
Friday 4 August 2017

Harry Whisks Meghan Away on African Safari to Celebrate Her Birthday!

Meghan Markle celebrated her 36th birthday today, and how did she spend it? Prince charming Harry whisked his girlfriend away to Africa to celebrate. The Sun exclusively obtained photos and broke the story with the article reading: "Prince Harry hugs Meghan Markle as the smiling couple start a romantic holiday. The royal draped a protective arm around the Suits actress as they arrived for the safari trip. She appeared to be carrying a gift from him - a picture swathed in bubble wrap."

The Sun
More from The Sun's article:

'The couple’s holiday destination — hugely popular for engagements and honeymoons — will only heighten speculation the prince, 32, is about to propose.
 A royal source said: “Harry has been planning this holiday for a long time. “He’s made the trip incredibly romantic. They’ll go on boats across the lake, walk in the bush at dawn and camp under the stars. “Who knows what will happen when they’re watching a sensational African sunset together? Maybe he’ll get down on one knee. Harry regards Africa as his spiritual home and has often talked of how he can get away from it all  there.
“Obviously he wants to show Meghan what an amazing place it is and create new memories together.” The source added: “Harry’s done a lot of conservation work in Africa with endangered el­e­phants and black rhinos and he’ll show them to the woman he wants to marry.'

It's all been rather quiet of late from the public's perspective, however, privately things are as serious as ever for the couple who have mastered keeping a low profile in London. Last week Meghan travelled from Toronto to spend time with Harry at Kensington Palace. She was spotted arriving at Waterloo Station wearing a chic white blazer. Perhaps most interestingly of all, Meghan's mother Doria accompanied her. I think we can all attest to spending more time with our partner's families as the seriousness of a relationship progresses. E! reported: '"Doria, of course, spent time with Harry and Meghan together," the source noted. "They've just been chilling at home, There's always someone watching or trying to get pics when they go out that they're pretty happy just staying in and doing nothing. They like to cook, watch movies and that kind of thing."'

E! News

There's more than a grain of truth in the old adage a picture tells a thousand words; a point evidently proven in the photo of Harry and Meghan arriving. They are obviously an incredibly happy couple, entirely relaxed and at ease in each other's company. By all accounts their relationship is going from strength to strength. The choice of Africa as a destination for the trip is an interesting one which will be closely analysed by royal watchers in the days to come I suspect. Firstly, Africa is enormously important to Harry. For an interview on time spent in Africa doing charity work and supporting his organisation, Lesotho, he said: "I have this love of Africa that will never disappear. And I hope it carries on with my children as well." Of course, Prince William, who also adores Africa, chose Kenya as the perfect location to propose to Kate in 2010... :)

Wishing Meghan a very Happy Birthday! Did you know she shares her birthday (4th of August) with the late Queen Mother who would be 117 today? Bluhare noted she also shares the date with President Barack Obama.


  1. She also shares her birthday with Barack Obama. Happy Birthday Mr. President!!

    I miss him.

    And I hope she and Harry are happy and that she had a very happy birthday.

    1. Hello bluhare! You gave me a good laugh when you reminded me it was "I, Claudia" except it was "I, Clavdia" I believe, is that right? :) I remember typing a comment with that switch!

      And you're so right, what interesting times to be watching the British royals, makes me miss my old group. I think about what you and Annet said about Twitter, and wonder about starting a royal watchers type account, to be able to chat about all these different things. I just like watching it all unfold, I'm not hung up over any of the personalities really. Would love to have a place to discuss all the new developments as they come, and again, I can't help feeling they are around the corner...

      Meanwhile looks like you're about to get your wish with Harry!

    2. Eve from Germany5 August 2017 at 18:24

      Claudia, I might even join Twitter if you´re really starting this "royal watchers account"!! I´m interested in the same, you know, and I love the discussion - it would be nice to kind of start discussing something "real time", you know what I mean? So, count me in! :-))

    3. I think that is an excellent idea Claudia, please let me know if you set one up, I'll certainly be following :)

    4. Bluhare - I had no idea Meghan also shared her birthday with President Obama. I'll add it to the post now :)

    5. Would you mind if I also joined your twitter group? I would love to discuss ongoing trends for the larger picture.

      Very happy to see the ongoing relationship and hope that this trip means an engagement. I was thinking this morning what an interesting thing it would be if Harry and Meghan do marry, just in terms of the blending of races in the British royal family. What a great thing. (Hope they invite the Obamas to their wedding . . . but not the current administration!)

    6. I think Harry would for sure invite Michelle. Her husband could tag along if he wanted. lol

    7. You're right, Clavdia. It was I, Clavdia! I still think that would give your posts gravitas, not that they need any!

      How would we set up a twitter group? I'm all in if we can figure it out. I'm not on facebook, so I wouldn't join one there, but if we can figure it out I would love to participate.

    8. PS Marci, I think Michelle loves Harry . . . I bet they'd go if they were invited. I confess to a hope we'll see her and Mr. Obama at the Invictus Games too.

    9. I agree. I think Michelle definitely loves Harry.
      (what's not to love. he's a sweet, sweet person.)

    10. Eve and Marci, absolutely! Though I must confess I really have no idea what I'm doing on social media :) And bluhare I'm not on Facebook either, I like Twitter so I can easily follow US or UK news depending which side I'm on, but I've never tweeted!

      I shall spend the week thinking on this... while I'm waiting for the engagement announcement ;) I'll let you all know.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. Hey folks, could I join in your twitter discussions too? I enjoyed reading your blog comments on Charlotte's super Kate blog, but confess I can't really be bothered keeping up with it today (busy life and the comments section has shifted quite a bit). I called myself Leafy NZ.

    13. Just so you know I hear you bluhare and completely understand. Absolutely 100%. I like Twitter for the real time element and news element, as Eve mentioned, but I'm concerned that "tweets" aren't discussion friendly? We will all have to be to the point! And right now I observe from the sidelines, getting into the pool is something else altogether, but Anett says there is a block feature we may have to use and be familiar with ;)

      And you are quite welcome to join in Leafy! I had a great group of royal watchers years ago, friends and a few relations, and we all loved watching the family and discussing the monarchy. Very reasonable group and immensely enjoyable! I miss it.

    14. I think Twitter would be a great medium for it. You could make the twitter account you use (or whoever sets it up; doesn't have to be you) private so people would have to ask to follow it. Then if they do turn out to be disruptive, you block them. As Charlotte can probably attest, from things she's said over at DKB, some people can get a little over invested.

      But seriously, I think a good group of royal watchers would be lovely. We don't have to agree; not saying that, but people who start to go off the rails could be blocked. And I define going off the rails as being rude to other posters.

    15. PS I remember you, Leafy! Nice to see you.

    16. I would also like to join the group if possible. I think it's a wonderful idea. I'm not sure how to set up private groups in twitter but I know that you can have multiple twitter accounts and you can change the privacy settings to be pretty strict so only those you invite can see your tweets.

    17. I'm with you there bluhare. I would also add, as you mentioned, anyone who is overly invested or emotional about any member of the BRF is probably best finding another forum. I would love polite and civil discussions about the *monarchy* and how it will be evolving, without resorting to any name calling or hatred directed toward anyone, the subjects we are discussing or fellow posters. The extremes are best left to the fringes, let's enjoy common ground discussions!

      I saw on Twitter today (as I was pondering the possibilities for this) that the Berks&Bucks blogger had to shut down comments on a post she did about Meghan, because *some* Kate fans were going off the rails. Their comments apparently got out of hand and very anti-MM. I can't see them now (yes I checked!) so don't know how bad they were, but honestly! Where do you begin with that? Such nonsense. So I'm a firm believer in running a tight ship, no need for the majority to suffer because of a few imbeciles.

    18. And of course thank you for your support Charlotte! And apologies for going a little off topic here :)

    19. Tammy from California6 August 2017 at 17:57

      Claudia, I would also like to follow! Make sure to announce so I can find you!

    20. Tammy from California6 August 2017 at 18:01

      Claudia, what you said in your post 16:46, YES! Love it! One or two people ruin it for the majority, and then it starts to go downhill.

    21. I'm with you totally on this, Claudia. There are plenty of places for us to vent our spleens should we be so inclined. I'd love a place where we can talk about what I think will be some interesting transitions coming up.

      Charlotte, if Claudia DM's you her twitter handle, and I DM you mine (I bet Claudia follows you too!) could you put us in touch? We can then talk about it on twitter and when it's set up, we can let people know and those who are interested can join in?

      What do you think about that Claudia? If you don't already follow Charlotte either here or on her DKB account, follow her and then we can DM and see how to best do this? Then those who are interested can follow the account and you can start us up!!

    22. I'm not sure how to do it either Julie! See how I start something yet have no idea how to execute ;) I shall figure it out, and any input will be lovely.

      Thank you Tammy!

    23. That would be perfect ladies!

      DM me and I will share immediately. My twitter account is here:

    24. I am a bit lagging behind the comments here, but it would be such a lovely idea to join Twitter for those who haven't yet. I would totally enjoy it.

      And not only there is a block feature there, but you can totally secure your account by the protecting my tweets option. Basically, it means your account is closed for public consumption, and only those people can see your tweets who follow you and vicce versa. If anybody needs further help, let me know.

    25. Hey guys! I am a long-time lurker over at HRHDuchessKate, but I have not commented before although I have enjoyed reading your comments. I am a big Harry fan and would love to join your Twitter group (I will have to set up an account first of course!) if you would be willing to have me?

    26. Charlotte I think I've done everything right on my end? (hopefully)

    27. Absolutely, Finn. We are waiting for I Clavdia herself to decide what to do.

    28. I hated to disappoint bluhare but would you believe @IClaudia was already taken!

      So for anyone who's interested I went with @WayAheadUK - plays off the name of the original Way Ahead group formed by the Royals in the 90's to discuss possible changes for the monarchy. I wondered about using a #WayAhead hashtag for discussions too (Anett will be impressed I know about hashtags!) that way it would be easy to follow along? It's a work in progress :)

      I hope we can have good discussions about the monarchy itself and the changes that will inevitably come - though no one likes to think about it. (I will cry buckets when the Queen dies, fair warning!) I love spirited debate, but hope we can keep the overall *tone* reasonable and respectful. Tone is very important to me.

      And a note, I am not "pro" or "anti" any member of the BRF, I am interested in how they all act and interact as members of the family, with a duty to the country. The very essence of a hereditary monarchy is you get who you get! And to disrupt that line disrupts the very notion of monarchy itself, might as well just vote for a head of state.

      So there you have it! Look forward to many royal chats :)

    29. Yay!! And I had totally forgotten about that Way Ahead thing!

    30. Did you try I Clavdia, as bluhare suggested? Too similar?
      Unfortunately, the hereditary line has been disrupted a number of times. The Lancaster line (Henry VIII etc., whose mother was a Plantagenet, however) was off the Plantagenet line, via the illegitimate line (later legitimatized) of one of Edward III's sons--actually the third or fourth. In those days a
      swift blow to the head in battle (Richard III, for one) could decide the next king. Things have got much more complicated since those days.

      One would hope the process has become more civilized. A monarch could simply do what is best for the UK or what is reasonable, considering the circumstances.
      I think a Regency would be a clever and magnanimous choice on HM's part. No pesky Queen designation problems. She would remain Queen Elizabeth, as I understand it; not revert to the Princess title, as in the Netherlands. I don't think Charles would be called King, but would be treated as such in all but name. He would open Parliament, I would assume, and meet with the PM and possibly preside over State banquets in the Queen's stead. I don't see HM disappearing from the balcony at Trooping any time soon. The Regency would offer a great relief for the Queen and allow her freedom to remain at Balmoral well into the Fall, if she so desired, for example. Then straight to Sandringham. The Regency would give Charles a chance to put into practice a lifetime of experience and knowledge. I don't think, judging from his actions so far, that the technicality of the title would interfere with his apparent desire to realise his destiny. And he would still be King one day. As it is, it seems to me he has been shuffled about and brought out for show at times. It must be an extremely frustrating role for him. It would give the UK a consistent -monarch presence, instead of a series of substitutes. It would also be a smooth transition in the monarchy, offering the sense of stability from having the Queen potentially available for consult. By the time that sad day comes, Charles will hopefully be accepted as a viable King, thus foiling the hopes of those who await her death to leap into the vacuum and do away with the monarchy. Because that WILL happen. Almost guaranteed.
      I think this plan might even go a long way toward easing the rumored inter-palace discord. A win-win-win solution.
      I actually sat up in bed last night, awakened by the thought--what of William and Catherine in a Regency? Would he take over the POW duties from Charles, again without the name? As well as tending to present responsibilities? Could this explain some of the staff rearrangements?
      In my opinion, Queen Elizabeth is a master at keeping the focus on her image as the undisputed head of the family. That concept is vital to the monarchy and UK interests and place in the world. I see her playing a sort of board game where she slaps down heads that manage to pop too high above the surface,

      Note: assuming this comment goes live...I had a fleeting concern over whether Twitter is the best forum for this type of in-depth discussion. (obviously, I have no idea how Twitter works) Just throwing it out there-I wonder if Charlotte would consider managing such a forum on this site, perhaps as a Kate Loves or Royal Digest type arrangement. I don't even know if it is possible to have a separate sign-in, involving stricter protocol, such as e-mail address requirement (verified) ? Some means of making the commenters responsible for their opinions and preventing one person from dominating via various handles, as can happen.

      I, of course, as an Anonymous poster, would be ineligible. HaHA.
      I was one of those who smelled a rat and refused to accept the emergency staff meeting as described via a source by a reporter. Some sided with Geidt's reported view of the Queen's intent and attitude-obviously, he mis-spoke, as we can assume by his leaving. I saw an upheaval coming and I still do, as several others have opined.

    31. Claudia is an excellent tweeter! She's retweeted some interesting things, and even had quite the conversation with Richard Palmer this morning!

    32. Like a duck to water! :) Charlotte is also very capable in running a discussion, as I suggested in my previous comment...a possible side-bar to DK blog. As she is a current resident of GB, she is more or less "on the scene."

  2. I am SO happy for them. I hope they have a lovely time (without a press parade stampeding after them)! Meghan seems grounded, intelligent, and refreshingly open. I'm rooting for an engagement soon.

  3. Eve from Germany5 August 2017 at 07:39

    OH, how I wish that whole story to be true!... Still, it wasn´t disclosed WHERE they landed - probably because the photographer wants no-one to know and therefore no-one to "compete" with him for more photos? Or maybe these are photos taken some time ago, somewhere else and now help to provide a good story? You can´t be too careful with the tabloids, can you?
    Anyway, presume it is true, I guess we might be in for a "make or break" pretty soon. I will repeat myself here, but Meghan is now 36 and if they want children and "follow the rules" - engagement, engagement period, marriage, and THEN children, the clock is "kinda tickin´", right? ;-))) So Harry has to make up his mind (which he hopefully has already done, haha!) and "DO IT" - and what better place is there to do it than a place you love and which is dear to you?
    Ok, you can be "petty" now and say: "Oh, couldn´t he have found something different than William?" Who knows, he might have already proposed for all we know and this is just to celebrate it?
    Anyway, it´s SUPER exciting and THANKS SO MUCH, Charlotte, for giving this "special treat" to us so quickly - I was constantly checking the internet yesterday for any news because it was Meghan´s birthday - to no avail - so what a surprise treat to be able to read your post this morning!
    Have a lovely weekend!

    @surfer girl: What do you say about the news? Exciting, isn´t it? Have a lovely weekend, too, and of course all our friends here as well!!

    1. Eve I was one of the ones who said he would never get engaged in Africa because of seeming to follow in William's footsteps! I didn't mean it to be petty, it was just a thought. But I suspect you're correct that he may have proposed some months ago and this is a birthday celebration and a respite away before it's officially announced. That slip from her co-star did it for me ;)

    2. Thanks, Eve.x :)

      You know, what with the rumors of renovating a larger apartment at Kensington Palace, (funny how that story, with worker's onsite giving comments, just disappeared), and Meghan somehow having the clout to have complete privacy in Toronto and while in transit, they may be engaged already. I think we will all be watching the calendar as they wrap up filming in November. To me, that's the key to an announcement. That seems like such a long time from now, doesn't it? :)

    3. Eve from Germany5 August 2017 at 18:20

      Claudia, that´s why I put the "petty" in ".."... - because it actually crossed my mind, too, LOL! When I first read "Africa" and "holiday", I thought: "He´s not going to do the same as William, is he?" I mean, you want something special as a woman, not "the same as...", or am I wrong here? ;-)))) Still, "Africa" can mean a lot of things - and certainly it offers a wide range of "proposal activities" apart from what William had planned, so I guess we have to wait and see.... not toooooo long, I hope!

    4. According to Hello Magazine, filming on the seventh season of Suits has wrapped and Meghan and Patrick were shown in a celebratory kiss. As I have also said before and in my as yet not included comment, I think it is entirely possible that they are engaged and that a wedding/honeymoon during Harry's scheduled trip to Africa could be planned--following the Toronto games. Meghan could then be at his side as his fiancée, which is something Harry has expressed a wish for...someone to share, etc.

    5. I saw that photo, 18:47. Was he glowing or what?
      I had read that that photo had been taken down or deleted already or whatever the term is. If so, there's that influential security I have been talking about.
      (another indication to me that they may be already engaged. that's only engaged caliber security).

    6. I thought that was a 36th birthday kiss not a "that's a wrap" kiss. Are we sure filming has concluded?

    7. The picture he shared is a framed picture of them in character and as part of decor for mike ross's office or their fictional home, so its part of thr Suits TV "set". His caption used their character names

    8. Eve from Germany5 August 2017 at 20:35

      @surfer girl: uh oh.. NOVEMBER - you just "shattered all my hopes" (;-))) ). I had hoped sometime around his birthday in September.... But you´re right, with "Suits" filming still going on there is no way they announce anything sooner... sigh....

    9. eve, bluhare says Harry's wants to be engaged on his birthday, September 15. I say we go with that one. :)

  4. This is exciting news and I am loving following this romance. However I wish the stories wouldn't report 'Africa.' It is a huge and diverse continent with 54 countries and it reinforces problematic stereotypes to talk about it as one homogeneous place. I have scoured the article and others trying to figure where they actually are but nope, just 'Africa.'

    1. I agree. You wouldn't say they went to "North America."

    2. lol. never thought about it like that. but you are right, Nica and Amy. I hope their team reads this.

    3. Eve from Germany5 August 2017 at 18:30

      Nica, I agree, too. I guess someone doesn´t want others to know where exactly they were spotted so that there´s no competition for the photographer and, obviously, "The Sun", as I haven´t seen any other paper showing any photos. They ran the story, but with photos from Jamaica. So the photographer seems to have an "exclusive" with "The Sun"...
      It´s totally true, though, Africa is a very diverse continent and they could do anything there - hiding away in a beautiful villa in Capetown, strolling through the bazaars of Marrakech or go on a safari tour, to name just a few things...

  5. Doria looks pretty happy about meeting her (hopefully!) future son-in-law :) Hope they are having a great time in Africa, what a lovely birthday present. Things look like they're going along nicely...we might even see her return with a ring on her finger! It'd be awesome to see them together at the Invictus Games in Toronto.

    1. Charlotte,

      Is that photo of Meghan and her mom taken in London or Toronto? Please let us know. Thanks. :)

    2. Hello,

      The article isn't clear about it, although I believe it was Toronto.

    3. Oops, I got so excited to see some Harry & Meghan news, I assumed it was a snap of Meghan with her mother in London!

    4. I think Toronto as well. If you look at what they are wearing, they are warmly dressed which wouldn't make sense for summer in London. I think it's a past picture of them together

    5. So did I Kiwi Gal. I was looking at their surroundings to try to figure out where they were in the photo. I even looked at the "leftovers" container to see if it had a unique British design.
      Yeh, as if it would be any different, lol.

    6. Julie, that makes sense. It's summer in the UK now, the winter clothes must mean an old photo taken in Toronto.
      surfer girl, keep up your detective work :)

    7. Jean from Lancs9 August 2017 at 14:34

      Oh dear--it may be summer in the UK, but it has been very chilly.

    8. Jean from Lancs, so good to hear from you. :)

  6. I have probably been waiting for this more than anyone, lol.

    So relieved that they are still together and that the visit to London with her mom was confirmed.

    Harry and Meghan certainly look more at ease with each other than ever before. How romantic to have the PPO tagging along, lol. Guess they are used to that by now. No doubt awkward for the PPO also. I hope they have the best vacation ever. And a proposal would be the icing on the cake. (Why would Meghan be carrying a gift of wall art to a vacation destination?)

    🎂🌷 Happy Birthday Meghan 🌷🎂

    1. I couldn't help but think... "this should calm surfer girl down" :)


    2. That's what I thought too surfer girl and I came here to see if there was a post and there was ! I can't help getting excited for a wedding soon. I bet it will be in 2019. Anyone with me?

    3. Fiona in Australia6 August 2017 at 08:23

      I'm hoping for an engagement announcement in the next month or two, and a wedding say in May 2018! Maybe this is wishful thinking!

    4. Perhaps they brought a gift for whoever their host is at their final destination? I have done that before, particularly when I went to Africa on vacation. Maybe it's for the manager at their lodge or for someone who is lending them their vacation home...or maybe they had a layover on their way there and purchased something in transit. Who knows!

      I think the wedding would be in 2018. I hate to say it, but for her age they probably want to get busy with baby making business. I also try to keep in mind Sophie was a bit older and I *think* it is widely believed that she used IVF to conceive, so they do have options.

  7. Not only is Meghan used to being on a television studio set growing up, and pursuing acting in high school culminating with a degree in drama from Northwestern University, but the principal actors she now works with also have substantial pedigrees. Macht has a B.F.A. from Carnegie Mellon, Adams a B.F.A. from the University of Southern California and Rafferty a Master's in Fine Arts from Yale, with a year spent at Oxford in her undergraduate studies.
    This ensemble is serious about acting.

    1. I've been watching Suits from the very beginning and didn't know about all of this info about the cast. Thanks for the details.


    2. you are welcome. the rest of the ensemble, although not quite so "Ivy league" in their specific training, are no lightweights either.

    3. Eve from Germany5 August 2017 at 18:39

      surfer girl, that´s truly impressing... Watching the show, I´m not surprised, though. I love Gabriel Macht´s acting and Rick Hoffman is brilliant, too. And don´t even get me started on Gina Torres as Jessica! I could watch her forever...

  8. I'd say Harry looks like the cat that ate the canary, don't you think Charlotte :) He is positively bursting it seems, as if he has (the world's worst kept) secret!

    They do look very happy and at ease. I suspect Meghan, thanks to her mum, is a well grounded young woman indeed. She will know how to put things in perspective, which will be a huge asset to him.

    1. I think he looks googly as all get out, Claudia. The boy is in love!

    2. Yup agree with you Claudia !

  9. They look so happy and relaxed! Touchwood
    Hoping for an engagement announcement before invictus so that Meghan can be there supporting her man on something he is so passionate about !
    But guess an engagement isn't in the offing until Suits is done filming !

  10. A hum, as you can imagine, I was so happy to see Harry smiling and putting his arm around Meghan. And as he is in the process of putting his arm around Meghan he does have that sweet besotted expression on his face UNTIL the next photo where his arm is around Meghan and the smile has promptly been replaced by a look of concern. I don't know what Meghan was talking about but I so hope the girl knows how to keep the besottment going. From the photo, she didn't seem to notice Harry's change in expression. She just kept talking. (can I relate, or what, lol). He is treating you like a princess Meghan. Treat him like a Prince. Pay attention to your man's moods. Make this African holiday the most fun ever. Not trying to cause trouble. There was just such a huge difference in demeanor within seconds. I want them to have privacy but I also hope we get more photos. Does anyone know exactly where they are in Africa? Was she carrying the artwork as a house-warming gift to a purchased property of theirs? (Harry has expressed having his children there.) I am kind of surprised that there is only one PPO with him this time what with Meghan's celebrity. One might be okay for the two day shifts (still a long day though), but who will man the night shift?

    1. surfer girl - my guess is the few photos we've seen don't tell the whole story. My thoughts
      (1) I agree one PPO is too little and think the other(s) isn't photographed. Maybe they disembarked first or maybe are further behind.
      (2) did you see Harry give the thumbs-up? Who do you speculate he was giving it to? I wonder, because I obviously don't know :-), if they saw the photog. We know that makes Harry grumpy; not sure why he'd give a thumbs-up then keep walking straight ahead without a smile, but the change in demaneour has him thinking he spotted them. Think back to how he knew he was being photographed in Jamaica and she kept smiling and he seemed miserable. Perhaps she spotted the photog first, stared straight ahead smiling while saying "honey, there is a photog to my right snapping photos of us" just as he was putting an arm around her then he saw for himself and was pissed they weren't under the radar. Anything is possible, because we simply don't know. My thought was based on the few frames we saw they both looked happy to be together and he had spotted the photog which bothered him.

    2. Great perspectives, AH. The Jamaica one sounds so plausible also. I decided I'm not going to worry about his quick change in demeanor. I will not worry, I will not worry, I will not worry.., lol.

      As a side note, I was thinking about the artwork Meghan was carrying though. Perhaps it was a hostess gift for their hosts of the BBQ. I don't think Harry would have given her wall art in London and have her carry it in transit to Africa.
      Unless they have a home there, or are giving it as a hostess gift or unless someone else in transit gifted it to them.

      And, it is my guess that Harry and Meghan might not only have a home at Kensington Palace, but also one in Los Angeles, Norfolk (country weekend retreat near Sandringham/Amner Hall), and a home in Africa. Maybe a home in Africa to be shared by Wiiliam's family and Harry's as they may not often be there at the same time.

  11. Tammy from California5 August 2017 at 19:58

    I do think they will get engaged. After finally getting to sit down and watch the special on Diana, put on by PW and PH, I realized that they, in some ways really only have each other on a certain level. No one, no matter how close to them, went through what they did, and they are the only ones who know Diana's love as a mother, know the pain of losing her and share memories of her that only a child sees. I really feel that William's "old soul" personality is almost like a parent figure for Harry and it wouldn't surprise me at all that he would want to do something so intimate with the feeling of family close to his heart- especially given how successful (not in worldly ways, but in sentimental, heart felt ways) his brother's marriage/family life has been.

    On another note, Meghan's mother is a very pretty lady.

    Last, I was not a fan of PH dating Meghan when I first heard about their relationship. My thoughts were along the lines of "Great, another American comes the attention-seeking, the-rules-don't-apply-to-me, political pushing, drama!". I have come to respect/like her though (with caution still, as I don't have a high opinion of Hollywood in general). She seems on all fronts to be genuine, positive, well rounded and most of all non-attention seeking. She seems to really be affectionate with Harry (I really liked the pictures of the two at a friend's wedding where she always had an arm around him:gentle.) and I do think she is a much more emotionally healthy woman, than the people he has dated in the past. I wish them the very best.

    For my Kate watching friends: if they DO get engaged, Kate will have some very HEAVY competition in the fashion department: Meghan is a fashion PLATE.

    1. Maybe what some see as fashion "competition" is what Kate will see as relief? Media will of course compare them, but maybe it would be better to share the fashion limelight with in the BRF so you aren't the only one making front pages for that?

    2. Tammy from California6 August 2017 at 18:09

      AH: good insight! Very well could be, knowing that Kate has deemed herself as "shy", she could really welcome the spotlight being off of her. I am exactly the type to be like that! I would hate the constant pressure of every scrutinizing eye and I could see Kate being the same as well. Good post!

    3. AH that's how I would see it too. I remember Diana saying that's how she felt when Fergie came along, that it would take the pressure off her, but then Diana's insecurities got the better of her. She became quite jealous of Fergie (by her own admission) and did some terribly vindictive things. Diana's friend, Vivienne Parry said in a new piece today (about the tapes) "Diana always was the original little girl with the curl. When she was good, she was very, very good, and when she was bad (and it was rare) she could be horrid."

    4. Tammy and Claudia, I obviously agree :-) I don't think we'd see the same jealousy with Kate and she does have a bit of that shyness that we can relate too. Meghan is also more familiar with photo shoots and may be more comfortable "working it" (posing) for the cameras - maybe a bit more of a knee turned out or in...subtle things but things are that should show more comfort in those situations.

    5. This is just me talking, but I truly hope we don't start comparing. I think this place has had a really nice start and I'd hate to see it ruined by people thinking they have to defend someone, whether it be Kate or Meghan. As there is such a close relationship between this and DKB, I have fears that will happen. And I'd like the harmony to keep going a bit longer. I'm selfish that way. :)

    6. Eve from Germany9 August 2017 at 07:14

      @bluhare: you´re not selfish at all!! I totally get how you feel. I must admit I find myself "wanting" to go to this blog here more and more - because there´s still such a friendly, joking, relaxed atmoshpere. NO criticism meant for the "DKB" - Charlotte is doing such a STELLAR job with that blog!!
      Maybe it´s because we´re still in the "anticipating mode" - but it´s nice and almost "comforting" to be able to communicate with everyone else in still such a "light" and mostly humorous way...
      Am I making any sense here? Anyways, I hope we don´t go down on the "battle path" over "who´s better than the other one" here on this blog. I hope we can respect the differences between the two ladies and welcome them as something positive we can "relish"!

    7. amen, eve. another flower to the bouquet makes an even better bouquet. :)

    8. You may be right, Eve. Maybe we're all still on our best behavior. But I think so too, and I will do my part!

    9. Completely agree Eve. I don't think that would be fair to either one of them. They are both different people & we should celebrate the differences.

    10. Oh I hope I didn't contribute to that inadvertently. The comparison I think is discussion worthy is the shared experience element. They both have to enter a world that is so different to them, yet is perfectly normal to their husbands as it's all they've ever known. But I do understand any "comparison" discussion could rock the boat the wrong way, and I quite agree it's been lovely here :) It proves people can disagree without being disagreeable!

    11. Of course you didn't, Claudia! I just saw a direction that could go and said something. I don't think we can avoid talking about both of them from time to time; I just hope it doesn't get into battles if you know what I mean!

  12. Tammy from California5 August 2017 at 20:12

    By the way: I LOVE this look on Meghan. Can anyone identify this blue shirt-dress and leopard print shoes?

    1. I can't identify it but I like it as well. I confess I have a bit of a thing for leopard/tiger print!

    2. Tammy from California6 August 2017 at 19:56

      So funny bluhare, I kinda do too! I am not a huge fan of animal prints- as in: a dress, pants or top- but I think a hint of it in the accents like shoes, a headband, can really make an outfit something special. Meghan really spiced up this dress with a hint of wild and I liked it very much! She is a fun style to watch ;)

    3. Shoes, Tammy!! Like Meghan's. I have a couple of animal print scarves too. Don't think I could do much more than that, unless it was a shirt/blouse with very conservative accessories!

  13. Okay wow. They will definitely marry. A trip to Africa but more importantly it seems her mother met the royal family. That seems like the most telling sign that an engagement is on the way. How very exciting! I hope they are so happy together. It will be so fun to finally see Harry bring a girl along and not just be Will & Kate's third wheel for life. The four of them together would be amazing!

    1. Was it reported that her mom (Doria?) met anyone in the royal family this trip? W&K are probably in the countryside somewhere. Charles is on vacation still, isn't he? The Queen is in Scotland.

    2. good points, AH. perhaps she just was getting the lay of the land. It is a lot to take in.

    3. Agreed, SG! Maybe she got the same VIP treatment and access that Meghan has had from Harry, and that alone would require some getting used to!

    4. Nawh, I'd take to it like a duck to water. lol
      (Just kidding, sort of.) :)

      That gave an opportunity for Doris to ascertain if it is something she thinks would be best for her little girl. Palace life.

    5. Hmm I really assumed the Cambridges would now be spending as much time in the country, Scotland trip aside to see he Queen, until they are forced to move to London for George's school years. DM is reporting that Kate was shopping in London just yesterday. Maybe Meghan's mom met the Cambridges?
      Surfer Girl here is the reference :-)


    6. OMG how embarrassing I accidentally pasted the link I sent my mom regarding their trip to Iceland. I'll see if I can find that DM article...

    7. lol, lol, lol. that is SO funny. I typed it in old school and ended up on a tourist site. I thought discouragingly, oh well you know you are not a techie, surfer girl. :)
      You know, it looks like a beautiful vacation destination. I hope your parents thoroughly enjoyed it. :)

      (Do NOT feel bad about it at all.)

    8. I actually got some good tips from that myself AH so no worries! :)

  14. Any ideas when season 7 of suits is done filming for good ?

    1. rumor is November. that's when season 6 finished

    2. I just read they're done now, surfer girl. I can't remember where I read they were filming til November but maybe not?

    3. bluhare, thanks. I think someone thought that the photo of Patrick receiving a kiss on the cheek from Meghan was a celebratory "that's a wrap" kiss. I did look up the article and it was a birthday kiss. I will list the reference. Also noteworthy, the page Patrick put up the photo on is gone AND the complete site, whatever that's called. So that is seemingly pretty radical. I will list that reference also. I have looked up news about season 7 being done but have found nothing thus far.
      I would so love for season 7 to be complete now as I think that will herald in an engagement announcement. :)

    4. As I commented above, Hello Magazine says season seven has wrapped---finished filming. If that info is incorrect, talk to Hello. It was my comment with the Patrick/kissing/wrap party remark, @18:47 on Aug. 5, so I assume at least 2 people read it, as they replied to it. I think filming resumes in November. That may be where that came from.
      Twitter group fodder: October is shaping up to be a watershed month for the BRF. Since we got through the William/Phillip last days, something else must be up for October. Geidt leaves, Edwards takes over for HM PS; Ms. Quinn assumes PS duties for Catherine. As RD is reportedly leaving "in the summer," unless September is considered Summer, there will be a gap in Catherine's staff. Perhaps the new assistant secretary, whoever that might be, will fill in. There are Regency rumors, which would nicely solve the Camilla as Queen issue--at least for awhile. It would be a tricky business, as the Regency Act of 1937 clearly states monarch's physical and/or mental incapacitation. She may be weary of the whole thing, but I don't see anything resembling inability to perform her duties. I don't think there is a sliding scale on that-duties performed by others in her name are credited to the Queen. I think it is an all or nothing proposition. All in or all out. Her family's filling in for her in her name at her request on possibly most engagements outside the London or even palace environment would not qualify as incapacitation, as I understand it.

    5. He wants to be engaged by his birthday, sg! That's September 15.

    6. Great topics Anon, and I'd love to discuss all of it! :)

      Did everyone see the Robert Jobson piece on the staff changes? He's a long time royal reporter so I give him some weight, he wrote about the rapid changes at the royal households today:

      "It is becoming increasingly clear that the Queen herself has ordered a shake-up of courtiers at the royal palaces as she prepares for a future in which she allows Prince Charles to take the lead."

      "The shake-up is also seen as a response to the increasingly chaotic rivalry between the separate households – Kensington Palace, run by the young royals, Clarence House, home to Charles and Buckingham Palace itself. Consultation and co-ordination are felt to be in short supply. There was, for example, consternation at Harry’s furious attack on the media earlier this year over its coverage of his girlfriend Meghan Markle because it overshadowed – without warning – an official tour of the Middle East by Charles and Camilla. More recently, it is understood that Buckingham Palace courtiers did not feel fully informed over William and Harry’s ITV documentary about Diana, which again generated huge publicity. And there is said to be concern among senior royals that the stream of emotive statements issued by the princes about their mental well-being has got out of hand."

      This by far was the most interesting line to me:

      "Don’t forget that the Queen is still the boss and will always take her own decisions, no matter what the advice, said a royal insider. The Queen is said to have been irritated by the running of the junior households and feels that William and Harry have been given poor advice and left exposed to criticism."

    7. I'll take that as a confirmation, bluhare. 🎉
      (lol, watch her come home from Africa this week though with an exquisite bit of bling on her finger and surprise us all.)

    8. I really hope that last statement is true Claudia. I would rather hope that HM is more worried about W&H then any petty you hurt my feelings & are overshadowing whining from Clarence House.

    9. I did read it, Claudia. With great interest. I'd talk about it now, but I think I'll wait for our twitter group.

    10. Eve from Germany7 August 2017 at 06:34

      @Claudia: I read that article, too, and had a few "raised eyebrows" while reading it!
      Jobson is someone who regularly speaks on German TV-documentaries about the BRF. You have to take everything with a grain of salt, obviously, because those appearing on TV "love" to get the attention and being "important enough to be interviewed". Still, he´s been one of the "regulars" for a long time, so I would definitely take a closer look at what he says.
      It was interesting to read that HM does not really approve of what William and Harry have done. Given her refusal to do ANY kind of interviews and the consequences Diana´s and Charles´s "opening up to the media" had, I can understand how she feels about William and Harry opening up. Whether she is "right" or not, we will see....
      CP Frederick of Denmark also opened up about his, let´s say, "not so nice" childhood (after his father´s recent statements I can only shake my head and think "poor Frederick") - and the Danish public seemed to like it. But my "gut feeling" is that his wife Mary had a lot to do with that. She is seen as very strong and having a stabilizing and strengthening effect on him. Whether the British public will think the same about William remains to be seen.... With Harry, it´s different. He will most probably never be King, so people grant him more "freedom".
      It´s going to be interesting to see if and how things in the royal households are going to change. I feel that Kate´s new hiring is a sign that the young royals have to "professionalize" their staff and their "doing". From what I´ve seen over the years, HM is "looking on" for a while and then draws a line (see her apparently ordering the divorce after Diana´s Panorama interview). Her main interest is the future of the monarchy and her understanding is that as part of that family you have to do your bit to ensure the future of the monarchy first and foremost. If you´re not capable or willing, you "have to go" (see Diana). I´m not saying it´s "right" or "wrong", it´s just what I´ve seen happening over the years....
      I´ve said it before, if Harry marries Meghan, they could become quite a "power couple". Meghan does not strike me as someone who would sit quietly at home. She is used to the limelight and she is used to use this limelight for causes that are dear to her. I´m curious how that would affect William and Kate who both don´t seem to be particularly "enthusiastic" in that area. I don´t mean this as critizism, just an observation. Their mental health campaign seemed to be the first one where they seemed to use their popularity and the limelight for a cause that was dear to them. I hope they will continue to do that - although it might not find HM´s full approval. It´s the 21st century and a tough time for a monarchy to stay "relevant"...

    11. Some very good points, Eve. I remind myself about the time that Britain had expelled a king or something and then radically got him to return?
      Don't know much about that obviously, but I remember in skimming the article how surprised I was that Britain so certainly and strongly wanted a king. (Good thing I'm not a history professor, yeh? lol) Does anyone know what king I'm talking about?
      So, perhaps the monarchy is still ingrained in the fabric of British culture enough to transition these "modern" times intact.

    12. Are you referencing Charles II, SG?

    13. Yes, 15:41. Thank you. That's the one.

    14. Eve from Germany8 August 2017 at 17:32

      @surfer girl: I think it might be Charles II, called "the merry monarch"!! He was defeated by Oliver Cromwell, had to flee the country and came back after Cromwell had died. Everyone was relieved because Cromwell had been a true dictator - so no happy times... and no good memories in Britain regarding a British "republic" which Cromwell had established.. so who knows, they might be more attached to the monarchy than they think...

      And THANK YOU so much for reminding me of @bluhare´s "supreme knowledge" when it comes to Harry´s engagement plans!! She knows it all, right? ;-))) LOL... So relieved to hear it´s gonna be his birthday - I thought about that, too...(haha!). Wouldn´t that be great? Can´t wait, to be honest, I´m kind of "dying" at the moment for some good news and a royal wedding to look forward to.. sigh!!

    15. I think it was Charles II, after Cromwell, right?

      That didn't end too well for Charles!

    16. I believe Charles II actually escaped to France first when his father, Charles I, was arrested and finally beheaded

    17. I need to revisit my history, because I am remembering that Charles 1 was beheaded, Charles II did go to France (or Europe somewhere; can't remember), and then when Cromwell died, Charles II went back to Britain and eventually met the same end as his father. Is that right, someone with a better memory than me?

    18. Thanks ya'll for clarity on that era. :)

  15. My biggest fear is that they're eloping. They wouldn't do that, would they? We all want another Royal wedding!

    1. They better not!

    2. I doubt that the Queen and Anne and Wiiliam would be willing to miss attending such a big day in the life of a person they love so much. The Queen would want history served properly with a royal wedding. He is fifth in succession to the throne. I take comfort in these thoughts. lol

    3. I am with Kiwi Gal. I have been training myself so I can stay up all night and watch it!!

    4. lol. Not a bad idea. I have to dust off my tiara, (yep, I really got one for William and Kate's wedding. But only because most of my neighbors did, um hmmm), and be testing my teacake recipes. If we are privy to the wedding menu I will try to make the same (or sort of) for a big dinner that day. If they only knew. lol 🤴👸

    5. Those are reassuring thoughts, surfer girl!
      bluhare, I'm ready & waiting for the big day :)

  16. Harry takes his girlfriends to Botswana. Chelsea at least seven times. So maybe nothing in it except an awesome country to visit. Pity the press pack will no doubt spoil the experience , which is sad.

  17. Not only did Patrick J. Adams direct the 100th episode of "Suits", he says that Meghan has inspired him with her involvement in philanthropies. Because of her he says he is now involved in a charity that gathers business attire from all over Canada to be donated to organizations that train disadvantaged people how to do resumes, interviews and how to dress appropriately for interviews. (He mentioned that he has directed other episodes of "Suits" also. So, I wouldn't be surprised if other cast members have had the same privilege.)

    You Tube, Your Morning, "Patrick J. Adams Talks Season 7 of Suits". Cute interview.

    1. Does he seem a little attention hungry to you? He has been mentioning her in interviews since news broke of her dating Harry. What are your thoughts on that?

      He has been loyal in that I haven't heard him linked to any stories or leaks. However, he just seems a little too happy to discuss her. Some people are just naturally chatty and don't think things through...or he likes the headlines it garners him. I wonder what she thinks.


    2. I don't know. I think it is just his personality? He sure did take his Instagram account down in a hurry. I really don't have a clue at the moment. :)

    3. He may have wanted to give her credit for inspiring him to be more proactive charity-wise. Plus, linking her in some way to his clothing charity will garner more support perhaps. I think Meghan would be only too happy to give second-tier support like that, don't you? :)

  18. Okay. No offense to anyone, but here's what I have found out. The "Hello" article only uses "hiatus" as a short break. It says nothing about finishing filming season seven. And if filming were to resume in November it would constitute season 8, and nothing is mentioned about a confirmed season 8 at the moment. The photo of a kiss on the cheek is a generic one and not specific to completing filming.
    Although Patrick did unarchive it and post it as a birthday "gift" to Meghan on his Instagram account.
    (Not only was the photo removed quickly but he deleted his entire Instagram account after the photo was posted.)
    Also season 6 completed filming November 2016.

    Certainly not doing this is an argumentative vein at all. I just want to know if filming is continuing because I want them "free" to become engaged. Not that they couldn't become engaged while filming is ongoing but you know what I mean, hopefully.

    So it seems that this is a small break, like others they've had during the year so far, but filming won't be completed until November. I have listed references. If anyone has found other info, please share. We are just trying to get this accurately figured out. :)

    Daily Mail, "Jealous Harry? ......", Martha Cliff, 8/4/17.

    Mirror, "Meghan Markle's Suits Co-star, Patrick J. Adams, Deletes Instagram Account ....", Zoe Shenton,

    Hello, "Meghan Markle's Co-star Kicks Off Their
    Summer Hiatus with ...", Sharnez Shahid, 8/4/17.

    1. Ha! So I was right to start with. :)

      bluhare sees all . . . tells some of it.

    2. He deleted his IG account, not just the post? Whoa!

    3. Oh my goodness i follow @halfadams (Patrick J Adams) on instagram and you are right - his account is GONE. Thats unusual, big and sad - better come back!!!! must be intense and weirds and a little hard for the Suits crew with the Meghan M mania and attention. After all Mike & Rachel engaged on Suits....I love that Harry and Meghan are dating and in Africa. Its just so good!!!

    4. lol, bluhare. very magnanimous of you. :)

    5. After consulting the Suit's official site, I think I have an idea what may be causing confusion. As I have mentioned previously, (not sure if printed) Suits has two airing seasons per year: a winter one that premieres in January and a Summer one--this is the time the previously filmed episodes run on TV. Add to that, there are also two filming seasons, which I assume run opposite to the running schedule, a season ahead, more or less-I think there is some over-lap.---i.e.- the filming for the Winter season that will air in January, 2018, will begin in November, 2017, for example. In between the two filming schedules is a hiatus. I believe Meghan visited London during the last hiatus as well.
      So-it is correct to say the cast is on a hiatus between the two season's filming schedules. It is also correct to say the cast have wrapped shooting on a season of shooting. The celebration was for Both the completion of a filming season (a "wrap") and the beginning of the Summer hiatus between filming schedules..
      Clear as mud? Ha!

    6. yep. clear as mud. lol
      Thanks for all your efforts though. :)

    7. I'll simplify: there are two seasons of Suits per year televised.
      There are two filming periods, one for each season.

      After each season is finished filming, it is called a wrap.
      The time Between Filming periods is called a hiatus.

      NOTE: Stop here if you have not had your coffee or are sleep-deprived, or otherwise brain-fogged. ::) Don't be concerned if the following is confusing . Obviously, several reporters are confused, too.
      I'm starting to think diagrams would help.

      They are currently on hiatus after wrapping the filming of one season. Remember, the series has already had one hiatus this year-last Spring..
      Filming resumes in November ---for the Winter season. This will start airing in January, 2018.
      That does not mean filming stops when airing starts. Filming goes on while already filmed episodes are airing- until a season is wrapped-filming completed. Then a hiatus. It looks like filming runs about two months ahead of airing. There is editing, promotion, and other post-production
      It is really not that hard to understand. It just takes a little thought and actually makes sense. HAHAHA

      This could mean that Meghan is now free to do whatever, as far as Suits is concerned...if rumors of her resigning after the (filming) period that just ended are true. It doesn't matter if the season is still airing. Her responsibility is for filming, which has wrapped for this season. People confused the airing of a season with the filming, which runs ahead of the airing season.
      The comparatively long breaks during the two hiatus periods in a two season/year set up allow the actors to pursue other interests during that time, if their contracts allow. Films, plays, personal plans...

    8. lol. cute. Thanks, 22:30. :)

  19. P.S. So. It seems that they have a short summer break. That they will resume filming soon and complete filming in November. It seems.

    1. Strange, because the 7th season will only run until sometime in august of this year in the USA according to wikipedia.

    2. It could be that they received reduced funding which lead to a shorter season this time around. USA Network has several new shows starting this year.

  20. The excitement is building; there could be a royal engagement announcement! I feel excited myself!

  21. Fiona in Australia8 August 2017 at 01:51

    I just read in the Express online that Harry and Meghan have gone to Botswana. I'm not sure if this is true, but it could be... According to the article he feels he can be himself there, and as the local people have no interest in him being royal, he can relax totally. Also, apparently he has many friends in Botswana who will guard his privacy.

  22. Patrick J. Adams has restored his Instagram account. I was just looking at it. Also, I bought a great pair of shoes the other day almost identical to Meghan's J. Crew sandals worn in these photos. They're from Le Chateau. I loved Meghan's shoes, but didn't want to splurge, so I was pretty happy when I found these. Here's the link if anyone's interested.

    1. Is his account back up? I can't find it. He also deleted his twitter account today. I have no idea what to make of this.

  23. Anyone who doesn't believe that Diana used her image and wardrobe as a powerful tool for just about every aspect of her life, needs only to look at the dress she has on in a photo in the article listed. Couple that with the daring and beautiful black dress she wore on the night of Charles revealed he was having an affair and point made.
    This article is written to Meghan. It is written by an associate editor from the Sun. It is forthright and bold.
    An interesting read. I hope Meghan reads it.
    Julia and royalfan, et al, you will no doubt love it, at least some of it.

    Dan Wooton, The Mirror, "Dan Wootton, Diana was a Peerless Celeb ....", 8/7/17.

  24. oops. make that The Sun, not The Mirror. So much for way early in the morning posts. :)

  25. Will Meghan attend the invictus games is the big question now

    1. I certainly hope so. It would be an excellent time to bring her out sort of officially.

  26. Eve from Germany13 August 2017 at 06:39

    Mike Tindall has commented on Meghan in an interview (and positively!) - another sign that an engagement might be in the cards pretty soon!!

    1. I just read the article. Mike's statement sure does make it sound like a "done deal."

    2. Mike Tindall's comment does seem to substantiate Jon Lockett's reporting somewhat.
      Time will tell.

  27. According according to Jon Lockett, The Sun, "Mark-ed Man..", 8/13/17, Harry and Meghan are engaged.
    Harry reportedly had Prince Seeiso and Zulu King Goodwiil and his wife, Queen Manfombi, work on Zulu
    "betrothal" beaded bracelets that Harry has presented to Meghan with a marriage proposal. Reportedly he will announce the engagement in September and then, once the announcement is "official", Meghan will wear the €100,000 emerald engagement ring that Harry had designed from some of Diana's jewelry.

    1. I saw that article too. Do you think there's any truth to it? IT seems to cover themselves saying that it won't be announced for months. Of course it would be wonderful but I'm skeptical.

    2. Eve from Germany15 August 2017 at 07:02

      surfer girl, I would LOVE that to be true, but what kind of "irks" me, is that apparently the Queen still needs to give permission before they can make it "official". Now, in all fairness, I do not think that Harry would ask Meghan first and THEN ask the Queen for permission. I do think it would be the other way round - because, I mean, would you propose to your "dream one" and then say: "But wait a second, don´t get excited just yet, I will first have to ask HM for permission!"? Just kidding.. but really, this is a detail that just can´t be true... Still, I don´t want to "ruin it", I´m sure he asked HM first and then proposed and I´m quite positive it could have happened during this trip.... Let´s keep fingers crossed.... :-)))

    3. SG, September makes perfect sense to me. :-)

    4. I alaways read the stories with a healthy dose of skepticism. There's nothing to say Harry hasn't asked HM already in preparation for a proposal. I can't imagine HM saying No to Harry either.

      I would like it to be true, but will wait for an announcement

    5. I agree, ya'll.

      I was just mentioning the article because it is out there and is about Harry and Meghan. I agree it seems to be a composite of rumors for the most part. And I agree that the comment about still having to get the Queen's permission is a real disclaimer. I guess the "betrothel" bracelet seemed the most plausible part of the article to me and something I hadn't heard before. Only time will tell about the integrity of the article. September 15 isn't far off so we shall soon see. :)

    6. I'm right there with you on this, Eve. The Sun? The DM? Could we hear about this from some other source? Sometimes "exclusives" are exclusive because no reputable source would print it.
      On the other hand, I think Harry is completely smitten and committed, judging by various lawsuits and that plea to the media last Fall. It is a stretch, but I can imagine his leaking engagement stories to gain public support for it before gaining HM's sanction, thereby forcing her hand- which has happened before in other matters. The government/church are also involved, as Meghan is divorced and her former husband lives. Considering C&C marriage, I don't know how they could justify denying approval on that basis.
      I also think Harry might politely tell them all to shove it, but I'm not sure he (or MM) is ready for the life of a Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Although comparatively a minor issue, it is potentially an explosive one for GB and the monarchy, depending on how it is handled. Unfortunately, time is not on H&M's side since Harry wants children.

      On another question, relating to the succession, as is Harry's getting approval- does anyone know if Charles's hereditary line would follow if he pre-deceased the Queen? I have been trying to think of a precedent. If Charles had not yet succeeded, could his heirs continue the line or would it go to Andrew? I think the POW has pre-deceased the monarch before but there had been no heirs of the POW anyway. I am referring to Edward VII's older brother, for one. Edward III's oldest son, for another. Neither had heirs, I believe.

    7. Anon @ 19:14.

      Andrew becoming King should Charles pass before inheriting the throne???????

      Say it isn't so, someone. Please. Could that really happen? Julia, do you know?

    8. Eve from Germany24 August 2017 at 19:26

      @surfer girl: As far as I know, William would inherit the throne because he´s literally "the next IN LINE". Andrew would be a "side-step" - he would only have become king if Charles had had no heir (i.e. no "direct in line") at the time of his death. So you (we) can chill... ;-)))

    9. huge relief, thanks Eve. :)

  28. Just as Claudia Joseph did extensive research regarding Kate for a more comprehensive perspective,
    so has David Jones for the Daily Mail. His three part series is complimentary to Meghan really even if the titles of the articles don't also seem to be. The three articles are listed below and provide information and insight into Meghan and her history. For Meghan fans I think they are "must reads". :)

    "Meghan Unmasked....", the Daily Mail, David Jones,
    "Truth About Meghan's Last Lover Before Harry....",
    the Daily Mail, David Jones, 8/13/17.
    "How Meghan Markle's Ancestors Escaped the Shackles of Slavery....", the Daily Mail, David Jones,

  29. Eve from Germany17 August 2017 at 05:27

    @Claudia: Claudia, I sincerely hope you are reading this - although the post is a few days old... I want to congratulate you - I love your new twitter account @WayAheadUK!!! I love that you are trying not to take sides but instead you are trying to give us as much variety as possible - that´s rare in today´s days!!!
    And thank you so much for introducing me to @Dianadaybyday - that twitter feed reads itself like a THRILLER - I couldn´t stop yesterday, it left me breathless... You think you know ALL the stories (I´ve read enough biographies and seen all the documentaries about Diana that are available) - but this is different. It makes you think you are actually THERE, right front and center of what is happening... although it happened 20 years ago it feels like "realtime".
    Keep up your excellent work, Claudia!! We need more people who are interested in "getting the full picture" and who are willing to see things from different angles!

    1. Eve, I'd also like to thank Claudia for starting her new twitter account. It's been very interesting reading all the recent discussions, keep it up! :)

    2. I'm so sorry Eve and Kiwi Gal I just saw this, thank you! I hope you'll both join in :)

      And I love the Diana Day by Day account, takes an incredibly talented writer to make a reader feel as if they are there, and the information was so well edited and produced. Amazing to cut all that down into scheduled tweets and bring people in to the story. So impressive.
      It seems wrong to say I "enjoyed" it, it's such grim material, but I did, I really appreciate that level of research and presentation. Why I love Charlotte so much too :)

  30. I think Meghan's recent list of people she admires is very revealing.

    Her list might make the Palace a little nervous. :)
    Her list is a little "left wing" for them perhaps. But at least now they know a little more about who Meghan is than they did before maybe, and it is now published information. I don't know that they would particularly be looking forward to another "free spirit". Time will tell.

    1. Eve from Germany21 August 2017 at 12:04

      surfer girl, "left wing", that´s a nice way of putting it, it really made me smile and giggle (thinking of the palace... ;-)))) ). I have to admit, ever since the very first time I did some research about Meghan, I thought "Well, she´s going to be "a handful"!" - and I mean that in a positive way!!
      She´s definitely a "free spirit" and I am s u r e, she and Harry, should they get married, will definitely "shake the whole thing up". I just can NOT imagine her going quiet after the marriage - that´s just not her.
      I think that Harry and her will be able to be a bit more "free spirit" - just because it´s Harry - he´s always been the one who can "get away with things". And why not? Ultimately, it will do the monarchy good, because, let´s face it, too much "according to the rules", that´s boring - and nothing would be more destructive to the institution "monarchy" in today´s day and age than that... Personally, I look forward to what the two of them will be doing once (ha! I´m saying "once", not "if"!! ;-)) )they (hopefully!) get married.....

    2. I hope they "surface" soon. :)

  31. From Meghan's recent comments about getting homesick at times for California and mentioning that Joni Mitchell's "California" is an anthem for her when she is in that emotional space, I think that should she and Harry marry, they would definitely have a purchased "second" home in Los Angeles.

  32. If Camilla Tominey of The Express is right, Meghan could have been visiting Harry in London more than anyone knows. She claims in her article today that Harry has gotten in the habit of having he and his PPO and the accompanying follow-up vehicle of security pick Meghan up on the tarmac at the airport so all she has to do is go from the Jet to his car. A source in her article said that that is usual protocol with the royal family. Another source in her article said that all security protocols are observed even with the VIP treatment.

    1. SG, it seems both plausible and logical to me. And, quite frankly, why on earth not? :-)

    2. rf, for sure. makes perfect sense to me. So much simpler. :)

  33. According to Mike Vulpo, E News, "Prince Harry and Megan Markle Headed to Livingstone Following Botswana Adventure", 8/25/17, Harry and Meghan left Botswana Thursday evening and travelled to Zambia where they reportedly will be staying for a few more days, even perhaps flying over Victoria Falls.

  34. People magazine confirmed today that Harry and Meghan are now returned to London. People said that Harry and Meghan will be making a stay at Birkhall to visit Charles. They said that since the Queen is still at Balmoral they may make a visit next door to visit the Queen. That's what People magazine said anyway.

  35. Oops. That wasn't People. That was E News, Kendall Fisher, 8/29/17, "Why Prince Harry's and Meghan Markle's Engagement ......".

  36. Meghan will resume filming season 7 this month and that will continue until mid-November, according to Us Weekly, 9/1/17, "Will Meghan Markle Continue Suits After Season 7?".

    1. SG, do you know if November mark the end of her commitment to the show, unless she signs on for more?

      I ask because in my mind I wondered if an announcement would be made in September (after the tributes to Diana).

    2. royalfan, I don't know. :)
      I was just mentioning the US article.
      Anon @ 20:48 has given reference to the actual "Suits" website that seems to contradict the US article.
      I personally think that September 15 will bring forth clarity on that by an engagement announcement, like bluhare mentioned that that was Harry's stated desire at one point.
      Meghan is 36. (a wedding would make that 37 after all the wedding planning time, etc.)
      They can't dilly dally around if they want to start a family and they have been together a lot in the past year so they should have a good idea as to whether they each have found "the one". Time will tell.

    3. we don't know if that "bethrothel bracelet" was just made up either as we haven't seen Meghan since they landed in Botswana. Harry does know how to keep his girlfriend away from the media that's for sure. wielding some real clout obviously to be able to accomplish that. kudos to him for his efforts.

      As far as protection from the media goes though, I think Meghan's mom will have to somehow obtain living quarters than have in-house laundry accommodations or the media might be there getting more photos every time she goes to the laundromat like they did recently, even getting close ups through zoom lens of what her laundry consisted of, tacky huh.

  37. Go to the official Suits site, rather than US Weekly. Season seven has wrapped...finished filming, although it is still airing. I realize this is a difficult concept to grasp. Obviously, some tabloid writers have problems understanding this.
    You can see S7E8 on the site. There are promos for S7E9 on the site. The season currently airing is season seven. Even the US article states she was only signed through season seven...which has wrapped. In the can. The article also quotes "sources" that H&M are" getting engaged in Botswana." Well, that bit of rumor is all over the internet. US is a tabloid and basically a gossip rag- the type that announces Kate's twin pregnancies on the cover.
    The article goes on to say anyone who talks about her will get fired. They quote "insider" reports. They quote someone as saying that "nobody expects M. back after season seven "and that she is "not on the new shooting schedules" for season eight (which is attributed to security issues) Another quote: "Nobody knows if there will be a season eight."
    If you can find any of that US information on the official site, I will believe it before believing US.

  38. thanks for the reference, 20:48. :)

    Charlotte, on the DKB, did include a quote from Emily Andrews that Meghan is still in London at Kensington Palace with Harry, and the those two have gone away for the weekend.

  39. According to Wikipedia, Suits Season 7 is still airing up to either Ep8, Ep9 or Ep10. It has only been funded and approved for Season 7, no mention of Season 8. Season 7 will have 16 total episodes.

    USA network is usually really good about announcing final seasons so if they haven't yet, it would surprise me if it is renewed for Season 8 and make it the final season. Meghan may or may not return if she has fulfilled her contract. If not, then I hope that means an engagement is in the cards, just around the corner


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