
Sunday 15 September 2019

A Christening Photo Surprise for Prince Harry's Birthday

Happy Birthday Prince Harry! The Prince celebrates turning 35 today. The Duchess marked the day with a very special message and a previously unseen photo from Archie's christening. “Your service to the causes you care so deeply for inspires me every day. You are the best husband and most amazing dad to our son. We love you ❤️Happiest birthday!”

The full post on Sussex Royal included a selection of photos of Harry: as a baby with Diana, growing up with William, military engagements, working with young people and representing the Queen abroad. Fittingly, the final two images featured Harry and Meghan's wedding kiss and the christening photo with Archie.

Buckingham Palace shared a photo of Harry with the Queen.

Father-son photos from Clarence House.

A great photo from the royal wedding shared by Kensington Palace.

Wishing Harry a fantastic day with Meghan and Archie!


In other news, a quick update on The Smart Set collection. 

Separately, J Crew are taking pre-orders for the very popular Denim Shirtdress Meghan wore for the US Open. The dress is expected to ship in late October. Take 30% off with code SHOPNOW

Just over one week to go until the tour!


  1. Once you get into those messages on social media, you can't stop. Just as they will now be obligated to share something for each of their wedding anniversaries (not that it is a bad thing), they will now have to share sweet personal birthday messages...forever, lol? As we are witnessing a start of this era, I am very curious where all this will lead. Imagining the Queen doing a statement on Philip being "the best husband ever" makes me laugh. Will they stop when they turn certain age? Will they continue forever, because as soon as they don't release a personal message once, the public will go wild? I have caught myself anticipating this personal message in the morning. What an interesting and unpredictable trend. And not just for royals - many of my friends started doing this, too, recently. Without the world's scrutiny, though.

    1. Valid questions! Creating (personal) expectations on a world scale.

    2. It is an unspoken rule on our extended family Whatsapp group that if nobody in the group have congratulated your significant other by lunch you have to post a birthday message to remind everyone (not so) subtlety to congratulate them.

      The Sussexes are definitely not the only ones doing this but I always smile a but bemused when I see somebody congratulating somebody they share a house with on Social Media.

    3. Anonymous 14:52. I am not on social media...Facebook, Instagram, Twitter....nothing. There are two reasons. Firstly I figure that the people in my life who really care about me, already know what is happening to me and the rest of the world doesn't need to know. The second reason is as you state, once you start you have to keep it up. I am way too busy to be sending off greetings for every occasion to all the people I've met.

    4. Funny and so true!! I’m having a LOL thinking about other royals writing personal / public messages to each other :)

    5. Tomorrow is another day; settle for the present moment and stop speculating about the future. Although they are all royals, the generations, context and experience are not the same for everyone: the experience of Queen Elizabeth II and its social context is the same as that of Meghan. Even though the Queen has already had to declare her flame to her husband in speeches, each has her own personality and lives with her time. Meghan is Meghan, the Queen is the Queen. And as I said at the beginning, be content with the present moment. Last year Meghan’s birthday message was not the same, this year it is something else that she expresses and it is not new because the duchess has already said on several occasions that Harry is the best husband. So just enjoy the present

    6. RachelZA I am having a great laugh about your family rule. What a wonderful, hilarious but very useful tradition.

      I agree with you (and Laura) about seeing personal messages on social media. I guess it is a bit different for celebrities or royals - public figures - who kind of might feel obligated to share something with the public. When it comes to perfectly private citizens like some of my friends/acquintances though, here comes the bemusement...

      As for what Anon 8:53 writes, I think it is perfectly fine to think about consequences and development of things. At this point I can't imagine anyone above 60 y.o. posting a sweet message for their family member's birthday on Instagram - just because we are at a beginning of an era. I don't actually even personally know anyone using Intagram at this age. That's why I am curious about what happens next. Digital evolution experience firsthand haha.


    7. In a way, this is an age-old question put in to the "new" context of social media. In the movie "When Harry Met Sally" the character Harry said he never took a new girlfriend to the airport when she needed to catch a flight, because at some point in the relationship, he would have to either keep it up or be questioned as to why he stopped. :)

      I think it is interesting to ponder the trajectories of current (and new) human behavior. I have always believed it is easier to start something (behavior, tradition) than to stop it (without some type of "comparing").

      An example I can think of within royalty is Queen Letizia. I have noticed that in recent years, she and her husband are no longer photographed (or maybe there are fewer photographs taken?) holding hands or her holding her husband's arm. For many years they had a lot of PDA. A change of behavior naturally leads to questions like, "Is everything okay? Why is it different now?".


    8. Anne-Sophie de Paris16 September 2019 at 20:32

      Anonyme 16septembre 8h53
      Je partage tout à fait votre analyse.
      La Monarchie n'est pas figée. La Reine à 93ans le monde évolue.Harry et Meghan vivent avec leur temps.
      Harry a été le premier prince a avoué qu'il était dépressif, qu'il "foutait " sa vie en l'air depuis le décès de sa mère.
      Il a été aussi le premier a avoir écrit que sa femme était merveilleuse..ils ne sont pour le moment que 6eme au trône. Avec les critiques et les dénigrements, je peux dire qu'ils sont seuls contre tous!
      Laissons les vivre leur vie.
      Ils ne seront jamais comme les autres Royal's.
      Harry est toujours au sein de la monarchie à cause de sa grand-mère .
      Il a toujours dit qu'il ne s'y sent pas à l'air.c'est certainement la raison pour laquelle il a épousé une femme atypique.

    9. Anonymous 14:52

      I would suggest that "the best husband ever" though somewhat less eloquent is on par with the Queen's "my strength and stay." Likely little more than a matter of personal style as well as the era, culture, family and level of technology into which each was born.

      At one time Kings/Queens did not broadcast speeches over the radio. Then they did. Along came television. Now royals do things differently again because there is social media which allows them a level of connection with those who choose to follow/support them and their numerous worthy causes.

      Until something newer comes along... I wonder how Archie might communicate with his "fans."

    10. Philly, thank you for some excellent remarks. Also thank you for suggesting "my strength and stay" - I have to admit I was not familiar with the speech and you are right, it probably is the Queen's phrase for pretty much the same thing.

      I was one year old when the Queen made this speech so I never knew about it and it was heartwarming to read. What a wonderful thing it is to now realize that since then, they had another 22 years together and counting!


  2. I was hoping for a new picture with Archie!! Hoping we get to see him on tour!!

    Hope from USA

  3. That photo from SussexRoyal is just amazing -- I don't really have the right words for it. Meghan looks so beautiful and it's such a sweet photo. I love the photo with the Queen, and love "the boys" together. Glad that a photo was included of Harry with PP. I bet this is his best birthday ever!

  4. Wishing Harry a very happy birthday! Hope he has the most wonderful day with his wife and son. On another note, I wish they'd release that new christening photo in high definition and possibly in color... as much as I love their elegant/timeless black&white aesthetic I need more details!

    1. Thanks Anon 17:13, I thought I was the only one wishing for color photos! I love B&W photography but imho, it brings a more "moody" feel as opposed to color photography. Either way though I'm thrilled to see a new photo of the adorable Sussex family.

      Happy Birthday Harry!! I hope this coming year is filled with blessings for you and yours.

    2. Caroline in Montana16 September 2019 at 15:32

      I agree, would really like to see MA in color. great photos non the less.

  5. Anne-Sophie de Paris15 September 2019 at 17:31

    Joyeux anniversaire prince Harry et tous mes voeux de bonheur avec votre petite famille .
    Quand tout va mal, sachez que vous avez épousé une femme incroyablement sublime avec ses points faibles mais et également positifs!
    Nul n'étant parfait ,elle sera votre point d'ancrage avec votre beau bébé Archie. 🌺🌹
    Archie semble éveillé à 2mois sur la photo et échange avec son papa qui doit en être" gaga"

  6. Enjoyed all the pictures from SussexRoyal instagram, but the b/w photo from the christening is especially beautiful and emotive. I think that the photo, like the other one of the Sussex's from the christening, as well as the mother's day and father's day photos, convey so much emotion that always touches me. Notice in the b/w christening photos that Harry always embraces both his loved ones- one with his hand on Meghan's arm, and the other embracing both wife and the child held in her arms. Also, noticed that there is no picture including Charles, although I think the purpose was to show different aspects of Harry's work. Lovely pictures of Charles and Harry at Clarence House site, though!

    1. Anglophile in Ohio16 September 2019 at 15:13

      Anonymous 18:51--I highly doubt that not including a photo of his father has any hidden meaning-especially when by all accounts Charles has been very welcoming and supportive of Meghan. Notice there is also not a photo of the Queen included.

  7. Tammy from California15 September 2019 at 19:11

    Archie really is a complete combo of the two isn't he? Happiest of birthdays Harry!

  8. What a sweet photo from the Baptism! Thank you, Charlotte.

  9. So very, very lovely. Thank you Charlotte, as always. They are such a remarkable and lovely pair of humans! Charlotte, please keep up your excellant coverage. Sussexes continue to inspire us all! Thank you!

  10. wishing prince harry happy birthday its a sweet photo of him and his lil family

  11. This is such a welcome change from the numerous negative publications about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex! Thank you!

  12. All the photos just melt my heart.

  13. Meghan likes to "live large" and I find the personal birthday messages a happy addition. It is funny to think of the Queen doing the same for PP, but I remember when getting a "long-distance" phone call from my aunt from another state was a big deal and a rare occurrence. Times do change. I like seeing Will and Harry laughing together at the wedding, and I like anything put out there to rebuke all the gossip.

    The clothes seem to be selling well. I got the impression that the first stock would take care of a year's worth of clients at Smart Works, so the need to reorder items sounds like a good sign. I read that each white shirt is made to order, which is great, but it may be selling more if it was in the $50 range. I forgot to write this but am so impressed by the models. They are just beautiful women and the clothes look so good on them.

  14. FINALLY! Just picked up the September issue of British Vogue. B&N has received a very limited number of copies. My store only received 9 if you can imagine. The surprise bonus came when I went to the register and was handed a free very attractive Vogue tote bag great for carrying the extras you don't put in your purse on the way to the office. Nice unexpected bonus.

  15. True love!!

    Happy bday Henry!

    Thanks Charlotte

  16. Thank youCharlotte for the post. Lovely to see photos of Harry’s work and immediate little family. Meghan's comment was lovingly emotional but I think it unwise. It sets up high expectation that if not rigorously met each year will engender comments of problems within the marriage. Far better to have the great phots and an apt quote as is the Sussex instagram modus operandi.

  17. I went to the calendar page for the tour itinerary and thought that it seems to be really packed. The second day in particular looks so full -- I'm glad for them that this is a shorter tour than their first one. I bet little Archie will look a lot like little Harry in Diana's arms when we see him.


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