
Thursday 6 May 2021

Harry & Meghan Mark Archie's 2nd Birthday with Call for Vaccine Equity

Happy Birthday, Archie! Harry and Meghan's baby boy is two years old today. The Duke and Duchess spent the day celebrating at their Montecito home and shared this photo of Archie clutching balloons in the garden this morning.

In celebration of their son's birthday, the Duke and Duchess added a new post on Archewell to share how "deeply touched" they have been over the past two years in feeling "warmth and support" for their family. The couple continued: "Many of you donate to charities on his behalf, and mark the occasion by giving back or doing an act of service -- all through the goodness of your hearts. You raise funds for those who need it most, and continue to do so organically and selflessly. We remain incredibly grateful."

One particularly notable effort run by Sussex Community Events saw $50,000 raised by supporters for Homeboy Industries, the Mission Continues, Baby2Baby and the Loveland Foundation.

For Archie's birthday, the couple are asking people to join the call for vaccine equity.
'This year, our world continues to be on the path to recovery from COVID-19. Yet too many families are still struggling with the impact of this pandemic. While some places are on the verge of healing, in so many parts of the world, communities continue to suffer. As of today, around 80 percent of the nearly one billion COVID-19 vaccine shots that have been given were administered in wealthier countries. While we may feel that normalcy is around the corner, we remind ourselves that in much of the world, and especially in developing countries, vaccine distribution has effectively yet to start. 

We will not be able to truly recover until everyone, everywhere, has equal access to the vaccine. And with that intention, we are inviting you to contribute whatever you can—if you have the means to do so—to bring vaccines to families in the world’s most vulnerable places. 

For a donation of just $5, you can cover the cost of a dose for someone in need. And because we were able to secure matching support from a number of organizations, that $5 you give will automatically turn into $20—covering the cost of four doses. Every single dollar counts—not only will it help save lives but it will help save families and communities.'

Harry and Meghan closed by writing, "We cannot think of a more resonant way to honor our son’s birthday. If we all show up, with compassion for those we both know and don’t know, we can have a profound impact. Even a small contribution can have a ripple effect. Together, we can uplift, protect, and care for one another."

Archewell notes they "in partnership with Global Citizen and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, are working to ensure that people in all corners of the world can get equitable access to the COVID-19 vaccine, regardless of their wealth or circumstance. A donation of $5 will cover the cost of a single dose for someone in need, and your donation will be made to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, which buys COVID-19 vaccines for the world, prioritizing those who need them the most in countries that cannot afford them. There is no minimum donation—every dollar counts. As part of this initiative, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Global Citizen have secured matching donations of up to $3 million from organizations including the Seadream Family Foundation and Mastercard Impact Fund. That means if you give $5, it will turn into $20, which is the amount needed to fund four vaccine doses".

For the next ten days, if you would like to donate $5, your gift will be multiplied by four. Click here if you would like to make a donation.

Additionally, in their roles as Vax Live Campaign Chairs, they have shared an open letter calling on the CEOs of Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca, Novovax and Johnson & Johnson to commit to ensuring vaccine equity is made a reality.

'To Albert Bourla, CEO Pfizer; Stéphane Bancel, CEO Moderna; Pascal Soriot, CEO AstraZeneca; Alex Gorsky, CEO Johnson & Johnson; Stanley Erck, CEO Novavax:

The world owes you gratitude for leading the successful development and manufacturing of safe and effective vaccines against COVID-19. This was achieved in record time, amidst a once-in-a-century global pandemic. It’s truly a testament to what can be achieved when partners work together towards a shared goal. 

However, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated health, social, and economic inequality globally. The global vaccine rollout thus far further deepens these disparities, with the poorest and most marginalized populations most adversely impacted. As of May 1, over 80% of the 1.2 billion vaccine doses administered globally have occurred in high-and upper-middle-income countries while the very lowest-income countries have administered just 0.4%.

As we are seeing in countries like India, the urgency to deliver doses now to save lives and stop the spread of COVID-19 is only increasing. That’s why it is imperative that we ensure equitable vaccine access globally so that people are protected, economies can recover, and this global pandemic can be brought to an end everywhere. 

Therefore we, the undersigned, stand with Global Citizens who want to see COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers act with extraordinary purpose, responsibility, and leadership in response to this equity crisis, including through the following actions:

Moderna — We are pleased to see Moderna finally join the global vaccine initiative, COVAX, but the world’s poorest countries cannot wait until the end of the year to access your life-saving vaccine. We therefore call on you to move up your delivery schedule with COVAX and increase the promised 2021 volume to at least 100 million doses.

Pfizer — To date, Pfizer/BioNTech have only promised 40 million doses to COVAX, the fewest among vaccine producers. We call on you to commit at least 100 million additional doses to COVAX at a not-for-profit price and to deliver them as soon as possible this year.

All — Every possible measure to increase global supply must be on the table, including the temporary suspension of intellectual property and extraordinary global public-private collaboration resulting in wider transfer of technology and know-how. We call on each of you to end your opposition to these measures and work collaboratively with the global community to achieve universal access.

If we work together in the global public interest, we will save lives at risk and we will defeat this deadly pandemic. 

Thank you for your consideration of this request. 


Prince Harry,                                                              Meghan,
The Duke of Sussex                                                    The Duchess of Sussex
Vax Live Campaign Chair                                         Vax Live Campaign Chair

If you would like to add your name to the letter, please visit Global Citizen's website.

A reminder Vax Live will be streamed on Saturday 8 May 8/7 C on select channels and 8PM EST on YouTube. For those in the UK, it will air on Sky One on Sunday 6.30 pm.

Wishing Archie a fabulous day! He has so much to look forward to with the arrival of his little sister. Below, the Duchess reading her son Duck! Rabbit! in support of Save the Children to mark his first birthday last year.


  1. Is it ok to say that I’m a little disappointed with the photo...

    1. ILoveElephants8 May 2021 at 15:02

      I was a little disappointed we didn’t get to see his face as well. But I understand why they are not showing his face

  2. Very disappointing to only have a view of his back, but I presume it is for valid security reasons. However doing it this way rather defeats the purpose of issuing the photograph in the first place. Do you think they will be taking legal action against the photographer who took the recent photograph of Meghan carrying Archie to his pre school? Scarcity of supply increases the demand unfortunately so we may see more papparazzi hiding in the undergrowth.

    1. Their child, their rules. They don’t owe us an anything if they want to protect their child for as long as they can. He will be hounded by paparazzi soon enough. Let’s not forget, they’ve had to call on police sneaking into their property. And this is America where lockdown drills start in pre-school.

    2. Allison in US9 May 2021 at 00:41

      It's such a dilemma in my mind. They do not owe the world anything, and the child is a person who would probably prefer remaining private. But the curiosity (and payment by tabloids) makes the whole situation difficult. The many photos and personal information on the Cambridges' children (what they like to eat, etc.) does seem like it makes viewers them aware of what they are -- children. They may have titles but behind the titles, etc. are people like us all. I think the exposure is being done to demystify them, for their safety. I don't remember a crush to see Andrew's children but of course Harry and William were hounded. I don't think the Cambridges or Sussexes can say "Yes, we have children and they will go public at age 18." Of course, I love seeing them but I know I can be trusted. :) Honestly, the regularity at which we see the Cambridge children (and the excellent and personal quality of Kate's photos) makes paparazzi images rather unnecessary, which is a very good thing. Better to control the access so you can control the private lives.

      I'm thinking that having just private security, and not having U.K. and palace security, may be unnerving to Harry and hence his desire to try to protect his little one. He certainly does look like a cute little guy.

    3. I so agree. Currently the Cambridge’s are giving us looks into their family without really giving anything away. And Harry & Meghan giving us only tiny peeks. They are private citizens & as such their commodity is themselves and I can’t blame them for their management of their privacy, but I do miss seeing them on a fairly consistent basis.

  3. Happy birthday, Archie. How interesting that they chose a backshot for his picture. I hope that they will release one with his face showing, even a profile or three-quarter shot. I hope that they do not, for safety reasons, have to continue an absolute ban on his face. With the photo being sepia toned, I also wonder if his hair color is similar to Harry's.

  4. Wishing Archie the happiest of birthdays. May God bless and keep him, his parents and his future baby sister always.

  5. Lovely to see how Archie has grown. His little royal baldness has a full head of curls!
    Can anyone figure out the big white spot on top of Archie's head? Is it caused by light and shadow? I love the pictures of him in his little cardis. It's almost become a signature look! I appreciate that Harry and Meghan share pictures of their little one. It must be difficult to share and keep the little guy's security uppermost.

    1. I kinda love that! My best friend in high school had dark brown hair with a thick natural blonde streak. I saw that on his beach video.

  6. "including the temporary suspension of intellectual property" - does it mean sharing the patent? then what makes that temporary? All the vaccine companies need to cooperate, but sharing intellectual property is a different matter.

  7. Oh Archie is growing so fast oh the Duke and duchess are encouraging people's to get vaccinated as a family of frontliners we should get one happy second birthday to Archie

  8. Happy birthday Archie. I would have liked a photo with his face uncovered. I think it would be good if Meghan and Harry did not cultivate the mystery on the face of this beautiful little boy to avoid endless unnecessary controversy. I think they know what they are and why but in the long run, we should stop doing this because at some point H&M have to live without worrying about those scornful people who don't hesitate to hurt the child. to reach them; at some point you have to let them do it, sooner or later they will drown in their perfidy. person
    How this boy, still so small and since his birth, collects donations to help, it is admirable; later, he will be very proud of his parents.
    I guess we'll have a nice photo of him and his sister when she's born, hopefully anyway.

  9. Allison in US7 May 2021 at 17:24

    I love the amazing little guy but admit to hating the too-pale sepia. It's more of a decorative effect than a portrait. I admit I saw that image of Archie and Meghan in LA before I realized it was a paparazzi shot; Archie is amazingly cute and I don't blame H&M for protecting him when possible.

    1. That paparazzi photo was much better, lol. Happy birthday to little Archie.

    2. Allison in US8 May 2021 at 19:23

      That was an amazing photo, unfortunately. I saw this photo in the French Vogue in B&W and that was quite satisfying.

  10. Is he facing the back because of security reasons? It seems most likely the case. I hope they feel free than live in fear. Happy Birthday Archie! join the birthday club of my family. Two of my immediate family right here in this home were born in May. It is a cake month - enjoy yours too.

  11. Just a comment on the vaccine initiative. All countries need vaccines for the world to be safe. However some of the efforts seem misguided. I am African. What the less developed world needs is single dose room temperature vaccines to enable distribution and this is where our efforts should be directed. There is no point in sending a two dose vaccine which requires-70 degree storage to SubSarahan Africa. The well meaning effort will fail dismally. We feel good because we have done our bit but appropriate vaccination does not happen. Please talk about supporting initiatives that will in fact deliver appropriate vaccines to the individual countries.

    1. I think they are working on such vaccine and pharmaceutical companies already said that just giving other countries formula will not speed up the production, there is simply not enough raw material to keep up with demand.

    2. If that is really the case (and not just an excuse) then we should prioritise giving the available vaccine at a reasonable cost to the poorer countries which don't have adequate medical facilities. At present rich countries are hogging it all! We will never overcome the epidemic unless we solve this problem.

  12. Susan in Florida7 May 2021 at 22:42

    Amazing use of their platform. I also admire how they use sepia and keep Archie’s face away from the camera, it keeps the ugly press down.

  13. I appreciate the photo of Archie from the back. It's beautiful and charming. I fully support Harry and Meghan not showing his face. We are not owed a picture of his face. I believe that they want to raise him as a private citizen, and they want to be able to assure him -- later when he can understand -- that they did not display him for public gaze as Harry was displayed as a child, and even walking behind his mother's casket.


    1. I so agree.And, in fact, there are "celebrities" who do not put their children in display quite successfully.

  14. I wonder if we will even get a picture of baby girl.Will she be baptized in Windsor? It's entirely up to them, of course,although I tend to agree absolutely no photos ever will lead to increased paparazzi pressure. I inadvertently saw a candid photo of Meghan and Archie inside a house? My friend sent it and said it was in a women's magazine,which it obviously was NOT although the website address seemed so.I thought Archie was looking a lot more like Meghan now, a lovely blend of both parents.

    1. ILoveElephants8 May 2021 at 14:59

      It would be lovely to get a picture of the new baby girl. I wonder if the reason why they did not release a picture of Archie’s face is because they will release one with his baby sister after she’s born.

    2. Fwiw, I quickly deleted the photo and asked said friend not to send any more, even if she thought the picture was legit. Archie and his sister-to-be are not public figures,though they may choose to be in the future... And none of us are friends or family,who are the ones who would legitimately have shared photos.

  15. This is an artistic and elegant birthday tribute, capturing the wonder of a two-year old! The balloons are environmentally safe yes? ( of course they are!). Agree with Susan and others that this is an amazing use of their platform. Much love, Bessie

  16. Allison in US9 May 2021 at 02:28

    I know there will be a post but the Vax Live was amazing! The energy, in no little part due to Jennifer Lopez and the Foo Fighters/AC/DC. Meghan looked lovely beyond description.

  17. I am struck by how big Archie looks! He’s such a little man! Congratulations to Meghan and Harry on their growing family. I appreciate their always thoughtful use of their public personas. They take such care to envelop others in an inclusive, warm, albeit virtual, embrace.

  18. It does appear that Meghan & Harry want to keep Archie’s IDK looks completely private. The last time we saw him with no hidden aspects, was at his first birthday. That and the bystander that got a picture of Meghan taking Archie to some type of “mommy & me” class. But strangely (maybe) he wore a winter cap, when our daytime temps have not gone below 72F really all winter, tho night time temps are still low. I’m don’t blame them for trying to maintain privacy, I think I just miss the opportunity to see a part of a growing family also it feels like the Cambridge’s are giving the public a deeper look into their family’s life. Oh well, I wish them the best and for one am looking forward to a baby girls little hand (as that’s probably all we get). But then I remind myself they are private citizens and owe us nothing. Sigh

    1. I get you. Watching Harry and William growing up, from infanthood to adulthood, has been great….for the public. Not so much for them as individuals. For William, he’ll be in the public eye as firstborn to the throne. To the spare(s), the usefulness ends once a new hereditary line to the throne is established.

      This leaves the spare(s) all of a sudden without agency. There’s no way to undo years of being in the headlines and expect sudden anonymity where people won’t recognize and will leave them alone should they wander into a chip shop. The money hungry press and royal experts wouldn’t let that happen. You can imagine the headlines: “Princess Margaret caught tucking in a large platter of crispy fish and chips with an extra side of mashed peas in Bradford”. Wot’s dat? “Our girl got no problems handling a few peas, eh mate?!”

      After all these years, the monarchy still has no HR plan of how to retrain the spares to a new career where they are expected to earn their own living wages. You can see the rinse and repeat of cute baby photos transitioning to cute first day at school, on a bike/pony, playing football, transitioning to long pants to skiing, to performing the first charity push, the first girlfriend/boyfriend and so forth until the rug is pulled out under them in spectacular, breathtaking most cringy ways possible whilst being chronicled, cheered on and ridiculed by the tabloids simultaneously.

      There’s this sense that somehow the monarchy just want the spares to fade away like aging poor spinsters—alive enough to fetch smelling salts, step in as a substitute when needed, but otherwise turn into low maintenance- aka inexpensive, no scandal, beige and bland wall paper.

      -royal media watcher

    2. I hope we get a full picture of the baby girl instead of just a hand. I think it’s a great option security wise as well. Newborn babies all looks the same so not it’s like we will be getting a picture of her features in full view.

  19. Happy belated Birthday little Archie!!!


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