
Wednesday 24 June 2020

The Sussexes Support LA-Based Feed Hope Initiative

Hello, dear readers, we have several updates on the Sussexes today, beginning their volunteering efforts in Los Angeles. Harry and Meghan spent yesterday afternoon helping the bakery and cafe teams of Homeboys and Homegirls, from community social justice organisation Homeboy Industries.

The couple rolled up their sleeves and got to work preparing food for Homeboy Industries' Feed Hope project which has been actively supporting vulnerable young people throughout the pandemic. Mariana Enriquez, a manager at the Homegirl Café in downtown LA, told Los Angeles Magazine: "It was remarkable to share our Feed Hope program with Harry and Meghan today. They are both down to earth and kind. The staff was honored they took the time to see us, hear us and walk on our journey today. We will never forget it."

More from L.A. Magazine:

Meghan first learned about the program as a teenager, when she met Homeboy Industries founder Father Greg Boyle while attending Immaculate Heart High School.
“The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were just ‘Harry and Meghan’ to the homies,” Boyle says. “They rolled up their sleeves and deeply engaged with our workers in the Bakery and Café. It was immediate kinship and heartening in its mutuality.”

Omid Scobie revealed Meghan and Doria attended a cooking workshop with Father Boyle making tamales. The Duchess reconnected with him recently to discuss the racial justice movement. They have been speaking with a number of leaders and holding various meetings in order to decide how they can best contribute in a meaningful way. A Sussex source told Scobie, Harry and Meghan "connect deeply" with Homeboy Industries' mission. The Evening Standard added "Harry and Meghan’s spokesman said “the duchess mentioned that the spirit and style reminded her of the times she visited the Luminary Bakery in London”, a social enterprise that offers disadvantaged women in the UK new opportunities."

People reports:

"The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were just 'Harry and Meghan' to the homies," said Father Greg Boyle, the group's founder. "They rolled up their sleeves and deeply engaged with our workers in the bakery and café. It was immediate kinship and heartening in its mutuality.”

Indeed, Father Boyle has been a central figure in the charity for almost 35 years.

More from the official website:

'In 1986, when Homeboy Industries’ founder, Gregory Boyle became pastor of Dolores Mission Church, it was the poorest Catholic parish in Los Angeles. The parish included Aliso Village and Pico Gardens, then the largest public housing projects west of the Mississippi. They also had the highest concentration of gang activity. That was saying something, given Los Angeles’ reputation as the gang capital of the world.
At the time, law enforcement tactics of suppression and criminal justice policies of mass incarceration were the prevailing means to deal with gang violence. But where others only saw criminals, Father Greg saw people in need of help. Today, Homeboy Industries is the largest gang intervention, rehabilitation and re-entry program in the world, welcoming thousands through our doors each year.'

Reading through the website, I was particularly struck by this paragraph: "We work with those who have been left behind without hope. Their healing and re-entry is often not achieved in a straight line—it can take years, with detours along the way. But our impact is evident in each life transformed, and as those lives impact their families and communities, we’re creating a positive ripple effect not only around the city of Los Angeles, but in communities around the world."

If you would like to support their vital efforts please click here.

For those living in LA, you can support by ordering delicious baked goods from the charity. Each purchase includes a donation of one free meal to someone who is food insecure. Click here to find out more.

The organisation shared the following on their Instagram account:

'Thank you to Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, for visiting and standing in kinship with our Café and Bakery teams yesterday! Our staff was thrilled to work alongside them as they helped prepare food and learned more about our newly launched Feed HOPE program, which employs our program participants to provide meals to food-insecure seniors and youth across Los Angeles in the wake of the #COVID19 pandemic.'

In other news today, it has been confirmed the Duke and Duchess have signed with the New York-based Harry Walker agency. The prestigious agency represents the Obamas and Clintons in addition to a host of well-known names. Some time ago, we discussed how speaking engagements and a deal with a streaming giant like Netflix seemed the most obvious route to take moving forward. Harper's Bazaar reports:

'Per the outlet, going forward, the royal couple will engage in moderated discussions, keynote speeches, and community forums as they begin their careers away from the ties of the royal family and the British monarchy.
BAZAAR can confirm that Harry and Meghan have no plans to partake in any speaking engagements regarding the royal family and have signed solely with Harry Walker. The Sussexes are not attached to any other agencies for any other purposes.'
A source confirms to that once the Sussexes are able to return to in-person work, the couple is expected to participate and focus on engagements that highlight social issues and causes important to them and the world, such as racial justice, gender equity, and environmental preservation and concerns. All three aforementioned subjects are causes that both Harry and Meghan promoted during their work as active senior royals. The couple is also expected to speak on mental health, another topic that Harry has remained vocal about in recent years. 

I'm looking forward to hearing Harry and Meghan's plans and seeing them continue to support amazing organisations like Homeboys Industries.


  1. I think I spot a baby bump? 🤞

    1. Me too. ����

    2. Wouldn't think they would risk at such an early stage of pregnancy if she were pregnant. The group is all standing pretty close together for the photo shoot. However, I do believe we will hear of a pregnancy announcement within the year.

    3. I also think Meghan will be pregnant by Christmas. But I don’t think they should announce it until she is close to giving birth. People attacked Meghan soo much when she was pregnant with Archie. Meghan deserves to go through her second pregnancy in piece without criticism.

    4. Becca in Colorado26 June 2020 at 15:43

      After what happened while she was pregnant with Archie, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't announce their next baby until she's in labor/has already given birth. Meghan deserves to enjoy her pregnancy without trolls criticizing her every single move.

    5. She is wearing a black apron. Even if she is pregnant, whatever you believe you’re seeing is a product of your imagination. The picture is just not clear enough. She could be six months along- with this apron, lightning and distance it’s impossible to say.
      Since when do we on this blog ride the same speculation train as the DM & Co anyway. They have been talking about a new Sussex baby for a few mo the now. As those tabloids tend to do for all of them from time to time. Still waiting for Kate’s twins they announced 15 months ago. And CP Victoria’s third baby. Overdue at least a year now. It’s ridiculous.

    6. More like wishful fanfic at the moment. This kind of speculation is truly not respecting their privacy as human beings. Eeven though I am sure it comes from a good place- but there are boundaries. They specifically pleaded to respect those many times again and again. H&M are not our entertainmant Sims.

  2. Thank you, Charlotte, for this look at Meghan and Harry's day with Homeboy Industries, and for your always reliable research and informationn about this wonderful organization. This is a key place to be involved -- helping people with no hope regain some confidence that they can succeed despite the odds stacked against them -- all the while feeding the hungery.

    It's also encouraging to know they have signed with Harry Walker, and that they are making it clear that they will not engage on the royal family, but on the social and environmental causes they have always championed.


    1. Yes, exactly. I wish all those people weren’t posing so close together. Hope it was a quick photo.

    2. 22:28 you wrote: ...people with no hope regain some confidence that they can succeed despite the odds stacked against them. How ironic. I think that's what a good number of people think about Harry and Meghan's break from the Royal Family.

  3. It's great to see Harry and Meghan continuing to help others. They are passionate about their charity work. Now, if the haters, trolls, so called experts would leave them the h_ alone. They said they will work toward becoming financially independent. So do not worry about what they do for work because they are working royals and not representing the monarchy. Also terrible that others attack charities or other organizations that work with Harry and Meghan. The Walker Agency has went to private. I've seen this more than once

  4. I'm happy that Meghan and Harry find so many down-to-earth opportunities to help, and thank you again, Charlotte, for the profound information. Looking forward for the engagements via Harry Walker's agency.

  5. What a pleasant surprise! Just last week I discovered Father Boyle and Homeboy Industries and was very impressed with thier ethos and long-term work in LA. So awesome to open my Instagram today and see Harry and Megan's involvement there! I hope this generates a lot of support for the organization.

    I'm excited to see this power duo advance in their mission and begin, when able, to make public speeches.

    Thank you, Charlotte, for your wonderful coverage!

  6. I think I see a baby bump? It's really hard to tell.

  7. ph i love the quote given by father boyle the younger royals are giving hope and courage the Cambridges giving the nation a boast and in energy and the Sussex are helping in their small own way

    1. Feu bleu
      Exactly !
      Beautiful citation. Agree.

  8. When a altruist woman rencontre a Prince of UK ,the result is Sussex couple.
    Harry and Meghan don't work anymore for the firm but the monarchy so proud them .
    Sussex couple will undertake the great actions.
    I believe in their capacity and their forces.
    Thank you Charlotte for your post.
    It's always authentic and just.
    God bless you , Sussex Family and the british monarchy.

    1. I appreciate Charlotte's wonderful blog about Meghan! Charlotte has always done a fair, balanced, timely and responsible job with her coverage of the Sussexes. This is about Meghan and Harry, not about the British monarchy and the hateful British tabloids. This is about Meghan and Harry demonstrating how to carry on with grace, determination, faith, and a strong sense of purpose. Please understand that the rest of the royals are not involved in the work that the Sussexes are doing. They left the royal family behind for more than one significant reason. The rest of the royals are trying to keep up with the great example M&H are setting. Had the royal firm publicly and fully supported Meghan against tabloids abuse, the Sussexes would not have felt the need to step away to protect themselves and their son.

  9. Thank God for the Sussex, in spite of what the haters throw their way, they keep on doing good. what a life changing CHARITY. May God bless all those involve and Charlotte .

  10. This was a cool surprise. Go H&M! -op

  11. Wow! Father Boyle and Homeboy Industries do amazing work finding ways to help people climb their way out of very difficult life circumstances. How wonderful to see Harry and Meghan supporting this organization. Perfect!
    Philly: great observation on the irony!

  12. I am a little concerned that everyone is standing so close together, even masked and gloved. Here in California case numbers are rising at a worrying rate. This would be especially risky for anyone who happened to be pregnant. I salute Meghan and Harry for contributing, just wish they'd stood a little farther apart.

  13. Becca in Colorado26 June 2020 at 15:47

    Another nice surprise! I'm happy Harry and Meghan have been able to quietly get on with the work that's important to them. I just wish we could see more of it! With everything happening in the world and the delay of the Archewell launch, I have a feeling the rest of 2020 will be very quiet on the Sussex front, save for little glimpses like these. All things considered, that might be exactly what they need to recover and regroup.

  14. I bought two of their yummy items -- one is a banana-praline chip cake! I noted that I found them because of M&H's visit.

    1. Every visit of H& M of an association, training a positive effect.
      Congratulations Harry & Meghan

  15. What a wonderful charity to support. Great job, M & H! Even greater, a new hero to admire in Father Boyle.

  16. This is amazing work. The food looks great and I admire what they have done.


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