
Thursday 20 June 2019

Harry And Meghan To Launch Charitable Foundation & A Mayhew Message

Today, the Palace confirmed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will leave the Royal Foundation, and it will remain the main charitable vehicle for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. The announcement is not a surprising one - it's long been expected since the division of the couples' household earlier this year. The Palace said: "These changes are designed to best complement the work and responsibilities of Their Royal Highnesses as they prepare for their future roles, and to better align their charitable activity with their new households. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are incredibly proud of what they have achieved together through The Royal Foundation. They are especially proud to have established a charity that has had, and will continue to have, significant long-lasting impact, changing lives for the better." Aides said the decision was not driven by the Sussexes, instead it was jointly made.

Yesterday, William and Harry attended a board meeting in preparation for today's announcement. The Royal Foundation was established by the brothers in 2009 and became operational in 2011. Given their shared interests in areas like conservation, young people and mental health, it seemed like the ideal way to harness the power of the young royals for good causes. Certainly, at the Royal Foundation Forum last year, William, Harry, Kate and Meghan all spoke of plans for the future. At the time, sources suggested the foursome would continue to work together. Sadly, it did not work out and it's been decided the best course of action is to proceed separately. Several veteran royal watchers all told me they felt it was a great mistake for the brothers to share a foundation at any point. Given their separate futures (the palace was keen to stress their "divergent" paths are a key reason for this decision) it would always present difficulties in time to come. With Prince Philip retired and Her Majesty in her nineties, there's an abundance to be done and it is essential the focus returns to their roles rather than the almost daily coverage of relations between the group. By all accounts working closely together, under the one household, and operating under the same foundation put a great strain on William and Harry's relationship. It is said to be much improved now. They'll continue to work together on initiatives like Heads Together though, and we'll see them attending services and other family events throughout the year.

Emily Andrews broke the story some time ago and summed it up aptly.

Chris Ship reports:

'A little over a year ago, all four royals sat together on stage to talk about the future of the Royal Foundation. At the time, they were dubbed the ‘Fab Four’. The decision to split has left the royal household once again having to deny speculation about a rift. Yesterday, William and Harry were at the meeting which signed off the split. Neither Kate nor Meghan were present.
The Palaces say both royal couples have been involved throughout the process and the couples will still ‘continue to work together’. But they also struggled to fully explain the reasons why the Royal Foundation could not continue with both the Cambridges and Sussexes. It is, said Kensignton Palace, a ‘natural consequence’ of the recent split of their households. There will be a small number of redundancies at the Foundation as a result of the changes.'

The press release included an announcement confirming Harry and Meghan will establish their own charitable foundation later this year. We'll see a transitional period with a number of Harry's programmes including the Endeavour Fund, veterans initiatives and a project he's been working on to tackle the knife crime epidemic moved over to the new foundation. Additionally, support for the Hubb community will form a part of the new vehicle. The announcement coincides with news Together: Our Community Cookbook sold 130K copies - raising well over half a million pounds - more than doubling the Foundation's original goal of £250K. The proceeds have already enabled 23 women to gain qualifications, and funded a renovation of the kitchen which is now open all week, supplying 300 meals a day. Continuing to support Hubb, empowering communities and bringing people together through food will continue to be a focus for Meghan moving forward.

The launch of the new charitable arm will be an incredibly exciting time for Harry and Meghan. I expect to see a mixture of their shared interests; military, young people, environment, education, supporting women and girls and I wouldn't be surprised to see several Commonwealth initiatives implemented. The structure will allow the couple to prepare for their futures and the lifelong work they hope to carry out. We'll hear more details in the coming months.


As patron of Mayhew, the Duchess penned the foreword for the charity's Annual Review. Meghan wrote: "As a proud dog owner, I know from personal experience the joy that adopting an animal into your home can bring. The role that we, as people, play in rehoming and rescuing these animals is vital, but the role of organisations such as Mayhew is unparalleled. What initially struck me about Mayhew specifically is their community based approach not simply on rehoming animals, but in the preventative care that inhibits these cats and dogs from ending up in shelters in the first place".

The Duchess continued: "The choice to adopt a pet is a big decision that comes with much responsibility but infinite return on the investment. It will undoubtedly change your life. As Patron of Mayhew, I encourage you to get involved in whatever way you can - either through pet adoption, volunteering, donation, or spreading the word. We are all interconnected and through these animals we find an even greater link to community and the part we can play. I am proud to support Mayhew and to work alongside them as they continue to improve the lives of animals and people, to create more supportive and compassionate communities both in London and internationally".


  1. I'm very excited for the Sussex's and greatly look forward to what they will be able to achieve moving forward! Thanks once again Charlotte for the excellent post!

  2. This feels to me like positive progress. I think with all four of the royals in one foundation, there would always be a certain amount of tension over who got to have final say. Four people are too many to have as the heads of one organization without one of them designated as the final decision maker in case of disagreement. Then when you compound that with sibling and spousal relationships, I believe the wisest course was to split up. As a threesome, the Royal Foundation was always going to be William and Kate overriding Harry in any real difference of opinion. It was all simply inevitable, and the split allows the two couples to view and (hopefully) support each other as equals. And, of course, now Harry and Meghan can move as quickly and as far in their initiatives as they desire.

  3. Becca H in Colorado20 June 2019 at 19:36

    This split was inevitable, in the end. I think it's very healthy and will allow both couples to flourish and grow in their respective foundations. Unfortunately, I've already seen tons of comments laying the blame at Meghan's feet. For that reason, I wish there'd been a better way to announce the split, although I know those comments would arise either way. On a positive note, I'm looking forward to seeing H&M's work unfold with this new foundation.

    1. To be honest I whish they've had split before the wedding. Doing it now is feeding the so called rifts, feuds and fall outs. Either way the outcome was inevitable, they have to go their separate ways. In 2009 when William and Harry started the Royal Foundation they were both young, single gays in their 20ties. Now they are married men with their own family and destination. Now a ot of people pointing to Meghan. Like it is her fault. DDoC are far more restricted and framed in what they can and can't do, because of their future roles. DDoS have far more flexibility and freedom. And I am truly happy for the DDoS and looking forward to this new chapter in their lives.


  5. That was a very nice foreword Meghan wrote for the Mayhew. It’s funny because even though it is written, I can hear Meghan’s voice. It’s good to be able to see what has been accomplished. I’m so happy that the Together Cookbook has sold well, helped communities in need & helped women to gain useful skills. When I purchased the cookbook, I learned how to make several lovely meals that I had never tried before.

    As someone who supported the Invictus Games long before Harry met Meghan; subscribed to Meghan’s blog, The Tig, and followed a couple of her projects before I knew about their relationship, I’m looking forward to the amazing things they will continue to do together.


    1. I heard her voice too as I was reading the forward. I find myself writing as though I'm speaking directly to someone and I guess that's why I enjoy reading pieces that written that way.

  6. I feel nothing except excitement in the decision to split the Royal Foundation. I believe this move will better position both the Cambridges and Sussex families to move in directions that match their individual desires and personalities through their work moving forward. In each given the opportunity to write their own history a great number of people in the world will benefit due to the attention they can all bring to new and old initiatives moving forward on behalf of HM.

    1. I agree; as both Princes had families and diverging roles, this "split" will allow them to better serve more causes. Well said @USAGranny:)
      Loved that the cook book did so well, and Meghan's intro for Mayhew is excellent. Excited for all the HRH's futures! -op

  7. The issue that comes up in these plans is who actually funds the foundations. That is, where do the donations and money come from. If you have Charles, William, and Harry all raising money for foundation causes - it puts a strain on the donor pool. Unless you find unique new sources (which I think Harry and Meghan can, with Meghan's connections in the US and Canada and Harry's likability) you find the aristocrats like the Duke of Westminster - the Grosvenor family is now being hit up 3 times to support royal foundations.

    What exactly is going to happen to the Prince's Trust once Charles becomes King? Does William inherit that responsibility along with the title Prince of Wales?

    1. I agree with others who’ve viewed the split in a positive light and, at the same time, wondered about the issues you’re raising.

    2. My understanding, which might not be correct, is that William doesn't want the Princes Trust. He has said he wants to run whatever it is he does under the Royal Foundation.

      Since my foray into their annual reports a couple of years ago during a bad bout of insomnia, I haven't read up much. But someone posted a synopsis on Twitter and it does look like interest dropped off significantly after 2016. Expenses outstripped revenue. So if William is going to keep it going, I think he may need to be more involved in fund raising for it.

    3. I think there are some rumors or stories going around that one of the extended family members will take over the Prince's Trust, I can't recall the name but I think its the Duke of Gloucester (not entirely sure though)


      Theres a link to the financials here

    5. The Duke of Gloucester is older than Prince Charles. If someone is going to take over the Prince's Trust, it should likely be a younger person...age will matter if this trust is to continue into the future.

    6. I am thinking about that as well. Not everyone needs to set up their own foundation. It would be way smarter to have three big foundations: one for the king/queen consort, one for the Prince of Wales and one big one for the "younger/part-time" royals. The foundation for the "younger/part time" royals would obviously be a big pool for all their various interests. There are many umbrella organisations that prove that you can gather several charities and small foundations under one roof. Engagemants and exposure could be coordinated to make sure everyone gets enough attention and you could create synergy effects. But setting up more and more foundations is not just thining out the group of potential donors but also burning money because you have to employ several people for basically the same job. People not only donate to royal or celebrity causes because they think the cause is more worthwhile than others but because they like the representative more than others. Which is fine but it can lead to a massive disbalance. This is more a problem I see with the younger royal generation though. I am not faulting anyone for this though but it can let important causes run dry and lets be honest normal people do not have the money to donate to endless causes.
      It also leaves the question what's going to happen to a succesfull foundation when its head dies/becomes king. The Prince's Trust will not survive the absence of a Prince of Wales.
      I think the split of the households was a good and important move. And it should have been done way earlier, even before Meghan was in the picture.
      The split of foundations is not a good look because it screams of massive egos. There is no reason why they couldn't support different causes under one name.

    7. C. raises some good points, but I counter that the move is a smart one for the Sussexes. I think it is wise to set up a Sussex Family Foundation as a legacy for Archie and siblings and their descendants to control. A foundation that is built by the legwork and connections of Harry and Meghan. This is so H&M don't become the de facto fundraiser for William and Kate who quite frankly don't show that much initiative. Remember that Archie and siblings are the future Beatrice and Eugenie and if Andrew was a bit smarter would have created a foundation for them to administer. It positions your children as concerned and helpful members of society rather then privileged socialites. I think this is a generational plan for Harry's descendants - since Harry will not inherit the funds from the Crown or Duchy of Cornwall.

    8. I am just weary of setting things up for children that are barely or not yet born. When Charles set up the Prince’s Trust I think he thought his sons will one day take it over from him. But they had their own ideas and plans. The same goes for Archie and any future siblings. I see lots of comments laying Archie’s future out as following in his parents footsteps, and maybe he would, or maybe he would want to go in a completely different direction.

    9. This is all rather fascinating! I love reading all of your opinions on this subject!

    10. I don't think Prince Charles set up the Prince's Trust for his kids. HE needed a purpose other than just being next in line. The title of the enterprise is actually The Prince of Wales's Charitable Fund - and the heir to that title is not Harry. It would be odd for him to be the figurehead or principal of such an entity.

      I think the Sussexes may be looking more towards a model like the Rockefeller Family has. Other American families do the same thing with a bent towards philanthropy. Edward Norton is from a family that operates in the same way.

      I don't think anyone is expecting Archie and his siblings to follow anyone's footsteps, but it sure is nice to have a "purpose" passed down to you if you don't have a passion or skill set you cultivated like Sarah Chatto and David Armstrong-Jones did.

  8. This feels like a relief for the brothers and the couples. With their work lives in their own hands, personal relationships can be restored. I look forward to the work Harry and Meghan will do.

  9. Rita in Florida20 June 2019 at 21:07

    While I feel sad to a degree, this was an inevitable and logical conclusion. Spouses and siblings working together, and the different constitutional restrictions on each couple. Yikes. I am optimistic and encouraged by the news. Harry and Meghan are going to do some very exciting things!!

    1. There really aren't any constitutional restrictions. Look at prince charles. He has set up trusts, businesses, even got a town built! He has been involved in television shows, and has a US based charitable organization. William and Kate aren't limited by their position at all.

    2. Agreed Bluhare, there are no restrictions as evidenced by Prince Charles' work with his Trust.

  10. I don't think it was a mistake for the Cambridges and Harry to be a part of the foundation, but if the intent all along was to separate the households once Harry got married, Harry should have left the foundation on his own when he and Meghan became engaged. I think that would have put off any rumors of problems with the couples. However, as I read the article, it was hoped that the couples could work together in the foundation. The four of them spoke at the forum of working together in the future. Unfortunately, because the two couples have understandably decided to pursue separate interests, this looks like a "break up" of sorts. A married couple should not have to share the same household and interests with other family members. It's the timing of this that's going to ignite rumors of disharmony between the families. The changes should have been made before or right after the wedding. It's just all very misleading. First, we're told they're going to work together, then we're told it was always intended for Harry and Meghan to establish their own household and interests.

    1. Abby, you make a lot of sense. Timing is everything with how the optics play out. Add in that the Meghan-haters are already going strong to make this her fault no matter what the facts might be, it's a bit of a bungle. Streamlining an operation is perceived in some quarters as a serious falling out. It might have been done better. However, the royals regularly seem to get that sort of thing slightly wrong. I suspect it's sometimes due to the courtiers they have steering the ship. People who are loyal but not always savvy enough. Or sometimes the headstrong Princes fail to heed good advice. It can get messy.

      I saw a few vile Meghan-focussed comments on another thread that I certainly won't repeat here, but will say that they simply fail to take into account that two households with four strong and passionate individuals interested in a variety of worthy and significantly different causes very likely won't function efficiently. Especially once William is the heir, his proper focus will be quite different from and and perhaps not always appropriate for the interests Meghan and Harry already share and those they have yet to develop. Though it makes sense to occasionally come together in high-profile support of each other as four when warranted, to do so all the time is too cumbersome for any kind of organization.

      Fortunately, people forget. This will blow over until the next fuss is inflamed by new click-seeking headlines.

    2. While the Fab Four might not have been a palace creation, I do believe that like us they got sucked in by the allure of the story and ignore the possible pitfalls. I think at the time of H&M’s engagement and the Forum meeting they believed that that will be the way forward. It was only when the nitty gritty of working together started to happen they realised that it might not be the best idea.
      I think the Royal forum might have been a catalyst. It was an unpopular opinion at the time, but I remember thinking I hope they are not planning to do this often, because seeing them together on stage highligted not their strong points but each persons weakest spot. And I think working together did the same. Sometimes you have the grand plan and then live happens and you have to adapt. It happens.

    3. Becca H in Colorado21 June 2019 at 18:28

      I totally agree. The timing was horrendous. Now, as usual, we have people basically screaming for Meghan's head (so to speak) because she was the reason the trio couldn't work together and be close anymore, etc. I know several here on the blog (and over at Duchess Kate) have talked about the massive blunders of KP before. Well, this feels like another. The split itself was inevitable and healthy, so why couldn't they have done it before H&M got married, as you suggested? Harry's exit post-engagement and pre-wedding would've made this whole thing look just like it is: a natural progression of two men having their own lives. Now, it's a bog of Meghan hate.

    4. Honestly.... as I look at it through a different lens..... When this was all set up Harry wasn't the most motivated guy. He had Sentabale, but had not as yet shown any signs of making the dramatic changes in himself which he actually did. Imagine if Harry remained the same Harry he had always been & married Chelsea Davy or another British Socialite.... This doesn't sound nice.... but truly, it's not a stretch to me that Harry & his Socialite wife could very well have just rolled along & thus being in the Royal Foundation, propped up by W&K would have been a plus! What happened was somewhat unexpected, when you think about it. Harry massively evolved & happened to find a partner in an extremely passionate & inspired woman! They are on a course that I don't think Anyone could have dreamt of back a decade ago! Just my 2 cents.

    5. Becca USA, you say it so well!! "We" were so close to Harry marrying any wealthy pretty blonde, when fate intervened and sent the wonderful Meghan. Thanks heavens she's so beautiful because that sealed the deal. Harry went from being endearing to a powerhouse.

      This division into two foundations just makes so much sense. M&H seem to champion causes that can be addressed quickly -- the Hubb women need money, so within a year they have it. I can see them being free to do similar things. If they see a school that needs money, they can fundraise for that particular project. There may be donors who prefer to give for international relief and would prefer H&M's foundation. Perhaps some prefer to keep it within the UK, so they might chose W&K's foundation.

    6. Good thoughts, Allison and Becca. I heard some "expert" on TV say, that Meghan will surely bring in donors from the USA, to help fund these international projects.

    7. I also think there is a huge other factor I haven’t really seen mentioned: The Queen! It could be that(rocky starts and all) the four planned to stay as a unit until William took the throne(assuming he really doesn’t want the Prince’s trust). And it could be that HM/others in planning positions suggested in light of tensions/gossip and H/M taking on Commonwealth roles and the Queen getting older, that the households split now. Now BEFORE the nation is mourning the loss of a Queen who has been monarch for as long as most can remember.

      Also, I think it would have been terrible if they spilt upon H/M wedding last year. All the headlines would have been about how Meghan is pulling Harry away from his family. As much as people are saying this is a breakup, at least they tried.

    8. Really great points Katie!! Allison you also bring up great points! You're right that H&M now can act with more freedom & have greater flexibility built into their own foundation... a) because they don't have the roles of being future K&Q)..... b) they now just have to agree between the 2 of them & not be needing to consult & possibly sway W&K & their advisors.... Just more thoughts. lol :)xx

  11. I think this is an excellent move, which allows the brothers and their wives to establish their own identities. For me, that has always been the core root of the problem, so to speak. As Harry was without a spouse for a good while, he was happy to be the 'third wheel.' I'm thrilled that he found an amazing partner in Meghan and they are now able to carve out a life and voice of their own. Likewise for Will and Kate. Their future is so very different and it's time for them to forge their own path as well. Hopefully, the awkwardness around the household/Foundation split will be short-lived and both couples will be able to move forward in the best possible ways, both professionally and personally. I expect only great things for and from them all!

  12. That's so true. Their team or the frim even should have had advised a spilt the minute Harry got engaged. Plus, the separate households and social media accounts should have been in place a few days after H&M engagement or wedding. I think they underestimate how difficult working with 4 people at heads is, and also, the popularity of Meghan.

  13. I think it's great! I imagine that Harry was so fond of his brother and of Kate that he did not realize what it would be like having such a supportive, innovative, and nurturing partner. How different it must be to have to run all your ideas by two other people. I think he is very eager to make a mark on the world before attention turns to the next generation.

    It's not the blame but the credit that goes to Meghan, for providing Harry with his own family and confidence. As he was made godfather to Zara's newest baby, I assume the tiff between the brothers had no affect on the cousins' relationships, which is good.

    There may even be more donations, in that some may prefer the philosophies of one couple over the other.

    Now that there are two couples, I imagine we won't see them together as much, because other than family/social events, you wouldn't want to waste four royals at one event. :)

    1. The bottom line is that Harry did change. He had been changing, but it's true that once he met Meghan he changed at an amazingly fast pace, when you consider how many decades he was the same Harry he had always been! I can see where the rumors come from, about his friends thinking that Meghan changed him & he's totally different now. It's actually pretty true when you look at the arc of his life. Is this bad? No! It's good! But I guess you can't fault his friends (& possibly William) from having whiplash! But luckily whiplash doesn't last forever, they'll get over it! lol :)

    2. I recall Harry saying in an interview he knows he doesn’t gave a lot of time in the spotlight to do as much as possible before the spotlight shifts to the Cambridge children. I’m sure he noticed how the public were more interested in him and William once they became working royals vs the interest in Prince Charles’ siblings. I personally don’t think Sophie gets enough credit for her hard work.

  14. I’m a little torn by the change. Why was it envitable though? Was it due to the line of succession? I don’t like hearing about this so called rift amongst them all. Will good really come from this? I’m a little concerned is that bad. Or perhaps I am a little naive in this... but Lord knows I do hope for the best on all of them. Any help you lovely ladies wish to send my way, I am all open for it!! 😘

  15. If indeed the split is about all the reasons given, then I think it is vital that W&K, H&M get together at an event and show some solidarity, family unity and harmony. If they keep up this "distance" that people seem to observe, there will be further rumours about a rift, a feud and division of the brothers. They don't have to live in the same compound, nor support the same causes, but they do have to show that they like each other. William and Harry are a great credit to their parents, but their recent coolness towards each other needs to be settled and they should move ahead as the loving and caring brothers they once were.

  16. i dont believe there is a rift at at all now that harry has his own wife and kid it is normal for the royal households to split and find independence and maturity

    1. Rita in Florida21 June 2019 at 18:13

      I tended to agree with your sentiment Melissa - that maybe the rift is behind them. As of this writing I am not sure as Sussex Royal did not post Happy Birthday to William on their IG. I am probably reading too much into it but a HB post from the brother and sister in law of the future king sure would have gone a long way to quell the speculation.....

    2. Rita, I also checked and NO the Sussexes have not wished William a Happy Birthday on their Instagram account. They recently sent birthday wishes to the Queen and then Prince Philip. I am starting to think that there is most certainly something to the rumours that the brothers are not getting along. I wish they'd get over whatever petty issue is at fault. To act like this is immature and does nothing to show family unity.

    3. The Sussexes wished William a Happy Birthday on Instagram earlier this afternoon. They left a comment, as they did for the children. I expect we'll only see dedicated posts for HM and Prince Philip (and possibly Charles) for the time being.

    4. Not sure what is happening. It is just after 5.30pm on Friday, in Canada, so just after 10.30pm in the UK. When I access H&M's Instagram the last submission is the Fathers' Day one of Harry's hand and Archie behind it.

    5. Hi Laura,

      They left a Happy Birthday comment on the Kensington Palace Instagram post. I don't think we'll see individual posts unless it's HM and Philip.

    6. I don't know why people keep writing the same birthday comments and Charlotte have to correct just say what you want to say.

  17. I agree, it's not very healthy for close family members to work together for very long. It is true to everyone, not only to members of RF. I'm happy their relationship is "on the mend" now. It was the wisest decision to go on their separate ways professionally.

  18. Separate households, separate families, separate interests....All makes perfect sense to me!

  19. Did Princess Margaret have her own charitable foundation during her life as the King's daughter and later Queen's sister? Do Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, and the Wessex's all have their own charitable foundations?

    Just trying to understand why is it that Harry and Meghan need to set up another one, rather than just working under the umbrella of the sovereign, after all their work is simply to support the work of HM?

    There will sure be a lot of charitable foundations floating around in years to come once George, Charlotte and Louis all set up their own as well... it seems to me that the royal family is moving more into the realm of individuals and their own interests rather than one Monarch and his/her less senior family members working in support of them.
    When William is King, are Harry and Meghan prepared to focus their work in supporting him, or more in pursuing their own interests and endeavours?

    Not a criticism or attempt at conflict - just a discussion I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on!

    1. Apparently the Wessexes does have a foundation, but it must be a very below the radar thing, maybe more administrative than anything else, because you hardly ever hear about it. The Scadenavian royals tend to all have their own foundations, but then always with a very specific focus.
      So yes this does seem very “individual legacy” by all involved.

    2. Time will tell us, but there are visible changes -this foundation is one of them- that show a willingness to gradually become independant. The argument put forward hundreds of time about their differents future role in life is all warmed over, it is semantics.

    3. Caroline in Montana21 June 2019 at 19:25

      I agree with you, as someone pointed out above it seems that H&M are doing this so their children will have something to do rather than work or be a drain on society. not sure why they need their own thing when indeed they should be working for the queen on something they can take over that is already viable.

    4. I dont know about margaret, but the wessexes, York's and anne all have charitable trusts.

    5. Also, Anne, Edward/Sophie, and Andrew had slightly different roles as the children of the monarch, rather than the grandkids of a monarch. I think Charles set his up years ago as a way to fund and support endeavors close to his heart without specifically making it a BRF sponsored thing(even though he is royal). I think the Cambridge foundation is focused a bit more on the UK and some overseas whereas I would guess the Sussex’s will have more freedom to do global endeavors. I don’t know why having two different foundations would dry up the donor pool of basically the globe. There are so many charities and non-profits out there and while non-profits can be hard, they are not closing up and going away. Both charities will be just fine.

  20. I'm more concerned about the day to day management of these foundations. I dont know how hands-on any of the BRF can be with management considering their other duties. I feel like charities need to have a specific mission. I find these royal foundations rather vague. For instance Heads Together had a great roll out but one year later what is happening with that?

    1. If you aren't funding your own foundation, you have to spend.time fundraising for it. In the past couple of years the royal foundation has not had the income success it had.prior so now expenses are higher than revenue. Its not in danger, but to keep it going on a sound financial footing, expenses will need to be cut or fundraising amplified.

      I agree that heads together has been a bit nebulous. I think some clear indications of what the focus is, along with some efforts to increase public interaction with revenue generating events would be a good way to keep momentum going.

      And perhaps something more concrete directly associated with the trust as well. Kate would put her name on a create your own outdoor play space book or something like that. She seems to be interested so I think it would be a good project for her and the foundation.

  21. My first reaction is feeling very sad..... that said, think of The Crown... & imagine if HM & Princess Margaret had to run a Royal Foundation together!!!? YIKES!!!! lol :) xx It sounded crazy that they Actually had to spell out that the 4 would still be seen at Family Events..... that doesn't smack of being as close as Harry & Will used to be, even Harry, Will & Kate! :(

  22. Thank you Charlotte for the post. Interesting to read everyone's views. We do have short memories. The foundation was set up in 2009 when the boys were taking up their adult roles and possibly to help Harry have something to focus on in his depression. Yes they could have tagged on to their father's trust but most young adults want to forge their own way. I have always thought the strength of the foundation was to move the young royals into a different modus operandi with facilitation and connecting charities wth similar aims, the use of 21st century technology as well as the visiting charities and events we all so love. I think over the last decade a great deal of thought has gone into Harry's role to avoid what happened with Prince Andrew - second sons went into the services, which was fine until his time was up and the world had moved on and expected him to have a role, which had not been prepared for or even thought about and a less than ideal solution was the consequence. The foundation was fine initially then a few unforseen things happened- Brexit, questions on the future Head of the Commonwealth and Harry's marriage to a woman who brought with her the great gift of ethnicity. For the next decade at least it is going to be so important for soft diplomacy of the Royals in Europe and also for a great deal of time to be spent in maintaining and strengthening ties with the Commonwealth. Thw two brothers and their wives fit very neatly into each category and their charity focus as a consequence will become far more divergent and I don't think well served by one umbrella. I do expect Harry and Meghan to be based in Africa, my pick is Cape Town, for a considerable part of the year for their Commonwealth work. I think the change will also allow Meghan the time to transition fully into Team Royal. It must be so hard at nearly forty to move from focusing all ones energies into growing Team Meghan to being a member of such a large diverse Team as Team Royal. Hopefully she will have another baby soon and the spell of motherhood leave allow her time to grow into her royal role away from the constant glare of publicity and consequent comment. We must also remember the Fab Four is what we and the media social and otherwise wanted and created and desired. Possibly not what was on Team Royal business plan. I recently read a bunch of comments on all the royal social media and yes there are horrible comments about all menbers of the royal family, but what struck me most was that most of the vitriol seems to be directed towards commentators of differing views rather than the royals themselves. I was quite astounded at how ill informed a lot of commentators are about basic facts about the Royals outside their tiny little bubbles. I won't be repeating the exercise.
    And on a happy positive note. How great have the Ascot hats been.

    1. Libby, a most well thought out response from you. I'm not certain that Africa will be a base for Commonwealth work. The Commonwealth has 53 countries, although yes, 20 of them are African. I feel the work can be done from the UK, with visits a part of the mandate.

      Regarding the commenting on royal social media: I wish comments wouldn't be allowed. There are so many negative and down right rude and crude remarks, that letting everyone have their say is not a good idea.

    2. Team Meghan into Team Royal,what do you mean by this?

    3. Just guessing here, Anonymous 15:26, but I think Libby meant that Meghan's focus would no longer be about herself, her interests and her opinions, but rather she would be supporting and promoting causes that matter to the Royal Family. Perhaps Libby will explain further.

    4. Libby I'm not trying to be argumentative but it always annoys me when people suggest Meghan focuses on Africa. Just to be clear: Meghan is not African. She was born and raised in the USA. You say "Harry's marriage to a woman who brought with her the great gift of ethnicity." I quite frankly find that sort of condescending. So because Meghan is mixed race she automatically should be slotted towards All Africa All the Time? You suggest 6 months out of the year?

      It just so happens that H&M have made trips to Africa and have an interest. But this stereotyping is annoying.

    5. Laura, I'm pretty sure she's supporting causes that matter to the royal family while still taking on patronages that are supportive of her interests (female education, etc). People keep saying that she's only doing what her interests are and not supporting the royal family when everything she has been doing is in support of it. The double standards is getting tiring. The same argument could be made about all the mental health campaigns that have come from the young royals pre-Meghan - they are causes that have never been taken up by the royal family before - is that not a self promotion of their interests and opinions and not supporting causes that promote the royal family?

    6. Anonymous 18:52, I was just trying to explain Libby's remarks...when perhaps I should have left it for Libby to explain herself, what she meant by Team Meghan to Team Royal. I agree with what you say.

    7. I agree, Anon18:52 so many double standards. What has Meghan done wrong, where, how???
      If anything the Cookbook project brought a lot of money to the foundation and that came out 6 months into marriage. She is doing well.

    8. The great gift of ethnicity? This is a really odd take to be honest. As is the team Meghan team royal discussion. I’m really not sure what’s being implied. Meghan has settled into her role fine. Much has been made over her “suitability” for the royal family. I think a lot comes down to her perceived star quality when the etiquette of the royal family is to be conservative. (And the unspoken issues around her race/divorcee status/nationality). But I remain convinced these issues are more an anxiety around those supporting the royal family than a true issue. Meghan HAS been team royal from the get go. No transition needed from team Meghan to team royal. She clearly has a well honed marketing and image instinct, and perhaps this has read as being too much of a star and ruffled feathers. I don’t think she needs much courtier/adviser input and that has likely caused some internal staff anxiety as well. I think she’s fine as she is.

  23. I don't know if I'm the only one.... but this both chokes me up & gives me goosebumps.... What Harry & Meghan are setting out to do, is exactly what Diana expressed that she wanted to do Post-Divorce & before she died! She wanted to use her popularity & charisma to help Philanthropic Causes & Make a Difference....... (Sniff! Sniff!) xx

  24. My thought is that the RF is ever-changing and that Charles will institute even greater changes. All the symbolic events will remain IF they are good for the public. Charles sounds like he wants the public to gain more benefit, such as greater public use of BP, perhaps as a way of keeping the monarchy afloat. William and Kate may not become K&Q for 25 years. It would be a waste of star power for H&M to just "support" Charles and then W&K. In 25 years, Charles and his siblings will be gone. Only K&W and their three children will form the basis for the RF, and there may no longer be interest by the public. I personally think that would be fine with W&K; I don't believe their dream to become king and queen but rather to have a good life with happy children. Meghan has always wanted to help the world and her current position is of great value. Harry also wants to make a mark while people still care. Their current friends have great influence but the next generation may not care, so they need to do what they can now to put in place projects that hopefully will continue through the years.

    1. Very well said Allison! Makes perfect sense! :)

  25. I hope the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are happy and their purposes in life fulfilled. Thanks, Charlotte.

  26. I think this sounds like a great move for all involved. This gives gives Harry and Meghan the opportunity to develop their own organization to embark on the causes they care about. I suspect over time, they’ll turn their foundation into a powerhouse of grant making and charitable support. Wm and Kate are, more and more, going to be called upon to fulfill duties more related to his role as a future heir, so they too should be able to craft their foundation in a way that suits their interests and royal priorities. Honestly, looking back on it, it might have made sense for Harry to split off when Wm married Kate, but it appears the 4 of them decided now is the right time for Harry and Meghan to start cultivating their own way. If this realignment helps their personal relationships, all the better.

  27. Susan In Florida25 June 2019 at 02:21

    My opinion is that KP or whoever was in charge of the publicity for this botched it. We will never know if the brothers had a falling out, or if it was just a big two years in the life of Prince Harry. I want the official palace people to do more to defend Duchess Meghan.


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