
Wednesday 25 September 2019

Arch Meets Archie: Harry & Meghan Introduce Their Darling Son To South Africa

Arch meets Archie! It was the moment we've all been waiting for...

Adorable Archie made his royal tour debut this morning when Harry and Meghan brought their four-month-old son to meet Archbishop Desmond Tutu and his daughter Thandeka Tutu-Gxashe.

The surprise was revealed on Sussex Royal with an Instagram story showing the family arriving.

Meghan carried Archie in her arms whilst a smiling Harry kept a close eye.

It's the Sussexes first royal tour as a family and a very special opportunity to officially introduce their son in South Africa.

Archie is an incredibly expressive baby, it's easy to forget just how young he is. He was very lively and smiling throughout the visit.

I think the little man has his mother's eyes, otherwise he reminds me very much of a young Harry.

A darling photo of the Sussex family.

Harry and Meghan chatted with Thandeka, who joined them at the British Ambassador's residence yesterday evening for a reception celebrating youth and UK-African relations. Meghan said "He's an old soul". Harry added "I think he knows exactly what's going on". Thandeka joked ""He likes the ladies. He's going to be a ladies man".

A gorgeous photo of Meghan and Archie.

Archbishop Tutu said he was "thrilled and honured" to welcome Harry, Meghan and Archie today. It
marks a rare public appearance for the Archbishop who retired from public life in the 1990s. I expect it was particularly important to introduce Archie to Tutu during the trip. The pair spent time together in South Africa during Harry's 2015 trip. Harry bestowed The Order of the Companions of Honour by the Queen, in recognition of his services to UK Communities, and International Peace and Reconciliation on behalf of Her Majesty. During the visit, the Nobel Prize winner praised Harry's commitment to Lesotho "I am very touched by your commitment to Lesotho. I taught at the university there and became Bishop of Lesotho. It has always had a very soft spot in our hearts, just wonderful that you and the English are helping, thank you very much."

The Telegraph reports:

'The veteran Nobel Peace Prize winner anti - who effectively the leader of the liberation struggle during Nelson Mandela’s long imprisonment - said he was "thrilled" by the "rare privilege and honour" to meet the royals.
The 87-year old - one of the most vocal campaigners for Mr Mandela’s release from jail - spent half and hour with the couple and Archie at the historic premises of his Legacy Foundation in Cape Town, the Old Granary - a restored 200-plus-year-old edifice built by slaves.'

The Desmond & Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation is described as a "a physical space for exhibitions, programmes and events, and an intellectual space for the development of human consciousness about the critical issues affecting the earth and its inhabitants." The website adds: "Tutu is among the last surviving members of a unique generation of human rights centred activists and leaders who emerged after World War Two and the establishment of the United Nations with the promise of a fairer, more just and compassionate world. Other members of this group, all of whom were awarded Nobel Peace prizes, included Dr Martin Luther King, Dag Hammarsskjold, Andrei Sakharov, Nelson Mandela, Jimmy Carter, Mother Theresa, the Dalai Lama and Kofi Annan. There are few countries on earth that Desmond Tutu hasn’t visited, few people he hasn’t touched, few human issues he hasn’t personally engaged."

Sussex Royal recently shared one of his most inspiring quotes.

Harry and Meghan were presented with gifts before leaving including a framed photo of Diana's meeting with Nelson Mandela in 1997 in South Africa.

People reports:

'Niclas Kjellstromn-Matseke, chairman of the Desmond and Leah Legacy Foundation, sees the visit as symbolic as look to the next generation.
“Archbishop Tutu met the Queen and had a great relationship with her and here is her grandson,” he says. “This is a generational thing. This is a hand over from the elderly to the younger.”
Kjellstrom-Matseke was with the Tutus recently and “the thing that is clear and important is that they are excited to meet the couple, and it’s important to Desmond Tutu that it happens at the foundation — that has a strong symbolic meaning to him. This is his legacy now and he is finally taking a step back from public life and handing over the legacy. He wants to show the Duke and Duchess the legacy.”

Take a look at this video...

More from Sussex Royal: 'This morning The Duke and Duchess were honoured to introduce their son Archie, to Archbishop, Desmond Tutu and his daughter, Thandeka. The Archbishop, a globally respected figure in anti-apartheid movement, is one of the world’s great champions of equality, and has spent his life tirelessly battling injustice. Their Royal Highnesses have joined The Archbishop and Thandeka to learn more about the work of The Tutu and Leah Legacy Foundation, and see first-hand how they are focussing on global awareness of the critical issues affecting the world.'

It was a lovely treat to see him with his parents today. During the tour, Meghan has described her son as a "Wonderful, calm, easy baby". We also learned Meghan calls him "Bubba" as a nickname.

Another look at Master Archie? Definitely.

He looked cute as a button in the H&M light blue striped dungarees and Bonpoint socks (with thanks to Meghan's Fashion). Harry, Meghan and Archie were coordinated in shades of blue which made for even lovelier photos.

The Duchess chose the Club Monaco Dremah dress for the meeting (with many thanks to Caroline Parr). The $289 brushstroke pattern piece is described as "an easy, breezy, flowing silk dress". I thought it a very nice choice and the addition of the fitted skirt underneath, heels and sleek updo very polished.

A closer look at Meghan's updo.

Once again, Meghan wore her turquoise Jennifer Meyer earrings.

From here, Prince Harry will begin several days of solo travel with a visit to Botswana. The Duchess will have two solo engagements. The Duchess has just arrived at Woodstock Exchange to meet female entrepreneurs and investors working in technology. Meghan's wearing her Everlane Go Weave jumpsuit and her Gas Bijoux earrings.

I'll be covering the event and Meghan's engagement with Mothers2Mothers in a separate post later this afternoon.


  1. Little Archie is so cute, he really does have his mother's eyes. What a treat, I was hoping to see him during the royal tour.
    Nosipho - South Africa

  2. He is looking like Baby Prince Harry

  3. Archie is adorable! Harry and Meghan are really proud parents and totally in love!
    I was just thinking why Meghan always choose belted dresses. I have her body type (not thin waist) and belted dresses are not flattering.

    1. Possibly to give herself the suggestion of a waist. If she wore loose dresses all the time, moreover, it wouldn't really be an attractive look. Kate Cambridge wears very high heels and wedges most of the time, because she has short legs relative to her torso. It's just an example of fashion sleight-of-hand.

    2. I think Meghan is short wasted but with that said I do think her body is still changing relative to having Archie.

    3. Yes for sure. But you remember when he wore the sleeveless yellow dress? She was fabulous in it. That was a great fit for me.

  4. As I take a brief break from reading, studying, and preparing for several meetings at work, I wanted to thank you Charlotte for all of your hard work covering this tour. I wish that I could take time to read everything as you post, but with my chaotic schedule, I'm having to wait until the tail end of the day. I also appreciate the comment you posted yesterday about the focus being on Meghan's clothing over the work both are doing. That has always bothered me, and it is one reason I've limited commenting on both blogs. As someone who does not care about fashion, more and more I feel that I don't belong in any royal watching community. Thank you for all of the time, commitment, energy, and skill you invest in your blogs. I know that it is hard to juggle both blogs and your daily life and work, and you are to be commended for managing all of it.

    On this morning's meeting, Archie is an adorable blend of Harry and Meghan. He is precious.

  5. That Archie!!!! Is he not adorable??? And if I had that dress in my closet I'd be putting it on today. Love it!

  6. Archie is an adorable mixture of both parents, what a sweetie!
    I've always been fairly indifferent to Meghan, neither a hater or a fan, but I must say that I find what she's doing in South Africa rather endeering, much more so than when she rubs shoulders with the so called world of celebrities. As a mother I feel for her - I can see in these images that she is desperately trying to protect her son from the treatment she's been receiving from some media and media users, although that in itself is seen as yet another excuse to crtiticise her. I hope Harry and Meghan both remember that haters are only a small proportion of the world, and the rest of us are either perfectly normal people or have lives of our own to get on with :)

  7. Little Archie looks just like Harry, but with Meghan's eyes! Such a happy baby--I love the video where he is 'talking' to Meghan and smiling.

  8. Oh my, he's gorgeous - he looks like Harry, but with Meghan's eyes. Lovely pictures and a real treat to see them all together.

  9. He has a little spark of mischief in his eyes just like Harry as a baby. Absolutely adorable.

    1. Anne-Sophie de Paris25 September 2019 at 22:21

      Cynthia complÚtement d'accord avec vous. Archie a l'air malicieux. Il sera un petit coquin qui tournera ses parents en "bourrique". Je parie qu'il sera aussi espiÚgle que son papa avec un caractÚre bien déterminé des deux parents.
      Je suis trĂšs heureuse pour eux.
      Je reste par ailleurs persuadée que Meghan attend baby Sussex 2
      Encore une fois merci Charlotte pour votre reportage de qualitĂ© et d'honnĂȘtetĂ© intellectuelle.

  10. Archie is super cute! He is so engaged and active, even a smile - what a treat. Very nice meeting with Archbishop and daughter. It all looks very friendly and natural. Good look for Meghan, my favourite so far.

  11. Archie's too cute. I think he has Harry's hair but more Meghan"s face. I love that they met with Desmond Tutu. As for the dress I love it. Simple and elegant. Archie's jumper is cute too. The whole family looks great.

  12. Archie looks exactly like Harry. Really like Meghan’s dress. So pretty.


  13. Gorgeous pics of baby Archie, I love how this tour is going. Its just what Harry and Meghan needed after all the controversy over the summer. I think people want to see this kind of work from them, its not showy or celeb driven, but genuine good work and I think her wardrobe is reflecting that.
    I was critical of Meghan and her celeb friends, but I realise that Megham was a celeb in her own right and its difficult for her to move ahead combining her Royal life and her former life.
    Diana moved between the two worlds before she died and she was not criticized for it. I hope this tour will allow Meghan and Harry to move forward and focus on the good work they are doing. Sinead

    1. Sinead, it is easy to forget with all the love and sadness that surrounded Diana’s death, but she was severely criticized - rightly or wrongly - during her lifetime for some of her decisions.
      If I remember right her work with the Halo Trust actually elicited questions in the House of Commons and almost all of her friendships and relationships with celebrities was criticized at some point.

  14. One of her best dresses. Fresh and youthful. It doesn’t overwhelm her small frame.
    It’s so sweet the way Harry touches his son, holding that tiny foot. What a charmer Archie is. I hope they teach him about a great man he won’t remember meeting. How kind of the Queen to send Harry to present this honor to the Archbishop, a true hero in the battle for justice and reconciliation.
    Looking forward to the rest of their day as I begin mine.

  15. Archie looks like his Dad. Oh my, how cute. This is a delightful post. Thank you, Charlotte.

  16. This is Meghan’s best look by far on this tour. She looks like the duchess she is and her dress actually looks like it fits her properly. Of course, she’s got the perfect accessory with her today - that gorgeous baby! What a cutie!

    1. I agree with you on her cute accessory but I almost wish Harry carried Archie at some point so that we could get a better look at her dress. But even with the little I could see, it is my favourite of the tour - with the jumpsuit later in the day coming a close second.

    2. Caroline in Montana25 September 2019 at 19:11

      RachelZA, im glad you said that! lol I thought the same thing:) agree with you on both outfits, she looks great!

  17. Not always a fan of Meghan’s fashion choices but I do love both this dress and the jumpsuit! Archie seems older than his actual age....very cute.

  18. Archie is a doll, and I love Meghan’s dress!

  19. Oh my word, you said it perfectly Charlotte when you said Archie has Meghan's eyes and everything else looks just like Harry! What an adorable family. You can see the happiness around them! What a joy it is to see all three together! They all look splendid.

  20. Love Meghan’s dress! Love Archie! What an adorable little tyke 😍

  21. I’m loving all your posts from this tour Charlotte, and appreciate how fast you work to share them. I agree with you that Archie has his mother’s eyes and looks very much like his dad did at that age.

  22. What color is Archie's hair? I'm horrible in figuring out someone's hair color

  23. Actually, I think Archie's inherited the close-set eyes that Harry got from Prince Charles (and Charles got from Prince Philip). The color comes from his mother, though. The fuzz on his head and his brows look gingery. All in all, I think he really does resemble his father. The Windsor-Mountbatten genes have been pretty dominant. Only in the Middletons do they seem to have met their match.

    1. I think George looks like his great-grandfather George V; and Charlotte looks very much like the Queen. I see bits of Kate in her, but that gaze of hers is pure ERII. I understand it's thought that Louis is all Middleton, and I can see that.

  24. Lovely photos of them all. Meghan looks lovely I’ve been disappointed with the tour outfits so far ( for various reasons) but the dress and jumpsuit are perfect choices for today’s events.

  25. Sarah in Wiltshire25 September 2019 at 14:33

    How lovely to get a proper look at Archie today! I agree with you, Charlotte, he is definitely all Harry except the eyes.

    And thank you for all your hard work during this tour, it's fascinating to see the variety of engagements they are undertaking.

  26. It's hard not to get teary over seeing the Archibishop. I wish that he and Mandela could live forever. I have read that Mandela called the Queen just Elizabeth, and I imagine she enjoyed that. Since I know nothing about South Africa, are there new leaders with their kind of wisdom, courage, and support?

    Archie is just absolutely adorable!! I love his little outfit, and those cute little legs. He looks like Harry (and Meghan), and I love that he looks like Harry. I always thought William was the pretty one and Harry was the cute one when they were small. Obviously his parents are just 100% fixated on him, and I can see why.

    Meghan looked so pretty in her swirly dress and heels; I just enjoyed this visit so much and all the kindness that came from the hosts.

    I am looking forward to the rest of the day, but not much can top this.

    1. Yeap. Watching these three. And Archie. Gah. The photos and videos just tickled me. -Martine

  27. Archie is a doll! I agree that he looks like Harry with Meghan's eyes. This was a perfect way for them to show Archie without having a public event with hundreds of photographers. Love the coordinating colors. This tour has been a hit! Meghan is glowing and she is always so engaged. This is my favorite look from a fashion standpoint of the tour . . . . so far.

    Since the tour started, I broke my own rule and have been checking Twitter out as it is more immediate. The fighting between the Sussex fans and the Cambridge fans are ridiculous. I don't understand why it is a competition or what there is to even fight about. They all are living interesting lives and trying to make a difference in the world. Social media drives me crazy!!!

    Hope from USA

    1. Couldn't agree with you more. In infighting is bananas! - Cidell

  28. Oh My Word..... It's Harry 2.0!! :) Adorable!! In some photos it looks like his hair might be brown? So possibly Harry with brown eyes & brown hair? But with his Father's twinkle of mischief to be sure! Meghan & Harry are glowing as parents!! Thank you Charlotte for all of your hard work & wonderful coverage!! :) xx

    1. Becca, your Harry 2.0 says it all! 😃

    2. Agreed Becca - I saw Harry immediately. I'm sure it'll change back and forth over time. It's great to see their family connection.

  29. I admire the choice Harry and Meghan made as the moment to introduce their son to RSA on this tour. Desmond Tutu was the perfect choice to introduce Archie to the Archbishop, and it also represented the torch being passed, as has been pointed out, with four generations being present: Desmond Ttutu, his daughter, Harry, and Archie. It is the event where Archie cannot overshadow the people and purposes of the organizations and charities Harry and Meghan are visiting, and little Archie is not overwhelmed by scores of people. Little Archie bean responded like a pro to all the cameras snapping away! I'm not sure, but I believe Harry was lucky enough to have also met Nelson Mandela in SA. Archie definitely aced his first appearance! To me, he is the spitting image of Harry, but I think he might has his mummy's nose, and of course the colour of her eyes. He's just georgous happy baby!

    1. I agree, a very well chosen moment.
      Well said, Anon 15:01.

  30. Tammy from California25 September 2019 at 15:35


  31. Oh both outfits are lovely on her. She needs to do more of this. I haven't been the biggest fan of her outfits pretty much ever, but today she nailed it. Appropriate, royal, fit is good, outfit doesn't detract from her work.

    Archie is cute. :)

  32. Anne-Sophie de Paris25 September 2019 at 15:53

    Bravo Charlotte et merci pour le boulot titanique que vous faites.
    Archie est un bébé épanoui, aussi charmant que ses deux parents ré est trÚs lumineux .Il fera des ravages. TrÚs Belle tournée .
    Comme vous avez dĂ» le constater, les tenues pour moi sont secondaires.
    Meghan n'a pas le profil de la Duchesse classique britannique. C'est une femme engagée depuis ses 11ans ,qui avait un passé de femme et de professionnelle avant son entrée dans la famille royale. Elle reste un atout indéniable pour la monarchie.
    Regardons de prÚs ce que le couple a réalisé et vous verrez qu'elle ne se contentera pas de sourire avec un bouquet à la main,serrant les mains avec une tenue et une coiffure impeccables. Harry ne l'a pas choisie par hasard. Bonne continuation et continuez à oeuvrer pour les bonnes causes en tenant pas compte de vos détracteurs.

  33. Caroline in Montana25 September 2019 at 15:56

    Desmond Tutu is a very impressive man and yhey are so thrilled to see the baby! the family looks so good, healthy and happy. MA really does look like his father except for the eyes, and I think his hair will be dark like hers too (think its far fetched for him to be a ginger if you know about dna), so yes he will be beautiful just like his mom! I like this dress, it is very flattering on her and really love the jumpsuit she changed into, she really is glowing! they have really hi-lighted a lot of important issues, will have to go back and re-read once the tour is over. it seems they are a huge hit and joy is on all the faces all around them. me thinks they are knocking it out of the park! oh and MA's little outfit is adorable!! the videos made me smile, such a happy family! thanks charlotte, awesome coverage as usual!!

    1. Actually, theoretically Archie could be a ginger. Half of Meghan’s DNA is from her father. Thomas Markle has only white DNA of British descent, so a redheaded recessive gene is certainly possible. So, Archie’s DNA is 3/4 Caucasian . And from what I’ve read Doria has some Caucasian DNA as well, thus increasing the Caucasian gene pool.

      That said, I think his hair will be plain old brown in the end, because our hair darkens with age.

      Genetics is one of my fields of study and it’s fascinating to see how different genotypes and phenotypes work and manifest.

    2. How much DNA one inherits from their parents is totally and completely random. A person could have 80% of their DNA from one parent and 20% from the other, or any other random percentages you want to throw in there. So Archie could possibly have more than 3/4 Caucasian DNA if Meghan inherited more than half of her DNA from her father. So it's not always 1/2 from one parent and 1/2 from the other.

    3. Oh Poppy, thanks for sharing your insights. I find genetics completely intriguing. What a wonderful field to be in!! :)

    4. That isn’t true Pam. Humans inherit 23 chromosomes from their mother and 23 chromosomes from their father. In a human egg or sperm, there are 23 chromosomes, one of which is an X or Y. No other percentage is possible in most cases.
      Which genes we inherit from the mother or the father is random and a fluke.

    5. What I meant was that Archie’s GENE POOL was 3/4 Caucasian. He has 3 white grandparents (Charles, Diana, Thomas) and one African (Doria).
      Obviously he inherited half his genes from Harry, which are all Caucasian. And then from Meghan we can’t know which combination of genes he inherited.
      We do know that he has a recessive blue eyes allele from Harry and a dominant dark eyes allele from Meghan (Doria). We also know he inherited the recessive red hair allele from Harry, but can’t yet know which hair colour allele he inherited from Meghan.

  34. He's the cutest and sweetest and he's so alert and lively for his age. God bless him and protect him always.

  35. Renee from South Africa25 September 2019 at 16:08

    Archie is so Cute!!!! And I think Meghan looks stunning in her black jumpsuit!

  36. This meeting was lovely and extraordinary to see. It was not that long ago when moments like this couldn’t have happened in S. Africa. I’m old enough to witness the brutal and repressive apartheid regime and the fight to end it. Many small voices took part in the international fight against apartheid and to free Nelson Mandela and many others, while Bishop Desmond Tutu walked the tightrope leading that effort.

    I think it’s hard to explain to some people what it means to fight for social justice because in today’s world the phrase ‘social justice’ has been so maligned and belittled For me the pursuit of social justice is about pursuing and protecting human rights.

    People may say they don’t see color and that by focusing on negative things of the past only hampers the ‘get on with it’ future. I wish life was so color-blind and simple to fix. I say history and past deeds very much impact present day life and what kind of world we’ll have in the future. The struggle for justice never ends. There’s never a time to rest and relax because while these rights and freedom are hard won, they are far too easily abrogated by mean people and events.

    - Martine

    1. Martine, it was a tightrope, wasn't it? Never knowing if you would be arrested and/or disappear. I think rather than being color-blind, we should see everything about a person that is not like us and think that difference is fine. That difference is what makes the other person interesting and valuable. I love Meghan identifying as a woman of color -- it is that color that makes up the person she is, physically and mentally.

    2. I am reading Charlotte’s blog backwards so made a similar comment to yours Martine on the entry for Meghan’s visit to Women2Women. The three weeks I spent in South Africa in December 1976 when I was 24 were some of the most intense weeks of my life. Meeting the “ordinary” whites who themselves were anti-apartheid but felt powerless against their government (while still living very comfortable lives) and the black women and children in the homelands who lived in Stone Age primitivity, needing help so badly but there was no help to be given. The separation of families, men going to work in the cities where they often created new lives and didn’t want to go back to their families.... I think that’s another effect that is rarely discussed, the effect of apartheid on the families. Children growing up without fathers. Reading Tutu’s biography, he was blessed to have been able to grow up with his family, to go to school, to have a chance; the families I saw in the homelands and the women I met in Cape Town, didn’t have that. But, as I posted in the other event, I am so glad that is changing and changing fairly peacefully. I am reading a book about the Irish famine and one tenant farmer, interviewed in 1845 before the worst even happened, upon learning that the writer was from America, said he was so glad that she was writing about the country, that he hoped that things would change so that his children and grandchildren would both remember what they came from and live a life that he could never give them.

  37. This is just the best. I love the video of the 4 of them together -- just a delight!! Meghan is glowing and gorgeous, as always, and omg, Archie. He is full Harry, except he has Meghan's eyes (reminds me of Harry Potter haha!) How cool they got to meet with the Archbishop Tutu!

  38. Oh my goodness, what a precious boy. So sweet and so curious about everything. He is a real combination of his parents.

  39. Anonymous @ 16:43. Well said.

  40. Royal 👑 Watcher25 September 2019 at 18:32

    Beautiful family! Baby Archie is adorable, and he looks just like his Dad. Meghan’s dress: the best I’ve ever seen, my favourite, I want it!! So flattering, it fits her well. Top class and not too expensive, I like that.

  41. Omgosh Archie is adorable! I wish Harry had held him but perhaps he was nervous or best to keep him with Mom as Archie was settled and happy. Meghan looked beautiful and I’m happy to see her in youthful, affordable pieces as the British press have been so hard on her. Thanks for another wonderful post Charlotte!

  42. Archie is adorable, and these photos of the family are beautiful. Thank you, Charlotte.

  43. this made my day finally we get to see him clear what an adorable baby and this is one beautiful mixed family. nice to see people who look like me in the royal family!

    thank you Charlotte

    1. Yes, the also important thing is that people who look like Meghan can be anywhere they want! Or should be anywhere they want.

    2. Yes, the also important thing is that people who look like Meghan can be anywhere they want! Or should be anywhere they want.

  44. oh Archie was so cute i love her chubby cheeks they look lovely in their outfit


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