
Saturday 4 May 2019

Royal Baby Watch Continues at Windsor

It's Friday, 3 May and quite swiftly heading for Saturday, the 4th, as it's close to midnight here in the UK, and there's still no sign of Baby Sussex. I thought I would pop in very briefly to chat about what we do know as the rumour mill is most definitely in overdrive mode now. Firstly, I think we all fully expected the royal baby would arrive at some point in April. Many readers on social media have asked if the baby has already been born. The media have been assured that is not the case and they understand Meghan is now overdue by a week or so. Omid Scobie reports Meghan is "comfortable and content" and enjoying the final days of her pregnancy, although she's naturally anxious. The Duchess has been ensconced at Frogmore Cottage with Harry and Doria.

The couple's original plan is still very much on course. The Palace intend to inform the media when the Duchess goes into labour, granted it's not in the middle of the night, in which case I wouldn't expect an announcement before 6-8 am. Buckingham Palace will then notify the media when Meghan has given birth, and this update will include news on gender and weight. A couple of days later, there will be an official photocall at Windsor, marking our official introduction to the little one. I wouldn't rule out the possibility we'll see a photo on Sussex Royal before that; wouldn't that be a treat? There's been no official word on where the Duchess intends to give birth, and at this point it's all speculative.

Speculation reached fever pitch when Buckingham Palace announced plans for Harry to travel to the Netherlands next Wednesday and Thursday. Now, Wednesday's engagement has been cancelled, due to the conflicting schedules of several Royal family members and press considerations; however Harry still intends to make a day trip to the Hague next Thursday for the official Invictus 2020 launch. The Invictus Games are Harry's other baby and it means a great deal to him to be there, but if Meghan hasn't given birth by the end of the weekend, I expect he'll cancel.

In the meantime, global media have gathered outside Windsor for 'Sussex Standby'. ITV's Chris Ship and Lizzie Robinson recorded a special edition of their show Royal Rota in Windsor interviewing commentators and other reporters. It captures the atmosphere at the moment and gorgeous views of Windsor. 

Royal superfan Terry Hutt made the trip down on his 84th birthday.

Once the Palace announce Meghan is in labour, I'll have a Live Blog. Will tomorrow be the day? I'm reliably informed tomorrow, 4 May, is Star Wars Day. It's also Audrey Hepburn's birthday.


  1. Thank you so much for your update, Charlotte, as we anxiously await. I hope you are getting some rest as hopefully the next few days will be a tad busy. (wishful thinking, I know)!

    Charlotte, I think you sort of addressed this regarding the announcement but my question is:
    if she goes into labor during the evening hours will the labor announcement still be made?? I mean I understand that they won't wake the queen in the middle of the night for the birth announcement but will wait until she awakens to tell her before an official statement. But does the labor announcement also kind of follow that rule that the queen will be informed before the palace releases an update that Megan is in labor?? Excuse the redundancy and I apologize if this has already been addressed I'm just trying to get clarification.

    Thanks all:))


    1. Hello Alexandra,

      That's a very good question. My guess is it's extremely unlikely any official announcement will be made between 10 pm - 6 am. I think we would get a full update early the following morning. Unless, it somehow leaked or Meghan was seen arriving at a hospital, I imagine they hope to avoid any very late announcements, especially as the media will gather on the Long Walk and will need to be facilitated with a press pen readied and palace staffers on the scene to liaise with.

    2. Okay, thank you so much, Charlotte.

      Now, it's past your bedtime over there, so nite nite, sleep tight, and hopefully we'll see you in the morning (wink, wink)

      My son is also crazy about star wars and built the Death Star Lego set several years ago and its pretty amazing! Wish I could show it to your hubby!

      Sweet dreams


    3. Believe for at least 2 of the 3 Cambridge children, Kate was admitted to the hospital in the wee hours of the morning & the official announcement that she was in labor came hours later after sunrise

    4. It may be that the Queen can make recommendations on an announcement if she is sleeping and Meghan’s labor begins very late.

  2. Tammy from California4 May 2019 at 00:58

    It is Star Wars Day tomorrow. May the “fourth” be with you :)

    1. And May the Fourth be with you Tammy!

  3. I’m crossing my fingers for a May 4th birth, that way Baby Sussex will be the first British Royal Jedi😃. I don’t know when I’ve been so excited about a birth of a non family member! Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for an easy delivery.

    1. My husband adores Star Wars and is very much hoping for the fourth :)

    2. Go Royal baby Jedi😂.But it is terrible Charlotte this waiting. Yet we must not increase the pressure on Meghan who must give birth without stress and on time. Thank you for this new post, it changes the rehearsals that these tabloids write.

    3. Now I am leaning toward Leia or Luke for names. ;)

  4. Alaina from NJ4 May 2019 at 02:29

    I feel like this is the pregnancy that will not end - I wonder if Meghan is feeling the same way?

    I’m also wondering if she is in fact overdue, maybe they’ve settled on a name already and we won’t have to wait for an additional name announcement? I always found it a bit odd that it took so long for the names to be released when W&K had their kids. So many people choose names in advance that it struck me as odd that they didn’t or at least they didn’t announce it right away. Is that typical in the Royal family? William and I are the same age so his kids are really the one reference point.

    Charlotte, you are so wonderful to us - thank you for all of your time, energy and insight. You are marvelous!

    1. If they really did not know whether they are expecting a boy or girl, then it isn’t so strange to take a day or two. With George I got the idea that they already knew his name when they left the hospital. But the 5 days before they announced Louis names was a bit strange.

    2. Alaina from NJ4 May 2019 at 18:16

      That’s interesting - I don’t think I know anyone who hasn’t picked out names for both a boy and a girl when they don’t find out the gender ahead of time.

    3. Alaina, it is not so much a case of not having picked a name, rather not having settled on it. This is based purely on my experiences with friends and family and could be different for everyone. I have found that couples who don’t know the sex of their baby are much more likely to change their minds about the name once the baby is born, than couples who knew the sex beforehand. It just make sense. If they know the sex of the baby they often start thinking and talking to the baby using their name long before birth. If they don’t know the sex they are lesss “invested” in the name and might change their mind.

    4. Alaina, it’s certainly an anxious wait for public on the name thing. But it is very much common in the royal family. In 1982, I believe it was about a week after Prince William was born before Charles and Diana announced the name. I tend to think, at least now, that it’s a way to just keep some part of their child’s life to themselves for a bit longer given how much they share with us already :)

  5. Hi Charlotte & Gang, I'm still awake in London 2:30am.... our Premiere is this weekend & if I don't get to sleep, my make-up artist won't be able to do anything with the bags under my eyes! lol :) I never made it to Windsor today as, due to schedule changes, it ended up being my day to do Press & tape my interview. Even though I get the questions in advance, it's always stressful having the camera only on me! Being in production, I'm not comfortable in front of the camera... but I'm happy to rave about the film & my fellow filmmakers, cast & crew! :) I walked it off in Kensington Gardens & popped in for afternoon tea (as my late lunch/dinner) & sat overlooking the sunken garden! I still would love to get up to Windsor to soak up all the excitement, so I'll see what happens. If I get there & am amid the buzz, I'll keep you guys posted!! :) xx

    1. Becca USA, I am excited for you to have the opportunity to actually be there possibly when Baby Sussex arrives. You will be our USA Mad About Meghan representative If and when it happens be sure to give us every detail of the vibe for we whose blood runs red!

  6. Pam from Boston4 May 2019 at 02:56

    My oldest daughter’s birthday is May 6 so now we’re both hoping for the 6th. Although she is a huge Star Wars fan as well.

  7. The fact that Harry hasn’t canceled his trip to The Hague makes me think Meghan will be induced before then. I really don’t think he would miss the birth, even for the Invictus Games.

    1. Pam from Boston4 May 2019 at 14:21

      My sister's obstetrician never let his patients go more than a week late; he would induce at that point. The only thing that happens after the due date is the baby is puts on more and more weight and then the moms would end up with more C-sections otherwise.

    2. I remember finding it very strange that doctors in the UK will let pregnant mom’s go 10 days even two weeks late. In South Africa, in private health care they will barely let you go a week over due.

  8. Thank you Charlotte for the care you give this blog. It's your baby! Every post is timely and informative. Thank you for keeping us all up to date on Meghan and Kate.

  9. I also found it interesting that on May 4th 1979 Margaret Thatcher was the first female British prime minister. I hope that baby comes soon, for Meghan's sake... She's got to be weary..

  10. I hope it is tomorrow because it is my birthday!

    1. Happy Birthday! Hope the baby comes then too.

  11. Charlotte – You picked a nice image of Meghan. She was on the limelight frequently enough, MIA now for almost two months. There are all kinds of conspiracy theories especially from people and trolls who are negative. Here, it is a safe blog for all things H&M, still many are in suspense including myself. I admit to have hoped for end of April. She had said through early May. Once April ended, it is her disappearance that is as much the curiosity. If past May 10th, it will be a concern.

    IMHO – it is a good idea if she will be seen at least once, before having the baby. May be, taking that “long country walk” with Harry. This time make it a short country walk close to where they live, walking their new dog and her “little Guy” (the dog she brought from USA). It is not a good idea to completely disappear. If she is seen, it will settle the theory of “the baby is already born”, and people will like her for it. It will also be memorable for all, and even settle matters for the record as well as for her critics who are suspicious something is wrong.

    1. Anon 15, it might be a good idea for her to be seen obviously still pregnant. The dog walking sounds like an ideal scenario . It might not quiet rumors of previous birth, as some would just counter that she could be wearing a fake pregnancy device. If the speculation were only coming from the usual hotbeds of nastiness I would say: don't draw attention to it by responding. However, in this case, the speculation is widespread it appears.
      Cinco de Mayo? I still think we will see photos in Sunday papers, whether originating officially or via their IG site. Tomorrow would have few if any other conflicts for royal publicity. I doubt their PR people want a repeat of the Eugenie wedding/pregnancy news conflict and resulting criticism. Royal news conflicts are obviously being avoided when possible these days- to the point of rescheduling trips. Getting into next week there will be many royal happenings competing for news. And..I still think labor and birth will be completed during overnight hours with no advance notice.

      "May the Fourth Be With Them!"


    2. 2050 - My feeling is they will introduce the baby next Sunday which is Mother's Day in USA. Then when will the baby be born? I will join you waiting through the 4th, and until the end of Cinco de Mayo. Once past that, I recommend that walk. Speaking of walking, I personly know some one who walked a mile a day before her first child. The over due baby arrived the next day. H&M walk will ease the suspense people arre feeling, connect them back to people, and who knows, the baby may arrive after some walking.

    3. Walking has been a favorite means of bringing on labor probably since Eve walked in the Garden. I am not sure how it would work, other than distract and relax the mother. The medical staff had me walking the halls of the hospital. Turns out, after an xray, my son was found to be literally upside down and sideways and really big. (Breech-transverse) An emergency C-section followed. My husband was helicoptered from the military as well as a second surgeon and an anesthesiologist. We were living in an isolated area.
      Harry is a helicopter pilot. I think they're set.
      Mother's Day. I hadn't thought of that. What a nice thought!

    4. Anon, “Let her go out and prove to people that she is still pregnant” I am sorry, but I think that is too much and ridiculous. At first we must not ask too much of Meghan at last even a walk will never be enough to close the mouth of the eternal dissatisfied: after that she will surely have to wear a false belly.

    5. 2050 - Easy to talk about it now; I can imagine how and you and your loved once felt at the time. Breech position is not uncommon, but it is risky. You are lucky they did the appropriate test in time, and you received the the medical and husband's support before it was too late. It is a good reminder the Eve did walk in the garden / lol.

    6. Anonymous 15:33 - That is not my quote; you have narrowed it to that reasoning, and misunderstood my overall thoughts. It is the couple's life and they can live it the way the choose. The realty is they are also a very public couple especially in 2018 and 2019. No, they don't have to be seen just for the public's sake. I will leave it at that.

    7. Anon 15. It was not all luck. I was left alone in the short-staffed hospital in a basement labor room across from the surgical suite. After I was told the results of the Xrays ( try lying flat on your back on cold radiology table at nine plus months pregnant) I immediately telephoned my surgeon brother and he told me to insist on a Csection; that if the labor progressed any further the baby could become partially lodged in the birth canal, resulting in the loss of both mother and child. There are some nightmarish stories.

      Well, Cinco de Mayo is gone. Charles may see some competition for press during his Germany tour after all. If baby Sussex appears this week I suspect the royal press pack will want to go where the big show is.

    8. C&C tour starts tomorrow. Good timing, Baby Sussex.PR catastrophe avoided. Bodes well for a diplomatic future.

  12. I just watched the Royal Rota video after I posted the previous post. If it was not for this blog, had no idea people and the media was gathering there. (finding some time at last helps too / TGIF). At this point the time window of suspense is transitioning into THE MOMENT. The interview at the end of the video given by the familiar reporter (forgot his name) that sentiment is probably felt and shared by the natives who are interested. Meghan did not have a good experience with British tabloids especially considering she was like a guest to the country. There are also the good ones who see the best in her. I hope she will have the wisdom who to “befriend” and who to distance. There are also those who are the voice and spirit of the people, and I hope she recognizes that beyond the global goal. First things first, and make the best of the home front first.

  13. Florida Moxie4 May 2019 at 05:19

    I couldn't help but notice that their were several other important dates that would have been complicated for her to give birth on - The Queen's birthday - 21st, Louie's birthday - 23rd, The Cambridge Anniversary - 29th, and Charlotte's birthday - May 2nd. If that baby was born on any of those dates that would have been something! Whatever public birthday they give that baby is fine with me. :)

  14. overdue by a week is not bad my sister just had her baby and was overdue by more than a week all will be well and she has the best doctors anyone could desire

    best wishes let's be patient he or she will be here soon!! so excited

  15. What about the rumour I heard it was a boy because the Kensington homepage had created links to various prince + boy names? Would a son of Harry’s even be a prince?

    1. Pam from Boston4 May 2019 at 14:57

      There was that same rumor before Louis was born, something about links to s Prince Albert page turned out to have nothing to do with the new bsby.

    2. That's a complicated question. This is my understanding: since Harry is not the direct heir to the Prince of Wales, his children will not be automatically given Prince/Princess titles. However, most likely any Sussex child(ren) will be elevated to Prince/Princess upon Charle's elevation to monarch unless Letters Patent are issued. I have heard a rumor that the Sussexes want to go the Wessex route inregards to the children not being a prince/princess since they'll probably not be expected to carry out royal duties

  16. Nicole from france4 May 2019 at 07:35

    Ah ah ah Lauri , this little one is already a Jedi , seeing all the different families he comes from ! Although I am French, I am quite impatient about this baby , and my friends see me as an expert about the BRF and keep asking me what’s happening .... I had hoped the baby would arrive on my birthdate which is April 17th , on the 18th I started hoping for May the 6th which is my mother’s date ... don’t speak of my father, he was born on November 30th .... !
    Also I have ordered new glasses two weeks ago and I had to waite for them, so I thought baby and glasses would come the same day, to day I shall get the glasses, will baby Sussex be delivered ?
    Thank you Charlotte for keeping us informed as much as you can , I wish I was a little mice in Frogmore Cottage ( wonder if this would not be dangerous .... ) to see how things are going on ....

  17. oh i hope the baby Sussex come out may 6 or may 7 did prince harry cancel her Nederlands visit he knows the time where baby sussex will be born

  18. What is your guess as to when babysussex will be born Charlotte ?

  19. Zora from Prague4 May 2019 at 10:11

    Thank you for the update, Charlotte! As today is my middle son's 20th birthday, here's hoping for the much expected arrival very very soon...! 😉 We're celebrating with a home-made cake right now.
    How lovely that the Royal Superfan Terry is there! 😃He is incredible and it always warms my heart to see him!

  20. Pam from Boston4 May 2019 at 12:42

    I really enjoyed watching the clip. My husband and I love Windsor and it must be so exciting to be there right now. We were there last year about a month before the wedding and there was definitely excitement in the air. It must be through the roof right now. Hope to go back again next year. Maybe for baby #2 lol!

  21. Steph from Canberra4 May 2019 at 13:25

    Thanks Charlotte for your reliable reporting :) I always know I can count on you to get the facts straight! I hope this baby arrives soon!

  22. Charlotte what a Fun Post!! Loved the press video! lol :) Still hoping to get up there to join in the buzz & I'd Loooove to get a pic with "Terry"!! :)

    1. Zora from Prague4 May 2019 at 16:30

      Good luck, Becca! And if you get to see Mr. Terry, please tell him that being a Superfan, he has a lot of fans himself ! 😀

  23. Boston Kristen4 May 2019 at 14:17

    Thanks, Charlotte! I’ve been checking your blog a few times/day for weeks now! In the US women are induced at maximum 10 days overdue. I can’t imagine British doctors being all that different, don’t you think? Hopefully this weekend!

    1. In Sweden two weeks is the absolute maximum.

    2. No women are not routinely induced at maximum 10 days in the US. I gave birth at 14 days overdue with plans to induce me 15 days overdue if necessary. Plenty of women give birth at 42 weeks. It's still in the window of normalacy. 38-42 weeks is a normal gestation time.

    3. I guess each hospital is different, also in the US. Here in Switzerland at least every doctor will give you another opinion.

    4. The question then becomes: when exactly will that 40 weeks occur? It is not gestational variances as much as conception variances. Some conceive early cycle and some later. That is why competent OBs are reluctant to arbitrarily induce at a given time. Also, their calculations are at least partially based on information the mother provides. Most physicians, I imagine, with the health and safety of both mother and baby involved, would prefer to rely on their own data- obtained from exams, measurements, and tests. Before ultrasounds took some of the guesswork out of the process doctors provided a guesstimate. An unusually large baby could lead to an earlier ETA than a smaller baby. (don't ask how I know this)

    5. The baby would be out in a dangerous position of distress if it went beyond two weeks overdue in a geriatric (over the age of 32) high-risk pregnancy like Meghan’s. That is a sure sign that there is some physical reason and that the baby can not exit the womb on its own, and a cesarean would be necessary. It seems unlikely that Meghan’s doctors would put her in an emergency cesarean situation if it could be avoided by induction.

    6. It all depends on the regular examination results the doctors get during these overdue days. As long as the results are good and therfore mother and baby are save there is no reason to induce(here in Austria)

    7. Anon 18:25, again, depending on a variety of factors, they may let her go to 42 weeks and then induce. They do not automatically induce before 42 weeks in geriatric pregnancies. I know as I had two. The first I delivered without induction at 42 weeks exactly. The second at 39.5. Going that late does not necessarily mean there is a problem.

    8. I tend to (dis-)agree with Anonymous here. Yes, every country has different guidelines to go by when it comes do inducing labour. However, from experience I can tell that in Austria, doctors are already quite reluctant to let a woman go overdue for a couple of days, let alone a week. With every day, the likelihood of a cesarean section inccreases significantly and this is something you want to avoid if possible.
      Honestly, given the size of Meghan's belly, I thought we would see the baby mid-April. And no, I am not judging on her appearance, she looks splendid, and yes, belly-sizes vary for every pregnant woman. Still, from a medical point, there is an average standard and considering that, I expected the due date to be much earlier.

    9. This isnt the case for every hospital in the US. I live in NC and when I had my son almost 3 years ago I had a schedule induction dated for 14 days past my due date. Very thankfully he came on his own 12 days after my due date. 10 days is not some set standard. It all depends on the hospital, doctors and mother-to-be.

    10. In Hungary, women are induced on the eve of the 7th day after the due day, never later than that. Sooner is possible, but never later. From my Norwegian friend I know it's the same in Norway.

  24. It's quite possible that we might hear the birth announcement and not the labour announcement. When I had my first child I spent most of my labour at home. I was admitted into the hospital about 9 at night and had the baby right after midnight, so if BP only makes the announcement between say 9pm and 6am then we might only hear about the birth.

    1. I always had the feeling Kate did the same especially with the younger two, thats how she managed to spend so little time in hospital. I won’t be surprised if Meghan does it too. If you are only a short drive from the hospital and you know you can have a police escort should things change quickly, it gives you the best of both a home and hospital birth.

  25. Let the baby come when the baby is ready. My wish is to see H&M and their dogs take a walk through the Windsor Castle path shown in the picture above before the baby is born. I am a May child and this is my wish from this couple, and ofcourse a safe delivery, and a healthy child.

  26. Meghan must be so over this by now. If it feels like she has been pregnant for ever to me, I can just imagine how it must feel to her.
    If there is one lesson to be learnt from this is that in general royals do not give out false information. They might decoy and omit information, but when they say something specific it is normally the truth. Meghan said she was due end of April/beginning of May and everybody knew better. But here we are beginning of May and no baby. That’s why I don’t put value to all the conspiracy theories about the baby being born.

    But I have to add that I was not impressed with the way Harry’s office flip-flopped on the Dutch visit. Whatever the reasons behind the scenes were, they should have had their ducks in a row before they announced an event only to cancel it two days later.

    1. Sarah from NC4 May 2019 at 17:13

      Some of us did listen to Meghan and believed her, and are not in a frustrated state right now. My oldest child was two weeks late, so this is very familiar territory for me. I remember being excited and physically uncomfortable, but I also knew the importance of being patient and calm. Reducing my stress was a top priority those last two weeks. I hope that Meghan and Harry have completely ignored the press and social media, because there is nothing but stress and impatience there. Two things have truly been disturbing to me through all of this: 1) How quickly people believe conspiracy theories and rumors and 2) How much ridiculous and misplaced speculation has been churning since their pregnancy announcement.

    2. Couldn't agree more. I wasn't that overdue with my daughter but I still had people texting "is the baby here yet?" Well meant but very frustrating. Babies come in their own time and above all we must remember Meghan is the one going through this (and Harry to almost the same extent).

    3. Usually the first date in an estimated due period indicates the earliest time the baby could arrive with the second date the latest. The birth usually occurs somewhere in between. Charlotte went two days past the later time. We heard the news from a walkabout.It did not seem like the forum for such an important announcement. Plus, I believe it was end of April, First of May--not "beginning" of May. It depends on which media outlet is quoted. I can't begin to number the times we have heard reports in the media that later proved inaccurate. Even the royal reporters are scratching their heads.

      It is not a matter of just taking her word for something. She has said many things in past interviews. Not all have stood the test of time. Also, as I said, if royals actually said everything they were quoted as saying...The Queen has scolded just about every one about everything and has presented H&M with at least four royal residences and refused Meghan her first choice of wedding tiara.

    4. Pam from Boston4 May 2019 at 19:47

      Sarah, I think you're judging others a little harshly. It's only natural that people speculate when it comes to the Royal Family, because of their lack of transparency, and because of all the things over the years that were denied only to be proven true later on. And if some have doubted the truth of when Meghan said her due date was, it wasn't because they are a bunch of blind sheep heedlessly jumping on to any conspiracy theory bandwagon, it's because it would be quite understandable that she MAY have quoted a later due date in order to avoid EXACTLY what has been going on the past two weeks. Just think, if she had actually stretched the truth and said mid-May, there wouldn't be this frenzy going on right now.

    5. I am another of those who believed Meghan to know her own due date.
      It has been really disheartening to see how many people think:

      a) that Meghan is a liar
      b) that she was sooo fat that she MUST be due in March (this is especially hurtful to me since I get big in pregnancy and can only imagine what people were saying behind my back)

    6. Pam from Boston4 May 2019 at 21:44

      No one said Meghan is fat. Only that her bump is big. Not the same thing.

    7. Pam you obviously haven't been ready forum, blogs or social media other than this blog. A lot of people were saying exactly that.

      Also, when you're 7 months pregnant and someone says ''you must be due any day now'' or ''it must be twins'' to a hormonal pregnant woman that translated into ''you're a huge, fat cow''. It's why you should never, ever, under any circumstance say those thing to a pregnant woman.

    8. Pam from Boston5 May 2019 at 17:41

      Right, I meant on this blog. I don’t look at any other sites. Well, trolls have been cruel to her all along so sadly it doesn’t surprise me.

    9. Anna, does it matter what people are saying on other forums though? People say all sorts of things all over the internet and I feel it confuses the conversation here when people bring it up because I always assume they are speaking about this blog when in fact they are speaking about another. Pam is talking about this blog. No one has called her fat here.

    10. I hear you Anna. And can understand why some of us get a little defensive about Meghan. I too carried larger in my last pregnancy so that kind of speculation hits a bit closer to home. Things that people have said/are saying (and I’m sure will continue to say after the baby is here) about Meghan and her unborn baby are disgusting. So for me this is the place to check. Charlotte is doing such a good job with this blog and her fair reporting.


    11. For sure nobody on this blog has called Meghan fat. They would have been crucified. While she did show earlier on in the pregnancy, that doesn't make her fat, that just makes her a pregnant woman who shows early. Pregnancy is different for every woman. Let's let her have hers in due time.

  27. I cannot imagine what it would be like to have promised the world that you would let them know when you went IN to labor! My labor with my first was 26 hours, and that is not at all unusual for a first baby. As we were living in a far-away city, we didn't even tell our parents until our son was BORN, much less anyone else, for fear that they would worry if it did take a long time. I don't envy the extra pressure on Meghan having the whole world in the metaphorical waiting room.

    1. Of course they won’t announce when Meghan has her first contraction. They will wait until her midwife or doctor confirms that this is the real deal and that labour is progressing toward delivery.

  28. I don't know HM schedule but it will be interesting to see if she will stay at Windsor until the baby is born. I'm sure she will be the first to visit if that is the case. I'm certain at this point she is waking each day wondering if today will be Baby Sussex birthday much the same as the rest of the world.

    1. The court have already moved back to Buckingham Palace. But that just means that HM is in London from Monday till Thursday. She still spend her weekends at Windsor.
      I am sure she will definitely go and visit as soon as it is convenient for the new parents. She always gave Kate a few days before she visited.

    2. The Queen was back in London this week working. She always goes back to Windsor for the weekend, usually Friday-Monday.

  29. Allison in US4 May 2019 at 17:27

    I still maintain that Doria and Meghan have the whole cottage a place of contentment and zenfulness, so that baby is in no rush. I bet the house is so calm that Harry's heart rate has lowered 30 points.

  30. Anna from Germany4 May 2019 at 19:03

    My baby was born yesterday - 2 weeks after its due date! Our friends and family drove me crazy with their excitement and daily/hourly questioning. I can not imagine how it must feel like in Megan's situation with millions of people waiting impatiently for you giving birth... But I am sure she handles it all perfectly-like always!

    1. Anna, congratulations! That is wonderful news :)

    2. Awww, congratulations Anna!!!

    3. Allison in US4 May 2019 at 21:48

      Anna, that's wonderful!!! Congratulations!

    4. Zora from Prague4 May 2019 at 21:49

      Congratulations, Anna, and all the best wishes!! 💐

    5. Anna - Congratulations. All best wishes to you, the baby and the family.

    6. That's lovely news Anna - congratulations from Canada xx

    7. Anna, tell us more, tell us more! Boy or girl? Weight? Name? Congratulations and very best wishes. Hope the sleeping soon evens out.

    8. Anna from Germany5 May 2019 at 13:04

      Thank you all so much, that is very kind of you! ❤️

    9. Wonderful news, Anna! Congratulations!!!

    10. Congratulations, all the best for you and your little family!

    11. Wonderful news about the birth of your baby, Anna. All the best to you, your family and your beautiful baby.

  31. Allison in US4 May 2019 at 19:42

    It seems to me that saying every woman has the same gestation period is like saying we all live to the same age or we all start menstruating at the same week in our life. My preference would have been healthy twins born the first week of April, but I guess that's not how Meghan's body works. I am enjoying some positive gossip, though, from a friend or "royal source" saying that Meghan says her new family has been very compassionate. I liked that. I also like that W&K and the Queen, plus other friends, have visited; hoping those are true stories. Was thinking how cool this is for Doria -- except for having to leave her dogs, although I assume she hired the best to pet sit. To be visiting in your daughter's no-doubt-fabulous home in the Windsor estate and have the Queen pop by to say hey, while waiting for your grandchild, must be making her pretty happy.

    I admit, though, that I really want the wait to be over!!!

    1. Me too. I was secretly hoping for twins. Please have your baby Meghan so that we can all celebrate. It's after midnight now in London - so May 5th or later. I sure am looking forward to hearing the news.

  32. So some of the comments about how long Meghan will be 'allowed' to go over due and where she will be 'allowed' to give birth seem to be based on maternal care in countries other than the UK. And have to admit they have got my hackles up a little.

    If anyone's interested, I thought I'd share my experience of giving birth in the NHS. Obviously Meghan may well being receiving private care but I can't imagine that the whole birthing culture in private care would be that much different. For context, I'm in my 30s and have a 5yo and a 1yo.
    Most women will receive midwife care for the whole of the pregnancy and labour. I didn't see a doctor at all in either pregnancy. Homebirths are supported/actively encouraged. My NHS trust offers ante natal classes focused solely on homebirths. If you're overdue they'll start thinking about an induction at about 40+10.
    We're encouraged to labour at home for as long as possible and stay as mobile and up right as possible. My first was born in the hospital's midwife led unit and there wasn't even a bed in the room. Epidurals aren't really encouraged and you can't have them on mid wife led units anyway.
    Babies stay with their mums the whole time they're in hospital and we're discharged asap. My second was born at 7am and I was home by 5pm the same day. It would've been sooner but there was a lot of waiting for a Dr to be free to do her newborn checks.
    Once you're home, in my area, a midwife will visit you at home twice and then you'll be discharged to the health visiting team, who'll visit at 6 weeks, 12 months and two years. They're there to phone if you need advice in the meantime and they offer weekly baby weighing clinics in the community.
    Anyway, hope that's of interest and offers a bit of insight into giving birth in the UK!

    1. Zora from Prague5 May 2019 at 12:55

      Thank you, Sally! I think it's very useful and a really good idea to share your experience.
      Countries differ in their attitudes and in what is/isn't usual. Reading about how it works in the UK is very enlightening. Now I understand that it was completely normal for Kate to go home with Louis on the day he was born (which would be quite out of the question in my country - we go home the 3rd or 4th day.)

    2. Wow, that's much more care after birth than in the US. We stay in hospital a few days but then dropped from care like a hot potato, unless an issue comes up where you need to make dr appt. There are newborn checkups but nothing for mama who's just been through a lot! I was shocked at how obvious drs said bye bye after one post birth visit. "Just call your general dr if you have a problem ". I had to seek out on my own a lactation specialist after waiting way too long bc I had no one to ask questions to so minor issues became severe. Sounds much better where you are!

    3. Anonymous at 16:40 - I guess that's the difference when you have national health insurance.
      I know other countries in Europe have a similar system, Sweden and Netherlands come to mind.

    4. I've had three babies in the UK and two in the US, and I much prefer the UK's more natural approach to childbirth, with less pressure/intervention. Midwives are very much an alternative approach in the US; I had a midwife with both births and it was really difficult to find one! Another big difference besides those mentioned above are boys are routinely circumcised in the US and not so in the UK, or a lot of other countries. When my son was born in the US, I had to tell every nurse, dr, and other professional repeatedly. They just couldn't believe it!

    5. Yes, the public healthcare system in the U.K. uses midwives, certificate trained, not university or medical school trained, in place of actual doctors for their free healthcare system. In the US, even those who receive free healthcare are entitled to have a board certified, medical school educated and trained OB surgeon deliver their baby - that is a huge difference between the U.K. and US healthcare systems.

    6. I'll take my private health insurance so I can have a board-certified doctor. Home births might be all trendy right now, but it's so dangerous. Remember, it wasn't so long ago that the biggest worry about birth wasn't whether you could do it "naturally." It was whether you and the baby were going to live.

      Meghan is obviously privileged because she's a short, police-escorted ride to the hospital. So she can engage in these silly trends. Most people aren't.

  33. My sister & mother both had overdue babies with every child. Not mine. Came 2 weeks early. I love Baby Sussex already. After all the tantrums by some of the media feeling like they were being kept out of the loop, Baby Susses says "enough", & gives them a taste of their own medicine. Meagan never lied about her due date : late April, beginning of May. She never lied. Baby Sussex is really calling the shots here. You just know that the family will be close. All this time off because I think everyone thought she would have the baby much earlier. I just wish her an easy childbirth and a very healthy baby. Can't wait to see its hair. I just know that baby will be adorable, and so happy Doria has been able to spend considerable time in their new home and be around Harry & Meghan. I hope they wait & announce her labor when it's almost done & baby is almost born.

    1. She couldn't have had thr baby much earlier. If she is indeed one week overdue, the earliest she would have had the baby would have been three weeks ago. I mean she could have had it earlier but it would have been premature.

    2. Anon at 3:42, I agree with you about the timing. I thought it was common knowledge the baby would arrive late April/May. I’m not sure why there’s an assumption that the baby is overdue? (Except for comments the Duchess has made herself, e.g. that “we’re nearly there” in January and that she planned to work as close to the birth as possible.)

    3. Yes, Rachel. The overdue assumption is also based on statements Harry reportedly made last week- one during a walkabout during the London Marathon. I tend to not seriously take bystander reports of royal quotes. Some remarks may have been heard personally by royal reporters but I believe bystander interviews are the source for most.
      Meghan reportedly made remarks two or three months ago on more than one occasion such as it was "not long now." If we are to take the quote of her reported due date seriously we must also give equal weight to her reported remarks earlier this year that the birth was expected soon. Her due date quote and the "not long" remarks are conflicting.
      There is ample reason to have expected this birth earlier or, at the very least, enough to cause confusion and speculation.
      Apparently, it is also well-known that the Queen had a Cesarean section when in reality it was the QM.

    4. No, the Queen had C sections as well.

  34. It feels like it's been a long wait but we know it won't be much longer! If we're all this anxious, just imagine how much more anxious Meghan and Harry are! They've both wanted to be parents for so long and now it's just days away! Praying for a uncomplicated delivery and a healthy baby.

  35. Reading through all this I think some people are getting hysterical. Of course we all want Meghan to have an easy delivery and a lovely baby, but the speculation is over the top. The child will come when it is ready, or the medical people, for safety reasons, will induce. None of the suggestions made on this blog will be followed or even read by those in the situation. So let's collectively keep quiet, pray if that is part of your belief and be patient.

    1. I quite agree with your comments Laura. Everything is speculation, we just need to trust that she is receiving the best possible care and advice as to the delivery.

    2. I’ve been quiet lately because I can’t get on board with the hoopla. Whenever she has the baby, let’s just hope and pray mom and baby are healthy and safe. She’s a part of the royal family and has access to the best medical care in the country. She’s in good hands.

  36. Ok.... Full Disclosure... I got to bed at 6am London time, after The BAFTA Premiere, AfterParty & Clubbing! So I sorta didn't make it to Windsor today!! lol lol lol :) But I forgot to mention that I can see that tall thingy that has the rotating screen at the top of it that turns Pink or Blue when a Royal Baby is born! What's the name of it? Anyway, I cheated & peaked out the window & saw no color change, so went back to sleep! lol :)xx

    1. Becca, you party animal! 🥳 haha I would do the same! At least you had the BT Tower in your sights to check if Baby Sussex has arrived 😝

    2. Hi Becca - If you stay exactly where you are, what if you see both pink and blue lights for fraternal twins, on Thursday Wednesday ir Thursday?

    3. That's what I was thinking Anon15!!! It Actually dawned on me! Plus, I know people have said hooey, but she's pushing being out of sight going on 2 months... she was pretty big to my eyes when she went to sign the book for New Zealand... so I'm wondering if it Is twins & she's been on bed rest all this time? It may not be what's happened, but I do think it's a possibility!? We'll know Eventually!! :) xx

    4. Kiwi, it's literally in my sights! I'm working on the computer & all I have to do is glance up & look at it! lol :)

  37. Allison in US5 May 2019 at 20:39

    Becca, Since you're having a lot of fun, you are excused from going to Windsor and demanding that things accelerate! Congratulations on your film!!

    I have resigned myself to the fact that baby will come "sometime" in May.

    1. If it's not pretty SOON in May, I've resigned myself to the fact that it's NEVER coming. :-/

    2. Me, too, RM!

  38. I noticed in the Royal Rota video Chris told Scobie "No one gave us a due date or said she was overdue. We're just guessing she is overdue." to which Scobie said "yeah" Duchess Meghan said "late April early May" and I'm sure she heard that from her doctor
    Also for the ones who think the Palace is not telling the truth and baby is born, Duke and Duchess would not lie and a copy of it's birth certificate will be published. When Sussex Household said birthing plans private some media also published their plans for a photo call at later date.

  39. She's in labour! Dailymail just published.

  40. It's been reported that Meghan is in labour!


  42. Becca, Thank you for being our on the ground reporter! Really fun. Are you allowed to tell us what movie you are working on?

  43. Thank you, Charlotte.

  44. Great post... Such great news and yay!!! By the way there seems to be a new or recent photo of Meghan and Harry on this website - Thoughts??


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