
Thursday 4 April 2019

The Sussexes Share Botswana Snap As They Move Into Frogmore Cottage

Since our last post, the Sussexes have well and truly taken Instagram by storm. As of writing this post, they have amassed 3.6 million followers on @SussexRoyal. According to the Guinness World Book of Records the account has broken the record for the fastest time to reach a million followers - in just 5 hours and 45 minutes. The account has begun to cover Harry's engagements too, including tonight's appearance at the premiere of Netflix's Our Planet. In an unexpected treat, the post included a previously unseen photo of Harry and Meghan from their 2017 trip to Botswana.

To mark Meghan's 36th birthday, she and Harry travelled to the African country. At the time, The Sun reported: "Obviously he wants to show Meghan what an amazing place it is and create new memories together. Harry’s done a lot of conservation work in Africa with endangered elephants and black rhinos and he’ll show them to the woman he wants to marry."

I've heard several reporters say Harry and Meghan take their passions and work with them wherever they go and during that trip to Botswana, just months before there engagement was announced, Harry took the opportunity to introduce his future wife to an area he cares deeply about. We've chatted before about the fact we're constantly learning about Meghan's charitable endeavours before the wedding and now thanks to their social media platform, we're gaining a little more insight into their time together before the wedding. I had hoped @SussexRoyal would offer a slightly more personal take on their roles, and judging by their first posts it appears that's going to be the case. I expect we're going to see an incredibly vast wealth of work from them in the coming years, and using social media allows them to connect directly and share the causes that mean so much to them.

The couple spent time assisting Dr Mike Chase of Elephants Without Borders in equipping a bull elephant with a satellite collar. On the Instagram post they added: "Approximately 100 elephants are poached/killed every day for their ivory tusks. Using satellite technology allows conservationists to track their critical migratory patterns and to protect them and the local communities from human wildlife conflict. The elephant pictured was sedated for just 10 minutes before he was up and back with his herd. Tracking his movements has allowed conservationists to better protect him and other elephants and ensure heightened protection for these beautiful creatures moving forward."

Below, Charles, William and Harry with Sir David Attenborough at the Natural History Museum tonight.

Charles has tirelessly campaigned on environmental issues for over fifty years and long warned of the irreversible effects of climate change before they were commonly known. It's going to take a multi-generational effort to begin to tackle the problem. Tonight, Charles said: "I must say it has given me great pride to see how regularly my sons have taken up the causes of my interest. When they were much younger I never thought they were paying any attention to anything I was saying. But when I turned 70 last year, to my absolute astonishment it appeared that they had. My sons are very keen to remind me that we know what the problem is - we need to heal the environment and our society."


Despite a slight delay in renovations and building works, Harry and Meghan have moved into Frogmore Cottage in Windsor and are officially settling into their new home before baby arrives. Chris Ship reported today:

"The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have moved out of Kensington Palace and into their new home. The couple are now living in Windsor, at the house they have refurbished on the Frogmore Estate. They’ve overseen development work at the house - and it’s thought they’ve created larger living areas by removing several internal walls."

Emily Andrews reports Harry whisked Meghan away on a romantic four-night stay at the luxurious Heckfield Place in Hampshire as they waited to move into their new home. Apparently they enjoyed long country walks and open fires; it's likely their last break before they welcome a new addition to their family. Heckfield is described as "a country haven, sculpted over centuries by ancient heather, woodland, gardens and meadows".

More from Heckfield: "At the heart of the estate, the Georgian grandeur of the house quickly becomes intimate and familiar; its rooms and spaces re-imagined with an unmistakably contemporary feel. From 18th century origins to a 21st century hotel, Heckfield has been evolving for over 250 years".

More from The Sun:

“Meghan is only a couple of weeks away from giving birth, so Harry really wanted to treat her. It was very chilled. They went for walks in their wellies, Meghan sat on a love-swing hung from a tree and they ate delicious food. She particularly enjoyed the hotel’s signature chocolate-coated candied orange and roasted home-grown vegetables.”

Picturesque grounds.

The Little Bothy spa offers yoga and pilates classes.

The couple reportedly stayed in The Long Room.

The signature suite offers a spacious outdoor dining terrace, a fully fitted English Oak kitchen, original British Art including a Virginia Woolf painting, separate sitting and dining room with an open fireplace and vaulted ceiling and exposed beams.


We  have the results of our royal baby polls. An overwhelming 74% of you think Baby Sussex is a girl.

When it came to choosing a girl's name, your top three choices were in the following order...

Victoria Diana Alexandra

And for a boy...

Philip Alexander Charles


Next it's fashion-related updates, beginning with news Meghan's Reiss Azzura dress is back in stock in several sizes at Reiss (with many thanks to Meghan's Fashion for the tip).

The £249 Hugh Boss dark pink Eodora dress Meghan wore in Sydney is available in several sizes.

And the Reformation Pineapple Dress Meghan wore during the tour on Fraser Island is available for $218 on their website.


And with that, I'm going to leave you with this video of Harry dancing with ballerinas during an engagement at the YMCA in South Ealing in support of Heads Together. There was a very sweet moment when he met an adorable baby and chatted with her mum.

Not long now Harry! :)


  1. What a sweet post Charlotte!!

    I might be on the fringe with this thought but I’ve long thought that Harry proposed to Meghan during that trip but didn’t “officially “ propose with the ring until November. I think they both selected the center stone of her engagement ring but the design and the surprise of the official proposal was up to Harry. Imho, he’s a true romantic 😍😍

    1. I've always thought that the 'she was baking a chicken' story was unlikely and that they were privately engaged before that. I mean, she picked up and moved to England! She had to know it was really serious. And I wouldn't be surprised by a choice to keep that moment private and just give some cover story. I bet you're right!

    2. I wouldn't be suprised, Lauri. I wouldn't pick up and move a continent away just for kicks either. Not to mention giving up her job!

    3. I definitely think you may be on to something. Maybe they picked out the stone on this trip in 2017! I’m sure they decided to get married before she moved to London, but maybe the actual proposal with the ring didn’t happen until the night with the chicken.

    4. Chicken story could be true but marriage was surely already on the cards... remember that vanity fair article: “ i am sure that there will be a day we have to present ourselves to the world....”

  2. It is nice to see what works the couple have done. I think we will continue to see more content like this, where they allow more of their behind the scenes stuff to be shared in a very controlled manner. It seems very fitting with the way they’re trying to present themselves, as more laid back and of the people.
    As far as numbers of followers, I really couldn’t care less about how many they have and how quickly, because I think focusing on that can be a bit problematic and can take away from the point of a royal Instagram account, in my opinion. It’s about showcasing the works they do and the way it impacts the groups and people they work with and to bring awareness. Not saying that anyone here is all about followers and likes, but social media in general everywhere can be problematic about that. What will get the most “likes” and whatnot. It was rather disheartening this morning to see the story about the guy who had his Instagram name taken away, according to him.
    But, staying positive, I wish Harry and Meghan all the happiness in their new home and with their soon to be arriving wee one.

    1. The picture of them in Botswana helping to fit the collar on to the elephant just warms my heart. Even in their spare / private time they find a way to do something meaningful! I agree with you about the "likes" thing on social media, it's not always an accurate representation of the support one gets.

      With regard to Meghan's due date, their media team has been suspiciously quiet regarding details of the birth. I understand the need for privacy but to me it seems counter-productive as all the secrecy just invites more curiosity. I think that Harry's diary will give us an indication as to when Meghan is likely to give birth... a quiet week for Harry will mean 'High Alert' for all of us Lol!

      Love Avee in SA

  3. This whole love story is such a fairy tale! It couldn't be more glamorous or fascinating, and then you add wild elephants to the whole thing. When I first started Royal Watching, I was hoping for an experience like this - glimpses of personal lives and values - and didn't get really get it. Since Meghan hit the scene I'm happy as a lark.

  4. I don't know what to comment on first! I guess I just LOVE the photo of the two putting on the tracking collar. I always thought perhaps they would head into the wilds of Africa instead of London. Maybe someday they will. Again, luckier than W&K in having a little more freedom.

    And he is the BEST husband/father to be. And very steady on his feet, no doubt due to his yoga practice!!

    I can definitely enjoy the names that were picked. Hope it's a girl, too!!

    And I love that cranberry dress; we didn't get to see much of it at the time. Is that the one she wore with those big earrings that were opal or mother of pearl?

    At least they are giving us food for thought while we wait. Very thoughtful. :)

    1. I agree with all that you said, Allison! I love the top names chosen for Baby Sussex & that Hugo Boss dress is gorgeous 😍 We didn’t get to see much of it at the time, but I do remember those stunning pearl earrings she wore with the dress 🤩

  5. These two are the real deal aren't they. Very pleased to see them so happy, starting out on their own so well, and about to welcome their baby!

    1. They acknowledged #GlobalSussexBabyShower on their IG today!!!

  6. Hello ladies! 💗 I have a question .. I'm trying to understand why the Sussexes children aren't automatically TRHs. I understand why Prince William's children are because of direct line. And it's true that when Charles is King they'll become TRHs? But why not now? They'll change titles when Charles become King? It's just confusing to me? Please help?? 💗

    1. Because of letters patent issued in the past. It only granted the use of “royal highness” to the children of the monarch and the male-line grandchildren of of the king/Queen. Then in the past also it was granted to the oldest son of the oldest living son of the Prince of Wales, so that was George. Then additional letters patent were issued so all children of the eldest son of the Prince of Wales could use it, for Charlotte and Louis and any other kids if Will and Kate have any. Nothing was issued for any of the other children of the PoW (Harry.)
      So, that’s why Bea and Eugenie are royal highnesses, but Edward and Sophie opted to not give their kids that designation, otherwise they would have been royal highnesses as well. They opted to just use the courtesy titles of the children of an Earl. So, unless Harry and Meghan get granted letters patent for their children, they will just probably use the courtesy titles of the children of a Duke. Now, that could change in the event Charles succeeds his mother, then the children of Harry would become royal highnesses as grandchildren in the male line of the monarch unless Harry and Meghan decide to not let them use that designation.

    2. It's because right now the Sussex kids are the GREAT-grandchildren of the monarch. The current letters patent (what determines their title) says that only children and grandchildren of the MALE line of the monarch are HRH/prince&princess (this is why Anne's children are not HRH) AND the oldest MALE child of the MALE line of the heirs (George).

      The reason ALL the Cambridge kids are HRH is because the queen issued new letters patent before George was born because if George had been a girl, under the letters patent - as they stood at that time - she would NOT have been an HRH but a younger brother coming later would have been. Obviously the optics of that would have been bad since that first-born girl would have eventually become queen. And, you know, gender equality :)

      As things stand now, once the queen dies and Charles becomes king, then ALL of his grandchildren would become HRH (because they would now be the grandchildren, rather than the GREAT-grandchildren of the monarch).

      My feeling is they will leave things as is with the letters patent and Sussex kids will eventually become HRH when Charles becomes king. Because 1) the letters patent to "correct" the situation with the Cambridges' first-born were issued when Kate was about 3-4 months pregnant (we didn't see this for Sussexes), and 2) the letters patent for the Wessexes' future children were issued when they married (we also didn't see this for the Sussexes). Therefore, IMO, they will just allow things to stand and the Sussex baby will be styled as the daughter/son of a duke UNTIL Charles becomes king, then they will be automatically "elevated" to HRH Prince/ss (firstname) of Sussex. JMO.

      The only way they wouldn't be "elevated" is if 1) new letters patent are issued or 2) if Charles predeceases the queen because then the Sussex kids would never become grandchildren of the monarch.

      I think I've gotten everything right here, but I'm writing in haste so I'm sure others will correct me if I've missed something.

    3. Who is (and is not) titled and styled Royal Highness, Prince/ess is determined by the sovreign through letters patent. In 1917, George V issued letters patent granting the title/style to the following:
      1. Children of the sovreign (currently Charles, Anne, Andrew, and Edward)
      2. Grandchildren of the sovreign in the male line (children of Charles, Andrew, and Edward)
      3. Eldest son of the eldest son of the Prince of Wales (eldest son of Prince William)
      The 1917 Letters Patent have been amended twice, first to grant royal title/style to all childen of the marriage of (then) Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh (at the time of their birth, Charles and Anne would have been grandchildren of the king in the female line and, therefore not THR) and to all children of the marriage of Prince William and Catherine Middleton (otherwise, had their first child been a daughter, she would have been the heir but only a subsequent brother would have been a prince). Existing letters patent do not grant royal titles/styles to great-grandchildren of the sovreign except the Cambridge children. Therefore, Meghan and Harry's children will be titled/styled as the children of a duke. When Charles becomes king, the Sussex children, as grandchildren of the sovreign in the male line, will be entitled to the royal title/style of TRH, but my guess is that they will choose to use their birth titles/styles instead. Remember, when we talk about royal titles/styles we are only talking about forms of address, not degrees of "royalness." All of HM the Queen's children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren are equally royal.
      (PS: The Wessex children are titled/styled as the children of an earl, rather than as grandchildren of the sovreign in the male line, by choice of their parents.)

    4. Thank-you, Byrd.
      I think part of the problem in sorting this out is that some commenters may be confusing the amendment to the laws of succession arising from Parliament, which had to be ratified by each country for whom the Queen is Head of State, compared to Letters Patent from the monarch. I believe Australia was the last to approve, which made it law, actually before Kate was pregnant with George. This is what stopped male primogeniture in the succession and allowed the first born child to become the heir, whether male or female. It is what allows the older Charlotte to be ahead of her younger brother Louis in the succession.

      The Letters Patent originate with the monarch and do not deal with succession. Only matters of titles and styling. They are used to tidy up any deficiencies and up-date edicts from previous monarchs. I don't know if Parliament must then approve the change.

      Those are two entirely different methods used for different purposes.

      I am still not convinced that the Sussex children will automatically become HRH when Charles becomes king, even though their relationship to the current monarch would change from great grandchildren to grandchildren in the male line. Their titles are decided at birth-or before. That is why titles are conferred on the couple upon marriage-to assure inheritable titles for the children to come.
      I think the matter of the Sussex child's title/styling will be dealt with by Charles as king executing new Letters Patent. I doubt the Queen will do this. Judging from Charles's apparent closeness to Harry and Meghan and in the interest of family harmony, I would imagine that he will do so.

      There is still the question of whether Charlotte's children will be HRH, even when William is king and Charlotte is second in line behind George, assuming he has no children at that point. Her children will not be in the male line. I had raised the question earlier if the stipulations of the LP's might in future reflect the move away from male primogeniture established in the amendment to the succession laws . At some point I would think that Parliament might broach the subject of titles to codify and organise the various LPs and update them to reflect the change from male primogeniture in the succession. It is probably the last subject on their minds right now.

    5. I am not so sure that Charles will actively style any additional titles to Harry’s children. He is said to really want to cut down and streamline the BRF. William and Harry also already showed and said that their approach to charities is different than what the older generations do. There will be less working royals in the future (and therefore less to pay). If Harry and Meghan declined a title now they will probably decline it later again. With all the criticism towards monarchy as a concept, granting a title in the euphoria about the birth would be much easier than having the taxpayer paying for a coronation and than having the new king hand out titles. The optics wouldn’t be good. And to survive the BRF has to watch their optics in the UK. It doesn’t matter how much the rest of the world adores them. As long as they don’t pay for them their vote doesn’t count. I fear with a change on the throne they will (sadly) have to fight to convince the British public that they still want a monarchy. With Brexit, struggling economies and trouble spots worldwide, and national problems that have to be dealt with one can only hope the Queen has her mothers health to be able to steer this ship a little longer. No one will take action as long as she is Queen. It’s an open secret that Canada (and probably Australia) will likely declare the British monarch not to be the head of state anymore when Charles becomes king.

    6. C What title will/have Harry and Meghan declined? They accepted the Sussex title which gives their children an inheritable royal title-"Duke" and the styling that accompanies it--'Your Grace" and "Lady," I believe. Meghan, as Harry's wife, rightfully refers to herself as an HRH-she uses stationery /signature using that styling. HRH is a separate styling, not part of the accepted inheritable Sussex title. I don't anticipate that an HRH would be declined for the children either, if offered at some point.

      Commonwealth sentiment and connection for the monarchy that is associated with Queen Elizabeth may very well be at risk when HM is gone. That is likely why Charles's two sons and their wives, particularly Harry and Meghan, are being so strongly promoted. It provides a distraction from a Charles- as- king future.The quality and quantity of Charles/Camilla PR has also had an apparent up-tick. There is definitely a refurbishing of that couple's image going on. The irony is--on the basis of commitment and sweat equity alone, Charles has earned his place as monarch. Unfortunately, he also comes across to many as isolated from the people-a privileged, self-entitled stuffed shirt. His sons and their wives, on the other hand, have been busy building bridges.
      It is a two-pronged PR effort. Clean up Charles's image whilst promoting his sons and families as the future of the British monarchy. His recent remarks at a gathering where he appeared alongside his sons and which Charlotte has included in a post,
      ...his remarks cleverly point out that his sons, in fact, are a chip off the old block. Their good works, he implies, are due to his example.
      A boxed set: To get the sons one must accept the Father.
      I see a pattern and a goal.

    7. @C - but that's sort of the point. Charles would not be ACTIVELY styling any additional titles. It would be automatic under the LP as they currently stand. So, in fact, Charles would be STRIPPING a title from the Sussex children if they don't become HRHs. And this is why I think they will eventually be "elevated" when Charles takes the throne.

      If it was everyone's intention (the Sussexes themselves, Charles, the queen) that the Sussex children only have the title/style of the children of a duke, then I think they would have made that known when they married, like they did for the Wessexes. And even with the Wessexes, there is talk that because Louise and James are legally entitled to the HRH that (when they become adults), if they wanted, they could petition to have the HRH officially reinstated (or whatever the process is called).

      And, not to be crude - and obviously I am not wishing this (although it will happened relatively soon) - but if the queen had died two years ago then we wouldn't even be having this conversation. I think that Harry's whole life, the expectation is that his children would be HRH so I don't see what has changed now. IMO, if he wanted his children to NOT be HRH then they would have announced this at the time of his marriage or when the new LP were issued for the Cambridge children.

  7. Wonderful young couple, doing good in the world. This move allows them to step away from the newlywed limelight and begin their family life in peace. No HRH for the kiddos, it seems. That gives them so much more freedom, and fits well in the future slimmed-down monarchy Charles envisions. Can’t wait for Baby Sussex to arrive. I hope they will release photos soon; and that they will skip the same day public poses, wherever their baby is born.

  8. This is so full of happiness - they're at a very excited time and watching Harry at the ballet class, you can tell he is excited. He gravitated to that baby like she had a homing signal on her. It's wonderful that they were able to move into their new home and settle in a bit before they bring their baby home.

    One thing I think we'll see is a more personal side to their Instagram, even in regards to their engagements and patronages, I think we'll slowly see more photos like the one of them in Botswana. We know many photos are taken of them at engagements and events and I can see them choosing some that are more personal or more candid. Meghan was very active on social media I can see her and the Communications team discussing how to harness the power of social media like she did on her personal social media channels before her relationship with Harry.

    It's not too long now!

    1. “He gravitated to that baby like she had a homing signal on her” I laughed so hard tea came through my nose😃. Gosh Harry’s going to be such a wonderful father and helpmate to Meghan, as I’m sure he already is. Watching these two, seeing all the love they have for each other and for the world at large is so inspiring and heartwarming 💕

    2. Ha! Alaina, I just posted a similar hunch about Meghan & her sense of telling a story on social media as a couple, working with their team, but it was before I had read your post! :) xx

    3. I just had a chance to watch the video & it was Adorable!! You all were right... Harry went right to that beautiful baby girl like a homing pigeon!! lol Toooo Sweet!! Not long now!! :) xx

    4. Zora from Prague5 April 2019 at 11:24

      Lol Alaina and Lauri! 😁 The video is so cute! Thanks, Charlotte!

    5. Alaina, I just want to play devil’s advocate here. I am willing to bet there are also other people who took snaps of them in Botswana, but kept it to themselves out of respect for the royals’ privacy. (That’s what I would have done) But now that the Sussexes themselves are publishing photos from that private trip, these people might feel it is OK to put those snaps on SM. Not the ideal situation with regards to privacy going forward.

  9. Whenever I see that picture of Harry and Meghan from the Sun it always makes me laugh. This is when the crazies really started with the conspiracy theories. I remember reading about how Meghan photoshopped that photo of the two of them together ("you can see his arm isn't even around her!") and then they said she sold them to the newspaper, in fact they had insiders that knew that they were never a couple, Meghan was a stalker and that if she ever set foot in London Prince Charles would have her arrested. I'm not even kidding, it was that crazy.
    So when I see that photo I think about how they're now happily married and waiting for their precious baby to be born and those crazies are just so bitter and resentful that Harry didn't marry them. Perhaps it makes me petty but I don't care!

    1. I mean, that's just some straight up delusion. That's really sad that people hate Meghan so much for whatever reason that they need to try to convince themselves of something so outrageous and stupid. What a sad little mind to live in :/

  10. If Meghan and Harry named their child all the names in the ordder chosen by the blog, I think it would just be lovely. For old Harry's sake, I'm going to wish for a girl, because I sense he is just longing for one. What a thoughtful and romantic soul he is. I don't think Meghan could have wished for a better husband. He can't be but the most loving and protective husband and father to be. Mind you, one also hopes that he will not spoil the child to death!

    1. I'm wishing for a girl as well because I really want to see Harry with a daughter. He'll be wrapped around that tiny finger before she's even completely out of the womb, lol. Not to say he won't love a son just as much but I've always just imagined him as a dad to daughters. Can't wait to meet baby Sussex. It's been an amazing year of Sussex-watching.

  11. I don't know if any of you have been chatting about this, but I was thinking that I believe that @sussexroyal will be extra special because Meagan had to have learned so much from doing The Tig! They can have all the PR Recommendations from their Team.... but ultimately they will know as a couple just what they want the messages to be & I believe Meghan will have a strong intuition about how to do that. I believe it will potentially be a wonderful collaborative effort, that will become something extraordinary! :) xx

  12. Really loving the new look information packed instagramme accounts of the Royal Family. When I looked today the accounts of the Royal Family, Kensington Palace and Royal Sussex all have exactly the same format- lots of photos some not seen before, lots of information written in a warm manner, just Clarence House to come on board as I am sure it will. It seems to me that there must have been lots of discussion as to how to handle official social media accounts and the result is great for everyone. My opinion only - I suspect Twitter will be used now mainly for announcements.

  13. Last time I post my name suggestions I promise...but the Botswana theme to this post woul seem to invite it! ☺️ The name would have the Tswana name Thabo, meaning ”Joy”, as a middle name to honour Botswana. So he would be Albert Philip Dorian Thabo, Viscount Dumbarton, to go with his cousin James Alexander Philip Theo, Viscount Severn!

  14. I thought during the engagement interview they said one of their first dates was in Botswana? So they did travel together to Botswana even before 2017?

    1. Harry says in their engagement interview, that he persuaded Meghan to join him for five days in Botswana when they searched their calendars for the next opportunity to meet -- after they had met just twice before. He says they really had a chance to get to know each other then -- camped out under the stars by themselves. It seems this is when they committed to each other.


  15. They are merveillous the Sussexes. Lot of succes.

  16. Thanks, Charlotte for such a warm sweet fantastic post.

  17. Seems like they are always up to something interesting. Her friend Daniel being in town at the same time they move into Frogmore also sounds like something interesting is occurring, but we'll probably not know what it is. Is he a feng shui expert? I admit that I enjoy Meghan's friends -- they have each accomplished something in their field. Harry's friends seemed to be good at going out to the pub.

    It was lovely to see the boys out last night. Hopefully that smiles on all their faces at the same time will stop the feud lies in that direction for a few months! I think the people who print these things are scrapping the bottom to try to think of new lies now -- what's next -- Meghan wears a wig? Harry wanted to be a ballerina but the Queen stopped him? Meghan keeps cats but won't tell Charles? It's actually surprisingly easy to think of lies to print.

    One thing I would like to see just because I love old houses and architecture is how Frogmore looks after the renovation. I know we can't see inside, but I hope we can sometime see the outside.

    1. Allison, I love how you summed up the difference in their friends. For all the nastiness that can come at Meghan... she comes from a very hard working & high achieving background, as do her accomplished friends... whereas the other side has quite often inherited their station & money. Not judging... just think it's interesting that others can look down their nose at her?

    2. Hi Becca! Isn't that part of traditional English aristocracy -- to feel that one should inherit wealth? Remember the disdain in "Pride and Prejudice" that Elizabeth's beloved aunt and uncle were "in trade"? (I hope I'm remembering right.) "Upstairs, Downstairs." And the prejudice against Kate because her parents "made" their money.

      I believe that one of the main attractions between M and H is that although they come from opposite backgrounds, they both are sincerely interested in leaving the world a better place through their efforts. As nice as some of Meghan's boyfriends may have been, like the chef, I believe that Meghan needed a husband who was truly devoted to helping others.

    3. Allison, I love how you said that & I totally agree! xx

  18. I agree about the creative journalism, Allison. Unless The Sun had a mole or a bugging device in immediate proximity to the couple during the reported Hampshire getaway, that is another example of fictitious stories. A popular one making the rounds now is that Charles forbade Meghan's wearing a tiara at a "State banquet" during the tour. For one thing, it was not a State banquet. Harry was in black tie dress, not the required white tie, and wore no orders. For another, royals other than the Queen and Charles on tour are not given State banquets. Many people may not realise this. The headlines are catchy or intriguing and serve the purpose of getting people to click. I don't think some tabloids care whether or not they are accurate or even believed.

    1. Anon2050, I think the take-away is supposed to be that Charles and the Queen will only allow Kate to wear jewels/tiara. And like the feud stories, rumors occur after they have been disproved. Will hates Meghan yet we saw a year ago that he greeted her with a kiss. Meghan has already worn Diana's jewels. (Thought they belonged to Will and Harry anyway.) Meghan was supposedly shunted to the side at the recent anniversary for Charles, yet the video shows just the opposite. I believe that still pictures are purposefully taken from video to capture a scene that is not truthful to what's really happening. And who would we believe are telling these stories? What "source" works for Charles or the Queen and decides to spread the messages?

      However, I think there should be denials. I think the denials from Meghan's friends were very useful. Even if it is a daily denial by BP and KP -- "No, Meghan didn't do XXXX. No, Kate didn't say XXX. No, Will doesn't feel XXX. Thank you. Will report again tomorrow." All the negativity lingers and I was not believing but was feeling that there was a problem between Kate and Meghan, just because I saw it written so often. Denials give people something to believe.

    2. The Kensington instagram account had gotten really out of hand with the tiara business. In fact I'm wondering if the "news outlets" picked up on the tiara "story" from reading the instagram comments where there was a large cabal saying that the state banquets with Kate wearing a tiara were "proof" that Meghan wasn't allowed to wear a tiara, and that it was the Queen's way of saying Meghan wasn't "part of the family." Got really racist. The comments were deleted eventually but it was nuts, how much energy people online were spending over some official royal pictures of Kate in a tiara.

      Crazy thing is how infrequently Kate wears a tiara. She certainly doesn't waltz around all the time with the Queen's tiaras. If Kate truly wanted to pull rank on Meghan by wearing a tiara she doesn't do a good job of it, as she wears a tiara once in a blue moon.


    3. People need to realize a lot of what they see is the "job." Kate wears a tiara when she has to. Meghan has not been to the kind of function where one has to wear a tiara, and she may never go. That may be reserved for the "next in line." There is a rank, which is why the Queen's other granddaughters, whom she loves very much, don't wear tiaras, except for their weddings. I've had to drill this fact into my own brain. :)

      I wonder what can be done with Instagram comments -- maybe if there was automatic deletion after 24 hours (or less), it would clean up the site nicely. Some commenters on the M&H site proposed that commenters watch out for negative comments and report them. Maybe some members of the public could be allowed to cleanse the site.

  19. Allison, I believe I understand your viewpoint and I agree about the use of isolated photos without context to misrepresent a situation.
    I have read several headlines slanting that tiara story in different directions. The Kate/Meghan royal jewels/ rivalry was one. Charles saying wearing a tiara would appear "extravagant" is another. A tiara not portraying the proper image for a Commonwealth ambassador another. It all depends on a tabloid's need to back-up previous stories printed.
    There is a possibility that Meghan had inquired about possible tiaras to take on the tour. The problem with that is she would likely have been aware that tiaras are worn by BRF members for white-tie occasions only. She would have known that there were no white-tie functions scheduled for the trip. Charles certainly would have known. That would be the actual reason for not wearing a tiara and he would not need come up with another.

    I think it is all a ludicrous fabrication.
    Today the popular story, based on fact, is that Harry spoke out against a certain online game. He did talk about the addictive nature of internet gaming at the YMCA visit. This isn't just something Harry came up with by himself. FMRIs and chemical blood tests have proven the effects of gaming on brain chemistry and functioning and consequent potential for addictiveness. Harry, William, and Catherine have interests and patronages that work with those effected by addiction. Harry is only being consistent.

    Denials just give credence to an issue and perpetuate it. I can understand denials if it relates to a specific event that can be objectively presented. For example, a government denying that it bombed another country. What happened with the friend denials is those who supported Meghan believed the friends and those who did not support her tried to discredit the denials and/or the friends. An exercise in futility. Sometimes I think the tabloid press prints stuff to get a reaction from a royal. They are sometimes successful and it is usually more helpful for the tabloid than the royal involved.

    1. I watched a documentary on Netflix recently about flat earthers. The folks who believe the earth is flat were asking for proof that the earth is round, yet when presented that evidence, they would say that your science is made up and they know the real science that proves the earth is flat.
      You can’t make anyone believe or disbelieve something they are dead set for or against. Sadly, I think much of the tabloid gossip about the royals is the same way. If one is prone to believe or disbelieve any of the stories out there, you can show them pictures, receipts, eye witness testimony or whatever, and they will still say it’s a lie if they believe the opposite to be true. And the more you try to make them believe you, you just come across as the crazy one.

  20. Anon2050, I know you're right about the denials ... I suppose that people who just believe whatever they read cannot be changed. Are there any nasty stories about any of the other members of the RF currently? I don't want to hear them but I just wondered if Meghan, and now Kate, are the only targets. Any story can be salacious if it's not true, so why skip the other family members!

    1. Allison, you tickled my funny bone.... I guess we could call it "equal opportunity nastiness"! lol It's not funny, but I'm having one of those days!! lol xx

    2. :) Laughing is always good!

      My ex-mother-in-law, a tiny Italian woman who lived in Brooklyn before it became artisan, used to read the Post and she believed all the stories. She would tell me who did what and who was getting divorced, and she always made judgment calls, "That's not right." When People came out, it felt like a trusted source by comparison. I guess I can now wait to read about it on M&H's Instagram site.

    3. Allison-other royals have had their share of criticism in their time. Right now, Charles and his family are in the spotlight, although Andrew seems to be getting a word in here and there. His daughters and ex-wife have been featured recently.
      I do see your point about friend denials. One can take just so much before responding to provocation. Her friends are American and perhaps more inclined to speak up. I think the British aristocracy and upper class--William and Harry's posse, tend to circle the wagons when attacked.

      Anon23-the nearly- lost arts of respectful listening and compromise.

      There is a line in the Bible that refers to "the curve of the earth" --that may not be the exact words but the meaning was clear. I was astounded.

      Are you sure the flat earth thing isn't some sort of parody? It reminds me of something one would see on a late night show.

    4. Anonymous2050,
      Nope, not a parody. I agree, the art of discussion, especially online, seems to be going the way of the dodo. Everything these days seems to be trolling and clapbacks. Also yes, Andrew has had some particularly horrid scandals attached to him.

    5. Anon2050---Perhaps the American way is to ride straight in, shooting with double barrels! Good point about the differences in Americans vs British.

      And the flat earthers may be the ones who believe JFK is sitting somewhere on a rocker and that Elvis has not yet "left the building."

    6. HaHa Allison! I just had a flash of "Mother" sitting in the rocking chair in Psycho.

      Elvis was CIA, you know. He just went into deep undercover. ;)

  21. I have a feeling the name Diana wont be used to make it uncomfortable for Charles and Camilla but most importantly to not put pressure on the young woman. Diana is so much to live up to and no one wants comparisons as she never can be replaced and they will want their daughter to grow up as an individual to make her own mark in the world...

    I just wish for their baby to be healthy and for them to have so much happiness I can't wait to see their beautiful baby and be happy for any name they choose

    thanks for your hard work Charlotte

  22. He is soooooo ready to be a dad!! Just adorable.

  23. Pam from Boston6 April 2019 at 18:59

    I’ve have wondered about Meghan, early in the pregnancy, saying they were “given a list” of names - if that meant there was a list of Royal approved names they must choose from,

    1. I think I remember her saying something like everyone they know is giving them lists of nanes.


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