
Wednesday 6 March 2019

"We Are With You": Meghan Makes Surprise We Day Appearance

The Duchess of Sussex made a surprise appearance today, accompanying her husband to WE Day UK, a global initiative to encourage young people to take part in positive social change.

Over 12,000 students and teachers who have made a difference in their local and global communities came together for WE Day UK for a full day of educational speeches, inspirational moments and show-stopping performances.

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Prince Harry was in attendance in his capacity as President of The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust, a new organisation launched last year. The Commonwealth Trust champions, funds and connects young leaders who are leading social purpose ventures around the world by giving them a platform that takes their work seriously, funds their work, shares and amplifies their ideas. 

Harry and Meghan are keen advocates for young people to be seen as leaders and equal partners in making the world a better place.

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Harry's been involved with WE Day for years, he spoke at the event in 2014 and attended WE Day Toronto in 2017 when Meghan was still living there.

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During a passionate speech, Harry shared one of Meghan's favourite quotes: "As my wife often reminds me with one of her favourite quotes by Martin Luther King Jr. - “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

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Harry's rousing speech in full:

'Hello We Day!
It’s a great privilege to be back in this exciting, buzzing space, this time as President of the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust; a platform we created for YOU where your ideas and creativity will be taken seriously. Because it’s YOU that are making the most impact in your communities. 
I am proud to stand before you and see you just as enthusiastic as I remembered. With all of that activism, some might think you’d be exhausted – but look at you, (and listen to you) - you know the secret! That in giving back, in fighting the good fight, it doesn’t exhaust you, it energizes you. 
To be amongst all of you progressive, motivated, open minded, change-makers, is what gives me hope for the future. Your optimism is inspiring - you see opportunities where other people see challenges; you seek solutions when others just focus on problems. You are the most engaged generation in history. You care about values, doing the right thing, and championing the causes that will shape your future. 
You don’t judge someone based on how they look, where they’re from, or how they identify. In this room, you see the world for what it is - vibrant, colourful, mixed and full of promise. That is who you are, and that is what makes me feel proud to stand in your presence as you tackle the world’s greatest issues. And you guys know as well as I do, we’ve still got so much to do. As far as I see it, there are two absolutely crucial issues that we need to focus on, and my hope is that a 1000 more issues will be cured in the process.
First, let’s take OUR mental health; which you’ve embraced whole heartedly, breaking the generational stigma and helping to normalise the conversation. After all, mental illness is about recovery, mental health is about consciousness, mental fitness is about well-being. To be happy is to be mindful, mindful of your feelings, mindful of your surroundings, and mindful of the 7.7 billion other humans that inhabit this planet. 
And while we’re on the topic of health, let’s talk about the health of our planet too. Climate change, is a humanitarian issue not a political one, and one where we’ve been far too slow in waking up to the issues and acting on the damaging impact our ways of living are having on the world. We now have the facts, the science, the technology and the ability to save not just our planet, but ourselves. I know you don’t sit back and wait for solutions, you take action and create them. Our world’s greatest assets are threatened every day and it is SO important that we support local communities to safeguard every element of this incredible world. Every forest, every river, every ocean, every coastline, every insect, every wild animal. Every blade of grass, every ray of sun and every rain drop is crucial to our survival. It is all connected, we are all inter-connected. You in this room understand that and are already making this a safer, healthier and more resilient home for all of us and for generations to come. 
And for that I applaud you. If we look at the world we’re living in, I know it can feel challenging sometimes, but your role is to shine the light. Every day you are inundated with an overexposure of advertising and mainstream media, social media and endless comparisons, distorting the truth, and trying to manipulate the power of positive thinking. But you don’t let them sway you. Because you don’t need to hide behind your device to share your voice. You confidently voice your opinions because you can embrace them proudly. 
As my wife often reminds me with one of her favourite quotes by Martin Luther King Jr. - “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
You aren’t always going to agree, you may find yourselves frustrated with the older generation when it seems like they don’t care. But try to remove that judgment. Try to remember that not everyone sees the world the way you do, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care. It means you have the incredible opportunity to help reshape mindsets, to empower those around you to think outside the box,  and to work with you, not against you, to find solutions. You know that if you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything. 
So let that be your true north, let that be your call to action - to inspire those who stand for nothing, to stand for something -and to stand WITH you. So what’s next, what’s on your to-do list starting now... 
Be braver
Be stronger
Be kind to each other
Be kind to yourselves
Have less screen time, and more face to face time
Exceed expectations
Eliminate plastics
Conserve water
Protect wildlife and their unique habitat
Keep empathy alive
Ask your friends how they are doing and listen to the answer
Be honest
Take risks
Change your thoughts and change the world
Dare to be the greatest generation of all time
I am with you, we are with you!'

Harry turned to the audience and said "I'm now going to try and drag my wife on stage". Listen to the cheers when Harry introduces Meghan on stage.

It was quite the welcome for Meghan.

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Kensington Palace shared more info on the event: "Students attending WE Day cannot buy a ticket to the event; they have to earn it through making a commitment to undertake at least one local and one global charitable act of their choice as part of the year-long school citizenship programme".

"In the 2017/2018 school year, over 4,000 UK schools and groups volunteered over 860,000 hours and collected over 115,000 kilos of food for local foodbanks through WE Schools. Together, finding their passion for taking action on causes including homelessness, food security, the environment, education and access to clean water."

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Naomi Campbell said: "Always do what’s in your heart. Follow your passion and your dreams, and give it 110%."

Other speakers and performers included WE co-founders Craig Kielburger and Marc Kielburger; model, self care and mental health activist, Iskra Lawrence; hit singer-songwriter, Liam Payne; Grammy-nominated singer, Nicole Scherzinger; singer-songwriter and BRIT Award-winner, Tom Walker, and more to be announced. 

Afterwards, Harry and Meghan met student change-makers.

They learned about the incredible actions they have taken to make a difference in their communities and around the world.

The couple were delighted to meet with young people from all over the Commonwealth.

More from WE.

You can view the entire event below.

The Duchess selected a smart casual look for the event. 

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After endless searches, the talented Laura identified Meghan's jacket as the Ralph Lauren Collection Parker navy cashmere blazer. The slim fit $2,990 jacket is described as: "With equestrian-style hacking pockets and naval-inspired signature metal buttons, this American-made jacket combines two iconic RL references. Traditional men's tailoring techniques ensure it maintains its slim, waist-defining silhouette for years to come." It's available on the Ralph Lauren website and in black at Saks Fifth Avenue.

It looks like Meghan wore her Rag & Bone maternity jeans.

The Duchess accessorised with her Jennifer Meyer Mummy necklace.

And Pippa Small Herkimer Diamond Greek and Cup rings (with thanks to What Meghan Wore).

Meghan wore her Pippa Small Wajiha bangle.

And the WE Amazon Minga bracelet. Each one helps to support a variety of programmes.

Meghan also wore her Manolo Blahnik BB pumps.

We'll see Meghan on Friday for a panel marking International Women's Day.


  1. Harry seems like a great husband.

  2. Hmm i love the duchess surpise prince harry i bet He don't know he planning. To go there. I love the speech though

  3. Lovely couple. Wishing all the best

  4. ❤️ the MLK quote. I agree with Anon 11:42 above; Harry is a very supportive & loving husband to Meghan.

  5. P.S. I swear Baby Sussex is going to arrive sooner rather than later 🤔

    1. I don’t know people predicted the same for Kate last year and she delivered on time or maybe late.

    2. Kate is suspected to have gone late with all of her pregnancies. Pretty sure there’s a response from William somewhere not long after George’s birth that pretty much confirmed that he came a lot later than suspected. Think the comment came from when they were introducing George to the public before going home from the hospital

    3. He said: we know how long you have all being waiting, i’ll reminded him of his tardiness when he is older.

  6. You’re doing a great job, Charlotte 👍🏻

    1. Thank you so much Kiwi Gal :)

    2. Yes, thanks for the fast and smart Charlotte!
      Lovely couple, lovely event.

  7. Look how Meghan runs/jumps onto the stage- with such lightness and energy, oh my, how ? Her energy levels are really outstanding.
    She does look quite tired though. I feel like this might be the same situation as in Australia, when she wanted to do all the engagements but Harry had to make her pace herself and slow down a bit.
    And as for fashion, this is my standard workday uniform (minus the heels, minus few hundreds of dollars, lol), so I am happy to see Meghan wearing this -black pants& a top & a blazer combo.

  8. Harry is such a powerful and effective speaker when he is not behind a podium and reading from hard copy. I remember how stirring his speech at the end of Invcitus in Toronto was. Lovely that Meghan went to listen to Harry's speech instead of putting her feet up at home (which is what I'd want to be doing at this stage of pregnancy). Meghan is the wonderful support Harry has been looking for in a partner, and they obviously love each other! Nice surprise to see them together. I think Bea and Eugenie spoke last year at WE, and they also did a wonderful job.

  9. Like the news that Kensington Palace is stamping out vile comments on all their media accounts. Perhaps people on this blog can be less critical and a little bit nicer as well.

    1. I feel much the same, on both points.
      She looks great, and like she didn't intend to get pulled onto stage. Just for the paps to take her pic on the way in/out.

    2. Thank you for your statement. I have found it necessary to step away from commenting after her visit to my beloved city, New York. If your not a supporter of Meghan perhaps not the best blog to share your thoughts and impressions.

  10. I know I’m probably going to be the sole person who doesn’t think this is adorable, but why did Harry drag her up on stage? For the applause? She looks tired. Let the poor lady have some rest.

    1. She does look really tired. At the same time she also looks like she enjoyed being onstage so ... I think Meghan is an extrovert and crowds might energize her.

    2. Emmaline in the U.S.6 March 2019 at 16:09

      I also thought it was a bit odd, but since he mentioned her in the speech it is likely she is tipped to speak at next year's event? Not that that she needs any kind of introduction given the kids' reaction to her stepping on stage :) She looks a bit tired and I certainly admire her willingness to keep a busy schedule at this point in her pregnancy.

    3. I kind of felt the same way at first but decided Harry is still at that start of the relationship phase where he just love introducing his girl to everybody. I know their relationship is long past the starting phase but I find it adorable that he still feel that way.

    4. And what an applause it was!! Great sppech Harry!

    5. Harry and Meghan are a team and a great team that counts and relies on each other. Meghan went on stage for a few minutes at her husband’s invitation. And it didn’t kill him. Meghan faces harder than that so coming to support her husband for a few minutes and encouraged by the public is even beneficial for her moral fulfillment to know that we love her very much.

    6. I guess my reaction was from how tired she looks. When I’m tired, I get cranky and I want to be left alone. I can’t even imagine how tired she must be. But maybe she loved it. I wasn’t saying she shouldn’t be there. Just that I hope she’s not being used to boost popularity if she’s pooped and wants to have a rest.

    7. I dunno 🤷🏽‍♀️. Maybe the crowd’s reaction when he said “my wife.”

    8. Thanks Unknown 17:52
      I don't see what's wrong with applause, it is a way for many people to show their appreciation in this case Prince Harry and his who have been doing good charity work. I don't see anything wrong with Meghan's appearance for this event, and yes Harry invited Meghan to the stage and she accepted.

    9. She looks tense and her body language - - she's holding his arm in front of herself, protectively. Nothing against Harry, but this just doesn't feel right to me. She may have felt great 30 minutes before and then baby became uncomfortable or something. But her pained smile just makes me want to give her a bed and long nap.

    10. It does appear a bit...but who knows it may have been planned.

  11. Wow, what energy in that room... from the kids and from H&M!

  12. It is so nice to see Meghan supporting Harry at one of his events. I get the idea she wasn’t even planning to go on stage, just wanted to see what WE day is about and support Harry.

    Today’s surprise appearance made me feel that Meghan might be feeling at a loose end even bored and maybe a bit isolated.
    She was used to having a demanding job, with an active group of friends and the freedom to come and go as she went. After their engagement it was a rollercoaster of immigrating, wedding preparations and the Australia tour.
    Now with her maternity leave looming she probably only have a few events left to prepare for. And while her friends are just a Skype call away, it is not the same as popping out for a cup of coffee. And she doesn’t seem to have many friends in London yet.
    She has the renovations at Frogmore Cottage but lets face it, it is not like she is painting the walls herself.
    Having little to do must be quite a change from what she is used to and that could be very tough.

    1. I‘m not quite sure whether she‘s really „having little to do“ ;-). I‘m convinced that the royals work more behind the scenes than the public gets to know. Just think of Meghan working for months along with the women from the Hubb Community Kitchen.

    2. I think her appearance at WE Day is simply another one of Meghan's choices and activities which people attempt (endlessly) to second guess or to attribute motives. There are numerous possibilities. How many things do any one of us do on any given day over the years of our lives for no particular reason beyond 'we feel like it'? How many times do those around us wrongly attribute intent regarding our choices? I think we need to content ourselves with the idea that we will never know and leave speculation out of it.

    3. I am not criticizing her at all and I realise that they do work behind the scenes (but with her maternity leave starting soon she probably have less behind the scenes prep to do), but I have just seen with my mom retiring how difficult it can be to go from a stuctured 8 hour work day to suddenly having a more flexible schedule.
      She just looked a little bit at a loose end today.

    4. Working on a television series is anything but a structured eight hour work day. It is intermittent with a lot of down time on the set, night work, and some weekend work. A lot of waiting around. She made at least several trips to London during the series hiatus periods. She was not chained to a desk for eight hours a day anymore than she is now. I do imagine she is feeling her age about now. She does seem high energy, as does Harry, but hauling 20-30 extra pounds around can be exhausting. Just try it sometime. Carry a bowling ball or two around as you go about your daily routine. Sorry, Rachel. I kind of got off on a rant there. :)

      I thought her necklace was described at the baby shower as a "Mommy" necklace, not a "Mummy" one. Perhaps she got an up-dated European version, ;)

  13. I love that Meghan was there supporting Harry and all those attending WE Day

  14. Becca H in Colorado6 March 2019 at 15:47

    I love that Harry was proud and wanted to bring Meghan up with him. A nice surprise to see her today! Her look is very casual classic. I've never been a fan of navy blue and black, but she carries it off well. Meghan does look quite tired.

  15. I love this couple and their palpable energy and love. People feel it and respond to it. They are going to do great things together. Thanks for printing Harry's powerful speech. I'm so happy Harry and Meghan are working to enhance and empower the voices of the next generation. We need them to make the changes necessary to save our planet.


  16. I love everything about this event & this day! H&M are just too cute for words!! :) xx

  17. Charlotte
    Thank you for this unexpected post.
    I don’t usually take the time to post, so thank you also for keeping us updated about this inspirational couple. They’re a powerhouse. I don’t usually read or listen to Harry’s speeches, so I can’t compare, but this speech is amazing. So poignant, without being political. Meghan is wonderful: her look, her energy, her words.

  18. Il y a une belle alchimie dans ce magnifique couple. J'aime le naturel de ce couple. Il sont beaux.

    1. Becca H in Colorado7 March 2019 at 17:11

      C'est vrai! Je les adore.

  19. This was cute! Meghan was there as wifey supporting her husband. I think once he heard the reaction when he mentioned her from the crowd which were mostly kids he decided to bring her out. I can totally see him returning the favor on Friday going with her and just watching much like he did at the Together cookbook engagement.

  20. I love them! I think they both realize they are stronger together, and I think surprise appearances like this and supporting each other at various events will be the mark of their work. Megan is nearly there but still going strong.

  21. I thought Harry's speech was on point! Especially appreciate the environmental and mental health emphasis. Love his and Meghan's support for each other. She looked super cute! Nice to see her hair down again after several updos in a row. Love the work they are doing together!

    1. Becca H in Colorado7 March 2019 at 17:12

      I agree, on all points! I think it's important how much they're supporting one another, given it's the start of their marriage and the start of Meghan's royal career, so to speak. They're such a power couple.

  22. What a fantastic event this was. Harry's speech was very inspirational and I love the MLK quote. And he wasn't wearing a blue suit today, Hooray. And it was so adorable when he pulled Meghan out on to the stage with him. Meghan looked so cute today, her hair down with curls and waves,jeans, heart eyes for her husband. She does look tired though but that's understandable. Baby Sussex is getting bigger and most likely she's getting to the stage where you feel ok kid time to meet the world because Mummy wants to sleep at night without all the kicking going on and Mummy would like to be able to look down and see her feet again. I can't wait for this little one to make his or her debut. With Meghan being so beautiful and Harry being so handsome this is going to be one good looking baby. Also looking forward to her next engagements can't wait to see what she's wearing because lately all of her outfits have knocked it out of the park.

  23. Nicole form france6 March 2019 at 20:52

    « Oh Harry .... » said the Queen in a film about the BRF ... that guy has the same sens of humour as his grand dad Philip ! And that works ! This young attendance was thrilled, he exactly knows what to say and how to say it , he is a natural , and Meghan does support him in that way . And that’s great , because what are all these charities for, if not to help ? And help in the best possible way, not making things for people , but making people able to do things for themselves by themselves ! and even looking tired, I think Meghan gets energy from that kind of moment , gets happiness . A great team, out of the usual royal tracks, and very efficient ! As an indépendant woman , in my work, in my mind and in my way of speaking which was not always appreciated by my friends, I support Meghan and wish her the best of happiness as a wife and as a woman ....

  24. She looks so different there, even from yesterday. Maybe it’s her hair which has a lot more volume than usual (which I love actually)
    I know Harry kinda dragged her on but those shots look very clingy. I think it’s just the wrong click of the lens but one looks like she is dragging him to be closer to her!!! It’s funny how a quick snap can look like one thing entirely different, like the polo kiss was a quick kiss but looked more passionate in a still

  25. One of my favorite appearances. She looked so natural and cute and in love.

  26. Thank you for this post, Charlotte. I enjoyed reading Harry's speech. after watching it. I'm not sure why Harry "dragged" Meghan to the stage, although he absolutely adores that she is his wife! I thought Meghan looked beautiful and charming, and obviously very proud of Harry's speech.

  27. I think she was doing a reassuring clinginess - to tell Harry (who may have been nervous beforehand) that his speech was fabulous. Also, his "I'm going to drag my wife onstage" was probably a bit of a joke. He knows she likes the stage! And they both looked so happy together, it was lovely to see.

  28. Wonderful event with an awesome purpose. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex really appear happy. I hope all goes well for them. I’m glad the crowd was so welcoming to the Duchess of Sussex; kind and nice. Thank you, Charlotte. I had not read anything about WE UK until this post.

  29. Oh yeah, I enjoyed the speech given by the Duke of Sussex.

  30. Charlotte, thank you for covering Harry’s event and speech! They are an inspiring couple and seem like a perfect match. I am so glad they found each other.

  31. Saw an article about Countess Wessex and some great work she is doing with Angelina Jolie, for helping women in war zones. Sounds like a great program.

    1. I read that article too Ali. I had no idea that Sophie founded the Womens Forum Network in 2014 and has long been working on women's issues. I would love to see Sophie and Meghan team up on this issue. Imho, Sophie is completely underrated and her great work is so often overlooked in favor of other royals. Plus, I have to say that I really enjoy Sophie's style and fashion picks as well, she's never afraid to take a fashion risk.

    2. Zora from Prague7 March 2019 at 19:42

      I couldn't agree more, Lauri! I like Sophie a lot.

    3. Lauri agree and her fashion is also fun to follow:):) She and Anne are both fun.

  32. What Meghan Wore identified her bangles as follows:

    Three of the bracelets are her Pippa Small bangles – the Waijiha ($430), Omeen bangle ($190), and one other fluted cut-out.
    Two other bracelets we think Meghan wore are the Lauren gold tone chain link bracelet (no longer available) and the Tai Jewelry Asymmetrical circle stone open bracelet in gold and moonstone, $65.


  33. On her other arm this is:

    It appears Meghan is wearing one of the WE Minga bracelets on her left arm – the Amazon Minga bracelet for Education, $20.

  34. Angelina Bucket7 March 2019 at 12:01

    I love Harry's speech - it's so powerful, mindful, spiritual and pure inspiration. I think you definitely hear Meghans influence. I really, really adore this power couple and think they use their influence very well.

  35. So today my wardrobe is completely Meghan inspired...Mother denim jeans, denim button-up shirt, black blazer, camel coat, Artizia scarf, Shaun Leans Serpent bracelet + a couple others, diamond stud earrings and black booties. I must say I'm feeling like I can take on the world today!!

    1. It sounds like you can take on the world today!

    2. Awww thanks bluhare! I was able to, maybe not take on the world but I sure did rock my little corner of it!!

  36. Wonderful speech from Prince Harry. I feel like he really put much effort into it to motivate the audience. What a supportive wife too. Every person should indeed strive to be their best and tune out hate. Lovely couple and God bless their union.
    I believe in fair debate and there are some who believe in climate change and others that do not. I believe we are experiencing unusual climate change but not because of industrial pollution. I believe we should separate climate change from pollution. Both are hazardous humanitarian concerns but one (pollution) is generated at lithospheric level while climate change I believe is being generated above the atmospheric level.
    I believe CC is due to space travel high speed intrusion beyond the asthenosphere causing spheric drag that is introducing elements/conditions that we were shielded from by the ozone layer. The high intensity heat (over 1000 Deg cel) of space rockets that burns through the ozone layer both deteriorates it and promptes space/spheric drag. If it was pollution, we should have been talking climate change since the coal ages.
    So if CC is caused by space exploration as I believe, then indicting industalization for it can also be seen as political. Trying to lower industrialization to combat space travel effect will be like taking one cup out and pouring two buckets in; only political gains can be met.
    I am of the opinion that if man will not stop space travel (maybe use all that money to solve earth poverty and drill wells in deserts if we can imperfectly levitate to higher spheres), then we need to honestly improve the science of space travel. We need science that can transit through spheres with lower acceleration (to reduce/eliminate drag) and zero heat at the ozone layer.
    Happy international women's day.

  37. there is so much love between these two you can feel it

    so happy for them and love the work they do

    thanks Charlotte for your hard work


Welcome to Mad About Meghan! We do so look forward to reading your thoughts. Constructive, fair debate is always encouraged. Hateful, derogatory terms and insults are not welcome here. This space focuses on Harry and Meghan, not any other member of the Royal family. It's not the place to discuss politics either. Thank you for reading, we look forward to your comments :)