
Wednesday 26 August 2020

Meghan Praises "Beautiful Example" Harry During Insightful Conversation with Gloria Steinem

Meghan's full conversation with the one and only Gloria Steinem has been shared by MAKERS Women, a platform supporting women by amplifying their voices and sharing their stories. It's as interesting and insightful as hoped for, with in-depth discussion on voter suppression, the vital importance of representation, Meghan and Gloria's friendship and heartwarming words on the role model Prince Harry is for his son.

In an opening piece for MAKERS, the Duchess wrote:

'“If you don’t vote, you don’t exist.”
These words from Gloria Steinem have stuck with me since she first spoke them during this conversation.
Throughout our friendship, we’ve spoken of our shared beliefs surrounding women’s rights, the need for representation and the very timely conversation on voting.
I firmly believe that we vote to honor those who came before us and to protect those who come after us. Ms. Steinem, my friend Gloria, is one of the women I honor when I vote.
I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did and that it allows you to reflect on who inspires you to vote as we approach this upcoming election. Your voice matters. Please use it.'

Meghan and Gloria have a very natural rapport, which we found out tonight stems from a fledgling friendship the pair have developed over long conversations and lunches. Back when Meghan was writing the Tig, she credited Steinem as a "luminary" in the fight for equality. Getting to know Gloria has obviously been a privilege for Meghan - a sentiment very much shared by the the powerhouse activist and feminist. Gloria begins by saying: "Welcome home. I’m so glad that you're home!" The Duchess replies: "Me too - for so many reasons. We've talked a lot these last few weeks. I keep thinking, my goodness -  I’ve looked up to you for so long! It’s wonderful to just be in your company, to learn so much and to feel inspired to be home. But also to help people remember why it’s so important to vote."

More from MAKERS Women:

G: Really, we’ve been rescued by women of color in all of our recent elections because of a vote of conscience and compassion. The heart of the Democratic party has been Black women, actually, and now there is a potential Vice President who is Black and that’s exciting.
M: I’m so excited to see that kind of representation. You know, for me, being biracial, growing up, whether it was a doll or a person in office, you need to see someone who looks like you in some capacity. As many of us believe, you can only be what you can see. And in the absence of that, how can you aspire to something greater than what you see in your own world? I think maybe now we’re starting to break-through in a different way. Do you feel hopeful?
G: Oh yes, I do feel hopeful. We still require an adjective, if you know what I mean. There are ‘doctors’ and ‘women doctors’ and ‘Black women doctors’ and ‘Hispanic doctors’ … the noun still tends to be confined to the ruling group. But we’ll get past that.
M: You know it’s so interesting. I was reading this book called Algorithms of Oppression by Safiya Noble and it talks about how the digital space really shapes our thinking about race. For example, it wasn’t that long ago that when you’d start to type in a search engine ‘why are white women…’ it would start to autofill with words like ‘so pretty’ or ‘so beautiful.’ And then when you would type ‘why are black women…’ it would autofill with words like ‘so angry’ or ‘so loud.’ You get to see how our minds are being shaped by something so much bigger than what we’re actually feeling or putting out there.
G: That’s terrible isn’t it? In a way, the computer age has made it clear by listing it so we can fight it more easily. ... I wonder if the COVID-19 disaster — which is an unmitigated suffering and a very unequal suffering, I must say — is teaching us something because it doesn’t recognize race, gender or nationality. It sees human beings as human beings. And perhaps we’re beginning to see that too. 

Meghan discussed the importance of "a moment of rest to reevaluate what actually matters". She added: "I think it’s often forgotten how women like you and so many others before you fought for us to just be where we are right now." The Duchess revealed she's been having conversations with leading voting-rights activist Stacey Abrams about the challenges surrounding voter suppression. "For example, if you’re a person of color and you’re in line, for potentially hours on end, and during that time someone tries to intimidate you, to tell you that you should get out of line because you might be under surveillance or any number of intimidation tactics that are so scary. And then you think: ‘You know, it’s not worth it.’ You decide to step out of line and relinquish your right to vote. That’s bad enough, but then there’s a ripple effect because whoever is in the back of the line says, ‘Whatever they did to them…I don’t want that to happen to me.’ That, I think, is so frightening. But I wonder how we circumvent that and how we get people to feel empowered."

"If you don’t vote you don’t exist. It’s the only place where we are all equal," Gloria told the Duchess. "You know, I fear we get a case of the ‘shoulds’ - the ‘what should I do?’ as opposed to ‘I’m going to do everything I can.’ We should ask ourselves: ‘Who do I talk to every day? Are they registered or not?’ Whatever it is that is next to us we can do. If we each do that, then I think we’ll be OK."

Meghan continued: 

'I was reading something the other day and it made me think of The Equal Rights Amendment and I’m curious to hear your thoughts on how we can get that over the line. Because it was 1970 that you were in Congress appealing for it. There was a Native Alaskan named Elizabeth Peratrovich who fought for and ensured the passage of the 1945 Anti-Discrimination Act, and she said: Asking you to give me equal rights implies that they are yours to give. Instead, I must demand that you stop trying to deny me the rights that all people deserve.'

The discussion turned to the role men play as we move forward, with a certain prince gaining well deserved praise. Gloria said: "Well, you can be a feminist and be masculine and a guy." Meghan replied: "Like my husband! I love that when he just came in he said, ‘You know that I’m a feminist too, right Gloria?! It’s really important to me that you know that.'" Gloria described Harry's words as "wonderful", adding: "And also that he is a nurturing father. Because then your son will grow up knowing it’s OK to be loving and nurturing." Meghan smiled: "Well said. I know it’ll mean a lot to him when I share that."

Meghan highlighted the wonderful role model Harry is for Archie: "I look at our son and what a beautiful example that he gets to grow up with a father who is so comfortable owning that as part of his own self-identification. That there’s no shame in being someone who advocates for fundamental human rights for everyone, which of course includes women."

Meghan was given bracelets by Gloria with the motto 'Linked Not Ranked'. "Well, you know actually, ‘we are linked not ranked’ is the shortest way I’ve ever found to say what our goal is. And I thank you for understanding that rank is less important than being linked. That’s a big thing." Meghan replied: "It means everything to me on every level; we are linked not ranked." In 2013, Gloria designed 'Imagine We Are Linked Not Ranked' bracelets, with all proceeds going to I expect Meghan was wearing these.

The video was filmed by well-known entertainment photographer Matt Sayles. His work focuses on reflecting "a more inclusive image of beauty and highlighting stories from people and communities that are currently underrepresented". Meghan closed the piece, writing: "Gloria, I couldn’t have asked for a better day; this is so important. The next two months are so important. I want to thank you, we all want to thank you for your wisdom and inspiration." It was a wonderful read and I imagine something we could see Meghan doing on a larger scale moving forward. 

The release coincides with Women's Equality Day. The United State of Women shared this quote by Meghan in honour of the day.

A brief video from the conversation which was shared last night.

A quick recap on Meghan's very chic look as shared in last night's post. Meghan's trousers are by Anine Bing. The lightweight pants feature a pinstripe pattern and a high waist. They are also in stock on Anine Bing's website and Net-A-Porter.

A matching blazer is also available at Net-A-Porter.

Meghan's sandals are Stella McCartney Rhea style. The shoes are made from non-leather materials as part of the designer's cruelty-free ethos. They are in stock in black and brown on McCartney's website (with many thanks to the Meghan's Mirror team who identified the trousers and shoes).

Meghan's hat is the Janessa Leone Serena style (with thanks to Elizabeth from Meghan's Fashion). The wheat braid straw hat is described as: "Hand braided in thin strands and then sewn together to form a continuous piece of material that can be blocked into a hat. This straw is our highest rated ultraviolet protection." The brand is making a contribution from all sales to the non-partisan I Am a Voter until Sunday.

I'm going to close with two recommendations for you. If anyone is currently searching for the sort of book you cannot put down once the first page is read, Gloria's Steinem's My Life on the Road is a warm, personable and searingly honest read. If you're a Netflix viewer, Prince Harry participates in the uplifting and inspiring Rising Phoenix which is available to view from today. Early reviews suggest this is a must-watch going behind the scenes of the Paralympics to discover the journey of the athletes behind the games. I'm very excited to watch it over the weekend.


  1. Love that b/w picture of the two of them wearing black and white. It already looks iconic somehow- two women generations apart connecting. Also love how casually the pups are introduced to the frame.

    1. The imagery is amazing -- the setting looks like a lovely painting, timeless. The women are connecting across the distance. The black and white against the green. The little posies on the table, probably picked from the home. The sun! The photos look like a cover for an update Jane Austen book!

      She has such great ideas -- it must have been so hard to keep them tucked away for those few years.

  2. Meghan's activism since coming back to the US has been on point. I love how she's being more vocal about racial and gender issues. This conversation was everything and I'm looking forward to see Meghan carry on on this path because these types of conversations are really needed and long overdue and not just here in America judging from the way Meghan was treated in the United Kingdom.

    1. You made a very good point in your last sentence. I, too, am glad she’s speaking out & using her voice on these important issues.

  3. I just love this so much! To have Gloria Steinem want to spend time with you is such an honor. I read a lot about Harry missing his family -- it seems really clear that he did not spend much time with his family and that his father is so busy that there's little chance of them just getting together to spend a day hanging out. I think he can not physically see his family in California as well as he can in the UK. :) The house and trees are beautiful -- it looks beautiful but casual. Very relaxed. Perhaps this is all turning out just fine!!

  4. Thank you, Charlotte for the speedy post! I enjoyed reading their conversation and agree they highlighted some important issues. Voter suppression is a very real and scary thing here in the U.S. and it is critical that everyone be able to exercise their right to vote. In a country as divided as ours, we need not only a "winner," but a mandate to provide clear direction of what the majority of people want to see happen in their lives and communities. The only way for that to be achieved is if everyone makes and executes a plan to vote and that we remain vigilant to systemic oppression that seeks to undermine accessible voting. Highly recommend early voting if your state allows it to avoid some of the pitfalls of waiting in line, being intimidated, polls closing due to suspect reasons, etc. Unfortunately, mail-in ballots are likely not the way to go this year given recent shenanigans. And by shenanigans I mean clear threats to democracy. Sigh.

    On a happier note, Meghan looks just gorgeous and happy and thriving. Someone on the blog yesterday said that this harkens back to Tig days and I couldn't agree more. LOVE IT!
    -S in Chicago

  5. I enjoyed this piece very much! I loved the relaxed setting/chilled vibe & thoroughly interesting discussion. This is right up Meghan’s alley & it was nice of her to give kudos to Harry for being a great role model to their son.
    I find it fascinating that Meghan’s new home has a connection with Katherine McCormick, the US suffragist who once lived on the original Riven Rock estate. It seems like it was fate for her & Harry to purchase this property.
    I gotta say, I adore Meghan’s Anine Bing trousers & I hope she also owns the blazer; what a fantastic suit! Guy & Pula were just a bonus :)

  6. Thank you again Charlotte for another wonderful post!! It can be so difficult to find articles about the work that Meghan is doing that don't contain gobs of negative opinion.

    As a woman between the ages of Meghan and Gloria it's good to be reminded of the heavy lifting done by women who came before me and heavy lifting still being done today by women who have come after me. All these women have overcome immense challenges in their fight to ensure equal voting rights for all, challenges that should not have been put in their path in the first place. It just boggles my mind that some people still don't think that every person should have a right to vote or have a say in what shapes their communities and families. So while we have come a long way, we still have a long way to go.

    1. Lauri, I remember as a teenager in New York not only Steinem but also Bella Abzug. They were such leaders and had so much to fight against!

  7. this was a lovely conversation and meghan looked beautiful. i do think it is good meghan is promoting for the public to vote but i thought as a royal she is supposed to not be political guess in this extraordinary time she feels she can't stay silent on the issue. also maybe since she is no longer a working royal they feel they can now vote. regardless thanks Charlotte for this great post!nice to see Meghan so happy. Gloria is a real role model for so many always nice to hear her!

    1. She’s an American living in America. And does not formally represent any other country (or its royal family) she can and should speak out about the American political process if she wants. The BRF is not all powerful to control someone’s citizenship and speech rights in another country just because you married in. In fact she could have absentee voted had they stayed in the UK. Might have been an optics issue but honestly everything M and H does becomes an optics issue. :( I will always fail to understand why the double standard existed for them. Bea and Eugenie attending parties with Boris Johnson was fine, but Meghan appearing the slightest bit political After giving up an official role is not. :(

    2. As an American Citizen, Meghan can vote. As a UK citizen, Harry cannot vote in America, regardless of being a member of the RF. If that quote is true that Meghan said she gave up everything to the family, now she is regaining what she gave up. I'm sure it doesn't matter to the RF if she votes -- she and Harry would not be required to host any US politicians in the UK, so there's not "conflict of interest." And I think she has been unhappy for some time -- like the last meeting showed us, even when the rest of the family looks angry, she puts a smile on her face. Even if she doesn't mean it, so important to not leave been angry optics.

    3. It is not a written law that the royal family cant vote but because of their position and need to work with any PM it's obviously better to be apolitical, especially for the ones closer to the Queen. Meghan is not a British citizen so she couldn't vote in UK anyway and there wasn't any big US elections when she was working royal, besides California is not a swing state.
      I don't think is a problem that she is vocal now but might be a problem if they decide to be working royals again in few years.
      Prince Edward and Sophie also tried to do their own thing at first but ultimately decided that being FTR makes more sense for their situation. I still think Meghan and Harry had more power to do amazing things as working royals.

      BTW Princess Beatrice and Eugene went to a Christmas party by some Russian person with Boris Johnson attending as many other celebrities who definitely are not his supporters.

      Gloria is a hero.

      Eva from G

    4. Honestly they could still vote and work with a PM with no problem. If they voted they don’t have to tell you who they voted for. It’s still private yes? If they voted and the other guy won what happens? They’re banned from meetings and there’s a constitutional crisis over an inability to work with a PM? Of course not. This argument doesn’t hold water for me. I find it a difficult logical leap that privately voting is more of a problem than being openly photographed socializing with the PM at Russian Oligarchs party. Frankly one of these things strikes me as far more politically problematic for the RF than the other but as has been the standard the past two years, controversy must only be found with Meghan and Harry and their relatively innocuous statements. Interestingly The Royal Family of a Luxembourg votes in all elections as a matter of civic duty. I do believe there is value in the monarch being apolitical. I guess I just don’t see why this carries through to the 6th in line. He doesn’t actually have a governmental role. He didn’t even before he gave up being a working royal. Can Zara vote? Where’s the line of demarcation? The whole argument is extremely flimsy to me.

    5. The 2018 midterm elections were a “big US election” while Meghan was living in the UK. They were critically important. And Meghan would have been eligible to absentee vote in them. I will continue to make this argument that this supposed rule against royal and politics is first of all not as ironclad as people think, and second of all does not extend to infringing upon your citizenship rights in another country. Meghan had not given up her US citizenship at that time or since. I maintain the BRF is not all powerful to make these decisions on your behalf regardless of married in status or optics.

    6. I agree. There is no real reason why Harry shouldn’t vote in the UK. I absolutely get the tradition for monarch and the successors though (Charles, Wiliam and George). But everyone else should be fine to do so. Even if their choice became public. Europe takes the voting secrecy VERY serious but we mostly are not that polarised, so you have many couples and families with lots of different parties they vote for. Brexit was one of the rare times were the choice actually played massively into the private relationships.
      I realise that this is very different to the USA. It seems your choice can be identified more easily and with only two options it brings a different climate (I am always shocked how hateful your elections are) than with three, four, five or twenty parties.
      I am also all for everyone, even the monarch, to campaign for people to vote. It’s a hard fought for right and I think a civic duty.
      But I also think Harry is well advised not to take a side in a election of a country he isn’t even a citizen off or has established a lasting presence (if would work and live there for some years with the intent of staying). With the whole political culture in the USA it’s easy to detect where his sympathies lay. So, it’s better to stay quiet.
      It’s great that Meghan feels so strongly about voting. I wonder how she could think about giving it up? Very happy that she can now put her full weight into this.

    7. When Meghan said she gave up everything for the Royal Family, presumably she meant the conditions applying to a British royal spouse required her to step back from her previous life. I am sure Harry would have explained it all to her before they married and after all a very privileged lifestyle went along with marrying him. This included increased access to expensive clothing and jewels, wonderful vacations and a eventual move into a bigger more upmarket home. They both obviously have a taste for this sort of luxury as we can see from the videos and photographs, and since they moved from the UK there is no downgrading of their living standards in favour of a simpler life style. It is worth noting that they are still using their aristocratic titles. Marriage also brought with it the opportunity to meet on an equal footing with people Meghan admired and to mix with celebrities at important events. I don't believe this was an unwelcome development - she coped admirably with everything and seemed to enjoy it. It is true that Meghan had to move to UK and give up her TV role to marry Harry but she had already long before left her homeland and moved to Canada far away from her mother and other family in order to progress her career. The TV series was going to end sooner or later and it was an opportunity to broaden her horizons. As fans have pointed out she could still have voted in US elections. Marriage to Harry raised Meghan's profile and created new openings for her charitable endeavours.
      The real question seems to be whether their membership of the royal family was preventing them from achieving their ultimate goals in life. Harry is said to have been traumatised by the death of his mother, looking for a meaningful role and resentful of being overshadowed by his brother. He had had two relationships which ended because the women concerned shied away from the public attention. Marriage with Meghan seemed to be an ideal setup for both of them. So what went wrong? Apparently they were both upset that their ideas for their royal roles didn't fit in with the well established rules laid down by Harry's grandmother and her advisors. It is true some of these rules are stuffy and elitist but as the Queen is in her nineties it will only be a few years before a new monarch takes over and develops a new regime. It seems they were unwilling to wait or to modify any of their demands in order to fit in and play a future supporting role in a revitalised monarchy led by Charles. It is a well known fact that Charles and Camilla will not have the easiest transition and he will have been hoping that both his sons and their wives would be stepping up to support him. Sadly it looks as if Harry and Meghan won't be there. Charles is the one who has been wounded the most.

    8. No, Meghan is the one who has been wounded the most. I'm amazed that when people who I assume are monarchists talk about why Harry and Meghan left they never mention the near 4 year relentless harassment and racial abuse she suffered from the press, the institution, some of the UK public and members of Harry's family. The UK really has a blind spot where it's racism and malicious behavior toward Meghan is concerned and it's absolutely shameful that they consistently blame the victim and take no responsibility for the toxicity unleashed on her from the day they learned she was dating Harry. Many of them act as though everything was perfect and Harry and Meghan just up and walked away for no reason.

    9. This is so well expressed... Thank you.

    10. @anon 4:13 it is Charles and Williams job to form theIr alliances for their reign. It is within their responsibility to make sure they have the support of their siblings or other family. Here something was taken for granted and went wrong. Harry won’t sacrifice his wife and son to such treatment especially with his mother on his mind. We do not know what really happens in this family. But we know and witnessed what didn’t happen: a brotherly or fatherly support and protective move in the public treatment of the Sussexes.

  8. Just love how relaxed our amazing Meghan is. You can Feel the admiration these two women have for each other. Gloria is handing off the baton To Meghan. And can willl give a shout out to how chic and feminine Gloria is at her age. Wow!

  9. I just love me some Meghan and love that she include Her husband and son.
    Meghan is not one to just sit around doing nothing,so she working in the back ground so she'll be able to hit the ground running after the virus is over. May God continue to bless them always.

  10. I really enjoyed this interview, and my girlfriends and I are talking about some of the points made. Fabulous! -op

  11. I love the 'Imagine We Are Linked Not Ranked' bracelet that Gloria designed and gave to Meghan. What a powerful message! You can see the wonderful description of the bracelet and message at the Maiden Nation site.

  12. Thank you, Charlotte, for this lovely post. I love seeing Meghan so relaxed the Gloria. It's wonderful to now see Meghan included with so many women at the forefront of working for women's rights -- Michelle Obama, Stacy Abrams, Goria Steinem.


  13. The setting where this conversation took place looks so tranquil and very much "in the country." Was the place ever identified? It looks like a cottage at the lake.

    1. Anon 23:28
      I, too, have wondered about this setting.
      Charlotte, do you have info about the location for this beautiful conversation?

    2. I think it's their new home.

    3. I agree. It has several acres of garden according to the reports as well as a tea house which I think you can see in the photograph.

    4. I read that their new home is Spanish in style, and clapboarding on the house looks more midwest or even east coast style. There seem to be paddocks or fencing in the background and meadow. It just looks so lovely and peaceful that I'm curious about it.

    5. The house being touted as their new home is very Spanish/California and doesn't look at all like the setting we see here. I really don't like the house that they supposedly bought but love the one scene we are being shown!

    6. Wasn't there a mention of a tea house in the grounds?

  14. It is great that Meghan is speaking out about BLM and encouraging people to vote. Also that Harry is fronting the documentary about the paralympics. I do hope that they will be also be strongly encouraging people to focus on climate change as the US is obviously not paying enough attention to this all-important issue. The fires in California and the increasingly extreme weather patterns can no longer be ignored!

  15. This setting, including the trees, lawn and dogs, is so soothing and is a perfect background for an enlightening conversation between 2 electrifying women of courage and integrity. Their shout out to Harry is perfect.
    Thank you Charlotte!

  16. the idea of how relax their interview with gloria hmm they are doing the great despite stepping down in the limelight british royal family im sure their are rules how they can manage what the want our their views in poltical aspect

  17. How wonderful to see the two of them together. An iconic feminist of my generation and a younger activist like Meghan. I expect even if she and Harry had remained in their royal roles, she quietly would have voted in the 2020 elections. She looks happy, relaxed, and elegant.

    1. I think she would have too. I realize people often discuss the rules and protocols of the Royal Family, but the vast majority of them are just traditions. Some of them (like panty hose and nail polish etc) just the preferences of an older monarch. You can see in other European royal families a changing dynamic and look as younger generations are taking over. The not voting, as has been discussed on these threads, is also a tradition, though taken very seriously. However, it is a bit unprecedented to have a non UK citizen marry in to such a high ranking member. I firmly believe that at no point was Meghan really ever told that she would have to renounce US citizenship or cease voting in her own country. I think people are underestimating the diplomatic debacle this would have been. We don’t know what her plans were if she and Harry had chosen to stay in their roles. And I strongly believe the BRF can lay out expectations when acting as an official members, but they can not alter laws and and individual’s rights. Especially rights in another country they don’t even have a formal role in.

    2. Nobody would have told her not to vote. But if you can’t see how problematic it would be and is that she had been vocal about a candidate to don’t really understand the role of RFs.

    3. At no point was she told she would renounce USA citizenship and cease voting?? She began the process of gaining UK citizenship prior to her marriage. This indicates that she intended to be British. She would have been entitled to vote in the UK, as is Harry.

    4. @Anonymous: I have to disagree. Meghan got baptised in the CoE and it was publicly declared she would take on UK citizenship. She made it very clear in her engagement interview and the following interviews that she was up for it, taking her new role as a welcome challange.
      But I agree with greybid in so far, that I believe she would have quietly voted in the next UK election and maybe even promoted Voting itself. Soething that doesn't violate nay unwritten rule or tradition.

    5. I don’t remember in the engagement interview that she said she was applying to be a UK citizen. Was this announced by the couple? Or an assumption by the media?

    6. Right she publicly stated all this about her UK citizenship but never publicly stated anything about her US citizenship. She could have kept it. And what I’m saying is I’m betting no one told her that a condition upon marrying Harry was renouncing her citizenship. He’s 6th in line they would have never had an official government role. She’s more analogous to Princess Madeleine’s husband than Princess Mary or Queen Maxima (all married ins with differing citizenship than their spouse at the time). And no I don’t see how problematic it would be. She could have quietly voted in the US and never discussed it Publicly. Case closed. I don’t see why this would have been a problem. And I guess I don’t understand the role of the RF in that I don’t for a second believe they have this kind of power about citizenship rights in another country. The facts are Meghan was a US citizen for the duration of her time in the UK. She began the process of becoming a UK citizen but no public/official comments were made about the status of her US citizenship.

    7. I said it would be problematic if she publicly supported a candidate, not that she quietly voted. The problem here is we all know who she’s asking the vote for. She said America deserves a change. All the women she’s associating herself with share the same political view. How could she have done this while being a member of the RF? It goes against the impartiality all RFs represent.

  18. Any news on Archewell? Last update was they were putting it on hold to concentrate on the pamdemic. They were to do updates.and provide "reliable" information on a website. Possibly, I just don't know where to look.

    1. Pandemic is not over. They can't even fly to the UK now. I'm sure it's hard to plan during the current situation.

  19. Love that b/w picture of the two of them wearing black and white. It already looks iconic somehow- two women generations apart connecting. Also love how casually the pups are introduced to the frame.
    See more: Shoes

  20. It must have been a very special day indeed for Meghan. MM’s passion about gender equality, education, feminism, and work in communication, was right in front of her in the form a woman who had lived and worked more decades than Meghan herself. In fact, Meghan can be better understood when you know more about Gloria Steinem. MM was catching up with time, precious! Gloria Steinem sounded, and looked timeless in a good way. It will be a very important link for the future.

  21. I would assume Meghan is still a U.S. citizen, otherwise she would be stateless. I would imagine that she would still be travelling with her US passport. She was not automatically given UK citizenship, and we read that she was going to begin the process just like any other "immigrant." I think a person can have dual UK/US citizenship? I imagine they couldn't live in Canada on a long term basis because neither are Canadian citizens. They would have to go to a country where one of them is a citizen. It would be interesting to know what happened in the days when royals married other royals from other countries. Prince Albert- did they give him citizenship?

    1. Why would Albert be given US citizenship? Grace certainly would have been given Monagasque citizenship as they were residents of Monaco. The country of residence is the deciding factor.


Welcome to Mad About Meghan! We do so look forward to reading your thoughts. Constructive, fair debate is always encouraged. Hateful, derogatory terms and insults are not welcome here. This space focuses on Harry and Meghan, not any other member of the Royal family. It's not the place to discuss politics either. Thank you for reading, we look forward to your comments :)