
Tuesday 5 September 2017

Meghan Tells Vanity Fair: "We're Two People Who Are Really Happy And In Love"

"We're two people who are really happy and in love". These are the romantic and telling words Meghan Markle shared with contributing editor Sam Kashner for an astonishing interview for Vanity Fair. In the incredibly open piece Meghan discusses her relationship with Prince Harry, the challenges of her newfound fame, her background, her life as an actress and more.

Sam Kashner begins with this insightful part recalling the rainy day she interviewed Meghan in June:

'Meghan Markle was going to London. She had a week’s hiatus before returning to Toronto to film the 100th episode of Suits, a surprise-hit series on the USA Network, now in its seventh season. On a rainy afternoon in June, Markle came to her front door and welcomed me into her home, on a quiet, tree-lined street in Toronto. Markle was wearing a red, knee-length floral dress (“Erdem, a designer I’ve been wearing for years”), with her rescue dogs, Bogart and Guy, wagging their tails beside her. A slim brunette with a lightly freckled, glowing complexion and an upturned nose, she looks like the sun-kissed California girl she’s always been.
Markle had prepared a lunch of organic greens, a crusty bread to be dipped in olive oil, and pasta tossed with chilies bought from “a little place called Terroni, which they have in L.A. and in Toronto. They’re really hot, but if you’re good with heat, then I think they’re going to be your new favorite thing . . . I’ll give you a little jar to take home.” Her warmth is genuine. She seems to be the happy genius of her home of seven years. “Seven Canadian winters!” she exclaims about her time filming Suits. “A long time for someone who grew up in Southern California.” She has tried to make her Canadian house look like a California bungalow, exposing the hardwood floors and letting in as much light as possible.
Markle suggested that we move outside into the small garden behind the house, where she opened up even more about the object of her affection, her “boyfriend,” as she calls the prince.'

Of course we all want to know exactly what Meghan said about her relationship with Prince Harry, so we'll start with that fascinating portion of the interview: “We’re a couple,” she explains. “We’re in love. I’m sure there will be a time when we will have to come forward and present ourselves and have stories to tell, but I hope what people will understand is that this is our time. This is for us. It’s part of what makes it so special, that it’s just ours. But we’re happy. Personally, I love a great love story.”

Meghan confirmed the couple met in July 2016 and were introduced by friends: “I can tell you that at the end of the day I think it’s really simple,” she says. “We’re two people who are really happy and in love. We were very quietly dating for about six months before it became news, and I was working during that whole time, and the only thing that changed was people’s perception. Nothing about me changed. I’m still the same person that I am, and I’ve never defined myself by my relationship.”

Discussing the new level of fame, Meghan credits the support of those around her in helping her deal with the challenges it has presented: “It has its challenges, and it comes in waves—some days it can feel more challenging than others,” she says. “And right out of the gate it was surprising the way things changed. But I still have this support system all around me, and, of course, my boyfriend’s support. I don’t read any press. I haven’t even read press for Suits. The people who are close to me anchor me in knowing who I am. The rest is noise.”

Meghan's friends, Suits actress Abigail Spencer and designer Misha Nonoo contributed:

'A close friend is the actress Abigail Spencer, who has been a Suits cast member. When asked why she thinks Harry was drawn to Markle, Spencer says, “She’s got warm elegance, though her style is hard to pin down. It’s classy and timeless. When you’re talking to her, you feel like you’re the only person on the planet. And it’s just wonderful to see her so in love.”.
 Another close friend is the Bahrain-born fashion designer Misha Nonoo. They met in Miami through a mutual friend and immediately bonded. “Her greatest strength is her compassion for others,” says Nonoo. “Much of the work she does is unseen by the public.'

Kashner continued: "One thing Markle noticed about how she was perceived was that “at almost every photo shoot they would airbrush out” her freckles. “I’ve always loved my freckles,” she now says, so when she was photographed for V.F., she was “thrilled to work with Peter [Lindbergh] because he rarely retouches and he believes in such little makeup. I gave him a big hug and said, ‘I am so excited to work with you because I know we will finally be able to see my freckles!"

Meghan also recalled auditioning for Suits and the support she received from her parents:

When she auditioned for the role, Markle showed up in black jeans, a plum-colored spaghetti-strap top, and heels. It suddenly occurred to her that for the screen test she needed to look less casual and more like a lawyer. She dashed into an H&M and bought a little black dress for $35. Sure enough, she was asked to change into the dress, which she hadn’t even tried on. Thank God it fit.
“My parents had been so supportive,” she told V.F., “watching me audition, trying to make ends meet, taking all the odds-and-ends jobs to pay my bills. I was doing calligraphy, and I was a hostess at a restaurant—and all those things that actors do. My father knew how hard it is for an actor to get work, so he above all people was so proud that I was able to beat the odds.”

Speaking about growing up: "What’s so incredible, you know, is that my parents split up when I was two, [but] I never saw them fight. We would still take vacations together. My dad would come on Sundays to drop me off, and we’d watch Jeopardy! eating dinner on TV trays, the three of us. . . . We were still so close-knit.” When she turned 18, she left for Northwestern University, in Evanston, Illinois—becoming the first person in her family to graduate from college—and double-majored in theater and international relations. In line with her international-relations major, Markle worked at the U.S. Embassy in Argentina her senior year, “so I had been in a completely different world and then suddenly jumped into this one."

Meghan discussed growing up feeling like "a question mark, an absolute incomplete":

'Markle’s parents “crafted the world around me to make me feel like I wasn’t different, but special,” as she wrote in a 2015 essay for Elle. As dolls in the 1980s were generally sold in sets of black and white, for Christmas one year her father bought “a black mom doll, a white dad doll, and a child in each color. My dad had taken the sets apart and customized my family.”
Problems began in the seventh grade, when she had to complete a mandatory census by checking one of four boxes: “white, black, Hispanic, or Asian.” The pale, freckled, curly-haired Markle felt that to choose either white or black would be a rejection of one of her parents. Her teacher told her to check “Caucasian” because she looked white, but she couldn’t. She ended up leaving the boxes unchecked. “I left my identity blank—a question mark, an absolute incomplete—much like how I felt,” she once said.'

"One of the strongest bonds Prince Harry and Markle share is their philanthropy. For Markle, it began at an early age. Her mother, Doria Ragland, made sure that her little girl knew about the greater world and its political and economic challenges when she was growing up in Los Angeles. Markle thinks her social awareness began during the South-Central riots, in Los Angeles, sparked by the police beating of Rodney King, in 1991, and the subsequent riots in 1992, when she was 11 years old. “They had let us go home [from school] during the riots and there was ash everywhere.” As the ash from street fires sifted down on suburban lawns, Markle remembers, she said, “Oh, my God, Mommy, it’s snowing! “No, Flower, it’s not snow,” Doria answered. “Get in the house."

Meghan wore a selection of simple, classic and monchrome looks for the shoot. However, she also sported a stunning gown. The talented ladies at Meghan's Mirror have identified it as the Carolina Herrera Mikado Bustier Tulle Ball Gown. Made in Italy, the piece is from the Resort 2018 Collection.

Royal reporter Rebecca English commented on the piece.

Rebecca English Twitter Feed

When the engagement was mentioned, Rebecca responded "100%".

I think there is absolutely no question this piece was done with Harry's full knowledge and support. In many ways, it very much feels like a pre-engagement 'Get to know the real Meghan' article. So much has been written, so many false rumours continue to do the rounds daily... This was a wonderful opportunity for her to have her say. Meghan was very open in the interview and above all, it's simply wonderful to hear how happy and in love they are. I thought this quote particularly interesting regarding future plans "I’m sure there will be a time when we will have to come forward and present ourselves and have stories to tell, but I hope what people will understand is that this is our time." The articles noted Meghan's achievements - she's the first person in her family to graduate college and worked in the U.S. embassy in Argentina during senior year. Meghan and Harry's shared interest in philanthropic initiatives stood out as another important part of the piece, something that will serve them in the good stead in the future. Meghan has experience working with charities and global organisations, relationships that could be fostered and continued in the royal family. The natural, pared back styling and photographs worked beautifully with the tone of the interview. I thought it an excellent read, you can view the full article here. You can view a behind-the-scenes video from the photoshoot here (with thanks to Solid Moonlight). What are your thoughts on the piece?

Since the interview, Harry and Meghan enjoyed three blissful weeks in Botswana and returned to Kensington Palace together last week. Emily Andrews noted they spent the weekend away together. By all accounts, it's going incredibly well and I very much look forward to a special announcement, I don't about you, but I think it's coming sooner rather the later :)


  1. This is surprising but also exciting. I think you are right that this was a chance for her to present herself after all the other 'noise' as she puts it. And it's nice to see that while being with him has created changes in her life she can still do things like this. It is lovely to think of them happy - and that she was with him for the anniversary of Diana's death which must have been a hard day.

  2. Breathtaking photos...she is gorgeous! Harry's a lucky man :) She really does seem like his dream lady...I wish them well in their future together! x

    1. I agree Kiwi Gal I love these photos. And can I be incredibly shallow for a moment and say I think her fashion will be amazing! I think it will be a very exciting time for royal & fashion fans.

    2. That isn't shallow at all, lol. Diana knew the importance of it and she was not shallow. :)
      She had Vogue style her all those years. Meghan has a real stylist too.
      And, I think we will see some very nice creative fashion from "Princess" Meghan. The role of a lifetime and a wardrobe to match.

    3. Cannot wait for 'Princess Meghan' & her fashion :)

  3. This is a "royal first", if I may say so... A girl-friend giving an "exclusive" usually is "exclusively" shown the door by her royal boy friend and his family as soon as it comes out.... I agree Harry must have known and approved.
    So this leads me back to what I´ve said quite some time ago: Meghan will give Kate "a run for her money" IMO. As we "know" by now, Kate has most probably chosen to be the "stay-at-home-mum" (nothing wrong with that per se, maybe just another very unwise PR handling between KP and the Princely couple... announcing the "increased schedule" and then announcing a third pregnancy, well, that´s another story, I´m not going there) with some very selected charities and causes she will support.
    Meghan, on the other hand, I cannot imagine her NOT taking the opportunities this role will offer once she is married to Prince Harry. I am pretty sure that she will put all the notoriety to very good use in order to champion the causes that are dear to her. I don´t think having children will prevent her from doing that. She strikes me as someone who has this amount of energy and will-power to do BOTH. She´s been doing "active" and "publicly visible" humanitarian work before she met Harry. It´s just who she is - which makes her such an exciting addition to the BRF - should they really marry.
    It´s going to be absolutely fascinating to watch how William, Kate, Harry and Meghan are going to evolve over the years. I have a gut feeling that Harry and Meghan will turn out to be a real force to be reckoned with....

    1. Excellent thoughts, Eve. Agree 100%.

    2. I agree, Eve. They will definitely be a force to be reckoned with and all in a good way. They will have more freedom to be that force as Harry is now the sixth in order of succession and will maintain an increasing level or latitude of autonomy in my opinion. He will always, of course, do so with respect to his Sovereign. He got to serve on the front in Afghanistan. He and Meghan will hopefully be able to maintain and establish new fronts in charitable and other endeavors. They are smart and creative and Harry knows how to work the system. He has sway (and swagger, :). Fasten your seat belts. It will be fun. :)

    3. Eve, I wholeheartedly agree with your summary. From everything I've seen so far, Meghan is beautiful, stylish, charming, kind and interested in charitable work. It seems to me, Harry has chosen someone remarkably similar to his beloved mother, but seemingly with fewer insecurities.

      I can't wait to see their engagement announced, and I agree with Charlotte, I think it could come sooner than December. These two as a team could easily turn out to be the power couple in the royal family with as much charisma and pull as Diana had. I'm seriously excited!

    4. I think there's no question Harry was OK with it. If he isn't, she will probably be shown the door shortly, but I can't believe she'd do a high profile interview like that without his OK. She knows better than we do how he can view the media.

    5. I've been a reader for years but have never commented. I feel like some are forcing Kate and Meg to be in "competition" - they aren't nor should they be so the entire "run for her money" talk seems quite ill placed. So much of society wants women to compete when why can't we just celebrate the different roles that we all play and support one another. Based on the interview, Meg seems to be able to block out the "noise" and stay true to herself which makes me think she will be supportive of the choices that others make. If we are honest, William and Harry have different expectations placed on them and those transfer to the rest of their family. Harry's children will be able to "do" different things than William's children - it is just what it is. Diana's role changed over time and and I'm sure Kate's will as well as the roles of others. Life has a way of doing that to all of us.

    6. Maggie - Minneapolis5 September 2017 at 21:00

      Eve, I agree with the general sentiment absolutely, but I do think it's unfortunate that on here, social media, the press, etc...everyone has and will keep talking about this in terms of Meghan giving Kate a run for her money when it's at least just as much about Harry giving William a run for this money in terms of how royal-borns treat their significant others. I think it's always been clear that William is quite inflexible about a lot of things, and expected Kate to manage her life around his when dating. I find it hard to respect Kate bc of her willingness to go along with it, but I think women are pressured into doing that in society, and it's bc of ppl like William. Who, let's be honest, would never have been okay with Kate doing an interview like this. He's incredibly lucky he found a woman early in college who was willing to go along with his demands, or I think he would have had as many failed relationships as Harry...who I think used to be like William but since he didn't ever find a personality like Kate, he did end up w/ several significant failed relationships which probably forced him to learn a lesson. And so now, here, he's doing a wonderful job of protecting his significant other and also making it clear that they are equals and any sacrifices must/will go both ways. William never has been a person like that, and so unlike Meghan who doesn't have to choose as much bw staying true to herself and being in a relationship with the man she loves, Kate would have to pick, and while I wish she'd pick more the other way, it's still tough, and I hate that it's talked about like it's all on her. This is on William. This is Harry > William.

    7. Kiva I agree with your sentiment about comparisons, bluhare has brought it up before, so I hope I'm not straying into the wrong territory here.

      I absolutely agree with Eve and understand what she's saying. As happy as I am for the potential Harry and Meghan have, it makes me a bit sad if that makes sense. They are very likely going to be the golden couple of the philanthropic world, they will (hopefully) be tremendous ambassadors for brand blighty, and yet as more Cambridge children come along and grow, they will be increasingly on the outskirts of the royal line. They will probably be much more famous for their non royal activities.

      I wish there was a little more of that at the top of the ticket. You can look at royal life as a burden, or as an incredible and humbling opportunity. To give him credit, William's schedule is certainly filling up, many new announcements today. And for full disclosure, when my children came along, I stayed home with them. But that was never going to be an option for Kate if she married William, and we all know she had many years to consider her options. Royal life demands a public role, you have to be a national cheerleader, you have to comfort in times of grief, you have to promote national interests. It's a tall order, politicians sign up for a certain term, royals are in it for life. But, they get an awful lot of perks for their troubles.

      I don't know that monarchies are long for this world anyway, but it certainly won't help if the leading man and woman don't seem to have much interest in the role.

    8. Eve from Germany, I agree with you 10000%
      Meghan is sooooooooo interesting and beautiful and smiley and nice!
      She looks like a great woman and I bet that she will change the monarchy into a more open and human one!
      Cannot wait to see them together and see her in this new role!
      she is so fascinating to watch and learn! :D

    9. @Maggie, I agree. That´s why I deliberately mentioned ALL FOUR OF THEM, when I was talking about how fascinating it will be to see how their roles evolve.
      Yesterday, I was rewatching the video of William, Kate and Harry talking about their mental health campaign, and once again, it struck me how very tense Kate´s lips are when she´s talking, almost to the point where she is litterally not able to fully open her mouth. It´s seemingly difficult for her to "speak up", so to say. Whenever William dares to utter the slightest "disagreement" to what she´s saying, she immediately goes "Oh, yes, yes, yes". Watching and listening to her it´s very obvious how much it is important for her that William and Harry agree.
      I read in Andrew Morton´s book "William and Catherine, their lives, their wedding" that people from her days at Marlborough College said that she was "very good at mucking in" - that somehow sums it up nicely. I agree that William was "lucky" to find a wife who´s "ok" with "constantly deferring to him" (another quote from Morton´s book). I don´t "blame" her for that, it´s how she is and that´s fine, if she´s happy with it, so be it.
      The fact that Harry might choose an apparently very different character, though, will inevitably lead to some kind of "competition" - whether I/we/them like it or not. Simply because due to the "royal hierarchy", the spotlight should be on Kate - not so much on Meghan (see the Charles-Diana problem of her upstaging him and even HM at times). "Unfortunately" the fact that Meghan is a true "natural" (see that video above - this woman LOVES the camera - and the camera loves her!), seemingly enjoys being in the spotlight and is much more comfortable in that position (nothing wrong with that, IMO), will almost automatically turn the attention more on her. Maybe William and Kate will be very happy about that, still, it is highly possible that it will create some tension when the "future king and queen" are going to be less popular and therefore somehow less relevant than a couple that - in the royal hierarchy - should be more "on the sidelines".
      Again, I´m not trying to take sides or create a "competition" - I´m just commenting on what I see and what the facts are - whether I personally like what I see or what might most probably happen, or not....

    10. Well said, Kiva Slade.

    11. I think Kiva is exactly right. Harry and William have different roles and responsibilities and, IMO, their personalities are suited to their individual roles. And, likewise for their partners. Harry is a bit of a daredevil and his rank makes this possible. And thanks to William being married with baby #3 on the way, it makes it even easier for Harry to be Harry.

      Eve, regarding "sidelines" ... W&K, too, are expected to know their place. Just consider the preemptive attacks on Diana in recent months. Twenty years later, her memory is still perceived as a threat.

    12. What is "mucking in"? Haven't heard that phrase here in U.S.

    13. good question, Barbara. I looked it up and am still not sure pertaining to Andrew Morton's connotation. Anyone know what he was talking about? :)

    14. @Barbara U.S.: the official "Cambridge dictionary" meaning is: "to share the work that needs to be done". What Andrew Morton meant in the context was that she quickly became part of the group because she adapted herself to them. She was not the leader nor did she try to stand out.

  4. I think she is great for Harry, and so much more interesting than Kate who is beautiful but nobody really knows what she stands for even after all this time. I can't wait for them to get engaged!

    1. Melissa, :)
      It is very refreshing that she is so open, candid in a good way, and unabashedly and healthfully confident. And she shares of herself like the Palace suits (no pun intended) aren't stifling her, hovering over her shoulder or lurking in the hall, lol. Let's hope that doesn't change.
      Peter's wife, Autumn, is open and fresh like that to an extent. Very sweet, smart and open. They will probably particularly really hit it off nicely.
      Diana paved the way. For Kate, Autumn, Sophie and Mike and especially for someone like Meghan. Hopefully Meghan can navigate that successfully.

    2. Well said... Diana did pave the way for the new blood in BRF! Very much looking forward to watching the "firm" evolve.

    3. Maggie - Minneapolis5 September 2017 at 21:05

      Meghan's career as an actor has also just helped so much in terms of how wonderfully articulate she is. I don't just love the content of what she says....I love how she says it too. It will be interesting to see how she handles the BRF being expected to stay out of politics completely....unfortunately, most important things to have and express opinions about are things that will overlap with politics. Luckily, her future father-in-law has already begun setting a way to not follow that rule entirely.

    4. This..."I don't just love the content of what she says....I love how she says it too". I couldn't figure out why I like the way she conducts herself, but this's her mannerism and the way she says things. She's very quick to respond and also very eloquent.


  5. Thank you Charlotte. An excellent narrative and I agree with your opinions about the article.

    The statement about there being "a time when they will have to come forward" pretty much says it all about the status of the relationship, I agree. And the photos do perfectly match the tone of the interview, I agree. Nicely done. A very delicate balance.

    I do hope the "I don't define myself by my relationship" doesn't mean that she wouldn't include a definition of wife in the mix. That's a specific, powerful and dynamic part of a marriage by definition, particularly within the context of the Royal family. Being a part of a husband/wife dynamic can be very empowering if perceived and developed as such. It may not be suitable for everyone. Let's hope it is for Meghan.

    I agree that this article was done with Harry's support and I think it is definitely, definitely a pre-engagement "let's get to know Meghan" piece, especially since there hasn't been any word yet of an eighth season of "Suits" for her, although that might be a general marketing ploy for the show to generate more interest. Time will tell.

    And with her emphasizing that this is "our time" it seems to be an attempt to relieve any perceptions that they are being snooty about their expertly staying out of media range.

    And, Harry has freckles, right? Maybe he has made Meghan more comfortable with baring hers. :)

    The article was a surprise for sure, especially since she closed the Tig and they seemed to have pretty much dropped off the planet as a couple media-wise.
    Vanity Fair was a good venue for the interview. The outlet, conversation and photos all fit like a glove.

    September 15th is only 10 days away. 🎂💍???

    1. "pretty much dropped off the planet" - surfer girl, you had me laughing out loud (which I desperately needed, btw!!!) LOL!! But I wholeheartedly agree with you, it kind of threw me, when I read on twitter that this article had just appeared.... and I agree, VF was a good venue and the photographs - I mean, Harry is ONE LUCKY GUY!! And somehow, watching "Suits", like for the umpteenth time, she reminds me SO MUCH of "Rachel Zane" - that role was like "made for her" and the writers were sensible enough to evolve her role to "suit her" even more, don´t you think so?
      When I just read Rebecca English´s answer to "engagement": 100% - I thought "YEAH!!!" Honestly, as much as I have "loved" Kate from the very beginning (when "Finally - Wills gets a girl" managed to make it into the prime time news on German television), I SO long for a "Meghan Markle", a woman in her prime who actively champions the causes dear to her and who "dares", if you know what I mean? I have brought up my own daughter to be that way, like, "be never shy to voice your opinion and most of all, do not tolerate injustice of any kind" - that sort of thing, and I really see Meghan in that "tradition", if I may say so....
      YES, I agree, September 15th is only 10 days away!! ;-))) Let´s get this party started!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Can someone explain to me the significance of September 15?

    4. September 15th was my thought too! Propose on her birthday (speculation on my part of course); announce it on his! Perfect!

      I just hope they weren't hoping for a spring wedding - I guess baby Cambridge has scuppered that. July then? Anniversary of them meeting and also Diana's birthday month.

    5. bluhare had shared that Harry would like to announce his engagement on his birthday.
      His birthday is September 15.

      That makes sense Helen. I like those ideas. :)

    6. I think the "I don't define myself by my relationship" statement is her way of saying that she is not dating Harry just for what it can do for her career or because she wants to advance herself socially, as some of the tabloids have said.

    7. I can see that part of it also Rachel. I just so very much hope that a role as wife is in her wheelhouse. Here's hoping. :)

    8. Maggie - Minneapolis5 September 2017 at 22:09

      What does it mean to you, surfer girl, to have a role as wife? I ask because I honestly don't get how saying you don't define yourself by a relationship means you cannot play the role of, I guess, a typical spouse? I imagine it's because we might have different views on what it means to be a wife, so just curious what you mean :)
      But I would like to say, if Harry ever said "I don't define myself by my relationship", I can't imagine anyone would ever think to question whether that means he can be a good husband. Society tends to only act concerned about female independence perhaps going overboard, but never that same worry for men. Not saying this is where you're coming from - just a thought about the broader view on this subject.

    9. I think that will change some once she gets married. You don't lose yourself or define yourself as only a wife but you take it on & start to incorporate that side of you.

      I was very independent before marriage and have learned to keep that but be part of the team. I think she will too

    10. I guess I was framing the question pertaining to historical expectations within the RF, a lot of which have been shaped by the Palace for centuries. And, in the aristocracy there are certain standard profiles remnant even today. Would Meghan be comfortable with those staid social mores? Could she pioneer through them? Would she even want to? Has she had a role model of a wholesome healthy marriage that would help her in that? She has mentioned that she is a "free spirit". Does Royal life accommodate that? Lots of variables of consider. I think that if she realizes the environment she would be entering and makes a determined decision that it is for her then that levels the playing field for her considerably. Two other women have considered the possibility of the role said, "No, thanks." And I don't know that they were as dynamic as Meghan seems to be. Time will tell. And Harry did say in a way that his role does define him. He said after the Nazi thing that that was the teenager in him, not the prince. And, he did say that no one really wants to be king. There are considerations. :)

    11. I shared it because I read it somewhere, and I cannot remember where!

    12. Helen and surfer girl, thank you for clarifying the date significance for me!

    13. you are welcome. 9 days and counting. :)

    14. Now it's being implied they'll be together at the Invictus Games, surfergirl, but won't be engaged. I think we might be wrong on the date.

      And apparently she's divorced and Catholic, which means she probably can't get married in a Church of England church/cathedral. I'm now pinning my hopes on a Scottish wedding in Edinburgh with a procession down the Royal Mile which will obviously include men in kilts. I may have to make the trip!

    15. I believe she converted to Judaism when she married her first husband.
      Perhaps a lovely reception at Balmoral or even James Matthew's parent's estate in Scotland. Of course the weather gets miserable in the Highlands around October or so, as you well know, bluhare. Your new icon is easier to make out, by the way.
      I am fairly certain she will be with him at the Toronto games. It would be a great first appearance as a couple.

    16. Okay. I took a moment to compose myself. :)
      And I realize now that I would rather they take their time so no mistakes are made rather that rush into it. Ah hum. (Doesn't that sound mature?) lol Not too disappointed though really since they will be together at the Invictus games.
      (Maybe he'll honor his military friends and announce the engagement there????) :)

      And thank you bluhare for cushioning that news with such an exciting and colorful Scottish alternative to consider. lol, :) Very sweet of you.
      It could happen. That would be cool.

    17. 6 days and not counting anymore 🎂

    18. I don't think she's Catholic. She went to Catholic school which in the US, as we who live here go, all faiths go to Catholic schools. They just have to participate in the religious curriculum, which the parents I know who sent their kids there, were willing to do.

      I think in Britain Catholic school means Catholics go there, which is why the article I saw said she's Catholic. Not so true in the US.

      So she can get married in Westminster Abbey although I'm now pretty sold on the Scottish one. :)

    19. I hope there is something left of his parent's resort.

    20. Trevor Engelson is Jewish and they had a Jewish wedding at least in part. I don't know that she converted to Judaism though. Is that a requirement for Jewish weddings?

  6. She really seems like a truly lovely person. I am happy for them and hope they get a good share of time out of the public eye.

  7. Oh yeh, hmm. I do believe a "100 Percent" confirmation from Rebecca English pretty much cinches it. Fasten your seat belts ya'll. :)

  8. You and your hubby are such a cute couple, btw, Jenna. :)

  9. Must say I was totally surprised by the interview ! I'm sure Harry was in on this !
    What comes across n confirms is that Meghan is a strong woman with clear goals in her life !
    I am sure Harry n Meghan will be a force to reckon with in the coming future !
    Hoping for an announcement sooner than later !😊

  10. This is a wonderful post. As with the others I do think this was a way for us to learn about Meghan Markley in a different and tasteful light. I love that Harry has found someone like her. I think she'll make a wonderful addition to the family. Thank you for this post.

  11. The video pretty much exemplifies all we have been saying about Meghan. She has been consistently sweet and fresh in all her videos shared here on DKB so far. :)

    1. Oh Surfer Girl, how I wish for you to join our twitter group!

    2. Thank you Julie. :) That is really sweet. Anett had offered an invitation also. I will do that on a day that my brother is around (and in an helpful IT frame of mind) so he can show me how to do that. :)

  12. I love that Carolina Herrera gown. Perfect for the photo shoot. Perfect. Hope she got to keep it. :)

  13. Some of you have such a lovely talent for expressing the word. Thank you for a great post and stimulating discussions.

  14. Tammy from California5 September 2017 at 21:24

    I L O V E that she doesn't read articles or media about herself. I L O V E that she keeps the people around her to keep her feet rooted in real life. This was a big fear of mine because Hollywood is so unreal and draws unreal people. She seems to be down to Earth just living out one dream at a time-isn't that what all of us are trying to do? Love her fresh perspective and if you have ever looked at her old website (which has been taken down) The Tig, I like her fun, playful, enjoy-the-simple-things take on life. I wish them all the best and I have no doubt an announcement of engagement will come soon!

  15. She is going to be a wonderful addition to the RF & agree with others that an engagement is imminent. She seems very grounded and has her priorities in the right order. The pictures in the article are really pretty & her natural beauty shines through. Nothing earth shattering shared but does give her control over her narrative.

    She very obviously makes Harry happy and he makes her happy & they are in love which is the most important things.

    Hope to be celebrating the good news soon!

  16. When I saw this cover I thought, here we go, the roll out has begun! There is no doubt in my mind they are already engaged (or at least know that's where they're headed) and this is a KP coordinated plan to "introduce" her. After all, let's not forget the last time an American married into the family ;)

    Seriously, as much as royal watchers may know all about her, the wider British public doesn't, more than "Is Harry still with that American actress?" Plus, many people get their news from what they see on the front pages, and let's face it, much of that has been pretty vicious toward not just Meghan, but her family as well.

    I thought it a fairly run of the mill interview really, a few lines about Harry but the bulk about her life, job, comments from friends. Classic profile piece.

    A couple of things that stood out - How lucky Meghan was that her parents remembered the golden rule of divorce: You love your children more than you hate your ex. They obviously never forgot she came first. Harry must find that remarkable given his awful experience.

    Second, I love this line about what happened after the news of her relationship broke: "the only thing that changed was people's perception" that is such an astute line about fame, and I've only heard it before from a couple of incredibly famous people, who have been global celebrities for a long time. They have the wisdom to understand fame is more about the audience watching/reading than it is about the person.

    Third, her comments about her mother. More proof that she must be remarkable, and she clearly raised her daughter to understand that the world can be a difficult place, and you can either sit on the sidelines or get in and play the game. Whenever I think will we be disappointed by Meghan, I remember her mother and think, not a chance. Her Mama won't allow her to live the easy life ;) This is a woman whose objective was to raise a smart, ethical daughter, who would be a contributing member of society. She wants Meghan to be a good person, whether she's married to a prince or a pauper. I think it takes an awful lot to phase both these women.

    I also loved that she has had to work hard to get herself ahead in life so she clearly understands hard work. Overall I thought she came across quite well. I could have done without calling Harry her "boyfriend", just say Harry, we know who it is! But that's a pet peeve of mine ;)

    I was expecting an engagement announcement before Invictus but now I'm wondering if that will be the official appearance, and it will come after that. Just not sure...

    1. Oh Claudia your comments are so spot on ! Especially the bit about raising a smart ethical person who is socially conscious and wants to be a contributing member of society. I hope that Meghan is who she says who she is. This is where I think my biggest pet peeve is with Kate, and other women who seem to think that it is okay for her to take interminable leaves on the pretext of raising children. One big aspect of raising children is to instill in them a work ethic, to show the world, so that they realize their privilege and the importance of doing their bit. I believe that this is where Kate is failing and will continue to fail unless she has a change of heart. She seems to not understand that motherhood is not just about being there when your kid falls, but about showing them how to get up on their own and make their way in life on their own, while making the world a better place.
      I hope Meghan doesn't disappoint me. We need women to be true ambassadors, now more than ever.

    2. Love your thoughts on this. This wmn seems a perfect choice for H, and hope she finds her way to the British hearts and public. Seeing and reading about her, I think she is very good at communicating with people.

      I had a laugh at the "boyfriend" thing, and I fully agree, I am a bit older than her but introducing the man standing next to her as her boyfriend is sooo weird and funny.:) I hope they know the way to change it :)

    3. Maybe it's me, but I have never ever associated raising children with work ethic. To me, it's based on personal choice and circumstances. If Formula A works for Mary Smith, God bless. If I choose Formula B, it's my business.

    4. royalfan,
      I am not saying that stay at home moms can't instill work ethic. In fact they are better equipped than most because we all know that full-time parenting, the good variety, is one of the hardest jobs there is. What I am saying is that regardless of whether the mother works or not there needs to be an acknowledgement that we need to live purposeful lives and that purpose should go beyond only ourselves and our immediate family. My mother in law was a stay at home mother, a fantastic one at that, but leads one of the most purpose-driven compassionate lives one can lead. She was born and married into a wealthy family. But she did not spend her life ONLY sunning herself and playing tennis and making meals and sewing names on shirts. Her life went far far beyond being so inward looking. She lives a big life. She is a good citizen, a dependable member of the community and a pillar of strength to hundreds of people who know her.

      Working outside the home has nothing to do with work ethic. Raising children to be socially aware and educated, well-informed compassionate citizens needs an acknowledgement that family is not everything. It can be very very important to each one of us, but the world is bigger and we are small specks in the sea of humanity. We need to play a bigger mightier role than what we do just in our families. We need to look outward. And THAT is what I think is missing from the Middletons. Very wholesome and happy but inward looking narrow-visioned family. And all three kids complete failures when it comes to work ethic, which is sometimes this is inevitable with first generation wealth.
      Kate seems to want to lead her life in the same mould which I find disappointing.

    5. Rosman, it certainly appears that Kate's childhood was idyllic and she continues to enjoy a close relationship with her parents and siblings. Kate did watch her mother work hard and achieve something, but the children were Carole's priority. This was her experience.

      And while Kate was not raised to be a public figure, I do believe that when you teach and practice good manners, compassion, and empathy, children realize that the world does not revolve around them.

      And, given Kate's seamless transition into the RF, I think she is more grounded and has more common sense than people give her credit for. She HAS made sacrifices, although they may not be the type that most of us can relate to.

      William's family life was a very different experience, but he did thrive on his mother's affection and guidance. And he is also well aware of his mother's and father's childhoods.

      Together, W&K are intent on raising and preparing their children for very unique roles with consideration to "all of the above" and I think when we see the children in public (especially on royal tours), the proof is in the pudding.

      My two cents.

    6. By taking the children with them on tours, and expecting them to be "professional" when unboarding and boarding the planes, going through the reception line and being on their best visitor behavior for their hosts when their mum and dad are at diplomatic functions is teaching them a lot, including a sense of duty and a work ethic, etc., in my opinion. And that's just the beginning.

    7. Rosman

      What a precise and sharp analysis on the Middleton family.

    8. Thanks Anett :)
      I guess that the point I am making is that I think that if you have too idyllic of a home life to the exclusion of the bigger world and its problems, then you could raise children who only want to replicate that home life and nothing else. When Pippa made the statement that she was surprised to see all those people show up for the royal wedding I thought - where have you been all these years, under which rock? So it leads me to think that they prefer to watch Downtown Abbey than watch the news on TV - you know ? Which I think is a problem.
      I agree that Kate and William seem to be superb parents, helicoptering notwithstanding (I do think Kate is a helicopter). But I hope they will also raise them to have a bigger calling in life than just making some public appearances, cutting some ribbons and then raising idyllic families of their own. All of us have to do more than that and better than that, is what I believe, and what I hope to teach my children.

    9. I think that comment by Pippa was disingenuous in the extreme, Rosman.

      As to the rest, meh. Meghan's an actress dating Harry and she gave an interview. I don't know what the big deal is. No one else has? Gotta be a first time.

    10. Bluhare,now everything she says in that interview will be analysed and interpreted and may end quoted against her like that disingenuous remark of Pippa. If she is to marry Harry better not say to much, the public being what it is.Of course, if she doesn't marry him at the end, it doesn't matter at all, no big deal, it is simply good celebrity publicity.

    11. Well said bluhare, I quite agree. After all, Diana loved the camera and the camera loved her, and Diana used that to full advantage. And she is still beloved for it!

      Worth noting almost all the royal photographers are champing at the bit for their first Meghan assignment, they know what's in store. I hope Meghan does as well, those first outings are going to be intense.

    12. I don't believe Diana was beloved because she was in a lot of photographs.

    13. "intense" is putting it mildly. :)
      and, sadly, I doubt that it applies to just "at first",
      although Harry and their attorneys may be able to assuage a portion of it if necessary.
      like you said though, she does have some experience with the media and she may be ultimately more successful than Diana in utilizing it. Is she up for it? She does has a degree in drama and in International Relations. hmmm. :)

    14. Fair point, Helen. I guess I don't think she really said anything that could be held against her. I just re-read the article, and unless it turns out she's had all these men on the side while claiming to be blissful with Harry, I don't think there's anything there a tall. Nor do I think she's got all these men on the side!!!

      However, Pippa made her remark knowing full well who her sister was marrying, and where the wedding would be. If it were an attempt to appear humble it failed miserably.

    15. Sadly, I think she was telling the truth and I think that illustrates the "bubble" that is Pippa's world. Just like she said she could not understand why people thought of her as a "party girl". She need only visit the internet or You Tube to get quick clarity on that. Kind of like the narratives in her cookbook also. Those were wedding remark genre. I pray the best for Pippa. That kind of reality she seems to have created is thin and fragile, in my opinion. A way to cope with enormous amounts of grand and surreal circumstances. I hope she gets healthfully in touch with reality on a gradual basis and not all of a sudden. Don't know how that's going to happen but I hope it does. It is hard watching someone live like that. I mean how in the world could she not have realized the scope of that wedding? She was even planning the reception and after-party at Buckungham Palace. She rode through enormous crowds and huge amounts of security to the Abbey and she told Matt Lauer that it wasn't until she was on the balcony that she thought to herself, hum, this might kind of be a big deal? It fits with a lot of her other comments.
      Perhaps her husband can help you get more in touch with what's going on around her. Maybe she will feel secure enough around him that that will just happen naturally. That is my hope. :)

    16. surfer girl, your kindness does you credit, but Pippa has spent a lot of time participating in the London social scene. Making that statement with a straight face was ridiculous. I do not participate in the London social scene and if my sister were dating William, I'd have known it was a big deal before they got engaged.

    17. absolutely, bluhare. my point exactly. but I do think Pippa is in denial about not just a few things, unfortunately. :) hopefully, not permanently. I think Matt Lauer should surely have pursued that comment ALOT better than he did. there was a story there for sure and he missed it. :)

  17. So nice to hear words from her. She seems very genuine and kind seeking to make a difference in this world. I think there is some tv show about her family coming up. Maybe they wanted her to speak for herself instead of the possible negativity that others may come up with for ratings. So happy for her and Prince Harry. They seem very comfortable with each other. She is like a flower who feels safe with him blooming exactly how God created her to. So beautiful - inside and out.

  18. Meghan sounds like a very level headed and mature girl, after reading this interview I agree that Harry's made the right choice :) I hope there's good news soon!

  19. Good article, video and photos.

    "I’m sure there will be a time when we will have to come forward and present ourselves ... " A Sherlock Holmes hat is NOT required for this one!

  20. I was leery at first. I had grown to be "cautiously interested." Well, this article brings into full focus why she would be a good match for Harry. She is smart, engaging, confident, compassionate, articulate, and at ease with the concept of having a "public persona." She has many natural traits similar to Harry's beloved mother Diana, not the least of which was the phrase uttered quite often about her "when she spoke to you she made you you feel you were the only person in the world" - sentiments echoed in this article as well about Meghan. In watching a documentary on Diana this month, and I think I've seen them all through the years, I finally heard something NEW about her. A psychological expert described her thus "she didn't just have emotional intelligence - she had high trauma IQ. She knew instantly who in a room had suffered trauma, and how to put them at ease and draw them out..." Well, I sense a bit of that here, in that Ms. Markle knows what it means to feel disoriented, out of place, and she has chosen to use that knowledge to work in a variety of ways to help others around her feel better. So, yes she's lovely and yes she knows how to use the camera - but perhaps more importantly she will understand Harry, and understand the job, and I think she would value the unique opportunity she and Harry would have to serve and to serve in a way that was compassionate and energetic and committed... As for the use of the media at this stage? It carries perils to be sure, but given that I sense interest in the Cambridges "as the fresh face of the monarchy" is evaporating like smoke a PR SOS of sorts may be in order to jump start interest in the monarchy for the younger generation.... or it may never come back.

    1. ariagurl, I think you hit the nail on the head. I really hope Harry & Meghan bring the spark that Diana had, back to the monarchy - no offense to William & Kate!

    2. KG, if she's *too* sparky, the smoke detectors at CH will go off. Mark my words. I'm not saying it's right, but it is what it is and I do believe that W&K have mastered the art of navigating fragile egos.

    3. I partly agree with what you are saying ariagurl about Meghan being special. But I am being cautious in holding my judgement about her because all of this may just be all talk and no substance. I don't think it is but there is a possibility. I don't want to have all these high expectations of Meghan and then be disappointed when they never come to fruition.
      I sense that a lot of that happened with Kate - people thought she was this amazing character but were so disappointed.

    4. Let's put it this way Rosman. Meghan seems to be more promising than any brides to be earlier.

    5. By the way, I think it is inevitable that if H&M marry, they will steal the thuunder from the rest of the family, probably they gonna have cute babies etc.

      What I find very interesting what comes after that the young royals grow older and lose that sparkle. Who is gonna be more popular and still standing tall.

    6. royalfan, you've got a point there! I saw your comment on DKB about the Firm not wanting a repeat of Diana...I appreciate that William & Kate are in a different position than Harry & his future/potential spouse. W&K are more reserved. I just think H&M might have a little more room to breathe in developing their roles & Meghan seems to be her own person with a charisma & beauty that reminds me of Diana.

    7. Anett - then they will go after the new sparkly ones like George and Charlotte.. that's always what they do !

    8. KG, without a doubt, H&M would/will have a little more room to breathe, but that doesn't mean they won't have to monitor the oxygen level. ;-)

      IMO, they will not be allowed to be the free spirits as some fans anticipate. And I can see it getting ugly if they don't stay in line. CH will not stand for it.

      Another thought ... what if H&M have similar priorities (to W&K) regarding children and family life? Will it be accepted in their case?

    9. royalfan, you raise an interesting question...I wonder if it will be a case of double standards with H&M regarding them focusing on having a family, as he is the spare.

    10. KG, I asked the question because we all know how fantastic Harry is with children. I see him wanting a home full of children laughing and running around, with him not far behind! And, given Meghan's age, I assume they would want to start a family ASAP.

    11. I think it is early to talk about double standards already.

      I just hope before they start a family, she will be entitled to have a slow start, spend almost 2 years in the countryside, have 2 engagements/per months in general. Then, have babies, with even less engagements, but lots of behind the scene work, enjoy her hobbies to great extent. Etc.

      Let's see how she turns out:)

    12. Anett, I'm getting ahead of myself here. We haven't even got to the engagement yet! But it is nice to imagine Harry running around with his children, royalfan :) He sure does have a way with kids.

  21. 😁 royalfan !

  22. Very interesting comment, ariaguri. My sentiments about Meghan are similar to yours and I do hope she and Harry will be happy. I would REALLY like to know what the Queen is saying and thinking...! :) No chance I ever will, though...!

    1. perhaps only in her memoirs, Zora. :)

    2. Would't it be great if a book of them was published one day, surfer girl?! By the chances are low I'm afraid.

    3. they seem so, Zora. Although as I understand it, Queen Elizabeth, like Queen Victoria, does keep a daily diary and has since she became Queen.
      I think she even mentioned that her daily entries are not as lengthy or as detailed as Victoria's. And the Queen's family is no doubt very happy about that. :)

    4. Yes, HM keeps a diary. One day it will be a treasure and a very valuable historical source. Let's hope we live long enough to get a glimpse of at least a couple of pages...! It would be so interesting!

    5. I would give my right arm to read the Camilla chapters. Assuming she put those thoughts in writing!

    6. Royalfan-The Camilla and Diana chapters probably were embedded with self destruct instructions as in the TV series Mission Impossible intro. (yes, I'm ancient)

    7. I think the general historic guidance is 50 to 100 years after death to release? So most immediate family members (who might not like what they read!) are also deceased. Although the reigning monarch can change that and give permission, just as the Queen did several years after her mother's death.

      Charles might release some pages, doubt William would release anything that was remotely personal.

    8. Ah, yes. I can hear the background music now....

  23. I hope they have a son and name him after her mother. Lord Dorian Mountbatten-Windsor, Viscount Inverness, Future Most-Sought-After-Bachelor in the country. :) (I randomly went with the assumption that Harry would get the same titles as Augustus Frederick Duke of Sussex).

    And then their daughter could be Lady Frances after Diana.

  24. Although she appears to be a nice person, am I the only one who thinks it's a bit inappropriate for a future royal to have a Vanity Fair article prior to the engagement? I guess i prefer the low key personality that is less attention seeking. Just appears a bit much to me.

    1. It is better than other people telling or distorting her story. She stood on her own.

    2. Well said Anon15, I agree. Elizabeth I think the Queen just did her big photo spread for VF as well, didn't she? So that seems to be a popular avenue for them lately. Once Meghan is officially engaged, and/or married, I think they need to court the British press, but an American giving an interview to VF makes sense, and probably helped her comfort level as well.

      Just remember everyone, as savvy as she may be, this had to be a nerve wracking moment for her. Part of a palace plan (as all correspondents have since determined) and speaking about Harry for the first time. She had to be in a comfort zone I think.

    3. I really doubt it was nerve wracking for her. She seems very sure of herself and the relationship in the interview and this was just in June ! So the relationship must be proceeding pretty quickly.

    4. Rosman I just think all these people, no matter how wealthy or famous, are still human beings. They still worry about what they do, how they do it, how it comes across to family and friends. I'm sure she was nervous knowing it was coming, wondering what reaction would be, wondering what Harry's family would think. This is going into a bigger league than even the most famous celebrity, in my opinion there must have been a little knee knocking :)

    5. I don't know though, Claudia. In all the videos I have seen of Meghan speaking, except for one talk show (I think it might have been her first),
      I haven't seen her nervous. She may have been but it didn't show. It didn't show at all when
      she was speaking before the United Nations contingency and Hillary Clinton (whom she has known since she was 10 and isn't that interesting). My personal guess is she very much takes to the spotlight like a duck to water. (acting shy and coy is different from nervous, in my opinion. And I mean shy and coy in a good way, btw.) You know what I mean? :)

      And, just so ya'll know (you might know already though), there are quite a few videos of Meghan on You Tube. Pre-Harry. Some really cute ones.

    6. In thevideo of her United Nations speech you can clearly see that she is breaking out in terrible hives from nerves. She gets nervous just like everyone else, but she is an accomplished, professional woman who works through her nerves as most people are expected to if they want to keep their jobs.

    7. Here is a link to a photo from her UN speech where you can just see her hives. They are much more noticeable in the actual video though.

    8. never heard of the hives before. thanks for the link.

  25. We have still not got a proper picture of the 2 of them in a proper frame . There were loads of will n kate .

    1. I'm glad that you pointed that out! I wonder if we will get one soon...

    2. We didn't see pictures of W&K until years after they started dating. Certainly not after one year. They were still at St. Andrews a year on.

    3. Wasn't their a media embargo though for William while he was at university?

    4. For British press, yes there was SG. Only person to break it? Prince Edward ;)

    5. surfergirl, yes there was. He did an interview when he went there specifically so they could have some copy and then leave him alone.

    6. that's what I thought. I remember that thing with Edward also.

  26. Harry is a lucky man and smart enough to realize it. I think she is just superb and very beautiful!

  27. I don't know, folks. I was mildly impressed when she withdrew from social media but this.... :( Actresses do magazine spreads to promote themselves and their craft. That I get. Why talk about the relationship though? Plenty of people in the business refuse to discuss their personal life. By doing this, she is promoting their relationship as well. She has just inched their relationship into the celebrity zone with this interview and I think it just may backfire on them.

    1. I absolutely see where you're coming from Erika, I've seen a lot of comments about this.

      I think, just my opinion, it depends on how you look at it, does that make sense? I feel like this is not an actress giving an interview and discussing her "boyfriend" ;) This was very much an orchestrated introduction of a future royal bride by KP, and it confirms to me they are already engaged.

      The thing that struck me, the interview was done in June. This is September! Publishing is a very tricky way to "announce" things (as Diana learned) because it takes too long to come out. So you only give a very personal interview like this if you're fairly confident nothing is going to change in the next few months. And given how she's been in virtual seclusion, this was no, "oh let me go talk to VF" accident.

      I think this is a way to profile her before the announcement. I understand why some correspondents are confused by it, but I think it's because they're still looking at her as girlfriend when it's quite clear she is much more than that. It just hasn't been announced. And given her schedule and the royal schedule, not to mention Diana's anniversary, I see why. As for invading her own privacy, no more so than an actual engagement interview, which is not too far away either I think.

      I hope this makes sense. I understand why people are a bit unsure, but I think if you look at it as the first in a series of things to come it might make more sense. I suspect it was actually Harry who was eager for her to do it, he clearly takes things to heart more than she does, and is probably anxious for people to see her for the woman he knows her to be, and not this tabloid caricature that's been out there.

    2. Claudia, you made me consider a different angle and I think you're exactly right. It *is* a way to profile her prior to an engagement announcement. The interview allowed us to see a bit of her character and personality. And we should remember that a few members of the Firm have appeared on the cover of Vanity Fair so why not a royal girlfriend?

    3. I understand what you are saying, Claudia. I guess I'm having trouble seeing this from that angle, unlike royalfan. In no way do I think she is a loose cannon and I agree that this is most likely a tacticle move by KP or at least Harry. What I disagree with is the need or sageness of an introductory interview prior to the engagement using this kind of vehicle. For me, it smacks of celebrity and self promotion even if that is not the intent. We are used to this from Hollywood but that isn't what being a royal in the BRF is about. The softer monarchy in Monaco can get away with it but it seems out of place with the more weighty British one. Honestly, I'm not a prude or a fuddy duddy but I like my royals to retain some mystique and I believe, that mystique is necessary for its survival. I realize times are changing but I think they need to change gradually for the BRF. I think an American actress coming in to shake things up by doing things in a vastly different way would be a hindrance rather than a help, and not readily accepted by the British public, perhaps. I want to make it clear that by saying that I am not saying that she should not be a part of the family. I think she would be a wonderful addition and a great partner for Harry.

      So, I guess my position is that if no prior interview before the engagement interview was good enough for Kate, it should be good enough for Meghan. I think any semblance of doing things in a more "Hollywood way" rather than the BRF way is not going to be a positive for this couple, especially during these more difficult times.

    4. I think it very much is a pre-engagement announcement piece. Meghan has deferred comment up to now and even discontinued her blog. She has to know how Harry feels about the media, and I don't think she would have done the interview without his support. It may also serve to try to counterbalance the video coming up about Meghan's family sort of like the yin and yang things the boys did to counterbalance the negative stuff about their mum. Time will tell the outcome.

    5. True, royalfan. I just revisited the cover of Vanity Fair featuring the Queen and her ever-so-cute corgis. The photos accompanying the article inside the magazine are very atmospheric and dramatic of course, done by Annie Lebowitz. The article is of royal caliber. So Meghan is in good company and I wouldn't be surprised if the Queen had told Meghan to go for it, maybe even suggested it. Yep. :)
      Like I said, I truly believe that Meghan and Harry are already engaged. And, I read the articles in other magazines about the places they stayed in Botswana and in Zambia. So unique, beautiful and romantic. Definitely proposal territory.
      Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I'm off to find what other royals have graced the cover of Vanity Fair. :)

    6. Exactly royalfan :) It seems quite obvious to me.

      I've also seen almost all the correspondents remark that they've checked with KP and, according to KP source, "the interview was undertaken with palace approval." Richard Palmer added "it looks like a PR exercise to prepare the public. Make no mistake, the interview is a significant point signalling an approaching engagement."

      So there you have it!

    7. Pretty sure they are engaged. It's now just a matter of time.
      I hope that
      1. Kate will have the baby before the wedding so she can dress up for the wedding and I hope she does one of her goddess looks.. not her mother-of-bride looks that she did for Pippa
      2. The weather is nice so we get to see everyone's outfits and
      3. It is one gigantic hoopla of a wedding with tons of celebrities and crazy outfits and hats and shenanigans.
      We need all the fun we can get !

    8. Erika, I suspect Harry and Meghan realize that the road ahead will have some bumps in the road. American/divorced/actress... And we have not had the opportunity to "get to know her" as we did with Kate. This interview could have been a proactive move to reveal a little bit about the young woman Harry fell in love with.

      I do see Claudia's point. And if you remember, I was NOT impressed with the social media hints about the relationship; I thought it was somewhat immature and self-promoting.

    9. @Rosman: THANK YOU!! I TOTALLY agree!! "One gigantic hoopla of a wedding..." YES!!! "We need all the fun we can get" - SO TRUE!!
      At long last something to look forward to - honestly, it would be such a welcome diversion for me at the moment!

    10. Royalfan, further down I replied to Claudia about the same topic. Yes, I agree. Harry and Meaghan are experienced individuals and I'm sure they know it won't be easy.

      I think the intent behind the interview is benign enough but I don't think it will be interpreted in that way. I do disagree that we don't know MM. She has been out there for a long time on social media, humanitarian causes and work related publicity forums. For me, Kate was and still is a bigger mystery than Meaghan.

    11. I replied further down as well Erika! I think it was benign as well, I think they just wanted a "Meghan 101" type thing on the record, not someone's interpretation. And again, I think it's first of many to introduce the British public to the next royal bride. There are 66 million Brits and some are more conservative than others, and some with very specific ideas about the royals! This article got a lot of play in British press reports.

      I read an interesting comment last week, I have to go find it, on the overall decision to do the interview. The person commented that it seems Harry and William make media decisions based on emotion, and not because they have a clear strategy in place. I thought that was very astute. As I said, I feel Harry might have pushed for this more, wanting people to see the real version, not the tabloid caricature. (for instance, the recent "battle of the rears" front page?) So I do understand why some royal watchers are thrown by it, and why royal correspondents may not know which rule book to follow.

    12. Erika I think that while Meghan has had her stuff out there, people have not gone searching for it. She wants to paint the narrative on who she is without having daily mail do it every day for her. I think that was where she was coming from. But I understand your reservations. Here is a person who seems very very sure of herself and what she is doing. To what end I don't know, but I am generally a more cautious individual.

  28. This is a person, who speaks on behalf of other people, might as well speak on behalf of herself also. I don't think she gave away so much info of "their personal relationship". It sort of gives people's curiosity some break. In a way her own personal life is affected by media intrusion, giving up her Tig website, discontinuing her fashion endeavor, having her and family attacked by trolls and others.
    The one doubt I have about this relationship, it is too soon for an engagement. They had a one year, long distance relationship. If it works in the long run, may be it is because meant to be. If they are serious, she might have to move to UK at least for a year before an engagement.

  29. In a year she will be married and having babies with Harry, remember she is 36 and they want to have kids.

  30. There's an interesting piece in the Huffington Post on the interview.

    I'm wondering whether we aren't seeing the beginning of a shift in royal behavior from vestiges of 19th century expectations which cast their shadow over the 20th to the new order for the millennial royals.

    In the past a monarch had to look good on a horse. Then came the struggle with radio and the advent of television and further media intrusion which played a role in the death of the Princess of Wales. Following that the Internet and social media platforms created an even crazier media circus, one without boundaries.

    This interview (along with Catherine's Huff Post project, Vogue cover, William's GQ and the Princes' participation in Diana documentaries) is perhaps a harbinger of how William and Harry are taking some control, working to shape their mother's legacy and protecting their families. I'm also wondering whether they are being coached through this and whether it might also be part of the therapy they've undergone.

    The younger royals are demonstrating that they are complex and well-rounded human beings (albeit privileged ones) who are in touch with their own feelings and can relate to their subjects differently than previous royals who would not touch or be touched or rarely ventured out of their own milieu.

    Simply glittering in the lofty distance doesn't cut it today. We are seeing Kings who fly commercial airliners (to relax and get away from royal pressures). Now we see a future king who understands the PTSD of first responders addressing a policing conference. These traits garner a great deal of respect from the public. I think William is looking ahead 20 years and laying the groundwork for a different style of monarchy in the future.

    Now perhaps I seem to be off topic as I am not directly addressing the VF spread with Meghan. However, I see it as a way for her and Harry (along with William and Catherine) to take control of the narrative more directly than royals have before. Harry has effectively cut off the media hounding which Catherine and Diana experienced as royal girlfriends--a move that is rooted in the knowledge that as his mother died photographers were callously snapping away. William sets the boundaries vis-a-vis his family, too.

    Although I like it and am all for it, I also think there is going to be some push back on this change of style until people become more accustomed to it. Especially from those whose experience of royalty was shaped in their childhoods by the Queen and her parents. That's normal during periods of transition and change. Just as there always is push back on women (royal, about to be royal or not royal) who speak their minds or take a platform. The criticism hasn't changed in millennia: Indiscreet. Seeking attention.


    1. Fiona in Australia10 September 2017 at 11:59

      I agree with much of what you say, SMH, very well articulated so thank you. I too believe William and Harry know that the monarchy has to move with the times, and the transition period will have its ups and downs. Especially when there are the traditional/generational things that you mention. I think Meghan could be a very interesting, thoughtful and dynamic addition to the BRF. Interesting times ahead, indeed!

  31. In the Vanity Fair interview, Meghan Markle says that she is not defined by her relationship with Prince Harry. But, the one and only reason, she’s in the cover of VF is because of that relationship. Otherwise, she would not be there. She is only a mediocre actress in a silly television show. She has never done any worthwhile acting work in her life. Oh, yes, she is a “humanitarian.” How can that fact be forgotten? She doesn’t tire of mentioning it. It seems that every single actor/actress/celebrity is involved in some humanitarian work or other. The reason many of them do it is because it benefits them much more than the humanitarian cause/s they sponsor. They become more important than the message and gain enormous popularity. The true humanitarians are the multitude of volunteers who freely give their time to help others, unsung, unpraised, unrewarded while people like Meghan Markle revel in their undeserved acclaim. I cringe to think that she might marry Prince Harry, and I worry thinking of the damage that she can do to Harry’s close and loving relationship with William and Kate. I’m convinced Meghan Markle is only using Harry as a stepping stone to gain all the benefits of having royal status. If they do indeed marry, even if the marriage fails, she will be set for life, which is exactly what she wants. Harry’s playing with fire, and he’s going to get burned. But, he totally deserves what he’ll get for behaving like a complete idiot!

    1. Just chill :-)!

    2. Isabel, I hear what you are saying. And to be honest, even as excited as I am now for Harry's wedding, every thing you said has crossed my mind more than once, especially in the beginning, even including sharing your feelings about the treasure of all the unsung people who daily volunteer to help the needy including those who sacrifice even within their families to even put food on the table and put a roof over their heads. My feelings about those things have not changed. Often the whole celebrity thing borders of the absurd and the ridiculous. So I have been watching Meghan. Closely. lol. At first I thought that Meghan was designing herself to be this cool, glib, hip person she wanted to be presented as. And how authentic or healthful could that be, particularly in the long run. I had even read some bad reports quoting her ex-husband that contradicted the Tig image. So I watched more closely and really thought about it because I don't want Harry to make a dumb mistake and I don't want the monarchy damaged. I think the monarchy as a part of a continued rich history and as a tourism draw is a very worthwhile thing and I think the majority of those in the Royal family now are very caring people and do a lot of good in the world. Then I remembered that her mom had taken her as a child to help the needy. And that she had diligently applied herself in school. And that people who knew her then say good things about her. Perhaps the altruism is a natural thing to Meghan after all. So I now think and hope that the sincerity and sweetness are truly there and that they are authentic. I would hope that had William or Kate seen anything to the contrary they would have said so. I think they would have. William for sure. If an engagement announcement doesn't follow closely on the heels of this interview, meaning it wasn't a "planned" introduction but more of a celebrity self-promotion, then I might put some creedence in Ingrid of Majesty magazine's advice to Meghan
      to not be giving interviews about Harry. I have always appreciated Ingrid's opinion on royal things. Time will tell if my trust in Meghan has been misplaced. I fervently hope it hasn't been, but I do know how you feel. :) I truly hope that she is as good as she seems. At this point, I'm betting she is. Boy oh boy do I hope and pray for so many reasons that
      those here looking forward to Harry and Meghan's wedding haven't missed it about Meghan. That would make me SO happy. :)

    3. She is also on the cover of People Style magazine.

    4. @Tinneke: +1!!!

    5. Surfer girl, but why a planned pre engagement introduction interview? We all know who she is, that she is Harry's girlfriend and that they are probably going to get married. Actually, we know a lot more about MM at this point than we ever did about Kate. I think, because she's an actress, and the photos and text of the spread look and sound like a publicity piece and not an interview with a future princess or duchess, this is going to feel like self promotion more than anything else. Actually, considering that MM is the most famous cast member now because of her high profile relationship and the fact that Suits has started into its new season, it seems to me that the interview might just be what it seems to be- a celebrity interview for promotional purposes, and that is a huge misstep for this couple imo.

    6. I'm starting to get an unsettling feeling about this...I've read so many people saying Meghan is wrong for Harry etc. & it's all's making me second-guess her intentions now.

    7. Erika. I don't have a clue as to why an article like that would be done. Like everyone else I am just trying to make sense of it somehow. I do that a lot with most current events. :)

    8. P.S. And in the process of trying to make sense of it all, I have really vacillated about Meghan as I said before. And it seems I might not be the only one, no offense to Meghan. Thankfully time will help us out at least on some of it. :)

    9. P.S.S. (lol) And, like I said, if an engagement announcement doesn't follow on the heels of the interview then to me the thought that it self-promotion will be a moot point. Not that I personally would have had her do a "pre-engagement" interview either. That certainly would not have been my choice. Since it was done though, I hope the apparent upbeat spontaneity of the interview turns out to be a good thing and, genuine. Time will tell. :)

    10. (Erika, did you read my comment @ 19:39? :) )

    11. Isabel, I don't agree with a word you wrote, but you're certainly entitled to your opinion of her. I would like to inject a little reality on one claim, which has come up a few times this past week.

      She's on the cover because of her relationship with Harry, JUST AS ANY OTHER PARTNER OF A FAMOUS PERSON! Forgive the caps, but isn't this obvious?

      Amal Clooney is one example, and the very Kate Middleton would be anonymous and very happy in a country village somewhere without Prince William. She was on plenty of covers as the "girlfriend" - why put a university student from Berkshire on the front pages for goodness sake?

      And I personally think she's done plenty of charity work that we don't know about, not to mention if she was after attention, she would have leaked the fact she was dating Harry almost immediately! She was with him for several months and at Balmoral for his birthday last year and no one knew.

      Again, have any opinion you like, make sure you have all the facts first.

    12. Erika I also don't agree that we know more about MM than Kate. Again, I'm a broken record, but most Brits see the front pages and the headlines. And they have been brutal. They had years to get dribs and drabs on Kate, only a year of generally false headlines on Meghan.

    13. I did read your comment, sufer girl and I do agree with a lot of your points. I don"t think she is using Harry, nor do I think she is a phony. I think she is legitimately in love and that she has an altruistic heart. However, I think this interview, especially in the way it looks and sounds, is a celebrity-ish and not enough of a future royal move. She has a Hollywood mindset, not a royal one, and here, it shows. Due to that, I'm not sure the interview is going to help her case. I believe for her to be an accepted and effective member of the BRF, she needs to fit in and learn the ropes until she is an established member and then she can step out into the spotlight if she wishes.

    14. I'm surprised you think that, Claudia. While Kate did have the gift of time on her side, Meaghan's thoughts and actions have been out there for the world to see for quite a while. She's done interviews, she's spoken on panels, her charity work has been publicized and she was very active on social media including a blog. Speaking from my point of view, I think I have more of a handle on who MM is than I do on who Kate is even now. If the Brits are basing their opinion of Meaghan on headlines alone, how will this interview change anything anyway? I could see an engagement interview after the official announcement being more effective from an informational point of view. Also imo, the headlines are going to be brutal for a while no matter what information is put out there. She has a long road to acceptance because she is such an out of the box royal girlfriend. I think she'll need to walk the walk for some time before the nastiness abates and like I said to SG, I don't think the VF article is going to help her case.

    15. I agree fact-sourcing is in order. She said she started dating Harry in July, 2016, and two months later she was at Balmoral celebrating his birthday with the Queen?

    16. Anon 15:51 I agree the timeline was the one thing in the article that seemed a little off to me. She said they were dating for 6 months before discovered by the press, but my memory is that Camilla Tominey broke the story in October.

      As for the Queen, I doubt Meghan met her that first time, but who knows, HM and Harry are said to be close. Meghan was likely staying with Harry at Tam-na-Ghar, which was renovated for William and Harry. It's closer to Charles' home, Birkhall.

      Erika, I suppose I'm looking at the wider British public? Not the royal watchers, or even celebrity news readers. I'd imagine most members of the public didn't know a thing about her social media etc, they likely saw the Sunday Express story when it broke last year, and the press that followed of course. I don't know how many take time to look her up? It's just what they see in papers and news. Most aren't following every detail like the rest of us! I felt that article was a very short version of what she's done on her blog etc, and the reports about it, the references to food, her love of design, her family stories etc.

      I agree it's unusual, but she's an out of the box girlfriend as you said, so maybe they feel they need to lay a little more groundwork?

    17. I agree with Erika here. Kate is still a bit of a cypher to us, no ? We don't know anything about her except that she doesn't know that Faberge stopped making eggs, she likes to dance and watch tennis and many TV shows .. oh and she gardens and sketches. I don't know a single thought that has popped into Kate's head. What is her worldview? What makes her tick? What is her childrearing philosophy? The only cover she did was supposed to give insight into her character but even that had people scratching their heads. She is supposedly down to earth and doesn't like fashion (really ?). But this is hardly groundbreaking. She keeps asserting that she is a country girl, yet she does not engage in any specific country pursuits.. and walking doesn't count. I mean even I hike miles but I am not a country person.
      Meghan on the other hand has been very transparent about her worldview, why she does what she does etc. I feel like I have a much better idea of Meghan as a person than I do of Kate.
      I sort of see both sides of the argument here. I think that MM wanted to control the narrative on who she is, and hence the article. At the same time, I see Erika's point that you first need to be a part of the system in order to change the system. I think most of the European princesses did it that way.. don't stand out like a sore thumb right at the outset because that is a risky strategy.

  32. 8 days and counting.... 🎂💍

    1. LOL. Okay, so did you order the cake? Or cakeS?

    2. working on it, lol. Any requests?

    3. SG, I have a serious sweet tooth and my request(s!) may scare you. LOLOL.

    4. bring it on, rf. lol 👩🏻‍🍳

  33. If they do, indeed, get married, I think Harry and Meghan will be much more interesting to watch. They're both so involved and active. I wonder how their dynamic would change/impact the BRF.

    1. I'm wondering how the BRF will impact the couple. I truly want Harry to be happy, but the Firm is the Firm.

  34. I don't comment much anymore on the blogs but I just had to say that I think she is fabulous! I think she is 'bit of Harry's heart' that has been missing and wandering aimlessly for some time. I think that THIS couple will be the likes of nothing we have seen before in the BRF. I am completely delighted and I am hoping for an announcement soon!

    She is beautiful!

    I can also see how Meghan and Harry will be a great support for William and Catherine.

  35. Any idea if Meghan is still in London ?
    I am always surprised as to how she is never snapped in London . KP always has Photogs hanging around but no pic of Meghan !

  36. Harry has been doing a super job of keeping the media at bay in Toronto too. No photos of her going to yoga or the grocery store or walking Gus and Bogart
    or going to and from work.

  37. If she isn't in London now I think she will be before the 15th, lol. Or Harry might celebrate with her in Toronto. My guess is she is still in London. I am concerned about Gus and Bogart though. Where are they? Amazing how Harry keeps the media away from her these days.

    1. I just saw somewhere that Suits has resumed filming so she's back in Toronto. Don't know where; probably the same place I read Harry wants to be engaged by his birthday. :)

    2. what season are they filming?

    3. No clue, surfergirl. I don't follow Suits at all/.

    4. I don't either. Just news about the show. That confusing what season # thing is up for grabs again. small potatoes. nbd. :)

    5. same place you read about his birthday, lol.
      funny, bluhare. I missed that part the first time I read it.

    6. Toronto Film Festival. I believe she usually attends. Also, promotion for season seven suits.

  38. Still in the world, just narrowed it down somewhat....

    I read in the dreaded DM that KP is preparing the engagement announcement but it will probably come after the Invictus Games next week. Makes sense, keep the focus on the Games.

    I have never watched Suits, not my kind of show. I did see MM in a minuscule role on an old Law & Order rerun. I knew it was her right away from her newspaper photos. Cute girl.

    I wish them all happiness. For Harry I hope she loves him truly, madly and deeply. I hope she is a steadying influence, helps him move forward from his wilder past. I hope we see lots of photos of them together out in the community working toward a closer understanding between the Royals and the regular British populace. I would like to see the Princes and their wives as a team of four because I think they could be quite powerful as a foursome.

    For MM, I hope that Harry loves her truly, madly, deeply. That she continues to find in Harry the soulmate she sees now. I hope she enjoys her new role and brings all her talents to it.

    Some people have mentioned Sarah Ferguson. I remember her so well. She was a kind of Diana but without Diana's prettiness. She married a handsome prince and you could see she was amazed that he could have chosen her. She bluffed her way about being self assured but I felt so sorry for her. I think she suffered from Palace and parental neglect every bit as much as Diana. I also thought she was incredibly "thick" (in the U.K. sense.) I still don't understand her and Andrew's relationship, maybe someday. Anyway I don't really see a Fergie/MM comparison. MM is beautiful, successful and is much more savvy on the public stage. Whether she will be as savvy on the Royal stage remains to be seen.

  39. Okay......

    1. Meghan will be with Harry at the Invictus games,
    September 23. He will be free to announce an
    engagement at that time should he choose to
    according to the Daily Mail. Although the article
    says Meghan has not yet met the Queen. (So
    here we go again, lol.)
    2. Meghan has met Charles.
    3. Meghan is friends now with Princess Eugenie.
    4. Meghan is friends with Mark Dyer who is Harry's
    "second" father.
    5. Apartment 9 at KP is being renovated.
    6. The front door area of Meghan's Toronto home
    resembles #10 Downing Street, sort of. (my
    7. The Daily Mail says that the Vanity Fair interview
    was done to commemorate the 100th episode of
    "Suits". Yep. That's what THEY say. (hmmm)
    8. The photo of Meghan in the evening gown was
    done reminiscent of a similar photo of Diana.
    9. Harry and Meghan will not be able to marry at
    Westminster Abbey because Meghan is a
    divorcee and Catholic.

    This points are all from Susan Oliver, The Daily Mail,
    "Operation Princess", 9/9/17.

    so it's now 13 days and counting 🏊🏻‍♀️🏅💍...........NOT.

  40. P.S. Susan Oliver also said in that article that the law
    firm that represent the boys now also represents
    Meghan. (Remember when they took Kate
    onboard some time before their engagement?)


    Charlotte have you read this? Is there any truth in this? If so will it come this week?

    1. Hello Tinneke,

      I am working on a post as speak wrapping up the Sunday papers :)

    2. :-) uour always so on top of everything Charlotte! Big thank you from Belgium

  42. (Sarah Oliver did mention the resemblance of the evening gown photos and she's right. The one of Diana was done by Snowden and the pose and gown are similar and Diana is barefoot also.)

  43. That's Sarah Oliver, not Susan. (sorry about that).

  44. Anonymous7 September 2017 at 04:07 / S.M. H.

    That is a very good link which branches out into more links, info and opinions. Looking from both sides including, "Harry's shield", they seem to be in love. Good luck to them. It is nice they got her the same lawyer as theirs / be on the same page. Harry needs a very strong personality, matured, willing, capable and who truly loves him to handle/ disregard British tabloids and trolls. His past girl friends left because of the hassle. Meghan even with more odds against her, as well as wonderful pluses, their love will be tested.


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