
Friday 11 October 2019

Meghan's International Day of the Girl Message, Upcoming ITV Documentary & More

Good evening, everyone! We're covering several Sussex stories in today's post.

International Day of the Girl... To mark International Day of the Girl, the Duchess of Sussex narrated a video on Sussex Royal featuring familiar footage from her incredible UN speech and footage of eleven-year-old Meghan advocating for fairness and equality. "Every girl has potential, she has promise. She has the right to learn, the right to be heard, the right to play and to discover. The right to be exactly who she is. For each one of you, keep asking questions. Keep pushing forward. Keep shining brightly. Know your worth and know that we are behind you every step of the way."

The post shared the following: "The Duchess of Sussex has been a long time advocate for women’s and girls rights and at the age of eleven campaigned against a sexist advertisement, which was then changed. No matter what age, or what background you have the power to make an impact. HRH recently shared a quote during a speech in Cape Town: 'Visualize your highest self, and show up as her.' To all of the young girls reading this today on International Day of the Girl, that quote is for you."

The Queen's Commonwealth Trust highlighted the work of CAMFED to mark the day and shared a throwback clip to the panel discussion Meghan participated in on International Women's Day.

An Upcoming ITV Documentary... Harry and Meghan's first official joint documentary, Harry and Meghan: An African Adventure, will air on Sunday, 20 October on ITV at 9pm. Veteran journalist and longtime friend of the princes, Tom Bradby, travelled with the couple for their tour and spoke directly with them. Exact details are under wraps, but Mr Bradby tweeted the show would "explain a lot".

ITV generally produces several royal documentaries each year. They also shared details on a two-part programme about Prince Charles entitled Inside the Duchy of Cornwall, which will air in late October. Last year, Meghan participated in Queen of the World and gave an interview discussing her wedding dress and how she incorporated the Commonwealth into her big day.

I'm very excited to view it. For those outside the UK, I expect it will become available on YouTube. I'll share as many details as possible on the night.

World Mental Health Day... Prince Harry spent yesterday marking World Mental Health Day with engagements in Nottingham and a very special video with the one and only Ed Sheeran, filmed at Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank's Kensington Palace home, Ivy Cottage. I have no doubt you've already seen it. Here's your excuse to watch these two teaming up for a very special cause again :)

During Harry's visit to Nottingham, he met a very special young girl who happens to be a friend of Meghan's. More from People:

'As he was heading out, 14-year-old Aleyna Genc presented Harry with a gift for his 5-month-old son Archie — and received an unimaginable present in return.
Aleyna, who is recovering from a brain tumor, has been exchanging letters with the Duchess of Sussex for the past two years. Prince Harry pulled her aside and let the student listen to a voicemail that Meghan had recorded especially for her pen pal!
“Wow. Just wow,” Aleyna told reporters after listening to the message and giving Harry a big hug. “I’ve been lettering with Meghan for around two years now and she sent me a little voicemail, and I listened to that.”
“I just sent her a letter because she made a speech and that was the one that really inspired me: her UN women’s speech,” the student added. “I just wrote to her to say how much it inspired me, and we have been lettering ever since.”

There's a lengthy video from the visit and Harry's meeting with Aleyna in the video below.

Fashion Updates... In fashion restock news, Meghan's J Crew textured stripe skirt is available for pre-order. The Misha Nonoo top Meghan paired it with is also available.

Meghan's much-loved Marks & Spencer black off-the-shoulder dress is available again. It's currently on sale with 20% off.

And Meghan's Madewell Denim Jacket is available in most sizes.

WellChild Awards... It's one of the highlights on the royal calendar and once again this year the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will attend the WellChild Awards on Tuesday evening. The WellChild Awards celebrate the inspiring qualities of some of the country’s seriously ill young people and the dedication of those who go the extra mile to keep children healthy and happy, including the outstanding health, social care and education professionals. The Awards have played a huge part in highlighting what these families need, and the support that is desperately required to meet the ever-increasing demand. It's a truly wonderful event.

WellChild will be streaming the awards live on their Facebook Page from 6.30 pm.

Hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Anne-Sophie de Paris11 October 2019 at 21:51

    Merci Charlotte de continuer Ă  nous nourrir intellectuellement !
    Meghan est un don pour la monarchie que cette derniĂšre ne sait peut ĂȘtre encore pas .

    Elle est inspirante pour toutes les filles quel que soit leur Ăąge.
    C'est une femme intelligente brillante.
    Il n'y en a pas beaucoup comme elle au sein de la firme.

    Le couple de Sussex s'est bien trouvé.
    Oublier les tenues de Meghan et jugez la par la qualité de son travail. Le couple a mon soutien
    Anne Sophie

  2. what a fabulous post Charlotte filled with so many good updates thank you ! I am so excited for the documentary of Meghan and Harry. Also I really loved the video from sussexroyal instagram so touching to see Meghan as a young girl with the same views as today

  3. I love Meghan’s UN speech. So nice to see her carry on advocating for women as part of her role. And Harry with Ed Sheeran! My two favourite gingers :P

  4. Thanks for the updates Charlotte! We can always count on you to provide us with the most up to date Sussex information :)

    I loved Meghan's quote "visualize your higher self and show up as her". These words apply to each and every one of us and if we did show up as our higher selves each day imagine how much better ours lives and the lives of those around us would be. Such a simple act could have a widespread impact.

  5. the world we be a better place, if will all aspire to do our own part. may God bless the sussex family beyond measures n you too Charlotte

  6. I have finally realized that things are just perfect the way they are. Kate is just perfect as the future queen; she is a lovely person, it appears, which is why I was interested in her to begin with. I believe she is extremely kind, and I have seen her facial expressions toward Meghan at the tennis matches. I saw the joy on her face and Harry's when they attended an event together, and I know Harry would feel otherwise if Kate had ever been unkind to Meghan.

    And Meghan is just wonderful as being herself! She and Harry have the luxury of knowing they likely will never be king and queen, so they can express their desires more fully. Meghan came to Harry as a completely developed and focused woman. I think many would have preferred a meek mouse who had to be trained in what to say and wear, but she's not that person. She's super smart and a terrific speaker. I am looking forward to the Africa documentary because I felt we were missing something, and I'll be glad to have more information.

    Only a few years ago I was hoping Harry would find a wife because I like him and knew he was unhappy. I never expected to like his wife even more than I like him! :)

    1. Anne-Sophie de Paris12 October 2019 at 21:24

      Allison Comme vous et beaucoup d'autres, je me suis moi intéressée à la monarchie uniquement à cause du mariage de Harry.
      J'ai Ă©tĂ© frappĂ©e par le DĂ©cĂšs de Diana et j'ai Ă©tĂ© malheureuse pour ce petit garçon qu'il Ă©tait ! J'ai toujours rĂȘver qu'il trouve une femme qui le rassure ,' accompagne, et le soutienne.
      Ses anciennes girlfriend n'Ă©taient pas pour moi Ă  la hauteur mĂȘme si elles Ă©taient mignonnes.
      Bien s'habiller ,gommer sa propre personnalitĂ© ĂȘtre
      "aseptisĂ©e " pour ĂȘtre une bonne duchesse voire une bonne reine n'a jamais Ă©tĂ© ma tasse de thĂ©.
      Harry a la chance effectivement de tomber sur une femme qui Ă©tait accomplie avant son mariage.
      Meghan n'a pas patienté tranquillement pour avoir la bague au doigt

      Elle existait et je crois que les détracteurs n"auront jamais gain de cause.
      Du reste Harry a toujours dit qu'aucun d'eux ne voulait ĂȘtre roi mais qu' ils assuraient leurs rĂŽles par devoir.
      Le couple de Sussex se porte bien , trĂšs moderne.
      Comme d'autres tĂȘtes couronnĂ©es qui sont en phase avec leur temps comme la Reine Letizia d'Espagne ou la princesse Mary d",Espagne ou encore la Reine Maxima des Pays-Bas .Elles font des confĂ©rences comme Meghan et prennent la parole devant des auditoires diffĂ©rents.
      Des efforts restent Ă  faire au sein de la monarchie britannique car ĂȘtre bien habillĂ©e , sourire avec un bouquet de fleurs Ă  la main ne suffisent plus aujourd'hui pendant que le peuple souffre.
      Courage Meghan et Harry pour votre votre force et pour votre rĂȘve de participer Ă  un monde meilleur.
      Meghan vous ĂȘtes une source d'inspiration pour toutes les petites filles.
      C'est le monde que je veux laisser Ă  mes petits 'enfants.

    2. Anne-Sophie, I'm on your team. :) I felt so badly for little Harry -- at a boarding school at 11, his mother dies, so Dickinsonian. And it didn't have to happen but the "old rules" kept Charles from marrying Camilla. Id diana had the supportive family that Kate has, I doubt she would have married Charles. If Diana had lived in London and the children went to day school, perhaps she would spend more time at home. So many things had to change and they did. The current family members have learned and the grandchildren have good marriages. Kate brought her family with her, to the overwhelming benefit of her husband and children. And Meghan brought her mom and tremendously supportive friends. Seeing Harry happy now after his semi-chaotic adolescence is such a good feeling. I could watch Harry paw Archie for hours.

      So while my initial goal was to see Harry happy, his choice of a wife is just the greatest gift. I had not heard of her until the dating rumors, but when I then visited The Tig, I really liked what I saw and felt, and I do not follow any other blogs. They are just a power couple in all the right ways.

  7. Thank you, Charlotte, for this infomrative update. I admire Meghan so much. She and Harry are a great team, as Harry predicted. I love everything they do.


  8. Absolutely love the SussexRoyal Instagram video celebrating International Day of the Girl! A positive and inspirational message that I shared with many. Even as a sweet wee child, Meghan was a force for change and good. Meghan has so many good quotes, including this lovely one, "visualize your highest self and show up as her". I honestly could listen to Duchess Meghan speak for hours on any topic, and hope in the future she does more narration on other projects.

    Prince Harry’s video with Ed Sheeran for World Mental Health Day was funny and powerful. I’m so happy that The Sussexes are supporting so many causes & getting important messages out. Harry and Meghan work so well together, an amazing team.

    I look forward to the WellChild awards, such an important event and immensely inspirational. I’m glad both Harry and Meghan will be able to attend together. For those, like me, that don’t use Facebook, WellChild says that you can also see the event here:
    Have a Happy Day!

  9. Dear Charlotte
    Thank you for another delicious post about Duchess Meghan (& Prince Harry)! I wish I could find the time to comment on each one of your posts, after all I read all your Meghan posts. I really appreciate that you provide links to Meghan’s speeches. Wow! In all her speeches she is both very professional and very warm. I wrote the wonderful line: “Visualize your highest self and show up as her.” Thank you Meghan and Thank you Charlotte!

  10. Are there any updates on the smartworks tote bag? Is it coming back in stock? I've been waiting for ages it seems.

  11. Thanks, Charlotte. Looking forward to the upcoming engagements.


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