
Thursday 20 August 2020

The Sussexes Praise Queen's Commonwealth Legacy & Meghan Encourages Women To Vote

We have two virtual appearances to discuss tonight. On Monday, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, in their roles as president and vice-president of the Queen's Commonwealth Trust, participated in a conversation covering how young people are resetting the digital world for good.

The Duke and Duchess were joined by QCT Chief Executive Nicola Brentnall; Brighton Kaoma, founder of the Agents of Change Foundation in Zambia; Hunter Johnson, Founder of the Man Cave in Australia; Rosie Thomas, Co-Founder of Project Rockit in Australia; and Vee Kativhu, Study & Empowerment YouTuber and Founder of Empowered by Vee.

The couple began by greeting Ms Brentnall who they've worked with for some time before praising Her Majesty's legacy. Harry said: "I think everything my grandmother wanted to achieve when she took this huge responsibility on, she's managed. Hearing you guys, and knowing the broad spectrum that QCT engulfs, you're the definition of the 21st century Commonwealth, and what it means to be part of it. You are there, standing for equality, for mutual respect, and for fairness." Meghan continued: "It's very true. From my standpoint, being newer to the world of the Commonwealth... I lived in Canada for several years but it wasn't until joining the family that I was able to meet so many young people throughout the Commonwealth. If they came with a question, they always offered a solution." Meghan added she finds that so "inspiring" and it's "why I'm incredibly proud to be able to work with the Queen's Commonwealth Trust...why it's the continuation of the legacy of your grandmother".

The Duchess mentioned the value of positive online experiences: "Everyone's mental and emotional well-being are perhaps more fragile than ever before, certainly with COVID and our dependability on devices right now in the absence of human interaction. People are going online more than ever before to feel community. You can either train people to be cruel, or you can train people to be kind. It's really that simple." Prince Harry added: "If we are all able to show our vulnerability that doesn't mean that you're weak. If anything, I believe, that’s probably showing most of your strength."

More from the QCT:

'On August 17th, The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust (QCT) joined a group of young leaders from our network and The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to discuss social media and the role of the online world as a force for good. At QCT, we provide positive digital platforms to inform and inspire young people around the world.
This discussion brought to life the reality of online communities for good and the profound difference they can make to lives over generations in the future. This was the second QCT online discussion attended by The Duke and Duchess, who are President and Vice-President of QCT respectively.'

Nicola Brentnall praised the messages of "hope, positivity and optimism" during the discussion. There was another familiar face in the group. Hunter Johnson is CEO of the Man Cave, a preventative mental health and emotional intelligence charity for young men, their parents and teachers. Hunter has a diverse background in leadership, emotional intelligence and social entrepreneurship. He was named a 2018 Queen's Young Leader by Her Majesty.

The event was attended by the Duke and Duchess. Below, Harry meeting Hunter.

The couple with Hunter in Melbourne during their Oceania tour.

The QCT shared more on the conversation:

'Rosie Thomas spoke about the power of individual actions and how everyone has a responsibility to help create the digital world that we want to be a part of: “When you mobilise young people with empathy and connect each other you lift that veil of anonymity online…If we only blame tech platforms we’re actually removing the ability as humans to make a difference.”
The Duchess agreed that a “key piece of the puzzle” is for individuals to not give into the noise of social media and to choose not to share negative social media posts further if they want to make a difference today.
Vee Kativhu elaborated on the power and potential of digital communities to educate, engage, support and inspire – encouraging people to believe in themselves and not accept the stereotypes society project onto them: “I created my community online because I wanted young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to know that you’re seen, you’re heard, you’re talented, you’re amazing, and wherever your dream goal or university is, you can go there and do well - you don’t have to alter yourself.”

The Telegraph reports:

'The couple shared a glimpse into their new lives, revealing they have become friends with speaker, author Brene Brown.
Prof Brown, whose books include 'The Gifts of Imperfection: Let go of who you think you're supposed to be and embrace who you are' and 'Braving the Wilderness: The quest for true belonging and the courage to stand alone'.
After Mr Johnson quoted her, along with president of the Center for Humane Technology Tristan Harris, Prince Harry replied: "I love the fact you're quoting Brene Brown and also quoting Tristan Harris because they are two people we absolutely adore as well, and we know."
Meghan added: "We love them!"'

As the couple said, the QCT is very important to them. It's going to be very interesting to see their vision for the organisation grow - particularly when we return to normality. Omid Scobie noted earlier this week they are both eager to make working visits to the UK to support their patronages. In early July, they joined a discussion with young leaders on equality, justice and fairness. The couple described it as "energising and inspiring".

In March, one of their final engagements was an event with young Commonwealth leaders at Buckingham Palace. Topics of discussion included mental health, equal opportunities for all, and the importance of supporting youth leadership to help address global challenges and drive positive change around the world.

The Duchess wore a floral-pattern white and blue dress or top for the virtual conversation. Recently Meghan has been wearing a gold Cartier Tank watch. The talented Susan from What Meghan Wore did a brilliant job finding close ups and suggests it may well be Princess Diana's watch.

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The late princess wearing it during an engagement with the British Lung Foundation in 1997.

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Meghan already owns the watch in silver and two-tone, purchasing the latter for a special reason. Meghan told Hello! Canada: "I've always coveted the Cartier French Tank watch. When I found out Suits had been picked up for our third season – which, at the time, felt like such a milestone – I totally splurged and bought the two-tone version. I had it engraved on the back, "To M. M. from M. M." and I plan to give it to my daughter one day. That's what makes pieces special, the connection you have to them." In an interview with Vogue, Meghan added she "had longed for the watch" since she was fifteen.


For Meghan's appearance today, she joined a very important virtual couch party to encourage women to vote and make their voices heard. The Duchess opened the party by saying: "This is exciting. I'm really thrilled that you asked me to be a part of this. I just think this is such an exceptional time. I'm so happy to be here for my friend Michelle Obama's When We All Vote. We vote to honour those who came before us and to protect those that will come after us. Because that's what community is all about and that's specifically what this election is all about. We're only 75 days away from election day and that is so very close yet there's so much to be done in that amount of time. We all know what's at stake in this election." Meghan noted at this juncture: "If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem. If you aren't going out there and voting then you're complicit." Meghan discussed voter suppression and barriers women still face: "This fight is worth fighting", she described voting as "not only being part of the solution, but part of a legacy".

When We All Vote is a nonpartisan, non-profit organisation that is "on a mission to increase participation in every election and close the race and age voting gap by changing the culture around voting, harnessing grassroots energy, and through strategic partnerships to reach every American". It was launched in 2018 by Michelle Obama, Tom Hanks, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Janelle Monae, Chris Paul, Faith Hill and Tim McGraw.

More from the organisation:

'In the months directly before the 2018 midterm elections, When We All Vote organized 2,500 local voter registration events across the country, engaged 200 million Americans online about the significance of voting, and texted nearly four million voters the resources to register and get out to vote.'

A message from Michelle Obama on the importance of voting.

Others participating included former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett, DJ Diamond Kuts, actor and activist Yvette Nicole Brown and Glamour magazine editor-in-chief Samantha Berry.

The Duchess has previously teamed up with Glamour. In 2016, she attended their Celebrate 2016 College Women of the Year event. After the New York City rooftop luncheon, she wrote on the Tig: "You realise there is so much depth, there is so much incredible inspiration and that young women are thinking outside the box."

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The Self-Portrait dress she wore that day remains one I would love to see repeated in the future.

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Two very interesting discussions today. As the couple settle into their new home in Santa Barbara, I expect much of their attention is focused on Archewell and plans for the future. 


  1. It’s great to see them active in the QCT. With Harry’s strong connection to Africa, & I’m reminded of Meghan’s beautiful veil on her wedding day with all 53 Commonwealth countries represented by their national flowers, the QCT obviously holds a special place in their hearts. I’m excited to see where they take it & how they can facilitate more interesting discussions with inspirational young people around the world. I would love to see them return to the UK to work on their patronages when things are back to normal.

    On another note; aren’t these two just adorable? They look very settled & relaxed in their new home & I wish them the very best for the future! I’d be very happy to see a few pics of Master Archie running around the gorgeous gardens of their Montecito home in due time :)

  2. Just curious Charlotte. Can Harry and Meghan be political? The royal family aren’t suppose to be political, though they are no longer a members their still associated with them. This is a not for profit organization and I know they can do whatever they want now but doesn’t it get a little dicey or in the grey area?

    1. They’re still members of the royal family. I see this “no longer members” phrase used a lot and it’s not true. Everyone from The Queen to Prince Charles to Meghan and Harry themselves has explicitly stated as such. They no longer have official roles. I would imagine they can be as political as they would like to be. The political prohibition is actually pretty poorly understood in my opinion. The monarch, by law, may not be openly political or vote. This has been expanded to a lot of traditions that are in place for the whole family, but they are just that, traditions. While I don’t think you’ll see any of the official working royals wearing a campaign button and working the polls, they are all political to varying degrees. Prince Phillip has a pretty easily understood disdain for the Labour Party if you look at many of his comments (Foot In mouth as they often are) over his public life. Prince Charles has been actively progressively political around environmental issues especially. The truth is they can all (again work the exception of the monarch) say and do what they wish around political topics, and may be met with varying degrees of controversy, but I assure you the 6th in line to the thrones public political opinions will not cause anything other than some short lived hand wringing. Meghan also never renounced her American citizenship and now that they are not representing the UK in an official capacity and are in the US, she really has the right to say and do whatever she wants in the political arena. The BRF is not all powerful to eliminate someone’s rights as a citizen in another country.

    2. Charles has been EXTREMELY criticized for being too political

    3. And yet he’s still the Prince of Wales widely expected to become King without controversy. The political involvement doesn’t actually have the impact people seem to think it does. Again, The monarch may not vote or politically influence parliament due to their legal position in the government. The rest is all just preference and optics.

    4. There is a difference between supporting some issues which a particular political organisation espouses and supporting a specific political candidate. By Meghan's saying that we deserve change in the context of getting out the vote for a presidential election...that represents supporting one particular candidate over another, No matter how oblique the reference. If the Queen or even the spouse of another royal in the higher end of the succession were to say vote for change when Louie Labour was PM, it would send a message to non Labour Party supporters that their opinion is not valued. I recall how shocked people were when the Queen spoke directly in support of Charles for next Commonwealth Head....her own son and heir and despite the fact that the title was associated with the current monarch, still widespread disapproval for her effort to influence the votes of the Commonwealth representatives. Compare that to a member of the heir's immediate family overtly encouraging a vote for an American political candidate.

      Not to mention that her support of a candidate for U.S. president could prove awkward if not embarrassing for Harry and tangentially for the Queen. What if change does not come? What about Harry's visa and US residence then? Many people have seen the wrath and retribution brought down on those who oppose.

      As long as they style themselves The Duke and Duchess of Sussex while claiming rights to vocalize partisan politics they are planting themselves between the best of both worlds. It is an untenable position. I understand there has been some revision in the remarks subsequently but it cannot be denied that she said the words. The couple are already in the process of redeeming themselves with the Queen following previous Commonwealth remarks. I think this latest mis-step will also require a personal retraction or back-tracking. It will be interesting to see what route this takes. A visit to the White House? "Change" referred to the VP not the presidential candidate? Unfortunately, the word "change" has been attached personally to the presidential candidate. That boat won't float.

      They will always be Windsor-Mountbatten family but clinging to royal rights and titles conflicts with their image of independence and identification with American politics. There is a reason one cannot hold foreign titles and become president. It is part of the Constitution and reflects one of the basic motivations for the American war for independence from the monarchy.

    5. The world does deserve change from Donald Trump given his racist, sexist, and damaging actions. I’m sorry these stances have become political. But to many people it’s simply a fact. And Megan no longer officially represents the UK or or the royal family. Her title is a courtesy bestowed on her by marriage that she is entitled to keep. She is also entitled to state simple facts regardless of how political they appear.

    6. There is a revolving door of Tories in the palace(s) including a Brexit official who is currently working with Johnson. If this isn't a problem then I don't see how the Sussexes, mainly Meghan's, political affiliations are an issue.

      They will be associated with the royal family because of blood relations but are no longer styling themselves as royals. Their titles have nothing to do with it unless we're going to make an argument against all members of the aristocracy sharing political opinions.

    7. That is such an interesting discussion. I think many different angles come to play here. My conclusion is- supporting causes is and has been always fine. Especially as Europe politics are often not as rigid and polarised as US politics seem to be. Certain parties push certain causes but in the end, many can actively support a cause and still vote in a different direction. There is exclusive bond. For example: wearing a mask. Following the rules of the government is (should be) a given. Being even stricter is absolutely fine and no act of political expression. The US seems to have a very different understanding.
      Pushing a single party or candidate is something entirely different. I have thought long about it and I will admit, I am not a hundred percent happy with their choice. But, I think as long as Charles, Wiliam and George conduct themselves in that manner it should be fine. They are the future of the Crown.
      Taking part and showing favouritism in the election has two sides. I like it, because I personally lean into the same direction. So Harry and Meghan’s activism lines up with my own ideas. But I think this very well may make things awkward one day. And we should ask ourselves- would we make the same argument if they would have chosen to support the other side? In the end both are so far away from the Crown that it really isn’t a big deal in terms of the relationship between monarchy and UK parliament.
      If they pursue a political career of their own they probably will have to renounce all titles (even though I giggle thinking they really could Make America Great-Britain again) but I honestly don’t see that happening.

    8. H&M will not be the ones welcoming foreign leaders to the UK, no more than Zara will be, so their opinions can be made known while those of the heirs cannot. Also, Harry is still British but Meghan is American. They should not have to act exactly the same -- while Harry probably still chooses to not may his preference known, there is no reason Meghan cannot say what we all know she thinks. Meghan can be president; Harry cannot. Wanting a change in the U.S. leadership right now cannot be considered a radical thought!!

    9. Anon 21:33, 21:58 I will try again to reply to your comments.
      If the Zoom call with some CYT members was an official engagement, sanctioned by the Queen and appearing in the CC, then they are indeed still representing the Queen. Since they were referred to as the President and Vice President of the Commonwealth Youth Trust ,as appointed by the Queen, I would assume the engagement appeared in the CC as an official event. I understand the confusion, as it was my understanding that they would not represent the Queen after March 31 until such time as their situation is reviewed (after a year) They were, however, to continue their private charities. So there is some confusion there.
      The royal duchess title is not comparable to a simple Mrs. title one assumes upon marriage. In the US it is considered a foreign title while Mrs., of course ,is not. Attempted foreign influence on U.S. elections has been the subject of a great deal of controversy. It would.probably be best to avoid giving even the appearance of doing so. If she.were appearing as simply Meghan Mountbatten-Windsor or Meghan Sussex (Kate has gone by Catherine Cambridge) it would be a different situation.

      They are still using a royal title which directly associates them with the Queen and the British monarchy.
      Regarding Tories in the palace....Since Tories/ Conservative party supports the monarchy it would be strange if they weren't seen at the palace from time to time.
      I did reply to both of you yesterday but my replies were apparently disapproved for some reason. If this one doesn't go through I will try again.

    10. The awkward fact is that American citizens are not supposed to accept foreign titles and that has been long understood. If Meghan and Harry were living permanently in UK and Meghan applied for British citizenship, of course it is a different matter. However once they moved to California and bought a house it becomes very relevant again. It then becomes a matter of flouting the rules which others have to abide by.

    11. Politics divide. It's well known. And I haven't seen Meghan engaging with republican women about go and vote as she advocates all female participation in political process.

    12. @kiwifan a few Americans have foreign titles but choose to live, work, and maintain citizenship in the USA. It’s not an actual rule that you’re forbidden from a foreign title. We don’t have title police chasing people down in either country. It’s just a courtesy address she gained upon marriage. Nothing more nothing less. I’m so over this hand wringing over every move the Sussexes make.

  3. First, Harry looks happy and relaxed! Maybe finding their home has taken some pressure off of them. Meghan looked adorable and I can't wait for the dress/top to be identified. What I love about their meetings are that the participants are such achievers and from varied groups/organizations! Sounds like things are going well. I bet it is Diana's watch. Harry traded that back with William for Kate's ring, so Meghan should be wearing it. And, yes, the country is counting down the days to the election!!

  4. Such a good space to listen, to constructive conversations. Isnt it beautiful.My God, look at the Sussex es,aren't they so relaxing. Thats what thriving is all, about .
    Congratulations !!
    Meghan was a great opener for this conference. She referenced how crucial this election is but how important all elections are.Women have fought hard for the right to votre. Especially women of color
    It was a good " couch party ".
    The duchess of Sussex was confident, articulate & forthright. And always the epitome of style and grace.

  5. This is great they are doing exactly what they said they would continue to support their patronages. Congratulations Harry & Meghan.
    Good job. I Am proud for you .

  6. Lovely conversation for the qct but I'm more impressed and interested in the event urging people to vote. I think that's the most effective way to change things: putting decent and well-prepared people with an inclusive and thorough agenda in power. So to all my fellow Americans: let's vote like there's no tomorrow on November 3rd because a lot is at stake in this election.

  7. Susan in Florida21 August 2020 at 17:15

    Meghan has always been political because it’s one of the many ways a person’s voice can be heard. Publicly taking a side in the US election would not be allowed if she was in still in the UK with her title.

  8. ..The way Meghan looks at Harry when he speaks The way , Harry is attentive when Meghan speaks. These two are such a power couple. I whish them nothing but the best in All of their future endeavors
    They deserve everything good.
    This fasse such delightful talk. The participants are very engaging and fascinating.
    Great job .QCT
    Harry & Meghan are the best and inspiring bosses.

  9. great to see the QCT conversation and nice to see meghan pushing people to vote especially women. the usa needs a change from donald trump especially if you are woman of color

    1. 100% Melissa. Excellent comment.

    2. Meghan stated her opposition to Trump 4 years ago, so it's not a surprise that she wants a "change" -- anyone with any sense feels the same way!! I think she's been rather restrained, especially as she's had zoom events that included Michelle Obama. And of course Kamala Harris praised her. I just have a vision of a wonderful meet-up at the WH of Meghan, Susan Rice, Michelle, Kamala -- and me! Well, a person can dream.

    3. But of course all of these women are Democrats so she is definitely involving herself in party politics by joining the group. Your American Head of State represents a political party so President Trump is a completely different kettle of fish. In the case of a Commonwealth realm they have a non partisan Governor-General who represents the Queen as Head of State and neutrality is very important. The British monarch needs to be politically neutral because sometimes in a close election they have to step in to choose which party to call upon to make a government. Queen Victoria got herself in difficulty early in her reign because she was overly attached to Lord Melbourne and was also choosing her ladies from his political group. She had to be persuaded by Albert that she must not appear to favour one party over another as it was arousing a lot of resentment amongst her subjects. That was when the principle of neutrality was strongly reinforced.
      More recently there is a celebrated case in Australia when Prime Minister Whitlam was dismissed by the Australian Governor- General (representing the Monarch) in a political dispute after he consulted with Buckingham Palace. It is unclear how much the Queen was involved, but the Queen's advisors definitely had a part to play. This intervention is still bitterly debated by many Australians as an example of Royal interference in the Australian democratic process.
      In striking contrast the American system has a politically partisan President who sometimes has a Congress made up mainly of his political opposition. This was supposed to ensure a system of checks and balance between the Executive, Justice and the two houses of Congress representing the populace and states. However when there is a deadlock between these bodies there is no neutral person to call upon to adjudicate and we can see only too clearly how difficult this can be in practice.

    4. Excellent comment, NZ Fan. Regarding Commonwealth neutrality- it is not just the monarch. All leaders in the Commonwealth must adhere to a neutral status pi!itcally. It is in the foundation of the organisation. This may apply strictly to Commonwealth countries; however, the spirit of the code would indicate across the board political neutrality. If a leader wishes to become involved politically, meaning supporting a particular party or candidate, the ethical choice would be to step down from the leadership post.

  10. oh i love the duchess meghan speech they are inspring i way oh god they have their own voices they look happier and confidence in their new home and new life far from they are senor members royal family

  11. If people (aka tabloid writers) read the Commonwealth Charter, they would see the Charter promotes liberal democracies ideals - freedom of expression, human rights, good governance, universal suffrage, and so forth. Critics who find fault in encouraging people to vote show their ignorance and anti-democracy intent. Take a look at what’s happening in Belarus, Hong Kong, and the US, this is why it matters.

    - Martine

  12. Good for Meghan! I heartily approve.

  13. You are right Martine.As soon as Meghan makes the slightest movement , everyone scream to the tragedy.
    What they' re afraid of.

  14. The wonders of Wiki...something I had not read before in these QCT discussions: Princess Diana launched the first Commonwealth Youth Trust in NSW, Australia. The word "youth" is left off the title in the current application and Commonwealth was not actually a part of the title then but the goals and activities are nearly the same, only on a wider scale. Harry surely knows this and that he is once again following in his Mum's footsteps. The question is whether or not the Queen was in some way honoring Diana's legacy by appointing Diana's son to the post. It's a comforting thought, anyway. Meghan's additional experience and ethnic background made it a slam dunk of an appointment.


Welcome to Mad About Meghan! We do so look forward to reading your thoughts. Constructive, fair debate is always encouraged. Hateful, derogatory terms and insults are not welcome here. This space focuses on Harry and Meghan, not any other member of the Royal family. It's not the place to discuss politics either. Thank you for reading, we look forward to your comments :)