
Thursday 11 February 2021

Victory for Meghan Against the Mail On Sunday as the Sussexes Focus on the Future

Following a two-year battle, the Duchess of Sussex was victorious in her High Court battle against the Mail on Sunday. The Duchess took legal action after the publication of a letter she sent her father Thomas Markle. Today, Lord Justice Warby granted a summary judgement, avoiding the need for a trial. The Judge cited "compelling reasons" not to go to trial, adding, "It is undeniable that they reproduced a substantial part in qualitative terms, and in the sense that they reproduced a substantial part of 'that which is the author's own intellectual creation'. It was, in short, a personal and private letter. The majority of what was published was about the claimant’s own behaviour, her feelings of anguish about her father’s behaviour – as she saw it – and the resulting rift between them."

CNN reports:

'The judge ruled that "the disclosures were manifestly excessive and hence unlawful," and that there would be "no prospect that a different judgment would be reached after a trial."

"She enjoyed a reasonable expectation that the contents would remain private and not be published to the world at large by a national newspaper; the defendant's conduct in publishing the contents of the letter was a misuse of her private information," Justice Mark Warby wrote.'

Some issues pertain to copyright and damages with a future hearing set for March. The Judge noted the Daily Mail's defence occupied "the shadowland between improbability and unreality". People adds:

"Warby directed that a hearing to decide the outstanding matters raised in Thursday's judgment will take place on March 2, and indicated that the open copyright question would likely only have an impact on the size of the money damages the Duchess will receive. A third part of the case, addressing alleged data privacy violations, has not yet been addressed.

At worst, therefore, the claimant is a co-author of a work of joint authorship, and entitled to relief for infringement of her share in the copyright," Warby said on Thursday. "There is no room for doubt that the defendant's conduct involved an infringement of copyright in the Electronic Draft of which the claimant was the owner or, at worst, a co-owner."

Jack Royston tweeted, "The undecided issues in the copyright part of the claim are described by the judge as 'of minor significance in the overall context'. The Mail on Sunday claim Meghan is not the sole copyright holder because she had help from Kensington Palace press office. The judge says if that is the case they may apply to join the case. If they don't wish to 'the claimant may proceed without' them. Essentially, this is a full emphatic victory for Meghan in a case that has put her through the mill over more than a year."

More from Omid Scobie.

 Additional insight from Byline Investigates:

'A legal source said: “The judge has offered his view that it is ‘not easy to identify a useful litigious purpose’ in a trial on the authorship issues in the copyright claim, which is obviously discouraging for the Mail on Sunday.

“It also suggests that after such a big win on the major issues in her case with the Mail on Sunday, it would be disproportionate to carry on, although that was not something the judge was allowed to consider in arriving at his judgment.”'

In a passionate statement, the Duchess of Sussex said, "After two long years of pursuing litigation, I am grateful to the courts for holding Associated Newspapers and the Mail on Sunday to account for their illegal and dehumanizing practices. These tactics (and those of their sister publications MailOnline and the Daily Mail) are not new; in fact, they’ve been going on for far too long without consequence. For these outlets, it’s a game. For me and so many others, it’s real life, real relationships, and very real sadness. The damage they have done and continue to do runs deep."

Meghan continued "The world needs reliable, fact-checked, high-quality news. What the Mail on Sunday and its partner publications do is the opposite. We all lose when misinformation sells more than truth, when moral exploitation sells more than decency, and when companies create their business model to profit from people's pain. But for today, with this comprehensive win on both privacy and copyright, we have all won."

Meghan closed by thanking Harry, her mother Doria Ragland, her legal team and in particular Jenny Afia for her "unrelenting support during the process".

A terrific opinion piece by Brian Cathcart: 'Meghan: A Target of Press Abuse and Harassment Strikes Back':

'They dish this stuff out – monstering, it is called – because they can. They have no meaningful regulation to stop them and while the laws of libel and privacy may look fine on paper only the rich can count on being able to uphold their rights. Better still, from the papers’ point of view, members of the royal family don’t sue, so the Duchess was – or so it appeared – a defenceless target. 

Not any more.

They must be wondering, however, what to do next, so comprehensive is their defeat. The judge not only found for the Duchess on privacy but he effectively gave her the victory in her second claim, on breach of copyright. There was one minor, technical aspect of that issue on which he found himself unable to provide a ‘summary judgment’ – whether the Duchess shared copyright ownership with anyone else – but that is not a matter that Associated can exploit. 

So the Sussexes have bitten back, and they have drawn blood. They have successfully defied the controllers and the destroyers. What difference will it make? The most important is that it reminds the world what the Mail papers really are. They are exposed as cruel, intrusive and reckless with the lives of others – and they break the law. Next time you scroll down the MailOnline ‘sidebar of shame’ remember what kind of journalism underpins it.'

From Tessy Ojo CBE, CEO of the Diana Award.

The BBC's veteran correspondent Nicholas Witchell described the dramatic win as "a pretty salutary lesson for the British media". It comes after Harry's victory against the Mail on Sunday, in which he was awarded "substantial damages" after an article claimed he had "turned his back" on his military commitments. Over the past three years, we've often discussed how utterly powerless they must have felt as they endured a savage media assault and character assassination. As consumers of news, we must demand responsible, factual journalism. The circus we've seen exacts a human cost.

I share this victory with each of you - because we all deserve justice and truth, and we all deserve better. - The Duchess of Sussex

There remains much more yet to be addressed regarding the relentless smear campaign Meghan was subjected to. Over a year ago, I wrote there were people reading the blog who held very determined negative views on the Sussexes. I said, come back in several years and tell me how you feel. The truth has a way of coming to the surface and, in due course, I believe that will be the case. In 2019, Tom Bradby suggested a no holds barred interview with "qualified honesty" would leave the monarchy "only just" carrying public opinion. Meanwhile, former chief reporter for The Guardian, Kevin Maguire, said live on Sky News the true reason for the fallout between the Sussexes and the Royal family "couldn't be discussed for legal reasons". There are multiple valid questions on the roles palace aides played in the internal leaking campaign. Robert Lacey, speaking to Vanity Fair, said, "There does seem to be evidence of the palace briefing against Harry and Meghan." Meanwhile, Peter Hunt tweeted members of the Royal family were actively briefing against each other. What happened behind the scenes and why? There are many questions which remain unanswered in all of this. I look forward to the day we know the unvarnished truth.


Meanwhile, the Sussexes are focusing on the future and are looking forward to unveiling Archewell projects for 2021. At Soufriere Primary School, Dominica, the first of several community relief centres the Sussexes are building with World Central Kitchen is being readied for opening later this year. Parliamentary Representative for the Soufriere Constituency Hon. Denise Charles stated that the kitchen will be used to facilitate the school feeding program, as well as serve as a training centre for residents who want to learn a new skill. "We decided we didn’t just want to provide a kitchen for the school. We wanted an opportunity to provide training for single parents or anybody in the constituency who wanted to enhance their cooking skills." On the ground, members of WCK's relief team are overseeing the delivery and installment of new equipment this month.

Those on the front lines working in the NHS have shown dedication, strength and resilience in so many incredible ways over the past year. I was delighted to hear the Invictus Games Foundation has partnered with NHS England to collaborate on a project which will see Invictus utilising everything it has learned, supporting those in the armed forces and their loved ones to offer guidance and support on the mental, physical and social wellbeing of healthcare workers.

Prince Harry said, "For a year now, NHS workers have been engaged in a new kind of battle. They have consistently set aside their own physical and emotional health in the service of others. This service and sacrifice resonates deeply with so many in the Armed Forces community. With this ongoing project, we know that the NHS and Invictus communities will learn from each other, support each other, and lead conversations that everyone can draw from. It is from these shared experiences I hope people can find strength, compassion, and understanding, and the inspiration they need for their own recovery and resilience."

Embed from Getty Images

The fact the news made the front page of the Telegraph (without new images) speaks to the fact there is substantial interest in the UK in Harry's military work. Editors choose covers that sell; it's as simple as that.

(and tomorrow's Telegraph). 

Prerana Issar, Chief People Officer for NHS England and NHS Improvement said, "This partnership offers practical support to further complement the already extensive help available for our hard-working staff from the mental health hotline exclusively for NHS workers, through to access to health and wellbeing apps which thousands of staff have already benefitted from." The Invictus Games Foundation added, "Following the success of a joint health and wellbeing webinar last year which introduced members of the NHS workforce to former Invictus Games competitors, the NHS is working with the Foundation on a series of podcasts drawn from across a variety of themes designed to help inspire and support their staff."

A series of podcasts began today with Glenn Haughton OBE opening up on the importance of reconnecting with family and addressing the challenges of being away and returning to the family unit.

During his career, Glenn has served in a number of overseas postings, and was involved in a number of conflicts including the Gulf War, the War in Afghanistan, and the Iraq War. He was appointed Regimental Sergeant Major of the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards in 2011 and currently serves as the Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chiefs of Staff Committee.

Embed from Getty Images

Click here to read more on the effort.


  1. Such good news! It's just inhumane to not be able to fight back like this and I'm so glad Meghan fought back and won.

    1. Me too .
      God is good and great
      Bravo Meghan for your tenacity.

  2. I am absolutely jubilant about Meghan's win -- so thrilled that she has gotten some justice in her fight against this hateful tabloid. I hope it has some effect on the things they publish about her in the future.

    I'm proud of Harry and Meghan for fighting back and winning. I hope they continue to stand for their truth. I personally don't know another couple that has been treated so horribly by the press and by the press's apparent accomplices in the BRF and the palace. Hopefully one day, we'll know all about that, too.

    What a happy day!

    Harry's has such a pure heart in his effort to do all the good he can. So impressed by his partnership of Invictus with the NHS. Thanks for covering this, Charolotte.


  3. Thanks, also, Charlotte, for the update on the Archewell community relief center. Harry and Meghan will continue to do great work. For people with such purely good intentions, they surely have been treated badly.


  4. This ruling is everything. I hope it sends a message to the Royal Family too. Silence isn’t always golden.

  5. Thanks Charlotte for this great article! I am so thrilled that truth and decency were on Meghan's side today and justice prevailed. It has seemed to me that darkness has held sway for far too long but now with this win and other things going on around the world I feel that the light is beginning to shine again. In regards to the tabloid press, I do hope is that this will affect their readership, especially younger readers, causing them to call out inflammatory headlines, articles filled with conjectures instead of facts and the unwarranted cruelty so often displayed.

    While Meghan was winning in court, Harry continued to help by bringing the NHS and Invictus together. Our doctors, nurses and so many others in the health care community deserve everything we can do to help them, mostly by staying home and wearing our masks.

    I hope that some day soon the Sussex's will be able to visit this new community relief center in Dominica. Since their step back as senior working royals (they are Still members of the Royal Family) I have missed their interactions with the public and am really looking forward to them being able to visit these community centers.

    Thanks again Charlotte for your fair, honest and compassionate coverage of the Sussex's!!

  6. I'm very pleased for Meghan (and Harry). I hope this improves the quality of reporting on them.

  7. How heartening! Congratulations to Meghan. A great and well deserved win for her and for justice.

  8. Congratulations to both Harry and Meghan. I followed the case since the beginning. I hope March 2, 2021 will be the end of it. The defendants had considered to appeal, but unlikely the judge will find it meaningful. The co-authors from KP don't own the very personal aching sentiment and message of the letter, which is MM's personal life (it is unlikely they will have a claim on it). legitimate privacy, justice Meghan's message communicated it very well; it is a win beyond this case.

  9. Congratulations to both Harry and Meghan. I followed the case since the beginning. I hope March 2, 2021 will be the end of it. The defendants had considered to appeal, but unlikely the judge will find it meaningful. The co-authors from KP don't own the very personal aching sentiment and message of the letter, which is MM's personal life (it is unlikely they will have a claim on it). legitimate privacy, justice Meghan's message communicated it very well; it is a win beyond this case.

  10. My comment may come as a duplicate. Sometimes Google wants its own ways. It was insisting I sign with my google account which I prefer not to. When the first comment disappeared and I tried again, it still wanted me to sign with google and resisted my post. Well I will see if there was a duplicate.

  11. So happy for the Sussexes to win in court. It’s sad they had to leave The Firm to clear up the gossip and reclaim their own story.

  12. Such well-won judgments that can perhaps begin the turn to a new era for all who have been so maligned.

  13. I'm happy to see justice done on Meghan's behalf. Copyright law in the U.S. gives writers of letters absolute copyright; the recipient has no right to publish or profit in any way. It appears that this is the same in Britain. It feels right that the tabloids get a punishment of some kind.

    This is lovely news about Invictus too, and the school project. This is the kind of ongoing "truth" that rises to the top and shows the world who and what kind of people the Sussexes really are. I'm so glad you are in their corner, Charlotte! They need you, and so does the cause of truth everywhere.

  14. I’m so hear happy for this ruling today. When Harry and Meghan first started dating, I wasn’t sure how I felt about her. Throughout the years though, I’ve come to realize the issue I had with Meghan had to do with my own distrust of people (especially women) who are so sincere and open. Which had absolutely nothing to do with either of the Sussexes and everything to do with the way I was taught to hide emotions and authenticity.
    My baggage has no bearing on anything other than, I’m so happy Meghan is who she is. A strong, healthy, self and humanity loving woman who found the perfect partner in Harry.
    Thank god they were able to break free and stand on their own, which allowed them to stop being the silent punching bags to hateful bigoted fools.

    1. Wow Lily just wow! It takes an incredibly brave soul to do the interior work needed to realize how we are taught to hide our emotions and authenticity can impact how we view the world and others. By sharing this you can and will inspire others to look at their own views of the world and others and perhaps see that their issues are just that, their issues and not a fault of the other person. I wish that we lived closer to each other as you are definitely someone I'd like get to know.

    2. What an interesting observation Lily! I do think it is true that public figures (women especially) have evolved somewhat. Someone like the Queen, or Jackie Kennedy maintained strict separation between the public image and private person. And I do think this can lead to some perceived coldness or aloofness or lack of authenticity. I have sensed a shift in public figures today appearing much more authentic or their public image being much closer to their actual personality. Like Meghan or Michelle Obama. Princess Diana I think was also figuring this out as she embarked on her life post-marriage. It is jarring to see public figures so emotionally open and authentic. I agree with you a gut reaction might be distrust. That said I do believe even public figures like a Royal or First Lady deserve privacy for personal conversations/relationships/children/time off etc. and I’m thrilled Meghan was able to draw a line in the sand about this particular issue. It must have been so hurtful to her to have details of this family issue available for public judgment.

    3. Reading your insights regarding your early response to Meghan's arrival in Harry's life being rooted in your own trust issues steeped in the way you were taught. I'm grateful you shared them.

      It has given me greater compassion for those who still malign her, harping on the same old same old criticisms no matter how splendid her (and Harry's) contribution to the UK, the Commonwealth, to groups and individuals who now thrive on account of her ability to take action, speak out and lift up others.

      Compassion for disagreeable an disingenuous people who intentionally cause and profit from the pain of others is more difficult to muster. However, because of your comment I now wonder what anguish and lessons of intolerance might be driving their responses. Bless you, Lily. You have been a Buddha to me today.

    4. That is really interesting. I am not British, but I do recall many people feeling she wasn't genuine. Or that she was acting, because of how expressive and big her personality is. I was always confused, because she seems very typical especially for a Californian.

      I notice the same sentiment when people say Americans in general are fake,because we say things like "how are you?" Without wanting to hear someone's life story. IMO people don't give American's room to just have unique cultural traits, because they are so bombarded with our media. That people think that they know more about our culture then they do. So we don't get the same understanding someone else would get acting in a way that is typical in there culture. For example if someone bowed instead of shaking a hand.

      Just an observation

      P.S. I am happy that DOS won her lawsuit.

    5. Anon 13:28: I would like to agree and disagree. Americans are associated with a fake or insencere stereotype. I think it has more to do with the choice of words, which obviously completely diappears if you actually get to know the people and realise their intentions match what they want to say, even if you would phrase it differently. "How are you?" is actually a bad example, as Brits often say "How do you do?" but as a general greeting and don't expect real intel (just don`t ask Germans. They will literally answer and too great detail). The American way of speaking includes more superlatives in word choices (for a lack of a better word), it's carries more emotion outwardly. I am not saying it is bad, but it can make others feel uncomfortable. A "heart to heart" is not something everyone desires, in other cultures that might feel extremly cheesy and exaggerated. I think just because Europe and the USA see themselves as Western Nations and have a similar level of industrialisation and living/education and so on standards, makes us forget the we developed pretty differently. No one would be surprised if those misunderdstandings and misreadings pop up with cultures that are very visibly different to ours. I am always astonished when talking to US-Americans how different we actually are. It is always a great learning curve on both sides. Meghan and the British public, sadly didn't get a chance to forge a beautiful bond being educational to both sides.

  15. Yes, so happy. Finally justice. We were so afraid that those snakes were going to get away with what they did. The judge saw thru their smoke screen. I don't know why that lie is out there that royals don't sue, Charles, William and Kate have sued before. I am so proud of Meghan and Harry. The darkness can not hide the light.

  16. very happy to hear she won her case against the Mail. long fought battle but justice has prevailed.

  17. Have you considered that there could well be a campaign against the RF? You aknowledge the smear campaign against Meghan and go on about untold truth, Guardian articles, reporters tweets. It seems there are outlets that are using the press campaign against Meghan as a weapon against the RF. IMO, it is a baseless as the campaign against Meghan was.
    IMO, there is a permanent campaign against the RF, and all its members are subject to it. There is a deliberate wish to harm the RF in every way. One of them was the campaign against Meghan. Her circumstances, the rift with her father gave an opening the press was eager to follow. When no longer relevant, because now they aren't representative of the RF, the press turns against unnamed members of the RF, hinting the RF was complicit with the press in the campaign the press fabricated, which IMO is cynicism at its best. Next step is a smear campaign against William, you'll see.

    1. This. Exactly.

    2. Who do you think is behind the campaign against the royals? I'm really interested to hear because I was thinking that any campaign would be inside as they keep shooting themselves in the foot.

    3. Here's what I know... Meghan wrote a letter to her father. Friends of Meghan leaked to People magazine that Meghan wrote a letter to her father, which means Meghan talked to others about it. Her father was upset that he was being maligned in the US media by friends of Meghan who she talked to about him. To set the record straight he released the letter to the UK media to review the contents of the letter. Meghan was upset that it was published and sued on copyright and privacy issues.

      Not one bit of this dramatic story has anything to do with Elizabeth, Philip, Charles, Camilla, William, and Kate. The Royal Family. It's all to do with Meghan and her family and her friends.

      Here's what this lawsuit solves... if you write a letter to your Dad and he gives it to a UK tabloid to publish, the tabloid can be successfully sued for copyright infringement.

    4. Well, it is not difficult to think there is a wish to bring down the RF and install a republic. Usually when you want to bring down something you start a campaign against it. Done again and again in the course of history. I think we all have instances in mind, and press whether manipulated by power, by money or ideology is the usual way.
      I think Meghan was an easy target.
      I also think the response to the attack was not coordinated, there were obviously misunderstandings between KP, BP and H&M themselves. Which ironically where used in the smear campaign.
      I think Meghan is only a part of it, and now the tale is on the way the RF abandoned her. Not because there is a wish to restore Meghan's reputation, but because there is a wish to harm the RF.

    5. I actually don’t believe there are specific campaigns going on. Tabloids need clicks/sells. They will jump/make up everything that works. Royal drama has always been a guarantee. The nastier the better. All those unnamed sources are probably completely made up (no matter what they say). I find it funny that ever since the new publicity the BRF gained through Meghan, so many people actually start to deliver those headlines. In 99% it’s completely overblouse or made up. Before Meghan is was the constant drama around Charles and his grandchildren (not enough context, too much Carol...). The whole campaign idea is fun to think through but is just an entertaining conspiracy theory in the end. If H&M would actually believe the BRF are the bad guys here, they wouldn’t comment on how they still enjoy plenty of zoom interviews. This whole H&M and BRF against each other is very undignified for both parties and both loose. If there was a campaign it’s going pretty badly I say. So I think by suing the tabloids H&M made it pretty clear who is the actual problem.

  18. It was also Harry who won his case for a distorted story about his military commitment. The verdict
    was in the news this year before Meghan's UK court verdict this week.

  19. It is very important that some thugs, like some tabloids, unofficially and officially understand that the public and the judiciary are not ignorant of their limits and their abuses. It is a great victory for now and for the future.
    Thanks for this review Charlotte.

  20. I am beyond happy for the Duchess of Sussex who has been treated appallingly by the racist British media. Go well Meghan. ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’

  21. That is only the beginning. Harry also won his last difamation case. Those people should be held accountable. They will finaly think twice before printing any sort of lies. The palace insiders who helped leaking all sort of information and build negative narrative on Meghan and Harry should be aware that soon or later they will be exposed when those papers will disclose their identity to defend themselves in future trials. The ugly truth will be out for everybody to see. Then the monarchy will have to deal with what they have not yรฉti justified the double standard between Harry and Meghan vs Prince Andrew and the others. They will have to deal with their own biais. I can't wait to see that moment comes.

  22. Hurrah! Excellent news & post!

  23. I was looking at the lovely photos of Eugenie and Jack taking their baby home. Made me think of the difference between how Meghan was treated. There has been little news about Eugenie, but all of it was been flattering and respectful.

  24. Your last two posts have been very well done, Charlotte. You must spend hours doing the research and I, for one, really appreciate it.

  25. @bluhare,
    I agree. Charlotte’s posts are so professional and well done. I too appreciate it!
    And SO glad for Meghan’s well deserved win in court!

  26. I just saw that Meghan and Harry announced their pregnancy! On Valentines Day!

  27. This must be a great relief for Meghan and her family! Now they can move on with even more energy. I did not not expect a different ruling but I am reluctant to feel this is the end of the British Tabloids strategy for them.
    Now it has become clear that Harry is creating his own “kingdom” and they will continue to play his doings against the BRF.
    Harry and Meghan are strong enough to live with that especially now with a distance and the opportunity to speak out for themselves.

    CNN just showed the beautiful picture of them expecting their second child- so happy for them!


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