
Wednesday 16 September 2020

$260,000 Raised for Camfed: Harry & Meghan Match Birthday Donations from Supporters

Last month we discussed an incredible effort spearheaded by supporters of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in honour of their birthdays. Both Harry and Meghan are passionate advocated for girls' education and the larger impact it has on individuals, families and communities. Camfed, an inspiring organisation the couple has worked with, was the perfect choice. To celebrate Harry's 36th birthday yesterday, the couple marked the day by matching donations of $130,000 meaning over a quarter of a million dollars was raised for the organisation. In a message to Camfed, the couple wrote: "No better way to celebrate what really matters. Thank you to everyone who donated!" The huge sum raised will see 113 young women complete a year of education in a field of their choice.

Angeline Murimirwa and Lucy Lake, Camfed co-executives said:

“We are absolutely thrilled that The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have chosen to make this inspiring match on Prince Harry’s birthday, acknowledging the power of community in rallying support for girls’ education and women’s leadership. Both Harry and Meghan believe deeply in delivering social justice, and have used their platforms, including as President and Vice President of The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust, to ensure young women from disadvantaged backgrounds are seen and heard on the global stage, and their leadership acknowledged and nurtured. In these difficult times, seeing individuals, champions and partners rally around CAMFED’s model makes us even more determined to ensure that all girls can go to school, learn, thrive and lead.

Camfed is an international non-profit organization tackling poverty and inequality by helping girls go to school and succeed, also empowering young women to step up as leaders of change. Since 1993, Camfed's innovative education programmes in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ghana, Tanzania and Malawi have directly helped more than 2.6 million students to attend primary and secondary school, and more than 5 million children have benefited from an improved learning environment.

Much needed funds will support girls like Eva from Tanzania. "Eva, a CAMFED supported student and CAMFED Association member in Tanzania, received training in bookkeeping and agriculture in addition to an interest free loan to open a fruit farm. The training she received has been invaluable in enabling her to adapt and expand her business. Eva has been passing on the benefits of her success by providing students in her local community with notes and photocopies of exam papers so they don’t fall behind while schools are closed due to COVID-19. With big ambitions for the future, Eva is participating in a program through the Sokoine University of Agriculture to enhance her farming skills even further."

Meghan began privately meeting with representatives from Camfed before the wedding. On International Women's Day, Meghan joined several female change-makers, including Angeline, for a panel discussion in London. Speaking about barriers to progress for women she said: "That is one huge thing, a lack of access to education in my mind is the single largest hindrance to this equality that we are all seeking out." The Duchess also recorded a video message for Camfed's Education Changes Everything gala in New York, which took place earlier this evening. In her role as vice-president of the Queen's Commonwealth Trust, the Duchess said: "A girl who is educated becomes a woman who is influential."

During an engagement in South Africa, Meghan told a group of representatives from Camfed: "I'm so happy to be with you. We’re just so proud, as president and vice-president of the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust, that we can support you in everything that you do because we cannot begin to express how valuable and vital that work is. We’re just incredibly proud to be part of it." Executive director Angeline Murimirwa told Meghan: “Since you yourself were a young girl you have advocated for women as equal beings with the power to make lasting change, and I know this is something you will instil in Archie. I always think of a saying in my local language, Shona: "Chinonzi rasa ndechirimumaoko kwete muropa." It means: "You can only be told to throw away what is in your hands, not what is in your blood." The fact that you care, that you advocate, that you shine a light on this and always have done, means so much." Below, Harry and Angeline.

Indeed, this cause is close to Harry's heart and has been for some years. During an impassioned speech in Nepal in 2016 at the Girl Summit, the Prince said:

"Over the last decade, I have been hugely inspired by working alongside those striving to help young people achieve their full potential, sometimes in very difficult circumstances. My charity Sentebale has helped thousands of children access education and healthcare in Lesotho, Southern Africa. Closer to home, in Nottingham, England, I have seen first hand the transformational effect of even the smallest opportunity in keeping a child away from gangs, keeping them in school, and on track to a more fulfilling and prosperous life.
While the unique challenges faced by girls is not a topic I have spoken much about in the past, I think it's important to acknowledge something that has become obvious to me and is already known to everyone in this room: there are way too many obstacles between girls and the opportunities they deserve.
Whether it's a girl in Lesotho living with  HIV; or the talented young woman in Britain who doesn't get taken seriously because of where she grew up; or the 14 year old girl forced out of school so she can get married here in Nepal; we need to acknowledge that so many countries and cultures are failing to protect the opportunities of young women and girls in the way they do for boys.
I believe it is vitally important for men like me to acknowledge this as loudly and openly as role models do like President Bhandari, the US First Lady Michelle Obama and activists like Malala. As the First Lady has said, change needs to come from the bottom up. We won't unlock these opportunities for young women and girls unless we can change the mindset of every family and community. To achieve this, it cannot just be women who speak up for girls.
So let's be open about some of the challenges facing young women.
Globally, 62 million girls are not getting the education they deserve. Two thirds of the nearly 800 million people who were never taught to read and write are women. Around the world, more than 700 million women alive today were married as children and nearly 250 million of them were married before the age of 15.
Here in Nepal, nearly half of all women who are today in their twenties, thirties and forties were married before their eighteenth birthdays. And a little under half gave birth while still in their teens.
It may be obvious to say it, but girls who marry young stay at home. They don’t finish school. And they soon become locked in a cycle of illiteracy, poverty, ill health and, ultimately, powerlessness.
How can this cycle be broken? We all know what the answer is - education.
Improved access to education can transform lives, families, communities and ultimately entire countries. When girls finish their schooling, they gain skills, knowledge and confidence - in short; they are empowered to improve their lives and the lives of everyone around them.
I recognise that each country must find its own path; and that here in Nepal, this is a complex social challenge. But it is one that the Government is tackling and is making progress in its hope of ending child marriage by 2030; it has fallen by 10% over the last decade and the practice is now banned by law. Therefore the focus can now turn toward enforcement and education.
Female leadership in Nepal now sets a powerful example, with women occupying the roles of President and Speaker. But the biggest reason for our optimism is the inspiring girls and boys in this room who care so much about changing attitudes towards young women in this country."

Harry touched on insights and the experience working closely with his charity Sentebale has given him over the years. Education is the key to unlocking so many positive possibilities for the future. Long before Harry met Meghan he was focused on substantive legacy projects such as Sentebale, his work with veterans, and young people. Their shared interests bonded them from their first meeting and in the months ahead we're going to see the next chapter of their work in action.

Embed from Getty Images 

And on that note, with another photo from his trip to Nepal in 2016, I hope Harry had a wonderful birthday yesterday with his wife and son. 

Embed from Getty Images


  1. This is wonderful for Camfed and all the young women and girls they help. After Harry and Meghan's matching donation several people were inspired to donate again ☺

  2. What a wonderful post Charlotte, thank you!!

    Whenever I'm writing/talking about Meghan and Harry I find myself using the words inspiring, inspiration, inspired and inspire so many times that I almost feel like a broken record. :) But those are the best words I've found to describe Harry and Meghan and the important work that they do. I don't know of any other royal, celebrity, politician or world leader who inspires so many from around the world to contribute, donate and work for the betterment of others like they do. I look forward to watching them for years to come, continuing to inspire future generations through their words and deed.

    Happy Birthday Harry!! Happy Birthday Meghan!! I pray that this year will be filled with the blessings that you so richly deserve!

    1. Me are right. They are a mervelous and shining couple of their generation. Very model for the young people and women.
      God bless them .good luck in all projets and their new life.

  3. It's wonderful to see how Harry and Meghan inspire others to help others by being charitable. I like the Camfed website and how they feature girls and women helped by the organization. I hope in the future we will hear from more of the young women helped by Camfed. It is so heartwarming to know about them. It's lovely that Harry and Meghan gifted others on their birthdays. It reminds me of a friend, now sadly gone, who used to throw a party for friends and family on her own "significant" birthdays and carefully chose gifts for each person present at the party to thank them for their friendship, love and kindnesses. I did this once myself. It's such good thing to give to others on one's own birthday! The Sussexes are such good people who inspire others to help one another.

  4. My heart is full! I am honored to be an ongoing supporter of Camfed as well as similar programs here in my own country, the US. Harry and Meghan together are even more unstoppable than they were as individiuals. Onward!
    (That last photo is just adorable!)

  5. That is just so exciting! So many people contributed to create that sum, which is so little to help so many young people. It just makes you smile to think of it.

  6. Happy birthday Prince Harry. He is true star. He's loyal, loving, valiant leader , husband & fierce of his wife & son.!!
    God bless The Sussex Family always.

  7. Meghan and Harry not only "talk the talk" but they always "walk the walk" in everything they attach themselves to.

  8. I agree w Lauri. I feel like a broken record too.
    I just say WOW! Really. These 2 just keep finding new, creative ways to help others. Wow!
    I rarely take the time to listen to their speeches, but when I do, I’m so impressed. Above, Charlotte provided us with transcript of Harry’s speech; I’m impressed on so many levels, including the way he names people, President B, Michelle Obama and Malala, who lead the way to stating the importance of educating girls.
    Thank you Charlotte for reporting on goodness!

  9. This is such a marvellous commitment and wonderful gesture by the Royal couple. Its so very inspiring, well done to Harry and Meghan.

  10. Thank you for covering this story! Harry and Meghan continue to give back and be an encouragement to others.

  11. Good news. There are appreciative of everything their supporters are doing for them. This campaign was even listed in the book " Finding Freedom " and spoke about H & M have personally thanked "the Sussex Squad " for their efforts. À " win, win " situation for those Young women.
    Harry & Meghan are very generous and Shining !
    Congratulations for all .

  12. Such a splendid story coming right after the Netflix deal and the full repayment to the Sovereign Grant for structural work to Frogmore Cottage when the rest of the senior royals all have much more valuable properties they also received as gifts. You rarely hear grousing about their accommodations in the British press.

    All these significant accomplishments in spite of a global pandemic within a few months of their Regxit. Yet, there are few good things in the headlines of the tabloids. Instead, the papers dig up out of context quotes from years ago from senior royals to throw whatever shade they can muster in the name of "free" speech that skirts the borders of "hate" speech. Click bait which really ought to be called "sick bait."

    1. To Philly
      Well said!
      Sick bait it is.
      That’s why I’m so grateful to be able to come to Charlotte’s Corner to read her blog and comments such as yours!

    2. You hear complaints about that frequently in the British press. They didn't repay for structural work, but for the decorating to their specifications.

    3. anon 17.25 Huh?! the 2.4m was on the list of the jobs for the dilapidated servants quarters and next on the list, 1m was spent on the next door mausoleum. "They didn't repay for structural work, but for the decorating to their specifications." Where in the Sovereign list did you see that???!!! Soooo where is the amount for structural work that had to be done?

    4. Annette New Zealand21 September 2020 at 22:13

      The implication is that Meghan and Harry settled for "dilapidated servant's quarters" in preference to the renovated top grade apartment at Kensington Palace next to William and Kate. I am sure that Meghan has more gumption than to settle for something shoddy and second rate. They have publicly stated they will be using it as their UK residence. The building may have been in need of renovation, but it had been the home of Queen Victoria's Indian Secretary known as the Munshi. He had been elevated to that position by the Queen who had taken a personal liking to him and his family and he was certainly not an ordinary servant doing chores around the Castle. The house was a sign of her affection and the reference in a previous comment to "slave quarters " is definitely not appropriate. The house when it was built was much larger than the houses of the vast majority of the Victorian population and it is a listed building. The recent structural work was intended to restore it and upgrade it. I am sure that Meghan's interior decoration and the upgrade have turned it into a very desirable residence suitable for the Queen's grandson and his beloved wife and child. True, it probably doesn't have 16 bathrooms but they can manage with less. The Queen and her husband are presently living at Wood Farm on the Sandringham Estate which appears to be about the same size and vintage as Frogmore Cottage. The farmhouse on Anglesey which was leased by William and Kate in the earlier stage of their relationship was much more humble than either. Luxurious surroundings don't necessarily bring happiness. Nottingham cottage was even smaller and has been used by several members of the family.

  13. Hello Charlotte !
    Thank you and Sussex spot Squad, for all the work you .We fans are grateful.

  14. Meghan's tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsberg was wonderful. It is beyond upsetting that she passed away -- it seems like the final blow for this year. In the US, it has terrible consequences -- so many groups are having their hard-earned rights peeled away and this vacancy will do terrible damage to many people. I'm sure M&H are feeling it deeply.

  15. Amazing! This initiative is very close to my heart. Thank you to everybody who contributed. Harry and Meghan really make a difference

  16. I agree with your comment. God rest Hil soul. I am afraid for the peace for USA

  17. Hallo Charlotte, can we expect to read about your thoughts on Finding Freedom?

    1. Hello,

      I'm planning a series of posts and will be using Finding Freedom for some reference. In terms of reviewing it, and focusing on the larger issue of the Sussexes' departure in January, there remains important layers of this that cannot be discussed for legal reasons. For Finding Freedom or any book, without offering the full picture in its entirety, writers are "writing around" certain issues. There's a blank space there which is key.

    2. I read the book and found it terribly sad. I felt the tone had so much cute boy meets girl vibe then hope then bam in comes the media and the tone changes but without full explanation. Even the reporting of quotes in the book have been so misleading. If the same happened in any other member of any other royal family I think the sentiment and reaction would have been so very different. I think specific journalists in the UK have a lot to answer for in how they spin things and people need to let go of the belief that they own Harry. He was miserable as a royal but felt he had no choice and made the best of it. He found someone who gave him the confidence and courage to look for possible choices and as an adult he made some decisions and now here we are. Anyway I hope I’m around long enough to see them be a resounding success and the Uk public and media drop the unnecessary and uncalled for venom towards them.


    3. It is true that much of what we read about them is based on rumour and some speculation about the causes and feelings of everyone involved is quite over the top. Harry has stated this publically so we should believe it. We should definitely blame the gutter press for much of this. As for the UK public, unfortunately it seems many of the formerly doting British public feel betrayed by Harry and Meghan decamping to California at a time when there are so many widely spread problems in Britain. There has been a corresponding massive downgrading of their popularity in the latest UK polls. This will make it more difficult to reconnect with Harry's family and their charities as well as the general public, if and when they return to UK for visits. One last point - if Harry was truly "miserable as a royal" he was amazingly good at hiding it. His previous body language as portrayed in videos and photographs showed someone actually enjoying himself, joking around with both family members and the public. He does not look as relaxed or happy in the latest videos. I believe he is missing his birth family and the role he was playing as a working royal. I hope that his obviously intense relationship with Meghan and Archie more than compensates for this. They both need to start looking forward not backwards and cut out anymore legal proceedings which just add fuel to the fires.

    4. Dear Charlotte, very interesting remarks you made about those blank spaces. I feel that the simplicity of the book which is a major criticism of it and some lenghty parts convey that edgier information and multilayered perspectives had to be left aside. But they are palpable between the lines. I appreciate both authors attempt to tell a different story even if it is done with handbrakes on. Often it takes a lot of time and distance to tell more complex stories. We just do not have that yet.

    5. I just read in this morning's newspaper that the Duchess Of Sussex's legal team has accused the authors of Finding Freedom of using information from British tabloid newspapers. In a High Court statement they said that other bits were either inaccurate or a "product of creative licence" and there were many errors. So we should not be believing everything we read.

    6. So I know I am somewhat jewellery-centered, but I would not be surprised if there was a problem about the only part of the Princess of Wales’s inheritance that was not easy to split, the jewellery. I did find it strange that then Prince Harry gave over his memento of his mother, her engagement ring, to his brother to give to the Duchess of Cambridge whom it does not suit much. I recently saw a reference to some newish story about the elder prince getting more of the jewellery and the younger prince getting more of the money, which does not go at all with previous reports about the will. It could well be that the royal family’s understandable desire to keep important jewellery in the main line clashes with the Diana, Princess of Wales’s even more understandable desire that her sons benefit equally from her estate.

      Maggie – short for magpie

    7. I understand that the gold Rolex watch which Meghan wears was originally left to William but the brothers exchanged the ring and the watch so they both got valuable jewelry left by Diana. It is the Royal tiaras and other very valuable necklaces etc. that are in the Queen's care which are loaned out on important occasions. The Royal Family could not legally interfere with Diana's will of course but her sons could agree to exchange items she left to them.

    8. Anonymous at 8.31, her sons were very young when Diana, Princess of Wales died, so I cannot imagine she left them specific pieces but rather her jewellery as such as had been reported for a long time. Of course the sons can exchange items from a legal point of view, but it is rather strange to exchange mementoes from a personal point of view. The world-famous engagement ring is in a whole different league from a gold Cartier watch. As royal pieces have since been seen, I have to assume they went back to the vault. The intriguing part is the sapphire choker which was made using a brooch gifted by the Queen Mother, but apparently belonged to Diana, Princess of Wales personally, she continued to wear it after the divorce. She also had a pair of emerald earrings given to her by her husband, and pearls, some of which have been worn by the Duchess of Cambridge, but she wore a good bit of high-end paste jewellery, too.

      Maggie - short for magpie

  18. My condolences to her Family. Go in peace

  19. Nina Totenberg, NPR reporter, has some wonderful stories about her good friend, RBG. It's very nice that she is able to tell them now. She and her husband, who was at least one of RBG's physicians, had dinner with RBG last week. I hope she's able to write a book about her soon.

  20. I don't know if this is true, but I hope it is:

    [On Tuesday, Prince Harry celebrated his 39th birthday and, even though he and his family are on separate continents this year, the royals still found a way to celebrate the occasion together—mostly, anyway.

    According to the Mirror, Prince Charles organized a group Zoom call for the royal family in honor of Harry's special day. The Queen and Charles' wife, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, joined the call from the United Kingdom and Harry's wife, Meghan Markle, and their 16-month-old son, Archie, joined him on the call in their new home in Montecito, California.

    "It was very pleasant. Harry told the family how much he missed them," the source explained. "Meghan baked a cake and Harry blew out candles. Archie made them laugh when he also blew them out."

    Speaking of Archie, the youngest member of The Firm stole the show when he called his grandpa, Prince Charles, "Pa" during the call.]

    If this is true, it tells me that Archie has been sharing some zoom time with Charles before now and will continue to do so in the future.

    1. Good news for Harry , Meghan & baby Archie.

    2. Both Harry and William call Charles "Pa." Archie was likely echoing his Dad. The good news is another rumor source says William and family made a separate birthday call to Harry. Perhaps you missed that story. Some headlines have embellished the story of the Zoom call to conjecture that William was absent and to declare that therefore William snubbed Harry. The tabloids never give up, do they? The Zoom call may have been planned for a time the Cambridges weren't available. Who knows?
      I highly suspect stories based on rumor or sources not named, especially those stories that continue to be embellished from the original.
      I hope Charles is keeping in touch. It would seem to be in character for him and makes for a delightful story that also could boost Charles's image as a family man, which took severe blows at one point. In addition, his core family were reportedly in line to be the extent of the royal family when he is King. It is important to keep the wagons circled.

    3. Harry turned only 36.

    4. Another Anon, that would be good news. The story I posted did make an issue out of W&K not being there, but I took that out because there are so many reasons why that might (or might not) have occurred. Really, it would be nicer to have 2 zooms rather than 1!

  21. Its mervelous. I like it.❤❤


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