
Wednesday 2 September 2020

Harry and Meghan Sign Major Production Deal with Netflix

It's been confirmed today the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have signed a significant multi-year deal with streaming giant Netflix following months of private meetings with several streamers and networks. The collaboration will see the couple launch their own production company which will make content for Netflix "that informs but also gives hope". It's understood Harry and Meghan are focusing on documentaries, docu-series and family-friendly programming, with causes close to their hearts expected to feature prominently.

In a statement, Harry and Meghan said: "Our lives, both independent of each other, and as a couple have allowed us to understand the power of the human spirit: of courage, resilience, and the need for connection. Through our work with diverse communities and their environments, to shining a light on people and causes around the world, our focus will be on creating content that informs but also gives hope. As new parents, making inspirational family programming is also important to us, as is powerful storytelling through a truthful and relatable lens. We are pleased to work with Ted and the team at Netflix whose unprecedented reach will help us share impactful content that unlocks action."

There are several projects already in development, including an "innovating nature docu-series" and an animated series celebrating inspiring women. We can also expect documentaries focused on similar themes to their non-profit, Archewell, which is due to launch early next year. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Invictus involved and perhaps a series celebrating the power of food to bring communities together.

More from the Hollywood Reporter:

'"Harry and Meghan have inspired millions of people all around the world with their authenticity, optimism and leadership," said Sarandos, co-CEO and chief content officer at Netflix. "We're incredibly proud they have chosen Netflix as their creative home — and are excited about telling stories with them that can help build resilience and increase understanding for audiences everywhere."
The duke and duchess will focus on creating programming that resonates with them, including issues that are the focus of their nonprofit foundation, Archewell. They're also committed to featuring diverse voices in front of and behind the camera and in hiring for their production company, which is staffing up.
Markle was an actress, most notably on USA's legal drama Suits, before marrying Prince Harry. She has no plans to return to acting, though per the Times, the couple may appear onscreen in documentary projects. Harry is featured in Netflix's recently released documentary Rising Phoenix, about the Paralympic Games, and joined with Oprah Winfrey to produce a docuseries on mental health for Apple TV+.'

Thus far, the couple are following a similar path to the Obamas after their time in the White House. The former President and First Lady have merged their commercial interests with the founding and growth of their charitable foundation. Their mission is to "empower, inspire and connect people to change the world for good". We've seen them inspiring leaders globally, supporting young girls through education and the launch of the Obama Foundation Fellowship which supports outstanding civic innovators. They divide their time between these endeavours, speaking engagements, publishing deals, and their own production deal with Netlflix, which saw Barack and Michelle produce the Oscar-winning documentary American Factory for the streamer. Recently, Michelle Obama signed a deal with Spotify to create podcasts. We know both couples are very friendly, I have no doubt the Obamas have offered advice and guidance as Harry and Meghan navigate this new chapter in their lives.

More from the Telegraph:

'The Sussexes are following in the footsteps of Barack and Michelle Obama, who already have a multi-year contract to work on scripted and unscripted series, docu-series, documentary films, and features.
Trade magazine Variety compared the Obama's deal with other high profile signings, including a deal worth more than $100m which saw Netflix poach 'Grey’s Anatomy' creator Shonda Rhimes from ABC Studios.'

It very much appears plans are falling into place for the couple. They have settled in their new home in Montecito, Santa Barbara, a property they reportedly view as their long-term home. With their Netflix deal inked and a decision to sign with the Harry Walker speaking agency, they will be able to achieve financial independence and proceed with their plans for the future. In addition to producing for Netflix, we're going to see Harry and Meghan putting a great deal of energy into Archewell, continuing charitable work in the US and plans to return to the UK both to spend time with family and to support their patronages. 2020 has been a year in flux, and filled with unexpected challenges and difficulties for all of us. For Harry and Meghan, things are very much in motion toward an exciting chapter for them with Archie. Most importantly, they will be able to do the work they are so passionate about on their terms whilst putting the happiness of their family first.


  1. I am so very happy to hear all this good news. Thank you, Charlotte. I know that Harry and Meghan will be extremely successful in creating educational programs that give hope and inspire action. These contracts will also allow them to support themselves, and live free of Royal support and restrictions. I couldn't be happier for them. I wish them every success.


    1. Hi R! while I'm so happy that H&M will be able to create quality programs, is it wrong of me to also hope that we might get a Tig styled program? A show built around food, travel, fashion and plain old girl talk?

    2. Brilliant, Lauri. There'd be a ready audience for it, I'm sure.

    3. Interesting parallels with the Earl of Wessex and his Ardent Productions company. It will be interesting to see if they can compete in the commercial world. Good luck to them both.

  2. Congratulations H& M.You a very couple attractive and modern.
    Good news. God bless you

  3. Harry already have a docu. "Rising Phoenix "on netflix which is Netflix already know they're got a good deal..Congratulations. to Harry &,,Meghan. You are the best

  4. A Dream Team! They are unstoppable, independent, original and hugely effective.
    Best luck to them in all their endeavors!

  5. Harry and Meghan have repeatedly demonstrated their unique abilities to create entrepreneurial philanthropy to benefit others. Passed on their histories, I am not surprised they have found their footing on new land and are charging ahead with their unique style and abilities to continue to benefit others. However, I am stunned, in awe, how quickly they have brought this together. Just like the cookbook!

  6. They are making their lives happen, out of the palace and into the world, and benefiting the less fortunate on their journey. And All so fast!

  7. Wonderful news, thank you for the update! So happy they have settled in a beautiful home in glorious Santa Barbara and professionally with a creative home in Netflix and Archewell. All the best to you, Harry and Meghan!

  8. This is great news. I am sure they will do exceedingly well in their new endeavour. This will give them more independence, be able to live freer. No doubt this will give them more a sense of peace. Its going to be very exciting to see there accomplishments.

  9. This is such good news!! I have been struggling with a lot of doubt lately, wondering why we work so hard to bring some light into this world only to see it overshadowed by those who prefer the dark. Why are those who work to help and be of service to others maligned and harassed? Why is it an insult to refer to someone as "woke"? Is being asleep or blind to the suffering of others a better option? But I have to say this opportunity for Harry and Meghan has brought a bit of hope, hope that perhaps some people are seeing the value of others who are not afraid to speak up for those who can't, that some people are seeing that a life dedicated to service is a life truly worth living. And while I'm of course thrilled for that Harry and Meghan will, because of this partnership, be able to become financially independent, I am also glad that the light is starting to break through the darkness.

    1. You are right. The british monarchy need to progress.H&M' departure is a loss for the firm.

    2. Thank you Lauri for putting these feelings into such beautiful words. I share your thoughts and feelings.
      There is always a lot of resistance towards something new. Especially if this new means to take more responsibilities for your life and the lives of others. It is easier to tear down than to build yourself and others up. But once people realise the woke path and take the first steps they know it feels much better. It creates so much Energy.
      Congratulations to Harry and Meghan for this Deal. I am so happy for them and us. I am sure they will create inspiring and beautiful content.

    3. Becca in Colorado3 September 2020 at 16:19

      I was just thinking about this very thing this morning, Lauri. I, too, have been really perplexed and sickened by the extreme hatred we've all seen directed towards Harry and Meghan and their accomplishments. I honestly think people get extremely triggered by the Sussexes...they've had abuse thrown at them, and yet they still continue to thrive and find ways to succeed. Most people would probably buckle and give up before they even saw a small fraction of the success Harry and Meghan have seen. I do think a part of society, too, still does not like to see strong women doing well (especially strong women of mixed race).

    4. Hi Lauri!!

      Very nice response too. :)

  10. Can't wait to see what will come from this Netflix deal... I'll have to break down and subscribe. Looks like the Sussexes have been busy this whole time. I'm so happy for them. They are a wonderful team with many complementary skills and talents. Thank goodness they met..kismet!
    PS Guess we now know how they qualified for that mortgage...

    1. I don't think "qualifying for a mortgage" had anything to do with it. It probably has more to do with using the bank's money while interest rates are low instead of using their own capital. Even middle class home buyers are advised to protect their investments this way.

      As they are likely using part of the home as business offices, there will be write offs on the mortgage as well.

    2. Philly,I only mentioned that because of all the "chatter" elsewhere that they couldn't qualify on their own for such a large mortgage, that Charles must have given all the down payment, or that the two of them invested all their fortunes into this home and would soon be broke. Meghan has obviously been smart with her money in the past and so of course all that was just hate talk. I have never doubted that they had good financial advisers😇

    3. The Netflix deal has nothing to with qualifying for the mortgage. Meghan has money invested as will as continuous royalties from her 8 films and 23 TV show. Harry has money from his mother and his great-great-grandmother. Meghan is money savvy. Meghan knows that money makes money. At times, one can get a mortgage at an interest rate that is significant lower than the rate at which one can earn interest on ones investment, so one can use the cost-of-money to one's advantage.

    4. Oh, absolutely I agree. Just saying that naysayers now have to deal with this source of income, and Sussexes can keep all else private and stay mum on their finances (which of course are no one else's business). I've been retired for over twenty years and living primarily on money from my former real estate investments so I'm not naive in this area. Just speaking more to public perception.

  11. I'm so happy for them and excited to see what they produce!

  12. I am truly happy for our beloved couple, Duchess Meghan and Duke They truly deserved all of this and more and They Will get it because who 'God Bless no of curse. ����

  13. I am overly excited of this fabulous trending couple
    They sure couldn't do this within the confines of Buckingham Palace. They are a modern and inspiring couple

  14. They nailed down a home which seems to have just about everything indoor and outdoor. Most of all, it is best to have settled in their own space with privacy. To complement it with such potential income is to say, the stars had really aligned. They seem to be headed into not just surviving something, also possibly attaining more happiness. What is the point of life? I hope along the way their production will have a positive effect for their audience and make a meaningful difference. Best Wishes!

  15. They nailed down a home which seems to have just about everything indoor and outdoor. Most of all, it is best to have settled in their own space with privacy. To complement it with such potential income is to say, the stars had really aligned. They seem to be headed into not just surviving something, also possibly attaining more happiness. What is the point of life? Their “little man”, and I hope along the way their production will have a positive effect for their audience and make a meaningful difference. Best Wishes!

  16. This is a great platform for H & M to continue their work on a larger scale, and with a larger audience. I know it's very bourgeoise to bring this up, but I do wonder about the tax issues they will face. Prior to the wedding, there was a lot of talk about Meghan's US citizenship and tax issues...seems like that will be even more complicated for Harry, since his personal wealth prior to marrying is vastly more than hers.

    1. I am certain they have been advised by experts in both the United States and Britain. Harry’s not the first Englishman to earn money in another country.

    2. Don't worry .
      Harry & Meghan know what they're doing.they âge not children

    3. If you go by the general "media" reports, Meghan 5 million vs Harry 30 million. It all depends what kind of portfolio and investments they have. Harry's most likely can be kept under wraps within UK laws for BRF. It can be more, or less, than reported. I don't underestimate Meghan's asset. She most likely has a shrewd sense of business with some good investments. I read some time back that she had moved some of her assets to Delaware ( a " tax heaven" compared to other states). If both earn in USA, both hopefully pay taxes in USA. Their non profit foundation will be tax free. It will still be under some scrutiny.

  17. Well now I suppose I'll have to get Netflix ;)
    Brava to H&M - I'm excited about this venture and how it will allow them to pursue passion projects that reach & include a diverse audience. Very cool news. -op

  18. Becca in Colorado3 September 2020 at 16:10

    Amazing, good for them! Look at how much they can do (and so quickly, too!) when they don't have to worry about all of that "noise" and palace politics. I'm happy to see them succeeding and swiftly laying down roots and carving a way forward. I'm sure their programs will be inspiring to many.

    Imagine working for them in this new venture! Team Sussex, if any of you read this, I have a background in theatre and TV production LOL

    1. And I have directing experience! Not in the film or theater world, but I'm really good at telling people what to do while I sit and watch.

    2. Becca in Colorado4 September 2020 at 16:50

      Your comment made me laugh out loud, bluhare. Amazing!

  19. Harry and Meghan have moved decisively and coherently to repurpose their lives out of the gilded cage. In this truly awful year, they bring some sunshine. Can’t wait to see them soar.

  20. As I read, there are currently 21 comments. Simply put, I agree with each and everyone.
    Congratulations to H&M as they create their new normal. Well done!

  21. I'm so excited about Megan & Harris. Can't wait to watch ANYTHING they produce. Whatever they touch, it turns into gold. Thank you both for choosing the United States as your home...

  22. so great to hear this
    i am excited for the programming they will share and glad to see they have a nice future for them planned out now with this premium netflix deal.

  23. That is a tremendous accomplishment! I am very impressed and excited about the snippet of the animated series about inspiring women. Regular readers know that I am not the one to easily hand out high praise but this is truly great. They seemed more at ease after the public notice about their house, so I suspect the deal was pretty much agreed on then too. This will give them a platform that seems much more fitting with their desired lifestyle.
    I am very happy to hear that their work payed off.

  24. They will be amazing. They wanted to make a difference and they have a huge platform to do it. And I’m with Becca in Colorado ! Becca you have TV production experience, they should hire you for sure ! Team Sussex : FYI : I have a theatre and stage management background. LOL ! Sorry Charlotte, we are trained to work all avenues to try to get paid work.

    1. Becca in Colorado4 September 2020 at 16:48

      LOL Susan! Yes, especially during a pandemic that has virtually shut down an entire industry *sigh* I'm glad to see another fellow theatre "kid" here!

  25. I wish them well in this endeavor. It will be interesting to see what content they produce.

  26. I can't believe how much please it's for me to see and hear of extreme climbing to success and independence for Harry. Of course is Meghan ' destiny to be the very best she can. Bless Netflix and Thank you seeing the amazing caring couple that Harry & Meghan are.

  27. People need to stop confusing their non profit organization with their production compagny.
    On has nothing To do with the other.The Production Compagny and the Non profit Compagny Archwell is separate.
    Apparently , Disney, Amazon and Netflix were bidding To sign the Sussexes. Happy for them.

    1. Good distinction Anon 16:50. This is the arena that Meghan wanted to be in, hope that they too know the distinction. Happy for them, especially Harry if he can find his niche.

    2. There will be no risk. Harry also has many expertises.
      He will succeed.

  28. Seeing where they’re taking their lives makes me realize that they’d never have been happy as working Royals. They seem to be really focused on creating platforms for their own causes, and I can’t see how the BRF structure would ever accommodate that, especially as it looks like some of what they are trying to accomplish verges on the political realm. I don’t think they handled the split very well, but, I think this announcement puts the notion that the split was temporary to bed.

    I have a lot of theories on what might have gone wrong between Harry and William, and their wives, over the past couple of years, but none of us will ever know what really happened. I hope that when the pandemic is over, and H&M are able to get back to U.K., that the brothers will find a way to get back into each other’s lives in a supportive way.

    1. You are right but I don't believe that H&M will never become Royal Seniors.
      Every couple,have to find its own way. Although I hope William and Harry will get together and make peace !

    2. I absolutely agree with what you say, Zippy. Excellent points. I remember reading soon after the wedding that Harry and Meghan were looking at houses in LA. At the time I thought it was just gossip, but obviously not so. I hope that Harry can reconnect with his brother again and spend some time with his father and grandparents soon.

    3. You are right Zippy. I am sorry that their courtship did not last long enough for them and the BRF to realize this soon enough, their transition could have been much smoother, in fact, they didn't even had to go through those 2 years of unhappiness.

  29. It's very interesting to see how focussed and purpose-driven their lives seem to be. It is amazing that they've been able to use their clout to find platforms from which to make a difference. They both have a record of succesful and purposful humanitarian work as individuals prior to meeting. They just seemed to be the perfect pairing of talent and drive. I agree that continuing as working royals would have really held them back from working in the areas and ways they appear to want to. I hope they will be able to accomplish a great deal "while the iron is hot" so to speak. It's obvious how hard they both work and how they seem to thrive with it. During their engagement interview, I remember Harry saying that they knew they were a great team, and they are proving it.

  30. Charlotte – I hope you have read BBC Sarah Sand’s article.
    You may bot share your opinion, but I am curious what you think of it.
    For others who have not read it, here is the link.
    Although it an interesting piece, it is skillfully spun to put a guilt trip on Harry. She had woven timelines recalling his guest editor role and her meeting with him in September three years ago. She revisited the story this September. She could have gone straight to the guest editing broadcast time in December. It is after I read the end, it makes me suspicious, why now?

    Of all the times, right when the man happened to share good news to the world in the month of PD’ s anniversary month ( may be coincidence, but the best defense to grieving anniversary months, is to have good news the parted would have been happy for loved survivors).

    Overall, it is coming from various direction of the British “media” and their extension, almost choke throat style picking on this couple regarding the Netflix contract. It is as if they expected them to fail and return to UK. It is not all of them; there are some optimistic British media members like Katie Nicole. and Omid Scobie who cannot be put in the same pot. Sarah Sand is a different kind. She does sound between moderate patriot and nationalist not necessarily in a bad sense, but at a cost of a young man who is in the process of attaining a professional and family life. It is not necessarily because it is this couple, a person of any order, yes should have a voice and a choice as long as it is morally right. Money is indeed sometimes the source of all evil. Many want it, deny they do, but it is also money factors which makes one human to be covetous, and be on the alert as a revisionist. Why now?

  31. This is so satisfying that I didn't feel a need to post! H&M have "a job" now and I don't doubt that Harry will bring passion and Meghan will bring brilliance to whatever they do. I can relax money-wise, too. Their house should just increase in value, and Meghan will buy just enough clothes to keep the public happy. I don't think this has any parallels with Edward's ventures. Wish we could all be extras in a production by them!!

    1. Thank you. You are right. Good Luck H & M.God bless you and you supporters.

  32. To Anon 19:59
    So well stated. I completely agree you.
    Yes, H & M are an amazing team!


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