
Friday 20 October 2017

Afternoon Tea with the Queen & Meghan Photographed in Toronto!

It's been another interesting week for those watching developments in Harry and Meghan's relationship. Yesterday, Meghan was photographed leaving a building where she was shooting scenes for Suits. Dressed in a white wrap blouse and tailored skirt (the 'uniform' for her character Rachel Zane), it certainly looked as though it had been a long day, with filming continuing until quite late. Since the Invictus Games wrapped up, Meghan has been keeping a very low profile due to the hectic schedule for her show, but did she make a flying visit to London to meet one very important lady last week?

Mail Online

The late Diana's friend, journalist Richard Kay shared one of the most interesting exclusive scoops regarding Harry and Meghan, reporting he had solid information confirming that on last Thursday, 12 October, the couple attended a very discreet tea party with Her Majesty at Buckingham Palace. Mr Kay writes:

'The Ford Galaxy with blacked out windows was discreetly waved through the gates of Buckingham Palace and cruised to a halt at the Queen’s private entrance. Out stepped Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Harry, I understand, was introducing his American actress girlfriend to the Queen. They were there for tea. I am told it happened on Thursday last week and inevitably it has set tongues wagging at the prospect of a royal engagement.'

The afternoon tea setting was described as "deliberately informal" lasting over an hour:

'He desperately wanted his grandmother to meet divorcee Meghan and it would suggest that the couple are making plans for a future together just 18 months after meeting at the Invictus Games in Florida. Everything about the teatime meeting was deliberately informal, I am told. In part it was to settle any nerves Meghan might have felt but also to ensure it was not widely publicised within the palace. After being driven in to the inner courtyard, the couple were said to have been whisked up to the Queen’s private sitting room on the first floor overlooking the palace gardens and Constitution Hill, and which is served by a lift.
According to an insider the couple arrived in time for tea at around 5pm. It is the Queen’s favourite part of the day and she loves it when her grandchildren are able to join her. It is served with her own blend of Darjeeling and Assam tea, known as Queen Mary’s blend. I understand the Queen spent almost an hour with her grandson and the Los Angeles-born Meghan, who stars in the US legal drama Suits. Insiders say that Harry, 33, had spoken to his grandmother during the summer at Balmoral asking to introduce Meghan, who is three years his senior.'

This is one very interesting development for several reasons, but is the story accurate? I held off posting on this until I had a chance to ask around. Three different royal reporters/commentators believe Richard Kay has impeccable sources and there's more than a ring of truth to it. The story has been picked up by reputable media outlets since. They confirmed Meghan and Harry spent a weekend away (believed to be in Scotland) at the very beginning of September. I specifically remember this because the Monday afterwards, the Duchess of Cambridge's pregnancy was announced. There were reports Meghan had met the Queen then, but it was never confirmed.

So, why is Richard Kay's story so noteworthy? The Queen's grandchildren do not simply show up at Buckingham Palace with their boyfriends or girlfriends casually. Meeting the Queen signifies the relationship is at a very serious stage. I understand both the then Kate Middleton and Chelsy Davy (who was with Harry four years at that point and Kate with William around five) met Her Majesty at Peter and Autumn Phillips' wedding at Windsor in 2008. It was quite a different setting to the private tea Meghan and Harry had. We saw endless rumours of wedding bells with Chelsy and Cressida but no one-on-one meetings with the Queen. Ultimately, I conclude this almost certainly was planned in relation to a fairly imminent engagement announcement. Prince Harry is taking on a considerably heavier workload and expanding his royal role with plans for the future; Meghan will be an integral part of that, and naturally it's important for HM to meet the woman who may not only be marrying her grandson, but representing her and Britain at home and abroad in an official role.

The lengths they went to in keeping the meeting under wraps are also notable; with Meghan's filming schedule, she could have only been in London for a very short time - meaning the entire purpose of the trip was to meet the Queen. It's also not long since the Queen and Prince Philip returned from Balmoral. I expect they wanted to arrange it quite quickly after they returned to BP.

That night, around 9 pm, Prince Harry attended the Attitude Awards.

And at about 6.30 pm, Her Majesty and Princess Anne celebrated the centenary of the Women's Royal Navy Service at the Army and Navy Club in Mayfair. It's less than a ten minute drive from Buckingham Palace. Logistically, the Queen could have easily finished chatting with Harry and Meghan around 6 pm, and left BP at 6.20 pm. The fact both had engagements that evening meant the meeting couldn't last too long, likely helping to ease any nerves Meghan may have had.

Something tells me a royal wedding and plans for the future were the topics of discussion over a cup of Queen Mary.

Watch this space... :)


  1. Thanks for the post Charlotte !

    Even I've had my doubts regarding this article due to the fact that both the Queen and Harry had events that very same evening !

    Anyway , hope the announcement is imminent and the wait not too long !!!

  2. Eve from Germany20 October 2017 at 20:16

    Charlotte, thanks so much for this (very appreciated) update!! I first read the DM story when Rebecca English tweeted a link, but didn´t know it was from Richard Kay, so I was very careful not to believe every word immediately. I then saw that it was VERY detailed and I thought "Sounds possible...." But when I realized it was from Richard Kay, I was pretty convinced... Richard Kay has been interviewed multiple times in loads of documentaries about Diana and later William and Kate. He´s never been one "rejoicing in" what he "exclusively" knows (like others do), but rather trying to state facts or just tell what he was told then and commenting on it rather "matter-of-factly", if I may say so.
    I really, really wonder when (and not if!!) the engagement will be announced. November seems to be not very likely, as it is the 70th (!!!) wedding anniversary of HM and Prince Philip. I would suggest (well, if ANYBODY ever asked me, that is... ;-)))) ) they announce the engagement very shortly before Christmas! That would give them the opportunity to go to Sandringham directly afterwards where they would be well protected and secluded. The "official appearance with the familIES" (plural!!) could then be incorporated in the walk to the church on Christmas Eve. It would be very easy then to keep it all rather short for the beginning, as first on the walk TO the church they could say "Sorry, we have to go now, or we will be late for the service" and on their way back they could say "Sorry, lunch with HM is waiting for us!" and then disappear again and enjoy some "getting to know the families"-time together! Guess it would take a lot of pressure off everyone (including security) during the first days after the "big announcement"!!
    Charlotte, what is your personal guess?

    1. Eve, your announcement and wedding date thoughts ring true to me. That is certainly less media presence as you said. As much as I would love their announcement to be made tomorrow, I think right before Christmas is perfect and for all the reasons that you mentioned.

    2. Eve, I like the sound of that! Personally, I think they will announce it just before Christmas, also.

    3. Eve, I like your plan!

      I also read Richard Kay's article and was rather discouraged by his timeline for an announcement. I hope that follow your plan rather than his!

    4. Eve, I had forgotten about the wedding anniversary, but a pre-Christmas announcement does make complete sense to me. It's the start of a quiet time for the royals so no one/nothing would be overshadowed and they can "get on with it" in terms of planning a spring/summer wedding.

    5. I'm with Eva-was it? I am getting nervous. I believe Phillip was last seen August 20 in a car near Crathie Kirk. The Sunday everyone from the Queen to Andrew to , well all the RF...they all had big smiles. It was also Kate's first photographed appearance since Belgium in July and last before the Diana Garden visit. Phillip did not look well, however.
      I know, I know. He's OLD. but I know others his age who can look both old and healthy. My MIL, for example...going on 105. She has no idea who anyone is, but she looks healthy. At her son's funeral she said-"He must have been a popular man. So many people here."
      The wedding would have to be quiet indeed if held during a six plus month mourning...or indefinitely postponed.
      The only thought that calms me is that they were secretly married and honeymooned in Africa during Harry's three weeks holiday.

    6. Eve, as soon as I saw Charlotte's Post I thought the same thing! :) I like your logic! It would be Perfect! No upstaging Anybody, They all are in town & then it'd be ok for Meghan to join Harry going to Sandringham, for all the reasons you mentioned! I think if this drags out much longer I'm Going To Burst!!! Ha Ha:)

  3. Waiting...for an announcement! :) Afternoon tea is my favourite thing to do. I didn't believe this story when I first read it...but I had an inkling that it could be true!

    1. Kiwi Gal. Have you ever had an afternoon tea in London, I ask excitedly. :) If so, how was it and would you recommend that place? :) Nice info to have for those of us who plan to be in London for THAT wedding. :)

    2. Oh how I would love to have afternoon tea in London, surfer girl! But unfortunately, I haven't...yet! It would be a wonderful way to celebrate the royal wedding :) I have had many a 'high tea' here in NZ, though, which is what we call it outside of the UK. Little finger sandwiches & fluffy scones with clotted cream & preserves, all washed down with a cup of tea...yum! I am planning to visit London next year (hopefully!) & I'd love to try the afternoon tea at the Fortnum & Mason department store (who have sold tea since 1707, so they SHOULD know what they are doing! LOL) I hear The Ritz & Claridge's are also top of the list (& probably price range, too).

    3. Thanks, Kiwi Gal. Duly noted. :)

    4. Kiki Gal. I think any of us from DKB blog who are planning on being in London for Harry and Meghan's wedding should all meet up some place very British, like Fortnum and Mason's, and all have "high tea" together.
      Wouldn't that be fun. :) ☕️πŸ‘‘πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    5. Zora from Prague21 October 2017 at 22:58

      I had tea in London on June 11 last year when I went to England for HM's 90th birthday celebrations. Right after watching the Trooping, I went to the Buckingham Palace Shop to buy some souvenirs and then I was just walking and trying to absorb it all. After a while I decided I needed some tea. The funny thing was, it wasn't easy to find a nice and cosy place in that area! I just couldn't take it in Starbucks 😁. Finally, I came across a cafΓ© called L'OpΓ©ra (not a very typical English name!) near Brompton Oratory. It was beautiful and the tea was delicious and very British ☕️. So much for my London-tea-experience. I probably won't be able to go to London again for a while but I would gladly have an afternoon tea or high tea anywhere with you, surfer girl and Kiwi Gal! πŸ˜‰

    6. Awh, thanks Zora. And that is so funny. Kind of high tea serendipity, yeh. :) I will add L'Opera to my list. :) You know, for those who won't be in London for the wedding, we could have a "high tea" day and time scheduled and those not there in London with all of us could have "high tea" on that day at that time at home, etc. so we would all still be celebrating "high tea" together. Wouldn't that be special. Voila', :). It's a thought. :)

    7. Zora, your tea sounds lovely. I'll have to Google that!

      Fortnum and Mason is also a nice place to have tea ... or The Orangery which is in KP's "backyard"... with a seat by the window to see if the magic door in the brick wall opens?? ;-) (I am referring to the door the Trio toured The White Garden.) :-)))

    8. That sounds lovely! A DKB afternoon tea would be splendid :)

    9. SG 00:52- ...kind of like everyone looking at the moon at the same time? I will gladly lift my cup in unison.

    10. I like your idea Surfer Girl!:) We had Tea in Harrod's Tea Room & that was nice, especially for a large group (we were with my parents & all our grown kids & our son in law). I think F&M would be a "10" & all the other places sound Absolutely Wonderful Too! :) Pinky's Up :)

    11. royalfan, The Orangery sounds perfect! I totally forgot about it...I'll have to add it to my list, too :)

    12. decisions, decisions. lol. The Orangery sounds good too, rf. and the proximity to apartment 1A is amazing. we can have two teas, right? :)

    13. ALL great suggestions...

      aka: "Our London Tea Tour" ??

    14. Haha, surfer girl @22.15...I'm sure my tummy could handle multiple afternoon teas :) (I say that sheepishly!).

    15. mine too, Kiwi Gal, :). no shame, lol.

    16. Yes, rf. "Our London Tea Tour". Perfect. :)

    17. with our "toast" slogan, "Pinky's Up". love it. ❤️

    18. We need to accumulate some helpful hints about navigating London during all the wedding busy ness. Particularly, how do you manage to get a close up spot by BP to watch the carriages go by and to have a front row location to see them on the balcony. Anyone have any suggestions?

    19. Eve from Germany23 October 2017 at 19:06

      surfer girl: "Easy" - you just camp on the pavement for at least two nights before the day of the wedding in order to secure "your space". Make your camp as close to BP as possible and you´ll be the first to be able to walk to the gates when the police walks the crowd there. Just watch "Charles&Diana - the wedding of the century" (should be on youtube) and there´s all you need to know.... ;-)))))))
      Seriously, I fear that´s really what you need to do to get a "front row space" there.... And as I know London, it will be even MORE "royally expensive" during the wedding days than it is already on "normal" days.... So maybe sleeping on the pavement will actually save you enough money to pay for your "tea ceremonies" (which are delicious, btw. I´ve never had tea in London, but my landlord´s wife invited me quite a few times when her daughter was visiting and they celebrated "real English tea time" so to speak...very yummy, particularly the scones with clotted cream! I adored them!!)

    20. SG ... :-))

      Eve ... "easy" LOLOL.

    21. P.S. Funny story about my first Changing of the Guard... I got there early and chose *the* perfect spot next to the center gate. Well, add a crowd to the formula and I realized that while I was right up against the gate, I was standing between two *massive* pillars leaving me with a bad case of tunnel vision and a somewhat limited view! I learned...the Victoria Memorial was the way to go. πŸ‘πŸ˜Š

    22. Noted to my files, rf. Thanks. :)

    23. I did camp out for the Rose Parade once during my college years. I guess I could camp out again, although I will manage to fit in a more creature comforts this time. πŸŽͺ

    24. Zora from Prague25 October 2017 at 18:56

      Thanks for sharing your story, royalfan! :) As for the camping... it might not be so bad. For the Queen's birthday celebrations, I got to the spot (right next to the Mall) at about 8am, the carriage procession was scheduled for 10:30 and I managed to get an excellent spot, in only the 2nd row with a really good view as the people in front of me were 1) very friendly , 2) shorter than me :). We spent most of the time chatting, encouraging each other and taking turns in standing/sitting. I recommend a rug - I didn't have one but I used a copy of a newspaper instead and my kind neighbours from Australia let me use their rug, too. As the time was approaching the mood was getting incredible - people were so excited! Whenever something/someone appeared in the direction of B. Palace we all got even more thrilled. Then there were all the soldiers, marching bands, lovely horses, and finally , the carriages!!!!! People were waving flags, shouting, cheering... one carriage after another and in the last one, which was preceded by the Royal Guard, HM and Prince Philip. A dream come true! I texted home: "I've just seen the Queen!" and couldn't believe it. :)

    25. We went to the Orangery for afternoon tea...a table by the window with a view out to KP on a beautiful early summer day. We'd gone to Trooping the Colour the previous Saturday. I've been hoping my next trip in the Spring would coincide with a royal wedding, but with Prince/ss #3 due at that time, I'm sure the wedding won't be scheduled until the baby is a couple months old at least so Kate has time to get her shape back (not that she needs it!) So perhaps a June wedding. Well at least my trip will coincide, hopefully, with the baby's birth.

    26. Zora, that's a *real* story. πŸ˜€ What an experience!

    27. Zora from Prague29 October 2017 at 21:01

      :), royalfan. Even retelling it brings back all the excitement!

    28. Zora, I understand ... :-)

  4. Zora from Prague20 October 2017 at 20:26

    Wow. Now, this is really something! What a story, almost a detective one :)! I wonder what it must have been like for Meghan... for Harry... and what HM thought! In the pictures from the engagements that followed, both Harry and the Queen look happy and relaxed, so hopefully everything went well. It is really getting serious and very exciting. Thank you, Charlotte! If the story hadn't appeared on your blog, I would probably think it a rumour. But here we are, and as the meeting was supposedly sealed with a cup of Queen Mary's Tea - I'm also beginning to hear some special bells ringing...! :)

    1. I agree, Zora. I'm am glad Charlotte was able to confirm it here. Such big news. :)

      (how is your mother doing, btw, if you don't mind my asking.) :)

    2. Zora from Prague21 October 2017 at 21:35

      Thanks so much for your interest, surfer girl! My Mum is doing well and we were enjoying very warm and sunny days here in Central Europe last week, with colourful leaves all around. It pleases the soul so much, doesn't it? 🍁

    3. It does indeed, Zora. Happy to hear everyone is enjoying beautiful autumn foliage. :)

  5. I was waiting to see what you would have to say about this after seeing the story on the DM this morning. Thanks for the update! I am really cheering for this relationship. I love Meghan!

  6. THANK YOU so much Charlotte, for your efforts to confirm the veracity of Richard Kay's article. That was very kind of you. :) 🌷
    I had known he'd been a friend off Diana's but hadn't heard much from him in recent history and so didn't know if his contacts at BP are still available. Now we know. He's reputable. yay
    And that does have all the import and implications that you mentioned and I am trying really hard not to get all excited again. A special
    (long) flight specifically to have tea with the Queen. Something VERY IMPORTANT must have warranted that like you said. Now they really have us on the edge of our seats. Again.
    And US magazine also reiterated that Meghan, when she arrives at Heathrow or takes off from Heathrow disembarks and embarks from the tarmac privately AND they said that when she disembarks in London she is met by, are you ready for this?, royal protection officers.
    Of course it has been reported for awhile that she can come and go at Kensington Palace like a royal resident. 🏰

    1. Wow! Being picked up by RPO! Thanks for the Scoop Surfer Girl! This sounds very much like it's "a fait accompli"

    2. :). And, who knows how many times she's been to London. I believe she takes a private charter, otherwise someone on public flights, first class or not, would have either taken photos and/or made comments to the media.

    3. So True Surfer Girl! Something I never would have thought of! You are becoming quite the "Go To" for All Thoughts & Things M&H! :)

    4. yeh right, Becca. NOT, lol. But thank you anyway for the vote of confidence. :) Me thinketh we are all a bit giddy with wedding excitement, yeh? And that is as it should be. Wedding bells have a nice ring to them. :) πŸ””πŸ””

  7. You know, I do wonder how Richard Kay got that "scoop". If I were the Queen, Harry and Meghan
    I would be wondering even more. WAY MORE. Seriously. Think about it. :) WHO was Richard's source(s)??? AND, what "scoops" will they furnish in the future? hmmmm.

    1. I've wondered the same thing. I would think the Queen and Prince Harry would be furious.

    2. I see it differently, ladies. This may be information they would want revealed. Think of it as baby steps in presenting her as the next Royal bride.

    3. Eve from Germany21 October 2017 at 18:37

      Royafan: I agree. That was my first thought, too, when I read that detailed story... "Maybe someone wants some things to be known..." Diana used Richard Kay very often in order to get certain things out or to put her version of events out (Andrew Morton called him "her trusted mouthpiece"), so why not Harry? If I remember correctly, Kay never spilled dirt on Diana, but remained loyal even after her death - so why not?

    4. As long as they can use that productively and not destructively, I guess that would be one way to circumvent the Palace. But why would Harry want us to know about tea with the Queen?

    5. The Queen, the Queen. That's why not. I agree with other commenters that Harry is not likely to out the Queen's private meeting. He just would not. I am picturing HM's Miss Piggy face. Why risk that? I also don't think the Queen would use Diana's former "mouthpiece" to make a subtle introduction
      of a prospective royal family member. Either the source was one of a few BP employees...the person who brought the tea into the sitting room, for or two people... or the story, which was NOT by-lined in the DM by RK, by the way---he was listed as only the source of the source. ..the story was possibly an error or outright fabrication.
      The DM make up a story? NO!!!!!!
      If the story is true, there is one other possible source who was present : think...who has most to
      gain by publicity of this type-association with the Queen? (other than DM) The adventure could have been confided to a friend and then leaked.
      Worst possible scenario--we're back to the days of hacked phones.

    6. Oh dear, lol. I can understand what royalfan was saying about the gradual stuff and I understand what you were saying Nana. The photo at the studio, then a leak from BP. hmmm
      I just don't know. 🀦🏼‍♀️

    7. Exactly, Eve. :-)

      SG and Nana, how is this information a negative? :-) IMO, it gives Meghan (and the relationship) a royal dose of CREDIBILITY.

      Can we be sure that it's true? No. Is it likely to be true? Absolutely. H&M's relationship has been on the fast track and IMO the news of this meeting is just another step in preparing the public for the reality of what lies ahead.

      And let's face it; the Queen is not above sending a coded message or two. Consider her endorsement of the trio's mental health initiative and the "picture is worth a thousand words" endorsement of the Middleton's when Carole was seated in the passenger seat of HM's Range Rover.

      And, regarding Richard Kay ... I think his history as a "source" only serves to add to the credibility factor.

    8. I have to agree with you royalfan! You make a good case & it's my gut feeling too. I do think they are doing a roll out & it's probably very detailed.

    9. True, rf. Upon reflection, I am going to join in with your perspective as you are so right about the simply clever Queen. She is so cool. Richard Kay, as I found further, is quite reputable and his recent comments have built excitement about the monarchy and that is a very good thing. :) I am confident that the royal family would know if there was an enemy within their camp. They have been there already and done that and they are quick studies. Particularly the Queen. :)

    10. Becca, I like your reference to "roll out"! Yes it is, IMO. :-)

      SG, yes, the Queen is VERY clever! ;-)

    11. That is a good description, Becca. "roll out". :)

    12. Clever, plus she is an old hand at working the system. Perhaps she learned a few things at her Mother's knee as well as her Father's.

  8. Just stopped by to thank you for the post Charlotte! I think it's strange that Kay claims they met in Florida at IG when Meghan herself said they met in July of last year. There is a lot of contradicting information concerning their relationship and which family members each have met and exactly when. All I can say is I'm excited to hear the details from them during their engagement interview, which I hope happens soon!

    1. KP had an interesting response when asked to verify the tea story. it *is* the DM. There is absolutely no verification of the date, time, exact location, or source of the Toronto story. Who saw her filming? If she is surrounded by PPOs, how did a photographer-shown in the photo-manage to get a few feet away from her.She was photographed going into a building. DM PAYS for amateur photos. That is a powerful encouragement to produce stories and pictures, especially since source and other verification doesn't seem to be a concern or we would have it. I don't believe her character even wears maxi skirts to work on Suits. I watch the show. She wears short, tight actual pencil skirts for her character. I have noticed some changes the last 5-6 episodes, especially since the halfway point of season seven aired in August. Meghan herself does wear maxi skirts when out and about.
      I agree, Finn. A lot of conflicting information being circulated. KP actually acknowledged the multiple stories in their statement in reply to the DM.

  9. Alejandra Campos20 October 2017 at 22:46

    Great info Charlotte! That is what I love from you! Since you live in the UK you have more access to information that anyone else (who due to location, have to rely on internet)
    Thanks for the post and info! :)

  10. We should have a poll to guess,

    WHEN the wedding will be,
    WHERE the wedding will be,
    WHAT color the Queen will wear,
    HOW MANY of Meghan's family will be present,
    WHO will do her gown,
    WILL she wear a TIARA,
    WHAT tiara,
    HAIR up or down,
    WHAT will Harry wear,
    WHERE will the reception will be,
    WHO will plan that,
    WHO will do the cake,
    WHERE will the honeymoon be,
    HOW MANY homes will they have (Kensington Palace, a home in the Cotswolds, a home in Norfolk, a home in Los Angeles, a home in Africa......, lol,
    WILL they hire household staff,
    AND most importantly will Gus and Bogart be ring bearers? (George can carry the personal vows to Harry and Meghan on a satin pillow.)
    Oh, and WHO else will be in the bridal party? 😊
    (Someone may have suggested all this before. I was in such excitement over all the hoped for engagement announcements that I didn't notice, lol.)

    1. Brilliant Surfer Girl!!! Absolutely Brilliant!! Count Me In & Excited! :)

    2. Charlotte. :)
      Would a poll like that be doable for you? (without wearing you out). :)

  11. I think Anne looks lovely in that shade of green. :)

    The Queen is probably tinkled pink that she and Phillip will get to see Harry married. That will be a blessing and also a relief to them I think.

    1. Yes, I think a wedding will be sooner rather than later to ensure Phillip will be there.

  12. Charlotte. When you said, "Watch this space." Do you know something that we don't know???? :)

    1. Sadly not, however judging from the signs, I have a good feeling about those two :)

    2. We've all made it this far, lol. I guess we can make it a few weeks longer since we've (I've) matured so much in the process. Patience. What a concept. :)

      Thank you, Charlotte. :)

  13. I, too, hope that the announcement won't be long in coming. I realize that Suits is an issue and timing on the court calendar another. However, asignificant anniversary for HM and PP and happy news for PH and MM are not events that need months of spacing.

    I have been reminded that time is precious and finite. Recently in my family a few (seemingly) hale and hearty people in their 70s and 80s suddenly developed significant health crises and two took a very rapid turn through the pearly gates.

    With both HM and PP in their 90s and the heir at 70, I'd rather Harry put a ring on it sooner rather than later (like yesterday) lest court and country suddenly go into mourning. There'd be no wedding bells for some time following that should it occur. It's making me nervous. Has been for a while. So while I'm glad signs are pointing in that direction, I'll be happier when it's a done deal.

  14. Philly. I hope that your points are not lost on the royal family. I don't think they are. That's why I think that the Queen and Prince Phillip will be tickled pink to see Harry married. That way the family is pretty much settled except for Andrew, Beatrice and Eugenie, right?

  15. Charlotte I've lost track - do we know if she's met Charles? Any rumors of hanging out with William and Kate? A summary to date of whats known would be nice.

    1. Hello Moxie,

      It's been widely reported Meghan has met Charles and Camilla, they apparently described her as "very nice and pleasant" according to the story. Because she's spent so much time at KP, I think she must have met William and Kate and the children on at least several occasions. During the engagement interview, they will probably discuss meeting the royals etc

    2. I'm wondering if we will see Meghan lunching with Camilla, as Kate did back in 2011. Considering some of the recent attacks on Diana's character and the attempts to undermine the Middleton's over the years, I'm thinking NO.

    3. good question, rf. And the plot thickens. lol

    4. I think we all completely forgot she went to Pippa Middleton's reception. Definitely has met that family.

      royalfan, I look forward to your forthcoming book: Camilla - The Most Evil Stepmother That Ever Lived! Meanwhile, has it ever occurred to you that the young royal interest in mental health has to do with the fact they had a mother who was mentally unstable? And this is their outlet for "saving" her. Much like William was a helicopter pilot "rescuing people from car crashes".

      Undermine the Middletons from what? The respect owed to them as royal in-laws? George gets his royalty from his Grandpa Charles. It's his Windsor blood that makes him special.

    5. Yes it does, SG. ;-)

      FM, I'd like to see Camilla's supporters walk in Diana's shoes and report back on the latter's "instability." Enough said.

    6. Camilla was undermining the Middletons? I don't understand. What did she do to them?

    7. Moxie, rf wasn't talking about Meghan having or not having lunch with the Middletons. Of course she has met the Middletons. :) rf was saying, I think, that Meghan might not be lunching with Camilla due to Camilla's seeming attempts to demean the Middletons as she reportedly did Diana. The rumors that the Middletons kept George from Charles had a familiar Camilla ring to it to many. Nothing to do with George's pedigree.
      And I have always thought of the young royals' interest in mental health more as a result of them seeing so much suffering as they became involved in charities and then realizing that early intervention would nip a lot of that in the bud. And I think they said that more than once. And to create an environment conducive to that they first realized that conversationally destigmatizing what they had seen across the board in all their charities was the first thing to do. I think they said that more than once also.
      I think William probably helped in the rescue of many people from things other than autos also. I think his love of flying was the impetus of it and since he wasn't allowed combat flight, civil rescue within the military and then private sector was his only option.

    8. P.S. and as far as the rescue and protect thing, I think those aspirations are inherent in most men.

    9. Excellent points and very well said, surfer girl.

    10. SG, πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  16. Engagement announcement before Christmas like Eve predicted would be amazing !

    They could spend the Christmas at Sandringham and Meghan can get to know Harry's extended family and how BRF works! Start the new year with wedding preparations n so on and so forth !!!

  17. If the Queen has tea at 5 with the pastries and little sandwiches, when does she have dinner (supper)?
    I thought high tea was around 2 or 3 instead of later.

    1. Zora from Prague21 October 2017 at 21:31

      I wish we knew, surfer girl, but I suppose she may have supper between 8 and 9 pm. When there's a big reception/dinner, doesn't it usually start rather late? I'd suppose it has something to do with the past when it was normal to have big dinners quite late. The people then slept until 8-9 (or even later) and had breakfast rather late, too.

    2. I think dinner is around 8pm & afternoon tea is served between 3-5pm as a bridge between lunch & dinner. In the UK, 'high tea' is what the working classes in Scotland/Northern England/Ireland had at 6pm, which was their main meal of the day & is different to afternoon tea (which was popular with the upper classes). In NZ, we typically call the UK afternoon tea 'high tea' & have it at 2 or 3 like you said, as we usually have our 'tea' (dinner) at 6pm or later. It's all a bit confusing & I'm not sure if I've explained it properly, LOL.

    3. Zora from Prague21 October 2017 at 23:13

      Let me see if I got it right, Kiwi Gal:
      NZ high tea = UK afternoon tea ... 2 or 3 pm (NZ time)
      NZ tea = UK dinner ... 6 pm (NZ time)
      Is there anything like a NZ afternoon tea?? I definitely know there is a kind of tea called "English Afternoon". Perhaps you could drink a cup of English Afternoon Tea for NZ high tea...
      Add the US, the time zones and we are all lost! πŸ˜„

    4. Very nice, Kiwi Gal, and, yes, I did understand it. :) Neat to know the history of that. Thanks. :)

    5. lol, Zora. "high tea" just keeps getting more and more special. Our own DKB touches added. 😊

    6. LOL, I think I confused myself! :) We have 'NZ breakfast' tea which is our take on 'English breakfast' tea...but 'English Afternoon' tea sounds quite nice :)

  18. Eve from Germany21 October 2017 at 15:12

    My daughter had another nice "addition" to the "just before Christmas" announcement last night: At the end of the announcement, they could wish everybody a "ME-RRY" Xmas - as in short for ME-ghan and Ha-RRY!!! People everywhere use these combinations today (like "Brangelina" et al) - so that would be a nice "pun intended"!!! LOL!!

    Oh - and nice that you seem to like my idea!!! Would somebody please kindly inform KP that we´ve found the perfect solution (again - after Harry let us down at the Invictus Games - does Harry not know there´s an internet these days, with lovely blogs with very creative members where you can find all sorts of brilliant ideas, know all the time where you went wrong and what you should REALLY do? Haha... ;-)) )? I´m sure at least security would breathe a collective sigh of "Pheeeeeeew...... What a RELIEF.....!!" ;-))))

  19. Eve. What with the suggestion to escape to the country and the play on ME-RRY, your daughter sounds like a very thoughtful and creative (and helpful) person. (No surprise, :) ). If Harry and the crew would get onboard with DKB, it would only be beneficial and a blessing. Sometimes it helps to get "outside" perspectives. Like I said a few weeks ago, I tried to make an inroad by trying to e-Mail our wardrobe design page to Party Pieces. I had sent them some things years ago and thought I might do that again to bless them with an introduction to the DKB and our wardrobe designs, thinking that the girls in the office there would of course be impressed and then they would share that excitement with Carole, then Carole with Kate, then Kate with Wiiliam and William with Harry....and then the Queen, then the Queen with all leaders of the free world, and so on.
    They now have their website so that not just anyone can send them an e-mail. Of course it wouldn't surprise me if someone from Party Pieces already is a DKB fan. They just have to share that with Meghan when they meet her and the rest will be history. We will then see magnificent ideas coming forth from Kenigton Palace via DKB. Ta Da. lol
    In the interim, I am still working on a way to send them a page anyway. Maybe your very sweet and creative daughter can think of a way. (

    1. Eve from Germany22 October 2017 at 06:27

      surfer girl - why send it to Party Pieces? The people working in the communications department (which receives any mail comming through their general e-mail address) are not necessarily "Kate fans", let alone they would know how to pass on information (no matter how useful it could be) to Harry. Or would be bothered to do so. (Sorry if that sounds harsh. It´s not meant to be. I just know how most of the people on the receiving end of "general e-mail addresses" work).
      No, I would send it as directly as possible, maybe tweeting a link whenever useful (like with the wardrobe suggestions for Kate) directly to Kensington Palace. Even better, if some of our fellow bloggers who have a twitter account, would do the same (gets more attention).
      I should think that their press officer would read the contents and comments of the most popular blogs (at least that´s what I would do. Gives you a free-of-charge insight which - from a marketing point of view - could give you a lot of feed-back). If I was that person, I would most certainly pass on such valuable and creative and competent content like the wardrobe suggestions on to whoever is responsible at KP for Kate´s wardrobe.
      I´m afraid I don´t know whether KP personnel is able to be creative and use modern media - AND able to think "outside of the box", at least a little bit. I have my doubts....
      I will see whether I can "raise enough interest" in my "no interest whatsoever in anything royal" daughter in order to "get her creative juices flowing".... Meghan might do the trick... Whenever I´m talking about her my daughter actually listens....whereas anyone else just makes her face go all "BORING, mum, B O R I N G!!!" ;-))))

    2. Great points, Eve. I always appreciate input. :)
      Not being a social media expert, I will pass the baton to others, perhaps your sweet daughter. :)

  20. OR...our scribe could take that PR position at KP....although a pregnancy temp job, sometimes those can last up to two years. (don't know UK rules) besides, once KP gets a taste of How One does Things Properly, they may never turn her loose.

  21. Eve from Germany22 October 2017 at 06:56

    Unfortunately, more information hinting towards a "smaller, low-key" wedding, this time from Robert Jobson over at the Daily Mail online. A possible venue would be the Royal Military Chapel which is very beautiful, too.
    Robert Jobson suggests that the ceremony would NOT be a wedding, but a blessing (like Charles´and Camilla´s) because Meghan is a divorcee. If you go to the Church of England website, though, they do state that marriage in a church - not just a blessing - IS possible - it just depends on the priest of the respective church! So I don´t know really why people keep repeating this obviously wrong information...
    Plus: do we know Meghan and her first husband were married in a religious ceremony? Apparently, the ceremony was over in 15 minutes... Maybe it was only a civil ceremony, like Queen Letizia of Spain´s first wedding? She was even allowed to be married in a Catholic cathedral by a Catholic bishop - so it shouldn´t be a problem with Meghan, I guess!
    Never mind. It just raises the excitement and anticipation, I guess. So many questions... so lots to talk about and exchange opinions/information! :-)))

  22. Meghan attended The Little Red Schoolhouse as a preschooler. (Elizabeth Taylor attended there, as did many other celebrities.) The school is historically famous in Hollywood circles and is still existent today. In 1986 it expanded it's curriculum to accommodate grades 1 through 6, additionally.

  23. Also, Robert Jobson, who is well known as a journalist and author in royal circles, said that the royal family has been asked to provide a shortlist of weekend dates that they have available for next year. (I will include the reference when I find it again. :) )

    1. "Engagement Fever Mounts as Prince Harry....",
      Daily Mail, Robert Jobson, 10/21/17.

  24. Oh! I am SO enjoying this royal romance. Each step along the way is fun and builds a base of people pulling for them. This has to be good for the monarchy as a whole. Didn't it look as if Harry's face had an extra glow about it the night of October 12?

  25. I noticed that also, Marci. "Glow" is a good word to describe his countenance. :) The man is on his way down the aisle. :)

  26. Again Charlotte thanks - there’s so many stories about the two of them it’s hard to distinguish the facts and made up fodder for the tabloids, so it’s nice to hear your viewpoint on this and get some clarity. It does give credibility to how serious their relationship is - and suggests that they are engaged already or just getting the queens blessing before the official announcement.
    I with you Eve, I would hope it comes after HM’s wedding anniversary and the ending of filming for Suits and we get that Announcemnet Day in December. It would great for them to then spend Christmas at Sandringham. And as the Duke isn’t getting younger ( and I’m not suggesting he’s on his last legs at all) how great would it be to have a full family Christmas for the family to share in all the excitement of next years events!

  27. Just when you think you'll hear nothing, something exciting like a tea with the queen occurs! And there are reports that a date is being investigated for the wedding. I do hope they can get married while the Queen and Duke are in such good health. And I wonder if Meghan's niece or nephew will be invited!! And Meghan has such a great group of friends---it will be fun to see who comes, and perhaps the Obamas will come! And I want to see the ring already!

  28. That is exciting for sure. And for the Queen and Phillip's sake I hope they expedite the wedding and not dilly dally around about it. I think Michele and Barak will definitely be there and as guests of honor. I think Michelle and Barak will be life long friends with the new couple.
    The end of November is only 38 days away. πŸ€΄πŸ‘°πŸ»

  29. Apparently Meghan has quit "Suits" and will be living permanently in London as early as November according to what Katie Nichols told Entertainment Tonight. Katie said she had gotten that info from her "sources".

    InStyle, Olivia Bahou, "Meghan Markle is Reportedly Moving in with Prince Harry Sooner Than You Think".

    Oh Katie. That is so five minutes ago. lol

    1. Eve from Germany25 October 2017 at 15:57

      TOTALLY agree with you, surfer girl. Definitely SO five minutes ago....
      Maybe we should recommend reading MAMB to Katie Nichols? Might save her some embarrassment... Oh, wait, maybe that´s her "sources"... LOL!!

    2. Eve from Germany25 October 2017 at 16:11

      Surfer girl, just a thought: with the Queen and Prince Philip NOT wanting to publicly celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary - maybe that is done not only for "private reasons" (them wanting to celebrate this in private, just with their family), but also to give Harry and Meghan "the space", i.e. the opportunity to announce their engagement in November? HM seems to be willing to more and more "pass on the spotlight" to the younger generation which is incredibly wise IMHO (as she so often is....)...
      What do you think? Can I already see your "engagement fever" mounting? ;-)))

    3. Would not surprise me in the least, Eve. :)

    4. Eve. "my engagement fever" is just fine, thank you, lol. And, it wouldn't surprise me at all if her Majesty and Prince Phillip allow November to be the time of Harry and Meghan's engagement announcement. Her Majesty has had plenty of various anniversary celebrations throughout the years, many of them grand (and somewhat drawn out as she has humorously alluded to before). So I think they'd be happy to relinquish the spotlight this time. We'll see. :)

    5. IMO, the Queen has favored low-key celebrations for financial reasons although of her sons have other ideas).

      This *may* be related to an engagement announcement, but in reality there is room for both occasions in the month of November. Perhaps we will hear something shortly after the wedding anniversary... IF the queen is yielding to the younger generation, I think it's also appropriate for the younger generation to yield to HM. πŸ‘‘

    6. ** two of her sons

  30. Side note. I personally now choose not to read anything further written by or about Meghan's half sister. In my opinion, what she says has no validity as she has already changed her tune many times, contradicting herself into non-credibility. Sadly, her own mother is quoted as saying that she hasn't spoken to her own daughter in over eight years, that is how bad it is. That is very sad. Her own mother has been quoted as saying that her daughter is a troublemaker and that the family has learned to stay away from her. I will include the references when I re-find them. And no offense to anyone in expressing my opinion. Apparently her half sister very much needs help and my prayer is that help be made available and that, more importantly, she sincerely agrees to receive that help asap. I know she reportedly has physical issues. The behavioral issues seem to pre-date those
    though. I also pray that Meghan will be able to successfully navigate through all the media about her family, etc.

  31. Am I the only one going to be sad to see her leave Suits???? πŸ˜“

    1. Eve from Germany25 October 2017 at 18:11

      NO!!!! ;-))) I´m going to miss her dreadfully on that show... sigh....
      I just hope and pray they are NOT going to kill her off.... :-((
      I would love her to have some SUPER-exciting job opportunity - in London maybe, so she could have a guest appearance every now and then? ;-)))
      I know, wishful thinking, but still...

    2. Oh good! I’m glad I’m not alone! 😊
      I just love her character in Suits-and honestly don’t know how they will “write her out” it were! πŸ˜“ Of course some guest appearances would be lovely...but marrying into the BRF...I doubt it? I wonder if she will give up her acting career entirely?

    3. Eve from Germany27 October 2017 at 05:47

      Carryn, I fear she will have to give it up entirely... which is so sad!! :-(((
      I LOVE her character in Suits, too. It was just wonderful to see how it evolved over the years... "Rachel Zane" really "came into her own", didn´t she? I LOVED that!

    4. Acting jobs won't fly, IMO. It would be seen as cashing in on her royal position.

  32. Prince Harry had a crush on Meghan for two years before he met her. At least that is what, guess who?, Katie Nichols, is saying. Katie says a friend of hers was out with Harry for a friendly dinner and his dinner friend asked him who would be his ideal girl. He reportedly said Meghan Markle from Suits. hmmm. Hopefully, a grain of salt is included with Katie's report(s). It might be needed. lol

    Erin Hill, People, Prince Harry Had a Crush On Meghan Markle....", 10/26/17.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Okay. On second thought, before you spend an hour of your time watching what Katie Nichols has put together on Channel 4, perhaps you might want to read Rupert Hawksley's very, very nicely done review on the program. What he said certainly reinforced what I was expecting from Katie's program. So much so that I'm not even going to watch it.

    The Telegraph, "What a Load of Nonsense, When Harry Met Meghan, Royal Romance, a Review",
    Rupert Hawksley, 10/28/17.

    1. Thanks for sharing, SG. I just read the review and it sounds about right to me.

    2. P.S. I found that a lot of stuff produced about Kate before her wedding and after didn't have much substance or had mostly news that had already been reported. People were still making money on the "empty" productions, and that most likely was their primary goal. Now, no surprise, it is happening likewise about Meghan, not only in video media but in print.

  35. I read somewhere that Katie Nichols told Entertainment Tonight that she expects an engagement announcement to happen in the new year. I hope it happens by Christmas cause I can’t wait that long lol.

  36. πŸ‘’ 🎩 Hold on to your hats, lol.
    It seems that Harry and Meghan are cousins. πŸ‘ΈπŸ»
    Yep. Meghan's father's lineage meets up with Harry's going back to 1480 to a Bowes, making her father's lineage and that of the Queen Mum intertwined, and not just barely. There's even the Bowe's estates and Streatlam Castle involved, apparently. Not to mention a very pretty coat of arms through Meghan's grandfather, Gordon Markle's ancestor, who had the last name of Merkel (1630-1698) from Alsace. (I forget Mr. Merkel's first name at the moment. [Sorry Mr. Merkel], I will add that later.) Mr. Merkel's (and now Meghan's, if she wants it) coat of arms is a beautiful blue with a golden feather in the middle and two pretty golden fleur-de-lis placed perfectly on either side of the feather. Very fitting for Meghan, I think. :) I do wish the Daily Mail had included more information on Mr. Merkel though. Hopefully that historical info will surface soon. :) Markle, Merkel, hmmm. :)

    There is a very clear and concise family tree diagramming the Markle/Bowes' lineage in the Daily Mail article listed below.

    The Daily Mail, "Harry and Meghan are Cousins....",
    Markus Scriven, 10/28/17

  37. P.S. That's Abraham Merckel (Germany).
    And, sadly, Streatlam Castle (County Dunbar) was demolished in 1959. urrgg.

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