
Sunday 10 September 2017

Harry and Meghan to Make "Official Debut" at Invictus Games Later This Month!

Following Meghan's surprise interview with Vanity Fair, which made headlines all over the world during the week, I anticipated we would see some interesting reports and stories regarding the couple's future in the Sunday papers and thankfully that is very much the case. The VF story has proved a divisive move. My own take on it is this; we are in very different territory with Meghan than previous royal girlfriends. She's already an established and known public figure. In many ways, doing the interview provided an opportunity to take control of the narrative and present an accurate portrayal of herself. Certainly, I have no doubt this was done with Harry's full knowledge and likely a level of involvement from Kensington Palace. I imagine it's one of several carefully planned steps arranged to introduce Harry and Meghan to the public on their terms before an engagement announcement. 

Vanity Fair

Camilla Tominey reported the follwing in the Sunday Express:

Aides rubbished reports as “incorrect” that the Queen had been unhappy with the coverage, as one of Meghan’s closest confidantes revealed she spoke to the US magazine with Harry’s full approval. 
 'A royal source revealed: “Behind Palace gates everyone is expecting an announcement. It’s a case of when not if. The consensus is there will be a wedding next year.” 
The friend, who wished to remain anonymous, rallied against suggestions Meghan was courting publicity, saying: “She hasn’t spoken for a year and all she did say was that she was in a relationship and in love. Any suggestion that she is milking this for publicity is ridiculous. Of course Harry knew all about it, the palace okayed it.”
A royal insider also confirmed Harry’s closest aides at Kensington Palace were told about the interview and gave it their full approval. “The Palace knew about it and sanctioned it,” said a well-placed source. “Meghan hadn’t done much in the past year. She’d been very quiet but there is an understanding that this is not a sustainable position for her to be in as an actress. She has a career and media work is an inevitable part of that.'

A friend told Tominey:

“She has said on numerous occasions she doesn’t want be a lady who lunches. She is actually very low maintenance. She appeared on the front cover of Vanity Fair without any mascara on and insisted there was no airbrushing of her freckles. Most cover girls take hours getting ready for such shoots but Meghan was only in hair and make up for 30 minutes. What you see is what you get with Meghan. She’s not at all Hollywood. Yes, she’s beautiful but she’s got brains, she’s smart and engaged.” 

Roya Nikkhah wrote an insightful article for The Sunday Times in which she revealed Meghan has returned to Toronto "She is thought to have a contract until the end of the year, leaving open the possibility of an engagement announcement before Christmas, with a royal wedding next year". Roya also notes Harry is eager to pursue a modern royal marriage "allowing Meghan to pursue charitable interests and career options. One source said Markle was unlikely to become an Identikit Duchess. The source added Harry will push hard for this: "I don't think the Queen will stand in the way of a more modern kind of royal marriage; she back her grandsons to the hilt. Palace courtiers must not stand in the way. If Harry is frustrated on this, it will be the royal family's detriment." In terms of a career, I could easily see Meghan forging a royal role slightly different to the norm. Aside from her duties on behalf of the Queen, I think she will want to continue and expand on her roles including UN women's advocate. I also envisage Harry wanting to do more work in Africa, something both might explore in the early years of their marriage.

Vanity Fair

The Mail on Sunday reports on 'Operation Princess', claiming the Palace is making plans for Meghan to join the Firm:

'Significant changes are even afoot within the palace itself, changes which will open up the possibility of a new family home at Apartment 9 for Harry and Meghan.
They currently stay in Nottingham Cottage, a small two-bedroom house in the palace grounds. It has become clear that Royal solicitors Harbottle & Lewis, which acts for Prince Charles, William and Harry, has been asked to represent Meghan, too. And it is understood that Kensington Palace has been playing a key role in reducing the actress’s publicity commitments to the TV legal drama Suits, an apparent clearing of the decks and part of what some are calling ‘Operation Princess’.

If the Vanity Fair interview could be perceived as 'Stage One' of the official unveiling of the couple, what's next? Roya Nikkhah reports "Meghan Markle is to join Prince Harry at the Invictus Games in Canada later this month. It will be the couple’s first public appearance at an official event. The American actress will join him in Toronto during the week-long Paralympic-style games for war veterans, founded by Harry." This move makes perfect sense in so many ways, not only have royal watchers pinpointed the event as the ideal venue for their debut, it's perfect for Meghan. Toronto is home turf for the Suits star who has called the Canadian city home for years. I believe, we can expect to see several appearance from Meghan over the week. The opening ceremony takes place on Saturday, 23 September, at 7.30 p.m.

Camilla Tominey notes Toronto is also hosting this years We Day charity concert, there's apparently some speculation the couple might make an appearance there. Harry previously participated in the event when it was held in London, with Cressida Bonas watching on. I'm on the fence about this one because logistically Harry will want to devote as much time as possible to Invictus.

Embed from Getty Images

The Sunday Express article concludes with "It is thought the couple will spend Christmas together". I have a feeling we're in for a very interesting Autumn :)


  1. It will be interesting to see how things develop for Meghan if/when she marries Prince Harry. If I remember correctly, Sophie, Duchess of Wessex tried to continue working after her marriage to Prince Edward but it quickly became clear that it was not possible. Too many people were trying to take advantage of her as a royal connection. I have no doubt Meghan can and would invest herself heavily in charitable work, but I highly doubt she would be able to continue acting; too many critics and people wanting to take advantage of her.

    1. Not if but when :-). Get with it prince Harry is going to marry here.

    2. Tinneke, you are too funny.

      I think we are all waiting for this relationship to be secured with an engagement announcement. :)

    3. I hope so, and I think they will marry. I just don't like to count my chickens before they've hatched, and as there's been no official announcement yet...

  2. I really hate to be a negative voice in all of this but the more I read, it just feels so off. Maybe at 44, I'm just too old for throwing tradition out the door and embracing a whole new way of doing things in one of the world's oldest institutions. Perhaps, Meaghan will be the royal for the under 40 crowd.

    I don't have a problem with her attending the Invictus Games as a spectator. Considering she lives in Toronto, it would be odd if she didn't show up. I only hope it is as a spectator only with miminal publicity. Kind of like when Kate attended the Diana concert.

    Next up, all this discussion about steps being planned out to introduce her leading up to an engagement sounds like it is coming right out of a NYC PR firm. It makes me think they are anticipating the need to counteract some sort of very negative press. Were things this complicated with Kate back in the day? I think they are making things more involved than they need to be.

    Another point, I'm not sure what it means that Harry wants her to maintain her own pursuits while working as a royal. I think there may be a conflict of interest in this. We all know how this turned out for other royals. Not well!

    Lastly, the barely there makeup cover is very en vogue right now, so I challenge the reporter's claim that her natural look proves she is very un Hollywood. On the contrary, it is very Hollywood( as well as fashion world) at the moment.

    I realize times do change but this feels like Meaghan is trying to call the shots, and Harry who is obviously madly in love is willing to bend over backwards to make it happen at whatever cost. They could make this " be the kind of royal you want to be" work if they step back into minor royal roles but if they want to be high profile within the BRF, I think they need to start out on a more traditional path.

    Does "Identikit duchess" seem like a backhanded insult to Kate btw?

    1. Erika I am over 40 and even 44 and I like her ;) but I readily admit it is early days. I don't think it's any more complicated than it ever was, we just are learning so much more all the time about what goes on behind the scenes with these matters. What with social media, 24/7 news, online gossip sites, there's a lot of time and space to fill, and so these background stories become front page more and more often. And most Brits don't see all these details. Yes the palace PR team is working all the time on these matters, we're just seeing more and more of that nitty gritty so to speak. I still remember the strategic PR around Charles and Diana's engagement!

      Also, continuing from the previous posts, Rosman's last comment made me see your point more. I think it's the difference of "knowing her" and "familiarity." Yes, we know, or can easily find out, how she feels about many topics, my point was that the general British public is not "familiar" with her yet, if that makes sense.

      Also, from what I remember, it wasn't public that William and Kate were back together at the Diana concert. Meghan should be front row with Harry if this is a "coming out" just as Kate and extended Middletons were at Sandhurst, for one example.

    2. I'm older than you, Erika, and I like my tradition, and I am still thinking Meghan will work out just fine.

      I think they are bringing her out to counter negative press because she's (a) American, (b) divorced, and (c) biracial. I think any combination of those things could provoke reactions in people with very conservative leanings, and as we've seen current politics are definitely emboldening the far right. There have already been some awful things said about her and/or her family, so I don't think it's going too hard to anticipate even more once they become engaged.

      As for whether Meghan can maintain her own pursuits; she may find that difficult. We'll have to see about that. I think Sophie Rhys Jones thought she could maintain her own pursuits and that didn't work out very well.

      I've seen Meghan say she wished her photos showed her freckles more -- and this was something written a while ago, as they tend to be airbrushed out. Apparently she likes them. More power to her if she does; I hated mine!

      Harry is madly in love and I think it's wonderful. I hope they are very happy.

    3. Blue hare

      I love your🐰😁😁😁😁but more keen on your demented πŸ‡.

      I love my freckles too. 🐾

    4. I think it is completely understandable that Meghan wants to speak out a bit. That doesn't make me uncomfortable at all. I think she is entitled to present her own narrative. It is narrative itself that is rubbing me the wrong way as Ali pointed out in the other blog.

      I think what makes me uncomfortable is the subtle holier-than-thou subtext she has got going on all through the article.
      1. She doesn't want freckles to be airbrushed out.. why ? The subtext here is that airbrushing out freckles is somehow the inferior thing to do and she is so above it all she wants to be "natural". Because of course natural is better and she knows better.
      2. She is "unHollywood"... sorry she is as Hollywood as they come.. it just turns out she is not A list Hollywood.. just a C list one. That does not make her un-Hollywood. Her job is to say 5 sentences in a bra and panty once a week. Come on. That is as Hollywood as it can be.
      3. she is brainy and engaged and truly believes in her "work". Great. Then let the work speak for itself.

      It's all too much way too soon. It's too try-hard. Truly confident and secure people keep their head down and let their work/personality speak for themselves. They don't need all this propaganda. But I think that Meghan has been in Hollywood all this while and still has the same instincts - unless she does self-promotion nobody will notice her. She will need to revise that if she is to join the BRF because clearly it is rubbing people the wrong way.

    5. Erika, I´m 51 and from what I´ve seen and heard from her so far, she is definitely one for "my crowd"!! So it´s not an "age thing".
      I love tradition, but over my 51 years, I´ve learned that accepting REALITY is far more important. And I´ve seen those royals succeed who managed to accept that things change and tradition is good as long as it is still relevant and helpful. HM herself had to learn this the hard way with her sister Margaret and her eldest son (both of whom could not marry the one they loved for "traditional reasons"). She learned from it and allowed her youngest son Edward to ver "UN-traditionally" live together with his girlfriend before getting engaged and married, just as an example.
      When Kate attended the Diana concert, she was still "officially" split up from William. Her being in attendance, only two rows behind William, caused a HUGE furore back then, as it was seen as another sign that they were back together again - and this time for good. If Meghan attends the Invictus Games she will be the center of attention - no matter how much she is in the background. So the all important question is how to use this FACT (Reality!) for the benefit of the cause - the veterans. There are ways to use the attention on Meghan/Harry in order to direct at least part of it on the veterans. I´m not going into this in more detail, as it would take up too much space here.
      Which brings me to the next part: the "NYC PR firm". I would be GLAD if it was, as it is high time that KP showed that they actually HAVE a PR department causing something else than communication chaos! Are there grounds for "counteracting negative press"? I wish it weren´t, but, unfortunately, in the age of Trump, right-wing parties all over Europe and don´t even get me started on what is happening in Russia and Turkey, YES, there IS a need for "counteracting negative press", simply because Meghan is mixed-race (even the word makes me cringe - why are we still using those words of "race" when talking about human beings who represent "one race" as a whole, biologically speaking?), divorced, an American actress and even might be of non-protestant faith (we actually don´t know, as she hasn´t revealed whether she has any faith and if so, what it is). All of these details are enough to create "bad press" (again, REALITY) and it´s certainly wise to use specific mediums to make the public realize there´s more to her....
      Was there a respective need in Kate´s days? Well, she was (is) white, British, protestant and certainly no actress. In fact the only "negative" thing about her back in the day was that, as Daily Mail columnist Amanda Platell put it back then "The last thing Britain needs is a lazy, talentless Queen of Cupcakes", this being the critizism because she apparently seemed to have no proper job, and, at least to the public, she spent her days waiting and grooming herself for William (see "Waity Kate").

    6. Part 2:
      The notion of Harry being "madly in love and therefore bending over backwards to make it happen at whatever cost" is painting a very unfavorable picture of a soon-to-be 33years-old Prince of the United Kingdom. He´s not a love-struck teenager, but a grown-up man who has served in Afghanistan and, as we know by now, has even seeked professional help to deal with his personal demons. I think we should grant him the ability to be a little wiser than how you described it.
      My daughter is in her late teens and royalty at large makes her yawn (and that is putting it mildly). The first time I could catch her attention was when I talked about Meghan as potentially being Harry´s wife one day. She thought this to be brilliant, the only "flaw" being that apparently Meghan having to give up much of her current life (acting, blogging, etc) in order to be able to marry him. That´s how the younger generation sees it.

      To put it very bluntly: Kate having one child after another makes them yawn - the prospect of a modern woman who promises to champion the causes dear to her marrying into the royal family makes them curious and interested as in "Oh, that sounds interesting! Maybe the BRF isn´t as stuffy and boring as it used to be! Tell me more, mum!"
      This is not me judging - it´s just stating facts (Reality!). Only time will tell, but IMO Meghan might very well turn out to be a real asset - mark my words! And we as "the public" should give her that chance - for the benefit of the monarchy!

    7. Rosman you know I love to chat :) but I am really struggling to see where you're coming from here.

      They've barely been seen or heard from in an entire year, so I'm not sure how *one* interview is "all this propaganda" or "too much too soon". As to the freckles, it's just a matter of saying "show me as I am, not as an agent thinks I should be." I've always thought it a shame those old deal or no deal promo pics got such play, because it looks nothing like her. Some male agent or producer's version of what an actress should be, short red dress, bosom pushed to the heavens, they're awful. And not unlike Dame Helen (who many of us of a certain age adore!) saying, I'll promote your product, but don't airbrush my wrinkles. Age is a wonderful thing, let's not hide it.

      I also think, as her friend suggested, this was an interview that started, and primarily focused on work. Then after an hour, they got more relaxed, had some lunch, chatted about food, and chatted about Harry a bit. And that bit got blown up into the cover story. Because when you start right there in print, there's no context, it clearly has given many readers the impression that she invited a reporter in, waxed on about the virtue of good bread, and how she's in a perfect love story.

      I think the truth would provide far more context, and since all reporters record at least the sound of the interview, I would love to hear how this actually played out. I think it would give many people a much better perspective. Just my thoughts of course.

      (I'll also quickly add I'm sure H&M knew the bit about her acknowledging the relationship would get the most play, I don't think they saw how it would take over everything else, and get this weird (to me) backlash)

    8. Eve I love your comment! And love that you're a 50's friend ;) I remember when I first started reading HRHKate and was thinking of commenting, Rebecca posted a remark where she included "my mum's almost 50" and it stopped me in my tracks! I thought, oh no, I won't fit in at all here!

      When you mentioned Platell, it also reminded me (going from memory here) that she recently admitted that KP called her before the engagement or wedding, and had a meeting with her to try to convince her she was all wrong about Kate, that Kate was working hard to be a perfect consort to William. They were concerned about the negative coverage. Platell, if my memory is correct, thought this was rubbish, and told them if Kate wanted to create a different impression she should show more substance and she'd be happy to write about it, or something like that.

      So just a take on what Erika was asking about, this PR wrangling goes on all the time but in this day and age we seem to be learning about it in *real* time, as opposed to several years (or what used to be decades!) later. I believe Platell only revealed it and wrote about it after the shamrocks fiasco.

      (I also personally didn't like that their excuse or narrative for Kate was "she wants to be perfect consort" it seemed a little cringe worthy and demeaning to me, why can't she be something in her own right? And it's why I still notice remarks made by KP or Kate herself that seem more than a bit old fashioned. I'll leave it there though.)

    9. Claudia, I suppose you refer to the comment that Kate made, how she is taken care of by her husband. I was sad to hear that partly. And not because of their state of marriage, but because of her mindset. But Rosman's description of the Middleton family, explains it all, in my opinion.

    10. +1 Eve!! I'm 28 and agree entirely with your comments. A confident, driven woman with her own interests is exactly what the BRF needs. I think she and Harry would make a dynamic team. In my opinion, they'd largely be what carries the royal family into the future.

    11. Claudia, I hope I didn't come across as harsh towards Meghan because that is not how I feel at all. I just think that some of the coverage of her and words from friends have been a bit over the top. After the article we've had several friends now jump in and say more on her , how she is un-hollywood etc and brainy and I guess it just chafed against my sensibilities. I thought that the interview was enough. Too much of trying to build her up seems too much to me. If I were her I would just enjoy the relationship and let events unfold first.
      I do want to clarify that overall I think she is independent and if she sticks to what she says she is then the BRF will be brought several centuries forward into 2017. Most women in that family is encouraged to be in the shadows and pretend they don't exist or have a thought in their head, so that will be a change !

    12. Yes, Claudia, I see your point about how social media and around the clock reporting makes this process seem more complicated than the same procedures in the past. I didn't think of that.

      As far as the Invictus Games, I feel it is a completely different animal from the Sandhurst graduation. The graduation was a personal milestone and a family affair( albeit, of great national and international interest) but not an official engagement. I can't think of any royal girlfriend who did an official engagement before she was officially engaged. I don't think protocol is a bad thing for Meaghan and Harry to keep in mind. Considering she is a an outsider/foreigner coming into an old old institution, I think she will get less push back if she plays by the rules in the beginning and appears less forward. I have to say that if Meaghan did not attend Pippa's wedding and snuck into the after party after dark to avoid upstaging the bride, why is it thought that showing up with Harry at Invictus will not upstage the games? Sorry, but I think we are going to hear all about Meaghan and not so much anout the veterans.

      Bluhare, I think you are correct about the intent of the interview. Not sure that's exactly what it accomplished though. I agree with Rosman that it is a very "Hollywood" piece and the way in which it was edited made Meaghan come of in not the most flattering light.

      Eve, you really crucified me:). I think we will have to agree to disagree. It is a good thing if the 20 somethings find Meaghan interesting because the monarchy is lacking a youthful connection to the public. I will point out that at 37 Meaghan will most likely get married and have several babies back to back if she can, so many of you might be disappointed by what happens.

      People have big plans for Harry and Meaghan, and I think Becca further down even states that they will be the super stars of the monarchy and save it. William is the heir however and I doubt it would be allowed that H&M outshine them in any way. That would be like Prince Charles being more of a super star than HM all of these years which is a silly and damaging thought. I think they will carve out very much of a supporting role to William and Kate. If H&M shine more brightly than W&K, it would hurt W&K and therefore, the monarchy. There is a hierarchy in place for a reason.

      We love Harry and we love a good love story. I hope they have a great marriage and that Meaghan finds her place within the BRF. Her fashion will be drool worthy and she will be a natural in public life. I don't think she is the second coming and I don't think she will solve all the problems of the BRF but she will be a great asset to them. I do see some red flags but I will keep watching with all of you to see how it all turns out.

    13. My thoughts ... I'm old enough to recall Miss Sarah Ferguson being seen as a breath of fresh air. Unfortunately, her free spiritedness did not go over well at the palace and, today, the Firm has the same Boss and Boss in Waiting.

      The bottom line for me is that, hopefully, she truly loves Harry and is prepared to deal with all of the baggage that comes with being a member of the BRF. IMO, he is madly in love, eager to please, and desperate to have a family of his own. And I sincerely hope he will be as blessed as his brother.

      But the idea that H&M will be the BRF's Brad and Angelina (my take on the excitement) ... well ... I'm not so sure it will fly with the suits at that palace.

      And, given their ages, they will need to focus on creating a family if this is what they both want. (I assume no one will have a problem if this turns out to be this couple's top priority.....) :-)

    14. Erika, I just want to say you are always so nice and rational. Both traits I admire.

      I get why you're looking askance, but (and I know you didn't know me back then!) I felt the same way about Kate when she got engaged to William as I do now about Meghan. I thought she'd be great, and just the ticket for the royal family. I now no longer have such positive thoughts there, but I am holding out hope for Meghan.

      Plus I hope they are as happy as William and Kate appear to be.

    15. Erika

      Food for thought is what happens if H&M gets more popular than the current heir. I suppose at the beginning that is higly possible, especially, if they start a family.

      By the way, I am a bit puzzled to read all over again (?) what happens to our expectations if they start a family. We wish them good luck, at first I suppose then hope they won't raise expectations every year to return and do more.

      Comparing Sarah to Meghan, wow *shake my head*

    16. @Erika: Sorry, if you felt "crucified"!! I was trying to "nail the point, not the person" - if you know what I mean? I used to work as a sales manager in a male-dominated business (for over 15 years), so either I had "die-hard" "nailed-it" arguments - or I wouldn´t have survived because no-one would have taken me seriously... ;-))) Seems, I´m still not "out of practice", ahem... ;-))) Seriously, I just wish Harry and Meghan have found "the right one" and will be blissfully happy. And, very selfishly, I´m hoping for an engagement soon, so we will have lots of lovely photos, gowns, dresses and the lot to "drool over" (loved that one!! ;-))) together on this blog!

    17. I second that Eve!:)

    18. Erika I quite agree with bluhare, I do see where you're coming from, and also you summed that up beautifully! I will just add, back in the early 80's when Charles and Diana were the most popular ticket in town, there was non stop chatter and headlines that the Queen should step down for them. I mean, can you imagine that now! The Queen is beloved and people can't imagine life without her, and, well we know what happened with Charles and Diana. So I suspect the royal family is quite used to these ebbs and flows as newcomers join.

      Royalfan is right, there was tremendous hoopla in the media about Sarah Ferguson, though anyone with a brain and two eyes back then didn't quite see it that way. And I agree with Anett, in my opinion there is no comparison whatsoever between Meghan and Sarah. Sarah and Diana had one awful thing in common, they made terrible choices and drifted toward incredibly suspicious characters that everyone else could see coming a mile away. We don't need to revisit the sagas, but you can choose to listen to smart, knowledgeable people in life, or some half baked characters who tell you what you want to hear. (In fairness both Sarah and Diana had troubled, and even neglected childhoods, both mothers left)

      Royalfan I also agree with your Brad/Ang analogy, especially depending what they decide on titles. And as I said elsewhere, I have no problem if children are a priority for them, but in the RF it can't be to the exclusion of everything else.

    19. I don't know which commenter said it but it is true that what is said of Meghan is more of putting that what she said herself. She didn't come out very well in the interview. But it is the lavish praise she receives for being a strong independent women, with her own interests, going to shake things up, using the platform of the RF to pursue her charitable goals that gives the public this feeling of an arrogant person. We don't know she feels like that. At least I hope she doesn't. For while it would be nice indeed for her charities, interests and goals if she used her role in the RF to promote them, what's the point for the RF and the British? She had better use that platform, that position and that money of the tax payer to promote the causes close to the RF and the British heart, not her own.

    20. Claudia, I was not comparing Sarah and Meghan (at least not in my mind). But I *was* reminded of the hoopla, as you put it, and how people thought Sarah's life experience and less guarded personality would serve her well as a member of the RF.

      Regarding children being a priority ... I don't think anyone is prioritizing at the exclusion of everything else and I don't begrudge W&K the opportunity to focus on their family while William there is a generation between him and the throne. William met "the one" early in his life and enjoyed a loving and devoted relationship that much longer. I am fully prepared to cheer Harry on as he does some much needed catching up. :-)

    21. H
      "She had better use that platform, that position and that money of the tax payer to promote the causes close to the RF and the British heart, not her own."

      I am scratching my head reading your comment, I could list a few royal family member -just Sophie came into my mind-, who pursue their own goals, and everybody seems fine with it, I think she is involved in neo natal thing and a charity with eye problems, both close to her hearts for personal reasons.

      Or take Diana, according to you, she should have been involved in everything except for her own interests.

    22. Thanks for the compliment, bluhare:) It means a lot coming from you. I do try to be fair. I respect everyone's points and opinions in this forum because I think we have a bunch of very intelligent, informed and insightful (alliteration is always nice, especially when one isn't trying!) people here. I had no idea you are a former Kate fan! You learn something everyday. I think we should be hopeful about Meaghan too. Harry deserves the kind of personal happiness that his brother has found.

      Eve, don't worry about me:). I'm fairly tough. I get it now that you explained your work history. Actually, I used to be the same way out of necessity in the workplace. Funny thing, when I left all that and became a SAHM I had to completely soften the way I spoke and dealt with people to fit in with the other moms. Apparently, I could be "abrupt and aloof" :) Back to Meaghan, I could use some royal engagement/wedding pagentry myself. I'm very interested in what the ring could be like... πŸ’Ž Better than this one, I hope!

      Claudia, I haven't had the time to reply to the previous post in which we were all talking about this but I did agree with your point that the editing of the interview may not have resembled the actual interview all that much. Also, I can see how all the Meaghan hype would naturally normalize over time.

      H, great point that as a member of the BRF, Meaghan would be expected to champion British causes rather than using it as aplatform for her own.

    23. I agree that personal interests generate better involvement. Meghan will have to be circumspect about her choices though before she moves forwards with things. Everyone is so thankful that Diana helped remove the stigma about aids and about being vulnerable in general. About the land mine initiatives though, many think that that did her in, from the munitions manufacturers and vested political factions. When she was at the site for that very famous walk through the mine field, Diana was asked why she was doing she was doing it and if she felt that she was a political "loose cannon". She replied that she was simply there to highlight the issues because of the victims of it. When she got in the car she, almost in tears, said to those with her, 'loose cannon? why would they think I'm a loose cannon? That really hurts my feelings.' Words to that effect. (the video is on You Tube). The minute I heard that I was astonished. Through no fault of her own, Diana apparently had no clue about what the reactions of the powers that be with that issue might be, good cause or not. (There were apparently multi-million dollar land mine contracts on the table at that time.) Some say her involvement with that topic may have been her undoing. Controversy may be in Meghan's wheelhouse with causes the Palace, et al, may find obtrusive or "off limits". We don't know. She just needs to be thoroughly informed and aware before she makes her decisions. (Not faulting Diana at all. Just sharing information. She accomplished much. She was certainly a world changer.)

    24. Well, it has repeatedly be said that the RF was in way employed by the British people. They call it duty, others accountancy, others consider they have to give back because of their privileges and so on. All this is because of the link between the RF and the UK. They cannot appear to favorise a charity over another, and those charities must be relevant for the UK. The royal family as a whole must cover all the fields of society. That leaves room for personal interests of the members, it is indeed more efficient if there is this interest and it may lead to members calling attention to new fields. Thus Sophie's choices. All this was very clear when Kate chose her first charities. There was clearly a double check from the palace and government, taking into account her capacities interests and knowledge. When a royal is proposed for an international role, like Maxima with microcredit, it is because of negotiations between countries and through a decision of the government, with the royal approval, of course. When Diana took up landmines, it was hugely controversial and she put the government in a difficult place. She wasn't the princess of Wales anymore at the time, though.
      What I mean is that Meghan can of course have interests but they should be used for the UK. She has a " preaching " approach to humanitarian work that cannot be allowed in someone representing a country, even if it was accepted from an individual.

    25. You're very welcome, Erika. I mean every word as well. You and I don't agree on everything, but you're unfailingly polite and nice.

      And yes, I was a fan. A big fan, actually. I really was thrilled William was marrying a middle class girl from the shires. I thought she was just what the royals needed to air the stuffy out of them. Unfortunately, that hasn's happened. So Meghan is now my American girl from the shires. I think it's lovely.

  3. I'm sure I'll be in the minority but I'm very much against Harry and Meghan making their public debut at the Invictus Games. This will make all the headlines about them and take the focus away from where it should be: on the veterans. Please, Harry, make the Invictus Games about the wounded warriors and leave your personal life for another time and place.
    And a correction to Camilla Tominey's piece. WE Day has ALWAYS taken place in Toronto, as Free the Children/Me to We was founded by Craig Kielburger, a Canadian, when he was only 13 years old. It has expanded in recent years to other cities, including London, but it originated in Toronto.

    1. Ava

      I see your point but honestly when these two will attend any event together, the press will act like flies. Even if they go to a rock concert or a football game, do you think we would care about the event, no. I think, there is no way to avoid it. Or at least I can't see it. πŸ₯

    2. From what I've read about Harry and veterans, he would not allow that to happen.

    3. I personally think it will only bring *more* attention to Invictus which is well deserved, the games are incredible. People who man not know about the games will see the royal news, then say "where are they" and perhaps expand their horizons!

    4. Sorry-I'm trying to reply to Eve...! My technology skills are obviously lacking!
      I take offense on Kate's behalf to your comment about just having one child after another...children are a blessing and larger families are very in vogue at the moment-and as I recall, the Queen herself has 4 children-and nobody would dare criticize her for "just" having one child after another!
      And IMO-if Meghan does marry Prince Harry-her life isn't going to be terribly much different-she is also going to want to start a family, and probably won't want to take too long either...
      And she won't have as much of the pressure that the Duchess of Cambridge has of putting a foot wrong...!!!

    5. Larger families are in vogue? Like children as accessories? I hope you are kidding.

    6. Anonymous at 19:50: I was just stating facts: it´s what I´m hearing from young people here in Germany - it´s not that I share those statements! To each one their own - IMO!

    7. Like the new logo, bluhare. :)
      (but wouldn't he be safer with a cape? :) )
      Just kidding. :)

    8. Anon I think many people did not expect Kate to focus on her family to the *exclusion* of almost everything else. That, even with children, she would have been a more prominent presence and even voice.

      I do expect H&M to be in baby mode right away, based on Harry's comments anyway. I personally see them including their children much more in royal life from the get go, and being more active in royal life themselves even as parents.

      We'll find out soon enough!

  4. Thank you for the update Charlotte!

    Also thought it was interesting that Tominey reported:

    "Meghan agreed to the article to mark the 100th episode of Suits, the US legal drama in which she stars as paralegal Rachel Zane.

    A royal insider also confirmed Harry’s closest aides at Kensington Palace were told about the interview and gave it their full approval. “The Palace knew about it and sanctioned it,” said a well-placed source.

    "Meghan hadn’t done much in the past year. She’d been very quiet but there is an understanding that this is not a sustainable position for her to be in as an actress. She has a career and media work is an inevitable part of that

    Meghan’s friend said she only spoke briefly in the interview about Harry but the magazine focused on that even though it was “80 per cent about her career”.

    It is thought she did not have copy approval before publication and had no control over the headline: “Wild About Harry!”

    ***As for Roya Nikkhah's article, I often think Harry would probably like to follow Anne and reject royal titles for his spouse and family, and I can't help but wonder if he and Meghan would be better off without them. It might be tricky given he is the only sibling of the future King, but slimmed down monarchy and all that who knows...

  5. I am not sure what royal tradition we should expect here, W &K played the waiting game for years. Harry seems like a different type of guy. Fast and passionate. I know people who have a very successful marriage even if they got married within months.

    Not to expect limelight and publicity when they first attend an event together, or expect her to stay in the background is completely impossible and unrealistic.

    What I read into "following her own pursuits" is UN work and working with charities that she has always supported, certainly not acting work or anything controversial. But that's me being optimistic.

    I see no insult to Kate but reality, even on this site someone started talking about double standards, and remember we kind of agreed at the beginning that we refrain from comparing the 2 women or situations.It has already started though. I think it is a very good idea that they or whoever wants to carve a different role for Meghan, because frankly although Kate looks like a loving mother, but the character and substance is on Meghan's side. And I am not going to make any comment or compare these 2 women from now on or insinuating anything like someone regularly does to strengthen gang mentality here and there.

    1. Anett, I agree with you 100%. Different people make different choices - which is a good thing IMO. When I´m pointing out differences between Kate and Meghan I do not want to say "One is better than the other" - I´m usually just stating facts which simply have consequences. I am curious about how things will evolve - and, in general, I hope and wish for the monarchy to flourish - simply because I`m sure that it can do "a world of good" in a world that is - more often than not - "not so good".

    2. Agree with you both!

    3. Anett, I think when things have always been done in a certain way and someone comes in from the outside doing things differently, it can appear that the person thinks they are special or better than and doesn't need to adhere to tradition or protocol. I think an insider or established person can bring about change more easily than someone just starting out. I think speaking about Harry in VF and, perhaps, appearing at Invictus as more than a speactator might cause backlash for Meaghan because an engagement has not been formally announced.

    4. Erika

      I love traition, and I do not think and hope Meghan does not think she is better than the rest or special, I kind of like her becasue she seems like a person who has some aim in life, not only being a mother for example.

      I think Eve wrote it beautifully, we live in a nasty world, and anybody who can make it a bit better place is welcome by me too.

      The backlash time is already here, Bluhare wrote it perfectly, she is American, divorced, actress, mixed raced, and looking the comments on the internet, absolutely appalling. I don't know what more she can lose..

    5. I think there could be more backlash, Anett. Everytime she missteps, the press and others will pull her apart. I think she has to be careful not to proceed into a royal life thinking like an actress or celebrity. I agree many comments out there have been brutal and unacceptable though. She is a pioneer in some respects and trailblazing is usually painful, unfortunately.

      I see why you and others are excited by her. She seems to be passionate about her interests and commitments.

    6. To be very honest Erika, she won me over with this speech in 2015.

      I can't see any shallowness about her, but struggle.

    7. I agree about the backlash Erika. For example, from what I can tell she straightens her hair. Could you imagine the uproar if she decided to let her hair go natural? The Daily Mail readers would totally lose their shizz and not in a good way.

    8. I'm going to put this one here as well. Another good one.

    9. I think both Kate and Meg should let their hair go natural. I have never been convinced that the chemicals involved are harmless. Plus, the few times we have seen Catherine with her hair with natural curls she has looked very nice. I think Meghan would, too. Let's face it. Those two could wear a fright wig Phyllis Diller (I miss her!) style and still look gorgeous.

    10. bluehare at 20:28

      I think Meghan perms her hair like most women of all races. Here is a video link before the age of hair perming.

    11. Thanks for the link. I have not seen that one yet.

    12. Haha, Anon 22:46 - "fright wig Phyllis Diller"...I can only imagine! I agree with you, they should both embrace their curls/natural wave, I think they'd look stunning :) I was checking out Meghan's instagram the other night & there's a post where her mother suggested she stop using the yuko hair straightening system & go natural - she's a wise woman!

    13. As someone who has hated my curly hair for as long as I've had an opinion on hair, I totally get why both of them straighten/smooth their hair. Totally. Agree about the chemicals; however, I have and will do it again.

    14. Oh, bluhare - this is one of the classics between me and my teenage daughter - why do all curly-haired women want straight hair - and all straight-hair women want curly hair?
      I guess it´s one of these "age-old-still-not-totally-resolved-eternal-questions of all times"! I get there is a difference between "curly hair" and "totally unmanageable curly-curly-super-curly-horribly-curly hair" - but honetstly, most of my 51 years I wished my "only-under-humid-weather-conditions"-curly hair would somehow magically turn into "all-seasons-curly" hair!!
      My daughter somehow managed to grab all "soft-curly hair genes" that run in my and her father´s family, because she´s got long hair, that is ever-so-softly curled - really great, meaning "just as how I always wished I had had"! LOL!
      So I would love Meghan and Kate to show their natural curls more often.. I´d probably go all green with envy... ;-))

    15. Eve, that is so true. I remember going to get my hair straightened years ago now, and women in the seats over would look aghast at what I was doing. They couldn't believe I'd actually try to straighten it! There are much better treatments now, that's for sure.

      However, if I had my sister's amazing curly hair I probably would have not spent the time and money straightening it. Her hair falls into perfect ringlets. Mine does not. She uses this shampoo and conditioner called No Poo. Let me tell you, it's a big jarring to step into a shower and see bottles of No Poo sitting there! It's shampoo and conditioner for curly hair. She swears by it and I'm going to try it.

    16. You are welcome Anett. That is a cute image of her. When thedailymail posted it less than a month ago, they wrote to say how good she was with children / Eg. that video. There is also another link in the bottom with Harry and Meghan together in what looks like, may be her apartment.

  6. "following her own pursuits" will have to be tailored or modified as necessary by the Palace. As a royal, Meghan, like the Queen and others, has to maintain a posture of non-political. That's where the rub might come in. we'll see.

    as for the Invictus games, if harry is going to marry meghan, I think it would be ever so awesome if he gave his military buddies the special honor of proposing to meghan at the games.

    yep. at the games :)

    I do not think for one second that his military buddies would feel slighted in the least media-wise. to the contrary, I think they would feel very honored and that they would know that the Invictus games would have that special place in history. I think meghan would think that was the best possible proposal scene ever. I know I sure would. :) Those military personnel have given so much. How fitting for two altruistic people to share their special moment that way with those people.
    don't worry. there will be no countdown, lol.)

    so the interview was for the 100th episode of "suits". both were in June, right?
    so the big question seems to have been answered. :)

    I think the first three photo of meghan on the previous page were almost "duplicates" of photos taken of diana. (not just the evening gown photo)

    "Identikit Duchess" did seem like a subtle slur to Kate and the other Duchesses that be. Duchesses are tough though, lol. I think they'll survive it. (It was still rude though.)

    1. "AT the games"!!! And that wouldn´t be "Hollywood as Hollywood can be" or what? LOL!! Everybody would then have to blame Harry for being "Hollywood" - but, of course, he would have been "Hollywood-ized" by Meghan, for sure!
      I´m just kidding... ;-))))

      On a much more serious note: I hope everybody from Florida and the Caribbean is "ok" - as "ok" as you can be with all the devastation and flooding and what not... My daughter and I were praying for you all during the last days and will continue to do so. Please stay safe!!

    2. Headed my way now, Eve. Also, let's not forget the fires in Washington/Oregon. I'm afraid they are being overlooked somewhat. Too much going on now to fully take it all in, I suppose. And since this is an international forum, Mexico has suffered from both hurricanes and earthquakes, while having extended a helping hand to Texas for Harvey consequences. The UN is meeting over North Korea sanctions.
      It is the anniversary of the events of 9-11-2001, which impacted multiple countries.

      Suddenly, I am not so worried about Harry and Meghan. They will sort things out if left alone.

    3. Anonymous at 20:17: Stay safe! And yes, you´re right, what is going on "naturewise" "over the pond" - it´s downright frightening! Hurricanes, fires, draughts, earthquakes - it´s true, we Europeans only get "the top of the iceberg" on the news, I guess...
      With all the constant bad news, I long all the more for some "glamour" and some "royal gossip". Guess I just need a break every now and then...

    4. Lynn from S.C., how are you doing?

    5. Eve. :)
      He wouldn't have to make a big production of it.
      He could, with Meghan by his side, just do his normal opening introduction at the mike and then say something like, "You all know how much I love and appreciate you and that you have a special place in my heart (normal pause) and so does the lady standing next to me. So here in the midst of you all, to share a special moment with you (normal pause) he drops to one knee, presents an open ring box and says, Meghan, will you marry me?" And then she faints, is caught by Harry's ppo, lol, is helped to her feet and nods yes. Would the veterans not feel like family at that point? I think they would. And the joy would resound throughout the venue. And the Invictus Games will have made even more history and an extra special place in history at that. I so want it to happen that way.
      (I'll fax this speech to Harry right away.)

    6. surfer girl, you get a standing ovation from me for that. Excellent imagination!

    7. @surfer girl: GO FOR IT (the fax I mean)!
      And it wouldn´t be "Hollywood" AT ALL - because women in Hollywood don´t faint over proposals anymore (hahahaha!)....
      SO good... :-))))

    8. Love that proposal speech, surfer girl, very sweet :)

  7. Tammy from California11 September 2017 at 05:19

    Well, I love it.

  8. Looking forward to their public debut together . Fingers crossed Meghan will be there to support her man during the events .

    Meghan certainly comes across as a very modern woman who has a goal as to what she wants out of her life . She could be somewhat like Diana in the sense that she's so passionate about the causes .
    Harry is undoubtedly the most famous member of the royal family right now and with Meghan by his side they could be a force to reckon with and do a lot of good with diverting the attention on them to the worthy causes they support.

    1. hope you yours fares better than my countdowns. :)

  9. I will predict it one more time, and then I will have done: St George's Chapel, April 2018, with Harry created Duke of Sussex. Dorian, Viscount Inverness, born the following spring, with Lady Frances Windsor arriving in 2020.

    Alternately: they marry in 2018 with Harry relinquishing his titles and the couple devote themselves to political and charitable work, primarily in Africa. Still hoping they have children, though!

  10. thank you for the follow up and the beautiful fotos.. I have a somewhat unrelated question: have any of our American friends heard what happened to that book Meghan's estranged half sister insinuated writing, revealing "the truth" about Meghan's intentions? I wonder if they managed to patch up differences within the family or if the PR machinery is at work even in
    more ways than we imagine... there are, as many comments pointed out, so many areas averse publicity could come from... we will all be kept "on our toes" for a long time ;) greetings to everyone from Vienna ��

    1. Let's hope they won't publish it. What is Uncle Gary to the Middletons, this half sister is just the same to Meghan. An itchy scar.

    2. Gary is mostly harmless though. This woman seems downright malicious and nasty to me.

    3. and greetings to you also from San Diego, Anna. :)

    4. Agree with you completely there Rosman.

  11. Perhaps someone could help me with the following:
    It is said over and over again, that Harry and Meghan won´t be able to get married at Westminster Abbey because she is divorced. Yet apparently a spokesperson of the Abbey told The Sun that the Abbey follows the rules of the "General Synod Ruling of 2002" which allows divorced people to get married at a "Church of England" church. So what´s the truth now?
    Second of all, some say she won´t be able to meet the Queen until after the wedding because of royal protocol - that sounds very strange to me. Is this just utter "tabloid rubbish" - or is there some truth in it? Kate met the Queen quite some time before the engagement even.... Thanks in advance for some clarifying! :-))

    1. I think it's all rubbish. I think let's wait and see. It's now just matter of a few months and all will be known hopefully.

    2. Camilla Tominey had a quote from an abbey rep that they could marry, but as Rosman says who knows, and hopefully we'll have solid details quite soon!

    3. Claudia, I remember that article. Would Harry want an Abbey wedding? If Meghan did, probably? Would Meghan want an Abbey wedding? Would the Queen encourage an Abbey wedding?

    4. Claudia, Vickie Oliphant in The Express today has republished that "Abbey Statement".

  12. Hi, Can I join in? I have been following this blog closely as I have been very excited about Meghan and Harry since last year . My thoughts on Meghan are that would be great for the Royal family , she is beautiful,modern, smart, and interested in the world. I had looked at Princess Sofie in Sweden who comes from a very non royal/ aristocratic background and who has plenty of skeletons in her closet but she seems to have adapted to her role as a princess with great ease . I thought that as long as Harry was totally on Meghans side and approached everything they did as a team , it would work and that they could really make a difference to the world. I had hoped to see her at the Invictus games as a support to Harry and this would then be followed by other appearances leading to the engagement announcement before Christmas. But the Vanity Fair interview has thrown me, I don't really understand why she did it or why she felt she needed to. I understand she is s celebrity but this has now elevated her and Harry to such a level of celebrity that I don't know how she is going to adapt to royal life. The royal family are a family and if your joining that family by marriage, you will have to fit in. Their lives are quite mundane on the scale of things. They all live very privileged lives but generally they are not glamorous and not in anyway connected to how celebs live. I feel Harry and Meghan are going to be hounded by the press as she has opened the door to them. I also wonder what Kate and William are thinking about it? I'm sure they are happy for Harry but I think that William must be questioning her motives and how is she going to fit into the family. I'm going to be watching with great excitement from now on and I hope I'm not being negative Nancy about her .

  13. The media makes it clear as mud, as they often do.
    One says one thing one says another and then they switch opinions. lol
    That is why people may at times be a little perplexed with Meghan. :) and all the other headlines they banter about like a tennis ball.
    I have no idea was the truth of the matter is, Eve.
    sorry. :) I would love to know.

  14. Mary Greenwell was the make-up artist that did Diana's make-up for the Vanity Fair cover in 1991.
    She also did Meghan's make up for this recent Vanity Fair cover.* That, to me, somehow ties into the fact that the first three photos on Charlotte's previous page of Meghan from Vanity Fair, are almost exact copies of photos done of Diana. The casual one in the black turtleneck with similar pose (remember that one?), the one of her sitting on the aluminum chair in an similar outfit and pose (remember that one?), and the one of her seated and barefooted in the fluffy evening gown (remember that one?). Certainly no coincidences, in my opinion. (maybe Meghan is doing the "Kate thing") The photographer was very kind and sent Meghan a full set of all the photos. Neat. Because those photos were exceptionally good.

    *from ET, Teela Tailor, "Meghan Used Same Make-up Artist....", 9/11/17.

    1. Thanks for the information SG. And, yes, I certainly did notice the similarities. :-)

  15. before we all get too worked up about Meghan not fitting the mold of the BRF, may I point out that Princess Margret, the Queen's own sister, was very controversal in her day... just saying...

    1. true, anna. the rf has had some drama and then more drama in it's recent and long history.
      kind of makes this whole Meghan thing seem silly in comparison, doesn't it. contemplate royal history for a moment. affairs, illegitimate children, intrigues, factions, debauchery, extravagances, wars, killing, divorces......

    2. Anna, my aunt just adored Margaret, which got me into royal watching, and you're absolutely right, she was controversial to say the least! And more often than not, she wasn't even a very nice person it seems. I think Margaret really struggled with her "runner up" role...

    3. I find this kind of argument absurd. If there were unsavoury persons in the RF, is that a reason for admitting more of them in the family? Not that Meghan is unsavoury, but it is like the child that says " my sister was naughty, therefore I can be" childish and illogical.
      IMO, the worse the RF is, the better the new comers have to be.

    4. H, Margaret was rude, uncouth, an alcoholic and a total snob. It would not be a stretch for a newcomer to be better behaved.

    5. Bluhare, of course not, but that's not the point. If you think about it, it is even insulting to Meghan to say, there was this alcoholic snob in the family, so you could not be worse, whatever you are.

    6. Responding to this: If there were unsavoury persons in the RF, is that a reason for admitting more of them in the family?

      And this: IMO, the worse the RF is, the better the new comers have to be.

      You raised the subject, and I agree it's quite insulting.

      Nice try at deflection, though.

    7. I didn't raise the subject of Margaret. And I stand by MO that it is a cheap ad hominem argument that can easily be refuted.To "The RF cannot be too difficult about new members because of Margaret and Camilla and and and" the logical answer is "the RF has to be very careful about new comers because it already had Margaret, Camilla and.."
      As I pointed out, it is also insulting to the newcomer to have to retort to this kind of argument. That's MO, and no deflection.

    8. You may not have raised the subject of Margaret, but you certainly ran with it. And I didn't make your comments. You did.

      I disagree with you that they need to be better. They need to make their partners happy and hopefully create a good public role for themselves. Your remarks sounded a bit snobby to me, but perhaps I'm reading with the wrong filter.

      Am I right that you have posted before, either here or DKB, under another name? Your style reads very familiar to me.

    9. Very familiar? I should feel flattered, only I suppose it is because of the errors? I have, only lately( this post or the former) commented here, under this name.I have commented on DKB,under a full moniker( H is a lazy abreviation) but not more than 20 times in 2 or3 years. I don't believe I wrote anything remarkable as I never enjoyed such a long "conversation". Kudos to you for remembering my scattered remarks. No, what I think happens, is that English not being my first language, as you have noticed, I borrow expressions from other posters frequently, not to say all the time. Kudos I think is from royalfan. Hence the familiarity of my patchwork style.
      On the subject matter, I believe there is more to it than making your consort happy and carving a role. It is a responsibility towards a country, you must help your consort to fulfil it and make it your own. And, here is when I will sound snobbish, I suppose, a royal should not only think of his own happiness but think about his country. That applies for marriage but also for studies, formation...

    10. I didn't realize English is your second language. You communicate very well, so much so I mistook you for a native speaker. My mistake apparently as your phrasing is a bit different. You still sound like that other poster though.

      Thinking of your country isn't snobbish, although I don't know what about Meghan Markle would be bad for the country. She seems quite accomplished and well spoken to me.

  16. This may have been mentioned before (sorry if I'm parroting anything) but I see Meghan's interview as part of getting people used to the idea that she is in it for the long haul & it's like a declaration of their love & commitment to each other (as Harry approved it - seems almost like they're engaged, bar the announcement). I also think it's been released in time before her appearance at the Invictus games, so as to prepare people seeing Meghan supporting Harry in a public capacity. I think it would take some of the attention away from the games if Meghan just showed up after keeping a low profile before the interview, & this interview opens the door for her to be welcomed into the public arena as Harry's partner & not just an actress.

    1. Kiwi Gal I think you're exactly right, it let a bit of air out of the balloon, which is what they want. It's funny, the day after the interview I saw someone on Twitter say basically the same thing, "now the anticipation is out a bit, I'm not as worked up over it, I'm expecting to see her there" - which is what I think they intended. I think if it had been a guessing game it would have been distracting, now that it's expected it's less of a headline. Oh, Meghan's there, just as we thought, type thing.

      (The bigger story now will be if she doesn't show! Can you imagine! Someone be on stand by for surfer girl!)

    2. I've had the smelling salts ready for surfer girl either way, Claudia. :)

    3. muchas gracias, Claudia. lol. :)

    4. LOL, poor surfer girl :(

    5. lol, lol. I am definitely in good hands. :)

    6. US magazine is saying today that Meghan met the Queen when Harry and Meghan headed for Birkhall after Botswana. Only a "reliable sources" referenced story, so....
      (But, if true, a necessary pre-cursor for that Invictus Games proposal. Ta Da. lol)

    7. His birthday is tomorrow, surfer girl. Are you ready? I don't think they will now. Bit disappointing if I'm honest.

    8. The news from London this morning put a damper on that. Harry might propose in spite of that, but like you, I'm less inclined to think so at this point. I am now looking forward to a proposal in Toronto. :)

    9. P.S. bluhare, I think you found the perfect photo or whatever it is called. The colors are very pretty. (still think he might need a cape though for those cross town leaps, lol. Just kidding. It's perfect.) You, Julia, and her puppy, all three of you inspired me to also fancy up my space. :)

    10. I like the new surfer girl, although your picture isn't very surfy!! :)

      Hahaha. I want him to announce it before Toronto. I think he's already proposed.

    11. I know, lol. Knowing me, I will probably be changing the picture out every week anyway.
      I was just feeling in a flowery mood. :)
      (I did try one "surfy" one on the other blog and it was fuzzy.)

      Harry's eagerly awaited proposal. One thing for sure, we are definitely primed. lol
      Whenever the news breaks this will be one busy blog. Charlotte, are you ready? :)

      If he has already proposed, let's hope he introduces her at the games as his fiancΓ©. Drop the mic, lol. :)

    12. lol. do you think he's proposing today by any chance bluhare, lol. OR do you think he proposed in Africa?

    13. I think he proposed in Africa. And they're having their time, as she said in the interview, before he announces it.

    14. makes sense. hopefully "their time" will only last to opening day of the Invictus Games. :)

  17. Rightly or wrongly, Josh Duboff, Vanity Fair, today reported that Meghan is in Toronto filming the second half of the 7th season of "Suits". lol

    He also says that Harry and Meghan apparently quietly celebrated Harry's birthday together at Kensington Palace.

    1. I, of course, knew they'd do it that way.
      No big engagement announcement or anything. lol

    2. ha, I should be a politician huh. Do I cover both
      both sides or what? lol

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Okay, SG. You're hired! ;-)

  18. I hope that that is right, Kiwi Gal. And for the most part I feel that way about it too. :) The media has confused the issue for me at times though for sure.
    (All the controversy and hoopla about it is a prime example of why I would not enjoy being in that Firm.)

    1. Yes, it's all pretty confusing at the moment. As others have said, I hope things will become clearer soon :)

  19. I agree about the media confusing opinion, because initially I was very excited about Vanity Fair but more and more UK commentators were saying it's too much , a program over here called Loose Women, ( an all female celeb/ journalist daytime panel show) was very negative about it saying that nobody wanted or needed to know what Meghan felt about Harry , they wanted to maintain the aloofness that the royals currently have and that it was not the way we do things over here. The show has very big ratings and I think the opinions shared are generally a good indicator of what the general public think. My fear is that Meghan and Harry will turn into a huge celeb couple who will burn out after a few years. The British public /press will be fascinated by them but will then turn on them and everything they do will be dissected and criticised. I think low key is the way to go and stay away from the media.

    1. That's interesting, Nead. Do you suppose some of it is because she's not British? I'm British and live in the US now, so I'm used to the US way of doing things, and I don't think that interview was over the top at all.

    2. Nead, I totally agree on a low key approach. You can turn the volume up, but turning it down would prove difficult.

    3. And i don't live in the UK nor USA and think it was a nice interview about there love.

    4. I think it's a combination of her already being a celebrity, being American and a feeling that she is oversharing her intimate feelings for a member of the royal family.

    5. She said they're happy and in love and that they were enjoying their time while they have it. You and I have different definitions of oversharing, I think.

    6. There is also something else IMO: she isn't very relatable. Actress, wearing Erdem for years...The huge majority of the public has no feeling of fellowship towards her.
      Those little topshop dresses of Kate, her middle-class background were more appealing to the public. She was " one of us" Criticising William's choice felt like putting down the whole British middle-class.Meghan is an outsider and a celebrity, less people are likely to take personally what is said of her.

    7. I find Meghan more relatable than I found Kate. Meghan actually works for her money which Kate never did, but to each their own.

    8. I think this comment might be better on the Kate site.

    9. Annet, I am going to take your advice. I am not offended at all by Meghan and though one could have a level headed discussion about her place and role in the BRF. It is an interresting study. But I dislike rudeness and personal remarks and don't care for a dialogue about the posters rather than the subject of the discussion. IMO it not only shows lack of arguments but it is unkind.

    10. H, I understand where you're coming from, but I believe that both ladies are relatable to *someone*. And, in the end, it isn't about Erdem or Topshop but how comfortable a gal is in her own skin, and if she's true to herself.

      H&M met in their 30's and both bring their individual life experience to the table. Meghan is an actress and is not unfamiliar with having an audience - both live or on the other side of the camera. This will serve her well in some aspects of royal life, but I believe a key ingredient to her success will be her ability to be humble. And especially as an American joining the Firm; it will be crucial for her to not act like she has it all under control from Day 1. There's something to be said for expressing a willingness to learn, adapt, etc.

    11. True royalfan. At the end of the day it is about personality. And that's what probably happen once they marry. But in these early days, it seems to me, at first glance, that the British do not consider her yet as one of them. There is the fact she works, as bluhare says, that should make her link with the vast majority of people, but then, it is a loose, impersonal link. And many people do not consider acting as real work.Not as bad a modeling but still the easy path. Prejudice, no doubt, but there it is.
      It would be better if this period of expectation weren't too long, or if they are going to wait much longer, that they are less exposed.

    12. H

      I am sorry if you find my comment rude and personal, since none of it is a lie, we might agree to disagree.

    13. H, if H&M do get married, I have a feeling there will always be a degree of she's not one of us...why did he have to marry an AMERICAN girl when there were so many candidates on his side of the pond. Similarly, I believe some people still have an issue with Miss Middleton from Bucklebury being "the one". ;-)

    14. Whew. Long thread, lol.
      bluhare, do you still have a British accent, if you don't mind my asking?

  20. Like Paul Burrell or not, he summed it up this way in The Mirror today, "Meghan is in a situation where she can't win and she will learn that soon enough.", talking about the media and anyone in the limelight, particularly the Royal family. He did say, for better or for worse, that he thinks that Kate, so far, has not "put a foot wrong".

  21. SG, I *believe* you made a reference to the photos of Meghan's mother when she was spotted at a Laundromat. (It took me time to come across the photos!)

    Aside from the obvious intrusive factor, I wonder if anyone had other thoughts about it ... This may not be a popular statement, but I think a stackable washer and dryer would cost far less than a single Erdem gown, no? Maybe it's me, but I found that both sad and ironic, given that Meghan appears to have a good relationship with her mother.

    1. Jessica in Los Angeles13 September 2017 at 14:42

      I think her mom could have been at the laundromat for a variety of reasons. (1) she had a bunch of bedding and decided to use the big machines at the laundromat and just get the clothes done at the same time. My mom used to do this after camping trips. (2) her machine broke and laundry needed done, (3) she refused Meghan's offer to buy a new machine, (4) Meghan has never offered to buy her mom a washer. Another possibility: does her mom live in a house or an apartment? Not all apartments or older condo units even have laundry hookups.

      I guess I'm just saying we never know what goes on behind closed doors. And I'm also admitting to have given the matter way too much thought when I saw the photos!

    2. Hi royalfan, I saw the photos you're referring to and it looked like Meghan's mum was washing and drying a load of blankets and comforters. I have a washer and dryer at home but I still take big items like blankets to the laundromat because they have large industrial sized machines which make it so much easier to launder them. Just a thought, maybe Meghan's mum does have a washer and dryer at home but was using the laundromat out of convenience.

    3. Thank you, Jessica and Grace...ALL good possibilities for sure. I admit to feeling bad about seeing her struggle with that dreaded chore and it made me wonder...

    4. Definitely could have been a "blanket and comforter" run to the laundromat. Time will tell. If she doesn't have a washer and dryer she'll have plenty of company for her laundry days. They have laundromats where you can just drop off your laundry/bedding, etc. and it will be done for you, so that might be an intermediate solution for her. If she doesn't have at-home laundry facilities, I agree with rf, that assistance with acquiring that would be a nice gift from Meghan.

    5. Ladies, you are AMAZING, honestly... I just hope no "Sun" reporter reads this blog or we might be in trouble - I can just see the blaring headlines about "heartless Meghan refusing to buy her ailing Mummy a washing machine" on tomorrow´s front page! LOL! Just kidding, of course!
      Still, I guess that´s a good example at what happens once someone you´re close to becomes "famous". You become "famous", too, and no matter how innocent it is what you are doing - it might end up on the front page with some wild story going with it.....
      I would think that the nature of the "laundry material" might be the most probable reason for her using the laundromat. Laundromats are not very common in Germany anymore (except in big cities), but I know people who love them exactly for "bigger" stuff like blankets and duvets, etc. because of the bigger machines.
      So I guess we can all "relax" and start cooling that champagne for "The day after tomorrow" (no pun intended, of course, haha!!), I mean, the "big announcement" of course... lol... and keep the tissues ready for Surfergirl, should Harry decide to play "naughty boy" again and postpone the whole thing until before Xmas.... (how dare he! ;-)) )

    6. Eve. I'm fortifying my self emotionally on the very off chance of disappointment. lol
      I have a number of "Space's Deepest Secrets" and NASA's, "The Planets" taped and ready. Along with the movie, "Hidden Figures" about the three pioneering NASA mathematicians. I am certain I won't need them though, lol.

    7. Eve, it's my turn to thank YOU for the giggle. :-)

      SG, me thinks you will be counting carats before you know it.... ;-)

    8. @royalfan: :-)))) I think I love making other people giggle just about as much as I like being made giggling (is that even grammatically correct - the "gigglING" I mean?... ;-))) So: you´re welcome! :-))

    9. Ladies, I just want to tell you that taking a glimpse here after 3 days, I was amazed at the "Laundromat Discussion" πŸ˜„. I started reading from the end (the freshest comments) and, really, for a while I just couldn't figure out what was going on! πŸ€”For a while, I thought surfer girl might be considering taking all her wet tissues to a laundromat πŸ€•!!

  22. Also rf,

    When asked to give advice to anyone thinking of starting up their own business, Carole said,

    "Mmm, it's great fun, but not for the faint hearted.
    I still work through the early hours to hit a deadline and never take our success for granted.", Preetam Kaushik, "Entrepeneurial
    Lessons from the Middleton Family", 6/7/17.

    1. Thank you, SG! I must say that I have a tremendous amount of respect for Carole. I think she has her act together at all levels. And good for her!

      It's easy to speculate about what the Middleton's have gained since William entered their lives, but they've also made sacrifices along the way and will continue to do so...this, no one talks about.

  23. According to Vickie Oliphant in The Express today,
    a spokesperson from Westminster Abbey has said,

    "The Abbey, follows the General Synod Ruling of
    2002. Since then it has been possible for divorced people to be married the Church of England."

    "Meghan Markle Can Be Married in Westminster Abbey."

    I think Vickie just used that previous statement to have a story to publish today. But, if authentic, the statement would still be applicable.)

    1. SG, my money is on St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle. Given his rank, Harry (and Meghan) would not have the same guest list (heads of state, etc). Besides, this would enable me to enjoy a far more pleasant memory of a wedding at Windsor!!! LOL.

    2. royalfan. Thanks sounds plausible. Considering the heads of state context St. George's sounds perfectly casual enough for their aesthetic. Nice though that they have the option of the Abbey if they want that. Definitely want you to enjoy their wedding. :)

    3. Isn't that where Rebecca Deacon got married?

    4. A thought just popped into my mind ... I wonder how Harry would feel about St George's Chapel considering C&C? Hmmm!

    5. No, I think Deacon got married at the chapel in London where George was christened. St Georges is in Windsor.

    6. Being a guy, he might not even think about it, lol.
      All he will be thinking about is Meghan. :)

    7. SG, you do have a point!! LOL

  24. More on being able to marry at the Abbey. An Amendment in 2015 to The Act of Settlement of 1701, allows Prince Harry to marry a Catholic, if Meghan is Catholic. (A Roman Catholic royal though cannot become monarch because the monarch is the Head of the Church of England.) There is also nothing preventing Harry from marrying Meghan at the Abbey if she is Jewish.

    Camilla Tominey, The Express, 5/14/17


  26. Surfer Girl--the link at 00:28 / you seem to like "a good love story" like Meghan. If and when, they will be engaged, cheers to you, and of course to them. If they don't, NASA / National Geography?, and the planet will rescue you. Good thing you are well loaded with movies back up.

  27. Most probably NO engagement announcement today. There has been an incident on the London tube, probably another terrorist attack... So if anything was planned for today, it´s surely been cancelled..
    Sorry, surfer girl, I very badly wished it to happen today as well.. :-(((
    But what is most important now is that hopefully everyone has survived whatever happened in London... I send my love and prayers to my dear London... May God be with you!

  28. I join my prayers with yours, Eve.

    1. Yes, likewise, ladies. What is the world coming to? :-(

  29. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‚ Happy Birthday Harry πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰

    1. Of course! A very Happy Birthday to our dapper Prince Henry Charles Albert David - whom we all know and love as Harry!

    2. Many happy returns of the day to Harry!

  30. Hey Charlotte,

    Will you be changing the blog title if they marry? I'm really enjoying this blog and was wondering if you'd write more fashion posts. I really like Meghan's style.

    1. Hello Pacey,

      Thank you for commenting. Yes, if they marry, this blog will become 'Duchess Meghan'. Thank you for the feedback on your interesting in more style related posts, that is a great idea :)

    2. "Duchess Meghan".... "Duchess Meghan". hmmm
      That just sounds so strange to me for some reason, lol. "Princess Meghan" seems to fit her much better for some reason. Don't know why. "Duke Harry." hmmm. "Prince Harry".
      "Duke Harry". "Prince Harry". hmmm. same thing, lol. "Prince Harry" seems so much better. I'll have to write to the Queen. :)

    3. SG, so how's the letter coming along? And are you collecting signatures? ;-)

  31. I could be wrong but I think the enagagrment announcement would be made only after Meghan is done with all her filming commitments .

    Hope she does make it to the Invictus games though and we get pics of Harry n Meghan together !

    1. That's a good point, Rhea, because once they are engaged she will have her own PPO(s) and, aside from that, I think she will be expected to live on the other side of the pond and become familiar with her new life. If she is engaged and still committed to filming, it may not go over very well.

  32. Ladies, let´s use a very good old British tradition and try to make some "light in the face of darkness" - which is usually (at least that´s how I´ve experienced it many times) done by using a good amount of "humour"...
    So Harry didn´t propose in Africa ("That´s SO like my brother, uhhh, so I´m not going to do that! I mean, who wants do to things like your older brother, right?"), so he was thinking long and hard... but just couldn´t find a good alternative. That´s where our dear friend surfer girl came in to rescue him! Harry, surfing throught the internet, hoping to find some good inspiration somewhere, ended up on this blog, reading surfer girl´s idea and went: "THAT´S IT!! PERFECT! Meghan will be TOTALLY caught by surprise - and the veterans will never forget it! Quick, I have to print out the speech and start practising it - lest I forget the words (Yeah, I´ve just never been the academic one...). Whopee - I can´t wait to see Meghan´s face! I have to remind myself going back to this amazing blog - VERY interesting and useful things to learn here....".

    1. make that EXACTLY. lol, lol :)

    2. Anytime, surfer girl, lol...
      And I insist you get an "honorary mentioning" during the engagement interview: "Actually, I did get this speech off the internet, mind you.. it was this girl on a fan blog called "Surfer girl" who had this brilliant idea of me proposing at the Invictus Games.. you know, perfectly laid out including the speech... so I couldn´t go wrong, really.... They were all ever so sad over on that blog that we didn´t announce our engagement on my birthday, so I thought what a brilliant idea - we´ll have happy "Meghan"-fans AND happy veterans!! So, cheers, surfer girl, and don´t forget to give me your address sometime - I´ll send you an invite for the wedding!" I can see Harry grinning, "winking" to the camera...
      Harry, I hope you read this, it´s easy, really, we´ve got it all laid out for you to perfection!! LOL....

    3. πŸŽ‰ Yay, Eve. I am non-plussed (humbled) and elated at your visionary gift.X lol, lol Thank You.
      I must start picking out my wedding outfit right away AND ask Harry for a plus one just in case you might like to attend the wedding too. Get ready. :) (Let's both wear something pink, a really pretty pink, yeh.) (And when he greets us, his special guests, I get to hug Harry first, lol.)
      Hmmph, now watch my family change their tune. lol

  33. Alison Boshoff, in the Daily Mail today, "Meghan Markle's Social Circle to Take London by Storm", has an interesting article about 8 of Meghan's BFF's, including the Prime Minister of Canada's wife, and Serena Williams, and the man who introduced Meghan to Harry to name a few. These people will most likely remain an integral part of her life so it was nice to read the introductions to those people. One of them was married to an old Etonian and aristocrat, last name Gilkes (I forget his first name) who is close to William and Harry, and Pippa even dated his brother, Charlie Gilkes. Small world. The article provides additional insight into Meghan's world.

  34. royalfan, throw having children into that mix and filming across the pond gets even more consideration. And speaking of that filming, I gotta admit I had never watched "Suits" until the other day when I saw it as
    I was going through the channels. Decided to watch it. I wanted to check out Meghan's starring role, lol.
    I watched less than five minutes of it. A lot of foul language. Almost constant rapid-fire foul language. Not my cup of tea for sure. No offense to anyone who likes the show.
    Not to worry though, a couple of her Hallmark movies, sans foul language, are on You Tube in case anyone likes the tamer (more civilized) fare, and wants to check out Meghan's acting.

    1. SG, I admit that I never heard of Meghan or Suits until she was linked with Harry, and I have never watched an episode of the show.

      WHENEVER they announce the engagement (that we all assume is coming!), she will be expected to step into her NEW role. Can you imagine headlines about Harry's fiancΓ©e having 24/7 protection while continuing to film Suits in America? I cannot. :-)

  35. Just as a reminder. Anyone who is interested in
    getting to "know" Meghan better I very much recommend that you watch her speech given at the U.N. It is on You Tube. Just for your information. :)

    1. Thanks for the reminder, surfer girl. I only just checked out her UN speech & was so impressed by her eloquence & intelligence...she actually really inspired me. I think I'm now a bona fide Meghan fan :)

    2. P.S. I also watched that British quiz item Meghan did that you mentioned a while back...she's adorable!

    3. that was a cute one. I really hope Harry gets to see that one. :)
      The Queen will give her a re-quiz before okaying the marriage. lol

    4. Yep, surfer girl, I agree, that´s when Meghan got me in her corner, with that speech exactly... ;-))) I was VERY impressed!
      Kiwi Gal: welcome to the "Meghan Markle fan club" !! Thanks for joining us, haha! I totally agree with you: She´s adorable, for sure!

      Surfer girl: I really, really like the flowers in your picture. Reminds me of a cottage by the sea, with the flowers standing on a table, a nice tea tray with fresh scones, cream and strawberries ready to be savoured....
      Are they white lilac, by any chance? Lilac is one of my favourite flowers together with roses, both blooming in my childhood home´s garden. The roses were my mother´s pride and a fresh bunch of lilac always stood on the table with the presents on my birthday, with only one sad exception: when Tchernobyl happened, we were warned not to bring flowers or anything from the garden into the house... Gosh, I´m getting all nostalgic here!

    5. they are lilacs, Eve. And I also love the cottage look. Instant relaxation and so refreshing. love beachy, of course. :) sweet, sweet birthday memories, Eve. Thank you for sharing. :) Sorry Tchernobyl interrupted all that. Childhood gardens are special, yeh? To this day blue hydrangeas, grape hyacinths, and lilies of the valley have special meaning to me from my childhood garden, along with zucchini, and cantaloupe and tomatoes and such from our vegetable garden. I must have had a kazillion ways to cook zucchini. It was prolific. Wasn't keen on weeding the vegatable garden in those days but loved the vegetables. :) "Farm to table" was a way of life. Now look who's waxing nostalgic. lol

    6. Haha, surfer girl, I hope she passes with flying colours after HM gives her a re-quiz! Meghan appears to be an anglophile :) Thank you for the welcome, Eve!

  36. If you want to feel uplifted and have a smile from ear to ear then you have to see this article. Especially note the photo of Harry and Diana (you can actually feel the love) and of Harry and his polo pony. A fitting tribute to the other "Prince of Hearts". Trust me. You'll like it. :)

    "33 Reasons Why Birthday Boy Prince Harry is the
    Best Hugger Ever", Erin Hill, People, 9/15/17.


Welcome to Mad About Meghan! We do so look forward to reading your thoughts. Constructive, fair debate is always encouraged. Hateful, derogatory terms and insults are not welcome here. This space focuses on Harry and Meghan, not any other member of the Royal family. It's not the place to discuss politics either. Thank you for reading, we look forward to your comments :)