
Saturday 23 January 2021

When Meghan Met Larry

It was very sadly announced today iconic broadcasting legend Larry King passed away. Over six decades, King pioneered radio and television. With his charismatic interviewing style, pointed questioning and distinctive voice, Larry King became one of the most popular presenters of all time. I've seen descriptions today describing him as 'The King of Talk', a moniker which fits his illustrious career and influence. Meghan has been a longtime fan and was delighted to appear on King's shows on several occasions. After their conversations together, King became a supporter of the Duchess, sharing thoughtful analysis and reflections on the impact she would have joining the Royal family.

When I started this blog, one of my primary resources was simply heading to YouTube and listening to interviews. A conversation Meghan had with Larry stood out for me in particular - a discussion on gender equality. Speaking to Meghan in her advocacy role as UN Women's Advocate for Women's Political Participation and Leadership. Following a brief discussion on the Tig, the pair spoke of Rwanda, Meghan's visit there and the path forward. Praising the strength of women in the country, Meghan touched on the horrendous suffering Rwanda experienced. "So many men were lost in the genocide, so it gave women an opportunity to either succumb to that or to then find strength and mobilize in a way that was really empowering. I think that's specifically what they've done. It's a great benchmark for women all over the world."

Larry continued, "There are more women than men in the world. Women live longer," adding, "You would think this would advance faster." Meghan agreed and noted recent progress had been encouraging. "How fantastic it's making dinner table conversation. We're talking about it. That it's something people are not ashamed to talk about anymore." If you have the time to listen to the interview, one can hear Meghan share her beliefs on equality - it's very much in keeping with the work she did in the UK and is now doing in the US. Larry, as always, gave a masterclass on leading with key questions. As the conversation closed Meghan noted the importance of being "a feminist and feminine". Larry told her, "I've been a feminist all my life."

There was an incredibly fun interview when Meghan and her co-star Patrick J Adams (better known as Mike Ross to Suitors:)) sat down for a very fun chat. They discussed the path to landing their roles on the show and the failed pilots along the way. When asked if they ever considered leaving the business Meghan replied, "Yes." "All things considered we're so lucky. It feels like a slow burn, but really in the grand scheme of things, doing this for six, seven years, and then having a show with this level of success is crazy."

Meghan discussed her love of calligraphy before writing a personalised note for Larry.

Fast forward a bit and of course this happened...

Ahead of the wedding, Larry said, "When Meghan was on my shows, I loved her passion. She spoke about her projects with a true burning passion about them. She was also a person who stood up for what she believes in. She is not the type to shy away from speaking her mind. She reminded me of Lady Diana in the way that she speaks up for what she believes is right, but I believe she may be more political than Diana was." King noted he thought Meghan would be "a great source of pride" to the Royal family. Describing her as a "terrific person", he added, "She will truly make an amazing princess."

During a separate interview he reflected on Princess Diana's legacy. "Princess Diana would have loved this. She wanted the monarchy to become every day and having an interracial marriage in the monarchy in London is a great step forward." Adding, "All of Meghan’s work, all of that preparation lends her well to the monarchy."

A tweet of congratulations following Archie's birth. Apparently Larry loved taking photos after interviews. The image below is a great one!

This message was shared by Larry King's team today.

A legend who will be dearly missed.

Before I sign off, I want to highly recommend this fantastic interview Harry did with Fast Company. The Prince has spent much of 2020 having conversations on a multitude of topics. He's taken the time to listen and learn, and has some very interesting insights and thoughts on the path to improving social media.

"Along with millions of others who see and feel what this era has done at every level, we are losing loved ones to conspiracy theories, losing a sense of self because of the barrage of mistruths, and at the largest scale, losing our democracies.

The magnitude of this cannot be overstated, as noted even by the defectors who helped build these platforms. It takes courage to stand up, cite where things have gone wrong, and offer proposals and solutions. The need for that is greater than ever before. So I’m encouraged by and grateful for the groundswell of people who work—or have worked—inside these very platforms choosing to speak up against hate, violence, division, and confusion."

Reflecting on his journey with Meghan and the harassment they faced in the UK:

"I was really surprised to witness how my story had been told one way, my wife’s story had been told one way, and then our union sparked something that made the telling of that story very different.

That false narrative became the mothership for all of the harassment you’re referring to. It wouldn’t have even begun had our story just been told truthfully.

But the important thing about what we experienced is that it led to us hearing from so many others around the world. We’ve thought a lot about those in much more vulnerable positions than us, and how much of a need there is for real empathy and support."

The call for empathy is much needed across the online sphere. I know we're all excited to see Archewell develop this year. To read the interview in full please click here.


  1. Thank you once again, Charlotte, for being a source of information and food for thought. It was wonderful to be reminded yet again that Meghan has always been Meghan and just keeps on growing. I'm so impressed by Harry's growth and his ability to more than hold his own in serious company. He has a bright future for sure which will benefit humanity in so many ways. Also, he sets a great example for other "spares". We can't afford to waste anyone's talents, no matter their origins.

    1. I too am so thrilled to see Harry really come into his own and being able to truly take on the challenges that he is passionate about. I believe that Meghan and Harry's step back from being "senior working royals" will set a wonderful precedence for future generations of "spares" and just really wish that the BRF had been wise enough to see that and had worked harder to protect the Sussex's during that transition.

  2. He was a legend and will be deeply missed. CNN made a huge mistake when they replaced him with Piers Morgan. Larry built CNN and so many actors and celebrities trusted him. He was a once in a lifetime type person. I will miss him

    1. Piers appears to lack the sense of integrity and truthfulness that Larry projected and promoted. Many of Larry's enemies came from his refusal to promote their "untruths" that is so popular today. Piers lost his CNN job because he was FAR BELOW LARRY's level and fans deserted him

  3. How sad ! Mr. King was such a cultivated man, of great intelligence and wisdom, a great reference that will be missed. We still have proof of Meghan's great culture and remarkable commitments ...
    Much courage to the bereaved family. Melissa, I didn't know this Morgan worked for CNN, was he really the one who replaced Larry? Isn't that a confusion?

    1. yep it is very true Larry King was replaced by Piers Morgan in 2011. Morgan was fired in 2014 due to poor ratings

  4. Thank you Charlotte for yet another wonderful post!

    I admit that when I read that Larry had passed, the first thing I did was pull up his interview with Meghan. I was struck by his thoughtful questions and of course by her thoughtful and eloquent answers.

    I loved reading Harry's interview with Fast Company. I don't spend a lot of time on social media and have heavily curated my social media feeds to only the people and causes I want to read about, that being said I can't imagine how kids navigate the flood of influencers, talking heads and nasty bridge trolls. Having 2 almost teen granddaughters I truly fear for their online future, trying the best that I can to lead them towards sites/people who are positive and uplifting. I am encouraged however, by Meghan and Harry's work with others in the tech industry and their tenaciousness to see this through, that one day the internet will be a place of thoughtful debate and inspiring content.

    1. I read Harry's full interview and agree that on the whole he has some really worthwhile comments to make. However maybe it would be more productive for them to bring a group of like minded people with technical expertise together to talk about practical ways to strike a balance between censorship and preventing hate speech. The internet can be used for good or evil and we don't want to regulate it out of existence.

    2. You might be interested in watching the Time100 Talk on Enginering a Better World that Harry and Meghan hosted in October where they did exactly that. It’s available on YouTube.

  5. Thank you, Charlotte. For the tribute. For the links. So much wonderful food for thought and inspiration here.

    Thank you, as well to Laurie for the insightful comments.

    1. Most of us don't have the technical understanding to be able to make practical suggestions about controlling online trolling without restricting widespread access to the internet. Harry and Meghan have shared their feelings about hate speech and I am sure most of us support them in that. However we now need to go further and push those with the necessary expertise to get together and work out how to solve this problem while balancing the needs of everyone involved. There may be a further role for Harry and Meghan
      in publicizing the results of this discussion. Maybe their foundation could make a documentary once there is a practical solution from the experts in the field.

  6. Larry King was the best interviewer I've ever seen/heard. He always went to the heart of the matter and probed his guests to answer his questions. Even when holding people accountable, he was never mean spirited and never made his guests uncomfortable; he never attacked.

    In this interview Meghan is passionate and articulate. She had so much potential to do good work within the British Royal Family. It is sad things didn't work out.

  7. Thank you, Charlotte for highlighting King's great interviewing style, Meghan's eloquence, and Harry's knowledge and articulate support for change and regulation of social media.


  8. Charlotte and the commenters here are teaching me! I really did not know much about Larry King until reading this post. Thank you all!

  9. Thank you Charlotte for paying tribute to Larry King this way. I had watched two of the interviews a few years ago but the piece of him commenting on Meghan marrying into the BRF was new to me. I think he had a good amount of appreciation for her and he was very careful to comment on her future. People like him know very well what Public and Media are capable of.

  10. Theresa - Austin, TX25 January 2021 at 15:12

    Wonderful post and inspiring interviews, both.

  11. Excellent post with new insights into Larry King and Meghan. Thank you for excellent coverage.

  12. Thank you for showing me, as usual, so many things I did not know. That photo of Meghan and Larry is just adorable!


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