Friday 5 March 2021

When Someone Shows You Who They Are, Believe Them

It's largely been my experience in life that Maya Angelou's line, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time," holds true. What hasn't been my experience is, as has been purported, that a 36-year-old Meghan Markle, upon entering Kensington Palace for the first time, morphed into someone the people who have known and loved her for years wouldn't recognise. If we dial it back for a moment and consider basic human nature -- fundamental dispositions and personality traits -- we know these are ingrained in us and we build on those characteristics as we navigate life. How many of you can believe someone who was considered kind, a girl's girl, the sort of person who wrote notes to classmates when they were going through tough times, volunteered in soup kitchens as a teenager, a girl who grew into a woman who carried those values into her career as a successful actor, and thus far has utilized the platform she has to uplift women, then somehow magically in her mid-thirties -- overnight -- transformed so completely into someone who is now attacking other women, "intent on always having someone in her sights". Does it sound plausible? I certainly don't think so.

In response to the allegations, friends of Meghan and her former colleagues have come to her defence because the woman being described in The Times is not the woman they know. I've read time and time again television sets are incredibly stressful places to work. Shooting schedules are demanding. Cast and crew are exhausted quite a lot of the time. We often read about tempers flaring during movie and television series productions. In six years on Suits, no one who worked with Meghan had a bad word to say - in fact quite the opposite. Suits writer Jon Cowan tweeted, "It's also possible the Duchess of Sussex is a good person thrust into an unimaginable world. Having spent 3 years working with her in her pre-Duchess days, I saw a warm, kind, caring person. I know nothing of her current situation but she gets the benefit of the doubt in my book."

Suits creator Aaron Korsh offered insight into the dynamics behind the scenes. "When we all went, there were about 10 of us or was unbelievable. I think it changed our lives in certain ways forever. But if it had never happened, we were a family on Suits for 10 years."

Perhaps the most striking, among a sea of messages from those who know Meghan, came from Patrick J Adams, better known as Mike Ross to Suits fans - Rachel Zane's husband. The pair worked closely together from the pilot until Meghan's last day on set.

Patrick shared a series of tweets describing his thoughts on the latest attack:

'Meghan Markle and I spent the better part of a decade working together on Suits. From day one she was an enthusiastic, kind, cooperative, giving, joyful and supportive member of our television family. She remained that person and colleague as fame, prestige and power accrued.

She has always been a powerful woman with a deep sense of morality and a fierce work ethic and has never been afraid to speak up, be heard and defend herself and those she holds dear. Like the rest of the world, I have watched her navigate the last few years in astonishment.

She fell in love, moved to a new country, became a household name across the entire globe and began the difficult work of trying to find her place in a family dynamic that can at best be described as complicated and at worst, seemingly archaic and toxic.

It sickened me to read the endless racist, slanderous, clickbaiting vitriol spewed in her direction from all manner of media across the UK and the world but I also knew that Meghan was stronger than people realized or understood and they would regret underestimating her.

And then they welcomed Archie. And on any sort of decent planet that would be a time to stop sharpening the knives and let these two people enjoy the magical early months and years of starting a family. But we don’t live on that planet and instead the hunt continued.

It’s OBSCENE that the Royal Family, who’s newest member is currently GROWING INSIDE OF HER, is promoting and amplifying accusations of “bullying” against a woman who herself was basically forced to flea the UK in order protect her family and her own mental health.

IMO, this newest chapter and it’s timing is just another stunning example of the shamelessness of a institution that has outlived its relevance, is way overdrawn on credibility and apparently bankrupt of decency.

Find someone else to admonish, berate and torment. My friend Meghan is way out of your league.'

Writer Angela Harvey shared her insights. "I worked on a set in Toronto when Meghan was on Suits. The ADs, PAs, and other crew on my show who had also worked with her loved her. LOVED. Set dynamics being what they are... I do not believe this bullying narrative for a microsecond."

TV Insider writer Damien Holbrook had this to say.

Meghan's friend Janina Gavankar, who you might recall took Harry, Meghan and Archie's Christmas card photo in Canada in 2019.

One of Meghan's dearest friends, Lindsay Roth, shared the following on Instagram, "Meg’s M.O. has always been kindness; goodwill runs in her bones. I know this to be true after 22 years of very close friendship. I have seen firsthand how she treats her friends and their families, and her colleagues. If she’s driving with you in the passenger seat, she will fling her right arm in front of you at the slightest bump in a gesture of love to ensure your safety. If you have a specific goal, she will help you get there, and your passions will become hers on your behalf. If you ever have the pleasure of meeting Meg - and I hope more of you do - you will see the altruistic, magnanimous friend who I am so lucky to have in my corner. She's funny. Like, laugh out loud funny. And smart. She’s more than just a cover story."

⁣Lindsay continued, "She was this woman when we were students together at Northwestern University; she was this woman in Los Angeles when her days were spent auditioning; she was this woman living in Toronto as Rachel Zane on Suits; she was this woman before you knew she was dating Harry; she was this woman after you knew was dating Harry; she was this woman when she became Duchess of Sussex and she is still - without a doubt - this very same woman today."

Longtime make-up artist and friend Daniel Martin shared a quote in support of Meghan.

Friend and Suits co-star Abigail Spencer shared several lovely stories. "A few years ago, Meg and I were at a Sentabale Charity polo match H was playing in. There were no photographers. No “coverage.” We sat on a picnic blanket on the back of their open trunk chatting, catching up on life. A little girl hovered nearby, clearly in awe of my friend. (I know the feeling.) Meg went over to the girl, who couldn’t have been more than ten. Thirty seconds in, the two were conversing back and forth in Spanish. Laughing. I could tell that that little girl saw herself in Meghan. M could communicate with her in her native language, and in the deeper language of the heart. I saw that little girl’s life change before my eyes. Meghan told her she could be anything she wanted to be and do anything she wanted with her life. She hugged her and the little girl went skipping back to her family. And Meg came home to hers."

Abigail recalled one day in particular:

'It was 2015 and I was in Austin at a work event, headed to dinner at a local outdoor, dusty establishment. My childhood friend and her husband had come to Austin for the weekend to see me. On the way to dinner I was texting Meg telling her where I was going and that she and her castmates should join me. I wanted her to meet my Rectify family, wanted my friends to get a taste of the local fare, wanted Meg to meet my childhood friend, and most of all I wanted everyone to meet Meg.

Meg arrived. This incredibly singular beauty danced over to the group, with a huge, easy smile, to warmly greet the table. Meg and I hadn't seen each other in a minute. But when we did, boy oh boy. Picture butterflies trying to hug. After our greeting, she got right to business: getting to know my friends. She was so curious about each of them, relishing the time... with them. Disarming them with her charm and genuine curiosity. I was so touched.

By this point I had known and worked with Meg for years. She’s what I’d call “an on-call friend.” At the ready. She’s modeled nothing but generous professionalism on sets and an even more generous friendship in private. And on that night, she took my friends as her own.

The dinner ended. I said goodbye to my elegant friend in her black t-shirt and jeans. We two-stepped off into the humid Texas dark of night.

In the cab ride back to the hotel my friends - who had never seen Suits - were giddy: “WE LOVED HER! Oh my goodness, how can we be friends with her? Can we be friends with her? I mean, Abs you're great and all but MEGHAN!” I sat with a knowing smile. (I still get the texts: "but how is Meghan? we LOVE her.”)

This is the person I’ve known the past fourteen years.

I am extremely private about my friendship with Meg. I’m not here to tell you her story. That’s for her. So why am I writing this now? I felt drawn - in all this melee, with all the untruths swirling around - to present something real. From a real friend. About a real friend. There are some people who are so bright and exude such deep purpose that they change the molecules in the air simply through their being. She was all of this from the moment I met her fourteen years ago. And remains so to this day.

Meg walks the walk. She’s a doer. In the face of darkness, she shows up in light and in love. When they go low, she goes high. Again and again. She works tirelessly - and often quietly - for the causes she believes in. She writes her own speeches. She and Harry are an incredible team. They are dedicating their lives to lifting up and amplifying those who do not have a voice for themselves.'
Reflecting on their fourteen year friendship Abigail added "She’s been there for me - and physically held me - in my darkest hours: After my dad died. After a gut wrenching break up she brought me into her home & nursed me back to health. Soup & salad waiting in the kitchen, just, if I needed it. She’s taken my son in as her own. I can’t tell you the value of having another working mother I can lean on when with the pressures of visibility & child-rearing woes become overwhelming. She’s always been a safe harbor for me, someone I can fall apart in front of... and with. And I have."

Another moving message of support came from a friend of Meghan we haven't heard much about. Silver Tree is a producer and director who has worked on shows such as Justified, You and Dead to Me. Alongside several images of Meghan with Silver and her family, she wrote, "This is Meg. A real person - not a cover story. She is one of my very nearest and dearest. Like all her friends, I love her madly."

"She is the friend who insists on always hearing the details of your life, your day, your kid's life, your kid's day, before hers. Always before hers. The friend who stocks her house full of all your very favourite things when you visit and pretends she already had them-just because she wants the moment to be about you not her. It’s always that way with her friends- us before her. When you move to a new city she creates a book of all the special things that city can give you- shares all the little secrets it offers over to you so you’ll feel less homesick. She leaves it on your doorstep so you have it when you wake up."

"On her wedding day she checks in on me the morning of. It’s her day, the world is standing by, it’s a lot -- but she wants the day to be special for me. 'You’ve come such a long way,' she says. 'Are you jet lagged?' She says, 'I made you a playlist to listen to while you get ready.' She gives you peonies on your birthday.

"When my son was going through a scary, complicated diagnosis she is the friend who stopped everything and helped map out, step by step, how we would navigate things. She called all the people, all the places, when I was too paralyzed to form a plan. That’s another one of her gifts -- making you feel like you can get through anything."

She’s the friend who shares her all of her secrets with you, because despite having so many reasons to put walls up her heart remains as wide open as it always has been. This is Meg before she met H. This is Meg now. She’s always been this person. She’s not a headline. She’s my friend. I love her." - Silver

Silver shared one additional photo of Meghan with her children and Archie, though later deleted it, most likely because Archie was in it. It showed the adorable little man looking inquisitively at a book, The Wonderful Things You Will Be by Emily Winfield Martin (as spotted by Sussex98 via Twitter). The book is told from the perspective of a parent, who says, "When I look at you and you look at me, I wonder what wonderful things you will be..." I looked at the photo of Archie and thought of the day he'll learn about all this, how his mother was vilified and tormented yet again when she was expecting his little brother or sister. Perhaps the saddest part of seeing this unfold again is the knowledge all involved know Meghan's not only pregnant, but lost a baby less than a year ago. Despite all of this, I suspect both Meghan and Harry will tell Archie they are glad they took the leap of faith they did. Given the events of the past several days and the calculated timing of this -- we can safely say they made the right choice.


  1. Thank you Charlotte!! Your beautiful, heartfelt writing brought tears to my eyes.

  2. Thank you so very much, Charlotte, for collecting some of the endorsements from Meghan's many friends, all of whom love her dearly. It's so good to read people saying positive things about her instead of all the lies and vitriol being poured out by a family that likes to hold itself up as some sort of paragon of virtue! What hypocrisy! I hope many will realize that the "myth" of the Royal Family is just that -- a myth. When they themselves pull the curtain back with their vile behavior, it's clear that "the emperor has no clothes."

    It's such a sigh of relief to read these positive accolades of our wonderful Meghan.


  3. When I saw the responses from Meghan's friends, I came straight here knowing there would be an excellent round up. Thank you, Charlotte. I love the framework you set by referencing the Maya Angelou quote. The same goes for centers of systemic injustice *looks East to Buckingham Palace*. Believe them and their centralized power the first time. And then again for the next few hundred years.

  4. Thank you so much for this Charlotte. You have covered Meghan and Kate with the utmost integrity. I rave about your blog to friends because not only do you cover fun fashion and jewelry you always make a point to describe the causes both women are advocating. You are truly a pillar of genuine and fair coverage. I’m so sorry you and so many of us that follow the royal family have been put in this position. But I’m sorry to say I find it unconscionable what the RF apparatus has done to Meghan this week. I’m really deeply shocked. For an institution who’s motto is never complain never explain they could have never said a word and simply wished Meghan and Harry well. This character assassination has been frightening to see. And so so so much of this is triggering as a Black woman. You can’t ever have a voice, or assert your wishes, or succeed, without an army ready to take you down. And unfortunately for Meghan she collided with one of the oldest and least diverse and least open to change institutions in the world. They perceived a threat and lashed out. It’s been a tragedy to see.

    I don’t believe at all what is being said about her. It’s completely at odds with every other public account of her character. I think it’s beyond clear now why she and Harry had to do what they did. They deeply love and want to protect each other, and he’s been wary of the RF role for quite a long time now. Add to that this blatant manipulation and mess they had to navigate I don’t blame them for one single second for deciding to choose another path.

    I hope once the dust settles everyone can move forward with grace and integrity and fulfill the roles best suited to them. Meghan and Harry, William and Kate, and certainly the rest of the BRF. This sad week has not shown their best and I am hopeful with time all involved will return to putting their best foot forward.

    1. Keep in mind MOST of the character stuff is not coming from the palace. As far as I know, the only thing they did was say they would do an inquiry into the bullying accusations (which I think was a mistake on their part considering they have done no formal inquiry into Andrew, etc.)

    2. YESSSSS!!!! Anonymous, you have said it all so well. I’m a long time Royalist (but American) and also deeply saddened by the treatment of Meghan, by the Family and the UK press. Charlotte’s coverage of Meghan and Kate is unmatched. Excellent!

    3. I don’t really know what this comment means. A shady palace account that’s already been second guessed and had multiple inconsistencies pointed out (people did file a complaint, they didn’t file a complaint? They were let go? They were reassigned? We still don’t even have names or specific accusations, a glaring press error when making these kinds of claims that I’m shocked the Times got away with publishing) is supposed to count the same as the accounts of her direct acquaintances? I’m sorry but it doesn’t. And you’re right no formal inquiries have happened into other royals accused of bad behavior, Andrew being only the most glaring. At some point the simplest explanation is the right one. She didn’t fit in, she was a threat, and she was subject to a character assassination because of it. She and her husband decided not to continue with that pattern. That’s really all there is to it.

    4. There was one account that an alleged PA forged their resume/CV (suggesting that the background check was inadequate) and was assigned to Meghan. Apparently, someone (outside the palace that was pass over) outed the PA. Based on what was released in the trial. Why was this PA hired in the first place. And how was this PA used in the alleged bullying story of Meghan. We may never know.

  5. I saw the photo of little Archie and I'm sorry Silver felt she had to delete it, although I understand. He looks so much older than the last time we saw him and starting to have more features of Meghan, I think. Very adorable. My favorite quotes are "She not a cover story" and "She's not a headline." I had wished she could have put off the interview until after Baby Sussex 2 was born, but they likely felt that if they survived the first pregnancy in the UK, this one would be OK. What struck me so far about what Meghan has to say is the image of aides being present when Oprah first asked Meghan for an interview. Like a prison. A gilded cold prison. The relief of being free, despite the enormous family guilt that is being put upon them (If anyone ever dies in the family, it will be Harry's fault now), must be such a relief. I think the Harry we saw on the bus shows that things are better. I don't understand the family meanness. I truly believe that William would be happier working for the air ambulance and that Kate would be happier as a (albeit wealthy) country mother and wife. Charles no doubt wishes he could have married Camilla years ago. Are they jealous and feel Harry must suffer? I just don't understand it all. And Princess Margaret could not marry the man she loved; how cruel was that?

    1. I agree...I think most members of the BRF, especially the younger ones, would be happier living normal lives. I can't imagine being in such a role.

  6. Patrick has a good point -- they are abusing the mother of Charles' grandchildren, the Queen's great-grandchildren.

  7. And they want us to believe that she is a hissing monster! I cannot imagine how angry her friends must be.

  8. Thank you for this wonderful roundup! It is clear that everyone Meghan worked with prior to meeting Harry found her to be a kind and generous colleague, and that her friends adore her. I only worry that Buckingham Palace will either never reveal the results of their investigation at all, if the findings don't suit their preferred outcome, or that they will present a one-sided narrative on the word of staff members who now feel they are "at war" with Meghan and may have longstanding bitterness toward her for whatever reason (like the aide dismissed for misconduct).

    Nobody's perfect, and I don't doubt that the high stress of the situation and cultural differences could have led to occasional tensions or misunderstandings (as in any job, honestly), but the picture the UK media is painting of Meghan simply belies all common sense.

    1. Exactly. Maybe she sent early emails. Maybe she had a direct communication style around expectations for her projects. Maybe she was a bit stressed and abrupt when addressing tabloid leaks. If these things reduced royal family staffers to shaking and tears then I’m not really sure what to say and working for the RF must be a very easy job with low expectations then. Because that kind of boss communication is certainly not bullying. It’s pretty standard for any workplace. If some other more specific complaint is revealed that is more consistent with bullying behavior I’ll certainly eat my words, but there is literally nothing to suggest this is the case. No specific charges or incidents described other than repeated tabloid mini scandals as well as the army of character references Meghan now has coming to her defense. You’ve hit the nail on the head the UK media narrative has totally crossed into absurdity.

    2. Does it matter what time of day an email is sent? For a working email, the worker reads the email when on duty. The email does demand the receiver awake and respond immediately. I don't understand why it would be a problem. It seems that its sheds a positive light on Meghan and a negative light on those they make it a problem.

  9. Susan in Florida5 March 2021 at 22:36

    First of all , Thank You Charlotte for being fair and honest in your reporting .
    Second : My sister and I were discussing Meghan and she predicted her Suits friends would come out and support her . I’d like to point out that when random children and people gravitate to hug a person like they do with Meghan, that is a gut reaction to a gentle spirit. The grey suits are trying to smear her before anyone hears the interview.
    Third : I can say this with authority from my experience with theatre, and limited experience with videos and being in two commercials: if you act nasty, word gets around and you don’t work.
    Last thought : Meghan is the kind person people say she is, the racist British press and the grey suits are ones being nasty. Why the BRF will not come to defend her is a sad mystery. I agree with Allison that William would be happy working for Air Ambulance and Kate would love being at Anmer in the country. It seems like the Queen has trusted the wrong people to wear those grey suits.

  10. I also want to express my deep appreciation to Charlotte for the care and time she takes putting these posts together. I come here for her insights and always come away impressed. Thank you so much. I am so worried about Meghan and Harry, and their unborn child, and hope that they are able to tune out the ugly garbage being thrown at them. They are amazing people who want to do so much good in the world, and role models for us all.

  11. Can someone pls tell me, why they have to treat a human being like this over and over again? What is her sin to handle her like this?

  12. Thank you, Charlotte, for this round-up of the supportive comments from Meghan's friends. It is heartwarming (and must be a help to Meghan's spirits) to see how much love others have for her.

    In my view, you can be a lovely person, who is kind and thoughtful to your friends, and also a boss who is hard on the people who don't perform to your expectations. I have worked with a few such people, so I don't think we should automatically discount the experiences that we are hearing about (particularly because the e-mail that has been quoted is a contemporaneous account of what was happening). Is this coming out just because of the interview? Of course - the aides probably thought that Meghan was going to trash them in the interview and wanted a preemptive strike, but that doesn't mean that it didn't happen. None of us nor any of Meghan's friends were there. The aides and Meghan should have the opportunity to be heard, and, to the extent possible, the truth should come out instead of there being a rush to judgment. The palace should have dealt with this, privately, years ago. That it is coming out now, in such a public way, is unfortunate, and damaging to everyone involved.

    Also, as someone who has a job where media contact is tightly controlled, it's normal to me that palace aides would have been present when Oprah approached Meghan to speak about an interview. My guess is that Meghan didn't understand the extent to which her professional and private lives would be merged once she became part of the royal family and the extent to which her "bosses" (senior royals and royal aides) would control both.

    I hope that Meghan and Harry ultimately are happy that they have participated in this interview, and that they are able to move on and do the amazing things that we all (at least on this blog) believe they can accomplish. I fear, though, that no one will look good after the dust settles.

    1. I think it is vital they give this interview if only because it will be an account from them. Their voices will be heard unfiltered. If Diana had not done the Panorama interview we would not have her story. It would all have been whitewashed by the Royal ‘family’.

    2. The Public's right to know everything has to be balanced against the possible effects of the interview on the family relationships. According to Harry's James Cordan blog they still have some sort of relationship with his grandparents so surely they want to keep that for the sake of their children.

  13. Dear Charlotte,
    Thank you for another beautiful post about Meghan. I really appreciate how you have created a lovely bouquet of heartfelt, positive comments that surround Meghan now, speak so eloquently to the life she has lived, and show us why Harry knew she « was the one » on the second date.

  14. Thank you Charlotte for giving those of us who admire Meghan’s character and work a safe landing pad. Thank goodness for Meghan’s many friends and defenders. It must be unbelievably tragic for Harry and Meghan to witness what has unfolded this past week and no that not one member of the British Royal family publicly came to your defence. That’s truly heartbreaking.

    1. And neither did Doria and her family!

    2. Oh stop this. Doria is a private person who has never spoken publicly. Harry’s family is one of the most famous and public in the world who had the power to stop the press feeding frenzy. They didn’t. In fact it’s looking like encouraged it in some less charitable views of the situation. I’m sure Doria is supporting her daughter, son in law, and grandchild privately. But to equate the two sides here is non sensical.

  15. It is good Meghan has the support of her friends.
    In Meghan's situation,even if I were her sister, or myself, I would rather
    BP investigate,for better or worse. Only God is perfect. The aids must have had
    their own issues ( whatever their expectation, or they leaked info to the press, and had MM's reaction - whatever that may be). The alleged "bullying" is something to defend. Reputation sticks for the most part,no matter what and who you are. Either there was a cultural clash, or MM can take the charge to court for defamation of character.

    It is kind of suspicious the bullying label dropped on the scene suddenly before even knowing what is the content of the interview.

  16. The build up to this interview is insane! It just needs to be aired so everyone can settle down. It's the news that is making this into a "war". If Meghan is truly as kind as all her friends say, I would be surprised if she "attacks" family members. Once all is said and done, I truly hope the Royal Family and the Sussexes can heal their relationship and build it into something beautiful...all without us knowing!!!

    1. I agree, Anon! Everyone is going nuts over the interview that hasn't aired yet. I think those out for blood against the royal family are going to be very disappointed. I'm not a big Meghan fan, but she has too much class to drag the queen and her family through the mud. Also, Oprah is very professional and classy as well...I just don't see her burning bridges with millions of fans of the royal family. The teasers are ridiculous and misleading.

  17. There is a lovely opinions on Do read it!
    Also learned the significance of Meghan's dress.
    Thank you, Chartlotte, as a!ways.

  18. Charlotte and friends, I found this video that is making the rounds on Twitter, it shows 2 UK pranksters acting as a production company asking 4 royal commentators to shot spots that ask for their opinion/commentary on the Harry & Meghan interview that will air on Sunday. Please note how easily each one of them smears Meghan in particular, for words that she has not yet spoken and may never speak. These are some of the people who are shaping how the world sees and thinks of Meghan.

    Personally this is one of the most disturbing things I've seen in a long time.

    1. Thanks for sharing that video. Can't believe the hypocrisy of the woman saying that Meghan was "acting" while she herself was ACTING like she'd already seen the interview. These people have absolutely no shame.

    2. I just wanted to post this. Absolutely heart breaking to watch, these people go on telly and influence public opinion. Anyone who had any doubt who is the bad guy here, just go and watch.

      Archie looked adorable in that photo, still can be found if you look for it.

  19. Of course it is not just the "grey suits" who are in the gun. The people actually involved in these latest allegations are some senior members of Harry and Meghan's personal staff who Meghan claims specifically worked to undermine her. There is a clear implication in her latest statements that Harry's family refused to support her and thereby amplified the abuse. Some of her friends are claiming that Harry's family are actually behind it all. If this is true why are Harry and Meghan still maintaining contact with them? (Zoom calls etc) I don't believe that the Queen could possibly be unaware of what is going on, so Harry should be speaking out about this alongside Meghan and not leaving her to make these charges alone. Both of them must call for a properly constituted impartial investigation into the bullying charges with the results publicised so everyone knows who is in the wrong. This will not heal the breech between them all but maybe it is too late for that anyway. The sad result of all this wrangling may be that Archie and the new baby end up with only one relative, their Grandmother Doria being there for them. All of Harry's family risk being cut off in this stoush joining her father and his family who are already estranged. Certainly Doria's extended family need to step up now so that Meghan and Harry have more support and it is not just her friends.

    1. Meghans father and his family are toxic individuals who sold access to tabloids and put her though incredible stress in the literal hours leading up to her wedding. She is well within her rights to protect herself and maintain distance with them. Harry may have a wonderful personal relationship with his grandparents, his cousins etc. you are making a lot of assumptions about the state of their relationships. While the exact story isn’t known I think it’s clear from the clues this was a between brothers issue, and the trickle down effect impacted their households and staff and only served to perpetuate tension. On James Corden Harry publicly described calls with his grandparents. Eugenie is renting his house. He barely mentioned his brother. The Queen is 90+ years old and while I think it’s fair to say the buck stops with her, I am not sure how much of the day to day she would manage this relationship. Prince Philip often had the reputation of family management (dictating some might say based on biographies). I’m not sure where Prince Charles is in all this. He will be the king likely In the next few years so I’d imagine a great deal of power in how this shakes out. And perhaps private discussions are already underway to find some resolution. But I still think you’re making an assumption that their only network is her mother and friends. Also no one has seen the interview yet. We’re not sure what exactly she’s said about the BRF you’re also making some assumptions based on some out of context quotes pulled for dramatic promotional effect.

  20. Can anyone please tell me who exactly is in charge "over there", like the buck stops here
    in charge. I am absolutely repulsed by this entire witch hunt. As usual, don't anyone hold their breath waiting for anyone, anyone in the actual family to speak up in Meghan or Harry's defense. They are not a family as we understand family to mean. They are all actors playing their parts for the sake of The Crown. They should ALL audition for the next season as they would fit in perfectly.

    1. Yes, there are those who want to perpetuate the myth that these people are "a family like everyone else," but when Harry was asked by Cordon for his reaction to "The Crown," Harry acknowledged that it does show what happens when duty and service are put above everything, including family.


  21. Can some please explain to me how everyone believes it is the The Royal Family that have destroyed Meghan. There is no evidence. Oprah has given a teaser which are usually meant to be inflammatory. How do we know what the Royal Family has said or done. We don’t. Harry has talking about the press publishing false information like they did with his Mum. He hasn’t said his Grandmother or William or Catherine have been mad or hurt her. I just can’t understand why when your pregnant would you put yourself through this stress and open yourself up for more tabloid news. Every event they went to when they were working Royals they were swamped with people showing them love. Everyone adored them except a few whom you ignore.
    There is a world pandemic happening. Millions are dieing and countries economies are destroyed. Prince Phillip is sick. The Queen is 95. Stop this craziness. They wanted peace and quiet but all they are doing is forcing themselves into front pages.

    1. The Royal Family is responsible in that they did not support Harry and Meghan in coming to their defence using their words. But, they will all be sitting around
      their televisions faced with the truth.

    2. Sadly, I must agree with this comment. I believe the media frenzy is unfortunate for everyone involved, and at the end of the day, this may only lead to a deeper divide. No matter whose side you are one, it is simply painful for me to see a family, or any family for that matter, being exposed in this manner. Hopefully, this was not Meghan's and Harry's intention. Notice, Meghan said, "The Firm". While Prince Philip called the BRF the Firm, bear in mind that it consists of family members as well as staffers. For some reason, I get the impression that Meghan is referring to staffers, and not to Harry's family. At least, that is what I'm hoping.

    3. Susan in Florida6 March 2021 at 21:22

      DD , many of us are very disappointed that William did not defend his sister-in-law in public. In my opinion BP or The Prince of Wales could have released a statement about not hunting down Meghan and that the racism was beneath the good citizens of the UK. They said nothing in public to help the Sussex family. It would have gone a long way considering William has an antibullying campaign. It was one time the BRF should have spoken in public about what the press was doing. I do agree that all the teasers are carefully edited to whip up emotions and get viewers.

    4. DD, I don't they are forcing themselves onto front pages when the tabloids run multiple stories on them EVERY SINGLE Day, denigrating, criticzing, doing an all out character assassination on both Harry and Meghan. I don't think Meghan has CHOSEN to stress herself. If the tabloids had not written a single word about her this past year, there probably be no interview, no lawsuits. You are suggesting that Meghan has brought all of this upon herself? It sounds a bit like blaming the victim.

  22. I didn't think the BRF was like the Japanese Royal Family, where the Household Agency controls what they say and do, but it's starting to sound like it is. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that things change under Charles and William.

    1. All RFs control what their members say and do.

  23. nice post Charlotte.
    it is bloody disheartening to see what is happening to meghan right now in the media. i am sure she was a tough boss but not a bully. she has a dedicated work ethic and probably sent a text at 6 am so what big deal. anyways the bullying stuff should have been investigated at the time by the palace not now right before the interview it is just a tit for tat nasty thing.

    i wish they hadn't done this interview because it probably wont end well and the family will be firmly split but maybe that already has happened but sure didn't sound like that in the corden interview. i just dont want them and especially meghan who is pregnant to go through so much stress and the backlash will be so stressful no matter what they say.

    However I understand they want to speak their truth and get their side out as well i just hope it will be worth the pain that will come along with it.

    it is awful timing with prince philip in hospital which they had no control over and media blaming them for not stopping the air date is ridiculous because cbs is in control not them.

    also this investigation by the palace is so calculated obviously against meghan because they didnt' investigate prince andrew and simply said no comment. I think his pedophilia accusations with photo proof are far more worse than anything meghan has ever been accused of.

    I know the tv interview didnt end well for Diana but hoping the best for these two and after they speak their truth that they can find some sort of peace i just fear the media will never give it to them

  24. Harry obviously did not clearly explain to Meghan how the Royal Family operates. If he had, as an independent free-thinking individual, she would have run away. Why did his previous two long term girlfriends ditch him? The Royal Family is a run as a business with a reputation to maintain. They do a fantastic job for and on before of the U.K. but they do not claim to be perfect. They need to be modernised but that will be a long, steady process not an overnight shift.
    Harry and Meghan could have helped that change take place.

    1. That’s a big assumption about Harry not explaining things properly. I don’t think that’s true. As for Meghan, you can’t help who you fall in love with. When you really love someone you’re willing to endure things. But like Harry has said before (most recently in the James Corden interview) the situation in the UK was destroying his mental health and taking a toll on his family. I think he made the right decision for him and Meghan to no longer be working royals.


    2. Becca in Colorado6 March 2021 at 18:22

      Uh...Harry and Meghan tried, but were subjected to a smear campaign from the beginning.

    3. It seems the only way they could help is bow down and learn their place. No one else is allowed to shine in that family & if they do, they get punished for it. Harry & Meghan will always be in the news because of the work they do & frankly, they are both creative and can think for themselves. How many of these courtiers are black and brown? I can't believe there are any who could abide the tone and culture of the "royal family."

  25. Dear Charlotte- thank you for this wonderful display of Meghans character. I am grateful that so many are stepping up for them.
    I might be too melodramatic but to me it feels like a turning point for the Royal Family. Loosing Diana was tragic. But the world felt with her sons, wished them well and therefore a bright future for this family. Now we see repeatings of abandoning family members who have done nothing but a very good job for the firm. This feels very disturbing and cruel.
    I have no interest in a Crown which is snobbish, burocratic and selfobsessed. The new Sussex kingdom- this agenda of compassion, kindness, cultural change, transforming national interests into global ones- is what the world needs right now.

  26. Everything that has happened so far hurts it's true, but as I think nothing happens for nothing. I think that there is in this royal firm, a hyper toxic management of everything to keep its power ; and if God or the karma of this life wished to go through the Sussex couple to bring to light all this toxicity, then it is a bad thing for a good.You don't have to be Einstein to understand that there is a terrible need to end Meghan.Yes there are difficult, tyrannical, nasty bosses but in the end it is even to death of laughter: this profile of "Stalker" !!!! LOL !!!!😄
    Let us even admit that she is a strict boss, but there pass for Hitler or Stalin !!! Really !!! It's not too much abuse for this young woman who we don't even need from her friends' opinions to get an idea of ​​who Meghan is just from what we've seen of her over the years? Was there really nothing else as an excuse to destroy her? At this stage for them no baseness is lamentable enough to achieve their goals! If it were possible to put a murder on the back of this young woman so that the whole earth finally hate and stoned, this firm and company behind it all, wouldn't hesitate.

    The result of all this is to show us, as in the past, what an evil octopus is behind this firm. What haven't we heard from the cold, cruel, mocking personality of some members of this family, now they want us to believe that the Duchess of Sussex is the demon introduced in "the firm of Angels" !!!! LOL😁

    Thank you very much Charlotte for this article: so many lessons of life, of work that we learn with the Sussexes.

    Thank you very much Charlotte 🙏, you are a frank Lady, just that we perceive through your analyzes. Do not underestimate your work, because your work contributes to cleaning up our environment. The enemies of the environment is not only carbon, garbage and waste
    but above all the toxicity of the stone heart, of egocentrism, the love of power and the wickedness of a category of Men, even a small number.

    If we had to deal with "A Windsor Family" where Humanity prevails and not in power at all costs, we would unfortunately not be witnessing all of this. It's a dirty laundry that could have been washed with the family, solutions could have been found for everyone because we have to get used to the idea that we are in an era where the development of Prince Harry is as important as that of others and accept that he and his wife can be the most popular and, in all humility, make an added value for the sustainability of the British crown. The firm is not fighting against the Sussexes but against Nature because the potential of these two is a force and a gift of Nature. Consequence is a fight where they will perhaps hurt the Sussexes, but it is certain that Nature will not spare them. This way of treating the Human Being amazes me and we are in 2021 when a Man no longer allows himself to be hit and abused by another Man as before because he thought it was a duty.

  27. Everything that has happened so far hurts it's true, but as I think nothing happens for nothing. I think that there is in this royal firm, a hyper toxic management of everything to keep its power ; and if God or the karma of this life wished to go through the Sussex couple to bring to light all this toxicity, then it is a bad thing for a good.You don't have to be Einstein to understand that there is a terrible need to end Meghan.Yes there are difficult, tyrannical, nasty bosses but in the end it is even to death of laughter: this profile of "Stalker" !!!! LOL !!!!😄
    Let us even admit that she is a strict boss, but there pass for Hitler or Stalin !!! Really !!! It's not too much abuse for this young woman who we don't even need from her friends' opinions to get an idea of ​​who Meghan is just from what we've seen of her over the years? Was there really nothing else as an excuse to destroy her? At this stage for them no baseness is lamentable enough to achieve their goals! If it were possible to put a murder on the back of this young woman so that the whole earth finally hate and stoned, this firm and company behind it all, wouldn't hesitate.

    The result of all this is to show us, as in the past, what an evil octopus is behind this firm. What haven't we heard from the cold, cruel, mocking personality of some members of this family, now they want us to believe that the Duchess of Sussex is the demon introduced in "the firm of Angels" !!!! LOL😁

    Thank you very much Charlotte for this article: so many lessons of life, of work that we learn with the Sussexes.

    Thank you very much Charlotte 🙏, you are a frank Lady, just that we perceive through your analyzes. Do not underestimate your work, because your work contributes to cleaning up our environment. The enemies of the environment is not only carbon, garbage and waste
    but above all the toxicity of the stone heart, of egocentrism, the love of power and the wickedness of a category of Men, even a small number.

    If we had to deal with "A Windsor Family" where Humanity prevails and not in power at all costs, we would unfortunately not be witnessing all of this. It's a dirty laundry that could have been washed with the family, solutions could have been found for everyone because we have to get used to the idea that we are in an era where the development of Prince Harry is as important as that of others and accept that he and his wife can be the most popular and, in all humility, make an added value for the sustainability of the British crown. The firm is not fighting against the Sussexes but against Nature because the potential of these two is a force and a gift of Nature. Consequence is a fight where they will perhaps hurt the Sussexes, but it is certain that Nature will not spare them. This way of treating the Human Being amazes me and we are in 2021 when a Man no longer allows himself to be hit and abused by another Man as before because he thought it was a duty.

  28. Arbiters, Fitzwilliams, Seward, Commenting on the interview three days before the interview, prejudging for pay

  29. If the goal is to unpopulate the Duchess of Sussex, I find it to be missed: from what I see, this truly grotesquely ridiculous accusation is overkill for the Duchess to make. Even those who did not care before, start to find it abused ...
    My only prayer is that her present pregnancy is going well, that this is already happening and that a Diana-style tragedy is avoided.
    In the past, Diana's popularity was envied in this firm, so I imagine the fate reserved for this committed and super active woman, physically and ideologically not as it suits them.

  30. Charlotte, I would just like to say: The Firm/BP said nothing when media said Meghan took her name off Archie's birth certificate. Meghan released statement telling what really happened. I cannot remember their response but read in the end they blamed clerical error. I don't believe them with the bully claim or to investigate. Because once again you let media run a story you knew was 100% false. And no one reply with the never complain never explain. The Firm has been doing a lot of complaining and explaining!

  31. Tbh, I hope that the allegations are false and the women who are apparently traumatised aren't real. Because after seeing this public pushing under the carpet of these allegations; no wonder nobody reports anything.

  32. While the interview trailers and the press have blown this situation out of proportion, at the end of the day he is still a royal and the BRF are still his family. I dont believe Harry would speak highly of his grandparents and father if he thought they were rude to his wife. He has always spoken of his live for the Queen. When we finally see the interview it may be nothing about the family and be about the 'men in grey suits' His grandparents are getting on and his dad won't be around forever, so I do not think Harry or Meghan would want to hurt them as they seem to respect the Queen alot. I reckon the Windsors are looking at the papers and thinking where did they get all this from. William and Harry value privacy, any 'friends who speak to the press on their behalf tend to not be their friends for much longer.

  33. I dont think the media will ever leave them alone, especially after this interview. It will probably be an open goal for those in the media, social media and royal 'experts'. I for one have been turning more and more to blogs such as this one on meghan and those on kate for my Newland fashion as I know it is written with pure admiration and love rather than for click-bait like the Mail, Express, Twitter etc.


    Check this out. You can see people aren’t all fooled. Media checking is now the norm now for readers.

    Looking back, it’s the same news outlets that has been critical of Meghan from day one for the last 3 years. They are proud of their success as their like to talk about how unpopular she is today as if they had no hand in that. I don’t know how they call themselves journalists putting out gossips and innuendos as if they are facts. It’s sad but era of misinformation is here to stay. Mainstream media just recycle the hearsay and gets quotes from the same shallow pool. No wonder we have anti vaxxers and people who believe immigrants are job destroyers and it’s ok to pay nurses poorly.

    This problem goes beyond Meghan and Harry.

    People like Jason Knauf is part of the palace problem and he has been rewarded for his manipulation to ingratiate himself with the Firm and be part the next generation of courtiers. His colleagues will emulate his successful antics and this will guarantee the Windsor soap opera continues with William’s children. The drama of who’s dating whom, the search for the next bride to walk down the red carpet and the lives of the spares until they are no longer one.

  35. Now there is a long list of staff who were "abused/bullied" by Meghan, while Harry was called "the hostage." I wondered why M&H were giving an interview at all, but I have heard Meghan say the falsehoods continue. If they are still having problems, then I say go for it. An outrageous example was Harry having his intention to leave put out before he could tell the Queen, which was done so tabloids could criticize him for blindsiding the Queen. What kind of business does not come down on the employees for this kind of stuff? The "news" continues to be the "hurt" Harry is causing his family. This is the classic abuse that families throw at a member who dares to buck the system, the "black sheep." The RF has had different roles through the centuries. Currently, I see them as providing national unity and preserving heritage, largely through artifacts like buildings, art, books, jewelry -- national treasures. It's not necessary to continue the status quo. I STILL don't understand why Harry can't be like his cousins. I guess I'm trying to sound reasonable but I'm so angry. :)

    1. I don’t know why he couldn’t have been like his cousins either. There was such an easy path here. In fact other European royal families are starting to implement it more and more with their “spares”. People live and do their own work privately and on their own terms and show up for ceremonial duties or when requested. And the “official” monarchy is streamlined to the direct line. The BRF could have tried this model. Harry and Meghan proposed this for their own role. The BRF is just too reluctant to change and seemingly governed by these manipulative courtiers. It’s really too bad. Such a missed opportunity.

    2. Even after they step back, some media released 50 articles/24hr on Meghan and zero for other royals.
      It does not make sense except that lies can make money.

  36. I think the quote of your title says it all, Charlotte. Thank you for curating this "defense" of Meghan. It's so nice that her friends and colleagues have finally feel free to speak, that they have been "unleashed." No more having to be anonymous.

    I'm just wondering exactly what they are going to investigate when the people who are the alleged victims of the bullying wanted the complaint withdrawn. They want to invite former staff to participate, but is anyone going to speak to Meghan? This is disgusting.

  37. I've read that the royal family are all featured speakers on the annual Commonwealth programme. Considering all that has passed since the last Commonwealth service, I don't know if the usual celebration of diversity might ring a bit hollow. I've always enjoyed the program, although Commonwealth Day is not celebrated in Canada, a Commonwealth country. I think it is more celebrated in the UK than elsewhere.

    1. It will. Though sixth in the line of succession, the people of the commonwealth think of Harry and Meghan as their King and Queen - that is the reality. In South African The "African Queen" sound was sung frequently during her tour. The BRF committed a major blunder by removing them from the President and Vice-president roles of the QCT. Other royals do not have the credibility and the resume than Harry and Meghan have. Meghan earn hers before she became a royal and certified it after she became a royal. As long as they are alive the people will believe they are irreplaceable - that is the reality.

  38. It is a positive gesture of friendship for Patrick J. Adams to support Meghan. However, he should have done it without trashing the Royal Family. He says, " trying to find her place in a family dynamic that can at best be described as complicated and at worst, seemingly archaic and toxic." and " it’s timing is just another stunning example of the shamelessness of a institution that has outlived its relevance, is way overdrawn on credibility and apparently bankrupt of decency." How disrespectful.! He can sing Meghan's praises as much as he likes, but he needs to know that you don't build a person up by putting others down. His opinion is not that relevant, as most don't even know who he is. H&M said they always wanted to honour the Queen and her values, so a friend who makes these statements is certainly not upholding that goal.

    1. He’s not wrong tho. Respect must be earned. And well... here we are

    2. Becca in Colorado8 March 2021 at 00:10

      Nope, he spoke complete truth and it was time someone said it.

  39. Unfortunately, history has an extensive record on treating nice people badly.


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