
Tuesday 19 February 2019

Meghan's New York Baby Shower & The Morocco Itinerary!

Following Valentine's Day with Prince Harry, Meghan travelled to New York on Friday to catch up with five of her closest friends, ahead of the arrival of Baby Sussex in less than two months. Omid Scobie revealed the relaxing visit was planned to ensure five days of "rest, shopping and good food". It marks Meghan's first trip to New York since the wedding. The Duchess is staying at an undisclosed five-star hotel for the duration of her trip. She was photographed last night after spending time with friends. 

The Duchess wrapped up in the navy Victoria Beckham coat she wore on Christmas Day. The tailored slim coat is described as: "This is a tailored coat inspired by classic men’s outerwear, impeccably tailored for a slim fit, accentuating the silhouette of the body. Cut from super soft, deep navy cashmere, it features a wide lapel and a central back vent for movement. Made in Italy and finished with luxurious horn buttons and a silky navy lining." Meghan wore a grey cap and appeared to be carrying her Rag & Bone Wide Brim Fedora.

More from Omid's article for Harper's Bazaar:

“The trip is a lovely chance to catch up with friends and spend time in a city she loves,” says a source close to the duchess, who notes the trip was planned months ago. "This will be the last time a lot of them will see Meg until after the baby is born so it’s nice to share precious moments."
Adds a source, "It’s been a relaxing visit. Nothing beats face time with your friends. Meg will be flying home refreshed and relaxed—and with a lot of new baby clothes."
Sources confirm friends are throwing Meghan a baby shower at a private location for 15 guests on Tuesday, February 19.
Just a day before traveling, the duchess spent a quiet Valentine’s Day with Prince Harry at their Kensington Palace home—a world away from what she once described as the perfect Valentine's in NYC.
In a February 2016 post on her lifestyle blog The Tig, Meghan wrote, "This Valentine’s Day I will be with friends, running amok through the streets of New York, likely imbibing some cocktail that’s oddly pink, and jumping over icy mounds in my new shoes through the salted snowy streets of the West Village."

Omid also revealed Meghan enjoyed macarons and tea with close friend Jessica Mulroney at Laudrée in New York's SoHo district. If you read The Tig or followed Meghan's social media, you'll know she adores macarons.

More on the Laudrée story: "The history of Parisian tea rooms is intimately tied to the history of the Ladurée family. It all began in 1862, when Louis Ernest Ladurée, a man from France’s southwest, created a bakery in Paris at 16 rue Royale. The same year, the first stone of the Garnier Opera House was laid, and the area surrounding the Madeleine was rapidly developing into one of the capital’s most important and elegant business districts. The most prestigious names in French luxury items had already taken up residence in this neighbourhood. Louis Ernest Ladurée’s wife, Jeanne Souchard, had the idea of mixing styles: The Parisian café and pastry shop gave birth to one of the first tea rooms in town. The ”salon de thé” had a definite advantage over the cafés: women could gather in complete freedom." Today, they have tea rooms all over the world.

The story of the Ladurée macaron starts in the middle of the 19th century with Pierre Desfontaines, who first thought of taking two macaron shells and joining them with a delicious ganache filling. The recipe has not changed since.

It was not Meghan's first visit to the popular bakery. Meghan took part in a photoshoot there for Tod's in 2016. She wore a patterned trouser suit and Tod's metallic sneakers (with thanks to Meghan's Mirror).

Meghan's Baby Shower is due to take place at a hotel on the Upper East Side later today. Omid reports friends including Misha Nonoo and Abigail Spencer will be there.


We also heard details confirming the itinerary for Harry and Meghan's three-day visit to Morocco today. The Duke and Duchess will visit the North African country from Saturday 23 February to Monday 25 February at the request of Her Majesty's government. British Ambassador to Morocco, Thomas Reilly said the visit is "recognition of the strong relationship between our two countries. It's a chance to enjoy Morocco's history and look to its future, focused on the role of women, youth and education in that future".

Saturday, 23 February

The Duke and Duchess will arrive at Casablanca airport on Saturday evening where they will be officially welcomed by British Ambassador Thomas Reilly. Harry will inspect a Guard of Honour at the airport.

Sunday, 24 February

A busy day begins with a visit to the Atlas Mountains to visit organisations Education For All and Lycee Asni to hear more about their efforts to educate girls. 

I was particularly excited to see Education For All on the schedule. When the trip was announced, we discussed their work on the blog, they are a perfect fit for Meghan. The organisation supports girls from very rural communities to continue their education beyond primary school. They are often prohibited by the costs associated with travelling to the nearest secondary school, often a number of kilometres away in larger towns. In some rural areas, up to 83% of women are illiterate - a shocking figure. They believe "Educate a Girl, Educate the Next Generation". During the visit, Meghan will participate in a Henna ceremony.

Next, the Duke and Duchess will visit the Lycee Qualifant Grand Atlas in Asni to hear more about their work in education. They will watch the pupils play football. At the Education For All boarding house in Asni, Harry will present founder Michael McHugo with his MBE, which he was awarded in the New Years Honours List. 

That evening, the couple will attend an evening reception at the British Ambassador's residence in Rabat where they will meet inspiring Moroccan women, influential young people, entrepreneurs and athletes. 

Monday, 24 February

Monday will begin with a visit to the Moroccan Royal Federation of Equestrian Sports where they will learn about their programmes supporting children with special needs. They will view a riding demonstration and discuss caring for the horses with teachers and children. The couple will also have the opportunity to meet representatives from a mental health charity involved.

Next, it's a focus on Meghan's passion for cooking bringing people together with a demonstration at Villa des Ambassadors in Rabat. The couple will see how traditional Moroccan cuisine is supporting young people and teaching children from under-privileged backgrounds a new skill. I expect we'll see the royal pair roll up their sleeves and get involved.

Finally, Harry and Meghan will meet young entrepreneurs supporting youth empowerment at an arts and crafts market in the Andalusian Gardens in Rabat. Afterwards, they will view traditional Moroccan crafts.

Looking forward to seeing the events over the weekend.


  1. How exciting for Meghan to see her friends! I'm sure they had great time together.
    The Moroccan schedule seems so packed! Very interesting but I wonder whether it won't be a bit tiring for Meghan. Looking forward to reading about all the engagements.

  2. Yay for Meghan. I was happy to see that she is in NYC with her friends and for a nice, long visit. She certainly deserves it! Hopefully that span of time will allow everyone to be able to visit. A lovely gift for us would be a photo from the baby shower, but I know that's not going to happen. :)

    Usually/often in America, the baby's sex is not a surprise. I often thought Kate/William pretended to not know just because it's not the public's business to know. It makes baby shower gifts a little easier, but as I write this I realize that this is an old-fashioned concern that should be abandoned. There is no gift that cannot be given to a baby boy or a baby girl.

    Our gift will be the trip to Morocco. Your images, Charlotte, already are so interesting. It sounds like a great trip that will be both informative and satisfying for Meghan/Harry watchers.

    1. It is interesting that you mentioned the “old fashioned” habit of gender specific gifts. I read a fascinating article a couple of years ago on how before the eighties (if I remember right) baby paraphernalia and gifts was basically gender neutral. But once parents started to know the sex of the baby before birth this whole market of pink and blue baby things exploded.

      While the world slowly started to think less in terms of ‘men’s work’ and ‘women’s work’ children was boxed more and more.
      So gender neutral gifts are actually the “old fashioned” idea and one I completely support returning to.

    2. Queen of the Sun - That was fascinating. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Enter your comment...i admire the work ethics of the younger royal family. (making the world a better place for all) .thanks Charlotte, I enjoy reading your blog compare to others. you are a rare 💎.

  4. Do you know if Meghan has any experience with horses? I don't remember hearing anything previously, but with them moving to Windsor, I wonder if that is something she might pick up, with the kids!

    1. Meghan may not, but certainly Harry does. I'm sure their child(ren) will be on horseback at a young age like so many other royals. How fun for them all!

  5. Becca H in Colorado19 February 2019 at 16:10

    Good for Meghan for taking some time to be with friends and enjoy herself in her home country. I hope she doesn't tire herself out ahead of the packed schedule in Morocco. Even when trips are planned to be relaxing (her NYC trip), flying in and of itself is tiring, and I can only imagine what that must be like pregnant.

    I'm really looking forward to the trip this weekend. I have a major opera competition on Saturday, so the tour will be a welcome distraction from my nerves :)

    1. I don’t know what the procedure for wishing someone well in opera is, so break a leg/good luck!

    2. Good luck on Saturday Becca!!! We'll be sending you cyber cheers and Bravo's!!!

    3. Best of luck, Becca H!

    4. Good luck Becca H! Don't forget to breathe ;)

    5. Becca H in Colorado19 February 2019 at 22:29

      Thanks, all :)

      Paula -- lol yes exactly. As long as I can maintain air flow, I should make it ;)

    6. How exciting for you, Becca! What is your vocal range? I'm sure you will sing beautifully! Opera is such an amazing art -- best of luck/break a leg!

    7. Best wishes for a successful competition, Becca H! I love opera. Sing out so I can hear you "next door"!!

  6. Hi Charlotte, do you know why they are not meeting any Moroccan royalty on this trip? Thank you.

    1. Hello, I thought we might see a meeting with Moroccan royalty. The itinerary seems to be focused on specific areas. I'm hoping we'll get more information shortly, KP hasn't publicly shared a press release yet.

    2. Considering no one knows where the king's wife is, I think it's a good idea they aren't meeting him.

    3. Oooo... that sounds creepy! What's that about? Has his wife gone missing?

    4. I believe the King and Queen are getting a divorce.

    5. Princess Lalla Salma stopped doing any public engagements around the end of 2017. It is believe that she and the king of Morroco has since gotten divorced. Her absense at the recent visit by the king and queen of spain put this in the limelight in the Spanish media and a lot of people (like me) was hoping that Harry & Meghan’s tour would also bring it to the attention in of the English speaking world and maybe get some more information about Lalla Salma’s current situation. But it seems like that is not meant to be.

    6. They are divorced but she hasn't been seen and the palace refuses to comment on her whereabouts and situation. So much for women's rights in Morocco. Some are worried for her safety.

  7. Interesting itinerary for Morocco. I look forward to seeing everything. It all looks like it would circle in with Meghan and Harry’s interests. I guess for anyone concerned about Meghan spending a few days in Morocco, I think she can handle it especially if she was fit enough to fly to NYC.
    Regarding the shower, Omid Scobie seems to have an in with someone in Meghan’s camp. He has a lot of information on something that was supposedly “private.”

    1. Agree. This was leaked to him as other things have been.

    2. I think it's because The Duchess PR has chosen for him to be the person to break the news via public media. If not either way it would still have gotten to the public media but with a lot of reported lies. This way, the hate media are constrained on how much they can fabricate about the travel and also demonstrates that they are less reliable (not that they ever were reliable).

    3. It certainly appears that Omid Scobie has proven himself to the royals' satisfaction that he's trustworthy, or at least as much as they will ever trust the press. I'm glad they've found a reliable journalist so that we can learn about appropriate events that they are willing to share rather than scurrilous speculation and rumor-mongering. Much as I enjoy hearing about their lives, I also recognize that they simply have to have privacy, just for events like this baby shower. I hope it's a lovely few days with friends for Meghan and gives her a chance to rest and revitalize herself -- because once the baby arrives, she certainly won't be able to for a while!

  8. Merci beaucoup Charlotte. J'étais en manque des nouvelles de la duchesse de Sussex. Je lui souhaite de bien se relaxer et profiter de ses amis (es).Elle en avait vraiment besoin. Et après de faire un bon séjour ai Maroc et ensuite prendre un congé pour préparer son accouchement. J'espère qu'elle va supporter de rester sans travailler...😄

  9. I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I find reporting and publishing photos of her (obviously) private trip to NYC to be a very big intrusion. I for one could have lived without knowing where she and her friends ate or that they are having a baby shower for her.
    I am sorry that she wasn’t allowed to enjoy this in private.

    1. I completely agree. I wish Meghan's NYC trip could have been respected as a private one, without media intrusion or reporting. It certainly should have been. I've noticed several UK tabloids have already jumped on the trip and baby shower with negative headlines and slants. It is despicable that she cannot even have a week's break from the press. I hope she is having a good time with her friends and is able to relax a little, at least.

    2. But how would the press have known if one of her friends didn’t talk? That’s what I can’t get over.

    3. I'm guessing someone at the airline talked, as well as someone at the hotel talked and anyone in between who saw her and then they start tracking her friends to see where they are. It takes a village to track a princess:)

    4. I love Meghan. I think she is great and overall has good intentions and I have been rooting for her, but I am beginning to think that these leaks around her baby shower were done intentionally. I'm not sure what to think about all of this...

    5. Anon23, I wouldn’t blame her friends, it is New York afterall. And she was out and about, so being recognized was a strong possibility.
      I still think it is a pity that It happened but Meghan must have considered the risk and decided it was worth it.

    6. Maybe not as unpopular as you think Queen of the Sun. Another example of something that should be private that has been made public. Photos of her either arriving or leaving the shower are emerging and they aren't long distance passing shots either. I would ask the same question Anon23, how would the press know unless there were a leak. There have been pictures of flowers arriving at the hotel, etc.

    7. That's exactly it, anon 23.

    8. Qots, Im blaming her friends but with Meghan's blessing if you get what I mean. She does not look unhappy in these photographs.

    9. It was private from Friday til Monday afternoon. That's quite a long time in NY especially when shopping & dining out. Of course, it was leaked. New York, New York, it's a wonderful town. I love reading about the places she visits. I love seeing them through her eyes. Remember Meghan's private trip to Toronto to visit Jessica for a couple days and the private trip she & Harry took to Amsterdam? The trip after Christmas dubbed a "baby moon?" Those were private.

    10. I think it's impossible for someone of her celebrity stature to do almost anything privately anymore, unless she becomes a shut in. People at the gallery posted that they saw her on Instagram, who knows if a hotel employee got "the scoop." I'm not surprised this came out. I wouldn't be surprised if the one journalist gets fed some juicy details; the dailyMail already took pictures of Doria and is ringtr to guess why she's not in NYC *sigh* I hope so much that Meghan's having a wonderful time.

      I'm so excited for the Morocco trip; I've always wanted to go!

    11. I believe it was meant to be private, but as soon as an employee at the bakery leaked she was in NYC, they had to do sanctioned leaks so the paps wouldn't be chasing or tracking where she is.

    12. Why blame her friends when it was reported that a waiter outed her to page six. Every time I read the comments there is always one person who blames Meghan or someone close to her for Everton g and anything. Then you have the person who will co-author whatever they said. The conspiracy theories do not stop but are found here just like on the hater pages, they are just couched in a more genteel manner.
      She was an actress, will always be an ex-actress and does not lose her cool because circumstances change. Stop clubbing her for not falling apart or acting crazy because plans changed. If she had a scowl on her face then something else derogatory would be said. Some people know how to roll with life.
      She had three days before they found her, and she is allowed to go anywhere she wishes. Others travel, get caught out, but nobody says they set it up. Just when it's her does it become a problem and blamed solely on her desire for attention. This is just pathetic that you continue this narrative but say in the same breath you like her. Did you even read this post where it talked about handling the media. Yeah, she can run but they would still take pictures.
      Oh, and hotel staff, venue staff also leak info to media outlets. It has been going on since the advent of celebrity.

    13. Anon at 9:39,
      I don’t know who your lovely comment was directed to, but Omid’s original article says “The trip is a lovely chance to catch up with friends and spend time in a city she loves,” says a source close to the duchess, who notes the trip was planned months ago. "This will be the last time a lot of them will see Meg until after the baby is born so it’s nice to share precious moments." That was the article I read when I made my comment. No mention of press there. I don’t read page six, so I can’t attest to what it does or doesn’t say. So before you bash someone for hating her and then liking her in the same breath, understand we do read articles, just maybe not the ones you speak of. And also, novel idea, people can like someone generally, just not every thing about them. Sorry if this seems rude, but I guess you probably think everyone who says anything against Meghan is rude anyway. Good day to you.

    14. All the futile scurrying around to avoid the paps and the blinding barrages of flash bulbs make me awfully glad that I married a prince, not a Prince! I'll happily forego all the designer clothes and just enjoy the pictures of Meghan and Kate wearing them!

  10. I was wondering if Meghan wearing all navy blue was her way of signaling it was a boy? I remember Kate sort of did the same thing when she had Charlotte -- she wore a lot of pink late in the pregnancy.

    1. I would normally agree maybe, but Meghan wears so much navy that it would be hard to read anything from that.

    2. They both said they didn't/don't know the gender in advance - Kate with all three and Meghan now.

    3. Kate wore also pink at her late outing before giving birth to George. I think too much is read into this color thing.

    4. Caroline in Montana19 February 2019 at 22:56

      I fell like she's just wearing clothes, not every thing is a signal. Wild speculation.

    5. Even if they knew the gender, I think wearing a specific colour as a hint for the world would be the last thing Meghan would do.

  11. Morocco sounds like a busy trip, but it appears to be a series of events to visit organizations, so Meghan and Harry will not be meeting crowds or doing any walk-abouts and therefore will be a lot less tiring for Meghan. Sounds like a most enjoyable series of events for them both, and it appears to be a trip to simply highlight Moroccan and British cultural ties. They will be in the capital, so perhaps a brief private audience with the king?

  12. I heard she is having another one in London after the royal tour. I wonder if Kate and Camilla would be invited to that one

  13. Really looking forward to the Morocco tour! It sounds like some really great organizations that really align with the Royal's charities. Hope we see some interesting clothes on the Duchess. :)

  14. Charlotte I kiss you very hard and assure you how great this site is without exaggeration. It is with deep respect to you that I express my wish (if it is possible, of course) to see you often inform the time when every event you announce to us, will or could happen. If it’s possible and it’s not fair or true, that’s okay. Thank you very much, Charlotte. Glad to see Meghan back in shape and blossoming like this.

  15. Thanks Charlotte. Nice information on the Morroco trip. Happy to hear of all the wonderful charity events they hopefully will be encouraging/supporting in their visit.
    Happy to see the New York visit photos online. It might be private but I think it's always good to share some presence with the fans who wish to see how she's doing in the trip. I do find the DM photos of her yesterday invasive. Glad to see her glowing and dressed to her NY style. They will be hopefully making a trip to US later this year and I think it's good PR to at least engage the public fans to some extent in this visit. I hope she has a wonderful, relaxed and blessed time. 💕

  16. Sound good i love how. The duchess Will meet all her friends and family hmm i heard she will. Be having baby shower in london as well i love the morocco trip and excting

  17. One of my little hobbies is looking at far-flung destinations and hotels/resorts online, trying to imagine being there. If you like to dream about travel too, check out The Four Seasons resorts website - amazing hotels in amazing places! Before today, I hadn't heard of The Mark hotel, and it's one of the best hotels that I’ve "visited". Its furnishings, services, food, and amenities are remarkable. Next time I’m in NYC, perhaps I will stroll by The Mark to further imagine staying there... dreamy sigh!

    1. I do the same thing! It's so fun to "window show". Have you ever checked out Jade Mount in St. Lucia?

    2. I have not, but I will now. Thank you! :)

  18. I ❤️ Ladurée macarons, too 😋 & NYC (Meghan has such great taste!). Glad she got to spend time with her gal pals & have a proper catch-up/celebration. Looking forward to their trip to Morocco.

  19. Enjoy YOURSELF, Duchess of Sussex. Thanks, Charlotte.

  20. I heard she is having another one in London after the royal tour. I wonder if Kate and Camilla would be invited to that one


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