
Monday 15 February 2021

Meghan and Harry to Sit Down with Oprah

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will sit down with Oprah Winfrey in their first interview since they moved to the US. The primetime special will air on CBS on 7 March (8:00-9:30PM ET/PT). Oprah with Meghan and Harry will see the star speak to Meghan in a wide-ranging interview about "stepping into life as a royal, marriage, motherhood, philanthropic work and how she is handling life under intense public pressure".

Later, Oprah will talk to Harry about the couple's move to the US, plans for the future and hopes for their expanding family. The programme is procured by Oprah's Harpo Productions. It is not yet known when/where it will air in other parts of the world.

'Though Meghan has received countless requests from around the world to share her story, there was only one person right for the job. The Sussexes have been close to Oprah since the early days of their relationship, after being introduced to the TV legend by a close US-based associate of the duchess in 2017.

Oprah is also working with Prince Harry on a mental health docuseries for Apple TV+, which the pair began work on in 2019 and hope to air later this year.'

Oprah is a trusted friend and a natural choice to host the interview. A number of factors enter into the timing of this and it's been over a year now since the couple stepped down as working members of the Royal family. I feel they wanted the 'twelve month review' stage to pass and to firmly get their footing in establishing Archewell before considering a sit down interview. Their recent victories against the Mail on Sunday will have been a factor, too, and they will now be able to speak more freely on the impact the vicious media campaign they endured in the UK had on them and the role it played in their decision to choose an alternative path.

I very much doubt we'll hear anything relating to any specific members of the Royal family, relationship breakdowns or indeed the state of relations today. Earlier this week I quoted a piece Tom Bradby wrote in 2019: "I have some idea of what might be aired in a full, no-holds-barred sit-down interview and I don't think it would be pretty." Bradby added that an open interview with "qualified honesty" would leave the monarchy "only just" carrying public opinion. As we've spoken about before, the leaking campaign from inside Palace walls played a significant role in all that unfolded from the beginning and I don't think it can be underestimated how damaging it was. When outlets such as The Times or the Telegraph print a story using sources such as a "palace aide" or a "royal source", one can be quite assured that is where they are obtaining their information. Having said that, I think this interview will be steered in a broader direction for multiple reasons. I also expect it may be the only interview of its kind addressing certain aspects of the situation once and for all while very much looking to the future.

And with a baby on the way and a very bright life ahead in the US, they are looking toward a very happy future. For a couple with so much written about them, I'm sure it's important for them that the narrative is in their own words.

It should be a very interesting watch with, hopefully, insight into plans for the remainder of the year.


  1. Charlotte: you posted a fair commentary with a justifiable reason.
    They may be criticized for allowing an interview, but senior BRF had given interviews in the past.

    One of your key words is "future"; they are looking ahead as well as explaining their history. It is the right thing to do. They might as well say it in their own words which will help separate some truth from fiction. I imagine they will be prepared enough not to affect and/or reverse the good they had done by delving into discussion which will affect their relationship with their families. Their interview with Oprah will be dissected by numerous legitimate as well as malicious web sites and news. I hope they will not gain unexpected enemies either by disclosing about British monarchy court “internal politics”. Oprah can be a deep interviewer; generally, she does her job in the process not necessarily sparing the hard questions. Friendship is a different matter.

  2. Haters are gonna hate, and there's nothing that can be done about them. Love is winning, and I am happy things are moving forward on all fronts. Will be watching for sure.

  3. Becca in Colorado16 February 2021 at 02:07

    I’m hesitant about this, only because of the hate they’ll get (well, are already getting, actually). But it’s their life and their story!

  4. Perhaps I'm naive, but I doubt the Oprah interview will be damaging to the BRF. I think it will be more of a stage for H&M to talk about their forthcoming projects, and sweeping statements about motherhood, etc. I look forward to it! -op

  5. Looking forward to hearing from Harry and Meghan. I think they need a program to pull their humanitarian work together for people, so I imagine they will focus a lot on that- giving people a picture of their overall plans for their work together and individually. I think they will speak enough about personal things to satisfy people who are really interested in them and wish them well. I would be shocked if there is criticism of their families. I should think Harry still loves his father and grandmother. They are fine people, and I would not expect to see expressions of anger for the world to see; perhaps some discreet frankness. I think we need to wait for the biographers and historians to tell the story behind the scenes.

    1. I agree I doubt this will be a sensationalized bashing of other family members, and you’re right I think Harry and Meghan probably still hold affection for them. I think there may be some very broad strokes comments about pressure and disagreements but it will likely be very hard to parse the specifics. And think that’s smart of them. I think their issue has always been media harassment and I think there may have been some family tension over how to respond to it and perhaps a perceived lack of support (or, and this pains me to say, and an intentional stirring up of media coverage) that made continuing in their roles impossible for them. I think the interview will pretty quickly shift gears into the future plans and charitable causes.

    2. I would guess that Meghan will have all questions in advance to be able to prepare discreet and appropriate answers. There will be no surprises. Harry won't want the royal family to be trashed...and they shouldn't be.

  6. I agree that the interview will not bring us anything new to the whole family rift. I mean hanging out your dirty clothes to dry for everyone to see is always undignified and I am
    sure they all remember well how unpleasant it was when her father and half sister bad mouthed them in the press. From what H&M announce themselves, their private relationships don’t seem to be too strained (family zoom
    calls with Archie) so I highly doubt they will drag their family through the mud. But people will make things up about every word they say.
    I do wonder if that means both sides have agreed that their step out of public royal positions will be permanent. It very much sounds like a closure. Looking back briefly and then looking to the future. I expect we get an announcement in the next 10 weeks.

    1. I honestly think it was permanent from the get go, and this one year review idea was a bit of a face saving move for the royal family. They really don’t have to agree to anything. Harry and Meghan have moved and are financially independent now. I’m not sure what there even is to review or what Harry and Meghan would need to agree to.

    2. Anonymous 13.03. I don't see that the royal family need to save face, as you suggest. The Queen and her relatives did not ask H&M to leave. The Sussexes' leaving was their own idea. The Crown stated that H&M could not be half in/half out, so with leaving they could no longer represent the monarchy. But the Queen said many times, that H&M would always be valued members of her family. The one year grace period was for H&M to consider their options.

    3. I think they’ve made it clear what their option is judging by their decisions over the past year. I don’t think they need to consider anything. H and M were never the ones asking for a 1 year review. By saving face I mean I think the RF has introduced a narrative that it wasn’t completely over as far Harry and Meghans role, and would be decided over a period of time. And I’m saying I don’t think Harry and Meghan requested that or need that. They’ve made their choice. And my guess is their choice was made since the beginning of all this. It seems to be the RF narrative that things will be “reviewed” so that the story isn’t a high ranking member essentially bailed. But H and M have moved, set up their businesses, expanded their family (I’m sure drastically limiting their likelihood to travel back in the near term), won their court cases, and paid back British taxpayer money. What is left to review? Titles? I honestly don’t think it will come up. The RF really has no move on that because of the Prince Andrew situation. So no I don’t think there will be a review and I think the whole story of the review was more of a RF wish.

    4. I’d also add that the RF decisions around the Remembrance Day debacle made their position quite clear on Harry’s role. So truly. I think there’s nothing to review and this one year timeline was a bit of a fantasy.

    5. I agree. I also think that one year review was a way to allow the press to continue to harass them with their trash stories because every move they've made over the last year was followed by a slew of articles of how they'd never be allowed back, did the queen know, what will happen in the "review" and that's exactly what Harry did not want. Bradby said they wanted a clean break and were prepared to give up everything last year; so, it seems it was the RF trying to keep them or really just Harry tethered to them to appear they were in control.

  7. I believe that Meghan and Harry have good PR people to help them prepare, and that Oprah is a good friend of theirs who has been looking out for their best interest for a while. She may be the connection to Tyler Perry, whose house they stayed at until they found their own. I also suspect that she may have had something to do with their security when they announced that it was being taken care of privately. I would think that Harry, Meghan and Oprah have planned well what will be asked and how, and that Oprah would not want to put them in a bad light.

    I look forward to the interview because I will love to see them talk about their experiences and their lives. Their charisma and joy just makes me feel good. But I might be holding my breath a little that all goes well.


  8. I will be watching popcorn in hand....

  9. Another issue is the Associated papers "will consider appealing the court case". Meghan's court case is not entirely over. If she will discuss her father, not only will she open a flood gate to the P. Morgan types, her own father and sister will strike again. Samantha Markle's book is out for sale. If Meghan discusses her side of the family, her sister will make a tour of tabloids as she has a desperate motivation to sell her book (it will turn into a great PR book promotion for her). As far as the British press and the experience of being a royal under the agitating and mean British tabloids, she had already said it to Tom Bradby. Harry also happens to have given up much and away from those he loves. I hope for the sake of Harry and their children, they will not bring up the subject of any familial discontent and division regarding either side of their families.

    It seems the interview is already taped. I hope Oprah will be flexible enough to edit it if they have any second thought. Personally, I would rather hear them talk about the work they do in an effective, inspiring, and motivating ways. They are not on social media, and do not have an active personal media either. I also want to know in what ways they will communicate after a person signs up for the open invitation on I want to know more details of the three parts of Archwell Foundation, their UK and US work. On personal level, I want to know what gives them perseverance against the pressure, and how they speed through some adversity and still manage to have success and results. Oh if only we can hear Archie once again. He has a beautiful and jolly voice.

  10. Dear C. I agree with you. This feels like a closure and a new beginning. The Sussexes will introduce themselves and Archewell - their new Life to a world wide audience.
    This is the start of a new chapter with a clear distance to the palaces. I think the timing is perfect. They had time to heal and build a succesful future. So they can be more forgiving about past events.
    I like Oprah as an Interviewer - really looking forward to it. Thank you Charlotte for the prompt coverage!

  11. I hope they prove me wrong but I think this interview is going to be a mistake. At least for now I see it as a misjudgment especially right before the year review where more serious sanctions could take place as a result from whatever it is said during the interview and it’s gonna be blamed from her supporters again on “racist and evil” Royal family, their critics gonna criticized them even more and The Royal family would not comment on anything as always.
    They have so much on their plate in the moment with travelyst, the new foundation, Netflix production, podcasts, Archie and a new baby on the way to add this extra stress to themselves because we know that it is impossible everyone to agree on everything with anyone. Every word from this interview would be analyzed and over analyzed for weeks from fans to haters and everyone in between with a platform to speak. And will keep them in the news even more since everyone already is speculating about the upcoming review.
    Why the urge to give this interview right now?

    Palace might have leaked things before but the leaking haven’t stopped since they left UK and it comes from their spokesperson, Omid Scobie, friends and other sources close to them. The info might be more positive but after watching recently about Britney Spears Downfall, I don’t think it’s any better because they are still splashed all over news and websites with all kind of opinions, people taking advantage of them to make money and just makes me sad.
    If Oprah gonna ask questions about Meghan’s life as a Senior Royal, I doubt it will be only about their work. Again I hope they prove me wrong.

    Eva from G

    1. Hi Eva, I curious as to what "more serious sanctions' could take place? If the queen tries to take away their Sussex title she'll need to go to Parliament and that would lead to a lot of wondering about Andrew's title. If she takes away their "royal patronages" Meghan and Harry could still be patrons of their charities, lots of those charities have various celebrities as patrons. I really don't see that the royal family has anything to hold Meghan and Harry hostage with any more. I think whether this interview will be a mistake or not will depend on the watcher, those that hate the Sussex's will more than likely still hate them and those who support them will still support them and those on the fence will stay on the fence.

    2. Lauri, I had not thought about M&H being patrons with or without the "royal" part! Of course they are still royal family members --- Thanks for the commonsense thinking!

    3. I agree Lauri. As I said above this is Harry and Meghans clean break and they have the upper hand. People keep commenting on the HRH and titles and whatnot but this is not as cleanly determined as people seem to think it is. It’s both legally and politically complicated and I guarantee no one in the RF wants to open that can of worms as it would require a serious look at Prince Andrew and his behavior (an examination I think is actually needed and long overdue given the heinous acts he is implicated in). I think they’ll always have their titles just will downplay using them. And re: patronages do people realize that even if they were taken away any of these charities could reach out to Harry and Meghan directly. And the RF can’t do anything about that.

    4. I would imagine the royals will show their pettiness and tell the charities they can't work with Harry and Meghan and have a royal patron. Personally, I'd tell them what they could do with that, but I doubt the charities will. The royals wield a lot of power, both hard and soft. BUT it would really show us all who they are wouldn't it. And none of it will be good.

    5. So bluhare you think that everything the Queen has said previously regarding her love for Harry and Meghan is bogus and she would be willing to punish them further simply because they have stepped down as senior royals? I should imagine that she is very weary of having to cope with problems arising in her immediate family and is dreading further adverse publicity which can only stir up the news media and general public even more. She must be seriously worried about the future of the monarchy and I can't believe Harry and Meghan would further exacerbate things by making more allegations about his family. Harry has always been close to his grandparents and won't want to contribute to criticisms which might damage the monarchy any more than has already happened. I am sure that Meghan knows this and will not say anything detrimental in her interview with Oprah. Lets see what happens.

  12. I agree that they won't say anything to cause a rift with the family - it's hilarious to see the Mail frothing away today that the Palace will be taking away their titles and patronages. Just for giving an interview like all the other royals have done, yet they didn't lose their titles and patronages!

    I think the interview will be about Meghan's previous life, her love for Harry and their future plans. However, I'm really hoping they also talk about the toxic media and maybe correct a few of the lies, like being told to leave Charles's 70th birthday garden party for bad behaviour, the row about the wedding tiara, making Kate cry, snubbing the Marines and going to the Lion King, etc. because they could correct these things without doing any harm to the family.

    I believe Harry would have talked to the Queen about this interview and I wouldn't be surprised if she welcomed it as a way of setting the record straight without her actually having to say anything. Although I still would like to see a statement from her at the end of March saying they can keep their titles etc., how proud she is of them and wishing them well.

    1. I’m guessing HM would be given a preview of the interview so she isn’t surprised by anything that would be said.

  13. Oprah is their friend and neighbor. I’m sure this will be a warm,joyful, uplifting interview, just like the 3 people involved. I look forward to it!

  14. I am so excited about this interview!!! I've really missed seeing Meghan and hearing her speak :)

    Personally I believe that Meghan and Harry should say exactly what they want to say. Lots of people have played fast and loose with their mental health, their physical health and literally their lives. They don't owe anyone anything and certainly don't need to hold back in order to calm the nerves of those who haven't given a damn about theirs. If they want to burn it to the ground, I'll give them a book of matches and if they want to keep certain things private, I'll guard that gate. But to hope that they don't say too much or the wrong things is imho, gross and akin to advising an abused person to not say anything. If this was your sister, your friend or your daughter what would you tell her, stay silent?

    1. Dear Lauri- I agree with you. And it’s Oprah. They will not talk “around” the elephants in the room. I am curious how they will be addressed. I believe the timing for this is spot on because Meghan an Harry elevated themselves from this difficult life as senior royals quite successfully. Yet everything is still fresh in people’s minds. A good time to introduce their future plans and talk about this transition period. Yes - everything will be analysed and torn apart. Like always- but these written pieces will get lost in time. I believe their own narrative will become stronger and stronger as time goes by.......

    2. You provide the matches and I'll stand by with some extra fuel for the fire 😂 good grief, they deserve their opportunity to talk honestly and openly about whatever they feel is appropriate. Allow them to manage their lives and futures and family in the ways they choose and accord them the respect they absolutely deserve!!!!

  15. Hahaha. I’m loving all of this. Good for the Sussexes.

    The Guardian nailed it with this piece.


    1. That article was superb. Thanks! -op

    2. Thank you. Interesting read. But I can't call it flattering to the Sussexes. Lots of barbed criticism in fact. Antimonarchist of course being the Guardian. Of course she has a point about the criticism against H&M, but as she criticises them all the same...

  16. Oprah has always been fair when asking her guests about (US slang here ) hot-button issues. I agree with everyone that they won’t disrespect the family. What they say about the press and people working for the RF press offices might be different. This may be interview that turns the page to reveal the future for the Sussexes. Charlotte , thank you for being very fair and honest in your coverage.

  17. I believe that this interview will be all about their future as a family and their upcoming projects. They are free of the gilded cage of backstabbing courtiers and standing like smiling cardboard cut-outs. Of course they must be sad about aspects of the life they left. Once life returns to normal, perhaps they will find ways to rejoin their British charities. If not, they will enjoy the life they built themselves, free and clear.

  18. While Oprah, Harry, and Meghan are neighbors and friends, they are also business partners. Oprah's best friend Gayle King works for CBS. Thus, it's no surprise that CBS is airing the Harpo Productions interview that will also focus on their mutual enterprises to promote them. Harry and Oprah have a deal with Apple + (new global streaming company) to produce content with the hope that their combined names will draw interest to that platform - this is pretty much an opportunity to promote that with an American audience on a Sunday Primetime broadcast. While being paid by Harpo Productions to do that, who is paid by CBS.

    In so far as Harry and Meghan have a Spotify deal they have an open mic to discuss whatever they want, including his family and their experiences as UK Government workers. So they aren't muzzled or need Oprah for that. I don't think that initial podcast had great ratings so this interview will also give them another opportunity to promote that for-profit enterprise to boost interest. They haven't put out any more content in that stream. And in this interview Meghan can mention to Oprah her investments/stock/ownership in businesses to give them a boost too so you can buy her lifestyle - like they did on Instagram. And what she did with her blog The Tig. Oprah is the master at that and how she made her billions.

    We still don't know what their Netflix content will be focused on, perhaps this in an opportunity to share more about that. Maybe they will partner with Travelyst on EcoTravel programming and aim to make money on both ends of that.

    I'll be curious to see what the ratings are for this special. Oprah hasn't been on daytime tv in 10 years so she doesn't have a built in audience anymore. She does have several platforms in which she can promote her interview but the questions remains: Is America interested in seeing a billionaire interview another extremely wealthy woman to talk about her feelings from the last couple of years of how hard it was to work for another fabulously wealthy family in their guaranteed government jobs? From their gated and guarded estates in California?

    I only ask because here in America we are in a pandemic with record deaths, unemployment, homelessness, and hunger. Is anyone going to be interested in that topic and how Harry and Meghan are now "free" to work on the global projects that matter to them. There are a lot of other entertainment options for folks to consume.

    1. You raise some very interesting points and you analysis is based on good arguments. I think people expect too much "insights" in terms of family drama.
      A very good point is, that we, after everything, have three extremly piviliged people sitting in this interview. I would be shocked if any one of them would go on about how hard their life has been instead of promoting their work.
      I do think the interest might be big, but not as big as some might think. It seems everyone is out to see them slagging off the BRF (fans to feel vindicated that the BRF is utterly bad, critics that they are petty, entitled and disrespectful). I doubt this is going to happen, but that is what many will tune in for (which is a pretty shamful behavoir in my opinion).

    2. No worries. Problems don’t go away in good times or bad. It’s not like rich people, crown wearing royalty or not, stopped making money. The show goes on. Plumbing bills to pay and latest parliament bills to review— no insider trading here. The tabloids haven’t stopped recycling their usual palace pieces from various anonymous sources. People are still flocking to Tik Tok, Instagram, Twitter for their favorite gossips, news, lies, and conspiracies. It’s humanity at work, even if to watch a favorite paint splotch dries.

      -Lights back on in Texas.

    3. The show goes on but it's at times different things that garner attention. I think people who follow the BRF and/ or Meghan & Harry are not necessarily indicative of how the general reception will be. Meghan & Harry fans will obviously be watching, BRF fans will be watching in part and for different reasons, but other than that, who knows?
      People all over the world love to watch royal weddings, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are also excited to watch an interview with royals who have left royal work. In the end, the BRF remains most important to and in Britain, and this is airing on an American TV channel.
      Pandemic entertainment hits are Bridgerton, Evermore and a renaissance of books. Oprah + the Sussexes? We'll see and I guess it also depends on what they'll be talking about.

    4. I don’t get that Brits rank the monarchy of high importance right now. The monarchy does fill the gossip rags so there’s an entertainment/short term distraction value. Brits are more concerned about covid variants. lockdowns, vaccinations, school starting or not, jobs, the tanking economy, the loss of travel freedom and the discussion about tax increase and if anyone in government is believable or even competent anymore.

  19. Florida Moxie you are spot on in your analysis. It is important to note that Harry and Meghan while undoubtedly upset by online criticism and the news media in general are still using the very same media to publicise their new business initiatives. The Oprah interview will be a way of introducing their new vehicle to the general public. There is nothing wrong with talking about their future intentions. However if Harry is intending to use his wounded feelings about his mother's history and untimely death and claiming this is the cause of his own mental health problems it does leave a bad taste in the mouth. Surely he can see how rehashing the history will affect his father and his brother adversely. It would attract wide publicity at the expense of his birth family, but hopefully his affection for family will kick in and prevent it.

    1. Umm Harry knows better than you the cause of the state of his mental health and what is mother went through. This is a really weird assertion about what Harry should say or shouldn’t say as far as the bad taste it leaves in ones mouth. You don’t get to police what he can claim or not. His life and family experience and how he is impacted belongs to him. He can choose to speak about it or not. I don’t think he will hurt any family member in this interview, but he hasn’t always sanitized the damage being in a fishbowl like the royal family can have. And did have on his mother. That’s his right to discuss.

  20. So...after a week of OTT commentary in the British media about Harry and Meghan I’ve learned a few things. 1. Meghan and Harry didn’t leave their roles as working members of the royal family without a lot of help from British commentators and some royal reporters 2. Why would they ever want to go back to that life

  21. I'm feeling very optimistic about H&M cutting ties as working royals. As Lauri pointed out, Meghan, who is the Duchess of Sussex, can still work with Mayhew and any other group she chooses to work with. She does not have to be called a Royal Patron to BE a royal patron. Ridiculous that Harry has had military appointments taken away, but I think they are realistic enough to know that regardless of the fairness, they have reclaimed their lives and would be foolish to not be very, very happy. Charles can run a profitable business and be the heir but Harry can't -- OK, it is hypocritical, but, regardless, H&M have such a fortunate life now. I am a fan of them 100% but I feel the remaining working RF members are to be pitied. Their lives are not their own. Regardless of their privileges, they cannot act without knowing there will be publicity for everything they do.

    1. Agree 100%. I think they’ve known this is the outcome from the beginning and are at peace with it. The media really stretched out this silly review period. It was always going to be this. Nobody on either side was exactly secretive. Ans I agree I’m so over the hypocrisy of the royal family. Who can do or have what they act like there are set rules here but there aren’t. There are several easily identified exceptions to any supposed “rule”. Oh well. Onward to all involved!

  22. The biggest danger royalty faces is taking themselves far too seriously. Royalty can’t sit around on a tax supported throne bedecked in glittery gee gaws, waving from heavily subsidized palace balconies in latest couture togs and claim a life of devoted service without the tax paying people looking around and asking themselves, “what are we? Chopped liver?”

    Life is somewhat a crapshoot. Some people are born into a country where your blood makes you king or queen and what makes you a good king or queen is to live a long life, marry pretty and marry right. And with a big PR budget and government support, they can keeps the really the bad stuff under wraps, and would be king/queen can learn how to give speeches, dress well, use proper utensils, and behave in front of boorish dictators. Good grocery workers can teach that lesson in deportment and discipline —day in day out standing on one’s feet for 12 hours for crap wages facing humanity at its base. There’s no protection detail, no dress rehearsal, no bowing or curtsying, no screening of people coming right at them. Workers don’t have choices either. They have to put up with at best competent, at worst awful, sometimes grabby, bosses. There’s no medal, no red carpet, no special tea, no fancy Panama/Cypriot tax avoidance accounts. During the pandemic, some workers got a short lived public clapping campaign and the occasional thank you’s while at work, but what they really want are better wages and safer working conditions. That it turns out was too much to ask for. So back to the ignoble life of service.

    That’s the danger for modern royalty. Royalty best temper its big reach. Drop the big claim to life of service. Royalty doesn’t have a monopoly on that resume humdinger. Royals need to be thankful every day that others with no rank or privilege still want them around.

    Lights on in the big T

    1. Yeah I’m not into this comment about service in the RF statement. What veiled dismissal to the thousands of people who do engage in public service either though jobs (often with little pay or thanks as you say) or volunteering. And yes even rich non royal people are perfectly capable of volunteering their time and attention. You don’t need the gilded royal trappings in order for it to be valid as is apparently implied by this statement.

      I would say I’m surprised by the tone deafness of that comment, but honestly I’m never surprised anymore by RF pr statements. They lean more often than not towards tone deaf and a misreading of the mood and situation. I think it’s better for all involved in this to part ways and move on.

  23. This break is healthy. William’s kids will face similar awkward breakups given how stuck in tradition the English royals are.

    For younger siblings and cousins, making their own way is the reality. I feel sorry for the poor things because they’ve been trotted out for their cuteness factor as youngsters, but as growing teens and adults, they are faced with ridiculous expectations where they live a public life as written by the tabloids and their nutty readers. This is a toxic culture and given the voracious cruelty of social media and the greediness of media monopoly, I wouldn’t be surprised if we’ll see many more royal (fake or real) tragedies in the future. Tragedies sell and that’s what’s driving the institution to the ground.

    My hope is the younger royals will escape this unhealthy environment and live their own life far better than the older generations were allowed. It’s a battle royale given how resistant to positive change the institution is. Because of how they were used as royal propaganda props as youngsters, these lesser royals will have to make enough money to pay for their own security and their livelihood. You can’t pack away years of publicly exploited childhood into anonymous independent adults easily.

    Thistle to the T
    PS— people ding Oprah and Meghan to some extent, for being privileged. That’s BS.

    Oprah came from little and is truly one of the few people who can claim the pull yourself up by the her own bootstrap success story. The English monarchy can’t claim that. These royal personas are privileged and so privileged that they can’t even genuinely accept that they are privileged, hence the need to monopolize the lifetime of service babble. Oprah proved her mettle and among all the involved people here; she’s the queen in the truest sense.

  24. well what I think is that when you're in public life you been watch by many and u will you have to take care of your well-being and I think weight of negative crictism of duchess of sussex is over racist negative way I think steeping down role as senior members of royal family will be good on them


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