
Sunday 29 September 2019

"Our Duchess With The Solutions" Joins Harry Via Skype For CAMA Engagement

Prince Harry's travels took him to Malawi today where he visited Nalikule College, Lilongwe to meet students supported by CAMFED and alumnae involved in CAMA, a network of women who received support from the charity in their youth and want to help the next generation. Their work is familiar for Sussex followers. When Meghan began meeting charitable representatives in the UK, it was top of her list. Since then she's met with the team on a number of occasions, both privately and during engagements. With Harry and Meghan's roles with the Queen's Commonwealth Trust, which has been working with CAMA since 2017, it's very much a perfect fit. As Harry greeted staff and students he joked: "I know there’s somebody else you’d far rather hear from than me, hopefully if technology doesn’t fail us you may see somebody on the screen." Meghan was excited to join in the conversation via Skype from Johannesburg.

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The Telegraph reports Meghan told the group: "I'm so happy to be with you. We’re just so proud as president, and vice-president of the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust, that we can support you in everything that you do because we cannot begin to express how valuable and vital that work is, we’re just incredibly proud to be part of it. I wish I could be with you, we’re in South Africa right now Archie’s taking a nap. I’m with you in spirit." (Look at Harry's face in the image below, he looked thrilled to see his wife).

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The group called Meghan "Duchess Wathu, Duchess Wamayankho" - which means "Our Duchess, Duchess with the solutions". Meghan said: "Angie when you and I first met I was so struck by CAMA and everything you do".

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Hello Malawi 🇲🇼, it’s South Africa 🇿🇦 calling! Another incredible day on #RoyalVisitAfrica as The Duke arrived in Malawi, with The Duchess joining him via Skype to speak to women and girls who went to school with the support of CAMA and @camfed. Afterwards, The Duke was able to meet President Peter Mutharika and thank him for the wonderful welcome in his country. Today, The Duchess of Sussex linked up with Nalikule College, Lilongwe, to join The Duke and an amazing group of women who attended school through the help @camfed and its 20-year-old alumni network CAMA. These CAMA women are part of a major network across Africa, which has 140,000 members and 17,500 in Malawi alone. These positive female role models, leaders and entrepreneurs, are working to lift their communities out of poverty. Money distributed by CAMA goes directly to each of their alumni, who then use their own resources to support another three children to attend school. Along with support from the @Queens_Commonwealth_Trust, CAMA and @camfed are changing the lives of many young girls though education and empowerment. As President and Vice President of the QCT, The Duke and Duchess both believe in the power of education to empower young girls, and change society as a whole. #RoyalVisitMalawi #RoyalVisitSouthAfrica Video©️SussexRoyal
A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on

On International Women's Day, Meghan joined a panel with executive director Angeline Murimirwa to discuss the importance of education. The Duchess said: "That is one huge thing, a lack of access to education in my mind is the single largest hindrance to this equality that we are all seeking out."

CAMFED is an international non-profit organization tackling poverty and inequality by supporting girls to go to school and succeed, and empowering young women to step up as leaders of change. Since 1993, CAMFED’s innovative education programmes in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ghana, Tanzania and Malawi have directly helped more than 2.6 million students to attend primary and secondary school, and more than 5 million children have benefited from an improved learning environment.

Today Angeline Murimirwa told Meghan:

“Since you yourself were a young girl you have advocated for women as equal beings with the power to make lasting change, and I know this is something you will instil in Archie. I always think of a saying in my local language, Shona “Chinonzi rasa ndechirimumaoko kwete muropa.” It means “You can only be told to throw away what is in your hands, not what is in your blood.” The fact that you care, that you advocate, that you shine a light on this and always have done, means so much.”

Harry and Angeline.

Embed from Getty Images

In Malawi, primary school is free to attend, however fees are introduced at secondary level. CAMFED's work is vital in the country.

Many will remember the amazing #GlobalSussexBabyShower, a grassroots led campaign by supporters of Harry and Meghan's which set out to raise as much as possible ahead of Archie's birth. CAMFED was one of the initial choices, their work resonated deeply with many. Over £21,000 was raised. What does that mean for the organisation? It puts 118 girls through a full year of high school.

Holly Tett reports over the last few years the UK's Department for International Development has supported 35,000 girls in Malawi to finish secondary school. Before the tour, we talked about the importance of highlighting UK-Africa partnerships in action, supporting CAMFED is a very fine example.

Prince Harry told the group: "Your singing is extraordinary. If you could just be with me everywhere I go that would be great. It's wonderful to hear how the leadership of CAMA is making a significant difference".

Harry was presented with a book filled with hand-written stories from women supported by CAMFED and CAMA. Former student Rose told him "It's based on our own stories. Please send this with all our love to your wife. Hopefully Archie will enjoy it too" If you would like to support the Campaign For Female Education please click here to find out more about donating and other ways to help.

It appears Meghan wore the green Lisa Marie Fernandez Rosetta dress she debuted for the polo in July.

If you're just joining us, click here to read the post on Meghan's breakfast meeting with nine South African leaders in Cape Town. The Duchess enjoyed meaningful conversations with inspiring women from a number of fields. She wore a Misha Nonoo top and J Crew skirt for the engagement.

On Tuesday, the Duchess will have two solo engagements in Johannesburg. She will attend a round-table discussion with the Association of Commonwealth Universities. The Duchess will then visit a school to learn about the work of a local charity which receives UK aid funding to raise awareness and tackle sexual violence in schools. It's possible we'll hear more on Meghan's other private engagements before then.


  1. The expression on Harry's face looking at Meghan via Skype is priceless. What great initiatives both of them are highlighting. This tour seems to be incredibly valuable to the people they visit and to those who will be touched by the legacy of this tour in the years ahead.

  2. Over the past year, Harry and Meghan have been severely criticized. Some of it, like the use of private jets, was understandable. But all the while I believed, that in spite of their mistakes, H&M's intention was to do good in the world. This trip has proven that. Meghan has chosen to wear repeat, or inexpensive clothing. They have both been abundant in their attention to worthy causes. They have conducted themselves with dignity, with fun, with humour, with care and with understanding. Highlighting the need for female equality has been paramount. I do hope this will result in good PR that will stop the tabloids from spewing their hatred against this couple.

    1. What mistakes? Taking a private plane is wrong? Since when? Wearing expensive clothing is wrong? Why? Why bring it up here? Everything they are working on and you bring this up? Interesting!

    2. Anne-Sophie de Paris29 September 2019 at 22:54

      Laura j'ai apprécié votre commentaire seul bémol, l'histoire du jet privé est monté en épingle car les Sussex refusaient aux médias de mettre leur nez dans leurs affaires.
      Meghan a refusé de poser devant l'hôpital quelques heures après son accouchement comme Kate
      Désolée il n'y avait aucune obligation.
      J'ai eu 3 enfants et suis grand -mère .
      Je ne me vois pas après mon accouchement me pomponner avec brushing et des talons poser devant les photographes. Pour moi c'est comme si on ne reconnaît pas la douleur que j'ai ressentie en accouchant.
      Harry l'avait d'ailleurs dit que sa femme était extraordinaire et qu'il félicitait toutes les femmes.
      La seule chose que je peux leur reprocher est de ne pas vouloir dire les noms des parrains et marraines.
      En ce qui concerne les jets privés, tous les royal's le prennent y compris les Cambridge, le Prince Charles,les wessex le prince Andrew.
      Dire qu'on ne doit plus prendre de jet privé parce qu'on est écolo c'est arbitraire. C'est comme si on disait à un médecin qui fait une campagne contre l'alcoolisme qu'il ne doit plus jamais boire du vin.
      Et les chefs d'État qui ont signé l'accord sur le réchauffement climatique ,voyagent -ils à "la nage où à dos d'âne".
      La côte de popularité des Sussex dérange, il faut les abattre .
      Vous allez voir.leur tournée étant un succès, Dès leur retour au Royaume-Uni on leur trouvera des noises.
      J'entends déjà dire que les médias anglais sont furieux que baby Archie ne soit pas présenté aux britanniques avant d'être présenté en Afrique.
      C'est le crime de "lèse majesté"
      À suivre.
      Du reste leur travail est formidable et Harry est follement amoureux de sa tendre épouse et je crois que c'est réciproque.
      Longue vie aux Sussex.

    3. Anne-Sophie, you hit upon something really important -- Harry loves Meghan. He is entitled to find a love and to have a family as a bonus. It is a plus for the UK and the world that Meghan has the determination and magic that she has. She came to Harry with a few million of her own, so she does not owe anything to anyone.

    4. jmccain - I think people are allowed to have different opinions and it’s not okay to jump on someone bc they have a different opinion than you. I agree with Laura. They’ve endured some criticism (I don’t think they should lecture people about being mindful of our actions re the environment and then turn around and take multiple private jets in one week. Then again that’s another issue). However, they’re doing amazing things on this tour and highlighting important issues and causes. Kudos to Meghan and Harry. Anon in CA

    5. I understand that private jet travel seems hypocritical when you are talking about our carbon footprint. It was brought up ad.nauseum by the media as if they are the only royals who do. They aren't. I thi k they all fly private from time to time and fly to engagements in those huge sikorsky helicopters.

      I think it was a good point to bring up except they were the only ones criticized, which I didnt think fair.

    6. Maria from Austria30 September 2019 at 19:25

      Chere Ann Sophie, I am curious: all of us none native speakers make the effort to write in English so that all here can understand and reply to our comments. What keeps you from contributing in the same way to our community? And - Charlotte, I am not being mean here. I really would like to know from a good hearted point of view. So, I'd really appreciate you post this comment. Best, M.

    7. I am able to read enough French to comprehend some of what is said, but it is sad that this happens if the writer is fortunate enough to be bilingual. Je vous remercie.

  3. This is a fantastic tour so far; loving their engagements/schedule. Meghan lifts women up with her voice & it's wonderful to see. She's a voice for the forgotten, less fortunate.
    As far as her wardrobe for this tour - glad to see she got the memo re extravagant price tags on what she's wearing. She looks fabulous! She's learning. Thanks for wonderful, informative posts.

    1. What memo? What has she done thats different from the other royal women? They all wear expensive couture clothes and the media only chooses to sensationalize her and people that are looking to criticize her lap it up. In her pacific tour the events they attended required the wardrobe choices she made. She doesnt have to learn anything from media and the hateful public misogyny and doesn’t hv to prove anything. All the good in this tour and this is your takeaway!

    2. I am sorry, but it is not insulting to Meghan to say she had a lot to learn. She had. And it is a token of intelligence to learn from one's errors. Not to appreciate that she has made better choice in the cost of her wardrobe is IMO not recognizing that she has the ability to listen and learn.

    3. I think the constant regurgitation of criticisms over and over is starting to really get to some watchers, I mean yeah its okay to point out something about how they like this tour and is a step in the right direction, but I've noticed some posters constantly bringing up these criticisms when praising this tour, I'm not sure how its good PR if everyone (including the media) keeps bringing it up as good PR and damage control (I mean was taking a private jet worth all that nastiness and vitriol thrown at her like she's committed a crime?). That being said, I think the constant pressure for women to repeat their clothing might end up being a double edge sword, I can imagine that if all this has really gotten to Meghan she might never buy a new piece of clothing ever again and she just keeps repeating and repeating with clothes for engagements. It's also important to note that a lot "affordable" clothing is fast fashion which is really bad for the environment, we expect royal women to be these perfect unicorns - don't stand out, but make speeches and speak out, wear good flattering environmentally friendly clothes, but don't spend money, support local fashion, but also support local designers when they go on tours?? It's just too much sometimes and there are times where I feel like we all need to back off and just praise something as well done. I do agree about learning regarding her wardrobe choices, but I don't think she has a lot of learning to do regarding her work - she's done splendidly regarding that part this past year.

    4. Annette New Zealand1 October 2019 at 03:49

      Surely it is a question of wearing appropriate outfits. Obviously if you are going to Ascot or Trooping of the Colour in UK you will choose to wear something more expensive than what you might wear visiting a charity helping the underprivileged. That is what she is doing here, just as Kate does in similar situations. I think she is more relaxed on this tour and she and Harry have organised the programme to suit their particular interests which is a good thing.

  4. Happy that Meghan was able to join via Skype. The Sussexes looked very happy to see each other. It’s great learning about the important impact of Camfed and a charity that I’m fortunate to be able to support. As Angeline thoughtfully reminded, Meghan has been interested in helping others from a young age. While various media teams maliciously spread false info, Meghan continues her work and it means so much to many.

    I’m glad that Meghan is able to continue her work on gender equality and with Harry shining a light on a global scale. I’m looking forward to learning more about the engagements Harry & Meghan will participate in.


  5. I was captivated by their romance when ut fiston leaks and deeply happy that it ended by a beautiful wedding. However like many people I was frustrated by many little things that actually are absurd when you think about it like her wardrobe choices ( color,price, shape, her hair and so on). I realize that i wanted Meghan so much to succeed that I was too demanding, felt frustrated that at time she made it easier for others ans specially british media to criticize her. All in in the past year i fully recognize that she is just like all of us a human being with her strengths and weaknesses, that no mater what she does positively there are some medias out that make a lot of money with their negative narrative and will then continue. I am very PROUD of Meghan ti have the courage and the passion to go beyond that and put as many efforts as as she can to make real changes for other people with love and dedication. Look at the cookbook, at the capsule set collection, the key messages shared and highlights brought on the femicist on south africa ( Even if this is an increasing issue around the world specially women killed by their partner), but also the fights and innitiative from other women sometimes very young or sometimes coming from deprived background. What i also appreciate is that Meghan has struggled earlier ans so she undertand the push some need to the next level. I wish her and harry to succeed on their work as a couple and as parents. Jeep it up. And Charlotte thank you for creating this blog that creates a place for productive discussion on the suxxeses and that educate us ( at least me) on so many subjects. Thank you.

  6. Meghan never had to prove anything to me. I'm glad that she and Harry have been able to show what they care about. She and Harry have not been married for 2 years yet, and she's done so much! She's put into place things that are continuing to bring benefit.

    I don't like ANY people wearing clothes that cost so much -- I imagine Meghan will again wear expensive clothes, as do all the other young royals. She's had only about a year to collect nonpregnancy clothes, so it's not like she has 10 years of outfits to draw on. I don't really see much difference between outfits that cost $5000 and those that cost $1500. It's a crazy and unnecessary amount to spend, unless it's meant to draw attention to the event. The vast majority of the world hesitates to spend $50, perhaps $20, on an outfit, so even J. Crew is not terribly relatable.

    If the media decides that she has "learned a lesson," I consider that to be very condescending.

    1. I understand with you Allison. I fall within a vast majority as I'd rather start my purchase from the best options in the sales rack 😉 and I can't really afford to invest that much in clothing.
      However, if we are not condemning the existence of clothing lines that sell in 1000s £/$ then we can expect that there will be people wearing it to keep that industry in their money circulation duties. I may not think there is much sense spending so much money on such clothing but then there will be people who will look at some who say they are middle class and think they are still spending too much on clothing.
      I laugh (not in an amused way) when I see comments about her (DoS) being NOW favourable because she has learnt to recycle her outfits.
      Is it that they think that if she recycles her outfit the whole royal family would follow suit and by such reduce the expenses of the royal family or do they feel she is now wearing a wardrobe that befits her?
      I have no expectation (nor do I think any other) that the RF will dress cheaper because I think they have a standard so it's condescending and demeaning, in my opinion, to make such statements.
      Since she has been judged to be discerning enough in her clothing choices on this tour, these same people should also accept that it is still the same wisdom in operation when they see her wear whatever clothing she wears in future and accept it as appropriate for the occasion.
      Do I think that the high end fashion industry is ostentatious? Yes I do.
      Do I think it is Duchess Meghan's responsibility to address it or that it impairs her work? No I don't! Princess Diana did a lot of influencial things and she did not give up her beautiful gowns.
      Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on their tour success thus far. We commit the rest as the previous unto God for favour and grace
      Thanks Charlotte for you nice work and the good space.

  7. I love this photo of Doria finishing a 5K race for suicide prevention: Certainly does run in the family. :)

    1. Maria from Austria30 September 2019 at 19:20

      Thanks for sharing, Allison.

  8. I am amazed at the energy and focus it must take to meet with one group after another -- each engaged in a cause that affects the emotions deeply. I would be exhausted! I have nothing but admiration for Harry and Meghan and their dedication to helping as many people as they can. Meghan's passion to make education available to girls is admirable, and will probably be present throughout her life.

    I'm so grateful that Meghan enjoys the close friendship of Michelle Obama, who was also criticized unfairly. She, too, was the first woman of color in her role. She always stayed true to herself and has become one of the most popular and admired women in the world. I have no doubt that Meghan will prove to be the same.

    Thank you, Charlotte, for the educating us about so many wonderful organizations and inspiring people.


  9. I am amazed at the energy and focus it must take to meet with one group after another -- each engaged in a cause that affects the emotions deeply. I would be exhausted! I have nothing but admiration for Harry and Meghan and their dedication to helping as many people as they can. Meghan's passion to make education available to girls is admirable, and will probably be present throughout her life.

    I'm so grateful that Meghan enjoys the close friendship of Michelle Obama, who was also criticized unfairly. She, too, was the first woman of color in her role. She always stayed true to herself and has become one of the most popular and admired women in the world. I have no doubt that Meghan will prove to be the same.

    Thank you, Charlotte, for the educating us about so many wonderful organizations and inspiring people.


  10. Thanks. Charlotte. I’m learning so much. Thank you for accurate reporting. I agree, Prince Harry looks happy to see his wife.

  11. Allison @ 21:32, it’s what the media does. They like you. They don’t like you. Once these two, Duchess and Duke of Sussex are no longer interesting to the public, the media will start on someone else. You are correct, they printed the negative speculations and lies and now they’re back pedaling. They’ll do “whatever” to sell papers and make money. You are right, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have nothing to prove. I remember the advice of the Duchess of Cambridge and I follow it. The advice was “don’t believe everything you read”.

  12. Jessica in Los Angeles30 September 2019 at 03:37

    I can’t remember if this was discussed, but why aren’t Meghan and Archie with Harry? Is there a reason they’re staying in a different location?

    1. Harry has basically spend the past week flying from one country to another in a very small plane. Some of his destinations has been very, very remote. Really not the kind of places or schedule you can take a baby along.

      Either they had to plan a completely different tour or Archie had to stay in South Africa (or the UK)

    2. Maria from Austria30 September 2019 at 19:16

      I would guess healthwise concerning the baby e.g. malaria

    3. As I have observed Harry's itinerary, it has been grueling. It has also been extremely significant in terms of his organizational affiliations (African Parks, Halo Trust, Camfed/Queen's Commonwealth Trust). So a) the places he needed/wanted to get to, made sense, and b) not the kind of schedule that it makes sense to have a 4 month old nursing baby go along when you are royal and expected to look fresh and ready at every stop. Meghan has been busy in South Africa and frankly, this schedule was masterfully coordinated and executed. Major kudos to the Sussexes and their team. Once you really look at what they are doing and why they are doing it, it all makes sense.

  13. the duchess doesn't approval for anyone a long she and harry are love and care each other and care the people around them its fine never mind the basher or the negative thoughts

  14. I am sorry but I am very tired of people saying Meghan is listening. What is she listening too. The fact that people feel she does not deserve to wear expensive clothes? If that is the case then they all should be told that they can only wear cheap cloths the public can afford. She wore both before marriage and can continue to do it now. No one knows how much most of her cloths cost or how much of her wardrobe she owned prior to marriage. Stop bringing the tabloid talking points here as fake praise. She is a grown woman, not a little girl, who made her money and knows who she is and how she wants to dress. The girl looks good in anything and her cloths always fit because she has had a professional do it. It kills me that people actually say that designers are wrong when they fit her cloths.

    This couple has great plans for the good they want to do and I am happy to have a front row seat here to see it. This is one of my happy places, where I can leave the negativity behind and get truth with a great deal of skill. I love to read someone who knows how to lay out a good narrative. Thank you for this safe harbor in the storm of controversy which is daily life.

    1. I am sorry you see it as criticism when people say that she learnt from previous mistakes or is listening. I find that it is the highest praise somebody can offer me.
      We all get things wrong and Meghan was transplated in a world governed by a set of completely different rules to what she was used to.
      I think it would be naive to assume that for the Aus/NZ, Ireland and Morroco tours she just felt like spending thousands of pounds on designer clothes and this time she just “feels” like going high street. She looks like the type of person who spend a lot more time thinking and planning these tours (and her wardrobe)

  15. People are so critical of Meghan’s clothes and other she does, even though she isn’t doing anything different but twice the criticism is because they think she doesn’t deserve it. She is a woman of color she has to work twice as hard to get the smallest of praise. While others can just walk out of their door and get called the greatest thing since sliced bread. I’m glad they have been doing things their own way because they will get criticized no matter what. The oh they needed this good PR no they didn’t. Those who read and believe tabs think that. Her first engagement back from Mat leave prove that to be a false narrative. Harry’s engagements back home didn’t look like he needed help getting people out to see him either.

    1. Maria from Austria30 September 2019 at 19:14

      I do not second that she needs to work twice as hard since she is a woman of color!

  16. I'm just now catching up on this tour and so enjoy hearing about both the Sussexes' wonderful appearances to promote good. Thanks as always, Charlotte, for your fascinating detail on the important facts surrounding each day. Of course it was a special bonus to get to see little Archie with the Archbishop the other day! Camfed is such a worthy enterprise and the backing of the Sussexes will doubtless continue to assist it into the future.

  17. i teared up beautiful to see what an inspiration

    love to see people actually caring about AFRICA and its people and especially its women!

  18. You know all this mention about carbon footprint I have never heard Harry and Meghan give a speech about it someone correct me if I’m wrong but what I do know it’s the tabloids claiming that Harry attended some google conference on climate change and give a speech to date I have not seen this speech or any proof of him being there. The tabloids created the nonsense some us swallow it as truth and buy into there hypocritical foolishness. If we want to talk about a royal being a hypocrite look at Prince Charles he has be talking about this for years now and guess how he flyes PRIVATE all the time and no one says he is a hypocrite. We who claim to be supporters need to really rethink somethings we repeat not saying they should be criticized if need be but it must be factual

    1. Harry has not only given speeches about the environment and our collective responsibility towards it, last time he did so was yesterday, he also launched an initiative to reduce the environmental cost of travel and tourism, and unveiled the project a few days after it was revealed he had taken 4 private jets in 11 days. The Sussex royal foundation mentions environment as a primary concern. Those are facts and not tabloid inventions.

  19. RachelZA @ 12:49, I agree it is high praise when a person is learning from past mistakes. The problem with the Duchess of Sussex is not that simple, however. The tabloids lied on her and infiltrated people’s minds with false speculations: fighting with the Duchess of Cambridge, making her cry; difficult Duchess; staff leaving because they can’t work with her. All this stuff printed to harm NOT help Duchess Sussex. Yes, she is learning from the Queen and those appointed to guide her but the Tabloids have NOT been fair, kind or true to her at all. The SUN recently issued an apology for the lies they printed in re to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex “regulating parking around their home at Frogmore”. A complaint was filed and the SUN reportedly had NO evidence to support their story so they issued a public apology. This is the kind of “gutter” reporting that is done mainly against Duchess Sussex. The “private plane” reporting was another example of an attempt to HARM the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Sir Elton John had to issue a statement clearing the issue because it was his private plane and they were flying on invite. The Australian tour was the Duchess of Sussex FIRST Royal tour. She needed a whole NEW wardrobe for that tour. On this African tour, she is able to repeat some of those items from her first tour. The Duchess of Sussex has proven that she is very smart, extremely intelligent and very capable of learning. The Tabloids, however, are NOT the ones teaching her anything. Thanks, Charlotte for the integrity of your post.


Welcome to Mad About Meghan! We do so look forward to reading your thoughts. Constructive, fair debate is always encouraged. Hateful, derogatory terms and insults are not welcome here. This space focuses on Harry and Meghan, not any other member of the Royal family. It's not the place to discuss politics either. Thank you for reading, we look forward to your comments :)