
Sunday 8 March 2020

The Sussexes Join The Queen For Sunday Service

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex joined the Queen for Sunday service in Windsor today.

Since Harry and Meghan's return from Canada we've seen them carry out several memorable engagements. They've also been holding a number of behind-the-scenes meetings at Buckingham Palace and with their patronages. As their time in the UK draws to a close, it seemed very fitting for Her Majesty to invite her grandson and granddaughter-in-law to join her for church. I expect they will enjoy lunch with the monarch afterwards. Last Sunday, Harry joined the Queen for much of the day to have a proper discussion about plans for the future in an informal one on one setting. During the Endeavour Fund awards the prince said "Being able to serve Queen and Country is something we all are rightly proud of, and it never leaves us. Once served, always serving." Harry's always been close to his grandmother and through this period of transition and change it's clear that remains the case.

People reports:

“It was a really sweet gesture that the Queen asked them to church,” a source tells PEOPLE. “It’s telling in the sense that these two are still her family. And as a family, they all love each other.”
It was the Queen’s experience with her younger sister Princess Margaret that influenced her decision to let Harry set out on his own. “She has a particular sensitivity to what Harry has been going through because of her closeness to Margaret and seeing the same dramas and tensions played out two generations ago,” royal biographer Robert Lacey tells PEOPLE.'

There was an additional reason for Harry and Meghan's attendance which explains why Harry wore his Royal Marines regimental tie. More from The Times:

'The service included the unveiling of a plaque in memory of a Royal Marine, who died in Afghanistan in 2007. Ben Reddy, who was killed age 22 was the son of the Queen's gardeners and his wife Liz. Harry, who is Captain General of the Royal Marines was keen to attend the service. He also thought it would be nice for the Queen to have company at church, a royal source said.'

Following the Sandringham summit, the Queen released the following statement echoing the above. "Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much loved members of my family. I recognise the challenges they have experienced as a result of intense scrutiny over the last two years and support their wish for a more independent life. I want to thank them for all their dedicated work across this country, the Commonwealth and beyond, and am particularly proud of how Meghan has so quickly become one of the family. It is my whole family’s hope that today’s agreement allows them to start building a happy and peaceful new life." Below, the Queen arriving for church in a lavender ensemble.

The royals attended church at the Royal Chapel of All Saints (also known as Queen Victoria's Chapel) in Windsor Great Park. The chaplaincy of the Royal Chapel of All Saints is held by one of the Canons of the College of St George at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.

The Duchess wore a navy fascinator with a navy and cream dress and statement earrings.

With thanks to an Anonymous reader, the Duchess wore the £140 V by Laura Vann Daphne rhodium plated earrings. V was created in 2013 by British designer, Laura Vann. Encapsulating an ethos of longevity, V counters fast fashion with enduring Art Deco design. Each piece is made to last both in terms of a timeless aesthetic and sustainable origin; using recycled silver and ensuring ethical production through rigorous SMETA auditing.

The appearance comes as Sussex Royal celebrates International Women's Day with behind-the-scenes images and videos from Meghan's visit to Robert Clack Upper School in Dagenham on Friday afternoon.

More from Sussex Royal: "50 years ago, women in Britain won the right to equal pay. That monumental moment began with one courageous and inspiring group of women in a factory in Dagenham, England. In 1968, facing a pay settlement that declared them less skilled than men, the sewing machinists of the Ford Motor Company walked out on strike. In the face of great pressure, they stood firm, and two years later the UK Parliament was forced to pass the Equal Pay Act, protecting and supporting working women ever since."

The post continued: "To mark International Women’s Day, The Duchess of Sussex visited Dagenham to meet with Geraldine Dear, one of the strikers, and spend time with students at the Robert Clack Upper School to meet the town’s next generation of female role models, and talk to young women and men about the women who inspire them. “Being in Dagenham is incredibly profound. Because as you can see with Geraldine and the other women who had the strength to really stand up for something that they knew needed to be done. This is the best example of no matter how small you might feel, how low you may feel on the ladder or the totem pole, no matter what colour you are, no matter what gender you are, you have a voice, and you certainly have the right to speak up for what is right.” - The Duchess of Sussex

Meghan told students: "For young men, to continue to value and appreciate the women in your lives, and also set the example for some men who are not seeing it that same way. You have your mothers, sisters, girlfriends, friends in your life—protect them. Make sure that they are feeling valued and safe. Let's all rally together to make International Women’s Day something that is not just on Sunday—but frankly, feels like every day of the year."

View Meghan's speech below (with a very fun moment when she invited a pupil on stage).

Wishing you all a very Happy International Women's Day. As women, may we support and uplift each other every step of the way.

We'll see Harry and Meghan for the Commonwealth Day service tomorrow.


  1. The photos of Meghan in the car with Harry arriving at Church are the essence of beauty. She looks like a young fresh faced girl many years younger then her age. How lucky is she. Her complexion, shinny hair and beautiful smile are to be envied.

  2. I feel like they've hit their stride again:)

    Any idea on the earrings Meghan is wearing to church? Those are gorgeous!

  3. “Allows them to start building a happy and peaceful new life.”
    This farewell is so very sad that I have decided I will try to focus on these well-chosen words from the Queen.
    Harry and Meghan deserve a peaceful new life.
    Based on how they conduct themselves, I am confident in their new life they will continue to help others.
    Wishing them all the best. Always.

  4. I can "see" her earrings but can't tell from the shine if there are jewels (she certainly has been working on her jewelry since we last saw her). Can anyone tell more about these lovely earrings?

  5. In the end, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. The Sussexes come out the big door and with such great class! For the oart, all they will do in the future will be grandios, will always be popularly royal and royalist because the couple combines the two worlds very well: the royal side and the popular side. Charlotte he longed to enter this new, royally informal adventure and less stuffy than we will soon be offering the Sussexes and which I can't wait to discover via pen and your blog👌👌👌

  6. Au vu de la grande popularité des Sussex, je trouve le geste de la Reine sensé,sage et fortement unitaire. Ainsi, les erreurs faites avec Diana ne se répètent pas. Des leçons de tirent... c'est plein d'espoir...

    1. C'est vraiment dommage que cela n'intervienne que maintenant. Peut-être des petits gestes comme ceux-là auraient pû différer leur décision ou conduire à un autre type d'arrangement. Hélas on ne refait pas le monde avec des "si". Espérons que tous apprendront de leurs erreurs pour le furur. N'est-ce pas ça justement la vie : agir, se tromper parfois , se relever et continuer. : -))

  7. The earrings are from V jewellery and are called Daphne Cirlce drop earrings (£130)!

    1. Thanks for the earring ID! They are fascinating!

  8. I would just like to say all the very best to them both. Contrary to the media frenzy over the last few months...they are and always will be part of the Royal Family. They are stepping back as full time working Royals. Just like Princess Ann's children, Prince Andrew and Edwards children...they will remain members of the Royal Family.

    Prince Harry and Meghan have a young toddler and may be blessed with another child some day soon...who knows. Let them have a few years to enjoy their own little family and pursuits that give them purpose and meaning. One day when the children are in school they may return to being full time working members of the firm. Time will tell.

    William and Catherine had a few years to concentrate on family life and ease into their current roles. Lets support Meghan and Harry in doing the same. I have the utmost confidence they will uphold the dignity of the Crown in their future endeavors and I suspect the Queen has confidence in them as well. ALL THE BEST WISHES MEGHAN AND HARRY.

    Sandra from Canada

    1. What a thoughtful comment! Frenzy is the perfect word for what has happened. Royal or not, Harry is still the Queen's grandson and family. I am sure there must be moments when she doesn't want to be Queen and would love to be just a grandmother! I think H & M need this time away. I share your sentiments i wishing them the best that life can give to them.

    2. Please ote- I always refer to plain business decisions in the following as their private relationship is no concern of mine (and nobody elses but theirs). They are obviously still part of the family but purely in private capacity as far as I am concerned.
      I am not sure a return will be possible. The BRF left the door open with the 12month review but it might be shut afterwards. But even if the BRF family would take them back on- the public might not be so welcoming anymore. If people realise they don't need them, they will fight to pay for more people again. Coming back after a year would be met with lots of schadenfreude, scorn and derision. They went out so very convinced of themselves and they burned bridges with the more neutral public and many former fans as well. Coming back much later will always look as if they couldn't make it on their own/wanting to put the feet up instead of financing themselves. If they would have anounced a sabbatical or a 3-5year break to concentrate on their family with minimal appearances they could come back. But seeing as it all went down- I don't think they can ever come back from it.

    3. C. I think you are right, there is no real way for them to come back, and after seeing them these last few days I think it is best they don't. They have made their decision and think that they really have already transitioned. I have no doubt that they will make their way just fine.

    4. I always like to read your comments, C. All very sensible and well explained. I think people do not realize the extent of what has happened. I don’t think they will ever be able to come back after trying to make money by themselves to be supported by taxpayers again.

    5. Sandra from Canada, well said! Not only Kate and William but the Queen and Phillip had a few years of family time before they were required to step up on stage. I wonder if Meghan and Harry had a deal from the beginning to go big and actively for a year, and see how it worked out. It didn't. I doubt Meghan realized how the media and even many royal "fans" believed they owned her body, owned her childbirth. The outcry over their refusal to pose on the hospital steps was so repugnant. The nastiness never will cease. As the monarchy becomes less relevant in a modern world, perhaps the rigidity that has thrown them out will relax enough for Harry to pick up his military roles again. Time will tell.

    6. Thank you for the compliment Anonymous 11:11. I am always a bit vary to comment on both vlogs- I am a fan but I also find it important to maintain some balance between blind adoration and productive criticism.

      @greybidk: The outcry over the hospital photo was pretty stupid- but they could have ignored it. Most people knew that this isn't something the BRF normally does. It is a classic example were the difference in the roles of the Cambridges and Sussexes was vital. The pictures of the Cambridge children will make history- at least George's will (if the monachy will last). I just want to point out that there have been numerous outcries about how little the Cambridge's show their children. And enough people and tabloids used this to write the meanest things about them. They ignored it and sometime after Charlotte's second birthday the whole drama was over. This just for perspective.
      I think Harry and Meghan somewhere inbetween lost sight of what could have been ignored and what had to be addressed (still wonder why they didn't use their milions to sue the worst or all racist comments. That woukd have been the strongest sign and finally people would have been held accountable.). Keeping the birth priavte (no photos, no info) fine (but please don't state you would inform), it was no biggie in the big picture, but making such a fuss about the christening made things really bad.

  9. Happy International Women's Day everyone!
    Perhaps the energy that's been the bittersweetness of this "farewell tour" comes from the relief to know this is a farewell... And family connection remains. I hope to see this goodwill/family feeling echoed among the Cambridges, Sussexes, & Cornwalls @ Commonwealth Day. They are the Firm, but also a family; I think it's cool the Queen is sending that message.
    Also: what a neat chapel! -op

    1. The Queen is a treasure--to her country, to our world, and to her family!

  10. It's a lovely chapel! And I hope Anne-Sophie is seeing all this Sussex wonderfulness.

  11. It was a day for me to renew my support of Camfed in honor of Meghan and Harry. May they continue to shine, and after tomorrow I'll be satisfied with whatever glimpses we get of them...hopefully many! May they be happy and also continue to serve in a way that permits them to thrive.

  12. I wish Harry and Meghan the very best, though I am so sad to see them leave the full time Royal beat. I hope they gain the independence and privacy they want. I, too, hope we see evidence of reconciliation between Harry and William at the Commonwealth event.

  13. Hello Charlotte, you had chosen the name of this blog because it is really "Mad About Meghan". The media has designated her as the most popular Princess on the planet. The diversity of the Duchess of Sussex is an added value that the British royal family has not been able to put to its profit .... puts it is unfortunately good and a pity for this monarchy.

  14. This has been a great week for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Wow!!! I really hope they can continue their good deeds and not be hindered by the issue of not using royal titles n such. Thank you, Charlotte.

  15. Wow! Good eye on the reader who identified the earrings!!!

  16. Susan in Florida9 March 2020 at 02:27

    Love to see her and how she wants everyone to have a voice in the world.

  17. very nice of the queen to invite them. glad the relationship is still intact. Meghan looks beautiful hope we can see her whole outfit.
    wishing these 2 the best

  18. The Duchess looks lovely from what I can see, those earrings are divine. I wonder if they are emerald and diamond? regardless they are beautiful. I have loved the delicate, subtle pieces of jewellery she has worn the last few days, just enough and excellent quality. She has proven that less is more.

  19. Did anyone see that rude british journalist Victoria Mather speak about Meghan Markle today? She went on NBC News and said many people consider that Meghan Markle is 5 clicks from trailer trash. If she was a white woman I do not believe she would be subjected to this type of hate.

    1. Melissa sometimes I really wander if anchors have no idea of what their guest will say (not exact wording but the general idea). You cannot prepare this interview with this lady without having a small idea of how she feels about Meghan and that might be the reason why they invited her to deliver negative opinion instead of piers or anyone else who is already famous for their vitroil against Meghan therefore predictable and that may lead some people to turn off. If they didn't know then it shows they handled the whole thing like amateur. They presented the lady as a vanity fair royals watcher while the woman was a travel editor of vanity fair till 2018. If they were simply looking create the buzz instead, they hit their target.
      It is really crazy that women can be so venimous at others. Despite the glamour and beautiful things that went on with H&M the past days you can hardly forget that this was an alsmot daily treatment of Meghan (disrespect, racism and continuos vitroil no matter what she does or doesn't do). Christelle1

    2. Melissa, I agree that Meghan is subjected to that type of hate because she is biracial. That comment about "many people consider that Meghan Markle is 5 clicks from trailer trash" was not supported by any factual information due to anyone that has done the proper research would have found out that Meghan was raised in a middle class neighborhood in CA, attended catholic schools, is a university graduate and has worked for the UN. That's why when I read comments stating "the press have been ruthless with other royals in the past as well" and "H&M should have stuck it out for a couple of more years" I feel they seem to fail in noting that unlike other royals:
      a) Meghan has the added racial vitriol from the press that other royals do not.
      b) Meghan was alone in the UK as opposed to other royals that have the support of their family.
      c) Other royals do not have family members like the Markles.
      d) During the stated above, she had no visible support from the royal family.

      Also having their precious baby compared to a well dressed chimpanzee would have been the last straw for me. As a biracial person myself I cannot imagine having to also deal with all that on a global stage. Nothing is worth your mental health.

    3. It’s easy to spot a ‘Victoria Mather’ type but harder to spot the more stealthy but equally racist or ignorant ones.
      Like the journalists who write about Meghan’s work as a performance act or visiting a school with “multicolored teens”, but they don’t describe other royal visits in the same way. Even here on this blog, shades are thrown with the double standard and employing the passive aggressive narration.

      It’s the difference between a racist who used the “N” word vs. more subtle form of discrimination. The subtle form is how you describe someone by using a different, harsher standard to judge (double standard). It’s often institutionalized. It’s being analyzed, criticized and put under the microscope for everyday actions most people do. Sometimes it’s withholding certain information from the public— again double standard.

      People who face this in their daily life understands it and know it’s often the more subtle acts and the institutionalized ones that often cause the most widespread harm. This is true of all forms of discrimination- sexism, ageism, religious and ethnic bias, anti-LGBTQ acts. It’s why subtle and persistent bullying works so well by flying under the radar by hiding and employing status and sanitized words and actions. It’s why inequality and discrimination will continue to exist and are very hard to root out.

      - Martine

    4. Thank you all for your words and perspectives I think you all hit the nail on the head here.

    5. @Martine, while I do agree with many of your points I will add: not everyone that is critical of Meghan is using a "different, harsher standard to judge". Especially around this blog. I recognise many that are as critical of Kate or other royals. The royal watching community has never been one that only praises. Tabloids have used double standard since the very beginning but most royal fans can see through it but are capable of forming their own opinion.
      I do believe people that read and comment here om this blog are generally very sympathetic to Meghan but hopefully can feel free to express criticism and dissapointment as well.

  20. Charlotte, do you know if there will be a live feed from The Commonwealth Service that I might be able to stream here in the U.S.?

    Becca USA

    1. Becca here is a link to the British channel as well as a Youtube live stream, perhaps this will help. I am in the states and can get the Youtube live stream, its how I plan on watching.

    2. Hello

      The live stream is here

  21. Happy International Women Day Everyone i would love too say these goodbye are not easiest and tough and when door closses i new life oe new beginings are ahead of us its not like duke and duchess of sussex will be gone forever let they enjoy these years

  22. Meghan is wearing what looks like a very pretty hat and simple, elegant, dress. How I shall miss them both. They have been such an asset to Britain and it's so sad that their roles became unbearable to them.

  23. I've read that there was a memorial for a marine during the service and that Harry was probably attending in his capacity as Captain General. Meghan looked like she was dressed for such an occasion- navy and white?

  24. I think Meghan's choice for IWD was significant. It was with youth, a key demographic that she and Harry have committed to working with, and the school poppulation was very diverse. It shows Meghan's outreach, and how important she has been to POC. And the picture of the hug with the Headboy spoke a thousand words.


Welcome to Mad About Meghan! We do so look forward to reading your thoughts. Constructive, fair debate is always encouraged. Hateful, derogatory terms and insults are not welcome here. This space focuses on Harry and Meghan, not any other member of the Royal family. It's not the place to discuss politics either. Thank you for reading, we look forward to your comments :)