
Wednesday 6 May 2020

A Special Surprise As Adorable Archie Turns One

Happy Birthday Archie! We had heard reports over the past couple of weeks a photo would be released to mark the adorable tot's big day. The Sussexes had a surprise in store, with the release of a darling video of Meghan reading Duck! Rabbit! to her son in LA. It's filled with sweet moments including a giggle by Archie, a kiss from Meghan, and the little man deciding it was time for a different story by picking up another one and throwing it on the ground, much to Harry and Meghan's amusement. Dad was on filming duties and cheered at the end. Listen to Archie saying "Da Da Da". :)

The video was released in support of a very worthy cause - Save the Children's 'Save with Stories' campaign, which was organised to help children impacted by COVID-19 in the UK, US and around the world.

The choice of book Duck! Rabbit! by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Tom Lichtenheld was a simple one, as it's one of Archie's favourites. As you can see, it's a well-loved book with the sticker "Archie's Book Club" on the cover.

How much does Archie resemble Harry? He reminds me so much of him, especially as a child, with Meghan's eyes.

A spokesman for the Duke and Duchess said they wanted to mark Archie’s birthday by highlighting the issues. "The Duke has long been active in charity work for children and young people, notably in Africa. The Duchess has spoken passionately about gender equality, focusing global attention on the disadvantages faced by girls in health, education and prospects for work."

The spokesperson continued:

'The family is participating in the campaign across both the U.S. and UK to help bring much-needed support to children who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As they celebrate this family moment, the Duke and Duchess wanted to continue to raise awareness around the urgency of bringing food and learning resources to millions of children.
“We are incredibly humbled by the Duke and Duchess sharing such a precious moment with us all to benefit others by reading for #SAVEWITHSTORIES,” said Betsy Zorio, Vice President of U.S. Programs & Advocacy at Save the Children. “As summer 2020 shapes up to be the longest and perhaps most detrimental summer of children’s lives, Save the Children is committed to ensure that bellies remain full and kids continue to learn despite the challenges coronavirus presents.”'

Princess Anne served as president of Save the Children since 1970, before succeeding the Queen as patron in 2016.

The effort has seen Kate Winslet, Jennifer Garner and Amy Adams read stories. It's in collaboration with the No Kid Hungry fund, supporting food banks and community feeding programmes in response to the needs of thirty million children who rely on school for food. They are also supporting children with educational toys and books. For those in the US, if you would like to make a $10 donation text SAVE to 20222. Otherwise please click here to visit their donation page.

One year ago, we heard the wonderful news Meghan had safely delivered a baby boy. Proud dad Harry shared the good news with the world, and two days later the couple introduced Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor at Windsor Castle.

On the day Meghan said: "He's just been a dream. It's been a special couple of days. He has the sweetest temperament. He’s really calm." Harry smiled and said: "I don't know where he gets that from." The Duchess added: "I have the two best guys in the world, so I'm really happy."

Two months after his birth, Archie was baptised in the private chapel at Windsor Castle by Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Justin Welby.

In South Africa, Archie charmed Archbishop Desmond Tutu and his daughter Thandeka Tutu-Gxashe.

As you'll recall, he only had eyes for the cakes though. :)

In Canada, Archie had a ball playing in the snow.

And who could forget this Christmas card photo?

Sending Archie the happiest of birthday wishes. I'm sure he's enjoying a wonderful day with his parents.

Supports from around the world have donated to initiatives to mark the day such as the Sussex Great Forest initiative which ends its campaign with an astounding 115,000 trees planted. Archie Day, which highlighted efforts to support children amidst the pandemic has raised almost $50,000. I already see donations flooding to Save the Children today - all gifts Harry and Meghan will greatly appreciate in honour of their son's birthday.


  1. 🤣🤣🤣How beautiful it was Charlotte, to hear the "Da da da" of the magnificent baby that is Archie.It is very robust and with character. This is a beautiful and beneficial video that the Sussexes have produced for us. Their commitment is admirable. Happy birthday archie🎂💓

    1. Agree with you Ghilou, he has a lot of character and grows wonderfully. It is a great pride to have fun while benefiting many other children in need via this association whose members on Instagram are increasing.

    2. We should also note that Princess Anne has been involved with this organisation for the past fifty years and in a very hands on way. In earlier years she visited projects in the most needy countries always dressed in practical outfits suitable for the occasion. She was fully involved in the actual running of the Fund for many years so she wasn't just giving them publicity, valuable as that is. Although she has now changed her involvement to succeeding the Queen as their patron, she has earned respect from activists for her wholehearted commitment. We should remember this when we criticise the older members of the British Royal family.

    3. Anon @ 15:38 It would be very hard to find someone here who thinks Princess Anne isn’t a workhorse. No one was criticizing her or saying her contribution to this charity isn’t valid. The focus is Archie, his first birthday and how his mom and dad chose to support this cause with that occasion.


    4. Maybe I am taking offense too easily on the Royal Families behalf, but I do feel hurt that they have been described by some commentators as out of touch and in need of updating in favour of the way Harry and Meghan chose to relate to their royal duties. It is a matter of preference. I think that many British and Commonwealth citizens like myself are quite happy with how the Queen operates, especially at this difficult time. If Harry and Meghan feel stifled by Royal protocol they can suggest changes but ultimately they have to fit in with what the majority wants. If they find this too irksome then of course they can choose to step down in favour of a more private life. However is this what they really want to do? Only time will tell.

    5. Anon @19:07, it was the tabloids that claimed that Harry and Meghan felt stifled by royal protocols. The tabloids did that since they were caught criticizing Meghan for doing exactly what other royals have done, but Meghan got lambasted for. They blamed her then for being out of sync, a rule breaker, selfish, only interesting in herself, and so forth. It’s clever of the tabloids to take these cheap shots.

      The Mail, the Sun and The Telegraph did similar thing to Nadyia Hussein when she won the British bake off. (Later they tried somewhat to wheel it back.) They made it about PC judging, giving the win to someone who wouldn’t have won if she was a white suburban mom. (This is a common morale hit for many minorities- to be accused of achieving something based on their race or ethnicity. It eats you up.) Of course, the tabloids and their readers all deny they were racist by saying this. It was something that was off about her. That her products didn’t seemed as refined or meet the criteria. That others were better. Etc. It stirred up a tempest by design. It became an identity battle. Who’s British and one of us? If the language sounds similar, it’s because it has been used repeatedly to smear. This story, like many others contributed to a rise in xenophobia in 2015 and division. That year was significant to why and what came after.

      You can never look at these things without taking in the context of all the moving parts in British society, government, politics and culture at the time. The set up, the push back, the fear being played out by the media, in social media, the pushback against multiculturalism, the verbal support for it, but without real actions by Whitehall. The goal of the monarchy OTOH was relevance and survival after QE2. Many moving parts with differing objectives and some similar ones.

      Meghan and Harry stated clearly why they stepped down. It wasn’t about the work. They were and are delighted to work. It was about the treatment, the hounding, and the abuse by the press.

      - Martine

    6. People tend to forget that W&K are doing things much differently, too. They travel with their children when they wish to. They take them to school and pick them up. They have an enormous involvement with Kate's "nonroyal" family. Kate wears shorts while steering a ship! W&K and different people than H&M; obviously they will have different views and preferences in life. Many people appear to love how Kate is different and feel she is leading the monarchy into the current day, and I agree. Harry indeed has a different path and they are not threatening the lineage but they get criticism. I wonder -- did the Queen do anything differently or is she a carbon copy of her mother? What time period is desired? The early 1900s? The 1800s? The 1500s? It's just an excuse in my opinion.

  2. Can not imagine anything in my day that will raise my spirits more then this fabulous video of Meghan and Archie. What a beautiful boy! Archie is right on target with his "Da da da". Perfect ending to the story as well as Harry responding with a laugh of acknowledgement. You can't script this stuff.

  3. Happy Birthday Archie, you beautiful little boy❤️

  4. Happy Birthday Archie!! Wow, he is just the cutest little puddin!! This was such a beautiful way for the Sussex's to share Archie's big day! I love that this video will help others, such a Sussex thing to do! And I am just amazed at how much this family inspires others to do good works, to be of service to others and the fact that their "fans" have put together such incredible initiatives really speaks to Harry and Meghan as role models and sources of inspiration. I am just so happy that Harry and Meghan found each other, they really do bring out the best of each other and now with Archie, their joy has increased! Oh dear, it appears that I have something in my eye that's now running down my cheek :)

  5. Happy birthday baby Archie! Love you so so much! Loved the little video, it gives a little insight into their everyday lives in LA. I miss the Sussexes

  6. Oooooohh so cute!!!!
    So beautiful. HB Archie.

  7. Very sweet. And, I am loving Meghan's hair naturally soft like this. Beautiful.

    1. I agree about Meghan's hair...just love it in this and the previous post. I also love her bracelets here.

  8. Happy Birthday, little man! What a sweetie. If you look at baby pictures of Harry and Meghan side by side, he's almost a perfect composite. Such fun to see him in action and hear Harry doing the noises along with the story. The best thing you can do for a child--besides loving them--is read to them.

    1. I agree with you that he has a lot of Meghan in him as well as some obvious Harry characteristics. A happy, healthy,handsome boy who's growing up so fast! And what a silver lining that they are getting to spend so much time with him in his early days. They are blessed and wish to share their blessings with others. Just wonderful.

  9. What a picture of health, strength and cheekiness. ;) Will grow up to be a looker, that’s clear already! He looks extra tall in the arms of his petite mother. They must be so proud of their bouncing baby boy.

  10. Allison in US6 May 2020 at 18:40

    He really is the cutest little guy! Such a cuddle! I bet he keeps them moving. I wonder if the non--live-in nanny went to the US with them? I loved seeing this -- and I loved the birthday wishes from the direct family members.

    1. Someone was obviously looking after Archie in Canada while Meghan and Harry were in UK so they must have had a person who Meghan trusted and I presume they would want to have the same person around now when they are both busy or out - eg delivering food parcels. So I think they almost certainly have a nanny. Some of the media implied that Archie was looked after by one of Meghan's friends in Canada, but as none of them live in Vancouver that seems unlikely. It isn't her mother as Doria had returned to Los Angeles before they left Vancouver and now she is said to be locked in to her own home anyway. They are comfortably off, so can afford to employ staff and I would be very surprised if they didn't have live in help.

    2. I would think that they do have a live-in nanny and that perhaps her identify is a secret for security and confidentiality reasons. H&M are controlling what information gets out about their life and to date it only involves showing us their charity efforts. Who is in their employ and especially somebody who takes care of Archie will probably not be made public. Media speculation about who they have is merely that, speculation. For anybody somebody you trust to care for your children is huge.

    3. Maybe secret for confidentiality reasons but surely not for security reasons? Otherwise we would never hear anything about the Cambridge's Spanish Nanny.
      It is a pity that the covid19 lockdown coincided with their move to the US as this will have hindered the formation of their new organisation. Knowing how well organised Meghan is, I should imagine that everything had been carefully planned to hit the ground running once they arrived in Los Angeles. Their American team would have set everything up to take advantage of the publicity from their last appearances in UK. Now everything has had to be postponed and they must be very frustrated at the delay. Their few appearances in the news media so far seem to be very ad hoc and don't really reveal how they intend to operate in future.I am very curious about how they will raise money and how hands on their new organisation will be. They have a very good blueprint in the Trust that Prince Charles set up. I presume Harry has applied for a green card and no doubt will have no difficulty with this.
      I do hope they will keep up their involvement in organisations in UK and the Commonwealth in future. Of course as they will no longer be representing the Queen, this may be more difficult. Meghan will certainly be pursuing her interest in women's issues I imagine. Harry may have more difficulty establishing himself in a foreign country where he cannot call on the Government or the public in the same way. I hope that his work with Well Child, Sentebele, Aids, disabled servicemen and landmine clearance will still be a focus as he has given valuable publicity to these issues. USA was one of the countries that did not support the outlawing of landmines so he will have to be careful not to get involved in any political issues in his campaigning.

    4. Meghan is extremely adept at reading the social currents and counter currents she has been doing so since 10 years old that is why she is a trendsetter. Her blog had 4+ million followers in a short time and she was press to monetized by lots of influential people around the world, some were wiling to pay more than 100 mill for the TIG brand.
      Naturally Meghan and Harry will refocus on the pandemic because recovery from it is central to all of their charities.

  11. Such heart warming video; I watched it several times. I loved the interaction between Duchess Meghan & Archie, especially Archie turning the page when Meghan says "turn the page". And at the end Prince Harry cheering; that was cute.

  12. What a sweet video! It's great to see Meghan and Archie in such a casual video, doing what all mothers and babies do. Meghan is beautiful, and Archie is a doll. It's so Sussex that it's a video from a charity they support. Thank your for this lovely post, Charlotte. Happy Birthday, Archie.


    1. Their videos are filming from charities they support because they don’t have social media. Once they launch their project and their Instagram they will post their things there.

  13. Well a collective awwww went up at our ‘water cooler’ moment in a zoom meeting. Lol. That Archie. A bundle of motions and happiness right there. Happy Birthday Archie!

    - Martine

  14. lovely shots this post made my day Charlotte the video was adorable. I noticed you did not comment on the book they wrote coming out august 11 it is being deemed official by media outlets but do you think it is not real? or will you do another post on it thanks Charlotte .

    1. I will be posting about it soon :)

    2. What book, did they write a book?

    3. They didn't write the book, but it is told/written by Omid Scobie who seems to be in the inner circle of journalists/reporters surrounding H & M.

  15. Happy Birthday baby Archie!! I hope you will grow up in a better and happier world. :)

  16. What a great way to celebrate his birthday. Happy Birthday Archie!

  17. What a lovely video for an organization doing vital work! What I especially liked about the video is the interaction between the whole little family- Meghan is obviously s sharing the moment with Harry behind the camera, and he is cheering them on off camera. Very heartwarming, especially when one remembers all that this family has endured. Archie looks like a very tall toddler, and is totally adorable! Happy birthday, little Archie bean.

  18. As you put it, Charlotte! He’s Harry all over, with Meghan’s eyes. Such a sweet child...happy birthday Archie! 🥳

  19. Happy First Birthday Archie.

  20. What an adorable video! I love the interaction between the three of them!

  21. I’m glad they taped Archie in a onesie. They wanted people to donate to the charity and not focus on purchasing his outfit. Just plain us and the charity. Happy birthday Archie!

    1. Allison in US7 May 2020 at 16:08

      I had not thought of that, Andrea! Great idea!

    2. Yes! A good move, fun and love ❤️from Bessie.

  22. HBD 🥳🎂🎉🎈 to Archie! This was such a cute surprise. I'm glad they did a video v a photo - so much more fun to see him giggle, squirm, fuss, and babble. He looks a lot like baby Harry but I agree, Charlotte - I think he's got Meghan's eyes. It's good to see happy things like this these days. Thanks for the post! -op

  23. Happy birthday, Archie. Beautiful! Thanks, Charlotte.

  24. I read they have had no visitors. Grandma Doria must be itching to get her hands on that wiggly little perpetual motion machine. He has his Mum's eyes and mouth but the attitude is all Harry.I wonder if they have a piano? My favorite memory of baby Harry, not much older then than Arch is here, pounding on the piano keys with an impish grin.

  25. Happy Birthday little fella! It warmed my heart to see Archie's adorable face and him saying, "Da Da Da"! I am certain that he - along with Harry & Meg felt the love and good wishes from others around the world on his big day!

  26. Susan in Florida7 May 2020 at 04:00

    He’s so cute ! I think he tried to say “duck” at one point. She looks so happy with her little guy. No Child Hungry is a great charity for them to support.

  27. happy quarrentine birthday archie oh the was a surpise he looks a mixture of both harry and meghan how lovely wondeful milestone for him he so big now

  28. What a wonderful surprise! I love it! Hopefully it brings a lot of awareness for the charity. Blessings and best wishes to all of you!

  29. Wow! How beautiful, strong and well done. It makes you want to wear it, especially since it looks so lively and mischievous.Bravo for this video, it is just perfect: fun, joyful, simple beautiful and above all very useful via its committed side.


  30. Happy Birthday to this happy, rambunctious, lovely, baby boy. Donating via text was easy. The Sussexes continue to be a force for good in the world.

  31. Andrea Wornam, I appreciated your note that Archie was dressed plainly (as was Meghan) in order to keep attention on the occasion of his birthday and the charity they've chosen to support. Because I was curious about the reaction to the photos' release, I took a look at how the papers that I don't read might have headlined the celebration. Generally it looked positive and properly celebratory.

    Even so, the vitriol from certain quarters I won't dignify by naming was astonishing. Honestly, it's outright hate speech. Really? Such hatred over the birthday of a little boy whose great grandmother is the Queen of England? How people can find fault with Meghan (in particular) and Harry for doing what millions of parents do on their child's first birthday--show pictures, receive congratulations--and what fewer do--support other children on that occasion--confounds me.

    I'm so happy, Charlotte, that you this blog and keep this forum free of such malice. Bless you.

    1. Yes it did cause a strange backlash and I know who you are talking about. But I will just reiterate it is very similar to the irrational criticism Meghan received from the get-go. Often egged on by the British press.

      If you read about the backlash they received to this completely sweet and inoffensive video I think their reasons for making a change become quiet clear. And I certainly don’t mean you Philly but I repeatedly saw other comments not understanding what was so bad or why she didn’t just put up with it. And the internet storm over this video is the reason why. No official role is worth that kind of unhinged abuse.

      I think several things were at play but one I do believe was Meghan eventually realizing nothing she would ever do would be right despite a genuine effort. So I understand why perhaps they decided to just not continue. I’m not saying public figures should be immune from all criticism, but they way people found things to criticize about Meghan when she hadn’t done anything wrong (often with racial elements) was truly irrational.

    2. Thank you, Philly, for an insightful post. It's the usual "they can't win" situation out there. They are criticized for hiding Archie and then for showing him! They (well, Meghan) is not being royal the "right" way but anything they do to live financially independently is criticized. The lies about how unhappy Harry is now are further hate. It's just worldwide bullying from some but luckily not from all. Seems like the people who meet them like them very much.

      I agree that he seems to be a tall little guy already! Harry is tall, and the men in Meghan's family are big, so his genes seem to be outgrowing his petite mom. He really is the cutest little bundle -- I bet he leads them on many chases!

    3. I think that Meghan is not as petite as she seems! Perhaps it's that we see her next to Harry or William and Kate who all are very tall. She is apparently 1.68m which is perfectly normal! (not a criticism in any way, it just that I don't once Googled her height expecting to see her around 1.64/1.65!)

  32. To Philly, Greybird, Martine,
    I always appreciate your insightful and positive comments.
    Cheers to Charlotte for this blog!
    Archie, Mom and Cameraman are delightful!
    Happy BDay Archie.

  33. The author Amy KR wrote a piece in NYTimes,
    “You May Want to Marry My Husband“, March 2017. About 10 days later she died from cancer.
    Her article is hauntingly beautiful, as is her husband’s response.

  34. Yesterday I watched Becoming on Netflix. In that documentary Michelle Obama spoke briefly about the relentless vitriol and malice directed her way by the press as she campaigned for Barrack during his first run for the Presidency. I couldn't help but think how similar the attacks directed to Meghan have been.

  35. While I was checking out the Save the Children website to make a donation, I couldn’t resist watching the video again, and I swear Archie was telling his dad to pick up the book. I think when he saw no duck rabbit on the page, he decided it was time for another book because we’re done with this one! And was the little bean talking to da da or trying to say duck? Such a delightful little video and worth a second viewing, definitely. Just the type of thing we need to cheer everyone up and remember the joy of life.

  36. Thank you Charlotte for the heartwarming post. Just an observation not meant to be negative but if the Sussexes intend using self shot video for communication could they please get some lessons as the quality of the video detracted a bit from the message. It would have been so much better if it had been shot from the side so Meghan could just read to Archie and us at the same time instead of part of the time reading to the camera. Also the focal point should have been on Archie not Meghan. Shooting video is not easy but well done well adds so much to the message. Less well does detracts.

    1. Interesting opinion. I really liked that this was like home video that anyone would shoot with their phone. To me it was endearing and added to the message, more so than if it had been "styled". Plus as the mother of two boys, having the focal point on a wriggly toddler is not easy and I think Harry did a good job with what he had to work with haha.


    2. Meghan was in the video to be featured on Jennifer Garner’s initiative.

    3. Hi Mary-Lee there is a home shot video of a Scots grandmother reading wonkey donkey that went viral a couple of years ago. If you care to google it you might see what iI mean about shooting from the side. It is a very amusing video.

    4. Hi, Libby: I googled and also saw "The kilted coo" shooting from the front. Whether shot from the front or side, they're all good.

  37. Nicole from France10 May 2020 at 15:28

    Whaou ....that’s a gorgeous present for us, such a sweet video !!!! This little man, although grown up, has not changed a bit , still his lovely face ,a mixing of Harry (shape of face , hair ...) and Meghan , he seems to have inherited her sweet charming half-smiling way of looking at people , he even has the same very little squint in the eye as Meghan , and gorgeous lips ...
    He certainly is a charmer , remember the smile he made to Mgr Tuttu’s sister in South Africa !
    Glad to see that happy family , back to happiness , and apparently keeping control of their lives with no leaks from their staff ... I am not quite enthusiastic about the coming book .... well , if they agreed to it , let’s hope that won’t be counterproductive .
    I hope you are all well , here in France , to morrow will be THE day : beginning relief of lockdown .... we’ll see how it goes, I have never been as happy as now to be a pensioner and not to have to go to work by train as I used to ...

  38. Bonjour Nicole
    Je suis contente pour vous que vous n’avez pas besoin de prendre les transports public. Bonne chance pour la suite. Et je suis en accord avec votre analyse du visage d’Archie.

  39. I wonder if Harry and Meghan will release a new photo or anything tomorrow for their anniversary! Fingers crossed!

  40. Tammy from California19 May 2020 at 16:00

    Just wanted to wish the Sussexes a very happy anniversary. I wish them the best 5/19/20

  41. That duck rabbit just adorable.

  42. Meghan released a statement on the death of George Floyd

  43. Just want to share a virtue commencement speech by Meghan at her old high school. She addressed the turmoil that has rocked the US these recent weeks.

    She shared a perspective worth listening too. It reminds me why it’s tough to explain or get people to understand how shared experience can mean different things to different people. It seems so obvious, yet people get it wrong all the time,

    My nephew who is football mad shared with me a tweet by a famous player, Drew Brees of the New Orleans Saints, who said he sees taking a knee (like Colin Kaepernick) during a national anthem is disrespectful to the flag. He goes on to talk about the sacrifice of his grandparents who fought in WW2. My young nephew said it’s strange that Brees couldn’t see that other people had their parents and grandparents who fought in the wars too. But when they came home, they faced Jim Crow south, segregation, racism and hardship. Their children and grandchildren didn’t have the same opportunities as Brees or his parents did. Instead they face pain, systematic racism and hope denied. I said some people never will understand. There are lots of people like Brees who refused to listen, who love to wrap themselves in a flag without realizing its true meaning, or refused to pay attention and acknowledge a different reality many people faced.

    It’s too bad the British press did such a number on Meghan. It’s also a missed opportunity for the BRF not to stand by their gal. Meghan could have brought a much needed different perspective to the Firm. Their loss.

    - Martine

  44. Omid’s tweet has the full speech by Meghan



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