
Wednesday 15 April 2020

The Sussexes Choose Feeding Britain to Benefit from Royal Wedding Broadcast

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have chosen a charity working to eliminate hunger and its root causes in the UK to benefit from profits generated by the broadcast of their wedding. A significant sum of £90,000 has been pledged to Feeding Britain, a charity the couple visited during their 'away day' in Birkenhead in January 2019. A spokesperson told the Telegraph: "They have particularly fond memories of their visit to the citizens' supermarket in Birkenhead, especially the generosity and compassion of everyone working there to help others.They are delighted to be able to ensure this money is donated to such a great cause."

On the day of the visit, Meghan told local politician Frank Field the project could not only "be taken across the country, but across the world". Mr Field later said: "I’ve been briefing her on how we counter modern slavery, how we’re going to take that further. She’s definitely a very, very active member of the Royal family. And so is he. And also how much they love one another which is pretty nice to see." Mr Field's final observation perhaps sums up for many what the couple has to offer: "What you see is this ability of taking the monarchy way into this century."

Since 2015, Feeding Britain has been working to establish local pilots around the country, where local organisations work together to tackle hunger and its root causes in their communities. The initiative was piloted in Birkenhead, South Shields and Cornwall, and has now been rolled out in fourteen areas around the country. The mission is simple - Feeding Britain believe hunger has no place in the UK in the 21st century. During the current COVID-19 crisis, their work has never been more important. The organisation has described the much-needed donation as "a godsend".

Victoria Murphy reports:

A spokesperson for Harry and Meghan said they are “delighted” to see the money go to “such a great cause.”
It had been agreed at the time of Harry and Meghan's wedding that if there were any excess profits from the BBC broadcast, that money would go to a charity nominated by the couple. They were notified about the funds around the time the coronavirus pandemic was taking hold. It is understood the Sussexes thought it was fitting that funds generated from their wedding go to a charity supported by the Archbishop, who played such an important role on the day.
Forsey says that this donation will help Feeding Britain to sustain their programs until schools reopen. “The social and economic consequences of coronavirus have sent shockwaves across the Feeding Britain network. Families living in poverty, who were already struggling to access and afford food, have been put at even greater risk of hunger,” he told T&C.
He added that the money, which is expected to arrive this week, “will keep breakfast, lunch and dinner, so three square meals, on the table of many tens of thousands of children across our network.”

 As noted above, an additional deciding factor in choosing Feeding Britain was the organisation's president, Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury. Harry and Meghan became close to him in the months before their wedding. Harry and Meghan called him last month to discuss the news. Last year he spoke out against the "absolutely terrible" abuse directed at the Duchess and described her as "remarkable" and "a person of profound humanity".

Throughout this crisis, the charity's services are absolutely essential. Through an emergency food programme, they are providing hot meals and essential groceries to vulnerable families in unprecedented circumstances. Below, a food delivery arriving in West Yorkshire.

If you would like to donate to Feeding Britain please click here.


  1. Great organization, great people. I wish Harry and Meghan were giving their dues in real time.

  2. Thank you for letting us know about Harry and Meghan's donation to this wonderful charity. So timely and appropriate.


  3. Wonderful choice, even more so at this time. It was good of Archbishop Selby to speak out; if only more had listened.

  4. Thank you to Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan for their donation to Feeding Britain. This is a great donation to feed the children especially at this time when the world is dealing with COVID-19.

    God Bless them always.

  5. I simply love this. Thank you.

  6. Yes, Beanie, it was good of Archbishop Selby to speak out. But why not sooner? And louder? And where were the others? Yes, a few of Meghan's friends spoke out but were chastised for their non-royal, too celeb, too show-bizzy, too American and not stiff upper (crust) lip, not royal "never complain, never explain" enough. Too few voices rose to counter the vitriol playing out in the press. And as far as I could see, none from the royal family.

    1. It does say the Archbishop spoke out "last year." Also, paparazzi etc are not likely to be influenced by him. Very sad though.

  7. Well done, BBC!!!!

  8. Becca in Colorado16 April 2020 at 16:44

    Well done Harry and Meghan. I can't even imagine what this pandemic must be like for those who were already struggling to make ends meet. It's a lovely thing that the extra proceeds from such a special event are going to a cause like this. The Archbishop's words are yet another reminder of what the RF has lost.

  9. I would expect nothing less from them as their intent has always been about others.

  10. I caught the tale end of Harry this morning on a zoom feature on the news. Charlotte, would you consider expanding this site to include Harry at this time.

    1. Hello,

      I'm working on a post as we speak including Harry's WellChild Zoom conversation :)

  11. I am not surprised, this charming couple continues the activities that are important to them. Thank you Charlotte for keeping us informed of their daily lives.

  12. Hmm i love that they are keeping it simple but i love being informed on thrir daily bassic that what couple in intend to help in times of pandemic like these we never love extend hand

  13. This is wonderful. I’m sure the “hungry” are most appreciative. That IS what it’s all about. Thanks, Charlotte.


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