
Monday 2 December 2019

A Special December Sussex Royal Post & Meghan Related Cyber Monday Deals

Hello, I hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Harry and Meghan are currently on a break with Archie. Omid Scobie reports they celebrated Thanksgiving "with close family" out of the country, I expect they marked the occasion with Meghan's mother Doria in the US (Omid's podcast The Heir Pod is available here). Continuing with tradition, Sussex Royal has chosen a new theme for December - a reminder to support those in need over Christmas.

More from Sussex Royal:

'With the festive holiday season upon us, it’s also a reminder to reflect on those in need – those who may feel lonely, hungry, homeless, or may be experiencing the holidays for the first time without loved ones. It’s an important time of year to help those around you who may be less fortunate, or who would appreciate even the smallest act of kindness.
Continuing our monthly tradition of highlighting accounts that do good, and inspired by the “Twelve Days of Christmas” - we have selected twelve organisations caring for those in need - especially at this time of year.
There are, thankfully, so many organisations around the world doing good on global and grassroots levels, many of which are not on Instagram. Check out the accounts we have chosen and please share those in your own communities that are making a difference. We would love to hear about the ones that inspire you - so please tell us and add your country’s flag!'

Charities supported include Scotty's Little Soldiers, which was a beneficiary of Harry and Meghan's wedding fund. William's patronage Centrepoint, the UK's leading youth homelessness charity, is featured. There's also an organisation very close to Meghan's heart called St. Felix Centre in Toronto. They offer programmes and services for marginalised members of the community. During Meghan's time filming Suits she volunteered with the centre's soup kitchen. Meghan started visiting after a referral from a friend. Representatives later revealed she sometimes brought in enough food from the set to feed over 100 people. Meghan even got her co-starts in on the action bringing them to the kitchen to cook up a storm.

More from St. Felix on Meghan's time with them.

They are currently running an annual fundraising campaign supporting people experiencing homelessness. More on the effort: "It is not just about being cold outside and not having a place to call home to escape from the harsh weather, but it is also about the increasing sentiments of feeling lonely, rejected, and many times of being left only with memories of their loved ones… But YOU can help us make a difference for them." Last year, they raised $300,000 to support guests, transitional services for women, stocking the soup kitchen and other essential services. If you would like to donate please click here.

It's always great to hear more about Meghan's efforts before she was a royal. I do very much hope we'll see her return to St Felix during an official tour of Canada. It's on my wishlist for the couple next year!


With the festive season upon us, we're taking a look at items and styles worn by the Duchess discounted for Cyber Monday. With a plethora of sales and saving opportunities over the weekend, Everlane has decided to use the shopping weekend to do something a little different - raising $300,000 to support Oceana in their fight to put an end to single-use plastic. A portion from all orders went into 'The Black Friday Fund' which reached its goal earlier today. They have a number of pieces worn by the Duchess still in stock including her Everyday Market Tote, Japanese GoWeave Jumpsuit and The Editor Slingback Shoes.

Meghan's J Crew Denim Shirtdress is discounted from $118 to $64 with discount code MONDAY

Meghan's J Crew Excursion vest and High Rise Toothpick Jeans are also heavily discounted.

The Black Halo Jackie Belted Dress the Duchess wore before the royal wedding is discounted from $375 to $318 at ShopBop with code MORE19

Take 30% off Meghan's Madewell Denim Jacket and Brown Leather Belt with code GIFTWELL

Misha Nonoo is offering 20% off the Husband Shirt Meghan wore for the Invictus Games in 2017 and the Prose Skirt the Duchess wore for an engagement with military families in Windsor recently (with thanks to What Meghan Wore). The discount is applied automatically during the checkout process. 

Strathberry is offering up to 20% off in multiple styles including Meghan's Midi Tote in several colours.

Missoma is offering 25% off everything with code BF25 This includes Meghan's Interstellar Ring and Gold Leaf Bracelet

Club Monaco are offering 30% off everything. 

Feel free to share any Meghan related deals in the comments. 


  1. Anne-Sophie de Paris2 December 2019 at 10:27

    Bravo Charlotte
    Vous êtes un amour.
    Comme toujours une femme bienveillante et inspirante. Meghan nous étonnera toujours. Bravo au couple ducal de Sussex. Je participerai de ma place à améliorer le quotidien d'une de ces associations pendant les périodes de fête.
    Bon repos aux Sussex et agréable semaine à toute la communauté du blog de Charlotte.

  2. Particularly like the focus this month & focus on charities they have existing links with. It’s nice that shows Meghan yet again Meghan isn’t new to charity work& was volunteering long before she met Harry. I’ve learnt about so many incredible organisations through their rotating accounts.

    Hope they are enjoying their time off. Season greetings all!

  3. Thank you for the update Charlotte. Hope you are looking forward to the festivities this holiday season.

  4. Are there any updates on Meghan's special video message? I was looking forward to hearing it.
    P.s. Charlotte, I am sorry if this comment is submitted twice, I am writing it while traveling through low-service area and I am having troubles submitting it.

    1. Hello Ella,

      No updates yet, I'll have a new post once it becomes available.

    2. Thank you very much Charlotte :-) for always keeping us updated!

  5. Thanks, Charlotte for keeping us informed. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex do a great job in highlighting grassroots charities. I enjoyed the post.

  6. I wouldn't miss Omid's podcasts, he covers all the royal doings of the moment with a fair and truthful approach. I disagree with those who say it is a 'Harry and Meghan' podcast. He simply covers what one can find in the tabloids or the Court Circular with more lively detail than the latter and minus the inaccurate spew of the former.

  7. Charlotte, as a Canadian I am just dying for the Sussexes to do an official tour of Canada! Maybe it’s not a priority considering Meghan has already spent so much time here and much of their work focuses on Africa.

  8. charlotte,
    Do you think Harry and Meghan will attend the annual Christmas lunch the queen throws for her extended family a week before Christmas?

    1. That's a good question. If they are in the UK I would certainly think so. If they are in the US (Omid Scobie reports they are out of the country), it's possible they will stay there until after Christmas. Equally they could be planning to enjoy the festivities at Frogmore. We may not know until the day of the luncheon.

  9. I love seeing "proof" that MM was involved in charities before her name became known. And without a chance of receiving "fame" for doing so. There actually are so many people in this world doing good work -- around my teeny Texan town, there are so many who have private animal rescues and spend their time rescuing, raising money for vet care, having adoption events, etc. There seem to be an equal number of human-related groups, although there is always a need. Why do people pretend MM is insincere?

    1. Anne-Sophie de Paris9 December 2019 at 15:45

      Lauri !
      I agree 1000% .Comme on dit " qui veut noyer son chien ,l'accuse de rage. Meghan a commencé ses actes humanitaires depuis ses 11ans avec sa maman.
      Pensez - vous qu'elle ait déjà calculé sa trajectoire d'épouser le Prince Harry depuis ce moment ?
      Ce qui est bizarre, est que je l'apprecie davantage chaque fois qu'on essaie de la dénigrer.
      On empêchera jamais le soleil de briller et Meghan en est un.
      Elle a servi d'écran de protection pour le Prince Andrew mais la vérité a fini par triompher.
      Un jour les britanniques et le monde entier se rendront compte que ce couple "atypique " ô combien charismatique, est utile pour le rayonnement de la monarchie britannique et dans son ancrage dans le 21ème siècle.
      J'attends avec impatience leur fondation et les nouveaux parrainages pour 2020.
      Leurs 6 semaines de vacances me paraissent une éternité.

    2. Anne-Sophie, Thank you for what you said. Looking back on earlier photos and on certain financial arrangements involving Andrew, not unlike widespread and long-standing acts in the US, it seems like the lies about Meghan would become laughable. However, and this is laughable in the true sense, my husband pretends to ignore Meghan and Harry but longs to get a scoop on them that I don't know about. He saw a story online about whether Meghan would have a second baby in the US, so he read it. Then he read then the nasty inane comments. Then he got mad and made his own comments, including my favorite: "You can't argue with stupid."

      Your comment, though, filled me with hope and I also am eager for their return, although I feel like they are now in a special protected place and I hate to see them exposed again to all the unpleasantness.

      And in a strange way, it seems like Kate has sent some subtle messages. She has worn something short, something long, something low in the back, something appearing to be "nude," some something tight, something old, and something new and looked marvelous in each outfit and avoided "upsetting the Queen." It's going to be hard to the criticizers to find fault in anything Meghan wears. :)

    3. Anne-Sophie de Paris12 December 2019 at 09:21

      Bonjour Allison
      J'aurais voulu rester toujours optimiste ... mais hélas!
      Il n'y a Pas un jour où plusieurs articles ne parlent de Meghan et souvent pour des choses blessantes et comme toujours erronées et dire qu'ils sont en vacances depuis près de 3 semaines.
      Quel que soit ce que Kate portera ,elle sera portée "au nu".
      C'est une rose anglaise ,future Reine Consorts et qui est bien dans le moule et tant mieux pour elle.
      Pour preuve, il y a eu l'accueil des diplomates hier Kate était sublime en robe noire et l'avant veille c'était Camilla qui était en noir.
      Personne n'a trouvé rien à dire.
      Si c'était Meghan tout le monde aurait crié que le noir était couleur des funérailles comme quoi il y a deux poids et deux mesures.
      Leur retour à mon avis sera toujours le même.
      Meghan est comme du miel ,elle attire les mouches et fait vendre les tabloïds
      En entendant de les retrouver, je vous souhaite de bons préparatifs des fêtes et surtout une pensée pour ceux qui sont en guerre, loin de leur famille et les personnes vulnérables que les Sussex essaient de soutenir.

    4. Je pense que vous exagérez! Kate était en bleu marine. Et il y a une différence entre une robe du soir noire et une tenue de jour. Je trouve étrange que vous vous focalisez sur les tenues ? On ne peut pas dire que Camilla et Kate n'aient jamais été critiquées ou ne le soient plus jamais ! Les pires articles sur Meghan n'arrivent pas à la cheville de ceux sur Camilla,qui reste "la femme la plus détestée de Grande-Bretagne"malgré le fait qu'elle ait réussi à créer une excellente relation avec la presse, qui lui est reprochée d'ailleurs. En ce qui concerne Kate, la presse s'est déchaîné bien avant son mariage. Meghan a été reçue de manière beaucoup plus bienveillante, avec des articles positifs que Kate n'a pas eu, au contraire, on a dit de tout sur elle et sa famille, surtout sa mère, au moment de son mariage. En revanche,le desamour de la presse a été beaucoup plus rapide pour Meghan, en fait elle tombait de plus haut, car justement, elle a été portée au nues de manière exagérée avant son mariage. Pour ma part, je pense que c'est une passe, que les Sussexes ne seront plus aussi populaire qu'à leur début, ni aussi critiqués qu'il y a 2 mois et qu'ils arriveront à trouver un équilibre s'ils arrivent à cultiver une certaine discrétion.

    5. Thank you for your comment H!!! You’re SO right!

    6. Anne-Sophie de Paris14 December 2019 at 08:41

      H -7h 05 et Anon 14 h:46
      Vous avez certainement raison !
      Nous ne lisons certainement pas les mêmes articles désobligeants concernant les Sussex.

      Quand vous parlez de discrétion je suis "ahurie ".

      Depuis environ un mois ,les Sussex ont disparu physiquement des radars. Mais touttes les minutes paraissent des articles sur eux en bien ou en mal

      Je citerai une célèbre phrase de l'archevêque de Canterbury
      qui disait : "Même si les Sussex, venaient à quitter la famille royale sans le sou du contribuable britannique ils seront poursuivis car leur union fait d'eux des prisonniers à vie ".

      Non je n'exagère pas. Camilla à été détestée pour ce qu'elle a été dans le ménage du prince de Galles et sans juger mais son amour a triomphé et j'adore les voir si heureux.

      Kate a été pourchassée pendant don idylle avec William et même après leur mariage mais jamais cela n'a atteint le paroxysme que connaît Meghan qui a coché " toutes les cases de ce que les " conservateurs détestent "

      divorcée, afro -américaine ,actrice et j'en passe.

      Est ce moi qui ai demandé aux 72 députés femmes de tout bord politique de monter au créneau pour prendre sa défense?
      . Non
      Alors restons lucides. J'interviens sur un autre blog qui s'occupe de la royauté et je peux vous témoigner qu'il y a toujours deux poids deux mesures.

      Sans comparer 'Meghan est atypique et est tombée par amour dans un "traquenard".

      Tout est bon pour vendre sur son dos .Elle n'a aucune famille digne de ce nom comme Camilla ou Kate qui sont anglaises et qui ont choisi à juste titre de devenir des reines Consorts en connaissance de cause et je les admire.

      Elles jouent à fond leur rôle avec ce qui va avec.

      Telle est ma vision.
      Quiconque verrait une détestation quelconque de qui que ce soit de ma part serait de la pure fiction .

  10. Hi Charlotte! Are you planning any polls for Best Dress, Best Casual, etc? I was hoping for a few fun polls while Meghan’s on her break.

    1. Hello Lauri,

      My apologies. It's been an insanely busy couple of weeks. I've started work on end of year coverage and will definitely have the first post finished either tomorrow or Thursday. I think it's also possible we'll see the royal Christmas card photos this week :)

  11. ughh they are the cutest family everrr

  12. Thank you , Charlotte for creating this page ! It hasn’t been easy to track all the great work and one very busy year for the Sussexes. I’m very grateful to be able to go a positive place for good news. I also refuse click on the trashy headlines. Merry Christmas !

  13. What a year they have had. They have accomplished so much and been through many things that floor ordinary mortals. I wish them a decade of love and happiness and to continue the real sense of purpose they so clearly feel and work so hard to realize. Bless the three of them.


Welcome to Mad About Meghan! We do so look forward to reading your thoughts. Constructive, fair debate is always encouraged. Hateful, derogatory terms and insults are not welcome here. This space focuses on Harry and Meghan, not any other member of the Royal family. It's not the place to discuss politics either. Thank you for reading, we look forward to your comments :)