
Tuesday 1 October 2019

Prince Harry: "I Lost My Mother and Now I Watch My Wife Falling Victim to the Same Powerful Forces."

In a powerful and heartbreaking statement, Prince Harry has laid bare the extent of media bullying and the pain both he and Meghan have suffered at the hands of the British press over the past year. Released on the couple's new official website, Harry revealed they have initiated legal proceedings against The Mail on Sunday and its parents company Associated Newspapers.

The statement in its entirety from Sussex Official, in Harry's own words:

'As a couple, we believe in media freedom and objective, truthful reporting. We regard it as a cornerstone of democracy and in the current state of the world – on every level – we have never needed responsible media more.
Unfortunately, my wife has become one of the latest victims of a British tabloid press that wages campaigns against individuals with no thought to the consequences – a ruthless campaign that has escalated over the past year, throughout her pregnancy and while raising our newborn son.
There is a human cost to this relentless propaganda, specifically when it is knowingly false and malicious, and though we have continued to put on a brave face – as so many of you can relate to – I cannot begin to describe how painful it has been. Because in today’s digital age, press fabrications are repurposed as truth across the globe. One day’s coverage is no longer tomorrow’s chip-paper.
Up to now, we have been unable to correct the continual misrepresentations - something that these select media outlets have been aware of and have therefore exploited on a daily and sometimes hourly basis.
It is for this reason we are taking legal action, a process that has been many months in the making. The positive coverage of the past week from these same publications exposes the double standards of this specific press pack that has vilified her almost daily for the past nine months; they have been able to create lie after lie at her expense simply because she has not been visible while on maternity leave. She is the same woman she was a year ago on our wedding day, just as she is the same woman you’ve seen on this Africa tour.
For these select media this is a game, and one that we have been unwilling to play from the start. I have been a silent witness to her private suffering for too long. To stand back and do nothing would be contrary to everything we believe in.
This particular legal action hinges on one incident in a long and disturbing pattern of behaviour by British tabloid media. The contents of a private letter were published unlawfully in an intentionally destructive manner to manipulate you, the reader, and further the divisive agenda of the media group in question. In addition to their unlawful publication of this private document, they purposely misled you by strategically omitting select paragraphs, specific sentences, and even singular words to mask the lies they had perpetuated for over a year.
There comes a point when the only thing to do is to stand up to this behaviour, because it destroys people and destroys lives. Put simply, it is bullying, which scares and silences people. We all know this isn’t acceptable, at any level. We won’t and can’t believe in a world where there is no accountability for this.
Though this action may not be the safe one, it is the right one. Because my deepest fear is history repeating itself. I’ve seen what happens when someone I love is commoditised to the point that they are no longer treated or seen as a real person. I lost my mother and now I watch my wife falling victim to the same powerful forces.
We thank you, the public, for your continued support. It is hugely appreciated. Although it may not seem like it, we really need it.'

The Duchess has filed a claim against Associated Newspapers over the misuse of private information, infringement of copyright and breach of the Data Protection Act 2018. A legal spokesperson from Schillings who are representing the Duchess of Sussex said:

“We have initiated legal proceedings against the Mail on Sunday, and its parent company Associated Newspapers, over the intrusive and unlawful publication of a private letter written by the Duchess of Sussex, which is part of a campaign by this media group to publish false and deliberately derogatory stories about her, as well as her husband. Given the refusal of Associated Newspapers to resolve this issue satisfactorily, we have issued proceedings to redress this breach of privacy, infringement of copyright and the aforementioned media agenda”. 

The case is being privately funded by Harry and Meghan. Any proceeds from damages will be donated to an anti-bullying charity. A spokesperson for Schillings law firm told ITV News: "The 'intrusive' publication of the letter was part of the media group’s campaign to write 'false and deliberately derogatory' stories about her, as well as her husband." The letter in question refers to one penned by Meghan to Thomas Markle.

It was deeply saddening to read Harry's statement. We've all born witness to the appalling character assassination Meghan has been subjected to since their relationship became public knowledge. Defamatory claims, lies and constant attacks have been the reality for Meghan. The commentary on her has been truly shocking to see. She's held to an entirely different standard, any opportunity to excoriate her is met with an abundance of glee. I've been left dumbfounded by the refusal to acknowledge her success and commitment to her role. Acceptance of that would be in direct contradiction to the narrative the media have built.

One could almost feel the agony they have endured through the words of Harry's searingly honest statement. He's watching the women he loves, his wife, the mother of his son, being torn to shreds every single day. I can't imagine the many days at Frogmore where they have wondered if they can continue. After losing his mother, Harry must have felt completely powerless to stop this. I've said this before: Meghan's a human being with feelings, not an infallible mannequin whose sole existence is to bow to the will of the press. How she has not only carried on but excelled as HRH the Duchess of Sussex is commendable in so many ways. To be made to feel so unwelcome and unwanted in a new country, and to still devote yourself fully to your role speaks volumes about the real Meghan.

From the British media, reporters and commentators to the keyboard warriors and so called royalists who have participated in the endless bullying of this woman and caused her so much pain, I hope each and every one will read Harry's words, re-read them, and hang their heads in shame. I have no doubt Schillings are building a strong case and it's only the beginning.


  1. I wept as I read Harry's words. This couple is trying to do all of the good in the world (and in their own family) that they can and to be attacked and slung through the mud by the vast majority of the British press is vile and egregious. The only two British-based royal reporters I have any respect for are Omid Scobie and Chris Ship. All of the others (and the commentators) have lost all respect in my opinion. On this side of the pond, Max Foster (with CNN) and Keir Simmons (with NBC) are two others I respect. As an American, the treatment of Meghan by so many outlets of the British media has been profoundly difficult to watch. I used to want to visit the UK eventually, but over these last couple of years, that desire has overwhelmingly decreased after seeing what has happened to Meghan and Harry. I'm not sure that many of these royal reporters and royal commentators and media outlets have any capacity to be ashamed or feel shame. No lessons were learned from the life and death of Princess Diana and history is repeating itself.

  2. This is a powerful statement and I'm glad Harry made it.

    I too thought The Daily Fail's positive coverage of the royal tour this week was strange given their past criticism of everything this couple does.

    I think the criticism over private jet usage is fair (even though other royals do it too). But most of the other criticism is just ridiculous, and it only adds to the perception that British tabloids are racist.

    1. Anonymous 22:09,
      Why do you consider criticism over private aircraft use fair? They were recipients of a gift for which they neither paid for nor had tax payers pay.
      I've been in corporate aviation for many years. While it is difficult for some people to imagine such a life style, it is very common in my industry. To vilify a couple for accepting a generous gift seems petty.

  3. Jessica in Los Angeles1 October 2019 at 22:10


    I’m glad to see that they’re fighting back. I hope they win! I’m not sure what this letter is that he referred to, but it doesn’t matter. I’m happy they are going to fight back and stand up for themselves.

    I also appreciate his honesty in explaining that the rhetoric has been hurtful to them, despite their happy faces. I think it might be easy for people to see the smiles on their faces and assume that they have been able to turn a deaf ear to these comments. I think it’s important that he was honest in saying that these comments are very hurtful and the smiles are just them putting on brave faces when needed.

    1. The letter that Meghan wrote to her father and I guess he gave it late to the reporters. Very heartbreaking.

    2. So she writes a letter to her father-it is no longer her property but his. Presumably hr shared it w the press
      Therefore, I would think they had legal right if not moral right to publish it.

    3. It is about time someone steps up on their behalf.
      I've asked myself why is the Queen allowing this against her family? Especially after what Dianna went through. This all is appauling!I have been very proud of Harry and the stand he has taken and now takes on behalf of his family.WHERE ARE THE OTHER ROYALS!!!!

    4. Unknown - the paper didn’t have a legal or
      moral right. She’s the writer of the words therefore they are hers. English copyright law says the originator of the content, not the recipient, has to consent to them being shared/sold/re-printed. That’s what they’re suing over. And they certainly didn’t have a moral right. There is no public interest argument at all in sharing such private family tension. I can only imagine how painful and embarrassing it was for Meghan, and truly served no purpose.

  4. Praise be! Harry's words were carefully chosen and the timing as well - obviously.

    As an American, I have never understood the overwhelming and consistent criticism of her. And she has kept a brace face and succeeded in her role in spite of these slugs. Have they learned nothing from the demise of Diana?

    Apparently not.

    In other news, Charlotte your coverage of this tour has been nothing short of astonishing. I have learned so much! I am embarrassed to say I was somewhat ignorant to the plight of many in the region. THANK YOU!!!

    1. I second everything you said. I have always had a positive opinion of Meghan and of her work ethic in particular. Charlotte is a treasure, my eyes have been opened greatly on this tour in a number of different ways.

  5. I applaud that they are fighting back against the relentless and depraved bullying and hope very much that they emerge victorious. I was always very pleased to see Queen Elizabeth's open support of Meghan and read of Meghan's close relationship with Prince Charles. It does puzzle me why other key royal family members have not shown more public support for firstly a new family member and secondly, a young woman and new mother adjusting to life in a new country. The very unfair narrative of the press could have most certainly been changed by more support from various family members. Everyone should rally round when one of their own is attacked. I wish Harry and Meghan the strength to hold onto all that is positive and good and that they receive the recognition they deserve for their heartfelt and sincere work to make the world a better place.

    1. I agree with you 100%. I find it difficult to understand the silence of the Royal family

    2. I admit that the silence on this matter by the Queen and Prince Charles has caused me to view them in a different light and frankly I'm not enjoying that view. While they might be very supportive in private, the silence from BP and CH is deafening. As I recall during the early days of Diana's marriage the Queen summoned the editors of the press to BP and asked that they give her some space and room to adjust to her new role and life. Lastly, William is heading up an Anti-Bullying campaign, perhaps he should start by addressing the treatment of his new sister-in-law.

      Meghan has left all she knew behind out of her love for the Queen's grandson and Charles' son and during her brief time as a royal she has already accomplished so much and has inspired many, I just don't believe that their "don't complain, don't explain" way of handling these situations is the right one any longer.

    3. Lauri, I absolutely agree. In fact I believe the queen, charles and william have let it happen. Just look what they can shut down when they want to. Andrew is a prime example of that. Hes been around d a despicable able man and yet coverage is quite toned down. Yet meghan is killing g is all with avocados.

      Maybe they dont walk dutifully behind as some want them to. But they've brought some excitement and commitment that has been sadly lacking.

    4. Unfortunately I find it very difficult to appreciate or even respect the Queen regarding this matter. Her office is more than willing to go all out in supporting criminal allegations against Prince Andrew, but cannot even put out a word of support towards her new granddaughter in law - that to me speaks volumes about her character and priorities. Shameful.

    5. IMO, there are 2 reasons for this. One of strategy: you can only deny when you have a clear accusation. What was said about Meghan? That she spent too much, was unfeeling against her father? That Harry was a hypocrite, speaking about climate and taking jets? As buhare says, there were even articles about advocados. You cannot issue statements about that, or complain that the press is looking for negative stories. It is like trying to grasp water.
      Second one, and that is speculation on my part, they seem to be on their own. Their choice,or that of the palace, but they are in charge of their communication and don't seem to be part of a team.
      As for the Queen, she is know for saying nothing, ever, in all circumstances. Look how she was criticised for mentioning once that people should think carefully about their votes. And how passive she was in the aftermath of Diana's death. She is 92, has a way of doing things, and is not going to change. And I guess in her long life, she has often seen herself and members of her family vilified and seen worse than her grandson and his wife getting negative press. She may well think it will all be forgotten in 30 years.

    6. Yes. I agree with your take.

    7. Known for saying nothing - perhaps. However actions speak louder than words and the Queen has made sure to be seen with Andrew to show her support.
      Yes, she’s 92. Is that age meant to give her a free pass? She’s strong enough to want to hang on and be Queen in the time an Emperor and Pope no less have stepped down.
      My respect for the royal (small r) has reduced to nil. Very, very poor form in keeping silent in the face of such vicious bullying of the Duchess of Sussex.

    8. Caroline in Montana2 October 2019 at 15:56

      I don't understand how vilifying other members of the BRF helps the DoS in anyway. so its not ok to bully her but you can bully her in laws? sad.

    9. Again, Helen, I agree with your reasoning. If history tells us anything, its that the royals will always be the target of negative press and that obviously will never change. The Sussexes did choose to branch out on their own, and they will have to put up like they can hold out. As tough as that may be, both Harry and Meghan have the strength of character to endure, their story has yet to be written and their message much more important than this blip in time, how they survive this will be the true testament to their legacy.

    10. Who's bullying her in laws, Caroline? I thought we were expressing opinions here and in some people's opinion, including mine, the queen and the rest of the royal family have let this happen. If that's bullying, then I hope you never see real bullying.

  6. Very hard to read, even harder to understand how adults can be bullying other adults. What does it say about the world we live in?

  7. Brave and absolutely right to take a stand. The attacks against the Duchess of Sussex have been sustained and vicious virtually since her move to the UK. I have felt sick seeing the (almost) daily headlines without even reading the articles. God knows how they have felt. And it’s not because it is specifically Meghan either. It is just deeply uncomfortable and disturbing to see any human attacked so relentlessly . It is bullying pure and simple. It should not just be Meghan and Harry speaking up. I recall the Palace meeting with newspaper editors re the hounding of Diana in the early days. Why have they not acted on behalf of Meghan? By not doing so I believe the Royal Family lose any credibility when they campaign about mental health and bullying. When the press give the Duchess more grief over “protocol “ than
    Prince Andrew and his association with a paedophile it is time to take a stand.

    1. I agree! I'm so shocked to see headlines about H&M's private plane flights on higher footing than Andrew's association with Epstein and the accusations of his (Andrew's) behavior with a minor.

  8. Proud of Prince 0Harry for standing up for Meghan. The press has been relentless in their criticism and racism against Meghan. I applaud her for the wonderful job she is doing as wife, mother and in her royal role! She is so caring, and I adore her! Good for you Prince Harry!

  9. I am very sad to read this. I think Meghan has done an amazing job with grace, good humor and a smile on her face. Perhaps that is the real reason for them decamping to Frogmore- to have a real escape, within the confines of the Crown Estate. They are entitled to have some private time. We want them to be well adjusted and "people" oriented individuals to lead the Royal Family. The Human race can be exceptionally cruel to each other and to the other living things on this planet. Shame on us. And I especially hope Piers Morgan hangs his head in shame (He has been extremely anti-Meghan when it suits him.) I know both Harry and William want to protect their wives and children from this kind of abuse- no wonder we don't see too much of the kids! On a brighter note, I think this tour has been exceptional for all involved. They have showcased worthy organizations doing the real, hard work in their own communities. Meghan and Harry have both had amazing speeches on their various engagements. We are lucky to have them in this world. Blessings and good luck on this lawsuit.

    1. Hoosier Lori - right on, re Piers. He's been particularly terrible. -op

    2. Piers is totally awful!

    3. He is laying into them again today, I believe he is responsible for so much negative press and stirring up the hate in the comments section of MOL. Strangely, on Loose Women today, the commentary was not as positive for Harry and Meghan as I expected, the general view seemed to be that H&M deserved some of the endless hate. Sinead

  10. Absolutely right they take a stand! About time. The one questionmark I have is: she told in an interview she doesn't read anything about herself. how comes she is affected this much if she really does not?

    1. Well, she said that about dating and for sure they can not avoid all this negativity after Meghan moved to U.K. I am glad somebody told Harry that enough is enough.

    2. Chantal - I have a feeling she hears about it through palace channels, maybe friends. -op

    3. I think their aides still keep them apprised of a lot of what's said, so as to strategize with them about their response (if any).

      Plus, she may have every intention of blocking everything out, but it can't be easy when your name is constantly splashed across every front page. I see news about Meghan frequently, even when I'm not looking for royal news and just trying to look at the Google News headlines to stay informed about the world--which Meghan most definitely is.

    4. I'm sure she sees headlines and watches television

    5. The bullying is front and center in our politics now on both sides of the pond. It's on twitter, Instagram, and the ridiculous gossip rags. Of course she sees some of it and so does her & Harry's staff.

    6. She must be reading it. No aide would bring it to her attention.

    7. Unless she isolated herself completely it would be impossible to not hear tidbits at least. I hold her at her word that she doesn't read it, but she must hear snippets or see headlines.

  11. So happy to see this! The lies and bullying are beyond anything I have seen in my lifetime. How can human beings be so mean? I hope this statement and the legal action might actually make a difference. Dare we hope?

    Thank you, Charlotte, for your wonderful coverage.


  12. Meghan is amazing. Her grace and intelligence, her love and goodwill to those in need is inspiring. I hope they both know how much they are admired and appreciated by some of us! Hang in there, the world is an especially confusing and ugly place right now, but there are many people out here that see the truth and want only good things for this family. Cheers and Kudos to Meghan and Harry! And Archie too!

  13. Thank you Charlotte for covering this heartbreaking story with such grace and honesty. Humans do have the most perverse need to belittle and wound the kindest and best among us.

    I am so glad that Harry and Meghan are standing up to the cruel and vicious behavior of the press. The way the press has blackmailed H&M into showing Archie "or else" is beyond the pale. And the dog-whistle rants intended to do nothing but stir up hatred for Meghan are disgusting.

    As I have already written above, I cannot excuse the silence of the Queen, Prince Charles or William on this matter. It seems that they are all too willing to let Harry and Meghan fight this battle alone. Just recently the Queen showed her support for her son Andrew by the ride to church, both smiling as though they didn't have a care in the world. William is spearheading an anti-bullying campaign, shouldn't his first example be the vile bullying of his sister-in-law? Frankly, it would not surprise me in the least if one day, sooner than they think, Harry will just say "right enough is enough, we're done" and leave the family.

    Is it to be the legacy of the British Royal Family that they will condone the treatment of one of their own in order to save their own skin?

    1. Lauri!

      You ask really good questions! Their silence is shameful, and I am not saying they should react to every gossip and claim but not saying anything is awful optics. I can't help but recall one of them saying lately he is bored with rascism. Who we are kidding?

    2. Hi Anett,

      do provide a link to the direct quote of such a statement, please.

    3. I also would not be surprised if Harry and Meghan decide to lead private lives eventually. This statement suggests to me that Meghan is truly struggling and perhaps wants out.

    4. Three words you should type: royal, racism, bored.

      Hope it helps.

    5. Anon,

      Here is a link to the article where William stated he was "bored" with racism.

    6. Anett, its no surprise you don't like William, but I think you took the article and comment out of context.

    7. Read the article in its entirety to get the full context of the words tossed around here.

    8. Anett and Lauri,

      I gather you haven't read the article in question.
      For context:
      "People are now talking a little bit about mental health issues but I imagine talking about racism is still quite a difficult subject, especially when it’s happening in such a public fashion with Premier League matches or [in the] Champions League. We’ve got to do something about it. I’m fed up with it. I’m so bored of it."

      Hope this helps.

    9. Thank you Anon 17:09!

    10. If I recall correctly the DoC attended a tennis match at Wimbledon with the DoS just this summer.
      The queen had a joined engagement with Meghan as much as she did with Catherine in the early days.
      Charles and Camilla speaks at length with Meghan during puplic events where they are all in attendance.
      I do think things have gone really too far and I'm glad they are speaking up for themselves but I think we can't really tell the royal family isn't taking their side imo.


  14. Good. Enough is enough. I think Meghan is very impressive and the way that the press have treated her is disgusting and racist and awful. I'm grateful for your blog so I can get my Meghan fix without feeling like I'm feeding into the exploitative cruel frenzy.

  15. Theresa New York1 October 2019 at 23:50

    Sarah Vine, wife of Michael Gove, is especially vicious and rivals Piers Morgan for nastiness.

  16. BRAVO! Great commentary Charlotte. I'm so glad Harry & Meghan did this. The media has been vile to them, but especially Meghan. The happiness I've seen from this couple during this current tour has been wonderful to watch, and I believe they both are driven to make a difference. Go H&M!

  17. Thank you for this report, Charlotte. Harry's statement is powerful and moving, and I can't imagine the pain that must have been felt to bring this particular law suit, since it revolves around a letter to her father. I'm glad that the Sussexes have reached the "enough!" point and have chosen to sue one of the most egregious publications. I hope the court will deal with their lack of ethics and appalling lack of fairness and truth in their vile publications. I think it will take me a while to absorb this. I do wonder about the timing of this. Will it not take away focus on the issues and charities they are seeking to support? I'm just trying to figure out the thinking behind. As to the query/comment about Meghan's remark about not reading about herself, I have always thought she meant social media. She would have to be aware and take into account what the press is saying. Ironically, I think that is why they have set up their own instagram account, and now a website, in order to get their own stories out. It seems there are few to trust other than themselves. Diana apparently had enemies in the court, so why not Harry and Meghan?

    1. Yes indeed, Anonymous 00:24. Let's not forget the enemies on the inside--those "sources" quoted anonymously by so many of the papers.

  18. I'm so glad to see this. Harry has the greatest gift in Meghan and Archie, and I love that he's going to fight on all fronts for her. Irony that the object in the fight, among so many, is a letter given by Meghan's father to the press. A man who is also supposed to honor and protect his children. This is just one of the many reasons why I love when Meghan sees her true friends.

    Your commentary, Charlotte, is as always so inspiring. I find it hard to write because you say it so perfectly and with such love.

    It would have been nice to see a little "hand on the shoulder" from Charles and William, but is that not British? I feel like the Queen has made it known how she feels about Meghan and is letting them do whatever they need to do, which is a sign of support.

    I hope they get millions for charity!!

  19. I fully support the Sussexes! To be harassed at any time is terrible, Meghan was bullied relentlessly during her pregnancy & postpartum. Thank goodness her baby was delivered safely & is thriving. Throughout, Meghan has held her head up & kept working, so many people have benefited from her hard work. My heart goes out to Harry & Meghan, & those that truly love & support them. As an outsider the bullying has been stressful to see, I can’t even imagine how they’ve felt.

    Charlotte, I’m glad that your blog has been fair. It’s unfortunate many in mainstream media have lacked basic ethics. I’ve unsubscribed from several newspapers & magazines because of low standards & bullying. I’m happy to read this blog and also grateful for SussexRoyal Instagram.


  20. Royal 👑 Watcher2 October 2019 at 01:00

    It makes me teary to think of how stressful this is for Harry. I hope they can both get a good outcome from this. Much love to the Sussex family ❤️

  21. First off let me say that I’m thrilled that Meghan and Harry are taking this step. While I certainly believe in a free and uncensored press, the British tabloids have crossed the line to harassment and slander.
    I do have a question about timing that I was wondering if anyone had some insight on. I was surprised that this statement was put out while they were still on tour. It seems like this will most certainly overshadow the great work they are doing hi-lightning causes in Africa right now.
    Does anyone have any insight about why this is coming out now? Perhaps it has something to do with the court case needing to become public at this time? The timing just feels odd to me so I’m wondering if there is some underlying reason for it.

    1. Zora from Prague2 October 2019 at 12:01

      I wonder about the timing as well, Ash- Michigan.
      I'm glad they are taking this step, just don't understand why now.

    2. From more reliable press, negotiations to prevent more of this type of private intrusion failed. Lawyers went to work. The Prince came out to deliver his side. He probably didn’t have a choice as DM will continue to sow gossips to sell.

    3. I wonder about the timing too and while glad they are doing it, not sure why now, when the tour has seemingly been such a success. Afraid it will only feed into the negativity that it really is about them and not the causes. Feel it would have been better announced once they returned from the tour.

    4. It was right before their last day on tour, though, so it really doesn't take away from in IMO. The press (even the DM) has been quite positive during the tour, so if they turn around and go super negative about this, it's even more proof of their nastiness. Or could just be timing for the legal case.

  22. Tammy from California2 October 2019 at 01:13

    GOOD.FOR.THEM. I stand 100% behind them. The media only has to print one word and it puts doubt in people's minds. Many people have been ruined by this instead of truth: it's unfair. I don't know how these types of media people sleep at night. I hope the Sussexes win this lawsuit and that the Associated News loses readers because of it. I never did read articles by them, and I most certainly will make it a point to never read them again. I wish H & M all the best.

  23. All I can say is, what took Harry so long. He is
    100 % correct to defend his wife and on some issues, himself. This is a sad commentary on the state of our world. Thank you, Charlotte for your commentary. Excellent!

  24. Chantal @ 23:15, I read that the Duke of Sussex keeps up with all the news. I’m sure he shares some of it with his wife.

  25. Finally!! I stopped commenting on the blog because it was hard for me to enjoy while the backlash against Meghan was unfair and just flat out ugly. While I wasn't expecting legal action to be taken, I'm glad something is being done. We are well past the time for correction. I don't think Meghan needs to be put on a pedal-stale but the treatment was dreadful. Maybe we're on to a more positive future.

  26. All I see is a beautiful young woman. Accomplished and she should be admired for taking on such a public role. Now a wife and mother. I have not read any negative reporting... I read that it has happened but I have not read any for the simple fact I know it to be sensationalizing. I see a strong family bond in the images with Harry's family. She should know they and indeed millions don't believe what is published. I think she is glowing and looks younger somehow with motherhood. How that's possible I dont know! Keep up the great work. You are much appreciated by many.

    1. Caroline in Montana2 October 2019 at 16:06

      I agree with your sentiments. I also do not read negative reporting, I have this neat trick where I read only charlottes blogs about the duchess's and they are fair and balanced and I get my news and a bonus education and not feed into the frenzy. I think she is doing a terrific job. I hope they win. I think part of the glow is in knowing she is secure and loved in her new family, no need for them to pat her on the back in public for her to know it!

  27. Thank you Charlotte for the way you always present those sensitive issues. It is very sad to see what Meghan has been subject to since their relation was made public . Horrible the constant bullying ans blackmail ( do as de instruct of we will make your day pure hell) from british media. I hope they will have the strengh to carry on because the same media and so called royal commentator will backfire in the coming hours and dans for months. I am surprised they didn't have the nerve to criticise Archie but i am sure one day Simeone will go that low to hurt the parents. I doubt they can roll back to be simply objective towards Meghan and change their narrative to reality : their media are making a lot of money with their lies, the truth will expose them as pathetic liars or their Real grief ( like this sorry soul of piers morgan Who deguise his hurt for not having scored a " tell all" interview with Meghan from the moment the relation was public till the wedding but worse he was not invited at the wedding at all). It is
    good and important that Harry stands by his wife and for their family. I hope we can see a strong support from most members of the royal family including the queen.

  28. Today I wish I had the option to add a thumbs up/like to the many supportive comments above. I'm glad Meghan and Harry have taken this issue to court head on. That said, I wouldn't be surprised to see it settle out of court and the papers in question making nice--for a while. Even so, never be complacent about their vile agenda to perpetuate baseless smut which attracts clicks and sells adverts.

    I also agree that the Queen, Prince Charles and William need to step up and speak up. I'm hoping that their silence up to this point might be attributed to no wish to jeopardize the initiation of the suit in question.

    Though I'm not holding my breath, perhaps they will now come forward in a clearly supportive manner. A gesture such as the nod of the regal head as Diana's draped coffin passed (it seemed so forced) will not be enough--not for me.

    It's a different world now from the one in which the Royal Family could hide behind a mantra of "Never complain; never explain." They all need to wrap their heads around the common knowledge that the silent bystanders empower the bullies--in this case the gutter press that feeds off the RF for their very livelihood.

    Bravo, Harry! Bravo Meghan!

  29. So glad that P Harry did this - it was sorely needed. And his last sentence about how they appreciate our support really touched me.

    I’m impressed with their timing, too. I found it interesting that TQ was quoted (secondhand) a couple days ago as being “delighted” with their tour. I wondered why that was done in the middle of the tour, but I think it was in the lead up to this statement (so she wasn’t commenting on this statement later).

    As Lainey Gossip notes, it’s also interesting how they kept this mum for months - no leaks - and then timed it during their trip when they’ll be facing the RR’s.

    Fascinating from the mechanics perspective, but again to bring it back to the human emotion side of it. I’m so sorry it had to come to this for them. They’re good people and don’t deserve this abuse. Hope they will feel the support and stay strong!

  30. I support and stand with the Sussexes. While so much bile has been spewed by the tabloids, they have worked hard to carry out their responsibilities and to try to have positive impact on the issues and causes of importance to them and to HMQ. I have the utmost respect and affection for them. Theirs is also a great love story and I hope their love continues to strengthen and sustain them.

    Charlotte, you are one of the few "royalists" who has been truly measured and fair in your thoughts and commentary. You continue to speak with great clarity of thought. Thank you for this forum.

  31. Sad indeed to read but bravo to the Sussexes for standing up to this bu!lying. And yes, the family must stand up for them more explicitly if they expect healthy individuals available to further the causes of the BRF. Thanks as always to you, Charlotte, for your informative posts that never fail to enlighten us, and for monitoring the comments so your readers are not exposed to the vile comments that appear elsewhere.

  32. Susan In Florida2 October 2019 at 03:56

    Part of me is cheering them on saying “it’s about time”, and part of me is so sad they need do this. The statement is heartbreaking. I’m glad they are fighting back. I’m also very upset that the rest of the family hasn’t said a thing in public to help Meghan. If the Queen and Prince Charles won’t speak up , then William needs to step up and defend his sister-in-law and brother in public. I don’t like comparing the two younger couples, but this is a time when they need to publicly come together and speak up. Last year, something from the BRF should have been said to the press. Royal fans like the readers on this blog, can take a role by alerting our friends not to click on or buy articles that sound to good to be true. Fake arguments are their go-to favorites. We have to hit the tabloids in their pocketbook, so they don’t earn clicks or money from their garbage. The publication of the letter was a huge betrayal for Meghan. Thanks to the other fans for sharing names of reliable reporters.

  33. I believe she doesn’t read it - but I believe she likely gets it from her friends - thinking they are protecting her - and checking on her - it’s sad really

  34. For the “I thought she doesn’t read what’s written about” its constant over there. It’s not just the online, newspaper but the morning talk shows talk about it. Their aides keeps them informed incase they may want to respond to something. Unless she doesn’t watch tv, read the newspaper or talk to her aides it’s hard to completely avoid. The obsessive nature in which the press have been covering her is much like what they did to Diana. I can’t imagine how hard it is for Harry. He’s watching it play out all over again the difference is now he’s grown and can take steps to prevent it from reaching the tragic level it did with his mother.

    1. I am rather surprised that people thought it was possible for Meghan to really avoid reading anything about herself. Since she first said it, I have interpreted it as a polite and calm way not to continue to talk about it and honestly, I don't think she could have said anything else.

      Had she started defending herself, many people would have damned her for it. Like this, she earned some time for herself to maybe think about the next (legal) steps.

      Also it was kind of disrespectful to even ask her if she read negative press about herself. I remember two occasions: engagement, where asking was quite understandable and Meghan answered very well, even continuing to adress the racist aspect. And then March 8, when I thought the host was particularly disrespectful in some questions, like this one - Meghan couldn't have said anything else because 1)she did want for the focus to stay on the issues, not on "how Meghan copes with bad press", 2) it was not an occasion to start explaining something, 3) Meghan knew she was going to be out of public life for a few months and couldn't start adressing such a difficult topic, knowing that she'd be "helpless" and certainly did not want to start this fight before having Archie.

      Plus, even if she didn't read it...we can't think she haven't noticed at all, we can't think her friends who publicly supported and defended her (IMO sometimes in a counter-productive way) haven't told her why they did so, we can't think she is completely isolated. Probably what she meant was also that she didn't spend hours reading and analyzing every gossip, but it is short sighted to claim that "she said she didn't read it so how come she knows". This is nitpicking and the least important thing here.

      I don't know how to feel about the whole lawsuit yet, I am very curious about how it plays out. But I wanted to share my opinion on this, as I think it is kind of "silly" to try to rub in Meghan's face that she said she didn't read this.

  35. This was hard to read especially after this week. We watched these two put their best out there on behalf of the UK and the Royal Family for this Royal tour. I wonder what the people of these host nations and other commonwealth countries think of Britain- to see the treatment of someone who is supposedly a member of the Royal Family and who was asked to represent UK’s interest be treated like this. I’m disappointed and perhaps people are right to suggest the Royal Family- despite its deep reaches and influences- has seem to develop inertia and just isn’t ready for the likes of Meghan.

    The Daily Mail is a conservative tabloid with a big political and monetary agenda. Their readers are angry and need to be fed. To the DM, Meghan is meat served upon a platter by the likes of self righteous, world’s best self promoter, and “I’m not a racist” Piers Morgan and “we Brits prefer true royalty” Sarah Vine. So there you go, Meghan isn’t “true royalty” for the Daily Mail and its readers. And you know what, I’m rather glad. This world doesn’t really need “true royalty”. It needs people who are hard workers, who have heart, guts, compassion, kindness and open mindedness. It needs people who are resilience and know how to make something of themselves without being born into privilege and thus know the value of a real paycheck.

    Perhaps it would be for the best if H&M cannot find the support within the Firm and no respite from these British tabloids, to move on. I don’t want another Diana ending. They are real people with a young baby (sorry DM, baby is not a fake or a deep state conspiracy). This young family will be successful outside the UK. They are smart, hard working and unafraid to take a stand. There are many people who like them, support them and wish them well regardless if they are “true royalty” or not.


  36. I am so glad they have instigated this lawsuit, and so sorry that it is necessary. Meghan and Harry are a force for good in a world that desperately needs more people like them.

  37. it is so sad but glad he has done this
    meghan has been exposed to brutal vitriol and racism perpetuated by people like piers morgan and it is vile. she deserves so much better. people hide slinging mud on computer screens. it is truly jealousy and cowardice but it shouldn't continue on unchecked as a mixed race woman same as meghan i know this racism exists have experienced much of it but not the way meghan has like this it is true bullying and racism . it is good the world is waking up to this we have come a long way in 2019 but not far enough. with people like trump in power and other fascists all over europe it is getting worse and we have to stand up to it.

  38. I don't know how to say this. Much as I feel for them, I don't think this statement is a good idea. Particularly the bit about media now being positive. Why not be glad of it and use it to build for the future? They must know this is a long game. Positive and negative do not mean anything in the long run. And slow news will always be negative. It isn't fair, it isn't nice but knowing how things work, not wanting to rush is a better strategy IMO. Meghan was never vilified the way Camilla was, and there Camilla is, slowly but surely creating a better image of herself. I understand they felt the way the RF goes about this, not explaining not complaining, didn't work. I think it doesn't work at once, it is like surviving one's enemies, you have to have perseverance. And they were getting there. Just going on and showing their true selves. The tide was starting to turn.
    This statement feels like complaining. And while they have every right to complain, the core of the matter and a reason why negative press can flourish so easily, is that people think the RF are in a position of huge privilege, live a life of comfort, have no worries, do not work, have a lavish lifestyle, and all that for no other
    reason than their birth. Complaining from them is felt to be out of place. Meghan's bad relationship with her father is now public, which I am sure could have been avoided, like the publishing of the letter, which was triggered by the interview of Meghan's anonymous friends. It was badly managed. And now all this is almost forgotten or just plain boring repetition, they bring it back.
    I suppose I sound very unfeeling, but sometimes it helps putting your feelings aside and asking yourself what you want to achieve and what is the best strategy. In the long run, not just now. It is not giving in to the bullies, it is being cleverer than them.

    1. A lot of very good points here, Helen. Certainly it is arguable that playing the long game is the much better strategy. One cannot begin to imagine the stress of continous attack from the media and playing the long game does take immense courage and strength, yet, it might possibly be one of the better options.

    2. I disagree. The Mail has been persistent in its continuous bullying of Meghan. It recycles and takes things out of context to vilify Meghan. Meghan is not perfect and never claimed to be. She is adjusting to her role and while there has been occasional gaffes as a newbie, she has applied herself, worked hard to learn and hit the ground running. Perhaps that is what makes her so intimidating to some. That she knows herself, is mature, confident, a woman who earned her own substantial paycheck and was already a known figure by virtue of her acting career and philanthropic involvement long before she married Harry.

      Ignoring the treatment by the British press is not going to make the bullying go away. The Mail makes far too much money off Meghan. Just like it did and continues to do so with Diana. At some point, you have to make a stand. I think Harry needed to do this because these tabloids were already coming after his son, even before he was born. As a parent, I get this. I’d fight back. Hard.

      - Martine

    3. I disagree. The Mail has been persistent in its continuous bullying of Meghan. It recycles and takes things out of context to vilify Meghan. It uses a double standard to criticize her for things other royals do, but they don’t get a nasty headline. (Remember the terrorism headline?) Hardly fair play here. Meghan is not perfect and never claimed to be. She is adjusting to her role and while there has been occasional gaffes as a newbie, she has applied herself, worked hard to learn and hit the ground running. Perhaps that is what makes her so intimidating to some. That she knows herself, is mature, confident, a woman who earned her own substantial paycheck and was already a known figure by virtue of her acting career and philanthropic involvement long before she married Harry.

      Ignoring the bullying will never work because vilifying Meghan makes money for the Mail. Just like making money off Diana while she was alive and after her death. Diana is a goldmine still for the tabloids and royal “experts”. I think Harry has to make a stand against the bullying. The tabloids came after his son, even before he was born. As a parent, I get this. I’d fight back too.

      - Martine

    4. Yes, Helen. I work in PR and I also wouldn't have issued this particular statement. Lawsuit, maybe. Statement, no.

    5. Helen, I completely agree with you. I think at this point the long game may in fact be transitioning to private or celebrity lives, not lives as working Royals. I’m not surprised the firm hasn’t taken up this issue- in fact, H&M had to create their own website for this. It’s clear the firm doesn’t think this is an issue. I would not be surprised if by the end of 2020 H&M have moved to nyc to do charity work as private citizens, and this is just step one in them saying enough is enough we want out.

    6. I also agree with this - I think this is a foolish move on their part - the suit, the new website, and while I think it is good they fight back against bullying (like when the Cambridges sued for the topless pictures of the Duchess on vacation), this feels different. I actually thought MM's dad "shared" the letter, it wasn't stolen. I think they should have just finished this tour and road the coattails of its success. Just my .02

    7. For Meghan’s detractors, the problem is the tour is a success. The Mail doesn’t let up on Meghan. It started with linking Meghan with LA’s Compton and has covered the gamut of elitist, bossy, selfish, linkage to terrorism, genocide, breaking protocols no one has heard of......

      The Mail continues to malign Meghan by contrasting her unfavorably in its recent Sunday profile of Kate for example. It used words like “celebrity” to describe Meghan negatively in her royal family working role in that piece. Unsurprisingly- the word celebrity is found in this thread because that’s what happens with word creep. Frankly, as much as the RF would like to see itself far too royal to be considered celebrities, they are in many ways treated as such. They appear in the tabloids page with such frequency, they achieved celebrity status.

      Finally, The palace had to release a statement to deny the Kate-Meghan feud not so long ago. Yet here is the Mail stirring it up again. The Mail cannot praise one woman without tearing down the other. That’s manipulative. And should be called out on it by people who advocate for anti-bullying, women empowerment and mental health campaign.

      In the Daily Mail England, there’s no room among “queen, country, family” for a person like Meghan.


    8. My theory, as an outside observer,is that the British press is all too ready to publish negative stories about members of the royal family ( and public persons) because of the lurking resentment about their very existence. And that is true for all of them. I believe the RF is councious of that fact and its successful members are those who have taken this starting point into account. It didn't matter who Harry married,the person he choose would know a honeymoon phase, with gushing articles bordering on personality cult, a built-up and after a while, they would be out to build her down. When the public got bored with repetition of negative press, the tune would change for a tepid good will. And the focus would be on someone else.
      Of course if something really negative happens, the press has a field day. But nothing of real importance was said against Meghan, it was all petty things and all of them weren't negative, she was getting good press right now. After a while it should fall from itself. Some people will like her, other won't, she will be doing her thing, getting good press for her engagements and yellow press for her private life. What we are seeing now is a fanatical exacerbation of what should be simple interest in a person who is in a public place. The best would be to have no lovers or haters, just people interested, mildly liking or disliking her. Keep it boring, as many European Royal families would advise.
      I can be wrong, but my feeling is that the Sussexes want to be loved by all, perhaps because they belong to the social media generation. And they will never be. Not by all of the people all of the time. Once they and those emotionally invested in them( I am amazed at how people take this personally) understand that, it will be easier for them.

    9. Once again I have to disagree. The things the Mail said about Meghan was not petty. It was mean , racist, and sexist.

      This is the Mail. I don’t understand the easy acceptance of such abuse by a newspaper. It has attacked many other people and group of people wrongly and maliciously. At some point, this becomes abuse. So no, it’s not ok.

      Meghan is not getting good press. The tour is. These two worked hard on behalf of the UK and the royal family. It’s not like the British media is going to go out and trash a diplomatic tour. Wouldn’t be good for “Queen and country” you know. Plus think of the awkwardness. Must present a happy face while out in the world while beating her at home.

      So read the Mail’s other columns unrelated to the tour, the knives are out. - Martine

    10. Bridget--you can't just "share" a private letter written by someone else. And you definitely can't publish it without that person's permission. Meghan wrote it, so it's her intellectual property, not her father's to just give away. The Daily Mail profited off material that they didn't own the copyright to (at least in the US, copyright of something
      you've written is automatic, you don't have to apply for it).

    11. Susan in Florida2 October 2019 at 15:02

      The letter wasn’t “shared”. They paid the old man to sell it to them. He made money off his daughter and so did the newspaper. Her disgusting sister gets paid for interviews as well. This law suit based on the letter is at least one area where the Sussexes can push back. The entire press crossed over to racist comments that shouldn’t be ignored. I don’t think Meghan reads the tabloids themselves, like Diana allegedly did , bit the headlines are everywhere. It’s easy to chuckle at an article saying there is a argument in a place, it’s harder to ignore persistent racist comments added to the headlines. Harry has a platform to let the word know he will defend his wife , and he used it. He sees history repeating itself, and he’s in defense mode. And he fights alone because his family seems clueless and doesn't get that they need to speak up in public about the racism.

    12. I don't think people take the Mail seriously. The gossip and trash press seems to be a UK pastime, other countries have glossy magazines. They are not considered serious and factual press. I am sure the Mail has faced many libel actions. IMO, the suit makes sense. Everytime they cross a legal line, they should be sued. It is the way democracy works, and balances freedom of the press with privacy and right to reputation. What I don't understand is the statement. IMO, it would have been better strategy to sue quietly and better still win, and not make a fuss about it. Time will tell, but I remember thinking Meghan's friends were ill advised going to the press and that it would make things worse, so it did, with her father publishing her letter. Now I feel the same.

    13. Well said Helen, I share your position on this topic. All the royals have gone through their period of negative press and all have weathered the storm. Add into the mix that Meghan is also a celebrity of American Hollywood fame, and its an added rub to the lurking resentment. I would agree that the Sussexes want to be loved by all for all the right reasons, but I am reminded of something that someone very dear said to me once when I felt I was being maligned unfairly in a public forum...he said "don't give 'them' so much importance and stop trying to prove they are wrong, just keep doing what is right." While it is hard not to take it personally, once you distance yourself from their pettiness, you win.

    14. Caroline in Montana2 October 2019 at 16:20

      Helen, I agree with everything you said!! I also think people should stop reading the daily mail, those readers are just stoking the negative flames.

    15. Helen,

      I agree Camilla was vilified, because of her history with Charles. The difference with Meghan is that a lot of the abuse she faces is because of things she CANNOT control. Her looks, her gender, her nationality, her racial background all in addition to other vitriol the press drums up. Camilla never faced that type of abuse. Not even comparable. Keeping silent worked back then 15+ years ago. The media today is more money hungry, blood thirsty and influential than even before. When I put my emotions aside I can see why Harry and Meghan chose to be public about this.


    16. I also agree with the points Helen made above. I don’t see this as s good long term strategy for them and I am a supporter and want them to succeed. I feel for them but I would have hoped their PR experts would have advised against this. I don’t know why they had to announce the way they did nor do I understand the need for their own website. Lastly, I do wonder if the Queen and Charles were aware of this. If so it would have been very powerful coming from BP. But I do worry that H&M have gone rogue on this and not sure how it will work out for them

      Lisa M.

    17. I completely agree with you Helen! Bridget I think you are right that they should have ridden the coattails of the success of the tour and quietly proceeded with their lawsuit. I question many of their "PR" moves and don't think they are being wisely counseled.

    18. There are so many details about the issuing of the statement and the timing that we are not aware of and never will be. We are also not entitled to know every reason why. Them "going rogue" with this? Interesting statement. This sounds like a regurgitation of something you'd see in the very tabloids this is directed against.

      Maeryn UK

    19. I totally agree

    20. It's distressing to see people saying this was the wrong way to go. No this was the correct thing to do, what the DM posts are stories with many racist undertones - that's not negative press ITS RACISM, its distressing even in this day and age that people are told to ignore it and stay silent, no that's giving into bullying. The only way to stop bullying is to stand up to those bullies.The Daily Mail changed one of its headlines about their range rovers to Royal Car Crash and made that their top story - if that doesn't scream death threats to people, then idk what to say. All this talk about the positive press is because the media got what they wanted during this tour - pictures and videos of Archie that they could make money off of. No the press are bullies and have to be held accountable. Anyone defending or saying this is the incorrect thing to do wouldn't be saying the same if it were happening to their own loved ones.

  39. Would be nice if her Father was held accountable, as he is complicit and just as much a culprit in abusing, and soliciting the abuse against his daughter. He is just as reponsible in this letter being published and the artist of this! The father, and his two older children, espeiclally the other daughter alongside the father should be held accountable for their continue fabrication, lies, threats, manipualtion, and horrific emotional abuse. Freedom of speech is all fine and dandy, until it abuses, lies, hurts, manipulates and is blatantly used for the exploitation of human being(s). Good post, thank you!

  40. good for them i applaud prince harry for doing that stand i love both of them they stand and love and care for they people around them despite of negativity and bullying around them as i read prince harry they been hurt heavenly moved with actions the statements are from the heart to value and protect his young family as i read his statement i remembered my younger years of being a bully its hard but now its okay those bullying made me stronger as young woman and those bullying me before they are mature enough and they are actually now my friends who earn respect as person i hope and pray that they see duchess Meghan positive way not negative way ...

  41. I also did a bit of research into the history of the Daily Mail and lo and behold, it has a lurid history and quite a love affair with Hitler’s Fascism because its owner (Lord Rothmere) not only was enamored by Britain's own fascist, Oswald Moseley, leader of British Union of Fascists, but was also good friend with Hitler and Mussolini. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised by all this, but I was. I didn’t know about this part of British history.

    The DM roots came through once again when the tabloid claimed 61 of 2012 UK Olympics athletes were “plastic Brits”, including Mo Farah. Why? Because the Mail claimed they weren’t properly British. This on top of the Mail criticism of the 2012 UK Olympics multiculturalism component. The Mail printed this classic by its columnist, Rick Dewsbury re: a mixed race family.

    “But it was the absurdly unrealistic scene showing a mixed-race middle-class family in a detached new-build suburban home, which was most symptomatic of the politically correct agenda in modern Britain. This was supposed to be a representation of modern life in England but it is likely to be a challenge for the organisers to find an educated white middle-aged mother and black father living together with a happy family in such a set-up."

    So Meghan & Harry + Archie never had a chance. With the Mail, they’ll never be proper Brits (sorry Harry for daring to love outside what was “proper”) or “true royalty”.


  42. Finally they're taking action. I'm beyond proud of Harry for going with his guts, because I'm sure some people around him tried to talk him out of this just like they did in 2016 when he released the other much talked about statement. The bullying and the lies must be stopped. This will teach them.

  43. I don’t think you have ever written anything more powerful and needful, Charlotte. Right on the money. Thank you.

    1. I agree with you 100%! Charlotte- you run such an amazing blog and it is such a pleasure to read your posts. :)

  44. I hope they win. The lies, the deliberate distortions of truth are unacceptable... Here in Croatia tabloid media more or less just copy-pastes those same articles from british tabloid... I imagine other contries do it to, and it creates totally false image of Meghan worldwide! It's so wrong. My friends who doesn't follow royalty read this and accept it as truth and are astonished when I tell them its' not true... I feel the majority of common people believe what they say and "buy" this negative image of this women. It's so saddening, especially when you know she's really good and kind person....

  45. Helen I think the media has been positive (recently) is because they knew something like this was coming. And I would love to see any of us take a pounding day after day after day of just vile lies and relentless bullying and say 'well let me ignore it'. No one's skin is that one's. Enough is enough


  46. CeeCee from KY ...yes going into a private life worked so well for Diana

  47. You need to STOP linking articles from the Daily Mail which you do all the time. It is perpetuating the hate by giving this heinous rag clicks. Thank you.

    1. Was this directed at Charlotte? She’s reporting the story in a journalistic fashion. That often includes links. There was a much kinder way you could have made this statement.

    2. Grenada, I agree with you. I think it a protest and a stance that many of us would welcome if Charlotte chooses to do so.

    3. Caroline in Montana2 October 2019 at 16:24

      I agree, sick that some comments are just quotes from the DM. love charlottes blogs and those sully the comments for me.

  48. I'm sure we all mean well! o.k.?

  49. When I read Prince Harry's sincere statement yesterday, it was impossible for me to devote without any attention to his statement, to cheerfully continuing to report about the Royal Sussex Tour.
    The Duke and Duchess are fully aware that they are public figures and they both expect and accept legitimate criticism is part of their lives. Their objection is to the relentless lies, day after day.
    I don't know the Duke and Duchess on a personally note, but I admire their work and devotion to the British Royal Family, their country, the Common Wealth and to each other.
    On a personal note: when I read his statement, I saw all over again that little boy, who lost his mother at such a young age. Now he is fearing for the life of his wife, who he dearly loves. It really gives me the chils and felt sick to my stomach.
    The only thing in my power is to call out tabloids and journalists who are guilty of the endless, negative stories often punctuated with lies, all for revenues and clickbait, to stop the relentless bullying, day after day.
    Too bad that Piers Morgan is on his high horse again.

  50. Dear Charlotte, thank you for this post and the opportunity to discuss things like this on a different level. I find this community in this blog so inspiring and comforting. It is a place where the world can experience the life of Harry and
    Meghan in a deeply informative and entertaining way. Harry’s statement is so strong and yet balanced. I hope they are successful in their proceedings raise awareness in a constructive way.

  51. If DM readers would stop supporting DM en masse that would be an amazing turnabout.
    Continued Courage to House Sussex. Bess in Canada

  52. I am happy to see that the Sussexes have finally stood up for themselves.

    If the Markles hadn't sold their own kith and kin to the wolves (out of sheer greed and envy) - a classic case of Cinderella. The duckling that became a beautiful swan, the rejected stone that became a cornerstone or better still, the biracial woman who dared work her way up and became a success story and a global icon. Meghan's family was quick to vilify her and talk to the press even to the point of advising Harry not to marry her - the same people complained when they were not invited to her wedding; the same people opened the door to the British tabloids. The same crazy bunch who have been gleefully watching this whole sad drama.

    I feel the Queen has been supportive in her own way. BP called the Markles to order especially the evil Samantha who was attention and money hungry. As a sign of her support, the Queen has given Meghan a lot important charities and roles to handle since she joined the Royal family.

    As for William, it's been widely reported that he didn't support H&M's marriage in the first place so, probably why he hasn't risen to his sister-in-law's defence. It isn't his wife and kids on the line so he can afford to be laid back and 'bored' racism.

    As for Piers Morgan, perhaps he had hoped for a relationship with Meghan and when that didn't happen well, he's acting like a scorned man...he should be relieved of his job; he has been her loudest critic because he knows his morning show has high ratings. I wonder how come the Network has not seen through his charade.

    As for the timing of Harry's message, as a media professional, I feel this is the best time to air their grievance. It is best to speak when you have the stage/ attention for better media advantage. The Sussexes just concluded as very successful tour - they have the stage right now, so the timing is on point.

    I pray that Harry and Meghan live long, happy and prosperous lives. I pray that they are able to bring up Archie and their future kids to their hearts' content. I love and appreciate them so much.

    Many thanks to Charlotte for the excellent story and thanks for giving us the opportunity to show our support

    1. + 1, Anon 23:49. This is probably the best comment I have read here.

      I agree that most of the damage was made as you wrote - by the Markles and Piers Morgan. Especially the Markles have been terrible and absolutely ruthless in their media outbursts. To this day I don't understand how the palace hadn't had handled them in some better way. Probably at that time, Harry and Meghan might have come to a decision to start their own way of handling things. Because with Markles, Meghan was so new at the time and she only had the palace to turn to and they did not help her in an effective way. Thus the separation of Sussex household/PR/strategy.

      Plus, I have always sensed a little bit of "us against the world" sentiment from Harry and Meghan, so I am not especially surprised by this. I think it is clear that Harry's priority is to protect Meghan (and now Archie) whatever it takes.

      And as you said, I agree the Queen was supportive in her own way. I think she has done many things to show her support for Meghan - inviting her for Christmas as a fiancée, having her for luncheon before Christmas, having a first joint engagement shortly after the wedding, being seen looking after Meghan's dog, giving Meghan important causes/patronages etc. For me, it means support. As well as Charles who clearly showed he only has love for Meghan. I agree with what you say about William.

      On a side note, Harry's love for Meghan is truly admirable. He's shown from the very beginning that he is willing to go on a crusade for her and I understand he must be her rock. I was very moved when I saw her saying "I miss him so much". It was very telling and emotional.


    2. And also I agree that Charlotte deserves all the praise for her incredible reporting. It is a gift to be able to write informatively, sensitively and sensibly.

  53. Good job harry,your way of dealing with this bullying issue will serve as an example to those who enjoy pulling the world pillars down,stop the hate play your part if you can't play your part maintain your space.

  54. Renee from South Africa3 October 2019 at 10:39

    Thank you Charlotte for all the effort that you put into this blog, it is much appreciated!!!! Secondly I want to honour Harry and Meghan for the excellent work they are doing! Thank you for always smilling and giving your best to the public. May you be Blessed in this day. May your marriage be blessed in unity. Stand strong and courageous. You are living a purposefull life that was destined even before you were born. You are meant for such a time as this!

  55. First, let me make it clear. I am ALL about suing the tabloids. I fully support Meghan and Harry filing a suit and having their lawyers nail these racist, rabid "journalists" to the wall. BUT, as a Meghan supporter, I am so disappointed about how this was handled. I am a PR executive in the states and its so frustrating to watch this happen. This was a massively successful tour and I, for one, saw it as a turning point for them. I felt they were going to ride this wave of success and turn a new leaf in the British media and public where their work and contributions becoming the ultimate focus. And then, this statement went out that attacked the press as a whole, not just the Mail. There were some excellent journalists on the tour, and they spoke about their disappointment that they had to cancel their planned articles on gender violence and inequality to instead cover Harry's statement. A big part of PR is talking about the narrative, and what I thought was so excellent about this tour is how Meghan and Harry both came out and acknowledged their privilege and wealth, and spoke about how that drove them to speak out for victims and others that are oppressed or who don't have a platform. But then, Harry put the narrative out that Meghan is a victim. I know of course that someone can be both privileged and a victim, but to do so in this way muddles the narrative. And like others said, when your house is provided by the taxpayers and your vast wealth and privileges are so well known, public sympathy will only go so far.

    I have never met M&H and I can't imagine I ever will. But I feel I can say for a fact that they are both hardworking, down-to-earth individuals with limitless integrity and boundless optimism. I just hope they get a proper PR team in place. Bullies only respond to strength, and they need to play the long game here. Any good PR person worth their salt would know this.

    1. Laura F, very well said. Completely agree and appreciate your professional opinion. I have said before that they are ill advised and are making unnecessary PR mistakes. Thank you for stating it so clearly.

    2. I believe that’s the spin right now is to play this off as an attack on the media as a whole and a bad PR move.

      Before when Harry asked for a bit of room and stop misrepresenting things (lies), the tabloids characterized that request as an end to the free press. A tad melodramatic.

      If the press is truly independent, why not check each other. Why allow lies to perpetuate with copy and paste news.

      These tactics degrade news quality. At some point, there has to be some press responsibility and integrity too. Freedom does not mean a free reign to do as you wish without consequences.

      Unfortunately, there are UK media groups that thought that and broke the law and have paid dearly to settle out of court. Murdoch empire paid out 1 billion pounds to settle. The same people are still around running things.

    3. Anonymous - you applaud Laura F3 October 2019 at 18:33 for her professional opinion? Just because she says she is a PR executive, you believe her? o.k.....I have a bridge to sell, do you believe me? You don't think they have actual professionals providing advice and support? Of course they do and the rest of us are armchair quarterbacks. Professional opinion...hysterical

    4. Zora from Prague5 October 2019 at 18:43

      Sorry, jmccain, but why would Laura F lie? She states what her job is and I have no reason not to believe her. She is entitled to her opinion which, by the way, she wrote very nicely, it is well balanced and fair and she was obviously choosing her words carefully. No need to speak so badly of her in this way, neither to attack Anon for agreeing with her.

    5. From the tabloids’ perch, silencing the royals and anybody else who object to their lies and breaking the laws would be very golden. It would save them BILLIONS of pounds in payouts. It would save them from bad press.

      Many citizens, far less royal, some famous and some unknown before tragedy brought them into the news, have been treated poorly, unethically and their situations exploited for money by these tabloids. These people didn’t stay quiet. Why should they? They fought back and won in sterling. Freedom is not a right to exploit and break laws.

      This is something some in the press would like their readers to forget because the bad actors are creeping back. One just need to look at the state of our Brexit and in America. To follow the PR advice and not do anything is to let the lies continue. How is it effective to try to make friends with those who monetize their bullying of you? The same people who trot out Diana’s dealing as an example to emulate, leaving out the part that it never really worked and that their hounding contributed to her death.

    6. There is a reference in a legal magazine today to an article in the Financial Times (behind a pay wall so not linked) that says that the lawsuit was filed before October 1 because of a upcoming change in High Court divisions to a potentially less favourable court. If so, the timing would make sense, and any positive press coverage in the last couple of days might have been inspired by the lawsuit and hope for a settlement.

      Maggie - short for magpie

  56. Thanks for chiming in Zora....well she claims to be a PR executive and is giving her professional advice so its it's no an opinion. This was not an attack. I'm more prone to speak up. Speak badly? No name calling here so not sure what you're speaking of. Anyway, have a great day folks

    Always, Theresa

  57. Bravo Harry. It is about time someone stood up to the bullies who continue to hound the Duchess.

  58. Zora from Prague5 October 2019 at 21:20

    Thank you for your reply. Maybe I got it wrong but I thought you called her opinion hysterical and implied she was not telling the truth about her job?
    Also, I did not see her comment as a piece of advice, just an opinion, politely written.
    Anyway, if I was mistaken I apologise and I wish you a great day too, Theresa. 🌻

  59. I value your PR viewpoint, Laura. To stand silent while lies are being spread and play the long game is one way to handle the tabloids.

    But what is the long game? How do you expect this will end? Will they tabloids back off?

    It didn’t work for Diana. With Kate, she didn’t get associated with terrorists for visiting a mosque or genocide. The thing is all the royals fly on private planes and helicopters at some point and they still advocate to save the environment and highlight climate change concerns. Yet it’s Meghan and Harry who got called for hypocrisy. I went back to listen to the words of other royals and frankly, they seem just as woke. The only difference is they are not labeled by the tabloids as “woke” and tone-deaf. Why? Because they weren’t looking to paint a negative picture.

    It’s true the tabloids were generally positive of their reporting of Harry and Meghan’s 2018 tour. After that tour, these tabloids were back with their usual shenanigans. Her pregnancy and Archie’s birth just made them more vicious.

    Finally, how can you reason or trust the same tabloids that broke laws and bribed officials to gain records and hack phone calls, not just of the royals but stars and ordinary people alike? In some cases, these were people who suffered real loss and trauma and their suffering was fodder for gossips.

    - Martine

  60. Harry you are a great man you have a special love for your family

  61. Ok Harry


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