
Saturday 10 October 2020

The Sussexes Mark World Mental Health Day: Meghan Reflects on "Unsurvivable" 2019

Today is World Mental Health Day, a day to focus on our mental and emotional wellbeing, and one that resonates more this year than ever before. I think all of us have experienced an incredibly difficult 2020. From the fear and uncertainty of the pandemic unleashed upon us, to the very real and present threat in the months ahead. In the UK, we are in the midst of an upward surge in cases. The prospect of the months ahead is daunting to say the least, and more than ever before we need to be there for one another and actually take the time to ask, how are you? It's never been more vital to take time to listen. It's a point the Duke and Duchess of Sussex so beautifully articulated during their conversation with high-school seniors Gael, Kayla and Thomas from podcast Teenager Therapy. I listened to it following a very busy day, finding Harry and Meghan's honesty refreshing and more than a little heartbreaking as they reflected on their own story and the "almost unsurvivable" bullying they endured.

One of the areas which was highly speculated on back in January was working with the press and how the Sussexes would navigate the media terrain after their own devastating experience. They stated their wish to support grassroots organisations and outlets offering fair and accurate reporting. They have remained true to that both in public and private. In fact, it was only after listening to several episodes of Teenager Therapy, a podcast that's a coming of age story portrayed in real time, that they decided immediately they wanted to support their work. They know their contribution to the podcast will elevate its reach exponentially. This is why they are taking their time to choose so carefully. 

Their contribution to one episode has the potential to introduce a new global audience to the key message of Teenager Therapy - a platform that truly connects with others at one of the most challenging times in our lives.

Hello! reports Harry and Meghan welcomed the trio to Montecito where they recorded the podcast with masks on and in keeping with social-distancing requirements. According to the piece, the couple led the crew in deep breaths beforehand to calm everyone's nerves. It's safe to say Thomas, Kayla and Gael were incredibly excited, writing on their Instagram page: "We cannot emphasize enough how honored we are to be able to bring you this important conversation. We hope you enjoy it and find something you can apply to your own life. Take care of yourself, you deserve to be loved."

People reports:

'Prince Harry even earned a new nickname during the recording session. When host Gael asked the couple what they like to be called, Harry said he was fine with anything — and Gael chose to call him "Big H," a fun spin on Meghan's short and sweet nickname for her husband, "H."'

Meghan discussed the events of last year and the effects on her mental health. "I’m told that in 2019 I was the most trolled person in the entire world, male or female. Now, eight months of that I wasn’t even visible, I was on maternity leave or with a baby." Meghan added "what was able to just be manufactured and churned out, it’s almost unsurvivable, that’s so big, you can’t think of what that feels like, because I don’t care if you’re 15 or 25, if people are saying things about you that aren’t true, what that does to your mental and emotional health is so damaging." She touched on the fact that though their experience is unique to them, to a certain extent it feels that way for everyone. "Part of the work that we do is from our own personal experience, being able to talk to people and understand that, even though our experience is unique to us, and obviously can seem very different to what people experience on the day to day, it’s still a human experience and that’s universal, we all know what it feels like to have our feelings hurt."

More from the Evening Standard:

'When asked about their recent activism , Harry said mental health discussions needed to broaden to "every single one of us". “I think the way everything’s happening in the world right now, the moment that people start to think about mental health, immediately people think about a small group of people as opposed to every single one of us", he said.

“I think if you could safely say that 90% of people on planet Earth have suffered some form of trauma, some form of loss, some form of grief, and that’s different, it varies to every single person, then certainly for this year, through Covid, I think it’s probably safe to say that 99.9%, if not 100% of people, have experienced some form of one of those, all those, at the same time.

“Rather than mental health being focused on, the people that are struggling, it needs to go much wider than that, and to the acceptance and the appreciation that every single one of us have mental health, and every single one of us have got stuff going on that we either need to talk about or that we need help with, or that we have some form of compassion and empathy for other people that are going through something similar.”

Harry said talking about your mental health and how you're feeling is "a sign of strength", adding anyone suggesting otherwise probably has their own issues to work through. In a landmark moment in 2017, Harry made a groundbreaking appearance on Bryony Gordon's podcast in which he courageously shared his own struggles, particularly in relation to the death of his mother and the "total chaos" coming to terms with the grief he felt. He openly discussed the process he had been through and revealed he sought counselling. "I have probably been very close to a complete breakdown on numerous occasions when all sorts of grief and all sorts of lies and misconceptions and everything are coming to you from every angle."

Prioritising his own mental health led Harry to a much happier place in his life; his happiness came full circle when he met and fell in love with Meghan, and Archie's arrival was a joyous, lifechanging time. Sadly, their path was far from straightforward, as a dark cloud lingered over each of these milestones: their wedding, plans for Archie's birth and christening, and well...basically every single decision they made in the UK. The unbearable strain he was under came to the fore at the Wellchild Awards when Harry addressed the audience, saying: "Last year, when my wife and I attended, we knew we were expecting our first child - no one else did at the time, but we did - and I remember squeezing Meghan’s hand so tight during the awards, both of us thinking what it would be like to be parents one day and, more so, what it would be like to do everything we could to protect and help our child should they be born with immediate challenges or become unwell over time. And now, as parents, being here and speaking to all of you pulls at my heart strings in a way I could have never understood until I had a child of my own." I recalled thinking that night, life in the UK was becoming untenable for Harry and Meghan. The arrival of a baby - one of the happiest times in life - had been used as a means of attacking them relentlessly.

Indeed, the strain was undeniable when Tom Bradby asked Meghan in South Africa how she was coping. In today's podcast, Meghan recalled that moment and the emotions she was feeling. "I didn’t think about that answer. I just answered honestly, I was in a moment of vulnerability, because I was tired, because there was no presentation. It was just, here’s where I am: I’m a mom with a four-month-old baby and we are tired. I think the reason it resonated with people is because everyone wants to be asked if they’re okay." The Bradby interview was a defining moment in Harry and Meghan's journey. A glimpse into the human cost of the campaign of abuse they had endured.

And make no mistake, there's a very real human cost. I think it's evident they are still coming to terms with it all. Looking back on those key moments last year, it's easy to highlight two of the most disgusting and shameful elements of the abhorrent treatment they received: the bullying of a woman expecting her first child was elevated to new levels, and Harry's bravery in speaking about his mental health was actively used against him in an attempt to paint him as a fragile and weak man. Well, as he correctly said in the podcast, it was a sign of strength - a strength he used to take a leap of faith, focusing on the wellbeing of his family by starting a new life. A year on, when asked how she's feeling now, Meghan answered: "Yes, I am doing well." Perhaps there's a lesson in there for all of us and the value of taking care of our mental health. So today, let's all send a message and ask someone, how are you?

According to People, the Duchess wore a "t-shirt honoring the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and a mask with the words 'When There Are Nine', the justice's iconic response to the question of when the Supreme Court would have enough women". 

The UFO No More team suggest the Duchess wore the R.B.G. grey t shirt and black 'When There Are Nine' facemask. They are both available at Etsy for £25.

Meghan also wore cropped jeans and black pumps. They appear to be her Manolo Blahnik BB pumps.

Harry and Meghan's conversation with Malala to mark International Day of the Girl will be released tomorrow. 


  1. Hi Charlotte, when you see it all laid out there like that its an amazing thing they did. They called.everyones bluff and picked up sticks. I am drawn to that as my dad did it, at about the same age they are now. He left with his wife and two children, no prospects and just his savings and he made his way. Just as Harry and meghan will make theirs.

    I am hopeful that they their life as they choose, despite those who nothing more than to see them fail. And I love that they are taking their experience with online trolls and, let's face it, abusive and racist people, and turning that into something that other people can relate to --that meghan and Harry went through the same thing, it hurt them, but they learnt how to deal with it. A really good example and a wonderful thing to do. I am rooting for them.

    1. Hi bluhare!! Your father sounds like such a brave man and it appears that he raised a wonderful child.

      I too am rooting for the Sussex's. I really look forward to the unveiling of Archewell and all the great work they'll do in the years to come. Do I expect them to do everything perfectly? No but I've decide to support them and be inspired by them through all the ups and downs because I think putting that kind of support, for someone I don't even know, out into the universe will also show up as a willingness to be less judgmental of others.

    2. Thank you, Philly and Lauri!

      I think it took guts to do what dad did. He and mom were on their own with no support system at all. He didn't even have a job to go to. But.i will tell you one.thing. he is laughing thinking about raising me. The one thing u always remember him saying is, for a smart girl you've got no bloody common sense! I miss hearing that, tbh.

  2. I just listened to the podcast, and it was so encouraging and enlightening. Thank you for sharing, Charlotte.
    - Victoria, Oregon

  3. Thank you for a wonderful thoughtful piece

  4. Thank you for this sensitive post about Harry and Meghan’s struggles in the royal family and for documenting their journey with fairness and compassion. I admire them for using their platform to bring awareness to issues many of us struggle with. I’m sorry for the circumstances that led to their departure but it looks more and more like they’re finding their voice.

  5. What a beautiful post, your writing is so elegant and to the point! And I really loved the podcast, I didn’t expect to take home so much from it and it was so great to hear them talking so freely. Curious for the video with Malala today. The Sussexes are really up to extremely interesting stuff these days!

  6. Thank you Charlotte for posting! As much as I enjoyed reading this and wish them nothing but happiness and the best. I feel like they need not to make it so apparent on what political side they stand on. They should stay neutral, more so for Megan as an American. And what I have been seeing and hearing and then Prince Harry entertaining her similar views just is unsettling to watch. However, I’m glad they had the strength to speak on their struggles and what they have endured. People need to be nicer to one another. ♥️

    1. I'm wondering why anyone should "stay neutral." Of course, neutrality and silence is the Royal Family's default position; however, it has not always served them well. For a royal to now "deviate" from that and speak out certainly isn't familiar to anyone, but I prefer to know what people stand for.

      Rather than finding it "unsettling to watch" I am finding it fresh and long overdue. Why shouldn't a royal enter into the discourse? I for one have always admired Prince Charles for anything he has offered of his own feelings about the environment, architecture, community and keeping older traditions alive in his Duchy, and even the private conversations recorded without his consent and offered to the world without his knowledge or consent. It makes him human. To maintain this neutrality required of the Firm often looks as if their coronets have squeezed any human sensitivity from their brains.

    2. I think its a shame that the current president has given conservatism such a bad name. There are a lot of good reasons to think on the conservative spectrum. I think its sad that voicing basic human rights has been politicised, because that shouldn't be so. I think most people in both parties think people should be free to live their lives, children shouldn't be separated from their families and everyone should have the same rights as the next person. That's what I hear them saying, not a political view. Although I agree with you. I dont think it takes much brain power to figure out who meghan will vote for.

    3. Hi Anon, if you really think that the BRF is politcally neutral you should read "And what do you do?..." by former MP Norman Baker. Throughout the monarchy up to current times the royal family and it's members are extremely political. Lastly, if the Sussex's were advocating for Trump do you think this would even be an issue?

    4. I agree with you 100%. And thank you for your insight. I have my own stand on things but I won’t speak out on them to sway the public’s opinions because of my platform. It’s unfortunate what is transpiring in the states and we don’t need anymore divisiveness. I like Harry and Megan speaking on matters and causes that they strongly believe in but politics should never be one of them regardless of what her view is as she is the only one who can vote between those two. That is just my opinion ☺️.

    5. I'm confused by this sub-thread. Are ya'll saying that talking about mental health is political? Or seemingly liberal? How does politics related to a podcast with teenagers about mental health and holistic well-being and supporting one another? If that is political, I feel very sorry for (and it explains a lot about) conservative politics.

    6. Do you all not realize that in the US we are no longer talking about mannered political discussions and disagreements? One side of our political spectrum is openly disregarding science, risking lives, inciting violence, and fanning racism and misogyny. Frankly Meghan’s public comments are about as neutral as they could be given those circumstances. We’re past theoretical disagreements about liberal vs conservative. Anyone with a voice should be speaking out. I’ll also remind you all that Meghan has been remarkably calm and neutral in spite of the person we all assume she is not voting for (Donald Trump) repeatedly and directly insulting her. Why should she stay quiet in the face of that?

    7. This is no longer a Dem vs Rep or conservative vs liberal election. I remember quite a few on the "other" party whom I respected, like Bob Dole and McCain. This is a dangerous element that is threatening the democracy that the US is -- there are very scary times here, and I equate it to Harry Potter when people disappeared and the wrong people were inpower. I know that sounds trite, but I see no reason for Meghan to remain neutral when it's obvious that it is not possible.

    8. Susan in Florida12 October 2020 at 03:23

      This is not the place to discuss current divisive American politics. Some people are tired of celebrities telling them how to vote and.. some people admire celebrities who speak out. Meghan is not neutral and I didn’t expect her to be.

    9. Dear Philly, i share your thoughts and feelings completely. I think the Sussexes are doing this very well in an appropriate way.
      I do not want to live in a world where a lot of decent people stay quiet and others are screaming their truths. A lot of people associate staying silent with weakness not with being sovereign and composed.
      As long as this is the case it is important that public figures like the Sussexes offer their thoughts and feelings. So that there is a spectrum available from which more people can choose and learn.

    10. Neutrality only benefits the oppressor. Meghan is an American living in America and can and should say whatever she wants about the state of our country. She can also wear whatever she wants in honor of someone she admires. She knows that right now the media spotlight is hers and her voice is listened to; so, she's using it to elevate those issues that are important to her and I applaud her 100%. Our country is on a precipice right now and all hands on deck are required to pull it back from the edge. While it doesn't seem like it now, there will be a time when what Meghan says won't matter much to the broader public but right now it would be tantamount to dereliction of duty not to use it at a time when our country is in such a precarious state. Besides, what's the point of leaving royal life and the UK, if you're still constrained by it's archaic rules which, ironically, only seem to apply to Meghan and Harry.

    11. Becca in Colordao12 October 2020 at 19:49

      Give me a break, people, Meghan and Harry are talking about basic human rights issues and encouraging Americans to vote. Just because we can guess who she is going to vote for has nothing to do with it. They are not telling anyone WHO to vote for. If they, with a platform and ability to reach so many outside their sphere, can't discuss these things and inspire others, then who can?

  7. Thank God the Sussex family survive this horrible ordeal.... I can't imaging any sensible individual hating them.

  8. After listening to this podcast yesterday, it's taken me about 18 hours to cool down enough to write my comment. Listening to Meghan describe 2019 in such brutal terms was both heartbreaking and rage inducing. How she managed to survive it both as an individual and her and Harry as a couple speaks to the love between them and their strength. I find myself having a really tough time understanding how people can be so hateful and so willing to harass and abuse someone else even to the point of death.

    I was so happy to hear Harry talk about meditation. Practicing mindfulness has made immeasurable improvements in my life and I hope in the lives of those who are close to me. Headspace, the online app that is talked about in the beginning of this podcast, is a great meditation app with meditation sessions that last from 10-20 minutes which are totally doable. I would highly recommend checking it out.

    Thanks Charlotte, once again for your compassionate and sensitive articles. Yours is the only Meghan-centric site I read on a regular basis because you are so fair and you write beautifully.

    1. Well said, Lauri. Totally agree.

    2. A lovely post, Lauri. Agree 100%.

      I should try meditation. I've tried before, but I'm sure you're surprised to find out my brain appears to be un-shutdownable. I probably haven't stuck with it long enough. Another surprise! Patience isn't my strong suit either! 🤣

    3. Hi bluhare, mindfulness meditation is not about shutting down your thoughts and making your mind blank, in fact I don't think any meditations are about that. Mindfulness meditation is about acknowledging those rambling thoughts and emotions that arise, looking at them and then returning to your base of focus such as your breath, a mantra or whatever you choose to focus on. The more that you acknowledge those thoughts and emotions, look at them and go back to the breathe, the more you realize that they are just thoughts and emotions without the need to get caught up it them. As I said above, Headspace is a great app for the beginner as they guide you step by step and help you work through the difficult areas like the monkey mind (endless thinking) which everyone has and even after years and years of mediation practice will still experience.

    4. I've been using Headspace for over 3 years, and I use it daily. The young man in the podcast noted the app's sleep features, and I couldn't agree more. Meditation is good stuff! -op

    5. There are many forms of meditation and various expressions - it is an individual exercise. It involves silencing distracting stimuli in order to focus on the one of one's interest. Or it may be injecting a particular stimulus in order to evoke a particular response.

    6. Thank you everyone. Im going to download the app and give it a go

  9. Thank you so much, Charlotte, for your beautiful article supporting Meghan and Harry, and reporting on their wonderful work. I loved the podcast. Meghan's strength must truly be admired. I wish Harry and Meghan every success and happiness.


  10. The only people who would have disagreed with Duchess Meghan are the same people that troller her !
    She was vuciously attacked while pregnant !

  11. Harry and Meghan will always, always have my utmost respect and support they are decent people with integry and Heart ❤.My God bless them always. As for the british media I despise them with every fiber of my being, l wouldn't piss on any of them if they were on fire.. they Give the word " cruelty " new meaning, they lack basic humanity

  12. Just listened to the podcast; what a cool 30 minutes! I liked how H&M operate as a team, and really enjoyed hearing Harry's comments. Meghan was eloquent as always, and the common ground they found with the hosts really made for a great conversation.
    As for the fashion - I just bought one of those face masks, marking my first copy-Meghan purchase:) -op

  13. I have never disagreed with a single word Meghan has said while in the UK, in her travels or back in the good old USA. Her words always give me food for thought and give me pause to stop and reflect in a very positive way.

    1. Bravo USA Granny ,
      You are right ! Meghan is inspiring and very speaker

  14. It is a very sad situation what happened. I still wish they had stayed as full time royals but of course want them to be happy and glad they have found their own path and wish them only happiness. thanks for the nice post Charlotte

    1. Melissa, I'm curious, if you believe they were in a sad situation, why would you wish for them to remain in it? It seems the focus is often on how Harry and Meghan reacted to the smear campaign as opposed to those doing the smearing and why.

    2. I feel they did what is right for them but i would have loved them to stay in the roles as royals and keep their heads high against the haters. as a black woman it meant a lot to have meghan as a top working royal and just as michelle obama had many haters against her she brought about a lot of change in her role. I wish harry and meghan only happiness.

    3. 'roles as royals and keep their heads high against the haters' they are keeping their heads high and the hate hasn't abated one bit. The difference? They don't live in it. She is not Michelle. Please everyone it's a sign of strength to leave a toxic environment that destroys your peace of mind. And i say that as a black woman in Zimbabwe. We all support mental health. Teenagers are dying and i am so proud of her for saying she survived, giving those children going through the same thing hope that they will too. Thank you again Charlotte, for a well written article

    4. that's cool you can have your own opinion as do i . I never said meghan and harry are weak i said it was right decision for them and i only wish them happiness but i am entitled to say i would have preferred them to stay in the royal family and there are many reasons i wish none of the hate happened to them and harry and meghan got along and were as close to prince charles and william it is a horribly sad situation. pls relax i am not criticizing them and there is room for different opinions. meghan continues to inspire all women of all races still no one is debating that cheers

    5. The very obvious difference between Meghan and Michelle is that Michelle was protected and knew that her time in the spotlight would eventually end when PBO left office. Meghan was unprotected. There was no end in sight to her abuse and to add insult to injury she was forced to work with the very people trying to destroy her life. Michelle also did not have the entire US media grinding away at her 24/7. Meghan was beat up hourly in that country so suggesting she keep her head up while she's being racially abused and enduring daily worldwide character assassination is ludicrous at best and sadistic at worse. She's not made of stone and it really bothers me that people are so indifferent to her feelings because her departure has diminished their "royal watching". I'd rather never see them again if it meant they were secure, happy and fulfilled. Also, in America, most black women I know and those raised by black women are taught not to take crap from anyone for any reason. You fight and/or flee abuse and Meghan's doing both. That's how I roll as well as my circle of friends so for me Meghan's departure is further confirmation that Doria taught her daughter well.

    6. Thanks for your perspective "unknown". I agree Doria certainly raised Meghan right! Yes they were right not to take crap from anyone. I spoke out about the racism she received from day 1 on this blog it was deplorable. One thing though Michelle though was beat up by American media though 24/7 especially on Fox News and on right wing media on radio and online also in mainstream media for instance when she touched the Queen on a state visit. She was called ape, male, etc it was also deplorable. Just like Piers and others went after Meghan she didn’t take crap from anyone either. As I said Harry and Meghan did what was right for them and I wish them happiness. I just wished things were different all around and nothing wrong with that. I wish they never endured racism and hate and I wish Wills and Harry still got along famously. That is all. Not everything is a fairy tale beautiful Princess Diana taught us that. The important thing is Meg and Harry are happy and on a successful track and we all wish them well.

      Cheers to all :)

    7. I think the point you're missing is that all of UK media is right wing so Meghan never caught a break. In the US, yes, Michelle was treated horribly by right wing media but even they did not cover her all day everyday. Usually, their attacks coincided with a specific event like her touching the Queen. Meghan was and is attacked whether she does anything or not. Every day, stories are made up about her and blasted across the front pages and then discussed on talk and news shows throughout the day. It's absolute insanity and it just does not compare to Michelle's treatment because Michelle got plenty of positive and glowing press for her initiatives, her support of her husband, her parenting skills and her wardrobe. Meghan never gets good press in the UK even when she does great things. Her successes are attributed to other people and her wardrobe is criticized for its costs and "protocol breaches" which to me is confirmation of an organized smear campaign because if you can't get good press for creating successful projects for your patronages then something is definitely not right. Another point is Michelle was married to the President of the United States. Her royal equivalent would be Prince Phillip. Meghan is married to the 6th in line and should not be covered as though she's married to the King of England. I'm just so thankful that Harry got her out of there and I pray that on the rare occasion she has to return that she can get in and out quickly and quietly because the UK press has made her a hate figure in that country and have radicalized many of the citizens against her and I don't think she or Archie are safe there and it seems Harry agrees.

    8. thanks again for sharing your perspective it is ok to disagree on some points but what matters is that we are all here supporting meghan and harry and wishing them the best. i wish you the best too

  15. i love their podcast their are being there true to themselves abd yes i been using headspace and help me a lot during these global pandemic

  16. Charlotte, there are four people in the Teenager Therapy podcast, you only listed 3.

    1. From the still potcast photo, looks like one of the Teenagers was not present during the taping.

    2. I understand the photo of them on couches shows three teens, but the group photo has all 4 teens with Harry and Meghan

    3. Ok, I listened to the beginning again Gael, Kayla, and Thomas introduced themselves but not Mark (I think that's his name). So it was 3 on this podcast. ☺


Welcome to Mad About Meghan! We do so look forward to reading your thoughts. Constructive, fair debate is always encouraged. Hateful, derogatory terms and insults are not welcome here. This space focuses on Harry and Meghan, not any other member of the Royal family. It's not the place to discuss politics either. Thank you for reading, we look forward to your comments :)