
Monday 6 April 2020

The Sussexes To Launch Archewell, The Couple "Moved" by Queen's Address & Charitable Celebrations

Good evening, I hope you're all well and in good spirits during this difficult time. Tonight's post is very much a mixed bag of  recent news, including heartwarming charitable initiatives and updates from two people who have worked closely with Meghan throughout her time in the UK. Before we get to that, there's significant news on plans for the future...

Archewell... We know Harry and Meghan are very much focused on plans for their non-profit charitable entity in the US at the moment. We hadn't expected to hear details for some months, however The Telegraph approached the couple after discovering documents filed and whilst they would have preferred to wait until the official launch, they told the paper they want the organisation “to do something of meaning, to do something that matters”.

Hannah Furness reports:

'The Duke and Duchess told the Telegraph: "Like you, our focus is on supporting efforts to tackle the global Covid-19 pandemic but faced with this information coming to light, we felt compelled to share the story of how this came to be.
“Before SussexRoyal, came the idea of ‘Arche’ - the Greek word meaning ‘source of action’.
“We connected to this concept for the charitable organisation we hoped to build one day, and it became the inspiration for our son’s name. To do something of meaning, to do something that matters.
“Archewell is a name that combines an ancient word for strength and action, and another that evokes the deep resources we each must draw upon. We look forward to launching Archewell when the time is right." 
Ambitious plans now under consideration for Archewell include “organising and conducting support groups for persons in need”, including “emotional counseling” and “coordinating social, personal care, and psychological services”.

Omid Scobie spoke to a source close to the Duke and Duchess who clarified several points. More from his Harper's Bazaar piece:

'The documents were first reported by The Telegraph, and features an extensive list of categories from movies to podcasts, clothing to charitable services, and even online seminars, lectures, and retreats. But don’t read into these details too much, as a source close to the couple tells, “The list of trademarking categories is extensive for protection purposes only.”
Indeed, despite speculation, BAZAAR understands that the couple currently have no plans for support groups or for Meghan to launch a lifestyle website “featuring information in the field of nutrition, general health, and mental health.”
If all goes to plan, Harry and Meghan plan to share actual details of their future endeavors later this year, closer to the summer. They add, “We look forward to launching Archewell when the time is right.”'

When the time is right, we will hear the full details of the couple's plans, but for now we can safely say they are working on creating a very special and effective organisation. I'm very excited to hear their plans in due course.

The Queen's Address... Last night millions of us tuned in to watch a rare historic address by the Queen speaking directly to those in the UK and across the Commonwealth. Echoing Dame Vera Lynn's emotive World War II song "We'll Meet Again", the monarch said: "I hope in the years to come everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge. And those who come after us will say the Britons of this generation were as strong as any. That the attributes of self-discipline, of quiet good-humoured resolve and of fellow-feeling still characterise this country. The pride in who we are is not a part of our past, it defines our present and our future."

Omid Scobie revealed in Harper's Bazaar the Duke and Duchess watched from Los Angeles and "were both moved" by the Queen's reassuring words:

'The couple “were both moved” by the sovereign’s words, says a source close to the pair, adding, “They described it as not just a demonstration of experienced leadership, but also warmth, reassurance, and comfort.”
The Queen, who is in good health, recorded her message at Windsor Castle on April 2, where she and the Duke of Edinburgh are staying for the foreseeable future. A source confirms that Harry spoke to his grandmother at the end of last week “to offer his support ahead of the broadcast.”

Sussex Community During COVID-19... A bright light throughout this incredibly challenging period has been witnessing acts of kindness - regardless of size - from people all over the world. The collective power of the human spirit and a sense of togetherness has never been stronger though we have never been further apart physically. Something which Harry and Meghan are undoubtedly immensely proud of are the actionable and enormously successful charitable campaigns they have inspired. Several moths ago, I talked to you about Sussex Great Forest, an ambitious, purpose-driven effort started by eleven women who support the couple. After reaching their initial goal of planting 10,000 trees for Archie's first birthday, they realised a much larger target was doable. Through their sheer hard work and determination and support from all over the world, Sussex Great Forest has now planted over 100,000 trees. I can only begin to imagine how touched Harry and Meghan are. I want to take a moment to commend the team who worked tirelessly to achieve their goal. It truly is an outstanding achievement.

As one incredible initiative reaches its target, another one in honour of Archie's first birthday next month, Archie Day, is taking off at speed. Inspired by the Duke and Duchess' philanthropic work, a team of supporters, who previously spearheaded the hugely successful #GlobalSussexBabyShower, have organised this new endeavour not only to celebrate Archie's milestone but to support children affected by COVID-19. As so many of you will know, this is a time when the charitable sector is truly suffering and assistance is needed in a multitude of ways.

To begin with, the team have selected three amazing organisations doing vital work during the pandemic. For more than 160 years, Children's Aid in New York City has been helping children in poverty by "providing comprehensive supports to children, youth, and their families in targeted high-needs New York City neighborhoods".

As you'll know, New York is currently battling the pandemic and this has altered how charities operate. More on their approach and the work they are currently doing on the ground:

'At this time, the majority of our sites and programs remain open to serve those who need us, and we are adjusting rapidly as we learn more from our families, medical experts, and funding partners.
Our community health clinics that serve more than 5,000 patients remain open and ready to test symptomatic children and young people for COVID-19. We continue our standard practice and rigor regarding disinfection and sanitation across these and all of our locations, in accordance with CDC and WHO recommendations.
Our nearly 700 children in family, therapeutic, and medical foster care continue to be served, as do their families, with child welfare staff leveraging technology to provide counseling services and home visitations.
For youth in our child welfare programs who were living on college campuses that have been closed, we have arranged transportation, living arrangements, and computer equipment to access online learning.'

If you would like to donate please click here.

Nourish is a non-profit registered with the Department of Social Development in South Africa. They are fighting poaching through fighting poverty and connecting communities through education, agriculture and tourism. Their focus is firmly on breaking the cycle through solutions. Their work supporting vulnerable children includes a food scheme, after school club, sanitary pads for young teens, a school uniform project and sponsoring children through accessible education.

We all know how much South Africa means to Harry and Meghan, and the special place it holds in both their hearts. If you wish to donate please click here.

Much like South Africa, Canada holds many happy memories for the Sussexes. Toronto became Meghan's second home when she starred as Rachel Zane in Suits. During the early days of their relationship Harry visited many times and when they made the decision to step-back as senior royals, the country offered the peace and privacy they craved. Choosing a Canadian charity seemed a very natural choice. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Canada is a leader provider of quality after-school programmes for 200,000 children.

In addition to their youth and leadership programmes, they teach children the importance of nutrition and exercise, offer a food security programme and, during this time of great stress, their Flex Your Head initiative is tailored to support children's mental health.

If you would like to donate please click here.

In just under twenty-four hours, Archie Day has raised over $10,000 and they are just beginning.

George Northwood & Sarah Chapman... When Meghan first moved to the UK she began working with several key people who helped her achieve her signature looks. The name George Northwood instantly springs to mind when we think of that group. The London-based hairdresser worked closely with the Duchess at various times, including her wedding and her first overseas trip as a Duchess to Ireland, and most recently for her show-stopping looks in March. With the Sussexes settling in LA, sadly we probably won't see many of his styles in future.

On his Instagram page he shared the following insights into his time working with Meghan: "It has been an enormous privilege and a lot of fun working with the the Duke and Duchess of Sussex over the past two years. I have enjoyed every minute collaborating with this amazing couple who not only champion small businesses but have taught me so much about diversity, equality and the importance of good mental health. Here are a few of their many wonderful moments that I was honoured to be a part of. Harry, Meghan and Archie, wishing you much love and luck for your next exciting chapter! Can’t wait to see you one day soon - and so happy to now be able to share about our special time together."

Speaking to the Telegraph, Mr Northwood said:

“I became so close to them both, they’re such a powerhouse and they really want to make a difference, that just shines through,” reflects George Northwood. It’s evident that Meghan and 41-year-old Northwood, a Londoner brimming with energy and enthusiasm who rose to fame as the man behind Alexa Chung's much copied bedhead bob, have forged a special bond ever since they met when the duchess-to-be first arrived in the UK and asked around for the best in business.
As he puts it, “I was quite nervous, she was so lovely and down to earth. She said ‘I’m just a Cali girl’ and I love that California hair, it’s my thing which I’ve done with Rosie (Huntington-Whiteley) and Gwyneth (you don’t need a surname for that one, right?). I felt so at ease right away.”
From the beginning, Northwood and Meghan worked on a hair strategy that would tread the fine line between “appropriate” and modern. “We had to make sure we ticked all the boxes, but then we wanted to make her look accessible and like a people’s princess that everyone relates to.”
With his easy charm and relaxed but meticulous approach, it’s unsurprising that Northwood fast became a key part of team Sussex and after doing Meghan’s evening wedding hair, was invited to attend the reception. “I didn’t really expect that to happen,” he demurs, “but that was a real moment.”

Just days before the engagement announcement, Meghan reportedly got a facial with the much sought-after Sarah Chapman. What we didn't know until now was the pair continued to work together. Meghan has radiant skin, which was so beautifully highlighted on her wedding day when she wore very little make up. Sarah said their shared "natural approach to beauty" was the key to Meghan's glowing looks.

Ms Chapman said:

'Through my work I am fortunate to meet some incredible, interesting and inspirational people and over the past 2 ½ years I feel honoured to have spent much time with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. With Meghan, what began as a client relationship quickly turned into a dear friendship and she welcomed me into their lives.  I feel very grateful to be a small part of their journey observing the passion for everything they do and compassion for the causes and people they meet, but also to witness the moments other people don’t see. Who they are at home, as parents, as partners, and friends, the kind and very down to earth people they are when no one is watching. Every day we learn something new and I have been taught so much by them, and I always leave our time together feeling fulfilled and inspired to help people in any small ways I can.
And to Meghan, Harry and little Arc hie: sending lots of love and positivity during this transition.  I know there will be so many ways you will continue to touch people’s lives and enable positive change and we can’t wait to see what you do next.  See you soon and thank you for everything you do.'

Finally, have you watched Disney's Elephant? I finally had the opportunity to do so and can highly recommend it. It's a beautiful, heart-warming story. The filming is outstanding and of course the narration is really a joy to listen to. The Duchess did a wonderful job, offering the right tone at the right moment, and is an engaging, warm and expressive narrator. If you haven't seen it, you can avail of a 7 day free trial with Disney +.

I want to thank you all for your post suggestions. I've completed a list and look forward to getting to work on them! :)


  1. What an interesting post! So much to read and so many topics; thank you! I was looking at some earrings in the last photo and wish she would were some of her early earrings again!

    And I am wondering how Anne-Sophie is doing??

  2. Dear Charlotte
    Thank for this heartwarming news. And an excellent time to send good news into our world! I’m often amazed at your resourcefulness!

  3. Thanks for continuing to curate news of Meghan. I’ve been following the two previous wonderful fundraising initiatives in Archie’s honour. I think this third one is very timely in the time of Coronus. I hope it’s the last one though, so as not to put too much pressure on the little bean. He’s too young to know what a little inspiration he is, but he will become aware as he grows older. I don’t know what to make of the story in The Telegraph. I find it hard to believe that Harry and Meghan would speak to the paper. I expected news of their new charity to come directly from their designated spokespeople. Is this something they’re doing just in relation to Co-Vid 19?

    1. It's my understanding that they wanted to wait longer before announcing their new charity but that the Telegraph found the documents they had filed for it so they basically had to say something.

    2. Harry and Meghan wanted to announce the name and other details of their non profit later in the year. But The Telegraph was looking for anything with their names on it in USA and UK (the documents are available for public to see). I think all the British press are "investigating" for anything with the names Harry, Meghan, Archie, Doria on them or they do like always make it all up. Harry and Meghan answered their questions but reiterated their focus is on Covid 19 pandemic right now.

    3. Anon, I agree that little Archie should have the freedom to not be a man of action of he wishes! Just as I criticize the burden placed on George, I have to be fair and expect Harry to do as he would want done to himself -- let the child not have world pressure on him. I'm sure Doria will get the message across. :)

  4. Thank you for your wonderful article

  5. Thanks, Charlotte. It has been a delight to come to you for “integrity reporting” on Harry and Meghan. I hope the very best for Harry, Meghan and Archie.

  6. As Greek, If i understand correctly the first part of the foundation name.. Arche comes from the ancient Greek verb άρχω (archo in the Latin alphabet) which means (both to ancient and modern Greek) to lead, to be first. From that there is the Greek word archegos which in modern Greek language is translated exactly as the Leader.

  7. Nice post Charlotte so much to digest yes I watched elephant and thought it was great and meghan's voice very soothing to listen to.

    I loved watching Her Majesty's address she gave me hope and looked elegant. She is a truly amazing woman and we are so lucky to live in her lifetime. There are few women like her who puts duty above all else.

    I think it is so beautiful that those women planted 100,000 trees. In this time of climate change that is so needed and wonderful. They are truly inspirations to us all.

    I think it so nice that Archie's Day charity was started to help children affected by covid19. There are many poor children who depend on lunch school programs who are starving because their families can't afford food.

    I wish Archie an upcoming happy 1st bday! my how time flies.

    Best wishes to you Charlotte and all readers to stay safe during this pandemic

  8. I love the name(and concept of) Archewell, including both meanings of the word well. This may perhaps even become a heritage Archie can take over as an adult. Well (pun intended) done!

    1. Beanie G, I think this is not the most fortunate way to think about it. I like the name and I like the meaning. But if we all thought that Archie has to be associated with Archewell just because his parents loved the meaning of a word so much that they used it for both their kid and their foundation, imagine how much pressure would be put on a literal baby. The world will probably have extreme expectations from Archie anyway, but let´s not make Archewell another one just because they share a name.

    2. The reason i see it as an appropriate heritage foundation is that it's a general name, an umbrella that can be opened to many causes so to speak. It's something an *adult* Archie could shape to his own liking. I have not the slightest doubt this is a child who will be raised, as were his parents, to give to others. I'm certainly not suggesting it be set in stone. If he wants to, say, become a ballet dancer...his way of giving to others would doubtless be honored. And I'm also sure he'll given plenty of time to enjoy childhood!

  9. I just realized that Harry and Meghan’s hands have been forced by a newspaper “investigating” . I like the name and the thought behind it. I was just thinking that Harry has always given meaningful names to his foundation: Sentebale, Invictus, Endeavour. I always thought Sussex Royal was a bit pedantic for Harry. Archewell is truly a step away from any royal association. Does anyone know what the pronunciation of the name will be?

  10. I almost missed this nice post, believing the Sussex completely behind.This project is awesome and so touching how baby Archie can positively inspire many people.Thank you Charlotte, I remain alert for news of this magnificent couple.Courage to all during this pandemic moment.

  11. Becca in Colorado7 April 2020 at 17:03

    I wasn't expecting any news for a few months, so this was a nice surprise! The fundraising for Archie's birthday is a great example of what can be done if royal watchers focus on a good cause, rather than tearing each other down. I'm sure Harry and Meghan will be blown away by the effort.

    I, too, am surprised that they would respond to the Telegraph. It seems off to me, but perhaps they just wanted to prevent the spread of rumors. It was nice to see that a spokesperson nipped some of the Telegraph's claims in the bud. I wish that could've happened while they were still senior royals. Ah well. I'm looking forward to their next steps and hope everything goes smoothly for them. I also hope they're able to recuperate during this time. If I'd been the target of such unprecedented hate and criticism for 2 years straight, my mental health would be in shambles.

  12. I'm so tired of British media and others bothering Harry Meghan Archie and Doria! Let them live in peace, if they wanted the information about their non profit out they would tell us. Furness, Wotton, English, Ship, Nicholls, Roya, and others will never change but always complain. Hell focus on the pandemic like Sussexes said so. Anything to try to make them look bad and other "great". This mess tiring!! Now here come the people complaining about Sussexes wanting attention during pandemic when completely untrue!


  13. The Telegraph did this to make Sussexes look like they want the spotlight during pandemic. Which is totally untrue. Tomorrow's headlines or today's discussion will be how Sussexes think about self while others in RF mainly William (who joked about people hyping it it, and Camilla made jokes also) sends well wishes for Prime Minister and family. It's a cycle - write article that trash Sussexes or makes them seem spotlight hungry - then William and Kate do anything and they get the praise. Hannah Furness, Roya Nikkhah, Rebecca English, Dan Wotton, Morgan, Long, Vine, Tominey, leave Harry, Meghan, Archie, and Doria the hell alone!!!!

  14. Harry left the UK just as COVID was becoming something to not ignore -- I think if COVID had not been around, they would have announced their foundation while still senior royals. I'm sure they did not want to announce right now, but they appear to be otherwise laying low until the world rights itself. I'm afraid I agree with Anon 19:50. Allison in US

  15. We will always be absolutely "Mad About Meghan". Regardless when we are treated to news of their projects it will come as welcome news. I personally look forward to Archie's first birthday. I am sure Charlotte has something special planned for us and just perhaps H&M may share a new photo as well in celebration. As we are in our twenty fifth day of sheltering in place for the good of all I want to take this time to wish all a blessed Holy Week and a very Happy Easter/Passover. Regardless of how you celebrate I know it will be memorable for all and one we will never forget.

    1. USA Granny, I second what you said so well. :) We see that Meghan is very loyal to her friends, new and old, and I'm believe in her and Harry.

  16. Fervently hope that Prince Harry, Princess Meghan, and Archie are healthy, happy, and strong and remain so. Praying that Prince Charles and PM Boris (though I disagree with his politics) regain full health.

  17. Much appreciation of The gentle and optimistic Queen's message,

    "We will meet again"

    Wishing all to stay well, good and safe
    Take care and may The Mercy and Grace of God be upon all man kind, the earth and the planets.

    There are many times in the past I felt God looks at the world through the sun, and he rotates around the world, while the moon shines through the night somewhere else. I remember finding comfort just looking at the sun ( not a sun worshiper ) May the upcoming season bring better change. Simply longing for bright sun to shine as if Corona will go away by its strength.

  18. Love the name of the non-profit. Also, once again the Sussex Squad makes me proud to be part of their folds: these are the stuff that matters and make a difference and what we should always be focusing on. Great job ladies and gents!

  19. This Tuesday is my Sunday. It’s also the first week my work hours got reduced, because at least in my neck of the woods, we appear to be over this covid19 hump, for now. Working less shouldn’t be a point of cheer, but it is for me even though the economic toll is just beginning for my family like many other families around the world.

    I have to say I admire the many readers here who remain positive, focused and on point in their opinion (even if opinions differ) on this blog. Perhaps it helps to focus on something besides the little virus that has upended our lives. I know for me, I haven’t had a chance to read or enjoy my favorite blog much. My thoughts have been grimmer these days with work and duly reflected in my recent comments.

    This post, however, cheered me. Planting trees and working in my much neglected veggie patch makes me happy. My very non-outdoorsy college age nephew made money (and developed a healthy set of muscles according to his sister) planting trees and fighting forest fires the last 3 summers. That experience has changed his graduate study from business to engineering, designing more efficient ways to heat and cool buildings. A couple of things hit me during this crisis, but one that stood out was how many non-profits and charities rely on the elderly and retirees to fulfill their mission. I see this in the hospital. We are missing our many volunteers who did so much to ease visitors, staff and patients alike.

    I think in times of crisis, certain things distillate. Instead of looking for heroes and a war to win, for me and many of my workmates, it’s really about going to work and doing that job well. That attitude hasn’t changed with covid19. How mundane is that? Covid19 reveals how society really relies on the most humblest of jobs and the people, who are often poorly paid and overlooked, to do them. After this crisis, I wonder will society continues to value these workers with better treatment, wage and regard? Or will society return to valuing people based on name association, asset and wealth, careers/jobs, pomp and circumstances, and SES and social media status? We’ll see.

    In the meantime, stay safe and healthy.
    - Martine

    1. Thank you, Martine. Both your career and your comments here show the kind of heart we need to support in this world.

    2. What a thought-provoking post, Martine. Thank you.

  20. Charlotte, as I am not a native speaker of English, I wonder how to pronounce Archewell correctly. Is it „Arche“ as in Archie or as in „arc“? Thanks in advance!


    1. I, too, would love to know how to pronounce it properly :)


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