might completely retire from public life. I would be saddened if that happened, but I would understand it 100%.

    2. I think with everything being an anonymous source, nobody knows what to believe as real or what are lies. People are going to believe Meghan is a complete saint based on anonymous sources, completely evil based on anonymous sources, or somewhere in the middle based on anonymous sources. Or we can just try to base our reactions on what we see her do, knowing that the royals also try to tightly control their images. And I say royals because they all are projecting an image. I imagine it wouldn’t be easy giving up the freedom to essentially just be yourself and also defend yourself when you’re working for the Firm. I definitely couldn’t do it.

    3. Why is it a smear campaign if people do not like a particular person? Is it not just freedom of the press? Can we not have difference of opinion with out attacking the author?

    4. Plus, everything in life is really context dependent and we never know the context. In regards to the whole ‘Meghan made Kate cry at the dress fitting’, Meghan very easily could have said ‘Hmmm, maybe Charlotte’s dress should be shorter’ and Kate, being just post Louis delivery, starting crying because she realized that her baby girl wasn’t a baby anymore. While Meghan ‘technically’ said something, really, it had nothing to do with Meghan. But that doesn’t sell papers and create drama so the ‘sources’ only say what will bring in $$$.....not to say that any of my story is true, but it seems far more logical than Meghan suddenly saying rude things about a kid to their mom.

    5. It's a good point, Nathalie Jean. I also have a hard time understanding the Windsors' competing courts. If I understand their dynamics correctly we have three major courts:

      1. Buckingham Palace--the Queen and Prince Philip
      2. Clarence House--Prince Charles and Camilla
      3. Kensington Palace--Kate and William; Meghan and Harry

      Charlotte and others--do I have this right??? I'm not counting Prince Andrew, Sophie and Edward, etc.

      I do NOT understand Charles' court dynamics--I believe commenters on MAM have described it as "Machiavellian." Remember that the seasoned royal reporter Robert Jobson circulated the rumors of the emerald wedding tiara tiff; of William being "grand" and difficult; and of Meghan's criticism of Charlotte's bridesmaid dress causing Kate to cry (source may have been Camilla Tominey via Jobson? Very difficult to trace the origin of these rumors). I **believe** these rumors arose from Jobson's having unprecedented access to Charles and Clarence House staffers for a year while Jobson researched an officially sanctioned book on how Charles has developed his identity as future monarch.

      Obviously there are competing interests between Charles' staffers and a royal reporter, but from what I understand, Charles dotes on Meghan but tends to be jealous when other family members outshine him--or **his staff** becomes resentful. We're not getting the bigger picture, but there appears to be some bias and suspicion held by some staffers towards Meghan.

      I also throw shade at the millions of people who obviously need a huge dosage of media literacy. You can't ingest thousands of clickbait articles that run away with gossipy nuggets of info that basically decontextualized accounts reported by well-regarded journalists. Too many people believe the quasi-normalized tabloid reporting that spreads like wildfire on social media and the internet.

      I'd really love to have a discussion about the Windsors' court dynamics. Please feel free to clarify with balanced perspectives!

    6. Becca H in Colorado7 February 2019 at 16:13

      Anon 1:40, because it's not just people disliking her and having an opinion about it. The level of defamation and horrible comments that have been directed against Meghan has been unprecedented. Surely you know the difference between a simple disagreement of opinion and vitriol? I mean, come on. You don't have to like Meghan to realize she has been treated really poorly -- just look at any of the comments on Kensington Palace's instagram, the Daily Mail, Youtube clips of her, etc.

  4. It’s unfortunate that Duchess Meghan’s friends had to resort to speaking anonymously to defend her. I’m glad they’ve come forward. It has been clear for a while that there has been a collective malicious character assassination by some members of the media on Meghan. The intensity of media abuse increased after the successful Australian tour. It has been heartbreaking to see a hardworking pregnant woman treated so unfairly.

    Experienced royal reporters have changed stories, for ex. last year saying certain KP staff were temporary & then suddenly this year, claiming the same staff quit because of Meghan. At the Windsor Castle exhibition of the Sussexes wedding attire, Harry & Meghan described how they chose the tiara she wore. Yet unnamed media sources created rubbish stories about a different tiara. I guess nonsense, hateful stories get more clicks, but it is a detriment to good journalism. And outright bullying! Shame on everyone taking pleasure in the abuse!


    1. Dena, I agree! I hope this goes some way to making them have a conscience & look for the positive aspects before bringing people down. Charlotte is the only source that presents a balanced & positive view on the duchesses. Shame on these people & media outlets for making up lies to cause controversy.

  5. The Palace should have said something a long time ago. And they should say something formal now. On the record. Quite frankly, on live tv. This is so way beyond the *normal* ‘Is this new princess spending too much on clothes/house renovations/etc?’ Which I know has been directed at other royals(not just Meghan and Kate). This is one example where the Queen would do well to take lessons from her grandchildren, specifically William and his attempts to address cyber bullying. I think if the Firm is not careful, they may end up sabotaging their long term success. I mean, if you are not willing to address the bullying happening to your family members, how seriously can you be taken when discussing mental health and emotional wellbeing.

    AND, I hope at some point Meghan is wiling to speak out about the impact this has had on her and (hopefully) how she walked through it. So many young people are bullied and hearing from someone older who has also experienced the same thing but got through it, can be so impactful and inspirational and hope-giving.

    In terms of Meghan and the fruit, every great idea starts somewhere. I can see the side of detractors that think it sounds fake and patronizing. I’ve experienced those fake platitudes and walk alway feeling disgusted. But unless everyone is fooled, that is not Meghan’s heart. I think it would be AMAZING if that concept was incorporated into the group’s daily or weekly process. Kindness from a stranger goes a long way, but genuine encouragement and love and support from someone who knows the dark and dirty about the lives of these women can be even more powerful and transformative. I think that is part of the power of the school lunch one-it was consistent, day in/out by someone who knows the people involved. It would be terrific if someone in the media would change the narrative-instead of acting like Meghan tried to poison a group of people, they could explore the ideas of kindness and the impact of positive words. Sidebar, I know. I just was busy the day they went to Bristol and couldn’t comment.

    1. I’m glad you commented. I found myself nodding along to much of what you wrote.

    2. I really like your idea of making lemonade from the lemons in this situation and use it to help.others subjected to online abuse. And this may not be popular but I think William needs to clean his own house before he goes lecturing other people about cyber bullying. Someone from KP has been leaking.

      I'm glad her friends spoke out. None of this should have been in the public domain at all. And I hope her father and sister go away but they're probably doubling down and setting up.interviews.

    3. Royal 👑 Watcher7 February 2019 at 11:07

      Thank you, Katie. Very well said. I agree, something has to be done. Meghan is being treated appallingly in the media, it’s bullying and it has to stop.
      I haven’t commented for a while, because I get a bit tired of all their outfits and charity visits at times. I do appreciate what the royals do, but sometimes it all blends into one.

    4. Amen! I think all of this could present a wonderful opportunity to jointly address an issue that is greatly impacting people's mental health--social media/tabloid culture. Society is constantly being bombarded by negative and polarizing news that often times is not based on the whole truth, but rather news stories can be based on partial truths, circumstances taken out of context, or even pure fiction. It seems to me that addressing this directly as a united front could be a massive support to many of the royal family's initiatives and tick a lot of boxes for Harry, Meghan, William, Kate, and even Prince Charles (think women empowerment, mental health, etc.). I don't think that they need to comment on every rumor, but doing something together that speaks more generally to their life experiences and says bullying like this is not okay, would set a really nice example for others who deal with this type of bullying on a smaller scale, but with out the buffer of position, wealth, and power.

    5. Becca H in Colorado7 February 2019 at 16:16

      Really fair points, especially considering what you said about the validity of their mental health pushes if they're unwilling to defend one of their own. I know staying silent has worked for them in the past (at least somewhat?), but this is an entirely new level of pure vitriol.

  6. It has been a long time coming but I think KP and the powers that be in the BRF are slowly starting to wake up and deal with this problem! It has really gone too far and was allowed to go too far before any action was taken by the BRF!

    I don't think that any of this is a coincidence! Let's look at the timeline...

    1. New communications staff member hired in December 2018
    2. Meghan pictured with the new communications staffer and her own assistant PS in January 2019
    3. KP indicates tnat they are worried on the online abuse and asks instagram for help with the problem
    4. Hello starts the nice campaign against online abuse of Meghan and Kate
    5. DM "suddenly" unmasks and make public the names of Meghan's trolls
    6. People magazine story with Meghan's friends

    1. Very good point Tropical Girl, especially when you look at the timeline.

    2. Tropical Girl it is possible. I am always skeptical of "words from friends" type information. I just can not imagine that it will do anything overall. But maybe if Meghan is behind this then it might make her feel better to think her side is being heard. Sadly the BRF and Meghan will probably just have to wait for interest to die down over the next several years as new younger celebrities and Royals appear on the scene.

    3. Ali, typically I am too but in general, if People is making something a cover story, they have the facts to back it up. I was wondering if the friends stayed anonymous as a protective measure for themselves and their careers(which sounds mean, but was probably on the advice of multiply people).

    4. Co-signed, Tropical Girl. Very well stated!!!

  7. I do not assume this is a "true" interview with friends by People mag. Maybe but I do not assume it is any more true than other stories and reports by anonymous sources that People or other gossip sites quote.

    1. People is a very reputable source when it comes to this sort of thing, and often the only magazine that stars give exclusive information/interviews to. I trust that this is a real story with real sources. People has built its reputation on it.

    2. Penny, if I remember correctly People ran a frontpage story on the Kate & Meghan feud a while ago. So I am not such a big fan of them as a source.

    3. Becca H in Colorado7 February 2019 at 16:18

      I assume that if Charlotte found it credible enough to create a post about it, we can probably trust it much more than the other mags.

    4. I think it strange that an American-flavored forum was used to present this story. I do not think that was a good move from a PR standpoint. Why not Majesty or Tattler? Or The Guardian or BBC? Even Hello. People billed it on the cover as an "exclusive." People is one step above US and In Touch, in my opinion. It will run just about anything that sells with little discrimination, including the dueling duchesses stories. It is possible that some "stars" turn to this source when other forums won't run a story, for whatever reason.

      I think, in the long run, that the British public's good will is more a strategic concern than the views of Americans.

      I also wonder why Meghan and the head of communications were meeting off site, out of the KP office environment.

      I think Meghan's PR situation has two very different elements, significance-wise: the ridiculous dueling duchess and demanding duchess themes and then the racial themes. I don't think we can lump them together. I think the former should be considered "noise," as Meg once called it. The latter involves serious issues, not just for her but for the Monarchy. I think it demands the direct and overt attention of a united royal family. That may be complicated by feelings within the BRF--a certain brooch comes to mind.

      This is the time for leadership from the royals, perhaps backed up by the PM. There is the potential for explosive and divisive reaction down the road. Platitudes about fairness and inclusivity won't do the trick when the BRF and Monarchy are involved. The issue must be dealt with now--before the birth of the baby.Prince Charles has been criticised for giving his opinions on numerous subjects; this is one time when it would be appropriate. There comes a time when action isn't enough--escorting Meghan at the wedding and being kind to Doria. There comes a time when words are needed as well.

      I imagine royal security, the police, and MI5-6 are already on it behind the scenes.

      I kind of wish Meghan's being pregnant had not been emphacised as a reason to be kind to her, as well as fears for her child. If she is truly under so much stress from the internet comments that her baby could be in danger I don't understand why her friends are obviously informing her of the comments. She has said she doesn't read comments and I doubt Harry or any BRF member would approach her with this.

      I had a passing thought-- that results of recent sonograms or check-ups--blood pressure rises? might have been behind these references to her pregnancy and danger to her unborn child. I can't think of any other reason for this aspect to be highlighted. Using her pregnancy and concerns for the baby as reasons implies that if any thing is indeed wrong, the internet stories and commenters are to blame. I am sure that's not what the friends meant but that interpretation is a possibility.

      Honestly, the more I consider the fears that could be engulfing Meghan now, the more my maternal instincts rise up. OH, my goodness. Doria.

      For those of you still reading DM and KP comment sections with the apparently bizarre racial and pregnancy themes---Why continue to support them?

  8. Well done Charlotte!! Smut sells. It's tragic really. And I do think if the narrative sticks long enough everyone assumes it's fact.

    I applaud her friends for coming forward. They have confirmed everything I suspected about Duchess Meghan.

  9. Thank you for writing this on your blog, Charlotte & other writers. Just my two cents but perhaps the RF needs to cut off public comments and add a Family Blog. I love Meghan because she's so positive. She is such a creative person, Something good will come out of this.

  10. I feel so terribly for her. My younger sister called me the other night in excitement, asking if I heard of the "insider story" that would be broadcast on Kate and Meghan's feud and would I be watching it. I said no, there is no feud and those "insiders" were likely no one who actually knew them. She was appalled I wouldn't be watching. Ugh.

    One of People's cover stories a few weeks ago was about Meghan and Kate's "feud." The headline: "The Truth About Meghan and Kate", and the sub-headings: "The fight that brought Kate to tears; Why Harry and Meghan are moving out; William and Harry's changing relationship." So two points that are not even about the supposed feud, and another insinuation that Meghan is a bully. How quickly they have turned around now that they have people who are actually connected to Meghan willing to talk. Whatever lines their pockets, I suppose.

    Charlotte, as always, thank you for providing fair and measured coverage of both Duchesses. This site is a diamond among trash, as far as I'm concerned, and the only source I trust when reading anything about either woman. Keep fighting the good fight.

    1. The People article was actually pretty balanced. It really said absolutely nothing which in some ways was brilliant. If it turns out to be nothing, then they did not do anything other than compile some existing theories and add some other side views(if I remember correctly, they had some sources that repeatedly said there was no feud). If it did turn out to be a feud, they could say it was the first of many stories.

  11. I completely understand the motivation behind this, I just worry it's going to unleash even more negativity and media attention for Thomas and Samantha. They feed off of this and the last thing they need is more airtime.

    1. This is how I feel as well!

    2. I’ve already seen a headline where her sister is reacting.

    3. That doesn't matter anymore the sister and father have been blabbering all the time. Meghan has people who love her and they should be given airtime as well. I for one am happy to hear from them. I am glad Charlotte has given time to this issue the bullying of a pregnant woman by media or so-called family members is despicable and it needs to stop!

    4. I imagine they will. Piers Morgan and Thomas markle are probably setting up an interview as I type.

    5. She can bugger off.

    6. I fear the same sadly :(


    7. bluhare, Lauren, Anon23, I agree with all of you

    8. Becca H in Colorado7 February 2019 at 16:20

      Ugh, don't even get me started on Piers Morgan. He just sounds like a petulant child. You're right that Samantha, at least, is probably gearing up for more as we speak, but I think it was high time Megan had her say. This has just gotten so far out of control.

  12. Kelly from Texas6 February 2019 at 23:57

    I’m interested as to why others here think that the People story sources are all anonymous. I personally found it kind of confusing: “we’re speaking up as a group to stand up for her! But...don’t use my name.”??

    1. Many of Meghan's friends are private people and dont want their lives ruined by the same press that is trying to ruin Meghan's life.

    2. I 5hought that was odd 5oo, but as someone on Twitter said if you pay attention you know who they are. I guess I dont pay that much attention as I can only think.of Jessica mulroney and serena Williams.

    3. That didn't square with me either, Kelly. Then I remembered how Meghan and Harry treated the mutual friend who set them up on a blind date! Think of their engagement interview, when they happily recounted the story of how they met, but were careful--very careful--not to reveal her identity. I've read that Misha Nonoo, Markus Anderson, and Violet von Westenholz have all been their fairy godmother.

      Meghan and Harry's logic was to protect the person's privacy. I can't fault them for that at all, especially when we think about the absolutely abhorrent verbal assault Meghan has had to endure since, well, their marriage. Who wouldn't want to protect the people who they love, or were responsible for uniting them? I don't see why the same rationale wouldn't extend to Meghan's defenders against her detractors. I wish circumstances were so different...poor, poor Meghan. I'm glad someone is finally standing up for her.

    4. I'm sure her friends aren't allowed to officially speak

    5. Becca H in Colorado7 February 2019 at 16:22

      I'm assuming it's because the point was to help clear Meghan's name, not name drop themselves, if that makes sense? Revealing their identities would add a whole other level to the already tangled mess -- in staying anonymous, they keep the narrative clearly about Meghan's positive attributes while also saving their own names from being fuel that's added to the fire.

  13. People may question why this was done anonymously. Those people need to understand the media's standard response to that would be to attack the messenger. They would never the story as the media would dig into their lives. By being anonymous these friends can also not be accused of trying to gain publicity from Meghan. Anyone who follows Meghan closely knows who her closet friends are. This isn't the black box of "palace source" that so many of the negative articles are based on.

    1. Anon 23:58 some good points.

    2. As you say with a bit of sleuthing one can guess who the friends are, but lets assume it was completely made up, and one of her friends come out to deny that they said that, all they do is say, “ but we never said it was you. It was her other LA friend”.
      So yes anything that is anonymous will (and should) always be met with a measure of skepticism.

  14. I wish the anonymous friends had the courage to name themselves if they really exist. Surely any daughter would prefer if her friends did not comment in the media about her family no matter what the issues.
    US media and UK media both use anonymous sources which are never verified.

    1. Dear Anonymous Commenter,
      Do you really exist? Surely your double standard is inadvertent.

    2. Could you clarify what you mean by, “if they exist”? Most reputable news outlets use anonymous sources if their statements can be verified. People Magazine isn’t known for the level of wholesale falsehood as the National Enquirer, for example.
      As to why people who do exist might fear having their names published: in case you don’t live in the United States, understand that we have more guns than people here; and a rising level of hate crime. We also have millions of nasty trolls ready to attack public figures. I certainly understand why sane people might wish to keep their names out of this story.

    3. I don't think they could name themselves. They would be accused of using their relationship with Meghan for fame, and they would expose themselves and their families to bullying and threats.


    4. "If they exist"? This is exactly the kind of vile online bullying that Charlotte is talking about.

    5. Anonymous, are you playing devils advocate? I think not, Of all the followers who sign in as Anonymous your thoughts consistently jump off the page. Unfortunately, rarely in a positive manner. It makes me wonder the purpose of your participation.

  15. These sources are actually pretty identifiable if you follow Meghan. There's a difference between 5 distinct individuals who have personally talked to People, a reputable magazine, with identifiers like "former co-star" (that's a pretty narrow pool), or "friend with a son who lives in LA." It's not that hard to guess who these people are. Contrast to verifiably untrustworthy publications like the Sun and Daily Express constantly filled with "royal insider source" or "palace source." What does that mean? It could be anyone from the KP gardener to a BP chef to an assistant to Prince Andrew to Princess Michael's friend, etc.

    Why are they anonymous?
    1. They want to protect themselves and their families from global scrutiny and harassment.
    2. If they revealed their identities, their identities and personas would become the focus of the story instead of centering on Meghan's abuse.
    3. This shows that these friends have nothing to gain from defending Meghan. They're getting no direct publicity or name recognition or praise. Aside from people who follow this stuff, the everyday person won't know who they are.

    1. @anon 0:30 - I think your #3 is right on - an early Vanity Fair profile on Meghan's "inner circle" noted that her friends are, essentially, well off enough to have nothing to gain from publically speaking about Meghan; in this instance I think they spoke out because they were upset. Their anonymous insider status is more reliable than, say, random royal commentary by Diana's former bodyguard, Ken Wharfe, who parted a bit poorly with the Windsors and continues to cash in on his time with them. The saddest part of the story, to me, is Meghan's relationship with her father. I really feel for her there.

  16. Personally, I ignore all the negative coverage. I know that Charlotte will keep us up to date on anything that is true about Meg and Harry and so I don't have to check anything else out. I wish people would wise up and find good sources of information and ditch the other sources. Unfortunately, that isn't happening. I hope Megan can learn not to pay any attention to the negativity and just keep being her sweet, loving self.

    1. Intrigued By Royals, I think plenty of us ignore the negative coverage and clickbait. The problem is that sadly, many more people will give their time and clicks to garbage rumors or horrific interviews given by attention seekers who claim to have royal access.

      You make good points about the necessity of media literacy in this new media landscape. It's essential to understanding our world and applicable to **soooo** many more situations than the one that Meghan and Harry find themselves navigating.

  17. My guess is the five are Markus, Serena, Jessica, Patrick from Suits, and Priyanka. I don't know why we don't believe this. MM would want them to be anonymous so they don't get the immediate nasty kickbacks. Serena tried earlier with a little tidbit about how nice MM is, but evidently people need to be told in more certain terms. Regarding "family," the half-brother and -sister are not family. The father does not act like family. He abuses MM verbally and allows his children to do so. No doubt Harry is driven nuts by reports of MM abusing Kate, and I'm sure this will make him feel better even if the media abuse continues. At least this report is out, and what a lovely report!!! She must have so much energy.

    Might also be happening because her friends are American, or at least Canadian, for the most part,and Americans aren't used to holding back. If MM as my friend, I would defend her at the cost of losing her friendship. That is real friendship.

    1. My guess for the five (i think they said 5 women?)
      - longtime friend (Lindsay Roth - bf since university)
      - former co-star (Sarah Rafferty)
      - one time colleague (Abigail Spencer)
      - friend from LA (Benita Litt or Heather Dorak)
      - confidant (Jessica Mulroney)

      The article stated that Meghan has hosted all five women in their cottage, and I can see these five women visiting Meghan in London (Lindsay already lives in London). Also, Lindsay, Heather and/or Benita are not celebrities and not used to media intrusion, so I can see why they would not want the be named. I don't see Priyanka or Serena caring whether or not they are named (no offense to Priyanka but she would probably have wanted to be named for the publicity it would get her).

    2. Becca H in Colorado7 February 2019 at 16:24

      I think it was probably Rick Hoffman (Louis Litt in Suits) or Sarah Rafferty -- they're the ones that Meghan said she was closest to, and the comments honestly sounded like Rick to me. And I agree with you about them staying anonymous.

    3. I think you may be correct about Rick, Becca. Wasn't there a story or anecdote previously about a tie or closeness between Meghan and Rick's son? I think it appeared around the time when Meghan was in Florida promoting the 100th episode of Suits.

    4. Becca H in Colorado8 February 2019 at 20:40

      Yes, you're right, Anon 20:55. I believe both she and Rick mentioned it a couple of different times about how close they were.

  18. In my opinion I'm not sure the People magazine article will help. It seems as if the people determined to dislike Meghan will dislike her even if she personally saves their puppy from a drowning lake. As the pregnancy progresses I've noticed comments that increasingly go beyond the pale -- how to make her miscarry is a common one at the daily mail. I think the fear of a royal child being of mixed race is a deep prejudice and unfortunately Meghan has brought out all these ugly prejudices.

    I think the best thing Meghan can do is just to continue being her. She works hard. She connects with strangers at events. She has her own fashion style and is setting trends. She and Harry are obviously deeply in love. She appears to have the affection of both Charles and HM (not easy to do). As for William and Kate, if there are tensions, it's NORMAL family stuff that every family goes through and they'll work it out. As Michelle Obama might say "When they go low we go high" and that is what Meghan is doing.

    1. Becca H in Colorado7 February 2019 at 16:25

      That very well may be, but I'm glad that at least a true report is now out there. It needed to happen. Trolls will always be trolls, but the hate was so out of control that someone needed to try and set the record straight/take control of the narrative.

  19. I am happy Meghan has friends that support her so strongly. I feel terribly for Meghan and all the hate she's getting and I sincerely hope this article helps in some way. Thank you, Charlotte, for the balanced post.

  20. It does seem off that these "friends" have come forward, just when Meghan gets a new PR team. One would think that close friends of hers would know better than to go to the press with stories about the royals. Something just seems a bit off about this whole report.

  21. Unfortunately, Catherine as William's wife was bound by the royal code of silence about discussing personal matters and her family and friends honored that-for the most part- although I can imagine a few would have preferred to speak out. If I were Carole, it would have required wiring my jaw shut. Maybe a strait jacket.

    The question still remains: were these statements quietly solicited? And if so, by whom? Daytime talk consensus is it was PR for damage control. I disagree. Follow the money. Who really gains from that story? Probably not Meghan because those who follow the royals have generally taken sides and those loyal to her will still be loyal and those not will not change either. Not the friends--supposedly they have remained anonymous partly to prevent accusations of profiting by the friendship. Serena has voluntarily shared details about Meghan with the press in the past. I can envision her going to the magazine with sincere concerns, perhaps initiating the idea for the story. I don't think that is what the actual scenario was, though.

    If the criticisms were not true it is possible denying them actually gave the gossip new life. The "Dueling Duchesses" theme was running out of steam. "People" revived it and I imagine sold a lot of magazines in the process. Since one network aired an hour program on that subject last night, it is obvious that- as was stated multiple times on that program, the subject was just "too good to ignore"...true or not.
    I think the royal family has at times failed to act when accusations of a serious nature were made about other BRF members. I do believe there was a response to some of Andrew's and Sarah's more damaging activities. I think Charles's letters to politicians may have been addressed. Some of HM's remarks in her Christmas speech may have obliquely referred to the racial remarks about Meghan. However, I can just hear HM grump--"Who listens to those people? Consider the source."

    Most of the criticisms seem petty to me and not worth the effort of denial.
    I understand that at least some of the defensive statements came from Suits cast members.

    Now that I've got that off my chest I will read the post and comments. I have been stewing over it all day. I think this subject is anything but petty. It involves issues that are the underpinnings of what is the worst of human nature.

  22. Samantha Charlotte7 February 2019 at 01:57

    I agree that this is necessary at this point. Although I will say that the only Meghan or Kate news I read is from your blogs, which are both very positive! I purposely ignore everything else and look forward to reading the news I get from you. For the past few years, I largely ignore the comments section here, as it does seem like people argue about the silliest things. I've been a reader since 2011 for your Kate blog and since the beginning for this one! Keep up the great work! You are a true professional, Charlotte (my daughter's name as well)!

  23. Thank you, Charlotte. This is so appalling and persistent. Hate crimes in the United States have risen tremendously since 2016. It’s shameful. Meghan is unlike any other senior royal of living memory. She must find her place in this 1000 year-old journey, and her adopted country must accept a new kind of royal woman. I pray that she has the strength to persevere. When I look at the maelstrom into which she’s been tossed, I can only think she must truly love Harry.

  24. I went to school with Meg and called her a friend. She was lovely, charming, smart, and always seemed to have her act together. She was driven but always kind. I can only imagine she still possesses these qualities that made me admire her then. What these friends say about her now sounds much more like the lovely and classy woman I knew than anything else in the press I’ve read since their engagement. Don’t believe everything you read; the person being critiqued now is just a character that the press wants everyone to believe exists.

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience with her - it's really interesting and also how I imagine her to be in "real" life.

    2. I agree, Anon 2:40 - Meghan has ceased to become a human being and is simply a fictional character in a soap opera for the sake of selling magazines and news publications/websites. I think the fact that she's such a mature and self-assured person has actually made her an easy target. It's as if they think she's so thick-skinned she can take it. They think they can have their fun but not actually hurt anyone in the process. But the truth is she's human and such cruelty is very harmful. It kind of breaks my heart for her that this should be the happiest time of her life but she has to endure this kind of treatment. She should be focusing all of her emotional energy at this time on her new husband and baby.

  25. Maggie - Minneapolis7 February 2019 at 02:51

    I think this kind of pushback to all the negativity should have happened, but I question the reasoning for why they would choose now to do it. For one thing, I feel like her family has actually been relatively quiet lately. This story seems like it is almost guaranteed to get them speaking to the media again. And also, why not do this during the traditional royal quiet period over December and January? Now they're starting to get back into somewhat regular engagements and Meghan is being seen out and about more, with her engagements providing plenty of other topics to write and read about her in relation to her. AND the media has just started writing about some of the "abuse" Meghan has faced online, even if it's mostly avoided taking any blame itself -
    things were finally starting to get a bit more sympathetic. Obviously that hasnt stopped the negative press completely but i think this was much more needed before all these latest developments, whereas now it invites her family to speak up some more etc.
    But most importantly, does anyone think this will work? Imo People who want to be mean and unfair will just seize on this as palace pr/meghan asking for sympathy. And im not sure anyone criticizing Meghan with racist remarks or obvious bias has been doing it bc there just hasn't been enough good said about Meghan in the press. I think they will be biased regardless. Though I suppose it can't hurt to try.

    1. Becca H in Colorado7 February 2019 at 16:28

      Well, even if it doesn't work, at least a true and positive report is out there now. It was time something was said -- and I honestly don't think there was any better time to do it. The horrible stories have been circulating pretty much non-stop, even during the Christmas season.

    2. Maggie - Minneapolis7 February 2019 at 18:45

      It also does seem disingenuous to me say they live in a very simple small home and not a palatial one given that they are currently in the midst of a taxpayer funded multi million dollar renovation of a very very large luxurious home. It doesn't really affect the point of the article-it's just something that honestly made me raise my eyebrows a bit.

    3. "I think this kind of pushback to all the negativity should have happened, but I question the reasoning for why they would choose now to do it. For one thing, I feel like her family has actually been relatively quiet lately. This story seems like it is almost guaranteed to get them speaking to the media again." Bingo! Why I'm almost positive this is just made up media hype.

  26. Strategic. I like it. Months ago I’d mentioned that KP could not continue to allow the stories about Meghan go on. Now, while they can’t make a complete stop, this is a step. More needs to be done but this is a step.

  27. Meghan, continue your good work and don't worry about the naysayers I say. I think you're great , and Harry too.

  28. Queen of the Sun7 February 2019 at 05:27

    I am going to assume that the sources are genuine and that H&M are aware about it.

    I can see the why her friends decided to do this, it must be sooo frustrating for anybody involved not to speak out. But I am not as positive as most of you that it was the right thing to do. If we devide commentators on Meghan into 3 groups:

    Fanatical supporters - Meghan can do no wrong in their eyes and everybody is out to get her. For them this articles just confirms everything they already believe to be true.

    Middle of the road commentators - they are the ones who are sometimes critical of Meghan as they are with any public servant. For them (and I include myself in this group) the articles have some interesting behind the scenes information and put some things out there that need to be in the public space. For example that NottCott is nice but really not a long term solution.
    But the fact that it is from anonymous sources also mean that the group will be sceptical about what is said in this article. The article also made her sound like ‘saint Meghan’ which is understandable, I don’t expect her friends to discuss all her irritating traits and give more fuel to her critics, but it means it reads a lot like spin. And this, like the fact that it is anonymous, does not make it a very good source.

    And lastly you have the fanatical detractors/trolls - as most of us have realised you cannot argue with these people. They believe whatever they want and will not be budged by facts and definitely not by anonymous sources. They would not even believe official press releases. The only way to deal with them is to starve them of information and attention. Sadly all this article is doing is the exact opposite.

    So while I think it was done with the best of intentions I suspect it is going to backfire.

    But I suppose it is worth a try, it is difficult, nearly impossible, to know what is going to work in the current climate.

    1. Queen of the Sun,
      I agree totally with your assessment of the groups, and it’s something I was trying to comment about earlier above, but obviously not as well as you did. :-)
      Personally, I count myself in the middle of the road group as well.

    2. Execellant commentary Queen of the Sun. I would be with you in the middle of the road commentators. I too take the article to read as spin and unless you are willing to step out and name yourself, the validity is somewhat questionable. I think everybody should just stop talking about it, period.

      The media and the entire climate of negativity has reached a fever pitch, the old rule "silence is golden" comes to mind for Meghan and Harry to ride it out, hold their heads up high and show their strength in their work and initiatives. Detractors will always have something negative to say, but if you do your work, you take their ammunition away. Sometimes only you know what is the truth and sometimes that has to be enough.

  29. It’s about damn time the racism and bullying Meghan has received (including from her father’s side of the family) is disgusting

    1. It certainly is about time. I remember a quote from one of Harry's friends before the wedding. He had just met Meghan and he said that he's sure she's not perfect but she seems to be. That she had an aura of Zen around her. Perhaps the hate is stemmed by jealously that an "outsider" can be so remarkable in all ways?

    2. Melissa -- Bingo! This is racism first and foremost. The media uses it to boost their advertising dollars. It truly is disgusting.

  30. Charlotte, thank you for this post. I can feel your anger and frustration!! There obviously needs to be a drastic overhaul of how the monarchy collectively debunks all of this crap. Meghan deserves all the best that life has to offer her, and some people behave as if she's Pol Pot incarnate or something.

  31. I so agree about your points. Really wish the "friends" weren't anonymous... I'm not sure what to believe, but I saw The Tig and her Instagram - her own writing and photos showed me what kind of person she is, and she continues to do so with her work. Now that, certainly, I can believe in without issue. :)

  32. Anyone who criticises The Duchess as people have done so are basically jealous! People who have hurt Meghan with their words can have nothing in their life and should look to themselves and first question how they treat those around them.

  33. Charlotte, Thank you so much for calling our attention to the People article where Meghan’s friends speak up for her. I understand fully why they needed to remain anonymous. They don’t want to be accused of using Meghan for fame, and they don’t want to expose themselves to the bullying and threats that would surely follow.

    I am so happy to know that Meghan enjoys the daily support of her good friends, even though not in person.

    Meghan is amazingly strong to perform her duties with such grace and dignity while she endures such pain from her father and her half-siblings, from the press, and from an army of vicious trolls.

    I think, too, that the RF should speak up to defend her, just as Harry spoke up a few short months into their relationship.
    Perhaps we are seeing signs that they will soon do something to intervene.

    I pray that Meghan will continue to stay strong, and be able shield herself, her baby and her relationship with Harry from being penetrated by the hatred.


  34. I haven't read the comments yet. My take is that the move was ill advised. I think one of the problems is the excessive media, social media exposure. That article is feeding that. It will provoque thousands of articles and comments, every single sentence will be analysed and evaluated. A lot of polemics will arrise. The part of the story that refers to her father is potentially very damageable, there is no way to see anything positive about it and the room for negativity is huge. And IMO, Mr Markle will retaliate with yet another interview. Just as it was dying out and people were interested in what Meghan was doing. Why bring all this back? The feud rumors were dying out, the Markle drama forgotten. Meghan was criticised for writting on bananas. Paradoxically, it means people were moving on. The trolling on line is just that if you don't read it. Yes Meghan has been bashed in the press, but that's not worse than what Camilla had to endure. And silence has been her best way to cope. When she has made declarations of how bad it was or when her children have mentioned it, it has taken public opinion back to the past and revived the negativity.
    I think her friends have been playing with fire.

    1. H. yes I agree. Couldn't say it much better. I wonder if Meghan authorized the decision for her friends to speak out. If it were me I would be furious. If they are really in her confidential circle they should not speak out at all.

    2. I disagree. The feud stories are NOT dying out. A tv special about the feud just aired in the US. And her family is hardly piping down.

      Sure, Camilla has taken heat in the press. But not while she was pregnant with her first child, and not while she was trying to adjust to a completely new country and family. I've never seen anything like the abuse heaped on Meghan, and I don't think she should have to suffer silently.

    3. No one will remain anonymous if they really want to defend the integrity of the person they claim to be friends with.
      Meghan has very few friends and they seem to be very discreet and trustworthy.
      The BRF has a difficult role to play because if she officially defends Meghan, she will have to explain why she neither defended Camilla nor Kate ; and it will not benefit Meghan.
      But I think Meghan is much stronger emotionally than we might think. Everyone will eventually get used to seeing her alongside the Windsors and all these bad waves will eventually disappear. There will always be people who will never love her, but so it is.
      My deep feeling is while commenting endlessly the social medias/Meghan case we do not pay attention to far more important topics (absolutely not saying that Meghan mental health is not important) (JAE)

    4. Camilla was hated with a hatred Meghan is not experimenting. She couldn't go out of her house. She was insulted in the street, it was much more than people commenting on social media. The abuse heaped on her was far worse than what is heaped on Meghan, and much more in the open. Let's be fair.

    5. I don’t think camillas situation was worse at all. Many people were mad at her due to her personal choices in her relationship with Prince Charles. I don’t mean this to be victim blaming but I think she was smart enough to understand why many people were angry with her and kept her head down until it passed. Also this essentially settled down once she and Charles were married. It seems as though the opposite is happening with Meghan which is really unfair. She has made no personal choices impacting someone else’s marriage. I also think you should not underestimate the element of racism in the attacks on her. That is an incredibly mentally difficult to withstand and Camilla did not face that all.

    6. I don't think that each case of bullying is to put on a scale from one to ten. Bulllying is bullying. And I do agree that we must not underestimate the element of racism, but it is not the center of everything. The fault is never 100% on one side. Meghan is a very clever girl, very skilled, she has learned a lot from her previous life in the US, but she has to learn a lot more from her new life in this out of the ordinary family (whose rules are mostly managed by courtiers). A difficult task when you want to keep your own independance of mind and body at all costs. Difficult but not impossible : all the ladies of the RF act in public in a manner expected by the people, and in private they act as they are. It takes time to adjust and I don't think Meghan did comprehend the challenges and took the time to look at them. Now she has to, because people are growing angry. Meghan is smart, her good sense will prevail eventually. (Sorry for being bold but because I don't like the injustice, I must look at all the parts).(JAE)

  35. Thanks Charlotte for posting this!!! Appreciated!

  36. In my opinion, I prefer that her friends from Meghan remain anonymous because it will always remain a riddle where people will not be able to put a face so it could be anyone. Putting names on these anonymities will already suggest that they could not say the opposite and keep anonymity thus avoids those (thomas, samantha, media of gutters etc are destabilized because they really do not know to whom they will answer. I think this world has given a lot of thought to what was best: to remain anonymous or not, and I think they’ve been absolutely right. I look forward to seeing and reading Sussex today Charlotte on your beautiful site.

  37. When I read all this, it hurts. Injustice is a plague that dates back to Mathusalem, but yet we are well aware of it, but we cannot help but remain insensitive to every new injustice that surrounds our lives, yesterday, today or tomorrow. It hurts, but we come out stronger. If I met Meghan, I would tell her that, I forbid her to shed a tear and take an interest in these poor and miserable characters. I will tell him that any good or bad situation that happens to us will contribute to our good in the end, when we believe in God. So live your life Meghan, take care of you and your family, especially the baby, and continue your work, your natural, your commitments and stay positive.

  38. Hmm i think the duchess of sussex is doing a great job i hate thode magazines spreading around her just. To sell theie magazinsa like stae magazines Cover the the duchess Cambridge desteoying the duchess. Really.

  39. The bullying just makes me sad. Meghan has conducted herself with dignity & grace. It shows what a warm, kind & loving person she is. I hope all these terrible stories/rumours die down & she can just get on with the amazing work that her & Harry are doing. Thank you, Charlotte, for highlighting this. ✌🏻❤️

    1. They won't die down, unless we stop reading them. It's all click bait.

    2. Do you think the anonymous "Friends" got paid for this interview?

  40. Thank you Charlotte for the post. Do I think this was a good idea? Don't know and if we are honest none of us know. It may unleash a media storm of cyclonic proportions or there may just be a whimper. Only time will tell. However I do think very few people actually comprehend the massive communications revolution we are being swept along in. Factual researched and verified reporting is as much a thing of the past as horse drawn carriages. Some decades ago we stopped buying newspapers in favour of tv and radio news and that started the slide. Media is paid for by advertising and advertisng works on the premise that a percentage of views will result in sales. The competion for advertising dollars is fierce margins are tight and there is no time or money to waste on good journalism in the never ending daily news cycle. One only has to look at the shows with high ratings to realise that the media supplies what we the public wants to consume and what we want is not that inspiring. The firestorm will only cease when we the public stop consuming.

    Meghan has had lucky and unlucky stars. Lucky stars when the family had the lottery win which paid for the private school and university fees. Many many people are not so lucky. Without that education and her father's involvement in the entertainment industry she possible would not have landed the role in Suits and met Harry. She did work hard but she had luck as well. The bad starfor Meghan in my opinion was the timing of her entry into the Royal family right as the revolution in media was exploding exponentially. No matter who Harry married I think the outcome would have been the same - different personal targets but targets all the same with the same degree of toxicity and partisanship. There would still have been comparisons of the two women and still a feud and all the other nonsense. Kate is not as targeted only because she has been around more than a decade so not breaking news.

    My plea to everyone is throw water on the fire. Stop reading and commenting especially where advertising dollars is the life blood of the site and have a good think about your online footprint and how much your footprint is contributing to the problem. Educate yourself about how the new world media is structured. You might be unpleasantly surprised. I certainly was.

    And to Charlotte thank you so much for your blog with its accuracy, integrity and measured journalism. Should you ever have the need to retreat behind a pay wall I would be happy to to pay the subscription to continue to read your work.

    1. I disagree with the fact that you stated that people want to see and watch bad negative stuff... If the media would be the leaders they have the power to be... people would follow.. if they were honest and took a stand and support Godly things, I think most people would follow, The media is the most powerful leader in the world... they could solve so many of the worlds problems with truth, goodness and honesty but they choose not to, they serve up jealousy, greed like they are desserts, if they were to serve up goodwill we would eat it up.

    2. Thank you, Libby. Ditto. I'm with you on every single word. I have been taking your recommended actions for a long time now.

      Though I check both blogs daily and read them with joy as well as gratitude to Charlotte for her commitment to both women, it's also one reason that I comment less frequently on both DK and MAM. I have decided that my two cents about either Duchess' wardrobe choices isn't vital to the discourse.

      Instead I am delighted to follow the work of each and learn about the history and outreach of the various organizations each supports. Each has chosen an incredibly challenging life because of the man she loves.

      Both men are in positions which are incredibly isolating and lonely without a lifelong "strength and stay" as HM has found in Prince Phillip. How lucky they are to have been blessed this way. However, their wives are now the age their mother was when they lost her. I wonder whether they don't have nightmares when they see a similar frenzied interest in and/or vilification of their wives.

      The dilemma for the palace is complex. I'm not sure what the most effective approach the Firm's PR teams might take in dealing with what the press, media and social media have become. However, it seems the old-school tactics of silence and dignity combined with good works aren't quite enough.

    3. I agree, Libby! If people would stop buying this crap (literally and mentally), there would be no audience for it.

    4. Thank you Charlotte for being the voice for so many of us. I have been appalled at the media storm that Meghan has unleashed with her entry into the BRF. Obviously, Harry and William had hoped to protect their own families from the media torment that their mother faced. Good deeds never go unpunished and Earl Spencer railed against the media in his eulogy for his sister. That won't change I am afraid. With the internet, the evil of anonymity makes it even worse. Cyber bullying is real and doesn't stop after school days. I think some of this rises to hate crime levels. I, for one, choose to focus on their public outings, and Charlotte's blog provides a well balanced and interesting focus on their public lives. The rest is none of our business.

  41. It's really the last comment for Meghan and I hope I'm not censured.Meghan is relatively new to the general public.From the beginning she was very mediatised with a strong schedule for a beginner. People have tendance to refuse new people(even in TV drama new character are hated in the beginning) .The very vicious media won't help .Before her wedding the Uk press were very vicious and one could see how they wanted to stop the wedding .Her family didn't help and it's not her fault but I think she should have been intoduced like Kate with a less dense schedule until she adjust to the different culture, media and all.I don't think she will read this but those bullying her don't know the true Meghan so she should ignore the bullying and also stop those PR move because anonymous friends or anonymous sources from palace all look the same and lack credibility.She would always be criticized regardless but her only voice now are her clothes and she can control that .She should dress as someone who is hired for life as an UK royal regardless of who is paying in her puplic life.Even Queen Rania who belongs to a non constitutionnel monarchy that hold pouvoir and not really a democracy have issued lately a statement to explain her expensive wardrobe and that she borrow or are gifted the items. I'm not saying that she should take Rania as an exemple (her and the Monaco family are different and not really an exemple) but I think that she should have a modern royal approach to her wardrobe (Queen Letizia is the best exemple in that field: repeating endlessly , mixing brand like Zara with high end brand in a regular basis and championning her country based brand who benefit her country economy).

  42. The media is at an all time low in the US as well. I am sickened at what they do and say. They have no morals, just look at what they have done to our president, my heart goes out to Harry and Meghan, my advice for them is keep their marriage strong and do not let the media harm them, eventually the media will self explode. Hollywood is busting up and it is only a matter of time before our media does as well. While Harry, Meghan, Kate and William are fighting to save lives, our leaders are fighting to kill babies even after they are born just because they may have birth defects.... it is alarming the sin that is thriving in this world. We need people like Meghan Harry... fighting for goodness in a world of utter destruction. I hope they do not give up and retreat... just look at the people in the UK benefitting from them. At least the UK has them, our famous people are appallingly rich and selfish.

  43. Bullying is something that makes me sick, really sick.
    But it is important to step back and look at the events of the year ; generally speaking, the fault in never 100% on one side. We cannot get people to shut up or only say things that we like especially on social medias where one might presume to hide behind the anonymity. It is technically possible to get rid of those opinions but it will not lessen the anger or the hate or whatever feelings that are at stake. We have to find ways to lessen the impacts at the utmost. The RF has the intellectual and human ressources as well as the financial capacities for that. In my opinion they already have elaborated action plans towards this end, partly because baby Sussex is on his/her way.

    1. Good point, JAE, that stiffling the comments won't stop the anger. That must be dealt with at some point. The problem is some, maybe many make these comments as a form of entertainment. They are not necessarily expressing well thought out opinions or sincere feelings. It is a game to some. Maybe they find it titillating or maybe they enjoy the attention when others agree or disagree with them. Those sorts of commenters can be handled. The few who really do pose a physical threat will be dealt with accordingly _and I think the number is inflated by repeaters_

    2. Forgot to sign JAE.

  44. Thank you, Charlotte. This is a long time in coming and I only wish Princess Diana would've/could've been afforded such an act of love. I wonder how much of the bike comments and bullying is racially motivated but since THAT wouldn't be "politically correct" the hurtful comments are shot like buck shot.. saying Anything and hitting her Everywhere. I support anything her camp says or does to defend her. I'm glad her faith is strong because that IS where her strength is coming from. Good on, Harry for holding his far. But don't mess with a redhead's family! 😏😡 He is a simmering pot about to blow. I am proud of Duchess Meghan as a fellow American. She is truly living every little girl's dream. I hope the comments stop now. Team Sussex all the way! ❤

  45. How come when the press is bad from anonymous sources we refuse to believe it. But when it's good from anonymous sources we believe it? Perhaps we just believe what we want to believe.

    1. Exactly! I've been saying this on this blog for years.

  46. I do not comment often at any blogs but this just rips my heart and its hard to just stand by and watch it....Charlotte, do you think you can write to her and send some positivity her way...i don't expect a it normal to write to KP? Will a message get to her? - SC from Boston

  47. Thank you, Charlotte, for your message today for its integrity and thoughtfulness. Voices like Meghan's friends, and yours, and ours are important to hear when racist hatred spills forth. What an inspiration the Duchess is, to keep going, head held high, with her commitment to advocating for the vulnerable.

  48. Do we not protect our own? The gentlemen/women in the grey suits that sit around the table averting disaster for the sake of the image of the RF are doing less then a stella job! It is 2019, not the year of Elizabeth. The palace has played a part in the vilification of Meghan by not protecting her. This is not passing in a timely manner. It is not part of a 24 hour news cycle. That has become evident to all. It is amazing to me that Meghan has done more RELEVANT work since joining the RF then any other royal in the same time span. The current palace PR department is ill prepared to do the work of the current world of social media in which we live and will continue to live in. To the PR department I say, open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied? Is your work relevant? My advice would be to secure council.

  49. Good read Charlotte! I think this article is about her family. The questions of how can she be an humanitarian and not call her father or makeup with her siblings. KP can’t address this, it had to be this round about way. The DOS honored her father and mother which people can’t reconcile with his behavior. She did not give a full picture of him and he comes across as this Doty, confused, humble old man. This same man left six and eight yr children and moved to California to find prosperity. When he and Doria started their relationship and bought a house before Meghan was born; the ex wife sent 2 teenagers to live with them. The beginning of the end of that relationship. Why focus on one child, because that child makes him relevant. He’s writing a book, and the sister. The DOS has to get this narrative out that her father and siblings are not truthful. All of the other details in the story is just fluff. When they are not notified about the birth and christening, all heck will break loose. She’s getting ahead of the fallout.

  50. Thank you Charlotte for your coverage of this article. Personally I'm thrilled that someone finally came forward to set the record straight. I agree completely that the various palace PR machines are hopelessly behind the times and really don't serve the various family members very well.

  51. I think it’s great her friends spoke up. And I don’t really understand the hand wringing over it being anonymous. Megan’s situation is a bit unique and I think they are trying to walk a fine line respecting that.

    The thing that has really struck me over the last year is the nitpicking of Megan for every little perceived breach in protocol. Most of which I’m not convinced are actual rules. You will never convince me the Queen indicates anything other than an expectation of dignity and good manners in public. She herself may dress conservatively and not wear a Givnechy dress showing a bit of leg to an awards show, but she is also 90 not mid-thirties. It seems as though people were so ready to reject Megan that all of this protocol stuff got immediately flagged as a problem.

    I believe the Queen has learned that image is a huge part of the Royal Families continued relevance. And I think it would be naive of all of them to truly follow never complain/never explain rule. I’d point out that charles and Diana spent most of the 90s publically complaining/explaining details of their marriage. The fact is they need a managed public image, and this article I think was allowed by H/M and their people to control some of the narrative.

    I also don’t think this is particularly new. It just looks different. Henry the 8 was an egomaniac who wanted portraits of himself all over the country. Essentially the 1500s version of social media and image control wouldn’t you say?

    Queen Alexandra was consistently written about for her fashion choices and trend setting with her encouragement.

    I think royal family members are well within their rights to control their own narrative or defend themselves from falsehoods and bullying. And I also don’t think it’s particlarly new or radical to do so.

  52. One last comment...if it had been Princess Henrietta marrying American actor Mark, no friends would have to come forward to defend him against being called Duke Difficult or Prince Pushy. This toxic narrative is happening because a confident, caring, driven, smart and beautiful Woman must not be allowed to succeed.

    1. Spot on, Lauri. Spot on.

    2. I can see your point but I disagree, Lauri.
      If you look at Prince Daniel of Sweden, he had a REALLY tough time winning over everybody when he dated Crown Princess Victoria and was also suscepted to a lot of negative media cover. (If you did not follow them they literally had to wait years before they got married)
      And I can just imagine if a certain Prince Phillip of Greece married a Princess Elizabeth in the time of social media it would have been brutal.
      And sadly I think in 25 years time we (could) sadly see the same thing happens to whoever Princess Charlotte marries.

    3. Not true. There has been an amount of controversy regarding Princess Madeleine of Sweden husband. He decided not to accept a royal title , keep his nationality and go own working as before. Which was a smart and coherent move IMO. He just cut the critics by giving them no arguments of complain, he remains a private person, his own person and is not answerable to the Swedish public. Prince Philip has been sharply criticized his entire life. I don't think this is about women or men, it is 2019 after all.

  53. I think this is all just incredibly sad. In this day and age, when you would think the strives we have made in reducing racism (especially on the heels of the Obama presidency), it is disgusting that this poor woman is facing such hatred in the media. My hope is that, when the baby is born and the world sees the royal family embrace him or her just as they have George, Charlotte and Louis, perhaps all this nastiness and bullying of Meghan will stop. The world is full of bi-racial couples and bi-racial children. Why, then, is it so difficult for the world to believe that the royal family shouldn't be as well? It is so awful that skin color should even matter, but clearly to many it does. It's pathetic.

  54. I read numerous articles on Meghan's friends speaking about her character from the time the relationship was revealed, and this latest article simply reiterates what had been said before and has become lost in the barrage of hateful negativity and criticism. Serena Williams recently said that Meghan is continually thinking of others. I can understand why her friends would want to remain anonymous, although their comments do not have the same weight than a named source because all the trolling is done anonymously as well. If they identified themselves, they also would be hounded by the media for more comments. It such a sad state of affairs when those who try to counteract lies are seen as
    playing with fire. Meghan, and probably to a much lesser extent, Kate are being bullied on social media, and cyber bullying is a topic that William has made a powerful speech against. His own family are victims of this modern scourge. I don't think we can expect social media itself to do anything helpful- consider Facebook's dereliction of an ethical corporate response to the U.S. election hacking debacle. I don't know what the solution is but unless we somehow find some way to mediate this unintended consequence of modern social media, more people, especially vulnerable children will continue to have their lives ruined and sometimes tragically driven to suicide. Like many, I too would like to see KP come out with some strong statements, but with the speed with which lies are spread, they would be making statements 24/7. There is no permanent solution to the Markle situation because I think that as long as they draw breath, they will surface. Meghan's heart must be broken by her father's betrayal, and his inability it seems, to see that his actions harms the daughter he claims to love.

  55. Things were not dying down. "Sister" has books coming out, she claims. Poor daddy may die. Harry is losing his hair because of Meghan. Kate and Meghan made up because Charles forced them to do so. Meghan snubbed Kate's birthday or wasn't invited. Can't believe anything you see at outings because she's just acting through it all. Holding up her false baby to get attention.

    The other, true side was never out there to counterbalance, and I'm sure many people thought that gave some credibility to the many false stories. Like the stories about Charles and Diana that turned out to be true. The friends' report may not stop the lies but it tells the truth. I never understood the sympathy for the father; anyone who has children like Samantha and hasn't made an attempt to correct his abysmal parenting should be held accountable, not to mention his own unbelievable abuse and attempts at manipulation. And he blames Meghan for not inviting the little viper to the wedding. And father is so concerned about seeing his future grandchild yet his current ones mean nothing and are all estranged from their Markle parents, to the point of changing their last name. I wouldn't let daddy around my baby unless the Queen was there to bat him away.

    Regarding the friends' comments, they are in line with what we have heard and they explain why she has such firm friends. Such sweetness coupled with a killer sense of humor is hard to resist. Oh Harry is so lucky, but he seems to be a great husband.

    1. Allison in US, I agree with you about, Thomas. I think he has been difficult for Harry and Meghan to deal with and has done everything possible to keep the problems going. He needs to stop talking to the media.

    2. About Thomas Markle, I don't think this article is going to want him stop talking to the media. In that respect it was a blunder, because he was keeping quiet right now. And he could say, why can't I speak my truth if friends of Meghan are allowed to go to the press and be on speaking terms with her? And have I not right to answer the accusations against me from her friends? And he would have a point.

  56. Thanks for the post, Charlotte. The media is putting out Meghan stories so much I tend to not believe or read any of them unless you let us know what's true. I say it's about time some truth gets out. Enough is enough. I've been in leadership positions where I've been lied about & false rumors to undermine are spread & there is s time to be silent & be the more mature & dignified one. But there comes a time when it gets so ridiculously out of control or mean that you would be foolish to not respond. I think spreading the truth by anonymous friends was very clever & appropriate. I do believe there will come a time when Harry won't remain silent and will address some of the hate himself. Hr obviously loves his wife immensely & seems to be a caring protector. I hope she isn't reading the hate & focuses on her most important job tight now to keep herself & baby safe & healthy. Everytime she makes a public appearance she totally dispels negativity with her warmth & kindness. Keep it up Harry & Meghan! You are doing a great job!

  57. I seriously doubt ANY of Megan's close friends are going to talk to ANY publication without Megan and Harry's approval, and I just don't see that happening. There would need to be royal approval, as well. People Mag is no more of a legitimate publication than the Daily Mail. That's my take.

  58. I love following the Royal Family, especially the young royals. And I'm so grateful that Charlotte started and maintains her blogs so I have a factual, uplifting place to come for my royal news.

    I have seen so many of these click-bait headlines about the royals and am so disappointed that pop-culture media and tabloids still want to stir things up. Their headlines are meant to entice you to click and thus I purposefully never click on them. I know I'm only one person, but I'm hoping that it eventually affects their click rate.

  59. Anonymous in Colorado7 February 2019 at 19:31

    Oh wow. I'm not sure how I feel about the PEOPLE article. I am a Meghan & Kate admirer, for the record. I can see how keeping silent could have its benefits, it's rooted in tradition for the BRF.

    I can also see how Meghan is sort of stuck between a rock & a hard place, as the saying goes, & PR move or not, SOMETHING had to be said by people who know her (their anonymity was the smart, safe move, too in my opinion). No public or private figure should have to endure the vitriol she's being subjected to.

    I wonder, and I'm not trying to stir the pot here, but if Meghan were to do things like spend less on her wardrobe, decrease the PDA, less bump cradling (again, I'm not judging, just wondering)...would that endear her more to the critics? Probably not, huh? It's sad for me to even think that she should change who she is, but gosh this is just spiraling. I hope she & baby are doing ok despite all the stress.

    1. Here's the thing... you're assuming that Meghan is being reported on fairly. Other royal couples engage in PDA without being called "unroyal" or "inappropriate" (Charles and Camilla), and when a couple like William and Kate do it rarely, it's deemed "adorable." There is photographic evidence Kate cradled her bump numerous times but there was no similar onslaught of negative articles highlighting that. Also, while I think criticisms of spending are valid, counts of her spending are grossly inflated. In fact, the count that everyone runs with includes the cost of jewelry gifted to her, jewelry and clothes she wore prior to her wedding when she was a non-royal and purchased with her own money.

      There is nothing Meghan can do to endear her to her most unfair critics because the standard is always changing for her. She does things that every single royal has done before and she gets criticized for breaking protocol--including ridiculous things such as closing her own door, wearing dark nail polish, and showing her shoulder.

    2. Anonymous in Colorado8 February 2019 at 00:22

      @Anonymous 20:56: You make very valid points. Most things written about Meghan seem very skewed towards a negative tone. It's quite unfair. When it comes to her wardrobe, I always remind myself that she had plenty of money before she met Harry, as well as the gifted jewelry you mention. Those aside, the new-to-us Givenchy pieces are staggering in price. The optics just aren't great in that aspect. I'm firmly a Meghan admirer & do want to see her happy, yet I'm exasperated with how the current situation is being handled, I guess?

    3. I agree that she can do very little to endear herself to her haters - their opinions are not based in any facts. But I do think there are a few things she could do to limit valid criticism by middle of road royal fans.
      I think she should decide what is the hills she would be willing to fall on. Being a WoC? Probably.
      Wearing haute couture? Probably not, so cut the very expensive outfits.
      Empowering women? Probably. PDA? I am sure Harry know she loves him even if they have less PDA.
      I could go on...
      I know this might sound like I am saying she should change who she is to fit in, and that is not it at all. It is about deciding what is essential to who she is and standing by that while blending the rest in. If you fight on all hills you often end up losing the war.

    4. I agree Anon in Colorado and like I said to Marcia,it wasn't clever to step out with yet another Givenchy on the same day the article defending her appeared. It would have been much better to wear a British, medium priced designer.

    5. I think a big part of the issue is that Meghan’s entrance has brought out a whole new group of royal watchers who are calling her out for things that others have done but these watchers weren’t around to watch other BRF members in the past. And with instagram stories etc. all the “photo moments” are seen in video form and it stands out as looking like acting when it’s probably nothing new at all but we’re just seeing more with Meghan as technology has increased.

  60. As they say, you can't expect to receive a different result with the same input. For a long time now, the silence treatment is not working well for the RF, if they continue to allow the media to insinuate the atmosphere of the Monarchy, then sooner or later it will run them off. Things are changing and there is dire need to make some changes in how they react with the media. I hope Harry and Meghan do the vogue coverage and use that as an avenue to clear some issues. Maybe the proceeds from it can be used to cover her wardrobe allowance so I can stop hearing unnecessary complains about the cost of her wardrobe even though they do not have a receipt that say it cost as much (even if the RF does not take freebies that would not mean they don't use discounts - which can range to 90% off).
    It's sad to see so many lovely articles on MAM with comments totally disregarding the occasion and complaining about how the different shades of her outfit do not blend. There are other sites focusing on her clothes but to come here and read a story of a charity event and complain solely on her wardrobe without acknowledging the event is just so shallow.
    Harry and Meghan are innovative and I hope they are able to build a PR team that will be able to end the negative narrations.
    Emily Andrews is somebody I truly am disappointed in. She was a co-author on the first issue of the sun that called Duchess Meghan a "social climber" and as far as I am concerned is one of those women pulling other women down.
    Thanks to all her friends that have contributed to this article on people, I know that the British public have shown great love to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and I looked forward to more love from the good hearted people all over the world. God bless the Duke and Duchess of Sussex

    1. Paula this is a perfect example of how difficult it must be for H&M, the rest of the BRF and their team to know what to do and what not. I see you say you hope they do the speculated Vogue cover. In my opinion doing a Vogue cover is the very last thing Meghan should be doing at this point.
      It will give more fuel to her detractors they definitely won’t be won over to her side by seeing her on the cover of a high end fashion magazine and it would make her stand out even more in the royal family.

      In my opinion what she needs at the moment is to blend not stand out.
      I do hope we will see her one the cover of Vogue but only 3-4 years down the line.

  61. i was really glad to see this and also had the feeling Harry and Megan must know. if they didn't know, it would only add to their stress and if this is really something their friends did, they would have gotten approval first.

    NY, USA

  62. She seems a very nice person, but I think the biggest issue many people have is how much she has spent on clothing. We know she and Harry are wealthy, but when you are royal and not simply famous, the amount she spent compared with other royal ladies around the world seems rather excessive for someone trying to serve the public.

    1. of everything, this feels like the least...

    2. She was a multi-millionaire years before she married, she already had an extensive luxury wardrobe and is still wearing pieces from it. She is also (very) pregnant and has to dress for a constantly changing body, plus there likely won't be any clothing repeats happening until after baby is born. Lastly, she really is active with a lot of engagements (plus a 3 week tour!) considering she hasn't even been a royal for a year. This plus being pregnant and requiring a lot of new clothing, probably makes it seem that she's spending excessively.


  63. Charlotte, first and foremost, I applaud you and other bloggers that have pushed this media problem to the forefront. Unfortunately, this is the tip of the iceberg. The media is abhorrent for publishing all these lies and innuendos, but the larger problem is the people that add their vile comments. I've read some unbelievable horrible comments from people stating their hatred for a women they don't even know - everything from "princess pushy" to "let her die". It is terrifying that people are becoming so callous.

    I am grateful that you and others are standing up and saying 'enough is enough'. We all need to get behind you, refuse to read tabloids, ignore the click-bait, and stop watching people like Piers Morgan spew their hate. Perhaps it's time for a 'call to action' and let advertisers know we will boycott their products if they continue to support these vile people.

  64. I don't think anonymous "friends" speaking to a tabloid publication is going to change anything. As a matter of fact, I think this will end up hurting Meghan. This is what Hollywood does not the BRF.

  65. Totally agree, Tropical girl @ 23.24. I have the same thoughts. Also, the program that aired on TV about the “feuding Duchesses” was nothing but ‘he say / she say and the opinions of people’. Nothing was confirmed that the Duchesses are feuding. Charlotte, I thank you for taking a stand for what is right. It takes courage to do so. No one deserves the treatment that has been dumped on the Duchess of Sussex. People actually guilty of wrong doing have not been treated like the Duchess of Sussex. I do think Prince Harry looks disgusted in most photos and I clearly understand why: what loving husband of integrity doesn't want to protect his wife(?), in this case, pregnant wife.

  66. Anonymous @ 20:22, how much money a person spends on clothes should NOT cause people to operate at this level of unkindness, lies and an attack on the character of a person you know nothing about, never even met personally. In addition, she has a clothing allowance from the Duchy of Cornwall (Prince Charles). We aren’t buying her clothes. The Duchess of Sussex has not been in the Royal Family officially a year and people are judging her on a clothing bill(?) Really? She took her first tour and spent money on clothes according to the budget given her.

  67. I actually think William should speak up only because he is the future Monarch and I believe people would listen to him. Think of how strong of a leader he would come across if he spoke for the four of them...something along the lines of bullying like make a comment that he and Harry are fighting bullying in many areas and let people know that he will not abide the media bullying his family, he needs to let them know he considers it bullying and mostly it’s cyber bullying, he needs to remind the people of the UK that Meghan and Kate took vows in church and that they are doing their best to live up to them and that he wants it stopped. It’s time for William to Man Up sometimes you just have to take a stand. It wouldn’t hurt for the Queen to sit silently beside William while he makes this statement... boy I wish he would.....

    1. I actually think this is a brilliant idea & it could/should be tied into the lessons we all thought were learned after the death of his Mother.... but clearly were not. Now to have their own wives be tormented by bullying is not going to be ok. They couldn't protect or stand up for their Mum, as boys, but they sure can now for their wives. I also do think that the 4 showing a united front is just an important family matter, just even for themselves. No one can know what these 2 brothers have been through over the years with how their Mother was treated & no one can know but these 4, what it's like living through this bullying now. I think they need to show public support for each other. They are stronger together than apart! Just my thoughts! :(

  68. I found this post really interesting. It’s great to read your opinions Charlotte. I don’t know where the Meghan story will go because I think she is a money spinner for all these websites/ tabloids. There is also enough racism and hate to keep these stories spinning. I do feel M and H could have handled certain situations better such as inviting more of her family to the wedding. Doria’s family have not spoken negatively about Meghan and I think they should have been included. I also think that William and Harry should have presented a more united front to the public. The two couples could have appeared together in a Royal capacity more. Kate and Meg don’t have to be best friends but they could have worked together on a project/ event. Regardless of these thoughts, I find the hatred actually upsetting. I think Piers Morgen has a lot to answer for as he continues to spin negative articles and fuel the hatred from commentators. He has a a big platform presenting the largest morning program in the country every day and writing for the DM. I don’t really know what the answer is because the likes of Pier will say that these friends defending Meghan don’t exist or that Royalty should never complain. I do hope that when the baby arrives, Meghan will take time away from the public even though I still will be dying to read articles and see pictures of her and the baby! Sinead

    1. Anglophile in Ohio8 February 2019 at 02:48

      There have been many rumors that Doria’s younger brother and Meghan’s niece (who is a lawyer) were both at the wedding. They attended without publicity to remain private.

    2. Anon 22:16 I agree about Piers that his behavior is horrendous. Re: Doria's family, one can only assume why they weren't invited to the wedding. I'm sure there are unknown details surrounding that the we don't need to know so we can't assume that M&H should have done that.

  69. Dear Charlotte, I applaud you publishing this blog post to take a positive stand against the terrible cyber-bullying of Meghan. I think that the more people stand up for cyber kindness, the greater will be the energy behind a positive movement. Meanwhile, I hope Meghan and Harry read NOTHING online about themselves and just carry on doing all the good that they can. I really appreciate learning about their efforts through your blog. I don't read any other articles about them online except what you and KP publish; I refuse to give my support to anyone who publishes or broadcasts anything negatively exploitative in any form whatsoever. Doesn't mean I never read anything negative. Just means I won't knowingly participate in cyber bullying Meghan (or any others), even to find out what they're saying.

  70. I was worried about this article as it would most likely have a negative effect even though the intention was for good. If you are using anonymous sources stating good things and want people to believe them it's a slippery slope. The opposite angle will be played by the media, it's what sells papers. I also felt it would cue "family members" to voice their negative opinion and around and around and around they go. There's really no winning here.

    It reminds me of a quote: When I tell any truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do. ~ William Blake

    I prefer to believe she's a wonderful person. They seem genuinely happy with each other, can't we just be happy they're happy?

  71. Why was this article published in an American magazine? Since Meghan is part of the British royal family, wouldn’t it make more sense to choose a British publication? I just don’t understand the thinking and it fuels the whole “she’s not British” feeling.

    1. I think it's because her friends are Americans and feel comfortable and are familiar with American media versus British media. Also, the way the British media have reported on Meghan (so much negativity, untruths, and attacks) may have influenced them and they didn't want to reward UK media with this exclusive. Finally, Meghan IS an American. Even when she gets her UK citizenship, she still would have had 37 yrs of American culture and value. She's bringing a different way and different views in the way she performs her job. This doesn't mean that she's ignoring British ways or culture, in fact I'm sure she's bending over backwards adjusting and assimilating. Just because she is different and "not British" doesn't mean it's seen as bad. I think it depends on how people perceive those different from them. Those who are xenophobic will obviously have a problem with her but fortunately there are enough British people who can celebrate and even applaud Meghan's "difference".

    2. Royalty has always used American magazines. People is one source the regularly talk to, also they talk to Vanity Fair.

  72. Queen of the Sun8 February 2019 at 09:46

    A last thought.
    In the next couple of days, journalists and royal commentators are going to write a lot unpacking the value, purpose, hidden agenda, open agenda of Meghan’s friends speaking out. As they should.
    A journalist job is not to just take anonymous friends’ word at face value. And this is a departure from how the BRF normally deal with things, so it have to evaluated and unpacked. Harry and Meghan knew that, it was a risk they were willing to take.

    And as I can see from the comments here there is a wide spectrum of opinions as to what is behind this and whether it will work. And I would expect that to be reflected by royal commentators.
    Some of these pieces will make good arguments for and/or against her friends speaking out and some will be crappy clickbait.

    I think my point is that just because somebody have reservations about whether this was the best way to deal with the situation does not mean that they condone the abuse heaped on Meghan in some quarters.

    1. I think those pieces by the reporters are already starting. I’ve seen one where they were saying the palace staff had no idea that the People article was happening at all until right before it came out. Again, anonymous palace sources...

  73. Great article Charlotte. I’ve been a reader for many years on both the Duchess blogs. I may not always agreemwith the fashion choices of the ladies, but this bullying is way beyond fashion critics. Meg and Kate do wonderful work for their charities. They are 2 different women who grew up in totally different circumstances. Yes they each happen to fall in love with royalty, but I always think of a line in “The Crown” when the queen says, sometimes she would have just preferred a simple life as a wife and mother. I always wish that for those two, but I know it’s not going to happen. I’m sure that’s why Harry and Meg are moving out to have more privacy and a simple life.
    I’m glad Meg’s friends spoke up. I’m sure it hasn’t been easy to keep their mouths shut. I always want to comment on some of the feeds, but then I tell myself don’t engage, it will only fuel the fire.

  74. And again I don't think your blog is really the place for such posts. You talk about the royals, their engagements and fashion.

    The policy of "let's just quote so-called friends in order to defend Meghan" on a fashion blog is weird to me. I'm sorry.

    1. It's her blog? She decides what she wants to post?

    2. Ivy Lin8 - AGREE ....Thank you Charlotte for making this site fun and interesting and thought provoking

    3. Becca H in Colorado8 February 2019 at 20:43

      Uh, it's her own blog and she can choose to write what she wants. Also, it's a blog about both fashion AND lifestyle. Charlotte always posts well-balanced pieces of news, which she's completely entitled to do and that most of us really appreciate.

    4. The focus is on the engagements and fashion. That's the focus I get from Charlotte's posts. So when she suddenly writes something about friends she read about in some articles I find such a post rather unprofessional and uncalled for on a royal fashion blog.

    5. Hello Jasmin,

      I occasionally write opinion pieces and only chose to cover this as I was able to confirm the interview was in fact given by Meghan's friends. I never said either of my blogs were solely royal fashion blogs, they never have been and never will be. Fashion is just one element.

  75. One thing that interests me is when the source says that Meghan's father knows how to get in contact with her. I suspect the argument with someone like Sr. is he wants to be in control. They have given him a secure number to call, maybe a go between to facilitate communication and he will not use it. Perhaps he prefers communication that he can control so that he can tape the conversation and give it to his media friends.

    Im glad the friends let this piece of information out because it is how Sr. has been able to manipulate.

  76. “Speech is silver; silence is golden”
    The People’s magazine article was unfortunate. The mantra “never complain;never explain” has proven its efficiency overtime. All the royal ladies have been humiliated by the papers Diana, Fergie, Camilla, Catherine who had her entire family mocked and still has. They never responded and over time things just wind down. It doesn’t make it right but that’s the way it is and that’s the way it has always been. The social media argument is not valid: throughout time people have used any available medium to criticize the rich and powerful (the cartoons in the Victorian era come to mind!). Freedom of speech has been gained through political and legal battles and should not be undermined. Why don’t the Sussexes resort to the legal ground where slurs and insults are involved for instance? Maybe it’s time to use the courts of law to defend themselves. They won’t be able to control everything that is being published about them and even less what people have to say.

    This type of sugary article trying to address every single negative thing that has been said about Meghan in the last months is a desperate move. The new PR strategy is a miss. She’s the “new” addition and her life in a fishbowl is not easy or maybe as easy as she thought it would be. Not everyone is going to like her or have nice things to say about her but she should just keep going and keep doing her job. It will pass. I can understand that she feels it’s unfair and sometimes it is but she is in a privileged unelected position and she will always be scrutinized and criticized. Again, she cannot and will not be adored by everyone. And why does it even matter? She married her love and is about to have her first child so just focus on everything that is going well in life!

    In my opinion, she was involved too soon and too fast and too publicly in the firm. It would have been wiser to wait, take time to observe and learn and gradually go on public engagements. She wanted to “hit the ground running”? Great but do it behind closed doors. They were in a hurry to introduce her to the public and being a novice she had to make mistakes. It backfired. Just like the People’s magazine article: it gave a platform to her family to come out and attack her again.
    I have always respected her silence regarding her fallout with her father and have never had an opinion about this as it an extremely private matter. But through her friends she broke that dignified silence and details have been spilled and it’s not pretty to say the least. The plea of the article is basically “she is such a nice person and you’re all very mean”. In other words, playing the victim card and it is not the smart move when you are in a powerful position. It is childish and immature. Respect and admiration can be earned over time (years certainly) and hard work. And yet she will still be criticized sometimes! Catherine is a living proof.

    1. This is one of the more well reasoned comments on here. Yes to everything you have said, Flore.

    2. Exactly my mind (said differently above). Thank you.

    3. Amen!! Very well stated and could not agree more!

    4. Flore, that was the best comment!

    5. Simone from Germany9 February 2019 at 18:16

      Very Well written! Ich agree with your opinion.
      Andere thanks Charlotte for your great work during the Last years. I really enjoy reading your blogs about Meghan and Kate:)

    6. Florence I disagree. Kate has faced nothing close to what Meghan has had to endure. Have her family gone to the media like Meghan's? Has her every staffing change been screamed from the rooftops? Has she been criticized for working too much? No. She hasn't. Camilla put up with huge amounts of abuse but that abuse was not based on who she is, it was based 9n diana dragging her in the media. Sarah Ferguson can only blame herself for her problems. So no. Nothing even close to what Meghan has endured.

      Also Charles and diana knew each other for 6 months before they married and had seen each other 13 times. Harry and Meghan were two years by the time they got married.

      I also think Meghan is the first royal woman to.get accused.of abetting terrorism with the hubb cookbook, and accused of destroying the planet by eating avocados and being dismissive of sex workers by writing affirmations on fruit.

      Not even close. And if I were her friend I would want to correct the record too

    7. Flore, I agree with you that she may have been introduced too quickly to engagements. But if she hadn’t people would have probably complained that she’s lazy and work shy. It’s between a rock and a hard place. The other royal ladies have been subject to horrible things in the press as well. But to my knowledge none have had to deal with racism. Meghan has it worse in my opinion because she’s dealing with every criticism the other royal women had to in addition to horrific racist remarks. I don’t see that winding down over time at all. Her haters are haters for life.


    8. Bluhare,
      My intention was never to go down the road of competing victimization between the royal ladies. Citing Catherine as an example was to illustrate that a slower more patient pace would have been wiser. Although she has been criticized for being lazy! And she has been putting up with a lot of nastiness and criticism for years even when she was still William’s girlfriend.
      So there’s no wining with the press and the people: some will always have something negative to say and they’ve all learned to live with it.
      Otherwise, I disagree; none of those ladies “are to blame” (not even Sarah who was harshly mocked for her weight gain at some point) or deserved/deserve being humiliated this way.

    9. Patient pace seems to indicate shes pushy and impatient....

    10. You brought Kate into it florence. Kate certainly didnt hit the ground running as.promised before the wedding. Remember most prepared bride in royal history? And she didnt. But the pr at the time said she was going to, and now that you have someone who actually did, and in a very spectacular way, that's bad? Kate is the anomaly here, not meghan.

      Every royal has had their share of bad press, but I challenge you to find me any of them who have had as much merely for being who they are. The rest got it for things they did, although I do agree mocking Sarah for her weight was a low blow, especially when there were so many other things to criticize her for. And camilla was.pilloried thanks to diana. But even that was because of her affair with Charles not for being a white woman.

  77. Flore-I agree with your remarks. Very well-written, by the way.
    Two thoughts: Harry has used the courts in a similar situation. Back in the Fall of 2015 there were persistent rumors that he was dating/seeing Pippa. After the W&C wedding it was a popular idea. It was an appealing, intriguing thought. There were reports of Pippa or someone who closely resembled her being seen around NotCot. It could have passed as gossip and wishful thinking. However, in Nov-Dec, 2015, Harry gave the stories credibility and more attention by suing a media outlet for printing these rumors. It was thought he was protecting Pippa, I believe. I promise I read this several years ago. At some point those articles were removed from Google. Probably after the threatened legal action.

    Regarding Meghan's being introduced to the public too fast: there was a possible strategy for this that came from the top, not just because of her desire to "hit the ground." Although Harry made the unprecedented move in Nov-Dec 2016 of asking for the media to stop harassing his "girlfriend" and her Mother, her early introduction to the public at that time had a useful side for the government and BRF. The London Commonwealth convention with its election of the next head was coming up. There were rumblings that Charles may not be the shoo-in choice. Added to that was the prospect of an unfavorable trade situation with Brexit looming--Meghan with her international appeal was like manna from heaven. Harry and by association, his wife were named Youth Ambassadors for the Commonwealth- a move which surprised a number of observers but came straight from the Queen.
    I think Meghan was unfairly exploited and what is happening now has roots in this. She has served her purpose. Is she now to be discarded and left unprotected in the fallout of the promotion?

    Choosing Meghan was possibly the best thing Harry ever did for his country, his war service and veteran's work aside. However, in doing so, his wife was paraded in front of a public that probably had its fill of change with the prospect of Brexit. Yes, there were happy crowds welcoming them at engagements. That is pretty standard with royal visits. They represent only tiny fraction of the general public, however.

    I think, from the standpoint of the British government and RF, Meghan appeared and was promoted heavily, along with Harry, at just the right time. From the viewpoint of the general public and considering the resulting backlash we are seeing- maybe a more gradual introduction, as you described, Flore, would have been better.

    There are complicated feelings about immigrants and a world-wide rising nationalism. There is a lack of unity as humans. It is them versus us on many levels. For some, there was a challenge to the traditions of the British monarchy.I think all these factors may partially explain but do not excuse some of the anger expressed against Meghan. I fear her pregnancy exacerbated these feelings for a loud minority. She has become a lightening rod attracting those feelings. Meghan has become a cause, not a person.


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